Lawrence: Jeffrey Dahmer’s individuals were in courtroom for him. Trump is alone.


Lawrence: Jeffrey Dahmer's individuals were in courtroom for him. Trump is alone.

What do you think was going through your uncle's mind in that courtroom and what what he might be thinking tonight first and foremost probably thank goodness I only sit here for three hours today um but uh other than that he must know that it's not going well and one of the things that I find really quite interesting is the extent to which.

He seems incapable of connecting with the jury um so I'm I'm going to be very interested in in seeing how that plays out but more than anything else Lawrence and I know other people have commented on it but it's incredibly important uh it's it's the extent to which he's in has no control over the situation and he needs control in order to project the.

Image that he's been able to project for so long without that control it all falls apart I mean we we know that Donald is a very weak person uh or at least some of us know that and that his ego is a very fragile thing that needs to be bolstered in every moment he needs the rallies he needs the Applause in the dining room at moral Lago um because he.

Knows deep down he's nothing of what he claims to be you know he's just this frightened little boy um but with the help of a lot of smoke and mirrors and sycophants he's been able to convince other people people and himself that he's actually uh a successful tough killer and you know we hear that word come up but it's a very important word.

In Donald's psychological history um and without the control without being able to control the lighting or the temperature without being able to leave or use his phone without permission which he probably wouldn't get it all starts to unra and what I think we're going to see um in terms of his desperation in his.

Hallway rants before and after and his inability to um stop glaring at people or you know uh his inability to connect with the people who have in some sense his future in their hands um that he can't kid himself anymore about his power and his place and his privilege and what's probably even worse he can't kid anybody else either and he knows it.

He I I have the feeling he's always been wrong about how he comes across to People by which I mean I know some people were completely Charmed by him and liked him and I mean this in the pre politician era uh but he always came across as uh you know just a a v as as spy magazine called him a vulgarian which I always thought was the perfect.

If you allowed a single adjective about Donald Trump uh this is a very very small-minded vulgarian and and certainly what I've always thought about him he could never have you know Charmed me in any way and most people I know but he doesn't know that he had he never had any idea that there were people who were not just immune to him but took an.

Active dislike for what he obvious ly uh represented and so his disconnect from the jury must also include this mistake he's made his whole life of thinking that everybody thinks I'm great yeah and listen he's had a lot of help uh you know fragile systems Bend towards the most dysfunctional person in them and we've seen this time after time.

In Donald's life uh The Ground Zero for this was my family of of course um and then it was the Republican party and then it was the doj both in his administration and in President Biden's Administration Time After Time After Time uh we've seen um that people in those systems make a choice whether it's alien Cannon or Bill bar or the Supreme.

Court or Merck Garland whether it's out of fear or favor they intentionally or not consciously or not come down on the side of protecting or elevating Donald Trump so it isn't it's not any wonder that he would think that he would be able to control any situation he's in and that's why we're going to be seeing some some very uh potentially Disturbing.

Behavior from him in the courtroom and outside of it and you know after what four or five days it's already manifesting itself yeah I mean he's attacking uh the jury tonight he's attacked the jury once before uh in a direct violation of the gag order on him and that's the first thing the judge has to rule on tomorrow.

Is how much has Donald Trump violated that gag order yeah and uh judge m is in a a similar situation in deciding what side I I shouldn't put it that way uh what kind decision he's going to make is he as Andrew Weissman suggests you should not going to judge out of fear or favor and that's what should happen because uh.

The whole idea that Donald is a victim here of anybody but himself or the whole idea that the system is rigged against him uh and that it's much more fair to everybody else is just laughably absurd of course and it's about time that this madness stopped because we know that Donald endangers people's lives and we know that we as you pointed out earlier.

We've already seen that there are jurors who are understandably quite concerned about how this trial and their participation in it their willingness to do their civic duty may put them s in In Harm's Way uh which is just unacceptable so the uh Donald Trump's uh defense lawyer Todd blanch said this in his opening statement today he's not.

Just Donald Trump that you've seen on TV and read about and seen photos of he's also a man he's a husband he's a father and he's a person just like you and just like me uh now I don't know why he didn't include Uncle uh since you're out there but um so this point about he's a husband and and a.

Father that's the first time and I've been in a lot of uh criminal courtrooms watching trials the first time I have seen a criminal defense lawyer describe his client as a husband and a father without without having the wife and the children in the front row of the courtroom uh this is something that I've never seen not actually made manifest in.

The courtroom uh before Donald Trump's in that courtroom alone Jeffrey Dahmer's parents were there there every single day it is it is very hard uh to to find a courtroom where the criminal defendant doesn't have a relative sitting there in the front row yeah well a couple a couple of things about that um first of all it's.

Another example of how uh he he perverts systems or expectations um for anybody else that would just be daming right uh just s the way he talks about dogs would be damning um how many times have we heard that his bizarre behavior that that he engages in bizarre behaviors or just doesn't conform in a way that that a a reasonably well adjusted human being.

Would but like everything else about him it just kind of gets baked in right um so but it is let's it's worth uh pausing um about how un unfair un unreal bizarre strange unacceptable weird whatever adjective you want to use it is that he is there alone in terms of friends and family um I think it is worth pointing out one I.

Don't think he cares I don't think it matters to him that is not where he gets his energy that is not what gives him soless to the extent that anything does he's more upset about the fact that there aren't more people outside protesting on his behalf right but it also points to uh the bizarre thing about my family that every transaction.

In this family is a transactional one um I'm sorry every relationship I should say is a transactional one um his kids have decided for whatever reason that it's not worth their time for them to be in their courtroom because they're not going to get anything out of it that's that's the way this family rolls hey everyone MSNBC has a new and.

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3 thoughts on “Lawrence: Jeffrey Dahmer’s individuals were in courtroom for him. Trump is alone.

  1. Perfect fancy what he does to his acquire participants that voted for him, and they’re in actual fact in Jail. Trump is inquisitive about himself and now by himself going by the court docket of his acquire chums. He will die a sad sack of diaper.

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