Khit Thit သတင်းဌာန၏ မေ ၂၇ ရက် နေ့လယ်ပိုင်း ရုပ်သံသတင်းအစီအစဉ်


Khit Thit သတင်းဌာန၏ မေ ၂၇ ရက် နေ့လယ်ပိုင်း ရုပ်သံသတင်းအစီအစဉ်

In the center of Yangon and many townships, military council officers and administrative groups are extorting money from the parents of young people under the pretext of military service. Extortion from 10,000,000 to 500,000 Kyats is happening. In Ngaputaw Township of Irrawaddy Division , a man named Mann Myo Tun Naing, the administrator of Luk King Village, hanged himself because the terrorist army forced him to recruit new soldiers. In the center of Yangon and many townships, military council officers and administrative groups are extorting money from the parents of young people under the pretext of military service . People in Yangon say that they are extorting money from 10,000,000 to 500,000 kyats. Yangon, Saw Win Lwin, the governor of Insein Township, East Kyrokone Ward, from the time he was called for military service in week 1 until week 2, has been begging 300,000 kyats each from the parents of people who do not want to serve in the military. A local resident said that if he paid him, he would have to stay sober for 6 months. In the same way, Puzdon Mountain, where most of the wealthy people in the center of Yangon, Bhot Tazang, Kyauk Bridge,.

Members of the Township Military Council in Pabellan townships . A businessman who knows the process said that the parents of the young people who are studying abroad together with the officers majors and the ward administration groups won the vote for the 2nd week of military service. Currently, the members of the terrorist military council have demanded money from the children of businessmen in the center of Yangon to pay them if they do not want to serve in the military. Although the military council said that if there is a request for money regarding military personnel, they can complain to them. Those who are wealthy do not want their children to join the military, so they don't dare to complain. As well as being crushed, A businessman of UMFCCI said that there are many Muslim rich people among those extorted. In Ngaputaw Township, Irrawaddy, local residents told Rangoon New Age that Man Myo Tun Naing, the administrator of Lak Kuin Village, hanged himself because the terrorist army forced him to recruit new soldiers.

On May 25, Ngaputaw Township, Man Myo Tun Naing, the administrator of Luk Kuin Village, was forced to recruit new soldiers by the terrorist army, and he witnessed it by hanging himself. When the terrorist army forced the warlord Mann Myo Tun Naing to recruit recruits to serve in the army. 1 local resident said that the pressure was too much and eventually led to his suicide. It is also known that after that, the terrorist military council troops came to the village of Nyaung and interrogated the people. The RCSS troops are carrying mines in the southern slopes of Shan State. The SSPP announced that 1 SSPP soldier was killed and 3 were injured due to the ambush. The RCSS said that they have regular meetings with the SSPP without breaking the peace. From the end of last March to May 15 17 19 20 On the 25th, mining was carried out in Rasak Township. It is said that ambushes were carried out 6 times. The SSPP also announced that 1 SSPP soldier was killed and 3 wounded during the attacks.

Regarding the attack, RCSS requested to hand over 3 soldiers. If they don't hand it over, the SSPP has demanded that the RCSS troops must move to the south of the Myung Pong-Ho Bon highway. If they do not comply with the request, the SSPP forces will officially announce that they will clear the area. On the RCSS side, it is said that the peace has not been lost and that they are having regular meetings with the SSPP. Karen Border Guard: The ASEAN Human Rights Parliamentary Group APHR expressed its deep disappointment over the online money laundering operations of the BGF and the Military Council as well as transnational crimes. Karen State Online fraud operations in Myawati Township on the Thai-Myanmar border. In addition to the participation of the BGF army and the military council led by Saw Chai in international crimes and local criminal networks Just a few days ago, Justice for Myanmar announced that citizens from some countries in the region were involved. On May 22, the Association of Parliamentarians of ASEAN Human Rights (APHR) said that they are deeply disappointed with all those involved in the criminal network announced by Justice for Myanmar . What is really bad is that Myanmar's illegal military council is using the funds obtained through these nefarious businesses to commit atrocities against the people of Myanmar, so the authorities around Southeast Asia.

Must take strong measures to shut down these businesses,” said the APHR member of the Philippine parliamentarian. The Central Bank of the Terrorist War Council said that digital currencies should be controlled to control the rise in the value of the US dollar. Dollar buyers and sellers in Yangon City said that they will take action if they sell Hyundais , but the value of the dollar continues to rise. On May 24th, from the Central Bank of the Terrorist War Council, digital currencies such as Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (LTC), (ETH) and (PM) are not designated as legal currencies, so they are not allowed to trade. It was announced that those who do this will be punished with 2 prison terms and a fine and their bank accounts will be closed. After the military council issued a statement on May 24th, on May 25th, dollar buyers and sellers in Yangon said that the price continued to rise to between 4,100 and 4,200 kyats per US dollar. This is the afternoon news of Yangon New Era. Thanks for watching. I'm Na Nge.

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