LIVE: ABC News Are dwelling – Wednesday, January 10 | ABC News


LIVE: ABC News Are dwelling - Wednesday, January 10 | ABC News

right now on America this morning the severe weather threat unfolding right now wind gusts topping 60 M hour in the Northeast and heavy rain causing flash flooding the number of power outages growing by the hour in freezing temperatures there goes a tornado the storm's turning deadly in the South and.

A plane carrying vice president Harris forced to divert in the storm the chaos in Ecuador after alleged gang members unleash a ser series of attacks including gunmen storming a TV studio major US Airlines now taking action canceling flights to the South American country as fears grow the violence could spread breaking news.

Overnight involving former first lady Melania Trump announcing the passing of her mother what we're learning plus the wild scene inside a New York City synagogue police clashing with worshippers after the discovery of a secret underground tunnel drink up the new concern about water inside plastic bottles and baby Yoda headed to the big.

Screen the major Star Wars news just announced overnight it's Wednesday January 10th from ABC news in New York this is America this morning good morning everyone I'm Andrew denber and I'm ran Ali we begin with the major impacts of that deadly storm now pushing through New England that's after bringing heavy.

Rain and flooding to several Northeastern states some areas could get up to 5 Ines of rain in just a matter of hours the same system also wreaking havoc in parts of Florida and elsewhere in the Southeast this morning hundreds of thousands of Americans left in the dark as a massive storm system sweeps across.

The country power's out two people have been killed by Falling trees including a 78-year-old man crushed while he was driving near Atlanta Georgia when I saw the car my heart Sav in Claremont North Carolina one person dead and two critically injured as winds tore through this mobile home park a tornado also confirmed in Bamberg South Carolina.

Where the front of this building was ripped off farther south there goes a tornado tornadoes also pummeled Florida's Panhandle at least four touching down in the area this video shows the widespread damage in Panama City Beach the power of those winds knocking this ocean from a house off of its foundation you can see a tilted to.

The side leaning onto the neighboring house in Marana Florida multiple homes were destroyed with entire rooms visible from above Beverly gray says she her three kids and her sister's family took cover in her bathroom I just put all the kids in the bathtub overnight gusting winds and flooding rains pounding the Northeast.

Causing flooding in New York City more than 400,000 homes reported outages across New York New Jersey and Pennsylvania we could see winds to 60 M an hour so anybody that lives in the Northeast needs to be ready for the potential of their power going out the severe weather canel more than 1,000 US flights yesterday the powerful winds in.

The Washington area forced vice president kamla Harris's plane Air Force 2 to divert to dullas International instead of joint Bas Andrews the massive system also brought blizzard conditions from New Mexico to Iowa creating widespread white out conditions schools and highways closed in multiple States another storm is.

Expected to bring more snow to the Midwest later this week we'll take a closer look at the forecast coming up breaking overnight the US helping foil a complex attack in the Red Sea the Pentagon says us fighters from the aircraft carrier Eisenhower and three US destroyers shot down 18 drones and three missiles all launched by houthi rebels.

In Yemen iran-backed houthi Rebels have been attacking commercial ships in the Red Sea in a show of support for Hamas in its war with Israel the situation in the Middle East taking place as the Pentagon reveals defense secretary Lloyd Austin was treated for prostate cancer President Biden found out about the diagnosis yesterday more than two weeks.

After Austin went under anes athesia for a surgical procedure Austin remains in the hospital after he was readmitted for complications the Pentagon is promising to fix the botched notification process we recognize that we have to do a better job in terms of the timeliness and the transparency when it comes to especially the secretary's health and.

Again we're committed to making sure that we don't do this again and that we do a better job the White House has ordered a review of notification protocols for all cabinet members A's doctors say he is expected to make a full recovery and his cancer prognosis is excellent now to the chaos unfolding in Ecuador where police say criminals.

Unleashed a wave of attacks including storming a television Studio while they were live on the air US flights to Ecuador now face challenges as the security crisis deepens this morning major US airlines are cancelling some flights to Ecuador including American United JetBlue and Spirit after the South American country.

Declared an internal armed conflict yesterday armed gunman stormed a live television broadcast in the port city of guak keil gunshots ringing out as masked men brandish apparent explosives while flashing hand signals at the camera holding the TV staff hostage for at least 15 minutes with the nation.

Watching police surrounded the studio freeing the hosp messages and arresting 13 people involved in that attack three journalists from the station thanking police adding it's not possible living like this we wish for things to get better 28 other buildings were also attacked yesterday in guak keil where.

Authorities say eight people were killed and three more injured the violence erupted across Ecuador on Monday when the president declared a nationwide state of emergency after a high-profile gang leader escaped from prison along with dozens of prisoners connected to criminal organizations police have now set up checkpoints in Gua keil and the.

Capital keto Ecuador's president is calling the perpetrators of the violence terrorists the state of emergency will last 60 days sad news for former first lady Melania Trump announcing overnight that her mother has died Malia canavs passed away in Florida after a long Health Battle Miss Trump paid tribute in a post.

Calling her a strong woman who was devoted to her family canavs was born in Slovenia and became a US citizen in 2018 along with her husband she was 78 the Iowa caucuses are now 5 days away but former president Trump spent the day in a Washington DC courtroom and a panel of Judges greeted his claim with of absolute immunity with skepticism.

Meanwhile Nikki Haley is closing the Gap with Trump in New Hampshire ABC's M win joins us now with all the latest good morning M Andrew good morning election 2024 is in high gear and as Donald Trump's Republican Rivals fight to make a mark in his commanding lead he's spending a day in court this morning with the Iowa caucus just days away in.

President Biden back at the White House after several campaign events former president Trump was in a courtroom looking on as his legal team sought to convince a skeptical panel of Judges that he should be immune from prosecution for his actions taken during office h a president ordered Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political.

Rival that's an official act in order to SEAL Team Six he he would have to be and would speedily be you know uh uh impeached and convicted before the criminal prosecution Trump's lawyers argued his federal election subversion indictment should be dismissed but the prosecution fired back warning immunity would be scary if there were no criminal.

Charges against someone trying to usurp election results the former president standing by his assertion after the proceedings the president has to have immunity on the campaign Trail for former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie knocked Trump on his time which is the place he spends more time in than actually Iowa or New Hampshire Trump's.

Other GOP rivals in Iowa where snow is blanketing parts of the state businessman VC ramaswami joining a campaign stop via iPad former un Ambassador Nikki Haley thanking supporters for showing up in the weather while making her closing arguments to voters the only way we're going to win the majority of Americans is if we go.

Forward with a new generational leader that leaves the negativity and the baggage in the past and Governor Ronda santz splitting from Trump after the former president predicted the economy would crash suggesting he wanted it to happen this year if the economy crashes people would get thrown out of work businesses would go under I don't want.

To see that happening New Hampshire's first in the nation primary is in just two weeks a new CNN poll shows Haley cutting into Trump's lead there now just seven points behind the former president with 32% of the vote D santis plummeting to just 5% Andrew M thank you Boeing CEO says the company is acknowledging its mistake as the investigation into last.

Week's Alaska Airlines blowout moves forward the focus is on weather bolts meant to hold the door plug the part that flew off the plane after it left Portland Oregon were properly installed more than 170 Boeing max9 jets with door plugs will remain grounded until FAA mandated inspection are completed the specific mistake Boeing is acknowledging.

At this point is unclear time now for a look at your morning weather good morning a wet and windy start to the day today from New York City up the coast the rain and wind could be Heavy especially in New England with snow in the interior Northeast but it's really about the rain that's going.

To be a big problem for us through today the combination of snow melt and heavy rain inches of rain into this morning roadways underwater there have been water rescues we have to be safe out there meantime as this storm winds down in the Northeast another one ramps up in the Northwest with snow and rain in Seattle I'm aie weathers meteorologist.

Kevin krin coming up what's really inside your bottled water also I had a growing number of officials targeted in swatting incidents who's the latest victim and the major changes on Instagram and Facebook aimed at keeping means safe whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal.

Surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey en rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most.

Devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the pick line here at 10 Downing Street in London.

Streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news it's lunchtime in America so what do we sering up well how about everything you.

Need to know you know that sounds pretty good give it to your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afterno for everything you need to know I love.

That there are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at Victoria's Secret she did a little Christmas shopping headed to her car and then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from Drew shadine how heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he.

Kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand allnew 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on ABC from America's number one news comes the allnew ABC News app if you love being in the no you're going to love this experience the allnew ABC News app download it now as the race for the White House heats up the political climate is.

Becoming more dangerous a growing number of officials are being targeted in swatting incidents false threats that could create chaos and put lives at risk here's ABC's lion Moise this morning morning Steven debach director of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms is the latest public official to fall victim to swatting that's when someone.

Prank calls law enforcement to draw a response to a location sources say it happened over the holidays with local law enforcement and the ATF security detail engaging ultimately determining there was no threat to the director but this comes as officials are warning Americans to remain Vigilant to threats to democracy adding they are confident.

The us will have a safe and secure election and they're ready to contest any type of adversary that's going to try to interfere or influence our elections this is what we've done in 18 and 20 and 22 and what we'll do in 24 as well FBI director Christopher Ray also speaking at a cyber security conference yesterday telling Americans to do their.

Part with foreign Nations looking to cause chaos through misinformation saying we need to be more thoughtful and Discerning but as officials focus on foreign threats ahead of the 2024 election security of elected officials continues to be a major concern ATF director Steven dak's swatting incident is not isolated sources say special.

Counsel Jack Smith who is investigating former president Trump's handling of classified information and DC federal judge Tanya chuin who's overseeing Trump's election subversion case were also victims of swatting and representative marjerie Taylor green posting on X that she was swatted eight times with her family Target.

Saying she is introducing legislation to track down and prosecute perpetrators these latest swatting incidents join a growing list of officials on both sides of the aisle targeted the FBI is also investigating recent fake bomb threats to secretaries of state and capital buildings Nationwide from Maine to South Carolina.

Law enforcement sources saying some of those threats originated overseas ranan Andrew lonel thank you the parent company of Facebook and Instagram hasn't announced plans to do more to protect young people meta will begin hiding content that it deems inappropriate for teenagers that includes posts about suicide self harm and also eating.

Disorders and a new study finds bottled water may contain up to 100 times more microscopic plastic particles than previously thought researchers found an average of 240,000 nanoplastics per bottle scientists aren't sure whether the particles are actually harmful to our health in a statement an industry trade assist Association says the study.

Lacks standardized methods coming up next the wife accused of poisoning her husband with tainted soup also ahead several people arrested for brawling with police after officers found a secret tunnel under New York City there are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at Victoria Secret she did a little.

Christmas shopping headed to her car and then went missing from from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from Drew shadine how heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand all new 2020 Friday night.

At 98 Central on ABC Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo you've all Det Texas edin bruss Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in waron we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they.

Happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live it's lunchtime in America so what are we sering up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news pop.

Culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this.

Is what would you do let's go how are you H you yes so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show we are back now with the death EV Adon Kanto the Mexican born and Texas.

Raised actor died on Monday from cancer of the appendix Kanto began acting as a teenager he is best known for his roles in designated Survivor the cleaning lady and X-Men Days of Future Past Adon Kanto was just 42 years old and he leaves behind his wife and two children some wild scenes playing out here in New York City after clashing with police inside a.

Brooklyn synagogue nine hiic Jewish men were arrested authorities were on the scene because of a secret tunnel that had been built into the historic house of worship its construction was blamed on a group of extremist students who hop to EXP B the synagogue this is a site that's of uh great importance for Jews all around the.

World we're looking forward to the decorum and sanctity to be restored the synagogue is temporarily closed while its structural Integrity is inspected a pair of court cases more than a thousand miles apart have a Common Thread poison both of them sound like something you'd hear in a TV plot one of them even includes a soap opera.

Reference here's a ABC's Andre fui this morning a grand jury has indicted a Minnesota doctor of first-degree murder after prosecutors say he poisoned his wife in August Dr Connor Bowman is accused of killing Betty Bowman investigators say the drug culine which is used to treat gout was found in her system but prosecutors say.

Betty never had gout one morning there was a bunch of uh their dogs were barking over there a whole bunch and I might have heard a bit of shouting or something while we were sleeping but yeah and then sure enough uh the cops kind of came soon after police say Bowman who was a Mayo Clinic Pharmacy resident and poison control specialist.

Researched the drug and what a lethal dose would be for someone of his wife's weight court documents say the couple had a rocky marriage and Bowman was in severe debt with prosecutors alleging he told a friend he'd receive a large payout from Betty's life insurance policy meanwhile in Massachusetts another spouse accused of poisoning.

Their significant other roxand duet is charged with aemp atted murder after police say she tried to poison her husband by giving him tainted soup I did not try to poison my husband investigators in Townsen say in early December the 64-year-old received a text message from a person claiming to be soap opera star Thoren Kay from The Bold.

And the Beautiful they were saying that they love me and they wanted me to leave my husband the person telling her you have to get rid of your husband honey I need you so much duet then writing making an amazing in soup special potion he will be hungry when he gets back just enough for him then hubby got back not feeling well maybe I can collect life.

Insurance hours later investigators say Jette called 911 saying her husband was unresponsive he was taken to the hospital with ducet blaming the episode on his cardiac history her husband survived telling police he ate the soup which tasted bitter roxand duet's daughter says she was the one who called police after.

Finding those text messages on her mom's phone duet is scheduled to be in court tomorrow as for Dr Bowman he's set to be arraigned next week ranan Andrew Andrea thank you coming up when baby Yoda is expected to hit the big screen plus those some new mints to help you get through Dry January with so much at stake so much on.

The line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of Television it there are some stories that just.

Stick with you drew was working at Victoria Secret she did a little Christmas shopping headed to her car and then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from Drew shadine how heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you have a sexual predator.

On your hand all new 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on ABC from America's number one news source comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and it can customize to you and your interests if you love being in the know you're going to love this experience what all the buzz is about experience the allnew ABC.

News app download it now ABC News live Prime winner of the Gracie Award for best news program in all of Television stream ABC News live Prime with lindsy Davis week nights on ABC News live why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day top stories a lot of news today.

So let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start.

Here reporting from Manhattan I'm Diane Meo wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live time to check the pulse and we begin with baby Yoda making the jump to the big screen as Star Wars fans Rejoice our parent company Disney just announced a.

New Star Wars film featuring The Fan Favorite the debuted in the Mandalorian back in 2019 the movie is called the Mandalorian and grou and will be directed by series Creator John favro production is expected to get underway maybe this year with a potential release date in 2025 stay tuned all right next a little something for those doing a dry.

January I'm doing dry January but I don't know about this what do you think Miller Light mins they're said to have the same great taste as a Miller Light only without the beer light says there's also a hint of Spearman in there as well they go on sale on Friday online five bucks for a 10 of 40 it really is less.

Filling next a fan a night one LA Lakers fan will never forget he was the big winner at last night's game Fidel almost had one shot from half court to win $100,000 it's up and it's good Fidel says he's only hit two other half court shots ever the 34 year-old says he plans to pay off debt with some of that money congrats to him finally an extreme form.

Of team building colleagues at a workplace in Kentucky took part in a game of human whack-a-mole one worker tries to hit his colleagues with the foam noodle while preventing them from grabbing the plastic balls this is team building at its finest okay that it's lunchtime in America America.

So what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to.

Know I love that why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening.

To start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there streaming.

Free on ABC News live with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of Television there are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at Victoria Secret she did a little.

Christmas shopping headed to her car and then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from Drew shadine how heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand all new 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on.

ABC checking more top stories now the Pentagon is promising more transparency after revealing that defense secretary Lloyd Austin was treated for prostate cancer President Biden just learned of the diagnosis yesterday after being kept in the dark for days about Austin's Hospital say Nikki Haley and Ronda.

Santis are facing off tonight in their first one-on-one debate with the Iowa caucuses now 5 days away former president Trump is again skipping the debate instead holding a town hall it comes as Haley surges in the polls in New Hampshire trailing Trump by just seven points the parents of a British man killed in a helicopter crash in the.

Grand Canyon will receive a $100 million cash settlement Jonathan Udall and his wife Ellie were among five people who died in the 2018 tragedy clean up at the site of Monday's Hotel blast in Fort Worth Texas will take several more days investigators say it's still unclear whether a gas leak caused the explosion or the explosion caused a gas leak there.

Is no evidence of Foul Play though 21 people were injured in today's weather Gusty winds across the the Northeast as Rivers rise to flood stage following yesterday's torrential rain snow around the Great Lakes several feet of snow in both the Rockies and the sieras and Rain along the west coast finally the annual Consumer Electronic Show is well.

Underway ABC's Elizabeth schy has a look at some of the new gadgets on display in Vegas hey Andrew and ran and we are inside CES which is the biggest Consumer Electronic Show of the Year thousands of small startups to big companies showing off their latest tech here more than 100 30,000 people are expected to come here to Vegas over the next few days to see.

Some of those latest and greatest inventions one of the themes we're noticing is artificial intelligence not a surprise it's been a big focus of the past year but how is artificial intelligence actually being integrated into products in your day-to-day life here in the Amazon Booth you can see that there's a big focus on AI for your.

Products that you might find at home we saw that in the case of Samsung 2o they're showing off a new refrigerator that can actually tell you when you load it and unload it how many fruits and vegetables are left when you see it might add that to your list it can pick up recipes to say here's what you have in your fridge here's what you need to.

Buy this idea that this technology AI That's developed so fast over the past year can actually improve your day-to-day life we see it in cars we actually saw a dancing car that was pretty cool that a lot of the technology that's been quickly developing over the past year can be used by businesses and consumers but that it also needs to be.

Regulated be done in a safe way we've been talking to top Executives who say that as AI has develop so quickly there also need to be guard rails in place to make sure that it's being used in a safe way for consumers Andrew and Randon back to you all right Elizabeth thank you CES a lot of cool weird and sometimes a little bit scary yeah especially with.

All the AI see what makes it to the actual store shelves and that's what's making news in America this morning have a great day everyone right now on America this morning the severe weather threat unfolding right now wind gusts topping 60 MPH of the.

Northeast and heavy rain causing flash flooding the number of power outages growing by the hour in freezing temperatures there goes a tornado the storm's turning deadly in the South and a plane carrying vice president Harris forced to divert in the storm the chaos in Ecuador after alleged gang members unleash a series of attacks.

Including gunmen storming a TV studio major US Airlines now taking action cancelling flights to the South American country as fears grow the violence could spread breaking news overnight involving former first lady Melania Trump announcing the passing of her mother what we're learning plus the wild scene inside a New York City.

Synagogue police clashing with worshippers after the discovery of a secret underground tunnel drink up the new concern about water inside plastic bottles and baby Yoda headed to the big screen the major Star Wars news just announced overnight it's Wednesday January 10th from ABC news in New York this is.

America this morning good morning everyone I'm Andrew denber and I'm Ranna Ali we begin with the major impacts of that deadly storm now pushing through New England that's after bringing heavy rain and flooding to several Northeastern states some areas could get up to 5 Ines of rain in just a matter of hours the same system also wreaking.

Havoc in parts of Florida and elsewhere in the Southeast this morning hundreds of thousands of Americans left in the dark as a massive storm system sweeps across the country power's out two people have been killed by Falling trees including a 78-year-old man crushed while he was driving near Atlanta Georgia when I saw.

The car my heart sa in Claremont North Carolina one person dead and two critically injured as winds tore through this mobile home park a tornado also confirmed in Bamberg South Carolina where the front of this building was ripped off farther south there goes a tornado tornadoes also pummeled Florida's Panhandle at least four.

Touching down in the area this video shows the widespread damage in Panama City Beach the power of those winds knocking this ocean front house off of its foundation you can see it tilted to the side leaning onto the neighboring house in Mariana Florida multiple homes were destroyed with entire rooms visible from above Beverly gray says she her.

Three kids and her sister's family took cover in her bathroom I just put all the kids in the bathtub overnight gusting winds and flooding rains pounding the Northeast causing flooding in New York City more than 400,000 homes reported outages across New York New Jersey and Pennsylvania we could see winds to 60 M.

An hour so anybody that lives in the Northeast needs to be ready for the potential of their power going out the severe weather canceled more than 1,000 US flights yesterday the powerful winds in the Washington area forced vice president kamla Harris's plane Air Force 2 to divert to Dallas International instead of Joint Base.

Andrews the massive system also brought blizzard conditions from New Mexico to Iowa creating widespread white out conditions schools and highways closed in multiple States another storm is expected to bring more snow to the Midwest later this week we'll take a closer look at the forecast coming up breaking overnight the US helping foil a.

Complex attack in the Red Sea the Pentagon says us fighters from the aircraft carrier Eisenhower and three US destroyers shot down 18 drones and three missiles all launched by houthi rebels in Yemen iran-backed houthi Rebels have been attacking commercial ships in the Red Sea in a show of support for Hamas in its war with Israel the situation in.

The Middle East taking place as the Pentagon reveals defense secretary Lloyd Austin was treated for prostate cancer President Biden found out about the diagnosis yesterday more than two weeks after Austin went under anesthesia for a surgical procedure Austin remains in the hospital hospital after he was readmitted for complications the.

Pentagon is promising to fix the botched notification process we recognize that we have to do a better job in terms of the timeliness and the transparency when it comes to especially the secretary's health and again we're committed to making sure that we don't do this again and that we do a better job the White House has.

Ordered a review of notification protocols for all cabinet members Austin's doctors say he is expected to make a full recovery and his cancer prognosis is excellent now to the chaos unfolding in Ecuador where police say criminals Unleashed a wave of attacks including storming a television Studio while they were live on the air US.

Flights to Ecuador now face challenges as the security crisis deepens this morning major US airlines are cancelling some flights to Ecuador including American United JetBlue and spirit after the South American country declared an internal armed conflict yesterday armed gunmen stormed a live television broadcast in the port.

City of Gua keil gunshots ringing out as masked men brandish apparent explosives while flashing hand signals at the camera holding the TV staff hostage for at least 15 minutes with the nation watching police surrounded the studio freeing the hostages and arresting 13 people involved that.

Attack three journalists from the station thanking police adding it's not possible living like this we wish for things to get better 28 other buildings were also attacked yesterday in guak keil where authorities say eight people were killed and three more injured the violence erupted across Ecuador on Monday when.

The president declared a nationwide state of emergency after a high-profile gang leader escaped from prison along with dozens of prisoners connected to criminal organizations police have now set up checkpoints in guak keil and the capital Kito Ecuador's president is calling the perpetrators of the violence terrorists.

The state of emergency will last 60 days sad news for former first lady Melania Trump announcing overnight that her mother has died Malia canavs passed away in Florida after a long Health Battle Miss Trump paid tribute in a post calling her a strong woman who was devoted to her family canavs was born in Slovenia and became a US citizen in 2018.

Along with her husband she was 78 the Iowa caucuses are now 5 days away but former president Trump spent the day in a Washington DC courtroom and a panel of Judges greeted his claim with of absolute immunity with skepticism meanwhile Nikki Haley is closing the Gap with Trump in New Hampshire ABC's M win joins us now with all the latest good.

Morning M Andrew good morning election 2024 is in high gear and as Donald Trump's Republican Rivals fight to make a mark in his commanding lead he's spending a day in court this morning with the Iowa caucus just days away and President Biden back at the White House after several campaign events former president Trump was in a courtroom.

Looking on as his legal team sought to convince a skeptical panel of Judges that he should be immune from prosecution for his actions taken during office could a president order SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival that's an official act in order to Seal Team Six he he would have to be and would speed be you know uh uh impeached.

And convicted before the criminal prosecution Trump's lawyers argued his federal election subversion indictment should be dismissed but the prosecution fired back warning immunity would be scary if there were no criminal charges against someone trying to usurp election results the former president standing by his assertion after the proceedings the.

President has to have immunity on the campaign Trail former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie knocked Trump his today which is the place he spends more time in than actually Iowa or New Hampshire Trump's other GOP rivals in Iowa where snow is blanketing parts of the state businessman VC ramaswami joining a campaign stop via iPad former.

Un Ambassador Nikki Haley thanking supporters for showing up in the weather while making her closing arguments to voters the only way we're going to win the majority of Americans is if we go forward with a new generational leader that leaves the negativity and the bage in the past and Governor Ronda santz splitting from Trump after the former.

President predicted the economy would crash suggesting he wanted it to happen this year if the economy crashes people would get thrown out of work businesses would go under I don't want to see that happening New Hampshire's first in the nation primary is in just two weeks a new CNN poll shows Haley cutting into Trump's lead there now just seven points.

Behind the former president with 32% of the vote D santis plummeted to just 5% Andrew M thank you Boeing CEO says the company is acknowledging its mistake as the investigation into last week's Alaska Airlines blowout moves forward the focus is on weather bolts meant to hold the door plug the part that flew off the plane after it left Portland.

Oregon were properly installed more than 170 Boeing max9 jets with door plugs will remain grounded until FAA mandated inspections are completed the specific mistake Boeing is acknowledging at this point is unclear time now for a look at your morning weather good morning a wet and windy.

Start to the day today from New York City up the coast the rain and wind could be Heavy especially in New England with snow in the interior Northeast but it's really about the rain that's going to be a big problem for us through today the combination of snow melt and heavy rain inches of rain into this morning roadways underwater there have been.

Water rest rescues we have to be safe out there meantime as this storm winds down in the Northeast another one ramps up in the Northwest with snow and rain in Seattle I'm aie weathers meteorologist Kevin krin coming up what's really inside your bottled water also add a growing number of officials targeted in swatting.

Incidents who's the latest victim and the major changes on Instagram and Facebook aimed at keeping teens safe first thing in the morning there's a lot going on everybody in that home is okay to catch you up with what happened overnight we are here at Fashion's biggest night out what's happening today.

YouTube has unveiled a new set of policies what people are talking about the new ad campaign fast straightforward with some fun in between a real life Barbie Dream House a name change for the Wier mobile first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news news on ABC News.

Live just a little bit Brea more just a little bit smile little more a minut I've been running through the Str pictures on my phone like everything is so little bit Good Morning America Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in.

London in Buffalo yaldi Texas Edinburgh Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in warong we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on.

ABC News live why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening.

To start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here reporting from the scene of the montere park mass shooting I'm Juju Chang wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live as the race for the White House.

Heats up the political climate is becoming more dangerous a growing number of officials are being targeted in swatting incidents false threats that could create chaos and put lives at risk here's ABC's lion moiz this morning Steven deach director of the Bureau of Al Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms is the latest public official to fall victim to.

Swatting that's when someone prank calls law enforcement to draw response to a location sources say it happened over the holidays with local law enforcement and the ATF security detail engaging ultimately determining there was no threat to the director but this comes as officials are warning Americans to remain Vigilant to threats to democracy.

Adding they are confident the us will have a safe and secure election and they're ready to contest any type of adversary that's going to try to interfere or influence our elections this is what we've done in 18 and 20 and 22 and what we'll do in 24 as well FBI director Christopher Ray also speaking at a cyber security conference yesterday.

Telling Americans to do their part with four nations looking to cause chaos through misinformation saying we need to be more thoughtful and Discerning but as officials focus on foreign threats ahead of the 2024 election security of elected officials continues to be a major concern ATF director Steven dle back's swatting incident is not isolated.

Sources say special counsel Jack Smith who is investigating former president Trump's handling of classified information and DC federal judge Tanya chuin who's overseeing Trump's election subversion case were also victims of swatting and representative Marjorie Taylor green posting on X that she was swatted eight times with her family.

Targeted saying she is introducing legislation to to track down and prosecute perpetrators these latest swatting incidents join a growing list of officials on both sides of the aisle targeted the FBI is also investigating recent fake bomb threats to secretaries of state and capital buildings.

Nationwide from Maine to South Carolina law enforcement sources saying some of those threats originated overseas ranan Andrew LEL thank you the parent company of Facebook and Instagram has announced plans to do more to protect young people met will begin hiding content that it deems inappropriate for teenagers that includes posts about suicide self harm.

And also eating disorders and a new study finds bottled water may contain up to 100 times more microscopic plastic particles than previously thought researchers found an average of 240,000 nanoplastics per bottle scientists aren't sure whether the particles are actually harmful to our health in a statement an industry trade Association.

Says the study lacks standardized methods coming up next the wife accused of poisoning her husband with tainted soup also ahead several people arrested for brawling with police after officers found a secret tunnel under New York City with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News.

Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of Television give it me there are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at Victoria Secret she did a little Christmas shopping headed to her.

Car and then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from Dre shadine how heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand all new 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on ABC from America's.

Number one news source comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and it can customize to you and your interests if you love being in the to know you're going to love this experience what all the buzz is about experience the allnew ABC News app download it now ABC News live Prime winner of the Gracie Award.

For best news program in all of Television stream ABC News live Prime with lindsy Davis week nights on ABC News live Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas edin BR Scotland reporting from Rolling for Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in waron we're.

Heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live we are back now with the death of Adon Kanto the Mexican born and Texas raised actor died on Monday from cancer.

Of the appendix Kanto began acting as a teenager he has best known for his roles in designated Survivor the cleaning lady and X-Men Days of Future Past Adon Kanto was just 42 years old and he leaves behind his wife and two children some wild scenes playing out here in New York City after clashing with police inside a Brooklyn synagogue nine hiic Jewish men.

Were arrested authorities were on the scene because of a secret tunnel that had been built into the historic house of worship its construction was blamed on a group of extremist students who hoped to expand the synagogue this is a site that's of uh great importance for Jews all around the world we're looking forward to the.

Decorum and sanctity to be restored the synagogue is temporarily closed while its structural Integrity is inspected a pair of court cases more than a thousand miles apart have a Common Thread poison both of them sound like something you'd hear in a TV plot one of them even includes a soap oper reference here's ABC's Andre.

Fuji this morning a grand jury has indicted a Minnesota doctor of first-degree murder after prosecutors say he poisoned his wife in August Dr Connor Bowman is accused of killing Betty Bowman investigators say the drug culine which is used to treat gout was found in her system but prosecutors say Betty never had gout one morning there.

Was a bunch of uh their dogs were barking over there a whole bunch and I might have heard a bit of shouting or something while we were sleeping but yeah and then sure enough uh the cops kind of came soon after police say Bowman who was a Mayo Clinic Pharmacy resident and poison control specialist researched the drug and what a lethal.

Dose would be for someone of his wife's weight court documents say the couple had a rocky marriage and Bowman was in severe debt with prosecutors alleging he told a friend he'd receive a large payout from Betty's life insurance policy meanwhile in Massachusetts another spouse accused of poisoning their significant other roxand doet is.

Charged with attempted murder after police say she tried to poison her husband Husband by giving him tainted soup I did not try to poison my husband investigators in Townsen say in early December the 64-year-old received a text message from a person claiming to be soap opera star Thoren Kay from The Bold.

And the Beautiful they were saying that they love me and they wanted me to leave my husband the person telling her you have to get rid of your husband honey I need you so much duet then writing making an amazing soup special potion he will be hungry when he gets back just enough for him then hubby got back not feeling well maybe I can collect life.

Insurance hours later investigators say duette called 911 saying her husband was unresponsive he was taken to the hospital with duet blaming the episode on his cardiac history her husband survived telling police he ate the soup which tasted bitter roxand duet's daughter says she was the one who called police after.

Finding those text messages on her mom's phone duet is scheduled to be in court tomorrow as for Dr Bowman he's set to be arraigned next week Rihanna Andrew Andrea thank you coming up when baby Yoda is expected to hit the big screen plus those some new mints to help you get through Dry January it's lunchtime in America so.

What are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good it to your health your money news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoons for everything you need to.

Know I love that why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening.

To start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here whenever wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas Edinburough Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi.

Ukrainian refugees here in waron we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any.

Other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most most watched newscast across all of Television is so little bit of sun Good Morning America at Boston Logan Airport I'm Gio.

Bonitz wherever the story is we'll take you there your streaming ABC News live time to check the pulse and we begin with baby Yoda making the jump to the big screen as Star Wars fans Rejoice our parent company Disney just announced a new Star Wars film featuring The Fan.

Favorite the debuted in the Mandalorian back in 2019 the movie is called the Mandalorian and grou and will be directed by series Creator John favro production is expected to get underway maybe this year with a potential release date in 2025 stay tuned all right next a little something for those doing doing a dry January I'm doing dry January but I.

Don't know about this what do you think Miller Light mints they're said to have the same great taste as a Miller Light only without the beer light says there's also a hint of Spearman in there as well they go on sale on Friday online five bucks for a 10 of 40 it really is less filling next a fan a night one LA Lakers.

Fan will never forget he was the big winner at last night's game Fidel almost had one shot from half court to win $100,000 it's up and it's good Fidel says he's only hit two other halfcourt shots ever the 34 year-old says he plans to pay off debt with some of that money congrats to him finally an extreme form of team building colleagues at a.

Workplace in Kentucky took part in a game of human whack-a-mole one worker tries to hit his colleagues with the foam noodle while preventing them from grabbing the plastic balls this is team building at its finest okay that first thing in the morning there's a lot going on everybody in that home is.

Okay to catch you up with what happened overnight we are here at Fashion's biggest night out what's happening today YouTube has unveiled a new set of policies what people are talking about the new ad campaign fast straightforward with some fun in between a real life Barbie dream housee a name change for the wiener mobile first thing in the.

Morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live it why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to.

Be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listen listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you.

Didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there streaming free on ABC News live all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show americ Amica wants and.

America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are you I hug you yes so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show checking more top stories now the.

Pentagon is promising more transparency after revealing that defense secretary Lloyd Austin was treated for prostate cancer President Biden just learned of the diagnosis yesterday after being kept in the dark for days about Austin's Hospital stay Nikki Haley and Ronda santis are facing off tonight in their first one-on-one debate with the Iowa.

Caucuses now 5 days away former president Trump is again skipping the debate instead holding a town hall it comes as Haley surges in the polls in New Hampshire trailing Trump by just seven points the parents of a British man killed in a helicopter crash in the Grand Canyon will receive a $100 million cash settlement Jonathan Udall and his.

Wife Ellie were among five people who died in the 2018 tragedy clean up at the site of Monday's Hotel blast in Fort Worth Texas will take several more days investigators say it's still unclear whether a gas leak caused the explosion or the explosion caused a gas leak there is no evidence of Foul Play though 21 people were injured in today's weather.

Gusty winds across the Northeast as Rivers rise to flood stage following yest yesterday's torrential rain snow around the Great Lakes several feet of snow in both the Rockies and the sieras and Rain along the west coast finally the annual Consumer Electronic Show is well underway ABC's Elizabeth schy has a look at some of the new gadgets on.

Display in Vegas hey Andrew and ran and we are inside CES which is the biggest Consumer Electronic Show of the Year thousands of small startups to big companies showing off their latest tech here more than 130,000 people are expected to come here to Vegas over the next few days to see some of those latest and greatest.

Inventions one of the themes we're noticing is artificial intelligence not a surprise it's been a big focus of the past year but how is artificial intelligence actually being integrated into products in your day-to-day life here in the Amazon Booth you can see that there's a big focus on AI for your products that you might find at home we.

Saw that in the case of Samsung too they're showing off a new refrigerator that can actually tell you when you load it and unload it how many fruits and vegetables are left when you see it might add that to your list it can pick up recipes to say here's what you have in your fridge here's what you need to buy this idea that this technology AI.

That's developed so fast over the past year can actually improve your day-to-day life we see it in cars we actually saw a dancing car that was pretty cool personal robots who can turn lights on and off a lot of this comes to gaming too the idea that a lot of the technology that's been quickly developing over the past year can be.

Used by businesses and consumers but that it also needs to be regulated be done in a safe way we've been talking to tough Executives who say that as AI has developed so quickly there also need to be guard rails in place to make sure that it's being used in a safe way for consumers Andrew and Ranon back to you all right Elizabeth thank you CES a lot.

Of cool weird and sometimes a little bit scary especially with all the AI we see what makes it to the actual store shelves and that's what's making news in America this morning have a great day everyone right now on America this morning the severe weather threat unfolding right.

Now wind gusts topping 60 mph in the Northeast and heavy rain causing flash flooding the number of power outages growing by the hour in freezing temperatures there goes a tornado the storm's turning deadly in the South and a plane carrying vice president Harris forced to divert in the storm the chaos in Ecuador after alleged.

Gang members unleash a series of attacks including gunmen storming a TV studio major US Airlines now taking action cancelling flights to the South American country as fears grow the violence could spread breaking news overnight involving former first lady milania Trump announcing the passing of her mother what we're learning plus the.

Wild scene inside a New York City synagogue police clashing with worshippers after the discovery of a secret underground tunnel drink up the new concern concern about water inside plastic bottles and baby Yoda headed to the big screen the major Star Wars news just announced overnight it's Wednesday January.

10th from ABC news in New York this is America this morning good morning everyone I'm Andrew denber and I'm ran Ali we begin with the major impacts of that deadly storm now pushing through New England that's after bringing heavy rain and flooding to several Northeastern states some areas could get up to 5 Ines of rain in just a matter of.

Hours the same system also wreaking havoc in parts of Florida and elsewhere in the Southeast this morning hundreds of thousands of Americans left in the dark as a massive storm system sweeps across the country power's out two people have been killed by Falling trees including a 78-year-old man crushed while he was.

Driving near Atlanta Georgia when I saw the car my heart sa in Claremont North Carolina one person dead and two critically injured as winds tore through this mobile home park a tornado also confirmed in Bamberg South Carolina where the front of this building was ripped off farther south there goes a tornado tornadoes also pummeled.

Florida's Panhandle at least four touching down in the area this video shows the widespread damage in Panama City Beach the power of those winds knocking this ocean FR house off of its foundation you can see it tilted to the side leaning onto the neighboring house in Mariana Florida multiple homes were destroyed with entire rooms visible from.

Above Beverly gray says she her three kids and her sister's family took cover in her bathroom I just put all the kids in the bathtub overnight gusting winds and flooding rains pounding the Northeast causing flooding in New York City more than 400,000 homes reported outages across New York New Jersey and.

Pennsylvania we could see winds to 60 M an hour so anybody that lives in the Northeast needs to be ready for the potential of their power going out the severe weather canel more than 1,000 US flights yest yesterday the powerful winds in the Washington area forced vice president kamla Harris's plane Air Force 2 to divert to dullas International.

Instead of joint Bas Andrews the massive system also brought blizzard conditions from New Mexico to Iowa creating widespread white out conditions schools and highways closed in multiple States another storm is expected to bring more snow to the Midwest later this week we'll take a closer look at the forecast coming up.

Breaking overnight the US helping foil a complex attack in the Red Sea the Pentagon says us fighters from the aircraft carrier Eisenhower and three US destroyers shot down 18 drones and three missiles all launched by houthi rebels in Yemen iran-backed houthi Rebels have been attacking commercial ships in the Red Sea in a show of support for Hamas.

In its war with Israel the situation in the Middle East taking place as the Pentagon reveals defense secretary Lloyd Austin was treated for prostate cancer President Biden found out about the diagnosis yesterday more than two weeks after Austin went under anesthesia for a surgical procedure Austin remains in the hospital after he was readmitted for.

Complications the Pentagon is promising to fix the botched notification process we recognize that we have to do a better job in terms of the timeliness and the transparency when it comes to especially the secretary's health and again we're committed to making sure that we don't do this again and that we do a better job the White House has.

Ordered a review of notification protocols for all cabinet members Austin doctors say he is expected to make a full recovery and his cancer prognosis is excellent now to the chaos unfolding in Ecuador where police say criminals Unleashed a wave of attacks including storming a television Studio while they were live on the air US flights to.

Ecuador now face challenges as the security crisis deepens this morning major US airlines are cancelling some flights to Ecuador including American United JetBlue and Spirit after the South American country declared an internal armed conflict yesterday armed gunmen stormed a live television broadcast in the port.

City of guak gunshots ringing out as masked men brandish apparent explosives while flashing hand signals at the camera holding the TV staff hostage for at least 15 minutes with the nation watching police surrounded the studio freeing the hostage and arresting 13 people involved in that.

Attack three journalists from the station thanking police adding it's not possible living like this we wish for things to get better 28 other buildings were also attacked yesterday in guak where authorities say eight people were killed and three more injured the violence erupted across Ecuador on Monday when.

The president declared a nationwide state of emergency after a high-profile gang leader escaped from prison along with dozens of prisoners connected to criminal organizations police have now set up checkpoints in Gua keil and the capital Kito Ecuador's president is calling the perpetrators of the violence terrorists.

The state of emergency will last 60 days sad news for former first lady Melania Trump announcing overnight that her mother has died Malia canavs passed away in Florida after a long Health Battle Miss Trump paid tribute in a post calling her a strong woman who was devoted to her family can was born in Slovenia and became a US citizen in 2018.

Along with her husband she was 78 the Iowa caucuses are now 5 days away but former president Trump spent the day in a Washington DC courtroom and a panel of Judges greeted his claim with of absolute immunity with skepticism meanwhile Nikki Haley is closing the Gap with Trump in New Hampshire ABC's M win joins us now with all the latest good.

Morning M Andrew good morning election 2024 is in high gear and as Donald Trump's Republican Rivals fight to make Marin is commanding lead he's spending a day in court this morning with the Iowa caucus just days away in President Biden back at the White House after several campaign events former president Trump was in a courtroom looking on as his.

Legal team sought to convince a skeptical panel of Judges that he should be immune from prosecution for his actions taken during office h president ordered SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival that's an official act in order to seal team s he he would have to be and would speedily be you know uh uh.

Impeached and convicted before the criminal prosecution Trump's lawyers argued his federal election subversion indictment should be dismissed but the prosecution fired back warning immunity would be scary if there were no criminal charges against someone trying to usurp election results the former president standing by his assertion after the.

Proceedings the president has to have immunity on the campaign Trail former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie knocked Trump on his time which is the place he spends more time in than actually Iowa or New Hampshire Trump's other GOP rivals in Iowa where snow is blanketing parts of the state businessman Vic ramaswami joining a.

Campaign stop via iPad former un Ambassador Nikki Haley thanking supporters for showing up in the weather while making her closing arguments to voters the only way we're going to win the majority of Americans is if we go forward with a new generation leader that leaves the negativity and the baggage in the past and Governor Rhonda.

Santz splitting from Trump after the former president predicted the economy would crash suggesting he wanted it to happen this year if the economy crashes people would get thrown out of work businesses would go under I don't want to see that happening New Hampshire's first in the nation primary is in just two weeks a new CN poll shows Haley.

Cutting into Trump's lead there now just seven points behind the former president with 32% of the vote D santis plummeting to just 5% Andrew M thank you Boeing CEO says the company is acknowledging its mistake as the investigation into last week's Alaska Airlines blowout moves forward the focus is on weather bolts meant to hold the door plug the part.

That flew off the plane after it left Portland Oregan were properly installed more than 1070 Boeing max9 jets with door plugs will remain grounded until FAA mandated inspections are completed the specific mistake Boeing is acknowledging at this point is unclear time now for a look at your morning.

Weather good morning a wet and windy start to the day today from New York City up the coast the rain and wind could be Heavy especially in New England with snow in the interior Northeast but it's really about the rain that's going to be a big problem for us through today the combination of snow melt and heavy rain inches of rain into this morning.

Roadways underwater there have been water rescues we have to be safe out there meantime as this storm winds down in the Northeast another one ramps up in the Northwest with snow and rain in Seattle I'm aie weather's meteorologist Kevin krin coming up what's really inside your bottled water also I had a growing.

Number of officials targeted in swatting incidents who's the latest victim and the major changes on Instagram and Facebook aimed at keeping teens safe whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC.

News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey en rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go.

Traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in Beirut from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the pick line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there.

You're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC News news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars.

Music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so Jo Jo us afterno for everything you need to know I love that there are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at Victoria's Secret she did a little Christmas shopping headed to her car and.

Then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from Drew shadine how heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand all new 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on ABC from America's number one news comes the all new ABC.

News app if you love being in the no you're going to love this experience the allnew ABC News app download it now as the race for the White House heats up the political climate is becoming more dangerous a growing number of officials are being targeted in swatting incidents false threats that could create chaos and put lives at risk.

Here's ABC's lion Moise this morning Steven debach director of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms is the latest public official to fall victim to swatting that's when someone prank calls law enforcement to draw a response to a location sources say it happened over the holidays with local law enforcement and the ATF security detail engaging.

Ultimately determining there was no threat to the director but this comes as officials are warning Americans to remain Vigilant to threats to democracy adding they are confident the us will have a safe and secure election and they're ready to contest any type of adversary that's going to try to interfere or influence our elections.

This is what we've done in 18 and 20 and 22 and what we'll do in 24 as well FBI director Christopher Ray also speaking at a cyber security conference yesterday telling Americans to do their part with foreign Nations looking to cause chaos through misinformation saying we need to be more thoughtful and Discerning but as officials focus on foreign threats ahead.

Of the 2024 election security of elected officials continues to be a major concern ATF director Steven dak's swatting incident is not isolated sources say special counsel Jack Smith who is investigating former president Trump's handling of classified information and DC federal judge Tanya chuin who's overseeing Trump's election.

Subversion case were also victims of swatting and representative Marjorie Taylor green posting on X that she was swatted eight times with her family targeted saying she is introducing legislation to track down and prosecute perpetrators these latest swatting incidents join a growing list of officials on both sides of the aisle.

Targeted the FBI is also investigating recent fake bomb threats to secretaries of state and capital buildings Nationwide from Maine to South Carolina law enforcement sources saying some of those threats originated overseas ranan Andrew lonel thank you the parent company of Facebook and Instagram has announced plans to do more to protect.

Young people meta will begin hiding content that it deems inappropriate for teenagers that includes posts about suicide self harm and also eating disorders and a new study finds bottled water may contain up to 100 times more microscopic plastic particles than previously thought researchers found an average of 240,000 nanoplastics per.

Bottle scientists aren't sure whether the particles are actually harmful to our health in a statement an industry trade Association says the study lacks standardized methods coming up next the wife accused of poisoning her husband with tainted suit also ahead several people arrested for brawling with police after officers.

Found a secret tunnel under New York City whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Le M the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena.

Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the.

Gaza Strip in beir from the reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere.

America's number one streaming news it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us.

Afternoon for everything you need to know I love that all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are you I hug you yes so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found.

Out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show we are back now with the death of Adon Kanto the Mexican born and Texas raised actor died on Monday from cancer of the appendix Kanto began acting as a teenager he is best known for his roles in designated Survivor the cleaning lady.

And X-Men Days of Future Past Adon Kanto was just 42 years old and he leaves behind his wife and two children some wild scenes playing out here in New York City after clashing with police inside a Brooklyn synagogue nine hiic Jewish men were arrested authorities were on the scene because of a secret tunnel that had been built into the historic house.

Of worship its construction was blamed on a group of extremist students who hoped to expand the synagogue this is a site that's of uh great importance for Jews all around the world we're looking forward to the decorum and sanctity to be restored the synagogue is temporarily closed while its structural Integrity is.

Inspected a pair of court cases more than a thousand miles apart have a Common Thread poison both of them sound like something you'd hear in a TV plot one of them even includes a soap opera reference here's ABC Andre Fuji this morning a grand jury has indicted a Minnesota doctor of first-degree murder after prosecutors.

Say he poisoned his wife in August Dr Connor Bowman is accused of killing Betty Bowman investigators say the drug culine which is used to treat gout was found in her system but prosecutors say Betty never had gout one morning there was a bunch of uh their dogs were barking over there a whole bunch and I might have heard a bit of shouting or.

Something while we were sleeping but yeah and then sure enough the cops kind of came soon after police say Bowman who was a Mayo Clinic Pharmacy resident and poison control specialist research the drug and what a lethal dose would be for someone of his wife's weight court documents say the couple had a rocky marriage and.

Bowman was in severe debt with prosecutors alleging he told a friend he'd receive a large payout from Betty's life insurance policy meanwhile in Massachusetts another spouse accused of poisoning their significant other Rox Sandu set is charged with attempted murder after police say she tried to poison her husband by giving him tainted.

Soup I did not try to poison my husband investigators in Townsen say in early December the 64-year-old received a text message from a person claiming to be soap oper star Thoren K from The Bold and the Beautiful they were saying that they love me and they wanted me to leave my husband the person telling her you.

Have to get rid of your husband honey I need you so much do set then writing making an amazing soup special potion he will be hungry when he gets back just enough for him then hobby got back not feeling well maybe I can collect life insurance hours later investigators say Jette called 911 saying her husband was unresponsive he was taken to the.

Hospital with duet blaming the episode on his cardiac history her husband survived telling police he ate the soup which tasted bitter roxand duet's daughter says she was the one who called police after finding those text messages on her mom's phone duet is scheduled to be in court tomorrow as for Dr Bowman he's set to be.

Arraigned next week Rihanna Andrew Andrea thank you coming up when baby Yoda is expected to hit the big screen plus those some new mints to help you get through Dry January all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do.

Let's go how are you I hug you yes so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC.

News World News Tonight with with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of television from America's number one news comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and customizable to your interests if you love being in the know you're going to love this experience the.

Allnew ABC News app download it now it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good give it to me your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third.

Hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us after news for everything you need to know I love that stream ABC News live counting down to the most consequential election of our lifetime and now with the Iowa and New Hampshire votes just days away if it's politics in 2024 ABC News live will take you there streaming free wherever.

You stream your news wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there streaming free on ABC News live reporting from Iowa on the 2024 campaign Trail I'm Mary Alice Parks wherever the story is we'll take you there you're.

Watching a News live time to check the pulse and we begin with baby Yoda making the jump to the big screen Star Wars fans Rejoice our parent company Disney just announced a new Star Wars film featuring The Fan Favorite the debuted in the Mandalorian back in 2019 the movie is called the Mandalorian and grou and will be.

Directed by series Creator John favro production is expected to get underway maybe this year with a potential release date in 2025 stay tuned all right next a little something for those doing a dry January I'm doing dry January but I don't know about this what do you think Miller Light mints they're said to have the same great taste as a Miller Light.

Only without the beer light says there's also a hint of Spearman in there as well they go on sale on Friday online five bucks for a 10 of 40 it really is less filling next a fan a night one LA Lakers fan will never forget he was the big winner at last night's game Fidel almost had one shot from half Court to win.

$100,000 it's up and it's good pel says he's only hit two other half court shots ever the 34-year-old says he plans to pay off debt with some of that money congrats to him finally an extreme form of team building colleagues at a workplace in Kentucky took part in a game of human whack-a-mole one worker tries to hit his colleagues with the.

Foam noodle while preventing them from grabbing the plastic balls this is team building at its finest okay this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin's Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive C four store you're along I Boston is in the.

Bullseye let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC News line America's number one streaming news all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are.

You I H you yes so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show there are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at Victoria Secret she did a little Christmas shopping headed to her.

Car and then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from Drew shadine how heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand all new 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on.

ABC it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good he your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us.

After new for everything you need to know I love that checking more top stories now the Pentagon is promising more transparency after revealing that defense secretary Lloyd Austin was treated for prostate cancer President Biden just learned of.

The diagnosis yesterday after being kept in the dark for days about Austin's Hospital stay Nikki Haley and Ronda santis are facing off tonight in their first one-on-one debate with the Iowa caucuses now 5 days away former president Trump is again skipping the debate instead holding a town hall it comes as Haley surges in the polls in.

New Hampshire TR K in Trump by just seven points the parents of a British man killed in a helicopter crash in the Grand Canyon will receive a $100 million cash settlement Jonathan Udall and his wife Ellie were among five people who died in the 2018 tragedy clean up at the site of Monday's Hotel blast in Fort Worth Texas will take several more days.

Investigators say it's still unclear whether a gas leak caused the explosion or the explosion caused a gas leak there is no evidence of Foul Play though 21 people were injured in today's weather Gusty winds across the North Northeast as Rivers rise to flood stage following yesterday's torrential rain snow around the Great Lakes several feet of snow in.

Both the Rockies and the sieras and Rain along the west coast finally the annual Consumer Electronic Show is well underway ABC's Elizabeth schy has a look at some of the new gadgets on display in Vegas hey Andrew and ran and we are inside CES which is the biggest Consumer Electronic Show of the Year thousands of small startups to big companies showing.

Off their latest tech here more than 13 ,000 people are expected to come here to Vegas over the next few days to see some of those latest and greatest inventions one of the themes we're noticing is artificial intelligence not a surprise it's been a big focus of the past year but how is artificial intelligence actually being integrated into products.

In your day-to-day life here in the Amazon Booth you can see that there's a big focus on AI for your products that you might find at home we saw that in the case of Samsung 2o they're showing off a new refrigerator that can actually tell you when you load it and unload it how many fruits fruits and vegetables are left when you see it might add that.

To your list it can pick up recipes to say here's what you have in your fridge here's what you need to buy this idea that this technology AI That's developed so fast over the past year can actually improve your day-to-day life we see it in cars we actually saw a dancing car that was pretty cool personal robots who can turn lights on and off a lot of this.

Comes to gaming too the idea that a lot of the technology that's been quickly developing over the past year can be used by businesses and consumers but that it also needs to be regulated be done in a safe way we've been talking to top Executives who say that as AI has developed so quickly there also need to be guard rails in place to make sure.

That it's being used in a safe way for consumers Andrew and Ranon back to you all right Elizabeth thank you CES a lot of cool weird and sometimes a little bit scary yeah especially with all the AI see what makes it to the actual store shelves and that's what's making news in America this morning have a great day everyone.

it's Wednesday January 10th forget shooting someone on Fifth Avenue Trump's lawyers say he can get away with more than that we start here former president Donald Trump shows up to a federal appeals court to argue for nearly unfettered immunity as a president you have to have immunity very.

Simple this seismic argument has now actually shifted a bit Kate Shaw is here to walk us through it meanwhile Trump's political Rivals are stumping in Iowa if they can get there there is a brutal storm heavy snow that is blanketing this state campaign season culminates in a wacky winter finish and a judge comes face to face with her attacker in court.

Judicial safety right now is a concern across the country but police are worried about more threats to judges and their families from ABC News this is start here I'm Brad milky it's kind of easy to take all the pending criminal cases against former president Donald Trump and treat them.

The same way right allegations about hoarding classified documents financial fraud it's all serious stuff but some of these cases especially the ones about election interference raise much more basic questions about democracy is it a crime to promote false claims of voter fraud at what point are you igniting an Insurrection even if you're not on the.

Scene decisions here could impact this country forever a president has to have immunity and the other thing is I did nothing wrong we did nothing wrong and in these cases Trump has made a bold claim that a former president cannot be held criminally responsible for anything he did in office that he's immune from literally any type of prosecution.

Think about the profound implication of that kind of claim it's never been tested before well if courts agree with him you better believe every future president will have that ruling in the back of their mind yesterday Trump himself showed up at a DC federal appeals court as his lawyers pressed forward with this a heavy day of legal.

Scrutiny let's go to Kate Shaw she's a constitutional law scholar she's also an ABC News legal contributor Kate can you just break down what happened in court yesterday sure thing Brad so Trump is making very broad arguments and arguments that will have implications not just for these proceedings but for future presidencies but interestingly.

The Contours of the claims that Trump is pressing change somewhat over the course of the arguments in DC yesterday so basically this is an appeal from a decision from a district court rejecting the claim that Trump is absolutely immune from Criminal prosecution he was arguing in the district court and initially in the appeals court that.

Anything he did while president with any plausible connection to the presidency was absolutely immune from Criminal prosecution could never be subject to criminal indictment and trial and I feel that as a president you have to have immunity very simple The District Court resoundingly rejected that argument said presidents are not Kings serving as.

President doesn't give you a get out of jail free card for the rest of your life there's nothing in the Constitution that suggests that's a rule so on appeal initially Trump was basically making the same arguments he made in the district court but the change we saw yesterday was that Trump was not so much saying presidents are absolutely immune from.

Criminal prosecution but more saying okay sometimes former presidents may be subject to criminal prosecution but only if they have first been subject to impeachment in the house and conviction in the Senate if there's no impeachment ever and no conviction then the official acts are immune period and because the conducted issue in this case arose out.

Of you know the events of January 6th this was the subject of a of an impeachment right Trump was impeached for the second time following January 6th and remember he was acquitted and so Trump's lawyers say because he wasn't convicted in the Senate he can't now be tried in a criminal proceeding wait so essentially the Trump's lawyers are.

Saying yeah it's really up to politicians whether or not other politicians like presidents can be held liable for stuff is that that am I getting that right it it sounds like that can't be the argument but it is um and the reason that seems so troubling is I think we all understand that an impeachment is in part a political.

Proceeding so why should the decisions by politicians constrain what prosecutors and courts can do even about the same conduct but that is the argument that Trump's lawyers were making and it was an uphill battle in the DC circuit the issues before us are narrowed to are you correct in your interpretation of the impeachment.

