Laura Ingraham: Border Invoice Would Handiest Hire A Bunch ‘Woke Folks’


Laura Ingraham: Border Invoice Would Handiest Hire A Bunch 'Woke Folks'

Conservatives essentiallyget nothing they want, and liberals get everything they want. Oh, but wait. Because Senator Langford says thatthe bill would allocate more money for immigration judges and other personnel. You know what I say to that? So what more staff just gives Bidenthe chance to hire a bunch of woke people who will do everything possible to helpbring more migrants into the country, because that's how this works.

When did Border Patrol become woke? I guess they became wokewhen Laura Ingraham decided that Republicans passing the immigration billthat they've been begging for for years and years would be a bad idea because itcould be a political win for Biden. So now she's urging them to obstruct anyefforts to pass immigration legislation. And who she's referring tois a Republican senator, James Lankford, who called out members of his own partyfor being obstructionists because the bipartisan Senate bill that he's trying toget passed is honestly like a giant goodie bag of Republican asks for the border.

So now all of a sudden, you have LauraIngraham turning around and pointing to border jobs, including Border Patrol. And, by the way, the judges who needto adjudicate the asylum cases and get people, you know, processed as quickly aspossible, she thinks those are woke jobs that I. It is amazing how they can applythe woke label onto anything they want, literally anything they want. All right, so what's in the legislation? That, by the way, is a bipartisan effortwith James Lankford, a Republican senator from Oklahoma, Chris Murphy, a Democrat,and Kyrsten Sinema, an independent.

Well, the bill would require theDepartment of Homeland Security to nearly, like, shut down the border, which iswhat Republicans have been wanting. Okay. And they would do so when the numberof migrant crossings increase above 5000 per day on any given week,or if the average daily encounters reach a 4000 a day threshold in one week,this would require more border patrol. But apparently those are woke jobsfor woke people, according to Laura Ingraham, who's falling over herselftrying to figure out what kind of lies she can tell her audienceabout why they should now suddenly be.

Against passing the legislationthat they have been conditioned to be in favor of for literally years now. Amazing. Yeah. So, guys, she said that, liberals get everything they want out of this deal. Yesterday on the show,I said that the Republicans got everything they asked for out of this deal. So one of us is clearly wrongand may be lying. Right. So how do you guys tell?.

Because it's so hard to tellthese days with media. You got the right wingmedia saying something. You've got corporate mediasaying something else entirely, and you've got left wingers saying something,and then we're trying to be the ones giving you the actual truth,and you'll see us criticize our own side. You'll see us, criticize Democrats,Republicans, etc. But that doesn't meanwe're necessarily right, right. So how can you tell? Well, let's look at, quotes fourand five here, from Mitch McConnell and,.

And see if that gives us a clueas to who was happy with the bill and who wasn't and who changed their mind. So Punchbowl News reports McConnell toldGOP senators that before border security talks began, immigration policy unitedRepublicans and Ukraine aid divided them. Quote, politics on this have changed,McConnell said of solving the crisis at the US-Mexico border. That's because former President DonaldTrump wants to run his 2024 campaign focusing on immigration. So before Donald Trump spoke,McConnell said, if you put the border.

Provisions we want in, we'll giveyou the Ukraine and Israel funding. After Trump spoke,Mitch McConnell said it has changed. In fact, graphic five quote,McConnell saying we don't want to do anything to undermine him. – That's Donald Trump.- God, it's just so so who's right? Who's wrong? Well, I told you Republicansgot everything they wanted. And then McConnell accidentally said,yeah, we changed our position because Donald Trump saidhe doesn't want to help Biden.

And so they took the everything that theDemocrats gave them, that they asked for. And they said, even though you gave useverything now because of Trump, we don't want it and we don't want border security. Let them pour inbecause we want to blame Biden for it. We don't actually care. We don't. I mean, every Republican talks about,oh, the scourge of fentanyl crossing the border. They're murdering our kids now.They go, good, good, good. Keep murdering kids.

We're going to blame it on Biden,on fentanyl. We love it. Keep doing it. We're going to blame Biden. Yeah. Neither party cares about how fentanyl. Fentanyl has destroyed communities,destroyed lives has led to, at this point, over 100,000 overdose deaths per year. Neither party cares. They like to point to these issuesduring their campaigning. But once the campaign is over, once theelection is over, once they have secured.

Their position of power, all of a suddenthe drug overdoses don't matter at all. So let's be clear they don'tcare about the fentanyl coming in from the border at all. Yeah. So it's a talking point for them. It's disgusting. So on that point fentanylkills 100,000 people a year. Americans, real Americans who die,gun violence kills nearly that number. So that's a massive I think it'saround 60,000, if I'm not mistaken. So that's 160,000 dead Americans. Right.

But what are they all trying to do? Pass a bill that gives $60 billionto Ukraine, $14 billion to Israel, money to Taiwan, etc.. Because they're worried about terrorismthat might affect or wars that affect those countries. They're doing nothing here.Fentanyl guns zero. Both parties nothing. Nothing. Yes, the Democrats are better on guns,but it doesn't matter as soon as the Republicans say no.

Okay, sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up.Filibuster parliamentarian. We can't do anything.There's no way we can do anything. So as we get slaughtered here, neitherparty does anything except help the defense contractors get richer by fundingmore wars that have nothing to do with us. So that's the American government. And then meanwhile, you have liars likeLaura Ingraham going out there and going, oh, the real problem is if we try to fix the border, it'll they'll it'll be woke. They're going to create jobsfor woke people.

Is the border going to get woke? Does the border wake up and go, oh my God,I don't mind gay people or black people. Boom. Border, go back to sleep. The border is going to start preaching. – Die.- Oh yeah, that's what's. Going to happen. – We're going to have die at the border.- Yeah. And guys, look, if you're MAGA, look. Seriously guys, seriously,when she says dumb stuff like that,.

You really believe the problem is thatthat the border agents are too woke. It's the same border agentsthat were under Trump. They didn't fire all the border agentsand hire all new border agents. It's the same exact border agentsthat were under Trump. Now all of a sudden they all went wokeand they're like, where's gay people? We love them. We go, we're going to give everythingto gay people and black people. You really believethat there's something wrong with you? Brothers and sisters, man,please go check yourself out.

If you believe insanity like that,please don't believe obvious lies. Hey, thanks for watching the video. We really appreciate it guys,and we appreciate it if you become members because that allows us to be independent,honest, progressive, all the things that you don't get from corporate mediaand all of that is because of you guys. Hit the join button belowand become one of us. Become a young Turk.

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3 thoughts on “Laura Ingraham: Border Invoice Would Handiest Hire A Bunch ‘Woke Folks’

  1. ah yes, expanded deportations is factual what the overall woke other folks desire, lol, and I’m certain the border patrol is going to change into potentially the most woke company ever, for the reason that total woke other folks are factual death to enroll to extinguish deportations, lol, sorry, Laura any Congressperson who is basically exquisite-minded on this bill is no longer any longer going to factor in it’s miles woke, if Republicans desire to solve the border this bill will amble without problems, if it’s miles DOA as Mike Johnson says, then I declare Republicans in congress care for delivery borders, and don't give a crap about keeping the American other folks.

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