LIVE: 1 ineffective, several injured in taking pictures at Chiefs Colossal Bowl parade in Kansas Metropolis


LIVE: 1 ineffective, several injured in taking pictures at Chiefs Colossal Bowl parade in Kansas Metropolis

You can still hear the sirens coming in even as Terry was able to get this uh information from uh Kansas City Police Department that put out this statement about two armed individuals that have now been detained so Alex from what you can see does it look like the situation um is is now under control as they are moving the victims out and police say.

That there have been two people detained we're now seeing uh a caravan of buses right now not sure where the Kansas City Chiefs are where the team is the players do you have any idea and can you see this Caravan uh going across the bridge right now yeah we can see some of the Caravan here Kira it's behind me and I can sort.

Of point you in that direction over there um it was in that general area that the crowd sort of underneath or near that bridge area that the crowd started to run when apparently those uh gunshots erupted uh to give you an idea yeah this was packed with families children men women all kinds of people who have been here all day so of course.

You can imagine the kind of panic that begins when you hear gunfire and when you see crowds beginning to run uh the people in the front start to run of course the people in the back start to run and that creates a massive uh movement of a lot of people at once and that's what we saw happen here Kira uh it's unclear to us at this point just.

How active the situation is and it seems from what Terry read there from the police department and what we're seeing from the Kansas City Police Department on Twitter they're still trying to figure out what exactly happened at this point uh there appears according to the Kansas City Police Department to be some shooting victims and at least two people.

In custody at this point uh if I move out of the way here you might be able to see in that direction over there there's uh an ambulance uh with its lights uh down below uh there there are a number of police officers sort of around the perimeter and watching uh the area here uh Kira and Terry so this is defin definitely still an active scene when.

This occurred the teammates the team the players here were no longer on stage and as far as we know had sort of evacuated the area how close they were to the area at the time uh of of this shooting remains unclear to us but they were no longer on stage when this erupted they were gone but the crowd was still here and that's how uh uh we we we noticed.

What was going on when we saw that chaos and we saw those people running there Kira in Terry of course this is sort of a a sad note after what was a very happy day for a lot of people here in Kansas City they got up early they came out to support their team people were here for hours this first time they have back-to-back Super Bowl championships so.

People were excited and in a good mood and this certainly puts a negative uh sad note on all of this uh Kira and Terry of course this is an allamerican event right a Super Bowl Parade that now has been struck by some kind of of gun violence as Alex just said after it concluded do I have that right that the event itself was over Alex when this.

Shooting uh seems to have occurred that's correct Terry the event was over the team had sort of cleared the stage there were a few people who were still cleaning up and and kind of picking up things off the stage and the crowd had already began to disperse that's when we heard uh the the sort of commotion the chaos people running and.

And then later found out that there were gunshots uh just to the west side near the parking garage of Union Station right here this whole event happening right outside of Union Station guys so just to recap what we know Kansas City Police they've been pretty good about putting things out uh on Twitter now known as X of course uh they first uh.

Did confirm that shots were fired uh there around the Union Station area they were asking everybody to leave then they followed up saying that they were working to clear the area of Union Station um including everybody that was inside the building as well uh they said they were still trying to determine how many people had been shot so uh police.

Uh definitely uh have at least at this moment when they put the U the Tweet out that um they they were feeling pretty confident there was there were numerous victims several is the word in their press relas all right several people that were shot and then we've we we we got some information from our Affiliates uh the news Chopper 9 UM we've been.

Taking various footage from the from the helicopter actually uh zeroed in on emergency crews there in the area that were working on at least two people that's what the affiliate there Terry was confirming we saw one individual being worked on but one of the Affiliates saying that they actually saw uh rescue crews working on at least two.

Victims we we saw at least one of them put on a stretcher taken uh to the ambulance there apparently uh according to our affiliate that police were running towards Union Station after those shots were fired as Alex mentioned you know already it's a big event right there there are thousands of people there at Union Station in the streets.

Getting ready for this parade the police were of course uh there present yeah they have snipers in certain places they've got to secure the area higher up on the ground I mean they're they're they're used to to having big events like this and security is always put super gos they've done this a few times absolutely absolutely but unfortunately.

It leaves the opportunity for things like this to happen too we have no idea uh who the the shooters shooters are at this point we know two people are detained hopefully that'll bring about some answers yeah let's bring in our consultant uh on many many issues on on these kinds of incidents Brad Garrett formerly an official with the FBI now.

Our ABC News consultant on many law enforcement issues Brad I just want you to train your sensibility on what we know so far the fact that this happened at the end after the end of the official ceremonies can one draw from that that the ceremony itself wasn't targeted that this is something that happen in the spillover.

Afterwards so probably you're right Terry that the event the actual event itself was not the target I mean without knowing one other thing does this have the flavor of a dispute maybe between Chiefs and 49er fans who knows or domestic it it could be any of many things but the point being because it's in a Union Station after the event it.

Could be driven by interactions between people hostilities between people for whatever reason and not not targeting the event itself and that's important to know because if in fact it were a target of the event what are the tentacles to that you know are there bombs are there other people I mean it doesn't have any of that flavor of course I'm only.

Suggesting if it's something driven by interactions anger rage between either knowing groups or people just got mad at each other after the event and some had guns uh and people were shot I mean that does conf find it and hopefully some version of that will be true yeah I'm just watching our ABC affiliate uh there in in Kansas City and they are.

Saying that several people were struck um that uh two people are in custody we reported that but they are now saying that several people uh were struck uh in within that gunfire still looking to see if they have any more information uh with regard to who fired those guns uh what led to this um but the Apparently Kansas City Fire.

Department is confirming that the shooting did happen and they're still calling it a fluid situation which of course means they're still trying to figure out how to contain the whole area make sure they do have the two uh and only two Shooters in custody while we are continuing to see um what looks like uh can you.

See what's going on here people being cleared from the I want this so given the uncertainty and the size of this scene right I mean they have a sense it seems where the gunshots happened but this is a vast event huge scene uh figuring out what happened you know and securing it protecting the people who are first getting them out of.

The way and figuring out that in fact they have the scene secured that could take a while yeah oh there's no doubt it could take a while I mean there's some key things Terry that have to happen uh immediately review of cameras and Witnesses and of course Deep dive quickly very quickly into the alleged two Shooters uh because.

All of that may give you a picture rather quickly in other words if the cameras tell you that it's one group confronts another one pushes the other folks pull out guns that sort of gives you the flavor what you might have versus somebody who walks up behind a group or walks into a crowd and start shooting anyone that's near them that's.

Probably a different type of event or person uh but the combination of those because witnesses can be extremely helpful I get that people are can be unreliable as to what they tell you at a scene but I'll tell you dozens of scenes where have been where there were a lot of people pieces of information end up being accurate if you can link it to the.

Video and you can link it to information that they may already potentially have on the two shooter would be shooter ERS uh you may have a picture you want a picture quickly obviously to your earlier point of is this just an interaction inside Union Station or does is there something more to it than that going to keep following it for sure if.

You're just tuning in once again you're looking at live pictures there from Kansas City uh where the parade was taking place thousands of people flooding the streets to celebrate their Super Bowl champs uh Patrick Mahomes was seen holding the Super Bowl trophy members of the team there uh there was a performance taking place on a stage and.

Then gunfire broke out we know that at least according to our ABC station there uh two people were being worked on one of whom right there where the police tape has marked off that area we did see one person being transported to an ambulance and now two people are detained we're trying to figure out why this happened who was involved uh how.

Those uh victims are are fairing we're going to work every angle to this story and bring you the latest details right after a quick break stay with us whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon main the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC.

News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey en rolling for This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go.

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You're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's.

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Many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with for Edward R mural Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News.

Make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here here we go hello everyone I'm Terry Moran and I'm Kira Phillips We are continuing to follow this breaking news story out of Kansas City Missouri what started out as a massive celebration uh.

To lift up their Super Bowl champs unfortunately uh has taken an awful turn um we are reporting now and can confirm via the Kansas City Police that a shooting did take place two people have been detained uh and there could be numerous victims now several people the police department says were struck by gunfire we have seen uh through this.

High shot from our affiliate uh two people put on stretchers and taken away the police are trying to secure the scene they they evacuated the crowd the crowd was already departing the the area the event itself the ceremony itself the celebration had ended when this shooting took place so let's bring in ABC News correspondent Alex Perez he is there in.

Kansas City AB news contributor former Chief of detectives for the NYPD Bob Boyce and ab news contributor and former FBI agent Brad Garrett so Alex first to you on the scene what can you tell us uh yeah Terry it was uh happiness and laughter all morning up until the very end of this rally the rally concluded the players left the stage and shortly.

After that we noticed Chaos on the field here where the crowd had gathered you might be able to see all that green down there that field that was as you seen in other images covered with thousands of people that had gather gathered here all day and when those shots were fired the crowd began to move as a group you can imagine the panic and the cave chaos.

There were parents here there were children here there were uh uh friends a lot of people thousands of people gathered here to watch this which was peaceful up until this moment when we heard uh they heard those gunshots down there and began running and right after we saw that crowd that mob of people start to move away from Union Station.

This is all happening in front of Union Station uh here in Kansas City we began to hear sirens both ambulance sirens and uh police law enforcement sirens and we continue to hear them you can probably pick them up uh in the background here uh from Kansas City Police we understand they're still trying to figure out what exactly occurred they know there was a.

Shooting we know that they say they have detained two people connected to this shooting they also have said Kansas City Police that several people have been struck by that gunfire their conditions at this point uh we do not know uh this remains a very active situation you hear all those sirens uh it seems to us authorities are still trying to uh get a.

Grasp on what exactly happened and also trying to secure the area Union Station huge massive building there were people in there we believe authorities holding some of those people in there and slowly releasing them as they Tred to get a good idea of what exactly happened here now uh uh Kira and Terry I can tell you that uh you know the mayor of Kansas.

City said safety was of the utmost importance to him uh when he spoke about this yesterday he said they were going to have 600 police off officers on the 2m long Parade route and also they were working with 24 different law enforcement agencies to make sure that this entire event the parade and the rally was safe as soon as we heard uh.

That commotion and the crowd moving we started to hear those sirens and officers moving in so no doubt that response was very quick but of course uh for those that were standing here uh perhaps not quick enough because uh it it was some moments of panic for a lot of people here Cara Terry completely understandably Alex a heartbreaking.

Moment for for the city of Kansas City for the whole country really as this day of Celebration turns into yet another American gun violence nightmare let's go to Bob Boyce uh who's formerly with the NYPD and Bob I want to ask you what the police uh are doing right now I mean the New York City obviously has hand a lot of cities like a lot of uh events like.

This this is the nightmare scenario isn't it it is and I will tell you as a veteran of many Yankee day uh celebrations Championship ticket tap parids they can be the crowds can be Ming a lot of planning goes into these things where you can get resources to an area quickly so you have Frozen zones and you have sectors and you map this.

Out this was a two- mile run which is which is pretty challenging in any urban area so also a post event strategy as well to get people out of there safely and that's what they're doing right now look at these Transportation hubs they right away you you you uh you help the aid it's immediately person shot and you try to figure out what's going on.

Through video and things like that in an urban area you have gangs that show up to these things too I'm not saying that's what it is but it's a possibility so these things also have to be Ved out you have high elevation spotters to see what's going on so right now it's it's it's chaotic it's getting people to the hospital getting statements getting.

Witnesses freezing up whole areas that's what's going on right now all right so we do have uh we were able to roll some tape on uh it was like uh right after those shots were fired let's go ahead and take a listen yep you could you could hear the shots there very briefly a series of.

Them and obviously the people closer to bolted other people not quite sure what's going on right at the moment as all of those people celebrating uh the Kansas City chief Super Bowl Championship uh now heading out fleeing really the scene uh let's go to Pierre Thomas here in Washington Pier another I should say I want to say.

