LIVE: Contemporary Hampshire Vital 2024: Donald Trump projected to grab Republican presidential major


LIVE: Contemporary Hampshire Vital 2024: Donald Trump projected to grab Republican presidential major

tonight the final Sprint to New Hampshire is the tabulation of the first votes in the granite state is now underway there's never been a movement like this make America great again we work New Hampshire hard and we're excited to see what the day bring we don't have a clear path to Victory it is.

Now a two-person race but is it too little too late for Nikki Haley to eek out a win against Donald Trump will the former president Notch a big enough win to compel Haley to drop out entirely The Heist six fight for the nomination tonight as the candidates push their final messages to voters and we do have to get rid of the chaos I mean I'll vote.

For the nominee but border problem in America is definitely my top issue the economy parental rights immigration and much more we are just minutes away from the release of the first batch of exit polls what are the big issues driving primary voters to the polls and what if anything can tonight's results predict for November's general election ABC News.

Live special coverage of the 2024 new sure primary starts right now good evening everyone I'm lindsy Davis thank you so much for streaming with us on this special New Hampshire primary edition of your voice your vote as we come on the air the polls are about to close there in New Hampshire in this first presidential primary of 2024.

And this race for the Republican nomination is now down to two as Nikki Haley likes to put it between a fella and a lady former president Donald Trump is hoping he gets a decisive win over former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley to clear his path to the general election Haley is vowing to stay in and we'll have more from ABC's Eva Pilgrim.

On the ground with a Haley Camp campaign and just a moment and we're getting our first preliminary exit polling data about just who voted today you can see that number will be tracking all night 47% of independent uh were Undeclared voters if that number holds it would be an alltime record in a GOP Primary in New Hampshire we'll talk with political.

Director Rick kin in a moment about what all this means but first ABC's Rachel Scott leads us off with the Trump campaign in New Hampshire tonight with the Republican primary now just a twers race election officials predicting record turnout here in New Hampshire lines sneaking around gymnasiums voters waiting to cast their.

Ballance this morning in londonairy Donald Trump making a surprise visit to a polling location confid in the closing hours Trump predicting a landslide victory that will give him a lock on the Republican nomination we started off with 13 and now we're down to two people and I think one person will be gone probably.

Tomorrow and the other one will be gone in November Trump's one remaining Republican rival former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has poured her energy and resources into this state staking her campaign on a strong showing Governor how are you feeling heading to this final day here do you feel.

Confident that you can close this Gap we're excited I mean this is what election day is all about Halen sis win or lose tonight she'll stay in the race give I won't I won't heading on to the South Carolina primary and after that super Tuesday former president Trump last night said you'll probably drop out today what's your response to that I.

Don't do what he tells me to do I've never done what he tells me to do I'm not going to talk about an obituary just because y'all think we have to talk about it I'm going to talk about running the tape and say this country Trump telling me he's not concerned Mr President say that she's staying in through super Tuesday is she.

A threat to you no no she and I don't care if she stays in let her do whatever she wants it doesn't matter Haley is counting on Independent voters to lift her up today in New Hampshire people like stay-at-home mom Sarah barley I will do anything to not vote for Donald Trump why I think he's a total con man and I'll do anything to make sure he.

Doesn't get voted in but Maya Harvey a DieHard supporter of the former president tells me New Hampshire is Trump country are you all what certain that Trump will be the nominee absolutely I mean there's Blue Collar hardworking good people here in New Hampshire you see them everywhere and they're all coming out to support the.

President people feeling very confident Rachel Scott joins us now from NASA New Hampshire Rachel what are you learning about voter turnout so far well Lindsay we have been at these polling locations all day even before the polls open this morning and we saw these lines stretching all the way outside of the building so tonight.

Election officials are telling us that turnout is higher than they anticipated in fact you have several cities and towns that are requesting additional Republican primary ballots it is a big sign that voters here understand just how consequential this Republican primary is Lindsay yeah they clearly do Trump and his campaign have been.

Complaining though about votes tonight what are they saying yeah look the former president has been pushing these false claims that Democrats could vote in the New Hampshire Prime AR that is absolutely uh not true they cannot vote in the Republican primary only uh Republicans or Undeclared voters are allowed to vote.

In the Republican primary but we have seen this straight out of the Trump Playbook when he doesn't like the early results maybe or the exit polles that seem to be not going his way he tends to bash them but right now those are just just straight up false claims Lindsay all right Rachel Scott will'll continue talking with you throughout the night.

ABC's Eva Pilgrim is also in New Hampshire she's following Nikki Haley's campaign closely for us Eva what is the Haley campaign looking to accomplish tonight well Lindsay they're looking for a strong finish we keep hearing them say Strong finish they haven't defined for us what strong looks like to them but they are hoping to keep this as close as.

Possible with the former president uh they really need to get some momentum coming out of New Hampshire as they look ahead to South Carolina but as you heard Rachel mention in her piece Nikki Haley has no plans of dropping out of this race they are committed to going forward and they think there is a path forward for them no matter what happens here in.

New Hampshire tonight they're looking ahead to South Carolina the Republican primary there allows people anyone to vote in that primary as long as they didn't vote in the Democratic primary already and then she's looking ahead to Super Tuesday where 11 of those states have open or semiopen primaries she really thinks that she is the candidate.

That can be the uh the someone that people who can't get behind Donald Trump can get behind and pull in those independent voters and so she's pushing forward Lindsay I know you said you haven't been able to get the campaign to Define exactly what a strong finish would look like but what are you hearing from voters there on the ground from.

From uh Nikki Haley supporters you know it's interesting talking to people here in New Hampshire you know they they kept referencing the fact that we talk a lot about the enthusiasm that Trump supporters have for Donald Trump they feel like they have a similar type of enthusiasm just because they're not loud maybe it.

Doesn't come across on cameras and and uh when you hear them as loudly but they feel like they have a moral obligation to be here supporting Nikki Haley they do talk to us a lot about what's on the line for the country and we saw we've seen it all day those long lines at the polling sites people turning out to vote her campaign here thinks that's a good.

Sign ton lindsy all right Eva Pilgrim we will be watching thank you so much and we want to get back to those preliminary exit polls and while we need to stress it's still early we do not have definitive results a few things have caught our eye let's bring in our political director Rick Klein Rick I first want us to look at that question.

We mentioned a few minutes ago uh as far as did you know and we're just getting this for the first time I'm taking a look uh before voting today you were registered as 49% said Republican 4 7% there uh saying they're independent if this number holds this would be the highest turnout of Independents and Undeclared voters in a New Hampshire.

Goop primary it sounds like that's good news uh for Nikki Haley she needed at least 45% it sounded like she needs a different electorate to be showing up today in New Hampshire and those preliminary uh exit polls suggest that she's getting that or getting something close to it yes the the record the high water mark we've ever seen in a.

Republican primary is 45% and that happened in 2012 when you had a Democrat running for election so there wasn't a lot of action on that side it freed up a lot of Undeclared voters to be able to vote in the Republican primary that appears to be happening in large numbers we also heard a number of uh of smaller towns throughout the state ran out of.

Republican ballots today because the Secretary of State's office says they didn't anticipate that many votes for Republicans yes Undeclared candidates can vote in the Republican primary or the Democratic primary for that matter Donald Trump is falsely saying that New Hampshire allows Democrats to vote that wasn't that isn't the case but an.

Undeclared uh uh can uh vote voter who typically votes Democrat is allowed to vote Republican and they're doing so in relatively large numbers so we know from pre-election polling Lindsay that those voters broke broke overwhelmingly in polling for Nikki heli you know two-thirds proposition so those are good numbers encouraging numbers for Nikki.

Hel's efforts to keep it close another thing that caught us caught our eye is the late deciders yeah uh and the difference that we saw between New Hampshire and and Iowa look when you look at these uh preliminary exit polls from New Hampshire when did you decide who to support just seven % saying today even today that they did uh but you have.

25% I believe in all who are saying that you know they just decided in the last week since the Iowa caucus it contrastly in Iowa 80% were saying they knew weeks ago at least before the week prior to the election that's right you add up those three numbers people say just today the last couple days or the last week bottom line is Iowa was eight days.

Ago so for everything we've said about how the the die is cast or this race seems to be set that does not appear to be the case for for a large number of Voters and many of them were watching the results in Iowa were watching the changes Ronda santis dropped out just after the the Iowa caucuses so a lot of things were happening a lot of ads a lot.

Of new messaging all these things were kind of crashing at the same time it frankly doesn't surprise me in that New Hampshire likes to make up its own mind and sometimes go in a different direction as Iowa but it does suggest that there's still some fluidity in this race and let's take a look at as favorability of abortion bans those who.

Are in favor or oppose it New Hampshire you're really seeing almost a flip-flop of what we saw in Iowa look 67% of those in New Hampshire are saying they oppose Banning abortion 27% saying they favor Banning it in Iowa we saw 61% said that they favored Banning it what does that tell us about the difference between the Iowa voters and the New.

Hampshire voters yeah it's a republican caucus now a Republican primary that is really stunning to me yes New Hampshire is a much more moderate State yes we have this large share of of independent Undeclared voters but it's tells you something about the state of of abortion law and the reactions to it in this country if you want to be elected.

President you have to be able to appeal not just to core Republicans but to Undeclared UND independent voters people somewhere in the middle and we're seeing this in pretty Stark evidence that most Republicans don't want a nationwide ban on abortion Nikki Hy has made a case that we need a state-by-state consideration you have to be very.

Considerate of these things Donald Trump of course appointed the Supreme Court Justices that allowed Ro v Wade to be overturned although he too has taken a more moderate position on abortion but to see how that's animating voters particularly female voters tonight I think is really Stark really fascinating stuff is we're watching the differences.

Between Iowa being so conservative and how that independent vote is shaping up potentially in New Hampshire Rick we're going to keep going with you all through the night so we thank you in advance for a long night and we want to turn now to Bedford New Hampshire where ABC zaren Shaw is watching all the action in this primary at a polling location there.

Zarine what's the latest that you're hearing from Bedford Lindsay I've been talking to voters all day long and what one voter told me really sums up everything for me he says he voted for V Ras Swami Lindsay that candidate is not even in the race anymore but he says he was voting on principle and so many people who I'm.

Speaking to are voting from the heart I mean the never Trumper independent who could have voted for Haley some instead telling me that they're writing in Joe Biden's name one even said she vot voted for Dean Phillips I mean that race right there the Democratic race has very little consequence to compared to theu race all right and Zar we are going to.

Be checking back with you thank you so much for your Intel joining us now is Donald Trump's son Eric Trump Eric thank you so much for joining us tonight big night ahead in New Hampshire would it be safe to say you think your father is going to win I I mean if he does in your mind is it onto the general election and the.

Primary is over yeah let's see I mean we have tremendous momentum obviously you saw what happened in Iowa where the largest margin of Victory ever in that state was 12 points my father won by 31 one points and you know now I've been at all the polling locations you know around the state today the energy is incredible uh.

The the energy is absolutely incredible in in New Hampshire I think we're going to have a great night tonight um and I do really think it is on to the general election I mean at the end of the day Nikki Haley didn't she she never filled out the paperwork in Nevada or something happened so she's not even part of the caucus in a couple weeks and then you go.

To South Carolina her home state and my father's polling at 5 to1 um in in her home state of of South Carolina and then we go to uh super Tuesdays you know very well and my father outperforming in every single one of those States so I I think her road to Victory is non-existent um you know assuming a you know a victory tonight and um and I.

Think at the end of the day we we have to turn our attention to Joe Biden who single-handedly the worst president in the history of this country uh Haley as I imagine you know has said a few times now the race is down to one fella and one lady and that two 80-year-olds should not be running for office on on the trail this weekend uh your dad.

Appeared to confuse Haley for Nancy Pelosi how do you explain this confusion uh when he said haey was in charge of security at the capital on January 6th my father's an incredible man uh he's incredible he's bright he's got more energy than any person I know he he runs circles and I think you know this too because you have teams of people.

Around him every single day he run circles around the media he runs circles around people that are third his age he's he's a remarkable human being um he's got the brains he's got the toughness uh to do the job he'll do the job better than any human being and and we need somebody to do that job we need toughness right now we need.

A fighter in the Oval Office he's a remarkable man he's at the top of his game and uh and again as a son I'm incredibly proud of him uh understood uh but I do want to go back to that moment because as you know haey is really saying that this is an issue of his mental Fitness you know I have parents who are now 78 and and they do have some.

Some questions sometimes or confusion sometimes and I I do think that it is a legitimate point of hers to say this is a really big issue if you're confusing me with Nancy Pelosi uh Lindsay in all the fairness I mean my father just beat her by 31 points in Iowa um he's going to beat her again tonight um you know she forgot to.

Put her name on a on a ballot on a you know on a caucus in in Nevada I wouldn't exactly say that was uh you know um using the breast of her brain power um to say the least but um you know we can stop with those games I think this race is going to be over tonight um my father's a remarkable person he's done great things for this country he's the.

Last person um that needs to be doing this job he does it because he cares about red white and blue um his life would be exponentially better if he was sitting at marago uh with his grandkids having a great time he wants to save our nation our nation is a nation incline everybody sees it Trump has spread discredited questions about Nikki H's.

Eligibility to be president um she is eligible he's he's mocked her her birth name um why do you think he's he's doing that why take that approach I mean we know she was born in South Carolina she's uh eligible to to run for for president so why question her that criteria you know Lindsay every one of these questions is just kind of like a.

Race to the bottom it's a race to the bottom of the bucket and you know it's it's we don't need to do this before you know we we've got three hours left of voting let let the people of this country you know make a decision you know at the end of the day there's there's two people um so far one of them has pulled way ahead U I think he's.

Going to pull even farther ahead tonight um but honestly in in in the eve of you know people voting I just don't think there's a need to go down that you know you know it's something that the media wants to do uh they do it for Ratings uh they also that's not really fair that's not fair your dad has has made this an issue I mean just is as recently as.

Yesterday he was questioning wherever she's from which is which is a quote so I I understand if you don't want to talk about it but I do think it's it's fair it's not like the media is just making this stuff up your dad has has put that out there but but that aside I would like to ask do you have any sense at all if he would consider Nikki Haley as a VP.

Or or Ronda santz potentially yeah you know I think that's his call to make um I I wouldn't personally hope so you know I I I saw her when she was in the administration every time the the wind would blow a little bit to the right or the left she'd go you know running for the hills and so you know um it wouldn't be my.

First choice to to put it mildly and I'm not sure if it would be my father's in fact I think he came out pretty strongly the other night and said that you know that wasn't exactly in the cards but I can tell you he'll he'll find somebody great and Eric just last question for you uh whether they're uh right or not or whether the prosecution is is fair or.

Not the persecution as it's been described um your dad does have another number of court cases that he's facing he will have to spend a lot of this election cycle in court do you think as a result of that that his pick for VP has more meaning potentially than prior elections uh so that that person can really be out on the campaign Trail for.

Them well he's always been a great multitasker and I think he's proving it right now and and I appreciate you saying whether it's fair or not I mean I can tell you as a son it's not been Fair um you know the second he got into office they came at him with the the Sham Russia investigation you know what happened there impeachment won peachman.

2 uh obviously he won both of those they went after Supreme Court Justices then when he came out of office they weaponized every radical Ag and DA's office in the country to go after him you know with the hopes of keeping him off the ballot and you know when that didn't work they started removing his name and Colorado when that didn't work.

They removed his name in Maine and you know it's it's so desperate and the entire country sees through it well Eric Trump I know it's a big night so I greatly appreciate you spending this time with us I know you may not like all the questions but I do have a lot respect for you taking uh each question as it came and and really appreciate.

Your time thank you very much lindsy and joining us now for more is Olivia Perez kubis spokesperson for the Nikki Haley campaign thank you so much for joining us Olivia how's the campaign feeling about the primary tonight we feel good look think back a few months ago just a few months ago.

Nikki was at 2% in the polls there were 14 people in this race and no one said she had a shot now we we got 20% in Iowa and it's down to a two-person race here in New Hampshire we feel really good about where things are right now we're feeling the buzz the energy the excitement here on the ground yesterday we had an event with two overflow rooms.

The day before that we had over 12200 people people are excited Nikki is running as a new generational leader people want that people want a fresh face what's a win look like in your book look a win for us has been what we've always said it would be which is we wanted to show that we were strong and Iowa then we wanted to take that and.

Show that we were strong in New Hampshire and we were competitive and be even stronger in New Hampshire and then take that momentum and carry it home to South Carolina is it on to South Carolina no matter the outcome of tonight no matter the outcome Nikki said this a few times now I'll even say we announced a $4 million adby in South.

Carolina we've got a rally there tomorrow night so we're fighting for every inch look no one said that this was going to be easy Donald Trump is Donald Trump but it's a two-person race right now voters have a very clear choice they can choose more of the same with two 80-year-old leaders of the past who are surrounded by a lot of drama a.

Lot of chaos a lot of division or they can pick a new generational conservative leader that's what Nikki's fighting for it's resonating so we're going to keep we're going to keep doing this we're going to run through the tape our partners at 538 have Haley pulling at an average of 25% to Trump 62% in South Carolina former Governor haly's home own.

Home state of course what's the possibility that she would withdraw before that nominating contest rather than potentially losing her own home state I just said we will be in South Carolina tomorrow we are committed to see this through I think what a lot of people don't realize is first uh a month in politics is a lifetime a lot can.

Happen over the next several weeks a lot can happen very quickly so we're going to do strong in New Hampshire Tonight Show that we're competitive take that momentum into South Carolina and if you look Beyond South Carolina a lot of people keep saying that that New Hampshire is as good as it gets for Nikki Haley that's not the case you look.

To the super Tuesday States and more States on super Tuesday look more like New Hampshire than they look like Iowa there are a lot of people a lot of Voters out there who want something new who want something different in Iowa Donald Trump only got less than 1 and a half% of the vote out of 3 million people in the state America is not a.

Coronation we are a democracy we have Choice one of the former 2024 candidates senator Tim Scott said earlier today quote Nikki should join the team adding it makes sense for everybody to call us around Donald Trump how does she respond to to that pressure uh that that we ultimately did see uh former Governor Chris Christie to S succumb to as.

Well there will be plenty of folks plenty of time for Republicans to Rally around the nominee which will be Nikki Haley here's something a lot of people might not know about her in 2010 she was The Outsider candidate she was a Tea Party candidate the anti-establishment candidate she has never had the support or the backing of Washington insiders or.

Washington Elites she she's never had it she didn't have it then she doesn't want it now and quite frankly she doesn't need it can you rule out that Nikki Haley would not endorse former president Trump well Nikia said if if he is the nominee she will support whomever the Republican nominee is going to be but it's not going to get to that because.

She's going to be the Republican nominee people keep talking and acting like this race is over it's not one state has voted the second state votes tonight we got a long way to go so let's let the process play out Olivia Perez Kuba spokesperson for the Nikki haly campaign we thank you so much for your time I appreciate it thanks for having me and.

Stay with ABC News live our New Hampshire primary coverage continues and still much more of today's other headlines to get to here on Prime coming up the terrifying moment when water rushed into a US military base knocking people off their feet what caus that massive wave but next the deadliest day so far for Israeli forces in the war.

Against Hamas the attack that led to their deaths whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly.

Missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling for this tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front.

Lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 down street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC.

News live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on everybody in that home is okay to catch you up with what happened overnight we are here at Fashion's biggest night out what's happening today YouTube has unveiled a new set of policies what people are talking about.

The new ad campaign fast straightforward with some fun between a real life Barbie Dreamhouse a name change for the wiener mobile first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what.

Would you do let's go how are you you yes so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon 2 to 6 Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show next tonight 21 IDF reservists were killed in a single rocket attack and.

Three others in separate incidents it's the deadliest day for Israeli troops since the War Began it comes as IDF forces have encircled and deep in the operation in southern Gaza warning thousands of Palestinians to move once again ABC's Matt Gutman reports in from Israel Israel reeling tonight after losing 21 soldiers in that attack in the.

Gaza Strip according to the IDF a unit of Reserve soldiers Was preparing to demolish a pair of twostory buildings in Gaza Monday in the buffer zone Israel is carving out near its border Hamas video showing the moment its Fighters fired an anti-tank missile that would trigger a chain reaction and then a massive explosion Israel's chief of staff at the.

Scene today announcing an investig ation has begun with 24 soldiers killed yesterday it was the deadliest day for Israel since the War Began it comes as Israel lays Siege to gaza's second largest city bombs exploding over the skyline and bullets piercing the area's largest hospital inside the hospital.

This boy's sister killed he screams don't tell me my sister is dead I want to play with her the streets filled with the Echoes of machine guns families now fleeing some running hand inand bundles under their arms cars piled high with bedding others moving on Donkey carts those desperate scenes continue.

Matt Gutman joins us once again from Israel Matt any update on potential talks about a ceasefire there is more momentum uh Lindsay Brett mcer the US Special Envoy is in the region he's going to be in Egypt than cutter but because of the soaring hunger in Gaza 570,000 people at risk of catastroph rhic hunger Qatari.

Mediators are now saying that it complicates their efforts to try to reach a deal those worsening humanitarian conditions do not make it easy to reach both a ceasefire and a hostage release Lindsay Matt Gutman from Tel Aviv Force thanks so much Matt developing tonight the US has staged retaliatory air strikes against.

Iran-backed militants in Iraq this comes as Iran's foreign minister spoke one-on-one with ABC's Chief Global Affairs anchor Martha Ritz who asked him Point Blank about the chances of Iran going to war with the us tonight the US launching strikes on iran-backed militants inside Iraq direct retaliation for attacks on American.

Military there over the weekend it follows days of widespread us retaliatory strikes on the Iranian bouis in Yemen we asked Iran's foreign minister about the targeting of commercial and US Navy ships are those attacks you support this the decision that the yemenis have made in support of the people of Palestine I think what.

They did and the decision is a brave one but the minister denies Iran is giving houti Rebels weapons despite evidence the Pentagon sent out pictures of those weapons showing they were from Iran this this is a a show that they put on TV if the United States has any information about this then they have to provide the the documents to us the US.

Has warned Iran not to escalate the situation but the minister told us that may well happen it is highly possible that the war can spill over and to the other parts of the region it is very likely that it will widen what do you think the chances are that Iran and the US will be at War we don't really want the war the scope of the war to expand.

You cannot continue the war in the Gaza and the West Bank to militarily engage with the Yemen and then still talk about how you don't want the war to to widen and Martha rtis joins us now and Martha let's get back to those air strikes in Iraq what do we know about the targets hit tonight they they hit a headquarters they hit a training area.

And they hit a storage facility and in that Storage off uh facility they say there were drones rockets and missiles so they're obviously trying to take out as many as they possibly can but this deterrent so far hasn't really worked so I expect these strikes and counter strikes to go on for a while lindsy all right Martha R it's good to be with you.

Here in studio tonight you thank you tonight winter weather alerts are in effect for the Northeast in Great Lakes with ice and snow from Michigan to New York to Massachusetts after days of heavy rain across the eastern half of the country there's now a flood threat in the Deep South Ginger Z joins us now in Pont New York with the latest.

Forecast for us hey Ginger hey there Lindsay yes we've got a winter weather advisory here Westchester County All the Way North through Vermont most of that's for a wintry mix and then on the Northern side snow 1 to 3 in just enough to make things slick overnight then we are going to start the warm-up which I will get to but let's talk about.

That flood watchh because so many states are involved including Tennessee Georgia Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Arkansas and Texas but that red area that you see highlighted there happens to be some of the spots that have the most exceptional drought but they're going to get a lot of rain really fast rounds of it in the next 24 to 48 hours so if you are in.

That red area and you get a flash flood warning best idea is do not get in the car that's how most people get injured or killed when we're talking about flash flooding there will be dangerous winds and a tornado threat but that's that larger yellow area just something for the next two days to keep in mind and I mentioned it but here are the numbers we.

Are going to see that January thaw Washington DC ends the the week in the mid 60s New York City in the mid-50s and this isn't the end we will see a considerable warming Trend going through the end of January and even to start February we could even be using words like winter heatwave by the time we start February Lindsay winter Heat Wave.

That's a new one but I'm here for it Ginger thank you waves smashed through a US Army base in the South Pacific busting down doors and knocking people over ABC's Trevor Al has the incredible image from the Marshall Islands tonight recovery efforts underway after this terrifying video.

Capturing an extreme wave hitting a US Army base in the Marshall Islands the wave striking Roy neore Island Saturday night home to some of the US Army's most sophisticated space tracking equipment the force of the water plowing through the doors another wave rushing in taking out the windows get out of here pitching.

Everyone into darkness as the the lights go out the Army saying only a few minor injuries were sustained but about 80 people were evacuated to the nearby quadin atol the Army now assessing the damage by air finding massive damage to the Island's infrastructure in multiple areas understanding water the Marshall Islands is a nation of low-lying islands.

And atols halfway between Hawaii and Australia it's considered the front lines of climate change as rising sea levels contribute to powerful waves and flooding these images showing damage to the chapel and dining facility this is going to go down in quad's history books as one of its most challenging times ever in its 80-year.

History Lindsay officials at Noah say the source of this swell appears to have been a storm north of the islands days prior the Army says the recovery could take months Lindsay Trevor thank you now to another mishap involving a Boeing jet this time in Atlanta's Hartsfield Jackson Airport when a wheel came loose as a Delta flight was preparing for.

Takeoff fortunately all passengers on board did make it off safely here's ABC Stephanie Ramos tonight a Delta flight that was taxiing for takeoff from Atlanta Bound for Colombia getting this alarming message from a plane nearby one of your nose tires just came off it just rolled off the Runway uh behind you the nose.

Wheel falling off of the Boeing 757 and then rolling down an embankment at Hartsfield Jackson international airport around 11:15 Saturday morning you have located the tire yes sir in the safety area on the south South shoulder Delta says passengers on flight 982 were removed from the aircraft and transferred to the gate they were later.

Moved onto a replacement aircraft while experts say this was likely a maintenance issue it's the latest in a series of incidents relating to a Boeing aircraft just this month oh my God it's on fire Sparks shooting from the engine of an Atlas Air boing 747 cargo plane departing Miami International Airport last week and in Alaska Airlines 737.

Max9 forced to make an emergency landing when a door plug detached 16,000 ft in the air Boeing's Max 9's now temporarily grounded and Stephanie Ramos joins us now Stephanie the Boeing CEO will certainly have a lot to answer for what can we expect tomorrow well his team they're not releasing many details but we do know.

That Boeing CEO is reporting meeting with lawmakers on Capitol Hill tomorrow regarding those Max NS Lindsay all right Stephanie Ramos for us thanks so much Stephanie defense secretary Lloyd Austin participated in a virtual meeting today his first public appearance since his secretive hospitalization in December Austin spoke to 50 Nations providing.

Ukraine with military assistance about the ongoing efforts to counter Russian attacks he spoke from his home office saying he hopes to be back in the Pentagon soon he was hospitalized due to complications following a prostate cancer procedure who caused a political Firestorm when it was revealed that not even President Biden was made aware of.

His hospitalization and a cherished and longtime broadcaster has passed away Charles Osgood the five time Emy winner morning I'm Charles Osgood and this is Sunday morning Charles O good you see him right there the five-time Emmy winner who anchored CBS Sunday Morning for more than two decades passed away today is home in New Jersey he was 91.

Years old and his family says the cause was dementia ozgood also hosted the long running radio program the Osgood file and was called CBS news's poet in Residence closer to home he also anchored ABC News Radio back in the 60s CBS Sunday Morning will honor OSG good with a special broadcast this Sunday ABC News live continues our coverage of the.