Judgment Clause does the impeachment judgment Clause actually um say what you you say it says that's that's all that's really we need to decide I I respectfully disagree with that those judges did not seem sympathetic to the claim that impeachment basically has to happen and if it doesn't then there is nothing you can do to hold a president.

Or former president accountable no matter what conduct they engaged in I think it's paradoxical to say that his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be Faithfully executed allows him to violate criminal laws there are a couple of hypotheticals that surfaced during the oral argument and one that I think really seemed to.

Resonate was about the president basically using the military to Target maybe to assassinate a political rival and I've asked you would such a president be subject to criminal prosecution if he's not impeach or convict and your answer your yes or no answer is no I I believe I said qualified yes if he's impeach and.

Convicted first question was okay so he's not impeached or conviction convicted let's put that aside you're saying a president could sell pardons could sell military Secrets could order SEAL Team Six to assassinate a a political rival say of military secret strikes me as something that might not be held to be an official act the sale.

Of Pardons is something that's come up historically and was not prosecuted and that functionally means it can never be prosecuted right so it yeah I keep hearing you're saying like no but if he wasn't impeached you're saying he couldn't be prosecuted and the guy's like ah I'm not going to answer it in the way that you want me to right but it.

You know it's a a couple of things one I think we all now know impeachment is a largely political process and given the 2third requirement the Constitution imposes for conviction in the Senate it's very very hard to see a president being convicted by a senate where his party controls the senate or even you know his party has more than a third of.

The seats in the Senate um sort of given the power of partisan loyalty today even even if not at the time of the drafting of the Constitution um and it's also I think this impeachment argument deeply problematic because it seems to insulate any kind of conduct that might happen near the end of a presidential term because impeachment takes some time so.

Say a president engages in the most odious of conduct along the lines of this hypothetical violence against political adversaries say and it happens in the last week of a presidential term well there's no time to impeach a president before the term expires and does that mean the conduct can never be punished I mean I think that is the.

Argument well okay so I feel like either way because this has never been tested in court like you're saying this will set precedent either way right so so if they find for Trump you could imagine like the the outrage that would ensue about like wow you can just be immune for whatever if there's hasn't been an impeachment are there risks the other.

Way that could could they could judges set a precedent that would allow you know public officials like the president of the United States to be prosecuted for stuff that I don't know maybe he shouldn't be Trump's lawyers certainly are suggesting that there are dangers in accepting the government's arguments right the special council's arguments to.

Authoriz the prosecution of a president for his official act would open a Pandora's box from which this nation may never recover they say that ruling against Trump here will basically open the door to tit fortat prosecutions of every former president could George W bush be prosecuted for obstruction of an official proceeding for allegedly giving.

False information to Congress to induce the nation to go to war in Iraq under false pretenses the response I think quite effectively offered by the special council's attorney was look presidents and former presidents have been investigated in the past and you know they have not been charged because we've never had conduct like the conduct that.

Former president Trump is alleged to have engaged in on and before January 6 the careful investigations in the in the Clinton era uh didn't result in any charges the fact that this investigation did doesn't reflect that we are going to see a sea change of vindictive Tit for Tat uh prosecutions in the future I think it reflects the fundamentally.

Unprecedented nature of the criminal charges here and unless that kind of conduct recurs we're not going to see some opening of the floodgates um I do think on the other side right the argument about what it would mean to tell future presidents that they are basically never going to face any kind of accountability or consequ quences.

Unless a two-thirds conviction in the Senate happens that I think is a very dangerous Prospect um and that is I think the argument that the lawyers for the special council's office were pressing on the DC circuit I think that is extraordinarily frightening future and that is the kind if we're talking about a balancing and a weighing of the.

Of the interest I think that should weigh extraordinarily heavily in the Court's consideration not only does accepting the claim about impeachment mean that this conduct can't be punished in these proceedings but it would mean that future presidents would know they would be basically insulated from any kind of.

Accountability for even the most troubling and even clearly criminal conduct and that I think is a very troubling potential consequence of these arguments yeah this judge was basically saying like here's the worst possible thing a president could do are you telling me you can't get charged with that and the Trump's lawyers are like.

Well kind of all right Kate Shaw thank you so much thank you Brad next up on start here if Trump is choosing the courtrooms over the campaign Trail does that that make the Iowa caucuses a bit corny some kernels of Truth after the break with so much at stake so much on.

The line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of television from America's number one news comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video fast smarter and customizable to your interests if you love being in the know.

You're going to love this experience the allnew ABC News app download it now it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food gma3 what you need to know a third.

Hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that we've seen some nasty weather in several parts of the country in recent days but it's not just affecting homes and commutes winter storms in Iowa could have a real effect on political Futures.

Yesterday just days before the Iowa caucuses some candidates were postponing events of others were toughing it out as the tension in the state ratchets up so let's go to ABC senior Congressional correspondent Rachel Scott who's in Iowa right now I assume wearing snow boots Rachel like are people are people even going to see these candidates because I.

Would just be bundled up and watching it on YouTube yeah look turnout is a little minimal here because there is a brutal storm heavy snow that is blanketing this state and it really could not come at a worse time Brad look you've covered campaigns before you know what this is like It's the final stretch this is typically the time where the candidates.

Would be out they're making their case to voters they're blitzing across the state and pretty much none of that is happening earlier today I signed an executive order declaring a state of emergency for 49 counties to ensure of abundance of caution we have the resources needed to help impacted counties and impacted Floridians Florida.

Governor Ronda Sanz while he was tied up in Florida with all the tornadoes and the state of emergency that's going on there Donald Trump was tied up in court so Nikki Haley really had the campaign Trail largely to herself I've done 150 plus Town Halls um answering every question shaking every hand staying until the last person leaves and it has.

Come to this moment she made her closing arguments to voters with just six days away to the Iowa caucuses but this is the critical time where these candidates have a real opportunity to try to chip away at Donald Trump's commanding lead yeah who does have the most to gain from this moment right now over these last several days is it is it Haley is it Des.

Santis is it someone else you talk to sources close to any of these campaigns and they've really come to terms with the reality that Donald Trump is very well suited to win the Iowa caucuses you know they said you didn't really have to come here I said like hell I don't have to come here I have to come here look he's been 30 points ahead for months now.

None of these candidates are really making a dent in his lead at this point so this is a battle for second place and that is where the momentum lies here so who has the most to gain really Nikki Haley this is the time where you're making your decision this is the time where you say what is it that I'm looking for in a president we're seeing.

Her gain momentum in New Hampshire she's now within Striking Distance of former president Donald Trump she's just seven points behind him in this latest CNN University of New Hampshire pole and she is widening her lead against the other candidates in this race to santis sitting at just 5% in that New Hampshire pool if you do not place first or second.

Place are you staying in this race we're in it for the long haul in it for the long hul regardless absolutely so danis and Haley in particular are really starting to sharpen their attacks against each other she's had a lot of problems uh just conducting herself on a daily basis look Dan sis is desperate he's lying because he's losing and.

They're going to be going head-to-head in a debate tonight where a lot of Iowa voters quite frankly are going to be paying attention I still could go to Des santis I mean this thing could change for me uh at this point but that's kind of where I'm at believe it or not out on the campaign Trail I'm still talking to voters who say they have not made up.

Their minds between the two well and then so last question Rachel where is former president Trump in all this because if he didn't have to be in court yesterday right he could have been on the campaign Trail so is he is his lead in Iowa I guess so secure that he can just kind of take a rain check between now and and caucus day yeah Brad you're.

Really hitting the nail in the head here because he did not have to be in a courtroom he could have been out here in Iowa meeting with voters doing what the other candidates want to be doing at this point but instead he was in that DC courtroom as his lawyers argued that he should not be prosecuted for his efforts to overturn the 2020.

Election all of this folds into the central part of Donald Trump's campaign his legal defense is now the core of his campaign message out on the campaign Trail I did nothing wrong absolutely nothing wrong I'm working for the country so this really does play into exactly what he's telling voters out in these states that this is all a Witch.

Hunt and that he's going to fight this but Brad something notable here in this final stretch with just days to go Donald Trump will be spending more time in a courtroom than he actually will be spending in Iowa don't forget he's facing 91 criminal charges and sources tell us that he's expected to be in New York on Thursday to make closing.

Arguments in a completely separate case Brad wow and not only to be there for arguments but to he wants to apparently deliver some of the arguments himself and I guess like you said if if the message is I'm being persecuted did hear what better image than to actually be in the courtroom that that that's the image he's trying to bring across all right.

Rachel Scott they're in Iowa bundle up thank you thanks Brad not sure if you saw this a few days ago but during a sentencing hearing in Las Vegas a guy attacked the judge who was about to send him to prison then incredibly the other day he was right back in that same courtroom facing the same judge it all raises questions about.

The dangers judges face inside and outside the courtroom ABC's Kana Whitworth has been covering this Kana I if he was trying to avoid prison time that he did a pretty horrible job of it because he was back in court yesterday to face up to this attack can you just walk us through these wild scenes yeah Brad I I mean it was pretty amazing so.

We'll start with the initial court appearance that he had um the Chief Justice there in Las Vegas used a term supermanning this is a very unique situation that as far as I know has never happened before with somebody supermanning over a a Judicial B the video was Unreal you can't believe how quickly that could happen um he.

Essentially is pleading for leniency with the judge I I just fig like I'm I'm in a better place in my mind in my mental my I have a support system and a second later he has taken several steps and completely leaps over the judicial bench attacks this judge according to court documents he even pulled some of her hair.

Out he also injured other people in this attack as well so by the time they all get it under control the judge is injured but okay other people had to go to the hospital seek medical treatment they're okay he's supposed to come back to court the next day and refuses transportation to court essentially refuses to show up to court.

So then a whole another day passes and then Brad he finds his way back into the courtroom to face that very same judge that he attacked when we were last year arguments were concluded and the court had begun to pronounce sentence when an incident occurred an incident initiated by Mr R pres preventing the completing s so she is the victim and she is also the.

Judge but she will not preside over the charges related to this attack so Debra Ren this is the defendant's name he did have to return to court wearing that mask it's called a spit mask um it's essentially you know put on his face so that he couldn't spit at anyone and so he had to go see judge Mary K hus once again for his original sentencing and so.

She talked about his lengthy criminal history I want to make it clear that I am not changing or modifying the sentence I was in the process of imposing last week before I was interruped Ed by defendant actions so hula is sentencing readen to anywhere between 19 to 48 months in prison for a previous attempted battery case and so.

Then Brad he had to go back to court this is a third appearance but this time in front of a different judge to face the charges in that brutal attack uh that answers my question because I was going to be like the judge who's now the victim of the attack is going to be overseeing this new case but so she's finishing up the old case the new one.

Now goes to a whole different judge what do you charge someone though with Kaa like it's not the same as assaulting somebody on the street right like these these would be different charges no Brad it's actually not the same as attacking someone on the street in this case he's been charged with 13 counts including felony attempted murder and battery on a.

Protected person so that's someone like a judge someone like a law clerk he's also charged with extortion by threat and intimidating a public officer and battery on an officer as well well and that that idea that there's this delineation between you know a judge or a law Clerk and sort of the broader public points out the idea that.

These people do need they need to be protected so that they can Dole out impartial Justice right but is this part of I guess a wider Trend because you have seen instances of other officials like this threatened or even attacked Brad judicial safety right now is a concern across the country if you look at it from the federal level there's.

More than 1,300 threats that were made made against judges in 2022 and Brad so that doesn't even include state level judges like judge hus and these threats Brad have largely moved online in fact there was an assessment done in 2021 and it found that the Marshall service which is responsible for protecting the judges um the the Marshall service lacked the.

Resources entirely to adequately even assess these threats and they went on to say that ultimately a judge is safe is at a greater risk when they're outside the courthouse and noting Brad here that of course the judge's families are of a concern as well in this case judge holus has a daughter uh who's a DA in that.

System and when you think about their families it's hard not to think about the case in New Jersey back in 2020 when someone attacked the home of a judge and killed her son and injured her husband yeah and that judge Esther Solace actually applauded a new law that was brought about to keep the identifying information about federal judges.

Families off the public record because so many of these family members are getting threats as well all right Kana Whitworth in Los Angeles covering this thank you yeah of course Brad thanks okay one more quick break when we come back he was better than an angel but once tax dollars were at risk politicians started singing the Dodger.

Blues one last thing is next it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good.

Food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of.

Television stream ABC News live counting down to the most consequential election of our lifetime and now with the Iowa and New Hampshire votes just days away if it's politics in 2024 ABC News live will take you there streaming free wherever you stream your news you're watching America's number one streaming news ABC News.

Live reporting from the Auto Workers picket lines in Michigan I'm Faith aou wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live and one last thing this has been perhaps the worst baseball off season of my life because you see I am a huge fan of the LA Angels there's sh swinging and driving a ball deep out into left Center.

And that one lands in the second deck and my beloved sh Otani the most singular player in the history of the sport the power hitter and flame-throwing pitcher from Japan has decided to leave this is me trying to get otani's attention from conservatively a 100 yards away when he took the field at.

Yankee Stadium a couple Seasons back like I'm fully obsessed this fall in the biggest payday Pro Sports had ever seen he signed a new contract with the angels Rivals just up the I5 the LA Dodgers the Dodgers introducing show otan after signing him to a record-breaking 10-year $700 million contract the thing that was so interesting about this contract was.

That he actually wouldn't get paid that much upfront the big bucks wouldn't kick in until after he retired only 2 million doll a year for the next 10 seasons with 680 million deferred until the end of the deal sources confirmed to ESPN for several reasons this move deferring his pay was kind of Genius for one major league baseball penalizes teams that.

Spend gobs of money but since Otani will be living on a meager 2 million bucks plus endorsement deals every year the Dodgers can now go out and sign more Superstars eventually Otani will get his money plus perhaps some championship rings Otani wasn't even the only Dodger participating in this deferral scheme which some Baseball fans have worried.

About you're going to pay someone $680 million a decade or two from now how do teams have any idea what the world will look like by then what if this buy now pay later plan causes your club to go bankrupt well now California lawmakers are getting involved 12% on 70 million a year that oh guys that's 7 and a58 million people started pointing out that.

If Otani moves out of state or even back to Japan by the time that payday hits he might not need to pay state taxes on all that income the California controller now says the state could lose $98 billion in tax revenue on this deal alone and this she says is indicative of a wider problem where the super rich can keep deferring their salaries.

Indefinitely creating a ton of generational wealth while going decades without paying taxes on it she wants Congress to put limits on how far these deferrals can go sh Otani has always been called a unicorn One of a Kind now could he be cast as a villain to the 99% not that I'm bitter or anything not like the Angels had the most incredible.

Player in baseball history and couldn't even make the playoffs while he was there why wouldn't he want to stick around with them more in all these stories at ABC or the ABC News app I'm Brad milky see you tomorrow.

With so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of television first thing in the morning there's a lot going on everybody in that home is okay to catch you up with what happened overnight we are here at.

Fashion's biggest night out what's happening today YouTube has unveiled a new set of policies what people are talking about the new ad campaign fast straight forward with some fun in between a real life Barbie Dream House a name change for the wiener mobile first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early.

Morning news on ABC News live stream ABC News live counting down to the most consequential election of our lifetime and now with the Iowa and New Hampshire votes just days away if it's politics in 2024 ABC News live will take you there streaming free wherever you stream your news this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee Cent.

In Putin Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destru c 4 store along I Boston is in the bullseye let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsl America's number one streaming news it's lunchtime in America so what.

Are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good you're help your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to.

Know I love that why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening.

To start here ABC News make it your daily first first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here from America's number one news source comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and it can customized to you and.

Your interests if you love being in the know you're going to love this experience what all the buzz is about experience the allnew ABC News app download it now I'm W Johnson reporting from Maui wherever the story is we'll take you there your streaming ABC News live right now on America this morning the severe weather threat unfolding.

Right now wind gusts topping 60 MPH of the Northeast and heavy rain causing flash flooding the number of power outages growing by the hour in freezing temperatures there goes a tornado the storm's turning deadly in the South and a plane carrying vice president Harris forced to divert in the storm the chaos in Ecuador after alleged gang members.

Unleash a series of attacks including gunmen storming a TV studio major US Airlines now taking action cancelling flights to the South American country as fears grow the violence could spread breaking news overnight involving former first lady Melania Trump announcing the passing of her mother what we're learning plus the.

Wild scene inside a New York City synagogue police clim flashing with worshippers after the discovery of a secret underground tunnel drink up the new concern about water inside plastic bottles and baby Yoda headed to the big screen the major Star Wars news just announced overnight it's Wednesday January.

10th from ABC news in New York this is America this morning good morning everyone I'm Andrew denber and I'm ran Ali we begin with the major impacts of that deadly storm now pushing through New England that's after bringing heavy rain and flooding to several Northeastern states some areas could get up to 5 in of rain in just a matter of.

Hours the same system also wreaking havoc in parts of Florida and elsewhere in the Southeast this morning hundreds of thousands of Americans left in the dark as a massive storm system sweeps across the country power's out two people have been killed by Falling trees including a 78-year-old man crushed while he was.

Driving near Atlanta Georgia when I saw a car a heart s in Claremont North Carolina one person dead and two critically injured as winds tore through this mobile home park a tornado also confirmed in Bamberg South Carolina where the front of this building was ripped off farther south there goes a tornado tornadoes also pummeled.

Florida's Panhandle at least four touching down in the area this video shows the widespread damage in Panama City Beach the power of those winds knocking this ocean front housee off of its foundation you can see it tilted to the side leaning onto the neighboring house in Marana Florida multiple homes were destroyed with entire rooms visible.

From above Beverly gray says she her three kids and her sister's family took cover in her bathroom I just put all the kids in the bathtub overnight gusting winds and flooding rains pounding the Northeast causing flooding in New York City more than 400,000 homes reported outages across New York New Jersey and.

Pennsylvania we could see winds to 60 MPH so anybody that lives in the Northeast needs to be ready for the potential of their power going out the severe weather canel more than 1,000 US flights yesterday the powerful winds in the Washington area forced vice president kamla Harris's plane Air Force 2 to divert to dullas International.

Instead of Joint Base Andrews the massive system also brought blizzard conditions from New Mexico to Iowa creating widespread white out conditions schools and highways closed in multiple States another storm is expected to bring more snow to the Midwest later this week we'll take a closer look at the forecast coming up.

Breaking overnight the US helping foil a complex attack in the Red Sea the Pentagon says us fighters from the aircraft carrier Eisenhower and three US destroyers shot down 18 drones and three missiles all launched by houthi rebels in Yemen iran-backed houthi Rebels have been attacking commercial ships in the Red Sea in a show of support for Hamas.

In its war with Israel the situation in the Middle East taking place as the Pentagon reveals defense secretary Lloyd Austin was treated for prostate cancer president Biden found out about the diagnosis yesterday more than 2 weeks after Austin went under anesthesia for a surgical procedure Austin remains in the hospital after he was readmitted for.

Complications the Pentagon is promising to fix the botched notification process we recognize that we have to do a better job in terms of the timeliness and the transparency when it comes to especially the secretary's health and again we're committed to making sure that we don't do this again and that we do a better job the White House has.

Ordered a review of notification protocols for all cabinet members Austin's doctors say he is expected to make a full recovery and his cancer prognosis is excellent now to the chaos unfolding in Ecuador where police say criminals Unleashed a wave of attacks including storming a television Studio while they were live on the air US.

Flights to Ecuador now face challenges as the security crisis deepens this morning major US airlines are cancelling some flights to Ecuador including American United JetBlue and spirit after the South American country declared an internal armed conflict yesterday armed gunman stormed a live television broadcast in the port.

City of guak Kil gunshots ringing out as masked men brandish apparent explosives while flashing hand signals at the camera holding the TV staff hostage for at least 15 minutes with the nation watching police surrounded the studio freeing the hostages and arresting 13 people involved in that.

Attack three journalists from the station thanking police adding it's not possible living like this we wish for things to get better 28 other buildings were also attacked yesterday in guil where authorities say eight people were killed and three more injured the violence erupted across Ecuador on Monday when.

The president declared a nationwide state of emergency after a high-profile gang leader escaped from prison along with dozens of prisoners connected to criminal organizations police have now set up checkpoints in Gua keil and the capitol Kito Ecuador's president is calling the perpetrators of the violence terrorists.

The state of emergency will last 60 days sad news for former first lady Melania Trump announcing overnight that her mother has died Malia canavs passed away in Florida after a long Health Battle m Trump paid tribute in a post calling her a strong woman who was devoted to her family canavs was born in Slovenia and became a US citizen in 2018 along with.

Her husband she was 78 the Iowa caucuses are now 5 days away but former president Trump spent the day in a Washington DC courtroom and a panel of Judges greeted his claim with of absolute immunity with skepticism meanwhile Nikki Haley is closing the Gap with Trump in New Hampshire ABC's M win joins us now with all the latest good morning M Andrew.

Good morning election 2024 is in high gear and as Donald Trump's Republican Rivals fight to make a mark on his commanding lead he's spending a day in court this morning with the Iowa caucus just days away and President Biden back at the White House after several campaign events former president Trump was in a courtroom looking on as his.

Legal team sought to convince a skeptical panel of Judges that he should be immune from prosecution for his actions taken during office could a president order SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival that's an official act in order to Seal Team Six he he would have to be and would speedily be you know uh uh.

Impeached and convicted before the criminal prosecution Trump's lawyers argued his federal election subversion indictment should be dismissed but the prosecution fired back warning immunity would be scary if there were no criminal charges against someone trying to usurp election results the former president standing by his assertion after the.

Proceedings the president has to have immunity on the campaign Trail former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie knocked Trump on his time went to court today which is the place he spends more time in than actually Iowa or New Hampshire Trump's other GOP rivals in Iowa where snow is blanketing parts of the state businessman Vic ramaswami.

Joining a campaign stop via iPad former un Ambassador Nikki Haley thanking supporters for showing up in the weather while making her closing arguments to voters the only way we're going to win the majority of Americans is if we go forward with a new generational leader that leaves the negativity and the baggage in the past and Governor Ronda.

Santz splitting from Trump after the former president predicted the economy would crash suggesting he wanted it to happen this year if the economy crashes people would get thrown out of work businesses would go under I don't want to see that happening New Hampshire's first in the nation primary is in Just 2 weeks a new CNN poll shows Haley cutting.

Into Trump's lead there now just seven points behind the former president with 32% of the vote Des santis plummeting to just 5% Andrew M thank you Boeing CEO says the company is acknowledging its mistake as the investigation into last week's Alaska Airlines blowout moves forward the focus is on whether bolts meant to hold the door plug the part.

That flew off the plane after it left Portland Oregan were properly installed more than 170 Boe Max 9 jets with door plugs will remain grounded until FAA mandated inspections are completed the specific mistake Boeing is acknowledging at this point is unclear time now for a look at your morning.

Weather good morning a wet and windy start to the day today from New York City up the coast the rain and wind could be Heavy especially in New England with snow in the interior Northeast but it's really about the rain that's going to be a big problem for us through today the combination of snow melt and heavy rain inches of rain into this morning.

Roadways underwater there have been water rescues we have to be safe out there meantime as this storm winds down in the Northeast another one ramps up in the Northwest with snow and rain in Seattle I'm Mackie weather's meteorologist Kevin krin coming up what's really inside your bottled water also I had a growing.

Number of officials targeted in swatting incidents who's the latest victim and the major changes on Instagram and Facebook aimed at keeping teens safe whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC.

News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in turkey in Rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go.

Traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the Piet line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you you're.

Streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news there are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at Victoria Secret she did a little Christmas shopping headed to her car and then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from.

Drew shadine how heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you in inside the hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand all new 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on ABC in mcac one of the biggest unclimbed rock faces on the planet now I'm.

Starting to get very excited if we manage to climb in C like it'll be the biggest first desent we've ever done oh guys so scary ultimately what's at stake with climbing this is not what I signed up for is always you're life from America's number one news.

Comes the all new ABC News app if you love being in the know you're going to love this experience the allnew ABC News app download it now as the race for the White House heats up the political climate is becoming more dangerous a growing number of officials are being targeted in incidents false threats that that could.

Create chaos and put lives at risk here's ABC's lion moiz this morning Steven deach director of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms is the latest public official to fall victim to swatting that's when someone prank calls law enforcement to draw response to a location sources say it happened over the holidays with local law enforcement.

And the ATF security detail engaging ultimately determining there was no threat to the director but this comes as officials are warning Americans to remain Vigilant to threats to democracy adding they are confident the us will have a safe and secure election and they're ready to contest any type of adversary that's going to try to.

Interfere or influence our elections this is what we've done in 18 and 20 and 22 and what we'll do in 24 as well FBI director Christopher Ray also speaking at a cyber security conference yesterday telling Americans to do their part with four nations looking to cause chaos through misinformation saying we need to be more thoughtful and Discerning but as.

Officials focus on foreign threats ahead of the 2024 election security of elected officials continues to be a major concern ATF director Steven dak's swatting incident is not isolated sources say special counsel Jack Smith who is investigating former president Trump's handling of classified information and DC federal judge Tanya.

Chuin who overseeing Trump's election subversion case were also victims of swatting and representative marger Taylor green posting on X that she was swatted eight times with her family targeted saying she is introducing legislation to track down and prosecute perpetrators these latest swatting incidents join a growing list of.

Officials on both sides of the aisle targeted the FBI is also investigating recent fake bomb threats to secretaries of state and capital buildings Nationwide from Main to South Carolina law enforcement sources saying some of those threats originated overseas Ranon Andrew lenel thank you the parent company of Facebook and Instagram has.

Announced plans to do more to protect young people meta will begin hiding content that it deems inappropriate for teenagers that includes posts about suicide self harm and also eating disorders and a new study finds bottled water may contain up to 100 times more microscopic plastic particles than previously thought researchers found an.

Average of 240,000 nanoplastics per bottle SST aren't sure whether the particles are actually harmful to our health in a statement an industry trade Association says the study lacks standardized methods coming up next the wife accused of poisoning her husband with tainted soup also ahead several people arrested.

For brawling with police after officers found a secret tunnel under New York City whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon main the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike.

In Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fork This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico wherever the story from the front lines.

From Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the pi line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free.

Everywhere America's number one streaming news there are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at at Victoria Secret she did a little Christmas shopping headed to her car and then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from Dre shadine how heartbreaking is that to think.

About Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand all new 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on ABC all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are.

You cute so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show we are back now with the death of Adon Kanto the Mexican born and Texas raised actor died on Monday from cancer.

Of the appendix Kanto began acting as a teenager he is best known for his roles in designated Survivor the cleaning lady and X-Men Days of Future Past Adon Kanto was just 42 years old and he leaves behind his wife and two children some wild scenes playing out here in New York City after clashing with police inside a Brooklyn synagogue nine hdic Jewish men.

Were arrested authorities were on the scene because of a secret tunnel that had been built into the historic House Worship its construction was blamed on a group of extremist students who H to expand the synagogue this is a site that's of uh great importance for Jews all around the world we're looking forward to the.

Decorum and sanctity to be restored the synagogue is temporarily closed while its structural Integrity is inspected a pair of court cases more than a thousand miles apart have a Common Thread poison both of them sound like something you'd hear in a TV plot one of them even includes a soap opera reference here's ABC's Andrea.

Fuji this morning a grand jury has indicted a Minnesota doctor of first-degree murder after prosecutors say he poisoned his wife in August Dr Connor Bowman is accused of killing Betty Bowman investigators say the drug culine which is used to treat gout was found in her system but prosecutors say Betty never had gout one morning there.

Was a bunch of uh their dogs were barking over there a whole bunch and I might have heard a bit of shouting or something while we were sleeping but yeah and then sure enough uh the cops kind of came soon after police say Bowman who was a Mayo Clinic Pharmacy resident and poison control specialist researched the drug and what a lethal.

Dose would be for someone of his wife's weight court documents say the couple had a rocky marriage and Bowman was in severe debt with prosecutors alleging he told a friend he'd receive a large payout from Betty's life insurance policy meanwhile in Massachusetts another spouse accused of poisoning their significant other roxand doet is.

Charged with attempted murder after police say she tried to poison her husband by giving him tainted soup I did not try to poison my husband investigators in Townsen say in early December the 64-year-old received a text message from a person claiming to be soap opera star Thoren Kay from The Bold and the Beautiful they were saying that.

They love me and they wanted me to leave my husband the person telling her you have to get rid of your husband honey I need you so much do set then writing making an amazing soup special potion he will be hungry when he gets back just enough for him then hubby got back not feeling well maybe I can collect life insurance hours later investigators say.

Duette called 911 saying her husband was unresponsive he was taken to the hospital with duette blaming the episode on his cardiac history her husband survived telling police he ate the soup which tasted bitter roxan duet's daughter says she was the one who called police after finding those text messages on her mom's phone.

Duet is scheduled to be in court tomorrow as for Dr Bowman he's set to be arraigned next week Ranna Andrew Andrea thank you coming up when baby Yoda is expected to hit the big screen plus those some new mints to help you get through Dry January all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America.

Wants and America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are you H you so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show stream ABC News live counting down to the most conse quential.

Election of our lifetime and now with the Iowa and New Hampshire votes just days away if it's politics in 2024 ABC News live will take you there streaming free wherever you stream your news with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one.

Most watched newscast across all of television from America's number one news comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and customizable to your interests if you love being in the no you're going to love this experience the allnew ABC News app download it now there are some stories that just stick.

With you drew was working at Victoria Secret she did a little Christmas shopping headed to her car and then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from Drew shadine how heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you have a sexual predator.

On your hand all new 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on ABC wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there streaming free on ABC News live reporting from Monteray Park California I'm Robin Roberts wherever wherever the.

Story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live time to check the pulse and we begin with baby Yoda making the jump to the big screen Star Wars fans Rejoice our parent company Disney just announced a new Star Wars film featuring The Fan Favorite the debuted in the Mandalorian.

Back in 2019 the movie is called the Mandalorian and grou and will be directed by series Creator John favro production is expect expected to get underway maybe this year with a potential release date in 2025 stay tuned all right next a little something for those doing a dry January I'm doing dry January but I don't know about this.

What do you think Miller Light mints they're said to have the same great taste as a Miller Light only without the beer light says there's also a hint of spearmint in there as well they go on sale on Friday online five bucks for a 10 of 40 it really is less filling next a fan a night one LA Lakers fan will never forget he was the big.

Winner at last night's game Fidel almost had one shot from half court to win $100,000 it's up and it's good Fidel says he's only hit two other halfcourt shots ever the 34-year-old says he plans to pay off debt with some of that money congrats to him finally an extreme form of team building colleagues at a workplace in Kentucky took part in a.

Game of human whack-a-mole one worker tries to hit his colleagues with the foam noodle while preventing them from grabbing the plastic balls this is team building at its finest okay this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refuge centers intin Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the.

Capital destructive Cat 4 storm you're along I Boston is in the Bulls let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC News line of America's number one streaming news all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America.

Want and America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are you cute so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC seen use live my favorite show in mccac one of the biggest.

Unclimbed rock faces on the planet now I'm starting to get very excited if we manage to climb ing cordle it'll be the biggest firstent we've ever done oh my God it's so scary ultimately what's at stake with climbing this is not what I signed up for is always your life.

There are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at Victoria Secret she did a little Christmas shopping headed to her car and then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from DW shadine how heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he.

Kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand all new 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on ABC checking more top stories now the Pentagon is promising more transparency after revealing that defense secretary Lloyd Austin was treated for prostate cancer President Biden just learned of the diagnosis yesterday after being kept.

In the dark for days about Austin's Hospital stay Nikki Haley and Ronda santis are facing off tonight in their first one-on-one debate with the Iowa caucuses now 5 days away former president Trump is against skipping the debate instead holding a town hall it comes as Haley surges in the polls in New Hampshire trailing Trump by just.

Seven points the parents of a British man killed in a helicopter crash in the Grand Canyon will receive a $100 million cash settlement Jonathan Udall and his wife Ellie were among five people who died in the 2018 tragedy clean up at the site of Monday's Hotel blast in Fort Worth Texas will take several more days investigators say it's still unclear.

Whether a gas leak caused the explosion or the explosion caused a gas leak there there is no evidence of Foul Play though 21 people were injured in today's weather Gusty winds across the Northeast as Rivers rise to flood stage following yesterday's torrential rain snow around the Great Lakes several feet of snow in both the Rockies and the sieras and Rain.

Along the west coast finally the annual Consumer Electronic Show is well underway ABC's Elizabeth schy has a look at some of the new gadgets on display in Vegas hey Andrew and ran and we are inside CES which is the biggest Consumer Electronic Show of the year thousands of small startups to big companies showing off their latest tech.

Here more than 130,000 people are expected to come here to Vegas over the next few days to see some of those latest and greatest inventions one of the themes we're noticing is artificial intelligence not a surprise it's been a big focus of the past year but how is artificial intelligence actually being integrated into products in your.

Day-to-day life here in the Amazon Booth you can see that there's a big focus on AI for your products that you might find at home we saw that in the case of Samsung too they're showing off a new refrigerator that can actually tell you when you load it and unload it how many fruits and vegetables are left when you see it might add that to your list it.

Can pick up recipes to say here's what you have in your fridge here's what you need to buy this idea that this technology AI That's developed so fast over the past year can actually improve your day-to-day life we see it in cars we actually saw a dancing car that was pretty cool personal robots who can turn lights on and off a lot of this comes to.

Gaming too the idea that a lot of the technology that's been quickly developing over the past year can be used by businesses and consumers but that it also needs to be regulated be done in a safe way we've been talking to tough Executives who say that as AI has developed so quickly there also need to be guard rails in place to make sure.

That it's being used in a safe way for consumers Andrew Ranon back to you all right Elizabeth thank you CES a lot of cool weird and sometimes a little bit scary yeah especially with all the AI we see what makes it to the actual store shelves and that's what's making news in America this morning have a great day.

Everyone it's Wednesday January 10th forget shooting someone on Fifth Avenue Trump's lawyers say he can get away with more than that we start here former president Donald Trump shows up to a federal appeals court to argue for nearly unfettered immunity as a president you have to have immunity very simple this seismic argument has now.

Actually shifted a bit Kate Shaw is here to walk us through it meanwhile Trump's political Rivals are stumping in Iowa if they could get there there is a brutal storm heavy snow that is blanketing this state campaign season culminates in a wacky winter finish and a judge comes face to face with her attacker in court judicial safety right now is a concern.

Across the country but police are worried about more threats to judges and their families from ABC News this is start here I'm Brad milky it's kind of easy to take all the pending criminal cases against former president Donald Trump and treat them the same way right allegations about.

Hoarding classified documents financial fraud it's all serious stuff but some of these cases especially the ones about election interference raise much more basic questions about democracy is it a crime to promote false claims of voter fraud at what point are you igniting an Insurrection even if you're not on the scene decisions here could impact this.

Country forever a president has to have immunity and the other thing is I did nothing wrong we did nothing wrong and in these cases Trump has made a bold claim that a former president cannot be held criminally responsible for anything he did in office that he's immune from literally any type of prosecution think about the profound implication of that.

Kind of claim it's never been tested before well if courts agree with him you better believe every future president will have that ruling in the back of their mind yesterday Trump himself showed up at a DC federal appeals court as his lawyers pressed forward with this a heavy day of legal scrutiny let's go to Kate Shaw she's a constitutional law.

Scholar she's also an ABC News legal contributor hey can you just break down what happened in court yesterday sure thing Brad so Trump is making very broad arguments and arguments that will have implications not just for these proceedings but for future presidencies but interestingly The Contours of the claims that Trump is pressing change.

Somewhat over the course of the arguments in DC yesterday so basically this is an appeal from a decision from a district court rejecting the claim that Trump is absolutely immune from Criminal prosecution he was arguing in the district court and initially in the appeals court that anything he did while president with any plausible connection.

To the presidency was absolutely immune from Criminal prosecution could never be subject to criminal indictment and trial and I feel that as a president you have to have immunity very simple The District Court resoundingly rejected that argument said presidents are not Kings serving as president doesn't give you a get out of jail free card for the.

Rest of your life there's nothing in the Constitution that suggests that's a rule so on appeal and initially Trump was basically making the same arguments he made in the district court but the change we saw yesterday was that Trump was not so much saying presidents are absolutely immune from CRI criminal prosecution but more saying okay.

Sometimes former presidents may be subject to criminal prosecution but only if they have first been subject to impeachment in the house and conviction in the Senate if there's no impeachment ever in no conviction then the official acts are immune period and because the conducted issue in this case arose out of you know the events of January 6th.

This was the subject of a of an impeachment right Trump was impeached for the second time following January 6th and remember he was acquitted and so Trump's lawyers say because he wasn't convicted in the Senate he can't now be tried in a criminal proceeding wait so essentially the Trump's lawyers are saying yeah it's really up to.

Politicians whether or not other politicians like presidents can be held liable for stuff is that is that am I getting that right it it sounds like that can't be the argument but it is um and the reason that seems so troubling is I think we all understand that an impeachment is in part a political proceeding so why should the decisions.

By politicians constrain what prosecutors and courts can do even about the same conduct but that is the argument that Trump's lawyers were making and it was an uphill battle in the DC circuit the issues before us are narrowed to are you correct in your interpretation of the impeachment judgment clause does the impeachment.

Judgment Clause actually um say what you you say it says that's that's all that's really we need to decide I I respectfully disagree with that those judges did not seem sympathetic to the claim that impeachment basically has to happen and if it doesn't then there is nothing you can do to hold a president or former president accountable no.

Matter what conduct they engaged in I think it's paradoxical to say that his constitutional duty to take care of that the laws be Faithfully executed allows him to violate criminal laws there were a couple of hypotheticals that surfaced during the oral argument and one that I think.

Really seemed to resonate was about the president basically using the military to Target maybe to assassinate a political rival and I've asked you would such a president be subject to criminal prosecution if he's not imp peach or convict your answer your yes or no answer is no I I believe I said qualified yes if he's impeached.

Convicted first we may question was okay so he's not impeached or conviction convicted let's put that aside you're saying a president could sell pardons could sell military Secrets could order SEAL Team Six to assassinate a a political rival sale of military secret strikes me as something that might not be held to be an official act the sale.

Of Pardons is something that's come up historically and was not prosecuted and that functionally means it can never be prosecuted right so it yeah I keep hearing you're saying like no but if he wasn't impeached you're saying he couldn't be prosecuted and the guy's like ah I'm not going to answer it in the way that you want me to right but it.

You know it's a a couple of things one I think we all now know impeachment is a largely political process and given the 2third requirement the Constitution imposes for conviction in the Senate it's very very hard to see a president being convicted by a senate where his party controls the senate or even you know his party has more than a third of.

The seats in the Senate um given of loyalty today even if not at the time of the drafting of the um and it's also I think this impeachment argument deeply problematic because it seems to insulate any kind of conduct that might happen near the end of a presidential term because impeachment takes some time so say a president.

Engages in the most odious of conduct along the lines of this hypothetical violence against political adversaries say and it happened in the last week of presidential term well there's no time to impeach a president before the term expires and does that mean the conduct can never be punished I mean I think that is the argument well okay so I feel.

Like either way because this has never been tested in court like you're saying this will set precedent either way right so so if they finded for Trump you could imagine like the the outrage that would ensue about like wow you can just be immune for whatever if there's hasn't been an impeachment are there risks the other way that could could they could.

Judges set a precedent that would allow you know public officials like the president of the United States to be prosecuted for stuff that I don't know maybe he shouldn't be Trump's lawyers certainly are suggesting that there are dangers in accepting the government's arguments right the special council's arguments to authorize the prosecution.

Of a president for his official acts would open a Pandora box from which this nation may never recover they say that ruling against Trump here will basically open the door to tit fortat prosecutions of every former president could W bush be prosecuted for obstruction of an official proceeding for allegedly giving false information to Congress to induce.

The nation to go to war in Iraq under false pretenses the response I think quite effectively offered by the special council's attorney was look presidents and former presidents have been investigated in the past and you know they have not been charged because we've never had conduct like the conduct that former president Trump is alleged to.

Have engaged in on and before January 6th the careful investigation in the in the Clinton era uh didn't result in any charges the fact that this investigation did doesn't reflect that we are going to see a sea change of vindictive Tit for Tat uh prosecutions in the future I think it reflects the fundamentally unprecedented nature of the criminal.

Charges here and unless that kind of conduct recurs we're not going to see some opening of the floodgates um I do think on the other side right the argument about what it would mean to tell future presidents that they are basically never going to face any kind of accountability or Consequences unless a two-third conviction in the Senate.

Happens that I think is a very dangerous Prospect um and that is I think the argument that the lawyers for the special council's office were pressing on the DC circuit I think that is extraordinarily frightening future and that is the kind of we're talking about a balancing and a weighing of the of the interest I think that should weigh.

Extraordinarily heavily in the Court's consideration not only does accepting the claim about impeachment mean that this conduct can't be punished in these proceedings but it would mean that future presidents would know they would be basically insulated from any kind of accountability for even the most troubling and even clearly criminal.

Conduct and that I think is a very troubling potential consequence of these arguments yeah this judge was basically saying like here's the worst possible thing a president could do you telling me you can't get charged with that and Trump are like well kind of all right Kate Shaw thank you so much thank you Brad.

Next up on start here if Trump is choosing the courtrooms over the campaign Trail does that make the Iowa caucuses a bit corny some kernels of Truth after the break tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the back-to- back storms threatening Millions more.

Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David mure from America's number one news comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and customizable to your interests if you love being in the no you're going to love this experience the allnew ABC News app download it now.

Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there streaming free on ABC News live stream ABC News live counting down to the most consequential election of our lifetime and now with the Iowa and New Hampshire votes just days away.

If it's politics in 2024 ABC News live will take you there streaming free wherever you stream your news we've seen some nasty weather in several parts of the country in recent days but it's not just affecting homes and commutes winter storms in Iowa could have a real effect on political futures yesterday just days before the Iowa.

Caucuses some candidates were postponing events others were toughing it out as the tension in the state ratchets up so let's go to ABC senior Congressional correspondent Rachel Scott who's in Iowa right now I assume wearing snow boots Rachel like are people are people even going to see these candidates because I would just be bundled up and watching it.

On YouTube yeah look turnout is a little minimal here because there is a brutal storm heavy snow that is blanketing this state and it really could not come at a worst time Brad look you've covered campaigns before you know what this is like it's the final stretch this is typically the time where the candidates would be out they're making their case.

To voters they're blitzing across the state and pretty much none of that is happening earlier today I signed an executive order declaring a state of emergency for 49 counties to ensure of abundance of caution we have the resources needed to help impacted counties and impacted Floridians Florida Governor Ronda Sanz well he was tied up.

In Florida with all the tornadoes and the state of emergency that's going on there Donald Trump was tied up in court so Nikki Haley really had the campaign Trail largely to herself I've done 150 plus Town Halls um answering every question shaking every hand staying until the last person leaves and it has come to this moment she made her closing.

Arguments to voters with just six days away to the Iowa caucuses but this is the critical time where these candidates have a real opportunity to try to chip away at Donald Trump's commanding lead yeah who does have the most to gain from this moment right now over these last several days is it Haley is it Dan santis is it someone else you talk to.

Sources close to any of these campaigns and they've really come to terms with the reality that Donald Trump is very well suited to win the Iowa caucuses you know they said you didn't really have to come here I said like hell I don't have to come here I have to come here look he's been 30 points ahead for months now none of these candidates are really.

Making a dent in his lead at this point so this this is a battle for second place and that is where the momentum lies here so who has the most to gain really Nikki Haley this is the time where you're making your decision this is a time where you say what is it that I'm looking for in a president we're seeing her gain momentum in New.

Hampshire she's now within Striking Distance of former president Donald Trump she's just seven points behind him in this latest CNN University of New Hampshire pool and she is widening her lead against the other candidates in this race DeSantis sitting at just 5% in that New Hampshire pole if you do not place first or second place are you.

Staying in this race we're in it for the long haul in it for the long haul regardless so disantis and Haley in particular are really starting to sharpen their attacks against each other she's had a lot of problems uh just conducting yourself on a daily basis look Dan sis is desperate he's lying because he's losing and they're going to.

Be going head-to-head in a debate tonight where a lot of Iowa voters quite frankly are going to be paying attention I still could go to Des santis I mean this thing could change for me uh at this point but that's kind of where I'm at believe it or not out on the campaign Trail I'm still talking to voters who say they have not made up.

Their minds between the two well and then so last question Rachel where is former president Trump in all this because if he didn't have to be in court yesterday right he could have been on the campaign Trail so is he is his lead in Iowa I guess so secure that he can just kind of take a rain check between now and and caucus day yeah Brad you're.

Really hitting the nail in the head here because he did not have to be in a courtroom he could have been out here in Iowa meeting with v voters doing what the other candidates want to be doing at this point but instead he was in that DC courtroom as his lawyers argued that he should not be prosecuted for his efforts to overturn the 2020.

Election all of this folds into the central part of Donald Trump's campaign his legal defense is now the core of his campaign message out on the campaign Trail I did nothing wrong absolutely nothing wrong I'm working for the country so this really does play into exactly what he's telling voters out in these states that this is all a Witch.

Hunt and that he's going to fight this but Brad something notable here in this final stretch with just days to go Donald Trump will be spending more time in a courtroom than he actually will be spending in Iowa don't forget he's facing 91 criminal charges and sources tell us that he's expected to be in New York on Thursday to make closing.

Arguments in a completely separate case Brad wow and not only to be there for arguments but to he wants to apparently deliver some of the arguments himself and I guess like you said if if the message is I'm being persecuted here what better image than to actually be in the courtroom that that that's the image he's trying to bring across all right.

Rachel Scott they're in Iowa bundle up thank you thanks Brad not sure if you saw this a few days ago but during a sentencing hearing in Las Vegas a guy attacked the judge who was about to send him to prison then incredibly the other day he was right back in that same courtroom facing the same judge it all raises questions about.

The dangers judges face inside and outside the courtroom ABC's Kaa Whitworth has been covering this Kaa I mean if he was trying to avoid prison time that he did a pretty horrible job of it because he was back in court yesterday to face up to this attack can you just walk us through these wild scenes yeah Brad I I mean it was pretty.

Amazing so we'll start with the initial court appearance that he had um the Chief Justice there in Las Vegas used a term supermanning this is a very unique situation that as far as I know has never happened before with somebody supermanning over a a Judicial bench the video was Unreal you can't believe how quickly that could happen um he.

Essentially is pleading for leniency with the judge I I just figure like I'm I'm in a better place in my mind my mental my I have a support system and a second later he has taken several steps and completely leaps over the judicial bench attacks this judge according to court documents he even pulled some of her hair.

Out he also injured other people in this attack as well so by the time they all get it under control the judge is injured but okay other people had to go to the hospital seek medical treatment they're okay he's supposed to come back to court the next day and refuses transportation to court essentially refuses to show up to court.

So then a whole another day passes and then Brad he finds his way back into the courtroom to face that very same judge that he attacked when we were last here arguments were concluded and the court had begun to pronounce sentence when an incident occurred an incident initiated by Mr R pres preventing the court from completing sentencing so she is the.

Victim and she is also the judge but she will not preside over the Char charges related to this attack so Debra Ren this is the defendant's name he did have to return to court wearing that mask it's called a spit mask um it's essentially you know put on his face so that he couldn't spit at anyone and so he had to go see judge Mary K hus once again for.

His original sentencing and so she talked about his lengthy criminal history I want to make it clear that I am not changing or modify find the sentence I was in the process of imposing last week before I was interrupted by defendant's actions so hula sentencing readen to anywhere between 19 to 48 months in prison for a.

Previous attempted battery case and so then Brad he had to go back to court this is a third appearance but this time in front of a different judge to face the charges in that brutal attack all right that answers my question because I was going to be like the judge who's now the victim of the attack is going to be overseeing this new case but so she's.

Finishing up the old case the new one now goes to a whole different judge what do you charge someone though with Kaa like it's not the same as assaulting somebody on the street right like these these would be different charges no Brad it's actually not the same as attacking someone on the street in this case he's been charged with 13 counts including.

Felony attempted murder and battery on a protected person so that's someone like a judge someone like a law clerk he's also charged with extortion by threat and intimidating a public officer and battery on an officer as well well and that that idea that there's this deliniation between you know a judge or a law Clerk and sort of the broader.

Public points out the idea that these people do need they need to be protected so that they can Dole out impartial Justice right but is this part of I guess a wider Trend because you have seen instances of other officials like this threatened or even attacked Brad judicial safety right now is a concern across the country if you look at it.

From the federal level there's more than 1,300 threats that were made against judges in 2022 and Brad so that doesn't even include state level judges like judge hus and these threats Brad have largely moved online in fact there was an assessment done in 2021 and it found that the Marshall service which is responsible for protecting the judges um.

The the Marshall service lacked the resources entirely to adequately even assess these threats and they went on to say that ultimately a judge's safety is at a greater risk when they're outside the courthouse and noting Brad here that of course the judges families are of a concern as well in this case judge holus.

Has a daughter uh who's a DA in that system and when you think about their families it's hard not to think about the case in New Jersey back in 2020 when someone attacked the home of a judge and killed her son and injured her husband yeah and that judge Esther Solace actually applauded a new law that was brought about to keep the identifying.

Information about federal judges families off the public record because so many of these family members are getting threats as well all right Kana Whitworth in Los Angeles covering this thank you yeah of course Brad thanks okay one more quick break when we come back he was better than an angel but once tax dollars were at risk.

Politicians started singing the Dodger Blues one last thing is next there are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at Victoria Secret she did a little Christmas shopping headed to her car and then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from Drew shadine how heartbreaking is that to think.

About Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand all new 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on ABC tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the backto back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most.

Watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David mure stream ABC News live counting down to the most consequential election of our lifetime and now with the Iowa and New Hampshire votes just days away if it's politics in 2024 ABC News live will take you there streaming free wherever you stream your news you're watching America's number.

One streaming news ABC News live reporting from Bedminster New Jersey I'm Mary Bruce wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live and one last thing this has been perhaps the worst baseball off season of my life because you see I am a huge fan of the LA Angels there's shoh swinging.

And driving a ball deep out in the left Center and that one lands in the second deck my beloved Sho Otani the most singular player in the history of the sport the power hitter and flame-throwing pitcher from Japan has decided to leave sh sh this is me trying to get out T's attention from conservatively 100 yards.

Away when he took the field at Yankee Stadium a couple Seasons back like I'm fully obsessed this fall in the biggest payday Pro Sports had ever seen he signed a new contract with the angels Rivals just up the I5 the LA Dodgers the Dodgers introducing sh Otani after signing him to a record-breaking 10year $700 million contract the thing that was.

So interesting about this contract was that he actually wouldn't get paid that much upfront the big bucks wouldn't kick in until after he retired only $2 million a year for the next 10 seasons with 680 million deferred until the end of the deal sources confirmed to ESPN for several reasons this move deferring his pay was kind of Genius for one major.

League baseball penalizes teams that spend gobs of money but since Otani will be living on a meager 2 million bucks plus endorsement deals every year the Dodgers can now go out and sign more Superstars eventually Otani will get his money plus perhaps some championship rings Otani wasn't even the only Dodger participating in this deferral scheme.

Which some Baseball fans have worried about you're going to pay someone $680 million a decade or two from now how do teams have any idea what the world will look like by then what do this buy now pay later plan causes your club to go bankrupt well now California lawmakers are getting involved 12% on 70 million a year that oh guys that's 728 million.

People started pointing out that if Otani moves out of state or even back to Japan by the time that payday hits he might not need to pay state taxes on all that income the California controller now says the state could lose $98 billion in tax revenue on this deal alone and this she says is indicative of a wider problem where the super rich can.

Keep deferring their salaries indefinitely creating a ton of generational wealth while going decades without paying taxes on it she wants Congress to put limits on how far these girls can go sh Otani has always been called a unicorn One of a Kind now could he be cast as a villain to the 99% not that I'm bitter or anything not.

Like the Angels had the most incredible player in baseball history and couldn't even make the playoffs while he was there why wouldn't he want to stick around with them more in all these stories at ABC or the ABC News app I'm Brad milky see you tomorrow.

this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 storm along I Boston is in the bull let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight.

To you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news there are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at Victoria Secret she did a little Christmas shopping headed to her car and then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from Drew shadine how heartbreaking is that to think.

About Friday night 20 20 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand all neww 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on ABC first thing in the morning there's a lot going on everybody in that home is okay to catch you up with what happened overnight we are here at Fashion's.

Biggest night out what's happening today YouTube has unveiled a new set of policies what people are talking about the new ad campaign fast straightforward with some fun between a real life Barbie Dream House a name change for the wiener mobile first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News.

Live from America's number one news source comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and it can customize to you and your interests if you love being in the know you're going to love this experience what all the buzz is about experience the allnew ABC BC News app download it now reporting from Orange.

County New York on the migrant crisis I'm Jaclyn Lee wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live I'm d m today on ABC News live first the extreme weather slamming most of the country with another storm moving in when a major Arctic outbreak is expected to hit the Heartland and the.

Tornado damage left behind in the Florida Panhandle It's the final face off Ronda santis and Nikki Haley go head-to-head before the first votes in Iowa this is former president Trump's comments about the economy have people talking what he said and why he plans to be in New York City tomorrow a gunman storms a TV station.

During a live broadcast in Ecuador the Cris is there this morning as chaos erupts throughout the country plus a hero law clerk recounts how he helped save the judge attacked in a Las Vegas courtroom why he says his instincts took over and how the judge is doing now we begin with the deadly cross.

Country storm at least five people are dead in five states after tornadoes touched down in the South and dangerous snowy conditions in the midwest the East Coast was slammed with rain and heavy winds as some of the area still digging out from an nor Easter over the weekend and now the country's bracing for another round of extreme weather we have.

Live coverage this morning in New Jersey and Florida ABC News senior meteorologist Rob Marciano starts us off on that major flooding and damag winds along the east coast a deadly storm pounding the East Coast more than half a million customers without power power's out as Fierce winds heavy rainfall and flash floods.

Slam the region floodwaters sweeping onto the streets of Baltimore Maryland an overflowing Jones Falls River rushing onto the road New York City drenched rain water pouring through the ceiling of this subway station the severe weather also crippling travel across the country forcing more than 1,000 US flight cancellations Tuesday and ground.

Stops at several major airports at least five fatalities in the storm Zone falling trees killed two people near Atlanta Georgia including a 78-year-old man crushed while he was driving and one person dead and two critically injured at this mobile home park in Claremont North Carolina the state hammered by the brutal storm floodwater engulfing this.

Playground in Greensboro parts of Winston Salem submerged wow in South Carolina a twister wreaking havoc in the city of Bamberg piles of bricks littering the streets a lot of people after the tornado hit they looked up and they saw trees and and sky in their living rooms and bedrooms Harriet coker's roof is.

Ruined there's still a lot of damage it's going to be a long cleanup senior meteorologist Rob Marciano joins me now for more on this Rob what's it like there right now uh right now here in New New Jersey uh actually the sun's just coming out of the clouds so that's good news right we're starting to dry things out cuz.

This Coast to Coast storm really came into the Northeast last night and brought in a lot of heavy rain uh on top of the snow in some spots that we had this past weekend and we've got Rivers like this one the paic river running crazy high right now and this is going to continue to rise in to Major flood stage again tomorrow tomorrow last time.

This happened was a week before Christmas so here we go again with all this rain and snow that we've gotten uh and this is not the only River uh that's that's been flooding like this across Northeast we've got we've got more to talk about in that regard Diane so Rob what can we expect from this new storm now making its way across.

The country well it's going to have a similar path similar strength and similar results I think um I should note also that I forgot to mention that the antic River in Eastern Connecticut that had a partial Dam break with all the rain they had there not not life-threatening at this time but just.

Gives you an idea of just how widespread all these all these these the river flooding is and uh will continue to be over the next couple of days but the next door coming in will bring more in the way of rain here so that's going to exacerbate flooding it's in the Pacific Northwest right now it gets into the Plaines this is a quick mover and uh by.

Tomorrow it's it's it's in Texas by Friday it's in the South and that's when we expect to see the most in the way of the damaging winds more in the way look at this I mean similar areas to where we saw all that damage just in the last 24 hours so just as they're beginning to uh get into the recovery they got to deal with this the difference between this.

Storm and the next one is that it's going to have a lot of cold air behind it probably the coldest air that we've seen so far especially if we look look at live in the midwest look at some of these numbers I mean 8 Below in Kansas come Tuesday morning we're looking at records across the board here as far south as Memphis Tennessee uh come next.

