Kevin O’Leary: Effort to grab Trump’s property is pertaining to monetary markets globally


Kevin O'Leary: Effort to grab Trump's property is pertaining to monetary markets globally

Let's talk to Kevin o Kevin I study the media machine I can see them working and where they're going and I don't like where they're going this looks dangerous do you feel that way I've been watching this happen for the last five years I mean it's getting very very fractured everybody has a different opinion the amount of noise.

Going after the American person any any individual at the kitchen table I mean it's so chopped up and there's so many different narratives and what I've learned and I'm very encouraged by this is you talked about bs well the actual best filter of that is the American public they SME they smell BS a mile away and they know it's coming at them.

From various different directions whether it's you know the left or the right or the podcast or the social media platforms it's just all noise and I I got to tell you I'm giving the American people more credit than than they and they get in the Press they listen to this stuff and they say that makes no sense to me and I'd like to hear some.

Policy particularly around this election which has gone crazy we're going so far in every different direction I'm very encouraged by what I'm seeing I'm very happy when I go to a place like Fargo North Dakota or somewhere in West Virginia or Oklahoma City why don't you talk to those people they don't take any BS at all they get it they get it but.

Then I get really encourages me I'm pretty I'm pretty encouraged that we're going to end up in the right place I'm optimistic too but then I get worried when I see this Hispanic voter who was interviewed and if you look at the larger context he goes on to say everything's so expensive I can't afford this I can't afford that.

I'm not better off than I was four years ago but then I hear Trump say bloodbath and I'm like and that worries me because this guy is locked in on policy and then he's gets brainwashed by a hoax and now he's like 50/50 Jesse that's Trump speak that's been going on for nine years Trump's.

Been saying the same stuff for nine years you got to forget all that stuff you got to listen to policy I want to hear what the strategy is for border security and energy Independence I want to know what the plan is for foreign policy and Taxation I want to hear from both sides I mean talking about what Trump says in any 24hour cycle are you.

Kidding we've been listening to that for n years get over it everybody they to about what the policy is you think about it I think about it we hope more people think about it but they're nashing their teeth Tish James at seizing properties and people in the Press are applauding they're giggling this is bloodthirsty okay now you're talking.

You're right this is hurting the American brand what's going on in New York York is it has nothing to do with Trump that case is over what's going on now is concerning financial markets all around the world because in the United States and everybody what I don't care what color you are red or blue or independent doesn't matter we are the.

Bastion of safety when it comes to investing large pools of capital that's what America represents we have property rights we have an appell system we have law people trust and we give you good returns with the least amount of resistance and what's happening in New York is tainting the American brand I mean.

Seizing assets after 22 days in a bankruptcy court you get years to resolve this this is not a good look on New York it doesn't matter that's trump it could be anybody I think that's very bad for the American brand and I also would argue that you think about if this is going to help New Yorkers they should be asking for better management I'm very.

Disturbed and the way I look at it and I speak to many institutional Capital fronts including Sovereign wealth cuz I'm trying to buy Tik Tok right now so I'm running all around the world trying to raise 3040 billion dollars and they all ask me the same thing we're watching this New York thing play out it looks to everybody like it was some dress up.

Court day when the parents were out and everybody got dressed up in in robes and had fun acting out some court trial when are the adults coming back into this there are no adults yet that's true I mean you're running around trying to raise 40 billion I'm running around trying to sell my book get it together doing different things but I believe we.

Believe the same things Kevin o thanks as always for sharing your expertise on prime time take care click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you won't get it anywhere else

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3 thoughts on “Kevin O’Leary: Effort to grab Trump’s property is pertaining to monetary markets globally

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