LIVE: Iran attacks Israel — Most up-to-date on Iranian retaliatory missile strikes in opposition to Israel


LIVE: Iran attacks Israel — Most up-to-date on Iranian retaliatory missile strikes in opposition to Israel

Iran launches an unprecedented attack and direct attack on Israel good morning everyone if you're just tuning in I'm Kira Phillips and we're so glad that you're with us as we continue to follow breaking news throughout the day explosions lighting up the sky as Iran launches hundreds of drones and cruise missiles in retaliation for that Israeli.

Strike on Iran's Consulate in Syria and Israel Now vowing to respond but the question is is how and when Israel convening its War cabinet today to consider its options Iran says it has no intention of launching more attacks but won't hesitate to protect itself against new aggression Iran's Envoy to the UN warning that this is a conflict between.

Iran in Israel and that America should just stay away from it as for President Biden he says it'll be up to Israel to decide how to respond they showed last night an incredible military capability uh on their own but certainly in concert with friends they also showed uh Iran uh that Israel does have.

Friends John Kirby talking about how President Biden has pledged unwavering support for Israel calling a meeting of the G7 leaders this afternoon we'll let you know exactly what develops there we have full team coverage for you today starting with our Brit clenet who was there last night until now when the Skies of jerus Jerusalem lit.

Up Israel saying it thwarted a major attack overnight from Iran with the help of the US the first ever strikes directly from Iranian soil on Israel Iran launching a barrage of more than 300 missiles and attack drones most shot down by the IDF and us before entering Israeli territory but not all explosions lighting up the night sky.

Over Jerusalem the sound of emergency Sirens piercing the air warning people to seek Shelter From the ongoing assault prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a message on social media this morning we intercepted we blocked together we will win last night Netanyahu saying we are prepared for any scenario both in.

Defense and attack the IDF saying they intercepted the majority of the projectiles with over 90% success rate one Arab Israeli girl was critically injured in an attack in southern Israel this is a severe and dangerous escalation our defensive and offensive capabilities are at the highest level of Readiness us Armed Forces helped to.

Shoot down dozens of objects launched at Israel according to ABC sources the US Embassy in Jerusalem lifting its shelter in place order saying that the threat from missiles and drones has diminished Iran says its attack was to avenge Israel's strike near an Iranian Consulate in Syria last week leaving 16 people dead including two generals of.

The Revolutionary guard people seen celebrating in the streets of Teran amid Iran's assault on Israel President Biden scrapping his weekend plans to return to the White House seen here meeting with his National Security team in the Situation Room Biden also reaffirming his pledge to help Israel in their defense hopping on a call with.

Prime minister Netanyahu telling him overnight Israel demonstrated a remarkable capacity to defend against and defeat even unprecedented attacks the leaders of the G7 meeting later today over a video conference to coordinator response to this weekend's attack our Brit clenet joining me now from Tel Aviv for more so Brit the.

Israeli War cabinet has convened for this meeting what can you tell us about the latest just on a potential response and how far is Netanyahu willing to go yeah Kira Netanyahu is convening the war cabinet now to discuss the Israeli response some are urging Netanyahu not to respond immediately some on the far right for a major military response it's.

Unclear where Netanyahu stands but any Israeli response Kira could trigger another round of attacks from Iran tan has made that very very clear the danger of escalation Kira and an allout War then becomes very real so while I have you Britt just watching you last night and through the night and the way you.

Described uh the Skies of Jerusalem just lighting up now that you've had a chance uh to maybe get a few minutes of sleep wake up this morning and continue your coverage um your thoughts your Reflections from what you observed last night uh until uh this morning where we are wondering what could happen next yeah look it was a long night it.

Was a tense night and I think people woke up this morning thinking okay what was that reflecting on what exactly happened obviously you know we saw around 9% success rate and that helped alleviate some fears and the Damage cause was minimal but look it is still tense I spoke to people on the streets of Tel Aviv on the streets of Jerusalem.

Before this strike and they did seem kind of unfazed and that that really took us aback because we were saying you know there are all signs pointing towards a strike and they kind of said well you know if you're in Israel you're kind of used to this this violence or this lingering threat but I think now it's really hit home people have had to.

Run into their bunkers uh to take cover usually in most um cities in Israel you get about a minute and a half to run into that bunker uh but look as I as I as I described last night it was quite uh quite a sight it was quite scary at times you saw those flashes of light um dotted all around the night sky and those air raid s Sirens that that that.

You know wailed and wailed and and we've heard them in in other conflict zones that we've been into but certainly uh it's it never gets old it's always is quite terrifying when you start hearing that and then when you see those flashes in the sky so I think there's mixed feelings but certainly there are fears that there could be a back and forth now.

Between Iran and Israel and fears that as I say this could escalate in something into something far bigger and scarier yeah I I I mean just thinking of the last time the sky lit up uh was that when Hamas uh you know attacked um Israelis uh back on October 7th and all of you were reporting from tele in Jerusalem and there was talk of the Iron.

Dome able to you know intercept what Hamas was trying to do it in in your experience um in what you know right now is this a totally different level of attack Brit look as we've been reporting this is unprecedented this is the first time that we've seen a direct attack from Iran Iranian territory to Israeli.

Territory so we are in Uncharted water right now Kira and I think that is what everyone is fearful about we know that Iran appears to have targeted a major Israeli Airbase in the South that that is home to its uh f35s a one ballistic missile hitting it but the IDF says it only cause minimal damage so I think given the impact and the the minimal.

Impact uh perhaps that will be measured into netanyahu's calculation about whether to respond certainly it's likely that he will have pressure from the US to not have any um you know excessive response to this but we'll just have to wait and see hopefully COA heads will prevail out of all of this Kira yeah I think that's how everybody is uh feeling.

Right now one more Brit uh if you don't mind the US Embassy there in Jerusalem has now lifted its shelter in place order um why do you think that decision was made now and can you just give us a little more context as to what it's like there yeah look I think um it was quite a surprised to many people when the US Embassy issued that alert for its staff.

And and staff families uh to stay put in cities so that certainly kind of up the ante that got everyone here thinking well if Americans have been told to stay put maybe we should too uh but now that's been lifted we know that schools educational institutions are still closed and and most Gatherings banned in most places so there is still a little.

Bit of a sense here Kira that this is a country on edge but again we just have to wait and see what that response will be and in the next few hours it will be really key to see out of that war cabinet what they come up with uh to see what that response is going to be from Israel and whether this spiral is out of control all right Brit Clinton standing.

By for us there in Tel Aviv Brit really appreciate you and your reporting so the magnitude of this attack uh certainly took allies even the White House by surprise in many ways National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby made the rounds this morning and also made it clear to all of us that it's going to be up to Israel now on how to respond to.

Iran's attack the president understands the Prime Minister uh runs a government for a sovereign state uh of Israel uh and that they'll decide uh whether and how they're going to respond to what Iran did last night we uh we respect that joining us now former US ambassador to Nato retired lieutenant general Doug loot also our national security and.

Defense analyst Mick mroy and former CIA field operative darl blocker gentlemen since I have the three of you I know you all well I know your backgrounds um before I start to take a deep dive into specific questions I would just like to know um if you were sitting in that war cabinet meeting that's happening right now what would you say what would you.

Advise what would you bring up as as concerns Mick let's start with you certainly Cara I think right now uh everybody was surprised at the level of and scope of this attack coming straight from Iran it wasn't due to lack of effort that they didn't have much impact on the ground it was because of the expertise of Israel the United.

States and our partners so uh that was uh I think one of the most important things we saw last night and quite frankly if it would have been successful it would have damaged civilian infrastructure and killed a lot of civilians so I think Israel is going to try to take the balance of a response I think it's likely they will response the.

Scope of that response is probably what's being discussed now and it's in light with uh I think the obvious us uh desire to see this somewhat contained and then de-escalated so it doesn't continue into an allout Regional War so they could look at uh things as substantial as going off after sub uh suspected nuclear facilities uh defense.

Industrial base or uh simply mitigate certain threats they would have in the future if they were to try to go after those things I think that's what they're discussing now of course they're going to take in uh the account uh the US desire in this but ultimately as Admiral Kirby said this is an Israeli decision well let me just follow up quickly.

Before I get to to darl and to Doug Mick I mean that you know when you were were active in in the administration and and even within the CIA just all your background from intelligence to politics to to military experience to to you know Special Operations um you know what what's your gut telling you what's what's the smart move right now if you.

Were able to to just be in that room and and have FaceTime with Netanyahu what would you be telling him so my gut as you might expect comes from my background me and Daryl's background quite frankly I would like to see a lot more covert operations done and not just because it is my background but because it does have the potential.

To deescalate or at least not escalate a situation as largely Iran feels compelled to respond if they're attack directly openly uh overtly so I would be pushing for a lot of those things to do things like mitigate the nuclear threat the chance that Iran could get a nuclear weapon which is a very real uh very near-term threat and also to start.

Making uh problems for the regime quite frankly and Iran through those means but I would not discount I would not take off the table a direct military response this likely has to have a response because it was so overt and quite frankly again if the effort was intended it could have caused major damage in Israel and that can't be underscored.

Enough all right Lieutenant General I'm going to take it to you now put on uh put on that military uh hat of yours and tell me what what your thoughts are and if you were in that war cabinet meeting right now what would you be saying what would you what would your concerns be how would you see this well if I were in the room today.

With uh with President uh prime minister Netanyahu I'd um speak up and make the point that once this escalatory spiral begins where it ends is completely unpredictable a last night may have left us with the impression that this is can be precisely controlled 99% of the inbound Iranian systems were knocked down and so forth but as we move forward.

Every step is a Hazard every step is dangerous every step is uh is uh unpredictable so as Israel considers its options I hope that they're taking into account the very unpredictable nature of what lays out in front of them that doesn't mean that they'll do nothing or it doesn't mean that they'll be a full out very uh robust strike but they.

Should they should have the sort of cautionary uh humility that they really don't know what the next steps are all right darl you're up if you were in that room with Doug and Mick uh clearly you and uh with your background uh you and Mick would probably be in line with regard to to covert operations but what are your thoughts and your.

Concerns and what what would you be saying in that war cabinet meeting well thank you car I would be reminding Netanyahu and Israelis that this is a 45y year battle that they've been fighting since 19 79 they know it they recognize it it is absolutely nothing new now what is new is the fact that a first time attack has taken place.

From the territory of Iran into the territory of Israel that is significant however it was a feeble response now the you know shooting down these missiles they have to land somewhere so there's still a threat but it's not really much of a threat and the statement coming out of the United Nations uh Iranian mission was that this matter can be deemed.

Concluded they had to save face they had to do something and now Israel has the opportunity to maybe switch up some of the bad press that it has over the past four or five months and take the uh take the Upper Road so to speak they will respond they have been taking out Iranian nuclear scientists and drone and missile program directors for the last.

14 years this is a slow burn and now it has come to a head so uh Doug I'm just uh getting a word here that Jordan Iraq and Lebanon have now all reopened their airspaces uh following the the Drone and missile strikes on on Israel uh though there are some restrictions it looks like that are going to remain throughout the region.

But um how does this impact what could happen next well I think the reopening the air space just uh reemphasizes Iran's message that for now Iran has concluded its its strikes uh that airspace would remain closed if there were any suspicion that there were followon strikes imminent so.

Forth so I think that this gives uh Israel and is the Israeli decision makers an opportunity to take a deep breath and to think about next steps all right stay with us gentlemen uh because we indeed want to know what those next steps will be uh lieutenant General Doug loot Mick mroy darl blocker gentlemen it's great to have you on a.

Day like this and our breaking news continues Iran launches this unprecedented direct attack on Israel more on what this could mean for the us our military next whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the.

Scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey en rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024.

Campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in Beirut from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the.

Story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on get another Avalanche morning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm.

Is impacting the morning commute it's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early.

Morning news on ABC News live here was a story where's katees what's going on with katees of course the mystery of a missing woman an a royal doesn't get more fascinating than that then the moment that silenced everyone it's been a really difficult time I would argue that the royal family were already facing a crisis this Health.

Crisis has given them probably their biggest challenge the crown in crisis what is the relationship like between Harry and William today now streaming on Hulu glad you're streaming with us on this breaking news day as we see live pictures out of Jerusalem American forces shooting down about 70 Iranian drones that were headed toward Israel.

After Iran launched hundreds of attacks via drones via missiles in retaliation for that Israeli strike on Iran's Consulate in Syria Israel Now vowing to respond it is convening today its War cabinet is meeting to talk about all the options that are on the table right now our senior investigative correspondent Aon Canter.

Joining us in this conversation you know FBI director Christopher Ray said just this past week Aaron that the US is facing an unprecedented level of threats from terrorists so let's just talk about this strike and what do you think it means for those potential threats against all of us here on our homeland it's a tense time Kiera there's no.

Question October 7th created what uh Homeland Security officials and the FBI have called a heightened threat environment and intelligence communities uh in this country are concerned about potential retaliatory attacks here in the in the United States on on Jewish or or Muslim or Arab communities uh they are safeguarding particular places of of.

Worship different high profile events because they know that this could be a catalyst and and yet again this particular strike and how Israel may or may not respond all of it could be a catalyst for for something in in in the United States in the Homeland so let's talk about just local authorities in cities across the country right now I.

Know that you you keep in touch with so many your sources uh whether it's within the military with law enforcement I mean how how are key leaders and and First Responders uh just keeping an eye on all of this maybe even responding to what could happen so as soon as the the uh the weapons were launched from Iran at at Israel the uh the NYPD here in New.

York City for example convened with the mayor the NYPD issued a statement saying it continues to closely monitor recent events in Israel there are no credible threats to New York City at this time but they're going to be deploying resources to houses of worship and other sensitive locations throughout the city and they're doing that as a deterrent.

They they know that likely targets could be synagogues or mosques or locations associated with Jewish or or Muslim groups and they just want to be a presence they know they can't necessarily stop everything but they want to make sure uh that that people who are attending uh church or synagogue or or or they're at a mosque they feel.

Safe and they feel that they are being cared for so not just um our places of worship uh clearly it's it it's Sunday there's a lot of people heading out probably praying praying about the situation uh praying for the country um so just in general How concerned do we all need to be not just if we're heading out to our place.

Of worship but just overall about our national security at this point when we know Iran is so unpredictable it is a tense time and I think the that that the intelligence Community has been fairly honest and upfront about that but there are no specific threats and really C there there never seemed to be before any kind of an attack we do know that.

There are a couple of highr file events coming up on Monday the Boston Marathon the trial of former president Trump those events intelligence officials have said could could be inspiration and then there are a number of anniversaries around April Coline Waco the Oklahoma City bombing the authorities are paying attention there too yeah and so are we.

Senior investigative correspondent Aon kki Aon thank you so our breaking news coverage does continue how this Iranian attack on Israel could impact oil and gas prices here at home we'll have that discussion next this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin Russia on the ground in.

Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 storm along I5 Boston is in the bull let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about.

Everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good to your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us after new for everything you need to know I.

Love that with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of Television why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a.

Different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you.

Get your podcasts start here get ready America every Friday the hottest trends Styles and must have what's the right stuff to buy right now I really love that it's time to buy the right stuff yes and save big time too The Right Stuff Fridays on GMA you're going to love it what does it take to be the most.

Watched newscast in America we are part of an operation is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate militants came in from different directions reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag not a how important it made the USA great work hi apprciate is David David I'm David I.

Know who you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast I'm Matt Rivers traveling with the US Secretary of State in Beijing China wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live and hello everyone glad you are continuing to stay with as we follow.

Breaking news throughout the day this unprecedented attack on behalf of Iran now has us asking what the impact could be on our markets and our oil prices our business correspondent Alexis christopherus is tracking that part of the story for us hey Alexis hey Kira unrest in the Middle East has Wall Street on high alert investors bracing.

For another spike in oil prices and a possible stocks sell off when the opening bell sounds on Wall Street tomorrow stocks were already in selloff mode last week in anticipation of Iran's attack against Israel stocks had their worst week of the year while oil prices climbed to a six-month High topping $90 a barrel a level not seen since the.

Early days of the Israel Hamas War analysts are now predicting oil prices could go as high as $130 a barrel as turmoil in the Middle East threatens oil supply in that region putting key shipping roots in Jeopardy and potentially sending gas prices and inflation soaring defense compan companies could see their stocks rally.

When trading resumes Monday as Nations now beef up their defense budgets in response to the heightened geopolitical risk and with most markets closed over the weekend crypto Traders were actually among the first to react to news of the attack by Iran but instead of piling into the digital asset as a safe haven in uncertain times Traders dumped crypto.

Handing Bitcoin its biggest selloff in more than a year though it has bounced back a bit today the conflict thousands of miles away for many a reminder of the interconnectedness of our Global markets it was just weeks ago US Stocks were rallying to record highs on hopes the FED would deliver three interest rate Cuts this year well those hopes were.

Dashed after new reports confirmed inflation is back on the rise and now the risk of a wider Regional war in the Middle East is pressuring Global stock markets sending investors running to the relative safety of bonds gold and the US dollar Kira all right Alexis appreciate you thank you and we are just getting started this.

Morning all day you can stream with us right here and follow every breaking detail on this unprecedented direct attack by Iran on Israel explosions lighting up the sky overnight as Iran launches hundreds of drones and cruise missiles in retaliation for that Israeli strike on Iran's Consulate in Syria Israel now threatening to respond.

Convening right now in its War cabinet to consider its options IR says it has no intention of launching more attacks but won't hesitate to protect itself against new aggression stay with us a lot more news ahead what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis.

Fighters is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in.

It how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you David good to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David M I know who you are you every.

Night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin's Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 storm along I Boston is in the Bulls let's go ABC News live America's number one.

Streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on get another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice.

Storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number.

One early morning news on ABC News live hi everyone and thank you for streaming with us I'm DeMarco Morgan and welcome to ABC News live weekend lot of news happened this past week so let's get you caught up on some of the stories that we are all talking about we're.

Going to start with this one OJ Simpson has died at the age of 76 after battling with prostate cancer the football star and Hollywood actor leaves a complicated Legacy after he was acquitted of charges he killed his former wife and her friend his trial of the century captured America's attention on live TV and the case sparked debates on Race gender.

Domestic abuse celebrity Justice and police misconduct and in Michigan the parents of school shooter Ethan Crumbley were sentenced after a historic judgment found them criminally liable in their son's deadly Rampage the pain in the courtroom palpable as parents and siblings whose loved ones were killed that day in November 2021 were allowed.

To address the court as well as James and Jennifer Crumbley and Muslims around the world are celebrating Eid one of the biggest celebrations on the Islamic calendar now e offer which means a festival of the breaking of the fast is celebrated at the end of Ramadan a month of fasting for many adults and a time of spiritual reflection and prayer we're.

Turning now to our top story it is a shopping Trend that soared in popularity buy now pay later and it sounds almost too good to be true get what you want now worry about what it cost us at another time but is it too good to be true we are taking a closer look in our latest edition of cashing in with Elizabeth.

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Buy Elizabeth thank you for that report we're coming up Formula 1 racing is one of the only mixed gender sports but there isn't always equal funding to bring female drivers onto the track that's where the F1 Academy and the organization more than equal comes in stay with us movies play violent video games this is about parents who.

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Or scan this QR code to find out how to enter a deserving mom you love for breakfast and bed why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast.

Honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here you're watching America's number one streaming news live reporting breaking new.

Exclusives keep streaming with ABC News live welcome back it has become one of the most popular sports in the entire world Formula 1 racing brings intense rivalries million dooll cars and expertly trained drivers now the Motorsport is one of the only mixed gender Sports out there giving men and women a chance to compete but there.

Isn't always equal funding to bring them onto the track and that's the subject of this ABC News live Prime Focus take a lesson there's always stress there's always adrenaline there's always kind of nerves there weren't really any women in.

The sport when I started um or not that I raced against because I was the only girl more often than not my name is Jamie chadrick and I am a racing driver for Andy Global in Indi next before I got into racing I was described as quite a big tomboy I had an older brother and very competitive with him.

Everything he would do I would want to do as soon as he started in in racing it was quite a big decision or obvious decision uh for me to kind of follow him into it and from there yeah I just fell in love with the sport Jamie Chadwick wins the first W Series race out of the final Corner Jamie Chadwick sees the checker flag first and wins that.

Budapest Jamie Chad wins the opening race of the W series season it's seven wins in a row for Jamie Chadwick beautiful warning here on the streets of St Petersburg I'm very fortunate in Indi next to have the opportunity that I have and and Drey are a big reason for that.

They brought me over and gave me the chance but now we've got two women in the series there's no reason why we can't have seven eight women in the series back up Jac bro and Lou Foster thought Lou Foster might be a bit more aggressive at the start but he's decided to back him behind the leader.

Now I went down the inside stopped it on the Apex thinking he was going to get under me and he just stayed hung on the outside um so then he kind of I gave him too much opportunity there I should have just steam roll get past him all right like you said a lot of positives still I think my ultimate goal is obviously Formula 1 but there's 20 seats in.

Formula 1 and it is one of the hardest sports in the world in my opinion so I'm under no Illusions as to yeah what it takes to get to that point but I strongly believe if I can get good results in Indie next ultimately I want to go to potentially Indie Car next if I win every race this year win every race next year then there's no reason why I.

Could be in Formula One the accolades don't mean a huge amount I don't care so much for being the first woman to do anything I don't see that as being necessarily A not a compliment but like a a positive thing I see saan thing being a a negative thing because really there is no reason why I should be the first woman to to do all these.

Things how accurate are these uh Sims yeah yeah yeah so it's never going to be perfect but at the same time yeah considering we don't get to drive this track until we really race there yeah it's pretty close I think the sport definitely isn't the most accessible it's an expensive sport to get.

into these cars are inherently designed for the average male driver so actually as a smaller person it's been a challenge to get strong enough to to be fit enough to actually just drive the cars my training has changed a lot as a result I think one of the big misconceptions of our sport is that it's.

Not physical but it definitely is the cars that we drive outside of Formula 1 so in the junior series we don't have power steering they're inherently designed for men they're all standard cars so the steering wheel in my car usually would be the same as the steering wheel in every other car but given my hands are smaller than say some.

Of the boys we've now designed it to be better for me Motorsport is one of the world's only mixed gender Sports there are very few sports in the world where men and women compete on equal footing so it has this massive opportunity that is sort of missing we found a range of barriers um.

That that have blocked the progress of women and girls in the sport the primary one is the very small participation pool so less than 10% of all female participants in in Motorsport are females largely people come into the sport through carting so you can take that up from a very young age before.

Moving on to Open Wheel racing I think we're now seeing different Initiative for women in the sport former one Academy for example which is an old female racing series was set up partly in recognition of the fact that women often have less opportunity to race we found in our researches that girls really struggle to pick up the.

Funding required whether it's from sponsors or investors we've just got too few Jamie Chadwick for example for a sponsor or backer to really take that risk on the girl when I was kind of progressing through the sport uh there was CLA Williams at the helm of uh Williams Racing that then took me on into being a young driver and also Susie.

Wolf was actually testing in the Williams at that time so I was lucky I had sort of role models of people um women visible in the sport I've been in Motorsport over 35 years and the sport has changed F1 Academy is a race series that's been made by Formula 1 to really help women to succeed in the sport it's biante ahead of Jess Edgar bante crosses.

The line to take her second win coming from Philippines it's quite tough to get into this sport Philippines is not known to have racing drivers we don't even have the facility to C to you know form the car racing we don't have the track the equipment the structure of F1 Academy is built by a strong Foundation because it's backed by women growing up.

I've always raised against against boys and um I always would feel sort of alone that I was always the only female the only girl and I always felt so left out but the fact that I'm in a championship that encourages femininity encourages you to be who you are as you are oh that is a squeeze at the Apex at turn one she's able to hold the position.

In my opinion there is no reason why it's so M dominated it shouldn't be it can be a sport that is really open to all there's a lot of initiatives going on but there isn't really anything tackling absolute Grassroots level so that's the bit that I wanted to try and kind of help where we.

Could you'll see there's so many different people that involve you like the driver gets the credit he gets to stand on the podium or they get a stand on the podium but there's mechanics there's Engineers there's the person that makes sure the pit stop make sure the wheels are on the car really it is trying to encourage as many young girls.

Into that kind of first step into a go-kart into the sport and then from there whoever wins it we'll get bit guidance and mentorship and also a bit of funding to The Next Step so you've never done anything like this all of your heal up.

We do nice and slowly today is actually really cool because most of the girls I've spoken to have never even watched watch racing have no idea about it so the fact that they can try this for the first time is really really cool you have to see a young woman achieving something to think maybe I can.

Do that but I was one of those annoying little girls that was hugely competitive I loved speed I loved adrenaline I got my first go-kart at eight and that was for me the start of the journey 16 with what Jamie Chadwick is doing now so setting up a whole initiative to get girls into Grassroots and to help them.

To see that there's a ladder for them we don't want women feeling that they have to do this but I think they have naturally sort of because they've experienced a challenge themselves on the way up we need more Jamie Chadwicks though we need another 10 or 20 of her you need to go far you want to go faster so you need to come back and do it again.

So you can go quicker turned up to a few of these events and there's been young girls and I felt like I've got imposter syndrome I'm like well why they don't necessarily want to listen to me or hear from me a bit like there you go it takes one or two of those girls to come up to me and say if they're you know inspired into the.

Sport good good and that's enough for me to kind of relax a little bit and think this is something I'm really proud to try and kind of wave the flag for and like I said if it's not me there are so many great women in the sport that are equally pushing really hard and I think that is going to make a difference down the line to to try and encourage more.

And more young girls into it and a special thanks to ABC News live Prime for that report coming up when we return a seven-year-old girl flips the script on her eating disorder in front of more than a million Instagram followers also ahead an acknowledgement long overdue for the millions of Rosie.

The riveters who jumped into the action during World War II stay with us first thing in the morning there's a lot going on get another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people.

Are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than.

Any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of Television here was a story where's Kate what's going on with Kate of course the mystery of a in woman an a royal doesn't get more fascinating than that then the moment that silenced everyone it's been a really difficult time I would argue.

That the royal family were already facing a crisis this Health crisis has given them probably their biggest challenge the crown in crisis what is the relationship like between Harry and William today now streaming on Hulu why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on.

The day's top stories start here now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts all right welcome back you are about to meet a little girl with a lot of grit Hannah is Afflicted with a rare disorder called arfid which makes her afraid of most foods which is why what.

She's doing is amazing for so many of her million plus followers to watch and watch they do here's ABC's Jaclyn Lee 8-year-old Hannah a courageous third grader from Los Angeles is winning over the Internet one bite at a time today I'm going to be trying strawberry yogurt strawberry yogurt might be unremarkable to most now you're ready to try it yeah.

Okay R I'm scared at least it's pink it is pink smells bad I can smell it from here for Hannah who has a rare eating disorder called arfid trying small bites of typical Foods is a Monumental feat I really don't like this it reminds me of a cucumber but I even did four bites just to make sure and I'm proud of myself since January as part of a new.

Therapy approach Hannah tries one new food each day rating them on a scale of 1 to 10 I got the Unicorn shaped mac and cheese to make me feel better like her very first taste of mac and cheese I'm really anxious it's too cheesy and wet and it's too strong 4 out of 10 I don't know if I.

Want to eat this again here I go horrible that was the worst texture I've ever had even worse than the pie Hannah is part of a growing number diagnosed with avoidant restrictive food intake disorder or arid since 2013 when it was added to the list of official mental health disorders it's rare but an estimated .5 to 5% of children and.

Adults have the disorder often confused with more common Eating Disorders like anorexia or bulimia Orit is not about a person's self-image or drive to be thin the people that have this diagnosis have a fear of food meaning a fear of consuming food a fear of being around food um that could look like a fear of texture um different aversions to smells.

It can also present in a form of fear of choking vomiting or being allergic to the food sometimes patients with arfit are not afraid of anything rather they lack interest in eating food for Hannah and others like her food is broken into two categories safe or unsafe there's so many foods honey crisp apple cantaloup cream cheese what does the hearts mean.

And then what are the boxes mean the hearts mean I like them and the boxes mean they're going on my safe food list string cheese animal cookies and orange juice all recently tried liked and added to Hannah's safe list her 1.4 million Instagram followers cheering her on including celebs like Rosie O'Donnell and Demi Lavado when did you realized it.

Wasn't just her being picky that this was something much larger at play we noticed when she went to get her physicals at the doctor's and her growth was not increasing at the rate that it was supposed to she ended up falling off of the growth chart eventually that's when we got concerned often times she couldn't even be in the same room with.

Us when we were eating with Hannah's Health reaching a Breaking Point her parents sought help from therapist Danielle Gordon it really is in the category of phobias and so we treat it as like an anxiety disorder and the way that we treat that is through exposure therapy and educating the client on where the fear is coming from so that we.

Can address and and offer corrective experiences and so how has that been for her it's been very overwhelming she is on Cloud9 she's very happy to prove to herself and prove to everybody else that's watching her that she can do it that she can overcome these challenges your Instagram has helped you as well right mhm it helps motivate me whenever.

I'm trying a food I think about all the people that I'm helping I was just very inspired by Hannah's videos she is so brave in doing all the exposures that she does 27-year-old Cassidy arvidson lives in Brooklyn New York and also has arfid when I very first learned what arfid was I like many people nowadays went to social media to find any type of.

Community any resources and I did not see anything for years Cassidy struggled to find answers but was only formally diagnosed 3 years years ago I have had arfid my entire life but most of my life I thought that I was just a picky eater this list here is just a list of my safe foods I have my non-safe Foods listed here as well this is just a reminder to.

Try them even though I may not be completely compelled to try them the best that I can describe it is my brain just says no like it it's literally like a wall it's a block that just prohibits me from eating this today she's preparing one of her favorite safe dishes Hamburger Helper a meal not typically available to order at.

A restaurant arfid affects my life every single day it affects my life socially more than anything and it is very exhausting dating specifically I really do not enjoy and then other social events like going out with friends meeting new people work events I think that we need to do a better job as an eating disorder Community to give arid.

Um as much as the spotlight as the other disorders and even research-wise we um need to do more work around this area to to really help people and provide proper treatment for all for now Hannah is doing what she can raising awareness some days honeydew melon has her fighting back tears and others a taste of aweet sweet apple pear is followed by.

A smile I really like this one I want to add it to my list do you want to do your finale yeah like and follow my arid journey to see me try new foods and what an exceptional little lady she is our many thanks to Jacqueline for that report well they said we can do it during one of our.

Nation's most tumultuous times the Rosie the riveters of World War II more than six million strong these American women proudly entered the workforce back in the 1940s to support the country and themselves take a look at how they were honored on Capitol Hill true American Heroes celebrated today on Capitol.

Hill more than two dozen women known as Rosie the riveters collectively awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor the highest civilian award these are the invisible Warriors they work 12 and 14 hour days 6 days a week weak more than 6 million strong the American women working in the 1940s during World War II to support the war effort here at home.

The rosies made up 65% of the workforce building everything from war planes and battleships to assault boats they were Housewives they were mothers turned war heroes many working as welders this Rosie using an electric Riveter on the exterior of an aircraft others in this image inside the fuselage wearing protective aprons and scarves tied over.

Their hair up until 1941 it was a man's world they didn't know how capable us women were did they Sylvia Tannis joined the effort in December of 1942 I put the deer on the B25 fins I also was a repair purse but my main thing for working was to get my three brothers home 98-year-old seal.

McDonald from Brunswick Georgia worked in construction for 3 years during the war built one ship a week I was W the women who embrac that iconic slogan we can do it today beaming with pride for what they did for their country we wanted to win the war and we helped win the war women always holding it down Bravo and our many thanks to wit for.

That report and thanks to you for streaming with us I'm DeMarco Morgan ABC News live is here for you anytime with the latest news context stand Alis and you can also catch me right here along with my friends Eva Pilgrim and Dr Jan on gma3 at 4:00 weekdays and you can always find us in various streaming services the ABC News app and of course.

On the news never stops keep it here on ABC News live and we'll see you next time have a good one this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 storm you're.

Along I Boston is in the Bulls let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis.

Fighter this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right.

Here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank is David David yes yes I'm David M I know you are watch you every night ABC's World News Tonight with.

David mure is America's most watched newscast it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about every everything you need to know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news music and of course good food a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love.

That I'm Faith abou in Atlanta wherever the story is we'll take you there we're streaming ABC News live first thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another Avalanche War that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commut what's happening today escalating tensions in.

The Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaires sounds sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live Iran launches an unprecedented and.

Direct attack on Israel hello everyone if you are just tuning in I'm Kira Phillips and we are glad you are with us as we continue to follow breaking news throughout today as explosions lit up the sky as Iran launched hundreds of drones and cruise missiles and retaliation for that Israeli air strike on Iran's consulant in Syria Israel now.

Threatening to respond but the question is how and when Israel convening its War CET right now considering options Iran says it has no intention of launching more attacks but won't hesitate to protect itself against new aggression either Iran's Envoy to the UN warning that this is a conflict between Iran and Israel and that America should stay away.

From it as for the White House well John Kirby says it'll be up to Israel to decide how to respond they showed last night an incredible military capability uh on their own but C certainly in concert with friends they also showed Iran uh that Israel does have friends President Biden pledging unwavering support for Israel calling a.

Meeting of the G7 leaders this afternoon we'll let you know exactly what develops there but we do have full team coverage for you today we will hear from an IDF spokesperson in just a moment but we begin with our Brit clinet in Israel she was there last night when the Skies of Jerusalem lit up Israel saying it thwarted a major.

Attack overnight from Iran with the help of the US the first ever strikes directly from Iranian soil on Israel Iran launching a barrage of more than 300 missiles and attack drones most shot down by the IDF and us before entering Israeli territory but not all explosions lighting up the night sky over.

Jerusalem the sound of emergency Sirens piercing the air warning people to seek shelter from the ongoing assault prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a message on social media this morning we intercepted we blocked together we will win last night Netanyahu is saying we are prepared for any scenario both in defense and attack the IDF saying they.

Intercepted the majority of the projectiles with over 90% success rate this is a severe and dangerous escalation our defensive and offensive capabilities are at the highest level of Readiness us armed forces helped to shoot down dozens of objects launched at Israel according to ABC sources the US Embassy in Jerusalem lifting its shelter.

In place order saying that the threat from missiles and drones has diminished Iran says its attack was to avenge Israel's strike near an Iranian Consulate in Syria last week leaving 16 people dead including two generals of the Revolutionary guard people seen celebrating in the streets of Teran amid Iran's assault on Israel President Biden.

Scrapping his weekend plans to return to the White House seen here meeting with his National Security team in the Situation Room Biden also reaffirming his pledge to help Israel in their defense hopping on a call with prime minister Netanyahu telling him overnight Israel demonstrated a remarkable capacity to defend against and defeat.

Even unprecedented attacks the leaders of the G7 meeting later today over a video conference to coordinate a response to this weekend's attack Brett joining me now from Tel Aviv so Brett uh what exactly are you hearing now from Israel officials or Israeli officials there about a potential response as the war cabinet.

Continues to meet yeah Cara so we do know that prime minister Netanyahu is convening this war cabinet right now to discuss Israel's response at some urging Netanyahu not to respond immediately some on the far right saying that there should be some kind of major military response it's just not clear at this point where.

Netanyahu stands but any Israeli response could trigger another round of attacks from Iran and that's the fear Teran has made that very clear and the danger of escalation and an allout War then becomes very real now just a little earlier I spoke to an IDF spokesperson Peter Lerner and I asked him about this potential for a response he said that's.

Up to the political Echelon but that they need to weigh up stability against forceful kind of response uh he also said that last night was Testament to Israel's capabilities to defend itself let's take a listen were you surprised by last night's attack no we had been planning for it we realized that Iran was up to no good.