Shocking but in some ways it isn't is it day uh with gun violence in America what what is the federal role here have you got a sense have they have they uh weighed in are they offering assistance to the Kans City Police Department no doubt they will Terry um I just spoke to some senior federal law enforcement officials here who are were just.

Becoming aware of this incident they're trying to get uh some some details uh hopefully once they get a summary often the local police department will send out some kind of summary to the broader law enforcement Community uh who the FBI has an office there uh ATF Marshals they will all be you know descending offering help if possible and the One Source I.

Just spoke to just said look this is America guns are ubiquitous which means that this could be anything from tempers flaring to a robbery to something you know more Sinister we just don't know yet but that is the common denominator that people have ready access to weapons which means even at something like this A celebratory event bad things can.

Happen so Bob question for you um Terry actually noticed it you know as we've been following these live pictures from the the news helicopter uh there was that we know that that two individuals had been detained um in the shooting that's taken place but there was another uh man there down on the ground in handcuffs that police uh were talking to.

Uh didn't see them put him into a police car but he was handcuffed what what could be that scenario somebody that might have seen something known something it probably it could also be someone who just was disrupting uh the situation but what could the scenarios be of of the the man that we did see in handcuffs but not being taken away.

Sure at this point you you really need him to tell you what happened on so he's probably aggressive at first and now you want to calm him down he may be uh placed under arrest for that um for acting acting out but you need his information so you don't want to take him away so you put him in the back of a car hopefully at some point and you.

Start talking to them there you need immediate information because people are still at hand that was a lot of shots I heard here um that's that's tells me there could be more than one shooter and uh with that many shots innocent people are going to get hit yeah Alex Perez you're you're there um uh on the scene you know what was a story that you've.

Been covering all day that was all about celebration and uh lifting up the Super Bowl champs and a massive parade and thousands of people filling the streets has now turned in to a really sad story where there are two people that have been detained and multiple uh victims after a shooting broke out there near Union Station are are you learning.

Anything new uh yeah Cara without a doubt this puts a tinge of sadness on what was a very happy celebratory event uh Cara we're still trying to communicate with the Kansas City Police Department to get further details our understanding from them is that they actually themselves are still trying to figure out what.

Exactly happened uh we've seen on Twitter they have put out calls for people who may have witnessed something who may have videos who may have uh things they recorded on their phone to submit those to contact the police department uh it seems to us they're still trying to figure out what exactly unfolded here but as.

Someone said just a second ago there were thousands of people here when gunfire erupts in a crowd of thousands of people there is immediate chaos there's uh some people who perhaps are getting trampled as they're trying to get out of the way and then of course you have The Gunshot victims that according to the Kansas City Police.

Department there were several people who were struck so that immediately led to a quick reaction from authorities here on the scene Cara there were police officers police vehicles um ambulances and a number of other members of law enforcement who sort of rushed the scene to try to assess what exactly was going on uh if I step out of.

The way and you look just uh behind me over here to the uh the camera left of Union Station here you can see there's still a number of officers and ambulances there in that area over there trying to uh assess this situation um the crowd for the most part has dispersed but still some moments of of of chaos remaining for those that are.

Here trying to figure out what exactly happened we see a number of people there around uh what looks like a police vehicle from the distance here so uh perhaps they're also trying to get more information uh this situation uh Kira in Terry really catching so many people off guard they were here celebrating having a good time when suddenly gunfire.

Erupted this just awful and once again several people according to the Kansas City Police Department struck by that gunfire we saw saw uh a couple of victims being taken away on stretchers put into ambulances and and we assume taken to hospitals as well Kansas City like so many great American cities struggling with violence the the city.

Set a record for homicides in 2023 184 homicides in that City breaking the record set in 2020 and so this is we don't know what's happening here exactly but this is a city that has been fighting battling to keep the peace uh on its streets and we do have I understand some some sound from a witness to what was happening let's.

Let's roll that tape and listen to that all of a sudden people started crushing forward everybody started running there was screaming we didn't know what was happening but this day and age when people run you run and so I put my arms around her and we tried to push through so people wouldn't run on top of us and there was a woman crying saying.

Something about somebody had been shot ah and the Kansas City police I mean you can see here next to the woman that was uh being interviewed a younger gal next to her oh live pictures now of the drones you can see uh I'm sure uh the drones captured a lot of images I wonder if it looked like a balloon there oh was that okay well I know there are.

Drones up apparently uh we've been told from our producers but the Kansas City Police saying that a child reunification station has now been set up in the area as you we were looking at those uh two women being interviewed one looked pretty young it does uh bring up the point that look there were thousands of people out there families fans and also.

Young kids uh many of whom their parents might have been at work but they came out for the parade and so the Kansas City Police has now put out a child reunification uh station in the area 2301 Maine is where that's located it's inside the main entrance of Union Station uh so if you are concerned that you have not heard uh from your son your.

Daughter your kids you can um contact the Kansas City Police but they're telling you right now that at 2301 Maine just inside the main entrance of Union Station they've established a reunification uh area uh for those uh under 18 to connect with a guardian or a parent because as we just heard from those uh women in the sound we just.

Played that this was a panic of course you hear gunfire you run in a big crowd kids get lost people can get injured and that was the concern in the the chaos following the shooting here at at the rally for the Kansas City Chiefs in downtown Kansas City right in front of Union Station there let's go back to our Pierre Thomas Pier I just.

Had okay Bob Boyce if I could come back to you uh on you know what comes next I we are still in the in the middle the early minutes of this it does seem uh that at least on the outside of Union Station things are under control but um in until we hear from the police that there there's an all clear this is still an active shooter situation yeah it will.

Be and it will be an active crime scene so right now it seems to be under control but now they have the uh the massive tasking of finding Witnesses and getting video to find out who the shooters are first first things first you uh you give Aid to the uh to the injured and that's what they're doing right now hoping to speak to as many.

People as they can to find out what created this and how many shooters they are so right now you're looking for a you're looking for ballistic evidence to tell you how many different guns were involved in this that's that shot was it looked like it was a semi-automatic weapon at least that I heard that that that U that both gunshots we heard were.

Right successive in a row so that tells me that that someone has a high capacity magazine when I saw that so but that has to be figured out as well there's a lot of work going forward here but determining a motive right now is secondary to now claiming evidence and getting statements and and that scene is an.

Enormous scene I uh they have taken two men into custody they've detained two people according to the Kansas City Police Department armed uh they said so two people armed uh at the scene have been detained by the Kansas City Police Department uh and law enforcement uh we are reporting now um the federal state and local law enforcement warned as.

Recently as the runup to the Super Bowl that special events with large attendance and media coverage remain attractive targets not sure that let's go to Pier Tom on that our our justice department correspondent so Pierre uh that warning was put out it sounds you know about uh potential attacks doesn't sound at this point that's what we have.

This was after the event ended uh in the garage area near the garage according to the Kansas City Police Department a series of shots obviously we have no motive we we don't all we know is two armed men were taken into custody and we have several people struck by gunfire uh but this is the kind of thing as the justice.

Department warned as Department of Homeland Security warned the kind of event where people are vulnerable absolutely Terry and there there two scenarios that we're talking about here number one law enforcement has been in a heightened state of alert in general ever since the conflict in Israel and between Israel and Hamas uh.

They have said repeatedly over and over that the threat environment is toxic right now that you have various groups calling for violence rise in anti-Semitism rise in attacks against the Muslim Community that is what we are dealing with currently so anytime there's any kind of large scale event they are putting out notices reminding.

Local police to keep that in mind now separate and apart from this where we don't yet know the motive here in terms of why this took place it's the general issue of so many people including criminals and so many people with tempers and so many people with mental health issues having access to weapons it literally means that wherever you.

Have people you have the potential for gun violence and that's what we have here at minimum uh authorities are obviously hoping that it's a limited amount of people injured we still don't have concrete details on that just yet but again here you have a celebratory event people talking about the most watch Super Bowl their beloved Chiefs.

Wanted the Super Bowl uh Dynasty in the making and suddenly that celebration with children and all sorts of people happily there now running for their lives in some cases after they hear that very clear sound of gunfire we've been following our ABC affiliate KMBC here and they seem to be getting a lot of information coming in uh talking about.

The shooting that took place saying the Kansas City Fire Department does confirm it's still a fluid situation but our ABC affiliate uh is reporting that Kansas City Police say the shots were fired west of Union Station and that several people were struck again this is according to our ABC affiliate at least two armed individuals have been detained.

Uh kbc's uh reporter down there on the scene says that five people have been brought to Truman Medical Center of course this is according to our ABC affiliate reporting this uh and that three ambulances were seen going to the Children's Mercy hospital's emergency room uh just the thought uh that kids um uh could have been targeted or caught in.

This gunfire which brings me to you Bob and and what Pierre uh was saying um that this could have just been a lone attacker with no specific motive no political motive or or you know terrorist uh motive it looks like we're going to get one of the affiliate reporters up here uh pretty soon so maybe we'll be able to dive in.

And listen to what she has to say but this could have just been somebody that or or individuals that wanted wanted to inflict harm they could have been drunk and in a argument with somebody and opened fire we have absolutely no idea uh why uh shots broke out but we do know that several victims have been taken to the hospital possibly children uh and.

That two people have been detained after these shots were fired there at the Super Bowl uh celebration parade east side of Union Station let's listen do we want to listen to our affiliate reporter let's listen into our affiliate reporter okay while we're monitoring then I guess uh the affiliate reporter.

There uh Bob Boyce um you know we have to be very careful we have absolutely no idea what the motive could be at this point here we don't but we have two persons under arrest with gun for guns so that tells me the police were really close to this when it happened which does happen to these things it's happened to me you sh shots just feed.

Away from you so they made immediate arrest and that's important we don't know if they're the shooters yet or they just possessing those weapons but that'll tell us more as we go on and right now you see that the response was there but the crushing crowd you really get lost in the Ming suff of the noise the chaos so it's tough to figure these.

Things out initially it takes a little while to break it down all right uh once again our affiliate there KMBC uh Matt faner at KMBC reporting that there's police tape up at the university health Truman Medical Center he understands five people he's been told five people have been brought to the Truman Medical Center from the scene.

There he also says that three ambulances have gone into Children's Mercy hospital's emergency room as well and we do have sound of what appears to be the moment of the of the shooting itself if if there was one at least one of these shootings if there was more than one so let's listen in at the moment the gunfire broke.

Out you heard it uh uh so rapid fire rapid firing there several shots I wasn't able to count them and you did see the people closest to it obviously just uh starting to to to run from the sound of gunfire As Americans in too many places on too many days have to do and that is what we.

Are dealing with in Kansas City on the day of the Super Bowl celebration here uh let me go back to to Bob Boyce on sort of next steps for the police uh if in fact they have detained two men armed men and they had well first let me ask you this they've detained these two men what's the threshold uh for handcuffing we Al also saw someone in handcuffs uh.

Police just obviously can't walk up to people and handcuff them but do you have enhanced authorities in an emergency in emergency situation like this uh to detain people to Cuff people what are the rules for police officers in this emergency situation and something like this is not only arrest of course they use for.

Arrest but you articulate a reason to bring someone under control even temporary temporarily you can handcuff someone so that might be the issue here I didn't see it the Big Challenge here Terry everybody's wearing red so when you're looking at to identify someone In This Crowd it's everybody's wearing Kansas City Chief Red it's going to be.

Tough for the police on their video to actually identify someone this is this is a heighten challenge that you don't normally see in a crowd like this so that's what I'm looking for right now these two persons arrested for guns could be key players you check those magazines immediately and see if there are any fresh fires there and see if.