Tuesday so a huge change in the weather pattern for just about everybody I know Winter's been a long time coming a long wait uh I think a lot of people are going to feel it finally here as we go towards next week Dian all right ABC News senior meteorologist Rob Marciano stay warm Rob thank you and that new storm is taking aim at.

Areas already hit hard after last after at least 23 tornadoes touched down in Six States some of the worst damages in Florida's Panhandle ABC News correspondent Faith abou has more from Panama City Florida hi Faith a good morning to you Diane yesterday when we arrived here the winds were so strong that a lot of the.

Homeowners could not even come outside to start surveying the damage or even clean clean up but today is a whole different story the sun is out the winds have died down and the clean up has begun we've already seen some workers inside this building in the backyard you can see some of the damage here a lot of debris they suffered extensive damage to.

Their roof their neighbor here told me that yesterday the winds were so strong that his wife had to hold on to the door to keep it from being sucked out they felt the entire building shaking and then when it was all over they came outside they saw their bricks sighting all on the ground you can see it right there and then across the street take a.

Look at that house there the wind rocked the whole house off of its foundation it's now leaning on the neighboring house the garage has completely disappeared a lot of work to be done there and speaking of work see workers right there on the rooftop they've already begun that work across the community miraculously Florida officials.

Say there were no deaths reported in the Florida panhandle from the storms even though they were really strong yesterday but were some serious injuries a lot of people are still without power and crews are working as quickly as they can to restore electricity to them Diane all right Faith abou in Panama City Florida thanks.

Faith the Iowa caucuses are now just 5 days away former South Carolina governor Nicki Haley took advantage of the weather as the only candidate campaigning in the snowy conditions there and new polling shows Haley support is gaining in New Hampshire ahead of the primary there later this.

Month ABC News senior Congressional correspondent Rachel Scott is in De Moine ahead of tonight's final debate before voting begins Ronda santis and Nikki Haley preparing to face off in the final debate before the Iowa caucuses the former South Carolina governor out in a snowy Iowa with the campaign Trail largely to herself I didn't know if we.

Were going to come see five people but to see a full house really is great this is funny hi VI with the brutal weather V ramaswami forced a campaign via an iPad and Governor D santis was home in Florida giving the State of the State address and dealing with severe tornadoes there hours later traveling back to Iowa for a town hall we're in it.

Uh for the long hul with this but I think Iowa rewards the Intensive approach where you're showing up in 99 counties Dan santis is in a distant second place in Iowa and Haley isn't that far behind she's already gaining momentum in New Hampshire a new poll showing her just seven points behind the front runner former president Donald.

Trump the only way we're going to win the majority of Americans is if we go forward with a new generational leader that leaves the negativity and the baggage in the past some voters still torn looking for an alternative to Trump um but I want somebody who can in the end beat Joe Biden and be a strong president Trump is still dominating in.

The polls now drawing fire for openly saying he hopes the economy crashes this year on Biden watch when there's a crash I hope it's going to be during this next 12 months because I don't want to be Herbert Hoover I ask the santis what he made of those comments if the economy crashes people would get thrown out of work businesses would go under I don't.

Want to see that happening I want people to do well senior Congressional correspondent Rachel Scott joins me now from De Mo Rachel how's the weather impacted this final push in Iowa for the candidates well day and we always knew this was going to be an unconventional primary but this is a very unusual final.

Stretch heading into the Iowa caucuses and so much of that is because of this brutal cold and heavy snow that we are seeing here in Iowa it's really thrown these campaigns a curveball so the Trump campaign had to cancel several surrogate events in the state just over the last two days you had Nikki Haley she was sideline for one day she was really one.

Of the only candidates on the campaign Trail she largely had it all to herself you saw V V ramaswami in that piece he couldn't make it to one stop and so you had this sort of bizarre moment where he's on an iPad doing this sort of town hall and Q&A with voters and so in the final stretch here this is normally when we see candidates Blitz across the state.

Instead they're really going to have a lot of lost ground to make up and these final days heading into the Iowa caucuses Rachel new polling also shows Nikki Haley support growing in New Hampshire ahead of the primary there later this month how significant is that and what does it mean me and going into tonight's.

Debate uh it's huge for Nikki Haley she is really seeing the momentum she's up 12 points since November in that latest New Hampshire poll and she's now in single digits away from Donald Trump she's just trailing him by seven points that's the closest that any of these candidates have ever been in any of these early voting States and so she's.

Hoping that some of that momentum kind of rubs off here in Iowa she's been neck and neck with Florida Governor Ronda Sanz who was betting big on this state I mean visited all 99 counties is endorsed by the Republican governor in this state there is also increasing pressure on former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to drop out of the race before.

The New Hampshire primary and a lot of that is coming from the state's Republican Governor Chris anuno who he's urging Republican voters that want an alternative to former president Donald Trump to coales behind Nikki Haley well Chris chrissyy is not having any of that he is vowing to stay in this race through that primary.

Diane all right Rachel Scott and Iowa thank you and former president Trump is headed to Iowa today after watching his lawyers take tough questions from a federal appeals court yesterday Trump's team is arguing that presidential immunity protects Trump from anything related to the election in January 6th but the.

Judges seem to challenge that after Trump delivered remarks saying he did nothing wrong and denouncing the election interference charges as a persecution of a political opponent ABC News chief justice correspondent Pier Thomas has the latest a dramatic hearing before three judge app pellet panel addressing a.

Fundamental question whether a president is immune from prosecution for any action taken while in office one of the judges challenging former president Trump's call for complete immunity by raising a stunning hypothetical could a president ordered SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival that's an official act in order to Seal Team Six.

Trump's attorney tried to push back he would have to be and would speedily be you know uh uh impeached and convicted before the criminal the judge refusing to let go I asked you a yes no yes or no question could a president who ordered SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival who was not.

Impeached would he be subject to criminal prosecution if he were impeached and convicted first and so your answer is is the prosecution pouncing what kind of world are we living in if As I understood my friend on the other side to say here a president orders his seal team to assassinate a political rival and.

Resigns for example before an impeachment not a criminal act president sells a pardon resigns or is not impeached not a crime I think that is extraordinarily frightening future and the three judge panel two appointed by President Biden and one by President George Herbert Walker Bush appeared receptive to the special council's.

Claimed that Trump in trying to block Biden from being certified as president was not acting in an official capacity but on his own personal behalf as a candidate but Trump's attorneys maintain that the prosecutions against him are being used as a political weapon after the hearing Trump raising the Spectre of Violence by his supporters should he.

Lose his legal challenges there'll be bedum in the country it's a very bad thing it's a very bad precedent as we said it's the opening of a Pandora's Box Trump continued to spew election lies about voter fraud and did not denounce or rule out the potential for violence d all right chief justice correspondent Pier Thomas thank you and sources tell.

Us the former president intends to deliver part of the defense closing argument himself tomorrow inside a New York City Courthouse we will cover that trial all day tomorrow right here on ABC News live and Boeing CEO is acknowledging the company's mistake after a door plug fell out of an Alaska Airlines flight last week the admission.

Comes as we hear new details from passengers on that jet ABC News Transportation correspondent Gio bonitz has the latest a stark admission from Boeing's CEO after that door plug flew off its Alaska Airline jet at 16,000 ft we're going to approach this number one acknowledging our.

Mistake we are going to approach it with 100% in complete transparency every step of the way CEO Dave Calhoun emotional as he addressed employees Tuesday this stuff matters everything matters every detail matters Boeing says it's now working with the NTSB and FAA to make sure this.

Never happens again the company revising its final inspection protocols to the FAA for those 171 grounded max9 jets that have door plugs the FAA is saying they will remain grounded for now and that the safety of the flying public not speed will determine the timeline for returning the Boeing 7379 Max to service this as we learn stunning new details.

About what happened on that Alaska Airlines jet Friday I reach over and held his hands um and we literally thought that we were going to die SE orun and her 12-year-old son Josiah were sitting in the row right behind the door plug when it flew off taking Josiah's phone and stuffed animal with it you would just hear a big boom it was silent.

For like one second and then you would just feel and hear a lot of air going around freezing cold air and the mother of the 15-year-old who lost his shirt telling the Seattle Times as the air cabin depressurized she saw her son's seat being pulled back toward the hole saying quote I reached over and grabbed his body and pulled him towards me over.

The armrest I did not realize until after the flight that his clothing had been torn off of his upper body she said it sounded like a bomb exploding also on the plane three babies that were sitting on laps and four unaccompanied miners the youngest of which was five meanwhile in a federal class action lawsuit a former employee of the company.

That builds the max9 fuselage Spirit Aeros systems said this about the company that the company's products suffered from an excessive amount of defects we of course reached out to the company for comment but they would not comment on pending litigation Diane all right ABC News Transportation correspondent Gio bonitz thank you and.

Major US Airlines including American United JetBlue and spirit are cancelling some flights to Ecuador after a new wave of violence in the South American country the most brazing attack happened yesterday in guak Kil when more than a dozen masked men with guns stormed a TV station during a live broadcast Ecuadorian officials are calling the.

Incident an act of terrorism violence erupted across the country Monday after the president declared a state of emergency following the apparent prison escape of a notorious gang leader and dozens of other prisoners prisoners connected to criminal organizations coming up the emergency blood short shortage why the American.

Red Cross is calling for action and how you can help also ahead the new protections for teens on Facebook and Instagram how meta says it will help prevent them from seeing harmful content and being contacted by Predators whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on.

The ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting AB News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey en rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from.

Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in Beirut from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story.

Is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news there are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at Victoria Secret she did a little Christmas.

Shopping headed to her car and then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard heard from Drew shadine how heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand all new 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on ABC all right here we.

Go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are you I hug you yes so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News.

Live my favorite show Welcome Back the American Red Cross is warning of an emergency blood shortage the organization says donations are at their lowest level in 20 years while demand for blood is increasing now they're calling on all of us to get involved and potentially help save a life Robin Roberts has.

More an urgent call for blood donations after the American Red Cross announced its experiencing an emergency blood shortage our hospitals are asking for blood at a faster rate than we can replenish it with donations and over the holidays we saw a decrease in donations but we saw an increase in Need For Blood this as a number of people donating.

Blood has dropped by more than 40% over the last 20 years the covid-19 pandemic alone causing that figure to Fall by more than 300,000 a lot of people were used to donating blood at school or at business related blood drives the need greater than ever as every two seconds someone in America needs a blood transfusion the shortage is the worst.

For platelets for red blood cells from people who are type O positive or O Negative 74y old Debbie tikman is one of those highly sought-after donors with a universal O negative blood type she's donated blood 172 times across 40 plus years I know they need it it's something I can do so I choose to do it the retired teacher.

From Michigan says donating blood is a simple way for her to contribute to her community it doesn't cost money you don't have to be retired you can do it on your lunch hour you could do it after work you could take your friends and family with you it's really a positive thing and while the process takes about an hour from start to finish the effects.

Can last a lifetime the only source of blood that can be used to save lives of people in the hospital is the arm of a donor we see in the hospitals that these blood donations make a difference every day and they make it possible for people people to survive and to carry on their lives our thanks to Robin Roberts for that report meanwhile meta is out with.

Some new restrictions for teen Facebook and Instagram users the company says it will now hide content from Teen accounts that it deems inappropriate for the age group this comes after metapace growing pressure to change how the apps work ABC's wit Johnson has more hi Wht these new protections follow dozens of lawsuits accusing meta of Designing.

Features that are harmful to children so the social media giant will begin hiding inappropriate content from teenagers on Facebook and Instagram and this will roll out over the coming months new and existing users under the age of 18 will automatically be placed into the most restrictive content control setting making it more difficult for teenagers.

To search for or come across accounts that post sensitive content this includes Search terms like suicide self harm and eating disorders those will now be hidden from teenagers and instead links to resources on how to get help for these issues will appear on screen teens won't even be able to see posts from their friends if they write about.

These subjects teens will also get notifications about updating their privacy settings to protect them from predators turning on the recommended settings would restrict who can message them repost their content tag or mention them it can also help hide offensive comments users have to be at least 13 to have an account on Facebook or Instagram.

But meta admits underage kids are still signing up so the company says it's also trying to correct that Diane all right withit Johnson thank you coming up a hero law clerk recounts how he helped save the judge attacked in a Las Vegas courtroom while he says his instincts took over and how the judge is doing now but first the Warriors are hosting the.

Pelicans tonight we have a preview of the Wednesday night matchup next this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee Cent In Putin Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 storm along I Boston is in the bullseye let's go ABC News.

Live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the backto back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn.

To the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David mure from America's number one news comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and customizable to your interests if you love being in the know you're going to love this experience the allnew ABC News app down load it now there are some.

Stories that just stick with you drew was working at Victoria's Secret she did a little Christmas shopping headed to her car and then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from Drew shadine how heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he.

Kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand all new 2020 Friday night at 998 Central on ABC wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there streaming free on ABC News live stream ABC News live counting down to the most.

Consequential election of our lifetime and now with the Iowa and New Hampshire votes just days away if it's politics in 2024 ABC News live will take you there streaming free wherever you stream your news I'm Kaa Whitworth at the Apex Summit in San Francisco wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News.

Live welcome back the Golden State Warriors are set to face off against the New Orleans Pelicans tonight Draymond Green is back practicing with his team after being suspended for hitting an opponent an opponent ABC's Trevor alt has the latest hey there so this should be a really fun one tonight the Warriors hosting the Pelicans and so far this.

Season it's been a bit of a rough one for Steph Curry and Golden State compared to their usual standards they're currently two games under 500 they're out of the playoffs right now of course they've had some drama this season Draymond Green has now been reinstated from that indefinite suspension for hitting an opponent.

Previously choking another opponent previously kicking another opponent he's missed 12 games he says he thought about retiring even but he's now back practicing with the team he could be back this weekend but the Warriors will have to win tonight without him and they're going to have their hands full with New Orleans and their young tandem.

Zion Williamson and Brandon Ingram Zion Williamson especially has had a tough time staying healthy in his career but this year he's been great he's got a ton of talent and the Pelicans are in the thick of the playoff hunt and you can watch the action tonight at 8:30 Eastern right here on ABC Diane all right sounds good Trevor thank you coming up a group.

Of gunmen storm a TV station during a live broadcast in Ecuador the crisis there as chaos erupts throughout the country also ahead Reproductive Rights opioids and gun violence the impact the 2024 elections could have on healthc care in America plus what has to be in your dream home Zillow is revealing the top.

10 searched items on their site and number one may surprise you stick around this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee Cent In Putin Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destru Cat 4 stor along I Boston is in the bullseye let's.

Go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news in mccort black one of the biggest unclimbed rock faces on the planet now I'm starting to get very excited if we manage to climb in CAC.

It'll be the biggest first desent we've ever done oh my God so scary ultimately what's at stake with climbing this is not what I signed up for is always your life all right here we go ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are you I H you yes so what will you be.

Watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so.

Let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story that you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here whenever wherever news breaks.

It's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo youal du Texas edin BR Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in waron we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there extreme ABC.

News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live you're one watching America's number one streaming news ABC News live breaking news exclusives live reporting across the globe keep streaming with ABC News live first thing in the morning there's a lot going on everybody in that home is.

Okay to catch you up with what happened overnight we are here at Fashion's biggest night out what's happening today YouTube has unveiled a new set of policies what people are talking about the new ad campaign fast straight forward with some fun in between a real life Barbie Dream House a name change for the Wier mobile first thing in the.

Morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live welcome back to ABC News live first thanks for streaming with us you are looking at New York City on this Wednesday and we have a lot of news to get to here's the rundown right now A Deadly storm system is slowly moving out.

Of the country after leaving behind flooding and damage along the east coast at least 23 tornadoes are reported in Six States including the Florida Panhandle now another storm is on the move out west and could bring extreme weather from Texas to the Carolinas a new study finds bottled water may contain up to 100 times more.

Microscopic plastic particles than previously thought the National Academy of Sciences says researchers found an average of 240,000 nanoplastics per bottle but scientists aren't sure whether the particles are harmful to our health in a statement an industry trade Association says the study lacks standardized methods back in 2019 the.

World Health Organization said there isn't enough evidence linking microplastics and water to human health but there's an urgent need for more research and the company Home Medics is recalling nearly 990,000 massage guns Federal officials say the company received 17 reports of overheating including at least one person who is.

Burned the officials fear the massage guns could be a fire hazard the models were sold from 2020 to 2023 if you have one the company says not to use it and to contact them for a full refund and Ecuador's president is declaring a state of emergency amid a wave of violence mostly Gang Related 13 men now face charges after storming a TV.

Station there with guns during a live broadcast Ecuador has been known as one of South America's most peaceful countries this latest attack is among the most dramatic incidents we've seen so so far ABC's Matt Rivers has the latest authorities in Ecuador investigating a Brazen attack on a public television station by an apparent.

Armed gang as quote acts of terrorism the masked men seen here tying crew members on the floor threatening the staff waving explosives and guns scared staffers inside desperately pleading for their lives the live broadcast rolling for almost 15 minutes before going dark police then surrounding the area arresting more than.

A dozen gunmen the show's deputy director later saying the attack was quote extremely violent this incident one of many acts of violence that occurred after Ecuador declared a state of emergency Monday following The Disappearance of the leader of the notorious Los Cho's gang from his cell in aakil prison.

And Matt Rivers joins me now from San Antonio Texas with more on this Matt Ecuadorian officials say these 13 men are under arrest and facing charges so what are you hearing about who they are and why they did this yeah so they're members of a smaller uh group of of criminals a gang there in Ecuador and what the government.

Is saying is that there were some 22 different groups that they've identified as being part of the violence that we saw spread throughout guak Ecuador yesterday and all all of this is in response to that state of emergency that was declared it was the leader of that group Los jonos uh that managed to disappear from prison as a result of.

That the president makes that uh state of emergency declaration that gives the military in Ecuador the right to do a couple of things including go out on the streets conduct checkpoints but also crucially enter and control Ecuador's prisons and the criminals that have been inside of those prisons for years they've really been controlling.

Organized crime in Ecuador running those groups from inside the prisons if the military goes in the thought being that control would be lessened organized crime would be less efficient and that's why these groups are really reached out branched out uh lashed out yesterday in the way that they did because they're upset over these new rights given to to.

Ecuador's military so Matt what is it like in Ecuador right now with this state of emergency in place and this notorious gang leader on the loose I mean there there's no doubt things are tense right now I was texting with a friend whose parents live in gu and what she was telling me is that look it was a tough day for the people of.

Guil yesterday businesses are closed restaurants are closed uh schools were shut down it's a very tense time in Ecuador right now as it would be in any country where the military is out on the streets uh but I think what we saw overnight was that people generally respected the curfew that's been put in place we haven't seen any more uh scenes.

Of violence that we saw play out there yesterday so right now I would call it a tense calm but still you know anything could change all right Matt Rivers thank you and the man who attacked the Las Vegas judge is now charged with attempted murder battery and extortion charges he appeared in front of the same.

Judge in court on Tuesday and for the first time we're now hearing from the law clerk who rushed to save the judge when the defendant jumped over the bench ABC News live anchor Kana Whitworth has more he's being hailed a hero 27-year-old law Clerk Michael lasso credited with saving a Las Vegas judge from a vicious courtroom attack is.

Speaking out for the first time it's just something you don't usually see in court you see you see some crazy things but you know nothing like this lasso scene in the now viral video pulling the 6' 190lb defendant de obra reden off judge Mary K hus as authorities say he was punching her hitting her with an unknown.

Object and pulling out her hair I just thought when he first hopped over that desk he was going for the door and when he didn't go for the door and instead he starts charging at the judge I was just in shock and I just reacted lasso quickly springing into action last week I don't even want to think about what would have happened if I wasn't there.

Once a situation was handled I I immediately went over to her and went to go check on her just make sure she was okay judge hus describing the defendant as big strong and angry in the arrest report what did that judicial bench look like in in the aftermath on the aftermath it was a bloody scene um there was just blood everywhere injured but.

Recovering judge hus returning to the courtroom face to face with her attacker but this time the defendant surrounded by officers seen Shackled wearing a spit mask and protective mitts sentenced to up to four years in prison for his original case hello are you Mr Ren on Tuesday the 30-year-old whose family says has a history of mental illness.

Stood in front of a different judge answering to attempted murder battery and extortion charges among others do you understand these charges yes I understand and Diane officials in Las Vegas are looking at the possibility of adding more security Personnel judge holus had a single Court Marshal with her and he needed 25 stitches in his.

Head after that attack Diane all right Kaa Whitworth thank you and US District Court Judge Esther Salas knows about the threats to judges all too well well her son Daniel was murdered at their home by a gunman who was targeting her back in 2020 since then judge Salis has been on a mission to honor her son's Life and Legacy earlier on GMA she spoke.

Exclusively with our Robin Roberts last time we spoke uh you were trying to make Daniel's law a a federal case and going before Congress it passed did it passed so talk a little bit more about Daniel's law and what more can be done I mean listen Daniel the Daniel andrel Act is great it's a solid step in the right direction but it protects federal judges.

We need to focus on all judges at every level State local judges there are over 30,000 of them there's so many states and US Territories that don't have any laws protecting judicial officers we need to change that state by state we need to approach it Maryland is the start Wisconsin where judge RoR was we need to pass laws in these states to.

Protect all judges our democracy you know counts on judicial officers feeling safe to do our jobs our thanks to Robin Roberts and just Ester Salas for that coming up Reproductive Rights opioids and gun violence we'll take a look at some of the big issues in the 2024 elections also ahead a retail Revolution how.

Walmart is using using artificial intelligence to change the way you shop tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the back-to- back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David mure get ready.

America every Friday the hottest Trends Styles and must have what's the right stuff to buy right now I really love that it's time to buy the right stuff yes and save big time too The Right Stuff Fridays on GMA you're going to love it this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin's Russia on the ground.

In Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 storm you're along I Boston is in the bull let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news from America's number one news.

Source comes the allnew ABC news app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and it can customize to you and your interests if you love being in the know you're going to love this experience what all the buzz is about experience the allnew ABC News app download it now ABC News live Prime winner of the Gracie Award for best news.

Program in all of Television stream ABC News live Prime with lindsy Davis week nights on ABC News live National Forest are good places to get away but sometimes bad things happen in good places it's the stuff of nightmares all I can see was their feet sticking up my knees went weak this is a.

Human skull we were definitely against the clock how many more victims are out there wild crime at Blood Mountain now streaming only on Hulu welcome back Baywatch and Charles and charge star Nicole Edgard is opening up about her new breast cancer diagnosis.

The star is now issuing a warning for others about how she missed the early warning signs herself Eva Pilgrim has more we have a Nicole Edgar known for her roles in Charles in Charge you know the usual dinner a movie and a Dozen Roses will be fine and Baywatch oh you better be careful he's right there in Tower 15 is opening up about her battle.

With breast cancer so I have a little bit of a bomb to drop the actress revealing her journey to diagnosis on her podcast perfectly Twisted I started having a lot of pain on my left side and it was really hurting so I did an exam and I found something after a mammogram and multiple biopsies the actress tells People magazine she was eventually.

Diagnosed in December with invasive crib reform carcinoma a rare type of invasive cancer that accounts for just3 to 6% of all breast cancer diagnoses this breast cancer isn't likely to be one that is extremely aggressive or grows very rapidly it is associated with a high chance of cure and less of a chance of it occurring outside of the breast with.

Appropriate treatment Edgard saying I have panics where I'm like just get this out of me telling people the next step is surgery you sit there and it's in you and you're like every second that passes and it's inside of me it's growing the 51-year-old says her first symptoms were a rapid 25lb weight gain over 3 months and terrible pain in her breast which.

She initially attributed to menopause if there's a persistent change in the breast as she was explaining that she had swelling and pain in the breast that was not going away that should prompt a woman to go seek out the medical attention of her doctors in order to get a workup as soon as possible the single mom of two says she's fighting to be.

There for her daughters 25-year-old Dylan and especially her youngest 12-year-old Keegan there's no being depressed there's no laying around there's like it's like enjoy right now today keep positive and Nicole says after she found the lump it took her a month to get an appointment for a mammogram a good.

Reminder for us all not to wait if something doesn't feel right and to take that appointment even when it doesn't happen right away Diane all right even Pilgrim thank you and it is time now for Patell like it is where Dr Lo Patel Shar some health advice on the topics that matter most to you and today we're actually talking about Healthcare in the.

2024 election here's Dr Batel with what you need to know about the health issues on the ballot Healthcare is a big election 2024 topic for example this is the first presidential election we're going to have since Ro versus Wade was overturned and we've heard multiple stories in which restrictions on abortions have.

Affected women especially those in high-risk pregnancies Reproductive Rights are on the ballot America also spends more on healthc care than any other high-income country and we're the only one to not guarantee HealthCare coverage with that Healthcare affordability drug pricing access to Medicare and Medicaid are also on the.

Ballot and there's more one in five Americans has a mental illness drug overdoses especially from opioids claimed over a 100,000 lives in 2021 and gun violence is the leading cause of death in children so Mental Health Care gun violence and the opioid crisis are also topics that presidential candidates should address from who we vote into the.

White House to who we choose to represent our neighborhoods exercising our civic duty plays a part in how we address and uphold Public Health do your research think about yourself your friends your family your community and vote like your health and public health depends on it because it kind of does and Dr Lo Batel joins me now for.

More on this along with ABC News senior National Poli polic reporter an flarity Dr pel in your video you say America spends more on healthare per capita than any other high income country but the US is the only one not to guarantee health coverage why is that and how does that affect the average American if we don't have Universal healthc care why are.

Costs so high I wish I had a simple answer Diane to explain about why our costs were so high but the reality is that this is something that voters the average American should pay attention to in researching their candidate who is governing their state where they live I mean the mere fact is according to the.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid the United States spent about $133,000 per personal Healthcare which is $5,000 more than the other average high income country and we still have about 20 to 30 million uninsured or underinsured Americans which leads to poorer outcomes when it comes to treating long-term or chronic illnesses and some of these.

Terms are confusing for the average person including expansion of Medicare and Medicaid and Marketplace ities but the mere fact is is that people should really look at what is happening to their health insurance coverage as they making decisions about who to vote for and how are you seeing the presidential candidates tackling Healthcare on the.

Campaign Trail to talk about inflation and that's the issue that is top of mine for so many voters uh but of course people forget that Healthcare is tied to that along with Rising prices Healthcare gets more expensive we saw in a recent poll from kff the uh nonprofit that 80 % of Voters see this as a topof mind issue.

The cost of healthcare now Trump and danta say that they want to revisit Obamacare um and then of course abortion is the other issue that's coming along U that people are talking about that's a major issue a lot of the candidates not really talking about that sort of dancing around it along with Obamacare we're not getting a lot of the details.

On how they want to actually change things so Dr Patel how can we be well informed on these issues when they're at the center of the conversation like this because we are not all medical experts you know and it doesn't take a medical expert to actually go and look online and research the healthcare topics that candidates are discussing or.

To go and look to see what their stances are on anything that's related to healthcare policy Public Health and Science in general as an mentioned Reproductive Rights are a big topic and there right now in the United States are two about two million women who live in areas where there is no access to abortion and no maternity care that.

Directly affects people's people's Health their ability to live a productive long healthy life and there's also topics such as mental healthare gun violence drug pricing cancer research maternity care Child Care there's so many topics out there that people may forget about that directly involve both this dance of politics and Healthcare so.

I encourage everyone out there from a nonpartisan stance just to do your research and research all these topics and how it affects you and your family and your community and what are the biggest Healthcare Topics in the Battleground States now so the states I'm going to be looking at are states like Arizona um that they're going to.

Have abortion on the ballot next year that could drive out voters but also States like Georgia this is a Battleground state that could really make a difference in the presidential election but it's also about the state houses both of their houses are up for election or up for grabs uh with control and it's these State houses that are.

Passing laws that that apply to things like healthcare abortion um all these things are that are related to healthare so you know I think voters do have uh all of these issues in mind when they're going to the polls and I think that's going to make a big difference in some of these Battleground States all right ABC's medical contributor Dr Lo Patel.

Senior National policy reporter in flarity thank you and Dr Patel is as always taking your questions leave a message on our Instagram feed at ABC News live and he might answer your question right here on Friday coming up baby Yoda is headed to the big screen will Gans has the out of the this world te plus why he's matching.

His cinabun and good this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin's Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 store I Boston is in the bullseye let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming.

News anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news there are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at Victoria's Secret she did a little Christmas shopping headed to her car and then went missing from the mall it's the.

Last time anyone heard from Drew shadine how heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you a sexual predator on your hand all new 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on ABC all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right.

Now this is what would you do let's go how are you I hug you yes so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon two to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front.

Runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the backto back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David mure stream ABC News live counting down to the most consequential election of our lifetime and now with the Iowa and New Hampshire votes just days away if it's politics in.

2024 ABC News live will take you there streaming free wherever you stream your news we're reporting from the tarmac of LaGuardia Airport I'm Trevor alt wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live welcome back Walmart says it's planning to use artificial intelligence to create a new shopping experience the.

World's biggest retailer is betting big that AI will reshape how American shop online and in stores Elizabeth shelzy has the ABC News exclusive an ABC News exclusive Walmart taking us inside its retail Revolution using artificial intelligence to transform the way we shop at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

The world's biggest retailer launching new features like the option to virtually shop with friends trying on outfits in its app and instantly getting feed Fe back from those you trust you can also share that with someone else digitally to say do you like this sweater or not I my friends might say no more often than say yes Walmart CEO Doug.

McMillan also touting expanded search capabilities on its site customers can now search for a phrase like football watch party instead of individual items to put in your cart we get to move away from this baby talk search where we're trying to find chips and drinks in a 90in television and say how do I prepare a great watch party and it brings back.

Across the top the categories you're looking for and then search serves up a list of items that you can choose to host that great party the feature uses technology from Microsoft which has invested billions of dollars into chat GPT maker open AI it's all about being able to take the technology as powerful as it is but translating it into.

Everyday Use cases are you concerned that the guard rails aren't in place for how quickly this technology is moving the guard rails have to be developed in par with the benefits in the use cases so this is not something we think about after the fact between juggling groceries and life sometimes you could.

Really use a little extra help also in the pipeline from Walmart in home replenishment using AI to predict what products you need at home then delivering them straight to your fridge or closet there's a Walmart associate that has a onetime code to our garage store they put the perishable food in the refrigerator put the ambient product.

Next to it and and we're in stock some people might hear that and say that sounds a little bit like a privacy concern someone has my garage code they know it's in my house that makes me a little bit nervous over time I think what people have learned is that if you you're doing business with someone you trust and we can save you time I think.

There will be more adoption of this over time where we're literally replenishing the things that people want to have in their homes all the time now that updated search function is available now on Apple devices I pressed Walmart CEO on if there will be bumps in the road as some this new tech is rolled out he said it will get better and smarter as time.

Goes on Diane Elizabeth Shela in Las Vegas thank you and it is time now for the tea where we break down some of the Buzzy stories people are talking about our friend will Gans is here to help us out we'll spill that tea a little Intergalactic tea to start off the morning all right we begin with breaking baby Yoda news from a galaxy far far.

Away the pin siiz star of the Mandalorian is headed to the big screen people our PA and Company Disney announcing overnight that John favro will direct the Star Wars feature film titled the Mandalorian and grou with production slated to begin this year Fabro who Helms the Mandalorian TV series on Disney plus saying in a.

Statement I have L telling stories set in the rich world that George Lucas created the prospect of bringing the Mandalorian and his Apprentice grou to the big screen is extremely exciting it's the oversized coat on on baby Yoda for me he just I I mean it's kind of a look it's a Vibe and he often has a little teacup of his own so he's a f the.

Tea we're embracing baby Yoda that's right that's right all right next I have been dying to talk about this everybody come closer gather around everyone it's the gossip session scen around the world Selena Gomez spilling the tea during the Golden Globes to Taylor Swift and Kelly teller this video blowing up everywhere look at their faces you know the tea is.

Hot when it looks like that users throwing all kinds of theories at the wall including one on Twitter racking up 61,000 retweets that's Selena asked for a photo with Timmy shalam and Kylie Jenner said no she cannot take a picture with him but at long last Selena is setting the record straight the only murder murders in the building star.

Commenting on E's photo writing no I told Taylor about two of my friends who hooked up not that that's anyone's business and of course now everybody wants to know who the friends are right I'm here to say I'm not buying Selena's excuse no zero in one of the videos you can actually hear Kelly tell say with Timothy so unless one of the friends is.

Timmy I don't know see investigative journalism in the tea here you cannot pull one past will Gan that's exactly correct Ive spent way too many hours of my evening pouring over the videos but anyway that's what Selena says so we'll take her word for it all right 2024 is shaping up to be a Powerhouse year for pop music it's been 4 years since Lady.

Gaga dropped chromatica but at long last we might be getting some new music you guys Gaga there's the there's the alert the Gaga alert Gaga sharing two new photos from the music studio captioned with a heart and some music notes emojis meanwhile Katie Perry is also teasing her next chapter telling en new it's time to come.

Out of the Cocoon of sorts to bloom a little nod of course to her fiance Orlando Bloom no word on when Katie or Gaga will drop their new projects but Ariana Grande has a new single called yes and and that's coming out this Friday a lot of new music coming G Ariana feels like it's 2011 again I'm here it all right and another musical.

News the Mean Girls movie musical set to hit theaters on Friday and Tina fa says she thought sought the advice of some unlikely contributors as she adapted the script for a 2024 audience her two daughters Tina telling e weekly that she asked her 18 and 12-year-old girls should the burn book stay a burn book or should it be a private Instagram account.

And they're like no no it's a book it's a book and thank God they said that she says she also asked them for casting advice and in other Mean Girls news it's when Wednesday that's why I'm wearing pink we also have a sweet treat to celebrate Cinnabon is selling pink cinnamon rolls to celebrate the new film only on Wednesdays of course starting.

January 17th that's a week from today lasting every Wednesday through February 7th items from the brand including the classic the mini bun the Bon bites and the center of the Roll snacks will be available don't judge me these are delicious and I can't wait anymore it's taken every ounce they sent these to us as a little gift free of charge and.

We're really really grateful I have been dying to eat this are in oh you're eating I'm busy you know how this works come on okay yeah Will Gans thank you thanks for streaming with us everybody I'm Dam ABC News live is here for you anytime with the latest news context analysis and pink Cinnabons it's Wednesday people we'll be right back so.

Fetch so fetch tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the backto back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News.

Tonight with David mure from America's number one news comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and customizable to your interests if you love being in the know you're going to love this experience the allnew ABC News app download it now this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee centers in.

Putin Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the cap destructive Cat 4 Story You're along I Boston is in the Bulls let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news why do so many people start their.

Day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first.

Listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here there are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at Victoria's Secret she did a little Christmas shopping headed to her car and then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from Drew shadine how.

Heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand all new 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on ABC stream ABC News live counting down to the most consequential election of our lifetime and now with the Iowa and.

New Hampshire votes just days away if it's politics in 2024 ABC News live will take you there streaming free wherever you stream your news reporting from Cole Oklahoma I'm MOA langi wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live hi I'm Dian M today on ABC News live First It's the final faceof Rhonda.

Santis and Nikki Haley go head-to-head before the first vote in Iowa this is former president Trump's comments about the economy have people talking two big hearings on Capitol Hill why the House Republicans want the homeland security secretary out and Hunter Biden held in contempt extreme weather slamming most.

Of the country with another storm moving in when a major Arctic outbreak is expected to hit the Heartland and the tornado damage left behind in the Florida Panhandle we begin with the Iowa caucus is just 5 days away former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley took advantage of the weather as the only.

Candidate campaigning in the snowy conditions a new polling also shows Haley's support is growing in New Hampshire ahead of the primary there later this month ABC News senior Congressional correspondent Rachel Scott is in De Moine ahead of tonight's final debate before voting begins this morning Ronda santis and.

Nikki Haley preparing to face off in the final debate before the Iowa caucuses the former South Carolina governor out in a snowy Iowa with the campaign Trail largely to herself I didn't know we were going to come see five people but to see a full house really is great this is funny hi VI with the brutal weather V ramaswami forced a campaign via an iPad.

And Governor D santis was home in Florida giving the State of the State address and dealing with severe tornadoes there hours later traveling back to Iowa for a town hall we're in it uh for the long hul with this but I think Iowa rewards the Intensive approach where you're showing up in 99 counties DeSantis is in a distant second.

Place now Iowa and Haley isn't that far behind she's already gaining momentum in New Hampshire a new poll showing her just seven points behind the front runner former president Donald Trump the only way we're going to win the majority of Americans is if we go forward with a new generational leader that leads the negativity and the baggage in the past.

Some voters still torn looking for an alternative to Trump um but I want somebody who can in the end beat Joe Biden and be a strong president Trump is still dominating in the polls now drawing fire for openly saying he hopes the economy crashes this year on Biden's watch when there's a crash I hope it's going to be during this next 12 months.

Because I don't want to be Herbert Hoover I asked the santis what he made of those comments if the economy crashes people would get thrown out of work businesses would go under I don't want to see that happening I want people to do well not on the stage tonight former president Donald Trump and former New.

Jersey Governor Chris Christie Trump will be holding a separate Town Hall Christy has focused all in on New Hampshire he's not campaigning in Iowa at all and he's still vwing to stay in the race despite falling behind Nikki Haley in that latest poll Diane senior Congressional correspondent Rachel Scott thank you I I want to bring in the host.

Of the 538 politics podcast gayen Dro now gayen how has the weather impacted the candidates final push in Iowa Diane as we saw it's been difficult for the candidates to campaign here in De Mo Iowa and in fact it's been difficult just to get into the state a lot of flights were delayed or even canel coming out here there was a big.

Snowstorm we got a lot of snow yesterday and even though we got most of the snow early in the week the extreme weather is not over it's going to continue through until the caucus night when we're expecting weather to get down to maybe close to -5 Dees without even windchill and that's important right because these caucuses are events that requ require.

Some dedication you got to show up in the evening maybe even for hours at your local gym or Community Center in order to sort of you know not cast your vote per se but caucus for whoever you like and so the weather can affect things uh in the Iowa caucuses so we're going to keep an eye on that Gayla what do you make of this new.

Polling that shows Nikki Haley closing the Gap with Trump in New Hampshire yeah it's a good question Diane and I got a couple things to say about it first of all according to the 538 polling averages at the moment Donald Trump is at about 42% in New Hampshire whereas Nikki Haley is at about 30% and then Chris Christie has.

About 10 or 11% support so you can see a path where maybe say Nikki Haley overperforms in Iowa or who knows Chris Christie drops out of the race and endorses Haley that Haley has sort of a path to beating Donald Trump or coming very close in New Hampshire it's very possible but I think we have to talk about the reality of New Hampshire as a.

State and what it means in this primary so in New Hampshire Independents can vote in the Republican primary meaning the elector in New Hampshire is quite different on top of that New Hampshire is one of the top 10 most educated states in the country more than 40% of new hampshirites have a 4-year bachelor's degree that's a segment of.

The electorate that Nikki Haley does really well with but that is not the majority of the Republican electorate and it's nowhere close to 40% in many of the other states where they're going to be campaigning that's all to say this is a really good state for Nikki Haley and so while the polling for her may be promising there really for her to even.

Have a chance of winning the primary she has to do extremely well there she's got to not just win maybe blow Trump out of the water there to even have a shot in the subsequent States so what are you hearing from voters there before voting begins yeah some I was talking with voters yesterday in the middle of a in.

The middle of a snowstorm and something to keep in mind here is Iowa is a state of a little over three million people but the number of people who end up caucusing can be somewhere around 100 or 200,000 people so this is like I said an event that Quire requires some time dedication and a lot of Iowans don't necessarily participate in the caucuses.

And so you'll talk to a lot of people who even though they're in Iowa where people have been campaigning for months you know they're still not really sure they haven't heard from that many candidates the dedicated people though it's interesting you can tell that V ramaswami has been on the ground here he's done the full Chuck Grassley which.

Is visit all 99 counties twice so far and so you do hear about V ramaswami that's not necessarily represented in the polls though he's still polling in the single digits whereas Nikki Haley and Rhonda sandz are pulling more at say 16 17% in Iowa but one thing you hear a lot about or I'll say three things you hear a lot about and it goes for.

Republicans I would say across the country country number one the economy number two immigration and number three National Security you hear from pretty much every voter you talk to all right gayen Dro in Iowa stay warm gayen thank you and the house Homeland Security committee is holding its first.

Impeachment hearing for Homeland Security secretary Alejandra mayorcas House Republicans are accusing mayorcas of failed leadership on Border issues with chairman Mark green calling him a threat to National Security saying mayorcas has broken his oath to this country mayorca says his department has taken bold necessary steps while.

Congress has failed to act and Democrats say Republicans are abusing their power over a policy disagreement senior White House correspondent Selena Wang joins me now from Capitol Hill for more Selena what can we expect to see at this hearing today well look this hearing is really going to be focused on how border policies have impacted States featuring.

Testimonies from several state attorney generals but this is just the first step in the impeachment process it's not guaranteed that it would pass the house given the very slim Republican majorities and it definitely is very unlikely it would pass in the Senate given the Democrat controlled Senate but really to put this into context mayorcas.

He's been the target of very angry GOP frustrations he's been the target of that for months it's the culmination of that anger over what they see as a Biden administration's failed immigration's policies blaming placing the blame at mayorcas for failing to uphold the law and stem the flow of migrants and illegal drugs into this country but.

There has been even some skepticism from Republicans who say that these are policy disagreements not high crimes and misdemeanors and the DHS itself has also put out some data saying look we've been doing our jobs they say they've deported more illegal migrants in the previous administration and said they've stopped more Fentanyl and arrested more drug.

Traffickers in the last 2 years than in the previous 5 years combined so Selena where do negotiations on the border and this policy debate stand right now well they're currently still in the Senate stalled over several sticking points including over Parole Authority and that's just in the Senate it would face far more push back in the.

House from Hardline conservatives that want to see even more stringent policies and these impeachment proceedings against mayorcas well that complicates all of this because mayorcas he's been regularly coming to the hill negotiating with Republicans and Democrats in the Senate over these border negotiations and the White House and the DHS says.

Look this is counterproductive andelina we're now hearing Hunter Biden has made a surprise appearance there on Capitol Hill this Comes This House Republicans are marking up a resolution to hold him in contempt of congress so what's the latest on that yeah so they are currently debating over whether to hold him in contempt of congress if it passes.

It would then go up for a full house vote that would then get recommended to the justice department which would ultimately make the decision and now remember Hunter Biden he refused to testify publicly testify behind closed doors last month saying he was concerned that his words could be cherry-picked or taken out of context instead he offered.

To testify publicly and remember last month he came to the hill and he did give public remarks to the press and list listen in to those proceedings now 0% compliance with their subpoenas uh including Mr Jordan uh Mr Bigs and uh Mr Perry when they have material information about the violent attack on the capitl the Congress and.

The vice president of the United States on January 6 2021 in any event for the last 11 months the chairman has repeatedly refused refused offers from Hunter Biden his attorney to meet with the chairman and his staff and with members of this committee on February 9th just one day after uh the Chairman's first Le letter to Hunter Biden Mr.

Biden's lawyer responded and offered chairman comr to to quote sit with you and your staff including the ranking member in his staff to see whether Mr Biden is information that may inform some legitimate legislative purpose and be helpful to the committee the chairman never responded on September 13th Mr Biden's lawyer again wrote to Chairman.

Comr after a Newsmax interview in which the chairman falsely claimed that he never got a response back to his original letter Mr Biden's attorney explained the chairman actually never responded to his offer to sit down and discuss the committee's request but stated that he remained available to have the discussion but the chairman.

Again completely failed to respond two months later on November 8th chairman comr and Jordan issued subpoenas to Mr Biden requiring his appearance for a deposition on December 13th in the cover letter the chairman noted given your client's willingness to address this investigation publicly up to this point we would would expect him to testify.

Before Congress throughout the fall the chairman urged Mr Biden to come up at a public Committee hearing on September 13th on Newsmax the chairman stated Hunter Biden is more than welcome to come in front of the committee if he wants to clear his good name if he wants to come and say you know there weren't 20 show companies he's invited today.

We'll drop everything on October 31 on a nationwide podcast the chairman stated we have mountains of evidence now we're ready to bring them in we're in the downhill phase now because we have so many documents and we can bring these people in for depositions or committee hearings whichever they choose for depositions or committee.

Hearings whichever they choose and we can ask these questions with evidence on November 6th again on Newsmax our good chairman stated I will extend that invitation on your show right now Rob if the Biden family wants to join Tony balinski in an official oversight Committee hearing and answer questions that the American people have then that.

Invitation is open right now they can come on in and do that on November 28th Hunter Biden through his lawyer agreed to Chairman Comer's multiple public requests he agreed to appear precisely at a public hearing under oath to answer the committee's questions on December 13th exactly what our good colle colleagues the Republicans who had.

Information about January 6 never agreed to do they never agreed to testify anywhere under oath about what they knew the letter that came in from Mr Biden embraced the importance of having a public proceeding that quote would prevent selective leaks manipulated transcripts doctored exhibits or one-sided press statements especially in.

Light of the committee's past use of closed door sessions to manipulate even distort the fact Mr chairman misinform I have an inquiry State your point um Mr Mr chairman don't we have house rules and committee rules uh regarding uh subpoenas uh and then rules about having uh hearings and and having questions uh.

With with witnesses that must be followed Mr chair I to reclaim my time State the rules Mr chairman ex hold on we could just interrupt each other with an inquiry your your time was exp I'd like to know the rules of the house and our committee read them they're available to every member the the rule state uh for a.

Deposition if that's what you're asking three days notice you have to have the stenographer and all of that so that's that's M Mr just to clarify we can't have someone time expired Mr chairman P do any other members wish to be heard Mr chairman P inquiry Mr chairman I I did endure multiple interruptions in my opening could I finish would that be.

Well you you went over your five minutes but I'll give you 30 more seconds okay um the chairman refused to take yes for an answer from Hunter Biden instead on December 1 they pulled a baen switch they changed the terms of their request they rejected his offer or his acceptance of their offer and insisted that he now come in and sit for a secret.

Closed door deposition on December 6th Hunter Biden lawyer reiterated that Hunter Biden was willing to accept the chair's original request and once again offered to appear on December 13th or any other date in December to answer any question pertinent relevant to the subject matter he again raised concerns about closed door sessions that's what.

Brings us to today Mr chairman um we he has materially substantially in good faith complied with what your requests were he comped with the subp we we would time expired do any other members wish to be heard recognizes miss Ma from South Carolina thank you Mr chairman uh chairman comr um first of all my first question is who.

Bribed Hunter Biden to be here today that's my first question um second question you are the epitome of white privilege coming into the oversight committee spitting in our face ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed what are you afraid of you have no balls to come up here and Mr chairman point of inquiry Mr chairman um the L recogniz if.

The G if the Gent lady wants to hear from Hunter Biden we can hear from him right now Mr chairman let's take a vote and hear from Hunter bid what are you afraid of to speak hold on hold on order order to let women allowed to speak in here or no are women allowed to speak in you keep interrupting me I I'll interrupt the chairman I don't know that.

He's a lady I think that uh that Hunter Biden should be arrested right here right now and go straight to jail our nation is found found on the rule of law and the premise that the law applies equally to everyone no matter what your last point of order Mr chairman point of order it doesn't matter who you are point of.

Order Mr chairman Big's over here Donald Trump junor B's over here uh State your point Mr yeah my point of order is this are we going to continue on with with this blatant Interruption it this this is absurd and inappropriate I intend to give my statement I don't intend to have anybody interrup I'm not going to interrupt your.

Statements I think you should have decorum and courtesy and don't act like a bunch of nimrods you just interrupted a woman and that's five I got I got permission we agree everyone has minutes can we agree point point of order again the assertion that I interrupted was absolutely false that's typical of the gentleman who spoke it I got permission.

To speak from the chairman I spoke I was interrupted yet again right by the gentleman who doesn't choose to go through the chair and follow proper order I encourage us I I I think if we're going to have any respect at all we need to have proper deorum well you're well said well said I'd like to finish the rules are everyone's going to.

Be recognized for five minutes anyone that wants to be recognized will be recognized for five minutes Miss mace has four minutes and 13 seconds left chair recognizes Miss mace it does not matter who you are where you come from or who your father is or your last name yes I'm looking at you Hunter Biden as I'm speaking to you you are not above.

The law at all the facts in this case are crystal clear this committee used and issued a lawful subpoena to Hunter Biden a critical witness in this committee's investigation into Biden family corruption Hunter Biden his lawyers did not claim privilege of any kind because clearly he has none they didn't contest the legitimacy of our.

Reasons for issuing The subpoena no reasons because they clearly are legitimate and yet he refused to comply uh Trump's family members Don Trump Jr he uh he did not defy Congressional subpoena he showed up multiple times for multiple depositions for several hours um in doing so you know Hunter Biden broke the law he did so Deber.

Deliberately you did so flagrantly you showed up on the hill on the Senate side the day of that Congressional subpoena to defy it and spit in the face of this committee that's what you did the question the American people are asking us is what is Hunter Biden so afraid of why can't you show up for a a congressional deposition you're here for.

A political stunt this is just a PR stunt to you this is just a game that you are playing with the American people you're playing with the truth um Hunter Biden wasn't afraid to sell access to Joe Biden to the highest bidder when he was an elected office he wasn't afraid to trade on the Biden brand pedal influence and share those ill-gotten.

Gains with members of of his family including Joe Biden he wasn't afraid to compromise the Integrity of the the presidency and vice presidency by involving Joe Biden's Shady business deals with our foreign adversaries but hunter Biden you were too afraid to show up for a deposition and you still can't today um I believe that Hunter Biden.

Should be held completely in contempt I think he should be hauled off to jail right now because it wasn't long ago to my friends on the other side of the aisle um that you also believed in the the power of a congressional subpoena not long ago at all you believed in holding those who refused to comply with Congressional subpoena accountable and I.

Stood with each and every one of you I am the only member in this room today who has held a member of my own party in contempt of congress for not showing up for a subpoena and I see nothing but complete hypocrisy on the other side of the aisle the ranking member of this committee even so eloquently put it the lesson is please tell your children out.

There in America if you get a subpoena to go before Congress go you have a legal responsibility to do so so the hypocrisy is stunning what are we to tell our children today there's nothing the other side can say with a straight face as the only member of this committee to vote to hold a member of contempt of my own party let me be clear.

This should not be a partisan issue if Congress issues a subpoena you show up period this is not a responsibility we take lightly it brings no joy for us to do this but the president son broke the law and must be held accountable in the same way anybody else would I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to do so and my last last message to you.

Hunter Biden you play stupid games you win stupid prizes will the gentle lady yield for a question will the gentle lady y Yi will my friend yield from South Carolina sure um I I do want to commend the gentle lady who was the only Republican who stood up uh and voted to hold in contempt the Republic Republican.

Members of the House who blatantly and categorically refused to comply with subpoenas that came from the bipartisan January 6 committee I would like to ask my friend Miss mace from South Carolina um whether she's aware of all the case law which says that the committee has to engage in good faith interaction with the witnesses they've called and they're.

Supposed to arrive at a solution and what do you think about the fact that the chairman on multiple occasions gave this Witness the opportunity to come before the full committee and he agreed to that we issued a congressional subpoena and I know with your constitutional law background you know exactly what that means and he should.

Have showed up and because of your vote and because of your statements you should be voting to hold hold this man in contempt of congress today right now if you're going to be consistent on your own policies and your own words gentle ladies time's expired chair recognize Mr MTZ for five minutes well thank you Mr chairman it's good to see you after a.

Long break so I'm listening to The Gentle lady from South Carolina about the witness being afraid to come in front of the committee it's interesting he's here he doesn't seem to be too afraid in fact for some reason the chairman who on multiple occasions invited the witness to come on.

TV apparently the chairman wants to pretend like his statements on television or in interviews don't matter but it didn't happen once it didn't happen twice it happened multiple times the chairman said the witness can choose whether to come to a deposition or to a public Hearing in front of the committee the witness accepted the.

Chairman's invitation it just so happens the witness is here if the committee wants to hear from the witness and the chairman gave the witness that option then the only folks that are afraid to hear from the witness with the American people watching are my friends on the other side of the aisle I don't know if.

There's a proper motion Mr chairman but I'll make a motion let's vote let's take a vote who wants to hear from Hunter right now today anyone come on who wants to hear from Hunter motion yeah no one so I'm a visual learner and the visual is clear nobody over there wants to hear from the.

Witness oh there one thank you will you yield for a question I'm not there yet but I will eventually U so there's no one well other than one or two that want to hear from the witness so the majority of my colleagues over there including the chairman don't want to hear from the witness with the American people watching so Mr chairman are I I just.

Just want to hear from you will you acknowledge that you invited the witness on television to choose whether he could come to a public hearing and do you stand by your words or do you reneg that invitation to the witness to answer the question I've said repeatedly the after the deposition Mr Biden can come in front of a public hearing Mr chairman I.

Don't want to play the video but that is not what you said on television multiple times and we have the quotes we can put them up you said the witness can choose between a deposition listen Mr MTZ Mr Biden doesn't make the rules we make the r no no Mr chairman you make the rules and the rule you made is that he can choose the rule is those were your those.

Were your words we're claiming he was issued two lawful subpoenas reclaiming my time Mr chairman no you issued those subpoenas after he took you up on your invitation to come and then you were like oh no no oh my God what did we what did I do I invited him to come so the American people can hear his side of the story I put my foot in my mouth so now I.

Must bury him in the basement where we can decide what we're going to release to the public so that we can continue to tell that story Mr chairman have said multiple times that this is not about Hunter it's about Joe Biden and even this morning on mornings with Maria she asked another simple question the question you have been asked multiple.

Times which is do you have evidence to impeach the president of the United States before you said I hope so today you said I think so and the answer is you don't and you still don't and so we continue to be here and have these charades to my colleagues who talk about lawful subpoenas I appreciate the general ladies the general lady from.

South Carolina who voted to to hold people in contempt listen I I'll make this bipartisan I'll vote for the hunter contemp today you can get my vote you can get my vote but I want you to show the American people that you're serious here is the subpoena to representative Scott Perry who did not comply I'd like to enter this we're.

Listening in here to a hearing on a resolution to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of congress uh there's having some audio issues right now so we're going to break away until those get fixed but what's Happening Here is a contentious meeting surprisingly contentious I might say uh over this move to hold the president's son and.

Contempt of congress Hunter Biden unexpectedly is there on Capitol Hill and our executive editorial producer John santui is here with me on set right now John first let's just talk about that surprise appearance because Hunter Biden was not expected to be there today not at all and he's right there on the house FL yeah this is actually the.

Second time the president's son has made an appear inside this Dian you recall right around the holidays he actually gave an impromptu press conference outside Capitol Hill because House Republicans wanted him to testify in public uh I wanted to testify in private behind closed doors president's son said listen I'll testify publicly I'm here.

Right now bring me up let's do this House Republicans declined that offer from the president's son so today what this is about right now is House Republicans saying look we subpoena you we asked you to come before us behind closed doors you said no we're going to hold you in contempt so Hunter Biden again says well I'll do it publicly here.

I am I'm sitting right in the front row and that is still not happening it's striking to me though and I was talking to a colleague of ours uh as as we were getting ready to come on and talk about this it's interesting tactic uh by the president's son because this puts this story this Saga this political drama front and center in the mind of Voters.

Right now having him show up at a hearing that he doesn't need to technically be at to be held in contempt almost similar to what Donald Trump did just yesterday Diane showing up at a court proceeding he didn't have to be at and it looks like Hunter Biden just left right now but that came after and we couldn't hear those exact moments right.

Before he walked out but that came after representative Moscow turned to the room and said who wants to hear from Hunter Biden right now he's sitting right there raise your hands trying to make the point that none of the Republicans in the room raise their hand because he's trying to say that they don't want to hear from him at least not in a public.

Session exactly and that is exactly what happened right around the holidays when he showed up there was other Democrats on that committee that organized that press conference that Hunter Biden had right outside the capital and the same tactic Diane if you want to talk to me let's do it put it in front of me and and it looks like Hunter Biden is.

Speaking outside that hearing room let's listen misus in their political crusade to S and mischaracterize what Witnesses have said what you do the house last fall chairman made an explicit offer that Hunter had like him the option to attend a deposition or a public hearing.

Whichever they chose Hunter chose a hearing where Republicans could not distort manipulate or misuse that testimony honoring and then ignoring that invitation and proving once again that they cared little about the truth and wanted only to quote move the needle of political support which was a quote chairman Coler confessed was his true.

The Republican chairs today then are commandeering in unprecedented resolution to hold someone in contempt who has offered to publicly answer all their proper questions the question there is what are they afraid of thank you it's an attorney for Hunter Biden there Abby L talking just outside a hearing room where uh House Republicans.

