Laura Ingraham: Or no longer it is three strikes and Nikki Haley is out


Laura Ingraham: Or no longer it is three strikes and Nikki Haley is out

Good evening everyone I'm Laura Ingram this is Ingram angle from Washington tonight still winning that's the focus of tonight's Angle now our nation's billionaires did not get rich and Powerful because they love to make bad Investments they got rich and Powerful because they've made good Investments and at least one.

High-profile Nikki Haley donor has decided she's a bad investment we learned today that LinkedIn founder Reed Hoffman a Biden supporter and Haley backer announced that he's ending his support for her after her double digit New Hampshire loss also more bad news for Nikki a republican fundraiser told CNBC on Wednesday that three clients who.

Each helped Haley raise up to $100,000 for the campaign are now opting out of assisting her so this bad fundraising news followed Haley's pitiful postlaw spinorama today we got close to half of the vote this race is far far from over there are dozens of States left to go with Donald Trump you have one bout of chaos after another this court case that.

Controversy this tweet I've long called for mental competency tests for politicians over the age of 75 he should have no problem standing on a debate stage with me the first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate is going to be the party that wins this election now now this is simply very shortsighted on haly's part now she.

Might not have liked our advice for the past week to drop out of the race but it's been accurate the angle's advice on this has turned out to be 100% on spot now if she keeps on this path she's going to convince people that she's a bush Cheney Republican and then her career will really be over now everyone needs to understand this how significant.

Trump's New Hampshire win was to give you some historical perspective in 1980 Reagan lost the Iowa caucuses in 88 George HW Bush lost the Iowa caucuses in 2000 George W bush lost the New Hampshire Primary in 2016 remember Trump lost the Iowa caucuses but this year Trump won both Iowa and New Hampshire even though the governors in both of.

Those States opposed him and even though his opposition outspend him in both States it's a tremendous Victory and it shows the extent to which Republican voters Trust on the issues the BBC's headline it's Trump's party now and then Fox uh voter analysis showed that Haley's only got 28% of registered Republicans.

28% 70% voted for Donald Trump now that's because a good chunk of Haley's votes come from self-proclaimed moderates or from people who changed their party registration to vote for her a couple of months ago now these voters did not show up because they're wild about Nikki they didn't vote for her because they're wild about her oh yeah.

Nikki no they showed up because they want to stop Trump I voted for Nikki haly and it was certainly a strategic vote and while I wouldn't vote for her in a general election particularly on our differences with uh climate change solution and women's right to bodily autonomy I think a vote for Nikki Haley is helps diminish Trump's influence why.

Did you vote for Nikki Haley uh it's a vote against Trump if it was Nikki Haley against Joe Biden in a general election who are you voting for Joe Biden how I mean it's just sad this point for her to run around the country carrying water for the people who despise the GOP base as her frenetic surrogates desperately try to convince.

You that her collapse is not inevitable two states down 48 to go it's only become a one-on-one race uh literally in in the past couple weeks she's really ramped up the attacks on him let's face it he's effectively the incumbent president so that's a hard Hill to climb to for sure but she's but every time there's a hill in Nikki Haley's way she.

Climbs it she knocks it down she pushes everybody out of the race she's got one more Hill to climb and that's to beat that's to beat Trump in her home state man I think it's time to switch to decaf now even Politico is reporting now what we've been saying for weeks if Haley thinks her home state will deliver her first win it's highly unlikely she's.

Cruising toward Jeb bushville any momentum Haley can claim out of New Hampshire runs into daunting polls and an expensive month-long campaign to reverse them in a state where if not for her connections should likely have little chance of success now other Republicans have challenged Trump and have gone on to remain very influential.

And extremely well respected there's a certain amount of space in which everyone in a party can disagree on issues so people like Ted Cruz is going to join us in a few moments Marco Rubio ran Paul and Ronda santis they all did that but if the voters think that you're truly against them and on the side of Liz Cheney and the Never trumpers they.

Will never forgive you oh and it's not true by the way that Republicans who you know have to step aside need to bow down to Trump that's just a media creation forget about that but the more that Haley takes big money from Trump haters the more she repeats Democrat talking points about his mental Fitness or his you know perceived to look down on Trump.

And his voters the harder it's going to be for her to find her way back to the Republican party which I think she ultimately wants to go back to now just listen to the loudest voices begging her to stay in the race for Nikki Haley there's only one way through this there's a I mean there's light way down there at the end of the tunnel you keep.

Going uh and and maybe you don't win outright but you win a war of attrition if you're the donor class that wants Trump gone you tell her thuck it out for a few months I'm going to put some more money in your bank account did she say Thug it out yes she did now I actually have more respect for joy re than the other guy who spoke.

Before her in that little Montage now even Texas moderate John Corin has decided to give up the dream of someone other than Trump last night he said that he's seen enough and it's time to unite to beat Biden look this isn't complicated if you want to be the Republican nominee in 2028 or 2032 or 2036 you're going to have to be able to.

Credibly stand and say Donald Trump did a fantastic job as president he tried to do the best he could for this country he was unfairly persecuted by the doj and for that we celebrate him and his accomplishments and guess what the voters are actually going to have to think that you meant what you said now one of Trump's goto lines on the trail.

Watch I will never let them take away your freedom never let them take it away they want to silence me because I will never let them silence you and in the the end they're not after me they're after you but I just happen to be standing in their way and I will always be in their way now that resonates because it's how many voters feel that.

Their own government not only doesn't care about you know them but doesn't care that their policies are hurting the middle class they actually think the government hates them they hate your values they hate your big mega churches they hate your big gas guzzling cars your big families and yeah they don't even like your patriotism too much but.

Trump's message will essentially be remember when you go to vote for me you're really voting for yourselves that will work huge for him in South Carolina and then it's three strikes and Nikki's out and that's the angle hey Sean Hannity here hey click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews.

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