Once more and together with our allies uh we created a plan of action um a unified operational plan to respond to Iran's aggression but were you surprised by the scale of it I think that um we had a good good intelligence we had a good operational plan we had good forces prepared and poised um on the ground and in the air uh and.

We had a an alliance that came together around this incident with a very very strong message to Iran um you can't get away with this so I think there there it's not a question of surprise on what they gave out it's how we responded to it and I think coming together in such a very very strong way under the umbrella of United States Central Command.

Together with the British together with the French and the regional players sent a very very clear message um to Iran that you can't get away with it and we will work together to save lives I mean Pol politically what political wise we've seen some cracks in the US uh Israel relationship do you think last night was kind of a turn took another.

Positive turn the military to military has been tight has been airtight uh the relationship is very very professional eye to eye and that is exactly what we we fulfilled yesterday um you know General Killa Le left yesterday morning uh before everything happened the the commander of the United States Central Command and we had an operational plan.

Very well ironed out in order to address the impending attack understanding exactly what they were planning to do what Iran was planning to do with 300 um uh missiles guided missiles ballistic missiles um explosive drones 170 explosive drones none of them made it to Israel's airspace because we intercepted them beforehand because our allies.

Intercepted some of them so it a very very close knit um very densely aerial uh airspace could you give a breakdown of how many uh how many U drones or missiles were shot down by Israel Forces versus the us we're still looking into it uh it's you know we're still in the aftermath of that the after action review is very complicated because there.

Were so many actors in um intercepting so many different types of uh weapons as as they were being dished out what we know currently is that 170 explosive drones made their way to Israel none of them made it into Israel's airspace they were shot down beforehand um around 30 cruise missiles that made their way from Iran from Iraq from Yemen none of them.

Made it to Israel they were all shot down before they made it into Israel uh Israeli airspace and the ballistic missiles that came across um some of them around seven actually made it to Israel and impacted and caused limited damage uh but they were mostly intercepted as well around 120 each ballistic missile has a warhead of.

Around 100 to 120 kg of explosives that's how much damage H Iran wanted to deal out on Israel does it say much about does it tell you much about uh Iran's capabilities so I don't want to be too hyperbolic about it I think we need to be both modest but realistic they have lots of weapons they have lots of capabilities but they were shown in a.

Very very clear way that against this alliance against this Unity of decent Nations that their diabolical plans can't be realized and could you just give a bit bit more detail about that one base hit what what do we know the naaim air base is a base in down south um a lot of uh uh operations are conducted from there.

Specifically during the war against Hezbollah against Hamas uh what we've seen what we saw is a um a handful of ballistic missiles that hit the air base they didn't cause much damage minimal damage the base was operational throughout so it didn't stop the operations at at all and as the forces returned from defending the Skies of.

Israel um they landed in nevatim Airbase so there was really not much uh to even to tell about do you have any updates on that one girl who was critically injured um from what I understand she's still fighting for her life she's still in Sy condition not out of danger it's a tragedy um despite the size of this it was rather slow moving we knew it was.

Coming what's your take on that was this just a theater I think it's a war I think uh but could they have not done more if they were serious about hurting Israel and attacking Israel they hit a military base they gave enough warning 120 ballistic missiles each of them has 100 100 or so kilos.

Warhead is not a symbolic strike it's a substantial strike we can't take that lightly just just because we were successful in intercepting we shouldn't underestimate what Iran did so how do you calculate a response the government is currently reviewing uh the options they're on the table the IDF has presented obviously what it believes.

Could be done um the government will make its decision and the the IDF will Implement uh what they believe is the right thing to do in in order to achieve a strategy what is ultimately respon the most important thing is that we restore Safety and Security to the people of Israel Safety and Security to the people of Israel though it's not clear what.

Exactly that means in terms of an Israeli response what he made it very clear is that this shows that we know how to handle this kind of attack and he also was very keen to project this united front with the United States Kira all right Brit clinet there for us in Tel Aviv Brit really appreciate that in addition to a fresh interview from the.

IDF perspective and as we have now learned the White House was extremely surprised by the scale of this Attack One senior official even told us that his hand was literally trembling as he was in The Situation Room writing down notes as Iran was carrying out this attack against Israel someone who knows the capabilities of Iran All Too Well.

Former National Security adviser Robert O'Brien matter of fact he was in the situation room with other key Trump cabinet members when Iran's Major General kasum solomani the brutal military commander responsible for killing hundreds of US service members in Iraq was killed Robert really great to have you appreciate you being with us.

Good To Be With You car so first off Robert your immediate reaction when you witnessed last night's attack were you surprised um like the administration was with regard to how large the attack was because the Iranians have said for many years that they intend to destroy Israel they want to wipe Israel off the the face of the map take take him out of.

The Middle East they supported the attack on October 7th that brutal terrorist attack from hos so this was this was thean crossing a big red line what was heartening to speak here was the response to the the missile defense systems the Allied Coalition coming together with Jordan and and other Arab states and the UK and us and then of.

Course Israel's phenomenal Iron Dome and arrow missile systems they intercepted these missiles and and kept the the injuries down to one poor Muslim girl who was uh seriously injured and and Robert we were just looking at the the picture of you in the situation room with Trump that night that solomani was killed and I'm just.

Curious if you were in the situation uh if you were indeed in the situation room again last night what would you have been bringing up your advice your concerns your strategy so here I think that that photo is of the Outback daddy raid but uh I can tell you one thing president Trump's hands wouldn't have been shaking and no.

One's hands would have been shaking in in the situation room and our Administration we we understand the capabilities of ran and we have to restore deterrance we've gotten here because we've had policy of appeasing Iran the Biden Administration has done some good things in foreign policy we appreciate the support of Ukraine and.

And and you know up until now until recently Israel and then Taiwan but they've they've attempted to appease Iran they they've tried to buy Iran off they've given Iran more money and sanctions relief and keep this in mind it's it's quite astounding they given Iran more money and sanctions releas and hostage ransoms then we've given Ukraine.

Taiwan and Israel combined and a lot of that money has gone to Iran's prox Hamas has program and Drome program which is hurting both Ukraine and isra as we've seen so we we we've got to restore the T and that's you know we're got to take some effort so so let me ask you do you you know there's reporting out there that Biden is not supporting a counter.

Attack here that it's not that he's not supporting Israel carry out a Counterattack against Iran what what's what's your opinion do you think that Israel has an opportunity here well I think what we should do is we should pass a standalone uh Bill supporting Israel and and getting Israel the weapons they need I look I'm no.

One's a bigger supporter of Ukraine or Taiwan than I am but we need to send a message today that Israel is getting the weapons it needs and I think Congress should should come back into session today or tomorrow and pass the supplemental that would get Israel the weapons in need number two I think we need to make a strong statement support.

Of Israel and say we're going to start trading Hamas like we treated Isis and we're going to destroy Hamas and rescue our hostages we should get Delta and steel Team Six into the area and start figuring out how to rescue these hostages out of Southern Gaza immediately and then number three with.

The Iranians we should put put together a coalition with Israel and other Western allies that at a minimum we got to take out the Drone factories and the ballistic missile factories that are riging Terror down on on people in Ukraine and also in Israel now that we've seen Iran is shown this is It's not responsible to have the UAV.

Factories and the ballistic missile factories that it has it's using those weapons to kill innocent people as we saw last night so we we need to take those factories out immediately so I I do want to follow up on on what you just said with regard to those those assets that Iran indeed has but I'm just getting handed um a note.

Here Robert that uh Iran's president has come out and made a statement uh claiming that Iran has now taught Israel a lesson and is warning that any new adventures against the interests of the Iranian Nation would be met with a heavier and regretful response from the Islamic Republic of Iran how do you take that how do you see that what do you.

Think Iran's president means well I think they'd like to to not have a response because they crossed the red line they attack the state of Israel not using proxies not not you know using hezb or Hamas they directly attacked the state of Israel from Iran they they that was the declaration of war was like Pearl Harbor the fact that the Israelis.

Were able to intercept the the ballistic missiles and the cruise missiles and the the suicide drones uh that that's great but that doesn't relieve Iran of the responsibility for conducting an offensive attack against a a member country of the United Nations and now they're trying to say okay we we attacked Israel but now we're done and.

Don't don't attack us of course they'd love that they'd love to show that they can attack Israel with impunity and so Iran needs to be taught a lesson and they need to be taught a lesson very quickly to restore deterrence it's not to escalate it's to deescalate we right now we're on an escalatory path because Iran attacked Israel through and killed.

Thousands of Israeli civilians the most nasty possible Manner and now they've attacked the state of Israel from Iranian territory using ballistic missiles and cruise missiles and drones there is no deterrence Iran thinks he can do anything it wants and we've got to restore that deterrence and that's that's that will d escalate the.

Situation not escalated and the IDF has made it very clear that it could flatten uh many major assets that Iran has including the Revolutionary guard uh headquarters oil platforms nuclear sites there's a lot at stake here I always appreciate you staying in close touch former NSA director Robert O'Brien Robert thank you.

So much for calling in I hope we can continue the conversation as the news continues our breaking news continues right after the break stay with us whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC.

News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey en rolling Fort this tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go.

Traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there.

You're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's.

Happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live why do so.

Many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it.

Your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here glad you're streaming with us on this very busy breaking Newsday Iran launching an unprecedented attack on Israel and retaliation for that strike on Iran's Consulate in Syria killing two.

Of Iran's generals President Biden pledging unwavering support for Israel calling a meeting of the G7 leaders the afternoon while Iran's Envoy to the UN is warning that this is a conflict between Iran and Israel and that America should just stay away from it want to bring in our White House correspondent Mary Alice Parks also our senior.

National policy reporter an flare for more so Mary Alice can you give us anything more on on from the White House and this call between Biden and Netanyahu yeah well the National Security spokesperson John Kirby was pressed all morning for more details and really just wanted to reiterate that the point of the call was for President.

Biden to offer his full support to prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu obviously this has been a tough last few weeks I mean we are coming off of a moment where we know President Biden had been pushing uh Netanyahu about his plans in Gaza and so it was extremely important yesterday in this moment where Israel was under attack for the United States to be a.

Lock step with their partner with Israel and and we heard the National Security team today just reiterating their belief that last night should be seen as a huge moment of collaboration in the United States sending military assets to the region to actively help defend Israel help shoot drones and even a ballistic missile out of the sky and make sure.

That the damages were kept extremely low in my sense here at the White House Kira is that uh the administration is sort of breathing a s of relief that it was a successful a show of defensive Force last night from the Pon as to how the US military will continue to support Israel we have a lot of Assets in the.

Region we also have a lot of troops that they want to protect there are some 3,400 troops uh stationed in Iraq and Syria right now tens of thousands of other us Personnel throughout the region and that's the big concern for the US military they do not want to see this escalate and of course there is a difference between defending Israel and.

Attacking Iran and that's where they are drawing the line they are talking about this entirely in defensive terms they are saying that we helped defend uh Israel last night we did our job uh we know that the US uh shot down at least 70 drones I'm told that number could be updated today uh we know that the US also intercepted ballistic missiles.

These are the higher range uh missiles that can cause much more damage than cruise missiles other types of projectiles and drones um it was very nerve-wracking for the Pentagon and as we saw with ABC's Martha radit she's reporting that the US was surprised by the number of ballistic missiles that Iran had Reed in this so you know as Mar.

Alis says the US is seeing this as a huge success and they do not want to see this escalate all right Mary Ellis parks and FL appreciate you both stay with us we've got a lot more news ahead be the most watched newscast in America oper to cap Isis fighter this our combat.

Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right.

Here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate thank you David good me you is David David yes yes I'm David M I know who you are watch you every night ABC's World News Tonight with.

David mure is America's most watched newscast can you believe it it's 25 years of breakfast and bed surprising moms Across America oh my goodness oh my goodness and for our 25th anniversary we're making it the biggest surprise yet a full-on breakfast and fed Extravaganza like you have never seen before so go to good morning or.

Scan this QR code to find out how to enter a deserving mom you love for breakfast and bed why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast.

Honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here reporting from the war in Ukraine I me and panel wherever the story is we'll.

Take you there you're streaming ABC News live glad you're still streaming with us we are continuing to follow this unprecedented direct attack by Iran and Israel those explosions lighting up the night's sky as Iran launched hundreds of drones and cruise missiles and retaliation for that Israeli strike on.

Iran's Consulate in Syria Israel now threatening to respond carry out a Counterattack it's convening its War cabinet right now just considering all the options Iran says it has no intention of launching more attacks but still won't hesitate to protect itself against new aggression either joining us now former US ambassador to Nato retired.

Lieutenant general uh Doug loot so okay let's talk first of all about this recent statement we just got in Doug I'd love your response Iran's president uh saying that it promises heavier and regretful response uh in light of more potential attacks here's the uh exact quote he claimed that Iran had taught Israel a lesson and warned that quote.

Any new adventures against the interests of the Iranian Nation would be met with a heavier and regretful response from the Islamic Republic of Iran what exactly do you think that means because clearly uh this initial attack seemed to in many ways uh it wasn't a problem for Israel well I think the Iranian message they're trying to signal that the attack.

Last night was their response to the Israeli attack in Damascus that killed uh several senior irgc cuds Force leaders um and that um that they they Iran would very much like now to limit uh this escalatory spiral that um that in fact their attack last night uh actually promoted so we'll see I think the next step here is uh is to prime.

Minister Netanyahu and his War cabinet to determine how uh if uh Israel will will respond and exactly how and that that response will aim to be measured so that they can contain any potential for even further escalation but we're very much now in unchartered territory with action reaction counteraction and we can't be.

Sure where this is going to end yeah there are a number of scenarios uh that could be carried out here and we'll discuss them all as we continue our breaking news coverage here General Doug lute always appreciate having you especially during times like this with your experience and background and thanks to all of you for streaming with.

Us I'm Kira Phillips our breaking news coverage continues right after this with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of television.

Here was a story where's Kate what's going on with Kate of course the mystery of a missing woman Anna Royal doesn't get more fascinating than that then the moment that silenced everyone it's been a really difficult time I would argue that the royal family were already facing a crisis this Health crisis has given them probably their biggest.

Challenge the crown in crisis what is the relationship like between Harry and William today now streaming on on Hulu why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily.

First listen wherever you get your podcasts ABC News America's number one news source Iran launches an unprecedented attack and direct attack on on Israel good morning everyone if you're just tuning in I'm Kira Phillips and we're so glad that you're with us as we continue.

To follow breaking news throughout the day explosions lighting up the sky as Iran launches hundreds of drones and cruise missiles in retaliation for that Israeli strike on Iran's Consulate in Syria and Israel Now vowing to respond but the question is how and when Israel convening its War cabinet today to consider its options Iran says it has no.

Intention of launching more attacks but won't hesitate to protect itself against new aggression Iran's Envoy to the UN warning that this is a conflict between Iran and Israel and that America should just stay away from it as for President Biden he says it'll be up to Israel to decide how to.

Respond they showed last night an incredible military capability uh on their own but certainly in concert with friends they also showed uh Iran uh that Israel does have friends John Kirby talking about how President Biden has pledged unwavering support for Israel calling a meeting of the G7 leaders this afternoon we'll let you know exactly.

What develops there we have full team coverage for you today starting with our Brit clenet who was there last night until now when the Skies of Jerusalem lit up Israel saying it thwarted a major attack overnight from Iran with the help of the US the first ever strikes directly from Iranian soil on.

Israel Iran launching a barrage of more than 300 missiles and attack drones most shot down by the IDF and us before entering Israeli territory but not all explosions lighting up the night sky over Jerusalem the sound of emergency Sirens piercing the air warning people to seek Shelter From the ongoing assault prime.

Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a message on social media this morning we intercepted we blocked together we will win last night Netanyahu saying we are prepared for any scenario both in defense and attack the IDF saying they intercepted the majority of the projectiles with over 90% success rate one Arab Israeli girl was critically.

Injured in an attack in southern Israel this is a severe and dangerous escalation our defensive and offensive capabilities are at the highest level of Readiness us Armed Forces help to shoot down dozens of objects launched at Israel according to ABC sources the US Embassy in Jerusalem lifting its shelter in place order saying that the threat.

From missiles and drones has diminished Iran says its attack was to avenge Israel's strike near an Iranian Consulate in Syria last week leaving 16 people dead including two generals of the Revolutionary guard people seen celebrating in the streets of tan amid Iran's assault on Israel President Biden scrapping his weekend plans to return to.

The White House seen here meeting with his National Security team in the Situation Room Biden also reaffirming his pledge to help Israel in their defense hopping on a call with prime minister Netanyahu telling him overnight Israel demonstrated a remarkable capacity to defend against and defeat even unprecedented attacks the leaders.

Of the G7 meeting later today over video conference to coordinate a response to this weekend's attack all Brit clenet joining me now from Tel Aviv for more so Brit the Israeli War cabinet has convene for this meeting what can you tell us about the latest just on a potential response and how far is Netanyahu willing to.

Go yeah Kira Netanyahu is convening the war cabinet now to discuss the Israeli response some are urging Netanyahu not to respond immediately some on the far right calling for a major military response it's unclear where Netanyahu stands but any Israeli response CA could trigger another round of attacks from Iran tan has made that very very clear.

Uh the danger of escalation Kira and an allout War then becomes very real so while I have you Brett just watching you last night and through the night and the way you described uh the Skies of Jerusalem just lighting up now that you've had a chance uh to maybe get a few minutes of sleep wake up this morning and continue your coverage um.

Your thoughts your Reflections from what you observed last night until this morning where we are wondering what could happen next yeah look it was a long night it was a tense night and I think people woke up this morning thinking okay what was that reflecting on what exactly happened obviously you know we saw.

Around 99% success rate and that helped alleviate some fears and the Damage cause was minimal but look it is still tense I spoke to people on the streets of Tel Aviv on the streets of Jerusalem uh before this strike and they did seem kind of unfazed and that that really took us aback because we were saying you know there are all signs pointing.

Towards a strike and they kind of said well you know if you're in Israel you're kind of used to this this violence or this lingering threat but I think now it's really hit home people have had to run into their bunkers uh to take cover usually in most cities in Israel you get about a minute and a half to run into that bunker uh but look as I as I as I.

Described last night it was quite uh quite a sight it was quite scary at times you saw those flashes of light um dotted all around the night sky and those air raid sir Sirens that that that you know wailed and wailed and and we've heard them in in other conflict zones that we've been into but certainly uh it's it never gets old it's always quite.

Terrifying when you start hearing that and then when you see those flashes in the sky so I think there's mixed feelings but certainly there are fears that there could be a back and forth now between Iran and Israel and and fears that as I say this could escalate in something uh into something far bigger and.

Scarier yeah I I I mean just thinking of the last time the sky lit up uh was that when Hamas uh you know attacked um Israelis uh back on October 7th and all of you were reporting from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and there was talk of the Iron Dome able to you know intercept what Hamas was trying to do it in in your experience um in what you know right now.

Is this a totally different level of attack Brit look as we've been reporting this is unprecedented this is the first time that we've seen a direct attack from Iran Iranian territory to Israeli territory so we are in uncharted waters right now Kira and I think that is what everyone is fearful about we know that.

Iran appears to have targeted a major Israeli Air Base in the South that that is home to its f35s a one ballistic missile hitting it but the IDF says it only cause minimal damage so I think given the impact and the the minimal impact uh perhaps that will be measured into netanyahu's calculation about whether to respond certainly it's likely.

That he will have pressure from the US to not have any um you know excessive response to this but we'll just have to wait and see hopefully cooler heads will prevail out of all of this Kira yeah I think that's how everybody is uh feeling right now one more Brit uh if you don't mind the US Embassy there in Jerusalem has now lifted its shelter in place.

Order um why do you think that decision was made now and can you just give us a little more context as to what it's like there yeah look I think um it was quite a surprise to many people when the US Embassy issued that alert for its staff and and staff families uh to stay put in cities so that certainly kind of up the ante that got everyone here thinking.

Well if Americans have been told to stay put maybe we should too uh but now that's been lifted we know that schools educational institutions are still closed and and most Gatherings banned in most places so there is still a little bit of a sense here Kira that this is a country on edge but again we just have to wait and see what that response will.

Be and in the next few hours it will be really key to see out of that war cabinet what they come up with to see what that response is going to be from Israel and this spiral is out of control all right Britt Clinton standing by for us there in Tel Aviv Brit really appreciate you and your reporting so the magnitude of this attack uh certainly.

Took allies even the White House by surprise in many ways National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby made the rounds this morning and also made it clear to all of us that it's going to be up to Israel now on how to respond to Iran's attack the president understands the Prime Minister uh runs a government for a sovereign State uh of Israel uh.

And that they'll decide uh whether and how they're going to respond to what Iran did last night we uh we respect that joining us now former US ambassador to Nato retired lieutenant general Doug loot also our national security and defense analyst Mick mroy and former CIA field operative darl blocker gentlemen since I have the three of you I know you.

All well I know your backgrounds um before I start of take a deep dive into specific questions I would just like to know um if you were sitting in that war cabinet meeting that's happening right now what would you say what would you advise what would you bring up as as concerns Mick let's start with you certainly Cara I think right now uh.

Everybody was surprised at the level of and scope of this attack coming straight from Iran it wasn't due to lack of effort that they didn't have much impact on the ground it because of the expertise of Israel the United States and our partners so uh that was uh I think one of the most important things we saw last night and quite frankly if.

It would have been successful it would have damaged civilian infrastructure and killed a lot of civilians so I think Israel is going to take try to take the balance of a response I think it's likely they will response the scope of that response is probably what's being discussed now and it's in light with uh I think the obvious us uh desire to see.

This somewhat contained and then de escalated so it doesn't continue into an allout Regional War so they could look at things as substantial as going off after sub uh suspected nuclear facilities uh defense industrial base or uh simply mitigate certain threats they would have in the future if they were to try to go after those things I think.

That's what they're discussing now of course they're going to take in uh the account uh the US desire in this but ultimately as Admiral Kirby said this is an Israeli decision well let me just follow up quickly before I get to to darl and to Doug Mick I mean that you know when you were were active in in the administration and and even within the.

CIA just all your background from intelligence to politics to to military experience to to you know Special Operations um you know what what's Your Gut telling you what's what's the smart move right now if you were able to to just be in that room and and have FaceTime with Netanyahu what would you be telling.

Him the my gut as you might expect comes from my background me and Daryl's background quite frankly I would like to see a lot more covert operations done and not just because it is my background but because it does have the potential to deescalate or at least not escalate a situation as largely Iran feels compelled to respond if they're attack.

Directly openly uh overtly so I would be pushing for a lot of those things to do things like mitigate the nucle threat the chance that Iran could get a nuclear weapon which is a very real uh very near-term threat and also to start making uh problems for the regime quite frankly in Iran through those means but I would not discount I would not take.

Off the table a direct military response this likely has to have a response because it was so overt and quite frankly again if the effort was intended it could have caused major damage in Israel and that can't be underscored enough all right Lieutenant General I'm going to take it to you now put on uh put on that military uh hat of yours and.

Tell me what what your thoughts are and if you were in that war cabinet meeting right now what would you be saying what would you what would your concerns be how would you see this well if I were in the room today with uh with President uh prime minister Netanyahu I'd um speak up and make the point that once this escalatory spiral.

Begins where it ends is completely unpredictable a last night may have left us with the impression that this is can be precisely controlled 99% of the inbound Iranian systems were knocked down and so forth but as we move forward every step is a hazard every step is dangerous every step is uh is uh unpredictable so as Israel considers its.

Options I hope that they're taking into into account the very unpredictable nature of what lays out in front of them that doesn't mean that they'll do nothing or it doesn't mean that they'll be a full out very uh robust strike but they should they should have the sort of cautionary uh humility that they really don't know what the next steps.

Are all right darl you're up if you were in that room with Doug and Mick uh clearly you and uh with your background uh you and Mick would probably be in line with regard to to covert operations but what are your thoughts and your concerns and what what would you be saying in that war cabinet meeting well thank you car I would be.

Reminding Netanyahu and Israelis that this is a 45y year battle that they've been fighting since 1979 they know it they recognize it it is absolutely nothing new now what is new is the fact that a firsttime attack has taken place from the territory of Iran into the territory of Israel that is significant however it was a feeble.

Response now the you know shooting down these missiles they have to land somewhere so there's still a threat but it's not really much of a threat and the statement coming out of the United Nations uh Iranian mission was that this matter can be deemed concluded they had to save face they had to do something and now Israel has the opportunity to.

Maybe switch up some of the bad press that it has over the past four or five months and take the uh take the Upper Road so to speak they will respond they have been taking out Iranian nuclear scientists and drone and missile program directors for the last 14 years this is a slow burn and now it has come to a head so uh Doug I'm just getting word.

Here that Jordan Iraq and Lebanon have now all reopened their airspaces uh following the the Drone and missile strikes on on Israel uh though there are some restrictions it looks like that are going to remain throughout the region but um how does this impact what could happen next well I think the reopening the.

Airspace just uh reemphasizes Iran's message that for now Iran has concluded its its strikes uh that airspace would remain close Ed if there were any suspicion that there were follow on strikes imminent so forth so I think that this gives uh Israel and the Israeli decision makers an opportunity to take a deep breath and to think about.

Next steps all right stay with us gentlemen uh because we indeed want to know what those next steps will be uh Lieutenant General Doug loot Mick mroy Daryl blocker gentlemen it's great to have you on a day like this and our breaking news continues Iran launches this unprecedented direct attack on Israel.

More on what this could mean for the us our military next with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of Television Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember.

That lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas Edinburgh Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in warong we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you.

Stream your news only on ABC News live what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis figh s combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to.

Go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made in the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love it great work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you good to meet you is David.

David yes yes I'm David M I know who you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the.

Story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts ABC News America's number one news source glad you're streaming with us on this breaking news day as we see live pictures out of Jerusalem American forces uh shooting down about 70 Iranian drones that were headed toward Israel.

After Iran launched hundreds of attacks via drones via missiles in retaliation for that Israeli strike on Iran's Consulate in Syria Israel Now vowing to respond it is convening today its War cabinet is meeting to talk about all the options that are on the table right now our senior investigative correspondent Ain cani joining us uh in this.

Conversation you know FBI director Christopher Ray said just this past week aarin that the US is facing an unprecedented level of threats from terrorists so let's just talk about this strike and what do you think it means for those potential threats against all of us here on our homeland it's a tense time Kiera there's no question October.

7th created what uh Homeland Security officials and the FBI have called a heightened threat environment and intelligence communities uh in this country are concerned about potential retaliatory attacks here in the in the United States on on Jewish or or Muslim or Arab communities they are safeguarding particular places of of.

Worship different high-profile events because they know that this could be a catalyst and and yet again this particular strike and how Israel may or may not respond all of it could be a catalyst for for something in in in the United States in the Homeland so let's talk about just local authorities in cities across the country right now I.

Know that you you keep in touch with so many your sources uh whether it's within the military with law enforcement I mean how how are key leaders and and First Responders uh just keeping an eye on all of this maybe even responding to what could happen so as soon as the the uh the weapons were launched from Iran at at Israel the uh the NYPD here in New.

York City for example convened with the mayor the NYPD issued a statement saying it continues to closely monitor recent events in Israel there are no credible threats to New York City at this time but they're going to be deploying resources to houses of worship and other sensitive locations throughout the city and they're doing that as a deterrent.

They they know that likely targets could be synagogues or mosques or locations associated with Jewish or or Muslim groups and they just want to be a presence they know they can't necessarily stop everything but they want to make sure uh that that people who are attending uh church or synagogue or or or they're at a mosque they feel.

Safe and they feel that they are being cared for so not just um our places of worship uh clearly it's it it's Sunday there's a lot of people heading out probably praying praying about the situation uh praying for the country um so just in general how concerned do we all need to be not just if we're heading out to our place of worship but just.

Overall about our national security at this point when we know Iran is so unpredictable it is a tense time and I think the that that the intelligence Community has been fairly honest and upfront about that but there are no specific threats and really kir that there there never seem to be before any kind of an attack we do know that there.

Are a couple of high profile events coming up on Monday the Boston Marathon the trial of former president Trump those events intelligence officials have said could could be inspiration and then there are a number of anniversaries around April Coline Waco the Oklahoma City bombing the authorities are paying attention there too yeah and so are we.

Senior investigative correspondent Aaron kki Aaron thank you so our breaking news coverage does continue how this Iranian attack on Israel could impact oil and gas prices here at home we'll have that discussion next what does it take to be the most watched newscast in.

America an operation to capture Isis Fighters This our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag.

There's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you David good to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David M I know who you.

Are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast they're the most mysterious creatures on Earth they're masterminds shape shifters they're just so incredibly alien and yet more like us than we ever.

Could have imagined what more more do they have to tell us can you believe it it's 25 years of breakfast and bed surprising moms Across America oh my good oh my goodness and for our 25th.

Anniversary we're making it the biggest surprise yet a full-on breakfast and bed Extravaganza like you have never seen before so go to good morning or scan this QR code to find out how how to enter a deserving mom you love for breakfast and bed with so much at stake so much on the.

Line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of Television reporting from near the epicenter of the worst earthquake to hit Morocco I'm Tom Sufi burage wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News.

Live and hello everyone glad you are continuing to stay with us as we follow breaking news throughout the day this unprecedented attack on behalf of Iran now has us asking what the impact could be on our markets and our oil prices our business correspondent Alexis christopherus is tracking that part of the story for us hey Alexis hey Kira.

Unrest in the Middle East has Wall Street on high alert investors bracing for another spike in oil prices and a possible stock selloff when the opening bell sounds on Wall Street tomorrow stocks were already in sell-off mode last week in anticipation of Iran's attack against Israel stocks had their worst week of the year while oil prices.

Climbed to a six-month High topping $90 a barrel a level not seen since the early days of the Israel Hamas War analysts are now predicting oil prices could go as high as $130 a barrel as turmoil in the Middle East threatens oil supply in that region putting key shipping routes in Jeopardy and potentially sending gas prices and.

Inflation soaring defense companies could see their stocks rally when trading resumes Monday as Nations now beef up their defense budgets and response to the heightened geopolitical risk and with most markets closed over the weekend crypto Traders were actually among the first to react to news of the attack by Iran but instead of piling.

Into the digital asset as a safe haven and un certain times Traders dumped crypto handing Bitcoin its biggest selloff in more than a year though it has bounced back a bit today the conflict thousands of miles away for many a reminder of the interconnectedness of our Global markets it was just weeks ago US Stocks were.

Rallying to record highs on hopes the FED would deliver three interest rate Cuts this year well those hopes were dashed after new reports confirmed inflation is back on the rise and now the risk of a wider Regional war in the Middle East East is pressuring Global stock markets sending investors running to the relative safety of bonds gold and.

The US dollar Kira all right Alexis appreciate you thank you and we are just getting started this morning all day you can stream with us right here and follow every breaking detail on this unprecedented direct attack by Iran on Israel explosions lighting up the sky overnight as Iran launches hundreds of drones and cruise.

Missiles in retaliation for that Israeli strike on Iran's Consulate in Syria Israel now threatening to respond convening right now in its War cabinet to consider its options Iran says it has no intention of launching more attacks but won't hesitate to protect itself against new aggression stay with us a lot more news.

ahead with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of.

Television come give it to me it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you you need to know you know that sounds pretty good it to your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good.

Food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is St here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen.

Now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here this is ABC News live the crush of fames on the ground in.

Ukraine News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC News live America's number one streaming news reporting from Southern Israel I'm James Longman wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live.

Iran launches an unprecedented and direct attack on Israel good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips if you're just tuning in we are glad you are with us as we continue to follow breaking news explosions lighting up the sky as Iran launches hundreds of drones and cruise missiles and retaliation for that Israeli strike on Iran's Consulate in.

Syria Israeli Defense Force is saying that the government could decide on a potential response as soon as the next within the next few hours Israel convening its War cabinet right now considering all of its options Iran's president saying that it's taught Israel a lesson and warning that any retaliation would be met with a heavier.

And regretful response President Biden also pledging unwavering support for Israel calling a meeting of the G7 leaders this afternoon the White House says Israel will decide how to SP how to respond we've got full team coverage from Tel Aviv to right here in our nation's capital breaking down this unprecedented attack and of course the.

Risk of any type of escalation from all sides we start with our Brit Clinton in Tel Israel so Britt what are you hearing from uh Israel now with regard to what could happen next yes so as we've been reporting Netanyahu is convening the war cabinet now to discuss Israel's response much anticipated by the entire world some.

Appear to be urging Netanyahu not to respond immediately and some some on the far right are calling for a major military response it's unclear where Netanyahu stands on all of this but any Israeli response could trigger another round of attacks from Iran so we're in dangerous territory uh and Uncharted Territory Teran has made it very clear.

There will be a response if uh Israel responds and then you have this back and forth that becomes dangerous and and there's a danger of escalation escalation and then an allout War becomes very real now I spoke to IDF spokes person Peter Lerner a little earlier he was tight lipped kir on what kind of response there would be he said.

That's up to the political ashalon but he was Keen to show that last night was really Testament to Israel's capabilities to defend itself we had been planning for it we realized that Iran was up to no good once more and together with our allies uh we created a plan of action um a unified operational plan to respond to.

Iran's aggression each ballistic missile has a warhead of around 100 to 120 kg of explosives that's how much damage H Iran wanted to deal out on Israel he said we know how to handle this kind of attack and he said it again and again you know I asked him about that deadly strike on a consulate in Damascus uh which killed seven.

Revolutionary guards including a top Commander this is the response uh that Iran said it was launching in retaliation for that and he said that the war did not start on April 1st that it goes further back he again uh denied any Israeli involvement uh but Iran says this is their response you know that that uh killed these top commanders but.

This this for the first time Iran this is the first time that Iran has targeted Israel directly and that's why it's so important up until now it has used its array of regional proxies to engage Israel so in some ways it depends how things go from here but I guess the question is is Pandora's box opening right now.

Cara all right brick clinet for us there in Tel Aviv appreciate it so joining us now someone who dealt with the threat of Iran firsthand retired Admiral Bill Fallon was the commander of centcom paccom and also Vice chief of Naval operations and he joins us now on this unprecedented attack and what it could mean next for.

Iran Israel and of course US forces uh great to see you Bill last time we were together we were in IR Rock um and that was um boy we were few years ago yes it was a few years ago dealing with a number of threats on a daily basis but I'm just curious because your experience is is so extensive whether it's Iran China Russia your assessment first of.

All of last night when you saw what was happening what were your thoughts I thought it was very interesting Kira that uh Iran had decided Ed to up the escalation ladder significantly so this direct attack on Israel obviously unprecedented uh there some significant risk I think uh in on both sides as you've as you've heard and have.

Discussed with other people so uh Iran launched this volley of missiles and it appears to have had virtually negligible effect almost no effect uh the vast majority of them shot down and I think it's noteworthy and I don't know any inside information or have any details but it appears this was done not just by the Israelis but certainly by us assets.

By Jordanian uh I've heard UK uh French as well and so a combination of uh folks coming together to neutralize this attack so if I were back in ton now I'd be wondering uh not just Israel is Israel going to come back at us but what would we do next in Iran so they've kind of shot the wad in in my opinion of the.

Assets that are reasonable uh with almost no effect although I suspect that the way they're going to spin this and probably what they're doing with their own people is hey look we were attacked directly that's how they view the attack on the cuds force uh leaders that were that were killed in Syria and now we've.

Retaliated we've shown we're strong and uh you know we're we're we're really tough guys we got it so uh one would think if we're rational actors remember that in the Middle East many things uh do not come across as rational in our view but uh that Iran would kind of say we've done what we need to do and that's enough Israel uh tough choices for them.