Are trying to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of congress for not testifying behind closed doors uh before that committee and we're hearing Abby LOL saying trying to explain why he's accusing Republicans of distorting closed door testimonies of other Witnesses saying Hunter Biden doesn't want the same thing done to them.

Uh John what do you make of of this now Hunter Biden showing up today on Capitol Hill unexpected and now having his attorney say these words just outside that hearing room I mean look this is not a criminal proceeding this is not a legal proceeding this is a political proceeding and I think that what you're seeing here is political Firepower.

Versus political Firepower Republicans thought that they were going to have the show today with you know holding Hunter Biden contempt Hunter Biden said ah not so fast I'm going to come crash your party and here I am Abby LOL also just a little bit of context on him dying this is a noons attorney this this is a guy that has been front and center in.

Controversy before he actually represented Bob Menendez in his first uh corruption trial that happened years ago he was actually a key member of the Trump legal team years ago when they dealt with the special counsel in that case representing uh the former president son-in-law Jared Kushner and his daughter Ivanka as they went up.

Against special counsel Robert Mueller in that investigation so LOL and his team know what they're doing and they were specifically brought in by team Biden Diane to deal with this investigation on Capitol Hill cuz remember Hunter Biden has several other investigations going on right now we know that gun charge that was leveled.

Against him over in Delaware in late November and then towards the end of the year a hearing that's going to happen actually tomorrow out in California those nine tax related charges that were brought against the president's son uh now one of the big back and forths here today is is this idea of what the chairman of this committee said in.

Television interviews Democrats are trying to say you you went on TV and you said these witnesses can come for depositions or they can come for committee hearings whichever they choose Hunter Biden according to Jamie Raskin takes him up on it and says yes or his legal team says Hunter Biden will come for a Committee hearing and then they.

Kind of took that deal back and said no no no it has to be a deposition behind closed doors how much do those words matter in they matter significantly because at the end of the day there is a dramatic difference it'd be like me and you right now if you and I are talking in a closed room nobody's going to know what we're talking about right now but.

If I come out of it and tell a little bit of what you told me and you come out and tell a little bit of what I told you where's the truth you don't have the full story you don't have the full transcript those proceedings don't get released until most times after resolution look at the January 6 Committee hearing and only to make that.

Comparison obviously totally different but I think that you know as we talk about the education of the American public in Congressional proceedings that is the best one that we can make an analogy to in real time so think about that a lot of people went for closed door depositions in that proceeding some of which was brought publicly out.

Because they were on video and they were released in Snippets at the end of the committee's evidentiary findings they released a report and they released all of those transcripts but it wasn't until the end so it wasn't until the very end of that investigation that you got the full picture what Hunter Biden is saying look I will give you the full picture.

But I want the picture out there now now we heard representative Nancy mace take the other side of that argument saying one what are you so afraid of Hunter Biden and two that it doesn't matter what he wants they subpoenaed him for a deposition he didn't show up so he should be held in contempt of congress does it matter that he would prefer it.

To be in public or private or is this just about what Congress subpoenaed him to do well and at the end of the day look we have seen people that have defied Congressional subpoenas be held in contempt of congress uh look at uh Steve Bannon uh Donald Trump's a longtime uh you know uh senior adviser in the white house uh Mark Meadows uh.

Was referred as well but only banon uh was actually brought up on charges by the Department of Justice listen a subpoena is a real thing and if you defy a subpoena you are technically breaking the law so I don't know what's going to happen in this case now right do they actually take up a full vote and refer Hunter Biden for criminal charges by the.

Department of Justice like they did with the Jan uary 6 Pro but remember that was when the house was run by democrats now we're by Republicans Republicans if they had an opportunity to hit team Biden as they're doing right now you'd imagine they take it uh the chairman at some point under questioning from I think Raskin said something.

Interesting implying that Hunter Biden could come for a public hearing yeah after he testifies in a private deposition could that be an area of compromise you know again I I'm going to make the comparison just cuz I think it it's it's helpful to our viewers that is a lot of what we saw with the January 6th situation right many of the people.

That we ultimately saw take the stand in those Prime Time hearings publicly had first sat for closed door depositions look at Cassidy Hutchinson she was one of the key Witnesses in those proceedings she sat for several closed door depositions then ultimately testified publicly so it could be but I think for team Biden you know what.

They're saying is we don't even want to go through that step because we don't want you to take control of the narrative we want the narrative just to be out there neutral put us publicly let's go all right uh and let's check back in with that hearing now underway on Capitol Hill defied subpoenas themselves now want to have a contemp.

Citation for the son of the president because they don't have sufficient evidence in fact they have no evidence of any kind to pursue the president himself so when you can't go after the principal try to hurt the people around him including a wounded member of his own family who has had all to public troubles put before our.

Country it's mean-spirited it's cruel and it's beneath the Dignity of this committee and this body if you want to have political differences with the president of the United States are our system invites it but resorting to punitive measures against.

Members of his family because you can't get at him I think crosses a boundary and by the way I said I counsel Democrats in the previous administration to take great care and going after members of President Trump's family because because I felt the same Dynamic at.

Work so I would urge that we give real serious consideration to the matter at hand that we show more respect for the president and his family whoever that President may be at any given time and that we respect due process and we hold ourselves to the same standard we.

Are asking this body to act on today in terms of a contempt citation uh We've let many many of our fellow you know members off the hook and defying the January 6 subpoenas I yield to Mr asan can I have the rest of my time I just want to also just Mr chairman I think um Mr Biden has agreed to address.

This committee publicly I just want to ask unanimous consent to swear Mr Biden either today or at a future meeting uh and have every member be able to ask five minutes of questioning to the witness so I'd like to officially ask that Mr chairman yeah we object that not in order how is that not in order it's just not in order time.

Expired chair recognize Mr Perry for five minutes thank you Mr chairman i' just like to remind members of this committee anybody watching that this is a duly constituted committee under the rules of the House of Representatives dly constituted see Republicans on this side and Democrats.

On that side the Democrats on that side were selected by their leadership and their process same thing for the Republicans on this side why do I mention that why do I bring that up because this is a stark difference from what is being referenced on the other side of the aisle the so-called j6 committee which was nothing more than a.

Soviet show trial in America that's what that was and so every single action that they took took subpoenaing people disparaging people referring charges of people were not legitimate we're not legitimate so to compare what's happening today to what happened years ago is completely out of context and you.

Need to understand that this is this is a game for these folks sure they want to support their guy they don't care about America they don't care about what the president's doing to destroy America they're just lock lock in horns locking arms to support their guy and God bless them they can do that if you want to vote for people that do that that's your.

Right now in my opinion this committee is not interested in Prosecuting Hunter Biden we're not interested in that Hunter Biden is a sad tale by his own right by his own admission by leaving his evidence all around for everybody to see the other side complains that documents and photograph s are shown in this committee.

About Hunter Biden don't blame the person that showed the documents or the photographs the person that committed the acts is the person who is responsible for the acts and we do take no joy because it's a waste of time to prosecute Hunter Biden but he created this for himself along with the rest of his sad tale of his life unfortunate.

That it may be but we in this committee on both sides of the aisle on behalf of the American people are charged with finding the facts and the facts show that President Biden profited from his name and the person that arranged the deals was Hunter Biden and so we would like to delve into that now Hunter listening in here to a hearing on a.

Resolution to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of congress pretty contentious hearing at times here the president's son even made a surprise a visit there to Capitol Hill sitting in the very hearing room has since left but the Congress members are now going back and forth or the committee members at least going back and forth on whether to hold.

Hunter Biden in contempt of congress for refusing to testify behind closed doors Democrats are arguing that Biden is willing to testify but we'll do it in a public hearing I want to bring in ABC News contributing political correspondent Rachel bade and ABC News executive editorial producer John santui for more on this Rachel what we're.

Hearing from representative Connelly right now is essentially allegations of bullying saying that Democrats couldn't get to President Biden and so they're trying to go after Hunter Biden simply because he's you know he's an injured member in their words or or a weaker member of the family he has been very public about challenges in his life and.

So that they are picking on him in a sense because they can't get the president I mean look Republicans see him as the weakest link when it comes to President Joe Biden's family uh as you mentioned he's got this uh passed with you know drug abuse uh he's facing uh charges uh at the federal level for both tax and uh gun related issues um and he.

Obviously has been engaged with foreign businesses uh while his dad was vice president uh having a bunch of jobs and making a lot of money for uh gigs that a lot of people would say he had no sort of uh credentials to actually have those roles so look he they see him as an opening uh and naturally they're going to go through him if they're trying to.

Get to Biden they're obviously trying to prove Joe Biden in some way benefited from uh these business deals that his son had when he was vice president so far they have not been able to find that but hey I think when it comes to this hearing you know I've been watching it for a while now in the back and forth Democrats really arguing that look uh.

Hunter Biden is willing to testify he just wants to do it in public but look this is a congressional subpoena you don't get to pick how you want to testify Democrats back in president Trump's impeachments uh especially the first one they did the same thing where they want wanted witnesses to testify be find closed doors first to hear what.

People were going to say and then they were going to put them out in public and that's what they ended up doing back then we heard Republicans complaining about closed door testimony saying everything should be in public now the shoe is on the other foot and it's just really sort of ironic to see the roles reversed here but Republicans are right.

And that this is congress's uh you know Congressional Duty that they actually have um oversight power and um you know if if they're going to subpoena someone they expect those people to show up in subpoena how they want that person to testify John I you nodding an agreement I mean first of all never disagree with Rachel I know better than the do that.

But but you know the reality here is that look you know long story short the party has changed right the host are different the rules still apply and that's exactly what we're seeing right now if this was Donald Trump Jr and he was called to testify and didn't want to subpoena it he would have been held in contempt of congress remember the Trump.

Children actually did go in and sit for closed door interviews with both the house and the Senate investigations into russan collusion with the Trump campaign going back all the way if we could remember to 2017 one of the first investigations the Trump team faced but here in this case right now for Hunter Biden he's not playing ball he wants to.

Skip the step wants to keep it publicly and I think today's appearance and tomorrow you know it's almost interesting that you know you're looking at what happened yesterday and what's going to happen tomorrow tomorrow it's going to be Biden and Trump Hunter Biden's going to be in court out in California Donald Trump's going to be in.

Court in New York that's going to become the story just days away from Iowa just as the political race is heating up so both teams if you will are using the same Playbook they are making all of this political making everything that is legal enter the campaign Rachel what are you watching for as this hearing continues to play out and and in this.

General situation yeah I mean look Republicans have an extremely narrow majority right now they started off with the year with only five votes to spare when they're pushing partisan issues this is obviously a partisan issue uh I believe they're now down to two vote margin given that a number of Republicans have.

Resigned or retired early um and so they don't really have any error any room for error here if they want to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of congress they're going to have to line up uh all the votes uh Democrats are not going to be supportive of this uh and that's going to be challenge for Johnson and look I think with Republicans here there's a.

Real risk that between holding Hunter Biden in contempt uh potentially impeaching Joe Biden and now they're talking about impeaching DHS secretary Alejandro mayorcas as well there's a real risk of uh the public seeing this as real overreach on the part of Republican and on the part of Republicans and that it could really.

Backlash um on them in the be a backlash on them in the elections and sort of repel independent voters I mean if you look at polling you know from the Trump years until now a lot of Voters are frankly sick of Hill investigations and Hill impeachments they don't want to hear about it anymore uh it's not something that resonates with people.

When they're concerned about their pocketbook and and how their bank accounts are doing uh but you know Republicans are also hearing from their base right now uh conservatives who say they want inv Biden impeach they want mayorcas impeach uh they want uh them to take hter Biden to court and they're sort of uh listening to that wing of the.

Party right now to sort of play Kate for conservatives but there's a real potential again that it could blow back Diane all right we will be back with more on 100 Biden surprise visit to Capitol Hill and that hearing Rachel Bay John santui thank you and also more of today's STP stories coming up after the break stay with.

Us I have a point of contact they're expecting us this our secret world we have do you think we're going to be safe I don't know this is my pen inside the that P is a slice of human brain these are assassinations of people are going to be murdered there's really no telling what someone will do oh my.

God it's happening everywhere and anywhere wow all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do how are you I hug you yes so what will you be.

Watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show reporting on Capitol Hill I'm Devon DWI wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live.

welcome back the American Red Cross is warning of an emergency blood shortage the organization says donations are at their lowest level in 20 years while demand for blood is increasing now they're calling on all of us to get involved and potentially help save a life Robin Roberts has.

More an urgent call for blood donations after the American Red Cross announced it's experiencing an mergency blood shortage our hospitals are asking for blood at a faster rate than we can replenish it with donations and over the holidays we saw a decrease in donations but we saw an increase in Need For Blood this as a number of people donating.

Blood has dropped by more than 40% over the last 20 years the covid-19 pandemic alone causing that figure to Fall by more than 300,000 a lot of people were used to donating blood at school or at business related blood drives the need greater than ever as every 2 seconds someone in America needs a blood transfusion the shortage is the worst.

For platelets and for red blood cells from people who are type O positive or O Negative 74 year-old Debbie tikman is one of those highly sought-after donors with a universal O negative blood type she's donated blood 172 times AC cross 40 plus years I know they need it it's something I can do so I choose to do it the retired teacher.

From Michigan says donating blood is a simple way for her to contribute to her community it doesn't cost money you don't have to be retired you can do it on your lunch hour you could do it after work you could take your friends and family with you it's really a positive thing and while the process takes about an hour from start to finish the effects.

Can last a lifetime only source of blood that can be used to save lives of people in the hospital is the arm of a donor we see in the hospitals that these blood donations make a difference every day and they make it possible for people to survive and to carry on their lives our thanks to Robin Roberts for that report meanwhile meta is out with.

Some new restrictions for teen Facebook and Instagram users the company says it will now hide content from Teen accounts that it deems inappropriate for the age group this comes after metapace growing pressure to change how the apps work ABC's Whit Johnson has more hi Whit these new protections follow dozens of lawsuits accusing meta of Designing.

Features that are harmful to children so the social media giant will begin hiding inappropriate content from teenagers on Facebook and Instagram and this will roll out over the coming months new and existing users under the age of 18 will automatically be placed into the most restrictive content control setting making it it more difficult for.

Teenagers to search for or come across accounts that post sensitive content this includes Search terms like suicide self harm and eating disorders those will now be hidden from teenagers and instead links to resources on how to get help for these issues will appear on screen teens won't even be able to see posts from their friends if they write.

About these subjects teens will also get notifications about updating their privacy settings to protect them from predators turning on the recommended settings would strict who can message them repost their content tag or mention them it can also help hide offensive comments users have to be at least 13 to have an account on Facebook or Instagram.

But meta admits underage kids are still signing up so the company says it's also trying to correct that Diane all right Whit Johnson thank you coming up a hero law clerk recounts how he helped save the judge attacked in a Las Vegas courtroom while he says his instincts took over and and how the judge is doing now but first the Warriors are hosting.

The Pelicans tonight we have a preview of the Wednesday night matchup next Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas edinb Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in waron we're heading to a small community outside of.

Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live I have a point of contact they're expecting us this our secret world we have do you think we're going to be safe I don't know this is my pen inside that.

Pen is a slice of human brain these are assassinations of people are going to be murdered there's really no telling what some of them will do I'm in I'm in I'm in I'm in oh my God it's happening everywhere and anywhere WoW tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the.

Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the back-to- back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David mure all right here we go ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do.

Let's go how are you I H you so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get.

A different take on the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts ABC News live Prime winner of the Gracy Award for best news program in all of Television stream ABC News live Prime with lindsy Davis week nights on ABC News.

Live I'm Rebecca Jarvis reporting from the New York Stock Exchange and wherever the story is will take you there you're streaming ABC News live welcome back the Golden State Warriors are set to face off against the New Orleans Pelicans tonight Draymond Green is back practicing with his team after being suspended for hitting an.

Opponent an opponent ABC's Trevor alt has the latest hey there so this should be a really fun one tonight the Warriors hosting the Pelicans and so far this season it's been a bit of a rough one for Steph curry in Golden State compared to their usual standards they're currently two games under 500 they're out of the playoffs right now of course.

They've had some drama this season Draymond Green has now been reinstated from that indefinite suspension for hitting an opponent previously choking another opponent previously kicking another opponent he's missed 12 games he says he thought about retiring even but he's now back practicing with the team he could be back this weekend but the.

Warriors will have to win tonight without him and they're going to have their hands full with New Orleans and their young tandem Zion Williamson and Brandon Ingram Zion Williamson especially has had a tough time staying healthy in his career but this year he's been great he's got a ton of talent and the Pelicans are in the thick of the.

Playoff hunt and you can watch the action tonight at 8:30 Eastern right here on ABC Diane all right sounds good Trevor thank you coming up a group of gunmen storm a TV station during a live broadcast in Ecuador the crisis there as chaos erupts throughout the country also ahead Reproductive Rights opioids and gun violence the impact the 2024.

Elections could have on healthc care in America plus what has to be in your dream home Zillow is revealing the top 10 searched items on their site and number one may surprise you stick around this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee Cent In Putin's Russia on the ground in.

Ukraine close to front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 stor along I Boston is in the bullseye let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the.

Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the backto back storms through threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David.

Mure why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day top stories lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start.

Here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here from America's number one news source comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and it can customize to you and your interests if you love being in the.

Know you're going to love this experience with all the buzz is about experience the allnew ABC News app download it now reporting from the Federal District Courthouse in Washington DC I'm Terry Moran wherever the news is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News.

Live hi I'm D Let's Get Right to our top Story House Republicans are conducting a hearing to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of congress while Hunter himself made a surprise visit to that hearing Republicans want to hold him in contempt of congress for defying es aena to sit for a closed door deposition the president's son says he will only.

Testify in a public forum calling the impeachment inquiry into his father illegitimate his attorney spoke to reporters after they left that hearing last fall chairman kmer made an explicit offer that people like Hunter had like him the option to attend a deposition or a public hearing whichever they chose Hunter chose a hearing where.

Republicans could not distort manipulate or misuse that testimony honoring and then ignoring that invitation and proving once again that they cared little about the truth and wanted only to quote move the needle of political support senior White House correspondent Selena Wang joins me now from Capitol.

Hill along with ABC News executive editorial producer John santui and ABC News contributing political correspondent Rachel bade for more Selena you were in that group of reporters outside that hearing room around Hunter Biden what is message is he trying to send with the surprise appearance.

Today yeah Diane well it was complete chaos multiple sources have told our team that neither Republicans nor Democrats knew that he was coming here in person by showing up here on the hill however it does underscore this argument that Hunter and his team have been making which is that look he is willing to answer questions he is willing to.

Come here he's willing to give all the information but he does not want to do it behind closed doors and you just heard his lawyer there reiterating that point asking the question of what is it that the Republicans are scared of why won't they let him talk publicly about what's going on here now the meeting the markup is still underway we do expect.

That resolution to pass we don't know yet when the Full House vote will be held whether it will be later this week or next week if that passes then it goes to a recommendation to the justice department which will ultimately make the decision but again significant him coming here and again driving home that point that I will speak freely to the.

Public I do not want my words Twisted we don't want Hunter Biden's words Twisted in his lawyers words behind closed doors mischaracterized manipulated taken out of context Rachel let's be frank for a second these hearings can be pretty boring sometimes but this one has gotten very contentious where do things stand on this resolution.

Now look I think this contempt res resolution will probably move forward Republicans do have a very slim margin they can only lose two votes if I'm not mistaken but uh you know they're expected to largely be there and that's because Hunter Biden doesn't get to make the rules about how he testifies that's congress's job specifically the Maj.

Majority's job if Republicans want him to testify behind closed doors and subpoena him such then that's what he's supposed to legally do and they have said they would let him testify publicly afterwards but even if they weren't going to it's not up to him look Diane I think the really interesting thing about all of this is just the stunning display.

Of hypocrisy on both sides regarding what we're seeing today I mean if I had a dollar for every time I heard Jamie Rasin and Democrats who are in that hearing room rail against Trump for ignoring subpoenas during the Trump years I could retire now and own a yacht and sail around the world uh and Republicans back then were defending.

Trump uh Administration officials who were ignoring subpoenas to show up in Congress now the shoe is on the other foot and Republicans are saying our subpoenas are sacred you better show up and Democrats are the ones defending Hunter Biden for ignoring a subpoena when they impeached Trump uh for ignoring quote all the subpoenas just a.

Few years ago it's really really stunning Diane and John this is all part of the impeachment inquiry into PR President Biden what is it that House Republicans want to hear from Hunter related to that well everything to do with the Biden family is what they think Hunter Biden can be helpful for look you know Rachel touched on this earlier it's.

The money everything comes back to the money with Hunter Biden it's the money from barisma Ukraine China how did that all come to be while Joe Biden was vice president the United States and that's what Republicans are seething on right now as they look to launch this bigger impeachment hearing but I think what's really striking about this you and I.

Were talking about this before the fact that this is another impeachment proceeding I mean that word it's losing the gravitas if you will that it once had I mean you know after Bill Clinton you hadn't heard impeachment in 20 somewhat years in this country now we had two impeachments for president with Donald Trump we've got this impeachment.

Of Joe Biden you've got a my orca's potential impeachment it's like every day there's an impeachment Rachel quickly because I'm out of time but we have seen uh you know the evidence coming out about Hunter Biden having these jobs that raised a lot of eyebrows how did he get these gigs making all this money other than by being a Biden.

But have they been able to link any of that to President Biden himself and show wrongdoing by the president not yet and look that's why uh there was a decision a strategic decision made behind the scenes over the holiday break by Republicans that they were sort of going to pause uh moving forward with Hunter uh with Joe Biden's impeachment until.

They could try to find new evidence uh of what they're trying to prove which as we just said they don't have and they were we're going to refocus on impeaching DHS secretary alejandre maoris uh politically you know Joe Biden when it comes to the Border uh he's actually really weak on that issue and Republicans since they don't have the.

Votes to impeach Joe Biden let alone the evidence and their feeling this pressure from the base right now to do something impeach someone uh they're basically redirecting their attention to mayorcas uh right now and they're going to try to oust him though it will be unsuccessful cuz the Senate will never convict him all right Selena Wang Rachel Bay John.

Santui thank you all and the Iowa caucuses are just 5 days away former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley took advantage of the weather as the only candidate campaigning in the snow and new polling shows Haley's support is growing in New Hampshire ahead of the primary there later this month ABC News senior.

Congressional correspondent Rachel Scott is in De Mo ahead of tonight's final debate before voting begins Ronda santis and Nikki Haley preparing to face off in the final debate before the Iowa caucuses the former South Carolina governor out in a snowy Iowa with the campaign Trail largely to herself I didn't know if we.

Were going to come see five people but to see a full house really is great this is funny hi VI with the brutal weather VI ramaswami forced a campaign via an iPad and Governor DeSantis was home in Florida giving the State of the State address and dealing with severe tornadoes there hours later traveling back to Iowa for a town hall we're in it.

Uh for the Long Hall with this but I think Iowa rewards the Intensive approach where you're showing up in 99 counties DeSantis is in a distant second place in Iowa and Haley isn't that far behind she's already gaining momentum in New Hampshire a new poll showing her just seven points behind the front runner former president Donald Trump the.

Only way we're going to win the majority of Americans is if we go forward with a new generational leader that leaves the negativity and the baggage in the past some voters still torn looking for an alternative to Trump um but I want somebody who can in the end beat Joe Biden and be a strong president Trump is still dominating in.

The polls now drawing fire for openly saying he hopes the economy crashes this year on Biden's watch when there's a crash I hope it's going to be during this next 12 months because I don't want to be Herbert Hoover I asked the stist what he made of those comments if the economy crashes people would get thrown out of work businesses would go under I.

Don't want to see that happening I want people to do well not on the stage tonight former president Donald Trump and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Trump will be holding a separate Town Hall Christy has focused all in on New Hampshire he's not campaigning in Iowa at all and he's still vowing to stay in.

The race despite falling behind Nikki Haley in that latest poll Diane all right senior Congressional correspondent Rachel Scott thank you and ab news contributor former Trump Administration official Sarah isger joins me now along with Democratic strategist Alena Johnson for more uh Sarah Nikki Haley has been hesitant to attack Trump overnight has.

That strategy worked for her and is there a point where she will have to go after him more directly I think there's plenty of strategists out there who of course wish she'd go more directly at Donald Trump the problem is we have not seen that ever work so instead what Nikki Haley is doing is trying to Simply get those.

Trump voters to come over to her as an alternative to Trump making the case that he can't serve a second term that he may beat Joe Biden but she'll beat Joe Biden by more uh that's actually so far been shown to be more effective for her alencia President Biden meanwhile has ramped up his attacks on Trump and on so-called Maga Republicans what do.

You make of his campaigns messaging so far is it resonating listen I do think Joe Biden's campaign messaging is resonating but here's a thing that Democrats have to be mindful of in 2020 it was a referendum on on the Trump Administration and we needed something different I think voters who are not going to vote for.

Trump obviously know why they're not going to vote for Donald Trump Democrats are also having to talk about the message that they have which is the historic achievements of President Biden and so we have a challenge not to say that it will be you know super hard for us it is something that we have to pay attention to the President Biden has to.

Pay attention to how do you tout these achievements while also talking about the exit crisis that it would be if pres if Donald Trump became president again and so I do think the campaign will be ratcheting up both of those messages in the days to come as we get into the election year all right Sarah isger alencia Johnson thank you.

Both and we will have full coverage of the Iowa caucuses next Monday January 15th right here on ABC News live Secretary of State Anthony blankin is speaking out after the US Navy and UK Royal Navy shot down 18 houy drones and.

Three missiles in the Red Sea he says his trip to the Middle East is part of a big push to stabilize the conflict in the region this all comes as Hamas says at least 40 people are now dead including a journalist after Israeli Defense Forces bombed a home in Gaza ABC's Patrick revil has the latest from Tel.

Aviv Israel's war in Gaza has been extraordinarily deadly for journalists at least 79 have been killed in just over 3 months according to the committee to protect journalists highest toll for any conflict since the cpj started collecting records three decades ago the.

First deaths were of Israeli journalists killed as Hamas rampaged through southern Israel during the October 7th attacks then Israel began its military operation in response reuter's photojournalist Isam abdalah among the first killed he was filming with a group of journalists at the leanon Israeli.

Border then an Israeli tank fired into them video capturing the moment the tank hitting them a second time six other journalists injured Reuters and AFP as well as Human Rights Watch and reporters Without Borders say their investigations show the group were deliberately fired on demanding answers from Israel and we call on Israel to.

Explain how this could have happened and to hold to account those responsible for his death the IDF saying it was responding to anti-tank fire in the area and is investigating but the deadliest toll by far for journalists is in Gaza 72 killed journalists reporting there as their own lives are upended while Dadu.

Alzer's bureau chief has lost several members of his family in Israeli strikes since October including his wife son daughter and Grandson last week his son Hamza also a journalist was killed in an Israeli strike on his car the IDF saying he and two other reporters had looked like terrorists with a drone ham Hamza was my soul D says but.

This pain won't deter us from continuing in December duu himself was injured by an Israeli strike the day after he was back on air again and ABC's Patrick revil joins me now from Tel Aviv Israel with more on this Patrick according to the cpj this is the highest death toll for journalists in any conflict since the.

Organization started collecting records three decades ago you're there covering this war what do you make of these numbers and and what they say about how dangerous this war has become yeah hi Diane I mean another photojournalist has been reported killed in Gaza today reportedly working for the Palestinian red crescent and put simply.

You know the number of journalists being killed in Gaza right now is at a on a scale that we haven't seen in any other conflict really in recent memory I mean just an example you know Ukraine an extremely dangerous War for journalists there we've seen 17 journalists killed in the last 2 years in Gaza we've seen over 70 in just the last three months.

And I think it's partly a symptom of how Israel has been Waging War in Gaza with extremely heavy bombing in an incredibly densely populated area but you know the cpj the committee to protect journalists also says that they're very concerned about an apparent pattern of journalists being targeted by the Israeli military as well as they also their families.

Being targeted now Israel firmly denies that it targets journalists but what's clear is that we are seeing journalists being killed in Gaza right now at a speed and scale unlike anything that we've really seen in living memory all right Patrick revil and Tel Aviv Israel stay safe Patrick thank you coming up severe weather is on the.

Move I'm meteorologist Samar at theator would you believe another storm is moving in as one moves out and we have brutal Arctic air getting ready to come in at the top of next week I'll have that coming up in your full forecast I'm Elizabeth schy at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas we have been scouring the showroom floor.

For some of the best gadgets here we'll give you a look after the break whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon main the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly.

Missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fork This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front.

Lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in Beirut from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC.

News live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New.

York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here welcome back to ABC News live first at least five people are dead in five states after tornadoes touched down in.

The South and dangerous snowy conditions in the midwest the East Coast was slammed with rain and heavy winds as some of the area is still digging out from mon nor Easter over the weekend now the country is bracing for another round of extreme weather ABC news meteorologist Samar Theodor is tracking it all for us hi Samara hey Diane good.

Morning yeah it's one storm after the other but first let's talk about the one that is leaving right now it's moving out of the Northeast behind it in its wake very strong wind gust so we still could see 40 to 50 mph wind gust with the storm system as it departs maybe even a few light showers or snow showers in Pennsylvania and Upstate New York in.

Its wake we're also seeing flooding some major flooding occurring in rivers throughout the Northeast over the next 48 hours you have to think we saw three inches of rain come down very quickly and that's a compounded effect because we had the melting snow from the previous storm altogether exacerbated the water system and now we are seeing.

Flooding in our rivers in the Northeast so here's the next storm moving in we don't even have time to come up for air Friday 7 p.m. we have a line of severe storms moving through the I 95 quarter an area that was hard hit over the last 24 hours shreport that could actually come as early as Thursday night for you up in a little rock but this orange.

Swath here that's where we have the highest threat for tornadoes could be strong tornadoes from Montgomery Alabama into South Carolina and Southern North Carolina on Friday night remember nocturnal tornadoes are extremely dangerous so I can't stress enough having multiple ways to be alerted and woke up in the middle of the night if we.

Do get any tornado warnings and I'll leave you with this after that storm moves out get ready for a bone chilling cold that's going to dip really far south this is Saturday January 13th minus 19 potentially in bismar look what happens Tuesday on January 16th we could be looking at sing single digits in Northern parts of Texas it may be colder.

In Texas than it is in New York city so it's just one thing after the next Diane but if I had to prepare people for anything this Friday severe weather in the Southeast all right ABC News meteor Al just tomorrow Theodore thank you and we're getting an inside look at the latest technology that could shape your.

Future more than 130,000 people are flocking to the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas where companies put on flashy displays for everything from Cars to smart watches ABC's Elizabeth shelzy takes us inside from transparent TV you can actually see through it and you can watch TV on it two soccer ball-sized.

Personal robots keeping your pets happy and your house in order can turn lights off and on turn appliances off and on project images onto screens this year's CES gadgets are all about making our Smart Homes even smarter like this Samsung refrigerator that uses AI to take stock of your groceries so there's a camera actually inside this.

Refrigerator where's that camera it's right here top so be careful there's a camera in there guys you know so we're going to put the thing back in you hear that little ding there it's actually letting us know put fridge dings yes the fridge dings and the AI recognizes that that ingredient was added back in so we can actually go into this feature and.

See the actual ingredients that are in your fridge I can now ask the AI to curate recipes based off of what I have in my fridge so it says you have a tomato you've got some broccoli you got some green peppers we're going to put it all together and here is something makes a fantastic dip companies like yarbo are trying to simplify household chores this.

Is an automatic snowballer yes and it's no human required no human required so you just program your yard and it'll do it for you yes and when it comes to TVs the thinner and wider the better like this Sleek high sense monitor if you were to take four of your standard siiz poker chips and stack them up that's about how thin this television.

Is and Elizabeth joins me now from inside the consumer electronic show Elizabeth what's your favorite Gadget so far okay so Diane we've been looking for some of the coolest ones we've seen and in a lot of ways a lot of these gadgets are so expensive that snow blur that you saw in the piece there starts at $6,000 fridge is going not going to be.

Cheap either so one thing that we found is this phone case for your iPhone it actually is going to turn your iPhone into what what have been a couple years ago a Blackberry with this old school keyboard with the buttons I feel like you're going to like this one Diane uh this is on sale now it starts at $140 we've got a yellow color here they have.

Other colors too but in a lot of ways even though we have all these flashy gadgets here what's old is also New Again Diane is it going to tell me what to make for dinner tonight well the fridge actually will tell you I mean that's a feature that a lot of people here seem to be excited about this idea that your fridge can say.

You got this random group of foods here's something I can come up with Samsung said it's a way to eliminate food waste I don't know maybe people will find that appealing and and Fork up for the price I'm looking forward to the one where the fridge also Cooks the food for you but we will wait for that one Elizabeth at the CES for us in Las Vegas.

Elizabeth thank you coming up making a list for your 2024 Outlook is in but resolutions are out our group chat explains this new In-N-Out Trend and how to make your list realistic me with goodes on my phone it's been so little bit of sunshine more just a little bit Brea more just a.

Little bit smile a little more and a in it I've been running through the Str pictures of my phone like everything so little bit Good Morning America from America's number one news source comes the allnew ABC News news app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and it.

Can customize to you and your interests if you love being in the know you're going to love this experience what all the buzz is about experience the allnew ABC News app download it now ABC News live Prime winner of the Gracie Award for best news program in all of Television stream ABC News live Prime with lindsy Davis week nights on ABC.

News live we have really good you're breaking I was terrified it was just so traumatic nightmare people need to understand these were wanted babies 18 women facing life and death medical conditions their lives now out of their control I felt.

Like I was going to die our lives and our health are debatable I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy Diane Sawyer Rachel Scott on the brink now streaming on Hulu welcome back to ABC News live first the new social media trend is out with the old and in with the new you might be.

Noticing a lot of in andout lists showing up on your feeds as people post predictions for what's in for the new year and what trends we're leaving behind so let's this take this to our group chat with ABC's will Gans GQ style Eder youngo and psychiatrist Dr yalda Safi all right so before we start with what's in for.

2024 let's talk about the trends we're saying farewell too feel free to try in if you happen to disagree of course this is all subjective uh but will what general social media pop culture Trends do you think will be so last year so last year um okay this is also just my list it could go on on and on and on but let's start with Joo the joy of missing.

Out okay so I think gone are the days of looking at your feed and seeing pictures of Fitness influencers dancing by the pool or you know uh people at a big concert or something like that and wishing that you were there no that's gone now we're talking about the joy of missing out um one of the trends that I personally am very excited about it's on.

Pinterest list of Trends to watch for 2024 The Eclectic Grandpa micro Trend which is a fashion trend that has knitwear mixed patterns it's big fan favorite of um Harry Styles For example and then um in for 2024 having hobbies that you don't monetize I think coming out of the pandemic we were also focused on making money on the things that we.

Discovered as our own Hobbies or whatever but now it's like if you love Fitness Love Fitness but you don't need to be selling me a green juice afterwards you know what I mean I love the Joo Trend because I I do see myself I was the queen of fomo for a long time and now I just see myself looking at pictures of people partying and I'm just.

Thinking I'm so glad that I am not there in stilettos in a mini skirt right now uh Yi let's talk fashion what looks do you think we're leaving behind I think we're finally coming out of the pandemic you know people were trying to dress up their sweats and I think we're ready to let that go there's you're not going to see a lot of sweatsuits with loafers and.

Fancy coats anymore I think we're going to be seeing uh people wear their sweats and sweats again for cozy nights in let sweats be sweats um I'm seeing jewelry overload uh on the list you think that's gone yeah I I think for a little while men and women uh were wearing a lot of Jewelry pearls diamonds gold silver and stacking up a lot of necklaces and rings.

And we're seeing that go away I think a simple chain necklace now makes enough of a statement and it feels really refreshing and new again and Dr Safi what Wellness Trends do you think will be out in 2024 and abuse health physical and mental health so I foresee sedentary Lifestyles mindless Doom scrolling.

Through social media hustle culture that leads to burnout self-doubt negative selft talk all of that being out this year all right ABC's will Gans GQ style editor yo and psychiatrist Dr yalda Safi thank you all and thank you for streaming with us I'm Dian maso ABC News live is here for you anytime with the.

Latest news context and Analysis Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas edin BR Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian.

Refugees here in Warson we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye.

On the backto back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David mure we are here in Israel a nation at War we've seen tank after tank pouring into this area this is where it all began bullet holes all up the wall within minutes the AR Sirens going on you can hear the sound.

Of an explosion we are pinned down here tonight Israel waging a fierce bombardment of Gaza the Israel Hamas War for Non-Stop live coverage stream ABC News live reporting from Southern Israel from the front lines in downtown rala in beir wherever the story is we'll take you there ABC News live I have a point of contact they're.

Expecting us this our secret world we have do you think we're going to be safe I don't know this is my pen inside that pen is a slight of human brain these are assassinations of people are going to be murdered there's really no telling what some of them will do I oh my God it's happening everywhere and.

Anywhere wow all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are are you H you yes so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found.

Out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen.

Wherever you get your podcasts you're watching America's number one streaming news ABC News live ABC News live Prime winner of the Gracie Award for best news program in all of Television stream ABC News live Prime with Lindsay Davis week nights on ABC News live ABC News America's number one news source.

Welcome back to ABC News live you are looking at Capitol Hill on this Wednesday where House Republicans are conducting a hearing to hold a hunter Biden in contempt of congress while Hunter himself made a surprise visit to that hearing Republicans want to hold him in contempt for defying a subpoena to sit for a closed door deposition the.

President's son said that he will only testify in a public forum calling the impeachment inquiry into his father illegitimate his attorney spoke to reporters after they left the hearing last fall chairman comr made an explicit offer like hun like him the option to attend the deposition or a public hearing whichever.

They chose Hunter chose a hearing where Republicans could not distort manipulate or misuse that testimony honored and then ignoring that invitation and proving once again that they cared little about the truth and wanted only to quote move the needle of political support contributing political.

Correspondent Rachel B joins me now for more Rachel could this surprise appearance by Hunter Biden have an impact on this hearing or was this just meant to send a message well it certainly could have an impact on public perceptions of uh the hunter Biden contempt resolution I mean look by showing up on Capitol Hill uh.

Hunter Biden and his team were essentially able to steal the Limelight away from this contentious hearing about him ignoring a subpoena they also sort of upstaged a hearing in the Department of Homeland uh the homeland security committee where they're doing the first impeachment hearing for DHS secretary Alejandro mayoras so in that regard they.

Would sort of see this as a victory but in terms of actually keeping the vote from moving forward uh Republicans are expected to be pretty United on this uh yes they do have a very slim majority they can only lose a couple of votes and Democrats will all likely vote against holding in him him in contempt of congress for ignoring a hill subpoena.

But Republicans are expected to to stick together on this so I doubt it will keep it from moving forward Diane democ Democrats have tried to focus on the the chairman having originally extended the invitation for a a full hearing and then saying no actually it has to be a deposition Republicans seem to be focused on listen it doesn't matter that.

Hunter Biden wants to testify in a hearing we subpoenaed him for a deposition and so that's what he has to show up for where do things stand on this resolution now yeah I mean technically Republicans are in the right on this if Congress sends a subpoena to someone you're supposed to show up and technically it's.

Up to the majority whoever is in power to say if they want this hearing to be in public or do they want it to be in private it's not up to the person they've subpoena to actually pick how they want to testify or whether they want to testify at all I do think Democrats you know they do have a a fair point here and that a lot of times when.

Testimony happens behind closed doors we see little bits of cherry-picked items that are sort of released to the Press leaked to the media and the side that's doing the leaking will often try to spin it in a way that makes that witness look bad we saw this over and over again happen during the Trump years when a lot of the impeachment Witnesses were.

Initially testifying behind closed doors which again leads us to another point back a few years ago Democrats were very much in favor of having Witnesses testify behind closed doors before they testified publicly and they were very much on a high horse uh blasting the Trump uh Administration for not basically keeping people from showing up.

When they were subpoena so now you're seeing the shoe on the other foot Republicans who had defended the Trump Administration for years uh when they had ignored Democratic subpoenas are now saying subpoenas are sacred and that people need to to show up and do their Duty whenever Congress calls Diane ah politics in Washington contributing.

Political correspondent Rachel bade thanks Rachel thanks and of course we have a lot of other news to get to as well today here's the rundown right now we are taking a look deadly storm system is slowly moving out of the country after leaving behind flooding and damage along the east coast at least 203 tornadoes are.

Reported in Six States including the Florida Panhandle now another storm is on the move out west and could bring extreme weather from Texas to the Carolinas a new study finds bottled water may contain up to 100 times times more microscopic plastic particles than previously thought the National Academy of Sciences says researchers found an.

Average of 240,000 nanoplastics per bottle but scientists aren't sure whether the particles are harmful to our health in a statement an industry trade Association says the study lacks standardized methods back in 2019 the World Health Organization said there isn't enough evidence linking microplastics and water to human health.

But there's an urgent need for more research and the company Home Medics is recalling nearly 990,000 massage guns Federal officials say the company received 17 reports of overheating including at least one person who was burned the officials fear the massage guns could be a fire hazard the models were sold from 2020 to 2023 if you have.

One the company says not to use it and to contact them for a full refund and Ecuador's president is declaring a state of emergency amid a wave of violence mostly Gang Related 13 men now face charges after after storming a TV station there with guns during a live broadcast Ecuador has been known as one of South America's most.

Peaceful countries this latest attack is among the most dramatic incidents we've seen so far ABC's Matt Rivers has the latest authorities in Ecuador investigating a Brazen attack on a public television station by an apparent armed gang as quote acts of terrorism the masked men seen here tying crew members on the floor threatening.

The staff waving explosives and guns scared staffers inside desperately pleading for their lives the live broadcast rolling for almost 15 minutes before going dark police then surrounding the area arresting more than a dozen gunmen the show's deputy director later saying the attack was quote extremely.

Violent this incident one of many acts of violence that occurred after Ecuador declared a state of emergency Monday following The Disappearance of the leader of the notorious Los Cho's gang from his cell in a guak keil prison and Matt Rivers joins me now from San Antonio Texas with more on this Matt Ecuadorian officials say these 13 men.

Are under arrest and facing charges so what are you hearing about who they are and why they did this yeah so they're members of a smaller uh group of of criminals a gang there in Ecuador and what the government is saying is that there were some 22 different groups that they've identified as being part of the violence that we.

Saw spread throughout guak Kil Ecuador yesterday and all of this is in response to that state of emergency that was declared it was the leader of that group Los jonos uh that managed to disappear from prison and as a result of that the president makes that uh state of emergency declaration that gives the military in Ecuador the right to do a.

Couple of things including go out on the streets conduct checkpoints but also crucially enter and control Ecuador's prisons and the criminals that have been inside of those prisons for years they've really been controlling organized crime in Ecuador running those groups from inside the prisons if the military goes in the thought being that.

Control would be lessened organized crime would be less efficient and that's why these groups are really reached out branched out uh lashed out yesterday in the way that they did because they're upset over these new rights given to to Ecuador's military so Matt what is it like in Ecuador right now with this state of emergency in place and this.

Notorious gang leader on the loose I mean there there's no doubt things are tense right now I was texting with a friend whose parents live in guil and what she was telling me is that look it was a tough day for the people of guil yesterday businesses are closed restaurants are closed uh schools were shut down it's a very tense time in.

Ecuador right now as it would be in any country where the military is out on the streets uh but I think what we saw overnight was that people generally respected the curfew that's been put in place we haven't seen any more uh scenes of violence that we saw play out there yesterday so right now I would call it a tense calm but still you know anything.

Could change all right Matt Rivers thank you and the man who attacked a Las Vegas judge is now charged with attempted murder battery and extortion charges he appeared in front of the same judge in court on Tuesday and for the first time we're now hearing from the law clerk who rushed to save the judge when the.

Defendant jumped over the bench ABC News live anchor Kana Whitworth has more he's being hailed a hero 27-year-old law clerk Michael lasso credited with saving a Las Vegas judge from a vicious courtroom attack is speaking out for the first time it's just something you don't usually see in court you see you see some crazy things.

But you know nothing like this lasso scene in the now viral video pulling the 6'9 90b defendant Debra Ren off judge Mary K hus as authorities say he was punching her hitting her with an unknown object and pulling out her hair I just thought when he first hopped over that desk he was going for the door and when he didn't go for the door and instead he.

Starts charging at the judge I was just in shock and I just reacted lasso quickly springing into action last week I don't even want to think about what would have happened if I wasn't there once the situation was handled I I immediately went over to her and went to go check on her just make sure she was okay judge hus describing the defendant.

As big strong and angry in the arrest report what did that judicial bench look like in the aftermath on the aftermath it was a bloody scene um there was just blood everywhere injured but recovering judge H is returning to the courtroom face to face with her attacker but this time the defendant surrounded by officers seen Shackled wearing a spit.

Mask and protective MIT sentenced to up to 4 years in prison for his original case hello are you Mr Ren on Tuesday the 30-year-old whose family says has a history of mental illness stood in front of a different judge answering to attempted murder battery and extortion charges among others do you understand these charges yes I.

Understand and Diane officials in Las Vegas are looking at the possibility of adding more security Personnel judge hus had a single Court Marshal with her and he needed 25 stitches in his head after that attack Diane all right Kana Whitworth thank you and US District Court Judge Esther Salas knows about the threats to judges All Too Well her son.

Daniel was murdered at their home by a gunman who was targeting her back in 2020 since then judge Salis has been on a mission to honor her son's Life and Legacy earlier on GMA she spoke exclusively with our Robin Roberts last time we spoke uh you were trying to make Daniel's law a a fedal federal case and going before Congress it passed it.

Passed so talk a little bit more about Daniel's law and what more can be done I mean listen Daniel the Daniel Andel Act is great it's a solid step in the right direction but it it protects federal judges we need to focus on all judges at every level State local judges there are over 30,000 of them there's so many states and US Territories that don't.

Have any laws protecting judicial officers we need to change that state by state we need to approach it Mar is the start Wisconsin where judge RoR was we need to pass laws in these states to protect all judges our democracy you know counts on judicial officers feeling safe to do our jobs our thanks to Robin Roberts and.

Just es jelas for that coming up Reproductive Rights opioids and gun violence we'll take a look at some of the big issues in the 2024 elections also ahead a retail Revolution how Walmart is using using artificial intelligence to change the way you shop get ready America every Friday the hottest Trends Styles and must have.

What's the right stuff to buy right now I really love that it's time to buy the right stuff yes and save big time too The Right Stuff Fridays on GMA you're going to love it from America's number one news comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and customizable to your interests if you love being in the know.

You're going to love this experience the allnew ABC News app download it now welcome back Baywatch and Charles and charge star Nicole Edgard is opening up about her new breast cancer diagnosis the star is now issuing a warning for others about how she missed the early warning signs herself Eva Pilgrim has more Nicole Edgar known for her roles in.

Charles and charge your you know the usual dinner a movie and a Dozen Roses will be fine and bayat oh you better be careful he's right there in Tower 15 is opening up about her battle with breast cancer so I have a little bit of a bomb to drop the actress revealing her journey to diagnosis on her podcast perfectly Twisted I started having a lot.

Of pain on my left side and it was really hurting so I did an exam and I found something after a mammogram and multiple biopsies the actress tells People magazine she was eventually diagnosed in December with invasive CRI reform carcinoma a rare type of invasive cancer that accounts for just3 to 6% of all breast cancer diagnoses this breast.

Cancer isn't likely to be one that is extremely aggressive or grows very rapidly it is associated with a high chance of cure and less of a chance of it occurring outside of the breast with appropriate treatment saying I have panics where I'm like just get this out of me telling people the next step is surgery you sit there and it's in you.

And you're like every second that passes and it's inside of me it's growing the 51-year-old says her first symptoms were a rapid 25lb weight gain over 3 months and terrible pain in her breast which she initially attributed to menopause if there's a persistent change in the breast as she was explaining that she had swelling and pain in the breast that.

Was not going away that should prompt a woman to go seek out the medical attention of her doctors in order to get a workup as soon as possible the single mom of two says she's fighting to be there for her daughters 25-year-old Dylan and especially her youngest 12-year-old Keegan there's no being depressed there's no laying around.

There's like it's like enjoy right now today keep positive and Nicole says after she found the lump it took her a month to get an appointment for a mammogram a good reminder for us all not to wait if something doesn't feel right and to take that appointment even when it doesn't happen right away Diane all right Eva.

Pilgrim thank you and it is time now for Patel like it is where Dr Lo Patel show some health advice on the topics that matter most to you and today we're actually talking about Healthcare in the 2024 election here's Dr Patel with what you need to know about the health issues on the ballot Healthcare is a big election 2024.

Topic for example example this is the first presidential election we're going to have since Ro versus Wade was overturned and we've heard multiple stories in which restrictions on abortions have affected women especially those in high-risk pregnancies Reproductive Rights are on the ballot America also spends more on healthc care.

Than any other High inome Country and we're the only one to not guarantee HealthCare coverage with that Healthcare affordability drug pricing access to Medicare and Medicaid are also on the ballot and there's more one in five Americans has a mental illness drug overdoses especially from opioids claimed over a 100,000 lives in 2021 and.

Gun violence is the leading cause of death in children so Mental Health Care gun violence and the opioid crisis are also topics that presidential candidates should address from who we vote into the White House to who we choose to represent our neighborhoods exercising our civic duty plays a part in how we address and uphold Public Health do your.

Research think about yourself your friends your family your community and vote like your health and public health depends on it because it kind of does and Dr Lo Patel joins me now for more on this along with ABC News senior National policy reporter an flarity Dr Matel in your video you say America spends more on healthc care per capita.

Than any other high-income country but the US is the only one not to guarantee health coverage why is that and how does that affect the average American if we don't have universal healthcare why are costs so high we had a simple answer Diane to explain about why our costs were so high but the reality is that this is.

Something that voters the average Americans should pay attention to in researching their candidate who is governing their state where they live I mean the mere fact is according to the centers for Medicare and Medicaid the United States spends about $113,000 per personal Healthcare which is $5,000 more than the other average high income.

Country and we still have about 20 to 30 million uninsured or underinsured Americans which leads to poorer outcomes when it comes to treating long-term or chronic illnesses and some of these terms are confusing for the average person including expansion of Medicare and Medicaid and Marketplace subsidies but the mere fact is is that people.

Should really look at what is happening to their health insurance coverage as they're making decisions about who to vote for and how are you seeing the presidential candidates tackling Healthcare on the campaign Trail to talk about inflation and that's the issue that is top of mind for so many voters uh but if of course people.

Forget that Healthcare is tied to that along with Rising prices Healthcare gets more expensive we saw in a recent poll from kff uh the uh nonprofit that 80% of Voters see this as a topof mind issue the cost of healthcare now Trump and DeSantis say that they want to revisit Obamacare um and then of course abortion is the other issue that's coming along U.

That people are talking about that's a major issue a lot of the candidates not really talking about that sort of dancing around it along with Obamacare we are not getting a lot of the details on how they want to actually change things so Dr Patel how can we be well informed on these issues when they're at the center of the conversation like this.

Because we are not all medical experts you know and and it doesn't take a medical expert to actually go and look online and research the healthcare topics that candidates are discussing or to go and look to see what their stances are on anything that's related to healthcare policy Public Health and Science in general as an mentioned.

Reproductive Rights are a big topic and there right now in the United States are two about two million women who live in areas where there is no access to abortion and no maternity care that directly affects people's people's Health their ability to live a productive long healthy life and there's also topics such as mental health care.

Gun violence drug pricing cancer research maternity care Child Care there's so many topics out there that people may forget about that directly involve both this dance of politics and Healthcare so I encourage everyone out there from a nonpartisan stance just to do your research and research all these topics and how it affects you and your.

Family your community and what are the biggest Healthcare topics in the Battleground States now so the states I'm going to be looking at are states like Arizona um that they're going to have abortion on the ballot next year that could drive out voters but also States like Georgia this is a Battleground state that could really.

Make a difference in the presidential election but it's also about the state houses both of their houses are up for election or up for grabs uh with control and it's these State houses that are passing laws that that apply to things like healthare abortion um all these things are that are related to healthc care so you know I think voters do have.

Uh all of these issues in mind when they're going to the polls and I think that's going to make a big difference in some of these Battleground States all right ABC's medical contributor Dr Lo Patel senior National policy reporter in flarity thank you and Dr Patel is as always taking your questions leave a message on our Instagram feed at ABC.

News live and he might answer your question right here on Friday coming up baby Yoda is headed to the big screen will Gans has the out of the this world tea plus why he's matching his Cinnabon and the selfie looks good we have really good.

Congratulations I was terrified it was just so traumatic nightmare people need to understand these were wanted babies 18 women facing life and death medical conditions their lives now out of their control I felt like I was going to die our lives and our health are debatable I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy Diane Sawyer.

Rachel Scott on the brink now streaming on Hulu welcome back Walmart says it's planning to use artificial intelligence to create a new shopping experience the world's biggest retailer is betting big that AI will reshape how American shop online and in stores Elizabeth shelzy has the ABC News.

Exclusive an ABC News exclusive Walmart taking us inside its retail Revolution using artificial intelligence to transform the way we shop at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas the world's biggest retailer launching new features like the option to virtually shop with friends trying on outfits in its app and instantly getting.

Feedback from those you trust you can also share that with someone else digitally to say do you like this sweater or not I me my friends might say no more often than say yes Walmart CEO Doug McMillan also touting expanded search capabilities on its site customers can now search for a phrase like football watch party instead of.

Individual items to put in your cart we get to move away from this baby talk search where we're trying to find chips and drinks in a 90in television and say how do I prepare a great watch party and it brings back across the top the categories you're looking for and then sech serves up a list of items that you can choose to host that great party the.

Feature uses technology from Microsoft which has invested billions of dollars into chat GPT maker open AI it's all about being able to take the technology as powerful as it is but translating it into Everyday Use cases are you concerned that the guard rails aren't in place for how quickly this technology is moving the guard rails have to be.

Developed in parallel with the benefits in the use cases so this is not something we think about after the fact between juggling groceries and life sometimes you could really use a little extra help also in the pipeline from Walmart in home replenishment using AI to predict what products you need at home then delivering them straight to.

Your fridge or closet there's a Walmart associate that has a onetime code to our garage store they put the perishable food in the refrigerator put the ambient product next to it and we're in stock some people might hear that and say that sounds a little bit like a privacy concern someone has my garage code they know it's in my house that makes me a.

Little bit nervous over time I think what people have learned is that if you you're doing business with someone you trust and we can save you time I think there'll be more adoption of this over time where we're literally replenishing the things that people want to have in their homes all the time now that updated search function is available now.

On Apple devices I pressed Walmart CEO on if there will be bumps in the road as some of this new tech is rolled out he said it will get better and smarter as time goes on Diane Elizabeth Chelsea in Las Vegas thank you and it is time now for the tea where we break down some of the Buzzy stories people are talking about our friend will Gans is here to.

Help us out we'll spill that tea a little Intergalactic tea to start off the morning all right we begin with breaking baby Yoda news from a galaxy far far away the pin-sized star of the Mandalorian is headed to the big screen people our parent company Disney announcing night that John favro will direct the Star Wars feature film titled.

The Mandalorian and grou with production slated to begin this year Fabro who Helms the Mandalorian TV series on Disney plus saying in a statement I have loved telling stories set in the rich world that George Lucas created the prospect of bringing the Mandalorian and his Apprentice grou to the big screen is extremely exciting it's the oversized.

Coat on on baby Yoda for me he just I I mean it's kind of a look it's a Vibe and he often has has a little teacup of his own so he's a fan the tea we're embracing baby Yoda that's right that's right all right next I have been dying to talk about this everybody come closer gather around everyone it's the gossip session seen around the world Selena.

Gomez spilling the tea during the Golden Globes to Taylor Swift and Kelly teller this video blowing up everywhere look at their faces you know the tea is hot when it looks like that users throwing all kinds of theories at the wall including one on Twitter racking up 61,000 retweets that Selena asked for a photo with Timmy shalam and Kylie Jenner said.

No she cannot take a picture with him but at long last Selena is setting the record straight the only Mur murders in the building star commenting on E news's photo writing no I told Taylor about two of my friends who hooked up not that that's anyone's business and of course now everybody wants to know who the friends are right I'm here to say I'm.

Not buying Selena's excuse no zero in one of the videos you can actually hear Kelly teller say with Timothy so unless one of the friends is Timmy I don't know see investigative journalism in the tea here you cannot pull one past will G that's exactly correct I have spent way too many hours of my evening pouring over the videos but anyway that's what.