They match up to the Shell cases you find on the ground that'll happen quickly uh other than that you're going to see if they have any criminal um associations with other people that might have been there so Bob this is far from over it's it's not like you just kind of pack up and leave the scene I mean authorities.

Law enforcement are still there having to go through every single individual check every single individual move people to certain areas once they're cleared there's a reunification area now for kids to connect with their parents so by all means this is still fluid and it'll be fluid for a while because they've got to make sure that that.

Entire area and everyone present where that shooting was uh can be cleared right they do and they'll take the witnesses to a secondary location hopefully inside uh because your your daylight is ticking off at this point you really want to get as much done as you can while you have daylight so they'll bring in light.

Trucks now because they're going to be in for a long long night could be a couple days out here trying to figure things out that seems like a lot of shell casings and again the video plays a big role here you have detectives out right now trying to G gonner as much evidence as they can to figure this thing out and social media as well.

You're going to hear things on social media about this shooting that you have to glean as well it's important they're in for a couple days of hard work here there's no question at least five people shot we're hearing possibly more you know they have to be talked to whenever they become available to speak to again people with them you want as much.

Information as possible these are very challenging because everybody's dressed the same and you're trying to figure out you figure out who your shooter are what what created this what was the motive here did it happened prior and then it just blew out at the end of at the end of the parade possibly so a lot of things going on here early on they have.

A long night in front of them figuring this thing out a long night on and just uh for the historical nature of it the six years ago today was the shooting at Parkland High School uh where a 19-year-old opened fire on students and staff at margorie Stoneman Douglas High School there uh of course given the nature of.

Our lives in in the 21st century in the United States any day is likely to be an anniversary of some kind of gun violence let's let's go and um we have some more sound from Witnesses on the scene let's hear what we have yo there not just dropped off yo no.

Something happened definitely 100% this has been over 30 cop cars clearly somebody with a bird's eye view of what went down but what you've been seeing uh is the shooting that has taken place down there after the Kansas City Chiefs uh were having a parade the players were there Patrick Mahomes was.

Where right in the middle of it holding up his Super Bowl trophy there was a stage setup where they had music uh it was crowded thousands and thousands of people out on the streets you're looking at live pictures now of Union Station where apparently a shooting did break out two people have now been da detained according to our affiliate ABC affiliate.

There in Kansas City KMBC they are reporting that after those shots were fired that five people had been taken to Truman Medical Center also our affiliate reporting that three ambulances were seen going to Children's Mercy Hospital in the emergency room there we did have shots of some of the scenes that have been taped off now clearly the.

Investigation in full force still do not have a motive we still do not know who those two individuals are that have been detained but we do know that they were armed and police took them away immediately we are losing our helicopter shot there going now to the ground this is the beauty of Television we have Affiliates there covering this all types.

Of different kinds of Crews so we sort of tend to uh monitor all the various live shots and uh and and dip in uh as as we uh are getting these live pictures in now we're being told one person reported dead and nine injured so now what was supposed to be a celebration regarding the Super Bowl champs the Kansas City Chiefs and a massive parade.

That's been going on throughout the day it has ended with one person reported dead now and nine injured after gun now we're being told 10 injured 10 people injured one person reported dead after shots were fired two people now detained as this Kansas City chief Super Bowl celebration there on the street of Kansas City has now turned deadly turned.

Into a tragedy that that report from the Kansas City Kansas City Fire Department we going to special events David M will take over the cover this is an ABC News special report now reporting David mure good afternoon we're coming on the air as local news begins in much of the East and across the country at this hour we do have new reporting on the shooting at.

The end of the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl victory celebration this afternoon a crowd of about 1 million people had turned out for the event the shots were fired west of Union Station near the parking garage as the rally was ending initial reports had come in that multiple people had been shot we have just learned a Kansas City Fire official.

Now saying 8 to 10 people involved unclear for a time if those people were actually shot or the extent of their injuries but I want to bring in our senior investigative reporter Aon kerki because Aaron we're learning preliminary reports now that this is even more serious from the Kansas City Fire Department it could well and police had.

Said initially David that multiple people were shot and they had taken two armed people into custody for questioning as part of the investigation we're learning from Kansas City fire now and this is preliminary information and subject to change but Kansas City fire is telling ABC News one person is dead nine others are injured for a total of.

10 people uh that apparently have been shot were still assessing whether all of them were shot or whether they were injured in some other way but one dead nine injured and among the the injured uh five are said to be uh serious injuries and three critical and again that information just coming in from Kansas City fire from Kansas City fire.

And its preliminary information is we work to learn more but Kansas City Police had been on scene in forc for this Victory Parade for the Kansas City Chiefs as they celebrated their Super Bowl they were on scene and were able to take two armed people into custody very quickly right after these shots were fired near Union Station the historic.

Century old train station in Kansas City and now according to Kansas City fire preliminarily one person dead nine others injured and of course far too soon to say whether this was at all connected to the Celebration itself or whether this was other activity among other people at the tail end of this that's right one of the key questions.

Will be was this somehow due to an agenda a political or social agenda or was this the result of some kind of criminal activity and that may be where police are leaning at this point but they haven't said for sure but David how many times in advance of big Mass Gatherings like this have you and I talked about what the Department of.

Homeland Security and the FBI has said that given the environment in the country right now the potential for something uh has always been there but police in Kansas City have not said why these shots were fired just yet stick with us here our investigative reporter Aaron kki the moment you have more there Aaron just flag me here in the meantime.

You could actually hear the gunfire see the crowd suddenly rushing for safety uh during this moment of gunfire you're going to see images now from our ABC affiliate KMBC take a look you could hear the Gat sound there of the gunfire as it was erupting the crowd moving to get out of the area the Kansas City Chiefs were actually being.

Escorted off the stage when those shots were fired people obviously had already begun to head home police say several victims again struck uh initial reports 8 to 10 injured and as Aaron Cur just reported a preliminary report coming in from Kansas City fire that up to one person could be dead from this and of course these are early details coming in.

From the fire department we will have much more as the afternoon progresses here authorities say two people have been taken into custody both were armed I want to bring in Alex Perez who was on the scene to report on the parade itself the welcome home party for the Kansas City Chiefs uh and now of course this Alex can you describe the scene for.

Us well David it started as a joyous celebration and ended in tragedy there were literally thousands of people in this field behind me here those three arches you can see there uh over my shoulder that's Union Station the stage was set up right in front of Union Station the players were addressing the crowd from that stage the event the.

Rally had just ended it was wrapping up the players were starting to make their way off of the stage and that's when that gunfire erupted and David as you might imagine when there are thousands of people in a crowd close together and they hear gunfire immediately there's panic and there's chaos and there were hundreds of people that we saw running.

Out of the area trying to get somewhere safe uh we understand from the Kansas City Police Department this is still an active situation they're trying to figure out uh what exactly unfolded here just a few seconds ago David we saw what looked like a SWAT team sort of run into the garage uh building that is behind Union Station here uh so authorities are.

Still working to figure out what exactly happened here now when that gunfire erupted when the crowd began to rush out of the area we immediately began to hear sirens we heard ambulance sirens we heard police uh law enforcement sirens and those officers those members of law enforcement began to immediately flood the area David we know uh from the mayor.

Here that there were already 600 police officers deployed to the parade routes and to watch the area they were working with 24 different law enforcement agencies and of course their Federal Partners as well to make sure that this was a safe event and it appeared to be safe up until the very end and as we know now David as Aaron reported there.

Uh at least one dead and 8 to 10 injured here on the scene David and while the crowd has dispersed still a number of police officers uh remain on the scene uh trying to assess what's going on and we even still see some ambulances here on the scene David of course we again I can't underscore enough that those preliminary details coming in from.

Kansas City fire at this point involving the number of people potentially shot here Alex Perez describing the scene for us Alex our thanks to you uh we're told at this hour that a White House official telling ABC news they are closely monitoring the shooting of course uh at the end of the Super Bowl Parade federal law enforcement officials are on the.

Scene to Aid local officials there something uh that Aaron had told us earlier and in fact likely in place just because of the size and scope of this event uh you can see the pictures there of the crowd these were the pictures coming in from KMBC our ABC station uh moments after the gunfire you can see the sheer size of the crowd that had.

Gathered uh for the Super Bowl champs I want to bring in uh one last person here before we turn you over to your local news here in the East and then the rest of the country of course we'll have more coming up here on World News Tonight Pierre Thomas is our chief justice correspondent Pierre what are you learning from federal sources at this.

Hour well I spoke to a key Federal Source David who said there is no information so far coming from the scene suggesting terrorism or some kind of uh political act that it may again May early in the investigation appear to be something criminal David uh typically in a situation like this you'll have law enforcement at the federal level get a.

Quick sense if there's anything suggesting terrorism or some kind of political event obviously the source said they're just very concerned that guns are so ubiquitous so anytime you have a crowd that loud large and loud you could have a situation like this David uh the justice department white house uh ATF other agencies trying to.

Get information from the scene because they need to make sure that this was a contained event obviously very concerned either way David Pierre Thomas our thanks to you again multiple people shot the tail end of the Super Bowl victory celebration in Kansas City the Kansas City Chiefs were just being escorted off the stage this was uh west of Union.

Station near a parking garage there unclear if it was connected in any way to the Celebration the rally itself but obviously Federal and local authorities work concern given the sheer size of this crowd that had gathered uh and the security threat uh in this country the heightened temperature if you will across this nation our team is going to.

Continue to work this I know for many of you your local news teams are standing by our coverage will continue ABC News live and I'll be back with the entire team for World News Tonight just a short time from now I'm David mure in New York we'll see you then good day this has been a special report from ABC.

News David thank you hello everyone I'm Kira Phillips and I'm Terry moranda we continue to follow that breaking news at this hour one person is dead and nine others injured after a shooting at the Super Bowl victory parade in Kansas City authorities say at least two armed people have been detained it was a day of Celebration an allamerican day tens.

Of thousands of people gathered at this event and then chaos take a listen now to the moments shots rang out well you can see that people were swarming just after they heard those gun shot gunshots Witnesses describing what happened just moments after the shooting.

Listen all of a sudden people started crushing forward everybody started running there was screaming we didn't know what was happening but this day and age when people run you run and so I put my arms around her and we tried to push through so people wouldn't run on top of us and there was a woman crying saying something about somebody.

Had been shot let's bring in our ABC News contributor and former Chief of detectives for the NYPD Bob Boyce also our contributor here at ABC and former FBI agent Brad Garrett um so still uh Bob I'll start with you uh we're not sure of a motive uh in any way shape or form at this point we just know that.

There have been two individuals that have been detained uh and that uh we can confirm one person has died five people in serious condition three in critical one non-life threatening uh and that it's still a fluid situation and that there is a re reunification area that's been set up right there inside Union Station where parents uh can come and.

Connect with their kids who might have been there at the parade um but we also were listening uh to to the coverage there and and reading up what our affiliates are reporting Bob did you did you hear this as well that the players were actually up on that stage not far where that shooting uh took place because we did see a number of buses uh.

Taking off from the scene going across a bridge there do you think this uh shooting might have happened while the players uh were actually still at the rally you I from what I heard they were leaving the platforms at that point at when this when this broke out so the event was closing and people were moving out the players were leaving I'm sure.

They're enjoying the euphoric feeling of the of the incident uh this is what I said earlier that this post strategy on people leaving the event is so important and then so you really have to double down on your on your transportation hubs in the area uh I'm not familiar with the with the main station there but that could be headed towards that it's.

Unclear what broke out it's going to be quite a while before we determine the motive those persons arrested could help a lot out with telling us what happened what they saw when police officers go into to a scene like that they freeze the entire area that's probably how they made it to arrest and it was a key Point uh a lot of lot of Courage walking in.

