Khit Thit သတင်းဌာန၏ မေ ၂၁ ရက် မနက်ပိုင်း ရုပ်သံသတင်းအစီအစဉ်


Khit Thit သတင်းဌာန၏ မေ ၂၁ ရက် မနက်ပိုင်း ရုပ်သံသတင်းအစီအစဉ်

Retired Lt. Kyaw Ba , who participated in the violent suppression of the Eight-four Democracy Uprising, has passed away.Retired Lieutenant General Kyaw Ba , who participated in the 1988 military coup led by Major Saw Maung and killed the Eight-four Democracy Uprising, has died at the age of 90. 1988 military coup d'etat, At Napa, the regional commander, member Retired Lt. Gen. Kyaw Ba, who participated as a minister, died in the morning of May 20, and his funeral was held on May 21 at 12:30 p.m. in Mingaladon Township. It will be held at Shin George Jack Christian Church. In 1988, when the military violently crushed and killed the democratic uprising, General Kyaw Ba participated in the military coup and the torture and killing of the people as the commander of the northern region. He was a member of the military coup d'état led by Lieutenant Saw Maung and Lieutenant Than Shwe, and was transferred to the position of Minister of Hotels and Tourism on September 24, 1992. On March 27, 1993, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general, and on November 15, 1997, along with 12 other lieutenant generals, Lieutenant General Kyaw Ba was retired from his position.

Every time I bend, Residents of the area said that a retired school teacher and her husband and wife were killed in Ward No. 7, Reas Sulu City. Residents and some revolutionary news sources said that the neighborhood where the killing took place was dominated by Pyu Saw Hti and the soldiers, who took the main security role. On the night of May 18, No. 7 Ward U Aung Khin, a 70-year-old retired school teacher, and his 66-year-old wife, a retired teacher, Daw Kyi Tint, who live south of the post office, were brutally stabbed to death by a group of people who entered their home. In addition to this, the house was also searched. Ward No. 7 and the other districts of the city are mainly dominated by the army and the army, and at night they go on a rampage and break into houses. Beating as a guest list, Local people say that they are always shooting and killing people for not stopping their bikes. The place where the soldiers were patrolling the houses of the murdered teachers and their wives. It is said to be the closest to the base. A revolutionary news source also said that the couple may have been killed because they tipped off Pyu Saw Hội and the army that they were supporting PDFs. You can see that.

The military council lobby telegram pages, People Media, and NP News, which supports the military, have continuously broadcasted propaganda news since the day of the murder, that the retired schoolmaster and teacher's wife were killed by PDFs. Korea's CJ Feed Myanmar, which invested 21 million US dollars in Myanmar for more than 7 years starting in 2017, officially announced in a press release that it has stopped producing and selling animal feed and chicks. It is said that the current business crisis has also affected the company. Korea CJ Feed Myanmar has announced that it will be halted from May 28 due to the difficulty of trading operations, increasing raw material costs, difficulty in obtaining raw materials, as well as insufficient production workforce to operate the business. As the business will be suspended, sales representatives and customers are requested to remit the outstanding balance of goods to the company by June 28th. The Yangon business community is considering that the suspension of CJ Feed Myanmar's production and sale of animal feed and chicken hatchery in Korea is a sign of economic collapse due to the military coup.

Knowing full well that the terrorist Burmese military group commits serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian laws on a number of occasions, the Burmese military group is being supplied with military weapons, equipment, Justice For Myanmar calls for them to stop because they are supporting technology and training. military weapons to the Burmese military group, By providing equipment and technology, India is directly supporting the terrorist attacks on the people of the regime JFM points out that it is supporting and abetting war crimes and crimes against humanity. India as Iraq Somalia Iran Justice For Myanmar has informed us that despite bans on exports to North Korea and Venezuela, there is still no ban on Myanmar. In Rakhine State, the Terrorist War Council Army's ethnic, They are accelerating to cause a religious riot, and the Arakan Army has announced that it is ready to cooperate with international anti-terrorist organizations. Buthidun, the army Maungdaw wars, Kyauk Phyu townships are Muslim, RSO ARSA The AA statement stated that a large number of radicalized Muslim youth who want to fight with the ARA are.

Given terrorist training and armed. Those who have been given such training are being used during the ongoing conflict in the Araksha region, RSO, ARSA Continued military cooperation with terrorist organizations such as ARA, ethnic groups in Arakha region. AA has announced that they are accelerating with the intention of causing a religious riot. It is said that the Araksha Army is an organization that adheres to the ethos of “fighting only in accordance with the rules of war” and never attacks civilian targets that are not related to war. The people in the areas where the fighting is going on are also being helped to evacuate the people to the areas free of war, regardless of ethnicity, nationality. The Araksha Army -AA has stated in a statement that they are providing assistance in a timely manner regardless of religion. Even while doing such rescue operations, religious extremist terrorist organizations like RSO, ARSA AA has stated that self -interested international civil society organizations associated with organizations such as ARA are purposely speaking the same words as the mouthpiece of the violent fascist council. In addition to this, last April, the War Defeat Council created ethnic and religious conflict in the Arakha area and Rakhai, Buthidaung town. He said that almost all the houses of Hindus and other non-Muslims were burnt down. This is the morning news of Yangon's new era.

Thank you for watching. My name is Mya.

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