Could they retaliate of course should they that's a tough decision because right now as you well know they're up to their necks in Gaza a lot of Unfinished Business and what the future there is who knows uh they they have not appeared to have figured out exactly how they're going to go ahead strategically plus they've got Hezbollah uh champing at the.

Bit with who knows how many thousands of projectiles sitting north of the border so U there there's some significant risk of unleashing more trouble if they do this on the other hand uh they're going to have a part of the population is going to be rest of you know they hit us so you need to hit back the challenge for me is that if we continue to see.

This tit fortat escalation um we have no idea where it goes but more importantly it doesn't appear to me to be on any kind of a strategic trajectory it's just more of the same and at some point in time if there's going to be some breakthrough uh to end this stuff in the Middle East someone's going to have to.

Decide okay enough's enough let's go somewhere else and and do something so I think it'll be be very interesting to see um my um let me ask you let me ask you about that okay because I think it's pretty clear and pretty obvious obvious and you know this as you know head of centcom b um uh you know Naval operations that Israel has the.

Ability to flatten Iran I mean they could go in there and take out nuclear capabilities and and revolutionary guard head quarters and and go in hard but would they do that and would that be smart so let me answer that by saying with a bit of a contradiction okay um I think that uh the idea that Israel with the um capabilities they demonstrated.

Last evening would have an overwhelming ability to basically take care of Iran I don't think it's true that's not possible no because it's just too difficult Iran is a very large country U we know from lots of sources of information that the nuclear stuff is very very difficult to get at it's deeply buried extremely difficult to.

Take out and aside from that just the sheer size of the place and the number of targets the idea that U air power alone which Israel has is blessed with uh very very robust capability that that's going to do the trick is is in my book not true just not not true it's too hard so um they have to consider this could they hurt them somewhere I'm sure.

Have they studied places that might inflict a lot of pain I'm sure they have but I don't think this is going to end anything it'll be another retaliation potentially inviting another one so how long the question seems to me is how long do you go on this escalation ladder right before you you try to figure out what the Strategic end is so.

For example there's no doubt that Iran has been uh instigating agitating arming and supplying the uh characters the Hamas guys in Gaza certainly heala all over the place the houthis all all the other characters so um what is this getting them it got them to where they are last night an ineffective major strike that.

Appeared to have used most of their High cards at one time so um Israel I would think would recognize this it was ineffective but Israel also knows they don't have an endless supply of ammo in the locker who knows how many missiles were shot to knock down these 300 and some incoming projectiles they're already strapped dealing with Hamas you.

Got they're again they're up to the next right in uh in Gaza and the risk of not just a two-front war maybe with heala but now a three front uh makes this I think a bit of a challenge and there are a lot of aspirations to do this or that but I think realism is probably going to take hold here sooner than later and they're going to say okay what do we.

Want to achieve at the highest level and how do we work down rather than start at the bottom with another let's go smack them back again which they could do but again is that going to change the the Strategic picture I don't think so at all so bottom line G7 leaders have to get involved because I'm just getting word that Biden did meet with them we're.

Going to talk about it in just a second you've been a part of those highlevel meetings final thoughts on how allies need to get involved here well it's been very interesting to to see uh the folks that came together uh in support of Israel last night immedi the extent to which they did that I don't know uh Jordan in particular uh for King.

Abdullah uh there's not this was not without some risk to him given his population but then again these projectiles were coming over his territory and he has every right in the world to to knock them down but it was all contributing so um I know there's a lot of unrest amongst the G7 and others with Israel you know how many people are.

Dying how many you know to to what extent are uh they executing their War plans in a manner that will not only achieve their objectives but try to minimize casualties lots of discussion so I know they they're mixed feelings however um the reality is that Iran is the destabilizing element throughout the Middle East they've been causing trouble.

Since back before my time out there it's it continues today and at some point in time seems to me that the those that want to Ally whether they're formal allies or not but a coalition of the willing and interested to come together to send a message to Iran that enough is enough you've got to knock this stuff off and by the way we've got some.

Capabilities that could hurt you uh you don't want to be threatening but at some point it seems to me we have to gather enough uh momentum uh to get a message across that this is just a losing proposition for them but I think the other thing is that we we need to be very mindful of the reality of today that the alignment between Iran and.

Russia for example in the supplies they've been providing to Russia directly to the Ukraine war and to other other entities is is really problematic in the world and that plays in that plays into everything you have Iran and China and Russia Yeah you mentioned China really really good point so the Chinese have been pretty Cy about this.

But there's little doubt that they've been supporting Russia and that they're the three of them are working together in parallel uh to support Russia's uh AIMS in Ukraine blatant aggression no doubt about it and so uh Iran I think might have picked up another lesson last night and that is look around did anybody come to Iran support no help.

Last night seemed to me most everybody was on on the other side so that may be the start of a message and I think if President Biden could do something today get the people to get together think about it let's why don't we get our act together here and and come up with a univ this is the perfect segue because I was just handed a note saying that the.

White House is confirming with us that G7 leaders uh have come together with the president condemning Iran attack uh in this meeting they just they they just had Stay With Me Bill if you don't mind I'd like you to listen in if we could take it uh right to the white house uh with this information uh White House correspondent Mary Al Alis Parks is just.

Bringing us uh what we have here uh straight from the White House Mary Alis what can you tell us now about uh especially as the Admiral and I were sitting here just talking about how will other leaders respond to this attack it looks like the G7 is is on is is right there with the United States absolutely car that is the.

Message they want to send that this is a united front standing with Israel that was a big part of the message from the White House all morning uh we heard the National Security spokesperson John Kirby out there on the morning show saying that it wasn't just the US the UK as well sending assets actively working overnight to help Israel defend itself.

You know I can tell you I still see the Marine guard there standing out in front of the West Wing that means the president we know is still in the West Wing he's been there all morning the White House releasing that photo of the president there in this situation room with the Secretary of State Anthony blinkin sitting by his side and you can.

See the other G7 leaders there on the screen uh we heard last night the president called for this emergency meeting of the G7 and then it was really important that that they were showing like I said this sort of united front uh that they were working with Israel and and that it worked I mean that has been the message from this white house all.

Morning that that they can feel good about the defense systems around Israel we know that in the call for instance last night between the president and prime minister uh Netanyahu that the president wanted to essentially convey his congratulations a bit of a sire of relief after so much incoming they stood strong uh the defense systems there.

Worked over Israel the the US capabilities helping Israel shoot down those drones uh out of the sky uh were a bit of relief and and a signal back to Iran just like you were talking about with the Admiral there a signal back to Iran uh that they stood strong and that they were able to keep the damage to such a such a a small um sort of minimal.

Damage there got it Mary Ellis parks there from the white house uh Admiral Bill Fallon always great to see you thank you so much for your Insight appreciate it we're going to take a quick break right back when ever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the.

Ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from.

Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the pi line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story.

Is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what.

Happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this.

Morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live here was a story where's Kate what's going on with Kate of course the mystery of a missing woman an a royal doesn't get more fascinating than that then the moment that silenced everyone it's been a really difficult time I would argue that the royal family were already.

Facing a crisis this Health crisis has given them probably their biggest challenge the crown in crisis what is the relationship like between Harry and William today now streaming on Hulu hey welcome back glad you're with us as we continue to follow the breaking news after that unprecedented attack by half by Iran on Israel President Biden uh.

Meeting with G7 leaders we are starting to get in more information from that Gathering our J O'Brien has been following it as well as our senior National policy reporter and flarity for more we were able to uh touch base with with Mary Alice parks there at the White House and uh what more do you know about Biden uh and how he's called this.

Meeting to try and coordinate uh a diplomatic response and it looks like uh right now according to the results of what has happened so far uh G7 leaders uh pretty much working side by side with Biden on the thought that they do not want anything to escalate uh any further this is good news Cara because what it means is that diplomacy is moving.

Forward we know that uh when military generals start talking that's when diplomacy has failed right now they are leaving it up to these G7 leaders to try to get some sort of international response um and that's a good sign because then that means that Israel might be considering holding back uh some sort of military response in favor.

Of sort of a multilateral um alliance with other countries to say you know this is what we want from Iran we want Iran to stand down so certainly that's going to be favorable to any kind of military response that would escalate uh the tensions in the region we know that 3,400 US troops are stationed in Iraq.

And Syria and that's what US officials are most concerned about are those soldiers Airmen Sailors getting caught in those crosshairs they really want to try to protect those US service members they do not want to see an escalation of this Cara Jay uh what kind of response are we getting from the hill I mean last night.

Uh throughout the night we have heard by from Senators uh members of Congress um all very concerned about what Iran could do next but uh joining forces very much so knowing that uh I don't think anyone there up on the hill wants to see this go any deeper yeah from Republicans and Democrats alike the sentiment has been strong support for Israel in this moment.

We've even heard House Republicans say that they want to move an aid package for Israel onto the house floor for a vote early this coming week that was something that was not scheduled to happen the calendar of the house has been changed Steve scalise the majority leader there says in order to make that happen exactly what that Aid package.

Looks like at this hour we do not know the Senate passed a 95 billion foreign aid package that has aid for Ukraine and for Israel that has languished in the house Speaker Mike Johnson has not brought it up for a vote so does this package have aid for Ukraine potentially to make it more attractive to Democrats that's something we're chasing down.

Today some Republicans believe that it might or is it just a standalone package that includes military assistance for Israel in which case what would its chances be in the Senate where Democrats have said look they believe this is a dire moment not just for Israel but for us allies across the globe which includes.

Ukraine so an Iran's Envoy to the UN already warning that this is a conflict between Iran and Israel and making it very clear America should stay far away from this yeah and Cara we're waiting to here get an update from the White House on exactly what they're telling uh what White House officials are telling Israel behind closed doors.

But what you can imagine what they're saying is that look right now you have the world on your side you had jordanians helping you knock down these uh drones and these missiles you had us and UK fighters in the air uh intercepting the these missiles and you know you've got everybody on your side let's not change that so keep in mind.

Two weeks ago we were talking about whether or not Biden would condition military aid uh this is exactly why he was reluctant to he wanted Israel to be able to defend himself Kira Jay and thank you so much our continuing coverage uh continues after this break here in Poland at Refugee centers.

Putin's Russia on the ground in UK close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 storm along I Boston is in the bullseye let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news with so much at stake so much on.

The line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News news World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of Television why do so many people start.

Their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with for Edward R meral Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first.

Listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here first thing in the morning there's a lot going on get another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in.

The Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live reporting from Niagara Falls in the.

Path of the total solar eclipse I'm Rob Marciano wherever the is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live and hello everyone glad you are continuing to stay with us as we follow breaking news throughout the day this unprecedented attack on behalf of Iran now has us asking what the impact could be on our markets and our oil prices our.

Business correspondent Alexis christopherus is tracking that part of the story for us hey Alexis hey Kira unrest in the Middle East has Wall Street on high alert investors bracing for another spike in oil prices and a possible stock selloff when the opening bell sounds on Wall Street tomorrow stocks were already in sell-off mode.

Last week in anticipation of Iran's attack against Israel stocks had their worst week of the year while oil prices climbed to a six-month High topping $90 a barrel a level not seen since the early days of the Israel Hamas War analysts are now predicting oil prices could go as high as $130 a barrel as turmoil in the Middle East threatens oil.

Supply in that region putting key shipping routes in Jeopardy and potentially sending gas prices and inflation soaring defense companies could see their stocks rally when trading resumes Monday as Nations now beef up their defense budgets in response to the heightened geopolitical risk and with most markets closed over.

The weekend crypto Traders were actually among the first to react to news of the attack by Iran but instead of piling into the digital asset as a safe haven in uncertain times Traders dumped crypto handing Bitcoin its biggest selloff in more than a year though it has bounced back a bit today the conflict thousands of miles away for many a reminder of the.

Interconnectedness of our Global markets it was just weeks ago US Stocks were rallying to record highs on hopes the FED would deliver three interest rate Cuts this year well those hopes were dashed after new reports confirmed inflation is back on the rise and now the risk of a wider Regional war in the Middle East is pressuring Global stock.

Markets sending investors running to the relative safety of bonds gold and the US dollar Kira all right Alexis appreciate you thank you we continue to follow the Fallout now after Iran launched that unprecedented and direct attack on Israel explosions lighting up the sky as Iran launched hundreds of drones and.

Cruise missiles in retaliation for that Israeli strike on Iran's Consulate in Syria Israeli defense for forces saying the government could decide on a potential response as soon as within the next few hours Israel convening its War cabinet this hour as well considering all the options Iran's President also saying that it's taught Israel a lesson.

And warning that any retaliation would be met with a heavier and regretful response President Biden also meeting with G7 leaders who condemned the attack and reaffirm their support for Israel's sovereignty we'll have more on that meeting as well we'll be right back what does it take to be the most watched newscast in.

America an operation to capture Isis Fighters This our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag.

There's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate thank you David good to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David M I know who you.

Are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast this is ABC News live the crush families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin's Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 stong I Boston is in the bullseye let's go ABC.

News live America's number one streaming news any time anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsl America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on get another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice.

Storm is impacting the morning commun what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America This Morning America's number.

One early morning news on ABC News live Iran launches an unprecedented and direct attack on Israel good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips if you're just tuning in we are glad you are with us as we continue to follow breaking news explosions lighting up the sky as Iran launches hundreds of drones and cruise missiles and retaliation for that.

Israeli Stu on Iran's Consulate in Syria Israeli Defense Force is saying that the government could decide on a potential response as soon as the next within the next few hours Israel convening its War cabinet right now considering all of its options Iran's president saying that it's taught Israel a lesson and warning that any retaliation would be met with a.

Heavier and regretful response President Biden also pledging unwavering support for Israel calling a meeting of the G7 leaders the afternoon the White House says Israel will decide how to spond how to respond we've got full team coverage from Tel Aviv to right here in our nation's capital breaking down this unprecedented attack and of course the.

Risk of any type of escalation from all sides we start with our Brit clinet in Tel Aviv Israel so Britt what are you hearing from uh Israel now with regard to what could happen next yes so as we've been reporting Netanyahu is convening the war cabinet now to discuss Israel's response much anticipated by the entire world some.

Appear to be urging Netanyahu not to respond immediately and some on the far right are calling for a major military response it's unclear where Netanyahu stands on all of this but any Israeli response could trigger another round of attacks from Iran so we're in dangerous territory uh and Uncharted Territory tan has made it very clear there will be a.

Response if uh Israel responds and then you have this back and forth that becomes dangerous and and there's a danger of escalating escalation and then an allout War becomes very real now I spoke to IDF spokesperson Peter Lerner a little earlier he was tight lipped kir on what kind of response there would be he said that's up to the political.

Echelon but he was Keen to show that last night was really Testament to Israel's capabilities to defend itself we had been planning for it we realized that Iran was up to no good once more and together with our allies uh we created a plan of action um a unified operational plan to respond to Iran's aggression each ballistic missile.

Has a warhead of around 100 to 120 kg of explosives that's how much damage H Iran wanted to deal out on Israel he said we know how to handle this kind of attack and he said said it again and again you know I asked him about that deadly strike on a consulate in Damascus uh which killed seven revolutionary guards including a top.

Commander this is the response uh that Iran said it was launching a retaliation for that and he said that the war did not start on April 1st that it goes further back he again uh denied any Israeli involvement uh but Iran says this is their response you know that that uh killed these top commanders but this this for the first time Iran this.

Is the first time that Iran has targeted Israel directly and that's why it's so important up until now it has used its array of regional proxies to engage Israel so in some ways it depends how things go from here but I guess the question is is Pandora's box opening right now Cara all right brick clenet for us there.

In Tel Aviv appreciate it so joining us now someone who dealt with the threat of Iran firsthand retired Admiral Bill Fallon was the commander of centcom paccom and also Vice chief of Naval operations and he joins us now on this unprecedented attack and what it could mean next for Iran Israel and of course US forces uh.

Great to see you Bill last time we were together we were in a rock um and that was um boy we were few years ago yes it was a few years ago dealing with a number of threats on a daily basis but I'm just curious because your experience is is so extensive whether it's Iran China Russia your assessment first of all of last night when you saw what was.

Happening what were your thoughts I thought it was very interesting K that uh Iran had decided to up the escalation ladder significantly so this direct attack on Israel obviously unprecedented uh there's some significant risk I think uh in on both sides as you've as you've heard and have discussed with other people so uh Iran launched this volley.

Of missiles and it appears to have had virtually negligible effect almost no effect the vast majority of them shot down and I think it's noteworthy and I don't know any inside information or have any details but it appears this was done not just by the Israelis but certainly by the US assets by Jordanian uh I've heard UK uh French as well and.

So a combination of uh folks coming together to neutralize this attack so if I were back in ton now I'd be wondering uh not just Israel is Israel going to come back at us but what would we do next in Iran so they've kind of shot the wad in in my opinion of the assets that are reasonable uh with almost no effect.

Although I suspect that the way they're going to spin this and probably what they're doing with their own people is hey look we were attacked directly that's how they view the attack on the cuds force uh leaders that were that were killed in Syria and now we've retaliated we've shown we're strong and uh you know we're we're we're really.

Tough guys we got it so uh one would think if we're rational actors remember that in the Middle East many things uh do not come across as rational in our view but uh that Iran would kind of say we've done what we need to do and that's enough Israel uh tough choices for them could they retaliate of course should they that's a tough decision because.

Right now as you well know they're up to their necks in Gaza a lot of Unfinished Business and what the future there is who knows uh they they have not appeared to have figured out exactly how they're going to go ahead strategically plus they've got Hezbollah champing at the bit with who knows how many thousands of projectiles sitting north of the border.

So U there there's some significant risk of unleashing more trouble if they do this on the other hand uh they're going to have a part of the population is going to be rest of you know they hit us so you need to hit back the challenge for me is that if we continue to see this tit fortat escalation um we have no idea where it.

Goes but more importantly it doesn't appear to me to be on any kind of a strategic trajectory it's just more of the same and at some point in time if there's going to be some breakthrough uh to end this stuff in the Middle East someone's going to have to decide okay enough's enough let's go somewhere else and and do something so I.

Think it'll be very interesting to see um my um let me ask you let me ask you about that okay because I think it's pretty clear and pretty obvious obvious and you know this as you know head of centcom paycom uh you know Naval operations that Israel has the ability to flatten Iran I mean they could go in there and take out nuclear.

Capabilities and and revolutionary Guard headquarters and and go in hard but would they do that and would that be smart so let me answer that by saying with a bit of a contradiction okay um I think that uh the idea that Israel with the um capabilities they demonstrated last evening would have have an overwhelming ability to basically take.

Care of Iran I don't think it's true that's not possible no because it's just too difficult Iran is a very large country U we know from lots of sources of information that the nuclear stuff is very very difficult to get at it's deeply buried extremely difficult to take out and aside from that just the sheer size of the place and the number.

Of targets the idea that U air power alone which Israel has is blessed with uh a very very robust capability that that's going to do the trick is is in my book not true just not not true it's too hard so um they have to consider this could they hurt them somewhere I'm sure have they studied places that might inflict a lot of pain I'm sure they have.

But I don't think this is going to end anything it'll be another retaliation potentially inviting us so how long the question seems to me is how long do you go on this escalation ladder right before you you try to figure out what the Strategic end is so for example there's no doubt that Iran has been uh instigating agitating arming and.

Supplying the uh characters the Hamas guys in Gaza certainly hisb all over the place the houth all all the other characters so um what is is getting them it got them to where they are last night an ineffective major strike that appeared to have used most of their High cards at one time so um Israel I would think would recognize this it was.

Ineffective but Israel also knows they don't have an endless supply of ammo in the locker who knows how many missiles were shot to knock down these 300 and some incoming projectiles they're already strapped dealing with it they're again they're up to their necks right in uh in Gaza and the risk of not just a two-front war maybe with heala but now a.

Three front uh makes this I think a bit of a challenge and there are a lot of aspirations to do this or that but I think realism is probably going to take hold here sooner than later and they're going to say okay what do we want to achieve at the highest level and how do we work down rather than start at the bottom with another let's go smack them.

Back again which they could do but again is that going to change the the Strategic picture I don't think so at all so bottom line G7 leaders have to get involved because I'm just getting word that Biden did meet with them we're going to talk about it in just a second you've been a part of those highlevel meetings final thoughts on how allies.

Need to get involved here well it's been very interesting to to see uh the folks that came together uh in support of Israel last night immed the extent to which they did that I don't know uh Jordan in particular uh for King Abdullah uh there's not this was not without some risk to him given his population but then again these projecs.

Were coming over his territory and he has every right in the world to to knock them down but it was all contributing so U I know there's a lot of unrest amongst the G7 and others with Israel you know how many people are dying how many you know to to what extent are uh they executing their War plans in a manner that will not only achieve their.

Objectives but try to minimize casualties lots of discussion so I know there they're mixed feelings however um the reality is that Iran is the destabilizing element throughout the Middle East they've been causing trouble since back before my time out there it's it continues today and at some point in time seems to me that the those that.

Want to Ally whether they're formal allies or not but a coalition of the willing and interested to come together to send a message to Iran that enough is enough you've got to knock this stuff off and by the way we've got some capabilities that could hurt you uh it don't want to be threatening but at some point it seems to me we have to.

Gather enough uh momentum uh to get a message across that this is just a losing proposition for them but I think the other thing is that we we need to be very mindful of the reality of today that the alignment between Iran and Russia for example in the supplies they've been providing to Russia directly to the Ukraine war and other.

Other entities is is really problematic in the world and that plays in that plays into everything you have Iran and China and Russia Yeah you mentioned China really really good point so the Chinese have been pretty Cy about this but there's little doubt that they've been supporting Russia and that they're the three of them are working together.

In parallel uh to support Russia's uh AIMS in Ukraine blatant aggression no doubt about it and so Iran I think might have picked up another lesson last night and that is look around did anybody come to Iran support no help last night seemed to me most everybody was on on the other side so that may be the start of a message and I think if President.

Biden could do something today get the people to get together think about it let's why don't we get our act together here and and come up with a univ the perfect segue because I was just handed a note saying that the White House is confirming with us that G7 leaders uh have come together with the president condemning Iran's attack uh in this.

Meeting they just they they just had Stay With Me Bill if you don't mind I'd like you to listen in if we could take it uh right to the white house uh with this information uh White House correspondent Mary Al Alis Parks is just bringing us uh what we have here uh straight from the White House Mary Alis what can you tell us now about uh.

Especially as the Admiral and I were sitting here just talking about how will other leaders respond to this attack it looks like the G7 is is on is is right there with the United States absolutely car that is the message they want to send that this is a united front standing with Israel that was a big part of the message from the.

White House all morning uh we heard the National Security spokesperson John Kirby out there on the morning show saying that it wasn't just the US the UK as well while sending assets actively working overnight to help Israel defend itself you know I can tell you I still see the Marine guard there standing out in front of the West Wing that means the.

President we know is still in the West Wing he's been there all morning the White House releasing that photo of the president there in this situation room with the Secretary of State Anthony blinkin sitting by his side and you can see the other G7 leaders there on the screen uh we heard last night the president called for this emergency.

Meeting of the G7 and then it was really important that that they were showing like I said this sort of united front uh that they were working with Israel and and that it worked I mean that has been the message from this white house all morning that that they can feel good about the defense systems around Israel we know that in the call for instance.

Last night between the president and prime minister uh Netanyahu that the president wanted to essentially convey his congratulations a bit of a sire of relief after so much incoming they stood strong uh the defense systems there worked over Israel the the US capabilities helping Israel shoot down those drones uh out of the sky uh worked.

A bit of relief and and a signal back to Iran just like you were talking about with the Admiral there a signal back to Iran uh that they stood strong and that they were able to keep the damage to such a such a a small um sort of minimal damage there got it Mary Ellis parks there from the White House Admiral Bill Fallon always great to see thank you so.

Much for your Insight appreciate it we're going to take a quick break right back what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters This our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear.

Reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work.

Hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you David good to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David M I know you are watch you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast can you believe it it's 25 years of breakfast and bed surprising.

Moms Across America oh my oh my goodness and for our 25th anniversary we're making it the biggest surprise yet a full-on breakfast and fed Extravaganza like you have never seen before so go to good morning or scan this QR code to find out how to enter a deserving mom you love for breakfast and.

Bed why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start.

Here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here hey welcome back glad you're with us as we continue to follow the breaking news after that unprecedented attack by have by Iran on Israel President Biden uh meeting with G7 leaders we are.

Starting to get in more information from from that Gathering our J O'Brien has been following it as well as our senior National policy reporter and flare for more we were able to uh touch base with Mary Alice parks there at the White House an uh what more do you know about Biden uh and how he's called this meeting to try and coordinate uh a.

Diplomatic response and it looks like uh right now according to the results of what has happened so far uh G7 leaders uh pretty much working side by side with Biden on the thought that they do not want anything to escalate uh any further yeah this is good news Cara because what it means is that diplomacy is moving forward we know that uh when military.

Generals start talking that's when diplomacy has failed right now they are leaving it up to these G7 leaders to try to get some sort of international response um and that's a good sign because then that means that Israel might be considering holding back uh some sort of military response in favor of sort of a.

Multilateral um alliance with other countries to say you know this is what we want from Iran we want Iran to stand down so certainly that's going to be favorable to any kind of military response that would escalate uh the tensions in the region we know that 3,400 US troops are stationed in Iraq and Syria and that's what US officials.

Are most concerned about are those soldiers Airmen Sailors getting caught in those crosshairs they really want to try to protect those us service members they do not want to see an escalation of this Cara Jay what kind of response are we getting from the hill I mean last night uh throughout the night we have heard by.

From Senators uh members of Congress um all very concerned about what Iran could do next but uh joining forces very much so knowing that uh I don't think anyone there up on the hill wants to see this go any deeper yeah from Republicans and Democrats a lot like the sentiment has been strong support for Israel in this moment we've even heard House.

Republicans say that they want to move an aid package for Israel onto the house floor for a vote early this coming week that was something that was not scheduled to happen the calendar of the house has been changed Steve scalise the majority leader there says in order to make that happen exactly what that Aid package looks like at this hour we do.

Not know the Senate passed a $95 billion foreign aid package that has aid for Ukraine and for Israel that has languished in the house Speaker Mike Johnson has not brought it up for a vote so does this package have aid for Ukraine potentially to make it more attractive to Democrats that's something we're chasing down today some.

Republicans believe that it might or is it just a standalone package that includes military assistance for Israel in which case what would its chances be in the Senate where Democrats have said look they believe this is a dire moment not just for Israel but for us allies across the globe which includes Ukraine so and Iran's Envoy to the UN.

Already warning that this is a conflict between Iran and Israel and making it very clear America should stay far away from this yeah and Cara we're waiting to hear get an update from the White House on exactly what they're telling uh what White House officials are telling Israel behind closed doors but what you can imagine what they're saying is that look.

Right now you have the world on your side you had jordanians helping you knock down these uh drones and these missiles you had us and UK fighters in the air uh intercepting the these missiles and you know you've got everybody on your side let's not change that so keep in mind two weeks ago we were talking about whether or not Biden.

Would condition military aid uh this is exactly why he was reluctant to he wanted Israel to be able to defend himself Kira Jay an thank you so much our continuing coverage uh continues after this break why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to.

Be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see.

Coming wherever you get your podcasts start here with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of television first thing in the morning there's a lot going on get another.

Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose.

Started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live right now there's just so much happening in our world so much at stake at the start of every morning making sense of it all that's not always so easy and that's where we come in Good.

Morning America we want you to know every morning we're right here and we got you ABC News America's number one news source reporting from the Federal District Courthouse in Washington DC I'm Terry Moran wherever the news is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live and hello everyone glad you are.

Continuing to stay with us as we follow breaking news throughout the day this unprecedented attack on behalf of Iran now has us asking what the impact could be on our markets and our oil prices our business correspondent Alexis christopherus is tracking that part of the story for us hey Alexis hey K unrest in the Middle East has Wall Street on.

High alert investors bracing for another spike in oil prices and a possible stock selloff when the opening bell sounds on Wall Street tomorrow stocks were already in sell-off mode last week and anticipation of Iran's attack against Israel stocks had their worst week of the year while oil prices climbed to a six-month High topping $90 a barrel a.

Level not seen since the early days of the Israel Hamas War analysts are now predicting oil prices could go as high as $130 a barrel as turmoil in the Middle East threatens oil supply in that region putting key shipping routes in Jeopardy and potentially sending gas prices and inflation soaring defense companies could see their stocks rally.

When trading resumes Monday as Nations now beef up their defense budgets in response to the heightened geopolitical risk and with most markets closed over the weekend crypto Traders were actually among the first to react to news of the attack by Iran but instead of piling into the digital asset as a safe haven in uncertain times Traders dumped crypto.

Handing Bitcoin its biggest selloff in more than a year though it has bounced back a bit today the conflict thousands of miles away for many a reminder of the interconnectedness of our Global markets it was just weeks ago US Stocks were rallying to record highs on hopes the FED would deliver three interest rate Cuts this year well those hopes were.

Dashed after new reports confirmed inflation is back on the rise and now the risk of a wider Regional war in the Middle East is pressuring Global stock markets sending investors running to the relative safety of bonds gold and the US dollar Kira all right Alexis appreciate you thank you we continue to follow the Fallout.

Now after Iran launched that unprecedented and direct attack on Israel explosions lighting up the sky as Iran launched hundreds of drones and cruise missiles in retaliation for that Israeli strike on Iran's Consulate in Syria Israeli Defense Forces saying the government could decide on a potential response as soon as within the next few.

Hours Israel convening its War cabinet this hour as well considering all the options Iran's President also saying that it's taught Israel a lesson and warning that any retaliation would be met with a heavier and regretful response President Biden also meeting with G7 leaders who condemn the attack and reaffirm their support for Israel's.

Sovereignty we'll have more on that meeting as well we'll be right back this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee Cent Putin's Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 storm along I Boston is in the bullseye let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news.

Anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast.

Honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you.

Need to know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news music and of course good food a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that they're the most mysterious creatures on Earth they're masterminds shape.

Shifters they're just so incredibly alien and yet more like us than we ever could have imagined what more do they have to tell us reporting from the US Mexico border in California I'm Jaclyn Lee wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News.

Live this week with George Stephanopoulos starts right now breaking overnight Iran and its proxies attack launching hundreds of drones and missiles towards Israel from its own territory for the first time all the latest from Brit Clinton and Martha RIT Plus White House National Security spokesman John Kirby and Global Affairs.

Expert fared Zakaria historic trial these are felony crimes in New York State no matter who you are jury selection begins Monday in Donald Trump's Manhattan election interference case the first criminal Tri of a former American president the whole thing is a disgrace and it's a disgrace to our nation kki previews the weeks of.

Courtroom Drama head and Republican Governor Chris tunu responds plus abortion upheaval it's a near total ban no exceptions for rape or incest the Arizona Supreme Court upholds a Civil War era abortion ban women could die as a result of this decision Democrats seize the issue blame Donald Trump Donald Trump is the architect of.

This Healthcare crisis this morning Rachel Scott reports on the political Fallout plus reaction from Democratic senator Tina Smith and our Powerhouse Roundtable from ABC News it's this week here now George Stephanopoulos good morning and welcome to this week as we come on the air this morning the US has condemned Iran's Air.

Attack on Israel the first ever direct attack from Iran on Israel retaliation for Israel's recent recent attack on the Iranian Consulate in Syria which killed several top Iranian officials it had been telegraphed for days Israel and its allies including the US were ready most of the incoming fire hundreds of drones Crews and ballistic missiles was.

Intercepted and there are signs this warning from both Iran and Israel that this round of fighting is over and a wider War may have been prevented for now but the region remains a Tinder Box Brit clanet starts us off from Jerusalem good morning Brit Good morning George yeah overnight Iran launched a massive air strike on Israel.

Including 170 drones 30 cruise missiles and over 120 ballistic missiles that's according to the IDF in the early hours of the morning here George the sky over Jerusalem it it was lit up by rockets and drones we heard the Roar of fighter jets overhead and people here urge to take shelter as air raid sirens blared across the country at the IDF saying.

Israel's Iron Dome system and Air Force intercepted some 99% of the projectiles deeming it a significant strategic success and Israel says some of the missiles did hit Israel causing minor damage to an air base but no casualties reported so far one girl is in critical condition it's not clear whether she was injured by Falling debris the IDF saying.

That as well as from Iran the launchers also coming from Iraq and Syria Israel's uh allies France the UK and the us all helping to thwart this assault Iran says this is their response to an Israeli strike on their diplomatic building in Syria earlier this month that killed top commanders but this this is the first time Iran has directly targeted from.

Iranian soil until now it has used its array of regional proxies to engage Israel George and and Brit there does seem to be signs from both Iran and Israel this morning that they're trying to contain this matter yeah so this morning the top general of the Iranian forces told an Iranian news agency that the military.

Response was over and that they have no intention of continuing the operation against Israel but prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a message on social media today saying we intercepted we blocked together we will win meanwhile Netanyahu is convening his War cabinet later today to discuss the next move that Israel will take and really.

George the world waiting to see the impact of this unprecedented strike George I'm not sure I'm not sure this is the right word Brit but how normal does it feel there this morning you know it's still tense it was a long evening when I spoke to people before uh this strike they seemed kind of unfaced because they said Israel is.

Used to this but certainly people are on edge now and and there's this fear that there could be a back and forth from Iran to Israel and that it could escalate out of control okay BR clinet thanks this morning our chief Global Affairs anchor Martha RIT Martha thanks for joining us this morning let's pick up on what Iran is saying last night is.

The US was involved in those defensive operations last night we're getting a warning from Iran against further us involvement exactly George they say the operation is concluded but Iran's mission to the UN said however should the Israeli regime make another mistake Iran's response will be considerably more severe it is a conflict between.

Iran and the Rogue Israeli regime from which the US must stay away uh in capital letters there you see of course Iran had also warned the us not to be involved in the defense of Israel President Biden basically said we will protect Israel and that was an extraordinary show of defensive capability last night that was a massive.

Attack it is so lucky and and skilled that they were able to shoot down those drones those missiles more than 300 the US early last night thought there might be four or 500 missiles and drones headed for Israel so this is not over as you say George and I do think you will likely see some sort of response from Israel because no one.

Was injured because there was no infrastructure damage I believe it will probably just aim at military facilities in Iran but Netanyahu will be under a lot of pressure domestically to uh retaliate for that strike uh aimed at Israel it's the first time that has happened you know we all watched brick Clinton last night that was a very scary.

Situation watching those missiles and drones over Jerusalem headed for a military facility but over Jerusalem this is a country that is also been undergoing trauma since October 7th of course so I think you're going to see a population that is worried about this no one wants escalation but I think Israel will likely respond yeah no question.

It's incredibly scary but it also seems pretty carefully choreographed at least so far on all sides I I think it is carefully choreographed but again it it it it was a matter of if they had hit something that choreography would go away I think there would have been a much much stronger response everyone is happy this morning that the escalation.

Is not greater than it was but there still could be that retaliatory strike again choreographed Iran certainly knew that a lot of its Armament a lot of the weapons would be intercepted by the US and the UK and France and everybody else who was who was involved in that and Israel they probably planned for that and they again had targeted and they.

Make clear that they targeted only military facilities I don't think Iran wants a great escalation either because that's probably something they would lose uh if this does turn very bad uh so I think this morning the heat is definitely off but not over okay Marthur rtis thanks very much let's bring in the president's top Communications advisor.

On National Security John Kirby John thanks for joining us this morning what's your assessment of the situation right now well obviously an extraordinary uh night uh with extraordinary results uh an unprecedented attack on Israel met with an unprecedented uh sense of resolve and.

Determination and Military capability but not only by Israel uh but by the United States and other partner Nations uh truly a successful night uh and due to a lot of skill a lot of professionalism and a lot of coordination across the board I mean the isra Israel succeeded in defending itself in the United States certainly.