When people are U running one way you're running the other so that's important to understand they have two arrests they have another person in custody we'll see what those arrests bring us all right Bob Boyce thank you very much uh so once again we are following this developing story let me go to Brad Garrett on this and Brad right now uh.

The police have two armed men in custody there have been no uh successive succeeding episodes no one no other shots as far as we know so what are they trying to do right now at the scene and Beyond determine exactly what happened what's going to be important Terry is as they have I assume some video perhaps of this location or at least the proximity.

Of this shooting did the two Shooters walk together did they come from outside Union Station maybe from the main event were they following anybody now granted this is going to be difficult to sort of assess initially but behaviorally you need to know kind of what are the Dynamics here is it one shooter against another shooter is it two Shooters.

Shooting at a a crowd of people or a group of people that they targeted for whatever reason I mean all of that combined with as Bob mentioned are these two people that obained giving you information as to what was going on here and why were they there and you can clearly do background quick backgrounds on them you'll get other agencies.

Involved like the FBI ATF Etc to see if if there's anything in their backgrounds that would suggest motive like drugs like terrorism whatever it might be doesn't look like it would be terrorism driven we just don't know enough yet but let's just see because that's a lot of people shock shot if it's just two people getting into it with each other.

It's there's something more here to this picture obviously than we know at this moment well and as we heard from our investigative correspondent Erin kerki it sort of seems like uh it may be leaning that way more toward uh an argument uh a dispute among uh individuals there at the parade versus any kind of terrorist activity uh there.

Are uh clearly pictures videos starting to come out uh online in particular through our ABC affiliate as well uh where you see police talking to individuals some in handcuffs some on the ground um we do know that two individuals have been detained and um hopefully we will know soon what exactly uh went down Josh who did you say we had.

I'm sorry Pierre Thomas our chief justice correspondent joining us now Pier are you able to work through your sources any more details of what we might know about who these indiv individuals are that have been detained a motive and and what went down when these shots uh rang out well the most useful information we have is from.

Actually from the Kansas City uh fire and rescue department where they've given the information on those who have been injured um federal law enforcement is trying to get additional detail from the scene uh about those two men who have been detained as they try to ascertain motive I what I can tell you from a senior law enforcement official I.

Spoke to is that he's not seen anything come across his desk yet that indicates or points to any kind of terrorism or politically motivated event it's early in the investigation but typically that's the first kind of thing that is shot out to the to the federal uh government in terms of federal law enforcement officials uh they will when.

It's a local criminal sort of event it takes a little bit more time for information to make its way through the food chain if you will but right now uh law enforcement is obviously concerned that you had so many people and apparently multiple people armed with weapons firing away uh that is that's the issue that's the challenge and you.

Know this the country has been on a general very heightened state of alert at least from the federal law enforcement perspective because of what's been happening in Israel with Hamas uh they've been warning over and over again that the nation is in an elevated threat environment similar to what we faced right before 9/11 and so.

So that is in everyone's mind that said they don't have anything indicating anything like that like that at this point and the key is for them to offer assistance get engaged with the local police about these suspects and then fan out any information that's relevant if it's something more than a local criminal event absolutely Pierre thank.

You for that and you can see there police officers this is still an active scene taking positions High positions on top of buildings uh to try to make sure that nothing else happens and I want to go to uh Elizabeth Newman former official in the Department of Homeland Security about this event there were 800,000 people is the estimated crowd.

Size there we have some pictures I want to show you right now of players on the Kansas City Chiefs being escorted out of what became uh a scene of panic when gunfire rang out at the celebration of their Super Bowl a back-to-back Super Bowl and the player I am told we have some pictures I guess.

In those vehicles uh we had is this tape or live pictures here you that we probably shouldn't show live pictures of the snipers guys it gives away the location of police if there's other Shooters out there I would get off that shot you don't want to give away where law enforcement is it puts them in danger I.

Would get off this shot guys I would not show snipers help me out Bob please so what we have Brad I got it what we have what we have right now also is a tweet from Patrick Mahomes uh MVP of the Super Bowl uh saying simply praying for Kansas City as we all are uh right now and uh I wanted to go to Elizabeth Newman on you know you have this enormous event.

Elizabeth and trying to protect it try to let people have fun trying to let Patrick Mahomes and his family and all the families of the fans of that team coming to try to enjoy the day and this happens talk to us about how how law enforcement is trying to secure these events and obviously you know that that nothing is.

Foolproof you know Mass Gatherings have been the primary target that is most vulnerable um and most concerning from a security standpoint you look at what we were doing at the Super Bowl um just a few days ago uh the preparations for that the security preparations for that started 18 months ago there are multiple agencies involved dozens of agencies.

Involved at the federal state and local level to make that event go off safely when you have side events that lead up to that massive event of the Super Bowl and the events after it like the parade those are actually also uh very concerning targets of opportunity but even harder to secure because you don't actually have the time to prepare you.

Don't get 18 months and you also don't get the same amount of federal resource es to be able to secure an event so it it is always um maybe not uh obvious to the general public but to the security Community we are more concerned about those side events because they just don't have as much time for Preparation and we don't have as many resources to.

Put towards securing it it it does sound like this might be more of a criminal uh situation as opposed to um a targeted attack uh we still don't fully know um nevertheless the fact that you have had individuals with guns in a mass crowd is very very concerning um and we need to do better we need to do better to make sure that individuals aren't able to.

Infiltrate um such a large Gathering you said 800,000 people um that's a lot of people and and we we actually don't know yet the the nature of some of the injuries whether um some of the injuries are actually gunshot wounds versus just um trampling effects um in other situations where we've had Mass Panic due to a shooting or or other types of.

Tragic events um it is often the the Panic that leads to more injuries than the shooting um so there's a lot of information we don't have yet um certainly very tragic and and certainly um just it kind of shines the spotlight anytime you do these Mass Gatherings and you don't have a lot of prep time um they are more vulnerable and and.

Unfortunately tragic events like this continue to happen in our country and we these are live pictures that we're following now but just uh and you can see the stage there uh where the party was taking place along with all the fans there on the streets but I don't know if we can roll that video again where you actually here it is right here so the.

Players were up there on the stage you see the confetti going the crowd is excited but you'll see in a moment how the players the police actually taking the players off the stage they didn't even realize what had happened because the music was playing they were dancing hey they're partying they're excited they won the Super Bowl those shots rang.

Out and police immediately came to the stage got the players off of the stage and it's very possible that the numerous buses that we saw crossing over uh the bridge were the players leaving the scene um but the shots rang out and uh the players here did get off the stage and then uh it it it took a while for them to be fully informed about what was.

Going on but Patrick Mahomes did put out a tweet uh just uh moments ago simply with his praying hands uh saying praying for Kansas City so I'm sure we're going to start to get more response Terry as did his his teammate Drew tranquil uh linebacker on the Kansas City Chiefs put out his own statement he said please join me in prayer for all the victims in.

This heinous act pray that doctors and First Responders would have steady hands and that all would experience full healing these are young men at at the peak of their athletic ability and and dedication to this to this very huge Sport and here they are now wrestling with what to say after a mass shooting so familiar in so many aspects of.

American life now strikes their sport their celebration their day one person confirmed dead five in serious condition three in critical one non-life-threatening our affiliate reporting seeing those ambulances headed to the children's uh hospital this uh is this uh is this tape or live picture right here okay this is one of the the.

Victim uh that was treated and now being moved uh or was being moved to an ambulance this is recorded from earlier thank you so much there on the streets of Kansas City Missouri our investigative correspondent Eric kerki as we watched these pictures from early on not long after that shooting took place seeing.

One victim there being put into the ambulance uh and taken to the hospital uh this was another uh scene from earlier where one of the the victims was being worked on it could possibly be the same person uh we do know clearly that one person has died and uh five six nine others uh experienced uh injuries five of those serious three critical don't.

Know if this is another one an additional victim or the same one we just saw being led into the ambulance but our investigative correspondent Erin kaderi joins us now aarin I'd like to follow up on um what Elizabeth said that more than likely this looks criminal versus targeted of course we have seen videos pictures of people there out on.

The scene you can imagine social media uh is running wild with images there from uh where the shooting took place where we do see a couple people that were handcuffed uh surrounded by police um any word on those that were detained taken in for questioning uh any information about a possible motive uh what do you assess uh of the situation.

So far at least two people were taken into custody according to the Kansas City police department and they were armed handguns recovered according to law enforcement sources so right now what police are trying to do is establish perhaps from the people they took into custody what the motive may have been there was no immediate.

Indication of any kind of terrorism or political or social motive Kira but uh the authorities will certainly work to see what this was maybe a criminal element maybe a dispute we're not sure but the president of guns in a crowd of nearly a million people is concerning although cannot be surprising in a nation with more than 400 million guns.

In circulation I think it would be more surprising if there weren't guns among people in that crowd as they were celebrating the the victory uh the Super Bowl victory of the Kansas City Chiefs uh we've heard that the Kansas City Police Department is going to retain the the lead investigative agency in this in this case so that does give us a sense.

That there may not be a terrorism type motive or connection here if the local police and not say the FBI are going to be keeping control of this yes K all right Erin kerski thank you that that is a that is a good point had there been early indications that this was a targeted attack by Foreign actors or some kind of coordinated uh attack on.

The event the federal government which stands by to assist as you point out might have taken the lead role but right now that remains with the Kansas City the police department and let's go local now to our affiliate KMBC who's been just obviously covering this they were covering the celebration and instantly switched into covering this shooting.

Let's go to kbc's coverage right now we've been moved to this location you can see this crime SE scene tape that's behind us I mean this goes all the way down and around Union Station um you know we the the Chiefs players and staff members and family members were inside Union Station for quite a long time um and you know it was it was very.

Uh disturbing to see law enforcement keep continue to run inside Union Station when you know we knew that there were a lot of people in there but they have since been loaded on the buses and have have moved and and are back to where they came from and this all started right when the rally ended I mean it couldn't have been a good second.

Later when the rally ended when the first gunshots were were first heard uh just again into this this area which is just the West uh in the front west lawn in front of Union Station is where the first gunshots and that's where police officers were kind of rushing to the scene and then we heard other gunshots it was unclear to where we heard that.

Was happening but we saw a chaos like we saw fans not knowing where they were going to go they they were was they were stuck hundreds of thousands of fans here in front of the UN station people who knew that something was wrong were stuck they couldn't go anywhere because some fans were leaving one way other fans were leaving another way not knowing so.

It it was a frightening situation for all the people who were here who knew that something wrong was happening you know Kelly eeran was speaking to a couple of the people and you kind of sense you you you felt the fear that they were feeling out and and the entire tone of the front of Union Station just changed immediately from something that.

Was a a celebration um on stage all morning long it just had been you know no incidents just a celebration of hundreds of thousands of of chiefs fans um really just enjoying the the beautiful weather on this Valentine's Day and the tone couldn't have changed quicker um and I think what was startling from our.

Vantage point is we knew something horrific had happened but we knew that so many people had not so they're going about their business you know just kind of enjoying the day and they have yet to to realize what's going on because law enforcement acted very swiftly uh moving into the situation and I should mention you know there are no metal detectors uh.

You can't have metal detectors getting all these people in here so you know it's a situation that is heavily secure in terms of having many layers of law enforcement doing their job and trying to protect people but there's no stopping anyone from bringing weapons in here unfortunately and we're going to hear more from the Kansas City Police.

Department as far as how everything uh uh uh was controlled after the first gunshots and the second gunshots or how many more gunshots were heard uh we'll get more information from there but one of the things that we also witnessed was even though there was chaos even though there was so many people here witnessing the parade the Kansas City Police.

Department were able to kind of clear out the perimeter which is there's a big giant Fountain inside or outside Union Station so they were able to rope that off and their perimeter kind of kept expanding and expanding until it eventually got to us where we had to leave the area but all the way up the hill up to where the Liberty H Hill.

