Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, identified with most cancers: ABC Data Particular Sage


Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, identified with most cancers: ABC Data Particular Sage

This is an ABC News special report now reporting David mure good afternoon we're coming on the air because just moments ago amid Global concern and speculation princess Katherine has now revealed her personal health battle and why she kept it secret the Princess of Wales releasing a video a short time ago sharing she is being treated for cancer.

She says she underwent major abdominal surgery in January which we reported at the time and she says that at the time her doctors thought her condition was non cancerous after the operation tests showed there was cancer present and the princess says the surgery was a success that she's now undergoing preventative chemotherapy she calls the diagnosis a.

Huge shock in her words to both her and Prince William Katherine also revealing it has taken time for her to come forward because she first wanted to explain the condition to their three young children and let them know she's going to be okay here's princess Katherine in a recorded statement released just a moment ago by the royal.

Family us me for all the Wonder ful messages of support and for your understanding whilst I've been recovering from surgery it has been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family but I've had a fantastic medical team who have taken great care of me for which I'm so.

Grateful in January I underwent major abdominal surgery in London and at the time it was thought that my condition was non-cancerous the surgery was successful however test after the operation found canc had been present my medical team therefore advised that I should undergo a course.

Of preventative chemotherapy and I'm now in the early stages of that treatment this of course came as a huge shock and William and I have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family as you can imagine this has taken time it had taken me time to recover from major surgery in order to start my.

Treatment but most importantly it has taken us time to explain everything to George Charlotte and Louie in a way that's appropriate for them and to reassure them that I'm going to be okay as I've said to them I am well and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal in my mind body and Spirits having William.

By my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance too as is the love support and kindness that has been shown by so many of you it means so much to us both we hope that you'll understand that as a family we now need some time space and privacy while I complete my treatment my work has always brought me.

A deep sense of joy and I look forward to being back when I'm able but for now I must focus on making a full recovery at this time I'm also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer for everyone facing this disease in whatever form please do not lose Faith or hope you are not.

Alone the statement from Princess Katherine from Buckingham Palace just moments ago an extraordinarily raw and personal statement uh from The Princess herself talking about how she's now undergoing preventative chemotherapy for cancer that was discovered in tests that followed that abdominal surgery that we reported uh back in January as you know.

Back in January Buckingham PST only revealed that she was undergoing that surgery was not expected to resume Royal duties until around Easter she was mostly out of the public eye appearing with Prince William at a farm in Windsor just a few days ago there was video of that scene around the world A Mother's Day photo of Princess Katherine and her.

Children raising questions when it was learned that the photo was digitally altered Katherine undergoing surgery at the same time and at the same pH facility as King Charles who revealed he was being treated for a prostate issue uh the palace later informing the public that he has cancer and is being treated for that they have not specified which.

Type let's stick to princess Katherine for now I want to bring in Magie Maggie ruy outside Buckingham Palace in London Maggie what more have we learned hi David I think right now people are just still in shock from this news you know even Katherine used that word this is shocking we have been following this story for weeks now we've.

Seen this Global concern for her health but it really feels as almost no one felt that this was was the diagnosis a cancer diagnosis for princess Katherine I think right now people do have a lot of questions people ask Kensington Palace what kind of cancer what stage of cancer right now they are saying this is a private matter and it's going to stay.

That way I think for me what's also so shocking is thinking of Kate right now she's so young 42 years old a mom to three young kids she talks about them in that personal video of giving them time to process this she's been in relatively good health she's athletic I think again hearing this news the country is going to need time to process this right now.

It's it's really flooring people magy ruy right there outside Buckingham Palace Maggie thank you I want to bring in our Royal contributor Victoria Murphy as well and Victoria you've learned more uh about why the timing has been as such uh learning now uh the people of the UK and certainly around the world uh listening to this message from Princess.

Katherine you heard her reference there she needed time to explain this to their children uh but an extraordinary moment and in fact I can't remember one like this from the royal family no exactly and neither can I and now we have a situation where we have both the king and the Princess of Wales being treated for undisclosed forms of.

Cancer it really is unprecedented and it does have that very destabilizing effect David I mean I was in a call with Kensington Palace earlier on today where this was laid out for us and it was explained to us and as Maggie said the overriding sentiment there was just complete shock that this is what we are hearing um some of the things that they.

Were very keen to get across one was that this decision to announce this is not some kind of reaction to these conspiracy theories that have been swirling this is about the princess deciding in her own time to announce this in the way that was best for her and her family and I think it was very important to her to do that in her own.

Words in a video message to talk directly to the public who has been so interested and so Keen to know how she is doing and to tell them and the other thing that I really felt came across David was how so much of the decisions that they have made in the past few weeks have really been about focusing on their children and putting their.

Children first and even the timing of this announcement really is all about I think protecting the children because their children George Charlotte and Louie have just broken up for their Easter holidays there so they're now able to take the children away from their school environment keep them in a bubble with them and really protect from.

The outside world while this news and while this reaction hits the rest of the world and while people are talking about it the inference there that we got from that discussion that we had with Kensington Palace was that it took them some time to tell the children it doesn't seem like the children were told straight away but they are not giving us.

Lots of specific information about what has gone on behind the scenes because they are also trying to maintain their privacy Victoria I would also Imagine and I'm assuming this from the timing of this in mentioning that the children are home now uh for the Easter break they won't be surrounded by other young people other folks who might be able to.

Ask questions at school and elsewhere that that this will be a time for the family and a somewhat protected time also would explain why there's been U this sort of time frame in waiting to tell the public I think that is exactly right I think that is exactly it she has been processing this information she's been.

Discussing it with her husband and they've been considering how to talk to their children about it bearing in mind that their children go to school they go to school with other children they interact with other children even things like telling their children something like this and then asking them not to talk to anyone about it is a difficult.

Thing to do so all of these things will have been going on in their minds and I think the timing of this announcement is about the fact that they can now take their children away from the outside world they're going to be having time as a family and we've been told that not to expect to see them appear at that Easter Sunday service um this announcement also.

Answer that question that had sort of been bubbling up recently when are we going to see her next because of course there was a video of her seen walking looking well looking in good spirits and so people were starting to ask well will she be at the Easter Sunday service with other members of the royal family and so this now answers that question and gives.

Us a lot more context for understanding why they're not going to be there as a family Victoria Murphy with us here uh as we report the breaking news from Buckingham Palace princess Katherine revealing a short time ago that she is undergoing preventative chemotherapy for cancer

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