Kensington Palace refuses to open customary describe Kate edited


Kensington Palace refuses to open customary describe Kate edited

Trying to dampen down speculation everyone talking about Mother's Day snap releas this morning the headlines here in the UK a picture of chaos all focused on the pr crisis spiraling into day two as Kensington Palace stands firm on not releasing the original photograph but there is another new photo of the Princess of Wales snapped by a UK photo.

Agency her face barely visible in a car with husband Prince William leaving Windsor yesterday this sighting just hours after Kate issued an apology over for that now famous photo blaming her experimental editing and forcing major news agencies to kill the photo because it had been altered count on your hand how many times you get a personal.

Apology from a senior member of the Roy family there was so much adverse reaction in the media and on social media about it that I think she just wanted to calm the ERS and also take a little try and take the heat off some of her advisors but Prince William is keeping calm and caring on at least publicly seen sharing a giggle with.

Queen Camila at a commonwealth day service on Monday and not addressing the pr Fiasco Back At Home in the last 36 hours photo editors the world over have been dissecting every pixel of this Photograph finding more than a dozen inconsistencies including a portion of Charlotte's red sleeve appears to be missing the edge of Charlotte's hair.

Appears to blur unnaturally the corner of her skirt appears oddly straight and here Kate's zipper and hair appear misaligned Louis's sweater pattern appears disrupted and look here the edges of the tiles appear repeated the last official outing for the 42-year-old Princess Christmas day just a few weeks before her planned abdominal surgery two.

Weeks later Kate returned home to recuperate but the palace never explained why she had required surgery only making clear she would return to public duties after Easter and yet the absence of details has fueled more questions than the palace ever expected so many questions you guys and I know we as in the Royal Wei all want a lot more.

Information from Kensington Palace but I found this really interesting take a look at this new poll It Is by yugov and it's taken here in the UK it finds 20% say Kensington Palace has offered too little information and 49% say it's about right guys I think it's safe to say that I'm not sure we are in the 49% I'll send it back to you yeah maybe the.

Public isn't as interested as the media is exact all right Molly thank you let's keep talking about it why would we we got a lot to unpack joining us from Buckingham Palace this morning NBC News Royal commentator Daisy mcandre hey Daisy good to see you so we saw Kate in the car with her husband which tells us that she's well enough to be riding.

Around what else did that image tell you I think that was yet another attempt by Kensington Palace by Buckingham Palace to try to reassure the public that everything is fine Kate's up up and out of bed that you know we can believe what they are telling us but of course it hasn't stopped the darker edges of the internet and social media from.

Continuing to ask question after question if we can't trust this Photograph if they've been photoshopping this Photograph what else can't we trust so I'm afraid there are still a lot of questions that haven't been answered yeah it's so weird Daisy cuz I don't know if that was a Paparazzi shot or a palace shot but that they you know let.

The paparazzi shot happen but either way you barely see her she's looking away it's mainly of the print so if this is their idea of damage control it's not doing it and then you know you just wonder why wouldn't they just release the original photo then if there's no there there you know why not just Tamp down the speculation and and and end.

This nonsense I personally completely agree with you I think to you and to me that seems really obvious but I think to them behind me they feel like they want to be in charge of the narrative and if people like us in the media keep demanding and demanding and they say oh yeah yes you know rolling over and giving us what we.

Want that they feel that might be a slippery slope and that they won't get back into control but of course that doesn't stop people saying well maybe this Photograph wasn't taken last week maybe this Photograph was taken last November maybe this was a pre-operation photograph and maybe uh Cas is is more poorly than they're letting on now of.

Course that's not necessarily what most people believe but you can understand why some believe it I I mean Daisy you know people edit photos all the time what if she's just a bad photo editor and like I I don't understand how this even happened like is there no sort of system in place before photos go out that someone says you know what this is.

A bad Photoshop job maybe we should send it back I help us explain the process I think there are a number of things that have happened here Kate we know is you a very very keen amateur photographer she has taken hundreds of photographs of her own family and she's put them out there and there haven't been many complaints in the past there.

Have been a few people saying that's a bit amateur and so on but there haven't been you know this kind of um huge Deluge of criticism but of course that's all changed since the suspicion about where has Kate Bean for the last couple of months everything she does and every photograph she puts out is under much more intense scrutiny than before all.

Right all right Daisy well I guess we're going to do this story again tomorrow I guess so kind of our feel I mean if they yeah it just seems like they're making a bad situation worse and I know they want to control the narrative but that ship has sailed so might as well as well just go ahead put the picture out yeah put the okay well unless there's something.

Fishy that's why it's wacky yeah hey thanks for watching don't miss the Today's Show every weekday at 11:00 a.m. eastern 8 Pacific on our streaming Channel today all day to watch head to all day or click the link right here

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3 thoughts on “Kensington Palace refuses to open customary describe Kate edited

  1. Catherine didn’t sit for this photo and her face (amongst other issues) was photoshopped. Each person knows that the Fraud and Fuz photoshop love they breathe. I 💯 enhance media once they build the Fraud and Fuz in their living AND enhance media once they call Catherine’s bluff. We are in a position to also peaceable condemn and penalize the Fraud and Fuz. However we can also peaceable no longer take care of Catherine. The Fraud belongs in detention center. The Fuz belongs in a psychological asylum. Catherine ought to be praised for her labor on behalf of the UK, William and their youth. We admire Catherine – nevertheless we can also peaceable no longer take care of any mortal. The realm desires to cease mendacity about photoshopping. Be real, be human, be unsuitable.

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