Kourtney Kardashian Barker Talks Taking Husband Travis’ Last Name


Kourtney Kardashian Barker Talks Taking Husband Travis’ Last Name

welcome back fans have been keeping up with kourtney kardashian barker for 15 years ever since the premiere of her family's hit reality show we've watched her grow and do it all as mom a businesswoman and her latest role as wife to travis barker hi court good morning good to see you good morning.

Kourtney kardashian barker so was taking his last name a given were you positive that was going to happen or did you think about that for a while it was a given yeah it was just a given it wasn't a thought you just knew and i didn't i the middle so now my middle name is kardashian yeah so it's not how how is married life i mean you guys.

Are clearly in love i mean is it when you know you know i think when it's kind of easy and like it just everything almost yeah like it's like it's so weird i think of like times when things weren't so easy and it's just like when it's right it's.

Right and you know a lot of people have blended families so they have you know children he has children you have children how has that been navigating that space i think it's you know there's like i think it's like figuring it all out but i think working together and like keeping the communication open and.

Because you know i came from a blended family i feel like it i don't know we have experience and you've been down there yeah and i think also we've known each other and like i've had my own relationship with his kids for like.

10 years so it's like oh it does make it really easy like we just all know each other in each other's intentions and i think it makes it easy do you have a favorite tattoo of his the courtney of course courtney is the best he also has has my lips and he has i did my own touch i tattooed him i wrote i love you in cursed like in.

My cursive writing and they and then um no i did it right i put it on like i did the gun and did it and then he must really trust me and then um i practiced and did like a k with a heart so there's a few oh how sweet is that you know um i've known you for a long time in fact we co-hosted together many.

Years ago when we had you and your sisters each had a different day yeah but through all the time oh my god wait that means then that was whole like 2011. wait what are we in hot pink 20-22 wow a lot has changed since those days um you your sisters have had product lines.

And businesses but i feel like that wasn't your thing until now still feel like when i look at old episodes or anything how they would like try to push me and be like what's your thing what's your mind what's your thing and i was like why do i have to have a thing can't i be a mom and i'm.

Filming the show and it's like a that's a full-time job so i felt like until something just like how i said timing is everything it's like with my husband it's like this just also to me timing was everything and it just was like when it feels easy and it felt right.

I've been going through this roller coaster for like five years and knowing what it always was i knew it was vitamins and supplements yes it just was finding the right partners that had the same beliefs as me as far as sustainability as far as ingredients um and once it happened it's like it's been like fun i've been super decisive i.

Think when i've i'm also in like a place where i feel really confident so i think that helps with all the decision making yeah i like that you're in that time in that moment your life so you just you feel comfortable in your own skin do you feel like it's kind of finally i'm here yeah i do i do feel that way and i feel.

Like it all it's all like working together and just with ease i think you're in a great moment in your life it sounds like you found like the love of your life you've got your next season of the show you've got this product line and you look yeah i remember you from years ago you look really you look happier now than you did.

Back then thank you i think i am well congratulations courtney you're going to stick around and join jenna and i at 10. we're so excited for that so thank you congratulations on your new line hey thanks for watching our youtube channel find your favorite recipes celebrity interviews uplifting stories shop our favorite deals and so much more.

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3 thoughts on “Kourtney Kardashian Barker Talks Taking Husband Travis’ Last Name

  1. I even contain by no approach mentioned this in public about any human being. I additionally don't protect trying at issues that irritates me I pass on. But I accidently learned this clip and I obtained caught. Ive seen sketches and what now no longer but taking note of this Kardashian (Barker) in person, blew my solutions. I don't accept as true with she's boring but I DO accept as true with she's been so protected in opposition to the enviornment that she's correct now no longer mindful and she has no belief about what's going on this world's. No longer making an strive to be low but can't accept as true with so many millions of folks watch their teach and so that they making millions of greenbacks correct being recorded, dispyte now no longer exhibiting s brighter aspect than this 😂. So many folks, having that platform, would get rid of to fabricate s DIFFERENCE. No longer alarm about their appears to be like to be like and the lenght of their nails. I mean advance on! Having all those priviligies- your duty is to attain something for the PEOPLE, for the WORLD! Aaaaah the this kinda afflicted me. I do know now why I by no approach watched a single episode of Conserving up with the Ample 👌 😂😂😂😂😂

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