Made good our commitment to help them do that do you believe the conflict has been contained that's G to I think we're g to we'll know a little bit more uh in coming days uh as the president has made clear we uh everything he's been doing since October 7th has been to try to keep uh this from becoming a wider.

Regional war and pre-positioned forces uh even in the last few days uh destroyers and fighter squadrons into the region to help Israel defend itself to keep it from uh becoming a wider War to keep it from escalating further uh so we'll obviously be vigilant to any threat coming forward and and making sure that uh that we're meeting that.

Need the the the President also called on Iran not to retaliate but they did anyway what does that tell you well again uh what it tells me as I looked at last night what it tells me is that uh we can make good on our commitment to defend Israel it tells me that Israel does have Superior military capability just think about the hardware.

That Iran threw into the sky uh and how little damage that caused I mean that's a real Testament to how strong the IDF is it also tells me and it should tell everybody else that Israel is not alone uh that this was a coalition put together to help Israel defend itself uh Iran is just increasingly further isolated in the region but it walk us.

Through the president's conversations with Netanyahu is he still warning him against escalation in Gaza and what was his direct message on this proposed retaliation from Iran the main message was we're with you uh you know he congratulated the Prime Minister on an extraordinary achievement and success last night but also to.

Reiterate that the United States is going to continue to help Israel defend itself that's a commitment going back many many administrations and and the president believes wholeheartedly in it um and obviously uh the the president was interested in getting the prime minister's perspectives on what happened uh I won't get ahead of what the Prime.

Minister and the war cabinet will or won't do uh but the the president the Prime Minister had a good discussion largely about the extraordinary success uh of last night again look as I said earlier the president's been very clear publicly so uh we don't seek a war with Iran we don't seek an escalated uh re uh tensions in the region we don't we don't.

Seek a wider conflict and everything he's been doing literally since the 7th of October uh has been designed to to that outcome last night former president Trump called President Biden A demented Tyrant adding that Israel would not have been attacked on his watch your response I I won't get into comments from the campaign Trail George you know.

I can't do that but think about this uh the commander-in-chief President Biden first first one to go to Israel in the in the midst of a war just after October 7th on the ground uh while Israel was still reeling with the the effects of October 7th on the ground there uh and uh the this president ordered US forces actively to participate in the defense.

Of Israel actively shooting down missiles and drones from the sea and from the air I mean that's extraordinary that's leadership that's leadership not just in the world but it shows the power of American leadership around the world and what's the latest on the negotiations for a hostage release and possible.

Ceasefire still ongoing well actually the the negotiations they're wrapped up uh a week or so ago in Cairo uh when I meant ongoing what I meant is the exchange of information is still ongoing there is a proposal on the table uh that was arrived at with very careful diplomacy with our Israeli counterparts led by the CIA director Bill Burns it's.

On the table Hamas needs to take that deal it's a good deal it will get those hostages out at least the first trunch elderly sick women and it'll give us what'll be about a six week ceasefire to allow for an increase in humanitarian assistance uh it's time now to move that forward it's up to Hamas uh we want them to take that deal John Kirby thanks very.

Much thank thank you joined Now by our former colleague fared Zakaria author of The Illuminating new book age of revolutions progress and backlash from 1600 of the president magisterial book we want to talk about that as well but let's start out with what is happening overnight has the world dodged a bullet here it has dodged a bullet but I.

Wouldn't I wouldn't rule out escalation yet because you know what's happened is on April 1st Israel broke a long-standing president and actually attacked you know Iranian territory the the uh in Syria the the the Iranian conselor uh building then the Iranians broke a long-standing tradition now and fired uh missiles directly at Israel.

Until now they had resisted both side had resisted doing that the question now becomes can Israel restrain itself from another attack because otherwise you get into a tit fortat this I you know without painting too many dark scenarios this is sort of how World War I began which is nobody wanted to get into the war but each side felt they couldn't.

Back down and so one side so you can imagine Israel feeling well we you know we we repel this attack but we got to do something then the Iranians feel like they have to do something and the great danger for the United States is that the United States gets dragged into what is otherwise a regional War which is clear the President Biden is doing everything.

Possible to avoid President Biden was counseling as far as I understand Israel not to make that strike on the Iranian uh uh Embassy facilities um so he has always been trying to from the start of this war president Biden has been trying to do something very hard which is show unqualified support for Israel and at the same time Council BB Netanyahu on a.

Less expansive aggressive strategy more targeted more discreet try to avoid uh the conflict spilling over it's a very tough balance because and he's now doing it on two fronts both with Iran and in Gaza exactly we have almost no influence with Iran so but what's interesting is so far I think it's fair to say that BB Netanyahu has gotten the upper hand in.

In each of these he Pockets the support but doesn't really listen to the the advice and I suspect you know that's happening even here and of course you know this does help prime minister Netanyahu because it shifts the focus from Gaza it brings the world in solidarity particularly the Western World in solidarity with Israel uh once.

More BB Netanyahu has found a way to you know get his way you know and this is all against the back of what you call one of the most revolutionary ages in history so where does this fit in so in a sense if you think about uh what Iran is doing what Russia is doing in Ukraine what China is is doing all of these countries are very are deeply.

Uncomfortable with the Western Le American Le liberal World Order and a lot of for them this is kind of an existential threat so they're pushing back in ways that they find they can you know the Russians do it in Ukraine that the the Chinese are trying to do it with regard to Taiwan and for Iran the strategy has always been to try to in.

Some way or the other use its array of proxies to push back against what it sees as an American Le Middle Eastern order um so there's a there's almost a kind of cultural Dimension to this they they don't just fear American power they fear American values you talk about culture we're seeing that here at home as well and you're saying that former.

President Trump and his kesy is a culmination not the cause of an identity politics Revolution explain what you mean by that so I think for the last 30 or 40 years in this country we have had an identity Revolution on on a scale most people don't realize I mean think about the role of women for thousands of years women were second class citizens.

And thank God that has changed in the last 30 or 40 years blacks Hispanics gays everyone is rising out of the Shadows into the mainstream that has unnerved a lot of people that has unsettled a lot of people and you're seeing a cultural reaction to it everywhere by the way Islamic fundamentalism is.

Fundamentally you know uh obsessed with the idea of the role of women bring put them back uh if you look at Christian nationalism similarly worried about the role of women if you look at the ultra Orthodox in Israel so there's a very broad cultural reaction against it Trump I've always said this Donald Trump is not a good businessman but he's a good.

Salesman and he can sense I think in that 2016 campaign he could sense where the crowd was and he realized the core issues were not as they had been for Republicans for decades economic issues there were cultural issues so this you say this is a global phenomenon can This Global phenomenon be contained this backlash it's it's it's up to the west.

To you know to have confidence in itself up to America to lead the West uh even Shen pin by the way has been giving speeches about how women have become too liberated they need to go back into the kitchen and and have more babies the the key challenge is in Ukraine probably even more than here but you know this is the big question for the future can the.

United States keep the West together believe you know continue to believe in our values and push back because if we don't those other forces are determined to unravel the the the Western Le liberal order American power and again American values what they what what Putin and she and the Iranian mulas fear is that Western liberal values are going.

To undermine their base of support So for them this is existential they're going to fight the question is are we going to fight back freed thanks as always it is a bracing book age of revolutions it's out right now thanks for coming in always a pleasure George up next Donald Trump's criminal trial opens tomorrow the first criminal trial.

Ever for a former president it's in Manhattan we'll have a preview from senior investigative correspondent AIC cki plus Trump supporter Governor Chris cunu of New Hampshire whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the.

Scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024.

Campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the.

Story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking.

News pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that me what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America we are part of an operation is this our combat Operation Center we're.

Approaching the gate militants came in from different directions nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag not a car how important it made the USA great work hi appreciate you is David David I'm David I know you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David M is America's most watched.

Newscast here was a story where's Kate what's going on with Kate of course the mystery of a missing woman an a royal doesn't get more fascinating than that then the moment that silenced everyone it's been a really difficult time I would argue that the royal family were already facing a crisis this Health crisis has given them probably their.

Biggest challenge the crown in crisis what is the relationship like between Harry and William today now streaming on Hulu reporting from Monteray Park California I'm Robin Roberts wherever wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live the prosecutors are going to put forth their case I'm just the narrator.

And rest assured Alvin brg and the prosecutorial team over at the district attorney of New York's office would not have brought this case unless they thought that they were were going to be successful that was Michael Cohen who will be a key and no doubt controversial witness as Donald Trump becomes the first former president to stand trial in.

A criminal case jury selection begins tomorrow in the New York case over Trump's payments in 2016 to porn actress Stormy Daniels prosecutors out to prove that the payments were part of a criminal scheme to protect Trump's campaign senior investigative correspondent Eric and turki has been tracking the case Good morning.

Aarin George good morning to you the country is about to witness something never seen before a former American president on trial as a criminal defendant in a case that could land him in prison the criminal trial former president Trump faces is nearly a decade in the making dating to his efforts to conceal long-denied claims he had sex.

With porn actress Stormy Daniels I relish the day that I get to face him and and speak my Truth at the time Trump's 2016 presidential campaign was being buffeted by this video in which Trump Was Heard boasting of grabbing women and when you're a star they let you do it you can do anything proc uors alleged Trump feared for his electoral.

Prospects if the public were to learn about Daniels so he dispatched his longtime fixer Michael Cohen to pay off and the indictment said Trump massed the payments as legal fees Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg said the whole scheme was part of Trump's campaign and illegal 34 false statements made to cover up other.

Crimes Trump was indicted a little more than a year ago he has denied wrongdoing and has attacked the case the prosecutor and the judge he's a Democrat judge he wants to do that because they're all trying to damage Trump as much as possible it's having the reverse effect the New York case begins a bizarre chapter in American political history As.

Trump faces a succession of indictments and wages a campaign to return to the White House from cour houses up and down the East Coast this is a wit CH it's a host but in recent weeks Trump has tried repeatedly to delay his Manhattan trial sending his lawyers day after day to an appeals court that has turned them back each time tomorrow the trial begins with.

Jury selection hundreds of New Yorkers have been summoned all of them will fill out a seven-page questionnaire asking whether they've ever attended a trump Rally or follow him on social media potential jurors will also be asked if they have firmly held beliefs about whether a former president can be charged with a crime you know jury.

Selection is largely luck it depends who you get George this courthouse is known by its address 100 Center Street it's where Mark David Chapman and admitted to killing John Lennon where Lenny Bruce faced obscenity charges and starting tomorrow where the first former American president to face criminal charges will.

Stand trial George Aaron kki thanks we're joined Now by New Hampshire Governor Chris anunu who worked against Donald Trump during the primaries has now endorsed the former president governor thank you for joining us this morning you bet history being made tomorrow that criminal trial will your support for Donald Trump continue even.

If he's convicted in Manhattan yeah I look look I this this trial is not going to have major political ramifications that a lot of people I think think it may have when it comes to these issues people see it more as reality TV at this point they they really do and so um you know whether it's a conviction or what that.

Conviction looks like um a lot of folks they conflate all four of these different trials that he's in I don't think it's good that he's going to be in the court uh have to be in there probably three days a week you know for for a number of weeks that takes him off the campaign Trail he'll probably go back on the campaign Trail and almost.

Like rehash what's going on he'll try to victim it um and and that has worked for him right I mean this has been going on for over a year and his poll numbers never seem to go down because of the issue well yeah you're going to politics though I'm asking you about right and wrong you think it's you're you're comfortable with the idea of supporting.

Someone who's convicted of a federal crime as president no I don't I don't think any American is a comfortable with any of this they don't like any of this of course but I mean when it comes to actually you know looking at at each of these trials um as they kind of take place whether it's this year or next year as they kind of.

Line up the the right now this is about an election right this is about politics that's what people are judging this on and that the ultimate you know decision will be will be in November to see where people are but for for months and even over a year we've heard that these are the things that are going to bring Donald Trump down it's not and to think.

That the American public is going to be massively swayed by this uh politically or otherwise um that's that's not going to happen I'm asking you're going to be I'm you're a governor you're an elected official asking whether you're going to be swayed by it yeah look nobody should be shocked that the Republican Governor is supporting the.

Republican president you know what the real story is the average American that has gone from Biden back to Trump the average American that is feeling inflation and all these other issues that says look through all this all the whether there's a conviction or not we want a culture change in Washington DC and will continue to support the former.

Pres former president Trump that's the real story right that Trump is leading in the polls Across America in in a lot of these different polls so no one should be surprised by by my support what I think the real discussion is you know America's moving away from Biden that's how bad Biden has become as president there's just no doubt about it.

Right you can't ignore inflation you can't ignore the border and say that that these issues in the courthouse are going to be the one thing that brings Biden back in into office it's not going to happen that way as you mentioned this is only one of several indictments the pre former president is facing uh perhaps the most consequential one of.

Course related to January 6th right after that January 6th attack I'm going to put this up on the screen you said it is clear that President Trump's rhetoric and actions contributed to the Insurrection the domestic terrorists Who attack the United States capital must be held accountable and prosecuted do you stand by that.

Statement 100% of course they have to be prosecuted and they are being prosecuted that's good I think he actually there was his his actions absolutely uh contributed to that there's no question about that I hate the election denialism of 2020 nobody wants to be talking about that in 2024 I think all of that was was absolutely terrible but what people are.

Going to be voting for what I'm why the reason I'm supporting not just the president but a republican Administration that's what this is they want a culture change in Washington all the rules and policies that Pound Down on the American people all the the the the wokeness right the fact that folks in Washington liberal Elites in.

Washington want to stand on the shoulders of hardworking American families that built this country defended this country and tell them how to live their lives they're angry they're upset that's the culture change that people want to see people are upset by January 6 they're upset by the election denial they have every right to.

Be I am but at the end of the day they need a culture change to get America back on track so but but but but but wait a second right there your your words were very very clear on January 11 2021 you said that President Trump's rhetoric and actions contributed to the Insurrection no other president in American history has contributed to an.

Insurrection so please explain given the fact that you believe he contributed to an Insurrection how you can say we should have him back in the Oval Office it's not because for me it's not about him as much it is the having a republican Administration Republican secretaries Republican rules a sense where State's rights comes first.

Individual rights comes first parents' rights comes first we're going to have a pro business economy we're not going to have a cancel culture that has really infiltrated all across America it's not about Trump with me it's about bringing those more right I'm the governor live fre or die State bringing that mentality back.

That doesn't make any sense to me Governor I'm sorry you're saying it's not about Trump you're saying he would be the president and you've said he's an ins someone who's contributed to an insurrection I understand it doesn't make sense to you George but look at the polls what you're telling me is you don't.

Understand why 51% of this country is supporting Donald Trump they're not crazy they're not Mega conservatives they're not extremists they want culture change so I I'm not talking the issue is I'm not talking about polls I'm asking you a very simple question you believe Donald Trump contributed to an.

Insurrection that's correct right I stand by the statement you stand by the statement that he contri Direction his and you you believe that someone you believe that a president who contributed to an Insurrection should be president again as does 51% of America George I mean really I I understand you're part of the media I understand you're in this.

New York City bubble or whatever it is but you got to look around what's happening across this country they're not it's not about just supporting Trump it's it's getting rid of what we have today it's about understanding infl is crushing families it's understanding that this border issue is not a Texas issue it's a 50 State issue right that.

Has to be brought under control it it's about that type of elitism that the average American is just sick and tired of and it's a culture change that's what I'm supporting that's what most of America right now is looking to support and want to change there that's so again I know you're you're shocked that the Republican Governor is supporting a.

Republican president and a republican ticket but it's about the ticket it's about up and down the ballot right I want Republican Governors and senators and congressmen and that that type of of culture if you will I keep going back to that because that's exactly what it is that's the change America is looking for and and they're not reli gating January.

6 it's not a top issue if you ask the average American is January 6 a top issue when you go into The Ballot Box not even in the top five it doesn't mean it's not wasn't a significant point doesn't mean we all weren't extremely disappointed by his words and actions doesn't mean we you know that we tap into this election denialism which I.

Believe very very I I think it's terrible what he's done on the election denial but again it's not a top issue people are voting on what's happening in their homes what's happening with inflation what's happening on the border right um that's real and that's what people are going to vote for so you're you're against the election denialism.

Which the president former president repeated last night you believe he contributed to the Insurrection on January 6 you believe it doesn't matter if he's convicted in the Manhattan case he's also facing another indictment over classified documents previously you've said these charges are serious and Trump should drop out of the race if he's.

Convicted do you still believe that well he look he in a primary look we we fought hard in the primary we got behind Nikki this is the chaos that Nikki Haley and I and others warned about was going to follow Trump and that is just a complete distraction I'd rather have Republicans on the campaign Trail talking about real issues than you know.

Having to talk about this stuff it's a complete distraction doesn't mean he's going to lose and doesn't mean people aren't going to support the Republican ticket because right now it looks like they are but that's the distraction we're all trying to avoid but I'm asking you a different question I'm asking you a different question I'm asking you a.

Different question because you said in the past that he should drop out if he's convicted in the classified documents case do you still believe that in the no no no no he's going to drop out after being the nominee of course not you know that that's that's not to be expected at all all of these cases by the way the average American it's all.

Conflated right we we watch this stuff we watch the details the average American sees it more as reality TV I'm not saying it's not there's not real issues to Bear there of course there are um but there's clearly politics to bear in some of these that is undeniable uh the average American just thinks it's more reality TV and and and prosecution.

Of him at this point he plays that victim card very very well his poll numbers only go up with this stuff so to think that this is some sort of deal breaker again I'll go back to where I started where people are going to say yep if he's convicted I'm walking away that's just not going to happen um at the end of the day they want that.

Culture change of the Republican party and if we have to have Trump as the standard Bearer and the voters decided that's what they wanted not what I wanted but what the voters what the Republic voters wanted if he's going to be the standard bearer of that we'll we'll we'll take it if we have to that's how badly America wants a culture change.

So so so so just to sum up you would you support him for president even he's convicted in classified documents you support him for president even though you believe he contributed to an Insurrection you support him for president even though you believe he's lying about the last election you'd support him for president even if he's.

Convicted in the Manhattan case I just want to say the answer to that is yes correct yeah me and 51% of America Governor thanks for your time this morning up next Arizona puts the abortion debate back in the spotlight Rachel Scott reports from the Battleground State plus Democratic senator Tina Smith joins us.

Live Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas edin BR Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in Warson we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the story as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll.

Take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four.

Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here here's to good mornings in America Can You Feel The Love oh yeah mornings that Inspire filled with hope.

Kindness joyous surprises and so much fun this is crazy this is absolutely crazy start your day with Good Morning America's ray of sunshine highlighting the best of America and helping make dreams come true wow you're just so happy is so good get ready to smile and put the good into your Morning America because you know what would make the.

Morning better a little ray of sunshine they're the most mysterious creatures on Earth they're masterminds shape shifters they're just so incredibly alien and yet more like us than we ever could have.

Imagin what more do they have to tell us the Arizona Supreme Court's decision to uphold a near total ban on abortions send shock waves across the country Rachel Scott was on the ground in Arizona has the latest on the Fallout for the 2024 elections it's already one of the most.

Closely watched Battleground States but a consequential ruling in Arizona upholding a 100 160-year-old near total ban on abortion now putting the issue at the center of the 2024 race this is 2024 not the 1800s and we're not going back Democrats trying to seize momentum putting these Billboards up around the state former.

President Donald Trump once vowed to sign a federal abortion ban now he says it's not necessary why should Americans trust your word that you would not do it now if you were reelected cuz we don't need it any longer longer because we broke roie Wade and we did something that nobody thought was possible we gave it back to the States and it's uh.

Working the way you're supposed to vice president kamla Harris firing back saying Trump cleared the way for 21 states to ban or restrict access to abortion by appointing three of the five Supreme Court Justices who overturn Row versus Wade Donald Trump just said the collection of State bands is quote working the way it is supposed.

To Trump has acknowledged abortion was a losing issue for republicans in the midterm and despite saying the issue should be left up to the states Trump on Friday Also writing in a social media post that the Arizona ruling went too far and calling on state leaders to remedy what has happened shame on you the Arizona State Legislature was.

Expected to swiftly repeal the law but Republicans blocked that effort doctors describing chaos and confusion I'm having patients who have received abortions last week call and say am I still going to be able to receive my followup care providers who perform abortions could face up to 5 years in prison is there a sense of fear among.

Abortion providers uh I I would say uh undoubtedly I didn't go to medical school to go to jail Arizona's Democratic attorney general Chris ma says she won't enforce the law but concedes she can't stop local prosecutors I would urge ER arizonans who are pregnant to make a plan and I can't believe I'm having to say that but.

It's time to make a plan for 60 days from now if something goes wrong if you need an abortion if you want an abortion start thinking about California and Nevada and New Mexico or Colorado now voters could ultimately decide this issue in November when Arizona and as many as 13 other states have abortion measures on the ballot including in.

Florida where a six-week ban is set to become law on May 1st abortion rights has won in all six states where it has been on the ballot including conservative States like Ohio Kansas and Kentucky I will promise you this the people of Arizona are going to make sure that this 1864 ban is buried forever in November.

When they pass a ballot initiative to enshrine abortion rights in our Constitution and we're joined Now by Senator Tina Smith of Minnesota thank you for joining us this morning senator you know we just heard what's happening in Arizona based on this Comstock law you're leading an effort in the house to repeal it any prospects for.

Success well you know first of all I just want to say George that American women are not going to be conned by Donald Trump and his comments about abortion we know that he is the one who is responsible for what's going on in Arizona and all over the country so that's the bottom line I think as we think about the election coming up with.

Regard to The Comstock act Co so this is a 150 yearold law that has been long relegated to the Dustbin of history and yet we can see Trump judges and even the United States Supreme Court raising this up uh as a reason why people shouldn't be able to get medication abortion through the mail so we have to pay attention to this and make sure that we.

Are doing everything that we can to protect people's rights to make their own decisions about their own bodies and their own lives is there anything more that President Biden could be doing now with exec action to protect those rights I'm really grateful that the president has done everything that he possibly can to protect people's rights.

And he's fighting right now to make sure that the fda's authority to make decisions about whether medications like Mya pyone are um that that their decision- making is what rules and not the decision of some Trump judge from uh Texas which is what's happening before The Supreme Court right now so I think that they're doing everything that they.

Can what we need to do is to win these elections so that we can put the protections of row um in law you you say that the American people will not be ConEd by Donald Trump but his position now is relatively clear isn't it saying this should be a state-by-state issue well so think about what that.

Means exactly first of all he said that he is the person who is proudly responsible for overturning row that is what has caused all of this chaos and um cruelty to the one and three American women who live in states where abortion is now basically banned the other thing he said just a couple of days ago is that these State bands are working the.

Way they should so ask a woman in um Arizona or Texas whether she thinks this is working for her because for her this isn't a political discussion this is about her personal life and her decisions that she can make for herself about her own life so I think that his position is totally clear he is responsible for these abortion bans and.

I think he's going to be held accountable for that come the election in November given what you think is the power of this issue uh and everything else we've seen over the course of this election how do you explain the fact that Donald Trump is either tied or ahead of President Biden in most polls well you know there's so much um.

Talk about these polls right now I've been uh working you know I started out in politics working as an organizer and going door too talking to my community and so I know that what matters is that choice that people are faced with when they actually cast their vote and uh that is what's going to make all the difference in the world and on this.

Issue on the issue of abortion rights the choice couldn't be more clear right you have Joe Biden and KLA Harris who are fighting to protect people's freedom and Donald Trump who's responsible for taking it away Senator Smith thanks for your time this morning thank you round tables up next we're back in a.

Moment whenever wherever news breaks it's so so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo Uvaldi Texas Edinburgh Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in warsong we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live.

Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live what's good to watch read where can I get a great deal and what just dying to buy oh it's all right here GMA life get the latest celebrity Buzz Deals and Steals and the coolest lifestyle tips from GMA I love that so much streaming.

Weekends on ABC News live why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls a news podcast worth.

Listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here get ready America every Friday the hottest Trends Styles and must tab what's the right stuff to buy right now I really love that it's time to buy the right stuff yes and save big.

Time too The Right Stuff Fridays on GMA you're going to love it here's to good mornings in America can you feel the oh yeah mornings that Inspire filled with hope kindness joyous surprises and so much fun this is crazy this is absolutely crazy start your day with Good Morning America's ray of sunshine highlighting the best of America and.

Helping make dreams come true wow I'm feel so happy it's so good get ready to smile and put the good into your Morning America because you know what will make the morning better a little r of sunshine here was a story where's Kate's what going on with Kate of course the mystery of a missing woman and a royal doesn't get more fascinating than that.

Then the moment that silenced everyone it's been a really difficult time I would argue that the royal family were already facing a crisis this Health crisis has given them probably their biggest challenge the crown in crisis what is the relationship like between Harry and William today now streaming on Hulu Roundtable here we'll be right.

Back why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start.

Here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America we are part of an operation is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate militants came in.

From hi apprciate is David DAV ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast reporting in Atlanta Georgia outside the Fulton County Courthouse I'm M win wherever the story is will take you there you're streaming ABC News live this is not about parents who just let their kid watch violent movies play.

Violent video games this is about parents who neglected their son ignored his cries for help then bought him a gun the first parents in America to be charged in a school shooting they purchased that gun for him and bragged about it you don't get to walk away from that that's a criminal act sins of the parents the crumbly trials the opposite.

Of love is not hate it's just being ignored and the party we are very much looking forward to that historic day in November because we are going to grow the House Majority we're going to win the United States Senate and we're going to win back the White House as well we're getting along very well with the speaker and it's not not an easy.

Situation for any speaker I think he's doing a very good job he's doing uh about as good as you're going to do former president Trump Mike Johnson speaker of the house on Friday at Mar Lago let's talk about this and many other things along on the round table with former DNC chair Don of Brazil former RNC chair Trump white house chief.

Of staff Ryan Prius the executive editor of the associate of press Julie Pace and Washington Post Congressional reporter Mariana Soto mayora Mariana let me begin with you you cover Congress every single day speaker Johnson has been in some trouble got that Lifeline for president Trump isn't enough we're about to find out this week it's going to be a.

Consequential week for the speaker as well as House Republicans they were always going to tackle the question of whether to send funding to Ukraine and Israel given just the developments of the last 24 hours it is imperative now for many House Republicans who are trying to potentially delay that question to address it margorie Taylor.

Green has said before that if Johnson sends any funding bill to Ukraine that that is what's going to trigger this motion to vacate even though Trump has already said you know I stand with the speaker I think he's doing a good job in a very tough situation we're really going to see all of this play out by the end of the you think he ended it I think.

So I think two things one Republicans almost all of us understand that getting rid of speaker Johnson is complete stupidity number one and the Republicans would risk losing the House Majority and third I think we've had enough of the circus in the house with this stuff and president Trump knows it.

His campaign knows it and that's why he's putting a lid on it what a week in abortion politics Don to Brazil with that decision from the Arizona Supreme Court is this uh the magic bull the Democrats believe it is it's something that all women should be concerned about George I've never heard from my nieces the way I've heard from.

Them over the last couple of months because they live in the south and where where will women go when their IVF is banned when they are worried about birth control when they're worried about whether or not if something got forbid is to happen could they receive Medical Care yes isn't a galvanizing issue for American who who are concerned about.

Reproductive Rights and Freedom absolutely will Democrats make sure that those victims those women who are having these horrifying experiences you get to tell their story absolutely and who's responsible Donald Trump he owns it he brags about it and we're going to remind the American people the former president thought he put this behind him by coming.

Out of this by coming up with the state's rights solution according to him well then the timing is remarkable because just a few days later you see what happens when you leave this issue to the states which is what he says he wants to do and you have a state that takes this position Which is objectively far outside of the mainstream of where.

Most Americans are even those who support restrictions on on abortion and then to have it happen in a state that is going to be so consequential to this election and I think if you look at the map that you showed earlier of where the politics and where voters have been on this you know really they have come down on one side over the course of the last.

Several months which is on upholding rights uh for for abortions you have seen two elections in a row where this abortion issue seem to really Propel Democrats rights it's a LIF line to the Democrats there's no doubt about it and Republicans have not been able to get themselves out of the mud I think president Trump did take the the POS the.

Position that he had to take uh and the Republicans have to do a better job of winning the hearts and minds of these voters because where the Democrats have had success is convincing people that any regulation on abortion is an affront to their civil rights when 80% of the American people believe that abortion in the third trimester is wrong 66% of the.

American people think abortion after the first trimester is wrong that's where Republicans need to be but until they can get their message together this has been a Lifeline to the Democrats and I think president Trump what you saw is that he understood it and he wanted to move on from it no it's punishment when a when a 12 or third trimester a 12 or.

13 year old girl who didn't know she was pregnant we're talking about the third trimester here great you want to get third second trimester let women make this decision trust women to make this decision and this is not a Democrat or Republican this is an American Freedom issue for women we fought for this right to be able to make a decision based on.

Our own bodies and you want to get into the technicality I said you men want to tell us what to do with our bodies you want to tell us how long our period should last you want to tell us how long we should be pregnant where we can go if we need IVF treatment no I'm hearing it now thank God I'm not Sarah in the Bible she had a baby in her 60s so I I am.

Grateful that I'm beyond those ages but I am concerned that my nieces are being given less rights to choose and to go back to an 1860 era when my great grandmother barely just got her Freedom hell no we're not going back and this is going to be like the mag movement it's a movement where women are sick and tired of men telling us what to do with our.

Bodies no no one wants to go back to 1864 but the question for Democrats the question for Democrats is at what point should there be a regulation is it halfway through the pregnancy is it 2third is there any place in this conversation where there is a moment in time that abortion should be regulated Health should be the priority her health.

We have to we so hard about the health of woman challenge that Republicans have right now though 30th week J health of a woman the challeng that Republicans have right now is that when you do look at polls you're you're right there are the majority of Americans supports are open to some restrictions but you're talking about third trimester and you look at.

Florida six we ban you look at what happened in Arizona these are positions that are outside of the the the where most Americans are right now and Republicans have not been able to get out of the ditch on this issue because they're framing it in these early stages and they're not finding a position that the majority of American support you see.

Anything happening in Congress this year on this or is this all about November no I mean Republicans especially in the house who have the majority have been saying for a long time since the moment that they did not win in 2020 with the bigger margins that they thought they would we cannot have a vote on any kind of federal legislation on abortion.

Because they will lose the majority Julie we enter knew world tomorrow first former president ever to face a criminal trial what should we expect it's pretty remarkable we're going to go through this procedural uh Act of selecting a jury and and something that many of us have sat through being on a jury before and yet it's going to be for a trial of.

A former president of the United States we've literally never seen this before and Trump is going to use this courtroom and other courtrooms to come as really the centerpiece of his campaign it's worked for him through the primary I think the question now will be how that sliver of moderate voters that sliver of persuadable Voters will react to seeing.

Him in this sense that's what I don't want to bring to rice rice do you believe that the former president needs either an acquittal or a misrial or do you think a conviction won't matter either I think in this case in particular it's the most political uh case of them all and I think people see that the attorne the US attorney didn't.

Take it previous da didn't take it Federal Election Commission didn't move forward with it and it only takes one juror and the question that I don't think a lot of people are talking about is well but that's what I'm asking you I I understand I understand what happens if there's a mistrial but and I understand what happens if he's AED I.

Think you're right that both of those could potentially help him politically I'm asking you about a conviction yeah I don't think in this particular case um it's going to move much but again when there's only a 100,000 people deciding the outcome of an election I don't think anyone can say with definitive proof one way or the other.

Donna well I think all of these trials are important and this is the first time we've never been here before dor so I don't know the Playbook but I understand that Donald Trump is going to come out every day and just you know try to you know pour hot water on the proceedings look I I don't want to get into the lurec details of what may have may not.

Have happened and what records might have been falsified but to have a sitting president of the United States in court for three or 4 days a week when you should be out there meeting the voter talking to the people about the issues that that they're concerned about that is a loss a net loss and that's why Joe Biden is making tremendous gains in.

The pole not enough to overtake anybody but enough to show that he's ready to compete completely Uncharted all day thank God thank you all very much we'll be right back whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at War en rolling for this tornado tore through this town from Leon Maine the scene of for horrific.

Mass shooting from the scene of that deadly missile strike ABC News live everywhere in Iceland let's go on the 2024 campaign Trail here at 10 Downing Street wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere why do so many people.

Start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your.

Daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here first thing in the morning there's a lot going on yet another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning what's happening today escalating tensions in.

The Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live here was a story where's Kate's.

What's going on with Kate of course the mystery of a missing woman an a royal doesn't get more fascinating than that then the moment that silenced everyone it's been a really difficult time I would argue that the royal family were already facing a crisis this Health crisis has given them probably their biggest challenge the crown in crisis.

What is the relationship like between Harry and William today now streaming on Hulu that is all for us today thanks for sharing part of your Sunday with us check out world news tonight and I'll see you tomorrow on GMA to be the most watched newscast in.

America an operation to cap Isis fighter is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in.

It how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate than D than is David David yes yes I'm David M I know you are watch you every.

Night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watch newscast it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know we know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good.

Food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoons for everything you need to know I love that this is ABC News live the crush famili on the ground in Ukraine ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 20 47 straight to you for free thank you for.

Making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news reporting from Harvard University I'm Selena Wayne wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live all G7 countries aligned with President Biden now condemning Iran's unprecedented and direct attack on.

Israel hello everyone I'm Kira Phillips if you're just tuning in we are glad you are with us as we continue to follow breaking news all throughout the day Biden and the G7 now standing together demanding that Iran and its proxies seize all coordinated attacks after those explosions lit up the sky in Iran launching hundreds of drones and cruise.

Missiles in retaliation for the Israeli air strike on Iran's Consulate in Syria we are getting new video of Iran missiles now going over the Dome there the rock of Jerusalem Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Forces behind closed doors working on a strategy and hopefully a potential response that we could learn more about that should.

Happen within the next few hours Iran's President also declaring that his country has now taught Israel a lesson also warning that any counter attack would be met with a heavier and regretful response we have full team coverage from the Middle East from here in Washington uh all the way to overseas and we begin with President.

Biden G7 leaders and a show of force White House correspondent Mary Alice Park joining us now uh as we begin things with the G7 leaders saying that they are standing tall and standing ready uh to take further measures to support President Biden yeah K I just got off a call with a senior Administration official who made it very.

Clear that the G7 was working in lock step they wanted to present a united front saying that they were standing with Israel not only proud of a successful uh Mission overnight to defend Israel working actively to help defend uh Israel shoot all of those drones out of the sky uh but also the G7 making clear in their statements that.

Iran will be held accountable in some way for this massive attack I mean the senior Administration official really underscoring just the scope and breadth of what isra experienced overnight saying that it was on the higher end of what even the US uh was planning for and preparing for and expecting uh but again reinforcing what they called a.

Spectacular military success and defense capabilities from Israel and the United States I mean just remarkable that regardless of this unbelievable attack from Iran hardly any damage I mean a real a real uh Testament to the defense capabilities there now in terms of what the G7 could be thinking about uh we're talking about things like potentially.

More sanctions of course it does not mean that the US in any way would be involved with a military response back now from Israel uh the senior Administration official making that very clear that would not be in line with us policy that that has been relayed to the Israelis uh but that doesn't mean the G7 might not be working on some other kind.

Of more economic response after last night yeah that's true and President Biden is uh pressuring Israel to to Reign it in and these taac ICS particularly in Gaza could this attack change the administration's posture in any way shape or form I think hard to know at this stage but you're exactly right that this comes.

After the president has had really tough conversations with prime minister Netanyahu about Israel's tactics in Gaza uh we know that they're still planning to have more conversations for example on Israel's plans in southern Gaza in Rafa we've been asking the White House about that all day today they said they're still going to keep having those.