Memorial is they were able to clear out all the fans so they were out probably faster than one could expect to try to get hundreds of thousands of fans to safety and and to to move them off the perimeter the other thing that is just I I can't get out of my mind and my heart at this point is the fact that you know because it's such a beautiful day and.

Because practically all of the major school districts had called this a red snow day there were a a ton of kids here little little kids um kids of all ages with their families with their friends you know we watch these little kids tumble and play football in front of us all morning long and to think that you know really just not so many feet from.

Where they were um the first gunshots went off so the fact that there have been um patients taken to Children's Mercy is something that you know it is going to weigh heavily on people's minds um just because the there were just so many families here and it was difficult to see so many people still celebrating the moment of the team and in that same.

Crowd the look of horror on people's faces together just because what they were seeing and what other people weren't saying and we saw that and you don't get that out of your mind because you want to say you want to say there's something that's happening and you just couldn't and and that's where your hats off to the to the police.

Department yeah because you hate to imagine it's already a horrible horrific scene but you hate to imagine what would have happened if 300 400,000 people how many people were here knew what was happening that's right I mean because right and and to be honest you know because it happened at the very end it didn't happen in the middle you.

Know people were their minds were were going to head toward our our cars you know we're going to head up so there were you know for most people especially up on the hill and everything they were heading to their cars and they were going to find out about this later on and and I am grateful for that because because we knew we were going to have to.

Explain exactly what had happened to all these people and it and it taints the the entire day and what we were originally here to celebrate um in our fine City we have another ambulance who's make it way we may have to kind of move uh move over a little bit but again it's still very much uh not as active but there is still a heavy police.

Presence um there are still ambulances the scene another ambulance is arriving here here um and I know that momently we're going to hear from the Kansas City Police Department and um and get more details on the situation here let me Todd right behind you an ambulance is coming so yeah I mean that that is the situation and and Bria and Chris I know.

You're our Newsroom is working you know tirelessly to try and get updated information so we can let people know um you know the the absolute latest as to who's in custody and um you know the people who who are being treated um we know that one person has died in all of this okay let's go to Matt Evans who's now on the scene Matt what can you tell.

Us hey Todd that's what we've seen here right now obviously we've been here for um seems like a couple hours at this point where police were kind of peing everybody out from uh from persing from Union Station itself we talked to a lot of people as they were walking out um who told us that they heard uh several.

Gunshots they weren't sure if they were fireworks or gun shots there were also some fireworks in the area going off so it was pretty confusing for everybody at the time and then people started running they heard more and people eventually tried to get out talked to one family who was barricaded inside a Union Station for about 30 minutes they heard.

Gunshots and just started running over barricades to get to some kind of safety um obviously we're not getting much information from police at this location we're told there is a media State just a little bit further up persing here but this is as far as we've been allowed to go this entire time uh we've seen a lot of uh Kent Missouri police officers.

Jackson County Sheriff deputies with long guns there was one point where there was some concern about the IRS building across from Union Station as well we were pushed back we saw uh tactical units getting into the IRS building to uh so not sure if that was really anything or not but there was not much uh not much that came out of that.

Building so that was at least uh some good news a lot of people that were still kind of ducking for cover in that moment but obviously the the the mood that we've heard from everybody here has just uh absolutely shifted from one of of Jubilation of of just excitement about the Kansas City Chiefs to just sheer Terror and um this is something.

That obviously Kansas City Police trained for they have been um this worst case scenario for them obviously you're hoping that this never happens but their officers responded very quickly um it was pretty evident that something was wrong we were not at the rally at the time of the shooting we were a few blocks away but it was pretty evident.

That something was going on because the police helicopter began uh doing really tight circles over the crowd you hear the sirens and U and obviously we're now just trying to figure out exactly what happened with all of this um you know it's it's it's tough to to put into words exactly what people here in Kansas City are feeling after this um.

It's obviously we know that this is going to be a an investigation that'll be very thorough into what happened into who was involved into all of the things surrounding this and leading up to that shooting and um of course this is something that we'll need to learn more from police and city leaders um in the coming hours the coming days weeks and.

And maybe even the coming months Jackson CTS is here with us too um he was at uh at the parade site I'd like to I'd like to bring him in too uh we're on the same live unit Jackson uh I'm just going to hand the mic off to you and and just walk us through what you soling all this thank you Matt we were leaving uh the Union Station area when this was going.

On um and we saw about six or seven police cars Zoom right past us in about four or five ambulances as well uh notable that a couple of these were completely uh not anywhere close to Kansas City um some places in Kansas some places in Missouri all responding and as we walked up to where we are right now in Broadway and persing we saw.

About uh eight or 10 um long gunmen of Jackson County Sheriff's Department uh running towards um the Federal Building here I'm not sure what that was exactly if that was related to it if they were apprehending more people um but definitely uh something that we were watching we saw another man get put into a police vehicle uh unsure if he was.

Just uh unrelated to the shooting but uh most people here uh terrified of what happened lots of people still walking back uh towards where we are away from Union Station I could only assume that they were inside or nearby uh this shooting so many people telling Matt and I about how scary scared they were uh one video that a viewers sent us that.

Showed us this happened almost immediately after the music stopped after the rally at Union Station uh it's like a 15-second window the music stops playing people are celebrating they they're singing red Kingdom uh another Chief song and then immediately you start seeing a video of the shaking and people scared trying to figure out what.

Was going on running inside of Union Station um so we're still waiting to get more uh of an update from Kansas City Police still waiting to get an update on those people who are critically injured any more people that are injured and just how many people are hurt tonight uh from this shooting completely different change of tone of what we saw this.

Morning of celebration in Kansas City turning into just pure uh uh fear uh here not what you wanted but whenever you go anywhere uh these days it's something that we all have in the back of our mind that this could happen anywhere um and unfortunately happened on one of the most uh celebratory days in Kansas City so still lots of uh.

Police here on the scene lots of Jackson County Sheriff's departments um I saw belt and and ambul ambulance from belon drive past a couple uh minutes ago but um still see some ambulances down by Union Station I don't know if there's uh people being taken in and out but still plenty of police here on scene lots of folks still wondering what's happening.

But uh about two hours ago is when really the flood of people started to leave so still some people who were inside coming this way off persing and Broadway um still it's just a scene we moning I'm going to give it back to Matt here uh to wrap up uh this this update here right now and see what else we know Matt yeah and jackon something you.

Mentioned too A lot of people probably weren't even aware of this situation as they were leaving the rally we saw some people who clearly knew what had happened and then others who were still trying to celebrate still trying to um still trying to to enjoy a party that clearly that this it's not a party anymore this is now crime scene.

Investigation and um that's what we're seeing kind of behind us here where you see this white tape up um on the east side or the on on the west side of Union Station that is so exactly where this shooting happened we're not sure we've kind of been on the outside obviously cell service has been very spotty uh through this entire ordeal but um we're.

Still seeing a lot of police kind of meet at at this side we saw at least five or six ambulances leave from from this side and and several more before we're able to get this close that we're leaving with lights and sirens on as well so um I mean obviously we there's a lot of questions that a lot of people have um um but at this point there's not.

Much information we have have here um obviously so um it's kind of maybe when investigators get in and start really taking account of all those things um obviously we'll stay here and keep keep talking to people keep trying to to get information but um for now we're going to we're try to send it back to you guys um and of.

Course it's just um it's really it's it's really tough obviously to to see what has happened here and and um know what you mean buddy yeah I mean kind of a lost for words honestly so a lot of people and we're we're the very same all right Matt thanks uh we'll go ahead and send it back to you yeah we are awaiting U an announcement uh and an update from.

The mayor and the chief of police that we now think is is happening at Union Station rather than Kansas City Missouri Police Headquarters as we were initially led to believe couple of things real quick university health Truman Medical Center now reporting they are treating four gunshot victim victims and eight other individuals who were not shot in.

All of this so they are treating 12 people right now so that earlier number of casualties has already gone up again TMC treating four gunshot victims and eight other people who were uh who were not shot in this let's go to Matt Fleer who was at TMC per perhaps he uh he's getting the same information we are and again there's a bit of a lag uh because.

Of cell service service the there's going to be a few moments between when I stop and when he starts talking Matt Chris lag or not we're here to report uh the in latest information and as of right now we have seen things calm down just a bit even though there are.

Staff from university health Trum and Medical Center that are still standing back here and and just Milling about we've seen police tape that is up and we also know that families are inside families of these multiple victims are inside right now in the chapel hearing from staff presumably hearing from chaplain and and medical staff trying to.

Figure out the latest on their loved ones who are inside we did get an earlier statement from university health a spokeswoman who said university health the level one Trauma Center of course uh those victims brought here from the Union Station incident are being treated by the best trauma specialists in the city our entire staff is aware of the.

Incident and all of our hearts go out to the victims and their families and we know the staff here at at University of Health trumman Medical Center are some of the best trauma specialists in this city and they deal with shootings here in the city day in day out so they know how uh to handle situations and shootings it probably has been quite.

Some time though before they've had to deal with the shootings of this magnitude and and we know uh as we've been counting there are 12 victims from this uh from this incident that are inside right now and of course we know four gunshot victims eight other individuals who were not shot in this whole incident today we did speak with a.

Woman earlier uh who was on the phone she was frantically trying to find out some information and I asked her hey who do you know that that was down there and she said it was her brother and she said that her brother was shot in the face and she was frantically trying to figure out how he was doing we talked with another gentleman who said he was not at.

The rally but he heard that his uh his sister had been shot and so he was down here trying to seek information and and those families have been taken away now they've been uh they've been uh working with staff and trying to figure out the latest on how their family members are doing but uh uh it's just been a really really difficult day uh here in Kansas.

City and a lot of people are are just trying to figure out what to do next and trying to figure out where we go from here but uh we know the staff here at trumman Medical Center is working very hard to make sure all of the people that have been brought here are taken care of the best possible way we'll send it back to you all right Matt thanks Governor.

Parson uh also posting on social media a short time ago um the governor and the first lady were there when it happened uh in front of Union Station they are safe they are secure U state law enforcement Personnel assisting local authorities in this uh response as they wait to learn more Governor posting our hearts go out to the victims um.

We again are still awaiting um uh sty yeah Stacy Graves and the mayor a chance to uh to get an update on uh the best information that they have and I want to bring Lyn and Lara uh maybe press conference let's go to that press conference right now our fire chief Ross Gunderson after I'm done speaking police chief graves.

Will give details on the incident that happened in Kansas City at Union Station about today's shooting we might not have good audio we got it can we take it make sure we note at the outset uh first today we had 600 Kansas City Missouri Police Department officers 250 from outside agencies we.

Went out today like everyone in Kansas City looking to have a celebration that's celebration was marred by a shooting today and we recognize that there are some who are injured we are praying for the safety of everyone I have talked to a few different uh folks so far one we have spoken to the Kansas City Chiefs who made clear that their.

Prayers are with everyone who was at the parade today everyone in Kansas City and everyone who was touched by this incident they also noted that their players coaches and staff are all accounted for at this point and safe we however know that this is a fluid situation so all that we are sharing now may change as the hours go ahead we've.

Also received a call from the White House that offered all federal assistance in the investigation we had federal agencies present today we appreciate that and certainly in the days ahead and the hours ahead we will make sure we continue to do this work I will say personally first a thank you to the women and men of law enforcement to.

The women and men who work with the Kansas City Fire Department and our other agencies when the shooting started I like many others ran and ran for safety I saw a number of agencies including the Kansas City Police Department officers with guns drawn who are running towards danger we thank them for that as I was leaving the scene I.