New Hampshire primary and we are getting a first look at the results in some places polls close at 7:30 but for most of the state polls close in less than 30 minutes at 8:00 p.m. you can see a tight neck and neck race uh with uh Donald Trump uh less than one percentage Point advantage over Nikki Haley but again only 5% of the vote in.

At this hour we'll have much more coverage of the New Hampshire primary as well as today's biggest headlines another test of Trump's lead in the polls and Nikki Haley's campaign against him we look at the New Hampshire primaries by the numbers and after tragedy a new start why the sight of a deadly mass shooting is now reopening.

Its doors with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of Television this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at.

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Morning there's a lot going on everybody in that home is okay to catch you up with what happened overnight we are here at Fashion's biggest night out what's happening today YouTube has unveiled a new set of policies what people are talking about the new ad campaign fast straightforward with some fun in between a real life Barbie Dream House a name.

Change for the Wier mobile first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live in our connected World misinformation can masquerade as fact eroding trust dividing.

Communities but behind every share is a person with a decision join the movement for a more news literate America why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it.

Listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here we are here in Israel a nation at War we've seen.

Tank after tank pouring into this area this is where it all began bullet holes fall up the wall within minutes the AR Sirens going off you can hear the sound of explosion we are pin down here tonight Israel waging a fierce bombardment of Gaza the Israel Hamas War for Non-Stop live coverage stream ABC News live reporting from Southern Israel.

From the front lines in downtown rala wherever the story is we'll take you there ABC News live reporting from the earthquake in Turkey I'm David new wherever the story will take you there you're streaming ABC News live welcome back everyone and we are turning back to your voice your vote as.

Results start trickling in from New Hampshire tonight a look at the first in the nation primary one significant factor we're watching more than 40% of the state's registered Undeclared voters also known as as independent voters who are able to vote in the Republican or Democrat primaries also noteworthy the 3,542 voters in the granite state who.

Switched their party affiliation this year from democratic to Undeclared though the Secretary of State deemed that insignificant today's expected turn out according to New Hampshire Secretary of State 410,000 voters and that does not account for the more than 26,000 absentee ballots requested as for the candidates vying to become the next.

Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump is the front runner that's according to polls held 17 events over 15 days in New Hampshire Nikki Haley held 82 events on the campaign Trail over the span of 41 days and one final note to end on here in the last 20 years Iowa has not picked a single GOP winner who go who has then gone on to become.

President New Hampshire has only picked one Donald Trump and we'll have much more coverage of the New Hampshire primary coming up it's a small state and only the second contest but we look at why New Hampshire has a big role in who becomes president and we are one step closer to Hollywood's biggest night this year's Oscar nominees and the notable.

Snubs Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas edinb Scotland from Poland once again tonight thank you so much for streaming with us Ukrainian refugees here in wara do you think you'll ever be able to go back home we're heading to a small community.

Outside of Mexico City splintered houses and splintered lives in the magnitude of the devastation you're streaming ABC News live reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Santa Fe New Mexico Raleigh North Carolina the US capital Mayfield Kentucky Minneapolis Mexico tongas national forest Alaska getting you behind the stories as they happen giving.

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Okay to catch you up with what happened overnight we are here at Fashion's biggest night out what's happening today YouTube has unveiled a new set of policies what people are talking about the new ad campaign fast straightforward with some fun in between a real life Barbie Dream House a name change for the Wier mobile first thing in the morning.

America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 store along I Boston is in the bull let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news.

Anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC News live America's number one streaming news Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas edin BR Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in warong we're.

Heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live get ready America every Friday the hottest Trends Styles and must have what's the right stuff to buy right now.

I really love that it's time to buy the right stuff yes and save big time too the right Stu Fridays on GMA you're going to love it why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming.

Make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts from America's number one news source comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and it can customize to you and your interests if you love being in the know you're going to love this experience what all the buzz is about experience the allnew ABC.

News app download it now ABC News live Prime winner of the Gracie Award for best news program in all of Television stream ABC News live Prime with lindsy Davis week nights on ABC News live a former Congressman on trial the return of a piece of art stolen by the Nazis and this year's Oscar nominees and snubs these stories are much more in.

Tonight's Rundown former New York Congressman George Santos briefly appearing in federal court today the outspoken Republican known for his often untrue statements facing 23 felony charges including wire fraud and making false statements to the Federal Election.

Commission two of his associates who were involved in the campaign have already pleaded guilty Santos represented Long Island's thirdd congressional district before being expelled from Congress last year in a bipartisan vote the owners of the bowling alley and bar that was targeted during dur a mass shooting in Leon Maine.

Say they will reopen the two co-owners say they never thought they would want to reopen but an outpouring of support from local community made them reconsider the October 25th shooting was the deadliest mass shooting in Main's history 18 people killed 13 were injured the shooter died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound hours before police found.

Him a local pastor and his two children killed in a deadly house fire officials say three others were taken to the hospital for injury that have since been released Pastor Mark robinet was confirmed dead by his brother in a Facebook post the brother says robinet successfully evacuated his wife and two children before going back for his two.

Other children who were still in the bedroom they are still investigating what caused the fire a painting that's been at UNCC Chapel Hill for more than 50 years is being returned to its rightful owner in Europe the painting is called the studio of Thomas cure it was purchased by the Ackland art museum at UNCC in the early.

1970s recently they discovered the Nazis stole the painting from a Jewish Family during World War II the painting is part of a collection of more than 450 works that belong to a prominent French and Jewish lawyer and art collector about 20 pieces of art have been returned to the family but this is the first from a museum in.

The United States Dwayne The Rock Johnson is cementing the rights to his nickname Johnson used the name for years but never owned the rights to it in a New Deal struck with the WWE Johnson will join the board of their parent company and be granted rights to his name the financial value of the transaction has.

Not been disclosed Johnson says he would be nowhere without the nickname which is a tribute to his late father and former WWE Champion Rocky Johnson a leading 13 Oscar nominations for Christopher Nolan Oppenheimer his highest grossing film to date earning him a Best Director nod acting nods for Killian Murphy Robert Downey Jr and.

Emily Blunt and the best picture nomination among others and in second place wasn't Barbie as many had predicted it was poor thing starring Emma Stone directed by yuros Yos the bizarre comedy scoring 11 nominations left out of the party in the acting categories Barbie star Margo Robbie and killers of the flower Moonstar Leonardo.

DiCaprio although Killers had the third most nominations with 10 Barbie director Greta gerwick was also notably missing from the best director category jury selection starts today in the trial of a Michigan mom Jennifer crumblyy she and her husband are charged but being tried separately with involuntary manslaughter after their son.

Shot and killed four students at his high school in 2021 he's now spending the rest of his life in jail this is the first time that a parent could face prison time in connection to a mass shooting ABC's Tim pulum has the story all the trial for Jennifer Crumbley the mom of convicted Mass killer Ethan Crumbley started with jury selection.

Tuesday Jennifer and her husband James Crumbley faced facing involuntary manslaughter charges prosecutors trying their cases separately at their lawyers request for their alleged roles in the shooting deaths of four students in 2021 their son Ethan Crumbley shot and killed four of his classmates wounded six others and a staff member 16-year-old.

Tate mey among the victims murdered we are miserable we miss Tate Ethan pleaded guilty now serving a life sentence prosecutors alleged the boy's parents failed to recognize our report warning signs about their son's mental health before the attack and didn't tell School leaders they gave him the gun hours.

Before the shooting prosecutors say a teacher saw a note on Ethan's desk showing a drawing of a semi-automatic weapon pointed toward the words the thoughts won't stop help me the notion that a parent could read those words and also know that their son had access to a deadly weapon that they gave him is unconscionable and it and I think it's.

Criminal the couple has pleaded not guilty our thanks to Tim the growing controversy tonight over the popular baby clothing company Kate baby ABC's Lara Spencer has a story of a new mom who was fired from the company with her baby still in the NICU a popular baby clothing company is facing a consumer boycott after an.

Employes request to work remotely while her newborn is in the hospital was denied hey everyone Marissa Hughes of Texas adopted a son in December when she worked for kite baby a company that sells infant sleep sacks and clothing Hugh's premature baby is hospitalized in the neonatal Intensive Care Unit 9 hours away from her home in.

Dallas she says her request to work remotely was denied and she was fired after not returning from her allotted two we maternity leave Hugh is sharing her story online and the backlash was Swift other parents sharing videos tossing their kite baby products and vowing not to support the company I will never give kite baby another dime of my.

Money now the CEO of kite baby has posted two apology videos after her first was criticized as being insincere I wanted to hop on here to sincerely apologize to Marissa in her new apology video the CEO offering Hughes a new position with the company in addition to announcing policy changes it was scripted I memorized it I I just.

Basically just read it it wasn't sincere this was a terrible decision I was insensitive selfish but Hughes responding saying it would not be appropriate for her to return to the company we're really encouraged to hear that there will be some changes made for current and future employees at the company a thanks to Lara Spencer for.

That and ABC News live continues our coverage of the New Hampshire primary for most of the state polls close in just a few minutes at 8:00 p.m. ending the first in the nation primary and we are getting a first look at results you see there Donald Trump edging just a little bit uh what six points over uh Nikki Haley with just 11% of the vote in.

Could be a long night ahead on the Republican side we're now down to those two former president Donald Trump and Governor Nikki Haley weeks of touring and campaigning has all led to this moment but how did New Hampshire voters feel our Jo O'Brien takes us to the Granite State you might ask why should should.

Pay attention to a small sometimes cold but often picturesque State nestled in New England because for decades voters here in New Hampshire have helped pick your president the question now is will they do it again it's great to be back in the granite state hello New Hampshire I'm thrilled to be back in your beautiful state the second state after.

Iowa in the Republican primary calendar coming in first even second in New Hampshire can show the country a candidate has what it takes to make it all the way to the White House you have some states that just love college football other places have amazing barbecue what New Hampshire has is politics after the Iowa caucus has.

Thinned the Republican field New Hampshire is now a two-person race between former president Donald Trump and his former un Ambassador Nikki Haley but winning the granite state isn't easy as its nickname suggests voters in New Hampshire are hard as rock and aren't worried about speaking their mind and Grilling candidates I have been to a.

Bunch of other Town Halls even 9-year-old Hannah Castle ring who can't yet vote herself has gotten in on the action attending events for every single Republican Presidential hopeful even asking some hard questions you're do me at least three reasons why you think and some other Hal supporters think that you should be elected president which.

Candidate stood out to I really like Nikki Haley because she always has a great answer to questions and she she seems like a strong woman I think it's important for people to come to these Town Halls because you actually get a better opinion are you guys truly undecided voters so we when we started this process I'll be honest with you I.

Was like full-fledged Trump and what Hannah made me realize is we going to listen to everybody but even at events held by other candidates this year we kept meeting New Hampshire voters who said they already had their minds made up I'm still probably going to for Trump unless something happens you know why is that he's already gone through.

Everything they can throw at him and he's still alive how many of you are coming to hear me for the first time on the heels of a key endorsement from New Hampshire's Governor Chris sonunu Haley is gaining some steam here when we bring this home for Nikki Haley in New Hampshire that's a complete reset button on the presidential campaign but Trump.

Is still dominating in most polls despite facing four criminal indictments pleading not guilty to all so despite the fact that he's the leader of the party he's polling as well as he is you still view Trump as the underdog because of everything he's gone through I I I well not the underdog in the in the race I view him as but he's the kind but I.

Think Americans have a real admiration deep down and a lot of people w't probably won't admit it but I think there's a deep down admiration for getting beaten and bloodied the way he has and yet not only Still Standing but thriving it whether or not you think Trump is an underdog here in New Hampshire voters like their Cinderella.

Stories this was the state that famously revived Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign that New Hampshire tonight has made Bill Clinton The Comeback Kid and helped Define Ronald Reagan's 1980 run with this testy moment at a debate in Nashua I am paying for this microphone people saw the character of the man a kind of toughness that was.

There that's another aspect of why New Hampshire because you can come in here with very little resources and just submit yourself to the process put yourself in front of the people and if you have what it takes you're going to see a response I'm Dean Phillips I'm running for president on the Democratic side that is exactly what Minnesota.

Congressman Dean Phillips is trying to do in a long shot bid to wrestle his party's nomination away from President Biden are you ready for some change yeah yeah yes New Hampshire won't host the first official Democratic primary this year after the National Party decided to give that honor to South Carolina because of the state's more diverse.

Population it puts black voters at the front of the process in South Carolina but New Hampshire is still holding a primary before South Carolina it's just not sanctioned by the national Democratic party meaning President Biden won't be on the ballot the president's supporters will have to write his name in it is time to have young people have.

Their voice in The White House right Phillips along with Maryann Williamson will be on the ballot here so the millionaire Minnesota Congressman sees an opening when we surprise on January 23rd and is using his own money to make his pitch to New Hampshire voters what are you hearing from fellow Democrats not silence silence total silence it's a.

Disease of like what you're doing believe it or not I'm closer I think to your age than a lot of people running right now I mean you're on the stump talking about the age of the commander-in-chief the head of their I don't talk the the country has opined on the age of both of these candidates 75% how can you say that 75% of the.

Country in just about every poll does not want this to be the election Donald Trump and Joe Biden President Biden has Shrugged off concerns about his age pointing voters to his string of legislative accomplishments here you go thank you you're so welcome enjoy trailing President Biden in recent New Hampshire polls Phillips's campaign.

Continues nice to meet you in places like diz's Diner in Manchester meeting voter after voter Table after table in typical New Hampshire style nice to see you guys again looking on is Judy window Di's owner so this second Saturday we make holiday cards she's seen all this before pretty much every four years but is still.

Keeping a close eye on every White House hopeful that passes through I like to see how they interact with people what they do what they do when the cameras aren't on them oh interesting that's to me really important I I find that very interesting their character their character and you get to see that in a way that the rest of the country doesn't.

Right you get the Snippets and you get those sound bites I'm not looking for those I'm just looking for what happens behind the scenes our thanks to Jay O'Brien we will see how it all unfolds in just a few hours that is our show for this hour I'm Lindsay Davis you can always find us on Hulu Roku Pluto TV the ABC News app and.

Of course on and stay with ABC News live as our New Hampshire primary coverage continues right after this this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 storm you're I.

Is in the Bulls let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC News live America's number one streaming news in our connected World misinformation can masquerade as fact eroding trust dividing.

Communities but behind every share is a person with a decision join the movement for a more news literate America why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the.

Story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts from America's number one news comes the allnew ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and customizable to your interests if you love being in the know you're going to love love this experience the allnew ABC News app.

Download it now it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us.

Afterno for everything you need to know I love that tonight the final Sprint to New Hampshire as the tabulation of the first votes in the granite state is now underway there's never been a movement like this make America great again we work New Hampshire hard and we're.

Excited to see what the Day brings we don't have a clear path to Victory it is now a twers race but is it too little too late for Nikki Haley to eek out a win against Donald Trump will a former president Notch a big enough win to compel Haley to drop out entirely the high sixs fight for the nomination tonight as the candidates push their.

Final messages to voters and we do have to get rid of the chaos I mean I'll vote for him he's the nominee but border problem in America is definitely my top issue the economy parental rights immigration and much more what are the big issues driving primary voters to the polls and what if anything can tonight's results predict for November's general.

Election ABC News live special coverage of of the 2024 New Hampshire primary starts right now good evening everyone I'm lindsy Davis thank you so much for streaming with us on this special New Hampshire primary edition of your voice your vote the battle for the Republican nomination in New Hampshire as we come on the air.

The polls have just closed there and this the first presidential primary of 2024 early indications point Trump leading in this twers race as Nikki Haley puts it between a fell and a lady and ABC News can say right now Trump is leading based on our analysis of the vote you see him up there by about 8 percentage points but only 133% of the.

Vote in at this moment former president Donald Trump is hoping he gets a decisive victory over former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley to clear his path to the general election Haley is vowing to stay in it and we'll have more from ABC's Eva Pilgrim on the ground with a Haley campaign in a moment looking at some preliminary exit polling.

Data about just who voted today you can see that number we will be tracking all night 47% of independent or Undeclared voters if that number holds it would be an alltime record in the GOP Primary in New Hampshire a 47% independent we'll get to political director Rick Klein with more on those results and ABC News can project Joe Biden will win the.

Democratic primary Rachel Scott though joins us now from nashille New Hampshire where she been closely following the Trump campaign Rachel what's the M of the Trump campaign heading into tonight they are optimistic look the former president said that he wanted to win by a landslide here in New Hampshire he's really looking to send a message.

That he has this Republican La nomination on lock but I just talked to some senior advisers with the campaign and they really sort of are tempering expectations here one put it to me this way a win is a win for Donald Trump in this state they'll take it by any means sure they would love to to see those numbers if they are projected winners.

Here are a lot higher closer to what they saw in Iowa but they say that regardless of what happens here if Donald Trump is able to secure a victory it proves that he really has the momentum in this race and it puts even more pressure on Nikki Haley to prove what state can she actually win the former president here is hoping fresh.

Off of this victory in Iowa to really send a clear message here that this is his nomination for the taking lindsy and I know Rachel you had a chance to speak to voters right before the polls Clos what were they saying yeah I really saw the strength of the independent vote for Nikki Haley I met several voters who just didn't love the.

Options here of the Front Runners on either side they didn't love President Joe Biden they weren't in love with former president Donald Trump they believed that too much legal chaos and drama followed the former president almost repeating back Haley's some speech word by word to me you also got a sense that they really felt the weight.

Of what this primary means you know typically here in an election cycle you have maybe a dozen Plus cand Cates on the ballot here they have multiple options to choose from the fact that this is down now to just a two-person race they know that what they decide tonight can change the trajectory of this race can entirely Lindsay sure can.

Rachel Scott will be checking back in with you thank you the New Hampshire Secretary of State's office says that they've been Fielding requests for additional Republican ballots from roughly nine states the latest indications pointing to a higher than expected turnout ABC's Eva Pilgrim joins us now also in New Hampshire tonight Eva.

What are you hearing on the ground there from New Hampshire voters you know Lindsay it's really interesting we have heard a lot of these voters talking about candidates and not issues they were choosing based on who these people are and how they felt about them as as a person as opposed to those issues that were really important to.

Them in Iowa and and that is in big part because this has come down to a two-person race this was something that Nikki Haley really wanted to see she wanted to be the alternative to Donald Trump and a lot of what we saw today you heard Rachel mention those independent those Undeclared voters waiting in line feeling like they needed to do this that.

They needed to participate in this primary so many people we talked to while they were waiting in line to go into those polling sites told us that you know here in New Hampshire they really take this job seriously and they recognize that they're the first in the nation primary and that they aren't the ones who decide the whole thing and they.

Really felt like they shouldn't be the ones to decide the whole thing that other states should also get to weigh in but what they decide here they know matters in a big way Lindsay and what does the path forward look like for Nikki Haley well the path forward means going forward right so she already has a rally.

Plan tomorrow in her home state of South Carolina and they really think that if they can get a good strong showing here tonight that they can continue on to South Carolina on to Super Tuesday you know in South Carolina uh anyone can vote in that primary as long as they haven't voted in the Democratic primary so she's really hoping to pull those.

Independent those more moderate voters those people who just don't want to vote for Trump again and then looking to Super Tuesday 11 of those super Tuesday states are open primaries or semiopen primaries and she's hoping for that same game plan again she needs to have a Big Show in tonight here with those independent Undeclared voters Lindsay.

Yeah many saying that the Live Free or Die State could we do or die for Nikki Haley Eva Pilgrim will be checking back in with you thank you as well and now I want to bring back in ABC News political director Rick Klein Rick we know the polls just closed at 8 o' let's talk about the results that are just coming in what are you seeing yeah you're.

Seeing a little bit of a lead for Donald Trump right now five six points as the as the numbers start to flow in I am concentrating on a couple of key parts of the state I'm looking at Kean New Hampshire this is a place where H needed to be doing a little bit better than this particularly right here in this part of the state she's down in that.

City by about three point three points that's that's a hard margin to to overcome I'm very interested in what's going on in conquer because this is a place where Nikki heli is is currently leading Donald Trump but again maybe not by the margin she needs to and particularly here in Manchester that's the state's largest city we're seeing.

The numbers start to flow in and we're seeing Donald Trump win that win that City by a sizable enough margin those are the places that she needed to do well there's definitely places in the state that she is making a statement tonight but it doesn't look like that's the kind of statement that's going to put her over the top against Trump and.

Let's talk about the independent voters in this primary seemingly they can be really pivotal can you explain how New Hampshire allows independent or Undeclared voters to vote in party primaries and how significant of a role they play in determining who comes out on top tonight yeah it's totally different than Iowa so Undeclared voters.

Independent voters can vote in either either Sid's primary and actually they're doing so in what appear to be close to record numbers if not record numbers tonight 47% of the the primary voters tonight actually aren't even Republicans they say they're independent they're Undeclared voters the previous record was about 45% and those are Nikki.

Haley voters in our exit polls and all sorts of pre-election polling we saw them breaking uh two two to one for Nikki haly so overwhelmingly they are Haley folks and it does appear like this electorate looks pretty favorable to her certainly compared to Iowa the question is how many come out and those core Republicans that is about half of the.

Republican primary those are much more likely to be Donald Trump voters tonight all right Rick Klein thanks so much on the Democratic side ABC News can project Joe Biden will win that Primary in New Hampshire I want to turn to ABC zaren sha now who joins us from the dean Phillips camp zaren we just got this ABC News projection that Joe Biden will in.

Fact win the Democratic primary even though he was he needed to be written in wasn't actually on the ballot how is the dean Phillips team reacting there Lindsay it got very quiet very quickly when they saw the projections on the screen but look the goal for Dean was never to necessarily win he knew he wasn't going to win in New Hampshire but.

He had a feeling that he could embarrass in comeb in president and he still might it we don't know if Joe Biden will hit that 80% Mark that is yet to be seen a lot of previous presidents including Obama Clinton they have hit that 80% Mark in New Hampshire as an incumbent president or even even higher uh a lot of presidents uh do hit that Mark and.

I'm actually looking at an email that my producer is showing me right now that uh ABC News projects that Biden will win Statewide 2% of the expected vote Biden leads with 80% of the vote okay well so 80% that is definitely not what Dean Phillips had hoped for uh with Biden getting 80% he had hoped he would get at least 20 or break that number but it.

Doesn't look like it's going to happen tonight Lindsay and Serene as you've reported Phillips launched a long shot primary challenge to President Biden most people haven't heard of him why is there so much attention on him right now I think the attention is because so so many people say that they're frustrated with Joe Biden they don't.

Want to see a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump and that's exactly where we are headed especially with these results tonight Lindsay and and you spoke to Dean Phillips recently what did he have to say about why voters should vote for him instead of writing in Joe Biden's name he said a couple of things he said.

Chaos he talked about the economy he says people are really hurting he says people are not talking about the issues in this moment he says Jo needs to have to talk about those specific issues versus leaving it to Donald Trump to eventually win which he which he felt would happen and then have the race between these two people another rematch.

From 2020 essentially and and you've reported the DNC wanted the more diverse state of South Carolina to be the first primary battle in this election are people in New Hampshire feeling snubbed At All by that you know Lindsay snubs isn't even the right word I mean it's politically wounded right and we sat down with six.

People in a panel over the weekend all of them Independents none of them wanted to go for Joe Biden I mean three people in fact from that panel were interested in Dean Phillips which really surprised us I would say politically wounded it's a much better word than snub there's a lot of hert feelings I mean look there's over 100e history in New Hampshire of.

Being the first Primary in the state this is not something that they're used to uh going after South Carolina all right zaren Shaw from a very loud headquarters there we appreciate your reporting and we do want to announce that ABC News can project that Donald Trump will win the New Hampshire primary still early uh but the numbers are on.

His side and I want to bring in ABC News political analyst R prus and ABC political director or contributor in Democratic strategist though she could direct it as well Donna Brazil uh thank you both uh for joining us just want to start off uh getting both of your reaction that just 11 minutes after the hour we're already calling uh that this.

Race is going to be won by by Donald Trump uh Reigns we'll start with you well uh look I don't think it's a surprise I think we saw this coming for a long time and really the only issue now is how big the margin is for Donald Trump and and this is as you've just talked about this is the best case scenario for governor Haley you have.

Half of the voters here are either Independents Or democrats who are having fun in a Republican primary and and I just got to say look if if it's you know 10 or more I think the pressure on Nikki Haley is going to be enormous and I think that's really what this is all about tonight and it's early you're right but really in the middle of the.

State you know north west of Concord that's a place where Nikki Haley's got to be doing better than where these early returns are the only question now is you know H how big is that margin for president Trump and Donna your reaction well let's see how how large the margin is but I I do believe that this is not going to provide Governor Haley with any.

Momentum and also believe that the Trump campaign should not take a pre uh what I call a premature uh Victory lap until all of the returns are in look I I want to react to something um Mr chairman said and that is Democrats had to change their registration months ago to participate in the Republican primary what we're seeing tonight at least if.

Some of the exit polls are accurate is that the non-affiliated voters have increased their participation in the Republican primary so these are moderate in some cases these are not as Evangelical or religious voters more college educated voters perhaps in some parts of the state but I think it's impressive that um Miss haey uh has been.

Able to generate the kind of enthusiasm and consolidate the what I call the non or anti-trump voters and R when we were talking just last week with you and Donna I believe you both were on the same Pages thinking that uh it was going to be somebody was going to have to get out of the race just within the next few days if not by the end of the week you.

Were right about that with regard to to Ronda santis how much pressure will be on Nikki Haley if she doesn't overperform tonight well I think there's going to be if she doesn't you know overperform or you know have some kind of talking point when this is all over no the the pressure is going to be tremendous because it's not just going.

To come from donors it's going to come from media types talker types Republican leader type so you know everything's on the line here for Nikki Haley tonight there's no doubt about it it's early I know that but certainly the pressure is mounting and and by the way the Fe the the caucus in Nevada is coming on February 8th Nikki Hy's not.

Participating in that so there's not going to be any good news there either and there's going to be another victory speech uh in a couple weeks in Nevada that she's going to have to contend with and Ryan staying with you for a moment ABC News can now project that Joe Biden will win the New Hampshire primary based on exit polling and voting analysis how.

Do you think tonight's results will impact the momentum of of President Biden's campaign well you look you know I I don't think it has any impact one way or the other I think you know nonparticipation you know the the beat goes on for President Biden and he's just got to worry about the economy and and and seeing how he can do there to to.

To increase his chances are winning and and and he's going to I'm sure they're working on that and that's what they need to do to win but right now all the all the all the attentions on the Republican side of the aisle tonight and Donna before we let you go in this hour curious when you see how overwhelming the support is just uh so far going in.

Iowa and New Hampshire just a few hours in tonight H your concern level about Joe Biden going head-to-head potentially again against uh Donald Trump well I constantly tell people that Joe Biden has been underestimated before so don't underestimate him at any time and look he he was not on the ballot in fact I believe there were over 20 Democrats on.

The ballot including Mary and Williamson who competed in 2020 remember Joe Biden knows how to win he knows that this is about the economy the National Security of this country yes border security included but Joe Bon has shown time and time again he can deliver four electoral vot the general election might start a little bit.

Earlier this year but Joe Biden won New Hampshire four electoral votes in 20120 so I think the campaign is ready you might have heard the news already that there there's a little bit of a campaign shakeup or they're adding more uh players to the field and that's a good thing because I think the campaign got to get out and start working very hard.

