Kari Lake explains why she left the news industry


Kari Lake explains why she left the news industry

the Arizona Senate race has come into the media Spotlight now that one of three contenders has dropped out Carrie Lake report excuse me Republican former television anchor and close Ally of Donald Trump is the likely opponent against Democratic Congressman Ruben gyo the incumbent Senator Kirsten Cinema who.

Left the Democratic party to become an independent just announced she's not seeking a second term the only political victories that matter these days are symbolic attacking your opponents on cable news or social media I believe in my Approach but it's not what America wants right now joining us now from Arizona Carrie.

Lake the Republican front runner in the senate race uh I'll start with the horse race question does kirston Cinema dropping out help you by turning this into a two-person race and do you agree with her at least in part about politics being broken I uh yes and yes next question no go ahe okay go ahead let's move on no.

Let me let me expound a little bit on that um you know I think the polling initially was showing that she was taking a little more from me but as we've been watching the trends in the polling it was starting to show she was taking more from gyo it's six of one half a dozen of the other we were prepared to go in a threepers race or a.

Toe-to-toe with radical Ruben gyo and I guess now I get can you know fire everything toward Ruben gyo so it might make it a little bit easier that way but I I respect the courage that kirston Cinema C cema Senator Cinema showed when she helped save the filibuster and and for your viewers who don't understand what that means although I'm sure they.

Do you know with the filibuster you have to have 60 Senators vote means everything legislation it means everything and she showed courage in Saving that and without that if if Ruben gyo were to win the filibuster would be gone DC and PTO Rico would become States they'd pack the court with five to 10 additional Supreme Court Justices.

And our country would be gone let let me jump in you've been saying that you are putting out an olive branch for people who didn't support you and you're run for Governor New York Times says you're mending fences so uh have some of these conversations been difficult reaching out to people who you are at odds with you know I don't find it difficult.

To pick up the phone and call people or um meet with people who I don't disagree with or or that I don't agree with on everything that is called being a an American who wants to you know engage in discourse and solve problems and so I've reached out to a lot of people and guess what it's going wonderfully so many have not only said oh absolutely do I support.

You how can I help and that's the the attitude we have to have going into the next eight months to save our country this isn't just a normal election let's face it if we get four more years of Joe Biden or the destructive Democrats I don't know how much longer we can hold on I'm here in Southern Arizona I've been campaigning across Ross Southern.

Arizona the last several days and I'll tell you what the people are with us they are with President Trump they're with America First policies I talked to Independence we'll see how that works out but I did want to ask you about this tweet from the other day uh because it's sort of in my alley there's no salvaging the fake news you wrote they are the.

Enemy of the people these propagandas have brainwashed millions of Americans for decades so how did you go from spending a quarter Century as a phoenix television actor to having such a harsh view of the news business well I I think it's real obvious I mean I worked as a fair and honest journalist I think Howe you and I probably came up.

In journalism at the time when we were taught to put the facts out there tell both sides of the story if there's three sides put all three sides in and leave your opinion out but something really seriously changed over the years and especially during covid when there was no push back against the government really taking away our liberties and.

Freedoms and so I walked away from a seven figure contract in the news I said I'm not going to be part of pushing propaganda I'm not going to push half truths because those are lies and now I thought at that time the media had hit rock bottom it has dropped about a 100 floors down since then it is so bad right now that I believe the American.

People are waking up to it and every day when someone wakes up and realizes that they've been lied to for so long by the news media they're never going back they're never going back to being a consumer of that news there is certainly a credibility problem now you took a whack at Nikki haly when she dropped out against your guy president Trump uh.

Describing the humiliating loss and referring to her by her Indian first name n Morada Nikki is her given middle name um some people were disturbed by that why go there I think that it's time for her to um she vowed that she would when she did step out that she would get behind and back the nominee and this isn't this.

Wasn't just a minor loss for her these have been historic loss losses since Iowa since the Iowa caucus we're talking record losses president Trump is winning in historic fashion and she backs out and doesn't live up to what she said she would do which is is to support the nominee we've got to get behind our nominee president Trump and we have to.

Save our country right now I I like people who live up to what they say they're going to do and I know that eventually she'll hopefully do that I wish her nothing but the best but we have to get behind our president because this is between President Trump and Joe Biden and the differences in those two could not be more starkk it's open.

Borders with Joe Biden it's dangerous streets it's an economy that's in freef Fall it's World War III with Joe Biden and just the opposite secure borders Safe Streets great education for our kids and world peace right president now obviously you were also controversial and challenging your gorial loss but rather than looking backwards you said.

In your last campaign you didn't want the backing of John McCain and his supporters and family Megan McCain has rather emphatically rejected your Outreach effort is it too L late to men fences on that front well that's not what I said that that has been a quote that's been twisted and turned and spun and and reimagined by the fake news.

Media from you know two and a half years ago I think it's never it's never too late to mend fences I'm I believe in forgiveness and I believe that it's important to ask for forgiveness and I think that I've done a very good job at doing that I would love nothing more than to have the support of every single voter in Arizona.

And I have reached out to the mccains and I've asked them you know I've asked Megan McCain to sit down and and have a cup of coffee or have lunch together we both are mothers and as a mother I'm horrified by what the future looks like right now for my children I'm sure that the that Megan McCain feels the same way that she looks at the future with Joe.

Biden and is horrified by what she's seeing I'm always will we only have a minute left I'm sorry to rush you uh you've been you in the past have been an outspoken uh opponent of abortion calling it The Ultimate sin but now you've told NBC that Arizona's 15we ban seems reasonable and you told the New York Times you don't supp support a.

National ban is this an evolution in your thinking no I you know I I'm not I don't get to decide what what the law is you know that was decided by Governor Doug Ducey and I am not running to uh make those laws that was made by the legislature I'm not running for the state legislature I'm running for a.

Federal office and so that is the law that's on the book and I think that that's more reasonable than some of these other laws that we're seeing in other states what we have to do Howie is concentrate Less on how many weeks and what the law is because we're going to have 50 different laws around the country and we need to focus on.

Giving women more options so that they can make it better more healthy choice and we can see them realize the you know the beauty of becoming a mother right we are unfortunately out of time one choice so let me let let me give you a last sentence here oh wonderful thank well thanks for having me on and for people who are out there this is a critical.

Race the road to the White House and the road to the Senate majority goes directly through Arizona we're looking great in the polls but we could use help if you're out there and you want to get involved to save our country go to Cary lake.com find out how you can get involved in my campaign make a donation thank you so much hoe thank you Carrie.

Lake after the break President Biden State of the Union most of the pundits liked it but how much will voters care I'm Steve duy I'm Brian kilme and I'm Angley aart and click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis.

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