Klaus Schwab and the WEF At last Rep Roasted


Klaus Schwab and the WEF At last Rep Roasted

The World Economic Forum was hosted yet againin Davos for 2024, and boy did it get roasted! Welcome to America Uncovered. I’m Chris Chappell. So, many of you may be wondering: How do Ifind the energy to keep making episodes week after week, year after year? The answeris coffee. Lots of coffee. Specifically, Dayes Coffee—the sponsor of today’sepisode. It’s not just any coffee. It has something no other coffee inAmerica has. Which I’ll explain in a bit. But first, it’s that time ofthe year again. Davos 2024 ! You can’t start a new year without havingglobal elites gather in Switzerland… …in private jets to talk aboutcombating climate change….

…listening to each other blabberabout lofty, vague ideas… …and to meet prostitutes! The global elites are so generous to give up time intheir busy schedules for them. I wouldn’t be surprised if the term“Globalists Gone Wild” started trending in not-safe-for-work websites around this time. But I’m too classy to check. For those of you who don’t know, Davos isthe Swiss town where the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, or WEF , takes place.The WEF was founded by German economist Klaus Schwab.

“The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of societyto shape global, regional and industry agendas.” And the theme for this year is “Rebuilding Trust”. Which is strange. Do people for somereason not trust globalist elites who want to run the world outside of any peskyelections? I must have missed the memo. I mean this doesn’t inspire trust?! Nevertheless, some people are critical of the WEF. People like Argentina'snew president Javier Milei. Thiswas guy who’s mostrecent holiday greetings was,.

I kid you not, Javier Milei: Happy holidays,and be careful not to become a communist. And someone thought it would be a goodidea for him to give a speech at the WEF. Today I'm here to tell you that the Westernworld is in danger. And it is in danger because those who are supposed to have todefend the values of the West are co-opted by a vision of the world that inexorablyleads to socialism and thereby to poverty. “the main leaders of the Westernworld have abandoned the model of freedom for different versionsof what we call collectivism.” “Thank you very much, andlong live freedom, damn it!” Wow, I’ve never heard a translator sofierce yet bored at the same time until now.

Milei, who’s known for being verylibertarian, went on to point out how free enterprise capitalism has lifted people outof poverty and criticized state-interventionists, socialists, social justicewarriors, and Neo-Marxists. His remarks are a huge jab at the World EconomicForum’s calls for a “Great Reset” of capitalism… …its criticism of free markets… ….and its promotion of ESG or Environmental, Social and Governance metrics, whichmany argue pushes socialist agendas. To add further insult to injury, Milei reportedlyarrived in Switzerland on a commercial flight Which appears to be a major diss at the globalelites coming in with their private jets.

“[Milei’s] spokesman Manuel Adorniexplained in a post that the president had traveled commercial to save whathe calculated as over $300,000.” Milei wasn’t the only one todiss global elites at Davos. The president of The Heritage Foundation, a conservative DC-based think tank, likewise slammed the global elites straight to their faces in a discussion about apossible Republican administration. “And if I may—I will be candid and saythat the agenda that every single member of the administration needs to have isto compile a list of everything that’s ever been proposed at the World EconomicForum and object to all of them wholesale.”.

“Well, it’s laughable thatyou would or anyone would describe Davos as protecting liberal democracy.”“You’re part of the problem. Political elites tell the average people on three or four or five issuesthat the reality is X when in fact reality is Y.” Wow, this gives me Ricky Gervais-vibes . Too bad he’s not as funny, but itwas a nice roast nonetheless. And compared to typical Davostalks, clips of people roasting Davos garner a lot more attention onthe Internet. Gotta love the internet. So let’s talk about why somepeople have a problem with the WEF. Right after this a quick coffee break.

What kind of coffee am I drinking?Why of course it’s Dayes coffee! And I want to tell you why I lovethis particular coffee so much. For one, it has very low acidity comparedto most coffees. That makes it taste a lot better—it’s not bitter like mostcoffees. And it’s gentle on my tummy. It has only 15% of the caffeine ofa regular coffee, which is good for reducing caffeine dependency, and I canalso enjoy multiple cups of coffee a day. It’s just the right amount of kick Ineed—without jitters or a caffeine crash. So how does Dayes make this special coffee?First, they collect only premium grade coffee beans from Colombia, Guatemala, Brazil,and Ethiopia. Then they treat the beans.

