Konstantin Kisin: We’re residing in a society in which adults are shrinking of children


Konstantin Kisin: We're residing in a society in which adults are shrinking of children

Have seen this video online it is everywhere recently the Oxford Union the debating Society in Oxford England held a debate on wokeness and from out of nowhere a podcast hosting comedian called Constantine Kissin defied the odds and won over the audience on a college campus with force and Brilliance if you're wondering how he did it here's.

How this country is responsible for two percent of global carbon emissions which means that if Britain was to sink into the sea right now it would make absolutely no difference to the issue of climate change you know why because the future of the climate is going to be decided in Asia and in Latin America by.

Poor people who couldn't give about saving the planet 120 million people in China do not have enough food I don't mean that they don't get dessert I mean they suffer from malnutrition that means that their immune system is breaking down because they don't have enough food.

You're not going to get them to stay poor and the only thing that wokeness has to offer in exchange is to brainwash Bright Young Minds like you to believe that you are victims to believe that you have no agency to believe that what you must do to improve the world is to complain is to protest is to throw soup on.

Paintings do we know that the way to improve the world is to work is to create it is to build and the problem with work culture is that it's trained too many young minds like yours to forget about that well you'll notice if you watch that video that he's not reading that there's no teleprompter he's ad-libbing that.

Whole thing that is right off the top of his head that's not easy constant kissing is the co-host of the trigonometry podcast he joins us tonight we sure appreciate your coming on I think the video of your remarks at the Oxford Union has been shared more than you know anything on social media in the US and in a long.

Time how how was the response to what you said it was great uh but I think people really enjoyed it and I think it's partly because people are fed up of worknesses of course you know but I think also there's another thing going on Tucker we live in a society in which adults are afraid of children and young.

People in particular and so when you see somebody who is an adult talking to young people and being straight with them and saying look if you care about certain issues in the world if you care about climate change or racial Injustice or whatever whining and complaining is not going to fix that problem that we need young people to step up and.

Actually work and build and create things and as I said in the speech to to create the technology and the science that is going to help solve all the problems of the future so I think that's one of the reasons it's gone so viral and the feedback has been incredible I really haven't received any negative feedback at all it's been very very.

Positive so I'm very grateful for that well we're grateful to see it because I mean first of all you made a rational fact-based case which is always assuring to see it's wonderful to see someone making an argument and you did but it's the first time in a long time I've ever I've seen somebody directly challenge the prevailing view on campus and not.

Get shouted down how did that happen well as you say I think I made a rational argument and I think this is the thing that I've been thinking about a lot you know we spoke a few years ago and as a comedian I was concerned about the erosion of free speech and the censorship particularly in this country in the UK but as we've interviewed.

People in trigonometry as we've spoken to some of the greatest Minds you know the Jordan Petersons of the world and many others what I've started to realize is that this ideology workness is fundamentally anti-human and the narrative goes something like this you know we are evil particularly westerners especially you know straight white men.

Like you but actually all of us are evil and we must be punished and that's why some of the solutions that we're being offered to the issue of climate change don't seem to make much sense I don't really see how making pensioners in Britain freeze to death over the winter is going to solve the problem of climate change or indeed impoverishing people in.

India in China and I think actually we've got to believe that young people are persuadable we've got to make rational arguments to them and that is I think the way to deal with many of these problems we've got to challenge young people to step up and be better we have to believe that young people are persuadable and I think a lot of us in.

The elderly Community or near elderly are losing confidence in that um but you believe it to be true having just had this experience I do and I think we all have to embrace that approach I think we're not going to get anywhere by chastising people we have to try and persuade them I think that you've we've got to remember Tucker.

The young minds we were all young once and we were just as idiotic and stubborn and so sure of ourselves that we thought we knew everything I think we've got to fight we've got to fight to change people's minds and the way to do that is a rational argument and encouraging critical thinking which is what I hope my speech has done yes I remember as a.

Young man I was very impressed by and persuaded by people who had forceful ideas they could clearly and rationally Express and I'm glad to see there's still people like that because you you did that Constantine kissing thank you so much subscribe to the Fox News YouTube channel to catch our nightly opens.

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