Selena says so we'll take her word for it all right 2024 is shaping up to be a Powerhouse year for pop music it's been 4 years since Lady Gaga dropped chromatica but at long last we might be getting some new music you guys Gaga there's the there's the alert the Gaga alert Gaga sharing two new photos from the music studio captioned with a heart.

And some music notes emojis meanwhile Katy Perry is also teasing her next chapter telling enus it's time to come out of the Cocoon of sorts to bloom a little nod of course to her fiance Orlando Bloom no word on when Katie or Gaga will drop their new projects but Ariana Grande has a new single called yes and and that's coming out this.

Friday a lot of new music coming Gaga Ariana it feels like it's 2011 again I'm here for it all right and another musical news the Mean Girls movie musical set to hit theaters on Friday and Tina F says she thought sought the advice of some unlikely contributors as she adapted the script for a 2024 audience her two daughters.

Tina telling e weekly that she asked her 18 and 12-year-old girls should the burn book stay a burn book or should it be a private Instagram account and they're like no no it's a book it's a book and thank God they said that she say she also asked them for casting advice and in other Mean Girls news it's it's Wednesday that's why I'm wearing pink we.

Also have a sweet treat to celebrate Cinnabon is selling pink cinnamon rolls to celebrate the new film only on Wednesdays of course starting January 17th that's a week from today lasting every Wednesday through February 7th items from the brand including the classic the mini bun the Bon bites and the center of the Roll snacks will be.

Available don't judge me these are delicious and I can't wait anymore it's taken every ounce they sent these to us as a little gift free of charge and we're really really grateful I have been dying to eat this theevs are in oh you're eating I'm busy you know how this works come on okay yeah Will Gans thank you thanks for streaming with us.

Everybody I'm Diane maso ABC News live is here for you anytime with the latest news context analysis and pink Cinnabons it's Wednesday people we'll be right back so fetch so fetch there are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at Victoria's Secret she did a little Christmas shopping headed to her car and.

Then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from Drew shadine how heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand all new 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on ABC this is ABC News live the crushing families here in.

Poland at Refugee centers in Putin's Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive four store along I Boston is in the Bulls let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming.

News first thing in the morning there's a lot going on everybody in that home is okay to catch you up with what happened overnight we are here at Fashion's biggest night out what's happening today YouTube has unveiled a new set of policies what people are talking about the new ad campaign fast straightforward with some fun in between a real life.

Barbie Dreamhouse a name change for the wiener mobile first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news to today so let's get into it listen now.

To the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R Murrow Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I but you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here you're watching America's number.

One streaming news keep streaming with ABC News live hi I'm D let's get right to our top Story House Republicans are conducting a hearing to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of congress while Hunter himself made a surprise visit to the hearing.

Republicans want to hold him in contempt of congress for defying a subpoena to sit for a closed door deposition go straight to jail yes I'm looking at you Hunter Bid And as I'm speaking to you you are not above the law at all for a polit the president son says he will only testify in a public form saying he wants to prevent.

Republicans from being able to distort his testimony ABC's J O'Brien joins me now from Capitol Hill for more Jay was this just a political stunt as representative May says or was Hunter Biden hoping to change things somehow with this appearance today well the goal of Hunter Biden's team as they described as they left inside that hearing Diane.

Was to essentially demonstrate that they had offered to work with the committee they had offered to testify obviously in a public setting not in the kind of closed door setting that the committee had saw and things of that nature so getting this messaging out there appears to have been the goal of Hunter Biden's team does it change anything in the.

Calculus of this uh contemp of Congress resolution it certainly doesn't I mean this was going to get through both the house oversight and the house Judiciary committees which are Republican Le which are taking up this matter today they were likely and they are expected to bring it to the floor of the House of Representatives where it will will be.

Voted on and if all the Republicans get behind it it would pass and so it doesn't change anything in the political and the vote counting calculus of this but certainly it was a surprise certainly it causes pandemonium and certainly it demonstrates that Hunter Biden is willing to try to meet this committee pound-for-pound politically.

And conduct his own political what you could call stunts or demonstrations while Republicans do exactly that or at least what Biden's team accuses of that so J where do things stand on this resolution so it it will get marked up Mark up is what's happening today it's what Hunter Biden sat in the back of in the house Judiciary Committee it's.

Happening in the oversight committee the Judiciary Committee once it gets out of those committees it gets sent to the house floor and then it has to be voted on by the whole House of Representatives And if every single Republican Gets behind it as I mentioned it would pass and then only then could it go to the courts that's what would begin the court.

Process of holding Hunter Biden in cont of Congress Congress can hold someone in contempt but there's no legal or judicial branch action um that immediately is triggered by that then of course it's up to the court as to how that plays out as we saw for instance in the January six subpoenas that were defied by House Republicans some of whom.

Are now part of this process of holding Hunter Biden accountable for defying The subpoena that has a long process in which it has to make its way through the courts after it gets out of the House of Representatives so Jay what penalties could Hunter Biden face under this resolution and what are the next steps well he faces charges of contempts of.

Congress so the exact next steps are again that vote on the house floor um and then of course any kind of Court action but it's also worth pointing out here Diane that this is not a process that tends to play out like this when there's a congressional subpoena in a non-politically Charged case like this you comply and you go and you sit in the.

Hearing and you testify or in this case you would give that deposition behind closed doors so what you're seeing now is the High Watermark of political tension when it comes to this Hunter Biden case again House Republicans saying they want Hunter Biden to come testify before their impeachment inquiry into his father particularly if there's.

Any linkage into Hunter overseas business dealings and his father of which Republicans have presented no evidence so far and Hunter Biden saying that he will only give that testimony in person in public and that's a point that frankly Democrats made in that hearing when he made that surprise appearance today saying Hunter Biden here let's.

Just have the testimony in public and Republicans saying they're not going to have Biden dictate the Temple of their investigation if they want this testimony to be behind closed doors as every other witness has been deposed so far that's what they're going to go for all right ABC's Jay O'Brien on Capitol Hill thanks.

Jay and investigators are said to be looking into jail house calls made that by the man charged in the murder of rapper Tupac Shakur sources tell ABC News Dwayne Keith T Davis may have been talking about harming Witnesses cooperating in the tri trial prosecutors say the calls happened back in October between Davis and his son and discussed.

A quote authorization to kill one of the witnesses that witness was then relocated Davis is accused of ordering the murder of Tupac and was just granted a $750,000 bail yesterday in a Nevada Court his lawyers asked for him to be placed on house arrest due to poor health and the Iowa caucuses are just 5 days away former South Carolina Governor.

Nikki Haley took advantage of the weather as the only candidate campaigning in the snow and new polling shows Haley support is growing in New Hampshire ahead of the primary there later this month ABC News senior Congressional correspon Rachel Scott is in De Moine ahead of tonight's final debate before voting.

Begins Ronda santis and Nikki Haley preparing to face off in the final debate before the Iowa caucuses the former South Carolina governor out in a snowy Iowa with the campaign Trail largely to herself I didn't know if we were going to come see five people but to see a full house really is great this is funny hi VI with the brutal weather.

VI ramaswami forced a campaign via an iPad and Governor D santis was home in Florida giving the State of the State address and dealing with severe tornadoes there hours later traveling back to Iowa for a town hall we're in it uh for the long hul with this but I think Iowa rewards the Intensive approach where you're showing up in 99.

Counties to santis is in a distant second place in Iowa and Haley isn't that far behind she's already gaining momentum in New New Hampshire a new poll showing her just seven points behind the front runner former president Donald Trump the only way we're going to win the majority of Americans is if we go forward with a new generational leader.

That leaves the negativity and the baggage in the past some voters still torn looking for an alternative to Trump um but I want somebody who can in the end beat Joe Biden and be a strong president Trump is still dominating in the polls now drawing fire for openly saying he hopes the economy crashes this year on Biden's watch when there's a.

Crash I hope it's going to be during this next 12 months because I don't want to be Herbert Hoover I asked the santis what he made of those comments if the economy crashes people would get thrown out of work businesses would go under I don't want to see that happening I want people to do well not on the stage tonight former.

President Donald Trump and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Trump will be holding a separate Town Hall Christie has focused all in on New Hampshire he's not campaigning in Iowa at all and he's still vowing to stay in the race despite falling behind Nikki Haley in that latest poll Diane all right senior Congressional correspondent.

Rachel Scott thank you and ab news contributor former Trump Administration official Sarah isgar joins me now along with Democratic strategist Alena Johnson for more uh Sarah Nikki Haley has been hesitant to attack Trump over night has that strategy worked for her and is there a point where she will have to go after him more directly.

I think there's plenty of strategists out there who of course wish she'd go more directly at Donald Trump the problem is we have not seen that ever work so instead what Nikki Haley is doing is trying to Simply get those Trump voters to come over to her as an alternative to Trump making the case that he can't serve a second term that.

He may beat Joe Biden but she'll beat Joe Biden by more uh that's actually so far been shown to be more effective for her alencia President Biden meanwhile has ramped up his attacks on Trump and on so-called Maga Republicans what do you make of his campaign's messaging so far is it resonating listen I do think Joe Biden's.

Campaign messaging is resonating but here's a thing that Democrats have to be mindful of in 2020 it was a referendum on the Trump Administration and we needed something different I think voters who are not going to vote for Trump obviously know why they're not going to vote for Donald Trump Democrats are also having to talk about the.

Message that they have which is the historic achievements of President Biden and so we have a challenge not to say that it will be you know is super hard for us it is something that we have to pay attention to that President Biden has to pay attention to how do you tout these achievements while also talking about the existential crisis that it.

Would be if pres if Donald Trump became president again and so I do think the campaign will be ratcheting up both of those messages in the days to come as we get into the election year all right Sarah iser IA Johnson thank you both and we will have full coverage of the Iowa caucuses next Monday January 15th right here on ABC News.

live Secretary of State Anthony blankin is speaking out after the US Navy and UK Royal Navy shot down 18 houy drones and three missiles in the Red Sea he says his trip to the Middle East is part of a big push to stabilize the conflict in.

The region we were focused uh on making sure that the conflict uh ongoing now in Gaza doesn't spread uh to other places that's been our Focus since uh since October 7th uh and it remains our Focus uh to day um that's makes it particularly important that we respond when we see something like the aggression coming.

From the houthis that continues to be uh repeated directed at shipping in the uh Red Sea this all comes as Hamas says at least 40 people are now dead including a journalist after Israeli Defense Forces bombed a home in Gaza ABC's Patrick revil has the latest from Tel Aviv Israel's war in Gaza has been.

Extraordinarily deadly for journalists at least 79 have been killed in just over 3 months according to the committee to protect journalists me highest toll for any conflict since the cpj started collecting records three decades ago the first deaths were of Israeli journalists killed as Hamas.

Rampaged through southern Israel during the October 7th attacks then Israel began its military operation in response reuter's photojournalist Isam abdalah among the first killed he was filming with a group of journalists at the Lebanon Israeli border then an Israeli tank fired into them.

Video capturing the moment the tank hitting them a second time six other journalists injured Reuters and AFP as well as Human Rights Watch and reporters Without Borders say their investigations show the group were deliberately fired on demanding answers from Israel we call on Israel to explain how this could have happened and to hold.

To account those respons responsible for his death the IDF saying it was responding to anti-tank fire in the area and is investigating but the deadliest toll by far for journalists is in Gaza 72 killed journalists reporting there as their own lives are upended while Dau alzer's bureau chief has lost several.

Members of his family in Israeli strikes since October including his wife son daughter and Grandson last week his son Hamza also a journalist was killed in an Israeli strike on his car the IDF saying he and two other reporters had looked like terrorists with a drone H Hamza was my soul D says but this pain won't deter us from.

Continuing in December duu himself was injured by an Israeli strike the day after he was back on air again and ABC's Patrick reval joins me now for from Tel Aviv Israel with more on this Patrick according to the cpj this is the highest death toll for journalists in any conflict since the organization started collecting records.

Three decades ago you're there covering this war what do you make of these numbers and and what they say about how dangerous this war has become yeah hi Diane I mean another photojournalist has been reported killed in Gaza today reportedly working for the Palestinian red crescent and put simply you know the number of journalists being.

Killed in Gaza right now is at a on a scale that we haven't seen in any other conflict really in recent memory I mean just an example you know Ukraine an extremely dangerous War for journalists there we've seen 17 journalists killed in the last two years in Gaza we've seen over 70 in just the last three months and I think it's partly a symptom of how.

Israel has been Waging War in Gaza with extremely heavy bombing in an incredibly densely populated area but you know the cpj the committee to re journalist also says that they're very concerned about an apparent pattern of journalists being targeted by the Israeli military as well as they're also their families being targeted now Israel firmly denies that.

It targets journalists but what's clear is that we are seeing journalists being killed in Gaza right now at a speed and scale unlike anything that we've really seen in living memory all right Patrick revil and Tel Aviv Israel stay safe Patrick thank you coming up severe weather is on the move I'm meteorologist Samar at theator.

Would you believe another storm is moving in as one moves out and we have brutal Arctic air getting ready to come in at the top of next week I'll have that coming up in your full forecast I'm Elizabeth schy at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas we have been scouring the whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at.

War after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most.

Devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at and Downing Street in.

London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news I have a point of contact they're.

Expecting us this our secret world we have do you think we're going to be safe I don't know this is my pen inside that pen is a slice of human brain these are assassinations of people are going to be murdered there's really no telling what some of them will do I'm in I'm in I'm in I'm in oh my God it's happening everywhere and.

Anywhere wow all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are you I hug you yes so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found.

Out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show welcome back to ABC News live first at least five people are dead in five states after tornadoes touched down in the South and dangerous snowy conditions in the midwest the East Coast was slammed with rain and heavy winds as.

Some of the area is still digging out from mon nor Easter over the weekend now the country is bracing for another round of extreme weather ABC News meteorologist Samar Theodor is tracking it all for us hi Samara hey Diane good morning yeah it's one storm after the other but first let's talk about the one that is leaving right now it's moving.

Out of the Northeast behind it in its wake very strong wind gust so we still could see 40 to 50 mph wind gusts with the storm system as it departs maybe even few light showers or snow showers in Pennsylvania and Upstate New York in its wake we're also seeing flooding some major flooding occurring in rivers throughout the Northeast over the next.

48 hours you have to think we saw three inches of rain come down very quickly and that's a compounded effect because we had the melting snow from the previous storm altogether exacerbated the water system and now we are seeing flooding in our rivers in the Northeast so here's the next storm moving in we don't even have time to come up for air.

Friday 700 p.m. we have a line of severe storms moving through the I 95 quarter an area that was hard hit over the last 24 hours shareport that could actually come as early as Thursday night for you up in a little rock but this orange swath here that's where we have the highest threat for tornadoes they could be strong tornadoes from Montgomery.

Alabama into South Carolina and Southern North Carolina on Friday night remember nocturnal tornadoes are extremely dangerous so I can't stress enough having multiple ways to be alerted and woke up in the middle of the night if we do get any tornado warnings and I'll leave you with this after that storm moves out get ready for a bone chilling.

Cold that's going to dip really far south this is Saturday January 13th minus 19 potentially in bismar look what happens Tuesday on January 16th we could be looking at single digits in Northern parts of Texas it may be colder in Texas than it is in New York city so it's just one thing after the next Dian but if I had to prepare people for anything this.

Friday severe weather in the Southeast all right ABC News meteorologist tomorrow Theodore thank you and we're getting an inside look at the latest technology that could shape your future more than 130,000 people are flocking to the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas where companies put on flashy displays for everything from Cars.

To smart watches ABC's Elizabeth shelzy takes us inside from transparent TV you can actually see through it and you can watch TV on it two soccer ball-sized personal robots keeping your pets happy and your house in order can turn lights off and on turn appliances off and on project images onto screen this year's.

CES gadgets are all about making our Smart Homes even smarter like this Samsung refrigerator that uses AI to take stock of your groceries so there's a camera actually inside this refrigerator where's that camera it's right here top so be careful there's a camera in there guys you know so we're going to put the thing back in you hear.

That little ding there it's actually letting us know you put it in fridge dings yes the fridge dings and the AI recognizes that that ingredient was added back in so we can actually go into this feature and see the actual ingredients that are in your fridge I can now ask the AI to curate recipes based off of what I have in my fridge so.

It says you have a tomato you've got some broccoli you got some green peppers we're going to put it all together and here's something makes a fantastic dip companies like yarbo are trying to simplify household chores this is an automatic snowblower yes and it's no human required no human required so you just program your yard and it'll do it.

For you yes and when it comes to TVs the thinner and wider the better like this Sleek high sense monitor if you were to take four of your standard siiz poker chips and stack them up that's about how thin this television is and Elizabeth joins me now from inside the Consumer Electronics Show Elizabeth what's your favorite Gadget so.

Far okay so Diane we've been looking for some of the coolest ones we've seen and in a lot of ways a lot of these gadgets are so expensive that snow bla that you saw in the piece there starts at $6,000 fridge is not going to be cheap either so one thing that we found is this phone case for your iPhone it actually is going to turn your iPhone.

Into what would have been a couple years ago a Blackberry with this old school keyboard with the buttons I feel like you're going to like this one Diane uh this is on sale now it starts at $140 we've got a yellow color here they have other colors too but in a lot of ways even though we have all these flashy gadgets here what's old is also New.

Again Diane is it going to tell me what to make for dinner tonight well the fridge actually will tell you I mean that's a feature that a lot of people you're seem to be excited about this idea that your fridge can say you got this random group of foods here's something I can come up with Samsung said it's a way to eliminate.

Food waste I don't know maybe people will find that appealing and and Fork up for the price I'm looking forward to the one where the fridge also Cooks the food for you but we will wait for that one Elizabeth at the CES forest in Las Vegas Elizabeth thank you coming up making a list for your 2024 Outlook is in but resolutions are.

Out our group chat explains this new In-N-Out trend and how to make your list realistic this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 store along I Boston is in the bullseye.

Let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsl America's number one streaming news tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the back-to- back storms threatening Millions more.

Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David mure I it come it all to me give it to me why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this.

Is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the days top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I.

Bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here get ready America every Friday the hottest Trends Styles and must have what's the right stuff to buy right now I really love that it's time to buy the right stuff yes and save big time too The Right Stuff Fridays on GMA you're going to love it from America's number one news.

Comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and customizable to your interests if you love being in the know you're going to love this experience the allnew ABC News app download it now reporting in St Petersburg Florida in the aftermath of hurricane Adelia I'm mwin wherever the story is we'll take.

You there your streaming ABC News live welcome back to ABC News live first a new social media trend is out with the old and in with the new you might be noticing a lot of in andout lists showing up on your feeds as people post predictions for what's in for the new year and what trends we're leaving behind so let's this take this to our.

Group chat with ABC's will Gans GQ style letterer young yo and psychiatrist Dr yalda Safi all right so before we start with what's in for 2024 let's talk about the trends we're saying farewell to feel free to try in if you happen to disagree of course this is all subjective uh but will what general social media pop culture trend.

Do you think will be so last year so last year um okay this is also just my list it could go on on and on and on but let's start with Joo the joy of missing out okay so I think gone are the days of looking at your feed and seeing pictures of Fitness influencers dancing by the pool or you know uh people at a big concert or something like that and.

Wishing that you were there no that's gone now we're talking about the joy of missing out um one of the trends that I personally am very excited about it's on Pinterest list of trends to watch for 2024 The Eclectic Grandpa micro Trend which is a fashion trend that has knitwear mixed patterns it's big fan favorite of um Harry Styles For example.

And then um in for 2024 having hobbies that you don't monetize I think coming out of the pandemic we were also focused on making money on the things that we discovered as our own Hobbies or whatever but now it's like if you love Fitness Love Fitness but you don't need to be selling me a green juice afterwards you know what I mean I love.

The Joo trend because I I do see myself I was the queen of fomo for a long time and now I just see myself looking at pictures of people partying and I'm just thinking I'm so glad that I am not there in stilettos in a minis skirt right now uh Yi let's talk fashion what looks do you think we're leaving behind I think we're finally coming out of the pandemic.

You know people were trying to dress up their sweats and I think we're ready to let that go there's you're not going to see a lot of sweatsuits with loafers and fancy coats anymore I think we're going to be seeing uh people wear their sweats or sweats again for cozy nights in let sweats be sweats um I'm seeing jewelry overload uh on the list you think that's.

Gone yeah I I think for a little while men and women uh were wearing a lot of Jewelry pearls diamonds gold silver and stacking up a lot of necklaces and rings and we're seeing that go away I think a simple chain necklace now makes enough of a statement and it feels really refreshing and new again and Dr ify what Wellness Trends do you think will be out.

In 2024 and abuse health physical and mental health so I foresee sedentary Lifestyles mindless Doom scrolling through social media hustle culture that leads to burnout self-doubt negative selft talk all of that being out this year all right ABC's will Gans GQ style editor yo and psychiatrist Dr yalda Safi.

Thank you all and thank you for streaming with us I Gian M ABC News live is here for you anytime with the latest news context and Analysis we have really good congratulations you're breaking I was terrified it was just so.

Traumatic nightmare people need to understand these were wanted babies 18 women facing life and death medical conditions their lives now out of their control I felt like I was going to die our lives and our health are debatable I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy Diane Sawyer Rachel Scott on the brink now streaming.

On Hulu this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin's Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destruc Cat 4 storm you're along I Boston is in the Bulls let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free.

Thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R.

Murrow Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here ABC News America's number one news Source welcome back to ABC News live you.

Are looking at Capitol Hill on this Wednesday where House Republicans are conducting a hearing to hold a hunter Biden in contempt of congress while Hunter himself made a surprise visit to that hearing Republicans want to hold him in contempt for defying a subpoena to sit for a closed door deposition president's son said that he will only.

Testify in a public forum calling the impeachment inquiry into his father illegitimate his attorney spoke spoke to reporters after they left the hearing last fall chairman comr made an explicit offer to cond that people like Hunter had like him the option to attend a deposition or a public hearing whichever they chose Hunter chose a.

Hearing where Republicans could not distort manipulate or misuse that testimony honor and then ignoring that invitation and proving once again that they cared little about the truth and wanted only to quote move the needle of political support contributing political correspondent Rachel B joins me now for.

More Rachel could this surprise appearance by Hunter Biden have an impact on this hearing or was this just meant to send a message well it certainly could have an impact on public perceptions of uh the hunter Biden contempt resolution and I mean look by showing up on Capitol Hill uh Hunter Biden and his team were.

Essentially able to steal the Limelight away from this contentious hearing about him ignoring a subpoena they also sort of upstaged a hearing in the Department of Homeland uh the homeland security committee where they're doing the first impeachment hearing for DHS secretary Alejandro mayoras so in that regard they would sort of see this as a victory but.

In terms of actually keeping the vote from moving forward uh Republicans are expected to be pretty United on this uh yes they do have a very slim majority they can only lose a couple of votes and Democrats will all likely vote against holding in him him in contempt of congress for ignoring a hill subpoena but Republicans are expected to to stick.

Together on this so I doubt it will keep it from moving forward Diane a Dem Democrats have tried to focus on the the chairman having originally extended the invitation for a a full hearing and then saying no actually it has to be a deposition Republicans seem to be focused on listen it doesn't matter that Hunter Biden want wants to testify in a.

Hearing we subpoenaed him for a deposition and so that's what he has to show up for where do things stand on this resolution now yeah I mean technically Republicans are in the right on this if Congress sends a subpoena to someone you're supposed to show up and technically it's up to the majority whoever is in power.

To say if they want this hearing to be in public or do they want it to be in private it's not up to the person they've subpoena to actually pick how they want to testify or whether they want to testify at all I do think Democrats you know they do have a a fair point here in that a lot of times when testimony happens behind closed doors we.

See little bits of cherry-picked items that are sort of released to the Press leaked to the media and the side that's doing the leaking will often try to spin it in a way that makes that witness look bad we saw this over and over again happen during the Trump years when a lot of the impeachment Witnesses were initially testifying behind closed doors.

Which again leads us to another point back a few years ago Democrats were very much in favor favor of having Witnesses testify behind closed doors before they testified publicly and they were very much on a high horse uh blasting the Trump uh Administration for not basically keeping people from showing up when they were subpoenaed so now you're.

Seeing the shoe on the other foot Republicans who had defended the Trump Administration for years uh when they had ignored Democratic subpoenas are now saying sepas are sacred and that people need to to show up and do their Duty whenever Congress calls Diane oh politics in Washington contributing political correspondent Rachel bade.

Thanks Rachel thanks and of course we have a lot of other news to get to as well today here's a rundown right now deadly storm system is slowly moving out of the country after leaving behind flooding and damage along the east coast at least 23 tornadoes are reported in Six States including the Florida Panhandle now another storm is on the.

Move out west and could bring extreme weather from Texas to the Carolinas a new study finds bottled water may contain up to 100 times more microscopic plastic particles than previously thought the National Academy of Sciences says researchers found an average of 240,000 nanoplastics per bottle but scientists aren't sure.

Whether the particles are harmful to our health in a statement an industry trade Association says the study lacks standardized methods back in 2019 the World Health Organization said there isn't enough evidence linking microplastics in water to human health but there's an urgent need for more research and the company Home Medics is.

Recalling nearly 990,000 massage guns Federal officials say the company received 17 reports of overheating including at least one person who is burned the officials fear the massage guns could be a fire hazard the models were sold from 2020 to 2023 if you have one the company says not to use it and to contact them for a full.

Refund and Ecuador's president is declaring a state of emergency amid a wave of violence mostly gang related 13 men now face charges after storming a TV station there with guns during a live broadcast Ecuador has been known as one of South America's most peaceful countries this latest attack is among the most dramatic incidents we've seen.

So far ABC's Matt Rivers has the latest authorities in Ecuador investigating a Brazen attack on a public television station by an apparent armed gang as quote acts of terrorism the massed men see here tying crew members on the floor threatening the staff waving explosives and.

Guns scared staffers inside desperately pleading for their lives the live broadcast rolling for almost 15 minutes before going dark police then surrounding the area arresting more than a dozen gunmen the show's deputy director later saying the attack was quote extremely violent.

This incident one of many acts of violence that occurred after Ecuador declared a state of emergency Monday following The Disappearance of the leader of the notorious Los chono gang from his cell in a guak keil prison and Matt Rivers joins me now from San Antonio Texas with more on this Matt Ecuadorian officials say these 13 men.

Are under arrest and facing charges so what are you hearing about who they are and why they did this yes so they m of a smaller uh group of of criminals a gang there in Ecuador and what the government is saying is that there were some 22 different groups that they've identified as being part of the violence that we saw spread.

Throughout guak Kil Ecuador yesterday and all of this is in response to that state of emergency that was declared it was the leader of that group Los jonos uh that managed to disappear from prison and as a result of that the president makes that uh state of emergency declaration that gives the military in Ecuador the right to do a couple of.

Things including go out on the streets conduct checkpoints but also crucially enter and control Ecuador's prisons and the criminals that have been inside of those prisons for years they've really been controlling organized crime in Ecuador running those groups from inside the prisons if the military goes in the thought being that control would be.

Lessened organized crime would be less efficient and that's why these groups are really reached out branched out uh lashed out yesterday in the way that they did because they're upset over these new rights given to to Ecuador's milit so Matt what is it like in Ecuador right now with this state of emergency in.

Place and this notorious gang leader on the loose I mean there there's no doubt things are tense right now I was texting with a friend whose parents live in guil and what she was telling me is that look it was a tough day for the people of guil yesterday businesses are closed restaurants are closed uh schools were.

Shut down it's a very tense time in Ecuador right now as it would be in any country where the military is out on the streets uh but I think what we saw overnight was that people generally respected the curfew that's been put in place we haven't seen any more uh scenes of violence that we saw play out there yesterday so right now I would call it a.

Tense calm but still you know anything could change all right Matt Rivers thank you and the man who attacked a Las Vegas judge is now charged with attempted murder battery and extortion charges he appeared in front of the same judge in court on Tuesday and for the first time we're now hearing from the clerk who.

Rushed to save the judge when the defendant jumped over the bench ABC News live anchor Kana Whitworth has more he's being hailed a hero 27-year-old law clerk Michael lasso credited with saving a Las Vegas judge from a vicious courtroom attack is speaking out for the first time it's just something you don't usually see in.

Court you see you see some crazy things but you know nothing like this l so scene in the now viral video pulling the 6 foot 190lb defendant Debra Ren off judge Mary K hus as authorities say he was punching her hitting her with an unknown object and pulling out her hair I just thought when he first hopped over that desk he.

Was going for the door and when he didn't go for the door and instead he starts charging at the judge I was just in shock and I just reacted lasso quickly springing into action last week I don't even want to think about what would have happened if I wasn't there once situation was handled I I immediately went over to her and went to.

Go check on her just make sure she was okay judge hus describing the defendant as big strong and angry in the arrest report what did that judicial bench look like in the aftermath on the aftermath it was a bloody scene um there was just blood everywhere injured but recovering judge Hol is returning to the courtroom face to face with her attacker but this.

Time the defendant surrounded by officers seen Shackled wearing a spit mask and protective Ms sentenced to up to 4 years in prison for his original case hello are you Mr R on Tuesday the 30-year-old whose family says has a history of mental illness stood in front of a different judge answering to attempted murder battery and extortion.

Charges among others do you understand these charges yes I understand and Diane officials in Las Vegas are looking at the possibility of adding more security Personnel judge h had a single Court Marshal with her and he needed 25 stitches in his head after that attack Diane all right Kana Whitworth thank you and US District.

Court Judge Esther Salas knows about the threats to judges All Too Well her son Daniel was murdered at their home by a gunman who was targeting her back in 2020 since then judge Salis has been on a mission to honor her son's Life and Legacy earlier on GMA she spoke exclusively with our Robin Roberts last time we spoke uh you were try to make.

Daniel's law a a federal case and going before Congress it passed did it passed so talk a little bit more about Daniel's law what more can be done I mean listen Daniel the Daniel Andel Act is great it's a solid step in the right direction but it protects federal judges we need to focus on all judges at every level State local judges there are over 30,000.

Of them there's so many states and US Territories that don't have any laws protecting judicial officers we need to change that state by State we need to approach it Maryland is the start Wisconsin where judge RoR was we need to pass laws in these states to protect all judges our democracy you know counts on judicial officers feeling safe to do our.

Jobs our thanks to Robin Roberts and just Ester Salas for that coming up Reproductive Rights opioids and gun violence we'll take a look at some of the big issues in the 2024 elections also ahead a retail Revolution how walm Walmart is using using artificial intelligence to change the way you.

Shop we have really good congratulations your I was terrified it was just so traumatic nightmare people need to understand these were wanted babies 18 women facing life and death medical conditions their lives now out of their control I felt like I was going to die our lives and our health are debatable I wouldn't wish.

This upon my worst enemy Diane Sawyer Rachel Scott on the brink now streaming on Hulu welcome back Baywatch and Charles in Charge star Nicole Edgard is opening up about her new breast cancer diagnosis the star is now issuing a warning for others about how she missed the early warning signs herself Eva Pilgrim has.

More have a Dayco Edgar known for her roles in Charles in Charge you know the usual dinner a movie and a Dozen Roses will be fine and Baywatch oh you better be careful he's right there in Tower 15 is opening up about her battle with breast cancer so I have a little bit of a bomb to drop the actress revealing her journey to diagnosis on her podcast.

Perfectly Twisted I started having a lot of pain on my left side and it was really hurting so I did an exam and I found something after a mammogram and multiple biopsies the actress tells People magazine she was eventually diagnosed in December with invasive CRI reform carcinoma a rare type of invasive cancer that accounts for just 3 to 6% of.

All breast cancer diagnoses this breast cancer isn't likely to be one that is extremely aggressive or grows very rapidly it is associated with a high chance of cure and less of a chance of it occurring outside of the breast with appropriate treatment Edgard saying I have panics where I'm like just get this out of me telling people the next.

Step is surgery you sit there and it's in you and you're like every second that passes and it's inside of me it's growing the 51-year-old says her first symptoms were a rapid 25lb weight gain over 3 months and terrible pain in her breast which she initially attributed to menopause if there's a persistent change in the breast as she was explaining.

Meaning that she had swelling and pain in the breast that was not going away that should prompt a woman to go seek out the medical attention of her doctors in order to get a workup as soon as possible the single mom of two says she's fighting to be there for her daughters 25-year-old Dylan and especially her youngest 12-year-old.

Keegan there's no being depressed there's no laying around there's like it's like enjoy right now today keep positive and Nicole says after after she found the lump it took her a month to get an appointment for a mammogram a good reminder for us all not to wait if something doesn't feel right and to take that appointment even when it doesn't.

Happen right away Diane all right Eva Pilgrim thank you and it is time now for Pell like it is where Dr Lo Patel sh some health advice on the topics that matter most to you and today we're actually talking about Healthcare in the 2024 election here's Dr Batel with what you need to know about the health issues on the.

Ballot Healthcare is a big election 2024 topic for example this is the first presidential election we're going to have since Ro versus Wade was overturned and we've heard multiple stories in which restrictions on abortions have affected women especially those in highrisk pregnancies Reproductive Rights are on the ballot America also spends.

More on Healthcare than any other high income country and we're the only one to not guarantee healthc care coverage with that Healthcare affordability drug pricing access to Medicare and Medicaid are also on the ballot and there's more one in five Americans has a mental illness drug overdoses especially from opioids claimed over a 100,000 lives in.

2021 and gun violence is the leading cause of death in children so Mental Health Care gun violence and the opioid crisis are also topics that presidential candidates should address from who we vote into the White House to who we choose to represent our neighborhoods exercising our civic duty plays a part in how we address and uphold Public.

Health do research think about yourself your friends your family your community and vote like your health and public health depends on it because it kind of does and Dr Lo Batel joins me now for more on this along with ABC News senior National policy reporter an flarity Dr Patel in your video you say America spends more on health care per capita.

Than any other high income country but the US is the only one not to guarantee health coverage why is that and how does that affect the average American if we don't have universal healthcare why are costs so high I wish I had a simple answer Diane to explain about why our cost were so high but the reality is that this is.

Something that voters the average American should pay attention to in researching their candidate who is governing their state where they live I mean the mere fact is according to the centers for Medicare and Medicaid the United States spent about $113,000 per person on healthare which is $5,000 more than the other average high income.

Country and we still have about 20 to 30 million insured or underinsured Americans which leads to poorer outcomes when it comes to treating long-term or chronic illnesses and some of these terms are confusing for the average person including expansion of Medicare and Medicaid and Marketplace subsidies but the mere fact is is that people.

Should really look at what is happening to their health insurance coverage as they're making decisions about who to vote for and how are you seeing the presidential candidates tackling Healthcare on the campaign Trail to talk about inflation and that's the issue that is top of mine for so many voters uh but of course people.

Forget that Healthcare is tied to that along with Rising prices Healthcare gets more expensive we saw in a recent poll from kff the uh nonprofit that 80% of Voters see this as a topof mind issue the cost of healthcare now Trump and danta say that they want to revisit Obamacare um and then of course abortion is the other issue that's coming along U.

That people are talking about that's a major issue a lot of the candidates not really talking about that sort of dancing around it along with Obamacare we're not getting a lot of the details on how they want to actually change things so Dr Patel how can we be well informed on these issues when they're at the center of the conversation like this.

Because we are not all medical experts you know and it doesn't take a medical expert to actually go and look online and research the healthcare topics that candidates are discussing or to go and look to see what their stances are on anything that's related to healthcare policy public Health and Science in general as an mentioned.

Reproductive Rights are a big topic and there right now in the United States are two about two million women who live in areas where there is no access to abortion and no maternity care that directly affects people's people's Health their ability to live a productive long healthy life and there's also topics such as mental healthare gun.

Violence drug pricing cancer research maternity care Child Care there's so many topics out there that people may forget about that directly involve both this dance of politics and Healthcare so I encourage everyone out there from a nonpartisan stance just to do your research and research all these topics and how it affects you and your family.

Your community and what are the biggest Healthcare topics in the Battleground States now so the states I'm going to be looking at are states like Arizona um that they're going to have abortion on the ballot next year that could drive out voters but also States like Georgia this is a Battleground state that could really make a difference in the.

Presidential election but it's also about the state houses both of of their houses are up for election or up for grabs uh with control and it's these State houses that are passing laws that that apply to things like healthc care abortion um all these things are that are related to healthc care so you know I think voters do have uh all of these.

Issues in mind when they're going to the polls and I think that's going to make a big difference in some of these Battleground States all right ABC's medical contributor Dr Lo Batel senior National policy reporter and flarity thank you and Dr Patel is as always taking your questions leave a message on our Instagram feed ABC News live and he.

Might answer your question right here on Friday coming up baby Yoda is headed to the big screen will G has the out of the this world tea plus why he's matching his cinnabun and the selfie why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the now and get a.

Different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R Murrow Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you.

Get your podcasts start here from an Israeli military position near Gaza I'm James Longman wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live welcome back Walmart says it's planning to use artificial intelligence to create.

A new shopping experience the world's biggest retailer is betting big that AI will reshape how Americans shop online and in stores Elizabeth shelzy has the ABC News exclusive an ABC News exclusive Walmart taking us inside its retail Revolution using artificial intelligence to transform the way we shop at the.

Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas the world's biggest retailer launching new features like the option to virtually shop with friends trying on outfits in its app and instantly getting feedback from those you trust you can also share that with someone else digitally to say do you like this sweater or not I mean my friends might.

Say no more often than say yes Walmart CEO Doug McMillan also touting expanded search capabilities on its site customers can now search for a phrase like football watch party instead of individual items to put in your cart we get to move away from this baby talk search where we're trying to find chips and drinks in a 90in television and say.

How do I prepare a great watch party and it brings back across the top the categories you're looking for and then search serves up a list of items that you can choose to host that great party the feature uses technology from Microsoft which has invested billions of dollars into chat GPT maker open AI it's all about being able to take the techn.

Techology as powerful as it is but translating it into Everyday Use cases are you concerned that the guard rails aren't in place for how quickly this technology is moving the guard rails have to be developed in parallel with the benefits and the use cases so this is not something we think about after the fact between juggling groceries and.

Life sometimes you could really use a little extra help also in the pipeline from Walmart in home replenishment using AI to predict what products you at home then delivering them straight to your fridge or closet there's a Walmart associate that has a onetime code to our garage store they put the perishable food in the refrigerator put the ambient.

Product next to it and we're in stock some people might hear that and say that sounds a little bit like a privacy concern someone has my garage Cod they know it's in my house that makes me a little bit nervous over time I think what people have learned is that if you you're doing business with someone you trust and we can save you time I think.

There'll be more adoption of this over time where we're literally replenishing the things that people want to have in their homes all the time now that updated search function is available now on Apple devices I pressed Walmart CEO on if there will be bumps in the road as some of this new tech is rolled out he said it will get better and smarter as.

Time goes on Diane Elizabeth Shela in Las Vegas thank you and it is time now for the tea where we break down some of the Buzzy stories people are talking about our friend will Gans is here to help us out we'll spill that tea a little Intergalactic tea to start off the morning all right we begin with breaking baby Yoda news from a galaxy.

Far far away the pin-sized star of the Mandalorian is headed to the big screen people our parent company Disney announcing overnight that John favro will direct the Star Wars feature film titled the Mandalorian and grou with production slated to begin this year Fabro who Helms the Mandalorian TV series on Disney plus saying in a.

Statement I have loved telling stories set in the rich world that George Lucas created the pros ECT of bringing the Mandalorian and his Apprentice grou to the big screen is extremely exciting it's the oversized coat on on baby Yoda for me he just I I mean it's kind of a look it's a Vibe and he often has a little teacup of his own so he's a f the.

Tea we're embracing baby Yoda that's right that's right all right next I have been dying to talk about this everybody come closer gather around everyone it's the gossip session seen around the world Selena Gomez spilling the tea during the Golden Globes to Taylor Swift and Kelly teller this video blowing up everywhere look at their faces you know the tea is.

Hot when it looks like that users throwing all kinds of theories at the wall including one on Twitter racking up 61,000 retweets that Selena asked for a photo with Timmy shalam and Kylie Jenner said no she cannot take a picture with him but at long last Selena is setting the record straight the only murder murders in the building star commenting.

On E news's photo writing no I told Taylor about two of my friends who hooked up not that that's anyone's business and of course now everybody wants to know who the friends are right I'm here to say I'm not buying Selena's excuse no zero in one of the videos you can actually hear Kelly teller say with Timothy so unless one of the friends is.

Timmy I don't know see investigative journalism in the tea here you cannot pull one past will Gan that's exactly correct I have spent way too many hours of my evening pouring over the videos but anyway that's what Selena says so we'll take her word for it all right 2024 is shaping up to be a Powerhouse year for pop music it's been 4 years.

Since Lady Gaga dropped chromatica but at long last we might be getting some new music you guys Gaga there's the there's the alert the Gaga alert Gaga sharing two new photos from the music studio captioned with a heart and some music notes emojis meanwhile ktie Perry is also teasing her next chapter telling enus it's time to come out of the Cocoon.

Of sorts to bloom a little no of course to her fi Orlando Bloom no word on when Katie or Gaga will drop their new projects but Ariana Grande has a new single called yes and and that's coming out this Friday a lot of new music coming way Gaga Ariana it feels like it's 2011 again I'm here for it all right and in other musical news the Mean.

Girls movie musical set to hit theaters on Friday and Tina F says she thought sought the advice of some unlikely contributors as she adapted the script for a 2024 audience her two daughters Tina telling e weekly that she asked her 18 and 12-year-old girls should the burn book stay a burn book or should it be a private Instagram account and they're.

Like no no it's a book it's a book and thank God they said that she says she also asked them for casting advice and in other Mean Girls news it's Wednesday that's why I'm wearing pink we also have a sweet treat to celebrate Cinnabon is selling pink cinnamon rolls to celebrate the new film only on Wednesdays of course starting January 17th that's a.

Week from today lasting every Wednesday through February 7th items from the brand including the classic the mini bun the Bon bites the center of the Roll snacks will be available don't judge me these are delicious and I can't wait anymore it's taken every ounce they sent these to us as a little gift free of charge and we're really really grateful.

I have been dying to eat this the reviews are in oh you're eating I'm busy you know how this works come on okay yeah Will Gans thank you thanks for streaming with us everybody I'm Diane M ABC News live is here for you anytime with the latest news context analysis and pink Cinnabons it's Wednesday people we'll be right back so fetch.

To tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the backto back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David.

mure come all give it to me from America's number one news source comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and it can customize to you and your interests if you love being in the know.

You're going to love this experience what all the buzz is about experience the allnew ABC News app download it now I'm Marcus Moore covering the wildfires in Greece wherever the story is we will take you there you're streaming with ABC News live today on ABC News live Hunter.

Biden's surprise appearance on Capitol Hill shocking House Republicans at the hearing to hold him in contempt shouts of coward and the epitome of white privilege from GOP committee members what's next for Hunter and his father's impeachment inquiry we're live at the capital the clock is ticking in Iowa's caucuses Nikki Haley and Ronda santis go.

Head-to-head in the last debate before the state picks its Republican nominee what voters want to hear and which candidate stands to benefit the most the worst thing he's ever encountered in his entire career one surgeon from the UK speaks us speaks to us about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza hear what he says he witnessed and why he was forced.

To flee good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips our top story this hour fireworks on Capitol Hill Hunter Biden making a surprise appearance at the house Committee hearing on whether to hold him in contempt GOP members say he's breaking the law for not showing up at a closed door meeting after they.

Subpoena him boy did that surprise visit cause chaos if the gentle lady wants to hear from Hunter Biden we can hear from him right now Mr chairman let's take a vote and hear from Hunter Biden what are you afraid of hold on hold on order order to let I believe that Hunter Biden should be held completely in contempt I think.

He should be hauled off to jail right now Mr Biden doesn't make the rules we make the rul no that no Mr chairman you make the rules and the rule you made is that he can choose the rule is those were your those were your words we claiming my time the president's son says that he will only testify in a public forum.

Calling the probe illegitimate r j O'Brien is on Capitol Hill with more so Jay this really threw everyone for a loop even the cameras in the hearing room yeah and I mean you know this Kira but there are so few true surprises in Washington DC and certainly so few true surprises on Capitol Hill something that no one really was aware of prior to it.

Happening this is one of those genuine surprises today Hunter Biden's appearance I in essentially the gallery of this hearing uh that was essentially to look at whether or not he should be held in contempt of congress for defying that subpoena and not testifying behind closed doors and instead saying that he would only testify before the house.

House oversight committee part of this ongoing impeachment inquiry into his father uh in a public setting I talked to Democrats on this house oversight committee who told me they had no idea that Biden would be in the room today and certainly per that sound you just played his presence caused some fireworks and you had Republicans saying.

That he was not above the law and Nancy May saying that he was she was speaking directly to Hunter Biden when she was giving her remarks and then Democrats saying to their Republican colleagues Hunter Biden sitting here in the room let's do this or do this testimony rather in a public forum like Hunter Biden wants and Republicans saying that.

They're not going to let Biden dictate the tempo of their ongoing investigation so certainly pandemonium again certainly a surprise but not something that's not going to move the needle one way or the other in terms of Republicans desire to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of congress Kira so Hunter's testimony is tied to the impeachment inquiry into his.

Father President Biden which by the way still has no concrete evidence proving that Biden participated in any wrongdoing so let's just talk about how crucial is this testimony anyway well this was probably the main testimony that House Republicans sought as part of this ongoing inquiry at least as of right now uh and this is the main.

Testimony that they haven't gotten and again they wanted hunter Biden to go behind closed doors in a closed door deposition like every other witness so far in this inquiry has done and be deposed that way that's pretty standard for Congressional investigations starting with a deposition and then potentially moving on to a public.

Hearing Hunter Biden and his allies said that Biden would not be doing that because they didn't want what Hunter Biden said behind those closed doors where there are no cameras to be mischaracterized by lawmakers who were coming out of that room and saying what he said behind those closed doors and that's why Hunter Biden not showing up.

At that scheduled deposition is why we are here now with the possibility of Hunter Biden being held in contempt of congress the next steps are this has to go through these two committees that are considering this issue the house oversight committee and the house Judiciary Committee it then has to be voted on by the House of Representatives.

And only then could it be referred for some kind of judicial action kir all right we'll continue to follow it Jay appreciate it so it is down to the wire in Iowa in the race for the White House now the caucus is just 5 days away voters preparing to cast the first ballots of.

The 2024 election cycle despite some pretty snowy weather tonight Republican hopefuls Nikki Haley and Ronda santis will be the only ones on that debate stage in De Moine making their final pitch to the Iowa voters it comes as a new poll out of New Hampshire shows Nikki Haley actually closing the Gap with front runner Donald Trump former.

President again sitting out tonight's debate counterprogramming with the town hall on Fox News news at the same time our Alex pret once again joins us from De Moine along with 538 gayen duoo so Alex let's just start with you and talk about the energy there in Iowa uh ahead of the debate what's it like what do voters want to hear.

Tonight hey Kier so they're putting the finishing touches on the spin room here as we prepare for this debate between Nikki Haley and Ronda Sanz tonight we actually just got a chance to do a walkthr of that debate stage here at Drake University there'll be about 200 people in attendance but there is a lot of excitement uh leading into tonight.

Particularly because the the race between second and third in this or polling between second and third place here in Iowa is very very close disantis and Haley separated by just a couple of points there and so the stakes here are really high and I can tell you that all week we've been talking to Ian's Iowan Republicans who have said that look at.

At this point they they have a sense of the the the broad General issues and and who they kind of kind of support but this will be a chance tonight will be a chance for them to to dive in on on on that second and third tier of issues we talked to uh one person yesterday who was at a Haley event and you know he was hoping to hear her talk more about.

Climate change and so that could be something that comes up tonight uh and certainly there have been uh folks throughout the week who who have challenged the santis and and wondered you know why hasn't he hit uh president Trump enough but as youve brought this up yes there's a lot of excitement about tonight uh still it's clear that there.

Just two candidates on the stage and you have counterprogramming going on you have a ramaswami who's basically saying that uh people shouldn't watch this debate so uh so that's playing out as well all right so gayen former president Trump still holds a commanding lead over Haley in DeSantis there in Iowa what does that mean for the candidates.

Tonight just lay out what's at stake here yeah it means if they have any chance of winning the Iowa caucus at all they've got a lot of work to do so so just to put some numbers to it Trump is at above 50% in the average of polls right now at about 51% DeSantis as at about 17% and Haley at about 16% and so what they have to do is one of two.

Things one they either have to win support from Trump because he's out of majority right now and that might be difficult to do because he's not on stage or they have to expand the population of Ians who turn out to caucus beyond what it currently is both of those things are going to be really tough I mean when it comes to expanding.

The population of iow who might caucus as you can see from behind me the weather is very snowy it's only going to get colder here so it's not probably the kind of environment where a lot of firsttime caucus goers might Brave the chilly weather and based on polling so far firsttime caucus goers are actually more likely to support Trump than.

Previous caucus goers so they really have their work cut out for them which is take attention away from Trump keep it on them and really Engage The Iowan public so gayen considering the the scale of Trump's lead right now in Iowa how big of an upset uh would it be if things didn't work out for the former president it's an important question.

Cara so right now Trump leads by more than 30 percentage points in the average of polls there has never happened in the history of the modern Iowa caucuses which date back to the 1970s that somebody with this kind of a lead has gone on to lose the Iowa caucuses so at this point it may be a lot about an expectations game does Trump match his.

Polling does he exceed it does he come up short because that could maybe it isn't going to change the dynamic of whether he's on track to win the nomination but it could change how long the primary lasts if this gets truly competitive but I want to put a finer point on this too he's not just leading here in Iowa nationally he's leading by.

50 percentage points or sorry he's leading by about 50 percentage points nationally and on top of that he has higher favorable ratings than Haley and Des santis he has a lot more endorsements I mean Senator John barasso one of the leading Republicans and the Senate endorsed him last night he has a lot of sort of motor going behind him.

Heading into these caucuses so it would be a huge upset at this point if he does not end up winning this primary all right Alex Galen we will be following in washing tonight we'll have full coverage of the Iowa caucuses next Monday as well January 15th right here on ABC News Live Well Boeing's CEO is now acknowledging that the company's.

Mistake uh didn't happen did indeed happen after a cabin door fell out of an Alaska Airlines flight last week and sent it flying midair while a flight was in route the admission comes as we're hearing new details from passengers on that jet now our ABC News Transportation correspondent Gio bonitz has the latest a stark admission from Boeing's.

CEO after that door plug flew off it's Alaska Airline jet at 16,000 ft we're going to approach this number one acknowledging our mistake we are going to approach it with 100% in complete transparency every step of the way CEO Dave Calhoun emotional as he addressed employees Tuesday this stuff.

Matters everything matters every detail matters Boeing says it's now working with the NTSB and FAA to make sure this never happens again the company revising its final inspection protocols to the FAA for those 171 grounded Max 9 jets that have door plugs the FAA is saying they will remain grounded for now and.

That the safety of the flying public not speed will determine the timeline for returning the Boeing 7379 Max to service this as we learn stunning new details about what happened on that Alaska Airlines jet Friday I reach over and held his hands um and we literally thought that we were going to die seun and her 12-year-old son Josiah were.

Sitting in the row right behind the door plug when it flew off taking Josiah's phone and stuffed animal with it you just hear a big boom it was silent for like one second and then you would just feel and hear a lot of air going around freezing cold air and the mother of the 15-year-old who lost his shirt telling the Seattle Times as the air cabin.

Depressurized she saw her son's seat being pulled back toward the hole saying quote I reached over and grabbed his body and pulled him towards me over the armrest I did not realized until after the flight that his clothing had been torn off of his upper body she said it sounded like a bomb exploding also on the plane three babies that were sitting.

On laps and four unaccompanied miners the youngest of which was five and our thanks to Gio for that well much of the country is either cleaning up or drying off off after getting walloped by extreme weather severe wind and even multiple tornadoes touching down in parts of Florida and now we're looking at dangerous snowy conditions in.

The midwest while parts of the Northeast are left reeling from the torrential rain and flooding and we're not done get ready for another round of extreme weather our Samara Theodore has more for us Samar what do you know we are definitely gearing up for another storm making its way in from the Northwest but the storm that we saw over the past few.

Days is now exiting in its wake still leaving behind very strong winds you walk outside in the Northeast this uh this afternoon it's very Breezy out there winds could gust as highs 40 to 50 miles per hour the other thing that it's leaving in its wake elevated uh River flooding so over the next two days 48 hours we anticipate major river flooding.

You have to think we got three inches of rain roughly and then you uh compound that with the melting snow that we saw from the previous storm and that just exacerbated the the rivers there and as a result we we have flooding so what's next Thursday night and Friday night we're gearing up for our next round of severe storms if you live in Little Rock.

Shreport lkin Thursday night you could see damaging winds maybe even a few tornadoes and flash flooding then by Friday from Montgomery Alabama into Columbus Middle Georgia right on up into Columbia South Carolina and parts of North Carolina that is the highest tornado threat that we have there that comes in Friday into Friday evening.

Those nocturnal tornadoes are extremely dangerous and I'll leave you with this Kiera After the Storm goes out to add insults to injury it's going to be cold frigid by January 16th potentially we could be colder in Texas than we are in New York City oh my gosh all right we'll keep talking Samara thank you well coming up they were there to cover the.

Story but they lost their lives trying to tell it dozens of journalists killed in Gaza now human rights groups are demanding accountability whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground.

In Ukraine reporting from Leon main the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey en rolling Fort this torado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from.

Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story.

Is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America America's number one streaming news there are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at Victoria's Secret she did a little.

Christmas shopping headed to her car and then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from Drew shadine how heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand all new 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on.

ABC first thing in the morning there's a lot going on everybody in that home is okay to catch you up with what happened overnight we are here at Fashion's biggest night out what's happening today YouTube has unveiled a new set of policies what people are talking about the new ad campaign fast straightforward with some fun in between a real life.

Barbie Dream House a name change for the Wier mobile first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live glad you're streaming with us well they went to Gaza to cover the war now their deaths have become our story human.

Rights Advocates demanding accountability now as we sadly report on the record number of journalists killed in Israel's war against Hamas our Patrick reel now with his special report on the deadly impact this war is having on our own core Israel's war in Gaza has been extraordinarily deadly for.

journalists at least 79 have been killed in just over 3 months according to the committee to protect journalist highest toll for any conflict since the cpj started collecting records three decades ago the first deaths were of Israeli journalists killed as Hamas rampaged through southern Israel during.

The October 7th attacks then Israel began its military operation in response reuter's photojournalist Isam abdalah among the first killed he was filming with a group of journalists at the Lebanon Israeli border then an Israeli tank fired into them video capturing the.

Moment the tank hitting them a second time six other journalists injured Reuters and f p as well as Human Rights Watch and reporters Without Borders say their investigations show the group were deliberately fired on demanding answers from Israel and we call on Israel to explain how this could have happened and to hold to account those responsible for.

His death the IDF saying it was responding to anti-tank fire in the area and is investigating but the deadliest toll by far for journalists is in Gaza 7 72 killed journalists reporting there as their own lives are upended while D Al jaz's bureau chief has lost several members of his family in Israeli strikes.

Since October including his wife son daughter and Grandson last week his son Hamza also a journalist was killed in an Israeli strike on his car the IDF saying he and two other reporters had looked like terrorists with a drone Hamza Hamza was my Soul D says but this pain won't deter us from continuing in December d himself was.

Injured by an Israeli strike the day after he was back on air again another photo journalist was reportedly killed in Gaza today working for the Palestinian red crescent put simply journalists are being killed at a speed and scale in Gaza right now beyond anything we've seen really in recent conflicts.

KIRO Patrick re appreciate your reporting and from journalists to those that call Gaza home more than 20,000 people have now been killed in this war against Hamas with thousands more people injured and someone who has been there fighting to save lives is a British surgeon who led an emergency medical team in central Gaza Dr Nick mayard says.

That the call to duty was beyond anything he has ever seen in his career Nick joins me now from Oxford so Nick appreciate apprciate you joining us uh I know you are safely uh back home but this assignment uh was by far one of the toughest ones for you I know you were working within aloa Hospital tell us why you had to.

Leave so thank you very much for asking me on your show tonight I had been working in alaxa hospital for for two weeks uh or just under two weeks we were scheduled to be there for two weeks and on Friday at the end of last week week I was operating in this in in one of the operating theaters there on a serious um explosive blast injury to a patient with.

Multiple abdominal injuries and I finished at about quarter to three and came out of the operating theater to hear that there had been a missile attack on the Intensive Care Unit of alaxa hospital and there were rumors of um snipers near the hospital um killing uh uh civilians.