All right Donna Brazil ran Prius we thank you both so much for joining us appreciate it and we do want to remind those who are just joining us that ABC News has already called the New Hampshire Primary in favor of Donald Trump even though it's an early night uh he seems to have enough of a dominance there with those voters uh that ABC News.

Can already say that he is the winner of the New Hampshire Republican primary for more on this the reaction want to bring in ABC News contributing correspondent Rachel bade Rachel as we see Nikki Haley trailing behind Trump and the pter team says that she won't drop if Trump wins New Hampshire is there any hope of her being able to uh live to see another day.

If she doesn't win tonight yeah Lindsay for campaigns you really need two things to keep them alive either voter support or a lot of money unlike Ronda santis who raised a lot of money early in the cycle and then spent a lot actually his critics would say wasted a lot he didn't have a lot to show after his defeat in Iowa Nikki.

Haley she's in a different position here she actually says that she has enough money to continue her campaign through March so even if she doesn't do well tonight there's a chance that we could see her potentially stick around for a while the question I have is to what end if she's not close to Trump tonight in terms of her finish if she's far behind.

More than 10 points she's going to have to make a case to her donors that she's going to get momentum from somewhere and you know they're not going to want to invest in her Lindsay unless they can see down the line that this is a smart investment and that she's actually going to go somewhere so it's going to be hard for her and money aside even though.

That's a big part of it does she have a path forward yeah Lindsay it's really hard to see a path forward for Nikki Haley if she doesn't do well in New Hampshire tonight I mean look the electorate there is the best it could possibly be for her number one we talked all night you've talked all night about how uh.

Independent voters can actually vote uh and also it's a very educated electorate people 40% of folks in New Hampshire actually have fouryear college degrees these are folks that Nikki Haley traditionally does very well with now if she can't do well there she she doesn't actually have uh a lot of shots to do better in the coming days and weeks.

Nevada is next Rachel B I got to interrupt you I hate to but Nikki haly has just taken to the stage there in New Hampshire we want to take a listen to what she has to say thank you thank you thank you oh what you nikk I love you you're a great America what what a great night God is so good.

All the time thank you New Hampshire for the love the kindness the support and a great night here tonight thank you so much I want to First say thank you to my husband who I know is watching right now I love you we're excited to have you thank you I want to thank my kids who are here.

Reena and nen and Josh who have really kind of stepped up and um just given me the support I need you know you you really pull on your family when something like this happens and um I am incredibly blessed by their support I have my parents at home and I will always say that the way they raised me to know that we lived in.

The best country in the world but to also know that the best way you appreciate your blessings is to give back thank you Mom and Dad I love you so much to my siblings to my in-laws um to everybody back at home to Vicky for helping me take care of Mom and Dad thank you for that you know I will I will tell you it has been it feels like.

It's been a lifetime but it has been almost a year that we've been campaigning in New Hampshire touching every hand um answering every question being the last person to leave and we had um the most amazing thing happen is the second that we got the endorsement from Governor Chris.

Sonunu I mean a true Governor that doesn't stand behind a Podium he shows up at a diner he shows up at the brewery he loves the people of New Hampshire he was been with me every single day at every single event Chris I couldn't have done it without you and I want to thank someone who was.

With me on day one he's a patriot he's a hardcore conservative and he is my friend General Don balic and Sharon thank you so so much I want to congratulate Donald Trump on his victory tonight he earned it and I want to acknowledge that now you've all heard the chatter among the political class they're.

Falling all over themselves saying this race is over it's not over well I have news for all of them New Hampshire is first in the nation it is not the last in the nation this race is far from over there are dozens of States left to.

Go and the next one is my sweet state of South Carolina at one point in this campaign there were 14 of us running and we were at 2% in the polls well I'm a fighter and I'm.

Scrappy and now we're the last one standing next to Donald Trump and today we got close to half of the vote we still have a ways to go but we keep moving up.

for a lot of people politics is way too personal it's not personal for me I voted for Trump twice I was proud to serve America in his cabinet I agree with many of his policies I decided to run because I'm worried about the future of our country and because it's time to put the.

Negativity and Chaos behind us we have an economy that's crushing middle class Americans we have a border that is totally open and dangerous creating a disaster in our country unbelievable we have school we have schools that are failing too many of our.

Children and we have a world on fire with a war in Europe and the Middle East and a a huge and growing threat from China and then you look at Washington DC we have a Congress that fights about everything and accomplishes nothing and we have Joe Biden in the White House making one bad decision.

After another when he's making any decisions at all our country's in a real mess you need an.

Account and the question is who's going to fix it with Donald Trump Republicans have lost almost every competitive election we lost the Senate we lost the house we lost the White House we lost in 2018 we lost in 2020 and we lost in 2022 the worst kept secret in politics.

Is how badly the Democrats want to run against Donald Trump Trump's a loser he's a loser they know Trump is the only Republican in the country who Joe Biden can defeat you can't fix you can't fix the mess if you don't win an election we want to win a trump nomination is a Biden win and a KLA Harris.

Presidency Donald Trum I defeat Biden handily do nikk we want you Nikki with Donald Trump you have one bout of chaos after another this court case that controversy this tweet that senior moment you can't fix Joe Biden's chaos.

With Republican chaos the other day Donald Trump accused me of not providing security at the capital on January 6th now I've long called for mental competency test for politicians over the age of 75 politicians depend Trump claims he do.

Better than me in one of those his tests maybe he would maybe he wouldn't but if he thinks that then he should have no problem standing on a debate stage with me most Americans do not want a rematch between Biden and.

Trump the first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate is going to be the party that wins this election and I think it should be the Republicans that win this election so our fight is not over because we have a country to save in the in the next two months millions of Voters in over 20 States.

Will have their say yes we should honor them and allow them to vote and guess what in the next two months Joe Biden isn't going to get any younger or any better we'll have all the time we need to defeat Joe Biden when we get to South Carolina.

Donald Trump's going to have a harder time falsely attacking me the great people of South Carolina know I cut their taxes they know yes they know I signed the toughest illegal immigration bill in the country they know we passed voter ID and Tor reform and ethics reform and they know we moved 355,000 people from welfare to.

work every time I've run for office in South Carolina I've beaten the political establishment they're lined up against me again that's no surprise but South Carolina voters don't want a coronation they want an election and we're going to give them.

One because we are just getting started thank you for the energy thank you thank you for the love New Hampshire we're going home to South Carolina and there you have Nikki Haley with energetic crowd she has a lot of enthusiasm still uh not at all IND.

Indicative of her performance tonight potentially she did congratulate Donald Trump on his victory saying that he deserves it but went on to say uh that the race is not over declaring that New Hampshire is the first in the nation it is not the last and I want to go to Eva Pilgrim who is right there with the Nikki Haley camp in Concord New.

Hampshire uh Eva just uh we feel feel like we're feeling it through the TV that that crowd is pumped up energetic excited to go on to her home state of of South Carolina what sense are you getting on the ground there oh definitely you can feel the energy coming off the crowd and you can also feel the energy coming off of Nikki.

Haley this is the most animated that we have seen her yet the most excited I don't know if you could hear when she first walked out on the stage but the announcer said introducing the next president of the United States it was very clear when she came out that she was not about to drop out of this race that she is ready to go home to South.

Carolina and she she made this comment I'm a fighter and I'm Scrappy and she threw some punches here tonight really pointing out the ages of both President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump making comments that whichever party gets rid of their elderly 80-year-old candidate will be the party that wins and she challenged Donald.

Trump to a debate saying you know she has in almost every campaign stop that we've seen her in she's talked about this mental competency test that she thinks that all politicians over the age of 75 should complete to prove that they are competent to hold office and she talked about how Donald Trump has said that he thinks he could do better on.

That test than her and that's when she challenged him to the debate stage putting it out there for Trump if you think you're more confident take the stage against her she's had to South Carolina where she talked about the fact that she has long been the candidate fighting the uphill battle she's used to being the underdog she has been the.

Underdog in every race that she has ever run in and in South Carolina you know lindsy I a native South Carolinian the people of South Carolina know Nikki Haley and they know what she did for the state she's made the comment it would be much harder for Donald Trump to lie about her in her home state when all right we thank you so much Eva.

Pilgrim heading off to South Carolina next we'll be checking back in with you shortly and we'll see if that debate that she threw out there ever does happen between her and Donald Trump in the meantime I want to take a look at some preliminary exit polling Joe Biden did he legitimately win the 2020 election of those who were pulled today.

46% saying yes 51% the majority there saying no he did not legitimately win but if we break out just the Trump voters just 16% say that Joe Biden won 82% say Joe Biden is not legitimately the president meanwhile 83% of Haley voters say that Biden won and joining us in the conversation now ABC News political contributor and former.

Republican representative from New York John catco and political strategist alencia Johnson thank you both uh for joining us alencia what do you make of that exit polling divide you have a majority of there again granted uh we're talking uh for the most part about Republican voters as well as independent voters but but saying there that they.

Don't think that Joe Biden is a legitimate president I think it speaks to the culture that we unfortunately live in sewn by former president Donald Trump and to question elections if you don't get your way listen I was a senior advisor to Biden's 2020 campaign so and I know that we legitimately won but I.

Think it's also setting us up for what is to come in 2024 should and as Democrats we believe that Donald Trump loses on Election nights we saw what happened on January 6 because people believe the big lie and they will continue to do that and it is really challenging that Donald Trump's base the base of the Republican Party continues.

To believe this way and that you only have you know a slim margin of of of difference in the people who do believe that Joe Biden was was elected um as president and so it's going to be an interesting year I want to point out something though that Nikki Haley mentioned in Her speech when she talked about Congress and the dysfunction of.

Congress she went as far to say that but did not go far enough to say that it is because of the Republican controlled Congress that can't pass bills because she is trying to make sure that she does not turn off this Republican base that is sowing this Discord that is continuing to perpetuate this big lie and Si.

That they will challenge in the election results should Donald Trump not win and so I'm concerned about this because we know that this year could be extremely violent there have been a lot of polls that we talked about here on ABC that show that the political violence continues to rise at in this election and this current climate that we're in.

And it looks like the Republican party is leading that charge based on those polling and disaggregating that and you know while Nikki Haley's base does doesn't believe that unfortunately she more than likely is not going to be the nominee and so it is something to pay attention to as we continue throughout this election cycle uh John kek I want.

To bring you in here you know the polls closed right at 8 just minutes after that you had ABC News calling it already for Donald Trump though many had thought that this potentially would be a long night trying to figure out uh who was winning or potentially even if Nikki Haley could do it your reaction to these results well quite frankly I think that.

Uh I'd be a little concerned if I was Donald Trump uh Nikki Haley went from having 14 opponents in Iowa to just one and she got 20% of the vote the first time she went oneon-one with Trump she more than doubled that numbers so she's gain she's the only one including Trump her numbers are consistently going up so that's something to look at that's an.

Argument that she needs to make about why she should stay in the race a little longer at least see what happens in South Carolina then on super Tuesday when there's multiple states have a similar electorate to New Hampshire where Independents can vote and what have you so I don't think this is a devastating loss at all and I was just.

Looking at some numbers on 880,000 votes cast and she's got uh and Trump's got a net benefit out of 880,000 votes of 5,000 so she's I don't see this as a massive Landslide victory for Trump tonight and if it isn't I think that makes him a little bit nervous and then you know the longer she can drag this out let's not forget he's got four.

Criminal trials this year and even Republicans who support him say that if he if he is convicted any of those trials 25% of them are going to Lo leave him I will I will end with what I what lencia started with it was a legitimate election last time uh Biden kicked Trump's butt on the last election there's no question about it all of uh.

Uh Trump's top advisers told him so and it is scary that after all this time that people still believe that Biden is not the legitimate president that is a frightening thing and that's another argument why we need to get past this stuff and I think that's what Nikki Haley is talking about saying we need to get past the drama we need to start.

Leading again we need to start getting things done in Congress and that comes from both sides now not just Republicans and I think you need the right person in the White House to do that and I I just don't see Donald Trump as bringing people together he's gonna further divide them and you mentioned John that the momentum is there for Nikki Hy but.

Is it potentially too little too late I mean next up is South Carolina of course her home state where again early polls preliminary polls show she's potentially going to take a shellacking there yeah I think the early polls and New Hampshire said the same thing so let's see what happens and now you know what if she's making South Carolina is a.

Big argument uh and that's based on the results tonight uh I don't think we should just throw in the towel I wouldn't if I her especially since she's saved an awful lot of her money and she's got a a lot of money left to to spend that's what happens in South Carolina that's her home turf uh if she gets her teeth kicked in well then you.

Re-evaluate but I'm a little troubled after having one primary this very first Primary in a small state everyone's saying it's over well let's let's let's play this out a little longer there I've never seen a presidential candidate with more baggage than Donald Trump has he's managed it beautifully and managed to turn it around on others but the fact.

That remains he's got a lot of baggage to deal with this year and that is a wild card here that we don't know how that's going to play out and so she's keeping it close and she d up her results from last last election in Iowa uh let's see what happens going forward I I don't think this is over yet she's got an uphill Road for sure but it ain't.

Over there's no doubt in my mind about that alencia I want to bring John catco's point to you uh with regard to to Trump having a lot of baggage though we've seen it time and time again every time he gets potentially another court case it seems like he rises in the polls you have said prior to this night that you feel that Trump is going to be the.

Nominee regardless of the outcome why is that well look the base of the Republican Party unfortunately is very much energized by Donald Trump they are Donald Trump voters which is why you hear Republicans who are still in office they may not agree with Donald Trump but they play into that form of politics because those are the people that keep.

Them in power and they want to remain in power and so they this base gets galvanized every single time something comes out about Donald Trump in these court case because for some reason they believe that there's this conspiracy theory around Donald Trump versus the actual legitimate charges against him so it is.

Concerning yet it is very clear where the Republican Party they're base their voters not the leaders who want a change and to distance themselves from Donald Trump but it's the people who are electing Republicans in office they enjoy Donald Trump for whatever reason it may be now the Democrats we are preparing for a Biden Trump matchup and.

We won in 2020 and are hoping to do so again in 2024 and planning to do so in 2024 given all of the drama around him that Nikki Haley is talking about but to John's point about Nikki's Victory here I will call it a victory because she is the lone person standing and she is chipping away at some of Donald Trump's enormous lead and.

That is going to push the Republican party and a lot of the V along as well to think about hey we need to challenge Donald Trump in some of the ways in which he's campaigning and she has some leverage she's going to have delegates and she's going to stay in this race I actually believe we should stop trying to call these the the.

Primaries done by just two states early on without going through at least super Tuesday and so it will be interesting to see uh I do believe that Donald Trump will be the nominee but we have to wait and see just how weak of a nominee he will be and that's all contingent on how Nikki Haley continues to perform throughout the crime Aries a wait and.

See something many of us I think can agree on alencia Johnson and John caco thank you both for your Insight appreciate it and Nikki Haley has said just a few minutes ago she is looking ahead to South Carolina let's take a listen now you've all heard the chatter among the political class they're falling all over.

Themselves saying this race is over it's not well I have news for all of them New Hampshire is first in the nation it is not the last in the nation this race is far from over there are dozens of States left to go let voice be heard and the next one is.

My sweet state of South Carolina Mary Alice Parks joins us now from that sweet state of Charleston South Carolina uh Mary Alice as we just heard there she certainly has a lot on the line with regard to South Carolina yeah Lindsay she's coming here to Charleston tomorrow and the big.

Question is is this Haley's home turf or is it Trump territory I mean her theory of the case has always been that if she can hold her own in New Hampshire then she gets to come home she gets to take advantage of the fact that she was a popular governor in this state that votes early the only problem for her could be that Donald Trump might be even.

More popular I talked today to Chad Connelly he was the chair of the state party here while she was governor and he repeated a line to me Lindsay that I have heard a lot which was that South Carolina likes Nikki Haley but seems to love Donald Trump I mean that is what the polls show we have seen in the polls like in so many states the former.

President uh with 60 points I mean these huge margins and the reality is South Carolina looks a lot more like somewhere like Iowa in terms of the electorate than somewhere like New Hampshire I mean a few numbers for you in 2016 16% of um South Carolina GOP respondents in our exit polls identified as evangelicals that's even more than in Iowa we know.

Trump did so well with that group uh a number uh 38% say they were very conservative that's double digits more than the number who said they were very conservative uh voting there in New Hampshire so big picture this looks like Trump territory but voters here don't take to the polls at least in the Republican primary for nearly a month.

Nikki Haley's team Linds has said that she has all of that time to campaign here in her home state where she wants to prove all the critics wrong she's going to have to deliver as a go former Governor here she cannot afford an embarrassing showing somewhere like this Lindsay and you're right an important distinction to make if you're saying.

That they seem to like her but love him is the Trump campaign focusing on South Carolina the same way that Haley is uh arguably more so I mean I talked to the current uh State party chair who is here and he told me that far in away it is the Trump team that has more staff more resources more volunteers here on the ground that he has really built out.

An apparatus here I mean she really has been so focused on New Hampshire I mean New Hampshire was where she wanted to deliver uh where she had the the sort of the backing you know I'm thinking about just a few days ago there in New Hampshire where Trump showed up on stage with all these Out of Towners Lindsay that's a little bit weird to bring.

Elected officials from another state uh but he brought the current governor of South Carolina the lieutenant governor of South Carolina the speaker of the house here to New Hampshire as this power play a flex move to try to show that even in her own State there are so many elected officials who are sticking with him who are sticking with him and.

Picking him over Trump I mean the latest example congresswoman mace I mean she's from arguably one of the more moderate parts of the state she barely won her election the first time in 2020 and even she decided to endorse Trump instead of Haley really telling and flexes there as you say Mary Alice parks are thanks to you.

And as it has been stated ABC News is projecting that Donald Trump will win the New Hampshire primary former president Donald Trump is of course juggling a campaign for the White House along with several criminal and civil court cases including an election interference trial ABC's Aaron kerki joins us now to break it all down Aon.

How has the former president integrated his legal issues into his campaign they're one and the same at this point Lindsay wherever former president Trump goes whatever Courthouse he makes sure to try and get as much attention as he he can whether that's by lashing out at the judge or the case or or simply by speaking extemporaneously in the hallway.

Because it gets the attention on him and it doesn't necessarily have to be about his legal issues it can be about anything but but he's trying to press it to his Advantage we've seen him in New York just recently as he gets ready to testify he says in the Civil defamation damages trial against egene Carol he's complained about that but this week he.

Is expected to testify and he has said equally disparaging things about Judges prosecutors and others connected to all of his criminal cases as well and when is he expected to be in court next in theory Thursday if everybody's healthy there's been some uh some health issues in the federal court in Manhattan but if everyone's healthy the case would resume.

On Thursday morning and former president Trump's attorney says he does intend to testify that testimony could be rather limited given that the trial is only about money what Donald Trump must pay if anything to Ean Carroll for defaming her when he denied raping her back in 2019 and the the question will be can he stick to the restrictions uh on on his.

Testimony and also his behavior because as you know Lindsay the judge nearly booted him out of court oh yeah we have seen that uh Aaron kki our thanks to you and now let's take a look at some additional preliminary exit polls what issue was most important for voters site overall economy the top issue there with 36% immigration 31% followed by foreign.

Policy and then abortion at just 11% but if we break out just Trump voters immigration is their top issue with 45% nearly half uh putting that over uh their concerns about the economy and then 8% with foreign policy only 6% with abortion US border patrol apprehensions hit a record high in December of last year a record that we haven't seen in.

Two decades in a last debate with Nikki Haley and Ronda sandis immigration policy took Center Stage when the two said that they would focus on deportation meanwhile President Biden's deportation efforts have reached above the 2 million Mark ABC's Maria vial joins us now and Maria do we think the Border will still.

Be a pro top priority for voters in New Hampshire I mean we're seeing it there based on the exit polls and they are quite a distance away uh from the Texas border 100% look we saw it in Iowa um it's very clear that for the voters in New Hampshire it is still a top priority right behind the economy and a lot of that just has to do with the fact that.

You know immigration might bleed into all of the other issues that we're talking about right now the economy because could this be a drain on our economy having to provide for all of these migrants um you know on top of that the idea of crime potentially in their backyards and and then we go back to what we were talking about before.

Lindsay the idea that this is this is a fear driven priority for a lot of Voters pushing them to get to the polls and the reason why those numbers you just cited right now are important to both sides for the Republicans as were talking about the amount of people that are coming through our borders and then you're crosschecking that with the.

Deportations it does seem like some very scary numbers coming in through our borders and into our country on the flip side of it you know Democrats will hopefully will start to hear them talk a little bit more about those numbers as well explaining that you know while yes we are seeing you know record numbers at the border we're also seeing a record.

Number of repatriate uh repatriations deportations expulsions by this particular Administration so you know their stance will be we are taking a very hard stance on immigration you're just not able to see it as much through all of the chaos and conversation that is coming from the Republican party and you and I have discussed this before.

Maria the fear uh tactics that are that are being used how much of an issue do you think that immigration is going to be overall during the 2024 election season well it's been very clear as we speak with agents along the border the department of homeand sec security um they they are continuing to prepare for large groups large mass numbers coming.

Through our borders if that continues to be the case then we will continue to see the Republican Party hang their hat on this I mean not to mention that we're continuing to see you know border security funding being discussed in Washington DC we can't seem to come to a compromise and president Trump has inserted him into those himself into.

Those conversations already so you know I think as of right now this will continue to be played out by the Republican Party as chaos and you know and an issue that has not been focused on by the by this particular Administration well enough they will capitalize on the fact that we continue to see these large numbers even though.

That's not necessarily just attributed to this Administration not doing enough we are seeing this around the globe right now a mass Exodus and migration from all countries around around the globe and then yes a lot of them are coming here to the US but this is clearly something that strikes fear into the people living here the voters they.

Are concerned if this is happening in cities like New York Chicago Los Angeles could this happen in my own backyard and yes that will motivate me to go to the polls and what's fascinating in particular when you look at a state like New Hampshire it's 2300 miles away from the El Paso border crossing there in from Texas into Mexico and yet you see a.

Large number of uh the majority of of those Republican voters in New Hampshire saying that that is their number one issue immigration last week we saw similarly the same thing in the Iowa caucus right after that in his speech Trump talked about an invasion of migrants at the southern border the millions coming through do you think at.

Any point he'll back down from this or or it seems to be effective absolutely not he will not back down from this this is his biggest issue this is what he falls back on if you talk about January 6 he's going to fall back on everything that he has done at the border he will show pictures of himself touching the wall in South Texas.

I mean one day after January 6th happened he was down in South Texas you know signing a wall that he helped construct for example so to him this is the issue that he is want and it resonates with voters clearly I mean we're talking about 36% in the economy um and 31% for immigration so clearly the voters agree with him I will say.

What's interesting to me tonight is to listen to Nikki Haley not really touch on this subject at all even though she knows it does resonate with Trump voters and she needs some of those voters to come over to her side the one thing she does hang her head on is during her um during her time as governor in South Carolina back in 2011 they put one of.

The hardest immigration bills into play sb20 um part of that bill was uh pulled apart through the you know through the justice system but some of it still lingers and so for her she's going to continue referring back to that but I do think there's going to come a time time where she's going to have to go toe-to-toe on immigration policies and.

On top of that she's going to have to fact check Trump and all of the things he's done or hasn't done for that matter on the issue of immigration and we'll see how she handles that Maria Via Real always appreciate you joining us and want to bring back in our ABC News political director Rick Klein erck we have about 25% of the vote in at this.

Point what are you seeing as far as margins in key areas yeah right now you're seeing Donald Trump with about a 10 11 point lead frankly even though there's a lot of vote out I don't see a lot of places where n haly can really cut into that Gap and look the map right now is looking very very Trump favorable but there are some dots of the state.

Some places that Niki hel's running relatively strong just the question is how strong is it looking right here at at Portsmith on the on the Sea Coast right now Nikki H is winning by about 30 points there now that's a good night for her right frankly she should be doing a lot better in a place like that similarly uh right now she's down in.

Nashwa by about 10 points to to to Donald Trump looking over in Keen a very narrow haly lead right now we're just not seeing the kinds of numbers she would need and I'm really focused tonight on on Manchester that's the state capital that's a place where you've got a lot of potential Battlegrounds voters a lot of Democrats.

That might be coming out and right now Donald Trump is up by about 15 points in that City fur further above the the Statewide margin so I think the story of the night is likely to be a decisive Trump Victory but a kind of a substory to that is the kind of Voters that came out whether they're independent moderate voters a women probably a lot stronger.

For Nikki than they were for Donald Trump there are definitely cracks out there that Donald Trump has to try to heal when he looks at the Republican Coalition but this is going to be a decisive win for Donald Trump he is hitting the numbers where he needs to and swamping Nikki Haley and much of the state all right Rick Klein will'll check.

Back in with you thank you so much in their first joint appearance of the 2024 campaign shortly before ABC News projected him the winner of the Democratic Primary in New Hampshire President Joe Biden and vice president kamla Harris held an abortion rights rally in Virginia here's what the president had to say say and let there.

Be no mistake the person most responsible for taking away this freedom in America is Donald Trump and Selena Wang joins us now Selena the president's rally was his counterprogramming offered to the American people uh give us a sense of his message yeah well what really struck me is the number of times he directly.

Went after Donald Trump and that was before we got these projected results and now we are hearing directly from the campaign they're officially reacting saying that this all but seals the deal for Donald Trump as the GOP Republican nominee and they say quote the election denying anti Freedom Maga movement has completed its takeover of the Republican.

Party and during that rally today that was centered on Reproductive Rights the president really driving home how freedom is tied to abortion and that while he and Democrats are trying to preserve those freedoms he says the Republicans the Maga extremists as he calls them are trying to take away those fundamental rights putting Women's.

Health and lives at risk now the Biden campaign they believe that this is going to Galvanize voters across the board not just Democrats but they think they can get some of those Independents and Republicans to turn out because as we've seen in these elections in states after States voters in both red and blue States they have voted to enshrine.

Abortion rights so even though there may be some voter apathy and frustrations around inflation they believe issues like this will get people out there in November and tell us about the interruption during the president's speech this was pretty unprecedented I've been to other Biden events before where there have been these protests of.

Pro Palestine protesters interrupting the president's speech but this time there were more than a dozen interruptions so every few minutes there would be a few protesters that would stand up and chant something along the lines of genocide Joe or saying ceasefire now and that security would have to flank them and escort them out.

It was really hard for the president to continue his speech he was fired up it was a strong speech but it was hard for to get back on Pace after these consistent disruptions and Lindsay it really just underscores how this issue is causing divisions among the the Democratic party especially among more Progressive and young voters who are.

Angry at how the president has dealt with the Israel Hamas War yeah in particular those young voters but in general uh talking about voters on the ground what sentiment are you hearing from them well I spoke to voters of all demographics of course they are largely in support of the president but what really stuck out to me is that they all.

Had the sense of forboding anxiety and fear about what's going to happen in November they said it really appears that it could go either way so they are concerned about the stakes in this election they say the stakes here are high they're worried that the country will go to a place that it can never return from if Trump is president again.

And I spoke to some college students who were critical of the president especially around the Israel Hamas War as we just talked about earlier but they said look they are going to support whoever will defeat Donald Trump that is their key prior priority and that is also something the campaign is banking on all right Selena Wang our thanks to.