Saw members of our Kansas City Fire Department administering Aid to folks who are seriously injured without concern for the shootings and the challenges that were near them this is absolutely a tragedy the likes of which we would have never expected in Kansas City and the likes of which we will remember for some time however I want to.

Say thank you to those who are making sure that we are safe today those who are investigating this incident and those who will continue to make sure that those who committed these acts today are brought to Justice we'll come back for some questions at the end of the chief's comments but now the police chief Stacy.

Graves Chief Stacy Graves KY Missouri police department at the conclusion of the chief's rally today there were shots fired on the west side of Union Station immediately off officers responded to the area took two people into custody and also immediately rendered life sustaining Aid to those.

Victims we're still gathering information on the number and the status of victims but like I said we know that one of the victims is deceased we also know that officers ran towards danger officers were there to keep everyone safe I'm.

Angry at what happened today the people who came to this celebration should expect a safe environment we had over 800 Law Enforcement Officers Kansas City and other agencies at the location to keep everyone.

Safe because of Bad actors which were very few this tragedy occurred even in the presence of uniformed law enforcement officers who again ran towards them and took them into custody to the people who were injured in this tragedy our hearts go out to you and your families this investigation is just.

Beginning and we are working safely to clear all surrounding areas and businesses this is still an active investigation uh we will continue to keep you updated we will keep you updated on Twitter and most most likely a followup uh press availability did you have anything no one of our victims has been.

Declared deceased we have we have right now we have up to 10 to 15 injured that yes right now we do not have an exact number of people who were victims.

Of a gunshot wound it could be upwards from 10 to 15 with one deceased you know how many are in critical condition at this point I do not have conditions on our victims just yet any belief to be children I don't I do not believe that any of them were children any law enforcement injured in this first respon um nothing of note Chief what promted.

What you what do you guys believe now prompted the shooting uh we are still that is still under investigation uh I myself was outside when I heard the shots fired it is an ongoing investigation it's going to take us a little bit to determine exactly what led up to the shooting I will say though we do have two suspects in.

Custody cating socialia that some may have helped detain one of those I have I have heard that as well I have heard that that fans got involved in the apprehension or the pursuit of one of the suspects I cannot confirm that right now but that is something that I have heard myself the response time because you see 10 to 15 conly ined in the.

Shooting there was 800 officers there this happened pretty quickly so you talk about when this started sort of a timeline from there to the point where your officers responded to the program you had kfd helping absolutely first aid as soon as the rally concluded there were shots fired on the west side of Union Station officers were on scene in.

The area I know one of the suspects was immediately pursued on foot um like I said there was two suspects in custody I have heard uh the information that was just requested I will confirm or deny that um but after that immediately officers began rendering life sustaining Aid calling in fire which is the the fire department to uh also victims do.

You know if there were more than two people taken into custody because we had two people after you guys had made your announcement there two people in custody two people live on our air being taken handcuffed put into van so can you tell us about that and the process is this investigation continues I don't know exactly the two that you're talking.

About that that your camera caught um on on video being loaded into wagon I don't know that but I can tell you that uh in and around that scene it is still active um not active in in necessarily threats but it's a very active scene we are still investigating is is still early on um we still have parties that are walking into hospitals Chief gra do you.

Know anything about the suspects in terms of where they're from are they I do not know that but that's something that that I also will be finding out questions we were hearing upwards of maybe 20 shots can you talk about the number that you th while I'm hearing 10 to 15 possibly 15 with with the one um that is um deceased and do you know.

Anything about the timing it seems odd this waited to the very end of the r i don't have anything about I I can't give you an answer on the timing I can just say that uh that's when it occurred and we are investigating what led up to that maybe once we get some of those details we'll know why that happened at that time but right now it's just it's still.

Too new one incident or multiple incidents that that injured CL that is something that that is under investigation mayor Lucas you talked about how you were on the ground and you yourself had to run for safety I understand we're still waiting on a timeline trying to understand what exactly happened but we.

Were having a Super Bowl parade and this is what the country is talking about now what is your message to this city at a time like this I sack at the comments by the chief of police I'm heartbroken first of all I'm praying for the victims and the families impacted I start with them um I'm incredibly upset disappointed I was there with my wife I.

Was there with my mother uh we never would have thought that we along with Chiefs players along with fans hundreds of thousands of people would be forced to run for our safety today I think that I'll let the investigation shake out before coming to any further conclusions but I think the initial response absolutely is angry you know we have.

Done a number of these now and this is a day that a lot of people look forward to something they remember for Lifetime and what they shouldn't have to remember is the threat of gun violence Maring a day like this injuring them and their families this morning I was actually thinking about bringing my child as many people in Kansas City did and I don't.

Want us to have to in our country for every big event think about a concern of being shot as the chief noted we had a lot of Law Enforcement Officers there today they did exceptional and outstanding work and I will second that again cuz on your timeline point I was inside of Union Station we heard something number.

Of us start running and I see a stream of officers going the exact other direction in with guns drawn ready to address danger and that was the the situation throughout people who responded absolutely immediately but I wish that we lived in a world where they wouldn't have to do that I wish we live in a world where we wouldn't have to see.

Incidents like that but I'm as heartbroken as anybody we will do a a full and thorough investigation I hope that we bring whoever this is to Justice and we will continue to try to make sure that we can be as safe as possible however when you have people who decide to bring guns to events when you have people who are deciding to try to Mar.

Events celebratory ones like this one all of us start to become members of this club that none of us want to be a part of which is those who have experienced mass shootings I hope for Kansas City this is one of the last times we experienced that players in any danger at any point what's that sorry players in danger at.

Any point was I in danger any players the te players you know what I I think we'll let the investigation take a look at that the police department responded effectively I think incredibly quickly to make sure that people would be out of Harm's Way that being said a number of us had to flee from a situation because we heard a sound of gunshot so I'll let.

You answer your own question in terms of whether you think that's something that put you in danger or not uh in my view anytime shots are nearby you don't know where they're coming from you don't know who's firing them and all of that then perhaps there is a situation of danger question thank you guys get back of the 10 to 15 injured that you.

Say are all of those gunshots I want to know and do you have a sense of how many or are some of those also critical in injury we we've covered that we we don't have I just have a fire question about 10 to 15 is what we have potentially 15 1 to ceas I don't have a condition on the other gunshot uh Vic those are all gunshots correct we don't know how many.

What fire question because because Chief gra said we're going to have a lot of updates later guys we got to go inside and gather this information I appreciate it where are the updates Jake later on Twitter I just I just have one excuse me I just have one thing to say this is not Kansas.

City I'm I'm angered by by by what happened but I want you to know that the the Kansas City Missouri police department and all the law enforcement officers that were there today that were serving in protecting did the best that they could and I'm so proud of them that they ran into danger getting two people into custody.

And at the same time rendering life sustaining Aid to those victims we were here for a safe celebration and because of two Bad actors or more is why we're standing here today we will recover as a City I I my heart goes out to um our our victim who is deceased but your Police Department stands ready.

And we are are invested in the safety and betterment of Kansas City we'll send you guys more updates on Twitter okay follow the Twitter account and the updates that we have on police chief Stacy Graves and Kansas City Missouri mayor Quinton Lucas on the steps of police Headquarters downtown and uh some of the headlines here um.

Police chief Stacy Graves I am angry over what happened today this is not Kansas City two or more Bad actors all right you're hearing the coverage uh from our affiliate kmcb in uh Kansas City there of a press conference officials a mayor uh Quinton Lucas and police chief Stacy.

Graves of Kansas City and they are police confirming there that at least one one person is dead at least 10 others were hurt authorities say two people were taken into custody two armed people were taken into custody the police chief there saying officers ran toward the danger and that more than uh 800 officers were there to keep everyone.

Safe uh it was a day of Celebration an allamerican day tens of thousands of people were gather 800,000 is the is the report gathered at this event and then chaos so take a listen right now to the moments at this celebration of the Kansas City Chief Super Bowl victory the moment that shots rang.

Out all right so police uh seen swarming the scene after that you heard those shots rapid fire several shots and police then swarming the scene people fleeing the mayor himself said he you know tried to get to safety and then saw police officers uh who were hundreds of them on the scene swarming the scene two armed.

People taken into custody uh with the police uh Chief saying that this looks like this was a couple of Bad actors not a targeted attack but some kind of dispute argument conflict that broke out just as this event was ending ABC News senior investigative reporter Aaron kerki uh and joins us now on this Aon let me just ask you what we know right.

Now uh about this event based on what we heard in the press conference and and and what we've been reporting all day Terry as the mayor mayor Lucas said it was a celebration marred by a shooting after the Kansas City Chiefs had paraded through the city and all of those people came to cheer them on after uh the team won the Super Bowl shots rang out on the.

West side of Union Station the historic Century old uh boart's train station uh and the gun fire uh we understand has left between 10 and 15 people injured according to the police chief one person has died of injuries there are two suspects in custody both of them were armed when they were taken into custody by the police you heard the chief say.

There were some 800 law enforcement officials there on scene to protect the parade they quickly rushed toward the gunfire they were able to take two people into custody and at this point we're told the Kansas City Police Department is retaining the investigation that they're the lead agency and so it's not a federal case at.

This moment giving us an indication that they believe this may be more criminal in nature rather than something say Terror or political or or some other kind of motive uh Terry the U the police chief declared herself angry at what happened today she said people should expect a safe environment there were 800 Law Enforcement Officers there and.

Instead as the mayor put it this celebration was marred by a shooting all right Aaron kerski thank you very much for that let's bring in uh Bob Boyce former Chief of detectives at in the NYPD uh who is with us frequently on this on these kinds of events and many others as well so Bob I want to ask you what you when you listen to police.

Chief Stacy Graves of Kansas City and the mayor as well uh Quinton Lucas what did you hear that that a that struck you in that press conference well I think the the chief was in a tough spot there well let's frame this correctly uh when we look at this Kansas City they have one of the highest crime rates in the country so.

She has she has a work cut out for her and when you go with a lot of planning this you can see the frustration from the chief as well that she planned this out multi- agencies coming in helping out 800 law enforcement on the scene so it's frustrating when these things happen the the flavor I've got from this entire conversation is this is a.

Criminal issue here with the two arrests it's unclear if those are the perpetrators of the crime but nonetheless it looks like it may may be it doesn't look like a federal investigation at this point as Aaron said the Freds would have come over and takeen over by now so Kansas City Police is a primary here and we'll know more as.

We go forward from these two individuals arrested important to note is when you look at these crime scenes the first thing I do is look at the groupings of shell casings to see how many see if I can ascertain how many shooters there were that in that in this incident so that's going on right now where were they just two Shooters because it.

Certainly seems that way were they shooting at each other and other people got involved other people got hit innocent people that's what it looks like to me so the from what I took from this press conference is frustration from the chief understandable as well it's a criminal incident here and that's where they're going forward all right.

Bob Boyce thank you very much for that let's bring in Elizabeth Newman former official at the Department of Homeland Security and to follow up on what Bob was saying Elizabeth on the frustration of police chief Stacy Graves there uh she said that this was done in the presence of the law enforcement uh that was her report that this this was.

Something that happened with law enforcement virtually watching uh two people she called them Bad actors uh who apparently from what she was describing took out guns and started firing I mean there's all the preparation in the world as Brad was suggesting and and there was enormous preparation for this event you know how can you stop.

That I mean that's the trouble that we're facing throughout our society right now we have individuals who um you know as a mom you kind of want to it's like you're talking to your kids and you guys you're asking have you guys lost your mind uh yes we as a society have seemed to loss lose our um Collective minds and we we bring guns in places.

That they don't belong and we use violence to solve our problems um or to express our frustrations uh and and we don't know the details here we we are um but we certainly can describe the environment that we have been living in for uh 9 or 10 years now where we are in an epidemic of mass attacks um that are perpetrated for a variety of reasons.