Conversations uh with Israel but it you're exactly right that the president knew that after especially after the last few weeks the tougher conversations he has had with Israel it was so important that when Israel was under attack again the president wanted to make clear to the world that the US was standing with him and not with with.

Israel not only we saw of course last night the president doing that diplomatically on the phone with Benjamin Netanyahu but of course militarily I mean us Airmen in the air working to make sure that Israel was safe shooting those objects down from the sky when we just got word that the president uh called members of the.

Specific fighter squadrons to thank them congratulate them for their work on keeping Israel safe that was clearly the priority from the White House today all right White House correspondent mar mar Ellis Parks thank you so much I appreciate it all right let's bring in our brick clinet along with WABC New York's Josh is he's there in Jerusalem.

With more Brit let's talk about the latest first on this potential Counterattack from Israel do we know exactly what the options are at this point yeah look here I I think everyone wants to know what Israel's next chess move will be Netanyahu has convened the war cabinet now to discuss the options and as far as we we know there are some.

That are for a big reaction and some are against it it's not clear though where Netanyahu stands but any Israeli response that can be said uh could trigger another rounde of attacks from Iran and Teran has made it clear that it will respond so the danger of escalation and an all allout war becomes very real it is unclear at this moment Kira how.

Israel plans to respond but War cabinet minister Benny Gans he said that it will exact a price for Iran's attack when the timing is right he said and Cara earlier I spoke to IDF spokesperson Peter Lerner he was tight lipped on what the response would be but when I asked him you know whether they you know wouldn't respond or whether they might resp respond in a.

A significant way he said they are exploring every option in between he said that they have a range of measures uh that they have offered up to uh the government and they're letting the political Echelon decide on the next steps to take he was Keen to show that last night was really Testament not just to Israel's capabilities to defend.

Itself but also to uh how United they stand with the United States so Josh how have things been uh for you uh from last night I know you and Britt both have been working around the clock uh just from tonight into the morning describe what it's like there that who you've been able to talk to and your sense of where things stand at this.

Hour well you know Kira one thing that's really remarkable almost as remarkable as the the sheer fact that this attack was so you know unsuccessful at causing the damage that Iran clearly wanted it to cause is the fact that a day later you know the buildings are all still standing buildings that have been here for you know thousands of years all.

Still standing but it is true that a lot has changed in the bigger picture uh of of the the the the Middle East uh crisis if you will uh everyday Society has moved on people were in the pool at the hotel where you today uh people go to the grocery store the government has moved on traffic is out and about people are at work uh we have a a gentleman.

That we've been working with who's been driving us around he was telling us that you know people he's talking to uh aside from talking about politics as they ordinarily would they're just going about their day and that is something that I think is really emblematic of just Israeli Society in general this was no doubt a an unprecedented attack but.

It was yet another in an endless string of crises that they've had to face and that they have come out on the other side and I think that's how a lot of people seem to see it today well and Josh Aon is warning a heavier response to any potential counter uh Counterattack what's the reaction there where you.

Are you know it's funny because that actually gets to the public opinion when it comes Kira to Benjamin Netanyahu and his current standing among Israeli voters you know he has taken an enormous hit in terms of solidarity and unity behind him that was quite strong after October 7th but in the in the months since in the months that the war against.

Hamas in Gaza has plotted along with the Bloodshed and the standing dropping around the world of Israel's reputation the fact that 133 hostages eight of whom are American are still not home uh you know this is something that has angered a lot of people here we went to a protest yesterday in Tel Aviv protest uh of you know where tens of thousands of.

People turned out hoping that he will face early elections and be turfed out of office and a lot of people we spoke to said they actually are blaming him for the situation with Iran it was of course the action of Israel to to attack that Consulate in syyria that led to this in the first place and so if he proceeds down that path yet again it.

Will hurt his standing and Israeli public opinion will will be that much more enraged Kira all right Josh Brit both of whom are in uh Jerusalem there for us appreciate you both joining us now our Ann FL she's over there at the Pentagon while Jay O'Brien is up on the hill for us a lot of angles to cover and the US military sure got involved last.

Night shooting down those Iranian drones via strike Fighters what's next for our US forces if anything yeah that's right Kira the US military telling us at this hour they've now counted about 70 drones that the US shot down there were two Navy destroyers that shot down four to six ballistic missiles and then this new piece of information an Army Patriot.

System a missile battery system uh shooting down a ballistic missile in IR rock that they believed was headed toward Israel so all of this to say the US military says that they stand by Israel but officials making clear to reporters when they spoke to them that they are pointing to International discussions multilateral responses code.

For saying we don't want this to escalate we don't want more milit operations we want to do this through diplomatic channels Cara all right so Jay Aid to Israel uh and Ukraine clearly front and center yeah we're learning now Kira from multiple Congressional sources that uh House Republicans are preparing an aid.

Package for Israel Steve scalise the number two Republican in the house the majority leader while that attack by Iran was unfolding said the house was changing its schedule it would come back and only Focus this coming week starting tomorrow on passing an aid package for Israel we've now learned from multiple Congressional sources that House.

Republicans are also talking about including aid for Ukraine into that package to potentially get more democratic support for it that would be significant as you I and an have talked about for weeks House Republicans have been very reticent to put aid for Ukraine on the house floor so if those two issues really do link get linked.

Together in the house it would be the furthest Ukraine Aid has gotten in that chamber in nearly a year Cara what about the Iran sanctions Enforcement Act I I heard Senator Joanie erns bringing that up once again yesterday when all of this went down could we be hearing more Rumblings on on what to do about that will lawmakers uh create yet another.

Conversation uh in particular about sanctions at this point it's interesting because that is a component in the Senate where that legislation was passed but it's also a key component in the house because you heard me mention scal saying that the house was reshaping its schedule coming back focusing on Israel he also said that he's not just focusing.

On aid for Israel when the house returns but also focusing on holding Iran accountable as he calls it for that attack so you can imagine House Republicans are also going to put either that legislation or some similar kind of legislation on the floor as well we don't know the exact shape of their plan for when they return we know they're.

Still ironing out some of the details at this hour but that is certainly a component of what lawmakers are going to focus on in the coming days all right we'll be talking a lot about it no doubt an flare J O'Brien thank you and coming up an American journalist who spent more than a year in an Iranian prison his response to the attack last night.

Next when never news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike at Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in.

Turkey en rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI.

Reporting from the nurses on the pick line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news.

First thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between.

How does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live here was a story where's Kate what's going on with Kate of course the mystery of a missing woman Anna Royal doesn't get more fascinating than that then the.

Moment that silenced everyone it's been a really difficult time I would argue that the royal family were already facing a crisis this Health crisis has given them probably their biggest challenge the crown in crisis what is the relationship like between Harry and William today now streaming on Hulu now to a man that knows well exactly.

What it's like to be held captive in Iran Washington Post journalist Jason rean served as the post Tan's correspondent from 2012 to 2016 and he spent 544 days in prison now according to the US state department wrongfully detained individuals by Iran uh has been an issue clearly for years with ongoing tensions.

Uh in this country Jason it's great to see you again your first reaction uh to Iran's attack well Kira um I I was I don't want to say surprised because you know many folks expected uh some sort of retaliation a bit surprised by the scope uh and scale of Iran's attack but also uh by the uh defense.

Systems of the Israelis and and the US and other allies uh to render the attack uh essentially uh you know a failure uh but I think the whole region the whole world is on penss and needles right now because um this sort of uh escalation in in in use of force even if it's not successful in in targeting civilian populations or even military.

Installations uh is caused for great concern and and the possibility of um the conflict just escalating and and uh the borders of it spreading and you know a senior Biden Administration official Jason actually told us that his hand was trembling as he needed to take notes while watching the hundreds of ballistic missiles being.

Launched headed toward Israel um what what do you think made this attack uh so much more nerve-wracking than other threats and attacks well I mean I think this is the first time that that Iran has uh specifically and overtly uh used its military might such that it is uh on Israeli soil uh in such a direct way um.

Frankly though Iran's military capabilities are not up to r with not only the United States with Israel's so I don't think that they intended for this attack uh to to succeed in killing large numbers of people it was a response uh to the killing of their their own Generals in Syria uh a couple of weeks back I think they had to do.

Something their options are not very good right now uh but the last thing that the people of Iran and actually I I would say the Iranian regime right now uh is a a full Onslaught uh attack from from Israel on their soil I mean and we've talked about all the various scenarios of of what that could look like and and and what the.

Options could be at this point we won't find out of course until we learn more from this war cabinet meeting that's taking place but I want to ask you you know you're an Iranian Iranian American you're familiar with the Iranian government and you are intimately familiar with the Iranian people how do you think they feel about this.

Attack here it's a great question I think people are uh are rightfully uh very scared uh they have no interest in seeing a war between Iran and world powers uh explode uh on their own soil uh I think one of the um main claims to success that the Islamic Republic uh has been able to hold on to for the last 30 years or so is doing a decent job of.

Defending uh their own borders uh that would go out the window uh with uh with Israel attack on Iranian soil but I also think it's it's really important to remind viewers that the Iranian regime and the Iranian people are two very different distinct groups that want different things and the vast majority of people in Iran uh want a Freer more.

Open Future one that doesn't include conflict with any country uh one that can that that rather includes uh integration into the global economy and the ability to be a part of uh the community of Nations uh with this sort of escalatory move though that seems very unlikely in the short term do you think this could be a moment in time.

Because of it's because the attack is is so unprecedented that a change could finally happen everybody's talking about how this could escalate tensions and and and move toward um a a bigger War but do you think it's possible we could actually see the opposite effect here I wish I wish that I thought that that was in the cards um but I think that we're.

Dealing with a leadership in Iran as well as in the current Israeli government uh that thrives on the idea uh of conflict with with that counterpart which is why I think that the Biden Administration has been quite wise in their approach uh to the the conflict uh in in Gaza over the last seven several months but also.

Specifically in this instance right now saying that you know we will support uh Israeli our support for Israel is Ironclad at the same time we will not join in into a retaliatory attack against Iran I think that that is quite important and I hope that they're able to maintain that uh semblance of some Independence because this is not a us.

Fight yeah it definitely isn't and there are still hostages being held by Hamas as someone who had to endure substantial hardship and torture for 18 months in an Iranian prison how do you see the hostages suffering even more from this so Kira I I appreciate you for bringing that up I mean I I have been devastated since day one of this crisis.

Uh with the hostages being taken it's one piece of a very large puzzle uh so many of those people un unfortunately have been killed since they were taken hostage many more are women children elderly uh I you know my heart bursts for these folks and I hope that um that their return to their families as soon as possible as safely as possible the.

Truth is I think Iran has an important role to play in helping those people uh be released and I I hope that they use uh or that the US uses some leverage towards Iran uh and I think that is one possibility one opportunity for Iran to avoid a new attack if they were to help very quickly in the coming days to free those.

Hostages Jason great to see you again so glad that you were able to add your Insight today appreciate it thanks Kira coming up how far the US military can go to protect Israel we debate it next this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the.

Capital destructive Cat 4 storm along I Boston is in the bullseye let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsl America's number one streaming news with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any.

Other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of Television give it to me why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the.

Know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see.

Coming wherever you get your podcasts start here first thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous I storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking.

About the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news of the Francis Scott Key bridge here in Maryland wherever the story is we'll take you there you're.

Streaming ABC News live glad you're joining us and if you are just starting to stream along with us we are continuing to follow the aftermath of Iran's unprecedented attack on Israel explosions lighting up the sky overnight as Iran launched hundreds of drones and cruise missiles in retaliation for that Israeli strike on.

Iran's Consulate in Syria former acting under secretary for intelligence at the Department of Homeland Security John Cohen's been following it since the moment it happened yesterday John glad you're back with us um I'm curious you know we we we talked about the attack we talked about how it took many people by surprise even those sitting in the.

Situation Room uh yesterday but just for everyday Americans right now waking up and and looking toward the beginning of a new week should we be concerned about our national security right now yeah I mean hey Cara I mean as we've talked about over the past several months I mean we are in a threat environment based on global events uh.

And even domestic threats uh that is volatile Dynamic highly complex it's probably the most dangerous threat environment I've experienced in my 40 plus years um being involved in law enforcement and Homeland Security the fact that Iran would launch an attack from its Terr territory launch an attack of the.

Magnitude that it it it conducted last night that is sending a message that something has changed in their calculus at the same time we should all be heartened by the fact that the Israeli response and the response of its allies limited the impact of this attack and that sent a strong message to Iran as well I have to sit here and say you know.

I think to some degree that Iran may be a bit relieved uh that uh the attack caused as minimal damage and casualties as it did because uh if it would have resulted in mass destruction or a large number of casualties or if one of their Aviation assets would have struck a US ship they know that there would have been a.

Significant response and Iran still wants to avoid a direct conflict with Israel in the United States because they know quite frankly they'll lose that war oh and they sure love uh getting into the headlines don't they and creating the conversation uh that we've been having all through the night and all through the day today and just to.

You know from overseas to to here at home because home insecurity is your expertise um we were talking earlier on today about various church and mosqu across the country taking extra precaution because of what is happening overseas um understandably that makes sense the day after an attack everybody is sort of going to be on pins and.

Needles uh even here in the United States but going forward into tomorrow and Tuesday and Wednesday how are you viewing how Vigilant we should be in light of what happened um when we go about our daily lives here in the US well I mean I think it's you know as far as the general public we have to conduct ourselves the same way we've.

Been conducting ourselves for the past 10 15 years you know live your lives uh don't be scared but be aware uh be aware of your surroundings if you see something that's unusual or suspicious notify local police the good news is that over the last decade uh in particular um local law enforcement state and local law enforcement have.

Become much more in tune with how overseas events May impact the domestic threat environment and we become much more aware of the potential threat posed by Iran itself all right Johan Cohen always appreciate your Insight I appreciate it and stay with us we have much more coverage ahead on the breaking news.

Since that attack by Iran on Israel a lot more to come stay with us what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters This our combat operations we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor.

So you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you.

Appreciate you thank you David than is David yes yes I'm David M I know who you are watch you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a.

Different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you.

Get your podcasts start here The Disappearance of a pregnant woman and her two children has captured the nation's attention telling me the truth I asked you about your marriage and infidelity the husband is always the top suspect ECT always the top suspect I want you to take a deep breath right.

Now don't stand up for me face that wall of course he's the suspect the interrogation tapes the new 2020 True Crime limited series Monday on ABC hi everyone and thank you for streaming with us I'm DeMarco Morgan and welcome to ABC News live weekend a lot of news headlines this past week so let's get you caught up on some of the.

Stories that we are all talking about and we start with this one Arizona Republicans are blocking efforts to repeal the state's near total ban on abortion access lawmakers on both sides had called for the repal after the state supreme court affirmed the Civil War era law but now some State Republicans are reversing course after taking credit for.

Overturning roie Wade former president Trump now saying Arizona went too far and President Biden announcing additional student loan relief plans that could erase or lower student loan debt for even more Americans if it goes into effect the plan would cancel up to $20,000 for those who now owe more than they borrowed now this is the.

President's latest attempt to lower student debt the administration says they have slashed it by billions of dollars since the Supreme Court rejected his initial plan last year and actor Jonathan Majors will avoid jail time for assaulting his former girlfriend Majors must complete a 52-week in-person batterers Intervention Program and.

Continue with the mental health therapy that his lawyers say he's been participating in majus was convicted of misdemeanor assault back in December and the c classic Melrose Place is reportedly the next 90s show to get a reboot a source confirmed to ABC news that had the lock leer Laura leaden and davney Zuniga are all on board for a new.

Chapter of the popular nighttime soap which followed a group of young adults living in an apartment complex in West Hollywood California can't wait to check it out but now to our story as LeBron James attempts to make his 17th trip to the NBA playoffs I got a chance to sit down with the woman he calls his best friend LeBron's mom Gloria James also.

Known as Mama Glow and Mama Gloria she gave us a special behind the-scenes tour of the new Museum devoted to his life and she also talked about his career on and off the court oh with an emphatic right hand LeBron James look like he came down from Pluto he's a four-time champion four time MVP and 20time NBA Allstar one of.

The world's greatest we're experiencing history every time this guy steps on the floor but what does it take to build a legacy on and off the court to figure that out we went to the source Gloria James LeBron's mother for a tour inside a museum of LeBron memories and memorabilia and his hometown of akan Ohio called to LeBron james' home court.

Mama GL good to see you good to see you I think that's important for everybody to understand and feel like they were a part of LeBron's Journey Gloria James has curated this intimate and immersive one-of-a-kind experience starting with the recreation of their Spring Hill apartment number 602 just about every black family knows about this lamp right.

Here you can see it the spiderland a sanctuary of safety stability and love for a young mother raising her son and brother what does this place right here bring back any type of memories for you it's surreal it brings back a lot of memories good memories um is one of the first places that we were able to call home after a long time of Home.

Displacement this wasn't an easy Road for you absolutely not for a lot of challenges um I was a young mother um I was also raising my 10-year-old brother Spring Hill Apartment 602 um it brought a sense of security and safety filled with everything from.

Preserved childhood trophies to plaques Family Photos his favorite magazines and even his actual TV his favorite two shows were Bart Simpson and Martin and I got so tired of watching that I had to get another television but LeBron didn't Skyrocket to start him by just watching shows he became the.

Event when did you know this guy has some greatness in him this is different I really felt that LeBron was different in my belly junior high school high school he just confirmed it this green and gold Decked Out exhibit a tribute to his albuma Von St Mary High School these were considered the FB five and you fed all these boys yes I.

Did the floors is here the same exact hardwood that would serve as the launching pad to super stardom the Cleveland Cavaliers select LeBron James the real life legendary white draft suit just one of the iconic items on display yeah you can tell that brother nothing night no he was clean I.

Cleaner than the board of help the board of he that's what they say along with LeBron likee NBA locker rooms all filled with authentic jerseys memorabilia and an endless wall of game-worn signature shoes and a tribute honoring the 2016 Cavaliers who delivered Cleveland's first professional sports championship in the last 50 years.

Cleveland this is for you and while the 39y old continues to rewrite NBA history it's the future here in akan that will Define his legacy for generations to come so what do you think his legacy will be the works that he's done off the court for the community are I promise school I'm there weekly I see how.

Helpful it is to the children is something that's going to be lifelong what do you want LeBron to always remember to always stay true to himself that his mother loves him and to remain humble remember your Beginnings it creates a better story the real story and our many thanks to Mama Glow for that coming up Arab American.

Comedians are using their craft to challenge misconceptions also ahead the crash and collapse of a bridge in the pter Baltimore is having far reaching economic impacts what Crews who depend on the Francis Scot ke are saying about their future when we come back stay with us what does it take to be the most watched newscast in.

America an operation to capture Isis Fighters is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in.

It how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you David good to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David M I know who you are watch you every.

Night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast can you believe it it's 25 years of breakfast and bed surprising moms Across America oh my oh my goodness and for our 25th anniversary we're making it the biggest surprise yet a full-on breakfast and bed Extravaganza like you have never seen.

Before so go to good morning or scan this QR code to find out how to enter a deserving mom you love for breakfast and bed why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it.

Listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R mural Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcast start here welcome back and thank you for.

Staying with us as Cruz in Baltimore work to clear the wreckage from the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse those who depend on the Port of Baltimore for work now say they are not sure if they'll ever be able to make a living there again ABC's J O'Brien introduces us to the long shoreman and others in that City now fearing for their.

Future I've seen a lot of incidents that are large but nothing like this this is what you would classify as a precedent for the unprecedented I have never seen a massive Bridge Clos down a port Commander bill mckinstry has managed disasters for the United States Coast Guard for nearly 30 years but what the people of Baltimore are now facing is a.

First even for him we're go completely around the whole thing on the water the sheer size of the task at hand for mckinstry and others becomes clear what was once the Francis Scott Key bridge is now thousands of tons of steel and concrete blocking most of Baltimore's Harbor off from the rest of the world the mission to cut up and clear all of.

This debris and bring Baltimore's Port back to life is extremely dangerous the difficulty that is surrounding that is immense because of the conditions of of the water the divers uh you might have a foot of visibility to be able to see so it makes it very very treacherous Crews now in a race to remove the wreckage the Army Corps of Engineers setting an.

Ambitious goal of clearing a channel for smaller cargo ships by late April and reopening the entire Port by the end of May I mean there are 8,000 jobs tied to this port absolutely and and the bottom line is is that's why we need to work as efficiently and as safely as possible the of the task it's going to take a lot of time it's going to take some.

Time time is something they don't have at local 953 one of three unions in Baltimore representing long shoreman most of them have already gone weeks without a paycheck and will stay out of work until cargo ships start coming and going again these are different ships that were in the Port of Baltimore we found Dave coning in the dispatch chair.

Fielding calls from long shoreman asking for their next day's assignments but openings are slim all day I tell them I have nothing for them you tell them I have nothing no employment there's nothing here some are still working on the little cargo that remains in Baltimore from before the bridge collapsed but.

That's nothing in comparison to the flurry of activity this port once was these are the guys assigned to that ship Dave showed us what a packed schedule of long shoreman's assignments used to look like this is what it looks like like now one two three people a crisis says Union president Richard Krueger a third generation long shoreman who still makes.

His living at the Port families here are the water yes and that's it's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of families that have been like that how does it feel not to know when this crisis is going to end well just take take the people that I represent you got car payments house payments tuition payments you know you got to pay you got to get.

Food well you wake up and all of a sudden they say you don't have a job you got guys who are going to have to go on unemployment yeah yeah naturally you got you're looking to survive to get through this but unemployment Krueger says barely covers the steady wages his long shoremen have built their lives with and he doesn't know how long many of his.

People can hold out it's the fear of the unknown we we don't know how long are they going to be off how long is it going to take them to open the channel how long do they have to uh get through this because they have to pay the bills and nobody knows the Port of Baltimore is the ninth largest by trading volume in the country new cars are one of its.

Biggest Imports and it's Nick 's job to check the batteries of those cars before they're shipped to dealers across the country but with no new shipments coming in soon he fears he won't be needed so what's going through there now nothing nothing at all nothing's coming in nothing can go out I know sooner or later it's probably going going affect.

Me that I'll probably get laid off until they get that channel cleared some people they work they work week to week they're going to really be hurting we met Nick at Herman's Bakery in Dundalk Maryland a neighborhood in what was once the shadow of the Key Bridge like so many businesses here Herman's customers need the port to survive he used to sit.

In the window and owner Adrien porcella needs those customers to keep her business afloat I don't know how these people are going to survive the ones that work at Amazon that live across the bridge or the supplies coming in do you think it's going to have an effect on your business too I hope not I really hope not um.

We're just going to keep working hard you know I mean that's all that's all we do we we work hard in the back head Baker Larry DeSantis personifies that hard work he usually arrives here at 1:45 in the morning commuting not from home but another Bakery job in Baltimore and for the past 16 years to do that Larry took the Key Bridge so you were.

Driving this yes Larry tells us on that Tuesday Morning in late March he was one of the last people to cross it before the dolly a cargo ship the size of the Eiffel Tower lost power and steering and collided headon with a pier of that bridge the ship's size delivering a force comparable to that of a rocket launch what was it like seeing that.

Video yeah it was it makes me think you know I mean I'm I'm really lucky you're lucky to be alive no exactly no exactly I mean if I had been one minute later I wouldn't be here eight construction workers immigrants from Honduras Guatemala El Salvador and Mexico were filling potholes on the bridge when it fell two.

Were rescued the bodies of three others have been recovered and three are still missing presumed dead right Baltimore is now grieving their loss while the reality of living and and working here without that bridge is starting to sink in just focus on that and then slightly to the left you'll see it this is the closest so many baltimoreans can now get.

To what was once described as a Cathedral of American architectural prowess pulling over on the side of the highway eyes squinting phones outstretched to try to catch a glimpse of what remains of the gateway to their City you're tearing up it's why it's Baltimore we weren't ready to see it it's different from seeing it on TV.

Than see in real life right even know we're far away you still you still feel it back up close is where that feeling of loss meets the hard reality of a mammoth cleanup effort that has no real end in sight folks here tell us this is a community that has seen tough times before but they've always been able to pull through it with hard work work here.

Is what makes all the difference and it's work that's where so many baltimoreans just want to return it's who we are it's what we do we we load and unload cargo vessels and we're proud of it we're stuck in the water here we can't move you're stuck in the water yeah yeah the truckers the the shippers the warehouse workers uh it's it's all.

Of us we're all in the same boat with this and again thanks to J O'Brien for that report coming up from sorority sisters to heroes in an ABC News exclusive a conversation with a young women who sprang into action to save a family from a sinking car also ahead the Arab American comedians using their craft to raise awareness about their.

Culture stay with us with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of television first thing in the morning there's a lot going on get another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you.

Up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the.

Morning America the Morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live here was a story where's Kate what's going on with Kate of course the mystery of a missing woman and a royal doesn't get more fascinating than that then the moment that silenced everyone it's been a really difficult time I.

Would argue that the royal family were already facing a crisis this Health crisis has given them probably their biggest challenge the crown in crisis this a relationship like between Harry and William today now streaming on Hulu why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take.

On the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts you're watching America's number one streaming news keep streaming with ABC News live I'm now sh in East Palestina Ohio one year after that toxic train.

Derailment wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live and we're back now with a fascinating story sorority sisters from the University of Georgia are being held as Heroes the ladies left campus for a fun weekend in Savannah to celebrate St Patrick's Day and they took a detour in search of cheese biscuits when they.

Witnessed a car drive off of a bridge into a creek and our very own Eva Pilgrim said down with him in an ABC News exclusive um we're we're we were driving a car just went off a break into the water in our peripheral vision we just see this like spark of white a little like cloud of dust and kind of like a.

Big old crash and I'm just like am I imagining that Clark was like yeah yeah let's go check that out that's when we decided to pull over and and that's when we saw the car in the water there's just a car like completely like submerged and sinking further and further into the water as like seconds would go by Cory craft is still bearing the marks of her.

Car accident she was driving with her two young sons in the back seat when she lost control of her SUV rolling off the road and in the blink of an eye the car began sinking rapidly into a creek when you realized you were in the water what did you do I know I was thinking I'm like I don't even know where my phone is I don't have my glasses I don't know how.

I'm going to call for help and then I just heard them over on the bank and they shouted if I was okay and I'm like no my kids are in the car the mom popped up out of the vehicle like out of the broken sunroof start screaming at us there's two more kids in the car like my two kids are in the car the mom was so frantic we really I feel like I didn't.

Have a choice but to like help the girls sprang into action calling 911 and immediately jumping into the cold water they came over crawled up on top of the vehicle where I was helped me opened the door and we got my oldest out M and then we started trying to figure out how to get the youngest Cory's older son was safe but her four-year-old was still.

Trapped underwater buckled into his car seat there's still one other kid in the car yeah so yeah just like time is ticking it had been like four to 5 minutes it was just like every second mattered we all like together like just pulled him out of the vehicle and then yeah he was like fully UNC conscious and it was like terrifying no his lips were.

Completely blue like his eyes were closed he was not breathing I did not think he was alive we thought we were about to watch someone die one of you did CPR m i did yeah I mean I didn't have time to swim him to the shore or anything I just sat him on the side of the car and then that's where I perform the CPR how did you know how to do the.

CPR I was a lifeguard in in high school for one summer so I just remembered it from from then we had no clue if he was like going to survive it all and so I'm like this is the one thing I know how to do that I can help and so I'm just going to give it my best try I can't imagine the Panic you were feeling in that moment I was scared I was going to lose.

The little one they're still performing CPR they're they're still on top of the car Wait d d d is he breathing D they're breathing they're breathing at that point like all of us were crying it was like no way that just happened the girl's bravery making a big impact act we were so moved by it we think you should be a part of us and we're going.

To make you honorary Burke County deputies today are you serious pretty great thank you thank you all for doing what you did here's your best thank you so much B County deputies you guys saved those two little kids every second mattered in that situation I mean if we were 5 seconds later we wouldn't even seen the car go.

Off the bridge and it was so forested that we wouldn't even think to look down there or see anything that family would have been on that road all by them El there's no way she could have done that on her own yeah it's really right place at the right time but it's also like has just made me rethink like dayto day it's more about just like like a mindset of.

Altruism and just like searching like for who needs help in the world around you do you feel like this has made you guys even tighter friends defin absolutely no yeah like I said like they're going to be in my life forever probably whether I like it or not at this point like future bridesmaid yeah a new meeting to Sister here right there.

A few of the girls and their families are now getting CPR certified together by the way saying they never want to be in a situation like that again and unprepared good for them well April is Arab American heritage month and ABC News live is shining a light on the culture and contributions of Middle Eastern and North African communities.

Here in the us and our digital team spoke with Arab American comedians about how they use their craft to challenge misconceptions and teach others about their Heritage here's the thing it normally it divides the room half the time people are like what an Arab woman with opinions the other half is much.

Worse in the Arab world humor is its own language like sense of humor is so important it took so long for me to really find comedy to be a space welcoming for Arab Americans I think when people come see Arabs perform they are shocked with what we can offer I'm an Arab American as much as I am a millennial as much as I am a.

Feminist as much as I am person with you know ADHD I feel like Arabs have been portrayed a specific way in the media for the last X number of years um and I like to use comedy as a way just to challenge that just to challenge that idea challenge all of the conceptions misconceptions that people have made about the arab-american community as a.

Culture we're just like addicted to outrage we are so like even if somebody jumped up and was like you've been punked I swear to you somebody would be like that's really offensive my grandma was a punk and the United States government will not let his mother visit CU they claim she's on a terror watch list.

Because I put her there the New York air American Comedy Festival was founded by me and Dean obidala in the wake of 911 and also the runup to the Iraq War we were being vilified not just in the media but in the mainstream population so we thought about doing the Comedy Festival to kind of combat those negative images of Arabs.

And media but also to remind Hollywood that we were the ogs of Comedy some of the founders of comedy in Hollywood are Arab people like Danny Thomas Marlo Thomas you know Vic tabac Jamie far Tony shell ho so we kind of want to stop being belly dancers and taxi drivers and terrorists and burger wearers and get back to being All in the Family yo you.

Dominican or you Puerto Rican I'm like actually I'm Egyptian they're no I'm like trust me no one's lying claiming their middle Easter that's just not something we do you know it's either you are or you're not Egyptians have a sense of humor they were born with it it's it's like it's in their DNA you can't go to Egypt right.

Now without walking down the stre without hearing somebody laugh or telling a joke every second so I like to kind of bring it here being Egyptian and growing up in an Egyptian household and that's literally what started my career everything after that kind of opened doors and gigs and opportunities I'm using the language of Comedy not to.

Humanize myself I refuse to attempt to humanize myself if you don't think I'm a human making you laugh while you drink is not going to make me human but what I my job is to make people laugh first and foremost and if while they're laughing they learn something they didn't know or they stop fearing something they've always feared then that's like the.

Cherry on top and a special thanks to our digital team for that report and thank you for straming with us I'm DeMarco Morgan ABC News live is here for you anytime with the latest news context and Analysis and you can catch me and my friends Eva Pilgrim and Dr Jan here on gma3 at 4:00 weekdays and you can also find us on various streaming services.

The ABC News app and of course on the news never stops keep it here on ABC News live we'll see you next time this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 storm along I5.

Boston is in the Bulls let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsl America's number one streaming news what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis fight this our combat Operation Center.

We're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud.

Of this I love it great work hi where are you where are you appreciate thank you David good to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David M I know who you are watch you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched.

Newscast it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news music and of course good food a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that I'm zorine sha reporting from the.

New Hampshire primary wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live the G7 count is now all aligned with President Biden condemning a runs Iran's unprecedented and direct attack on Israel good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips and if you're just tuning in we are glad you are with us as we.

Continue to follow the breaking news throughout the day Biden and the G7 now standing together demanding that Iran and its proxy cease all coordinated attacks after those explosions that we saw last night lighting up the sky as Iran launched hundreds of drones and cruise missiles in retaliation for that Israeli strike on Iran's Consulate in.

Syria we are getting new video now of Iranian missiles over the Dome of the Rock the Islamic shrine at the center of the ancient Alaska MOS there in Jerusalem Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Forces behind closed doors still trying to work out a strategy and potential response and we could learn exactly what that.

Could be within the next few hours Iran's President also declaring that his country has now taught Israel a lesson and warning that any Counterattack would be met with a heavier and regretful response we have full team coverage from the Middle East to right here in our nation's capital as we are breaking down everything that has happened since last.

Night up to this hour and a potential response let's start with President Biden though meeting with the G7 leaders White House correspondent Mary Alis Parks is at the White House with more on that so the G7 leaders say that they stand ready to actually take further measures so what exactly could those further measures be yeah K the.

Administration make making very clear that what they saw last night from Iran was unprecedented massive uh senior Administration officials relaying to reporters that was on the high end of even what they expected from Iran and that they believe Iran was absolutely intent in causing unbelievable damage there in Israel but that luckily.

Israel's defense capabilities held in large part with the help of US forces and assets sent to the region to actively work alongside Israeli troops to defend Israel when we heard the president uh we know the president was on a call rather with uh prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday we've learned a little bit more about that.

Call from some senior Administration officials today uh basically the president was trying to reiterate to uh Netanyahu that Israel should feel really proud that the defensive that the defense systems held and that the president was trying to encourage him to at this moment now sort of ass uh reassess things take a a serious.

Evaluation about what exactly happened and and slow things down I mean clearly the White House is still worried about a potential Israeli response that could escalate things further uh but that doesn't mean that the US isn't expecting that Israel might very well uh respond in some way now the US wouldn't be a part of any kind of military response to.

Iran uh us officials are making that pretty clear but the G7 could respond diplomatically economically they put out a joint statement are really saying that Iran should be held accountable for what happened for what it did for its attack on Israel and I think they're they're in the process of developing what kind of unified diplomatic economic response.

That could be all right let let's talk about President Biden also speaking now with the King of Jordan about the attack right how exactly uh is the administration working with Jordan and other us allies that they that possibly the president has had other phone calls with privately about trying to calm these tensions moving forward I mean I.

Think it is exactly that here the president talking to uh these leaders in the region trying to calm tensions uh wanting to make sure that things don't continue to spiral I mean that has been the White House's concern I mean frankly for weeks but especially in uh today an anxiety that that a response carried by a response a response to a response uh.

Could escalate things out of control and we've seen and heard that message from other leaders throughout the region you know not only the US and leaders in Europe but like you said it's the same message we've been hearing from a lot of leaders right there around Israel an anxiety that things could spiral a hope that they won't and of course this comes.

At a really complicated time I mean this the president has had tough conversations with Israel in the last few weeks about Israel's war in Gaza obviously the jordanians worried about that as well uh still worried about how Israel might be moving in the south of Gaza and and I'm sure the president trying to reiterate to all of these.

Partners that it's Contin continuing to work with Israel on all fronts all right White House correspondent Mary Alis Parks appreciate you and and all your coverage throughout the day Mary Alice Israeli officials say that the country's Iron Dome defense system endured a big test from Iran's attack intercepting 99% of those threats.

Thrown right at it let's bring in our Josh iner from our New York station at reporting from Jerusalem uh for more Josh those explosions uh lighting up the sky above Jerusalem the Iron Dome intercepting those missiles and drones so let's just put into perspective um that was a win for Israel it was a win for Israel it was.

Quite something curo we saw it firsthand from this very balcony a little bit less than 24 hours ago now it's now 10:00 p.m. local time it's the first time I've stood here in the dark actually since this happened and it's funny because it's Eerie it was uh it was just right over my left shoulder where we saw uh it was probably a total of somewhere.