You and one to everybody who may be just joining us now to recap for a little bit as you watching ABC News live your voice your vote and the face off for the first presidential primary 2024 the polls closed in New Hampshire just about an hour ago and ABC News is now projecting that Trump will win the GOP Primary New Hampshire in the highly competitive.

Republican race there but in adamant Haley vows to stay in the race take a listen now you've all heard the chatter among the political class they're falling all over themselves saying this race is over it's not over well I have news for all of them New Hampshire is first in the.

Nation it is not the last in the nation this race is far from over there are dozens of States left to go be heard and the next one is my sweet state of South Carolina lots of energy on the stage lots of enthusiasm in the crowd we'll have more from ABC's even Pilgrim on.

That in a moment want to take a look at some of the results here on the Democratic side ABC News has projected that Biden is the anticipated to be the winner in New Hampshire and want to get right to ABC's Rachel Scott in nashille New Hampshire who was following Trump's campaign Rachel we know that Trump is expected to take the stage any moment.

He's already reacting to his own projected win over Nikki Haley what does he have to say well Lindsay it was clear that the former president was paying close attention into what Nikki Haley was saying there on the stage because as soon as she made it clear that she was staying in this race and it was far from.

Over on her eyes he responded and called her delusional he said that she needed to win New Hampshire and that she did not his campaign already blasting out a fundraising email declaring the race to be over of course Nikki Haley says that she's pushing on to her home state of South Carolina but she does face an uphill challenge there the former.

President is still leading in the polls in that state as well at this point in the race and so the Trump campaign really was hoping to send a direct message to the Haley campaign tonight and this two-person race that he has the clear momentum that this is his nomination for the taking and they're raising the question tonight of which.

State can Nikki Haley win obviously the more states that Donald Trump wins the more momentum he builds the harder that it will be for anyone else in this race to clench the Republican nomination they are now asking the Haley campaign to see what they are calling calling the writing on the wall Lindsay oh she's saying she doesn't see that writing yet.

Uh Rachel Scott our thanks to you ABC News Deputy political director Avery Harper joins us now live in Manchester New Hampshire Avery former president Trump has projected to win the New Hampshire primary but hay took to the stage just now saying at race is far from over what does her support in the state tell you about her position in.

This primary race right I mean despite those defiant remarks despite the fact that she is saying that she staying in the race uh she is really in a very precarious Place uh when you look at the primary overall and so uh as she continues to be in this race it's going to be interesting to see exactly uh what is going to happen she.

Had momentum coming into New Hampshire after the Iowa caucuses uh the electorate here the primary electorate is probably as favorable as it's going to get for her uh we've talked so much about those Undeclared voters that were really vital to her strategy here in New Hampshire uh going into South Carolina and Beyond it it's not going to be like.

That so it'll be interesting to see if she's able to replicate or do even better than what has happened here tonight in New Hampshire as we continue to go on in this primary race and Avery how did Trump and and Haley seem to be fairing among those Undeclared voters right when we look at the exit poll data we find that there has been.

Strong turnout among those Undeclared voters those are the voters who were particularly popular with Nikki Haley uh but it doesn't necessarily seem when we look at our projection that it's going to be enough for her to claim victory and so it all begs the question of if she has a viable chance and a viable path to the nomination all right Avery.

Harper our thanks to you as we continue to watch the votes come in we want to bring in ABC's Jay obrian Jay now that ABC News is projecting the Trump will win the New Hampshire primary where does the Haley campaign go from here well you heard Nikki Haley say it Lindsay that she's going on to South Carolina but there are some bumps in the road here.

First as re pointed out earlier in the night and the Trump campaign has been been making repeated mention of Nikki Haley has not filled out the paperwork to be considered in the Nevada caucuses which are early next month in February South Carolina's primary remember is not until the end of February February 24th and so Nikki Haley says she's going to.

Continue to South Carolina it's her home state she says she can make a convincing case to voters there but a couple bumps in the road first Trump is beating Nikki Haley in every poll we have seen come out ofth South Carolina in some instances between 20 and 30 points so she's got an uphill battle there additionally campaigns are defined as.

Rachel bade noted earlier in our coverage tonight by how much money they have to burn and Nikki Haley has the money to burn it would seem to get all the way to South Carolina but additionally she's going to need a fair to good showing in New Hampshire tonight to convince the small money donors and the big money donors especially that.

She's a viable in investment going forward in this race so she's got to come the handicapping is up in the air but you know I've heard between 10 to 15 points of Donald Trump tonight in order to make that convincing case not just to Republican primary voters that she's a viable alternative to Trump but certainly to donors to keep funding this.

Campaign and Jay of course it was just days after the Iowa caucus that we saw Ron de santis decide that he couldn't go any further at this point what do you think that Nikki Haley can learn from his campaign to not make those same mistakes well one of the factors in the disantis campaign was that ongoing case to donors we heard.

Pretty early on after some pretty big stumbles from Ron DeSantis that some of his biggest money donors did not like where the Dan santis campaign was heading and so they bulked at cutting checks to Ronda santis uh to a large amount the way they had in the past I even talked to people who were close to donors in Florida who said that they.

Didn't feel like they were getting the love from the campaign and so they weren't writing checks the kind that they were and money is the lifeblood of campaigns in American politics so that's something to keep in mind the other thing about the disantis campaign is while it had some campaign stumbles and while there was a question as to what.

Issues was the disantis campaign talking about the reality is the disantis campaign was always going to be defined by Iowa whether or not you think that they mounted a good or a bad campaign he put everything he had into Iowa the campaign privately and and publicly in many ways acknowledge that as well and so when DeSantis didn't come as close to.

Trump in Iowa having poured his heart into that state remember he was campaigning in Iowa before he had even declared that he was running for president that was really the death blow the D santis campaign and the D santis people that I talked to since those results really came in just had a different feeling about that campaign.

And you know speaking of a different feeling there Jay you know when we're talking about uh President Biden today and how he had maybe a dozen uh different interruptions from uh people who went to hear him speak supporting uh demanding in fact I should say a ceasefire calling him genocide Joe uh how much of an issue is foreign policy.

In particular uh in on the Republican side in the Republican side there's an interesting dynamic because probably one of the biggest dividing lines in Republican politics is support for Ukraine Nikki Haley believes that supporting Ukraine is a key geopolitical issue Donald Trump is far more skeptical to continued us aid for Ukraine that's.

The dividing line amongst Republicans amongst Democrats it is exactly what you just pointed out which is that ongoing war between Israel and Hamas even in New Hampshire we're seeing it play out in a small microcosm there is this small movement in New Hampshire we'll get a sense by the end of tonight of how successful it's been telling people.

Instead to write in President Biden's name because remember President Biden isn't on the ballot in New Hampshire Democrats are having to write his name in they're having people right in the words ceasefire this small Progressive Movement we'll see how much they get in terms of numbers but point being that issue can really drive a wedge between.

President Biden and the more Progressive wing of the democratic party that's typically younger and it's a group he's got to make some significant gains in or at least hold on to in order to be a viable candidate all right Jay O'Brien our thanks to you and once again ABC News is projecting that Donald Trump will win the New Hampshire primary but.

Nikki Haley says the race isn't over Eva Pilgrim joins us now and Eva of course she said that while New Hampshire is the first state it is not the last on to South Carolina next how's the Hy campaign feeling going into her home territory exactly Lindsay they Nikki Haley is moving on and she's heading home to her home state of South Carolina.

You mentioned they they said this is the first in the nation primary but there are a lot of other primaries to come and as the kids say Lindsay as long as the math is math in they're going to stay in this they think that they can still pull voters those Independence and those be an alternative to Donald Trump for Republicans that they are going to.

Continue on to see if momentum continues to build they feel like they have momentum coming tonight she talks a lot and her staff talk a lot about where her numbers were just a month ago and they point out that they have a month until South Carolina and a lot can change in a political race in a month so they're going to go hit the ground running.

Tomorrow morning they're flying into Charleston South Olina and starting there with a rally and she knows this state well she she was the governor of South Carolina she is going to crisscross the state of South Carolina and hope that she can close those margins there you know she said tonight I'm a fighter and I'm a scrapper SC and.

I'm Scrappy and she's repeatedly said that she knows that this was going to be hard she never expected that this was going to be an easy uh race and she is planning to continue fighting on and now she's making the call for Donald Trump to debate her we'll have to wait to see if that actually happens Lindsay yeah I love the way the young people talk these.

Days with as you brought up that example of the math is math and so what does her campaign say about that strategy moving forward how do you get the math to all add up in her favor well here's the thing you look at the next races that are coming and in their mind South Carolina is a race where anyone can vote in that primary.

Right unless you voted in the Democratic primary so she thinks that she could pull some independent voters there then you look on to Super Tuesday 11 of those states have open or semiopen primaries so they want to see where the numbers lie they want to get these delegates get the delegate count up and as long as the math is math in they're staying in this.

Lindsay all right Eva Pilgrim keeping us all hip and in the know as you inform us as well uh thank you so much Eva and we want to dig into how the Trump campaign is reacting tonight for that we turn to ABC News Chief Washington correspondent uh John Carl big picture this for us what does this mean for Trump you know look before I fully answer that question.

Can I just State something that that that is obvious but easy to forget amidst all of this two states have voted and they're two small states uh two small states have voted uh Donald Trump has won both of them we have never seen a Republican presidential candidate win both Iowa and New Hampshire and then not win the nomination so yes he is Far and.

Away the front runner is he the presumptive front runner the presumptive nominee not yet uh there's a lot of voting left to go but Nikki Haley New Hampshire was the state that she was best positioned to win of them all she didn't she got closer than she got in Iowa uh she managed to Vanquish all the rest of her opponents she has that.

One-on-one race against Donald Trump that she's wanted all along and finally she has begun to take the fight directly to Trump in a way that she simply wasn't during the campaign now she gets a chance Nevada as you were discussing is really not in play because of the roles and how it was set up so the next big state is her home state so can she win.

There well she was elected governor twice she was reelected overwhelmingly um but it's a real uphill battle for I mean true Democrats can vote in the Republican primary in South Carolina I'm not sure how many of them will actually want to do that to vote for Nikki Haley um and she goes to a state that is her own state but is a.

State where Donald Trump is wildly popular among Republicans he has the endorsements of both of the Senators he has endorsements of all of the Republican congressmen except for one who is still sticking with Nikki Haley for now um and uh uh he has the endorsement of the uh Governor her former lieutenant governor so this is.

Going to be a very very tough battle she still has money she still has donors who don't want to seed this race to Donald Trump yet and she has the fact that she's the only one left and there's a feeling among some of her donors and some of her supporters and probably among Nikki heli herself is even if my odds are really really.

Small don't I need to stick around because God only knows what's going to happen with Donald Trump a guy that's facing 91 criminal counts a guy who has the ability um to say things and do things uh that are wildly controversial um he hasn't shot anybody on Fifth Avenue yet but it's like I'm the only one left doesn't matter it.

Doesn't matter I'm the only one left do I stick it in wait it out fight it out at least through super Tuesday and you know the question is um does she want to risk the possibility that she could really lose handedly in her own state which would be quite an embarrassment or or does she want to uh you know stick this out and and I my my bet is that she.

Sticks it out at least for a while but the question is I want to bring in Eva's point cuz I just like the way the the kids as I know I feel like very old person now but the math it's math and is it is I know you're saying yeah we're only two states in but does she have a way forward as you said she was best positioned postured to win in New.

Hampshire and there we were like five minutes after the polls closed already calling it for Donald Trump and what many had presumed might be a long night might go down to the wire and yet it's it's a blowout she was walking out there and conceding uh just just you know less than an hour after after the polls closed uh look it's it's a really steep.

Climb uh she could win it would take a minor miracle uh to win at this point um and it really comes down to getting the campaign on track I was going to say back on track but it needs to get on track uh in South Carolina she has to win the other thing that the Trump campaign has been doing and there in some ways it's a much better organized.

Campaign than we saw in 2016 uh when when he first won is they have gone through state byst state and tried to work the nominating rules how each state allocates um uh delegates to be in a favorable uh position for him so and and he Now controls uh most of these State parties um which he didn't in 2016 he was an outsider in 2016 he's no longer.

The Outsider Donald Trump is the Republican establishment right now and just really quick question about those delegates even if we we're just going really out on a limb here even if he is convicted and she stays in hanging by a thread but doesn't have the delegates then what yeah well if she doesn't have the delegates she's not going to win um.

And and and those delegates you know first of all you raised the question if he's convicted I guess there is a scenario where one of these trials could actually not only start but be done before for the Republican convention it's unclear which one that' be maybe it could be Jack Smith's uh election interference case although There's real.

Doubts about uh how quickly that's actually going to get underway it's scheduled for for March 4th but uh it's it's not going to start by March 4th and and we'll see when when it starts and trials take a long time especially with something like this um and there there's nothing to prevent a convicted felon um from getting elected president of the.

United States he may not be able to vote in the state of Florida as a convicted felon but he will be able to be elected president of the United States very fascinating uh our politics there all right Jonathan Carl our thanks to you we want to turn now to ABC's new ABC news's political director Rick Klein and Rick let's talk about the Democratic.

Race ABC has projected that Biden is going to win the granite state break down the numbers for us on that side yeah Lindsay fourth times a charm for Joe Biden he ran in 1988 and he dropped out before he even got to New Hampshire he ran in 2008 dropped out before he got to New Hampshire four years ago he came in fifth place and tonight Joe Biden.

Finally can say he won New Hampshire and he did it in the weirdest possible way he won as a right-in candidate he chose not to appear on the ballot at all mostly because New Hampshire actually doesn't count for any delegates it was it is though the first major test of where Democratic discontent is given all of the headlines given Israel given the.

Concerns about uh his Advanced age all of these things have kind of come together and he got the the challenge of Congressman Dean Phillips uh from Minnesota who says we need someone who's new generation Maran Williamson who appeared in at least one democratic debate four years ago but is Mo mostly known as an author.

And a spiritualist but Joe Biden his advisers his team on the ground in New Hampshire decided to mount this this writing campaign they are winning and they are winning decisively I think this is the kind of number that Joe Biden was looking for tonight if this number was a lot lower I think you'd have more questions being raised as it is they.

Seem to have over overperformed I would note that the vote is somewhat behind where it is on the Republicans because of these a right-in votes it takes longer for them to the account we're getting them in slow more slowly but we're seeing this kind of a cross-section across the state where where Biden is winning and winning by a.

Pretty substantial margin uh against the the two The Challengers that were actually on the ballot so it's a win for Joe Biden and I'd also note no one has won as a right in since 1968 LBJ at the time one as a a right in but it wasn't so great for him a couple weeks later he was out of the race because it was clear that the.

Unpopularity of the Vietnam War was making his campaign untenable so Biden was trying to avoid that piece of History even while winning tonight all right Rick Klein we'll be checking back in with you before you know it in the meantime want to bring back in ABC News political analyst RS prus and ABC political contributor and Democratic.

Strategist Don Brazil thanks for joining us once again uh don I want to come to you first uh when Nikki Haley took the stage a short time ago she said quote it's time to put the negativity and Chaos behind us do you think that message will will prove effective for is it too little too late I think it's too little too late look she had her moment.

And the moment was a debate she was outstanding she stood Head and Shoulders Above the Rest the problem is last week she had an opportunity to be in the living rooms of just about everyone in New Hampshire and she chose not to because Donald Trump or Joe Biden would not get on stage with her look I still believe that she has a little gas in her.

Tank I don't know how much money so I don't know what she can buy in South Carolina but when you start cherry picking where you're going to pick up deleg and you miss the moment in Nevada the Silver State coming up on February 8 that's not a good strategy for winning delegates remember this is the race for.

The Republican nomination which means you need delegates all right Donna we're going to interrupt just for a moment I hope the you and Reigns will stick by us for a moment because we are seeing uh Donald Trump take to the stage there in New Hampshire we see uh Tim Scott on the stage Eric Trump and his wife just a.

Moment ago of a ramaswami Rachel want to talk toss it over to you what's the energy like in the room yeah the energy here is very loud this crowd is enthusiastic to see the former president fresh off of this projected Victory here in New Hampshire and I want to say it's notable that you have two of the former president's.

Rivals on the stage with him right now you have Senator Tim Scott and V ramaswami who both were running against Trump and then decided to drop out of this race and endorse him so make no mistake I vowed having the two of them on this stage tonight is also meant to send a message that the Republican party is starting to unify behind Trump we.

Have seen more and more endorsements in recent days not only from his former Rivals but also from elected officials uh out across the country on Capitol Hill as well those who were apprehensive about the former president now coming around realizing that he has the momentum in this race first with that win in Iowa now with another projected.

Win here in New Hampshire Lindsay and we see him slapping hands and patting people on the back really taking in this moment it was just eight days ago when we saw him give a a victory speech in the state of Iowa and now he is posing for pictures really taking this moment in we got to imagine Rachel that this night means even more.

Than than Iowa it it does having these two back-to-back wins is exactly what the former president wanted to deliver to his supporters and here he is US USA USA USA USA USA us well I want to thank everybody this is a fantastic State this is a great great state you know we won New Hampshire three times.

Now three three we win it every time we win the primary we win the generals we've won it and it's uh very very special place to me it's very important to if you remember in 2016 we came here and we needed that win and we won by 21 points and it was great and today I have to tell you it.

Was very interesting because I said wow what a great Victory but then somebody ran up to the stage all dressed up nicely when it was at 7 but now I just walked up and it's at 14 but she ran up when it was seven and you know we have to do what's good for our party and she was up and I said wow she's doing uh like a speech.

Like she won she didn't win she lost and you know last last week we had a little bit of a problem and if you remember Ron was very upset because she ran up and she pretended she won Iowa and I looked around I said didn't she come in third yeah she came in third and then I looked at the poll she was.

Talking about most winnability who's going to win and I had one put up I don't know if you see it but I have one put up we've won almost every single poll in the last three months against crooked Joe Biden almost every Po and she doesn't win those balls and she doesn't win this is not your typical victory speech but let's.

Not have somebody take a victory when she had a very bad night she had a very bad night and you uh you have the you have the very the now very unpopular governor of this state this guy he's got to be on something I've never seen anybody with energy he's like a hopscotch and you know I'm I'm watching.

This guy and two weeks ago he said we're going to win we're going to win in ATL side we're going to win about three days ago I started saying well we want to do well that's a big difference but I walked out just now we're 14 points up and I don't know what it's going to be but when she was up here it was like six or seven and you know with like 7% of.

The vote counted now let let me just tell you we uh we had an unbelievable week last week in Iowa we set a record it was the best in the history of the caucus and the history and uh I remember I sort of had the same feeling I'm up and I'm watching and I said she's taking a Victory lap and we we beat her so badly she was but.

Ron beat her also so you know Ron came in second and he left she came in third and she's still hanging around the other thing she only got 25% of the Republican votes I don't know if you saw that tremendous numbers of Independents came out because in this state because you have a governor that doesn't frankly know what the hell he's.

Doing in this state in the Republican primary they accept Democrats to vote in fact I think they had 4,000 Democrats Democrats before October 6 they already voted now they're already voting because they want to make me look as bad as possible because if you remember we won in 2016 and if you really remember and if.

You want to play it straight we also won in 2020 by more and we did much better in 2020 than we did in 206 but as they said we lost by a whisker just by a whisker no no no but we can't let that happen you know you have to have people that speak up I said.

I can go up and I can say to everybody oh thank you for the victory it's wonderful it's or I can go up and say who the hell was the impostor that went up on the stage before and like claimed a victory she did very poorly actually she had to win the governor said she's going to win she's going to win she's going to win then she she failed badly.

Now I have here if he promised es to do to do it in a minute or less but the only person more Angry than let's say me but I don't get too angry I get even the only person the only per because he was there and he did fantastically well by the way and then he endorsed me and we don't have to talk about Tim Scott who by the.

Way just got engaged we have to tell you and that's more important than all of the stuff but a man that got to know her very well is VI I said VI I said V go up and say a few words about it he has to do it in one minute or less and then we're going to just say we had one.

Hell of a night tonight and one other thing before V comes do you see that Paul we're going to put it up we have beaten Biden you could almost say who can't who the hell can't the man can't put two sentences together he can't find the stairs off a stage who can't but VI one minute or less go do it.

VI what we saw tonight is America First defeating America last that's what we saw tonight if you want America last you can go to Joe Biden you got another candidate still apparently in the Republican primary cut your Social Security to Fork over more money to Ukraine so some kleptocrat can buy a.

Bigger house go to Nikki Haley but you know who delivered a double digigit victory tonight it is a double digigit Victory as of right now is this man Donald J Trump the leader of America First and that means something now USA and Donald Trump America first now I got I got 30 seconds left I want.

To make this point here okay we got to say this we got to say this right what we see right now with her continuing in this race is the ugly underbelly of American politics where the mega donors are trying to do one thing when we the people say another and it's up to us to We the People to at long last say hell no we the people create a government.

That is accountable to us and we the people have said tonight we want again as we did in Iowa Donald J Trump and so you want to actually speak truth that's the truth tonight and the only thing Swami going a little longer than Trump had given him a minute or less uh but we want to go back to Rachel Scott who is at that Trump rally where V ramas Swami.

Is still at the stage uh Rachel of course another projected win for Donald Trump a little bit uh cantankerous there saying I don't get angry I get even I heard him some repeating some of the the 2020 falsehoods that we've heard him talk about before but it it seems like people are are eating it up in the room us they certainly are chance of USA.

They're cheering the former president on look it's clear that Trump thought that if he had a win here that Nikki Haley might reconsider whether or not she stays in this race obviously Nikki Haley taking the stage making it clear that she does not believe that this race is over and so he went after her pretty hard here a little rich and ironic that.

He's insisting that she declared that she had some type of Victory here after you know the former president has centered so much of his campaign on these false claims that he won the 2020 election but again very notable tonight that the first two people to walk out on that stage with him are two of his former Rivals with v ramas Swami who you.

Just heard from right there and Senator Tim Scott that is meant to send a message that the party should unify behind the former president Lindsay all right but Nikki Haley saying it's fall from over Rachel Scott our thanks to you uh J O'Brien and want to bring you in your reaction to that speech I mean as Rachel was just pointing out he really.

Spent a lot of time talking about just how badly he beat beat Nikki Haley yeah and he obviously had some tough words for Nikki Haley to Rachel's point I think it's evident that he expected or or rather her coming out and having that non victory victory speech seemed to have irked Trump the other thing that I think is worth noting is somewhat of the.

Visual you're seeing on your screen of a ramaswami standing to the left of Tim Scott and then Tim Scott being there essentially this notion of trying to signify that the Republican party or at least the Republican field of GOP candidates is coalescing quote unquote around Trump although Haley is still out there dantz has endorsed Trump one more.

Point though that we should fact check here is that Trump repeated again that false claim um that Democrats can vote in the New Hampshire primary that's not true New Hampshire has a closed primary meaning Democrats vote in the Democratic primary Republicans vote in the Republican primary independent voters or what New Hampshire characterizes as.

Quote unquote unaffiliated voters they can vote in whatever primary they want to meaning they can pick to vote in the Republican primary or the Democratic primary it is true a lot of unaffiliated Voters cast a ballot for Nikki Haley tonight but you can't just change your prime your political affiliation at the polls like you can by the way in a state.

Like Iowa something that Trump never criticized you have to change your party affiliation to vote in the primary by an October deadline in New Hampshire if it is it seemed to yet an ax to grind particularly with the governor there governor cunu who of course uh had thrown his support behind Nikki Haley then all right J O'Brien R thanks you.

Want to bring back an ABC News contributing correspondent Rachel bade Rachel Trump said that he does better against Joe Biden in the polls than Nikki Haley does but Nikki has clearly been espousing something totally opposite yeah and I mean not just to fact check that Lindsay uh he's wrong I mean if you look at the polling.

Consistently it shows that Nikki Haley in a matchup against Joe Biden uh basically wipes the floor with him she does a lot better in terms of a of a matchup against Joe Biden than than Trump Trump does and clearly that is a sensitive spot for Joe Biden look I have consistently heard uh from Democrats that they do not want to face Nikki.

Haley they think that she uh might be able to sort of pull along those independent voters maybe even some Democrats who are not happy with with President Joe Biden right now and who are looking for someone else uh to vote for they don't want to to to face her and so uh you know the fact that uh president Trump was out there saying.

Look I'm stronger against Joe Biden uh than Nikki Haley is well if you look at the polling it definitely suggests otherwise Lindsay and Rachel I'm curious your take on because eight days ago when we were kind of breaking down the Iowa caucus uh Donald Trump took to the stage and really gave a speech that was focused on the general election really.

Going ahead as if this was over the the primary was a non-issue and he was going ahead full steam ahead with attacks on on Joe Biden but tonight at least what we've heard so far in that first portion it was really to to litigate uh Nikki Haley and and claiming that it was a two-person race even when Rhonda santis was still there and she had come in uh.

Third place are you surprised that he seems to have shifted entirely from that strategy of let me Focus ahead on Joe Biden and really kind of backtracking and and attacking Nikki Hy yeah really fascinating he said her name a lot more uh than Joe Biden and that's certainly not what his inner circle wants to be doing him they want him to be doing.

Right now they want uh the former president to be focused on the general election to act like he's got the nomination on Lock and focus his attention on Biden so he sort of looks like he's already marching to the nomination problem here is obviously Nikki Haley uh has struck a nerve because she's still in this race uh and.

So that's why you saw him sort of gloating about his numbers tonight going on to attack her talking more about her than Joe Biden and I was really struck uh by him sort of flaunting Senator Tim Scott who's obviously from Nikki Haley's home state of South Carolina uh Haley obviously uh was courting an endorsement from Tim Scott he decided to ultimately.

Go with Donald Trump and you know the former president just being up there seeing seeming very proud uh and and boasting about who was behind him tin Scott so basically take that Nikki Haley from his end yeah little thumb of the nose there uh Rachel badar thanks to you want to get right to senior White House correspondent Selena Wang and Selena uh.

Trump just a few moments ago said President Biden can't put two sentences together can't find the staircase you were at a rally of his today what did you observe yeah well obviously he can in fact string more than two sentences together he gave a very lengthy speech at the rally today in Virginia and he was fired up it was perhaps the.

Strongest one of the strongest speeches I've seen him give despite those multiple interruptions as I mentioned from those protesters but every time he still picked it back up he was loud he was fired up he was angry so the president he is clearly still got that stamina in him and the campaign is trying to show that and when I spoke to.

Voters there at that rally they said Look age we believe it's just a number and as long as he can deliver that's what matters and of course Trump isn't too much younger than President Biden that's right all right Selena Wang our thanks to you want to check in now with how things are shaping up for President Biden on the campaign trail with ABC.

News chief White House correspondent Mary Bruce who joins us live in studio and there was a statement that the Biden campaign just released what are they say well look no further than this statement for a clear sign that they are definitely heading into what is going to be a very long General election because the president in this statement saying.

Donald Trump has all but locked up the GOP nomination saying that Trump is offering Americans the same extreme agenda that has cost Republicans election after election referencing of course those offe elections that we've seen especially uh recently and then really underscoring what is their Central message and what you are going.

To hear over and over again Lindsay in the coming months that Donald Trump they say is headed straight into a general election matchup will he'll face the only person to have ever beaten him at The Ballot Box Joe Biden and there are certainly other signs that the Biden campaign is ramping up getting ready to go into this general election that they.

Are moving around some of their staff today announcing that two of the president's top AIDS his Deputy Chief of Staff General Mali Dylan Mike donellan who's one of his closest advisers they're going to be leaving the White House in the next few weeks going up to Wilmington Delaware to really help uh craft and navigate this campaign going.

