Khit Thit သတင်းဌာန၏ မေ ၁၇ ရက် ညနေပိုင်း ရုပ်သံသတင်းအစီအစဉ်


Khit Thit သတင်းဌာန၏ မေ ၁၇ ရက် ညနေပိုင်း ရုပ်သံသတင်းအစီအစဉ်

The Military Council is buying hundreds of Chinese-made drones and using them in battles all over Myanmar. It is said that the army is using around 300 Chinese-made drones on the Rakhine battlefield. – Due to the military coup in Myanmar, nearly half of the country's population has become impoverished and the middle class is gradually disappearing . Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun presented the news at the UN meeting. A Nay Pyi Taw military source told Yangon New Age that the military is using around 300 Chinese-made drones on the Rakhine battlefield . The Terrorist Military Council has recently sent 300 Chinese-made drones to the battlefield of Rakhine, and is carrying out bombing and shooting attacks with those drones. The military council is importing Chinese-made drones and using them to install drop bombs. These drones include military drones. Other multi-purpose drones are also being repaired and used. In addition, a military source in Nay Pyi Taw said that the Defense Equipment Factory under the Military Council is continuing to test and produce bombs that will be dropped by drones. On the Monywa – Mandalay road in Sagaing Division, the military council's military convoy was intercepted by the terrorist military council, which was behind the vehicles carrying copper, after 12 soldiers of the military council were killed in an interception by the revolutionary forces.

. Yesterday, May 16th, when the revolutionary forces intercepted the military convoy of the terrorist military council that came behind the vehicles carrying copper on the Monywa-Mandalay road, there was a close exchange of fire, and 12 of the soldiers of the military council who fell asleep were each killed during the shooting. Ko Wailin, the company commander of Monywa District Battalion 2 – NRPF, said that after the military council's side had lost their lives and wounded people, the military council soldiers came to the shooting site in large numbers and challenged the revolutionary forces with loudspeakers. Sagaing Division An official of the local defense force told the Yangon Times that 4 people who had been sent to Military Base Training School No. 10 in Ertao Township for military service by the terrorist army were captured alive by the PDF forces. It is said that 4 of the people recruited by the current terrorist army for the 2nd week of military service were captured alive by the PDF forces in Erdato Township. The 4 arrested people are being interrogated by the revolutionary forces.

An official of the local defense force said that more detailed information will be released. Sagaing City's new Emya-0 Ward Ward Administrator Pyu Saw Hti Maung Maung and his wife were shot and his wife died. Governor Maung Maung was seriously injured and weapons and ammunition were confiscated from him, according to a revolutionary news source. Yesterday evening, May 16, Sagaing City, The local residents said that when the PDF forces arrived at the home of the new Emya-0wati Ward Governor Pyu Saw Hti Maung Maung, the shootings took place. The wife of the new governor, Pyu Saw Hti Maung Maung, died on the spot during the shooting. Administration Maung Maung was seriously injured and his life was in danger. A revolutionary news source confirmed that 1 gun and some ammunition were seized from him. Koba Kung of Yo Lumtan told the Yangon New Age that North Khin Ran Pyu Sawhti entered Shwebo and Retha villages in Ganggo Township, Magway Province, and burned an old man and a child to death. Yesterday, on May 16th, Pyu Saw Hti from North Khin Ran Village, Ganggo Township entered Retha and Shwebo Villages in a convoy and not only burned down houses, but.

Also burned and killed an 80-year-old old man and 1 9-year-old child. Currently, 14 residential houses in Retha village and more than 300 residential houses, including a monastery in Shwebo village, have been destroyed by fire, according to Ko Ba Khong of Yo Lumtan. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun said at the UN meeting that due to the military coup in Myanmar, nearly half of the country's population has become impoverished and the middle class is gradually disappearing. On May 16, the United States New York City Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun said this at the United Nations Economic and Social Council meeting held at the United Nations Headquarters. Currently, almost half of Myanmar's population has fallen below the poverty line due to the military coup. The middle class is slowly disappearing. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun also said that the World Bank's report stated that Myanmar's financial reforms are at a standstill and have reached a state of concern. In addition, recently, due to the forced recruitment of soldiers by the Myanmar army, many young people, including those working in private businesses, have left the country. Those who are hiding, The current Burmese military is the country's economy, In addition to being the main cause of social and political instability, The ambassador said that it is also a major obstacle in the country's development. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun said at the UN meeting that the only thing that needs to be done to achieve the long-term development goals of the United Nations at the national level.

Is to put an end to the military dictatorship system and establish a federal democratic union. This is the latest news of Yangon's new era. Thank you for watching. I am Na Nge.

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