Laura Ingraham: ‘Gain Trump’ efforts are ‘already sinking’


Laura Ingraham: 'Gain Trump' efforts are 'already sinking'

Jack gets smacked that's the focus of tonight's angle it's been a wild week in law fair land the get Trump Express may be headed for a derailment first the Supreme Court announced it was taking the Trump Appeal on presidential immunity at the end of April and you wouldn't know this but guess what those who claim that these.

Cases will protect the legitimacy of Elections the legitimacy of Institution s are now attacking the legitimacy of the high court for its decision it's absolute partisan this is garbage this is an absolute disgusting abuse of power they're putting nine weeks of days and they are burning them for Donald Trump in Donald Trump's interest so as to.

Protect Donald Trump from the possibility of being held to account everyone needs to understand that is what they are doing this is BS you are doing this as a dilatory tactic to help your political your political friend your partisan Patron that's disturbing about the future legitimacy of the Court Rachel's rule when the court.

Doesn't go our way I meaning her way it's illegitimate they're flailing uh once again Donald Trump trying to run out the clock we have to hope and pray that voters reject him uh when they have a chance to vote this November so that if the justice department and justice has not been served that it will be served after the.

Election Adam's still mad that that Mueller report didn't go his way and the News kept getting worse for the Democracy Defenders at a morning Hearing in the classified docs case against President Trump federal judge aen Cannon signaled that Jack Smith suggested July 8th trial date would be a no-go because the trial.

Uh time frame for all the motion work that has to be done would be far too compressed that totally makes sense of course Trump's lawyers want this travesty to be postponed until after the election or I have an idea how about holding off until and unless Joe Biden is brought up on charges for his own concealment of government records all.

Right meanwhile not a good idea to keep digging when you're already sinking but that's what Smith's office did when his associate intimated that the judge wasn't moving quickly enough to which she turly replied I can assure you that in this building there's a good deal of judicial work going on o now our reporters David spont and Jake Gibson.

Are reporting that if they had to choose a date for the federal appeal Trump's legal team said they could do August 12th to avoid running right up into the election of course if a trial takes let's say six weeks which is what they're projecting keeping Trump in a courtroom now that's the ultimate in election interference isn't it but.

Clearly this guy just doesn't care he's willing to dis spense with the doj manual that highly discourages bringing cases against candidates that would impact the election because of the timing it's a so-called 60-day rule even though it doesn't mention 60 days of course Smith's office says that they're in.

Compliance but really they're willing to skirt the recommendations because after all there's always a trump exemption now regardless of when the trial starts Trump's legal team has played this smartly so far and judge Canon's concern about the unfairness of a rush schedule when you look at that calendar I mean you can really see what the judge was.

Referring to which is if Jack Smith tries to find a path for the federal cases it's a very narrow path everything has to go exactly right there can't be any winds that blow them off course now keep this in mind Smith brought the indictments last year but judge Canon and chuin control their own calendars the doj manual doesn't govern.

Their schedule final decisions at all and merri Garland will become I think pressured to push these trials off until after the election if it turns out they're rolling over into the campaign but how twisted this all is they wage a multi-front campaign of lawfare against a leading presidential candidate interfering with the election.

Because again they alleg he interfered in the 2020 election now Americans are seeing this for what it is which is why Trump's numbers remain strong through this multi-layered legal charade he's still up over Biden by six points and that's the angle now it's not just the timing of the federal trials.

That's up in the air they may be taking the load off Fanny permanently as in removing Fanny Willis from the case she brought in fton County uh against Trump for election interference closing arguments took place today and lawyers for the Trump codefendants well I think they trounced Miss Willis is telling everyone in that church and everyone.

That's going to hear that in the media afterwards that these defendants are guilty the uncontroverted evidence shows that Mr Wade lavishly spent on Miss Willis the uncontroverted evidence shows that the money that he was spending on Miss Willis came from this contract there is a direct Financial benefit that Miss Willis received from this I believe.

We've shown an actual conflict that conflict is not just Financial it can be any conflict that impairs your independent professional judgment that's really embedded in the prosecutor's oath to act impartially that's the original sin from which all of the other problems flow there's no boyfriend exception think of the message that would be sent.

If they were not disqualified if this is Toler righted we'll get more of it this office is a global laughing stock because of their conduct that's an understatement I love the there's no boyfriend ex exception line that could have been my favorite all right of course the state of Georgia rejected the idea that Fanny wills's.

Conduct with Mr Wade or her church tie raade amounted to any ethical breach they even dismissed the idea that 12,000 I saw this 12,000 who has that much to say uh of of texts and calls between her and Mr raid Wade was in any way significant in indicating the depth of their relationship hey Sean Hannity here hey click here to subscribe to Fox.

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