Forward they were critical to his win in 2020 really The Architects of that campaign now they're shifting their focus to this next critical campaign and you've heard you know Selena mention there the president is also ramping up his rhetoric he name checked Donald Trump in that speech today 14 times a couple months ago you would be hard.

Pressed to hear Joe Biden mention Donald Trump by name so they are very much looking forward to this rematch and you are getting a sense that the Biden campaign the Biden White House is really shifting gears going even though we're just two states in it seems like they're already preparing for that rematch any sense that the strategy would be this.

Different this time around if it is to be a trump Biden rematch No in fact they are very much hitting the exact same theme and you hear the president say you know that that that Central argument that he needs a chance to finish the job just as he ran in 2020 on that argument that this was a battle for the soul of America at the core of this campaign is.

His argument that Donald Trump uh is a threat to American democracy that he is challenging and threatening the very freedoms that this country is founded on even before tonight Joe Biden's re-election campaign has really centered around the threat of Donald Trump and he's going to continue hammering that for many months to come it really is.

Astonishing I think too to look in Iowa as well as New Hampshire and how many people are saying that they don't even believe that Joe Biden is the legitimate president so we'll see if there's any uh difference this go round Mary Bruce our thanks to you I want to now bring in gayen Dro from 538 gayen we heard Trump moments ago where he said Haley is.

Acting like she won but she didn't let's take a listen pretended she won Iowa and I looked around I said didn't she come in third yeah she came in third and then I looked at the poll she was talking about most winnability who's going to win and I had one put up I don't know if you see it but I have one.

Put up we've won almost every single poll in the last three months against crooked Joe Biden almost every poll and she doesn't win those blls and she doesn't win this this is not your typical victory speech but let's not have somebody take a victory gayen Duo your reaction so Donald Trump is essentially.

Running as an incumbent here at this point and the argument that Nikki Haley needed to win New Hampshire we've heard throughout the evening the argument has basically been that she does well with these unaffiliated voters so she needed to win amongst that group and she didn't so where else does she have to go that's true there also there's also the ability.

If you're an unaffiliated voter or if you're a Democrat or Republican to cross ballots in South Carolina but I think the most important thing to focus on here is actually the electorate in New Hampshire it's one of the most educated electorates in the country 41% of new hampshirites have a four-year college degree that makes it far beyond for.

Example South Carolina where 26% have a college degree and that's a coalition that Nikki Haley does really well with so when we're talking about you know she really needed to hit those benchmarks she really needed to win it's not just because independent voters like her it's because this is the exact profile of the kind of voter that would get her to the.

Nomination and if and really I mean if she can't win with that electorate where does she win I mean Nevada the next state 33% of nevadans have a four-year college degree so you know she's not even competing in the ccus there but also not promising and you spoke with the number of New Hampshire voters on the issues most important to them let's.

Take a listen what's the most important issue to you in this election immigration immigration I'm more interested in an overall leadership qualities what do you think about the issue of immigration the southern border has gotten out of control and Nikki Haley has some really good thoughts on you know getting that border under.

Control immigration certainly looming is a big issue in this election what other issues did you hear that New Hampshire voters are are most passionate about yeah Lindsay I do want to linger on that issue of immigration for just a second because we saw in the exit polling tonight that 36% of New Hampshire IES or they like to say Granite Staters said.

That the economy was the most important issue whereas only 31% said immigration which is close but is not immigration as number one I should say though that's in large part because of those unaffiliated voters if you look at polling before the New Hampshire primary of strictly Republican voters you see that immigration is number one and we've done.

Polling throughout this cycle ahead of Republican debates asking voters again and again and again who plan to vote in the Republican primary what is the most important issue to you and we have seen immigration rising and rising and rising and it is now even nationally outside of just New Hampshire on par with the economy so this is going.

To be an issue that we're going to hear a lot about of course when I talk to the voters that we heard from the economy also came up and folks really spoke about gas prices and what gas prices were like under Trump which hits home what I mentioned earlier that Trump is running as an incumbent here when people talk about the issues they care about.

And I'm out on the trail talking to them they point to well when Trump was President this when Trump was President gas was under $2 when Trump was President we didn't have these wars in X Y and Z areas of the world and so running as somebody who can point to a concrete um track record really gives you an advantage where Nikki Haley is.

Asking folks to imagine a future where she can accomplish the things that she says Donald Trump is more pointing to a record that we know from polling about 80% of Republicans are happy with all right gayen Dro we appreciate your analysis as always want to now bring in ABC News political contributor John catco and president of NextGen American.

Christina sisun Ramirez uh Christina let's start with you thoughts on what we just heard from Trump you know I think what we're hearing from Trump is to Trump 2.0 is going to be even more dangerous for American democracy for women's rights for lgbtq rights and so I think that there's a lot of fear right that you're.

Seeing a consolidation with Trump a man that has 91 counts against him um and I think what's important for folks to know is he's already saying what he's going to do in his next Administration that through his own Omission he wants to jail his opponents he's willing to shoot migrants and criminalize women that seek abortion care so we're really seeing a.

Consolidation of an extreme Maga Republican party and we have to remember the primary is always more conservative than the general election so we're going to see have to to see how this fares in a general election but most Americans remember voted against him in 2020 even though a lot of his supporters refus to acknowledge that Trump lost the election.

And that that uh inability to um accept that they lost could really lose them the election again in 2024 and John same question to you your biggest takea away from Trump's speech just a little while ago I was really taking it back by the fact that he didn't act uh like the the races behind him he spent almost the entire time that I was able to listen to.

It just bashing uh Nikki Haley in general and talking about his remarkable polling and uh the polling act aspect of it especially that he he does better against Biden and Haley is simply not true Haley would crush uh Biden in a general election and the fact of matter is that Trump is a lot closer so uh it was very odd to me when after his his.

Speech in Iowa was very much going after as you guys noted uh going after Biden and talking about policies what he's going to do I didn't hear anything about that tonight which was kind of strange for me and if you want to put your opponent in the rear of your mirror you don't talk about it much you put them in the rear of your mirror and the only.

Thing I can conclude from that is that he's still a little concerned about her and uh we will see what happens going forward and I I think that uh Haley's demise is a little premature right now let's see what happens in the next couple of races uh this is the first uh race where it was just her and him and she got uh well over 40 she had close to.

40% of the vote over 40% of the vote so she's doing okay let's see what happens going forward he still got a very tough road to Ho but again uh it's almost that V does protest too loudly uh syndrome and uh that to me is a trigger that maybe maybe he's not so comfortable with going forward with her so we'll see and Christina want to put John's point right.

To you he said that he thinks that the demise of Nikki Haley is a little premature do you agree I mean look Nikki Haley more power to her she is the only person left standing against Trump the only and the only woman that had the G to really stand up to him at this point and she's going to South Carolina this is her home.

State she could do well in South Carolina but she is trailing by 30 points but I think that you're going to see her own donors her own base really ask and push her to continue fighting because even though Donald Trump does really well in the Republican primary there is a core base of the Republican party that is very dissatisfied with the.

Maga extremist Republican party that has become the party of trump and the cult of personality so I think we're going to continue to see people pushing and asking her to stay in this race but it's going to be really hard it's it's becoming a much much harder pathway forward and yes Dan santis dropped out of the race but most of his voters were.

Donald Trump supporters he was their second choice not Nikki Haley so the pathway for her forward is going to be very very difficult and let's turn to the Democrats now a win for Biden even though he wasn't technically on the ballot only had to rely on people writing him in what does that say about his support.

Christina well uh Joe Biden you know this is we're gonna see a rematch of 2024 likely it's going to be Trump and Biden um Biden was able to be a right in candidate and one um I don't think that's too surprising for folks and we know there's still going to be a lot of counting because he is a right-in candidate but we're today we saw um the.

Biden Administration and uh kamla Harris go and have their first really campaign rally focused on abortion rights focused on the core issues that distinguish them from the Republican Party being able to show that you know on issues like abortion on lgbtq rights on climate change that they are the Republican party and Trump is out of step with the.

Vast majority of Americans and so we're going to continue to see them pushing on these core issues that Americans the general again electorate really sees the Republican party out of step with the American public um and so we're just going to continue to see those rallies and I think that will really consolidate support for the.

Biden Administration especially as Trump continues to really propose extremist ideas that most Americans don't really align with all right Christina John we thank you both so much for your time and insight really appreciate it and I hope you'll stick with us I'll be joined by David M and our team as we continue our special coverage of the New.

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Decision join the movement for a more news literate America this is an ABC News election update the New Hampshire primary now reporting David mure good evening we're coming back on the air with news on tonight's first in the nation Primary in New Hampshire ABC News Tonight.

Projecting Donald Trump wins New Hampshire's Republican primary he was in a one-on-one battle against former South Carolina governor former un Ambassador Nikki Haley Trump taking the stage just a short time ago joined by former campaign Rivals South Carolina Senator Tim Scott among them he's now endorsed Trump Nikki Haley already looking to the.

Next showdown in her home state of South Carolina tonight telling her supporters quote this race is far from over saying New Hampshire is first in the nation it is not last in the nation as you can see our Powerhouse political team right here with me in the studio to break this down the key questions obviously tonight Where Do We Go From Here does Nikki.

Haley have a realistic path here are we barreling toward a Donald Trump Joe Biden rematch ABC's Rachel Scott live at Trump headquarters in Nashville New Hampshire where Donald Trump spoke just a short time ago Rachel David Donald Trump taking on Nikki Haley directly insisting that she's quote delusional if she thinks.

That she stands A Chance in This Republican primary the former president appearing on stage with his former Rivals that was meant to send a message that he wants the party to unify behind him with that win in Iowa and now New Hampshire he's one step closer to clenching this Republican nomination David all right Rachel Scott with the.

Trump campaign Rachel thank you ABC's Eva Pilgrim with the Nikki Haley campaign Eva Nikki Haley making it very clear tonight this is not over that's exactly right David Nikki Haley is moving on and heading home to South Carolina saying that this race is far from over now her campaign while she didn't win tonight they do feel like she.

Had the strong showing to give her that momentum as she moves forward and she made that point New Hampshire may be first but they are not last and she is planning to continue on they believe that they still have a path forward she told this crowd here tonight I'm a fighter and I'm Scrappy and David tonight she's challenging Donald Trump.

To a debate David all right we'll see if he answers that question with a yes or a no he has said no to that question so far and it's been successful for him Eva Pilger thanks to you let's break this down let's get right to Lindsey Davis my partner in crime here and you've been diving into the exit polls and what the voters in New Hampshire have said.

They're always different you go from Iowa to New Hampshire and what they've said is quite telling when it comes to who actually turned out today in their party affiliation there was a lady who I think said it best from New Hampshire who is an independent voter and she described themselves as the middle child who keeps peace in the family and boy.

Did they turn out today 46% who describe themselves as Undeclared or independent that's a record for a New Hampshire primary uh last time was 45% in 2012 and I also want to take a look at the qualities that matter most people said fights for people like me overwhelmingly was the most important followed by shares my values and ultimately has the.

Right temperament not surprising to have such a sizable Republican turnout in New Hampshire but that number of Undeclared voters independent voters who were willing to turn out today the fact that it set a record is quite telling but in the end not enough for Nikki Haley she needed that turnout she got it but still didn't win which takes us straight to.

John Carl Lindsay thank you John the question is does Nikki Haley really have a a realistic path forward here look you can't say she doesn't have a path we've only had two states vote they're both small states it goes to South Carolina she got elected governor there twice by big margins she was a popular Governor but David bottom line this was the state.

New Hampshire that she had the best chance to win and she lost decisively on the flip side you had Donald Trump with a decisive win in Iowa a decisive win tonight in New Hampshire but it did show that half of the people who turned out were willing to vote for someone other than Donald Trump on the Republican side the independent side the Trump campaign.

Has to be aware of this and when you get to November if it is Trump Biden where do those voters go yeah and it wasn't just you had nearly half of voting against Trump you had people voting for Nikki Hy because they wanted to stop Trump so he faces a very real phenomenon it's not a new phenomenon but it's bigger than it was in the past of never.

Trump Republicans he overwhelmingly controls this party but there is a segment of Republicans that are now closer to calling themselves former Republicans who just will not vote for him and a general election that could be a problem they got to be fully aware of that moving forward in this rematch potential rematch but it's looking a lot.

Like it uh with President Biden let's get right over to our political director Rick Klein because you've been looking at this literal path ahead for Nikki Haley she hopes to pick up as she goes with these Independents these Undeclared voters and more moderate Republicans along the way but what's what's ahead for her yeah David it starts slow but it.

Gets fast really fast and this is the problem for Nikki heli if you don't win in one of these first couple of States maybe that's fine you've got the time before sou South Carolina but right after that is super Tuesday by super Tuesday almost half the delegates that that the entire Republican convention will select will be chosen so if you.

Don't get something started early you may as well not be in the game at all Mary Bruce with us here R Klein our thanks to you at the Big Board Mary of course our chief White House correspondent and uh the White House the Biden campaign saying we're not going to respond tonight to the results and they've responded they certainly haven't.

And they are happy of course that Joe Biden did win the Democratic primary even though he wasn't on the ballot no Democrat no delegates were up for grabs there and they are already looking ahead to the General in a statement tonight saying Trump has all but locked up the GOP nomination and then outlining again what is at stake that Central argument.

Of this campaign that Donald Trump they say is promising to undermine American democracy and David the campaign is repeating that line we are going to hear over and over again in the coming months that Donald Trump is about to face in a general election the one person who has beaten him at The Ballot Box that is Joe Biden their argument Biden has beat him.

Once they say he will beat him again and a real quick follow for you the president gave a speech today and clearly has pivoted completely to Donald Trump yeah and get this David no less than 14 times did Joe Biden name check Donald Trump just a couple months ago you were hardess to find the president even willing to mention Donald Trump by.

Name it is a clear sign he is ramping up his attacks gearing up for what we know is going to be a long general election Mary Bruce with us here Mary thank you Martha RIT who has traveled this country often uh no question after Iowa New Hampshire the signal many of these voters are sending is that Donald Trump still has a very strong hold on the.

Republican party but there are others who are signal we might be willing here to vote for somebody other than Trump exactly and those are the kinds of people who are voting for Nikki Haley and where those votes go among Independents is so important if this is a trump Biden matchup I've heard voters come out of.

Those polling places across the country and simply say I can't do it again for Donald Trump I may have voted for him in 2016 I may have voted for him in 2020 but there's simply too much chaos and that's a red signal a FL flashing red signal for Donald Trump he has to worry about those voters all right Martha rat is with us one last question here to.

Mary Bruce because Mary you heard Nikki Haley say this in her final sort of closing argument before the primary here in New Hampshire she puts out that number 70% of Americans don't want a Donald Trump Joe Biden rematch the White House fully aware of these numbers uh and yet it looks more and more like that's exactly where we're headed it.

Certainly does it is very hard to see as we were discussing how we aren't headed towards this historic rematch and the Biden campaign is gearing up for it we know they certainly would welcome that chance to have that rematch certainly seems Donald Trump would like it as well and I gather they wouldn't mind Nikki Haley staying in this a bit too to.

Bruise up Donald Trump spend some of his money on her before he gets to the general election exactly all right Mary Bruce and the whole team here uh for our coverage on the network we're going to continue after we return you to regular programming with our coverage on our digital channel the entire team on ABC News live I'm David mure I'll see you.

There and for the rest of you enjoy the coverage from the network and your local news and I'll see you tomorrow on Roll news tonight good night live election update the New Hampshire primary welcome back to our coverage of.

New Hampshire primary for those just joining us this is ABC News live and ABC News has been projecting this evening that Donald Trump has won the New Hampshire primary defeating Nikki Haley the battle for the Republican Presidential nomination now moves to Nikki Haley's home state of South Carolina I want to bring in our.

Political Consultants Donna Brazil and ry's prus Donna first I want to go to you I'm curious what you make of the results tonight in New Hampshire you heard what Lindsey Davis reported there just moments ago the exit poll is actually showing a sizable number of Undeclared and independent voters going for Nikki Haley uh Donald Trump with a.

Decisive win but there's some warning signs there as well oh absolutely look in our I believe more than 50% of the voters identified with to make America a greater movement here in New Hampshire it was 35% so that should be a warning sign again unaffiliated voters are the key to Victory not just in New Hampshire but in several other states coming down.

The pike and if Trump is unable to convince them that he can carry their values and their judgments and their votes then he's going to have trouble in a general election look Donald Trump I I I wanted to fact check his so-called analysis of winning he lost in 2016 by less than 3,000 votes to Hillary Clinton he lost in 2020 by less than 59,000.

Votes so I don't know on what planet he's winning in New Hampshire when Nicki hilly headed right he keeps losing what do you make though of those Undeclared independent voters where do they go if we end up with this general election matchup all over again between President Biden and the former president I think the president President Biden has to.

Really focus on young voters remember he led a historic turnout in 2020 a record turnout among all Americans and of course he won the popular vote by more than 8 million votes so he has to really focus on young voters today if you look at the exit pole one in four voters made up their mind within the last eight days.

Nikki Haley could have left de Mo and jumped on a plane got to Manchester and at least visited Seven Counties in and near between Nash and Manchester she didn't do that and she needed a real strong turnout in those areas in order to win let's bring in Ryan's prus Donna thanks stick with us here former chair of the Republican National Committee uh.

R's with us as well and I wanted to ask you obviously decisive win for Donald Trump here tonight he's going to be very happy with those results given the fact that some of the polling in recent days showed Nikki Haley gaining momentum and then of course the final polls these last day or two showing Donald Trump pulling ahead once again uh decisive win.

In Iowa decisive win now in New Hampshire uh Donald Trump essentially has the nomination here what could stop him at this point yeah thank you David I mean I I think we all remember we've been hearing the talking points from the other candidates uh including some that have dropped out that have said if Trump wins in Iowa and Trump wins in New.

Hampshire then it's over and and a lot of people uh on these programs have said the same thing I think Jonathan Carl in the last segment before yours on ABC Live said it would be a miracle for Nikki Haley so then the question from the party standpoint because this is a contest for the party nomination among its members and delegates you know a.

Miracal for for what I mean to what end um that's the big question for Nikki Haley I've got nothing against Nikki Haley and and I like the people work for but the reality is is that this is a Road to Nowhere uh right now and I I I get the sense David that it's no different than when Ronda santz said after Iowa that we're continuing we're.

Flying to South Carolina and lo and behold he he cut a video and and endorsed uh Donald Trump so I think that's probably where this is heading given the fact that you know some of the folks inside Nikki Haley's campaign you respect them obviously you respect the former un Ambassador I'm sure as well the governor what does she do from here.

What do you think the political strategy is does she at least stay in this through South Carolina you look at South Carolina and the polling if you're to believe the polling at this point she could suffer a pretty significant defeat in her home state to Donald Trump unless those numbers change yeah believe it or not I mean she doesn't have a real big.

Advantage in South Carolina at all when you've got both US senators supporting Donald Trump the sitting governor who was the lieutenant governor under Nikki Haley supporting Donald Trump what does she do David she sits down with the most the smartest data people and political folks around her they map out what does Super Tuesday look like what does South.

Carolina look like how much is it going to cost what does how much money do we have in the bank and how much money can we raise and is it really worth it that's the next meeting that they're going to have and it's going to be a you know a barn burner and I my prediction is after those couple meetings I think she's probably going to realize that.

This is not going to head in a direction that she wants before we head over to the big board and recline one more question for you Ryan and this was something that John Carl and I were talking about a moment ago when you look at Iowa you know Donald Trump had a resounding Victory you know more than half the vote hit that 50% Mark uh in.

New Hampshire a sizable win against Nikki Haley tonight on the flip side though there there were a number of people you know in the 40 percentage sort of range in Iowa who clearly sent a message that they were willing to vote for a candidate other than Donald Trump you look at the Independence the Undeclared voters uh who went with Nikki.

Haley tonight what kind of message does that send to the Trump campaign and is the Republican party uh you know as a whole at all concerned about the folks who are looking for an alternative as you Barrel towards this General elction now potentially up against President Biden with a rematch with Donald Trump yeah sure I mean obviously you always.

Need to build you always need to add and and multiply you can't build a build a party by subtracting and dividing people out of the room so that's always going to be the case you know New Hampshire is probably not a Battleground State I don't think you know up in New England is probably not the greatest Donald Trump territory in the world especially.

Among unaffiliated voters who really don't pick parties except for today to vote in a Republican primary um but then again look David at the people that were running I mean you had Tim Scott VI you had Ronda santis who was exchanging insults with President Trump and and they all turned around and and endorsed him so I mean he got 20 what 3% of the.

Vote in Iowa he turned around in 48 hours and endorsed president Trump so you know look I it's a binary Choice it's going to be Biden and and and and presumably president Trump and it's going to come down to five states and 100,000 people people will decide who the next president of the United States is it sounds like.

2020 in 2016 and 2012 oh no oh no okay anyway we're right here with you thanks Ryan thanks to Ryan and Don I want to get right over to Rick Klein because you heard him talking about what's likely happening within Nikki Haley's campaign tonight in into tomorrow uh but what is the path Rick take us through this some of these states she can try to appeal to.

These Undeclared independent voters some do not have that situation and some of it's proportional so she can gain as she goes but how long do owners stick with her how long can she handle the Republican pressure as a the party as a whole when they see Donald Trump in these decisive victories yeah David on one level almost no one has voted I mean.

Look at how many contests we have ahead of us all the way through June so we're really early in the process and if you just look at what's upcoming in the next couple of weeks Nikki hel's campaign says wait a second now let's let's slow it down and say all right South Carolina there's a possibility there she's actually not even on the ballot in the.

State of Nevada so you can cross that off she isn't even competing there but then when you move ahead head to some of these super Tuesday States they see the kind of electorate that you're talking about because they allow Independence they allow sometimes Democrats we're talking about places like Virginia and North Carolina Massachusetts Maine Texas.

Which is a huge delegate Hall Minnesota now a lot of things have to go right for all of this math to work for Nikki haly but at least there's the possibility as they look forward this is their spin this is how what they're going to be telling donors in the coming days if we can get through South Carolina and get a victory there we have some really.

Fertile ground waiting for us just a few weeks ahead of there is there scenario though where Nikki Haley is simply staying in the race because she knows the number of legal hurdles Donald Trump faces if she can convince the donors to stick with her does she stick with this knowing she can continue to add delegates you know add up some of these.

Votes along the way and we'll see what happens here that's precisely right but but intriguing to me David we were hearing the same argument from Ronda santz and his supporters up until the moment he dropped out so the harsh realities of the map and the math start to really come down on a candidate and to really look at what this means are.

You going to be talking about a contested conven mention you're going to be talking about uh saying no to the will of the voters that's a tough conversation for Nikki heli to have and I think the question of what her endgame is becomes a very real one yeah and only she knows the answer to that with their very tight circle of political.

Strategist it's interesting because that question came up again in the exit poll Lindsay we saw it in Iowa voters there were asked if Donald Trump were convicted uh of any of these felonies that he faces uh would you still support him and the numbers that came out of Iowa and New Hampshire's numbers were quite telling as well yeah we're seeing.

A little bit of a flip-flop different voters clearly in Iowa a little more conservative New Hampshire you have more of those independent voters more moderate but yet 54% said yes if convicted he would still be fit to be president so you have the majority there 42% saying no um but still a bit of a surprise that you have the majority of.

People in New Hampshire again moderate people who are saying yeah he could still be my president even though he might not be able to vote for himself he can still rule this country yeah flip the coin though 40% of the people who say they wouldn't support him you know all of a sudden where would the Republican party go if Donald Trump is.

The nominee if there's not somebody standing waiting in the wings still in the race but the question this is what getting at with Rick will the donor stick with her that long and listen we don't want to get ahead of our skis here we have no idea what's going to happen with these legal uh sort of hurdles ahead uh but will she even last that.

Long yeah look when I'm looking at this I'm thinking the answer is probably not I think this is the most optimistic scenario that she can put forward but when in reality momentum takes over and there were two big opportunities for a challenger to get momentum those are called Iowa and New Hampshire and right now Donald Trump is two for two no one.

Has ever won those two and not won the nomination on the Republican side somebody else watching this very closely won't likely admit it and that's president himself uh President Biden in fact the White House the Biden campaign saying they wouldn't necessarily react to whatever happens in New Hampshire tonight not only have they reacted I'm.

Sure they're they're happy with their win they weren't nervous at all but he wasn't technically on the ballot people had to write them in in New Hampshire did they not yeah they did look because of the way the Democrats scrambled their primary calendar making South Carolina Ina their first state the president wasn't actually on the ballot tonight.

There were no delegates for him to win in New Hampshire but this is still a symbolic and certainly a welcomed right in win for the president it would have been a little embarrassing had he not been able to pull this off but the message coming out of the campaign tonight basically is game on right they are looking ahead to the general.

Election and we are already seeing signs that they are pivoting into that all handson deck mode in fact earlier today they announced that the president's actually moving dispatching two of his top AIDS General malie Dylan his Deputy Chief of sta and Mike donalan one of his closest AIDS who he's been with since the early 80s these were people who.

Helped really to direct and were the Architects behind his 2020 campaign they're now leaving the White House going up to Wilmington to help run this campaign is this considered a shakeup or is this reinforcements if you will or both it's both it's both look he is taking his best people out of the White House putting them back on the campaign.

And what's interesting is this is something that actually reportedly Barack Obama urged President Biden to do saying that he needed to get some of his top people out of the White House and focused on the reelection Barack Obama also one of those big Democrats who's urging the Biden campaign to be more aggressive and you are also seeing signs.

Of that as well you have to think that the Biden campaign tonight was looking at those numbers those Undeclared voters those independent voters and watching some of the interviews as they were coming out of their polling places across New Hampshire today there were a number of Voters who kept echoing one another they they said they they voted.

For Nikki Haley today they want a they want a new page uh in this country when it comes to politics but then they were asked the followup which every reporter asks but if we are faced with Joe Biden Donald Trump all over again and many of these voters said well you know I'd have to vote for uh President Biden sort of a reluctant answer but you'd have to think.

The Biden campaign watching these Nikki Haley numbers tonight sees an opening there as well absolutely and this is actually the argument that they have been making for months look they are well aware that their message isn't resonating they know that a lot of Americans are not exactly enthusiastic about the idea of this Biden Trump.

Rematch but the argument that they make is that a lot of people simply aren't paying attention yet and that if it really does come down to Biden and Trump that they there will be such a sharp contrast between the two that Joe Biden will really have an opportunity to to expand his lead certainly based on off of what we've seen so far in the polls.

They hope that once people engage and once they do a better job of selling their message which the Biden White House admits they need to do that they hope they will be able to convince especially those Independents and those who are reluctantly voting for Biden to come more onto their side yeah Mary's tapping into something here John which.

Is very true I think a lot of people aren't paying attention not only do they in some ways not want to pay attention because it feels again you know Ry was joking like 20 2016 but in many ways it's echoing what we've seen these last couple of presidential Cycles are there people who are not paying attention who are certainly going to be handed two.

Candidates all over again and say how do we get here yeah I mean for sure and people have checked out and and and let's let's not forget how exhausting that 2020 campaign was how exhausting the Trump years were where everybody was on edge following the ins and outs of politics because you had this unprecedented situation at the White.

House people have checked out on Donald Trump I mean there are people who follow the legal case they get plenty of coverage but what's he like as a candidate you know he's he campaigned um was a remarkably light campaign schedule in Iowa and New Hampshire doing a fraction of the events uh that that his competitors did he was.

