Lara Trump: Nikki Haley is poised to lose in a ‘very embarrassing formula’


Lara Trump: Nikki Haley is poised to lose in a 'very embarrassing formula'

all right we are only two weeks away from the South Carolina Republic in primary and the latest CBS poll has president Trump leading Nikki Haley by 35% in her home state so with President Trump closing in on the goop presidential nomination the former president is looking to shore up the RNC.

Ahead of the general election now yesterday the president endorsed North Carolina GOP chair a guy by the name of Michael wattley to replace Ronald McDaniel for RNC chair along with his daughter-in-law Laura Trump for co-chair Laura joins us now she's the host of The Right View podcast uh which uh I don't know how you're gonna pull it all off.

But it's great to have you back Laura thank you thank you Sean it's great to be with you uh first let me get your reaction I was a little surprised I wasn't surprised by Mitt Romney's comments I wasn't surpris surprised by Biden's comments you know e if if you don't support the Ukraine Bill and you believe.

In securing our for is first that means you're Pro Putin but I was surprised at Nikki Haley's comments that did surprise me I've not been a strong critic of her I think she's a nice person um but if she wants to win the nomination I'm not sure you know saying you know putting Ukraine ahead of American border security is a good idea or claiming that.

If you support that that somehow you're citing with the thug Vladimir Putin nobody's siding with the thug dictator murderer of Vladimir Putin yeah we want to protect our country first and foremost Sean I mean everybody knows that I think everyone understands that the fact that we're even talking about Nikki Haley at this point right now is.

Kind of insane I mean the fact that she is still running for president supposedly uh is is a bit outrageous I assume she would only say something like this to maybe Garner a little bit of media attention she is poised right now Sean as you just mentioned to lose her home state of South Carolina in a very embarrassing way wait maybe it's not.

Quite as embarrassing as Lo losing to none of these candidates which just happened in Nevada but it's time for us to all Garner our support behind the obvious Republican nominee Donald Trump we have a must win election on our hands right now against Joe Biden let's face it Sean if we wait and do nothing and allow Joe Biden another four years and.

Democrats another four years to destroy this C country that's exactly what is going to happen we will not have a country left why Nikki Haley is still in this and why she says things that are so ridiculous and outrageous I wish I could tell you but it makes absolutely no sense Sean so here's what I see that the Republican National Committee is finally.

Beginning to get right and and there's one part of the puzzle that's missing now just as a predicate let me add that if I had my way election day would be one day it would be a national holiday you would make exceptions for the military the infirm the elderly that they could vote by mail I'd have voter ID signature verification chain of.

Custody controls updated voter roles and partisan observers watching the voting all day in every Precinct around the country and the vote counting all night that's not the system we have we got to deal with the ham whe dealt and the hamw we are dealt is such that a lot of states have voting it's seemingly in perpetuity weeks on end I don't.

Particularly like it I think it lends itself to Integrity issues but the Republicans Republicans and conservatives around the country have been reluctant and resistant to voting early and voting by mail and I think they better overcome that resistance so they're going to start out election night down three or 400,000 votes the.

Other part of the puzzle and the RNC by the way did say Bank your vote they came out with a campaign I support it but they haven't really seem to have dealt with the issue of legal ballot harvesting which I think the Democrats are pretty much mastered surprising it's legal but it is and if Republicans don't match or surpass the efforts of.

Democrats especially in swing states that is a vulnerability that I believe you know could sway an election if Six States and a couple hundred thousand votes make all the difference that could be the difference uh will that be a top priority well absolutely Sean I mean we have to be six or seven steps ahead of the Democrats and you're right we have.

To beat them at this game we thought as Republicans we could play the game we always have and that just isn't the case anymore as you just explained we have to deal with what we have right now in this moment and I'll tell you what the RNC should have one goal and one focus and that is ensuring that the leader of the Republican Party Donald J Trump is.

Elected as the 47th president of the United States and we are able to save this country here's what I can assure you any person walking into the doors of the RNC with any other goal in mind will be shown the door if I were elected to this position as co-chair of the RNC we have no time to waste we have N9 and a half months we have to ensure that every.

Single penny raised goes to uh voter registration as you just said legal ballot harvesting which we have been beaten by the Democrats at Forever at this point a game day operations we need to understand on election day where we are in every single Precinct around this country we need a ground game that is unmatched and we need to have the most.

Lethal fighting machine in the American political history you have ever seen that happens day one if I'm elected co-chair of the RNC I can assure you we have no time to waste we better get started today listen I I like your passion I like your ideas dealing with those two issues to me are critical ahead of the next election I don't know.

Though whether to congratulate you or to offer condolences cuz I think that's one tough job but uh uh we appreciate you being with us we'll follow it closely hey Sean Hannity here hey click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere.


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