Some with very cohesive ideological motives some with uh you know no no discernable motive whatsoever and and some are just spill over violence of uh individuals who are angry for some reason and when you're in that uh very difficult threat environment it is it is just an impossible scenario for law enforcement um they they I thought the.

Police chief did a wonderful job of pointing out how well prepared they were the number of law enforcement that were on the scene and that they were running towards the threat I mean that's especially after Uvaldi where we did see law enforcement failure it's important to point out how frequently our law enforcement officers are the ones.

Running towards the threat they are trying to protect the the the public um and yet this keeps happening and and it does uh remind all of us that this is a a society-wide problem that we can't just rely on law enforcement to fix for us we need to have some tough conversations why do we keep um ending up with these tragedies why um do we.

Have too many people who believe that violence is the solution to what their problems are so so um it it is a tough day in Kansas City and yet another tough day in America absolutely Aaron Brad Elizabeth thank you all very much an allamerican event an All-American Glorious Day in Kansas City and unfortunately what is an All-American.

Tragedy as well one dead 10 to 15 injured some of them from gunshots some of them from injuries perhaps as the crowd fled the scene well the news never stops here and we will be right back with continuing coverage on this story why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take.

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Some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live I have a point of contact they're expecting us this our secret world we have do you think we're going to be safe.

I don't know this is my inside that pen is a slice of human brain these are assassinations that people are going to be murdered there's really no telling what some of them will do I'm in I'm in I'm in oh my God it's happening everywhere and anywhere.

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There you're streaming AB News live I'm melachi in Washington we begin with breaking news a deadly shooting near the Super Bowl victory Parade route in Kansas City Missouri law enforcement officials providing an update moments ago saying one person is dead in at least 10 others injured the chaos erupting this afternoon at the tail end.

Of the parade were 10 tens of thousands of fans had gathered to celebrate the chief's latest Super Bowl win officials saying that the shooting took place near Union Station near the train station's parking garage dramatic video capturing the moments the gunfire erupted take a listen police swarming the scene just.

After the shots rang out Witnesses describing the chaotic moments all of a sudden people started crushing forward everybody started running there was screaming we didn't know what was happening but this day and age when people run you run and so I put my arms around her and we tried to push through so people wouldn't run on top of.

Us and there was a woman crying saying something about somebody had been shot police saying two suspects were detained at the scene ABC News correspondent Alex Perez live in Kansas City covering the latest Alex what do we know at this hour well Ike what started as joy and celebration turned to sadness within.

Seconds here we've seen the images there were thousands of people in this field behind me here those three arches right over my shoulder that's Union Station there was a stage there is a stage still there right in front of the building that's where the players were gathered and the rally was wrapping up here it actually just ended the players were.

Being escorted from the stage and that's when the chaos began we made our way uh to that area over there I want to point into the distance there Ike you can see that ambulance we spoke to uh some of the eyewitnesses who were in that area that's where we believe the west side of the Union Station building near the parking garage that's where you believe.

This shooting altercation of some sort happened what exactly led to that remains under investigation as we speak but what we do know right now is that at least one person is dead 10 to 15 are injured and many many traumatized who were out here and had to run after all of that happened uh thousands of people celebrating when suddenly they heard.

Gunshots I spoke to one woman who told me she actually jumped on top of her daughter because she didn't know what exactly was going on she was trying to protect her loved one you can imagine just how frightening and scary this was for people who had been some out here for hours entire families uh celebrating and having a good time um authorities.

Here now trying to figure out what exactly LED to this uh uh this shooting here on the scene we heard from the police chief here earlier today just a short time ago actually and the police chief angry calling uh the the two people that they do have in custody at this point Bad actors and saying that uh they they actually carried out this.

Event this incident this shooting right in front of police officers Ike the police chief very upset uh about that situation we do know that the city of Kansas the city was prepared for this they had uh uh more than 800 or about 800 officers out here to protect the crowd of about a million that was expected to turn out uh about 800,000.

People they believe now uh turned out to celebrate uh the Chiefs here uh but at this point uh the investigation continues underway Ike and just some moments of chaos and fear for thousands of people here who thought they were having a good time when suddenly shots were fired now one person is dead to 15 injured.

Ike Alex thank you you heard Alex say that right there moments of fear causing people to scatter jump over barriers running for their lives the scene of pandemonium we're going to be joined Now by Lisa iracer who was at the Victory celebration when the shooting started Lisa what did you see out there yeah well I had run down the hill.

Cuz we wanted to collect some confetti for for for Christmas ornaments it's our custom and our ition um so I was running down the hill and got to the front of the station I was on the east side um I'm sorry I was on yeah on the east side and the shooting was on the west side and all of a sudden the police were just yelling run run go run um and so we.

Started to run um they had their guns drawn and people there were children and people with strollers strollers and and everyone was sort of not understanding what was going on um um we knew that they were trying to get the station cleared early so that downtown could accommodate people for Valentine's Day um but then there was this incredible.

Panic and we I just ran ran you know Lisa I got to say being a Kansas City fan as yourself obviously I'm sure you're getting used to going to events like this being their recent success is this something you ever thought Could Happen coming to a Victory Parade from a Super Bowl no I mean Kansas City is such such.

An amazing City and we rally behind our Sports Heroes and they're all such great guys and everyone just feels that they're part of our community and it feels such to be such a celebration and Chiefs fans just get together and it's such a a thing to Rally around in the community and and so everyone was just so excited that we we'd won our third.

Super Bowl in this era and then just to have this happen is is you just don't believe it's going to happen in your community when you're there celebrating such an an amazing accomplishment now you said it yourself there the moment turned chaotic rather quickly uh outside of yourself just looking at the scene around you what.

Were other people like during those chaotic moments there were people who were not sort of responding at all who were just like going about their business and then there were other people who were clearly very panicked um and so it was just but the police were amazing they obviously had their weapons drawn so um and they.

Were just yelling and yelling and yelling at people to just to clear the scene um there was a lot of of officers a lot um a lot of law enforcement there was a policewoman who was quite amazing and she just kept telling people just to to go to go you know law enforcement said that they had over 800 officers dispersed.

Throughout this entire event I'm sure you were when you were there you saw several of them when the chaos happened when those shots began to ring out what were the officers temperament what was their posture what were their their posture like were were they frantic were they trying to search for victims were they looking for Shooters what did you.

See from the officers yeah I was on the other side of Union Station so I didn't even know there had been a shooting to be honest um until a little bit after the event um but the officers were just very concerned with the crowd the ones I saw on the West Side were very much clear the area get out get out get down um.

Just very concerned I think for the public um and facing and toward the public and trying to get everyone out of the area and get everyone to safety I just have to ask you just coming out of this right now talking to me how do you feel what's your temperament right now I'm I'm just really devastated.

Because we I I I hear about these things and I see these things in other places and to think that this happened right here in our community meters from or or yards from where we were it just it it it just feels it feels help I I just it feels frustratingly just there there's not a.

Safe place now you know in an area with over 400 million guns proliferating here in America it's a sentiment shared by several people Lisa irer thank you very much for sharing this moment with us stay safe we're going to be joined Now by senior investigative correspondent Aaron kerski and ABC News contributor Bob Boyce who.

Is a former Chief of detectives for the New York City Police Department Aaron I want to start with you what are your hearing what do we know about these big gatherings that are always caused for massive police presence we're told hundreds of thousands were there today right in we're having some difficulties right there we're going to.

Go to Bob boy right now Bob uh what are police doing right now after an incident just like this they're speaking to Witnesses and they're Gathering right all their evidence from the crime scene so those shell casing out there they're they're going to help you out and figure out how many shooters there are importantly to.

Note that they have two arrests and from what I can see from what the chief said and I understand how frustration you plan you you put everything in motion you bring outside agencies in and this still happens but that's unfortunately part of these things and every cator event there could be trouble and you have to plan for that so when you look.

At these things like that I think they're on their way to something right now those two arrests the tone they mentioned also Witnesses and video a lot goes into these things to determine what's happening uh also the young lady U who who spoke I understand her frustration at all this was a great day Kansas City has is a great fan base for.

Professional sports everybody knows that and so to see this happen it's frustrating and you can see it coming out now eron I want to get back with you hopefully your sound is working right now you've been uh there right now reporting on this as soon as this incident has been happening what are you.

Hearing we know that these big gatherings are always a cause for massive police presence we're told hundreds of thousands of people were there today the hundreds of thousands were there and hundreds of police officers were there and yet Ike they were no deterrent you heard the police chief say that the shooting unfolded.

Right in front of law enforcement officers who were meaning to keep the crowd and the Super Bowl celebration safe and these shots rang out we have not heard any evidence thus far to suggest that this had any kind of terrorism motive or was meant as a political statement or or fueled by some kind of social grievance instead what.

We're hearing is this is leaning toward some kind of crime some kind of dispute or or whatnot between individuals they have two people in custody who may be the police's best opportunity to figure out why these shots were fired as this crowd was breaking up the police said all of the Kansas City Chief's players are accounted for those two people are.

In custody there may yet be additional suspects we'll see but one person is dead and as many as 15 shot and Bob I want to come back to you right now we know that Poli this is still an active investigation the scene is still very active we know that as soon as this happened police surrounded the area and started that process right.

Now and moving forward what exactly are police officers doing again going through the area finding out what's going on looking at social media see what people are saying that you don't know about this handheld video on cell phones key roll here too was was it Ro they're G to put something out there to see if they can get that.

Back in now the the video of the scene let us know what happened tell us we got how to go forward big problem here everybody seem to be wearing red so it's going to be tough to identify the shooter on on on these tapes and Bob I want to talk about another issue right now how concerning is it that individuals and come into an event like.

This where we say 800 900,000 even upwards of a million people but still coming to an event like this armed armed with Firearms how concerning is that for police officers it it's the biggest problem we have in placing today is the uh how many weapons that are out there you meant 400 million that's that's a probably an.

Estimate the conservative estimate so that's a big problem also getting those guns off the street for people who shouldn't have them ghost guns all kinds of things come into this thing but as as always police run into a situation where they know they could be shot while everybody's running away I think they both the mayor and the chief said that.

And those of us in law enforcement understand that as well you are going to put your life on the line in these situations so it's frustrating you can't have a perfect event unfortunately in this country unfortunately not and Aaron I want to come back to you uh right now we know that this city uh they're known for these events and we know that other.

Cities moving forward they're going to have these events obviously every single year how can police officers and how can the community make sure that they're safe moving forward even though we know these events will continue to happen well you you you wonder right all the Kansas City Chiefs players have been accounted for will will sports.

Franchises subject their players to these kinds of very public celebrations uh in the future I I happen to be from Boston originally and you know you've seen the parades there where they're on duckboats in these open air boats uh that that now perhaps uh has teams thinking differently in all likelihood it won't there will be some.

Accommodation for Safety and Security and then they'll they'll move forward but as Chief Boyce well says there are 400 million guns in circulation and so police have to know that there are going to be people inside the crowds uh that are going to be armed and they have to account for that the troubling Factor we've seen is how quick people are now.

To use them disputes that may have been resolved through an argument or a fist fight now increasingly in the country are being resolved with gunfire we don't know whether that's the case here but police are now uh going to be urgently searching for why these shots were fired in the first place again one person one victim killed at least 10 to 15 people.

Injured uh we saw Stacy Graves the police chief there over there in Kansas City say that two detect to detain gunmen uh from this shooting label them as a few bad actors and then we saw her say that she was angry she was angry that this incident happened under her watch Bob I want to ask you this question right now talk to me about the.

Temperament and the State of Mind of police officers after an event like this happening under their watch I you you you see these things and and and the the planning that goes into and you have pre meetings with multiple agencies everybody's on the same page everybody's communicating you have Frozen zones you have sectors all these.

