Kansas Metropolis sufferer’s cousin: All people is aware of how the boys died | Banfield


Kansas Metropolis sufferer's cousin: All people is aware of how the boys died | Banfield

The prosecutors met with the families of the three victims today and we're going to talk to Ricky Johnson's family about that meeting in just a moment but first news nation's National correspondent Alex caprelo has been way out front on this story he's live now um in Kansas City so do you have any confirmations on this story that um that Jordan Willis.

Has checked into rehab yeah it was one source of mine that I've met here in Kansas City who knows Jordan from early high school days was the first person to actually tell me that yesterday and I've been working very hard to speak to other sources trying to get that individually confirmed and I'll tell you this all of.

The people that I've been speaking to a lot of high school classmates and also who knew Jordan from college this is all they're talking about this is something that's new to them uh but actually independently confirming it I have not been able to but it is something that was shared with me early on yesterday.

I'm just getting news coming in Breaking as we're speaking Alex so so bear with me for one second our our local nextar station in that area is confirming that a source close to the family um indeed says that he's checked in to rehab so now it's not just multiple media sources your Source but also the next are I think we've got enough sources now to to.

Fairly uh confirm that he's in rehab you did get a chance also to speak to the cousin of one of the victims of of Clayton mcghin's cousin I think his name is Caleb what did Caleb know and what did he share with you yeah I'll tell you what Caleb is very very distraught as any family member might be because this was just an.

Unexpected death to happen to him he says Clayton was like his brother he was cousins with him but they were like brothers they were like this uh and so to have something like this happen to him and his family is just devastating he was actually showing up at the plat County prosecutor's office where the other parents of these three victims.

Were told to go today for a meeting with the prosecutor but he wasn't allowed into that room because it was specifically for parents only even still he's really hurting about this because he feels like he knows what happened something that the rest of the country is surmising what happened which is drug use abuse and overdosing and he says he.

Knows a lot about Jordan Willis the fact that he goes back all the way to high school he knows the drug habits that happened within this circle of friends and that he often says that Jordan was a supplier for that of course this is an allegation from Caleb this is not something that's been independently confirmed from law enforcement but he.

Says he has a theory about what happened and he thinks that Jordan is responsible take a listen a lot of times I'm hearing that David clay uh David Clayton and Ricky were like brothers Jordan was kind of off on the side true Jordan's a chemist bro Jordan's what Jordan's a chemist they all knew him as that it was.

Easy for them to go have fun but he up he made a mistake Jordan was the chemist he he's a scientist right he does what he needs to do now to use my cousin my best friend as a guinea pig what about Alex Lee what do you know about him I know him yeah yeah any any idea that he might have brought drugs.

Hell no no no Jordan had them Jordan was one so you don't think any more attention should be paid on Alex Lee Alex Lee is a good man he's a good man um Alex Lee is a solid he was one of their best friends forever Jordan is somebody that is known from high school as like creating drugs.

For people to make them feel better in certain situations okay well you want to do this okay I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to make this for you I'm going to make this for you I'm going to like this for you and handing them out at this point the country knows what's going to happen right what the toxicology reports are going to what.

They're going to reveal we all know that okay who is the one that gave it to them and who is the one that needs to be held responsible where did it come from the police are doing their job if it takes time it takes time I will never tell them they're not doing what they should be doing they're doing the best they can it takes time because he wanted to.

Be correct at the end of the day MH and that's what I hope is when at the end of the day comes out it comes out correct and when you think about it there's a difference between Jordan and the three men those guys had relationships they had children uh but I keep hearing that Jordan was a single guy who had a house who had access to.

Drugs and so it would make sense that those men might go there and use drugs recreationally of course we don't know that for sure until a toxic psychology report comes out but all of my sources are saying just about the same thing that this is very normal activity when surrounded by Jordan one other thing I want to ask you.

About um our next to our station the local station there um they found out that at least one person in that house was up until 2: a.m. so Sunday into Monday morning up late late late into 2 a.m. Monday morning at least once which is fascinating given all of these the timeline of events but Alex weamer Lee I think he called himself he calls himself.

Alex Lee says he left at midnight everything was fine you were able to talk with Alex Lee did he did he shed any more light on on that or anything else the fact that that apparently someone or all of them were up until 2: a.m. or anything else I have not been able to talk to Alex Lee I've been trying to talk to.

Alex Lee that's been my number one Mission while here because I know that he was one of the very last people if not the last person to see these four men Jordan and those three that are now deceased and so obviously his testimony his story is going to be critical to this but I did try to stop by his house that we found through background checks.

Knocking on his doors uh you could tell it's most likely his house Kansas City Chiefs flags hanging everywhere uh and they address his matches up to our typical backgrounding system but cannot find the guy uh really hard to find him we do know that he also has a lawyer I'm told from my sources that it seems like he is willing to talk soon because he.

Knows that there is a lot of bad mouthing that's happening about him because as you heard me mention to Caleb is there any possibility that Alex Lee brought the drugs they know that that could be a possibility a theory out there and so I wanted to get to the bottom of it I'm trying to find Alex Lee but from Caleb's perspective he does not.

Believe that Alex Lee is responsible for this he believes that Jordan is the one that's actually making these drugs and providing them to his friends thank you for watching go to newsnation now.com to find newsnation on your television provider and don't forget to click the red subscribe button below to get more of news nation's fact driven unbiased.


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3 thoughts on “Kansas Metropolis sufferer’s cousin: All people is aware of how the boys died | Banfield

  1. They are saying other folks check their coke now for fentanyl and if its obvious they flush it so it gets into the water…high quality. thx China thx cartels, thx joe biden for letting it flow freely into the nation


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