Nearby we went back to our accommodation that night and every evening when we're there we have to our our ground staff Lia with the with Kat which is part of the Israeli Defense Force to check that what the security is like for the following day and um we enter via a deconflict Zone in order to go to Al AXA and we were told that night by Kat that.

The area was no longer deconflict uh meaning that there would be Israeli Ground Forces very close to the hospital and it was no longer safe for anyone to go to the hospital so we were forced to withdraw our services from the hospital uh there was another team from medican s Frontier Hospital Doctors Without Borders who ALS were.

Forced to withdraw and we were therefore not able to complete our twoe mission we had to withdraw for that for that for last weekend and we left Gaza on Monday and it just became too dangerous for you so you mentioned one of your patients in particular there tell me more about your patients and the types of injuries you were treating and also the challenges.

You faced as patients were coming in by the minute so I was working mainly in the in the operating theater uh another couple of colleagues of mine were working in the ER there I was dealing I'm a surgeon that deals with abdominal and and and chest disease I'm mainly a cancer surgeon um but I was obviously dealing.

With exclusively trauma and I was operating on patients with major blast injuries to the abdomen and to the chest in involving damage to the lungs usually by shrapnel but also by bullets and to all the abdominal or orans and they some of these were catastrophic injuries in in terms of volume they were much less than the other injuries that they were.

Seeing in ER which were particularly severe burn injuries and appalling injuries to the limbs many traumatic amputations so the orthopedic surgeons and the plastic and reconstructive surgeons were very busy with those patients um but the the the spectrum of injuries were was really quite appalling and and like nothing I've seen before.

And I did spend some time in the ER when when there wasn't anyone to operate on and some of the burn injuries we were seeing particularly in small children were in indescribably awful let me ask you since you were there uh you know we are reporting over and over again uh that the E the IDF tells us that there are terrorists that.

Are working under these hospitals around these hospitals uh that these hospitals are being targeted because of that did you witness that did you did you see in any way shape or form uh Hamas terrorists operating in around or under your facilities where you were trying to save lives no not at all and I I I've been as.

As you can imagine following this very carefully um since October the 7th I've been talking almost daily uh with colleagues in Gaza that I know well I've been going out to Gaza for nearly 15 years to teach and to treat patients and particularly in sheffa hospital so since October the 7th I've been in close contact with friends and colleagues and.

I am very clear that no credible evidence has been provided at all that these hospitals were being used as Hamas command centers I would stress that I have no idea what's going on in the tunnels underneath Gaza City so cannot comment on that but I can certainly comment on my experience of working in shifa hospital in the past and my.

Current experience in the last two weeks of being in alaxa hospital and there has been no credible evidence that they've been used as Hamas command centers so I would refute that evidence completely Dr Nick Menard so appreciate your time and also all that you did to save the lives espe especially those children all the innocent families that.

Don't deserve what's going on appreciate you your work and you thank you doctor thank you for asking me on your show coming up gunman storm a TV station during a live broadcast in Ecuador we're going to take you there next tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown.

Plus keeping an eye on the backto back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David M it to.

Me me with them Good Vibes on my phone Li everything is so F little bit of just a little bit Brea just a little bit smile little I'm been through the stres on my phone everything is so little bit of sunshine Good Morning America from America's number one news source comes.

The allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and it can customize to you and your interests if you love being in the know you're going to love this experience what all the buzz is about experience the allnew ABC News app download it now ABC News live Prime winner of the Gracie Award for best news program in all of.

Television stream ABC News live Prime with lindsy Davis week nights on ABC News live we have really good congratul your I'm I was terrified it was just so traumatic nightmare people need to understand these were wanted babies 18 women facing life and death medical conditions their lives now out of their control I felt.

Like I was going to die our lives and our health are debatable I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy Diane Sawyer Rachel Scott on the brink now streaming on Hulu reporting from the fton County Georgia Courthouse I'm Reena Roy wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News.

live another top story that we're tracking for you this hour Ecuador's Ecuador's president saying that his country is at War as violence is just sweeping across the country the most Brazen attack seen right here where more than a dozen Mass men with guns stormed a TV station during a live broadcast the.

Violence comes after an apparent prison escape of a notorious gang leader plus dozens of other prisoners connected to criminal organizations the president is calling it an act of terrorism adding that more than 130 prison staff are now being held hostage by drug gangs thanks for streaming with us I'm Kira Phillips the news never stops.

Neither do we we'll be right back more news on the other side why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast.

Honored with four Edward R Murrow Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here from America's number one news comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news.

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You I hug you yes so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do he guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the backto back storms threatening.

Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David mure what's good to watch read where can I get a great deal on what I'm just dying to buy oh it's all right here GMA life get the latest celebrity Buzz Deals and Steals and the coolest lifestyle tips from GMA I love that so much streaming weekends.

On ABC News live right now there's just so much happening in our world so much at stake at the start of every morning making sense of it all that's not always so easy and that's where we come in Good Morning America we want you to know every morning we're right here and we got you ABC News America's number one news source.

today on ABC News live Hunter Biden's surprise appearance on Capitol Hill shocking House Republicans at the hearing to hold him in contempt shouts of coward and the epitome of white privilege from GOP committee members what's next for Hunter and his father's impeachment inquiry we're live at the.

Capital the clock is ticking in Iowa's caucuses Nikki Haley and Ronda santis go head-to-head in the last debate before the state picks its Republican nominee what voters want to hear and which candidate stands to benefit the most the worst thing he's ever encountered in his entire career one surgeon from the UK speaks us speaks to us about the.

Humanitarian crisis in Gaza hear what he says he witnessed and why he was forced to flee good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips our top story this hour fireworks on Capitol Hill Hunter Biden making a surprise appearance at that house Committee hearing on whether to hold him in contempt GOP members say.

He's breaking the law for not showing up at a closed door meeting after they subpoena him boy did that surprise visit cause chaos if the gentle lady wants to hear from Hunter Biden we can hear from him right now Mr chairman let's take a vote and hear from Hunter bid what are you afraid speak on order will to let I.

Believe that Hunter Biden should be held completely in contempt I think he should be hauled off to jail right now Mr Biden doesn't make the rules rules we make the r no no Mr chairman you make the rules and the rule you made is that he can choose the rule is those were your those were your words we're claiming my time the president's son says that he.

Will only testify in a public forum calling the probe illegitimate our J O'Brien is on Capitol Hill with more so Jay this really threw everyone for a loop even the cameras in the hearing room yeah and I mean you know this Kira but there are so few true surprises in Washington DC and certainly so few true surprises on Capitol Hill something that.

No one really was aware of prior to it happening this is one of those genuine surprises today Hunter Biden's appearance I in essentially the gallery of this hearing uh that was essentially to look at whether or not he should be held in contempt of congress for defying that subpoena and not testifying behind closed doors and instead saying that he.

Would only testify before the house oversight committee part of this ongoing impeachment inquiry into his father uh in a public setting I talked to Democrats on this house oversight committee who told me they had no idea that Biden would be in the room today and certainly per that sound you just played his presence caused some.

Fireworks and you had Republicans saying that he was not above the law and Nancy May saying that he was she was speaking directly to Hunter Biden when she was giving her remarks and then Democrats saying to their Republican colleagues Hunter Biden sitting here in the room let's do this deposit or let's do this testimony rather in a public forum like.

H Biden wants and Republicans saying that they're not going to let Biden dictate the tempo of their ongoing investigation so certainly pandemonium again certainly a surprise but not something that's not going to move the needle one way or the other in terms of Republicans desire to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of congress Kira so Hunter's.

Testimony is tied to the impeachment inquiry into his father President Biden which by the way still has no concrete evidence proving that Biden participated in any wrongdoing so let's just talk about how crucial is this testimony anyway well this was probably the main testimony that House Republicans sought as part of this ongoing inquiry at least.

As of right now uh and this is the main testimony that they haven't gotten and again they wanted hunter Biden to go behind closed doors in a closed door deposition like every other witness so far in this inquiry has done and be deposed that way that's pretty standard for Congressional investigations starting with a deposition and then po.

Po moving on to a public hearing Hunter Biden and his allies said that Biden would not be doing that because they didn't want what Hunter Biden said behind those closed doors where there are no cameras to be mischaracterized by lawmakers who were coming out of that room and saying what he said behind those closed doors and that's why Hunter.

Biden not showing up at that scheduled deposition is why we are here now with the possibility of Hunter Biden being held in contempt of congress the next steps are this has to go through the these two committees that are considering this issue the house oversight committee and the house Judiciary Committee it then has to be.

Voted on by the House of Representatives and only then could it be referred for some kind of judicial action K all right we'll continue to follow it Jay appreciate it so it is down to the wire in Iowa in the race for the White House now the caucus is just 5 days away voters.

Preparing to cast the first ballots of the 2024 election cycle despite some pretty snowy weather tonight Republican hopefuls Nikki Haley and Ronda santus will be the only ones on that debate stage in De Moine making their final pitch to the Iowa voters it comes as a new poll out of New Hampshire shows Nikki Haley actually closing the Gap.

With front runner Donald Trump former president again sitting out tonight's debate counterprogramming with the town hall on Fox News at the same time our Alex pret once again joins us from De MO along with 538 gayen Duo so Alex let's just start with you and talk about the energy there in Iowa uh ahead of the debate what's it like what do voters.

Want to hear tonight hey K so they're putting the finishing touches on the spin room here as we prepare for this debate between Nikki Haley and Ronda Sanz tonight we actually just got a chance to do a walkth through of that debate stage here at Drake University there'll be about 200 people in attendance but there is a.

Lot of excitement uh leading into tonight particularly because the the race between second and third in this or polling between second and third place here in Iowa is very very close des santis and Haley separated by just a couple of points there and so the stakes here are really high and I can tell you that all week we've been talking to.

Iowans Ian Republicans who have said that look at at this point they they have a sense of the the broad General issues and and who they kind of kind of support but this will be a chance tonight will be a chance for them to to dive in on on on that second and third tier of issues we talked to uh one person yesterday who was at a Haley.

Event and you know he was hoping to hear her talk more about climate change and so that could be something that comes up tonight uh and certainly there have been uh folks throughout the week who who have challenged the santis and and wondered you know why hasn't he hit uh president Trump enough but as you've brought this up yes there's a lot of.

Excitement about tonight uh still it's clear that there just two candidates on the stage and you have counterprogramming going on you have a ramaswami Who who was basically saying uh that uh people shouldn't watch this debate so uh so that's playing out as well all right so gayen former president Trump still holds a commanding lead over.

Haley and DeSantis there in Iowa what does that mean for the candidates tonight just lay out what's at stake here yeah it means if they have any chance of winning the Iowa caucus at all they've got a lot of work to do so just to put some numbers to it Trump is at above 50% in the average of polls right now at about 51% DeSantis has at about.

17% and Haley at about 16% and so what they have to do is one of two things one they either have to win support from Trump because he's out of majority right now and that might be difficult to do because he's not on stage or they have to expand the population of Ians who turn out to caucus beyond what it currently is both of those things are.

Going to be really tough I mean when it comes to expanding the population of I who might caucus as you can see from behind me the weather is very snowy it's only going to get colder here so it's not probably the kind of environment where a lot of firsttime caucus goers might Brave the chilly weather and based on polling so far firsttime caucus goers.

Are actually more likely to support Trump than previous caucus goers so they really have their work cut out for them which is take attention away from Trump keep it on them and really engage the Ian public so gayen considering the the scale of Trump's lead right now in Iowa how big of an upset uh would it be if.

Things didn't work out for the former president it's an important question Cara so right now Trump leads by more than 30 percentage points in the average of polls there has never happened in the history of the modern Iowa caucuses which date back to the 1970s that somebody with this kind of a lead has gone on to lose the Iowa caucuses so at.

This point it may be a lot of about an expectations game does Trump match his polling does he exceed it does he come up short because that could maybe it isn't going to change the dynamic of whether he's on track to win the nomination but it could change how long the primary lasts if this gets truly competitive but I want to put a finer.

Point on this too he's not just leading here in Iowa nationally he's leading by 50 percentage points or sorry he's leading by about 50 percentage points nationally and on top of that he has higher favorable ratings than Haley and de santis he has a lot more endorsements I mean Senator John barasso one of the leading Republicans in the Senate.

Endorsed him last night he has a lot of sort of motor going behind him heading into these caucuses so it would be a huge upset at this point if he does not end up winning this primary all right Alex Galen we will be following in washing tonight we'll have full coverage of the Iowa caucuses next Monday as well January 15th right here.

On ABC News Live Well Boeing CEO is now ackn ing that the company's mistake uh didn't happen did indeed happen after a cabin door fell out of an Alaska Airlines flight last week and sent it flying midair while a flight was in route the admission comes as we're hearing new details from passengers on that jet now our ABC News Transportation.

Correspondent Gio bonitz has the latest a stark admission from Boeing CEO after that door plug flew off its Alaska Airline jet at 16,000 ft we're going to approach this number one acknowledging our mistake we are going to approach it with 100% And complete transparency every step of the way CEO Dave Calhoun.

Emotional as he addressed employees Tuesday this stuff matters everything matters every detail matters Boeing says it's now working with the NTSB and FAA to make sure this never happens again the company revising it's final inspection protocols to the FAA for those 171 grounded max9 jets.

That have door plugs the FAA saying they will remain grounded for now and that the safety of the flying public not speed will determine the timeline for returning the Boeing 7379 Max to service this as we learn stunning new details about what happened on that Alaska Airlines jet Friday I reach over and held his hands um and we literally.

Thought that we were going to die seun and her 12-year-old son Josiah were sitting in the row right behind the door plug when it flew off taking Josiah's phone and stuffed animal with it you would just hear a big boom it was silent for like one second and then you would just feel and hear a lot of air going around freezing cold air and the mother.

Of the 15-year-old who lost his shirt telling the Seattle Times as the air cabin depressurized she saw her son's seat being pulled back toward the hole saying quote I reached over grabbed his body and pulled him towards me over the armrest I did not realize until after the flight that his clothing had been torn off of his upper body she said it.

Sounded like a bomb exploding also on the plane three babies that were sitting on laps and four unaccompanied miners the youngest of which was five and our thanks to Gio for that well much of the country is either cleaning up or drying off after getting walloped by extreme weather severe wind and even multiple tornadoes touching down in.

Parts of Florida and now we're looking at dangerous snowy conditions in the midwest while parts of the Northeast are left reeling from the torrential rain and flooding and we're not done get ready for another round of extreme weather our Samara Theodore has more for us Samar what do you know we are definitely gearing up for another storm.

Making its way in from the Northwest but the storm that we saw over the past few days is now exiting in its wake still leaving behind very strong winds you walk outside in the North East this uh this afternoon it's very Breezy out there winds could gust as high as 40 to 50 mph the other thing that it's leaving in its wake elevated uh River flooding.

So over the next two days 48 hours we anticipate major river flooding you have to think we got three inches of rain roughly and then you uh compound that with the melting snow that we saw from the previous storm and that just exacerbated the the rivers there and as a result we have flooding so what's next Thursday night and Friday night we're.

Gearing up for our next round of severe storms if you live in Little Rock shreport lkin Thursday night you could see damaging winds maybe even a few tornadoes and flash flooding then by Friday from Montgomery Alabama into Columbus Middle Georgia right on up into Columbia South Carolina and parts of North Carolina that is the highest.

Tornado threat that we have there that comes in Friday into Friday evening those nocturnal tornadoes are extremely dangerous and I'll leave you with this kierum after the storm goes out to add insults to injury it's gonna be cold frigid by January 16th potentially we could be colder in Texas than we are in New York City oh my gosh all right we'll.

Keep talking Samara thank you well coming up they were there to cover the story but they lost their lives trying to tell it dozens of journalists killed in Gaza now human rights groups are demanding accountability tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the.

Countdown plus keeping an eye on the backto back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David mure get ready America every Friday the.

Hottest Trends Styles and must have what's the right stuff to buy right now I really love that it's time to buy the right stuff yes and save big time too The Right Stuff Fridays on GMA you're going to love it from America's number one news comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and customizable to your.

Interests if you love being in the no you're going to love this experience the allnew ABC News app download it now glad you're streaming with us well they went to Gaza to cover the war now their deaths have become our story human rights Advocates demanding.

Accountability now as we sadly report on the record number of journalists killed in Israel's war against Hamas our Patrick reel now with his special report on the deadly impact this war is having on our own press Corp Israel's war in Gaza has been extraordinarily deadly for.

journalists at least 79 have been killed in just over three months according to the committee to protect journalists highest toll for any conflict since the cpj started collecting records three decades ago the first deaths were of Israeli journalists killed as Hamas Rampage through southern.

Israel during the October 7th attacks then Israel began its military operation in response reuter's photojournalist Isam abdalah among the first killed he was filming with a group of journalists at the Lebanon Israeli border then an Israeli tank fired into them video capturing the moment the tank hitting them a second.

Time six other journalists injured Reuters and AFP as well as Human Rights Watch and reporters Without Borders say their investigations show the group were deliberately fired on demanding answers from Israel and we call on Israel to explain how this could have happened and to hold to account those responsible for his death the IDF saying it was.

Responding to anti-tank fire in the area and is investigating but the deadliest toll by far for journalists is in Gaza 72 killed journalists reporting there as their own lives are upended while Dadu alzer's bureau chief has lost several members of his family in Israeli strikes since October including his wife son.

Daughter and Grandson last week his son Hamza also a journalist was killed in an Israeli strike on his car the IDF saying he and two other reporters had looked like terrorists with a drone Hamza was my soul Dadu says but this pain won't deter us from continuing in December duu himself was injured by an Israeli.

Strike the day after he was back on air again another photo journalist was reportedly killed in Gaza today working for the Palestinian red crescent put simply journalists are being killed at a speed and scale in Gaza right now beyond anything we've seen really in recent conflicts Kira Patrick re will appreciate your.

Reporting and from journalists to those that call go a home more than 20,000 people have now been killed in this war against Hamas with thousands more people injured and someone who has been there fighting to save lives is a British surgeon who led an emergency medical team in central Gaza Dr Nick mayard says that the call to duty was beyond.

Anything he has ever seen in his career Nick joins me now from Oxford so Nick appreciate you joining us uh I know you are safely uh back home but this assignment uh was by far one of the toughest ones for you I know you were working within alaxa Hospital tell us why you had to leave so thank you very much for asking.

Me on your show tonight I had been working in alaxa hospital for for two weeks uh or just under two weeks we were scheduled to be there for two weeks and on Friday at the end of last week I was operating in the in in one of the operating theat is there on a serious um explosive blast injury to a patient with.

Multiple abdominal injuries and I finished at about quarter to three and came out of the operating theater to hear that there had been a missile attack on the Intensive Care Unit of alaxa hospital and there were rumors of um snipers near the hospital um killing uh uh civilians.

Nearby we went back to our accommodation that night and every evening when we're there we have to our our ground staff liaz with the with Kat which is part of the Israeli Defense Force to check that what the security is like for the following day and um we enter via a DEC conflicted Zone in order to go to alaxa and we were told that night by Kat that.

The area was no longer deconflict uh meaning that there would be Israeli Ground Forces very close to the hospital and it was no longer safe for anyone to go to the hospital so we were forced to withdraw our services from the hospital uh there was another team from medican s Frontier Hospital uh Doctors Without Borders who also were.

Forced to withdraw and we were therefore not able to complete our twoe mission we had to withdraw for that for that for last weekend and we left Gaza on Monday and it just became too dangerous for you so you mentioned one of your patients in particular there tell me more about your patients and the types of injuries you were treating and also the challenges.

You faced as patients were coming in by the minute so I was working mainly in the in the operating theater uh another another couple of colleagues of mine were working in the ER there I was dealing I'm a surgeon that deals with abdominal and and and chest disease I'm mainly a cancer surgeon um but I was obviously.

Dealing with exclusively trauma and I was operating on patients with major blast injuries to the abdomen and to the chest involving damage to the lungs usually by shrapnel but also by bullets and to all the abdominal organs and they some of these were catastrophic injuries IES in in terms of volume they were much less than the other injuries that they.

Were seeing in ER which were particularly severe burn injuries and appalling injuries to the limbs many traumatic amputations so the orthopedic surgeons and the plastic and reconstructive surgeons were very busy with those patients um but the the the spectrum of injuries was really quite appalling and and like nothing I've seen.

Before and I did spend some time in the ER uh when when there wasn't anyone to operate on and some of the burn injuries we were seeing particularly in small children were in indescribably awful let me ask you since you were there um you know we are reporting over and over again uh that the the IDF tells.

Us that there are terrorists that are working under these hospitals around these hospitals uh that these hospitals are being uh targeted because of that did you witness that did you did you see in any way shape or form uh Hamas terrorists operating in around or under your facilities where you were trying to save.

Lives no not at all and I I I've been as as you can imagine following this very carefully um since October the 7th I've been talking almost daily uh with colleagues in Gaza that I know well I've been going out to Gaza for nearly 15 years to teach and to treat patients and particularly in Shea hospital so since October the 7th I've been in close.

Contact with friends and colleagues and I am very clear that no credible evidence has been provided at all that these hospitals were being used as Hamas command centers I would stress that I have no idea what's going on in the tunnels underneath Gaza City so cannot comment on that but I can certainly comment on my experience of working in.

Shifa hospital in the past and my current experience in the last two weeks of being in alaxa hospital and there has been no credible evidence that they've been used as Hamas command centers so I would refute that evidence completely Dr Nick Menard so appreciate your time and also all that you did to save the lives especially those children.

All the innocent families that don't deserve what's going on appreciate you your work and you thank you doctor thank you for asking me on your show coming up gunman storm a TV station during a live broadcast in Ecuador we're going to take you there next this is ABC News live the crush of.

Families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital Destructor C Force St you're along I Boston is in the Bulls let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news any time anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline.

America's number one streaming news why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it.

A news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here ABC News live Prime winner of the Gracie Award for best news program in all of Television stream ABC News live Prime with lindsy Davis week nights on ABC.

News live you're watching America's number one streaming news keep streaming with ABC News live reporting from vade in Mississippi I'm Phil Lipoff wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live another top story that we're.

Tracking for you this hour Ecuador's Ecuador's president saying that his country is at War as violent Ence is just sweeping across the country the most Brazen attack seen right here were more than a dozen Mass men with guns stormed a TV station during a live broadcast the violence comes after an apparent prison escape of a notorious.

Gang leader plus dozens of other prisoners connected to criminal organizations the president is calling it an act of terrorism adding that more than 130 prison staff are now being held hostage by drug gangs thanks for streaming with us I'm Kira Phillips the news never stops neither do we we'll be right back more.

News on the other side tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the back-to- back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David.

mure come give it all to me give it to me there are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at Victoria's Secret she did a little Christmas shopping headed to her.

Car and then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from Drew shadine how heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand all new 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on.

ABC we really good congrulations I was terrified it was just so traumatic nightmare people need to understand these were wanted babies 18 women facing life and death medical conditions their lives now out of their control I felt like I was going to die our lives and our health are debatable I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy Diane Sawyer.

Rachel Scott on the brink now streaming on Hulu from America's number one news source comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and it can customize to you and your interests if you love being in the know you're going to love this experience what all the buzz is about.

Experience the allnew ABC News app download it now reporting from moral Lago in Florida I'm Jay O'Brien wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live today on ABC News live GOP committee members shouting coward and white privilege as Hunter Biden makes a.

Surprise appearance at his Congressional contempt hearing what's next for Hunter and the impeachment inquiry into his father president President Biden the clock now ticking to I was caucus say Nikki Haley and Ronda santis going head-to-head in the last debate before the state picks its Republican nominee what voters want to hear and which.

Candidate stands to benefit the most armed gunmen storm a news station during a live broadcast now Ecuador's President says his country is at War we'll take you there good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips our top story this hour those fireworks on Capitol Hill Hunter Biden making this surprise appearance at the.

House Committee hearing on whether to hold him in contempt GOP members saying that he was breaking the law for not showing up to a closed door meeting after they subpoenaed him then he appeared and boy did that surprise visit cause chaos if the general lady wants to hear from Hunter Biden we can hear from him.

Right now Mr chairman let's take a vote and hear from Hunter Biden what are you afraid of hold on hold on order will to I believe that Hunter Biden should be held completely in contempt I think he should be called off to jail right now Mr Biden doesn't make the rules we make the rul no that no Mr chairman you make the rules and the rule you made is that.

He can choose those the rule is those were your those were your words we're claiming my time the president's son says that he will only testify in a public forum calling the probe illegitimate let speak our J O'Brien on Capitol Hill also senior investigative correspondent Aaron kerki both of them following all the.

Action up there on the hill Jay uh this was not only a complete shock to committee members but the shocking things that came out of some of their mouths was pretty wild and it opened the floodgates for those clashes right Kira I talked to Democrats on this committee who did not know that Hunter Biden would step into that hearing room earlier.

Today to mark up that resolution that would hold him in contempt of congress Mr Speaker oh that was speaker Johnson walking behind me guys forgive my distraction there um but where was I yes so I talked to Democrats who said that they didn't know that Hunter Biden would would be walking into that room in that hearing that would mark up a resolution.

To hold him in contempt of congress or not um and it open the floodgates for those comments because you heard for instance Nancy ma who got in that tense exchange with Jared mosit of Florida that you played video of it questioned I'm trying to figure out a way to say this on television it questioned Hunter Biden's masculinity at one point and.

Then say that she wanted him held in contempt of congress which was of course the reason of that entire proceeding and then Hunter Biden's allies said that he would only talk to this Committee in a public form and not the kind of private behind closed doors deposition that the committee had sought um and that was the point of contention today you even heard.

Democrats like Jared mosit say we've got him in the room let's have him testify right now and then Jim comr again you played sound of this exchange saying that Hunter Biden was in a sense not going to set the tempo of House Republicans impeachment inquiry into his father and that he would only comply on their terms Kira so you get very rare.

Surprises true surprises here here on Capitol Hill and his presence inside that hearing today was a surprise yeah it sure was and so Aon let's just kind of backtrack a little bit here and talk about where we stand now with H Hunter Biden's legal Saga unlike the the political chaos that you and J described Kira uh his legal case follows more.

Prescribed patterns and tomorrow Hunter Biden is due in a Los Angeles Federal courtroom uh for an arraignment on tax charges that accuse him of failing to pay about $1.4 million in taxes this was brought by a now special counsel the US attorney uh in in Delaware who was given special councel status to investigate Hunter Biden and who in addition to.

Separate gun related charges has accused him uh of of failing to pay taxes Hunter Biden is expected to enter a not-guilty plea during a brief appearance it's unclear whether he will make remarks as he has on Capitol Hill but his lawyer has been trying to dis dismissed these charges saying that they are politically motivated and that they're improper.

Because Hunter Biden not only acknowledged it but uh paid all the money back and so he's trying to get these charges dismissed but this is just the first step in what could be a long prosecution cure yeah and Jay you know this hearing was about holding Hunter Biden in contempt if he is found guilty let's talk about the penalties that he.

Could face and what do you think could this affect his father's impeachment inquiry in any way well and contemp of Congress holds a penalty from anywhere from a month to a year in jail if you're found guilty as well as a monetary fine it doesn't always carry that maximum penalty for instance Steve Bannon when he defied the January 6 committee.

Subpoena uh for example got only about four months in jail if I recall um and he's challenging that right now um but remember that is a ways away here so the way that this process works is that House Republicans on two committees have to refer this resolution to the Full House that that was what that hearing was about today in the house oversight.

Committee the house Judiciary Committee was also marking up as they say this resolution in tandem with the house oversight committee that would then get transmitted to the house for a full vote House Republicans have a slim majority in the house and so if every single Republican Gets behind this the expectation is that it would pass and.

Hunter Biden would then be held in contempt of congress and only then does that trigger the legal and Court proceedings of all of this where a US attorney would have to uh impair a grand jury and have to ask that grand jury whether or not charges should be brought and things of that nature so an ultimate court case over this is a long ways out.

But certainly this is the hardest tensions have gotten between Hunter Biden and the Biden team and House Republicans conducting this impeachment inquiry into the president so far oh was quite the show Jay Aaron thank you gentlemen so the epicenter of the race for the White House is in Iowa right now.

The caucus is just 5 days away and voters there are preparing to cast the first ballots of the 2024 election cycle despite some pretty snowy weather tonight Republican hopefuls Nikki Haley and Rhonda santis will be the only ones on that debate stage in De Moine making their final pitch to Iowa voters and it comes as a new pull out of New Hampshire.

Is actually showing Nikki Haley closing the Gap with front runner Donald Trump former president sitting out tonight's baate debate as usual counterprogramming as usual town hall on Fox News it's kind of a rinse and repeat isn't it our Alex pet joins us now from De Moine along with our Deputy political director Avery Harper so Alex uh what do you think we.

Can expect tonight and how has the weather actually impacted everything I know folks were not quite sure how this was going to uh you know impact who showed up and who didn't yeah absolutely Kira well you you see see them putting uh the final touches on the spin room here as we are anticipating this debate later on this.

Evening uh but I'm expecting some fireworks today I mean we've seen the polling between uh Governor D santis here and Nikki Haley in Iowa they're separated just by a couple of points at this point and so the stakes here are incredibly High you think about all the political Capital that Governor Des Sanz has spent in Iowa uh the money working.

To get those endorsements the endorsement of Governor Kim Reynolds here uh and then also all of the trips he's held more than 130 events uh in the state of Iowa trying to build up that support and so you know there are a lot of people here that are that are that are looking forward to to those two candidates really kind of uh further.

Differentiating themselves and making that closing argument but again you brought up this weather uh we got a chance to talk to a voter take a listen to what he said are you proing next or I thought about it but I don't think I'm going to um.

Republican youp um I've done it before I just uh I don't know is there a candidate that you prefer you hope um I'm leaning towards Trump so two things that stood out to me there them him first saying that he does not necessarily plan to caucus even though he is a republican Kira we are expecting some zero temperatures.

Potentially on caucus night temperatures as low as ne5 wind chills up to -20 in some of the parts of the state and so turnout is going to be key and then at the very end you heard him saying that he still uh he still supports president Trump and listen we know that Trump has about a a 30-point lead here and so you know there are a lot of folks that are.

Saying that like Look Tonight matters certainly but Trump's probably going to run away with this and Avery former president presid Trump still holds a commanding lead over Haley and DeSantis there in Iowa as we just mentioned what do you think this all means for the candidates tonight and who do you see I don't know Haley is at.

Least the one that's been moving much faster than Dan santis on Trump but if you look at just the numbers here and the and the graphics um do you think we could see any surprises right that all remains to be seen it's going to be really interesting to see both Haley and D santis on stage together uh going one-on-one and I think.

That's going to allow for a lot of debate on the issues uh like you mentioned former president Trump is far out ahead of both of them and so in many ways it feels like a race for second place uh but the fact is there are still undecided voters here in Iowa uh and this is their last chance to make that case before Ians go to caucus on.

Monday so Avery Nikki haly has been hesitant to attack Trump outright I mean she's definitely said some things that he'd be danger for dangerous to you know run this country uh but do you think this strategy has worked for her this sort of Fine Line she's played and could we see her maybe go after him a little I don't know in a more tough way.

Tonight I I I don't think that Nikki Haley is much different than any of the other competitors in the field with the exception of former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie uh right now in this current Republican party it is very unpopular uh to be anti-trump and so we've seen Nikki Haley speak about uh former president Donald Trump in a very.

Careful way I I don't think that you should count on seeing Nikki Haley uh go after Trump tonight from the debate stage uh that's something that she just said she's not going to do uh but we do know that she has been gaining momentum not only here in Iowa uh but in New Hampshire as well so it'll be interesting to see how things turn out.

Alex Trump as we have mentioned will be absent from tonight's debate it's what he's doing within all these debates he's going to have counter programming again with this town hall on Fox and apparently he told Fox that he wanted to start at the same time as tonight's debate no surprises in any of that I'm sure it was just a coincidence.

Right now listen at this point there's not a lot of incentive for the former president to share the debate stage with any of these Challengers right I mean he's got a 30-point lead here in Iowa and so you know him being positioned alongside them his campaign is probably figured that it only gives them uh give gives them a way to kind of chip away at.

His lead so I think he's content with with with steering the attention elsewhere all right Alex Avery uh will'll be talking again throughout the day and of course tomorrow and we'll also have full coverage of course of the Iowa caucuses on Monday January 15th right here on ABC News Live Well former president Trump is on his way to Iowa.

Now after watching his lawyers take pretty tough questions from a federal appeals court yesterday Trump's team is arguing that presidential immunity protects him from anything related to the election in January 6 but the judges didn't seem to buy it our chief justice correspondent Pier Thomas has the update for us a dramatic hearing before a three.

Judge app pellet panel addressing a fundamental question whether a president is immune from prosecution for any action taken while in office one of the judges challenging former president Trump's call for complete immunity by raising a stunning hypothetical could a president order Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival that's an.

Official act in order to Seal Team Six Trump's attorney tried to push back he would have to be and would speedily be you know uh uh impeached and convicted before the criminal prosecution the judge refusing to let go I asked you yes no yes or no question could a president who ordered Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival who was not.

Impeached would he be subject to criminal prosecution if he were impeached and convicted first and so your answer is is the prosecution pouncing what kind of world are we living in if As I understood my friend on the other side to say here a president orders his Seal Team to assassinate a political rival.

And resigns for example before an impeachment not a criminal act president sells a pardon resigns or is not impeached not a crime I think that is extraordinarily frightening future and the three judge panel two appointed by president Biden and one by President George Herbert Walker Bush appeared receptive to the special council's claim.

That Trump in trying to block Biden from being certified as president was not acting in an official capacity but on his own personal behalf as a candidate but Trump's attorneys maintained that the prosecutions against him are being used as a political weapon after the hearing Trump raising the Spectre of Violence by his supporters should he.

Lose his legal challenges there'll be bedum in the country it's a very bad thing it's a very bad president as we said it's the opening of a Pandora's Box Trump continued to spew election lies about voed fraud and did not denounce or rule out the potential for violence Kira all right Pier Thomas.

Thank you so much to Ecuador now where a news station and its staff were not only caught off guard but temporarily held captive as 13 armed gunmen stormed the TV station during a live broadcast Ecuador's president saying that his country is now at War declaring a state of emergency amid a wave of violence in a country long known as one of South.

America's most peaceful places our Matt Rivers has more authorities in Ecuador investigating a Brazen attack on a public television station by an apparent armed gang as quote acts of terrorism the massed men seen here tying crew members on the floor threatening the staff waving explosives and guns.

Scared staffers inside desperately pleading for their lives the live broadcast rolling for almost 15 minutes before going dark police then surrounding the area arresting more than a dozen gunmen the show's deputy director later saying the attack was quote extremely violent this incident one of many acts.

Of violence that occurred after Ecuador declared a state of emergency Monday following The Disappearance of the leader of the notorious Los Cho's gang from his cell in a Gua keil prison and cure all of this violence forcing many people in Ecuador to migrate North in fact last year US Customs and Border Protection recording.

More ecuadorians arriving at the US Southwest border than any year prior meanwhile multiple US Airlines cancelling flights to Ecuador today including American Airlines saying it's forced to cancel its flights to guak keil Kira all right Matt Rivers thanks so.

much well they went to Gaza to cover the war now their deaths have become our story human rights Advocates now demanding accountability as we sadly report on the record number of journalists killed in Israel's war against Hamas our Patrick reel now with his special report on the deadly impact.

This war is having on our own press Corps well Israel's war in Gaza has been extraordinarily deadly for journalists at least 79 have been killed in just over 3 months according to the committee to protect journalists the highest TOA any conflict.

Since the cpj started collecting records three decades ago the first deaths were of Israeli journalists killed as Hamas rampaged through southern Israel during the October 7th attacks then Israel began its military operation in response Reuters photojournalist Isam abdala among the first killed he was filming with a group of journalists at.

The Lebanon Israeli border then an Israeli tank fired into them video capturing the moment the tank hitting them a second time six other journalists injured Reuters and AFP as well as Human Rights Watch and Report Without Borders say their investigations show the group were deliberately fired on demanding answers.

From Israel we call on Israel to explain how this could have happened and to hold to account those responsible for his death the IDF saying it was responding to anti-tank fire in the area and is investigating but the deadliest toll by far for journalists is in Gaza 72 killed journalists reporting there as their own lives are upended while ALU.

Alzer's bureau chief has lost several members of his family in Israeli strikes since October including his wife son daughter and Grandson last week his son Hamza also a journalist was killed in an Israeli strike on his car the IDF saying he and two other reporters had looked like terrorists with a drone Hamza was my soul D says but this.

Pain won't deter us from continuing in December duu himself was injured by an Israeli strike the day after he was back on air again another photo journalist was reportedly killed in Gaza today working for the Palestinian red crescent put simply journalists are being killed at a speed and scale in Gaza right now beyond.

Anything we've seen really in recent conflicts KIRO all right Patrick reille thank you so much and coming up parts of the country battered by severe storms as another round of wicked weather heads their way your forecast next whenever news breaks we are here in.

Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fork This Tornado tore.

Through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket.

Line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there your streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news I have a point of contact they're.

Expecting us this our secret world we have do you think we're going to be safe I don't know this is my pen inside that pen is a slice of human brain these are assassinations that people are going to be murdered there's really no telling what some of them will do oh my God it's happening everywhere and anywhere.

wow all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are you I hug you yes so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to.

6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show so much of the country is either cleaning up or drying off after getting walloped by extreme weather severe wind and even multiple tornadoes touching down in parts of Florida and now we're looking at dangerous snowy conditions in the midwest while parts of the Northeast.

Are left reeling all that torrential rain and flooding and guess what we're not done we've got another round of extreme weather headed to exactly where Samar Theodore is going to tell us hey Samara this is another cross country storm and it's coming in from the Northwest we have some time about another 24 hours before it really gets.

Started going but I want to talk about the storm that's leaving you saw the images there at Red havit throughout parts of the South well it's leaving in its wake very Gusty conditions wind gust to 40 50 mph it's been a very breezy day for a lot of folks living in the Northeast the other thing very high Rivers we're looking at major river.

Flooding here over the next 48 hours this comes behind the storm system not only did we see around three inches of rain but we also had the melting snow from the storm prior to that if you remember so as a result we are seeing major river flooding right now so here's the storm Kieran was talking about starts in the Northwest it rides through.

The Rockies in the central portions of the country really becoming more robust on Thursday and Friday and then hitting the I 95 quarter by Friday night so Little Rock sheveport Thursday night be on high alert you all are in for the threat for strong storms maybe a few tornadoes by Friday we see the highest tornado threat stretching from.

Montgomery through Middle Georgia Columbus right on up into Colombia uh mon Charleston and parts of North Carolina there so make sure you have those cell phones on go and the alerts are ready to go because a lot of these tornadoes could be happening after Sunset and then fin finally after that moves out we're looking at really brutal.

Cold sinking in as far south as Texas it's going to start on Saturday and then by Tuesday potentially we could be looking at single digits in Texas even colder than cities like Washington DC and New York Kira all right we'll keep tracking it with you Samara thank you and coming up Boeing CEO breaks his silence his message to shareholders.

After the FAA grounds more than 100 Boeing airplanes this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin's Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 storm you're long I Boston is in the bullseye.

Let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the backto back storms threatening Millions more.

Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David mure come all it to why do so many people start their day.

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live other top headlines we're tracking for you this hour in ABC News live looks like Donald Trump didn't make the judge's deadlines so he will not be allowed to speak at closing arguments in his New York civil fraud trial emails show judge Arthur enron's rescinded permission earlier today after Trump's.

Lawyers Obed to the judge's instructions to limit arguments to what is permissible in court those arguments set for tomorrow in the trial that could cost Trump hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties and strip him of his ability to do business in New York Trump continues to deny all allegations against him investors investigators.

Rather apparently looking into jail house calls made by the man charged in the 1996 Mur murder of rapper Tupac Shakur sources telling ABC news that they're looking further into whether Dwayne keid Davis may have been plotting to harm Witnesses cooperating in the trial prosecutors point to a call that happened back in October between Davis.

And his son which they say they discussed an authorization to kill which caused enough concern that they relocated a witness Davis is accused of ordering the murder of Tupac and the judge is setting his balance $750,000 far higher than what his lawyers had asked for his lawyers asked for him to be placed on house arrest.

Saying he's not a threat and that his health is poor boing CEO says he is devastated after a door fell off in Alaska Airlines flight last week leaving passengers horrified Alaska Airlines has now cancelled all of the 737 max9 flights through at least Saturday that's going to impact more than a 100 flights a day on CNBC though Boeing CEO Dave.

Calhoun says that he was emotional after seeing pictures of that disaster he also says he's confident in Boeing's manufacturing and promised that no 737 max9 planes will fly with unsafe conditions glad you're streaming with us I'm Kira Phillips from breaking news to all the stories that matter to you you can always find us on various streaming.

Services the ABC News app and of course on the news never stops neither de we we'll be right back we have really good congratulations your I was terrified it was just so traumatic nightmare people need to understand these were wanted babies 18 women facing.

Life and death medical conditions their lives now out of their control I felt like I was going to die our lives and our health are debatable I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy Diane Sawyer Rachel Scott on the brink now streaming on Hulu this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee Cent Putin Russia on the ground in.

Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 storm along I Boston is in the bullseye let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one One streaming news first thing in the morning there's.

A lot going on everybody in that home is okay to catch you up with what happened overnight we are here at Fashion's biggest night out what's happening today YouTube has unveiled a new set of policies what people are talking about the new ad campaign fast straightforward with some fun in between a real life Barbie Dream House a name change for the.

Wiener mobile first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live you're watching America's number one streaming news live reporting breaking new exclusives keep streaming with ABC News live today on ABC News live Hunter.

Biden's surprise appearance on Capitol Hill shocking House Republicans at the hearing to hold him in contempt shouts of coward and the epitome of white privilege from GOP committee members what's next for Hunter and his father's impeachment inquiry we're live at the capital the clock is ticking in Iowa's caucuses Nikki Haley and Ronda santis go.

Head-to-head in the last debate before the state picks its Republican nominee what voters want to hear and which candidate stands to benefit the most the worst thing he's ever encountered in his entire career one surgeon from the UK speaks us speaks to us about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza here with he says he witnessed and why he was forced.

To flee good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips our top story this hour fireworks on Capitol Hill Hunter Biden making a surprise appearance at the house Committee hearing on whether to hold him in contempt GOP members say he's breaking the law for not showing up at a closed door meeting after they.

Subpoena him boy did that surprise visit cause chaos if the gentle lady wants to hear from Hunter Biden we can hear from him right now Mr chairman let's take a vote and hear from Hunter Biden what are you afraid to speak hold on hold on order order I believe that Hunter Biden should be held completely in contempt I think.

He should be hauled off to jail right now Mr Biden doesn't make the rules we make the r no no Mr chairman you make the rules and the rule you made is that he can choose the rule is those were your those were your words we're claiming my time the president son says that he will only testify in a public forum calling.

The probe illegitimate our Jay O'Brien is on Capitol Hill with more so Jay this really threw everyone for a loop even the cameras in the hearing room yeah and I mean you know this Kira but there are so few true surprises in Washington DC and certainly so few true surprises on Capitol Hill something that no one really was aware of prior to it.

Happening this is one of those genuine surprises today Hunter Biden's appearance in essentially the gallery of this hearing uh that was essentially to look at whether or not he should be H in contempt of congress for defying that subpoena and not testifying behind closed doors and instead saying that he would only testify before the house.

Oversight committee part of this ongoing impeachment inquiry into his father uh in a public setting I talked to Democrats on this house oversight committee who told me they had no idea that Biden would be in the room today and certainly per that sound you just played his presence caused some fireworks and you had Republicans saying.

That he was not above the law and Nancy May saying that he was she was speaking directly to Hunter Biden when she was giving her remarks and then Democrats saying to their Republican colleagues Hunter Biden sitting here in the room let's do this deposit or do this testimony rather uh in a public forum like Hunter Biden wants and Republicans.

Saying that they're not going to let Biden dictate the tempo of their ongoing investigation so certainly pandemonium again certainly a surprise but not something that's not going to move the needle one way or the other in terms of Republicans desire to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of congress Kira so Hunter's testimony is tied to the impeachment.

Inquiry into his father President Biden which by the way still has no concrete evidence proving that Biden participated in any wrongdoing so let's just talk about how crucial is this testimony anyway well this was probably the main testimony that House Republicans sought as part of this ongoing inquiry at least as of right now uh and this is the main.

Testimony that they haven't gotten and again they wanted hunter Biden to go behind closed doors in a closed door deposition like every other witness so far in this inquiry has done and be deposed that way that's pretty standard for Congressional investigations starting with a deposition and then potentially moving on to a public.

Hearing Hunter Biden and his allies said that Biden would not be doing that because they didn't want what Hunter Biden said behind those closed doors where there are no cameras to be mischaracterized by lawmakers who were coming out of that room and saying what he said behind those closed doors and that's why Hunter Biden not showing up.

At that scheduled deposition is why we are here now with the possibility of Hunter Biden being held in contempt of congress the next steps are this has to go through these two committees that are considering this issue the house oversight committee and the house Judiciary Committee it then has to be voted on by the House of Representatives.

And only then could it be referred for some kind of judicial action K all right we'll continue to follow it Jay appreciate it so it is down to the wire in Iowa in the race for the White House now the caucus is just 5 days away voters preparing to.

Cast the first ballots of the 2024 election cycle despite some pretty snowy weather tonight Republican hopefuls Nikki Haley and Ronda santis will be the only ones on that debate stage in De Moine making their final pitch to the Iowa voters it comes as a new poll out of New Hampshire shows Nikki Haley actually closing the Gap with front.

Runner Donald Trump former president again sitting out tonight's debate counterprogramming with the town hall on Fox News at the same time our Alex pret once again joins us from De Moine along with 538 gayen Duo so Alex let's just start with you and talk about the energy there in Iowa uh ahead of the debate what's it like what do voters want to.

Hear tonight hey Kier so they're putting the finishing touches on the spin room here as we prepare for this debate between Nikki Haley and Ronda Sanz tonight we actually just got a chance to do a walk through of that debate stage here at Drake University there'll be about 200 people in attendance but there is a lot.

Of excitement uh leading into tonight particularly because the the race between second and third in this or polling between second and third place here in Iowa is very very close disantis and Haley separated by just a couple of points there and so the stakes here are really high and I can tell you that all week we've been talking to Ian's Iowan.

Republicans who have said that look at at this point they they have a sense of to the broad General issues and and who they kind of kind of support but this will be a chance tonight will be a chance for them to to dive in on on on that second and third tier of issues we talked to uh one person yesterday who was at a Haley event and you know he was.

Hoping to hear her talk more about climate change and so that could be something that comes up tonight uh and certainly there have been uh folks throughout the week who who have challenged the santis and and wondered you know why hasn't he hit uh president president Trump enough but as you've brought this up yes there's a lot of.

Excitement about tonight uh still it's clear that there just two candidates on the stage and you have counterprogramming going on you have a ramaswami who who's basically saying uh that uh people shouldn't watch this debate so uh so that's playing out as well all right so gayen former president Trump still holds a commanding lead over.

Haley and Dan santis there in Iowa what does that mean for the candidates tonight just lay out what's at stake here yeah it means if they have any chance of winning the Iowa caucus at all they've got a lot of work to do so just to put some numbers to it Trump is at above 50% in the average of polls right now at about 51% Dan santis is at about.

17% and Haley at about 16% and so what they have to do is one of two things one they either have to win support from Trump because he's out of majority right now and that might be difficult to do because he's not on stage or they have to expand the population of Ians who turn out to caucus beyond what it currently is both of those things are.

Going to be really tough I mean when it comes to expanding the population of I to my caucus as you can see from behind me the weather is very snowy it's only going to get colder here so it's not probably the kind of environment where a lot of firsttime caucus goers might Brave the chilly weather and based on polling so far firsttime caucus goers.

Are actually more likely to support Trump than previous caucus goers so they really have their work cut out for them which is take attention away from Trump keep it on them and really engage the Iowan public so gayen considering the the scale of Trump's lead right now in Iowa how big of an upset uh would it be if.

Things didn't work out for the former president it's an important question Cara so right now Trump leads by more than 30 percentage points in the average of polls there has never happened in the history of the modern Iowa caucuses which date back to the 1970s that somebody with this kind of a lead has gone on to lose the Iowa caucuses so at.

This point it may be a lot about an expectations game does Trump match his polling does he exceed it does he come up short because that could maybe it isn't going to change the dynamic of whether he's on track to win the nomination but it could change how long the primary lasts if this gets truly competitive but I want to put a finer.

Point on this too he's not just leading here in Iowa nationally he's leading by 50 percentage points or sorry he's leading by about 50 percent points nationally and on top of that he has higher favorable ratings than Haley and Des santis he has a lot more endorsements I mean Senator John barasso one of the leading Republicans and the.

Senate endorsed him last night he has a lot of sort of motor going behind him heading into these caucuses so it would be a huge upset at this point if he does not end up winning this primary all right Alex Galen we will be following in washing tonight we'll have full coverage of the Iowa caucuses next Monday as well January 15th right here.

On ABC News Live Well Boeing CEO is now acknowledging that the company's mistake uh didn't happen did indeed happen after a cabin door fell out of an Alaska Airlines flight last week and sent it flying midair while the flight was in route the admission comes as we're hearing new details from passengers on that jet now our ABC News transportation.

Correspondent Gio Bonz has the latest a stark admission from Boeing CEO after that door plug flew off its Alaska Airline jet at 16,000 ft we're going to approach this number one acknowledging our mistake we are going to approach it with 100% And complete transparency every step of the way CEO Dave Calhoun.

Emotional as he addressed employees Tuesday this stuff matters everything matters every detail matters Boeing says it's now working with the NTSB and FAA to make sure this never happens again the company revising its final inspection protocols to the FAA for those 171 grounded max9 jets.

That have door plugs the FAA is saying they will remain grounded for now and that the safety of the flying public not speed will determine the timeline for returning the Boeing 7379 Max to service this as we learn stunning new details about what happened on that Alaska Airlines jet Friday I reach over and held his hands um and we literally.

Thought that we were going to die seun and her 12-year-old son Josiah were sitting in the row right behind the door plug when it flew off taking Josiah's phone and stuffed animal with it you just hear a big boom it was silent for like one second and then you would just feel and hear a lot of air going around freezing cold air and the mother of the.

15-year-old who lost his shirt telling the Seattle Times as the air cabin depressurized she saw her son's seat being pulled back toward the hole saying quote I reached over and grabbed his body and pulled him towards me over the armrest I did not realize until after the flight that his clothing had been torn off of his upper body she said it.

Sounded like a bomb exploding also on the plane three babies that were sitting on laps and four unaccompanied miners the youngest of which was five and our thanks to Gio for that well much of the country is either cleaning up or drying off after getting walloped by extreme weather severe wind and even multiple tornadoes touching down in.

Parts of Florida and now we're looking at dangerous snowy conditions in the midwest while parts of the Northeast are left reeling from the torrential rain and flooding and we're not done get ready for another round of extreme weather our Samara Theodore has more for us Samar what do you know we are definitely gearing up for another storm.

Making its way in from the Northwest but the storm that we saw over the past few days is now exiting in its wake still leaving behind very strong winds you walk outside in the Northeast this uh this afternoon it's very Breezy out there winds could gust as high as 40 to 50 miles per hour the other thing that it's leaving in its wake elevated uh.

River flooding so over the next two days 48 hours we anticipate major river flooding you have to think we got three inches of rain roughly and then you compound that with the melting snow that we saw from the previous storm and that just exacerbated the the rivers there and as a result we have flooding so what's next Thursday night and Friday.

Night we're gearing up for our next round of severe storms if you live in Little Rock shreport lkin Thursday night you could see damaging winds maybe even a few tornadoes and flash flooding then by Friday from Montgomery Alabama into Columbus Middle Georgia right on up into Columbia South Carolina and parts of North Carolina that is the highest.

Tornado threat that we have there that comes in Friday into Friday evening those nocturnal tornadoes are extremely dangerous and I'll leave you with this Kiera After the Storm goes out to add insults to injury it's going to be cold frigid by January 16th potentially we could be colder in Texas than we are in New York City oh my gosh all right we'll.

Keep talking Samara thank you well coming up they were there to cover the story but they lost their lives trying to tell it dozens of journalists killed in Gaza now human rights groups are demanding accountability tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the.

Countdown plus keeping an eye on the back-to- back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David mure love give it to me come it.

All give it to me from America's number one news source comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and it can customize to you and your interests if you love being in the know you're going to love this experience what all the buzz is about experience the allnew ABC News app download it now.

ABC News live Prime winner of the Gracie Award for best news program in all of Television stream ABC News live Prime with Lindsey Davis week nights's on ABC News live we really congratulations I was terrified it was just so traumatic nightmare people need to understand.

These were wanted babies 18 women facing life and death medical conditions their lives now out of their control I felt like I was going to die our lives and our health are debatable I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy Diane Sawyer Rachel Scott on the brink now streaming on Hulu ABC News live Prime winner of the Gracie Award for best news program.

In all of Television stream ABC News live Prime with lindsy Davis week nights on ABC News live glad you're streaming with us well they went to Gaza to cover the war now the deaths have become our story human rights Advocates demanding.

Accountability now as we sadly report on the record number of journalists killed in Israel's war against Hamas our Patrick Revel now with his special report on the deadly impact this war is having on our own press Corp Israel's war in Gaza has been extraordinarily deadly for.

Journalists at least 79 n have been killed in just over 3 months according to the committee to protect journalists highest toll for any conflict since the cpj started collecting records three decades ago the first deaths were of Israeli journalists killed as Hamas rampaged through southern Israel during the October 7th.

Attacks then Israel began its military operation in response Reuters photojournalist Isam abdalah among the first killed he was filming with a group of journalists at the Lebanon Israeli border then an Israeli tank fired into them video capturing the moment the tank hitting them a second time six other journalists injured.

Reuters and AFP as well as Human Rights Watch and reporters Without Borders say their investigations show the group were deliberately fired on demanding answers from Israel we call on Israel to EXP explain how this could have happened and to hold to account those responsible for his death the IDF saying it was responding to anti-tank fire in the area.

And is investigating but the deadliest toll by far for journalists is in Gaza 72 killed journalists reporting there as their own lives are upended Wu alzer's bureau chief has lost several members of his family in Israeli strikes since October including his wife son daughter and Grandson last week his son Hamza.

Also a journalist was killed in an Israeli strike on his car the IDF saying he and two other reporters had looked like terrorists with a drone Hamza was my soul D says but this pain won't deter us from continuing in December duu himself was injured by an Israeli strike the day after he was back on air.

Again another photo journalist was reportedly killed in Gaza today working for the Palestinian red crescent put simply journalists are being killed at a speed and scale in Gaza right now beyond anything we've seen really in recent conflicts K Patrick R will appreciate your reporting and from journalists to those.

That call Gaza home more than 20,000 people have now been killed in this war against Hamas with thousands more people injured and someone who has been there there fighting to save lives is a British surgeon who led an emergency medical team in central Gaza Dr Nick mayard says that the call to duty was beyond anything he has ever seen in his.

Career Nick joins me now from Oxford so Nick appreciate you joining us uh I know you are safely uh back home but this assignment uh was by far one of the toughest ones for you I know you were working within aloa Hospital tell us why you had to leave so thank you very much for asking me on your show tonight I had been.

Working in alaxa hospital for for two weeks uh or just under two weeks we were scheduled to be there for two weeks and on Friday at the end of last week I was operating in the in in one of the operating theaters there on a serious um explosive blast injury to a patient who with multiple abdominal injuries and I finished at about quarter to 3 and came.

Out of the operating theater to hear that there had been a missile attack on the Intensive Care Unit of alaxa hospital and there were rumors of um snipers near the hospital um killing uh uh civilians nearby we went back to our accommodation that night and every evening when we're there we have to.

Our our ground staff liaz with the with Kat which is part of the Israeli Defense Force to check that what the security is like for the following day and um we enter via a deconflict Zone in order to go to alaxa and we were told that night by Kat that the area was no longer deconflict uh meaning that there would be Israeli Ground Forces very close.

Close to the hospital and it was no longer safe for anyone to go to the hospital so we were forced to withdraw our services from the hospital uh there was another team from medican s Frontier Hospital uh Doctors Without Borders who also were forced to withdraw and we were therefore not able to complete our twoe mission we had to withdraw for that for.

That for last weekend and we left Gaza on Monday and it just became to dangerous for you so you mentioned one of your patients in particular there tell me more about your patients and the types of injuries you were treating and also the challenges you faced as patients were coming in by the minute so I was working mainly in the in.