Things you put into place these things can still happen because you can't control now I don't know if they did bag searches I don't know if they had you know Gates let people access that happens a lot too we do it in New York and if you see Time Square it's it's uh on New Year's Eve it happens all the time but again um these things can.

Happen anywhere you have people up on rooftops looking down unfortunately this is a post event situation people are leaving I'm not saying anybody let their guard down that didn't happen because they ran to it but sometimes a push uh a shove a bump can lead it to something this and right now police officers What specifically are they looking for we.

Know that two people have been detained we know that obviously the injured have made it to their respected area hospitals but in this part of the investigation the moments after what exactly are police officers looking for I think if you look for it right now you just the evidence you go where the evidence takes you you find out what.

Mistakes this person made these shooters if they have two and I believe so they do um you look for that that evidence you collect and act on immedately how many shooters did you have determined by shells on the ground what are these people telling you that you arrested because they arrested more than just the two Shooters there's other people on.

Custody as well what did they see what did they tell us is there anything going on within the community itself there's a gang issue in an urban area that has to be looked at was it just like people carrying a gun was it an old grievance you don't know but the more people you talk to the more information you get that's going on right.

Now all right Aaron Bob thank you both for the the information we will continue this much more news ahead here on ABC News live in today's BIG Story House Republicans under growing pressure after losing George Santos's former seat how the shrinking of their already razor thin majority could impact efforts to address the migrant crisis and provide.

More money to Ukraine I'll speak with ABC News Deputy political director Avery Harper and in our Spotlight federal health officials sounding the alarm over the use of Vapes among middle schoolers our parel weighs in on the push to protect our nation's.


Children housewi the Beverly hill star Jan celebrity attorney Tom Gerard this story was a nuclear explosion today several victims will get a chance to finally meet Erica jity I'm at sort of a loss for what to say did you see the documentary the housewife and the Hustler I did I wanted Erica to say I'm sorry face to face Erica why did.

It take you so long the housewife and the Hustler too only on Hulu this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee Cent In Putin Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 stor I Boston is in the bullseye let's go ABC News live America's number one.

Streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on get another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute.

What's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live.

Why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it.

Your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here it's it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good give it to your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music.

Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afterno for everything you need to know I love that so the question is okay here we go are you kidding me what would you do you just won't believe what people do when they think no one's.

Watching and this season I brought Sarah Haynes and Camal Bell along for the rock all right let's break it is John fonas here I was here all the time be all you season of what would you do Premier Sunday night on ABC House's Republicans under growing political pressure while grappling with.

Border security in us forign a un like aachi in Washington in today's big story speaker Mike Johnson already Raaz her thin majority shrinking even further after a democrat's special election victory in New York the potential impact on the debates over immigration in Ukraine in this critical election year and in our Spotlight federal health.

Officials sounding the alarm over the use of Vapes among middle schoolers our panel weighs in on the push to protect children from nicotine addiction but we begin with our big Story House Republicans under mounting political pressure as their razor thin majority shrinks even further Democrat.

Tom swazi winning the special election on in New York's Long Island last night flipping the seat once held by disgraced former Congressman George Santos that means House Republicans can now only afford for two defectors in any Partyline vote the GOP conference also facing questions over its rejection of a bipartisan border deal negotiated.

Between the White House and the Senate it's also refused to consider a $95 billion foreign aid bill that already cleared the Senate and would provide more money to Ukraine House Republicans last night did manage to impeach Homeland Security secretary Alejandro mayorcas by a single vote despite providing no evidence he committed an.

Impeachable crime Republican house speaker Mike Johnson today saying his members are now working to provide Solutions on the border and Ukraine but offering no specifics so what we're doing right now is we the house is working its will the house Republican conference we just met an hour ago uh with all the members and.

There are lots of ideas on the table of how to address these issues we have to actually solve the problems and not just uh take political posture in as as has happened meanwhile the White House trolling speaker Johnson today posting this Valentine's Day card to social media media reading quote roses are red violets are blue the Border deal was.

Crushed because of you joining me now ABC News Deputy political director Avery Harper Avery how are you today nice to meet you uh we're going to start with this special election speaker Johnson already having trouble getting all of his members on the same page what can Americans expect with an even Slimmer GOP majority in the house I think that.

Americans can expect for this Congress that has been notoriously unproductive for it to be even more difficult for them to pass legislation as you mentioned before the GOP can now only afford for two Republicans to defect on Partyline votes and we know that uh Republicans have made it a point not to work across the aisle with Republicans.

Uh with Democrats excuse me on numerous uh agenda items uh and in fact I mean it was the reason why Mike Johnson is become the speaker of the house and so I I think it's going to be even more difficult for them to pass some legislation now we've all seen how difficult of a Time speaker Mike Johnson has had attempting to steer his party.

Forward all on the same bus especially after yesterday's impeachment of secretary Homeland Alejandro mayorcas now how tough does that job now become with the reality of an even Slimmer Republican majority in the house right it becomes uh really tough listen if Tom swazi was sworn in and was able to vote on that uh uh impeachment vote yesterday.

It would have been a tie and so uh that presents a real issue for Mike Johnson and for Republicans uh if they are trying to push forward on a conservative agenda items you know this is uh Tom Swan's wi really eating away at that razor thin that very very tiny majority that Republicans have now Avery a source telling ABC news that speaker Johnson.

Has requested to meet one-on-one with President Biden to find a path forward on US foreign aid to Ukraine Israel and Taiwan but the source says that the president has refus now does the speaker have any leverage left right now right well we saw in the White House briefing today Karine Jean Pierre the the White House Press Secretary she said that at.

This point Mike Johnson is negotiating with himself uh the fact is that the the bipartisan border deal is the result of a fight that House Republicans won they wanted for uh the border of Crisis to be addressed uh and and they got that a bipartisan uh deal conservative legislators uh working to make sure that deal was Ironclad and it was because of.

His leadership and pressure uh from Donald Trump uh and even some of these house members citing political reasons not wanting for uh Biden to look good during an election year that that bill did not happen that that passage did not happen and so there is a a lack of a feeling that he is operating in good faith and that's going to make it.

Difficult for him to move forward now Avery I want to ask you one more question swazi he's a Democrat who won his race focusing mainly on immigration concerns a Hallmark campaign issue for the GOP is this a bad sign for Republicans moving forward well listen I think that this was a very special case you have to remember that this is uh.

This was uh New York's thirdd congressional district this was the seat that George Santos held and so this is a Republican party that was reeling from Scandal uh also Tom Swansea is a special sort of candidate he's somebody who held that seat before for three terms uh he is someone who is a known quantity uh in that area Not only was he a congressman.

But he was a county executive he was a mayor and a town uh in that community and so uh he is someone who came in as a known quantity and was able to rack up the support he needed to take that seat back into flip it blue uh I do think that for uh Republicans as they are uh trying to maintain their razor thin or grow uh their majority in the house it's.

Going to be difficult uh when you have a a a conference that is so uh focused on ideological Purity uh when you have an enormous amount of pressure to embrace the far right that is not going to do well in districts like this one so it'll be interesting to see what it turns out in November all right Avery stick with us right now we're going to bring in the.

Big story to the rest of our panel joining me with Avery T's ABC News contributor and Serius XM radio host Mike Muse ABC News contributor and former Republican congresswoman from Virginia Barbara comto and Democratic strategist alencia Johnson now Barbara I want to start with you let's talk about your party right now we just saw swasi.

Run on immigration a historically Republican talking point and win what does this mean for your party ahead of the 2024 election well it's a big problem and listen Tom was on my hall he's a great guy it was a win for normal and he did what Republicans aren't allowed to do he ran his own campaign he distinguished.

Himself from both President Biden and from his party and he did what he needed to do for his district Republicans aren't being allowed to do that they're being forced to tow the magga line all the time and all stick together and do whatever dumb thing that Marjorie Taylor green wants them to do like vote on the impeachment of you know mycus yesterday.

That's not helpful if you're in a swing district and you know so that is going to be a big problem going forward now alencia I'm coming to you now for Democrats looking at what just happened in New York's Congressional race is this a switch in Immigration stances of viable strategy moving forward listen I think this is actually.

Helpful for Democrats because what is happening between this race what happened with the impeachment vote what happened with the bill last week actually is able to put us not only on the defense but on the offense about the immigration policies that we believe in listen the Democrats have been talking about bipartisan legislations obvious.

Republicans want to continue to play politics and so as they've seen in this race it is going to be a losing issue and there's a lot of evidence for Democrats to use as I keep saying cut the campaign ads you have all of the GOP members talking about this on the record now Mike we saw how weather was a big issue related to turnout in this.

Special election what else can you foresee affecting turnout down the road I don't think weather's going to become an issue come November in the mere fact of once November comes I think that is when America's going to recognize the high stakes that we're in in particular we are such a divided nation on parts ship the presidential election race is.

Going to come down to the margins and it's going to come down to Independent voters and what they're going to be looking at is who can handle immigration the best obviously Reproductive Rights will definitely be top on the agenda but coming up on the very close second will be immigration and if the Democrats can take a hold and own that that will work.

To their advantage and particularly within the suburbs of major cities that are possibly facing these immigration complications and it's going to be a challenge to see how can the GOP reclaim that narrative if they can at all and particular particular the independent are really too going to be looking at what we are geopolitically uh with NATO.

And also to with Ukraine in order to not to prevent a larger scale operation where troops on the ground will have to possibly uh be defending our NATO Partners against Russia and so The Independents are really looking at that very closely and Avery I want to end with you now expanding Republicans majority in.

The house is proving to be an uphill climb what message if any can Republicans cling to that can help them convince voters to support them come November well I think that we're going to see Republicans uh continue to hammer uh the border and and blame Democrats uh for the issue of the Border uh even if it means them not uh passing legislation.

To address it uh this year ahead of the the 2024 elections uh look I I don't think that uh what happened in uh New York's thirdd congressional district is necessarily reflective of what's going to happen in suburban swing districts across the country again I mentioned the special Dynamics uh of that race the fact that this is a a Republican party.

That was reeling from scandal after George Santos the fact that Tom swazi was a known quantity in that District so it'll be interesed to see what happens Mike Barbara alencia and Avery thank you as always now coming up in our Spotlight a new warning from a CDC report about middle schoolers in vaping my panel and I talk about the health concerns after.

The break whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike.

In Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey en rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front.

Lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC.

News live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news I have a point of contact they're expecting us this our secret world we have do you think we're going to be safe I don't know this is my pen inside that pen is a slice of human brain these are assassinations that people are going to be murdered there's.

Really no telling what some of them will do in in in oh my God it's happening everywhere and anywhere wow so the question is okay here we go oh my God are you kidding me what would you do you just won't believe what people do.

When they think no one's watching and this season I brought Sarah Haynes and Cal Bell along for the rock all right let's break it is John Fus here I was here all the time the all new season of what would you do Premier Sunday night on ABC why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start.

Here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I.

Bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here all right in today's Spotlight the CDC out with a new report warning that the use of Vapes among middle schoolers is on the rise according to the latest youth tobacco survey Vapes were the most popular tobacco product for kids under.

The age of 18 and though there was a significant decline in tobacco product use for high school students the data shows an alarming increase among middle schoolers the concern now a growing number of them are becoming addicted let's bring back my panel Mike Barbara alencia and joining our panel ABC News medical contributor Dr Alo Patel Dr.

Patel I want to start with you this

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3 thoughts on “LIVE: 1 ineffective, several injured in taking pictures at Chiefs Colossal Bowl parade in Kansas Metropolis

  1. If the juveniles had been white we would already know their names and faces by now!!!!!! The media won’t focal level on the perpetrators correct kind how they desire to gain guns some distance from every person!!!!! What a farce!!!!

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