Kind of like you know he he's got the name recognition he's got the fact that there's discontent with Biden but I think that as it's clear that he is the Republican nomination nominee if it it becomes clear what does he stand for what would a second Trump term look for and trust me the Biden team knows they've got a hell of a lot to work with.

Of just with what he has said along the way just over the past few weeks he's talked about being a dictator on day one he's talked about suspending the constitution in certain circumstances he's talked about the death penalty for the former chairman and The Joint Chiefs of Staff I mean this is stuff that for the most part aside from Chris Christie.

Before he dropped out for the most part uh his Republican Rivals didn't touch trust me Biden's not going to be afraid to make sure everybody in America knows exactly all of that that will be the campaign let's bring will be the campaign let's bring in Rachel Scott because you know Rick Klein was talking about the some of the political pressure.

That will come within uh the Republican party for Nikki Haley at some point here once you see these Trump victories uh begin to mount uh and from Capitol Hill tonight a message of at least an effort for Republican Unity around Donald Trump David we are seeing more and more Republicans on Capitol Hill calling on the party to now unite around former.

President Donald Trump fresh off of that win in Iowa and now New Hampshire and just moments ago we got a statement from the new house Speaker Mike Johnson he says here that he's calling on the party to now move pass and unite uh behind president Trump so we can focus on ending uh Biden's presidency and growing our majority in Congress and I heard.

That same concern from Senator Tim Scott who you saw there on the stage with the former president tonight he said that every every day that Nikki Haley stays in this race is another day that they're not necessarily focused on how they could possibly defeat President Joe Biden in the fall that is a big concern for a lot of Republicans so you're going.

To start to see that pressure on uh on Nikki Haley to drop out only increase the longer that she stays in this race but you you heard from her she says that this race is far from over as she's taking this all the way to her home state of South Carolina where the former president is currently leading in the polls as for Trump he's heading out west.

With stops in Arizona and Nevada over the course of the next few days David Rachel Scott live at the Trump campaign where Donald Trump spoke a short time ago and uh not only did he signal time for Unity and then his two Victory speeches but now as we're hearing a speaker of the house calling for Republican Unity around Donald Trump.

Again Iowa New Hampshire we're just getting started but the path looks fairly clear at this point there are always surprises and as we heard from Nikki Haley tonight uh it's the first in the nation primary you know not the last and Martha RIT she must know the onslaught that's coming from the Trump campaign I I think it could be an.

Absolutely brutal month for Nikki Haley you heard Donald Trump tonight he went after Nikki Haley we we talked last week about the winning Donald Trump and how his personality really changes I'm winning I'm on top of everybody tonight I'm going to do this and and he has a very positive message he is clearly angry that Nikki Haley is not saying I'm.

I'm I'm on the Trump team now I'm out of here and you could hear it in his voice you could hear it and and and really the cruelty you've you've seen it the last few weeks where he's gone after Nikki Haley in ways that he hadn't before but you could see the anger with him tonight it was the darker Donald Trump and and she is in for a brutal run if she stays.

In here we did see the change because after Iowa you heard she can stay in as long as she wants uh you know critical of her but not not the Wrath if you will uh the fire that can come and and and obviously as you're saying it will likely come and come to a much greater degree in the coming weeks when you when you look at foreign policy because she.

Played a major role in the Trump Administration obviously the ambassador to the UN and you look at these foreign conflicts that are front and center there is a significant debate as you know Marth that we've been reporting on here within the Republican party over uh what to do with Ukraine how much money to continue to spend on them that at the.

Same time as we watched the war with Hamas Israel's war with Hamas continue to play out uh and this will be something that he will likely be able to to create daylight with Nikki Haley on he sure will and and especially on Ukraine but more so with Joe Biden and and look you look at the numbers people foreign policy is by far not at the top.

Of the concerns for most voters and in the polling we did tonight and the exit polling we did tonight and polling we've done before foreign policy is way down there except for one thing and that is as you said and that we've been reporting on the war in Gaza young voters do not like what Joe Biden is doing they do not like to see the.

Support for Israel and the and what has happened in Gaza and they see every single day on social media and elsewhere and on our newscast what's happening in Gaza and the number of women and children and that that could be a problem for Joe Biden and that's something Donald Trump uh if he is the nominee will certainly use against Joe.

Biden and in fact we heard some of the protesters during his speech today the speech was intended to draw sort of a dividing line on the issue of choice for women in this country uh on what would have been 51 years since row um obviously it stands no longer but during this speech ostensibly about uh abortion rights in this country he had to answer.

To protesters in the audience over what's going on in Gaza yeah repeatedly interrupted and you know they were able to to throw the president off of his game a little bit in this speech he recovered but we have seen this time and time again at his recent public events and Martha is absolutely right especially with young voters this is.

Going to be such a challenge for this President and especially as he gets on the road he wants to be talking about abortion he wants to be talking about the economy bomic these are the issues that he wants to hammer home and yet the interruptions today Pro that he's not be able to escape this one he has to find a way and you've seen him trying to walk.

This fine line obviously offering staunch support for Israel while trying to urge you know more to be done to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza ramping up the pressure on Israelis to do more to address the horrific civilian death toll but how does address it in a campaign setting they haven't quite figured that one out yet our Democratic.

Strategist though hoping that when looking at the alternative when it comes to climate change you know abortion rights that young voters will perhaps very unhappy with what the administration stance on Israel uh and on Gaza that when you list the the sort of issues top of Mind most important to young voters that that the balance will.

Will still push young voters their way absolutely and abortion especially is an issue where they feel that they are going to have a lot of success and they point to what we've seen in the office year elections seeing that this issue has really driven voters to the polls and you heard the president today point blank say Donald Trump has has boasted.

Of taking away Row versus weight he has boasted of taking away Reproductive Rights you're going to hear that message repeated over and over again but again the Biden campaign does concede they have a lot of work to do when it comes to messaging Joe Biden's accomplishments and what he's going to do going forward because they know you can't just run.

Against Donald Trump you also have to give voters something to vote for and enthusiasm David I mean definitely the enthusiasm Gap and I've seen that with voters and and they'll talk to me about motivate me motivate me and and they may not be paying attention now or maybe they've been paying attention for the last couple of weeks because they.

Thought there was some sort of alternative they probably don't see that anymore so it's going to be motivating people to get out to get out and vote and Lindsay you have the issues actually that New Hampshire voters said drove them the most right and it seems like there is this big divide as far as what's important to the Republican.

Voters what important to the Democratic voters because as we see President Biden trying to do the speech on abortion that's the least important from the Republican voters we heard from is they prioritize it economy number one with 37% followed by immigration which is really pretty astonishing considering that New Hampshire is about 2,300 miles.

Away from the southern border but you have economy immigration followed then by foreign policy and abortion immigration top of Mind as we know for not only Republican voters but Democrat voters as well what is the administration going to do to tackle immigration look they know that they have to tackle this issue.

Because it is so critical to so many voters and it's why you've seen the president in the last several weeks say that he is willing to come out and compromise on this issue it's part of this current debate over what to do with funding for Ukraine and Israel the president's the one who who put that on the table to tie some immigration.

Reforms to this critical need for foreign aid the question is where exactly is he going to compromise how far is he willing to go negotiations are moving along they said they don't want to negotiate this in public but there certainly are signs that they are getting there and it's not just because the president feels you know he wants to.

Have a bipartisan win he knows he has to show voters he takes this issue seriously the house David that's we can talk about that tomorrow we talk we'll see we we see the Senate certainly making progress in the Senate the house is an xfactor Republicans are not eager to hand yeah ex Victory an accomplishment or anything.

Resembling a victory on this I I I think you've got a very steep climb in the house I think Republicans would rather have the issue than have something to point to that they an agreement they made with Joe Biden the guy that they want to blame for destroying the Border you know uh I mean I think it's a it's a very certainly not this close to the.

Election yeah and we know we know and we know we're the guy who presumes himself to be the republican nominees on this and where he'll be pressuring Republicans and has already been pressuring yes making calls as we know let's bring in Eva Pilgrim Eva you probably heard us talking here Martha and I were talking about the pressure.

That Nikki Haley will feel the Wrath that she will feel almost immediately uh once the temperature is turned up here from Donald Trump we have seen hints of this in the last couple of days it's only going to get uh you know more extreme in the days ahead and there's already a statement tonight from the Haley campaign about the tone the tenor.

Of Donald Trump's speech tonight that's right David Nikki Haley's campaign putting out a statement tonight about a former president Donald Trump's primary night speeech saying it was a furious and rambling rant against Nikki Haley if Trump is in such good shape why is he so angry they go on to say two states have now voted in the.

Presidential race and Donald Trump barely received half the vote not exactly a ringing endorsement for the former president demanding a coronation you know Nikki Haley tonight talking to this crowd that was here earlier saying that she doesn't take any of this personal and she expects this seeing this response from Donald Trump she.

Knows that she's gotten under his skin a bit and that she's may be gaining some ground maybe gaining some momentum and that's what she's taking with her to South Carolina David but even let me ask you about this because she's not going to find the same sort of demographic makeup that she W had in New Hampshire uh what Lindsay had pointed out earlier.

Just the sheer number of sort of Undeclared independent voters uh willing to um chart a new course if you will she's not going to face that same kind of breakdown moving forward it could get far more challenging from here uh do they acknowledge that she said all along she knows that this is going to be a hard fight she.

Knew this was not going to be easy but her campaign keeps pointing out that they have a month before South Carolina and the people of South Carolina know her and so she's hoping that if she can get on the ground in South Carolina talk about the things that she did you have to remember she was a very popular Governor at the time she was governor of.

South Carolina and she won pretty handedly when she was governor and so those people in South Carolina she's hoping to get in front of them remind them try to convince them that this isn't just about right now that this is about the future of our country that's the speech she keeps giving out on the campaign Trail in front of these crowds.

That this is about tomorrow this is about our children and that Donald Trump doesn't have as good a chance as she does in a head-to-head with Joe Biden and she's hoping that message and her record in South Carolina will help put her over the top Eva Pilgrim with the Nikki Haley campaign tonight Eva thank you and there's no question Nikki.

Haley's been talking about this two-person race she's wanted it to be a two-person race the question is uh is it too late now that the game has begun I know it's weird to say that when we've only had Iowa and New Hampshire but we're watching the math sort of roll out here uh and the size of the victories from from Donald Trump I want.

To bring in Mariel Parks who's actually in South Carolina where Nikki Haley will uh head next to her home state where she was a two-term popular governor in South Carolina where she was the one who actually appointed you know Senator Scott to his his role uh at least at the very beginning he has now endorsed Donald Trump so she goes home tries to.

Convince the people of her home state to vote for her and she's aware of the polling that has Donald Trump far ahead yeah David exactly right the big question is can this be Haley's home turf still or is it just Trump territory I mean I've been talking to local state officials here who say basically she is liked but he is loved and that he has.

Built out such an apparatus I was talking to the state party chair here who said that out of all the campaigns it is Trump who has the staff the resources the volunteers on the ground and like you were saying of course the realities of the polling I mean we've seen polling that shows Trump with 60 points uh here in this state but the.

Nikki Haley team like we were just talking with Eva they are confident they talk about the fact that South Carolinians know her she was a popular Governor she won re-election here by 15 points uh she has friends in this state and she wants to point to her record when she's on the campaign Trail she likes talking about her record as.

Governor of course we've seen in the last few days Trump really flexing those endorsements that he has you know I was really struck by that latest endorsement congresswoman mace uh because she had gone head-to-head with Trump trump really calling her names and still she came out and backed Trump even in local Charleston right here instead of Nikki.

Haley David so it's going to be tough even on her home turf for Nikki Haley who says she is not out of this race yet Mary Alis our thanks to you as well uh no question a very difficult ahead for Nikki Haley and John Carl I wanted to ask you for a final thought here before we take a quick break uh as far as what she must be thinking at least.

Strategically not only the map that reclin pointed out slowly sort of hoping to gather some delegates along the way knowing that she likely doesn't have victories ahead of her how long can she stick with this how long will the donors stick with her and is there also part of this strategy the the knowledge that Donald Trump faces a lot of other things.

Other than what we're watching politically David I spoke to a a very important donor to Haley's uh haly's campaign effort today who said even before the results came in but it was clear where we were going that if she in fact failed to win uh in New Hampshire and didn't come close uh that there would be a reassessment about whether or.

Not to continue to fund her campaign so I think that is the first question is how much in way of resources are there for her now look she's got a lot in her we don't know the exact amount she still has in her War chest but she raised a lot of money uh she had a lot of cash on hand going into New Hampshire she will have the money to go through South.

Carolina certainly the question is does she have the money and the wherewithal to see it through super Tuesday that's that's the big question and part of it she has to look you know look at at herself and her future does she assess that she can win in her State Mary Alice pointed out she was a popular Governor she won twice uh but if you look at any.

Polling and there hasn't been a lot of reliable polling but any indication it sure looks like Donald Trump has a very strong position in South Carolina he's got the endorsements of all of those uh in the Congressional Delegation except for one house member he's got the governor he's got I mean he's very popular much more popular in South.

Carolina frankly than he was in Iowa or in New Hampshire so does Nikki Haley want to face the possibility of an embarrassing loss in the state where she served as Governor uh for nearly two terms and not only that part of the calculus has to be her own political future she she's running for president now it doesn't mean she won't run again.

In four years uh if it doesn't go her way this time uh we want to we want to say we still don't know obviously but she has not won a state yet in in this process and if she wants to and this is the other thing we've heard a lot of people say well why didn't she go after Donald Trump faster and sooner I I think that's easier said than done when you.

Know that you need some of those voters in the end to help you over the finish line if you make it to the general but you know the other thing and this is big for the donors too cuz by the way it doesn't take a lot of big big money donors to keep a campaign alive uh we we we we've seen that in the past especially with the campaign Finance.

Rules being basically non-existent with super Pacs so you you will have a segment of the party and of that donor class that wants to ensure that there is somebody that remains in this race somebody waiting in the wings somebody waiting in the rings that Donald Trump is such a volatile candidate all the the legal cases you mentioned and not just.

That the kinds of things is saying um you know he has an ability uh uh to to to create campaign gffs that are greater than any anything we've ever seen and to survive them how long can that maintain but you need somebody somebody in the race just in case Donald Trump Falls is she willing to be that person yes she says she she's the only one left yeah.

She's the only one left so is she willing the withering criticism that Martha says is around the corner which we all know is true stick through it and by the way that's why you see the speaker of the house coming out and endorsing me he already endorsed Trump but basically calling everybody to get online I mean Trump is putting pressure.

And making it clear you saw the anger Martha's exactly right that was an angry guy for a guy that just wanted to you know a double- digigit victory uh an angry guy and he is expressing that anger to Republicans who have not yet come out to endorse him and putting the pressure on those who have to put pressure on Haley uh to get out of this.

Race it's so interesting because it's the political calculation within the leaders of the party that the established politicians within the party because typically after a victory like that in New Hampshire you'd come out and you would talk about bringing the voters together to try to appeal to the people who voted for Nikki Haley As you move.

Forward in the process but this was not about that tonight at least the particular anger that you're speaking of it's about who has not and I think there was a subliminal message on the stage right behind him on one shoulder is Senator Tim Scott former opponent the other side is V ramaswami who he actually gave them both time to speak.

Exactly and so I think that the messaging there very quietly is Nikki Haley get on board right because kind of what he says goes at least to people who are following along the party line and just one other board I just wanted to bring up that proves this point 47% of those people tonight who were pulled said that Joe Biden is not a legitimate.

President so we're talking about just shy of half of those people who went out to vote uh don't believe that Joe Biden is that down from Iowa though it is down from Iowa yeah still a significant number there's no question about that but isn't that isn't that a risk Martha you know Lindsay pointed out the number earlier.

That if Donald Trump were convicted of a crime you know one of these felonies that he faces in this pathway ahead the legal pathway other than the political uh road ahead for him uh that you had a sizable amount of electorate that that said no it wouldn't be a problem but you also had a significant number of Republicans and independent voters who.

Turned out uh in New Hampshire today who said yes it would be a problem uh if he's convicted isn't that a risk for the Republican Party sort of coalescing around Donald Trump so quickly there's so many R to the Republican party right now and how they're coalescing around uh various various things with Donald Trump but Donald Trump has has made this a.

Campaign calling I mean come there I'm a victim that is that has been one of his primary messages they're after me so it's it's not I I think it's not just hey it's okay if he's convicted of a crime we we'd still support him they don't believe that he's guilty If he if if they brought down a guilty verdict I think it would probably be much like the.

Election like we don't believe that this election wasn't stolen I doubt a lot of those people would believe that if he was found guilty of those crimes I mean look at the egene Carroll case a lot of people think that's just fraudulent and and what's happening now he's in court he's in court rather than campaigning that is his Campa campaign that has been.

One of his singular campaign messages poor me they're going after me no question it's been used as a political platform and successfully at least so far last question to you Mary Bruce or chief White House correspond before we take a break here I would gather the Biden campaign has no problem with Nikki Haley sticking around in this race a.

While longer to try to go after Donald Trump as she has been uh you know to take the barbs from Trump will they get their their election campaign up and running against who they believe firmly will be Donald Trump in the fall look if she wants to hang around and rough him up a little bit I'm sure they are just fine with that and it does beg a.

Question of what does Joe Biden's campaign look like going forward right so far he has not been on the campaign Trail a lot at all in fact today was actually his first official campaign event of the year we have been told look they're trying to keep their powder dry as long as possible here they're trying to save their money until they really.

Need it which gets to the point of you know go ahead and let Nikki Haley beat him up a little bit I am told you know you're going to see the campaign ramping up a little bit over the next several weeks putting out you know more ads more paid media doing more at the local level look early spring or late spring early summer when you're finally going to see.

The president sort of stepping up those campaign rallies but if if it truly is a trump Biden rematch people are very familiar with these candidates they know what they're getting into to mark this point so much of this campaign is really simply going to be a get out the vote effort you're not going to see these candidates out there doing multiple.

Campaign events on and off a campaign bus all day long Donald Trump will be spending a lot of time in court the president will be bouncing back and forth between the White House and the trail and really just trying to get his message out out there and urging people to get out and vote hammering home that enthusiasm issue and playing a larger.

Role at least in recent weeks has been the vice president KLA Harris who told you in the one-on-one interview that she knows they'll have to get out there and earn these votes absolutely because they know that they have a real problem and look you're seeing it not just in the polling but also they're hearing it from some of their biggest Democratic backers.

In South Carolina Jim kurn the man who resuscitated Joe Biden's campaign in 2020 is out there saying he is very worried that their message isn't resonating especially with critical iCal constituencies like black voters and they know they have their work cut out to them they have to get out there and make it very clear as K Harris told me.

Who brought them who is delivering for them and they know that they they've got an uphill battle when it comes to some of these issues all right incredible conversation the conversation continues I'm going to hand it over to Jay O'Brien and we're going to continue right here on ABC News live Jay take it away David and team thank you I'm Jay O'Brien.

You're watching coverage of the New Hampshire primary right here on ABC News live it is 10:30 here in the East actually 10:37 now ABC News has projected that former president Donald Trump will win the Republican primary in the granite state he is up 54% to Nikki Haley's 44% you see it there on your screen Trump celebrating his win not.

Long ago tonight with harsh words for his competitor and former un Ambassador pretended she won Iowa and I looked around I said didn't she come in third yeah she came in third and then I looked at the poll she was talking about most winnability who's going to win and I had one put up I don't know if you see it but I have one.

Put up we've won almost every single poll in the last three months against crooked Joe Biden almost every poll and she doesn't win those blls and she doesn't win this this is not your typical victory speech but let's not have somebody take a victory Nikki Haley also taking to the.

Stage tonight she said this to a room of supporters well I'm a fighter and I'm Scrappy and now we're the last one standing next to Donald Trump and today we got close to half of the.

Vote we still have a ways to go but we keep moving up President Biden winning in the Democratic side of things tonight he in fact just putting out a statement not long ago saying that it is clear that former president Trump will be the nominee and that the stakes could not be higher President Biden though did have a.

Primary Challenger there in New Hampshire the Minnesota Congressman Democrat Dean Phillips there was Biden was not technically on the ballot there in New Hampshire instead Democrats there had to write his name in South Carolina is a officially the first Democratic primary this year someone who spent quite a bit of time in New Hampshire was.

Dean Phillips he was hoping to gain some steam against Biden as we heard a short time ago Phillips encouraging his supporters to stay with him saying he is not dropping out of this race our zaren sha is there and spoke with Congressman Phillips earlier here's what he said some people are saying you're pushing Donald Trump toward the White House.

Possibly taking away some of Nikki Haley's votes a lot of Independence that I spoke to said they wanted to vote for you what do you have to say about that she could have possibly been a lot closer had those Independents voted for her no and by the way I think the country would be much happier with a Nikki Haley Dean Phillips match up this.

No M that's what we're hearing I know she's hearing that I'm hearing the same thing 7 like on the same ticket or well no I'm not saying the same Ticket No I said against each other zoren joins us now from that Dean Phillips event zorine look it's it's what 10:40 but the night is young despite the fact that we have the races.

Called here and it's because we've got open questions as to what comes next so for Dean Phillips what is the latest from his campaign and where does this campaign go from here so Jay for Dean Phillips this is a win I mean he had said that 20% of the vote would be a win for him it looks like he's going to hit that Target.

Number this exact numbers are still a little bit TBD and he also said that look if if a if the incumbent president doesn't hit 80 that that's going to be an embarrassment so actually both things happen he hit 20% % which is a win for him at this moment uh Joe Biden did hit 80 though at the moment um that that is pretty good you got to say for a.

President who wasn't even on the ballot Joe Biden had to get people to write in his name a lot of people certainly did but I think that question that I asked Dean Phillips is really an important one and something that a lot of people are going to be looking at did those independent voters go towards Dean Phillips when they could have gone to a.

Nikki Haley could she have been a lot closer to Donald Trump I mean that is the race the Republican race that a lot of people looking at it's interesting the Biden campaign looking right past Dean Phillips I texted a Biden Aid tonight if they were watching Dean Phillips speak they didn't even know that he was speaking at the time that he.

Was speaking zoren Shaw at that Dean Phillips event zoren thank you I want to turn now to senior White House correspondent Selena Wang Selena I want to stay with the Biden campaign here because they are looking past those primary Challengers as I said they're looking right at former president Trump that bore out in the statement that the.

President just released moments ago you were at an event that the president the vice president held today centered around abortion rights what was the 2024 argument that the president made there well look this campaign they've been squarely focused on Donald Trump not just since this result but for several weeks now we heard the president really.

Ramping up his rhetoric directly going after Trump calling him out by name at least 14 times with this strong message saying look it is Donald Trump who is responsible for taking your freedoms Away really forming this abortion issue as a freedom issue saying look the Republican Party they're trying to restrict your freedoms putting Women's.

Health and lives at risk while the Democratic party President Joe Biden he is trying to protect them and enshrine them and in a new campaign statement the president's saying thanks to all of those who wrote in his name in New Hampshire and he said at State cures our democracy our personal freedoms our economy and and here quote says which.

Has seen the strongest recovery in the world since covid all are at stake so again really they're squarely focused on the general election here they are ready for it they are very eager to be drawing that contrast as it becomes clear and clear Selena we saw some divisions at that event you were at earlier today in the Democratic party there were.

Protesters as has been repeatedly mentioned tonight repeatedly interrupting President Biden how much of a concern is that for the Biden campaign these young progressives who are particularly taking issue with the president's handling of the Israel Hamas war and Jay just going back to that event I mean I've been at several Biden.

Campaign events recently several events where he has been interrupted but the number of times that was unprecedented at least a dozen times you had protesters standing up during the rally interrupting his speech it was sort of throwing the president off but he was still strong and fired up and and catching himself again but really this.

Just points as you say to the divisions within the Democratic party especially among young and Progressive voters but the campaign they insist that as this Clear Choice becomes more obvious between Trump and Biden that those voters are still going to go towards Biden despite their concerns over his handling of the Israel Hamas War Selena.

Wang for us in Washington's aren shot to breaking down everything Democrat we want to go right back now to ABC News live Prime anchor Lindsey Davis who was with that team in New York Lindsay uh take it away oh Jay O'Brien we appreciate you holding it down for us of course ABC News has projected Donald Trump as the winner of primary night.

Nikki Haley is vowing to stay in the race meanwhile ABC News has also projected that Donald Trump will win the primary as we just said let's go back to ABC's Eva Pilgrim who joins us now Eva what are you hearing there from voters on the ground well you know a lot of what we heard from voters earlier today was that.

They didn't really love the option of a Biden Trump rematch and so a lot of them were thinking some who had voted for Biden previously were coming towards Nikki Haley and some of the Trump supporters even were undecided as we were talking to them in the line there was a huge turnout here the lines were long the people here in New Hampshire.

Take their voting very seriously and they turned out um and really what we were hearing from them was it was about the candidates while they there are specific issues that are important to them ultimately their decision about who to vote for came down to who these candidates are and how they think they will be in the future as president.

Lindsay and Eva just give us a sense and we heard her saying I'm going home she's going to Sweet South Carolina what's the strategy from here well Lindsay you know before the results even started coming in Nikki Haley's campaign put out a press release saying that they were going to South Carolina that they were going to.

Continue on that there was nothing that could happen tonight that would change their plan and they were moving on to Super Tuesday as well and and this is sort of what they're thinking they still think that there is a path forward for her no matter what happened here in New Hampshire tonight because she's hoping to get momentum and then pull those.

Independent voters and those who are looking for an alternative to Trump that typically vote Republican and in the state of South Carolina in the Republican primary anyone can vote in that primary as long as they didn't vote in the Democratic primary then you look ahead to Super Tuesday there are 11 states that are either open primaries or.

Semiopen and so she's hoping that building this momentum here she'll be able to carry it Forward she knows she's got a long road ahead she told us multiple times over the last several weeks that she knew this was not going to be easy but they are in this for the Long Haul they are fighting for every vote Lindsay all right Eva Pilgrim our.

Thanks you want to bring John Carl in and John we were talking earlier about uh the tone because eight days ago when we were sitting right in these same spots Donald Trump really gave a speech that was focused squarely on Biden on moving forward this primary is over we're heading to the general election and then it was like a retraction.

Tonight is he was angry he even said at one point I don't get mad I get even Tim Scott who's standing right over his shoulder just said that he endorsed him because he could bring the country together and yet you have him saying oh don't you really hate her referring you must really hate her exactly and and so what do you think is is the the.

Dissonance here I mean first of all just just note that that this is a guy who just won by double digits and just won the second state just done something that no other Republican in the modern primary era has done to win both Iowa and New Hampshire no Republican nonresident uh well on his way uh to to getting the nomination and what does he.

Do he comes out and eviscerates uh his uh his vanquished opponent and does it in a very threatening way there were all kinds of overtones of you know how they're going to go after they're gonna go after Nikki if she want they gonna go after and they've got stuff we know the stuff and we're gonna I mean like like as if.

They're about to like D do this big dump of Oppo research uh on on Nikki Haley Lord knows what it is or whether it's you know I mean he he showed a willingness time and time again to go after opponents with allegations that are entirely made up I mean this is somebody who accused uh Ted Cruz's father of being involved in the JFK.

Assassination so he's C capable of a really vicious campaign that's what he was threatening seems incredibly eager to get Nikki Haley out of this race and you have to ask yourself why why does he fear that that that she can win even though we see that her path ahead is incredibly difficult why the eagerness almost desperation to get out.