The operating theater uh another couple of colleagues of mine were working in the ER there I was dealing I'm a surgeon that deals with abdominal and and and chest disease I'm mainly a cancer surgeon um but I was obviously dealing with exclusively trauma and I was operating on patients with major blast injuries to the abdomen and to the chest.

Involving damage to the lungs usually by shrapnel but also by bullets and to all the abdominal organs and they some of these were catastrophic injuries in in terms of volume they were much less than the other injuries that they were seeing in ER which were particularly severe burn injuries and appalling injuries to the limbs many traumatic amputations so.

The orthopedic surgeons and the plastic and reconstructive surgeons were very busy with those patients um but the the the spectrum of injuries was really quite appalling and and like nothing I've seen before and I did spend some time in the ER uh when when there wasn't anyone to operate on and some of the burn injuries we were seeing.

Particularly in small children were in indescribably awful let me ask you since you were there uh you know we are reporting over and over again uh that the E the IDF tells us that there are terrorists that are working under these hospitals around these hospitals uh that these hospitals are being uh targeted because of that.

Did you witness that did you did you see in any way shape or reform uh Hamas terrorists operating in around or under your facilities where you were trying to save lives no not at all and I I I've been as as you can imagine following this very carefully um since October the 7th I've been talking almost daily uh with.

Colleagues in Gaza that I know well I've been going out to Gaza for nearly 15 years to teach and to treat patients and particularly in shifa hospital so since October the 7th I've been in close contact with friends and colleagues and I am very clear that no credible evidence has been provided at all that these hospitals were being used as Hamas.

Command centers I would stress that I have no idea what's going on in the tunnels underneath Gaza City so cannot comment on that but I can certainly comment on my experience of working in shifa hospital in the past and my current experience in the last two weeks of being in alaxa hospital and there has been no credible evidence that they've.

Been used as Hamas command centers so I would refute that evidence completely Dr Nick Menard so appreciate your time and also all that you did to save the lives especially those children all the innocent families that don't deserve what's going on appreciate you your work and you thank you doctor thank you for asking me on your.

Show coming up gunman storm a TV station during a live broadcast in Ecuador we're going to take you there next Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas Edinburgh Scotland.

Reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in Warson we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live weeknights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the.

Front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the backto back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David mure all right here we go you ready let's do it yeah it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are.

You you so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show why do so many people start their day here from Ab news this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top.

Stories start here now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts reporting from Monteray Park California I'm Robin Roberts wherever wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News.

Live another top story that we're tracking for you this hour Ecuador's Ecuador's president saying that his country is at War as violence is just sweeping across the country the most brazing attack seen right here where more than a dozen Mass men with guns stormed a TV station during a live broadcast the violence comes after an.

Apparent prison escape of a notorious gang leader plus dozens of other prisoners connected to criminal organizations the president is calling it an act of terrorism adding that more than 130 prison staff are now being held hostage by drug gangs thanks for streaming with us I'm Kira Phillips the news never stops.

Neither do we we'll be right back more news on the other side this is ABC News live the crush families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin's Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive cat store along I Boston is in the bullseye let's go ABC.

News live America's number number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the backto back storms threatening Millions more.

Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David mure why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take.

On the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts.

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Download it now I'm met at this March in Israel these are the families of the hostages being held in Gaza wherever the news is we'll take you there we streaming ABC News live today on ABC News Live 5 days until Iowa votes Haley and Dan santis go head-to-head in the last debate before.

Polls open up we're going to speak with Ronda Sanders's Deputy campaign manager live from the spin room chaos in Ecuador violent conflicts erupt across that country a frightening scene there as armed gunmen storm a news station during a live broadcast we've got the latest extreme weather slamming most of.

The country with another storm moving in when a major Arctic blast is expected to hit the Heartland more snow set to smack the East Coast we've got it all for you this hour and good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips and I'm Terry Moran and our top.

Story this hour the race for the White House heating up with the Iowa caucus is just 5 days away now voters there are preparing to cast the first balance of the 2024 election cycle despite some pretty snowy weather and tonight Republican hopefuls Nikki Haley and Ronda santis will be the only ones on that debate stage in De Moine making.

Their final pitches to Iowa voters and it comes as a new poll comes out of New Hampshire showing Nikki Haley actually closing the Gap with front runner Donald Trump former president sitting out tonight's debate no surprise counterprogramming with the town hall on Fox News at the same time no surprise our Alex pche starts us off from De.

Moine hey Kiera and Terry so we are just a matter of hours away from the start of this final primary debate here in Iowa before the caucuses kickoff between Ronda Sanz and Nikki Haley now the stakes here are incredibly high if you look at the Iowa polling the two are separated by just a few points and so this will be their last opportunity to.

Win over those undecided voters on the big stage before caucus day but when you look at those polls that is for second and third place still way out in front his former president Donald Trump he's got a 30-point lead here in Iowa and so tonight he is again skipping this debate instead holding some counterprogramming he's holding his own town hall but the.

Trump campaign at this point has identified that there's little to gain from him joining the stage with some of his GOP competitors instead uh they're deciding to hold their own uh Forum he's wildly popular here and and and they're focusing on trying to drive out turnout come caucus day using cockus captains uh to to really kind of uh build on their.

Momentum uh that's already kind of Illustrated in the polls but I will say the one thing that is on people's minds as we head into caucus day the weather it's cold now but it's going to be even colder then we're expecting temperatures to hover around zero possibly as low as -5 with wind chills coming up on -20° and so you know when you think about.

Turnout having to Brave those temperatures getting in line at 6:00 p.m. after a workday standing in line for possibly an hour just to caucus you have to wonder okay what is that going to do they're saying that it could possibly be the coldest caucus day on record Kier Terry all right Alex thanks so much well.

His critics say he's showing more confidence even in the face of doubts that he'll be able to get anywhere close to Donald Trump in the polls things are not looking so good for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis but that hasn't seemed to dampen his spirits publicly new data out of New Hampshire actually showing his closest competitor Nikki Haley slowly.

Catching up to front runner Donald Trump and this has DeSantis well he's still plummeting to just 5% so how does Florida Governor intend to Rally support five days from the caucusing in Iowa David Polanski is the Deputy campaign manager for the disantis campaign joins us now from De Mo David thanks for being with us good luck here what do you what.

Do you say when you look at those numbers and you look at at what you know the lead that Trump has had certainly over the entire field the entire time what do you do well look uh first thank you for having me um this is a great opportunity I think what you led with is important here um first and formost the.

Expectations for the former president are Skyhigh I think right now the polling average shows him 38 points ahead of his next closest competitor us here in Iowa and uh it'll be interesting to see if he can uh achieve those uh lofty expectations come on Monday but when you talk about the weather in particular you know boy the forecasts.

Now have even been downgraded to minus 20° and this 30° wind chill factor and that kind of weather is going to record really reward a gritty well organized campaign and that's what Ronda santis has you know the other two candidates um at play here both Nikki Haley and Donald Trump come into this state um fly in do a couple events fly out and then spends.

Of tens of millions of dollars attacking Ronda santis while we stay in this state we grind it out we've gone to every one of 99 counties done over 240 events in this state and we've organized to date over 1,500 caucus captains in support of ronto santis for the 721 locations where folks will go to caucus on a very historically cold night on Monday we're.

Excited that kind of weather is going to re really reward this gritty campaign all right well David your team said that for months actually that this was a two-person race between DeSantis and Donald Trump even as Nikki Haley gained ground in the polls Des santis did respond last night when asked by a reporter about Hale saying that she.

Would do better than he would in a general election let's take a listen you don't win as a republican when you don't stand for anything you got to have core convictions you got to go in bold colors not pale pastels that's how you get the people uh to turn out for you uh that you need to be able to win all right we should probably talk.

About the pastel colors in just a minute but first David polling in the Republican primary shows support for to santis Dro by more than 20 points over the last year while support Rose for the former South Carolina governor how did you underestimate Haley and what happened here oh I don't think anybody's been.

Underestimated I think again this is going to be a two-person race and I think when you look at uh Governor Haley she's going to have to overperform not just in Iowa where she will be the biggest spender in the Iowa caucuses let me repeat Nikki Haley will spend more than any other candidate and in fact her super pack has spent over $20 million in.

The Hawkeye State attacking Ronda santis alone then she's going to have to go to New Hampshire and try to overperform and meet expectations and then she's going to go to her home state where she's going to lose and so I don't actually expect to see Governor Haley in the race um when the calendar turns into March and I believe it will be a two-person.

Race then you know David if I could if I ask you something when when a governor D STIs won re-election in Florida one of the most diverse states in the country everybody looked at it cuz he was he did it by 20 points and that announced his his national uh profile really and I wonder if the voters in Florida rewarded.

Him for being a pragmatic get things done Governor but did he make a strategic mistake in running as a kind of culture Warrior against Disney the parent company of ABC news but in a lot of ways kind of leaving behind his calling card which was he's the get things done guy you know when you travel across Iowa.

Or New Hampshire and soon in South Carolina and Nevada too what you hear from the governor is him telling a story of his record in Florida and what he's accomplished there and I think that's a big advantage in this race um when you look at the field especially against the governor Haley when you talk about a record where Florida has the number one.

Education system in the country as compared to when Governor Haley was governor of South Carolina it was dead last when you have a state like Florida that has enacted school choice CH and in a state like South Carolina where Governor Haley opposed and didn't Advance it and fell and caved to teachers unions and we could go on and.

On where she you know helped raise taxes in South Carolina where Governor Dan santis you know again has the number one economy in the country and and lowered the tax burden on Floridians there's a very sharp contrast in their record so I don't buy that narrative at all and I think again when you look at polls from earlier this year or you look at polls.

You know later into November that doesn't matter what matter matters is what's just a few days ahead of us when it's going to beus 20° here in Iowa and again I like our gritty Underdog Underdog chances quite a bit so okay you can be the underdog but you also have to have money will you have enough money to stay in the race if you don't win Iowa I.

Mean what infrastructure do you have built within the campaign to sustain such a lengthy yet arguably unsuccessful run well you know this is this is just like a marathon and nobody wins a marathon in the first mile what you can do is lose it and I think when you look at if you're a donor for governor Haley where you've spent tens of millions of.

Dollars in Iowa and you can't inch and Claw above where she's at in the state and where she's going to end up that should send a pretty strong signal that she's not the candidate that's going to be able to take on Donald Trump and by the way she's even hedging her bets because she won't admit or say publicly she wouldn't serve as his Vice.

Presidential nominee and what I could tell you is this when you go to New Hampshire we have more State Legislative endorsements in our organization than even the former president Donald Trump has in that state who's won it before in the primary we have more legislative endorsements for instance in South Carolina governor Haley's home state we.

Are built for an underdog gritty grinded out organization and hardworking first approach and that's what we're going to bring to the table and we are going to fight them every step of the way in every inch for every delegate and again this won't be won in January or February it it'll be one when somebody secures enough delegates to be the nominee and.

That's our intention he well there's no question Iowa is all about the ground game and this year as you point out you're going to really have to be gritty to get out there and do it David pansy Deputy campaign manager for Ron Des santz thanks very much and good luck to you thank you so much let's bring in Deputy political director Avery Harper.

Now from De Moine as we are just hours away from the start of the debate so Avery uh what do you make of what you just heard from D San's Deputy campaign manager right well I make I think it's really interesting that he was pointing to the ground game uh the fact is the the santis campaign has uh traveled.

Extensively throughout the state uh they have uh spoken to voters throughout the state they have establishment support uh in Iowa and and that is why for so long uh uh excuse me Governor DeSantis uh was the uh distance second to uh former president Trump here in the state of Iowa we know now that uh Nikki Haley has been gain ground in this state and so.

It'll be interesting to see how things turned out I I I also think it was really interesting uh the preview I think of some of of the contrast that DeSantis will likely make uh between himself and Nikki Haley on the stage tonight on a myriad of issues I also think it was interesting for them to point out uh New Hampshire uh and talk.

About uh Nikki Haley having to overperform in New Hampshire I mean she is second to only former president Trump in that state uh she is outpacing uh DeSantis when it comes to support in the state of New Hampshire so it'll be interesting to see how things turn out in the first in the nation primary all right Avery Harper thanks so.

Much and of course we'll have full coverage of the Iowa caucuses next Monday January 15th right here on ABC News live we want to turn out of the fireworks on Capitol Hill Hunter Biden made a surprise appearance at the house Committee hearing that is considering whether to hold him in contempt of congress right GOP members actually said.

That he was breaking the law for not showing up to a closed door meeting after they subpoenaed him then he just appeared and boy did that surprise cause a lot of chaos up there if the gentle lady wants to hear from Hunter Biden we can hear from him right now Mr chairman let's take a vote and hear from Hunter Biden what are you.

Afraid of to speak hold on hold on order order will to let I believe that Hunter Biden should be held completely in contempt I think he should be hauled off to jail right now Mr Biden doesn't make the rules we make the rul no that no Mr chairman you make the rules and the rule you made is he can choose the rule is those were your those were your words.

We're claiming right time so the president's son says he will only testify in a public forum and he's calling the probe illegitimate let's bring in our j o Bryan who's up on the hill there also our senior investigative correspondent Aon kerki for more uh Jay why don't you start us off here why can't both sides just come to an.

Agreement on whether or not Hunter Biden should give public testimony or not well remember Kier this was all started because House Republicans as part of their ongoing impeachment inquiry into President Biden said that they wanted to as they've conducted every other interview so far for this inquiry toose Hunter Biden behind closed doors and.

Hunter Biden and his allies hit back and said they didn't want to do that because they wanted any kind of conversation between Hunter Biden and this committee to not be a behind closed doors deposition but done in an open hearing room where as they put it lawmakers couldn't misar what Hunter Biden said one way or the.

Other so when they subpoenaed Hunter Biden for that closed door deposition last year Hunter Biden didn't show up and instead he gave that press conference as you know on the steps of the capital he defied in a sense that subpoena and this is now House Republicans looking to hold him in contempt of congress transmit this.

Resolution to the full house for a vote which would ultimately be presented to some kind of legal action against Hunter Biden for defying their subpoena but his presence in that committee room while it's not not going to do anything to dissuade House Republicans from moving one way or the other on this issue certainly cause those fireworks as you.

Said with Republicans saying that Hunter Biden is not going to dictate the tempo of their investigation and the manner in which they conduct their investigation and Democrats saying Hunter Biden's in the room right now let's just have him present his testimony in front of this hearing all right it was a clever Ploy Erin a lot of important questions before.

The country this may not be high on the on the agenda but a lot of energy going up going into this one and to the Trump cases as well uh Donald Trump uh didn't need to show up for the appeals court arguments but he did Hunter Biden showing up it's a show in so many ways and I just wonder you know how substantive is what Hunter.

Biden did today what uh what Donald Trump did the other day these are processes that should proceed according to rules and according to the institutions themselves these are disruptors aren't they sure are and and I think point to the idea that both Donald Trump and Hunter Biden are speaking beyond their immediate.

Audiences in Hunter Biden's case members of Congress and and in Donald Trump's case the court and trying to appeal to uh to to maybe voters or ordinary Americans to say uh we've got nothing to hide here we are and believe me uh and and for for Donald Trump this has been I think working for him appearing at a civil case in New York or or at any.

Number of of appearances is giving him a platform that he wouldn't otherwise have without having to interact with with voters or really be scrutinized by reporters with with questions and same with Hunter Biden to to show the public that he's here and willing to speak to Congress even though Congress has not prescribed that as a as an option for.

Him um they're doing it Terry I think because it's it's showed to be effective all right Jay Aon we'll continue to follow follow it uh we want to turn to some breaking news right now an avalanche has been confirmed at the Palisades Lake Tahoe area ski resort rescue teams are responding to the popular Ski Resort in California.

Searching for possible victims of this Avalanche Palisades is now closed for the rest of the day a spokesperson for the sheriff's department actually told the AP that there are no confirmed reports of people trapped at this time our Alex Stone joins us now for the latest on what's Happening Alex tell us anything you know well Kira we've been.

Trying to get details and as you mentioned that the sheriff's department in plaster County believes that there may be nobody trapped in the snow right now it appears initially there were some skiers or snowboarders who were trapped when the snow came down it is a a terrible day in the area you can see from this video right here heavy snow.

Coming down not great for a search and rescue effort that is underway this is at Palisades Tahoe which most people probably know as being squa Valley the the name was changed a couple of years ago the Olympic Park area but efforts are underway there right now and it appears maybe nobody has trapped any longer but that they.

Were and so that is really good news because obviously this was a major Avalanche here and I wonder uh tell us a little bit about this about this Resort and the danger of avalanches and the kind of weather that that they've been having there yeah you see from this video right here the the heavy snow and conditions coming down this is an area.

Outside of trucky California uh it is as I mentioned used to be known as squa Valley the Olympics were held there a number of years ago that they are famous for that that's why it's called Olympic Valley it is a a higher end ski resort I believe they had an avalanche many many years ago in that same area uh and we know Terry that they have been getting.

Quite a bit of snow as you see that that it's coming down today our weather team telling us 70 in of snow so far this season in this area so it's definitely been coming down and those efforts are underway right now as they look for anybody who could be trapped Alex thanks ironically the family was there we were there over.

Christmas absolutely no snow uh grew up in the area and so of course we've been all following this uh uh closely I've been reaching out to as many people as I can it really came to a shock to a lot of the locals there well coming up it's one of the safest countries in Latin America or it used to be Ecuador's president says his country is now at War.

We'll tell you what happened at this news station next whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from.

The scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico.

City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in Beirut from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the pck line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News.

Live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on everybody in that home is okay to catch you up with what happened overnight we are here at Fashion's biggest night out what's happening today YouTube has unveiled a new set of.

Policies what people are talking about the new ad campaign fast straightforward with some fun in between a real life Barbie Dream House a name change for the wiener mobile first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to.

Be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see.

Coming wherever you get your podcasts start here Ecuador's President says his country is now at War declaring a state of emergency amid a wave of violence mostly Gang Related it's extraordinary to see what's happening there 13 men now face charges after they stormed a TV.

Station in Ecuador with guns during a live broadcast Ecuadorian police are investigating this attack as an act of terrorism a shocking development given that Ecuador's long been known is really one of South America's most peaceful countries it's a beautiful place this is clearly disrupting it Matt Rivers is joining us now for more on this Matt I.

Guess we're also getting some developing information right now on prison guards held in prisons by inmates what's happening yeah so what's going on right now is a very tense situation all across Ecuador the violence that we saw yesterday primarily centered uh in the coastal Port City of guak Kil which has really.

Been the home of this organized crime growth that we've seen over the past couple of years but what we're seeing in prisons across Ecuador uh is prisoners reacting to what we saw yesterday there's more than 120 according to the Ecuadorian government 120 prison guards that have been taken hostage at this point in different prisons around the.

Country not in Gua but in other prisons at this point we don't know anything about their health conditions but this gives you an idea of what is going on inside of Ecuador's prisons right now what happened yesterday was a reaction to an emergency declaration that the president of Ecuador had issued after the country's most notorious gang leader.

A leader of a group called Los cheros had actually vanished from the prison cell that he was in presumably he escaped the president reacts issues the emergency declaration which allows Ecuador's military to enter these prisons which are a stronghold of organized crime they don't like it these groups start to lash out and they.

Continue to lash out today yeah thank you for that that's a very clear explanation I just want to follow up the the TV station attack Ecuadorian officials say these 13 men are now under arrest but are you describing an uprising of gang gangs trying to take control of the country or is this.

Something just more scattered kind of the same Spirit but but kind of chaotic and random yeah and it's a good question Terry I think what we're seeing and what we saw yesterday according to the government there were 22 different organized crime groups that were involved uh in in what we could call an uprising yesterday I.

Don't think the goal of it was to take over government buildings was to take control I don't think you're looking at a coup Ty situation I think what you saw was more of a messaging situation you heard uh for instance those 13 people that took over that TV station before they were arrested we actually heard them say that they wanted to uh give a.

Message to the public that this is what happens when you mess with the mafias that's what uh they said there so I think it was really just more of a sign that these organized crime groups wanted to show the country and the government that they have a lot of power they can do what they want if the government doesn't do what they.

Say well this new president has a lot to take on he's young he's new I will'll stay with it Matt Rivers for sure thank you coming up Boeing CEO speaking out after that Alaska Airlines plane lost its door mid-flight what he had to say specifically to shareholders next tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the.

Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the back-to- back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David mure from America's number one news comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and customizable to your.

Interests if you love being in the no you're going to love this experience the allnew ABC News app download it now me with goodes on myone everything so little bit of more just a little bit breathing more just a little bit smile little more I'm it I've been running through the strange pictures on my phone like everything is.

So little bit of sunsh Good Morning America from America's number one news source comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and it can customize to you and your interests if you love being in the know you're going to love this experience what all the.

Buzzes about experience the allnew ABC News app download it now ABC News live Prime winner of the Gracie Award for best news program in all of Television stream ABC News live Prime with lindsy Davis week nights on ABC News live we have really good congratulations I was terrified it was just so traumatic.

Nightmare people need to understand these were wanted babies 18 women facing life and death medical conditions their lives now out of their control I felt like I was going to die our lives and our health are debatable I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy Diane Sawyer Rachel Scott on the brink now streaming on.

Hulu reporting from the war in Ukraine i'mi and panel wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live and here are some of the top headlines We are following at this hour at ABC News live looks like Donald Trump did not make the judges deadlines so he will not be allowed to.

Speak at closing arguments in his New York civil fraud trial emails showed that judge Arthur enan rescinded permission earlier today after Trump's lawyers objected to the judge's instructions to limit arguments to what is permissible under law in court those arguments are set for tomorrow in the trial that could cost Trump hundreds of.

Millions of dollars in penalties and strip him of his ability to do business in New York high stakes there Trump denies all the allegations against him well much of the country is either cleaning up or drying off after getting walloped by extreme weather but it's not done yet severe wind even multiple tornadoes touching down in parts of.

Florida dangerous snowy conditions coming to the Midwest and then parts of the noreast have been left reeling from the torrential rain and flooding Connecticut's division of Emergency Management keeping a close eye on a dam in Norwich that is now uh has a partial break in it City officials have declared a local emergency and a mandatory.

Evacuation right now for those residents and Boeing's CEO says he is quote devastated after a door fell out of an Alaska Airlines flight last week leaving passengers in Terror and Alaska Airlines has now cancelled all 737 max9 flights through at least Saturday impacting more than a 100 flights a day on CNBC today Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun.

Said he was emotional after seeing pictures of the disaster calun also said he's confident in Boeing's manufacturing and he promised that no 737 max9 plane will fly quote with an unsafe condition so glad you're streaming with us I'm Kira Phillips and I'm Terry Moran and the News never stops here we'll be right.

Back whenever wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas edinb Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Miss Missippi Ukrainian refugees here in warsong we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen.

ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the backto back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on televis ision World News.

Tonight with David mure I have a point of contact they're expecting us this our secret world we have do you think we're going to be safe I don't know this is my pen inside that pen is a slice of human brain these are assassinations that people are going to be murdered there's really no telling what some of them will.

Do oh my God it's happening everywhere and anywhere wow all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are you I hug you so what will you be.

Watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories start here now that's.

A part of the story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts today on ABC News live GOP committee members shouting coward and white PR as Hunter Biden makes a surprise appearance at his Congressional contempt hearing what's next for Hunter.

And the impeachment inquiry into his father President Biden the clock now ticking to ey was caucus say Nikki Haley and Ronda santis going head-to-head in the last debate before the state picks its Republican nominee what voters want to hear and which candidate stands to benefit the most armed gunmen storm a news station during a live broadcast now.

Ecuador's President says his country is at War we'll take you there here good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips our top story this hour those fireworks on Capitol Hill Hunter Biden making this surprise appearance at the house Committee hearing on whether to hold him in contempt GOP members saying that he was breaking the law for not.

Showing up to a closed door meeting after they subpoenaed him then he appeared and boy did that surprise visit cause chaos if the gentle lady wants to hear from Hunter Biden we can hear from him right now Mr chairman let's take a vote and hear from Hunter Biden what are you to speak hold on hold on order order.

Will to I believe that Hunter Biden should be held completely in contempt I think he should be hauled off to jail right now Mr Biden doesn't make the rules we make the rules no that no Mr chairman you make the rules and the rule you made is that he can choose the rule is those were your those were your words we're claiming my.

Time the president son says that he will only testify in a public forum calling the probe illegitimate let's speak at our j o bran on Capitol Hill also senior investigative correspondent Aaron kerki both of them following all the action up there on the hill Jay uh this was not only a complete shock to committee members but the shocking things that.

Came out of some of their mouths was pretty wild and it opened the floodgates for those clashes right kir I talked to Democrats on this committee who did not know that Hunter Biden would step into that hearing room earlier today to mark up that resolution that would hold him in contempt of congress Mr Speaker that was speaker Johnson walking behind me.

Guys forgive my distraction there um but where was I yes so I talked to Democrats who said that they didn't know that Hunter Biden would be walking into that room in that hearing that would mark up a resolution to hold him in contempt of congress or not um and it opened the floodgates for those comments because you heard for instance Nancy Mays who.

Got in that tense exchange with Jared mosit of Florida that you played video of uh it question I'm trying to figure out a way to say this on television it question Hunter Biden's Mass masculinity at one point and then say that she wanted him a held in contempt of congress which was of course the reason of that entire proceeding and then.

Hunter Biden's allies say that he would only talk to this Committee in a public form and not the kind of private behind closed doors deposition that the committee had sought um and that was the point of contention today you even heard Democrats like Jared mosit say we've got him in the room let's have him testify right now and then Jim comr again you.

Played sound of this exchange saying that Hunter Biden was in a sense not going to set the tempo of House Republicans impeachment inquiry into his father and that he would only comply on their terms Kira so you get a very rare surprises true surprises here on Capitol Hill and his presence inside that hearing today was a surprise yeah it.

Sure was and so Aon let's just kind of backtrack a little bit here and talk about where we stand now with H Hunter Biden's legal Saga unlike the the political chaos that you and Jay described Kira uh his legal case follows more prescribed patterns and tomorrow Hunter Biden is due in a Los Angeles Federal courtroom uh for an arraignment.

On tax charges that accuse him of failing to pay about $1.4 million in taxes this was brought by a now special councel the US attorney uh in in Delaware who was given special counsel status to investigate Hunter Biden and who in addition to separate gun related charges has accused him uh of of failing to pay taxes Hunter is expected to enter.

A not- guilty plea during a brief appearance it's unclear whether he will make remarks as he has on Capitol Hill but his lawyer has been trying to dismiss these charges saying that they are politically motivated and that they're improper because Hunter Biden not only acknowledged it but uh paid all the money back and so he's trying to get.

These charges dismissed but this is just the first step in what could be a long prosecution K yeah and Jay you know this hearing was about holding Hunter Biden in contempt if he is found guilty let's talk about the penalties that he could face and what do you think could this affect his father's impeachment inquiry in any way well and contempt of congress.

Holds a penalty from anywhere from a month to a year in jail if you're found guilty as well as a monetary fine it doesn't always carry that maximum penalty for instance Steve Bannon when he defied the January 6 committee subpoena uh for example got only about four months in jail if I recall um and he's challenging that right now um but.

Remember that is a ways away here so the way that this process works is that House Republicans on two committees have to refer this resolution to the full house that was what that hearing was about today in the house oversight committee the house Judiciary Committee was also marking up as they say this resolution in tandem with the house.

Oversight committee that would then get transmitted to the house for a full vote House Republicans have a slim majority in the house and so if every single Republican Gets behind this the expectation is that it would pass and Hunter Biden would then be held in contempt of congress and only then does that trigger the legal and Court.

Proceedings of all of this where a US attorney would have to uh impanel a grand jury and have to ask that grand jury whether or not charges should be brought and things of that nature so an ultimate court case over this is a long ways out but certainly this is the hardest tensions have gotten between Hunter Biden and the Biden team and.

House Republicans conducting this impeachment inquiry into the president so far oh was quite the show Jay Aaron thank you gentlemen so the epicenter of the race for the White House is in Iowa right now the caucus is just 5 days away and voters there are preparing to cast the.

First ballots of the 2024 election cycle despite some pretty snowy weather tonight Republican hopefuls Nikki Haley and Ronda santis will be the only ones on that debate stage in De Moine making their final pitch to Iowa voters and it comes as a new pull out of New Hampshire is actually showing Nikki Haley closing the Gap with front runner Donald Trump.

Former president sitting out tonight's bait debate as usual counterprogramming as usual town hall on Fox News it's kind of a rinse and repeat isn't it our Alex pet joins us now from De Mo along with our Deputy political director Avery Harper so Alex uh what do you think we can expect tonight and how has the weather actually impacted everything I.

Know folks were not quite sure how this was going to uh you know impact who showed up and who didn't yeah absolutely Kira well you you see them putting uh the final touches on the spin room here as we are anticipating this debate later on this evening uh but I'm expecting some fireworks today I mean we've seen the.

Polling between uh Governor D santis here and Nikki Haley in Iowa they're separated just by a couple of points at this point and so the stakes here are incredible High you think about all the political Capital that Governor deanz has spent in Iowa uh the money working to get those endorsements the endorsement of Governor Kim Reynolds.

Here uh and then also all of the trips he's held more than 130 events uh in the state of Iowa trying to build up that support and so you know there are a lot of people here that are that are that are looking forward to to those two candidates really kind of uh further differentiating themselves and making that closing argument.

But again you brought up this weather we got a chance to talk to a voter take a listen to what he said I thought about it but I don't think I'm going to um Republican why AR you um I've done it before I just uh I don't know is there a candidate that you.

Prefer you hope win um I'm leaning towards Trump so two things that stood out to me there them him first saying that he does not necessarily plan to caucus even though he is a republican Kira we are expecting subzero temperatures potentially on caucus night temperatures as low as neg5.

Wind chills up to -20 in some of the parts of the state and so turnout is going to be key and then at the very end you heard him saying that he still uh he still supports president Trump and listen we know that Trump has about a a 30-point lead here and so you know there are a lot of folks that are saying that like Look Tonight matters certainly but.

Trump's probably going to run away with this and Avery former president Trump still holds a commanding lead over Haley and DeSantis there in Iowa as we just mentioned what do you think this all means for the candidates tonight and who do you see I don't know Haley is at least the one that's been moving much faster than Dan santis on Trump but if.

You look at just the numbers here and the and the graphics um do you think we could see any surprises right that all remains to be seen it's going to be really interesting to see both Haley and Dan santis on stage together uh going oneon-one and I think that's going to allow for a lot of debate on the issues uh like you.

Mentioned former president Trump is far out ahead of both of them and so in many ways it feels like a race for second place uh but the fact is there are still undecided voters here in Iowa uh and this is their last chance to make that case before Ians go to caucus on Monday so Avery niiki haly has been hesitant to attack Trump outright I mean.

She's definitely said some things that he'd be danger for dangerous to you know run this country uh but do you think this strategy has worked for her the sort of Fine Line she's played and could we see her maybe go after him a little I don't know in a more tough way tonight I I I don't think that Nikki Haley is much different than any of the.

Other competitors in the field with the exception of former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie uh it right now in this current Republican party it is very unpopular uh to be anti-trump and so we've seen uh Nikki Haley uh speak about uh former president Donald Trump in a very careful way I I don't think that you should count on seeing Nikki Haley.

Uh go after Trump tonight from the debate stage uh that's something that she just said she's not going to do uh but we do know that she has been gaining momentum not only here in Iowa uh but in New Hampshire as well so it'll be interesting to see how things turn out Alex Trump as we have mentioned will be absent from tonight's debate it's what.

He's doing within all these debates he's going to have counter programming again with this town hall on Fox and apparently he told Fox that he wanted to start at the same time as tonight's debate no surprises in any of that I'm sure it was just a coincidence right now listen at this point there's not a lot of incentive for the former.

President to share the debate stage with any of these Challengers right I mean he's got a 30 point lead here in Iowa and so you know him being positioned alongside them his campaign is probably figured that it only gives them uh give gives them a way to kind of chip away at his lead so I think he's content with with with steering the attention.

Elsewhere all right Alex Avery uh we'll be talking again throughout the day and of course tomorrow and we'll also have full coverage of course of the Iowa caucuses on Monday January 15th right here on ABC News live well for president Trump is on his way to Iowa now after watching his lawyers take pretty tough questions from a federal appeals court.

Yesterday Trump's team is arguing the presidential immunity protects him from anything related to the election in January 6 but the judges didn't seem to buy it our chief justice correspondent Pier Thomas has the update for us a dramatic hearing before a three judge appell at panel addressing a fundamental question whether a president is immune.

From prosecution for any action taken while in office well one of the judges challenging former president Trump's call for complete immunity by raising a stunning hypothetical could a president order SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival that's an official act in order to Seal Team Six Trump's attorney tried to push back he would.

Have to be and would speedily be you know uh uh impeached and convicted before the criminal prosecution the judge refusing to let go I asked you yes no yes or no question could a president who ordered Seal Team 6 to assassinate political rival who was not impeached would he be subject to criminal prosecution if he were.

Impeached and convicted first so your answer is the prosecution pouncing what kind of world are we living in if As I understood my friend on the other side to say here a president orders his Seal Team to assassinate a political rival and resigns for example before an impeachment not a criminal act president.

Sells a pardon resigns or is not impeached not a crime I think that is extraordinarily frightening future and the three judge panel two appointed by President Biden and one by President George Herbert Walker Bush appeared receptive to the special council's claim that Trump in trying to block Biden from being certified as president was not.

Acting in an official capacity but on his own personal behalf as a candidate but Trump's attorneys maintain that the prosecutions against him are being used as a political weapon after the hearing Trump raising the Spectre of Violence by his supporters should he lose his legal challenges there'll be bedum in the country it's a very bad thing it's a.

Very bad precedent as we said it's the opening of a Pandora's Box Trump continued to spew election lies about voter fraud and did not denounce or rule out the potential for violence Kira all right Pier Thomas thank you so much to Ecuador now where a news station and its staff were not only caught off guard but temporarily held.

Captive as 13 armed gunmen stormed the TV station during a live broadcast Ecuador's president saying that his country is now at War declaring a state of emergency amid a wave of violence in a country long known as one of South America's most peaceful places our Matt Rivers has more authorities in Ecuador.

Investigating a Brazen attack on a public television station by an apparent armed gang as quote acts of terrorism the massed men seen here tying crew members on the floor threatening the staff waving explosives and guns scared staffers inside desperately pleading for their lives the live broadcast rolling for almost 15 minutes.

Before going dark police then surrounding the area arresting more than a dozen gunmen the show's deputy director later saying the attack was quote extremely violent this incident one of many acts of violence that occurred after Ecuador declared a state of emergency Monday following The Disappearance of the.

Leader of the notorious Los Cho's gang from his cell in aakil prison and cure all this violence forcing many people in Ecuador to migrate North in fact last year US Customs and Border Protection recording more arriving at the US Southwest border than any year prior meanwhile multiple US Airlines cancelling flights to.

Ecuador today including American Airlines saying it's forced to cancel its flights to guil Kira all right Matt Rivers thanks so much well they went to Gaza to cover the war now their deaths have become our story human rights Advocates now demanding accountability as we sadly.

Report on the record number of journalists killed in Israel's war against Hamas our Patrick Revel now with his special report on the deadly impact this war is having on our own press Corps Israel's war in Gaza has been extraordinarily deadly for journalists at least 79 have been killed in just over 3 months according to the.

Committee to protect journalists the highest toll for any conflict since the cpj started collecting records three decades ago the first deaths were of Israeli journalists killed as Hamas rampaged through southern Israel during the October 7th attacks then Israel began its military.

Operation in response reuter's photo journalist Isam abdalah among the first killed he was filming with a group of journalists at the Lebanon Israeli border then an Israeli tank fired into them video capturing the moment the tank hitting them a second time six other journalists injured Reuters and AFP as well as Human Rights.

Watch and reporters Without Borders say their investigations show the group were deliberately fired on demanding answers from Israel and we call on Israel to explain how this could have happened and to hold to account those responsible for his death the IDF saying it was responding to anti-tank fire in the area and is.

Investigating but the deadliest toll by far for journalists is in Gaza 72 killed journalists reporting there as their own lives are upended while Dau alzer's bureau chief has lost several members of his family in Israeli strikes since October including his wife son daughter and Grandson last week his son Hamza also a journalist was killed in an.

Israeli strike on his car the IDF say saying he and two other reporters had looked like terrorists with a Dron ham Hamza was my soul D says but this pain won't deter us from continuing in December duu himself was injured by an Israeli strike the day after he was back on air again another photo journalist was.

Reportedly killed in Gaza today working for the Palestinian red crescent put simply journalists are being killed at a speed and scale in Gaza right now beyond anything we've seen really in recent conflicts KIRO all right Patrick reel thank you so much and coming up parts of the country battered by severe storms as another.

Round of wicked weather heads their way your forecast next tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the back-to- back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News.

Tonight with David mure why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it.

Listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here get ready America every Friday the hottest Trends.

Styles and must have what's the right stuff to buy right now I really love that it's time to buy the right stuff yes and save big time too The Right Stuff Fridays on GMA you're going to love it from America's number one news comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and customizable to your interests if you.

Love being in the know you're going to love this experience the allnew ABC News app download it now you're watching America's number one streaming news live reporting breaking new exclusives keep streaming with ABC News live so much of the country is either.

Cleaning up or drying off after getting walloped by extreme weather severe wind and even multiple tornadoes touching down in parts of Florida and now we're looking at dangerous snowy conditions in the midwest while parts of the Northeast are left reeling from all that torrential rain and flooding and guess what we're not done we've got another.

Round of extreme weather headed to exactly where Samar Theodore is going to tell us hey Samar this is another cross country storm and it's coming in from the Northwest we have some time about another 24 hours before it really gets started going but I want to talk about the storm that's leaving you saw the images there at Red havav it throughout.

Parts of the South well it's leaving in its wake very Gusty conditions wind gust to 40 50 miles per hour it's been a very breezy day for a lot of folks living in the Northeast the other thing very high Rivers we're looking at major river flooding here over the next 48 hours this comes behind the storm system not only did we see around 3 in of rain but.

We also had the melting snow from the storm prior to that if you remember so as a result we are seeing major river flooding right now so here's the storm Kira was talking about starts in the Northwest it rides through the Rockies in the central portions of the country really becoming more robust on Thursday and Friday and then hitting the I 95.

Quarter by Friday night so Little Rock sheveport Thursday night be on high alert you all are in for the threat for strong storms maybe a few tornadoes by Friday we see the highest tornado threat stretching from Montgomery through Middle Georgia Columbus right on up into Columbia uh mon Charleston and parts of North Carolina there so make sure you.

Have those cell phones on go and the alerts are ready to go because a lot of these tornadoes could be happening after Sunset and then finally after that moves out we're looking at really brutal cold sinking in as far south as Texas it's going to start on Saturday and then by Tuesday potentially we could be looking at single digits in Texas even colder.

Than cities like Washington DC and New York Kira all right we'll keep tracking it with you Samara thank you and coming up Boeing CEO breaks his silence his message to shareholders after the FAA grounds more than 100 Boeing airplanes we have really good I was terrified it was just so TR.

Atic nightmare people need to understand these were wanted babies 18 women facing life and death medical conditions their lives now out of their control I felt like I was going to die our lives and our health are debatable I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy Diane Sawyer Rachel Scott on the brink now streaming.

On Hulu first thing in the morning there's a lot going on everybody in that home is okay to catch you up with what happened overnight we are here Fashion's biggest night out what's happening today YouTube has unveiled a new set of policies what people are talking about the new ad campaign fast straightforward with some fun in between a real life.

Barbie Dreamhouse a name change for the wiener mobile first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day today's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen.

Now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here reporting from Taiwan I'm brick.

Clenet wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live other top headlines we're tracking for you this hour in ABC News live looks like Donald Trump didn't make the judge's deadlines so he will not be allowed to speak at closing arguments in his New York civil fraud trial emails.

Show judge Arthur enron's rescinded permission earlier today after Trump's lawyers objected to the judge's instructions to limit arguments to what is permissible in court those arguments set for tomorrow in the trial that could cost Trump hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties and strip him of his ability to do business in New York.

Trump continues to deny all allegations against him investors investigators rather apparently looking into jail house calls made by the man charged in the 1996 Mur murder of rapper Tupac Shakur sources telling ABC news that they're looking further into whether Dwayne key D Davis may have been plotting to harm Witnesses cooperating.

In the trial prosecutors point to a call that happened back in October between Davis and his son which they say they discussed an authorization to kill which caused enough concern that they relocated a witness Davis is accused of ordering the murder of Tupac and the judge is setting his balance $750,000 far higher than what his.

Lawyers had asked for his lawyers asked for him to be placed on house arrest saying he's not a threat and that his health is poor Boeing CEO says he is devastated after a door fell off in Alaska Airlines flight last week leaving passengers horrified Alaska Airlines has now cancelled all of the 737 max9 flights through at least Saturday that's.

Going to impact more than a 100 flights a day on CNBC though Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun says that he was emotional after seeing pictures of that disaster he also says he's confident in Boeing's manufacturing and promise that no 737 max9 planes will fly with unsafe conditions glad you're streaming with us I'm Kira.

Phillips from breaking news to all the stories that matter to you you can always find us on various streaming services the ABC News app and of course on the news never stops neither do we we'll be right back tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the backto back.

Storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watch newscast on television World News Tonight with David mure there are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at.

Victoria Secret she did a little Christmas shopping headed to her car and then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from Drew shadine how heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you inside the hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand all new 2020 Friday night.

At 98 Central on ABC we have really good congratulations I was terrified it was just so traumatic nightmare people need understand these were wanted babies 18 women facing life and death medical conditions their lives now out of their control I felt like I was going to die our lives and our.

Health are debatable I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy Diane Sawyer Rachel Scott on the brink now streaming on Hulu from America's number one news source comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and it can customize to you and your your interests if you love being in.

The know you're going to love this experience what all the buzz is about experience the allnew ABC News app download it now traveling with President Biden in Ireland I'm Karen Travers wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live hello I'm Kiera Phillips some.

Breaking news here that we're watching for you on on ABC News live this hour in avalanche has been confirmed at the Palisades Lake Tahoe area ski resort rescue teams now responding to the ski resort searching for possible victims Palisades is now closed for the rest of the day a spokesperson there in California for the sheriff's department.

Told the AP that there are no confirmed reports of people trapped at this time for more let's bring in Mark sponsler he actually went out to go skiing for the day he's there at the bottom of the lift where this happened uh at Palisades Mark um just kind of tell us uh how you arrived there at Palisades to ski and what happened yeah sure so this is the.

Opening day for the kt22 lift it is their Premier lift here at Palisades Tahoe very steep terrain expert only kind of place and so it's always very anticipated when this lift opens and then on top of that there's a big storm moving in snow started last night it's been snowing all morning at the bottom of the lift winds are 30 m an hour.

Visibility is down to about 2 to 300 yards and the plan was to go skiing in the trees and get some fresh powder unfortunately right at the first people that got up the lift they were uh get they went up they underneath the chair lift is a thing called GS Bowl they went to go ski that and as soon as they dropped into the bowl the top 100 yards.

Of the bowl basically cracked and all the snow just slid down the face down to the bottom of the bowl from a report from a person that was literally on the lift saw the whole thing happened he said he saw five people get trapped some of them were able to crawl out others not so much skis were sticking up poles were all over the place it was pretty.

Much uh not a very good situation and visibility up top was even more confined and winds were blowing even harder up there so what do you you know at at this time are rescue teams out there right now searching for people are they out in the area what can you tell me about ongoing efforts to account for everybody that was you know really out there.

Skiing the Bulls and out on the black diamonds yeah so the Palisades Taho team is well organized for these sort of situations they had they instantly had Patrol going up on skis with Pro I mean up on uh snow skis and snow cats look for uh uh people that might have been buried they brought in all their patrol folks from over at Alpine Meadows which.

Is just right around the corner and then they had a bunch of volunteers plus people that were up on the mountain that saw it happened they all jumped in and it was an all hands on deck operation to try to get to people as soon as possible because in avalant situations you don't have much time you sure don't and Mark if you don't mind as you get information.

New details will you please call in so we can keep everybody updated we'd really appreciate it I absolutely will all right Mark sponsor thank you so much we will follow that Avalanche there uh at Lake Tahoe in Lake Tahoe rather the Palisades ski resort you may know it as squa it was renamed a couple years ago the Olympics were held there uh years.

Back it's a very popular place to go for the locals and for people around the country again we'll follow up on that Avalanche and the reports of possibly a few of those skiers still missing thanks for streaming with us I'm Kira Phillips ABC News live is here for you anytime with the latest news context and Analysis you can always find us on your.

Favorite streaming service as well the ABC News app and of course on the news never stops neither do we gma3 starts right now what you need to know right now on GMA 3 assessing the damage the day after those deadly storms the major flooding power lines down and nearly two dozen reported Twisters across Ross at least.

Six states our Sam Champion with the new storm on the way rapper ASAP Rocky pleading not guilty to assault charges in connection to an alleged 2021 shooting our team with a deep dive into what you need to know about that case also Nightmare on the set at a TV station in Ecuador dramatic bursts of gunfire shocking viewers live on the air.

What officials are calling Nation wide Terror attacks by numerous violent gangs Walmart takes going shopping to a whole new level not just a destination but a coner service how the retail giant is now using AI to reimagine how you and your family shop also working hard to write a wrong we'll examine how lgbtq plus veterans are fighting for the full.

Military benefits they were once denied plus Tory Johnson zeros in on your Wellness in today's Deals and Steals it's not accurate well first of all I recognize you and second we pulled the security tape from the gas and go so it's it's clear you were there and we are looking ahead to the new season of Fargo star.

Lamor Morris here with our Glimpse behind the scenes now from Time Square DeMarco Morgan and Eva pilgrim with Dr Jen Ashton and what you need to know oh you're singing now I'm not singing I was just ooing we are so good happy to see for.

What you need to know today yes we are it was a mess across the country was weather uh you two have some amazing Stories you were what hit with a splash cuddle one of those moments where you just a taxi Drives By and gets soaked I was standing right next to someone crossing the street and we went ah so New York right you didn't get a chance.

To eat until 6:30 but you were drenched in what I was trying to get a pumpkin Loa from Starbucks so I went to order it but then I got there and they were out so I had to walk back in the rain and it started crazy coming down that's when the wind started you were starving I was starving I didn't have the pumpkin loaf and I got soaking wet but we're good.

Today we are dry and we are doing well yeah and we have real things to talk to you about Dr J um we are 10 days into dry January and we are learning that there are even more wonderful benefits of not having alcohol correct so when you take this is uh new data put out by the American Heart Association in conjunction with some other National or.

Organizations looking at two things that are common and claim lives substance abuse and heart disease uh so they looked at 1999 to 2019 substance use heart disease deaths so those are deaths relating to both of those two conditions went up about 4% every single year when you hone in on the causes alcohol all related deaths of that group up by 65%.

Who's at risk men more than women but rates in women are going up and continue to go up um and when you look at the big picture here you guys just over 7% of adults with known alcohol use disorder are receiving treatment treatment is available it is lifesaving and when you look at the number one killer heart disease and then something that's.

Behavioral like alcohol use and abuse that represents a real Target for inter prevention and prevention and when you get help you're helping others around you your family your friends that is correct absolutely so reach out talk to a mental health professional and get help if you or someone you know is struggling all right doc thank you very.

Much we appreciate it let's check in out with ABC's M win in Washington for look at your latest headlines good to see you m good to see you DeMarco on this Wednesday and we begin with the deadly storms that swept the nation bringing a blizzard to the Midwest flooding to the Northeast and nearly a dozen tornadoes reported in in the South and now a new.

Storm developing our Sam Champion with the latest hey guys so what a night we had with a big storm into the Northeast and really it was half the country half the east coast of the country that was impacted with that storm in the last 24 hours from the tornadoes that were down into the deep south of panan of Florida.

To the flooding that is still ongoing in parts of New England in the Mid-Atlantic look at this and all eyes are really on New Jersey because the Bic River uh and the Pompton is an offshoot of that that had so much flooding within I guess just a couple of weeks ago then a poxet river pit river is actually up as well in the flood warning Zone those will take days.

And probably be in the major flooding on into the weekend and some of them we've got another system that leaves the west coast today and it makes a pretty fast move look at the time stamp here on Saturday when we have some heavy snow right around the great lakes and some heavy rain that's one to two going into New England but one of my big concerns.

With this will be Thursday night into Friday where there's some damaging wind thank you Sam and the harrowing moments unfolding as viewers watch TV armed and massed Intruders taking over a TV station in Ecuador during a live broadcast show hosts and staff held at gunpoint some hiding police arresting more than a dozen suspected gunmen.

Government officials calling the attack one of a number of Acts of terrorism after a National Emergency was declared following The Disappearance of the leader of a notorious gang from prison here at home former president Trump appearing in court his lawyer arguing a claim of unlimited presidential immunity from prosecution one of the judges.

Asking if that meant a president could order SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival or sell pardons without facing prosecution Trump continues promoting election lies and did not denounce or rule out the potential for future violence he has denied all wrongdoing and finally here bary's 2024 career of the Year Mattel revealing it.

Is women in film the new Barbie dolls on sale today include movie director cinematographer Studio executive and movie star Barbie the company's way of encouraging children every year to Dream Big and of course this comes at a really good time right after the Golden Globes with Barbie of course taking home that cinematic and box office achievement.

Guys love to see it love to see it all right thank you well there's much more ahead right here on JMA 3 on this Wednesday I case a lot of people are watching ASAP Rocky pleading not guilty and charges related to the alleged shooting of his childhood friend our gma3 Deep dive into that case up next and later a whole new way to shop listen.

To this Walmart is teaming up with artificial intelligence to offer customers a new experience and we're going to take a look at some of the changes that you can expect when gma3 continues I have a point of politic they're expecting us this our secret.

World we have do you think we're going to be safe I don't know this is my pen inside that pen is a slice of human brain these are assassinations that people are going to be murdered there's really no telling what some of them will do I'm in I'm in I'm in oh my God it's happening everywhere and anywhere.

wow all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what you do let's go how are you hug you yes so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to.

6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show get ready America every Friday the hottest Trends Styles and must have what's the right stuff to buy right now I really love that it's it's time to buy the right stuff yes and save big time too The Right Stuff Fridays on GMA you're going to love it first thing in the morning there's a lot.

Going on everybody in that home is okay to catch you up with what happened overnight we are here at Fashion's biggest night out what's happening today YouTube has unveiled a new set of policies what people are talking about the new ad campaign fast straightforward with some fun in between a real life Barbie Dream House a name change for the.

Wi mobile first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live from America's number one news comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and customizable to your interests if you love being in the no you're going to love this experience the allnew ABC News.

App download it now all right welcome back to gma3 Grammy nominated rapper ASAP Rocky returned to court the this week where he pleaded not guilty to charges related to the alleged November 2021 shooting of ASAP REI now Los Angeles police say the rers got into a heated argument that escalated into gun violence and joining.

Us now with more on this high-profile trial ABC News contributors Mike m and Brian buckmire good to see you guys as always this is a big talker here Brian we'll start with you no gun was ever recovered the surveillance videos they aren't clear so how in the world did this case even make it to trial to begin with so it's it's two things it's a.

Patchwork of circum stantial evidence you've got two different videos one showing a person that they can't ID with what they believe to be a gun but they're able to identify the clothing the person's wearing and then a subsequent video where the police are saying well that's ASAP Rocky even though we can't see a gun and again.

They're kind of patchworking together but ultimately it's moving towards trial because of the standard that's needed to provide enough information to go to trial it's called a preponderance of the evidence or more likely than not so the reason why it's going to trial is because literally it's more likely than not there's enough information based on.

The people making the accusations that ASAP Rocky shot at ASAP Ry okay Mike these two guys were friends how did they end up here in this situation this is really a a a friendship kind of gone a ride and when you look at ASAP Rocky look at ASAP Bry you have look at the word ASAP so ASAP is a collective it's a friend group you know some of the most.

Popular ones have come out of ASAP are obviously ASAP Rocky which were well known for and also to ASAP Ferg but it's a big group of collective that really got formed weing High School uh living in Harlem some has become more successful than others and what we seen between REI and Asi Rocky in particular is that really thought that ASAP Rocky.

Had forgot about a lot of the members of the group a lot of the member groups were not having as much financial success and in particular one of the individual group had passed away and he was upset because he felt that Rocky hadn't done enough to support uh the friends and the funeral suly what we found out was that ASAP Rocky did fund.

The funeral and has been supporting their friends and so it's one of those Tales of Friendship gone toy one has become more successful and others are accusing him of not doing enough to give back which is a challenge that a lot the rap this community to bring people along in particular in the Sports World the media World once you have first.

Generational even college students right there's this burden uh of that support of having to support your community going forward and then the questions you get asked and Brian there was something else that stood out to me ASAP REI actually called his attorney before contacting police he collected the the case shellings there what do you make of.

This does it cast any doubt on his story or or make it seem as if it was planned any arteria motives It cast a lot of Doubt on top of that there's also a civil lawsuit that was filed shortly after Asaf Rocky was arrested so take everything that Mike says about the background dynamics of this relationship with this group and then add on that.

After the shooting he doesn't call 911 first but he calls his attorney law Force goes and surveys the incident or the place where it allegedly occurred and they don't find any evidence of his shooting but somehow how REI Days Later provides the shell casings but there's no gun so how do we know that these shell casings went with this gun how do.

We know that a shooting actually occurred they say there's a video where two shots went off but ASAP REI says that three to four shots went off and so there's a lot of like kind of ambiguity and potentially Reasonable Doubt in this story already that when it goes to trial really a question mark As what's going to happen okay Mike we got to talk.

Possible strategy here so what will ASAP Rocky's legal team be trying to do as we watch this play out one thing I'm looking out for is that ASAP Rocky's defense attorney said that ASAP Rocky is cool as a cucumber right now and I think when a defense attorney says that their client is as cool as a cucumber indicates that they have something to.

Disprove this case in totality all right and uh Brian the next free trial hearing is set for March sixth year what can we expect between now and then negotiation I I don't think ASAP Rocky is going to end up taking a plea deal but every defense attorney is going to wear two different hats your negot iting to get the best possible deal for your client.

But also at the same time you're preparing uh for the discovery the process is going to give and there might also be some exchange of information from the defense because per the story there are two other members of the ASAP conglomerate that were there my question is who are they going to testify for goodness gracious talk about some friend.

Group drama it's GNA play out all right ABC News contributor Mike Muse and Brian buckmire and before we go we have to say congratulations to you and your Michigan wver I don't say it just say thank you thank you guys so much on behalf University of Michigan we say juste here on gma3 going shopping in a whole new way got a love bike why.

Walmart is putting artificial intelligence in your shopping cart and what it can do just for you when we come back stay with us tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the backto back storms threatening Millions more.

Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News Tonight with David mure we have really good I was terrified it was just so traumatic nightmare people need to understand these were wanted babies 18 women facing life and death medical conditions their.

Lives now out of their control I felt like I was going to die our lives and our health are debatable I one wish this upon my worst enemy Diane Sawyer Rachel Scott on the brink now streaming on Hulu what's good to watch read where can I get a great deal on what I'm just dying to buy oh it's all right here GMA life get the latest celebrity Buzz Deals and.

Steals and the coolest lifestyle tips from GMA I love that so much streaming weekends on ABC News live I it give it all to me give it to me why do so many people.

Start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the story that you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts first thing in the morning there's a lot going on everybody in that home is okay to catch you up.

With what happened overnight we are here at Fashion's biggest night out what's happening today YouTube has unveiled a new set of policies what people are talking about the new ad campaign fast straight forward with some fun in between a real life Barbie Dream House a name change for the wiener mobile first thing in the morning America this.

Morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live reporting from Hartsville Jackson Airport in Atlanta I'm Faith abou wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News News live back now with Walmart's new efforts to revolutionize the way that we all shop it is pretty cool the giant.

Retailer is revealing how it is using artificial intelligence to create a whole new experience and ABC's Elizabeth shy has to store this morning an ABC News exclusive Walmart taking us inside its retail Revolution using artificial intelligence to transform the way we shop at the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas the.

World's biggest retailer launching new features like the option to virtually shop with friends trying on outfits in its app and instantly getting feedback from those you trust you can also share that with someone else digitally to say do you like this sweater or not I my friends might say no more often than say yes Walmart CEO Doug McMillan also.

Touting expanded search capabilities on its site customers can now search for a phrase like football watch party instead of individual items to put in your your cart we get to move away from this baby talk search where we're trying to find chips and drinks in a 90in television and say how do I prepare a great watch party and it brings back across the top.

