Kid Rock remembers the existence and career of Toby Keith


Kid Rock remembers the existence and career of Toby Keith

Uh somebody who knew him very well is a friend of the show and uh you know him as Kid Rock we know him as Bobby Richie he joins us right now from Nashville Bobby good morning to you good morning good morning sorry I had to break the news to you with that text uh tell us about your friend Toby Keith man I think so many people know.

What I know is you know he he he was such an incredible talent and he loved his family like he loved his country and we should also not forget what a what a fun guy he was I can I was thinking just when I heard the news just 30 minutes ago that just started going through my head of all the awards shows and After parties whether it was in the back of.

Losers picking guitars or we're at a golf tournament or out in Los Angeles or so many different spots throughout the years he was just a he was just a great great guy we called him big dog he was a large man yeah he's like a guys guy right I mean look at him signing guitars military the Red Solo Cup loved wrestling loved football what was he.

Like do you remember any stories oh man stories for days um you know one time he saved he saved my butt there was a I won't get into it but there was an incident out I was after I think an award show in Los Angeles and I'll never forget this and and there was a Ruckus and things got crazy and next thing I'm kind of sprawled out on a lawn.

Outside a hotel with a bunch of cops around me in a helicopter and um and and Toby kind of stepped in he he said hey man they were I remember the cops saying back up big boy and he kind of handled the he handled the situation so elegantly he kind of came over and smoothed things over and I can't remember it was either.

Myself or him who the next morning was going on another you know trip to entertain the troops in the Middle East somewhere and he just kind of smoothed the whole situation out because it was a misunderstanding and um it just so many times and like like I said the back of losers picking guitars after an award show or man one time I remember meeting.

Him at a club in Detroit randomly he was in town for something that I didn't know and he just showed up at this club and the next thing you know me him and his his songwriting friend Scotty got in this little car I had it was just a sedan and he's a large man and there was like I don't know five of us in the sedan and we go back to my house and uh.

That's and that's when he goes check out this new song we just got done writing and of course it was I Love This Bar one of my favorite Toby Songs amazing you I'll never forget that on my studio just on a whim you know just on on by a chance but so many great memories such a talent um you know he's going to be missed Hey Kid Rock do do you think that.

Did you know how serious this illness was uh I got the sense just from The Outsider perspective that he was going to make a comeback on this after we saw him at that award show did you get that sense too man I'm I'm going to regret uh you know I knew great I had sent him a few texts here and there you know just just saying hey we Paul boy we love you.

And he's like you know I'm fighting and I was just out in Las Vegas when he was playing and I said to my fiance I said we had this commitment I said man I should blow this commitment off and go see Toby I just I just felt that that's what I should do and I didn't and I'm going to regret that but uh no I didn't know that it was in this stage.

Unfortunately you know kid before we let you go um I I know you have been a big supporter of the military but Toby was as well talk about his affection for the military I mean every time we used to joke about you know who went over there more because me and him definitely you know have tens if not 20 of times that we we have been there you.

Know spending Christmases thanksgivings you know just whenever we were called we went to do it sometimes we called them and we went do it and we had a lot of conversations about that about how it was the most rewarding thing we'd ever done in our careers but it was also the most work um so I you know I I dare say he probably went more than I did um but.

But yeah I mean what a great Patriot to uh just do that for you know people forget how long these wars were that's right you know so you know when you're thinking about Vietnam or the other world wars we had the Bob Hope thing this that and the other you know most of those were four years or so this that and the other these were 10 plus years.

Of going all the time we used to joke like isn't there some younger kids that should be going over at this point no kid but yeah what a great Patriot can't say enough great things about him he was just great great man and he was a lot of fun both funny and a lot of fun way too young 62 years old yeah my heart goes out to his family all.

His friends here in Nashville um all around the country all around the world but especially I'm thinking of his wife and his children right now indeed Bob Richie also known as Kid Rock Bobby thank you very much for remembering your friend Patriot great guy fun guy big man Toby ke long live big dog big dog big dog all right I what will happen in.

Nashville I'm sure there will be some sort of place where you can leave flowers and cards for the family Bobby thank you a lot of news to get to this that's like like losing I feel like like a rush Limba moment when we lost to him that was so sad for Country this is a big loss I'm Steve duy I'm Brian kilme and I'm Angley aart and click here to.

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3 thoughts on “Kid Rock remembers the existence and career of Toby Keith

  1. Thank you Toby for the total songs you wrote and the pretty music you made! You might well just non-public got been a section of my existence and likewise you’ll consistently non-public a utterly different space in my coronary heart and in my reminiscence. I know Matthew used to be chuffed to seem you if you happen to entered Heaven . God bless you Cowboy! ❤ Matthew Guthrie’s mom

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