Kari Lake: Democrat policies are ‘damaging’ and ‘diabolical’


Kari Lake: Democrat policies are 'damaging' and 'diabolical'

Carrie Lake Carrie thank you so much for joining us this evening oh it's good to be here I love watching the pictures of President Trump out with the people he is a man of the people and everybody loves him everybody is ready and eager to get president Trump back in the White House and that's why he's working so hard for us that's why I'm running for.

US Senate because he needs to have backup when he gets to Washington DC and he needs to have people who are going to be pushing the Trump agenda which is an America First agenda talk to me about a stark contrast between the type of welcome that President Trump receives I mean this is Harlem New York City the majority of the people if they did vote.

They did not vote for for president Trump and they just were chancing four more years four more years and then you got Joe Biden who admits that he's on the campaign Trail and little kids are giving him the middle finger people seem annoyed by him there isn't any kind of enthusiasm so talk to me about what you're seeing on the ground from from.

Real people out there because you have the mainstream media they try to been their own little narrative but what are you seeing firsthand well I'm campaigning in the state of Arizona and I can tell you Arizona is Trump country I am the Trump endorsed candidate for US Senate in Arizona I'm a friend of President Trump's and uh the people here.

Can't wait to get him back in office even people who weren't a big voters they kind of followed a little bit of politics but they weren't involved are telling me you could not hold me back from voting things have gotten so bad the economy is so so bad I can't afford just to get by and I can't wait to get out and vote for president Trump and you.

Know they're in a panic Lydia when you see the Democrats now all this is happening with President Trump the Sham trials they're doing the same thing by the way to me in Arizona with a bunch of Soros and Obama you know linked attorneys coming after me trying to take me off the campaign Trail they don't want Outsiders in Washington DC they.

Don't want this corrupt system to be toppled and replaced by a system that works for We the People and so they're trying to get rid of President Trump's Secret Service protection I mean this tells you how diabolical the Democrats are they don't want him to have protection and they're they also know that he's being uh you know brought up.

On all kinds of charges and four different jurisdictions but what they can't control is that the people love president Trump the people miss those America First policies and no matter what they throw at him he will stand up and fight for us and that's why the people of this country country love him including people in Harlem in New Jersey.

In New York I think they're going to Ru the day they brought him up for charges in New York because the people of New York are turning in quickly turning into Trump's supporters and people who will vote for him and vote for him in huge numbers Carrie you were a longtime news anchor member of the media go you know you see the lies right that the left.

Spews they spew it every day about President Trump that he wants to be a dictator they purposely edit a sound B and they leave out the part where he says yeah I want to be a dictator I want to drill drill drill I want to secure the border and then of course they prop up people like Hillary Clinton and here she is in another desperate attempt to.

Stay relevant she was on a podcast with uh Democrat election lawyer Mark Ellas yesterday I want you to take a listen to this we haven't talked much about the international Arena but you know his Bromance with Putin and it was actually called that I think by the former prime minister of Australia who's said he saw Trump with Putin and and and Trump was.

Like you know just Gaga over Putin because Putin does what he would like to do kill his opposition imprison his opposition drive you know journalists and others into Exile rule without any check or balance that's what Trump really wants Carrie oh boy oh that's really rich.

Coming from a woman like Hillary Clinton who's how many of her friends have just like mysteriously died or committed suicide I mean honestly and that's rich of her what president Trump wants is to root out the corruption and deliver our government back to We the People and she looks very nervous she talked about her friend Mark Elias Mark Elias has meddled.

In in his and his cohorts have meddled in the elections they continue to meddle in the elections in Arizona the Soros attorneys they know they can't win on their policy because their policies the Democrat policies are destructive deadly and frankly in some ways diabolical and so they know they can't win on that and they have to try every other measure to.

Try to uh control the government and it's almost comical that Hillary Clinton is talking about Trump wanting to kill his opponents I just want to say as I'm as I'm speaking about this topic I want everyone out there to know that my braks on my car have recently been checked and they work I'm not suicidal and Hillary I don't mean any harm to you please don't.

Send your henchmen out to me we understand what you're about and we know what president Trump wants to do and that is make America great again oh boy Carrie Before I Let You Go there's a topic that you know you're basically an expert on now the Border you of course are from the border state of Arizona Joe Biden's DHS Chief Alejandro mayorcas he.

Was bailed out by the Senate they refused to take up impeachment against him your reaction to all of this just the Democrats are they clueless or they just simply don't care that American lives are at risk here they don't want uh they don't want their reign to end they know that uh change is coming big changes are coming and they're trying to.

Hold on until The Bitter End and we've got six months before this election it's despicable that they would not move forward with the impeachment of mayorcas he's responsible for the invasion he and Joe Biden are responsible for the invasion at our Southern border and you know the reason that we have the economy in shambles the reason that we have a.

Fenel crisis killing a Young Generation the reason we have millions of people pouring into this country is Joe Biden and my orcus and any lawmaker politician who will not vote to move forward with this impeachment frankly has blood on their hands from what's happened to our country since they opened up the border and today what they did when they voted.

To fund further fund Ukraine and they were waving Ukrainian Flags around and and chanting Ukraine I don't know what country I'm in anymore and I think the American people are absolutely shocked and floored by what we witnessed in the House of Representatives today and we've got to have a huge come to Jesus moment with.

These people you by the way I want everybody in the House of Representatives to know you're representing the people of America and it's about time you start caring about the people of this country instead of caring so much about the Border in Ukraine and the people of Ukraine Americans are suffering and we demand we.

Demand that you start representing us it's unbelievable and again for the record Carrie is not suicidal she has her breaks checked Carri Hillary stay away from me please Carrie Lake thank you so much for joining us

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3 thoughts on “Kari Lake: Democrat policies are ‘damaging’ and ‘diabolical’

  1. I absolutely agree collectively with her and there's quite a lot of alternative folk to vote out of dwelling of commercial in Congress and within the Senate Republican and Democrats uni accept collectively. Neo cons. Rhinos.!!!!!!!

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