With 50 enzymes and ferment them. It’sa patented process developed by a former cancer researcher at Yale Medical School,along with a team of South Korean scientists. Another great thing about their fermentationprocess is that it completely gets rid of mycotoxins. Those are toxins produced bymold and fungi you might find in some of the cheaper brands of coffee beans.But you won’t find them in Dayes. So believe me, Dayes Coffee is very verygood. It’s got notes of dark chocolate, butterscotch, brown sugar, and nuttiness. The beans are roasted in New York’s Hudson Valley. So when you order Dayescoffee using my link below,.

You’ll get a special discount. Andonce you order, they’ll roast it right before they ship it to you—so it’s justabout as fresh as you can get by mail. So click the link below to try it out. As I was saying, why do people loveroasting Davos elites in the World Economic Forum? What did the Davoselites do to create so much distrust? Well, aside from blatant hypocrisy Like talking about climate change whileflying into Davos on private jets …and disconnected virtuesignaling…this was really weird People are wary of rich, powerful elites whothink that they know what’s best to solve.

The world’s problems without sharingthe same values as average people, or even having their consent in mind. Klaus Schwab fuels these concerns, especially when he hypes up how Davos eliteshave what it takes to determine the future. “The future is not just happening. Thefuture is built by us. By a powerful community as you here in this room. We havethe means to improve the state of the world.” The fact that he’s so confident that elites can social engineer the world frightensa lot of people, and rightfully so. To illustrate why, let’s not forgetthat the World Economic Forum featured.

An opinion piece back in 2016 by a memberof the Danish parliament with the headline “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have noprivacy, and life has never been better”. And how could anyone forget this piece of work? I’m pretty sure people in 3500 BC had propertyand privacy, but hey, that’s progress! Fantasizing about taking away the average person’sprivate property turns a lot of people off, particularly if the people promoting it arethose with tons of private property and wealth. If Davos elites are fine with averagepeople not owning anything, then it’s not surprising that they’re okay with changingpeople’s lifestyles, including their diets. “My daughter, 24, inspired me and said, ‘Dad,how can you advocate for these zero-carbon.

Value chains if you still eat meat?’ So Istopped eating meat. Now the math will say, ‘Well you need to stop eating meat 11 yearsto compensate for a flight to Thailand.’ Yes, but if a billion people stop eatingmeat, I tell you, it has a big impact.” Yeah, stop eating meat, you destroyer ofthe planet! Eat creepy crawly bugs instead! After I’m done filming, I will go eatfive steaks, just in opposition of that. And despite the Forum’s elites’lip service on things like gender equity… Many fear that the World Economic Forumis promoting economic fascism through things like stakeholder capitalism and ESG….

…or at the very least cronycapitalism on steroids. After all, you’ve got a bunch of powerful businesspeople rubbing shoulders with politicians. You’re telling me that Davos business elites*wouldn’t* try to do anything shady? Ummm…the prostitutes are a red flag! It’s no wonder people shiverwhen they hear things like how Davos elites want to “build a new world order”. So whenever the World Economic Forumbrings up technology that tracks data… …such as microchips… …carbon footprint trackers….

…and smart toilets… People are going to assume the worst of Davoselites’ intentions, regardless of the context. They’ll also assume the worst whenDavos elites talk about things like taking advantage of the Covid pandemicto make radical changes for the better. But surely, with this year’stheme being “Rebuilding Trust”, Davos elites must’ve learned their lesson,and now they have trust in the public, right? Pffft, as if! More after the break. Welcome back.

From reading and watching Davos talking points, you get the impression that Davos elitesdon’t trust the public and are blaming the world’s problems on ordinary people ratherthan, you know, the elites themselves. But Davos elites have quite a lot of confidence in their ability to do what some wouldcall top-down social engineering. “As trustees of the future”“As leaders in government, business, and society, we wield a particular responsibility to rebuildtrust in how we assume our own role as trustees.” But as “trustees of the future”, Davoselites seem to believe that the solution to trust is by cracking down on what theysee as disinformation and misinformation..

That’s the only way they can trust thepublic will make the correct choices. Which is why the World Economic Forum reportedthat “Misinformation and disinformation is the most severe short-term risk the worldfaces” especially with AI around. With war in Europe, war in the Middle East,extreme tensions around China and Taiwan, and international shipping lanes under siege, I would’ve said World WarIII, but hey, to each his own. The forum’s 2024 Global Risks Report warns that“there is a risk that some governments will act too slowly, facing a trade-off between preventingmisinformation and protecting free speech” Now, to its credit, the Forum also warns about how.