Between 8 and 12 streaks in the night sky one after another and then we saw uh one at a time uh they were hit by the Iron Dome system and they kind of vaporized or appeared to vaporize and then the sirens went off uh and then we uh left the the to to a place that was a little bit more safe for a few minutes before we got the all clear but it.

Really was It was kind of it was fascinating to watch it in action and that's what happened with with 99% as you said of the hardware that was Voli over here from Iran more than 300 uh drones or missiles and and the vast majority of them were taken down even before they hit Israeli airspace uh dozens of them taken down by US military.

Assets as well a very large Allied effort as to try to fend off this attack and it all really worked incredibly well they did have days to game this out and they really did use that time very well to coordinate their defense Kira where do you see this going from here uh you know it's it's as Mar Alis said it's everyone's waiting to see what.

Netanyahu does next there is clearly a very strong imperative from allies in the region and around the world the G7 to try to get Netanyahu to hit the brakes and and lower the temperature because the last thing we need is she said this would be a response to a response which would then bring another response Iran has already said that if.

If if Israel continues this spiral then Iran will will respond in in in due kind so it's really unclear another question I have you know there was plenty of warning there was plenty of time for for the this to be the defense to be prepared um and Iran knew this wasn't a stealthy attack so IR this you know from the concept of proportionality you know.

I wonder as somebody who's not a foreign policy expert but I wonder were they intending uh to Target you know Mass civilian casualties they had to have known that the US and Israel and the UK and Jordan would band together to fend most of this off all right Josh Shiner there in Jerusalem for us uh Josh thanks so much.

And please let us know uh once you re receive any word um outside of this war cabinet meeting that is taking place uh we really want to stay on top of that and and try to decipher what exactly could happen next Josh thank you also earlier today our brick clinet talked to the spokesperson for the IDF Peter larner take a listen to what he had to.

Say about a potential Counterattack were you surprised by last night's attack no we had been planning for it we realized that Iran was up to no good once more and together with our allies uh we created a plan of action um a unified operational plan to respond to Iran's aggression but were you surprised by the scale of it I think that um we.

Had a good good intelligence we had a good operational plan we had good forces prepared and poised um on the ground and in the air uh and we had a an alliance that came together around this incident with a very very strong message to Iran um you can't get away with this so I think there there it's not a question of surprise on what they gave out it's how.

We responded to it and I think coming together in such a very very strong way under the umbrella of United States Central Command together with the British together with the French and the regional players sent a very very clear message um to Iran that you can't get away with it and we will work together to save lives I mean polit politically.

Political wise we've seen some cracks in the US uh Israel relationship do you think last night was kind of a turn took another positive turn the military to military has been tight has been airtight the relationship is very very professional eye to eye and that is exactly what we we fulfilled yesterday um you know General Killa Le left.

Yesterday morning uh before everything happened the commander of the United States Central Command and we had an operational plan very well ironed out in order to address the impending attack understanding exactly what they were planning to do what was planning to do with 300 um uh missiles guided missiles ballistic missiles um explosive drones.

170 explosive drones none of them made it to Israel's airspace because we intercepted them beforehand because our allies intercepted some of them so it a very very close knit um very densely aerial uh airspace could you give a breakdown of how many and operations as you just heard there and our next guest knows about those types of operations.

Knows about Bad actors their tactics and the results of their unpredictable attacks but he has spent more than 30 years Gathering intelligence even going under cover to serve our country all the way to briefing our presidents Chris Costa is a former US Army intelligence officer and senior director for counterterrorism at the National.

Security Council and is also a good friend of the show he has been watching this since the very beginning we've been talking through the night Chris you know and it's what all of us want to know at this point did Iran finally cross a threshold here for a wider War yeah Cara it's great to see you yes I think uh in fact Iran did cross a.

Threshold in that they attacked Israel directly we've heard much of that reporting that since 1979 with the revolution Iran hasn't taken the step to attack directly the country the state of Israel so I think that is a threshold that has has been crossed and there have been some officials in Iran that have made that point the fact that this is a.

New strategic equation so does this situation cause Iran to mobilize its proxies even stronger even more against Israel now yeah I think so we're going to see a status quo plus I think we're already seeing that there's been some Rockets fired in hisb I've seen some of the reporting uh through the evening so I.

Suspect that that the uh proxies will be mobilized but again I think that some of the tensions can be ratcheted back Iran did what Iran planned and intended to do now we're waiting for the other shoe to drop with regard to Israel so I think I I hate the cliche of tip for tap but that's what we're seeing that's what this war really uh presents this idea of.

Action counteraction I've got to ask you about the white what the White House knew and didn't know this just came across um our dl's Chris and i' I'd like you to explain this uh to me but basically what it says is that the White House was in contact with Iran in the runup to this strike but Iran gave no heads up it says.

In the intense days of planning that led up to last night's strike the US was in direct communication with the through the Swiss Channel but the White House was not given any heads up by tan to minimize damage could you just put this in layman's terms for us yeah I think the United States is going to use interlocutors like the.

Swiss great Partners neutral has a presence on the ground in Iran that is a Communications of channel of course I don't know what's happening behind the scenes but it's more than likely that the United States through multiple channels had informed Iran that the United States will defend Israel that said they will not be act offensively.

And that's exactly what happened the United States it's been reported has shot down some of the Rockets some of the drones uh working with Israel in the defense of the state of Israel the United States might have used those same channels to tell Iran that the United States does not intend to operate offensively against uh Sovereign Iran so.

This is a way that tensions can can be ratcheted down and uh to ensure that there's no miscalculations from what you know and where you have been how do you see this playing out do you think Israel will attack in a way that will cause Iran to retaliate once again or do you think cooler heads are going to Prevail here.

For the sake of overall you Global insecurity right now that's a great question I think conventional wisdom is Israel will have to retaliate because the state of Israel was attacked directly by Iran so they it's an incumbent upon them to retaliate just as the Iranians perceive they retaliated uh as a result of the.

Presumed Israel strike in Damascus so Israel will strike around on at a time of their choosing we've heard that before that also seems a little cliche but it's true Israel will pick a time and a place to attack Iran but I think it will be proportional to what happened yesterday and we should note that the man on the street in Iran is going to.

Celebrate what happened because Iran uh needed a win in their view from their prism from their lands and the win was striking at Israel um so we're going to see some more of this play out but I think cooler head heads will prevail and in time uh we'll get back to a status quo of course we can't forget that Israel is waging a war.

On the ground Gaza and they want to return their hostages absolutely we want those hostages back home uh and clearly the Israel and the US uh strapped when it comes to weapons and uh and uh boots on the ground Chris Costa thank you always appreciate your Insight we're going to take a quick break more breaking news.

Straight Ahead whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon main the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine.

Reporting from the earthquake in Turkey en rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the.

Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is where ever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere.

America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on get another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast.

Straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the.

Day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a new News podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your.

Podcasts start here as we follow the Fallout now from Iran's unprecedented and direct attack on Israel Michael Orin is also following it very closely you'll remember he served as Israel's ambassador to the United States and before that he was an officer in the Israeli Defense Forces and served in combat he was also the.

Idf's military leaon to the US 6 Fleet during the Gulf War Michael it's always great to bring you in on times like this to see what your thoughts are and how you're experiencing it firsthand uh take me back to last night to right now I can tell from the background I know exactly where you are uh in your your safe your safe uh shelter uh Within home there.

Like the book for you it's a bomb shelter there we let's just I didn't want to be so direct but there you go you're in your bomb shelter and I have spoken to you many times in that same in that same place um talk to me now about about where we stand the war cabinet it is is discussing strategy at this moment tell me what they you've been inside.

These meetings before what are they talking about what are they thinking about where do you see this headed I think the going to look at the big picture what's the big picture we talk a lot about you know cool cooler heads prevailing and Tit for Tat the fact of the matter is Israel and Iran have been at War for more than three.

Decades it's not a war that Israel wanted it's a war that was brought Upon Us by the Islamic Republic when they took over Iran in 1979 before that we had very friendly relationships with Iran and with the Iranian people uh and this war has taken many fronts um it is blowing up of of Jewish communities in Argentina and Israeli uh tourists and.

Embassies abroad and of course uh in more recent decades uh Iran has surrounded Israel uh with proxies whether it's hisbah in Lebanon Hamas and palestin Islamic Jihad in Gaza Shiite milias militias in Iraq and Syria the houti rebels uh in Yemen they all have missiles long range missiles and they're surrounding us on all side we're talking.

About oh upwards of a 200,000 rockets and missiles and drones pointed at Israel so this is not a tactical thre it's a strategic threat uh and you have a regime inan which is swearing if not every day certainly every week to wipe us off the map so it's it's a very unusual conflict because it's not about changing the government in Israel it's.

About literally destroying this country and so that is the context and uh and in in that world you know the word retaliation takes on a different meaning uh the big issue is how does Israel retain its deterrence power uh last night for the first time in our history we were attacked by a wave of cruise missiles uh and drones um some 350 in.

Number which is totally unprecedented now there's this sort of this convention of wisdom I've heard in the in the western press over the last 24 hours that uh somehow the Iranians knew that these missiles weren't going to get through and uh and knew they'd be intercepted in the message would get through to the to the Israelis nobody.

Believes that here care nobody uh any one of these Miss could have gotten through that that is true true that is true and I know that that there have been missiles that have hit not far from from your apartment as as well but let me just yes but let me ask you just about the US role here the the role of the US rather uh we are learning now uh.

That the the president has made it clear that the United States is not going to participate in any kind of Counter Strike with Israel do you think that is the right move do you agree with that and if if not why well Israel wouldn't expect the United States to participate in in an offensive maneuver and I understand the.

President's particular circumstances facing the re-election 2024 and all that but if you go back in history and I'm talking about far back 1948 our war of independence United States has always uh unexceptionally opposed Israeli offensive action and even our great victory in the 1967 Six Day War Democratic president Lyndon Johnson very.

Pro Israel opposed Israel's offensive uh and that has been the case in the last four rounds of fighting with Hamas in Gaza the war with his bullet in 2006 so there's nothing really unusual about that position um but the United States has said and said in my presence even President Obama said it in my presence that if Israel is being attacked by.

Waves of rockets from Iran the United States will help defend the state of Israel and we even have agreements to that effect uh because the United States has a wonderful ground to air defense systems anti- defense systems that we don't have it has the Thad and Aegis system the Patriot system and then we have the systems we've developed.

Together with the United States which is Arrow 2 Arrow 3 uh David sling and the Israeli Iron Dome system which is Israeli but with American Financial backing so Michael you're you're saying then the us would get involved if depending on how the the strike went down you're saying at this point no but if it does reach a a higher level you're.

Saying then the us would then join forces with Israel it won't join forces offensively it'll join forces defensively a big difference Amer you know join Israeli jets in Striking strategic Targets in in in Teran or outside of Terran they're not going to do that but if Rockets are.

Falling on this house in Jaffa uh the US military will be there to help provide that anti-missile umbrella got it got it former Israeli ambassador Michael Lauren you're helping us get through uh the hours and hours of coverage we appreciate it thank you so much Michael stay with us we'll be right back what does it take to be the most.

Watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to.

Go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you d good to meet you is David.

David yes yes I'm David M I know who you are watch you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast can you believe it it's 25 years of breakfast and bed surprising moms Across America oh my good oh my goodness and for our 25th anniversary we're making it the biggest.

Surprise yet a full-on breakfast and fed Extravaganza like you have never seen before so go to good morning or scan this QR code to find out how to enter a deserving mom you love for breakfast and bed why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a.

Different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R Murrow Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you.

Get your podcasts start here I'm Kaa Whitworth at the Apex Summit in San Francisco wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live glad you're streaming with us uh if you are just joining us we are continuing to follow the aftermath of Iran's unprecedented attack on Israel those.

Explosions that just lit up the night sky as Iran launched hundreds of drones and cruise missiles in retaliation for that Israeli strike on Iran's Consulate in Syria as we wrap up the half hour here former acting under secretary for intelligence at the Department of Homeland Security John Cohen joining us once again and and John we're just we're.

Starting to get more uh more Intel now in about um the the reports of of damage the the aftermath basically uh and the scope of it after this uh attack on behalf of Iran I mean bottom line uh it looks like uh Israel's defenses and defense systems uh protected them at all costs um early damage estimates doesn't look like uh it it hit very much uh that.

It was not the the massive escalation as expected here but this also is is is not over and a lot depends on what those Israeli leaders come out of that war cabinet meeting with and and where things go from here but your thoughts at this point as we're not only concerned about what can happen overseas but how it impacts us here at home of course uh.

Talking about our national security yeah I mean the US government and European governments will be watching very closely how Israel responds uh as the previous guests uh in this segment and earlier have all said very clearly that uh Iran has indicated that this attack was a response for an attack uh that they uh that targeted.

Their military personnel that they that from their perspective this specific incident is concluded but that they would respond uh if uh Israel responds to this attack so we'll have to keep an eye on that look Iran Israel other countries in the region the us nobody benefits from a a escalation in a regional War they they don't benefit.

Economically they don't benefit benefit militarily and they certainly don't benefit from a humanitarian perspective so they're going to try to avoid it but what Homeland Security officials are going to be looking at now is whether you know to to be in advance of an escalation a potential escalation they're going to want to think through.

What are the different threats that could impact the US in domestic environment they're going to be concerned about individuals loan offenders who are who use this incident or use these events uh as the justification for a loan offender attack they're going to be concerned about Iranian operatives or operatives from.

Iranian proxy groups from entering the US and engaging in violence so they're going to work with local law enforcement um non-government organizations they're going to look at border enforcement strategy to ensure that an attack doesn't occur in the US John Cohen appreciate you a lot more ahead we'll be right.

back whenever wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas Edinburgh Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in Warson we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the.

Stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of.

Television first thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another aval warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in.

Between how do billionaire sounds sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live here was a story where's Kate what's going on with Kate of course the mystery of a missing woman and a royal doesn't get more fascinating than that.

Then the moment that silenced everyone it's been a really difficult time I would argue that the royal family were already facing a crisis this Health crisis has given them probably their biggest challenge the crown in crisis what is the relationship like between Harry and William today now streaming on Hulu why do so many people start their.

Day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts all G7 countries aligned with President Biden now condemning Iran's.

Unprecedented and direct attack on Israel hello everyone I'm Kira Phillips if you're just tuning in we are glad you are with us as we continue to follow breaking news all throughout the day Biden and the G7 now standing together demanding that Iran and its proxy seize all coordinated attacks after those explosions lit up the sky in Iran.

Launching hundreds of drones and cruise missiles in retaliation for the Israeli air strike on Iran's Consulate in Syria we are getting new video of Iranian missiles now going over the Dome there the rock of Jerusalem Netanyahu and Israeli defense forces behind closed doors working on a strategy and hopefully a potential response that we.

Could learn more about that should happen within the next few hours Iran's President also declaring that his country has now taught Israel a lesson also warning that any Counterattack would be met with a heavier and regretful response we have full team coverage from the Middle East from here in Washington uh all the way to.

Overseas and we begin with President Biden G7 leaders and a show of force White House correspondent Mary Alice Park's joining us now uh as we begin things with the G7 leaders saying that they are standing tall and standing ready uh to take further measures to support President Biden yeah K I just got off a call with a senior.

Administration official who made it very clear that the G7 was working in lockstep they wanted to present a united front saying that they were standing with Israel not only proud of a successful uh overnight to defend Israel working actively to help defend Israel shoot all of those drones out of the sky uh but also the G7 making clear in their.

Statements that Iran will be held accountable in some way for this massive attack I mean the senior Administration official really underscoring just the scope and breadth of what Israel experienced overnight saying that it was on the higher end of what even the US uh was planning for and preparing for expecting uh but again reinforcing what.

They called a spectacular military success and defense capabilities from Israel and the United States I mean just remarkable that regardless of this unbelievable attack from Iran hardly any damage I mean a real a real uh Testament to the defense capabilities there now in terms of what the G7 could be thinking about uh we're talking about things like.

Potentially more sanctions of course it does not mean that the US in any way would be involved with a military response back now from Israel uh the senior Administration official making that very clear that would not be in line with us policy that that has been relayed to the Israelis uh but that doesn't mean the G7 might not be working.

On some other kind of more economic response after last night yeah that's true and President Biden is uh pressuring Israel to to Reign it in and these tactics particularly in Gaza could this attack change the administration's posture in any way shape or form I think hard to know at this stage but.

You're exactly right that this comes after the president has had really tough conversations with prime minister Netanyahu about Israel's tactics in Gaza uh we know that they're still planning to have more conversations for example on Israel's plans in southern Gaza in Rafa we've been asking the White House about that all day today they said.

They're still going to keep having those conversations uh with Israel but it you're exactly right that the president knew that after especially after the last few weeks the tougher conversations he has had with Israel it was so important that when Israel was under attack again the president wanted to make clear to the world that the US was.

Standing with him and not with with Israel not only we saw of course last night the president doing that diplomatically on the phone with Benjamin Netanyahu but of course militarily I mean us Airmen in the air working to make sure that Israel was safe shooting those objects down from the sky we just got word that the.

President uh called members of the specific fighter squadrons to thank them congratulate them for their work on keeping Israel safe that was clearly the priority from the White House today all right White House correspondent Maris Mar Ellis Parks thank you so much I appreciate it all right let's bring in our Brit clinet along with WABC New.

York's Josh isinger he's there in Jerusalem with more Brit let's talk about the latest first on this potential uh Counterattack from Israel we know exactly what the options are at this point yeah look here I I think everyone wants to know what Israel's next chess move will be Netanyahu has convened the war cabinet now to discuss the options.

And as far as we we know there are some that are for a big reaction and some are against it it's not clear though where Netanyahu stands but any Israeli response that can be said uh could trigger another roundout of attacks from Iran and Teran has made it clear that it will respond so the danger of escalation and an all allout war becomes very real.

It is unclear at this moment Kira how Isel plans to respond but War cabinet minister Benny Gans he said that it will exact a price for Iran's attack when the timing is right he said and Cara earlier I spoke to IDF spokesperson Peter Lerner he was tight lipped on what the response would be but when I asked him you know whether they you know wouldn't respond.

Or whether they might resp respond in a a significant way he said they are exploring every option in between he said that they have a range of measures uh that they have offered up to uh the government and they're letting the political Echelon decide on the next steps to take he was Keen to show that last night was really Testament not just.

To Israel's capabilities to defend itself but also to uh how United they stand with the United States so Josh how have things been uh for you uh from last night I know you and Britt both have been working around the clock uh just from tonight into the morning describe what it's like there that who you've been able to talk to and.

Your sense of where things stand at this hour well you know Kira one thing that's really remarkable almost as remarkable as the the sheer fact that this attack was so you know unsuccessful at causing the damage that Iran clearly wanted it to cause is the fact that a day later you know the buildings are all still standing buildings that have been here.

For you know thousands of years all still standing but it is true that a lot has changed in the bigger picture uh of of the the the the Middle East uh crisis if you will uh everyday Society has moved on people were in the pool at the hotel where we are today uh people go to the grocery store the government has moved on traffic is out and about people.

Are at work uh we have a gentleman that we've been working with who's been driving us around he was telling us that you know people he's talking to uh aside from talking about politics as they ordinarily would they're just going about their day and that is something that I think is really emblematic of just Israeli Society in general this was.

No doubt a an unprecedented attack but it was yet another in an endless string of crises that they've had to face and that they have come out on the other side and I think that's how a lot of people people seem to see it today well and Josh Aon is warning a heavier response to any potential counter uh counter attack what's the reaction there.

Where you are you know it's funny because that actually gets to the public opinion when it comes Kira to Benjamin Netanyahu and his current standing among Israeli voters you know he has taken an enormous hit in terms of solidarity and unity behind him that was quite strong after October 7th but in the in the months.

Since in the months that the war against Hamas and Gaza has plotted along with the Bloodshed and the standing dropping around the world of Israel's reputation the fact that 133 hostages eight of whom are American are still not home uh you know this is something that has angered a lot of people here we went to a protest yesterday in Tel Aviv protest uh.

Of you know where tens of thousands of people turned out hoping that he will face early elections and be turfed out of office and a lot of people we spoke to said they actually are blaming him for the situation with Iran it was of course the action of Israel to to attack that Consulate in syyria that led to this in the first place and so if he.

Proceeds down that path yet again it will hurt his standing and isra public opinion will be that much more enraged Kira all right Josh Brit both of whom are in uh Jerusalem there for us appreciate you both joining us now our Ann FL she's over there at the Pentagon while J O'Brien is up on the hill for us a lot of angles to cover and the US.

Military sure got involved last night shooting down those Iranian drones via strike Fighters what's next for our US forces if anything yeah that's right Kira the US military telling us at this hour they've now counted about 70 drones that the US shot down there were two Navy destroyers that shot down four to six ballistic missiles and then this new.

Piece of information an Army Patriot system a missile battery system uh shooting down a ballistic missile in Iraq that they believed was headed toward Israel so all of this to say the US military says that they stand by Israel but officials making clear to reporters when they spoke to them that they are pointing to International.

Discussions multilateral responses code for saying we don't want this to escalate we don't want more military operations we want to do this through diplomatic channels Cara all right so Jay Aid to Israel uh and Ukraine clearly front and center yeah we're learning now Kira from multiple Congressional sources that.

House Republicans are preparing an aid package for Israel Steve scalise the number two Republican in the house the majority leader while that attack by Iran was unfolding said the house was changing its schedule it would come back and only focus this coming week starting tomorrow on passing an aid package for Israel we've now learned from multiple.

Congressional sources that House Republicans are also talking about including aid for Ukraine into that package to potentially get more democratic support for it that would be significant as you I and an have talked about for weeks House Republicans have been very reticent to put aid for Ukraine on the house floor so if those.

Two issues really do link get linked together in the house it would be the furthest Ukraine Aid has gotten in that chamber in nearly a year Cara what about the Iran sanctions Enforcement Act I I heard Senator Joanie erns bringing that up once again yesterday when all of this went down could we be hearing more Rumblings on on what to do about that.

Will lawmakers uh create yet another conversation uh in particular about sanctions at this point it's interesting because that is a component in the Senate where that legislation was passed but it's also a key component in the house because you heard me mention scal saying that the house was reshaping its schedule coming back focusing on Israel.

He also said that he's not just focusing on aid for Israel when the house returns but also focusing on holding Iran accountable as he calls it for that attack so you can imagine House Republicans are also going to put either that legislation or some similar kind of legislation on the floor as well we don't know the exact shape of their plan.

For when they return we know they're still ironing out some of the details at this hour but that is certainly component of what lawmakers are going to focus on in the coming days all right we'll be talking a lot about it no doubt an flare J O'Brien thank you and coming up an American journalist who spent more than a year in an Iranian prison his.

Response to the attack last night next this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin Russia on the ground in Ukraine to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 storm I Boston is in the bullseye let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight.

To you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news now to a man that that knows well exactly what it's like to be held captive in Iran Washington Post journalist Jason resan served as the post Tan's correspondent from 2012 to 2016 and he spent 544 days in prison now according to the.

US state department wrongfully detained individuals by Iran uh has been an issue clearly for years with ongoing tensions uh in this country Jason it's great to see you again your first reaction uh to Iran's attack well Kira um I I was I don't want to say surprised because you know many folks expected uh.

Some sort of retaliation a bit surprised by the scope uh and scale of Iran's attack but also uh by the uh defense systems of the Israelis and and the Us and other allies uh to render the attack uh essentially uh you know a failure uh but I think the whole region the whole world is on pens and needles right now because um this sort of uh escalation in.

In in use of force even if it's not successful in in targeting civilian populations or even military installations uh is caused for great concern and and the possibility of um the conflict just escalating and and uh the borders of it spreading and you know a senior Biden Administration official.

Jason actually told us that his hand was trembling as he needed to take notes while watching the hundreds of ballistic missiles being launched headed toward Israel um what what do you think made this attack uh so much more nerve-wracking than other threats and attacks well I mean I think this is the first time that that Iran has uh.

Specifically and overtly uh used its military might such that it is uh on Israeli soil uh in such a direct way um frankly though Iran's military capabilities are not up to far with not only the United States with israels so I don't think that they intended for this attack uh to to succeed in killing large numbers of people it was a response uh.

To the killing of their their own Generals in Syria uh a couple of weeks back I think they had to do something their options are not very good right now uh but the last thing that the people of Iran and actually I I would say the Iranian regime right now uh is a a full Onslaught uh attack from from Israel on their.

Soil I mean and we've talked about all the various scenarios of of what that could look like and and and what the options could be at this point we won't find out of course until we learn more from this war cabinet meeting that's taking place but I want to ask you you know you're an Iranian Iranian American you're familiar with the Iranian.

Government and you are intimately familiar with the Iranian people how do you think they feel about this attack here it's a great question I think people are uh are rightfully uh very scared uh they have no interest in seeing uh a war between Iran and uh world powers explode on their own soil uh I think one of the main claims to.

Success that the Islamic Republic uh has been able to hold on to for the last 30 years or so is doing a decent job of Defending uh their own borders uh that would go out the window uh with a with a Israeli attack on Iranian soil but I also think it's it's really important to remind viewers that the Iranian regime and the Iranian people are two very.

Different distinct groups that want different things and the vast majority of people in Iran uh want a Freer more open Future one that doesn't include conflict with any country uh one that can that that rather includes uh integration into the global economy and the ability to be a part of uh the community of Nations uh with this sort.

Of escalatory move though that seems very unlikely in the short term do you think this could be a moment in time because of it's because the attack is is so unprecedented that a change could finally happen everybody's talking about how this could escalate tensions and and and move toward um a a bigger War but do.

You think it's possible we could actually see the opposite effect here I wish I wish that I thought that that was in the cards um but I think that we're dealing with a leadership in Iran as well as in the current Israeli government uh that thrives on the idea uh of conflict with with that counterpart which is why I think that.

The Biden Administration has been quite wise in their approach uh to the the conflict in in Gaza over the last seven several months but also specifically in this instance right now saying that you know we will support uh Israeli our support for Israel is Ironclad at the same time we will not join in into a retaliatory attack against Iran I think.

That that is quite important and I hope that they're able to maintain that uh semblance of some Independence because this is not a us fight yeah definitely isn't and there are still hostages being held by Hamas as someone who had to endure substantial hardship and torture for 18 months in an Iranian prison how do you see the.

Hostages suffering even more from this so k i I appreciate you for bringing that up I mean I I have been devastated since day one of this crisis uh with the hostages being taken it's one piece of a very large puzzle uh so many of those people unfortunately have been killed since they were taken hostage many more are women children.

Elderly uh I you know my heart bursts for these folks and I hope that um that they return to their families as soon as possible as safely as possible the truth is I think Iran has an important role to play in helping those people uh be released and I I hope that they use uh or that the US uses some leverage towards Iran uh and I think that is one.

Possibility one opportunity for Iran to avoid a new attack if they were to help very quickly in the coming days to free those hostages Jason great to see you again so glad that you were able to add your Insight today appreciate it thanks Kira coming up how far the US military can go to protect Israel we debate it.

Next what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to.

Go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you David good to meet you is David.

David yes yes I'm David M I know who you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast you're watching America's number one streaming news live reporting breaking new exclusives keep streaming with ABC News live reporting from Spartansburg.

Pennsylvania I'm Stephanie Ramos wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live glad you're joining us and if you are just starting to stream along with us we are continuing to follow the aftermath of Iran's unprecedented attack on Israel explosions lighting up the sky overnight as Iran launched hundreds of.

Drones and cruise missiles in retaliation for that Israeli strike on Iran's Consulate in Syria former acting under secretary for intelligence at the Department of Homeland Security John Cohen has been following it uh since the moment it happened yesterday John glad you're back with us um I'm curious you know we we talked about the attack we.

Talked about how it took many people by surprise even those sitting in the Situation Room uh yesterday but just for everyday Americans right now waking up and and looking toward the beginning of a new week should we be concerned about our national security right now yeah I mean hey Cara I mean as we've talked about over the past several.

Months I mean we are in a threat environment based on global events uh and even domestic threats uh that is volatile Dynamic highly complex it's probably the most dangerous threat environment I've experienced in my 40 plus years um being involved in law enforcement and Homeland Security the fact that.

Iran would launch an attack from its territory launch an attack of the magnitude that it it it conducted last night that is sending a message that something has changed in their calculus at the same time we should all be heartened by the fact that the Israeli response and the response of its allies limited the impact of this attack and.

That sent a strong message to Iran as well I have to sit here and say you know I think to some degree that Iran may be a bit relieved uh that the attack caused as minimal damage and casualties as it did because uh if it would have resulted in mass destruction or a large number of casualties or if one of their Aviation assets would have.

Struck a US ship they know that there would have been a significant response and Iran still wants to avoid a direct conflict with Israel and the United States because they know quite frankly they'll lose that war oh and they sure love uh getting into the headlines don't they and creating the conversation uh that we've.

Been having all through the night and all through the day today and just to you know from overseas to to hear at home because home insecurity is your expertise um we were talking earli on today about various church and Moss across the country taking extra precaution because of what is happening overseas um understandably that makes.

Sense the day after an attack everybody is sort of going to be on pins and needles uh even here in the United States but going forward into tomorrow and Tuesday and Wednesday how are you viewing how Vigilant we should be in light of what happened um when we go about our daily lives here in the US well I mean I think it's you know as.

Far as the general public we have to conduct ourselves the same way we've been conducting ourselves for the past 10 15 years you know live your lives uh don't be scared but be aware uh be aware of your surroundings if you see something that's unusual or suspicious notify local police the good news is that over the last decade uh in.

Particular um local law enforcement state and local law enforcement have become much more in tune with how overseas events May impact the domestic threat environment and we become much more aware of the potential threat posed by Iran itself all right John Cohen I always appreciate your Insight I appreciate it and stay.

With us we have much more coverage ahead on the breaking news since that attack by Iran on Israel a lot more to come stay with us what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters This our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came.

In from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made in the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work.

Hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you David to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David I know who you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about.

Everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good give it to me your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us after news for everything you need to know I love.

That this is ABC News live the crush on the ground in Ukraine ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news reporting from the fton County Georgia Courthouse I'm Reena Roy wherever the story is we'll take you.

There you're streaming ABC News live the United States making it clear clear that the US will not take part in an Israeli response to Iran's unprecedented and direct attack on Israel good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips if you're just tuning in we are glad you are with us as we continue to follow the breaking news across the.

Country and overseas President Biden and G7 leaders standing together now dep demanding that Iran and its proxies cease all coordinated attacks after explosions lit up the sky and Iran launching those hundreds of drones and cruise missiles in retaliation for that Israeli strike on Iran's Consulate in Syria Netanyahu and his Israeli Defense.

Forces meeting behind closed doors working on a strategy and potential response that we could learn very soon exactly what that means Iran's President also declaring his country has now taught Israel a lesson and warning that any Counterattack would be met with a heavier and regretful response we have full team coverage from the Middle East.

To here in our nation's capital as we break down every detail of what we saw last night and also now a potential response on behalf of Israel we begin with the Biden Administration right now working to calm tensions in the Middle East the US says it will not participate in an Israeli Counter Strike on Iran White House correspondent Mary Alis.

Parks is getting all the late breaking details now for us uh what do you know Mary Alis yeah just like you said K the US officials making it very clear that it would not be in line with US policy to be involved in any kind of counterterm military strike but that does not mean that the white house does not believe that Iran should be held.

Accountable in fact very much the opposite the president has spent today here on the phone me talking with Partners in the region with Congressional leaders we know we held that emergency meeting with the G7 and in all of those statements the White House really trying to emphasize just how unprecedented this attack against.

Israel was I mean these numbers are shocking when you think about them again I mean 300 drones and missiles fired from Iran including more than a 100 medium range missiles 30 land attack cruise missiles uh more than 150 drones I mean when we're talking about us aircraft alone working with Israel to shoot down 70 uh uh 70 of those objects.

I mean it is really just staggering and that has been the message uh from us officials that that even though the defense capabilities worked so well the damage was kept to such a minimal that it was as as one senior official put it to me a spectacular success that does not undermine uh what Iran was doing that their intention according to us.

Officials was very much to inflict inflict maximum damage maximum damage and that that should be met with absolutely Universal condemnation from the international community and what more are we learning about what exactly the United States did know ahead of this attack as it played out I we know that they were obviously.

Getting incredible intelligence but even us officials admitted that this was a bigger attack from Iran than they had seen that they on the higher end they said than what what they anticipated um we do know that they were uh exchanging some messages via the Swiss uh from Iran basically that Iran through the Swiss.

Was able to tell the United States when they were done that was a very interesting development we learned today uh but but it has been interesting how much the US has wanted to project that this was a unified global response in defense of Israel the message from this White House Kira has been that the International Community was largely.

Standing with Israel and actively working to defend Israel through the night that this should be a message back to Iran that Israel has friends friends willing to come to its side in these moments uh regardless I mean regardless of the fact that the last few weeks there have been tense conversations uh between friends between the US and.

Israel Over the war in Gaza but that when Israel was under attack the US was there I mean literally there with military assets by its side to help defend it I mean that that has been the message from this white house and looking forward I mean a message that there will be some kind of response to to Iran from the United States but but.

Likely through diplomacy um economic response we're talk we're hearing word of potential new sanctions a unified response from the G7 in that way uh but like you said like you started us officials making very clear that they will not be a part of any kind of military Counterstrike with Israel all right White House correspondent Mari.

Alis Parks appreciate you Mari Alis thank you now to Israel where we also know at least nine ballistic missiles hit two Israeli air bases but no reports of significant damage or injuries that's what we want to bring in our Josh iner from our New York station who's reporting from Jerusalem for us so Josh what are you learning about the extent.

Of damage well first of all Kira they they dodged such a bullet or more than 300 bullets you might say uh this was of course as Mary Alice just said an extraordinary display of coordination and of technological capability in terms of their ability Israel's ability to repel much of this attack there was some.

Minor damage at uh a military installation in the South uh there was actually one fatality and this is a very very sad situation there was a 10-year-old girl uh who was hit by shrapnel falling from the sky they were shooting these drones out of the sky and they had to fall somewhere and this this little girl was hit went to the hospital.

She was first reported as being critically injured and then it turned out she did sadly die at the hospital which is terrible but you know if that was the only thing that happened with 330 uh missiles or drones vaulted across the sky into Israel uh by Iran uh this was a very successful uh effort at repelling that.

Attack so Israeli officials tell me more about how they are reacting to just to how well their defenses held up against Iran's strikes I mean these strikes even surprise uh cabinet members inside the Biden Administration who were in The Situation Room yeah look this was this was a there.

Was a real sense of Doomsday for a little while there there was you know a huge amount of Firepower coming this way and a lot of questions of whether the system would hold up against it and it did and so today you know there's a lot of you know Applause and a lot of backs slapping a lot of people are very proud of the system and and you know with they.

All all for all appearances they really should be both on on this side and in the United States that said uh they still have a serious problem what are they going to do next is Benjamin Netanyahu going to uh follow the the the apparent desires of his right flank the ones who support him politically who are his base uh who would want him to.

Retaliate further against Iran will he heed the warnings of President Biden and the White House and the will of quite frankly a growing majority of the Israeli people uh recent poll by the Israeli public broadcaster has suggested that more than 70% of Israelis want Netanyahu out of office earlier than the 2026 end of his term uh that is you know.

Pretty bad for a politician and a lot of that is because because they blame him for the situation that that Israel is in with the war with Hamas and a lot of people blame him for enraging Iran to the point that they are they they had this big scare last night so the question in terms of what he does next what Israel does next there's a lot of.

Pressure on Netanyahu right now uh and it it's really unclear what he will do the US of course has made it very clear they won't be part of in any kind of offensive strategy which presumably would give him some pause all right John appreciate your reporting for us from Jerusalem also following the aftermath of this attack.