Her out of the race I I think it's almost that it's desperation for her to come with him he just doesn't like that he doesn't want anyone on the other team he thinks she should be with him she should drop out I I I mean I think it's a really good point like what what does he fear but I think it's just that he's angry that she hasn't dropped out that.

She's still saying things about him that she was pushing the envelope a little bit more in the last couple of weeks uh than she had before and he doesn't like that you you know that better than anyone does he does not like that he doesn't want anybody not on his team who he think should be and this more so than I mean this is this is a campaign of.

Vengeance and retribution and I think you saw a flash of what really angers him often more so than even the prosecutor or the Democrats are Republicans that don't fall in line and perhaps that is the case considering that you had as I mentioned earlier flanked by Tim Scott and V ramaswami it's like they did it.

Why don't you too Nikki H but one thing that I think is interesting talking about his speech tonight he didn't mention the issues and what we're looking at the issues that mattered to those people who went to the polls in New Hampshire today number one they're saying economy followed by immigration and a really distant third foreign.

Policy and meanwhile if you really are paying attention it seems like we're at the brink of War you know trying to Tamp down th those concerns well be I think because one of the things is that Donald Trump has just pounded Joe Biden on immigration pounded pounded pounded and and and Joe Biden has a problem there I.

Mean he has to figure something out with immigration so that is clearly how Donald Trump is going after Joe Biden and the economy has not resonated with with Biden voters yet at all and and so it's sort of like whatever Donald Trump thinks are the issues is what those voters are going to hear right now I mean his base is listening to him every.

Night wherever he is whatever that message is that message is completely resonating with him I don't think this will be a huge issues campaign I think it will come down to personalities and this race is unlike any other I think you know we compare past races and in 2016 this and 2020 this we have essentially two incumbents running we we.

Have a former president and a current president both of them have records both of them you can look at but Donald Trump's record is is removed so he's making it about Joe Biden he's making about Grievances and he's making about making it about what Joe Biden is or is not do and if this is not going to be about issues Mary want to bring you in.

Here somebody has to tell Joe Biden that right cuz he's trying to get a speech today about abortion which happened to be the lowest of importance for the voters that went to the polls today Joe Biden is certainly more than happy to lean into the fact that Donald Trump isn't talking about the issues because that's one of his Central arguments is.

While Donald Trump is about Donald Trump Joe Biden says I'm focused on the American people that's the argument that he is trying to make and in fact we are just hearing in a statement from the president and it is clear that while you know Nikki Haley thinks she still has a chance Joe Biden does not in fact he says point blank in this statement that.

Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee and then he outlines what he thinks is at stake our democracy our personal freedoms our economy he says all of this is at stake of course that argument that we've heard over and over again from the Biden campaign that what is on the line in this election is our country's democracy the the the freedoms.

That this country were founded on Biden says are very much what is on the line here and then what's really interesting in the statement is that Biden then appeals directly to those Independents and Republicans those voters that that our team on the ground were talking to today leaving the polling station saying you know I may be a Republican and if it.

Comes down to Trump versus Biden maybe I will vote for Biden those Republicans who just can't stomach another four years of Donald Trump Biden reaching out to them urging them to join us As Americans you're hear that over and over again do you run the same Playbook again if you're Joe Biden if it is a rematch head-to-head against Joe Biden and.

Donald Trump I mean he very much is running on the exact same campaign message I mean you think about it four years ago the the the argument was that this is a battle for the soul of our country and and now he's saying he needs four more years to finish the job he is very much still arguing that he is trying to save the country again from.

Donald Trump and he knows though look we've been talking about this he can't just run against Donald Trump he has to give people something to run for he has to hit at those issues which is why they know they have to do a better job of getting out there and selling their accomplishments to the American people but it it is not an accident that this.

Feels very very familiar but keep in mind he ran that Playbook before January 6 before Donald Trump tried to overturn an before Donald Trump talked about suspending the Constitution before Donald Trump declared he would be a dictator on day one I mean he has more material but it is much the same the.

First image of Joe Biden's re-election video that a video he put out announcing he was running for re-election the first frame of video January 6th and whether resonates or not we'll have to see I mean you you have had so much talk about January 6 and of course Donald Trump talks about it too in a very different way calling the people who are in prison.

Hostages hostages which is extraordinary want to table this conversation just for a moment to bring in Rachel Scott who is there on the ground in Nashua New Hampshire for us been following the Trump campaign Rachel we heard Trump bash rival Nikki haly earlier calling her an impostor who failed badly uh but there's a new call tonight for for the.

Party to to come together yeah and we are seeing growing calls from Republicans especially over on Capitol Hill how speaker Mike Johnson releasing a statement tonight he's urging the party to unite around the former president you obviously saw Senator Tim Scott vras Swami two of Trump's former rivals on that stage with.

Him and then in Iowa you had Governor Doug bergham who also was a former rival he endorsed him as well so now you see this growing push to try to get this party to coales behind Donald Trump as Tim Scott told me tonight he believes that every day that Nikki Haley is still in this race is a day that they are not talking about Joe Biden and how they're.

Going to potentially defeat him in the November election but as you guys all pointed out this speech tonight was really light on issues which is somewhat ironic here when you look at the polling data the former president actually plls ahead of Nikki Haley on several key issues that are important to voters including the economy immigration those.

Are things that are top of mind for voters they told us that when they were heading into the polls today one thing that I think uh is going to be Keen for the former president to think about if he thinks he's heading into this general election as he's one step away from possibly clinching the Republican ination here is independent voters we.

Certainly talked to so many independent voters that just quite frankly did not like either option of Joe Biden or Donald Trump they felt like Donald Trump had too much legal chaos around him they thought both of them were just simply too old and they really couldn't fathom a potential rematch uh some of them even struggling to even tell us who they.

Would possibly support if we see Biden and Trump facing off in November Lindsay yeah we've seen that again and again overwhelmingly the majority of uh voters are basically saying that they're going to hold their nose and vote if it's going to be another rematch between Biden and Trump Rachel Scott we appreciate you being with us all night.

Want to send it now to ABC News political director Rick Klein who's back with us again uh Rick let's take a look at where the race goes from here Haley is not competing in the Nevada caucus uh but let's take a look at at South Carolina I know you're ready at all times always ready to go yeah so South Carolina this is our 5308 polling.

Average Lindsay and it is not close right now Donald Trump is winning by a lot at 35 points in this polling and and it hasn't gotten any closer if you just zoom into the last couple of weeks you see Donald Trump picking up some ground and where things get pretty difficult for for haly is if you start to look ahead a little bit our partners at 5:30.

Have put together a chart of the upcoming States and here they've looked at what what they have to do in terms of how many delegates they win this to me is really striking because they're saying that Donald Trump actually doesn't have to win anything in South Carolina he'll be fine Nikki Hy needs to win them all she has to clean up in her.

Home state to even be on track for the nomination and it's just it's so striking when you when you start to get into any of the math around the nomination to know that things get really serious really fast it looks like there hasn't been much happening yet and we're here on January 3rd and you've got like 2% or something of the of the.

Delegates that you need that you need to win the nomination have been named but by super Tuesday that jumps up to almost half by by the beginning of April it's it's basically over so there's a very short window to make a difference and there's really no realistic path that I can in looking at the states ahead without seeing a Nikki heli victory in.

South Carolina a month from now and it will be a long and as Martha pointed out a very searing month for Nikki Hy to endure oh Ric Klein we thank you everybody here at the round table we appreciate you hopefully there will be a real super Tuesday and it's not super today uh right now and that's it uh but that is our show for tonight everyone.

I'm lindsy Davis ABC News live is here for you all night with the latest news context and Analysis you can always find us on Hulu Roku Pluto TV the ABC News app and of course on the news never stops thanks so much for streaming with us have a great night with so much at stake so much on.

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Live live election update the New Hampshire primary welcome back to our coverage of New Hampshire primary for those just joining us this is ABC News live and ABC News has been projecting this evening that Donald Trump has won the New Hampshire primary defeating Nikki Haley.

The battle for the Republican Presidential nomination now moves to Nikki Haley's home state of South Carolina I want to bring in our political Consultants Donna Brazil and Ry prus Donna first I want to go to you I'm curious what you make of the results tonight in New Hampshire you heard what Lindsey Davis reported there just.

Moments ago the exit poll is actually showing a sizable number of Undeclared and independent voters going for Nikki Haley uh Donald Trump with a decisive win but there's some warning signs there as well oh absolutely look in our I believe more than 50% of the voters identified with the make America a greater movement here in New Hampshire.

It was 35% so that should be a warning sign again unaffiliated voters are the key to Victory not just in New Hampshire but in several other states coming down the pike and if Trump is unable to convince them that he can carry their values and their judgments and their votes then he's going to have trouble in a general election look Donald Trump I I.

I want to fact check his so-called analysis of winning he lost in 2016 by less than 3,000 votes to Hillary Clinton he lost in 2020 by less than 59,000 th000 votes so I don't know on what planet he's winning in New Hampshire when Nicki Hy headed right he keeps losing what do you make though of those Undeclared independent voters where do.

They go if we end up with this general election matchup all over again between President Biden and the former president I think the president President Biden has to really focus on young voters remember he led a historic turnout in 2020 a record turnout among all Americans and of course he won the popular vote by more than 8 million.

Votes so he has to really focus on young voters today if you look at the exit poll one in four voters made up their mind within the last eight days Nikki Haley could have left de Mo and jumped on the plane got to Manchester and at least visited Seven Counties in and near between Nashville and Manchester she didn't do that and she needed a real.

Strong turnout in those areas in order to win let's bring in ry's preus Donna thanks stick with us here former chair of the Republican National Committee Ry with us as well and and I wanted to ask you obviously decisive win for Donald Trump here tonight he's going to be very happy with those results given the fact that some of the polling in recent days.

Showed Nikki Haley gaining momentum and then of course the final PLL he last day or two showing Donald Trump pulling ahead once again uh decisive W in Iowa decisive win now in New Hampshire uh Donald Trump essentially has the nomination here what could stop him at this point yeah thank you David I mean I I think we all remember we've been.

Hearing the talking points from the other candidates uh including some that have dropped out that have said if Trump wins in Iowa and Trump wins in New Hampshire then it's over and and a lot of people uh on these programs have said the same thing I think Jonathan Carl in the last segment before yours on ABC Live said it would be a miracle for.

Nikki Haley so then the question from the party standpoint because this is a contest for the party nomination among its members and delegates you know a miracle for for what I mean to what end um that's the big question for Nikki Haley I've got nothing against Nikki Haley and and I like the people work for but the reality is is that this is a.

Road to Nowhere uh right now and I I I get the sense David that it's no different than when Ronda santz said after Iowa that we're continuing we're flying to South Carolina and La behold he he cut a video and and endorsed uh Donald Trump so I think that's probably where this is head given the fact that you know some of the.

Folks inside Nikki Haley's campaign you respect them obviously you respect the former un Ambassador I'm sure as well the governor what does she do from here what do you think the political strategy is does she at least stay in this through South Carolina you look at South Carolina the polling if you're to believe the polling at this point she.

Could suffer a pretty significant defeat in her home state to Donald Trump unless those numbers change yeah believe it or not I mean she doesn't have a real big advantage in South Carolina at all when you've got both US senators supporting Donald Trump the sitting governor who was the lieutenant governor under Nikki Haley supporting Donald Trump what does.

She do David she sits down with the most the smartest data people and political folks around her they map out what does Super Tuesday look like what does South Carolina look like how much is it going to cost what does how much money do we have in the bank and how much money can we raise and is it really worth it that's the next meeting that they're.

Going to have and it's going to be a you know a barn burner and I my prediction is after those couple meetings I think she's probably going to realize that this is not going to head in the direction that she wants before we head over to the big board and reine one more question for you Ryan and this was something that John Carl and I were.

Talking about a moment ago when you look at Iowa you know Donald Trump had a resounding Victory you know more than half the vote hit that 50% Mark uh in New Hampshire a sizable win against Nikki Haley tonight on the flip side though there there were a number of people you know in the 40 percentage sort of range in Iowa who clearly sent a.

Message that they were willing to vote for a candidate other than Donald Trump you look at The Independents the Undeclared voters uh who went with Nikki Haley tonight what kind of message does that send to the Trump campaign and is the Republican party you know as a whole at all concerned about the folks who are looking for an alternative as you Barrel.

Towards this general election now potentially up against President Biden with a rematch with Donald Trump yeah sure I mean obviously you always need to build you always need to add and and multiply you can't build a build a party by subtracting and dividing people out of the room so that's always going to be the case you know New Hampshire is.

Probably not a Battleground State I don't think you know up in New England is probably not the greatest Donald Trump territory in the world especially among unaffiliated voters who really don't pick parties except for today to vote in a Republican primary um but then again look David at the people that were running I mean you had Tim Scott VI you.

Had Ronda santis who was exch changing insults with President Trump and and they all turned around and and endorsed him so I mean he got 20 what 3% of the vote in Iowa he turned around in 48 hours and endorsed president Trump so you know look I it's a binary Choice it's going to be Biden and and and and presumably president Trump and it's.

Going to come down to five states and 100,000 people will decide who the next president of the United States is it sounds like 2020 in 2016 and 2012 oh no oh no okay anyway we're here with you thanks Ryan thanks to Ryan and Don I want to get right over to Rick Klein because you heard him talking about what's likely.

Happening within Nikki Haley's campaign tonight in into tomorrow uh but what is the path Rick take us through this some of these states she can try to appeal to these Undeclared independent voters some do not have that situation and some of it's proportional so she can gain as she goes but how long do donors stick with her how long can she handle the.

Republican pressure as a the party as a whole when they see Donald Trump in these decisive victories yeah David on one level almost no one has has voted I mean look at how many contests we have ahead of us all the way through June so we're really early in the process and if you just look at what's upcoming in the next couple of weeks Nikki hel's.

Campaign says wait a second now let's let's slow it down and say all right South Carolina there's a possibility there she's actually not even on the ballot in the state of Nevada so you can cross that off she isn't even competing there but then when you move ahead to some of these super Tuesday States they see the kind of electorate that you're.

Talking about because they allow Independence they allow sometimes Democrats we're talking about places like Virginia and North Carolina Massachusetts Maine Texas which is a huge delegate Hall Minnesota now a lot of things have to go right for all of this math to work for Nikki heli but at least there's the possibility as they.

Look forward this is their spin this is how what they're going to be telling donors in the coming days if we can get through South Carolina and get a victory there we have some really fertile ground waiting for us just a few weeks ahead of there is there a scenario though where Nikki Haley is simply staying in the race because she knows the number of.

Legal hurdles Donald Trump faces if she can convince the donors to stick with her does she stick with with this knowing she can continue to add delegates you know add up some of these votes along the way and we'll see what happens here that's precisely right but but intriguing to me David we were hearing the same argument from Ronda.

Santz and his supporters up until the moment he dropped out so the harsh realities of the map and the math start to really come down on a candidate and to really look at what this means are you going to be talking about a contested convention are you going to be talking about uh saying no to the will of the voters that's a tough.

Conversation for Nikki heli to have and I think the question of what her endgame is becomes a very real one yeah and only she knows the answer to that with her very tight circle of political strategist it's interesting because that question came up again in the exit poll Lindsay we saw it in Iowa voters there were asked if Donald Trump were.

Convicted uh of any of these felonies that he faces uh would you still support him in the numbers that came out of Iowa and New Hampshire's numbers were quite telling as well yeah we're seeing a little bit of a flip-flop different voters clearly in Iowa a little more conservative New Hampshire you have more those independent voters more moderate.

But yet 54% said yes if convicted he would still be fit to be president so you have the majority there 42% saying no um but still a bit of a surprise that you have the majority of people in New Hampshire again moderate people who are saying yeah he could still be my president even though he might not be able to vote for himself he can still.

Rule his country yeah flip the coin though 40% of the people who say they wouldn't support him you know all of a sudden where would the Republican party go if Donald Trump is the nominee if there's not somebody standing waiting in the wings still in the race but the question this is what getting at with Rick will the donor stick with that long.

And listen we don't want to get ahead of our skis here we have no idea what's going to happen with these legal sort of hurdles ahead uh but will she even last that long yeah look when I'm looking at this I'm thinking the answer is probably not I think this is the most optimistic scenario that she can put forward but when in reality momentum takes over and.

There were two big opportunities for a challenger to get momentum those are called Iowa and New Hampshire and right now Donald Trump is two for two no one has ever won those two and not won the nomination on the Republican side somebody else watching this very closely won't likely admit it and that's president himself uh President Biden in.

Fact the White House the Biden campaign saying they wouldn't necessarily react to whatever happens in New Hampshire tonight not only have they reacted I'm sure they're they're happy with their win they weren't nervous at all but he wasn't technically on the ballot people had to write him in in New Hampshire did they not yeah they did look because of.

The way the Democrats scrambled their primary calendar making South Carolina their first state the president wasn't actually on the ballot tonight there were no delegates for him to win in New Hampshire but this is still a symbolic and certainly a welcomed right-in win for the president it would have been a little embarrassing had he not been able.

To pull this off but the message coming out of the campaign tonight basically is game on right they are looking ahead to the general election and we are already seeing signs that they are pivoting into that all Hands-On deck mode in fact earlier today they announced that the president's actually moving dispatching two of his top AIDS General Mali Dylan.

His Deputy Chief of Staff and Mike donellan one of his closest AIDS who he's been with since the early 80s these were people who helped really to direct and were the Architects behind his 2020 campaign they're now leaving the White House going up to Wilmington to help run this campaign is this considered a shakeup or is this reinforcements if you.

Will or both it's both it's both like he is taking his best people out of the White House putting them back on the campaign and what's interesting is this is something that actually reportedly Barack Obama urged President Biden to do saying that he needed to get some of his top people out of the White House and focused on the re-election Barack Obama.

Also one of those big Democrats who's urging the Biden campaign to be more aggressive and you are also seeing signs of that as well you have to think that the Biden campaign tonight was looking at those numbers those Undeclared voters those independent voters and watching some of the interviews as they were coming out of their polling places.

Across New Hampshire today there were a number of Voters who kept echoing one another they they said they they voted for Nikki Haley today they want a they want a new page uh in this country when it comes to politics but then they were asked the followup which every reporter asks but if we are faced with Joe Biden Donald Trump all over again and many of.

These voters said well you know I'd have to vote for uh President Biden sort of a reluctant answer but you'd have to think the Biden campaign watching these Nikki Haley numbers tonight season opening there as well absolutely and this is actually the argument that they have been making for months like they are well aware that their message.

Isn't resonating they know that a lot of Americans are not exactly enthusiastic about the idea of this Biden Trump rematch but the argument that they make is that a lot of people simply aren't paying attention yet and that if it really does come down to Biden and Trump that there will be such a sharp contrast between the two that Joe Biden will.

Really have an opportunity to to expand his lead certainly based off of what we've seen so far in the polls they hope that once engage and once they do a better job of selling their message which the Biden White House admits they need to do that they hope they will be able to convince especially those Independents and those who are.

Reluctantly voting for Biden to come more onto their side yeah Mary's tapping into something here John which is very true I think a lot of people aren't paying attention not only do they in some ways not want to pay attention because it feels again you know Ry was joking like 2020 2016 but in many ways it's echoing what we've seen these last.

Couple of presidential Cycles are there people who are not paying attention who are suddenly going to be handed to candidates all over again and say how do we get here yeah I mean for sure and people have checked out and and and let's let's not forget how exhausting that 2020 campaign was how exhausting the Trump years were where everybody was.

On edge following the ins and outs of politics because you had this unprecedented situation at the White House people have checked out on Donald Trump I mean there are people who follow the legal cases they get plenty of coverage but what's he like as a candidate you know he's he campaigned um it was a remarkably light.

Campaign schedule in Iowa and New Hampshire doing a fraction of the events uh that that his competitors did he was kind of like you know he he's got the name recognition he's got the fact that there's discontent with Biden but I think that as it's clear that he is the Republican nomination nominee if it it becomes clear what does he stand for.

What would a second Trump term look for and trust me the Biden team knows they've got a hell of a lot to work with of just with what he has said along the way just over the past few weeks he's talked about being a dictator on day one he's talked about suspending the constitution in certain circumstances he's talked about the death penalty for.

The former chairman and The Joint Chiefs of Staff I mean this is stuff that for the most part aside from Chris Christie before he dropped out for the most part uh his Republican Rivals didn't touch trust me Biden's not going to be afraid to make sure everybody in America knows exactly all of that that will be the campaign let's bring be the Campa let's.

Bring in Rachel scottt because you know Rick was talking about the some of the political pressure that will come within uh the Republican party for Nikki Haley at some point here once you see these Trump victories uh begin to mount uh and from Capitol Hill tonight a message of at least an effort for Republican Unity around Donald.

Trump David we are seeing more and more Republicans on Capitol Hill calling on the party to now unite around former president Donald Trump fresh off of that win in Iowa and now New Hampshire and just moments ago we got a statement from the new house Speaker Mike Johnson he says here that he's calling on the party to now move past and unite uh behind.

President Trump so we can focus on ending uh Biden's presidency and growing our majority in Congress and I heard that same concern from Senator Tim Scott who you saw there on the stage with the former president tonight he said that every day that Nikki Haley stays in this race is another day that they're not necessarily focus on how they could.

Possibly defeat uh President Joe Biden in the fall that is a big concern for a lot of Republicans so you're going to start to see that pressure on uh on Nikki Haley to drop out only increase the longer that she stays in this race but you you heard from her she says that this race is far from over as she's taking this all the way to her home.

State of South Carolina where the former president is currently leading in the polls as for Trump he's heading out west with stops in Arizona and Nevada over the course of the next few days David Rachel Scott live at the Trump campaign where Donald Trump spoke a short time ago and uh not only did he signal time for Unity and then his two Victory.

Speeches but now as we're hearing Speaker of the House calling for Republican Unity around Donald Trump again Iowa New Hampshire we're just getting started but the path looks fairly clear at this point there are always surprises and as we heard from Nikki Haley tonight uh it's the first in the nation primary you know not the last.

And Martha Ritz she must know the onslaught that's coming from the Trump campaign I I think it could be an absolutely brutal month for Nikki Haley you heard Donald Trump tonight he went after Nikki Haley we we talked last last week about the winning Donald Trump and how his personality really changes I'm winning I'm on top of everybody tonight.

I'm going to do this and and he has a very positive message he is clearly angry that Nikki Haley is not saying I'm I'm I'm on the Trump team now I'm out of here and you could hear it in his voice you could hear it in in really the cruelty you've you've seen it the last few weeks where he's gone after Nikki Haley in ways that he hadn't before but.

You could see the anger with him tonight it was the darker Donald Trump and and she is in for a brutal run if she stays in here we did see the change because after Iowa you heard she can stay in as long as she wants uh you know critical of her but not not the Wrath if you will uh the fire that can come and and and obviously as you're saying it will.

Likely come and come to a much greater degree in the coming weeks when you when you look at foreign policy because she played a major role in the Trump Administration obviously the ambassador to the UN and you look at these foreign conflicts that are front and center there is a significant debate as you know Martha we've been reporting on in.

Here within the Republican party over uh what to do with Ukraine how much money to continue to spend on them that at the same time as we watched the war with Hamas Israel's war with Hamas continue to play out uh and this will be something that he will likely be able to to create some daylight with Nikki Haley on he sure will and and especially on.

Ukraine but more so with Joe Biden and and look you look at the numbers people foreign policy is by far not at the top of the concerns for most voters and in the polling we did tonight and the exit polling we did tonight and polling we've done before foreign policy is way down there except for one thing and that is as you said and that we've been.

Reporting on the war in Gaza young voters do not like what Joe Biden is doing they do not like to see the support for Israel and the and what has happened in Gaza and they see every single day on social media and else where and on our newscast what's happening in Gaza and the number of women and children and that that could.

Be a problem for Joe Biden and that's something Donald Trump uh if he is the nominee will certainly use against Joe Biden as and in fact we heard some of the protesters during his speech today the speech was intended to draw sort of a dividing line on the issue of choice for women in this country uh on what would have been 51 years since row um.

Obviously it stands no longer but during this speech ostensively about abortion rights in this country he had to answer to protesters in the audience over what's going on in Gaza yeah repeatedly interrupted and you know they were able to to throw the president off of his game a little bit in this speech he recovered but we have seen this time and.

Time again at his recent public events and Martha is absolutely right especially with young voters this is going to be such a challenge for this President and especially as he gets on the road he wants to be talking about abortion he wants to be talking about the economy biomics these are the issues that he wants to hammer home and yet the.

Interruptions today Prov that he's not be able to escape this one he has to find a way and you've seen him trying to walk this fine line obviously offering staunch support for Israel while trying to urge you know more to be done to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza ramping up the pressure on Israelis to do more to address the horrific civilian.

Death toll but how does he address it in a campaign setting they haven't quite figured that one out yet our Democratic strategist though hoping that when looking at the alternative when it comes to climate change you know abortion rights that young voters will perhaps very unhappy with what the administration stance on Israel uh and.

On Gaza that when you list the the sort of issues top of Mind most important to young voters that that the balance will will still push young voters their way absolutely and abortion especially is an issue where they feel that they are going to have a lot of success and they point to what we've seen in the offe elections seeing that this issue has.

Really driven voters to the polls and you heard the president today point blank say Donald Trump has has boasted of taking away Row versus weight he has boasted of taking away Reproductive Rights you're going to hear that message repeated over and over again but again the Biden campaign does concede they have a lot of.

Work to do when it comes to messaging Joe Biden's accomplishments and what he's going to do going forward because they know you can't just run against Donald Trump you also have to give voters something to vote for and enthusiasm David I mean definitely the enthusiasm Gap and I've seen that with voters and and they'll talk to me about.

Motivate me motivate me and and they may not be paying attention now or maybe they've been paying attention for the last couple of weeks because they thought there was some sort of alternative they probably don't see that anymore so it's going to be motivating people to get out to get out and vote and Lindsay you have the issues actually.

That New Hampshire voters said drove them the most right it seems like there is this big divide as far as what's important to the Republican voters what's important to the Democratic voters because as we see President Biden trying to do the speech on abortion that's the least important from the Republican voters we heard from is they.

Prioritize it economy number one with 37% followed by immigration which is really pretty astonishing considering that New Hampshire is about 2300 miles away from the southern border but you have economy immigration followed then by foreign policy and abortion immigration top of Mind as we know for not only Republican voters but Democrat.

Voters as well what is the administration going to do to tackle immigration look they know that they have to tackle this issue because it is so critical to so many voters and it's why you've seen the president in the last several weeks say that he is willing to come out and compromise on this issue it's part of this current.

Debate over what to do with funding for Ukraine and Israel the president's the one who who put that on the table to tie some immigration reforms to this critical need for foreign aid the question is where exactly is he going to compromise how far is he willing to go negotiations are moving along they said they don't want to negotiate this in.

Public but there certainly are signs that they are getting there and it's not just because the president feels you know he wants to have a bipartisan win he knows he has to show voters he takes this issue seriously the house David that's we can talk about that tomorrow we'll see we'll we'll see the.

Senate it's certainly making progress in the Senate the house is an exactor Republicans are not eager to hand yeah exctly Victory an accomplishment or anything resembling a victory on this I I I think you've got a very steep climb in the house I think Republicans would rather have the issue than have something to point to that they an.