“repressive governments could use enhancedregulatory control to erode human rights.” But it seems that Davos elites aretoo eager to resort to government censorship to counter disinformation, asif disinformation was somehow a new thing. Hello, we’re talking about the Internet! TheInternet! The place where 4chan was created. People constantly spread disinformation! Ifyou don’t know that, I pity you. Seriously. Now, I’m not against fighting disinformation. I’m all for it and do it myself. But not bycensoring people, but speaking the truth. Davos elites think they should take itupon themselves to determine truth and enforce it with political power, even if itcomes at the expense of freedom. For example,.

Check this panelist out from 2022. She’sthe Australia eSafety Commissioner. “I think we’re going to have tothink about a recalibration of a whole range of human rights thatare playing out online, you know, from freedom of speech to the freedom to,you know, to be free from online violence.” This year’s no different in the wayelites look at freedom of speech. The European Commission Vice-President forValues and Transparency Vera Jourová spoke in a panel last week called “Defending Truth”and mentioned how Europe got Big Tech, including TikTok, under the commitment ofits code of practice against disinformation Wait, Australia has an eSafety Commissionerand Europe has a Vice-President for Values and.

Transparency? That doesn’t sound dystopian at all. Never mind how social media platformslike TikTok continue to be cesspools of disinformation, for very obvious political goals… She also mentioned getting ahead ofdisinformation by “prebunking” it. With the last resort being lawenforcement, citing rising anti-Semitism. This should worry you. After all, how do youknow if government officials themselves or prestigious news agencies get all thefacts right and present them honestly? Don’t forget that government officials andnews media outlets are just as capable of spreading disinformation as ordinary citizens.

Look no further than how dozensof former intelligence officials claimed that the Hunter Biden laptopstory was Russian disinformation… Only for that to be provenfalse. The laptop story was real. With that in mind, it’s so ironic to seeformer CNN host Brian Stelter present a 2023 Forum discussion called “The Clearand Present Danger of Disinformation”… Even though he’s the same guy whodismissed Hunter Biden’s laptop as just a “right wing media story” and at onepoint called it a “manufactured crisis”… And let’s not forget how governmentscompletely botched their response to Covid-19 by presenting contradicting information….

…and censored things that turned out to be true. This turned out to do far moredamage than if governments had acted less like authoritarians in the first place. Given how much Davos elites preachabout countering disinformation, it’s ironic that they’re more than willingto turn a blind eye to the biggest spreader of disinformation: the Chinese Communist Party. If the World Economic Forumis afraid of disinformation, then why has it not named China as a majorthreat in its 2024 Global Risks Report? The only mention of China and disinformation in.

That report focuses on how Chinacounters AI-generated content. It’s almost as if elites don’t want to offendauthoritarians who use rape as a form of torture because they want to make money off them.Either that, or they just don’t want to admit that perhaps they should worry about the globalelites rather than, say, the average person. Given how elites don’t seemto want to self-reflect, it’s no wonder why it just feels sooogood to see Milei talk trash at them. Perhaps they need more blessings from Amazonianshamans to heal from those sick burns. The real question is why people give up theirfreedom to these kind of charismatic global elite. I have some thoughts about that, but YouTube wouldconsider that too controversial. Which is why I’m.

Hiding that discussion in a video about Pikminon my new show Deep Thoughts While Gaming. I’m just talking about video games YouTube, notabout overthrowing the elite. Check it out. And again, this episode is sponsoredby Dayes Coffee. So if you like coffee, try it out. It’s great for you, andit helps the show. The link is below. Once again, I’m Chris Chappell.Thanks for watching America Uncovered.

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3 thoughts on “Klaus Schwab and the WEF At last Rep Roasted

  1. You were doing quite effectively except you obtained to telling us how corrupt China is. Am I to dangle that you truly want us to have faith that it’s the Chinese authorities and no longer the U.S. authorities that has been the utilization of mass killing, mass destruction, and mass violence to uncover its gain contrivance throughout the arena within the closing 50 years? So it’s the Chinese authorities that has killed loads of million of us throughout the arena within the closing 1/2 of a century to uncover its gain contrivance, and NOT the U.S. authorities?! So it’s the Chinese authorities that even this very day, is either at the moment collaborating in, or is no longer at the moment facilitating the killing of rankings of of us, together with girls folk and teenagers, all throughout the arena… on this very day???? It’s CHINA that is doing that?!Are you totally particular about that?

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