Former assistant secretary for the Department of Homeland Security Elizabeth Newman along with our national security and defense analyst Mick mroy and also former senior Cia field operative darl blocker Mick let's start with you what role could the US play moving forward here well I think primarily Cara we're.

Going to look at uh helping Israel in their defense because it's clear that the attacks are not going to stop maybe they'll stop from coming directly from Iran but their proxies like Hezbollah for example and the houthis to a lesser extent are just going to continue and it's important to point out Hezbollah has hundreds of thousands of rockets.

Some of which are Precision guided munition so they can be a substantial uh factor to the security of Israel and we can defend them we of course always provide intelligence when it comes and I think we had some really exquisit intelligence uh in this event last night which certainly did help us prepare for and shoot down these Rockets but it is.

Clear the United un States doesn't intend to militarily take part in any actions that Israel might want to do directly against Iran so darl Iran delivered uh a message to the US actually through this Swiss channel uh while the attack was already underway what more can you tell us about how the US Works to gather Intel on.

Attacks like this so the intelligence signature that emanates from each of the missiles the drones uh all of those are a certain sect or section within the intelligence Community that's involved with this the Swiss role the Swiss represent our interests in Iran they represent our interest in Cuba and they've always.

Played that role for as far back as I can recall certainly back to the U revolution of 1979 but I believe they've also made a very tactical era meaning the Islamic Republic of of Iran they've now coalesced and gotten the G7 behind Israel in the United States and the rest of the world now knows that Iran cannot.

Hide behind the skirts of Hezbollah either in Lebanon or Iraq or the houthis in Yemen or the Hamas that has been supporting since uh they cut ties with the PLO in the late 80s so Elizabeth what about our national security here at home now how are we preparing for those threats I don't think this is over I I.

Think there are a number of questions that we're waiting to see how Netanyahu handles um as uh Josh reported from Israel there's domestic politics at play and um and then there's his own National Security picture and if they decide to retaliate um and while we have committed to their defense we haven't committed to their offense it's it's really hard to.

Understand what Iran might do next and any sort of tit fortat um type of situation involving the Middle East can be very precarious for our um National Security interest overseas as well as at home home uh Iran has a number of proxies that we are very concerned if activated could do harm in the Homeland uh so that would be my first concern uh.

If this continues to escalate and then the second is we have a very heightened threat environment already at home and events like this and any sort of tension in the Middle East May further exacerbate it may be that trigger that a uh loan actor might use to go and commit some other what otherwise seems random attack but is very much in their mind.

Tied to what's happening in the Middle East so we just continue to be in a very difficult complex threat environment that law enforcement at home are trying to protect and keep our community safe um and and thus we'll just wait and see I suppose what Netanyahu decides to do and that's what we are all waiting on what exactly Netanyahu and his War.

Cabinet does decide to do Elizabeth Mick Daryl thank you all coming up the big four Congressional leaders have have spoken with President Biden about the Iranian air strikes we'll tell you what happened next whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground.

In Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from.

Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story.

Is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on get another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what.

Happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this.

Morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New.

York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here welcome back everyone I'm Kira Phillips while the big four Congressional leaders speaker Mike.

Johnson House minority leader hakee jeffre Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell have now all spoken with President Biden about the Iran in air strikes let's head straight to Capitol Hill where our Jay O'Brien has been tracking it all for us all right what do we know about the call Jay well we don't.

Know much about the call other than the fact that it happened we have a little bit of Chuck Schumer's characterization of the call because he's giving a press conference in New York moments ago it began um and his characterization of the call is that among other things that were discussed aid for Israel was discussed and he says that all four.

Congressional leaders on the call which would be mik Johnson and Hakeem Jeff the top Republicans and Democrats in the house and also obviously Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer top Republican Democrat in the Senate agreed that there should be a package voted on this week that includes aid for Ukraine and for Israel it'll be interesting to see if.

The Republicans on the call match that characterization that Schumer gives but I can tell you I've heard from Republican sources in the house who say that they are looking at voting on Ukraine Aid this week in addition to Aid they promised to vote on this week for Israel Jay O'Brien up on the hill will follow it for sure appreciate it coming.

Up Senator Joanie Ern served our military and now she serves in the Senate what she thinks about this attack and how she plans to hold Iran accountable if her fellow lawmakers will join her this is ABC News live the crushing of families here in Poland at Refugee centers intin Russia on the ground in.

Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 storm I Boston is in the bull let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC News live America's number one streaming news with so much at stake so much on.

The line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of Television it why do so many people start their day.

Here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a.

Part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here first thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East.

What people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news Gaza City right next to alifa hospital wherever the news is we'll take you there you're.

Streaming ABC News live after those drones lit up Jerusalem Skies as you can imagine lawmakers back here at home came together to call out Iran and this unprecedented attack and call upon American leadership to take more action Senator Joanie Ernst was one of them as a republican who was represented who has represented Iowa.

Rather in the Senate since 2014 she's also a member of the Armed Forces or the armed services committee and is the first female combat veteran to serve in the Senate Senator UR good to see you a lot has happened uh since last night we will get to the politics in just a moment Senator but I do want you for a moment please to put on your combat.

Boots for a minute and just talk about your time as a lieutenant colonel in Iraq you have always known about Iran's capabilities and the threat of Iran firsthand did the extent of this attack surprise you the extent did Kira this is absolutely unprecedented uh we've heard many many policy makers many subject.

Matter experts talk about this before but what we have seen coming from Iran previously were proxy attacks through Hamas of course through Hezbollah through the Islamic uh Palestinian Jihad uh there are so many different organizations that Iran will use as an extension of themselves but to see this coming directly from Iran um it does.

Strike Terror into the hearts of uh the Israeli uh we saw this with the the drones that were outfitted with lights um I think this is a scare tactic uh but again it is Iran trying to flex its muscles and show Israel that they are commanding what's going on across the Middle East um.

Fortunately Israel was able to push back with friends and allies and so what we saw was large in part a failure of Iran to demonstrate any level of mind all right so with pretty much a win for Israel a failure for Iran except for maybe for its propaganda it was a it was a win for them knowing what you know from your military background and now.

Combine that uh with being a senator why do you have faith in the Iran sanctions Enforcement Act that you have sponsored uh when we are dealing with a country that has no problem launching hundreds of drones and missiles why is economic pressure the answer for you and is that the only solution there are many solutions Kira.

But we have to start somewhere this Administration has put sanctions on Iran but unfortunately they have not stepped up and enforced those sanctions and this bill would force the president to uh live up to those sanctions that that he has placed on Iran now in the past five years we have seen the oil oil exports coming from Iran uh hit an all-time high.

With a revenue stream of over 80 billion dollars going into the pockets of the regime in Iran and as I stated earlier they use their proxies they are funding proxies with that 80 billion so what the bill would do and again it's a it's a bipartisan bill in the Senate and in the house it would uh Force the seizure of those Iranian oil tankers sell the oil.

For Revenue that would go to our uh Homeland Security investigations and then any leftover money could be used to pay down the debt but again it's a bipartisan bill that's broadly supported in the Senate and the house we need this Administration to step up and start enforcing those sanctions and this bill would allow for.

That bipartisan key word there the US says it will not participate in a potential Israeli Counterstrike as you know what role should the US military play in this conflict now Senator should they do more than just intercept missiles and drones and shoot them down well I do think that we should be doing that we should continue to do that.

But key is of course the supplemental package that is being considered by the house to be a good friend to Israel we need to make sure they have the means to defend themselves um and they are always happy and they tell us as policy makers all the time that we don't need you to do the fighting for us we just need the support the platforms the Munitions and.

The knowledge knoow so we anticipate that we will get that uh bill over the Finish Line I'm very hopeful that speaker Johnson brings it up this next week and then we can continue to support our friends in Israel but absolutely assisting with shooting down any incoming missiles to Israel but then also we could help with targeting um.

Logistical support whatever might be needed by the Israelis without directly engaging in the conflict former president Trump is claiming this attack never would have happened if he were in office what do you think he is referring to specifically how would he have handled this and how would you like to see us.

Policy toward Israel change if indeed he is reelected in November well president Trump was much more aggressive when it came to Iran and pushing back against Iran we have seen a level of appeasement in this Administration which has not gone gone unnoticed by the Iranian regime um we of course walked away from the Iran nuclear.

Deal during uh president Trump's tenure and I supported that effort um and what we have seen from the Biden Administration again is a lack of uh standing up for what we believe in standing up for Israel pushing back on uh the the regime so we need to be very firm firm and enforce sanctions say and do what we mean um Iran is walking all.

Over us uh you look at the attacks on American troops throughout the Middle East uh we have seen this time and time again we saw it with a loss of three soldiers from the 718th engineering company out of Georgia at Tower 22 with no retaliation or very little retaliation coming from this Administration so Iran thinks they can.

Get away with whatever they want within this Administration I do not believe that they would have gone to this level to attack our service members as well as our good friend and partner in the Middle East Israel if president Trump had still been in office senator if you don't mind Israel is facing threats on multiple fronts as.

You know you mentioned uh that 95 billion doll foreign aid package for both Israel and Ukraine that's been stalled in the house as you mentioned uh what's your message to Republicans who are still on the fence and how does that money play into holding Hamas and Iran accountable right now yes I think it's very important that.

We move this package over the finish line the United States of America is a world Powerhouse we are a leader of the Free World and we need to assist our friends and allies all around the globe when it means security for our own nation and this package does mean security for our own Nation we can see our friends and.

Allies as an extension of the United States of America if we are defeating terrorist threats if we are defeating authoritarian regimes overseas it means our nation is that much safer so I would ask friends colleagues in the house please step up I know this may be a hard vote for some of them but this is about the security of our own people here at.

Home believe me I would much rather secure our nation by having friends and allies defeat these terrorists these regimes abroad than to have to send our sons and daughters uh abroad to do it uh we need to secure the Homeland this bill will do that Republican senator Joanie Ernst of Iowa I sure appreciate your time today.

Thank you Senator thank you Kira and thanks for streaming with us I'm Kira Phillips ABC News live is here for you anytime with the latest news context and Analysis you can always find us on your favorite streaming service the ABC News app and of course on the news never stops neither do we we'll be right back.

Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas Edinburough Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in warong we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the.

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Television first thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with.

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Doesn't get more fascinating than that then the moment that silenced everyone it's been in a really difficult time I would argue that the royal family were already facing a crisis this Health crisis has given them probably their biggest challenge the crown in crisis what is the relationship like between Harry and William today now streaming on.

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Podcasts the G7 count is now all aligned with President Biden condemning Iran's Iran's unprecedented and direct attack on Israel good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips and if you're just tuning in we are glad you are with us as we continue to follow the breaking news throughout the day Biden and the G7 now standing together demanding that Iran.

And its proxies cease all coordinated attacks after those explosions that we saw last night lighting up the sky as Iran launched hundreds of drones and cruise missiles in retaliation for that Israeli strike on Iran's Consulate in Syria we are getting new video now of Iranian missiles over the Dome of the Rock the Islamic shrine at the center of.

The ancient Alaska MOS there in Jerusalem Netanyahu and is aeli Defense Forces behind closed doors still trying to work out a strategy and potential response and we could learn exactly what that could be within the next few hours Iran's President also declaring that his country has now taught Israel a lesson and warning that any Counterattack would.

Be met with a heavier and regretful response we have full team coverage from the Middle East to right here in our nation's capital as we are breaking down everything that has happened since last night up to this hour and a potential response let's start with President Biden though meeting with the G7 leaders White House correspondent Mary Alis.

Parks is at the White House with more on that so the G7 leaders say that they stand ready to actually take further measures so what exactly could those further measures be yeah K the administration making very clear that what they saw last night from Iran was unprecedented massive uh senior Administration officials relaying to.

Reporters that was on the high end of even what they expected from Iran and that they believe Iran was absolutely intent in causing unbelievable damage there in Israel but that luckily Israel's defense capabilities held in large part with the help of US forces and assets sent to the region to actively work alongside Israeli troops.

To defend Israel when we heard the president uh we we know the president was on a call rather with uh prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday we've learned a little bit more about that call from some senior Administration officials today uh basically the president was trying to reiterate to Netanyahu that Israel.

Should feel really proud that the defensive that the defense systems held and that the president was trying to encourage him to at this moment Now sort of uh reassess things take a a serious evaluation about what exactly happened and and slow things down I mean clearly the White House is still worried about a potential Israeli response that could.

Escalate things further uh but that doesn't mean that the US isn't expecting that Israel might very well uh respond in some way now the US wouldn't be a part of any kind of military response to Iran uh us officials are making that pretty clear but the G7 could respond diplomatically economically they put out a joint statement are really saying that.

Iran should be held accountable for what happened for what it did for its attack on Israel and I think they're they're in the process of developing what kind of unified diplomatic economic response that could be all right let let's talk about President Biden also speaking now with the King of Jordan about the attack right how exactly uh is the.

Administration working with Jordan and other us allies that they that possibly the president has had other phone calls with privately about trying to calm these tensions moving forward I mean I think it is exactly that K the president talking to uh these leaders in the region trying to calm tensions uh wanting to make sure that things don't.

Continue to spiral I mean that has been the White House's concern I mean frankly for weeks but especially in uh today an anxiety that that a response carried by a response a response to a response uh could escalate things out of control and we've seen and heard that message from other leaders throughout the region you know not only in the US and leaders in.

Europe but like you said it's the same message we've been hearing from a lot of leaders right there around Israel an anxiety uh that things could spiral a hope that they won't and of course this comes at a really complicated time I mean this the president has had tough conversations with Israel in the last few weeks about Israel's war in Gaza.

Obviously the jordanians worried about that as well uh still worried about how Israel might be moving in the south of Gaza and and I'm sure the president trying to reiterate to all of these partners that it's continuing to work with Israel on all fronts all right White House correspondent Mar Alis Parks appreciate.

You and and all your coverage throughout the day Mary Alis Israeli officials say that the country's Iron Dome defense system endured a big test from Iran attack intercepting 99% of those threats thrown right at it let's bring in our Josh iner from our New York station at reporting from Jerusalem uh for more Josh those explosions uh lighting up the.

Sky above Jerusalem the Iron Dome intercepting those missiles and drones so let's just put into perspective um that was a win for Israel it was a win for Israel it was quite something curo we saw it firsthand from this very balcony a little a little bit less than 24 hours ago now it's now 10:00 p.m. local time it's the first.

Time I've stood here in the dark actually since this happened and it's funny because it's Eerie it was uh it was just right over my left shoulder where we saw uh it was probably a total of somewhere between 8 and 12 streaks in the night sky one after another and then we saw uh one at a time uh they were hit by the Iron Dome system and they kind of.

Vaporized or appeared to vaporize and then the Sirens went off uh and then we uh left the the to to a place that was a little bit more safe for a few minutes before we got the all clear but it really was It was kind of it was fascinating to watch it in action and that's what happened with 99% as you said of the hardware that was Voli over.

Here from Iran more than 300 uh drones or missiles and and the vast majority of them were taken down even before they hit Israeli airspace dozens of them taken down by US military assets as well a very large Allied effort to try to fend off this attack and it all really worked incredibly well they did have days to game this out and they really.

Did use that time very well to coordinate their defense Kira where do you see this going from here uh you know it's it's as Mary Alis said it's everyone's waiting to see what Netanyahu does next there is clearly a a very strong imperative from allies in the region and around the world the G7 to try to get Netanyahu to hit the.

Breakes and and lower the temperature because the last thing we need is she said this would be a response to a response which would then bring another response Iran is already said that if if if Israel continues this spiral then Iran will will respond in in in due kind so it's really unclear another question I have you know there was plenty of.

Warning there was plenty of time for for the this to be the defense to be prepared um and Iran knew this wasn't a stealthy attack so IR this you know from the concept of proportionality you know I wonder as somebody who's not a foreign policy expert but I wonder were they intending uh to Target you know Mass civilian casualties they had to have.

Known that the US and Israel and the UK and Jordan would band together to fend most of this off all right Josh Shiner there in Jerusalem for us uh Josh thanks so much and please let us know uh once you re receive any word um outside of this war cabinet meeting that is taking place uh we really want to stay on top of that and.

And try to decipher what exactly could happen next Josh thank you also earlier today our brick clinet talked to the spokesperson for the IDF Peter larner take a listen to what he had to say about a potential Counterattack were you surprised by last night's attack no we had been planning for it we realized that Iran was up to no good.

Once more and together with our allies uh we created a plan of action um a unified operational plan to respond to Iran's aggression but were you surprised by the scale of it I think that um we had a good good intelligence we had a good operational plan we had good forces prepared and poised um on the ground and in the air uh and we had a an alliance.

That came together around this incident with a very very strong message to Iran um you can't get away with this so I think there there it's not a question of surprise on what they gave out it's how we responded to it and I think coming together in such a very very strong way under the umbrella of United States Central Command together with the.

British together with the French and the regional players sent a very very clear message um to Iran that you can't get away with it and we will work together to save lives I mean po politically what political wise we've seen some cracks in the US uh Israel relationship do you think last night was kind of a turn took another positive turn the military to.

Military has been tight has been airtight uh the relationship is very very professional eye to eye and that is exactly what we we fulfilled yesterday um you know General Killa Le left yesterday morning uh before everything happened the the commander of the United States Central Command and we had an operational plan very well ironed out in.

Order to address the impending attack understanding exactly what they were planning to do what Iran was planning to do with 300 um uh missiles guided missiles ballistic missiles um explosive drones 170 explosive drones none of them made it to Israel's airspace because we intercepted them beforehand because our allies intercepted some of them so it's.

A very very close knit um very densely aerial uh airspace could you give a breakdown of how many and operations as you just heard there and our next guest knows about those types of operations knows about Bad actors their tactics and the results of their unpredictable attacks but he has spent more than 30 years Gathering intelligence even going.

Under cover to serve our country all the way to briefing our presidents Chris C is a former US Army intelligence officer and senior director for counterterrorism at the National Security Council and is also a good friend of the show he has been watching this since the very beginning we've been talking through the night Chris you know and it's what all.

Of us want to know at this point did Iran finally cross a threshold here for a wider War yeah Cara it's great to see you yes I think uh in fact Iran did cross a threshold in that they attacked is Israel directly we've heard much of that reporting that since 1979 with the revolution Iran hasn't taken the step to.

Attack directly the country the state of Israel so I think that is a threshold that has been crossed in there have been some officials in Iran that have made that point the fact that this is a new strategic equation so does this situation cause Iran to mobilize its proxies even stronger even more against Israel.

Now yeah I think so we're going to see a status quo plus I think we're already seeing that there's been some Rockets fired in hisb I've seen some of the reporting uh through the evening so I suspect that uh that the uh proxies will be mobilized but again I think that some of the tensions can be ratcheted back Iran did what Iran planned and intended.

To do now we're waiting for the other shoe to drop with regard to Israel so I think I I hate the cliche of tip for tap but that's what we're seeing that's what this war really uh presents this idea of action counteraction I've got to ask you about the white what the White House knew and didn't know this just came across um our.

Dl's Chris and i' I'd like you to explain this uh to me but but basically what it says is that the White House was in contact with Iran in the runup to this strike but Iran gave no heads up it says in the intense days of planning that led up to last night's strike the US was in direct communication with Iran through the Swiss Channel but the White.

House was not given any heads up by ton to minimize damage could you just put this in layman's terms for us yeah I think the United States is going to use interlocutors like the Swiss scrape Partners neutral has a presence on the ground in Iran that is a Communications of channel of course I don't know what's happening behind the.

Scenes but it's more than likely that the United States through multiple channels had informed Iran that the United States will defend Israel that said they will not be act offensively and that's exactly what happened the United States it's been reported has shot down some of the Rockets some of the drones uh working with Israel in the.

Defense of the state of Israel the United States might have used those same channels to tell Iran that the United States does not intend to operate offensively against a sovereign Iran so this is a way that tensions can can be ratcheted down and uh to ensure that there's no miscalculations from what you know and.

Where you have been how do you see this playing out do you think Israel will attack in a way that will cause Iran to retaliate once again or do you think cooler heads are going to Prevail here for the sake of overall you Global insecurity right now that's a great question I think conventional wisdom is Israel will have.

To retaliate because the state of Israel was attacked directly by Iran so they it's an incumbent upon them to retaliate just as the Iranians perceive they retaliated uh as a result of the presumed Israel strike in Damascus so Israel will strike Iran at a time of their choosing we've heard that before that also seems a little cliche but it's.

True Israel will pick a time and a place to attack Iran but I think it will be proportional to what happened yesterday and we should note that the man on the street in Iran is going to celebrate what happened because Iran uh needed a win in their view from their prism from their lands and the win was striking at Israel um so we're going to see some.

More of this play out but I think cooler head heads will prevail and in time uh we'll get back to a status quo of course we can't forget that Israel is waging a war on the ground Gaza and they want to return their hostages absolutely we want those hostages back home uh and clearly the Israel and the US strapped when it comes.

To weapons and uh and uh boots on the ground Chris Costa thank you always appreciate your Insight we're going to take a quick break more breaking news Straight Ahead this is ABC News live the crushing families here in at Refugee centers in Putin Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital.

Destructive Cat 4 storm you're along I five Boston is in the bullseye let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news with so much at stake so much on the line more American turn here than.

Any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of Television it to why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to.

Be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see.

Coming wherever you get your podcasts start here as we follow the Fallout now from Iran's unprecedented and direct attack on Israel Michael Orin is also following it very closely you'll remember he served as Israel's ambassador to the United States and before that he was an officer in the Israeli Defense Forces and served.

In combat he was also the idf's military liaison to the US six Fleet during the Gulf War Michael it's always great to bring you in on times like this to see what your thoughts are and how you're experiencing it firsthand uh take me back to last night to right now I can tell from the background I know exactly where you are uh in your your safe your.

Safe uh shelter within your home there book it's a bomb shelter there we let's just I didn't want to be so direct but there you go you're in your bomb shelter and I have spoken to you many times in that same in that same place um talk to me now about about where we stay and the war cabinet it is is discussing strategy at this moment tell me what they you've.

Been inside these meetings before what are they talking about what are they thinking about where do you see this headed I think they're going to look at the big picture what's the big picture we talk a lot about you know cool cooler heads prevailing and Tit for Tat the fact of the matter is Israel and Iran have been at War for more than three.

Decades it's not a war that Israel wanted it's a war that was brought Upon Us by the Islamic Republic when they took over Iran in 1979 before that we had very friendly relationships with Iran and with the Iranian people uh and this war has taken many fronts um it is blowing up of of Jewish communities in Argentina and Israeli uh tourists and.

Embassies abroad and of course uh in more recent decades uh Iran has surrounded Israel uh with proxies whether it's hisbah and Lebanon Hamas and palestin Islamic Jihad in Gaza Shiite milias militias in Iraq and the houti rebels uh in Yemen they all have missiles long range missiles and they're surrounding us on all side we're talking.

About oh upwards of a 200,000 rockets and missiles and drones pointed at Israel so this is not a tactical threat it's a strategic threat uh and you have a regime in tan which is swearing if not every day certainly every week to wipe us off the map so it's it's a very unusual conflict because it's not about changing the government in Israel it's.

About literally destroying this country and so that that is the context and uh and in in that world you know the word retaliation takes on a different meaning uh the big issue is how does Israel retain its deterrence power uh last night for the first time in our history we were attacked by a wave of cruise missiles uh and drones um some 350 in.

Number which is totally unprecedented and there's this sort of this convention of wisdom I've heard in the in the western press over the last 24 hours that uh somehow the Irani knew that these missiles weren't going to get through and uh and knew they'd be intercepted in the message would get through to the to the Israelis nobody.

Believes that here car nobody uh any one of these Miss could have gotten through that that is true that is true and I know that that there have been missiles that have hit not far from from your apartment as as well but but but let me just yes but let me ask you just about the US role here the the role of the US rather uh we are learning now uh.

That the the president has made it clear that the United States is not going to participate in any kind of Counter Strike with Israel do you think that is the right move do you agree with that and if not why well Israel wouldn't expect the United States to participate in in an offensive maneuver and I understand the.

President's particular circumstances facing the reelection 2024 and all that but if you go back in history and I'm talking about far back 1948 our war of independence the United States has always uh unexceptionally opposed Israeli offensive action you even our great victory in the 1967 Six Day War Democratic president Lyndon Johnson very.

Pro-israel opposed Israel's offensive uh and that has been the case in the last four rounds of fighting with Hamas in Gaza the war with hisbah in 2006 so there's nothing really unusual about that position um but the United States has said and said in my presence even President Obama said it in my presence that if Israel is being attacked by.

Waves of rockets from Iran the United States will help defend the state of Israel we even have agreements to that effect uh because the United States has wonderful ground to- a defense systems anti-us V Systems that we don't have it has the Thad and AIS system the Patriot system and then we have the systems we've developed together with the United.

States which is Arrow 2 Arrow 3 uh David sling and the Israeli Iron Dome system which is Israeli but with American Financial backing so Michael you're you're saying then the us would get involved if depending on how the the strike went down you're saying at this point no but if it does reach a a higher level you're saying then the US would.

Then join forces with Israel it won't join forces offensively it'll join forces defensively a big difference americ you know join Israeli jets in Striking strategic Targets in in in Teran or outside of Teran they're not going to do that but if Rockets are falling on this house in Jaffa uh the US.

Military will be there to help provide that anti-missile umbrella got it got it former Israeli Ambassador Michael Lauren your helping us uh get through uh the hours and hours of coverage we appreciate it thank you so much Michael stay with us we'll be right back what does it take to be the most.

Watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to.

Go the house is destroy but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate thank you David good to meet you is David.

David yes yes I'm David mure I know who you are watch you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast this is ABC News live the Crush families here in Poland at Refugee Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the line from the capital destructive cat storm I Boston is in the Bulls let's.

Go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news reporting from Miami Florida I'm Victor okendo wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News.

Live glad you're streaming with us uh if you are just joining us we are continuing to follow the aftermath of Iran's unprecedented attack on Israel those explosions that just lit up the night sky as Iran launched hundreds of drones and cruise missiles in retaliation for that Israeli strike on Iran Consulate in Syria as we wrap up.

The half hour here former acting under secretary for intelligence at the Department of Homeland Security John Cohen joining us once again and and John we're just we're starting to get more uh more Intel now in about um the the reports of of damage the the aftermath basically uh and the scope of it after this uh attack on behalf of Iran I mean.

Bottom line uh looks like uh Israel's defenses and defense systems uh protected them at all costs um early damage estimates doesn't look like uh it it hit very much uh that it was not the the massive escalation as expected here but this also is is is not over and a lot depends on what those Israeli leaders come out of that war cabinet.

Meeting with and and where things go from here but your thoughts at this point as we're not only concerned about what can happen overseas but how it impacts us at here at home of course uh talking about our national security yeah I mean the US government and European governments will be watching very closely how Israel.

Responds uh as the previous guests uh in this segment and earlier have all said very clearly that uh Iran has indicated that this attack was a response for an attack uh that they uh that targeted their military personnel that they that from their perspective this specific incident is concluded but that they would respond uh if uh Israel responds.

To this attack so we'll have to keep an eye on that you look Iran Israel other countries in the region the us nobody benefits from a a escalation in a regional War they they don't benefit economically they don't benefit benefit militarily and they certainly don't benefit from a humanitarian perspective so they're going to try to avid avoid it.

But what Homeland Security officials are going to be looking at now is whether you know to to be in advance of an escalation a potential escalation they're going to want to think through what are the different threats that could impact the US and domestic environment they're going to be concerned about individuals loan.

Offenders who are who use this incident or use these events uh as the justification for a lone offender attack they're going to be concerned about Iranian operatives or operatives from Iranian proxy group from entering the US and engaging in violence so they're going to work with local law enforcement um non-government organizations they're.

Going to look at border enforcement strategies to ensure that an attack doesn't occur in the US John Cohen appreciate you a lot more ahead we'll be right back whenever wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in.

Buffalo yaldi Texas edin bruss Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in warong we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live.

Why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it.

Your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America we are part of an operation this our combat C we're approaching the gate militants came in from hi David ABC's World News Tonight with.

David mure is America's most watched newscast they're the most mysterious creatures on Earth they're masterminds shape shifters they're just so incredibly alien and yet more like us than we ever could have.

Imagined what more do they have to tell us reporting from the Gulf Coast of Florida covering hurricane Adalia I'm M aachi wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live the United States making it clear that the US would will not take part in an Israeli response to Iran's.

Unprecedented and direct attack on Israel good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips if you're just tuning in we are glad you are with us as we continue to follow the breaking news across the country and overseas President Biden and G7 leaders standing together now dep demanding that Iran and its proxies cease all coordinated attacks after.

Explosions lit up the sky and Iran launching those hundreds of drones and cruise missiles and retali ation for that Israeli strike on Iran's Consulate in Syria Netanyahu and his Israeli Defense Forces meeting behind closed doors working on a strategy and potential response that we could learn very soon exactly what that means Iran's.

President also declaring his country has now taught Israel a lesson and warning that any Counterattack would be met with a heavier and regretful response we have full team coverage from the Middle East to here in our nation's Capital as we break down every detail of what we saw last night and also now a potential response on behalf of Israel we begin.

With the Biden Administration right now working to calm tensions in the Middle East the US says it will not participate in an Israeli Counter Strike on Iran White House correspondent Mary Alis Parks is getting all the late breaking details now for us uh what do you know Mary Alis yeah just like you said kir the US officials making it very clear.

That it would not be in line with us policy to be involved in any kind of counterterm military strike but that does not mean that the white house does not believe that Iran should be held accountable fact very much the opposite the president has spent today here on the phone I mean talking with Partners in the region with Congressional leaders.

We know we held that emergency meeting with the G7 and in all of those statements the White House really trying to emphasize just how unprecedented this attack against Israel was I mean these numbers are shocking when you think about them again I mean 300 drones and missiles fired from Iran including more than a 100 medium range missiles 30 land.

Attack cruise missiles uh more than 150 drones I mean when we're talking about us aircraft alone working with Israel to shoot down 70 uh uh 70 of those objects I mean it is really just staggering and that has been the message uh from us officials that that even though the defense capabilities worked so well the damage was kept to such a minimal that.

It was as as one senior official put it to me a spectacular success that does not undermine uh what Iran was doing that their intention according to us officials was very much to inflict inflict maximum damage maximum damage and that that should be met with absolutely Universal condemnation from the international community and what.

More are we learning about what exactly the United States did know ahead of this attack as it played out I we know that they were obviously getting incredible intelligence but but even us officials admitted that this was a bigger attack from Iran than they had seen that they on the higher end they said than what of what they anticipated.

Um we do know that they were uh exchanging some messages via the Swiss uh from Iran basically that Iran through the Swiss was able to tell the United States when they were done that was a very interesting development we learned today uh but but it has been interesting how much the US has wanted to project that.

This was a unified Global Response in defense of Israel the message from this White House Kira has been that the International Community was largely standing with Israel and actively working to defend Israel through the night that this should be a message back to Iran that Israel has friends friends willing to come to its side in these.

Moments uh regardless I mean regardless of the fact that the last few weeks there have been tense conversations uh between friends between the US and Israel Over the war in Gaza but that when Israel was under attack the US was there I mean literally there with military assets by its side to help defend it I mean that that has been the.

Message from this white house and looking forward I mean a message that there will be some kind of response to to Iran from the United States but but likely through diplomacy um economic response we're talk we're hearing word of potential new sanctions a unified response from the G7 in that way uh but like you said like you started us.

Officials making very clear that they will not be a part of any kind of military Counterstrike with Israel all right why White House correspondent Mari Alis Parks appreciate you Mari Alis thank you now to Israel where we also know at least nine ballistic missiles hit two Israeli air bases but no reports of significant.

Damage or injuries that's where we want to bring in our Josh iner from our New York station who's reporting from Jerusalem for us so Josh what are you learning about the extent of damage well first of all Kira that they they dodged such a bullet or more than 300 bullets you might say uh this was of course as Mary Alice just said an.

Extraordinary display of coordination and of technological capability in terms of their ability Israel's ability to repel much of this attack there was some minor damage at uh a military installation in the South uh there was actually one fatality and this is a very very sad situation there was a 10-year-old girl uh who was hit by.

Shrapnel falling from the sky you know they were shooting these drones out of the sky and they had to fall somewhere and this this little girl was hit went to the hospital she was first reported as being critically injured and then it turned out she did sadly die at the hospital which is terrible but you know if that was the only thing that happened.

With 330 uh missiles or drones vaulted across the sky into Israel uh by Iran uh this was a very successful uh effort at repelling that attack so Israeli officials tell me more about how they are reacting uh to just to how well their defenses held up against Iran's strikes I mean these.

Strikes even surprise uh cabinet members inside the Biden Administration who were in The Situation Room yeah look this was this was a there was a real sense of Doomsday for a little while there there was you know a huge amount of Firepower coming this way and a lot of questions of whether the system would hold up against it and it.

Did and so today you know there's a lot of you know Applause and a lot of backs slapping and a lot of people are very proud of the system and and you know with they all all for all appearances they really should be both on on this side and in the United States that said uh they still have a serious problem what are they going to do next is.

Benjamin Netanyahu going to uh follow the the the apparent desires of his right flank the ones who support him politically who are his base uh who would want him to retaliate further against Iran will he heed the warnings of President Biden and the White House and the will of quite frankly a growing majority of the Israeli people uh recent.

Poll by the Israeli public broadcaster has suggested that more than 70% of Israelis want Netanyahu out of office earlier than the 2026 end of his term uh that is you know pretty bad for a politician and a lot of that is because they blame him for the situation that that Israel is in with the war with Hamas and a lot of people blame him for.

Enraging Iran to the point that they are they they had this big scare last night so the question in terms of what he does next what Israel does next there's a lot of pressure on Netanyahu right now uh and it it's really unclear what he will do the US of course has made it very clear they won't be part of an any kind of offensive strategy which presumably.

Would give him some pause all right Josh appreciate your reporting for us from Jerusalem also following the aftermath of this attack former assistant secretary for the Department of Homeland Security Elizabeth Newman along with our national security and defense analyst Mick mroy and also former senior Cia field.

Operative darl blocker Mick let's start with you what role could the US play moving forward here well I think primarily Cara we're going to look at uh helping Israel in their defense because it's clear that the attacks are not going to stop maybe they'll stop from coming directly from Iran but their proxies like Hezbollah.

For example and the houthis to a lesser extent are just going to continue and it's important to point out Hezbollah has hundreds of thousands of rockets some of which are Precision guided munition so they can be a substantial uh factor to the security of Israel and we can defend them we of course always provide intelligence when it comes and I.

Think we had some really exquisit intelligence uh in this event last night which certainly did help us prepare for and shoot down these Rockets but it is clear the United States doesn't intend to militarily take part in any actions that Israel might want to do directly against Iran so darl Iran delivered uh a message.

To the US actually through this Swiss channel uh while the attack was already underway what more can you tell us about how the US Works to gather Intel on attacks like this so the intelligence signature that emanates from each of the missiles the drones uh all of those are a certain sect or section within the intelligence.

Community that's involved with this the Swiss role the Swiss represent our interests in Iran they represent our interest in Cuba and they've always played that role for as far back as I can recall certainly back to the uh revolution of 1979 but I believe they've also made a very tactical era meaning the Islamic.

Republic of of Iran they've now coalesced they gotten the G7 behind Israel and the United States and the rest of the world now knows that Iran cannot hide behind the skirts of Hezbollah either in Lebanon or Iraq or the houthis and Yemen or the Hamas that has been supporting since uh they cut ties with the PLO in the late.

80s so Elizabeth what about our national security here at home now how are we preparing for those threats I don't think this is over I I think there are a number of questions that we're waiting to see how Netanyahu handles um as uh Josh reported from Israel there's domestic politics at play and um and then there's his own National.

