Lady Scouts host ‘Dawdle Spherical the World’ occasion for teenagers within the QC


Lady Scouts host 'Dawdle Spherical the World' occasion for teenagers within the QC

All right now we turn to a current event coming up tomorrow the journey the world event will be this Saturday at the bend Expo Center in East Molen hundreds of local kids are expected to attend and it'll be an afternoon of playing learning dancing and celebrating cultures from across the globe at checkin kids that attend will be given.

Passports to begin their Journeys and joining us now to chat of all of this is Mora wner with Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois hi thank you so much for being here with us we were supposed to talk on tuesday before civy weather moved in thank you so much for being so flexible today oh my gosh absolutely and you know this works out.

So well we um are open up tomorrow we have Walkin so anybody who's welcome to come and has a free Saturday they're so welcome to bring their kids I love it why don't we start with the Girl Scouts what are they going to be doing with this yes um so this is our biggest event in Girl Scouts our local Council actually covers the eastern half of Iowa.

And part of Illinois and so we have troops coming from all 38 counties in our region so this is our largest event where Girl Scouts get to come come together um explore the world uh do different activities have fun together it's it's just an exciting time um you know before the so what are some of the countries that are going to be.

Represented tomorrow yeah so um we'll have uh booths about Australia Kenya Egypt Denmark Austria Greece Spain we've got all kinds of countries um and then we have a lot of local performers um so we have big pipes um we'll actually have a group coming to demonstrate taichi and teach the kids um about taichi um so we we're we're going to have a lot of fun.

Performers and activities for kids I love it outside of the booth though you guys don't stop there you have a lot of special activities that are planned talk about what some of those are yes so this whole event really becomes a big convention for Girl Scouts um I was just came from setup we have a huge combine from John Deere there so kids can go in.

That and kind of get a farmers view of the world uh star laabs is bring bringing a night sky simulator so kids are going to get to see what the night sky looks like from across the world um we're also going to have therapy dogs their Quad City Bike Club is going to do a bike course for kids um so that there there's just a lot of fun there you're.

Going to enter through a balloon arch get your passport and start exploring the world I hear there's going to be indoor snowballs what is that yes um you will there's lots of things that you wouldn't think should be indoors like the giant combine and we're going to be making snowballs indoors we're going to be making s'mores indoors so um it's.

Really going to be a fun time and and you're going to want to be there towards the end um when we have our giant T dance party I saw some of the pictures from that that looks amazing okay so how do people sign up for this tomorrow yes so um right now we're accepting walk-in so um the event is from 12:30 to 4:00 it'll be $15 a person um our online.

Registration has closed but anybody is welcome to come and just walk in um you do not need to be a member of Girl Scouts to come any kid in the Quad Cities is going to have so much fun at this event um but if your family does choose to sign up a a girl in your life for Girl Scouts we have in my girl scout era t-shirt so you know it's it's good.

Timing with Taylor's new album that's perfect timing and before I let you go how many kids or people did you say were already signed up for this tomorrow probably going to have about 1,200 people there oh my gosh it's going to be the event of the weekend Mara thank you so much for being here with us today yeah thank you so much for having me for.

You guys at home we do have an article up on our website right now that's got all the times the date the location you can find it at underneath the As Seen On TV tab

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