The categories you're looking for and then SE serves up a list of items that you can choose to host that great party the feature uses technology from Microsoft which has invested billions of dollars into chat GPT maker open AI it's all about being able to take the technology as powerful as it is but translating it into Everyday Use cases.

Microsoft CEO Satia Nadella telling us 2024 will be the year that consumers will see direct benefits from artificial intelligence I think this is the year where it scales and what perhaps happened with other Technologies over a period of 5 years will happen I think in the next 12 months but with those promises come fears that AI is advancing.

Too fast with too few protections for consumers are you concerned that the guard rails aren't in place for how quickly this technology is moving the guard rails have to be developed in parallel with the benefits and the use cases so this is not something we think about after the fact we put a lot of emphasis right in the product to build.

The safety layer uh before we launched anything in fact the bulk of the time is in buil thinking about the safety between juggling groceries and life sometimes you could really use a little extra help also in the pipeline from Walmart in home replenishment using to predict what products you need at home then delivering them straight to your.

Fridge or closet there's a Walmart associate that has a onetime code to our garage store they put the perishable food in the refrigerator put the ambient product next to it and we're in stock some people might hear that and say that sounds a little bit like a privacy concern someone has my garage code they know it's in my house that makes me a.

Little bit nervous over time I think what people have learned is that if you you're doing business with someone you trust and we can save you time I think think there will be more adoption of this over time as for how deliveries could eventually get to your home Walmart says it's expanding its use of drones to nearly 2 million more.

Households in the Dallas Ford Worth area with the hope more cities will be included soon so crazy that is crazy and Walmart CEO says the technology will get better on as time goes on and the expanded search feature is available now on iOS technology technology all right just ahead Dr Jan with some important tips.

When it comes to working out in the cold I'll be listening ah I don't walk out in the cold the amazing half court shot worth its weight and gold we'll tell you how much when we come back Marco in his dance moves every first thing in the morning there's a lot going on everybody in that home is.

Okay to catch you up with what happened overnight we are here at Fashion's biggest night out what's happening today YouTube has unveiled a new set of policies look what people are talking about the new ad campaign fast straightforward with some fun in between a real life Barbie Dreamhouse a name change for the Wier mobile first thing.

In the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live we have really good congratulations your I was terrified it was just so traumatic nightmare people need to understand these were wanted babies 18 women facing life and death medical conditions their.

Lives now out of their control I felt like I was going to die our lives and our health are debatable I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy Diane Sawyer Rachel Scott on the brink now streaming on Hulu why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories.

Start here now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are you I hug you yes so what will you be.

Watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show from America's number one news comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and customizable to your.

Interests if you love being in the no you're going to love this experience the allnew ABC News app download it now we are back now with Dr Jen and there's a new study that's taking a look at how sugar sweetens beverage taxes reduced sales at 33% within 2 years of its implementation and five major cities so what should we know okay so we're.

Talking about Boulder Colorado Philadelphia Oakland San Francisco and Seattle okay so price went up purchases went down of sugar sweetened beverages literally the exact amount and then when when it was looked at adjacent areas across the city boundaries they didn't see a spike in purchases during that time meaning people in those cities were.

Discouraged from spending more money ongar sweetened Beverages and they didn't go elsewhere to buy it so the the suggestion is that they bought something else that wasn't sugar sweetened this I think healthwise we know there is a strong Association and Link Between the consumption of these sugar sweetened beverages with obesity metabolic.

Syndrome then increasing the risk for heart disease and various types of cancers what we don't know is how commercial intervention will affect that and then again is it a slippery slope out of my Lane in terms of ethics and legalities how much does you know our our Marketplace have a right to dictate things that we know are associated with.

Our health which we are all paying for also you can look to things like cigarettes of course um for a historic president but really interesting yeah financially punishing people basically for making poor health decision pretty much yeah and I think also when you look at children teenagers who are asking adults often times for money and then.

Spending it on something that we know is not good for them that's an interesting area to contemplate too so this really got my attention all right Toc thank you very much we're back in a moment why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a.

Different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you.

Get your podcasts start here there are some stories that just stick with you drew was working at Victoria Secret she did a little Christmas shopping headed to her car and then went missing from the mall it's the last time anyone heard from Drew shadine how heartbreaking is that to think about Friday night 2020 takes you inside.

The hunt to catch a killer before he kills again you have a sexual predator on your hand allnew 2020 Friday night at 98 Central on ABC we have really good congratul I was terrified it was just so traumatic nightmare people need to understand these were wanted babies eight 18 women.

Facing life and death medical conditions their lives now out of their control I felt like I was going to die our lives and our health are debatable I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy Diane Sawyer Rachel Scott on the brink now streaming on Hulu tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye.

On the back-to- back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television world news tonight with David mure from America's number one news comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and customizable to your interests if you love being in the know you're going to.

Love this experience the allnew ABC News app download it now ABC News America's number one news source and hello everyone I'm Kira Phillips here are some top headlines were folling for you on ABC News live this hour starting with that Avalanche that's been confirmed at the Palisades.

Lake Tahoe area ski resort rescue teams responding to the popular ski area there in California searching for possible people underneath the snow Palisades is now closed for the rest of the day but a spokesperson for the sheriff's department did tell the AP that right now there are no confirmed reports of people trapped we'll follow the story.

Looks like Donald Trump did didn't make the judge's deadline so he will not be allowed to speak at closing arguments at his New York civil fraud trial emails show judge Arthur andoran resending permission earlier today after Trump's lawyers objected to the judge's instructions to limit arguments to what is permissible in court those arguments.

Set for tomorrow in the trial that could cost Trump hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties and strip him of his ability to do business in New York Trump denies all the allegations against him Hunter Biden making a surprised appearance at the house Committee hearing on whether to hold him in contempt GOP members say he was breaking.

The law for not showing up at a closed door meeting after they subpoena him then he just appeared and boy did that surprise visit cause a lot of chaos if the gentle lady wants to hear from Hunter Biden we can hear from him right now Mr chairman let's take a vote and hear from Hunter Biden what are you afraid of hold on hold on order.

Order I believe that Hunter Biden should be held completely and contempt I think he should be hauled off to jail right now Mr Biden doesn't make the rules we make the rul no that no Mr chairman you make the rules and the rule you made is that he can choose the rule is those were your those were your words we're claiming my.

Time well the president's son says that he will only testify in a public forum calling the probe illegitimate thanks for streaming with us I'm Kira Phillips ABC News live is here for you anytime with the latest news context and Analysis you can always find us on your favorite streaming service the ABC News app and of course on the.

News never stops more gma3 right now I mean serious welcome back to G what you that half court shot it was worth $100,000 the Die Hard Lakers fan for the win impressing even Superstar dangel.

Russell with his amazing move get out of that little swish that is so cool all and $100,000 $1,000 cool could you imagine if that happen to you you can tell me anything but I want my money I want my money now all right Dr Jan is back now taking a look at some of the questions that you are sending in for us what's the difference between spider.

Veins and varicus veins and how does treatment differ just asking you about this both incredibly common for women and for men spider veins are superficial they're flat they're smaller in diameter there're that I wish I wasn't wearing boots I would well people might not want to see mine um more common around the ankles I've had them since I was.

Pregnant and a resident um they can even occur on the face but they're flat they're not painful and they tend to be smaller varicose veins more common in the leg but also potentially can occur other places in the body are those ropey yeah you often painful um and they have a different cause treatment differs for both of them The Superficial spider.

Veins can easily be injected with what we call sclerosing agents varicose veins can be objected but injected but most of the time you have a vascular surgeon who ties them off and actually removes them it's called vein stripping totally different both very common both very annoying that was really interesting I blame M mine on my kids and my residency.

But you love them both your prescription for while okay some tips on how to work out safely if you're doing any physical exertion outside in the cold obviously very common at this time of year number one dress in layers so you should be a little cold when you start if you're hot or warm when you start you're probably overdressed uh number two you want to.

Know the signs of frostbite and hypothermia um that is more common than we think and again both can have significant consequences um for any Exposed Skin and hypothermia obviously can occur your entire body uh staying well hydrated is something that's often and often overlooked because we tend to just associate that importance in warmer.

Weathers and wear sunscreen you guys have heard me say it before regardless of your skin color 365 days a year I know my friend put on your neck your neck I'm a student at her mini bad school you know put it on your neck good my friend I'm not working out if I could get hypothermia it there you go that too she ain't working out when the sun is.

Outside all right folks we'd love to hear from you so hit us up on Instagram with all of your medical questions Dr JC gma3 I'm trying up next here on gma3 the growing movement to restore benefits and dignity to lgbtq plus veterans and later your Wellness is the focus of today's Deals and Steals and Tores here with the savings that you won't want to.

Miss come on back why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different t on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a.

News podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here I have a point of contact they're expecting us this our secret world we have do you think we're going to be safe I I don't know this is my pen inside.

That pen is a slice of human brain these are assassinations of people are going to be murdered definely there's really no telling what some of them will do I'm in I'm in I'm in oh my God it's happening everywhere and anywhere wow all right here we go you ready let's.

Do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are you I hug you yes so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show get ready America.

Every Friday the hottest Trends Styles and must have what's the right stuff to buy right now I really love that it's time to buy the right stuff yes and save big time too The Right Stuff Fridays on GMA you're going to love it from America's number one news comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and.

Customizable to your interests if you love being in the know you're going to love this experience the allnew ABC News app download it now tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the back to back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World.

News Tonight with David mure what's good to watch read where can I get a great deal on what I'm just dying to buy oh it's all right here GMA life get the latest celebrity Buzz Deals and Steals and the coolest lifestyle tips from GMA I love that so much streaming weekends on ABC News live stream ABC News live counting down.

Every day to the most consequential election of our lifetime now just one year away if it's politics in 2024 ABC News live will take you there streaming free wherever you stream your news welcome back it's been more than a decade since Congress ended the ban on lgbtq plus service members thousands of Americans were kicked out of the.

Military during don't ask don't tell and our Deon DWI reports at a new effort underway to correct what top officials have called a historic Injustice you show it to them and it says reason for discharge homosexual conduct for former Navy sailor Annie Reyes the words on paper still sting we were out.

In Bahrain in the middle of the ocean and they're like this is the perfect time to kick someone out for being gay so here here I go traveling all the way back here you don't have a job Virginia you don't have a car you don't have a home you don't have an ID I was just like sinking lower and lower and lower and I tried to kill myself.

So when that didn't work I I figured I got to keep trying I got to do something 14 years after a rumor led to an investigation and a humiliating removal from the USS baton as an electrician's mate this one is the actual interrogation that they used to get me kicked out Reyes says she's still fighting for her dignity and for full.

Access to military benefits like Health Care Home Loans and college tuition the very first benefit that I was denied was unemployment even right now I don't qualify to get my full benefits because I didn't serve the four years an estimated 100,000 service members since World War II were kicked out of the military because of their sexual.

Orientation including more than 13,000 under the don't ask don't tell policy between 1994 and 2011 there's definitely a long road ahead to really get full Justice for veterans who served under Donas donel this is after Congress lifted the military's gay ban in 2012 service members who received a less than honorable discharge.

Could apply to upgrade their records to remove stigma and qualify for more benefits but the Pentagon says only one in four have done so well good morning everyone I the Biden Administration last year announced the military would for the first time proactively review discharge records to identify and help those who were kicked out and have not.

Come forward this is yet another step we're taking to make sure we do right by those who served honorably but the Pentagon could not say when it planned to complete the review why can't the Pentagon just upgrade the status of these vets today I don't know why it is that it's taken this long for DOD to take the affirmative step I think they.

Have the authority to under the law is Governor I want these things happening as quickly as possible Governor MOA hey of Massachusetts says her State and several others can no longer wait for the federal government to help gay vets and are now taking steps on their own we're going to make sure that any veteran who served who who is discharged.

Because they were gay is going to be in line and receive state benefits would you have had to take this step if the military had proactively upgraded all of these veterans years ago Maybe not maybe not but I I think what it speaks to though is sort of the the devastating effect of this discriminatory law the state estimates between 10 and 15,000.

Gay veterans could benefit but even in Massachusetts the burden is still on the veteran to file a claim why do we have to keep coming back and coming back for you to give Justice to us you have our name you know where we are Annie Reyes says the new Outreach is a positive if small step toward making things right in 2009 with help from the Harvard veteran.

Clinic she was able to upgrade her discharge records to honorable and remove a reference to her sexual orientation but she says thousands of vets are still waiting I'm willing to risk my life I'm sitting here still standing willing to risk my life for you and you're wondering who I'm sleeping with it's the stupidest thing you feel.

Like they owe you an apology I don't need an apology I need them to fix the things that they broke and our many thanks to Devon for that report there up next on GMA 3 the wellness products that you want to have on your radar in the new year and guess who has them Tori Johnson she also has that great savings she's here with her.

Deals and Steals let be come back tonight can GOP hopeful shrink the Gap with the front runner the countdown plus keeping an eye on the back to back storms threatening Millions more Americans turn to the most watched newscast on television World News.

Tonight with David mure we have really good congratulations your I was terrified it was just so traumatic nightmare people need to understand these were wanted babies 18 women facing life and death medical conditions their lives now out of their control I felt like I was going to die our lives and.

Our health are debatable I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy Diane Sawyer Rachel Scott on the brink now streaming on Hulu what's good to watch read where can I get a great deal on what I'm just dying to buy oh it's all right here GMA life get the latest celebrity Buzz Deals and Steals and the coolest lifestyle tips from GMA I love that so much.

Streaming weekends on ABC News live why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R meral Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast.

Worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here in mcac one of the biggest unclimbed rock faces on the planet now I'm starting to get very excited if we manage to climb in CAC.

It'll be the biggest first desent we've ever done oh my God so scary ultimately what's at stake with climbing this is not what I signed up for is always your life first thing in the morning there's a lot going on everybody in that home is okay to catch you up with what happened overnight we are here at Fashion's.

Biggest night out what's happening today YouTube has unveiled a new set of policies what people are talking about the new ad campaign fast straightforward with some fun in between a real life Barbie Dream House a name change for the Wier mobile first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News.

Live from the volcanic Landscapes of Southwestern Iceland I'm James Longman wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live all right welcome back everyone it is our first Deals and Steals of 2024 can you believe it and Tor Johnson is here it's always good to see her she's got some huge savings on all the.

Wellness products that you will need this year good to see you my friend and you can start shopping right now by pointing that cell phone camera at the QR code there on your screen you were saying you keep the prices low in January cuz we're all poor this time of year but we still want to treat ourselves and we still want to stick to.

Those resolutions and quite frankly people just love shopping so here we go uh we're starting with life Pro and I think we have a supermodel helping us out with this one this is a sauna blanket so it's going to help accelerate sweating let's see who's there there she is she is uh so what's awesome about that is device free distra.

Traction free relaxation so not only does the 30 minute session just really help you relax you're going to sweat we were both saying like these things work you are going to sweat and that's just great for everything from both mind and body uh that excessive sweating is it's it's a workout while you get to lay down today $90 in free shipping from life and.

You can burn up to 500 calories too by the calorie burning you very easy to clean yes okay uh so next up equip so the these are the two that I've for you guys the heavy ones like the light ones are over here for me 12 lb each on those those are each 12 lb and so think of this as a Chic new I was like it seems like any which way that you want to use.

Wherever you would use kind of what I would say or like ugly dumbbells you could replace them with these Chic looking actually really comfortable I'm wearing 4 in sett and you're wearing so whether you're toning your arms strengthening your core there's they go from 4 lb up to 16 lb and then we also have their wrist wraps as well you can.

Put onist or ankle in and2 they're very pry saying thato from and2 to 3 lb yep so even if you're quite frankly just putting these on your wrist your ankles when you're doing chores around the house you could turn the grocery uh grocery shopping into a little bit of a workout just by putting those on so it's the kind of thing these weight why you.

Look crazy in the supermarket not even remotely not at all not at all no one even sees them no one even sees them if they're on your wrist store anyway exactly so there you go slashed in half everything starts at 20,000 they're really good okay this is Healey we were talking about kinesiology tape that a lot of people use for.

Anything from tennis elbow to calf tightness strains muscles joint paint tightening but what's special about this is they have built into it Menthol and magnesium and so very often when someone's wearing KT Tape uh for a you know a particular strain they'll they'll put their lotions on first then they put the tape on and the tape doesn't always.

Stick this allows it to stick right in place because it's all infused and built in um so if you've got an area that needs some healing which most people do this is a really great company first time being featured the rolls are slash and half 122 you can smell the mintol too exactly okay uh better sleep so we' got two different options from Eli and.

Elm that is a body pillow so what I love about this is it's designed so this would be a really helpful when I was pregn during pregnancy so they're really popular during pregnancy and then a lot of times people say like I want to stick with this why didn't I ever know about this before I was pregnant so this is going to be the side that support for.

Your head and then straight down your body people put them uh you can clutch it between your knees like between your like it's just a really comfortable way to have extra support so whether it's um belly pressure or back pain of a a body pillow like this is awesome and then we also have from them their weighted blanket here and what's good about this.

Weighted blanket is is you see each of those areas is hand stitched so that the weight stays evenly distributed sometimes weighted blankets all the weight shifts down to one side and it's difficult to kind of Shake It Up it sounds like it would be hot it's not too hot when it's not it's not it consider it a warm hug and that's a cooling cover.

So it's not going to be too hot I'm going to put you to the test tonight I'm going to send that home with you so you can come back tomorrow and say she was right slash and half starts at $60 and free shipping on take I'll take it okay this is wish Beauty so winter skin needs really good treatment their secret special kind of hero ingredient all of.

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Our next guest plays a North Dakota Deputy who's pulled into the story by chance and is determined to see it three please please welcome Lam more Morris Lam more don't get up okay so many of us love you from New Girl when you were Winston yes this character is not.

Winston so let's let's talk about your character and the accent because you don't sound like you're from that part of the world no I'm I'm from Chicago I'm from Chicago so the accent was kind of there a little bit you know what I mean I just pulled from different friends and then I you know I have some buddies in Minnesota as well then Liz hilstein my.

Dialect coach she uh she definitely coached me up a little bit to put that Accent on you know so I want to ask you about a term Minnesota nice which I can attest to is the truth I've spent some time in Minnesota I always tell our executive producer cat McKenzie who's from Minnesota that it's the truth what does that mean to you because it comes.

Up in the show yeah I mean you know you can put on a good face it's like no matter what we got to smile we got to smile our way through this even though you might feel like popping some wait a minute so is our EP putting on a good face on no I nice when you walk in like this yes I think it's legit the nicest.

People in Minnesota oh 100% right it's it's so hospitable they say Southern the term Southern Hospitality I feel like that's in Minnesota let's talk about Fargo this cast is crazy stacked oh my gosh from top to bottom top give them all Oscars give them all damn it everyone's great Sam spru John Ham you name it our cast is uh Rich Mor Johnny.

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Example super sweet guy but in the show if you if you pay attention to the show he's not you know he ain't all the way there you know what I mean which is so weird because off camera like it couldn't be sweeter and then he's on camera he is a supremacist of sorts you know got to make it look good right yeah well thank you so much we're.

So proud of you too keep doing your I appreciate that yeah you've had a lot of fun and Fargo airs Tuesdays at 10 p.m. Eastern on FX and it streams the next day on Hulu and that is what you need to know for today I'm evail I'm DeMarco Morgan and I'm Dr Jen Ashton and for all of us here at have a good one and we will see you tomorrow again Bravo my.

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America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are you I hug you yes so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6: Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show reporting in.

Philadelphia I'm Trevor alt wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live I'm KY WTH here in Los Angeles and we begin with some breaking news at this hour we're just in that the Republican race for president is narrowing sources are telling ABC news that Chris Christie.

Intends to drop out of the race now we are expecting him to speak at any moment he is holding a live Town Hall in New Hampshire we're told that his campaign invited his top supporters so that they could hear directly from him we will bring that to you live as soon as it happens and of course this is all unfolding just hours before the final.

High stakes debate before this primary contest gets underway in Iowa former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and Florida Governor Ronda santz facing off one on-one for the very first time this is the first debate that Chris Christie did not qualify for and it will all happen tonight at Drake University in De Moine Iowa of course this is less than a.

Week before the state's first in the nation C both candidates are looking to stop the clear front runner Donald Trump who is again skipping the debate instead he's holding a separate televised Town Hall also in De Mo now the latest polling average out from our partners at 53d gate is showing that Trump has a massive.

Double digigit lead in Iowa D santis less than a percentage Point ahead of Nikki Haley this as the race heats up temperatures are plummeting in Iowa it is no worthy Monday's caucuses are actually forecasted to be the coldest ever on record which is Raising concerns that the weather could severely impact turnout and then a little more than a.

Week after Iowa of course is the GOP Primary in New Hampshire where a CNN University of New Hampshire poll shows that Haley is gaining ground now trailing Trump by just seven points there in New Hampshire so we have Team political coverage ahead of tonight's debate we we have ABC News Deputy political director Avery Harper who is.

Live outside the debate Hall at Drake University ABC News Alex pet is in the spin room and ABC News political director Rick Klein is joining us from our studios in New York so thank you so much for being here with us um all of you so again we are awaiting to hear from Chris Christie who now says he intends to drop out of this race so.

Avery I'd like here to start with you and get get your initial reaction from that we know that he has been facing a lot of pressure to drop out and some are saying that potentially his supporters might swing Nikki Haley's way what's your take right well I I don't think that his departure from the race is going to.

Impact what we'll see happen here uh in Iowa uh Christie had not spent a lot of time here he did not campaign here he had really put all his eggs in the New Hampshire basket so it'll be interesting to see exactly where his voters go we don't know if he is going to endorse another candidate ahead of the New Hampshire primary uh but it'll be.

Interesting to see where his voters lie and and Rick as we turn here to you do we have any idea what we're expecting to hear in this announcement and noteworthy again that he's invited his top supporters so that they could hear directly from him but it sounds like certainly Rick he has been planning this for some time we're hearing that you.

Know his production staff company is already you know removing the backdrop of new the New Hampshire flag they said they're going to replace it with American flags uh tonight so what do you plan to hear uh yeah I'm told that that he has made the decision just in the last day or so there was a poll out from CNN yesterday that we just had uh we we.

Just referenced that that had him in third place but falling and Nikki Haley surging and that was a source of some frustration that same poll to your earlier question had two-thirds of the Haley supporters said they would go with Chris Christie if if sorry the chrisy bo is saying they would go with NI with Nikki Haley if he were out of the race.

And so I think that reality has struck him I'm told that he does not plan to endorse another candidate but if he does plan to make the case to the Republican Party needs to get strong against Donald Trump that Donald Trump is a mistake he has talked about his own personal misjudgments in supporting Donald Trump in the past and he's going to make clear.

Tonight that he thinks the Republican party needs to go in a different direction but make no mistake this is a huge development on the eve of the first contest where people vote less than a week from now in Iowa certainly and Rick just to follow up real quickly we are as we're hearing that he doesn't plan to endorse another candidate I mean what.

Would a Chris Christie endorsement mean to someone well it's an interesting question and there's some question as about whether it would help in Republican primary or not given his his unpopularity but the supporters the people that were attracted to his his his anti-trump message want if they're Republicans they're going to want.

Someplace to go and polling would suggest that overwhelmingly they've been going in the direction of Nikki Haley and and she seems the most likely to benefit and Avery's right Nikki Hy has not been playing in Iowa but this attention that that Haley is going to to get could change that as well Des santis has been in danger of some time of.

Falling behind haly and look if you have Nikki Haley competitive in Iowa and winning New Hampshire suddenly you have a real race and that's part of what Chris Christie is thinking about that if there's a chance to beat Donald Trump he does not want to be the person that's standing in the way of that possibility certainly and Alex you're there in the.

Spin room so you have to imagine now that both the disantis and the Haley campaigns are positioning themselves to take advantage of this news I'm sure they'll be facing questions about this in the debate tonight what do you think you'll be hearing well I think first off Rick is completely right on this uh on this.

Point about the vacuum that would be uh created by Chris Christie dropping out of this race and and certainly you've seen the Haley campaign kind of lay the groundwork here seeing her visits her recent visits to New Hampshire in South Carolina even some of those comments that she's made about the importance of of New Hampshire uh and and and and.

Certainly you know tonight this last debate before the Iowa caucus uh is going to be an opportunity for both these campaigns Haley and as santis to to really start to kind of uh claim dibs on some those voters that maybe they like the trumpian policies maybe they like uh some of his stances on America first but they don't like the personal.

Politics and that's something that Chris Christie has railed about dur during the duration of his campaign maybe that's that's a lane that they can start to kind of pull from and Avery to you you know what is the you know verbiage that we'll be hearing from these candidates tonight as they take this debate stage because we've been hearing a lot that.

Some people are critical that perhaps Dan santis and Nikki Haley haven't been hard enough on Trump Chris Christie certainly fought that fight for these candidates and now he has stepped out he has fallen in the polls partly because he does not support Trump and that is not something that the GOP base likes to hear right it is very unpopular in this.

Current Republican party to be anti-trump and that is part of the reason why Chris chrisy did not gain traction uh in places outside of New Hampshire and so it'll be interesting to hear tonight from the debate stage what these candidates say I I do not anticipate that we're going to he Dan santis or Haley take direct shots at.

Former president Trump uh because again they are not trying to alienate those Trump voters but I also don't think that the method has been successful for them right it does not necessarily Garner them additional votes uh to uh not take Trump on directly and we know that former president Trump is going to be uh taking part in his own form of.

Counterprogramming tonight and so it'll be interesting to see just how many iins are tuning into that versus tuning into this debate tonight certainly that'll be interesting inter to see and Rick there's been some people that say essentially Chris Christie you know kind of staked his entire campaign on New Hampshire it is where he will be talking.

Tonight in New Hampshire that he kind of skipped Iowa altogether but Rick as you watch on Nikki Haley move forward too it seems like she also has sites there on New Hampshire where Ronda santis is going on this you know 99 Count tour there in Iowa so how does that all stack up yeah and it's important to keep in mind that the electorates are totally.

Different we talk about Iowa and New Hampshire as kind of peas in a pod but they're totally different Iowa is a real hardcore conservative based High Evangelical uh High number of Evangelical Christians and also it's really the die hards that have to show up in person on a very cold night in January to vote New Hampshire is a lot.

Different you've got a different type of conservative base that is more conservative on economic issues versus social issues and independent voters can vote in the Republican primary or the Democratic primary this year there really isn't much going on on the Democratic side so you're you're tapping into a rich vein of independent voters.

And Republic rep an that think about things differently so it reflects the different strategies the santis has tried to run to Donald Trump's right H Nikki Haley has tried to run to to to his left and Chris Christie tried to run through him and that I think is is where they stake these different states and so far at least the polling would suggest.

That um that New Hampshire is much more fertile ground that Trump is more vulnerable from a more moderate and independent-minded type of voter versus hardcore conservatives we'll see what happens in Iowa in a few days but the bet on New Hampshire appears to be paying off for Nikki haly in a way that it isn't necessarily for Ronda santis in.

Iowa yeah it'll be so interesting to see how these cards fall and Alex back to you there in the spin room I mean you've been on the ground now there for weeks and you've spent a lot of time in Iowa throughout your career and you've been talking to voters and again many of them have expressed at least at some point to you that they have been a little bit.

Disappointed in how Nikki Haley and Rhonda santz haven't been going after Trump but I want to read to you something that Chris Christie said uh as he was speaking with voters earlier he said I beg you to vote based on character and he went on to say you know even if it's not for me I beg you to vote based on character I mean who has.

He looking at when he's saying that well I I think here in Iowa I mean that's a direct play to a lot of the Evangelical Republican vote here right and that was something that was uh focused on heavily especially early in this campaign season you know that uh Governor Dan Sanz had a kickoff event at an evang one of the largest Evangelical.

Churches in Us in the central Iowa area uh that was for a reason and I can tell you that anecdotally we've talked to a lot of religious leaders pastors here who have told you that yes they voted for Trump in 2016 uh they were leaning his way uh this year but or this cycle but the the the politics of character the politics a person uh were something.

That they were having a hard time getting over now look you look at the polls he's got a 30-point lead here clearly that's something uh that hasn't tricked all the way down but certainly with Chris Christie uh leaving this phrase I mean you wonder if if some of those lanes are going to be filled by either disantis or a Haley tonight on.

The debate stage as they're trying to make this final push heading into the Iowa caucuses can that be enough to sway some of these folks that maybe not have voted for caucus for Chris Christie but you know maybe going for Nikki Haley or de santis that might be a little bit more palpable and you maybe there's some chipping away at that trumpan lead.

Chipping away perhaps and Avery back to you I know that you're standing outside there you're getting ready for this debate as as Alex has Ed to Rick as well this potentially could be one of the coldest caucuses you know on record I know that it's freezing people are concerned about turnout and so do you think that that might even come up in in.

The debate tonight as they really urge people to get out and vote right I we are expecting subzero temperatures on caucus night and so yes that has raised concerns about uh folks deciding maybe to stay home inside where it's warm rather than going outside and going to a caucus site in order to to uh cast that ballot for uh the candidate of.

Their choice I I don't necessarily know if it's going to come up on the debate stage tonight but uh we do know that this is the last chance on a large stage uh in a debate format for both the santis and Haley to make that closing argument uh for voters uh here in the state of Iowa we also know that former president Trump has warned his.

Supporters here in the state of Iowa uh that they need to turn out uh that they should not become complacent with the fact that uh former president Trump has a large lead here in the state and recent polling uh he is urging those voters to turn out uh for him at caucus sites across the state and so we will see what happens here it's it's sort of.

An unpredictable Factor uh having those really really cold temperatures here in Iowa on caucus night and and Avery as we stick here with you and we're told by some of our ineds that were out there today that they think it's because of the weather that there was even some low turn out at theas Swami's uh event that he held.

Today there's a name that we haven't mentioned yet in terms of of the Iowa caucus he will not be though on that debate stage tonight and how does his absence change the game especially in terms of the attacks that we saw him lay out on Nikki Haley time and time again in previous debates right I think he was actually.

The source of a lot of the uh fireworks that we've seen on the stage uh in previous debates and so uh this will I think without him being on the stage will allow for both DeSantis and Haley to debate the issues debate policy we will see where the two candidates uh stand on various issues uh as they uh argue on the stage tonight uh from the.

Debate stage here in uh in Iowa in terms of of V ramaswami he too is holding his own sort of coet excuse me counter programming tonight uh ahead of the debate here in Iowa uh it just becomes more and more difficult to make that closing argument to a large swath of the electorate when you're not on the debate stage and so we'll see if this affects.

How folks turn out for him on caucus night all right Avery and Rick Klein as we go back to you here we're watching this room sort of fill up this is a room there in New Hampshire uh where Chris Christie is going to address not only the people in the room some of his biggest supporters but essentially the nation because we will bring it be bring.

Bring bringing it to you live as he decides to end his presidential campaign but Rick I'm curious when we haven't talked about the Democrats yet here so if there is thought that some of Chris supporters might now go and vote for Nikki Haley is that a larger concern now from Democrats when it comes to the general election well I think Nikki.

Haley is right now A much tougher general election matchup than uh than than Donald Trump is Donald Trump lost already the Joe Biden they know that Playbook and if you look at what the Biden campaign is doing they're already running against Donald Trump so they have calculated that Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee and.

That remains the likeliest scenario but a scenario where Nikki Hy instead emerges as the Republican nominee is much different and right now Joe Biden is down substantially to Nikki Haley of course there's a long campaign to go but but the argument that that Chris Christie is making right now about what you feel if you feel like Donald Trump.

Is wrong for the country if you're a republican if you're an independent those are people that Jo are Joe Biden voters and if they become instead Republican voters behind Nikki Haley that's a big problem for Democrats and it's going to force some recalculations it's so interesting to me because we've seen all of these months and months and.

Months of the campaign This Is Where It Starts I think this is really the beginning the most sub substantial and significant announcement so far and then of course when the voting actually begins next week certainly and it is I mean this is a huge uh announcement here and sometimes we do see people fall out uh at least ahead of the Iowa caucus or.

Right after right before New Hampshire we've seen things play out that like that in years past thinking back to 2016 uh but Rick as we stay here with You Chris Christie has said you know I got into this race to defeat Trump and to become president do you anticipate him addressing Trump at all in this tonight and does he just see the defeat of trump.

As a success for the Republican party at this point yeah I think we're going to hear a lot about Trump actually he has said recently uh and talked publicly about the mistake that he made in deciding to support Trump in 2016 you know he dropped out for president once before uh to some Fanfare after New Hampshire back in 2016 became the first.

Major figure former candidate to support Trump uh and he said that was a mistake and he doesn't want to be seen as repeating that mistake and being the the the force that that held back another candidate for potentially winning the nomination he continues to think that Trump is a threat to democracy and a danger for the for for the party and for.

The nation and I think we're going to hear some of that tonight I cannot wait to hear what he has to say again that room is getting very very full there in New Hampshire as we await to hear uh from Chris Christie and so Alex pet again now is in the spin room because he preparing for this debate tonight that is going to be held.

It's a face-to-face one-on-one debate with Nikki Haley and Rhonda Sanz and it's the first time that they've ever really been able to do that and a lot of people are hoping tonight Alex that they might really get a chance to talk policy with less people on the stage What policies do you think might come up first and which ones do you think.

They'll really be able to separate themselves the most on well look I mean we know the big picture uh politics that that really kind of plays here I mean it's going to be the economy uh guns uh immigration is also uh up there but talking to Iowa Republicans I mean we've heard a smattering of of of of subcategories.

That have really been kind of important to folks there was a gentleman yesterday who who wanted to hear Haley uh talk more about the environment we've certainly heard uh more uh uh from from from Iowans here that uh wanted to see uh the governor differentiate himself a little bit more from the former president uh and and and hit him a.

Little harder and so I mean this is going to be an opportunity for for for for some of that to play out and as was mentioned before you don't have a a ramas Swami on the stage you don't obviously you don't have a trump on on the stage and and you don't have a Christy on the stage I mean those have been those figures have been lightning.

Rides here that have provided some fireworks but uh but not so uh so much substantial debates on on on policy as much so I I think you know for for for those that are looking for an opportunity to see these two candidates really kind of differentiate themselves from each other um it seems as though this is fertile ground for that kind of.

Conversation certainly is uh especially again just with the two of them they'll have a lot more time each of them to talk and we go back outside to Avery Harper and first of all Avery I feel for you out there in the cold I have stood out in the cold many a time and I feel for you and I'm sorry but you're holding up so strong so thank you thank you so.

Much and in terms of the cold I mean we've talked a little bit about the concern over turnout for this caucus that might again be the coldest on record but when something so significant like this happens like Chris Christie dropping out do you think that there might be voters in Iowa that may watch this debate a little bit differently.

Tonight with a little bit Keener eye and then potentially be energized to go out and vote right well I listen Chris Christie did not invest time here he did not campaign here and so I I don't think that there are many Christie voters out here who are now looking for a place to go that being said there are undecided.

Voters here in the state of Iowa who are going to be looking at this debate tonight uh to see exactly who they might cast their ballots for when they head out to caucus on Monday night uh and so they will be looking for uh information uh about where these candidates stand on policy be it uh matters of the economy and inflation uh be it the southern.

Border be it abortion which is a an important issue for uh conservative voters here in the state of Iowa and so I think that's some of what uh folks are going to be looking at tonight this is a chance for both Haley and santis to make their closing arguments to voters across the Hawkeye State uh these are folks that they have been talking to for.

Months uh but it really matters uh in the days leading up uh to the Iowa caucus uh what they say because this is when folks are really tuned in this is when folks are really paying attention absolutely they are and Alex back to you there in the spin room some voters in Iowa feel that potentially uh potentially Nikki Haley has some.

Answering for because of some comments that she made in general terms she sort of said things like you know they'll vote first in Iowa and then New Hampshire uh will correct it so what did you hear from voters after she said and after she said that and how do you think she'll have to answer that question on the debate stage tonight like Tim Miller.

Who know New Hampshire well well there was a lot of frustration there and and and even some some some anger um overlooking I keep in mind this is one thing that Ians take very very seriously being the first in the nation kind of setting the tone politically it's a tradition that they've had for 50 something years right and so to overlook.

That you already have the Democrats that pulled out uh post 2020 and so now you have a a big candidate on the Republican side who is overlooking Iowa uh you know that is that's a jab and and so yes you likely will have to to answer for that but it's not just those comments I think it's also uh some of her actions too right I mean she's spent a ton of time.

In New Hampshire uh even as we're leading up in these final uh days the Iowa caucus and there I that are watching and so do anticipate that these are these are questions that she will have to to answer in some capacity in this Final in this final push now granted since those comments she has had appearances here and they have been.

Fairly well attended especially given the weather but that is going to be something that is in the back of of many of these iow certain certainly and Avery as we go back here to you and we're again waiting to hear from Chris Christie there's been a lot of pressure on him to drop out of this campaign some Republicans you know.

Feel that if he were to drop out that some voters might instead unify behind a candidate that then could actually beat Trump again unify behind a candidate that could be in second place and then eventually beat Trump is there any indication of who they're hoping that candidate might be and will tonight's debate change debate change some.

Minds right there has been uh vocal calls for Chris Christie to drop out of this race namely from New Hampshire Governor Chris sonunu uh who has called for uh chrisy to drop out of this race uh and in turn I think the hope there is that uh some of those Christy voters uh would go in Nikki Haley's Direction uh look I think it's going to be an uphill.

Battle for anyone who's not named Donald Trump uh to become the nominee uh for the GOP uh to become the Presidential nominee um and so it's it's going to be uh interesting to see what happens after this uh in a state like New Hampshire uh where we know that Nikki Haley is running second only to Trump when you look at recent polling uh I I think the.

Pressure uh now turns up on uh disantis right uh especially in a state like New Hampshire where he's trailing uh far behind uh former president Trump and Nikki Haley and that's why what matters here in it what what happens here in Iowa really matters uh because for DeSantis if he does not have a strong finish here his Outlook is not any.

Better in New Hampshire all right Avery thank you now Chris Christie it appears he is walking now to the stadium as soon as he starts talking we will uh bring you in on it but I want to check in with Rick Klein before that happens Rick any indication of what we might hear here tonight yeah kada this is wild and and just ABC News.

Just reviewed this audio but before this began the campaign put out a live stream and Governor Christie was already on mic and he talked quite disparagingly about his opponents including Dan santis and Nikki Haley saying at one point that Haley would get smoked uh we'll get that audio and turn it around as as as soon as we can but it is.

Uh it is quite a stunner uh and a pretext for the speech that he's about to give again we're told he's not planning on endorsing but today and tonight was not meant to be to my understanding about uh about the shortcomings of Trump's Rivals but about the shortcomings of trump and I think it's going to be overshadowed um as this.

Gets more placed so we'll see what what Governor Christie has to say himself wow that is fascinating language uh Rick Klein thank you so much we'll check back in with you as soon as we are finished listening to Chris Christie so let's go there now glad we're having better weather than we had yesterday um we were up in Rochester yesterday and it.

Was snowing like real New Hampshire snow um so it was good to experience that so thank you all for coming tonight I appreciate you being here I appreciate your support you know we start these Town Halls the same way I've started them the same way ever since we were up at St anels in June to tell you why why we're in this race.

And we're in this race to tell the truth from the beginning we've been in this race to tell the truth fact is that as we were watching this race come together from where Mary Pat and I were sitting at home in New Jersey we were really concerned that nobody would tell the truth in this race about what's really at.

Stake and no one would tell the truth about Donald Trump hey no one would tell the truth about his divisiveness no it's very little but it's theying of anger there you saw the for his own benefit him putting himself before the people of this country myself included who gave him the honor of being president of the United States from 2017.

To 2021 personal ambition is a necessary element for any political candidate you got to get out of bed in the morning and be able to really believe in your heart that you have something to offer to folks that's better and.

Different and so I have no argument with people who are involved in politics being ambitious you need to have it but it can't be what governs your decision making ambition can be what makes you decide how to do things as a public figure it could just be the fuel that gets you out of bed that gets you in front of a room like this that gets you.

On the phone raising money that gets you working for people who you believe in and gets you working for yourself I made a political decision eight years ago when I dropped out of the race in 2016 I looked at the polls and I decided that Donald Trump was going to be the nominee and that that since I known him.

For 15 years that I could make him a better candidate and if he won maybe a better president I knew his flaws but I also knew he was going to win the nomination so I decided that I would get behind him and support him I let the ambition get ahead and in control of the.

Decisionmaking and after I figured that out I promised myself and I promised my wife that I would never ever do that again and I'm not going to so for all the people who have been in this race who have put their own personal ambition ahead of what's right they will ultimately have to.

Answer the same questions that I had to answer after my decision in 2016 those questions don't ever leave in facts they're really stubborn they stay and so I know how I'm answering those questions I've never believed that.

Donald Trump was a foregone conclusion as our nominee in this race and I knew that the case had to be made against him now there are people in our party who are resigned the fact that he was going to be the nominee resign with the fact that the case did didn't even need to be made because it would be a waste of.

Time they sat on the sidelines and all they did was voice their opposition in private behind closed doors quietly so no one could hear and that's not leadership everybody that's cowardice it's cowardice and it's hypocrisy as a party we need to be willing to take the.

Responsibility for the part we've played in getting here our country is angry it's divided it's accomplishing little and it is leading our citizens to be exhausted and you just look at what's happening just in the last few days good people who got into politics I.

Believe for the right reasons people like Senator John baraso people like Congressman Tom Emer stand up and endorse Donald Trump they know better I know they know better people who continue to deny the results of the 2020 election people in leadership in the.

House who go on TV and say that the people who attack the capital on January 6th are hostages I'll tell you who hostages are the Israelis who are still being hidden in tunnels in Gaza against their will out of no fault of their.

Own these people speak louder for the folks who attacked our capital on January 6th than they are willing to stand up and speak for the people of Israel who are in tunnels in Gaza that's not leadership that's ambition and cowardice which is outstripped their otherwise good judgment we want to change this.

Party and if we want to change this country it's hard work it's not easy from the moment I got into the race the decision that I made was really simple I would would rather lose by telling the truth than lie in order to win and I feel no differently today.

Because this is a fight for the soul of our party and the soul of our country why have we resisted the calls to drop out of this race because unlike some of the other candidates we're fighting for something bigger than ourselves we're fighting for something bigger than.

Self-interest we're fighting for something bigger than the next title I've got plenty of titles enough titles to last me the rest of my life us attorney Governor husband father son brother I had enough titles to last we for the rest of my life we are fighting for something.

Bigger and it's something that conventional wisdom thinkers just can't possibly understand and so they've been saying for weeks and weeks and weeks because some polls that I should drop out of the race that I should get out for that reason the smallness of the campaigns who spend more time arguing.

And worrying about who should get out of the race than they have spent going after the front run they spend all their time saying oh christe should get out Scott should get out Pence should get out Hutchinson should get out berham should get out they and their donors have a different Target every day to try to minimize the.

Attention to their own campaign how their own campaign is a campaign that doesn't play to win it's a campaign that plays to not offend the problems in our country the divisions and influx at our border the problems with our enormous.

Debt the failures of our education system all of those things and much more will not be solved by people who are too afraid to talk about what the real problems are if we ever have a hope of restoring this party to be a governing party of principles we have to be willing to do the hard work and take some of the heat.

That comes with it we have candidates in this race who have run away from forums where they were afraid they were going to be booed I run into the forums where I know I'm going to be booed because being being booed for telling the truth is a badge of honor I'm.

Proud of every thing we've said and done so far and I'm proud of all the people who have supported us and are willing to do what needs to be done to restore the soul of our country see because in the end all those issues that we've talked about at all the town.

Halls they're all really important but they're no more important than the most important issue and that is the character of the candidate you don't know what's going to come across the next president's desk you think you can predict it but you can't no one asked George W bush or Al Gore what they would do if four.

Airliners were hijacked and flown into symbols of American power and killing thousands of Americans no one asked them that in New Hampshire in 2000 but I was glad we had a man of character sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office when that attack came because I knew George Bush would do everything he needed to do to protect this country and.

Its people and put them first not himself First Imagine just for a moment if 9/11 had happened with Donald Trump behind the desk the first thing he would have done was run to the bunker to protect himself he would have put himself first before this country and anyone who is unwilling to say that he is unfit to be.

President of the United States is unfit themselves to be president of the United States campaigns are run to win that's why we do them I see the chairman here in New Hampshire he knows we run campaigns to win my goal has never been to be just a voice against the hate and the division and the selfishness of what our party has become.

Under Donald Trump it's also been to win the nomination and defeat Joe Biden and restore our party and our country to a new place of hope and optimism in this country I've always said that if there came a point in time in this race where I couldn't see a path to accomplishing that goal that I would get out and it's clear to me.

Tonight that there isn't a path for me to win the nomination which is why I'm suspending my campaign tonight for president of the United States I know and I can see it from some of the faces here that I'm disappointing some people by doing this people who believe in our message.

And believe in what we've been doing I also know though it's the right thing for me to do because I want to promise you this I am going to make sure that in no way do I enable Donald Trump to ever be president of the United States again and that's more important than my own personal.

Ambition so we have to decide now we have to decide in the next 10 months who do we want to be as a country we forget that people are walking thousands of miles still to get here we talk about the problems in the border and there are problems and we have to.

Fix them and we have to secure our border and we have to do it in a way that's smart and sensible and will work because it's not right to have a poorest Southern Border in this country but I want you to remember something those people who are coming over that border many of them are walking hundreds if not thousands of miles to get there because.

Here is where they see hope here is where they see Freedom here is where they see success here is where they see that flag which means for them thousands of miles away in other countries all of those principles we are still the indispensable Nation to the rest of the.

World we need to be the dispensible Nation once again to each other we need to believe in America as much as they believe in America right now they believe in America in a way that this country angry divided with selfish leadership who puts their own ambition first isn't doing for our country.

Anymore we need to change that and every election is an opportunity to change it we have people in this race all they will do is tell you how bad everything is how angry we should be and there's certainly sufficient reason for anger at the failures of the leaders we've.

Selected but they're doing it not for that reason it's not a moment of honesty and transparency believe me it's not it's because they believe when we get angry what we'll do is naturally relate to the angriest voice in the room Donald Trump wants you to be angry every day because he's angry he wants you to be angry so that.

You'll relate to his anger and then to vote for him please understand this I have known him well for 22 years more than anybody else in this race has known him and I can promise you this if you put him back behind the desk in the Oval Office and a choice comes.

And a decision is needed to be made as to whether he puts himself first or he puts you first how much more evidence do you need need that he will pick himself and if that is what we have there then people are going to remain angry remain divided and become even more exhausted.

Than they are today the country that I think we should choose is the country that recognizes that our differences have always been our strength not a weakness not something to divide us and anger us but our differences have been our strength we've come from different countries at.

Different times to different places with different skills with different religions and yet only here can those people become an American you can't go to Germany and become a German can't to come to Great Britain and become British but you can come here and become an American a real part of.

This country the moment we become a place where people no longer want to come in search of a better Freer stronger nation that will be the real problem that will be harder to solve we back our allies around the world and they shouldn't have to think twice about having America's.

Support yet we have Petty politics interfering with supporting Freedom Fighters in Ukraine we have Petty politics interfering with defending our friends in Israel we have Petty politics interfering with making sure Taiwan is armed to fight off the.

Chinese they use the Border as an excuse not to do those things how about we have a country where we can do all those things because leadership aspires to something greater not to appealing to the lowest common denominator which is what the leadership of the last decade and a half in the.

White house has done including the current President we need a country that once again feels like everyone has a stake in what we're doing that we can bring people together and it's hard it's hard to do that I did it for eight years in New Jersey in a democratic state.

With a republican governor and it's hard because we have real disagreements but those disagreements are small compared to the things that we have in common but it takes effort we have to work at it we have to believe that the other person has a rightful place in our country we have to believe that whether.

We agree with them or not they got elected too and they have a right to have a voice and to be heard and to have a vote and to have it count this race has always been bigger than me it's bigger than any one person if you do it the right way I tried to.

Change conversation in this race I tried to force a conversation in this race a conversation about the real thing that's going on here I stood on those debate stages every one of them the pundits in the media and the professional politicians who worked for other campaigns said I wasn't going to make any of them right before every.

Debate no christe won't make this one don't he make this one I made every one of them but when I stood on there I watched the other candidates arguing with each other as if the race was between us pretending as if the guy who's in front and wasn't.

There wasn't to be spoken about like Voldemort in the Harry Potter books He Who Shall Not Be Named because they feared even bringing up his name would make him appear with his magical mystical powers to end their political careers so they say ridiculous things make ridiculous points.

And let me tell you if Donald Trump becomes the nominee of this party the moment that had happened was when Nikki Haley and Ronda santis and Tim Scott and Mike Pence and Doug berham and V ramaswami stood on that stage in Milwaukee in August and when we were asked would you support someone who is a convicted felon to be.

President of the United States they raised their hands give Ron credit he had to look at everybody else first to see if he wanted to raise his hand but then he raised his hand kind of like cheating off somebody's paper in high school they raised their hands and I did not and will all right so you were just.

Listening to Chris Christie there who has suspended presidential campaign he went on to say that in no way will I enable Donald Trump to be president again he said that that was the most important thing and the reason why he wanted to enter this race in the first place he just talked a whole lot about Donald Trump barely mentioning Rhonda.

Santis or Nikki Haley who are getting ready to debate head-to-head tonight in just a few hours and so I want to bring in Nikki Haley's campaign spokesperson Olivia Perez kubis to break this down with us Olivia thank you so much uh for being here with us I know you've been listening to this announcement yourself and first of all yeah of course I I want.

To allow you to talk about what this means for uh for Haley's campaign here in a moment but first Olivia I'd love to get your reaction to not only this news but also to what we heard on a hot mic right before this happened there was a hot mic where you could hear Chris Christie saying that Nikki Haley is quote going to get smoked criticizing.

Her chances moving forward and Olivia also share with you that just a few minutes ago on X the disantis campaign tweeting they finally agree with Nikki Haley that she is going to get smoked so I'd like to allow you to reply to that well look Nikki Haley is no stranger to being underestimated she has been written off her entire life.

Including for this race and here we are this is now a two-person Race So if you're going to underestimate Nikki Haley do so at your own Peril I will say in regards to Christie making this announcement he ran a good race it was a tough race it was a hardfought race um I cannot imagine that this was an easy decision for him to come to but I think.

Ultimately what this proves and underscores is that this is a two-person race this is a two-person race between Nikki Haley and Donald Trump and at the end of the day voters now have a very clear choice they can choose the chaos and the drama of the past or they can vote and elect a new generation of conservative leadership someone who at.

The top of the ticket wins the White House keeps the house flips the Senate wins Governor's races all the way down to school boards that person's Nikki Haley and she's going to do it watch her she is certainly gaining ground uh in the polls especially in terms of new hampsh New Hampshire where again uh Chris Christie is making this.

Announcement and so Olivia I want to share with you some reporting uh from our Rachel Scott who says that months ago the Ronda santis campaign was warned about what they would call call a nightmare scenario of Chris Christie dropping out before the New Hampshire primary many people on the Ronda santis side uh concerned that people that might.

Potentially be have be supporting you know Chris Christie might now swing towards Nikki Haley is that something that your campaign is looking at and how will you speak to those voters well this is a nightmare scenario for Ronda s his but before he thinks about New Hampshire he should think about Iowa because he has put all of his.

Eggs in theow IA basket he has spent over $150 million in Iowa alone he has said that he is going to win Iowa so anything short of a first place finish for Ronda santis means that he has no rationale to go forward what this means for Nikki Haley in New Hampshire we know she is in a solid second we had a CNN poll come out yesterday that shows her.

In Striking Distance she has the endorsement of the governor there who is incredibly popular and loved so all of this means is that the field is continuing to consolidate it's consolidating around Nikki Haley she is the only candidate in this race other than Donald Trump who has the resources and the momentum and the strength in all.

Three early States and multiple States beyond that to go the distance so we're just going to keep building off this momentum and we're excited about it and I know as you're looking towards New Hampshire let's not forget of course about Iowa and the Iowa caucuses that will kick all of this off some voters there in Iowa feel that Nikki Haley has.

Some answering to do for some of the com ments that she made earlier saying essentially that Iowa will vote first but New Hampshire will correct it and there's been a lot of talk as well about the money that she is spending in Iowa and New Hampshire so how will she address voters tonight in Iowa in terms of what she said she sort of brushed it.

Off in the past she'll probably have to answer that directly tonight look she was joking it was a light-hearted joke there's a long-standing rivalry between the early States between Iowa New Hampshire South Carolina if you go to her events she's Dynamic she's interactive folks there know it was a joke we are not hearing.

About it that is once again something that the dantis team is pushing um to my point earlier they're getting quite desperate the campaign is flailing we expect them to keep saying things like that hoping something sticks uh but more than anything we feel really good about Iowa Nikki loves Iowa Iowa loves Nikki uh she's in a neck to neck here with.

Rhonda Sanz but we have the momentum on our side we are in the final stretch here we've got a of events coming up we're crisscrossing across the state meeting with voters shaking every hand answering every question building off that momentum driving folks out and we feel really good about where we are right.

Now and in some terms right you've sort of been splitting time there between uh Iowa and New Hampshire and so back to Iowa what does a win look like for Nikki Haley is it enough for her to just come in second how narrow does she need to make those polls what do you consider a win for her look I I think it all depends right.

The devil is in the details for us we need to do well so that we build momentum and we carry that momentum into New Hampshire I think more than anything the pressure is on to santis because his strength is in one state and one state alone and if he doesn't win Iowa like he said he would win Iowa then there's no rationale for him I will remind viewers.

Where we were just a few months ago nobody thought we would be here nobody thought Nikki would be in a second across all three early States holding strong so we feel very good about iow we're going to carry that momentum into New Hampshire and then we're going to bring it home to her home state of South Carolina okay seconds do you EMP.

Anticipate Nikki Haley addressing uh Chris Christie's departure tonight on that debate stage possibly I'm not sure um I know she's got her head down listening to her music prepping for the debate so we shall see oh she she listens to music huh that's how she gets ready for the debate.

It's going to be interesting tonight because she's sharing the stage right with only Ron de santis and so what is the plan as she takes that stage knowing that she'll have more time to talk about policy what is the policy you know detail she thinks that will set her the set her aside from Rhonda santis the most look this is now our fifth debate.

Right uh she's had four winning debate performances over the last few months we love debating she's quite good at it in case you haven't been able to tell so far I think more than anything it's another opportunity for her to address millions of Voters it's another opportunity to for her to share her vision for a strong America for a proud.

America make the case for why we need a new generation of conservative leadership why we have to leave the drama behind why we need someone who's focused she's going to make that case today we fully expect as santis to keep lobbing the lies at her we know that if Nikki gets punched she punches back harder all right Olivia thank you so.

Much for your time tonight we really appreciate it and we will all be watching watching how this unfolds so again we're getting ready for this debate tonight between Nikki Haley and Rhonda Sanz we're also you're still seeing Chris Christie there who is still talking he has decided now to suspend his campaign he made the announcement.

There in New Hampshire in front in front of some of his biggest supporters uh but before he made that announcement there was a poignant moment caught on a hot mic and so I want to bring back in our political director Rick Klein to discuss that with us so Rick you were the first to report this and the first to bring this attention to us in this hot mic um.

And and he said essentially that Nikki Haley is going to get smoked we now have Ronda santis talking about that on X saying that for the first time he you know agrees with Chris Christie that he thinks Nikki Haley will get smoked but Rick as you point out he also talked about Ronda santis on that hot mic yeah and he he pointedly did not endorse.

Anyone in this race uh this seemed to me like an attempt by Chris Christie to drastically reorder this campaign in a direction that is isn't clear it is possible that this is a boost of momentum for one of the rivals that's still standing Dan santis more likely Nikki Haley uh to see how this plays in Iowa and then in New Hampshire it's also.

Possible that this culminates in more attention of Chris Christie in a No Labels bid this seemed like he may be laying the groundwork for that but this was one of the most raw and uh and and real uh speeches that I've seen from a campaign from a candidate uh recognizing the moment the gravity of the circumstances and look Chris Christie.

Whatever you say about what he's done in the past he's been crystal clear about his intentions in this race uh even against some very long odds you know we happen to be in the poll in the field just this week with a poll Kaa that that showed that that more than 70% of Republicans were not going to be satisfied with Chris Christie as a.

Republican nominee those are the kind of numbers he was looking at and in the problems that he that he had only began in New Hampshire there was no path and as he said tonight he would always tell the truth the truth was that this road was not going to end well for him and I think it was a a kind of Stark admission from him to say look I contributed to.

The rise of Donald Trump by endorsing

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