Agreement they made with Joe Biden the guy that they want to blame for destroying the Border you know yeah uh I mean I think it's a it's a very certainly not this close to the election yeah and we know we know and we know we're the guy who presumes himself to be the republican nominees on this and where he'll be pressuring Republicans.

And that's already been pressuring yes making calls as we know let's bring in Eva Pilgrim Eva you probably heard us talking here Martha and I were talking about the pressure that Nikki Haley will feel the wrath that she will feel almost immediately uh once the temperature is turned up here from Donald Trump we have seen hints of this in the last couple of.

Days it's only going to get uh you know more extreme in the days ahead and there's already a statement tonight from the Haley campaign about the tone the tenor of Donald Trump's speech tonight that's right David Nikki Haley's campaign putting out a statement tonight about a former president Donald Trump's primary night speech saying it was a.

Furious and rambling rant against Nikki Haley if Trump is in such good shape why is he so angry they go on to say two states have now voted in the presidential race and Donald Trump barely received half the vote not exactly a ringing endorsement for the former president demanding a coronation you know Nikki Haley tonight talking to.

This crowd that was here earlier saying that she doesn't take any of this personal and she expects this seeing this response from Donald Trump she knows that she's gotten under his skin a bit and that she's may be gaining some ground may be gaining some momentum and that's what she's taking with her to South Carolina David but EV let me ask.

You about this because she's not going to find the same sort of demographic makeup that she would had in New Hampshire uh what Lindsay had pointed out earlier just the sheer number of sort of Undeclared independent voters uh willing to um chart a new course if you will she's not going to face that same kind of breakdown moving forward it.

Could get far more challenging from here uh do they acknowledge that she said all along she knows that this is going to be a hard fight she knew this was not going to be easy but her campaign keeps pointing out that they have a month before South Carolina and the people of South Carolina know know her and so she's hoping that if she.

Can get on the ground in South Carolina talk about the things that she did you have to remember she was a very popular Governor at the time she was governor of South Carolina and she won pretty handedly when she was governor and so those people in South Carolina she's hoping to get in front of them remind them try to convince them that this.

Isn't just about right now that this is about the future of our country that's the speech she keeps giving out on the campaign Trail in front of these crowds that this is about tomorrow this is about our children and that Donald Trump doesn't have as good a chance as she does in a head-to-head with Joe Biden and she's.

Hoping that message and her record in South Carolina will help put her over the top Eva Pilgrim with the Nikki Haley campaign tonight Eva thank you and there's no question Nikki Haley has been talking about this two-person race she's wanted it to be a two-person race the question is uh is it too late now that the game has begun I know it's weird to.

Say that when we've only had Iowa and New Hampshire but we're watching the math sort of roll out here uh and the of the victories from from Donald Trump I want to bring in Mariel Parks who's actually in South Carolina where Nikki Haley will head next to her home state where she was a two-term a popular governor in South Carolina where she was.

The one who actually appointed you know Senator Scott to his his role uh at least at the very beginning he has now endorsed Donald Trump so she goes home tries to convince the people of her home state to vote for her and she's aware of the polling that has Donald Trump far ahead yeah David exactly right the big question is can this be Haley's home.

Turf still or is it just Trump territory mean I've been talking to local state officials here who say basically she is liked but he is loved and that he has built out such an apparatus I was talking to the state party chair here who said that out of all the campaigns it is Trump who has the staff the resources the volunteers on the ground.

And like you were saying of course the realities of the polling I mean we've seen polling that shows Trump with 60 points here in this state but the Nikki Haley team like we were just talking with Eva they are confident they talk about the fact that South Carolinians know her she was a popular Governor she won.

Re-election here by 15 points uh she has friends in this state and she wants to point to her record when she's on the campaign Trail she likes talking about her record as governor of course we've seen in the last few days Trump really flexing those endorsements that he has you know I was really struck by that latest endorsement congresswoman mace uh.

Because she had gone head-to-head with Trump trump really calling her names and still she came out and backed Trump even in local Charleston right here instead of Nikki Haley David so it's going to be tough even on her home turf for Nikki Haley who says she is not out of this race yet Mary Alis our thanks to you as well uh no question a very difficult.

Path ahead for Nikki Haley and Jun Carl I wanted to ask you for a final thought here before we take a quick break uh as far as what she must be thinking at least strategically not only the math that reclin pointed out slowly sort of hoping to gather some delegates along the way knowing that she likely doesn't have victories ahead of her how long can.

She stick with this how long will the donors stick with her and is there also part of this strategy the the knowledge that Donald Trump faces a lot of other things other than what we're watching politically David I spoke to a very important donor to Haley's uh hil's campaign effort today who said even before the results came in but it was.

Clear where we were going that if she in fact failed to win uh in New Hampshire and didn't come close uh that there would be a reassessment about whether or not to continue to fund her campaign so I think that is the first question is how much in way of resources are there for her now look she's got a lot in her we don't know the exact amount she still.

Has in her War chest but she raised a lot of money uh she had a lot of cash on hand going into New Hampshire she will have the money to go through South Carolina certainly the question is does she have the the money and the wherewithal to see it through super Tuesday that's that's the big question and part of it she has to look you know.

Look at at herself in her future does she assess that she can win in her State Mary Alice pointed out she was a popular Governor she won twice uh but if you look at any polling and there hasn't been a lot of reliable polling but any indication it sure looks like Donald Trump has a very strong position in South Carolina he's got the endorsements.

Of all of those uh in the Congressional Delegation except for one house member he's got the governor he's got I mean he's very popular much more popular in South Carolina frankly than he was in Iowa or in New Hampshire so does Nikki Haley want to face the possibility of an embarrassing loss in the state where she served as Governor uh for nearly two.

Terms and not only that part of the calculus has to be her own political future she she's running for president now it doesn't mean she won't run again in four years uh if it doesn't go her way this time uh we want to we want to say we still don't know obviously but she has not won a state yet in in this process and if she wants to and this is.

The other thing we've heard a lot of people say well why didn't she go after Donald Trump faster and sooner I I think that's easier said than done when you know that you need some of those voters in the end to help you over the finish line if you make it to the general but you know the other thing and this is big for the donors too because by the way it.

Doesn't take a lot of big big money donors to keep a campaign alive uh we we we we've seen that in the past especially with the campaign Finance rules being basically non-existent with super Pacs so you you will have a segment of the party and of that donor class that wants to ensure that there is somebody that remains in.

This race somebody waiting in the wings somebody waiting in the rings that Donald Trump is such a volatile candidate all the the legal cases you mentioned and not just that the kinds of things he is saying um you know he has an ability uh uh to to to create campaign gaps that are greater than any anything we've ever seen and to.

Survive them how long can that maintain but you need somebody somebody in the race just in case Donald Trump Falls is she willing to be that person yes she says she she's the only one left yeah she's the only one left so is she willing the withering criticism that Martha says is around the corner which we all know is true stick through it and.

By the way that's why you see the speaker of the house coming out and endorsing I mean he already endorsed Trump but basically calling everybody to get online I mean Trump is putting pressure and making it clear you saw the anger Martha's exactly right that was an angry guy for a guy that just won a two you know a double digit Victory uh an.

Angry guy and he is expressing that anger to Republicans who have not yet come out to endorse him and putting the pressure on those who have to put pressure on Haley uh to get out of this race it's so interesting because it's the political calculation within the leaders of the party that the established politicians within the party.

Because typically after a victory like that in New Hampshire you'd come out and you would talk about bringing the voters together to try to appeal to the people who voted for Nikki Haley As you move forward in the process but this was not about that tonight at least the particular anger that you're speaking of it's about who has not and I think there.

Was a subliminal message on the stage right behind him on one shoulder is Senator Tim Scott former opponent the other side is V ramaswami who he actually gave them both time to speak exactly and so I think that the messaging there very quietly is Nikki Haley get on board right because kind of what he says goes at least to people who.

Are following along the party line and just one other board I just wanted to bring up that proves this point 47% of those people tonight who were pulled said that Joe Biden is not a legitimate president so we're talking about just shy of half of those people who went out to vote uh don't believe that Joe Biden is that down from Iowa though it is down.

From Iowa yeah it's still a significant number there's no question about that but isn't that isn't that a risk Martha you know Lindsay pointed out the number earlier that if Donald Trump were convicted of a crime you know one of these felonies that he faces in this pathway ahead the legal pathway other than the political.

Uh road ahead for him uh that you had a sizable amount of the electorate that said that said no it wouldn't be a problem but you also had a significant number of Republicans and independent voters who turned out uh in New Hampshire today who said yes it would be a problem uh if he's convicted isn't that a risk for the Republican Party.

Sort of coalescing around Donald Trump so quickly there's so many risks to the Republican Party right now and how they're coalescing around uh various various things with Donald Trump but Donald Trump has has made this a campaign calling I mean come there I'm a victim that is that has been one of his primary messages they're after me so.

It's it's not I I think it's not just hey it's okay if he's convicted of a crime we we'd still support him they don't believe that he's guilty If he if if they brought down a guilty verdict I think it would probably be much like the election like like we don't believe that this election wasn't stolen I doubt a lot of those people would believe that.

If he was found guilty of those crimes I mean look at the egene Carroll case a lot of people think that's just fraudulent and and what's happening now he's in court he's in court rather than campaigning that is his campaign that has been one of his singular campaign messages foror me they're going after me no question it's been used as a.

Political platform and successfully at least so far last question to you Mary Bruce or chief White House corresp before we take a break here I would gather the Biden campaign has no problem with Nikki Haley sticking around in this race a while longer to try to go after Donald Trump as she has been uh you know to take the barbs from Trump will they.

Get their their election campaign up and running against who they believe firmly will be Donald Trump in the fall look if she wants to hang around and rough him up a little bit I'm sure they are just fine with that and it does beg a question of what does Joe Biden's campaign look like going forward right so far he has not been on the campaign.

Trail a lot at all in fact today was actually his first official campaign event of the year we have been told look they're trying to keep their powder dry as long as possible here they're trying to save their money until they really need it which gets to the point of you know go ahead and let Nikki Haley beat him up a little bit I am told you know.

You're going to see the campaign ramping up a little bit over the next several weeks putting out you know more ads more paid media doing more at the local level look early spring or late spring early summer when you're finally going to see the president sort of stepping up those campaign rallies but if if it truly is a trump Biden rematch people are very.

Familiar with these candidates they know what they're getting into to Mark at this point so much of this campaign is really simply going to be get out the vote effort you're not going to see these candidates out there doing multiple campaign events on and off a campaign bus all day long Donald TR will be spending a lot of time in court the.

President will be bouncing back and forth between the White House and the trail and really just trying to get his message out there and urging people to get out and vote hammering home that enthusiasm is and playing a larger role at least in recent weeks has been the vice president kamla haris who told you in the one-on-one interview that she.

Knows knows they'll have to get out there and earn these votes absolutely cuz they know that they have a real problem and look you're seeing it not just in the polling but also they're hearing it from some of their biggest Democratic backers in South Carolina Jim kurn the man who resuscitated Joe Biden's campaign in 2020 is out there.

Saying he is very worried that their message isn't resonating especially with critical constituencies like black voters and they know they have their work cut out to them they have to get out there and make it very clear as K Harris told me who brought them who is delivering for them and they know that they they've got an uphill battle when.

It comes to some of these issues all right incredible conversation the conversation continues I'm going to hand it over to Jay O'Brien and we're going to continue right here on ABC News live Jay take it away David and team thank you I'm Jay O'Brien you're watching coverage of the New Hampshire primary right here on ABC News live it is 10:30.

Here in the East actually 10:37 Now ABC News has projected that former president Donald Trump will win the Republican primary in the granite state he is up 54% to Nikki Haley's 44% you see it there on your screen Trump celebrating his win not long ago tonight with harsh words for his competitor and former un Ambassador pretended she won.

Iowa and I looked around I said didn't she come in third yeah she came in third and then I looked at the poll she was talking about most winnability who's going to win and I had one put up I don't know if you see it but I have one put up we've won almost every single poll in the last three months against crooked Joe Biden almost every Po and.

She doesn't win those balls and she doesn't win this this is not your typical victory speech but let's not have somebody take a victory Nikki Haley also taking to the stage tonight she said this to a room of supporters well I'm a fighter and I'm.

Scrappy and now we're the last one standing next to Donald Trump and today we got close to half of the vote we still have a ways to go but we keep moving.

Up President Biden winning in the Democratic side of things tonight he in fact just putting out a state not long ago saying that it is clear that former president Trump will be the nominee and that the stakes could not be higher President Biden though did have a primary Challenger there in New Hampshire the Minnesota Congressman.

Democrat Dean Phillips there was Biden was not technically on the ballot there in New Hampshire instead Democrats there had to write his name in South Carolina is officially the first Democratic primary this year someone who spent quite a bit of time in New Hampshire was Dean Phillips he was hoping to gain some steam against Biden as we heard a short.

Time ago Phillips encouraging his supporters to stay with him saying he is not dropping out of this race our arene sha is there and spoke with Congressman Phillips earlier here's what he said some people are saying you're pushing Donald Trump toward the White House possibly taking away some of Nikki Haley's votes a lot of Independents that.

I spoke to said they wanted to vote for you what do you have to say about that she could have possibly been a lot closer had those Independents voted for her no and by the way I think the country would be much happier here with a Nikki Haley Dean Phillips match up this no M that's what we're hearing I know she's hearing that I'm hearing the.

Same thing 7 like on the same ticket or well no I'm not saying the same Ticket No I said against each other zoren joins us now from that Dean Phillips event zoren look it's it's what 1040 but the night is young despite the fact that we have the races called here and it's because we've got open questions as to what comes next so for.

Dean Phillips what is the latest from his campaign and where does this campaign go from here so Jay for Dean Phillips this is a win I mean he said that 20% of the vote would be a win for him it looks like he's going to hit that Target number this exact numbers are still a little bit TBD and he also said that look if if a if.

The incumbent president doesn't hit 80 that that's going to be an embarrassment so actually both things happen he hit 20% Which is a win for him at this moment uh Joe Biden did hit 80 though at the moment um that that is pretty good you got to say for a president who wasn't even on the Joe Biden had to get people to write in his name a lot of.

People certainly did but I think that question that I asked Dean Phillips is really an important one and something that a lot of people are going to be looking at did those independent voters go towards Dean Phillips when they could have gone to a Nikki Haley could she have been a lot closer to Donald Trump I mean that is the race the Republican.

Race that a lot of people were looking at it's interesting the Biden campaign looking right past Dean Phillips I texted a Biden Aid tonight if they were watching Dean Phillips speak they didn't even know that he was speaking at the time time that he was speaking zoren sha at that Dean Phillips event zaren thank you I want to turn now to senior White.

House correspondent Selena Wang Selena I want to stay with the Biden campaign here because they are looking past those primary Challengers as I said they're looking right at former president Trump that bore out in the statement that the president just released moments ago you were at an event that the president and the vice president held today centered.

Around abortion rights what was the 2024 argument that the president made there well look this campaign they've been squ L focused on Donald Trump not just since this result but for several weeks now we heard the president really ramping up his rhetoric directly going after Trump calling him out by name at least 14 times with this strong message saying.

Look it is Donald Trump who is responsible for taking your freedoms Away really forming this abortion issue as a freedom issue saying look the Republican Party they're trying to restrict your freedoms putting Women's Health and lives at risk while the Democratic party President Joe Biden he is trying to protect protect them and.

Enshrine them and in a new campaign statement the president's saying thanks to all of those who wrote in his name in New Hampshire and he said at State cures our democracy our personal freedoms our economy and and here quote says which has seen the strongest recovery in the world since covid all are at stake so again really they're squarely focused on.

The general election here they are ready for it they are very eager to be drawing that contrast as it becomes clearer and clearer Selena we saw some divisions at that event you were at earlier today in the Democratic party there were protesters as has been repeatedly mentioned tonight repeatedly interrupting President Biden how much of.

A concern is that for the Biden campaign these young progressives who are particularly taking issue with the president's handling of the Israel Hamas war and Jay just going back to that event I mean I've been at several Biden campaign events recently several events where he has been interrupted but the number of times that was unprecedented.

At least a dozen times you had protesters standing up during the rally in interrupting his speech it was sort of throwing the president off but he was still strong and fired up and and catching himself again but really this just points as you say to the divisions within the Democratic party especially among young and Progressive voters but.

The campaign they insist that as this Clear Choice becomes more obvious between Trump and Biden that those voters are still going to go towards Biden despite their concerns over his handling of the Israel Hamas War Selena Wang for us in Washington's aren shot to breaking down everything Democrat we want to go right back now to ABC News.

Live Prime anchor Lindsey Davis who was with that team in New York Lindsay uh take it away uh J O Brien we appreciate you holding it down for us of course ABC News has projected Donald Trump as the winner of primary night Nikki Haley is vowing to stay in the race meanwhile ABC News has also projected that Donald Trump will win the primary as we just.

Said let's go back to ABC's Eva Pilgrim who joins us now Eva what are you hearing there from voters on the ground well you know know a lot of what we heard from voters earlier today was that they didn't really love the option of a Biden Trump rematch and so a lot of them were thinking some who had voted for Biden previously were coming towards.

Nikki Haley and some of the Trump supporters even were undecided as we were talking to them in the line there was a huge turnout here the lines were long the people here in New Hampshire take their voting very seriously and they turned out um and and really what we were hearing from them was it was about the candidates while they there.

Are specific issues that are important to them ultimately their decision about who to vote for came down to who these candidates are and how they think they will be in the future as president Lindsay and EV just give us a sense and we heard her saying I'm going home she's going to Sweet South Carolina what's the strategy from.

Here well Lindsay you know before the results even started coming in Nikki Haley's campaign put out a press release saying that they were going to South Carolina that they were going to continue on that there was nothing that could happen tonight that would change their plan and they were moving on to Super Tuesday as well and and this is.

Sort of what they're thinking they still think that there is a path forward for her no matter what happened here in New Hampshire tonight because she's hoping to get momentum and then pull those independent voters and those who are looking for an alternative to Trump that typically vote Republican and in the state of South Carolina in the.

Republican primary anyone can vote in that primary as long as they didn't vote in the Democratic primary then you look ahead to Super Tuesday there are 11 states that are either open primaries or semiopen and so she's hoping that building this momentum here she'll be able to carry it Forward she knows she's got a long road ahead she told us.

Multiple times over the last several weeks that she knew this was not going to be easy but they are in this for the Long Haul they are fighting for every vote Lindsay all right Eva Pilgrim our thanks you want to bring John Carl in and John we were talking earlier about uh the tone because 8 days ago when we were sitting right in these same spots.

Donald Trump really gave a speech that was focused squarely on Biden on moving forward this primary is over we're heading to the general election and then it was like a retraction tonight is he was angry he even said at one point I don't get mad I get even Tim Scott who's standing right over his shoulder had just said that he endorsed him because.

He could bring the country together and yet you have him saying oh don't you really hate her referring you must really hate her exactly and and so what do you think is is the the dissonance here I mean first of all just just note that that this is a guy who just won by double digits and just won the second state just done something that no other.

Republican in the modern primary era has done to win both Iowa and New Hampshire no Republican nonresident uh well on his way uh to to getting the nomination and what does he do he comes out and eviscerates uh his uh his vanquished opponent and does it in a very threatening way there were all kinds of overtones of you know.

How they're going to go after they're gonna go after Nikki if she wants they gonna go after and they've got stuff we know the stuff and we're gonna I mean like like as if they're about to like D do this big dump of Oppo research uh on on Nikki Haley Lord knows what it is or whether it's you know I mean he he showed a willingness time and time again.

To go after opponents with allegations that are entirely made up I mean this is somebody who accused uh Ted Cruz's father of being involved in the JFK assassination so he's capable of a really vicious campaign that's what he was threatening seems incredibly eager to get Nikki Haley out of this race and you have to ask yourself.

Why why does he fear that that she can win even though we see that her path ahead is incredibly difficult why the eagerness almost desperation to get out of her out of the race I I think it's almost that it's desperation for her to come with him he just doesn't like that he doesn't want anyone on the other team he thinks she should be with him she.

Should drop out I I I mean I think it's a really good point like what what does he fear but I think it's just that he's angry that she hasn't dropped out that she's still saying things about him that she was pushing the envelope a little bit more in the last couple of weeks uh than she had before and he doesn't like that you you know that better than.

Anyone he does not like that he doesn't want anybody not on his team who he thinks should be and this more so than I mean this is this is a campaign of Vengeance and retribution and I think you saw a flash of what really angers him often more so than even the prosecutors or the Democrats or Republicans that don't fall in line and.

Perhaps that is the case considering that you had as I mentioned earlier flanked by Tim Scott Ram swam it's like they did it why don't you too Nikki H but one thing that I think is interesting talking about his speech tonight he didn't mention the issues and what we're looking at the issues that mattered to those people who went to the.

Polls in New Hampshire today number one they're saying economy followed by immigration and a really distant third foreign policy way distant third and meanwhile if you really are paying attention it seems like we're at the brink of War you know trying to Tamp down those those concerns well be I think because one of the things is that.

Donald Trump has just pounded Joe Biden on immigration pounded pounded pounded and and and Joe Biden has a problem there I mean he has to figure something out with immigration so that is clearly how Donald Trump is going after Joe Biden and the economy has not resonated with with Biden voters yet at all and and so it's sort of like whatever Donald.

Trump thinks are the issues is what those voters are going to hear right now I mean his base is listening to him every night wherever he is whatever that message is that message is completely resonating with him I don't think this will be a huge issues campaign I think it will come down to personalities and this race is unlike any other I think.

You know we compare past races and in 2016 this and 2020 this we have essentially two incumbents running we have we have a former president and a current president both of them have records both of them you can look at but Donald Trump's record is is removed so he's making it about Joe Biden he's making about Grievances and he's making.

About making it about what Joe Biden is or is not doing and if this is not going to be about issues Mary want to bring you in here somebody has to tell Joe Biden that right because he's trying to give a speech today about abortion which happened to be the lowest of importance for the voters that went to the polls today look Joe Biden is certainly more.

Than happy to lean into the fact that Donald Trump isn't talking about the issues because that's one of his Central arguments is while Donald Trump is about Donald Trump Joe Biden says I'm focused on the American people that's the argument that he is trying to make and in fact we are just hearing in a statement from the president and it is.

Clear that while you know Nikki Haley thinks she still has a chance Joe Biden does not in fact he says point blank in this statement that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee and then he outlines what he thinks is at stake our democracy our personal freedoms our economy he says all of this is at stake of course that argument that we've heard.

Over and over over again from the Biden campaign that what is on the line in this election is our country's democracy the the freedoms that this country were founded on Biden says are very much what is on the line here and then what's really interesting in the statement is that Biden then appeals directly to those Independents and Republicans those.

Voters that that our team on the ground were talking to today leaving the polling station saying you know I may be a Republican and if it comes down to Trump versus Biden maybe I will vote for Biden those Republicans who just can't stomach another four years of Donald Trump Biden reaching out to them urging them to join us As Americans hear that.

Over and over again do you run the same Playbook again if you're Joe Biden if it is a rematch head-to-head against Joe Biden and Donald Trump I mean he very much is running on the exact same campaign message I mean you think about it four years ago the the the argument was that this is a battle for the soul of our country and now he's saying he.

Needs four more years to finish the job he is very much still arguing that he is trying to save the country again from Donald Trump and he knows though look we've been talking about this he can't just run against Donald Trump he has to give people something to run for he has to hit at those issues which is why they know they have to do a better job of.

Getting out there and selling their accomplishments to the American people but it it is not an accident that this feels very very familiar but keep in mind he ran that Playbook before January 6 before Donald Trump tried to overturn an election before Donald Trump talked about suspending the Constitution before Donald Trump declared he would be a.

Dictator on day one I mean he has more material but it is the first image of Joe Biden's re-election video that a video he put out announcing he was running for re-election the first frame of video January 6th and whether resonates or not we we'll have to see I mean you youve had so much talk about January 6 and of.

Course Donald Trump talks about it too in a very different way calling the people who are in prison hostages hostages which is extraordinary want to table this conversation just for a moment to bring in Rachel Scott who is there on the ground in nation New Hampshire for us been following the Trump campaign Rachel we heard Trump.

Bash rival Nikki Hy earlier calling her an impostor who failed badly uh but there's a new call tonight for the for the party to to come together yeah we are seeing growing calls from Republicans especially over on Capitol Hill House speaker Mike Johnson releasing a statement tonight he's urging the party to unite around.

The former president you obviously saw Senator Tim Scott vras Swami two of Trump's former rivals on that stage with him and then in Iowa you had Governor Doug bergham who also was a former rival he endorsed him as well so now you see this growing push to try to get this party to coales behind Donald Trump as Tim Scott told me tonight he believes.

That every day that Nikki Haley is still in this race is a day that they are not talking about Joe Biden and how they're going to potentially defeat him in the November election but as you guys all pointed out this speech tonight was really light on issues which is somewhat ironic here when you look at the polling data the former president actually polls.

Ahead of Nikki Haley on several key issues that are important to voters including the economy immigration those are things that are top of mind for voters they told us that when they were heading into the polls today one thing that I think uh is going to be Keen for the former president uh to think about if he thinks he's heading into this.

General election as he's one step away from possibly clinching the Republican nomination here is independent voters we certainly talked to so many independent voters that just quite frankly did not like either option of Joe Biden or Donald Trump uh they felt like Donald Trump had too much illegal chaos around him they thought both of them were just.

Simply too old and they really couldn't fathom a potential rematch uh some of them even struggling to even tell us who they would possibly support if we see Biden and Trump facing off in November Lindsay yeah we've seen that again and again overwhelmingly the majority of uh voters are basically saying that they're going to hold their nose and vote if.

It's going to be another rematch between Biden and Trump Rachel Scott we appreciate you being with us all night want to send it now to ABC News political director Rick Klein who's back with us again uh Rick let's take a look at where the race goes from here Haley is not competing in the Nevada caucus uh but let's take a look at at South.

Carolina I know you're ready at all times always ready to go yes so South Carolina this is our 538 polling average Lindsay and it is not close right now Donald Trump is winning by a lot at 35 points in this polling and and it hasn't gotten any closer if you just zoom into the last couple of weeks you see Donald Trump picking up some ground and where.

Things get pretty difficult for for hay is if you start to look ahead a little bit our partners at 5:30 have put together a chart of the upcoming States and here they've looked at what what they have to do in terms of how many delegates they win this to me is really striking because they're saying that Donald Trump actually doesn't have to.

Win anything in South Carolina he'll be fine Nikki Hy needs to win them all she has to clean up in her home state to even be on track for the nomination and it's just it's so striking when you when you start to get into any of the math around the nomination to know that things get really serious really fast looks like there hasn't been much.

Happening yet and we're here on January 3rd and you've got like 2% or something of the of the delegates that you need that you need to win the nomination have been named but by super Tuesday that jumps up to almost half by by the beginning of April it's it's basically over so there's a very short window to make a difference and there's really no.

Realistic path that I can see in looking at the states ahead without seeing a Nikki heli victory in South Carolina a month from now and it will be a long and as Martha pointed out a very searing month for nck H to Endor oh Ric Klein we thank you everybody here at the round table we appreciate you hopefully there will be a real super Tuesday and it's.

Not super today uh right now and that's it uh but that is our show for tonight everyone I'm Lindsay Davis ABC News live is here for you all night with the latest news context and Analysis you can always find us on Hulu Roku Pluto TV the ABC News app and of course on ABC the news never stops thanks so much for streaming with us have a great.

Night first thing in the morning there's a lot going on

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