Security picture and if they decide to retaliate um and while we have committed to their defense we haven't committed to their offense it's it's really hard to understand what Iran might do next and any sort of tit fortat um type of situation involving the Middle East can be very precarious for our um National Security interest overseas as well as at.

Home uh Iran has a number of proxies that we are very concerned if activated could do harm in the Homeland uh so that would be my first concern uh if this continues to escalate and then the second is we have a very heightened threat environment already at home and events like this and any sort of tension in the Middle East May further.

Exacerbate it may be that trigger that a uh lone actor might use to go and commit some other what otherwise seems random attack but is very much in their mind tied to happening in the Middle East so we just continue to be in a very difficult complex threat environment that law enforcement at home are trying to protect and keep our communi safe um.

And and thus we'll just wait and see I suppose what Netanyahu decides to do and that's what we are all waiting on what exactly Netanyahu and his War cabinet does decide to do Elizabeth Mick Daryl thank you all coming up the big four Congressional leaders have spoken with President Biden about the Iranian air strikes we'll tell you what happened.

Next whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in.

Turkey en rolling for This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI.

Reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news.

First thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between.

How does billionaire sound sounds good to me the mve started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live here was a story where's Kate what's going on with Kate of course the mystery of a missing woman Anna Royal doesn't get more fascinating than that.

Then the moment that silenced everyone it's been a really difficult time I would argue that the royal family were already facing a crisis this Health crisis has given them probably that biggest challenge the crown in crisis what is the relationship like between Harry and William today now streaming on Hulu welcome back everyone I'm Kira.

Phillips while the big four Congressional leaders speaker Mike Johnson House minority leader hakee Jeffrey Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell have now all spoken with President Biden about the Iranian air strikes let's head straight to Capitol Hill where our Jay O'Brien has been.

Tracking it all for us all right what do we know about the call Jay well we don't know much about the call other than the fact that it happened we have a little bit of Chuck Schumer's characterization of the call because he's giving a press conference in New York moments ago it began um and his characterization of the call is that among other things that.

Were discussed aid for Israel was discussed and he says that all four Congressional leaders on the call which would be Mike Johnson and Hakeem Jeff the top Republicans and Democrats in the house and also obviously Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer top Republican Democrat in the Senate agreed that there should be a package voted on this week.

That includes aid for Ukraine and for Israel it'll be interesting to see if the Republicans on the call match that characterization that Schumer gives but I can tell you I've heard from Republican sources in the house who say that they are looking at voting on Ukraine Aid this week in addition to Aid they promised to vote on this week for.

Israel Jay O'Brien up on the hill we'll follow it for sure appreciate it coming up Senator Joanie Ern served our military and now she serves in the Senate what she thinks about this attack and how she plans to hold Iran accountable if her fellow lawmakers will join.

Her first thing in the morning there's a lot going on get another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about fast straightforward with some fun in between first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news.

On ABC News live it with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News.

Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of Television why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards.

And see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here here was a story where's katees what's going on with Kate of course the mystery of a missing woman Anna Royal doesn't get.

More fascinating than that then the moment that silenced everyone it's been a really difficult time I would argue that the royal family were already facing a crisis this Health crisis has given them probably their biggest challenge the crown in crisis what is the relationship like between Harry and William today now streaming on Hulu for.

Foring from Monteray Park California I'm Robin Roberts wherever wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live reporting from marago I'm Rachel Scott wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live after those drones lit up Jerusalem Skies as you can imagine lawmakers back.

Here at home came together to call out Iran and this unprecedented attack and call upon American leadership to take more action Senator Janie Ernst was one of them as a republican who was represented who has represented Iowa rather in the Senate since 2014 she's also a member of the Armed Forces or the armed services committee and is the.

First female combat veteran to serve in the Senate Senator Ur good to see you a lot has happened uh since last night we will get to the politics in just a moment Senator but I do want you for a moment please to put on your combat boots for a minute and just talk about your time as a lieutenant colonel in Iraq you have always known about Iran's.

Capabilities and the threat of Iran firsthand did the extent of this attack surprise you the extent did Kira this is absolutely unprecedented uh we've heard many many policy makers many subject matter experts talk about this before but what we have seen coming from Iran previously.

Were proxy attacks through Hamas of course through Hezbollah through the Islamic uh Palestinian Jihad uh there are so many different organizations that Iran will use as an extension of themselves but to see this coming directly from Iran um it does stke Terror into the hearts of uh the Israelis uh we saw this with the the.

Drones that were outfitted with lights um I think this is a scare tactic uh but again it is Iran trying to flex its muscles and show Israel that they are commanding what's going on across the Middle East um fortunately Israel was able to push back with friends and allies and so what we saw was large imp part a failure of Iran.

To demonstrate any level of Might all right so with pretty much a win for Israel a failure for Iran except for maybe for its propaganda it was a it was a win for them knowing what you know from your military background and now combine that uh with being a senator why do you have faith in the Iran sanctions Enforcement Act that you have sponsored.

Uh when we are dealing with a country has no problem launching hundreds of drones and missiles why is economic pressure the answer for you and is that the only solution there are many solutions Cara but we have to start somewhere this Administration has put sanctions on Iran but unfortunately they have not stepped.

Up and enforced those sanctions and this bill would force the president to uh live up to those sanctions that that he has placed placed on Iran now in the past 5 years we have seen the oil exports coming from Iran uh hit an all-time high with a revenue stream of over 80 billion dollar going into the pockets of the regime in Iran and as I.

Stated earlier they use their proxies they are funding proxies with that 80 billion so what the bill would do and again it's a it's a bipartisan bill in the Senate and in the house it would uh Force the seizure of those Iranian oil tankers sell the oil for Revenue that would go to our uh Homeland Security.

Investigations and then any leftover money could be used to pay down the debt but again it's a bipartisan bill that's broadly supported in the Senate and the house we need this Administration to step up and start enforcing those sanctions and this bill would allow for that bip part key word there the US says it will not.

Participate in a potential Israeli Counterstrike as you know what role should the US military play in this conflict now Senator should they do more than just intercept missiles and drones and shoot them down well I do think that we should be doing that we should continue to do that but key is of course the supplemental.

Package that is being considered by the house to be a good friend to Israel we need to make sure they have the means to defend themselves um and they are always happy and they tell us as policy makers all the time that we don't need you to do the fighting for us we just need the support the platforms the Munitions and the knowledge knowhow so we anticipate.

That we will get that uh bill over the Finish Line I'm very hopeful that speaker Johnson brings it up this next week and then we can continue to support our friends in Israel but absolutely assisting with shooting down any incoming missiles to Israel but then also we could help with targeting um logistical support whatever might be.

Needed by the Israelis without directly engaging in the conflict former president Trump is claiming this attack never would have happened if he were in office what do you think he is referring to specifically how would he have handled this and how would you like to see us policy toward Israel change if indeed he.

Is reelected in November well president Trump was much more aggressive when it came to Iran and pushing back against Iran we have seen a level of appeasement in this Administration which has not gone gone unnoticed by the Iranian regime um we of course walked away from the Iran nuclear deal during uh president Trump's tenure.

And I supported that effort um and what we have seen from from the Biden Administration again is a lack of uh standing up for what we believe in standing up for Israel pushing back on uh the the regime so we need to be very firm firm and enforce sanctions say and do what we mean um Iran is walking all over us uh you look at the attacks on.

American troops throughout the Middle East uh we have seen this time and time again we saw it with loss of three soldiers from the 718th engineering company out of Georgia at Tower 22 with no retaliation or very little retaliation coming from this Administration so Iran thinks they can get away with whatever they want within.

This Administration I do not believe that they would have gone to this level to attack our service members as well as our good friend and partner in the Middle East Israel if president Trump had still been in office Senator if you don't mind Israel is facing threats on multiple fronts as you know you mentioned uh that 95.

Billion doll foreign aid package for both Israel and Ukraine that's been stalled in the house as you mentioned uh what's your message to Republicans who are still on the fence and how does that money play into holding Hamas and Iran accountable right now yes I think it's very important that we move this package over the Finish Line the United States.

Of America is a world Powerhouse we are a leader of the Free World and we need to assist our friends and allies all around the globe when it means security for our own nation and this package does mean security for our own Nation we can see our friends and allies as an extension of the United States of America if we are defeating terrorist.

Threats if we are defeating authoritarian regimes overseas it means our nation is that much safer so I would ask friends colleagues in the house please step up I know this may be a hard vote for some of them but this is about the security of our own people here at home believe me I would much rather secure our nation by having friends and.

Allies defeat these terrorists these regimes abroad than to have to send our sons and daughter ERS uh abroad to do it uh we need to secure the Homeland this bill will do that Republican senator Joanie Ernst of Iowa I sure appreciate your time today thank you Senator thank you Cara and thanks for streaming with us I'm Kira.

Phillips ABC News live is here for you anytime with the latest news context and Analysis you can always find us on your favorite streaming service the ABC News app and of course on the news never stops neither do we we'll be right right back what does it take to be the most.

Watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go.

The house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate thank you David good to meet you is David.

David yes yes I'm David I know who you are you every night 's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin's Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 story.

Along I Boston is in the Bulls let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with.

What happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning.

America This Morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live here was a story where's katees what's going on with Kate of course the mystery of a missing woman an a royal doesn't get more fascinating than that then the moment that silenced everyone it's been a really difficult time I would argue that the royal family were.

Already facing a crisis this Health crisis has given them probably their biggest challenge the crown in crisis what is the relationship like between Harry and William today now streaming on Hulu well the G7 country is now all aligned with President Biden condemning Iran's Iran's unprecedented and direct attack on Israel good afternoon everyone.

I'm Kira Phillips and if you're just tuning in we are glad you are with us as we continue to follow the breaking news throughout the day by and the G7 now standing together demanding that Iran and its proxies cease all coordinated attacks after those explosions that we saw last night lighting up the sky as Iran launched hundreds of drones and.

Cruise missiles in retaliation for that isra strike on Iran's Consulate in Syria we are getting new video now of Iranian missiles over the Dome of the Rock the Islamic Shrine at the center of the ancient Alaska MOS there in Jerusalem Netanyahu and is aeli Defense Force forces behind closed doors still trying to work out a strategy and potential.

Response and we could learn exactly what that could be within the next few hours Iran's President also declaring that his country has now taught Israel a lesson and warning that any Counterattack would be met with a heavier and regretful response we have full team coverage from the Middle East to right here in our nation's capital as we are breaking down.

Everything that has happened since last night up to this hour and a potential response let's start with President Biden though meeting with the G7 leaders White House correspondent Mary Alis Parks is at the White House with more on that so the G7 leaders say that they stand ready to actually take further measures so what exactly could those.

Further measures be yeah K the administration making very clear that what they saw last night from Iran was unprecedented massive uh senior Administration officials relaying to reporters that was on the high end of even what they expected from Iran and that they believe Iran was absolutely intent in causing unbelievable damage.

There in Israel but that luckily Israel's defense capabilities held in large part with the help of US forces and assets sent to the region to actively work alongside Israeli troops to defend Israel when we heard the president uh we know the president was on a call rather with uh prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday we've.

Learned a little bit more about that call from some senior Administration officials today uh basically the president was trying to reiterate to Netanyahu that Israel should feel really proud that the defensive that the defense systems held and that the president was trying to encourage him to at this moment Now sort of ass uh.

Reassess things take a a serious evaluation about what exactly happened and and slow things down I mean clearly the White House is still worried about a potential Israeli response that could escalate things further uh but that doesn't mean that the US isn't expecting that Israel might very well uh respond in some way now the US wouldn't be a.

Part of any kind of military response to Iran uh us officials are making that pretty clear but the G7 could respond diplomatically economically they put out a joint statement really saying that Iran should be held accountable for what happened for what it did for its attack on Israel and I think they're they're in the process of developing what kind of.

Unified diplomatic economic response that could be all right let let's talk about President Biden also speaking now with the King of Jordan about the attack right how exactly uh is the administration working with Jordan and other us allies that they that possibly the president has had other phone calls with privately about trying to calm.

These tensions moving forward I mean I think it is exactly that here the president talking to uh these leaders in the region trying to calm tensions uh wanting to make sure that things don't continue to spiral I mean that has been the White House's concern I mean frankly for weeks but especially in uh today an anxiety that.

That a response carried by a response a response to a response uh could escalate things out of control and we've seen and heard that message from other leaders throughout the region you know not only the US and leaders in Europe but like you said it's the same message we've been hearing from a lot of leaders right there around Israel and anxiety uh that.

Things could spiral a hope that they won't and of course this comes at a really complicated time time I mean this the president's had tough conversations with Israel in the last few weeks about Israel's war in Gaza obviously the jordanians worried about that as well uh still worried about how Israel might be moving in the south of Gaza and and I'm.

Sure the president trying to reiterate to all of these partners that it's continuing to work with Israel on all fronts all right White House correspondent marielis Parks appreciate you and and all your coverage throughout the day Mary Alice Israeli officials say that the country's iron Dome defense system endured a big test from Iran's.

Attack intercepting 99% of those threats thrown right at it let's bring in our Josh iner from our New York station reporting from Jerusalem uh for more Josh those explosions uh lighting up the sky above Jerusalem the Iron Dome intercepting those missiles and drones so let's just put into perspective um that was a win for.

Israel it was a win for Israel it was quite something Cur we saw it firsthand from this very balcony a little bit less than 24 hours ago now it's now 10:00 p.m. local time it's the first time I've stood here in the dark actually since this happened and it's funny because it's Eerie it was uh it was just right over my left shoulder where we saw uh it.

Was probably a total of somewhere between 8 and 12 streaks in the night sky one after another and then we saw uh one at a time uh they were hit by the Iron Dome system and they kind of vaporized or appeared to vaporize and then the sirens went off uh and then we uh left the the to to a place that was a little bit more safe for a few minutes.

Before we got the all clear but it really was It was kind of it was fascinating to watch it in action and that's what happened with 99% as you said of the hardware that was voled over here from Iran more than 300 uh drones or missiles and and the vast majority of them were taken down even before they hit Israeli airspace uh dozens of them.

Taken down by US military assets as well a very large Allied effort as to try to fend off this attack and it all really worked incredibly well they did have days to game this out and they really did use that time very well to coordinate their defense Kira where do you see this going from here you uh you know it's it's as Mar Alis.

Said it's everyone waiting to see what Netanyahu does next there is clearly a a very strong imperative from allies in the region and around the world the G7 to try to get Netanyahu to hit the brakes and and lower the temperature because the last thing we need is she said this would be a response to a response which would then bring another.

Response Iran has already said that if if if Israel continues this spiral then Iran will will respond in in in due kind so it's really unclear another question I have you know there was plenty of warning there was plenty of time for for the this to be the defense to be prepared um and Iran knew this wasn't a stealthy.

Attack so IR this you know from the concept of proportionality you know I wonder as somebody who's not a foreign policy expert but I wonder were they intending uh to Target you know Mass civilian casualties they had to have known that the US and Israel and the UK and Jordan would band together to fend most of this.

Off all right Josh Shiner there in Jerusalem for us uh Josh thanks so much and please let us know uh once you re receive any word um outside of this war cabinet meeting that is taking place uh we really want to stay on top of that and and try to decipher what exactly could happen next Josh thank you also earlier today our brick clinet talked to.

The spokesperson for the IDF Peter larner take a listen to what he had to say about a potential Counterattack were you surprised by last night's attack no we had been planning for it we realized that Iran was up to no good once more and together with our allies uh we created a plan of action um a unified operational plan to respond to.

Iran's aggression but were you surprised by the scale of it I think that um we had a good good intelligence we had a good operational plan we had good forces prepared and poised um on the ground and in the air uh and we had a an alliance that came together around this incident with a very very strong message to Iran um you can't get away with this so I.

Think there there it's not a question of surprise on what they gave out it's how we responded to it and I think coming together in such a very very strong way under the umbrella of United States Central Command together with the British together with the French and the regional players sent a very very clear message um to Iran that you can't get.

Away with it and we will work together to save lives I mean Pol politically W political wise we've seen some cracks in the US uh Israel relationship do you think last night was kind of a turn took another positive turn the military to military has been tight has been airtight uh the relationship is very very professional eye to eye and that is.

Exactly what we we fulfilled yesterday um you know General Killa Le left yesterday morning uh before everything happened the commander of the United States Central Command and we had an operational plan very well ironed out in order to address the impending attack understanding exactly what they were planning to do what Iran was planning to.

Do with 300 um uh missiles guided missiles ballistic missiles um explosive drones 170 explosive drones none of them made it to Israel's space because we intercepted them beforehand because our allies intercepted some of them so it a very very close-nit um very densely aerial uh airspace could you give a breakdown of how many and operations as.

You just heard there and our next guest knows about those types of operations knows about Bad actors their tactics and the results of their unpredictable attacks but he has spent more than 30 years Gathering intelligence even going undercover to serve our country all the way to briefing our presidents Chris Costa is a former US Army intelligence.

Officer and senior director for counterterrorism at the National Security Council and is also a good friend of the show he has been watching this since the very beginning we've been talking through the night Chris you know and it's what all of us want to know at this point did Iran finally cross a threshold here for a wider.

War yeah Cara it's great to see you yes I think uh in fact Iran did cross a threshold in that they attacked Israel directly we've heard much of that reporting that since 1979 with the revolution Iran hasn't taken the step to attack directly the country the state of Israel so I think that is a threshold that has been crossed and there have.

Been some officials in Iran that have made that point the fact that this is a new strategic equation so does this situ sitation cause Iran to mobilize its proxies even stronger even more against Israel now yeah I think so we're going to see a status quo plus I think we're already seeing that there's been some Rockets.

Fired in hisball I've seen some of the reporting uh through the evening so I suspect that uh that the uh proxies will be mobilized but again I think that some of the tensions can be ratcheted back Iran did what Iran planned and intended to do now we're waiting for the other shoe to drop with regard to Israel so I think I I hate the cliche of tip for tap.

But that's what we're seeing that's what this war really uh presents this idea of action counteraction I've got to ask you about the white what the White House knew and didn't know this just came across um our dl's Chris and i' I'd like you to explain this uh to me but basically what it says is that the White House was in.

Contact with Iran in the runup to this strike but Iran gave no heads up it says in the intense days of planning that led up to last night's strike the US was in direct communication with Iran through the Swiss Channel but the White House was not given any heads up by tan to minimize damage could you just put this in layman's terms for.

Us yeah think the United States is going to use interlocutors like the Swiss great Partners neutral has a presence on the ground in Iran that is a Communications of channel of course I don't know what's happening behind the scenes but it's more than likely that the United States through multiple channels had informed Iran that the.

United States will defend Israel that said they will not be act offensively and that's exactly what happened the United States it's been reported has shot down some of the Rockets some of the drones uh working with Israel in the defense of the state of Israel the United States might have used those same channels to tell Iran that the United.

States does not intend to operate offensively against uh Sovereign Iran so this is a way that tensions can can be ratcheted down and uh to ensure that there's no miscalculations from what you know and where you have been how do you see this playing out do you think Israel will attack in a way that will cause Iran to.

Retaliate once again or do you think cooler heads are going to Prevail here for the sake of overall you Global insecurity right now that's a great question I think conventional wisdom is Israel will have to retaliate because the state of Israel was attacked directly by Iran so they it's an incumbent upon them to retaliate.

Just as the Iranians perceive they retaliated uh as a result of the presumed Israel strike in Damascus so Israel will strike Iran at a time of their choosing we've heard that before that also seems a little cliche but it's true Israel will pick a time and a place to attack Iran but I think it will be proportional to what happened yesterday.

And we should note that the man on the street in Iran is going to celebrate what happened because Iran uh needed a win in their view from their prism from their lands and the win was striking at Israel um so we're going to see some more of this play out but I think cool or head heads will prevail and in time uh we'll get back to a status quo of.

Course we can't forget that Israel's waging a war on the ground Gaza and they want to return their hostages absolutely we want those hostages back home uh and clearly the Israel and the US strapped when it comes to weapons and uh and uh boots on the ground Chris Costa thank you always appreciate your Insight we're going to.

Take a quick break more breaking news straight ahead when ever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly.

Missile strike and Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front.

Lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC.

News live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news here was a story where's Kate what's going on with Kate of course the mystery of a missing woman an a royal doesn't get more fascinating than that then the moment that silenced everyone it's been a really difficult time I would argue that the royal family were already.

Facing a crisis this Health crisis has given them probably their biggest challenge the crown in crisis what is the relationship like between Harry and William today now streaming on Hulu as we follow the Fallout now from Iran's unprecedented and direct attack on Israel Michael Orin is also following it very closely you'll remember he served.

As Israel's ambassador to the United States and before that he was an officer in the Israeli Defense Forces and served in combat he was also the idf's military liaison to the US 6 Fleet during the Gulf War Michael it's always great to bring you in on times like this to see what your thoughts are and how you're experiencing it firsthand uh take me.

Back to last night to right now I can tell from the background I know exactly where you are uh in your your safe your safe uh shelter within your home there book for you it's a bomb shelter there we let's just I didn't want to be so direct but there you go you're in your bomb shelter and I have spoken to you many times in that same in that same.

Place um talk to me now about about where we stand the war cabinet it is is discussing strategy at this moment tell me what they're you've been inside these meetings before what are they talking about what are they thinking about where do you see this headed I think they're going to look at.

The big picture what's the big picture we talk a lot about you know cool cooler heads prevailing and Tit for Tat the fact of matter is Israel and Iran have been at War for more than three decades it's not a war that Israel wanted it's a war that was brought Upon Us by the Islamic Republic when they took over Iran in 1979 before that we had very.

Friendly relationships with Iran and with the Iranian people uh and this war has taken many fronts um it is blowing up of Jewish communities in Argentina and Israeli uh tourists and embassies abroad and of course uh in more recent decades uh Iran has surrounded Israel uh with proxies whether it's hisbah in Lebanon Hamas and palestin Islamic Jihad.

In Gaza Shiite milias militias in Iraq and Syria the houti rebels uh in Yemen they all have missiles longrange missiles and they're surrounding us on all side we're talking about oh upwards of a 200,000 rockets and missiles and drones pointed at Israel so this is not a tactical threat it's a strategic threat uh and you have a regime in tan.

Which is swearing if not every day certainly every week to wipe us off the map so it's it's a very unusual conflict because it's not about changing the government in Israel it's about literally destroying this country and so that is the context and uh and in in that world you know the word retaliation takes on a different meaning uh the big.

Issue is how does Israel retain its deterrence power uh last night for the first time in our history we were attacked by a wave of cruise missiles uh and drones um some 350 in number which is totally unprecedented and there's this sort of this convention of wisdom I've heard in the in the Western press over the last 24 hours that uh somehow.

The Iranians knew that these missiles weren't going to get through and uh and knew they'd be intercepted and the message we get through to the to the Israelis nobody believes that here K nobody uh any one of these Miss could have gotten through that that is true that is true and I know that that there have been.

Missiles that have hit not far from from your apartment as as well but but let me just yes but let me ask you just about the us role here the the role of the US rather uh we are learning now uh that the the president has made it clear that the United States is not going to participate in any kind of Counter Strike with Israel do you think that is.

The right move do you agree with that and if not why well Israel wouldn't expect the United States to participate in in an offensive maneuver and I understand the president's particular circumstances facing the reelection 2024 and all that but if you go back in history and I'm talking about far back 1948 our war of.

Independence the United States has always uh unexceptionally opposed Israeli offensive action you even our great victory in the 1967 Six Day War Democratic president Lindon Johnson very pro-israel opposed Israel's offensive uh and that has been the case with the last four rounds of fighting with Hamas in Gaza the war with hisb in 2006 so.

There's nothing really unusual about that position um but the United States has said and said in my presence even President Obama said it in my presence that if Israel is being attacked by waves of rockets from Iran the United States will help defend the state of Israel we even have agreements to that effect uh because the United States has.

Wonderful ground to- a defense systems anti-is defense systems that we don't have it has the Thad and AIS system the Patriot system and then we have the systems we've developed together with the United States which is Arrow 2 Arrow 3 uh David slang and the Israeli Iron Dome system which is Israeli but with American Financial backing so Michael.

You're you're saying then the us would get involved if depending on how the the strike went down you're saying at this point no but if it does reach a a higher level you're saying then the US would then join forces with Israel it won't join forces offensively it'll one forces defensively a big difference.

You know join Israeli jets in Striking strategic Targets in in in tran or outside of Teran they're not going to do that but if Rockets are falling on this house in Jaffa uh the US military will be there to help provide that anti-missile umbrella got it got it former Israeli Ambassador Michael Lauren you're helping.

Us uh get through uh the hours and hours of coverage we appreciate it thank you so much Michael stay with us we'll be right back why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to.

The Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about.

Everything you need to know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news music and of course good food a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that reporting from mazatan Mexico covering the total solar Eclipse I'm Matt Rivers wherever the story is we'll take you.

There you're streaming ABC News live you're watching America's number one streaming news ABC News live glad you're streaming with us uh if you are just joining us we are continuing to follow the aftermath of Iran's unprecedented attack on Israel those explosions that just lit up the night sky as Iran launched hundreds of.

Drugs drones and cruise missiles in retaliation for that Israeli strike on Iran's Consulate in Syria as we wrap up the half hour here former acting under secretary for intelligence at the Department of Homeland Security John Cohen joining us once again and and John we're just we're starting to get more uh more Intel now in about um the the.

Reports of of damage the the aftermath basically uh and the scope of it after this uh attack on behalf of Iran I mean bottom line uh it looks like uh Israel's defenses and defense systems uh protected them at all costs um early damage estimates doesn't look like uh it it hit very much uh that it was not the the massive escalation as expected here.

But this also is is is not over and a lot depends on what those Israeli leaders come out of that war cabinet meeting with and and where things go from here but your thoughts at this point as we're not only concerned about what can happen overseas but how it impacts us here at home of course uh talking about our national.

Security yeah I mean the US government and European governments will be watching very closely how Israel responds uh as the previous guests uh in this segment and earlier have all said very clearly that uh Iran has indicated that this attack was a response for an attack uh that they uh that targeted their military personnel that they that.

From their perspective this specific incident is concluded but that they would respond uh if uh Israel responds to this attack so we'll have to keep an eye on that you look Iran Israel other countries in the region the us nobody benefits from a a escalation and a regional War they they don't benefit economically they don't benefit benefit.

Militarily and they certainly don't benefit from a humanitarian perspective so they're going to try to avoid it but what Homeland Security officials are going to be looking at now is whether you know to to be in advance of an escalation a potential escalation they're going to want to think through what are the different threats that.

Could impact the US and domestic environment they're going to be concerned about individuals loan offenders who are who use this incident or use these events uh as the justification for a lone offender attack they're going to be concerned Iranian operatives or operatives from Iranian proxy groups from entering the.

US and engaging in violence so they're going to work with local law enforcement um non-government organizations they're going to look at border enforcement strategies to ensure that an attack doesn't occur here in the US John Cohen appreciate you a lot more ahead we'll be right.

Back what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America we are part of an operation is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate militants came in from different directions reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag not car in it how important it made the USA.

Great work hi appreciate you thank is David D I'm David I know who you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast first thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is.

Impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early.

Morning news on ABC News live Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that live are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas Edinburgh Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in warong we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the.

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Different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you.

Get your podcasts start here this is ABC News live the crush of families on the ground in Ukraine ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news reporting from Carbondale Illinois in the path of totality for the total.

Solar eclipse I'm Ginger Z wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live the United States making it clear that the US will not take part in an Israeli response to Iran's unprecedented and direct attack on Israel good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips if you're just tuning in we are glad you are with.

Us as we continue to follow the breaking news across the country and overseas President Biden and G7 leaders standing together now dep demanding that Iran and its proxies cease all coordinated attacks after explosions lit up the sky sky and Iran launching those hundreds of drones and cruise missiles in retaliation for that Israeli strike on.

Iran's Consulate in Syria Netanyahu and his Israeli Defense Forces meeting behind closed doors working on a strategy and potential response that we could learn very soon exactly what that means Iran's President also declaring his country has now taught Israel a lesson and warning that any Counterattack would be met with a.

Heavier and regret ful response we have full team coverage from the Middle East to here in our nation's capital as we break down every detail of what we saw last night and also now a potential response on behalf of Israel we begin with the Biden Administration right now working to calm tensions in the Middle East the US says it will not participate.

In an Israeli Counter Strike on Iran White House correspondent Mary Alis Parks is getting all the late breaking details now for us uh what do you know Mar Alice yeah just like you said here the US officials making it very clear that it would not be in line with us policy to be involved in any kind of counterterm military strike but that.

Does not mean that the white house does not believe that Iran should be held accountable in fact very much the opposite the president has spent today here on the phone and talking with Partners in the region with Congressional leaders we know we held that emergency meeting with the G7 and in all of those statements the White.

House really trying to emphasize just how unprecedented this attack against Israel was I mean these numbers are shocking when you think about them again I mean 300 drones and missiles fired from Iran including more than 100 medium range missiles 30 land attack cruise missiles uh more than 150 drones I mean when we're talking about us aircraft.

Alone working with Israel to shoot down 70 uh uh 70 of those objects I mean it is really just staggering and that has been the message uh from us officials that that even though the defense capabilities worked so well the damage was kept to such a minimal that it was as as one senior official put it to me a spectacular success that does not.

Undermine uh what Iran was doing that their intention according to us officials was very much to inflict inflict maximum damage maximum damage and that that should be met with absolutely Universal condemnation from the international community and what more are we learning about what exactly the United States did know ahead of this.

Attack as it played out I we know that they were obviously getting incredible intelligence but even us officials admitted that this was a bigger attack from Iran than they had seen that they on the higher end they said than what of what they anticipated um we do know that they were uh exchanging some messages via the Swiss uh from Iran.

Basically that Iran through the Swiss was able to tell the United States when they were done that was a very interesting development we learned today uh but but it has been interesting how much the US has wanted to project project that this was a unified Global Response in defense of Israel the message from this White House Kira has.

Been that the International Community was largely standing with Israel and actively working to defend Israel through the night that this should be a message back to Iran that Israel has friends friends willing to come to its side in these moments uh regardless I mean regardless of the fact that the last few weeks there have been tense.

Conversations uh between friends between the US and Israel Over the war in Gaza but that when Israel was under attack the US was there I mean literally there with military assets by its side to help defend it I mean that that has been the message from this white house and looking forward I mean a message that there will be some kind of response to.

To Iran from the United States but but likely through diplomacy um economic response we're talk we're hearing word of potential new sanctions a unified response from the G7 in that way uh but like you said like you started us officials making very clear that they will not be a part of any kind of military Counterstrike with.

Israel all right White House correspondent Mari Alis Parks appreciate you Mari Alis thank you now to Israel where we also know at least nine ballistic missiles hit two Israeli airbases but no reports of significant damage or injuries that's where we want to bring in our Josh iner from our New York station who's reporting from.

Jerusalem for us so Josh what are you learning about the extent of damage well first of all Kira they dodged such a bullet or more than 300 bullets you might say uh this was of course as Mary Alice just said an extraordinary display of coordination and of technological capability in terms of their ability Israel's ability to.

Repel much of this attack there was some minor damage at a a military installation in the South uh there was actually one fatality and this is a very very sad situation there was a 10-year-old girl uh who was hit by shrapnel falling from the sky you know they were shooting these drones out of the sky and they had to fall somewhere.

And this this little girl was hit went to the hospital she was first reported as being critically injured and then it turned out she did sadly die at the hospital which is terrible but you know if that was the only thing that happened with 330 uh missiles or drones vaulted across the sky into Israel uh by Iran uh this.

Was a very successful uh uh effort at repelling that attack so Israeli officials tell me more about how they are reacting uh to just to how well their defenses held up against Iran's strikes I mean these strikes even surprise uh cabinet members inside the Biden Administration who were in The Situation.

Room yeah look this was this was a there was a real sense of Doomsday for a little while there there was you know a huge amount Firepower coming this way and a lot of questions of whether the system would hold up against it and it did and so today you know there's a lot of you know Applause and a lot of backs slapping and a lot of people are very.

Proud of the system and and you know with they all all for for all appearances they really should be both on on this side and in the United States that said uh they still have a serious problem what are they going to do next is Benjamin Netanyahu going to uh follow the the the apparent desires of his right flank the ones who support him.

Politically who are his base uh who would want him to retaliate further against Iran will he heed the warnings of President Biden and the White House and the will of quite frankly a growing majority of the Israeli people uh recent poll by the Israeli public broadcaster has suggested that more than 70% of Israelis want Netanyahu out of office.

Earlier than the 2026 end of his term uh that is you know pretty bad for a politician and a lot of that is because they blame him for the situation that that Israel is in with the war with Hamas and a lot of people blame him for enraging Iran to the point that they are they they had this big scare last night so the question in terms of what he does.

Next what Israel does next there's a lot of pressure on Netanyahu right now uh and it it's really unclear what he will do the US of course has made it very clear they won't be part of an any kind of offensive strategy which presumably would give him some pause all right Josh appreciate your reporting for us from Jerusalem also.

Following the aftermath of this attack former assistant secretary for the Department of Homeland Security Elizabeth Newman along with our national security and defense analyst Mick mroy and also former senior Cia field operative darl blocker Mick let's start with you what role could the US play moving forward.

Here well I think primarily Cara we're going to look at uh helping Israel in their defense because it's clear that the attacks are not going to stop maybe they'll stop from coming directly from Iran but their proxies like Hezbollah for example and the houthis to a lesser extent are just going to continue and it's important to point out Hezbollah.

Has hundreds of thousands of rockets some of which are Precision guided munition so they can be a substantial uh factor to the security of Israel and we can defend them we of course always provide intelligence when it comes and I think we had some really Exquisite intelligence uh in this event last night which certainly did help us prepare for.

And shoot down these Rockets but it is clear the United States doesn't intend to militarily take part in any actions that Israel might want to do directly against Iran so darl Iran delivered uh a message to the US actually through this Swiss channel uh while the attack was already underway what more can you tell us about.

How the US Works to gather Intel on attacks like this so the int intelligence signature that emanates from each of the missiles the drones uh all of those are a certain sect or section within the intelligence Community that's involved with this the Swiss role the Swiss represent our interests in Iran they represent our.

Interest in Cuba and they've always played that role for as far back as I can recall certainly back to the uh revolution of 1979 but I believe they've also made a very tactical error meaning the Islamic Republic of of Iran they've now coalesced and gotten the G7 behind Israel and the United States and the.

Rest of the world now knows that Iran cannot hide behind the skirts of Hezbollah either in Lebanon or Iraq or the houthis in Yemen or the Hamas that it's been supporting since uh they cut ties with the PLO in the late 80s so Elizabeth what about our national security here at home now how are we preparing for those.

Threats I don't think this is over I I think there are a number of questions that we're waiting to see how Netanyahu handles um as Josh reported from Israel there's domestic politics at play and um and then there's his own National Security picture and if they decide to retaliate um and while we have committed to their defense we haven't.

Committed to their offense it's it's really hard to understand what Iran might do next and any sort of tit fortat um type of situation involving the Middle East can be very precarious for our um National Security interest overseas as well as at home uh Iran has a number of proxies that we are very concerned if activated could do harm in.

The Homeland uh so that would be my first concern uh if this continues to escalate and then the second is we have a very heightened threat environment already at home and events like this and any sort of tension in the Middle East May further exacerbate maybe that trigger that a uh lone actor might use to go and commit some other what.

Otherwise seems random attack but is very much in their mind tied to what's happening in the Middle East so we just continue to be in a very difficult complex threat environment that law enforcement at home are trying to protect and keep our community safe um and and thus we'll just wait and see I suppose what Netanyahu decides to.

Do and that's what we are all waiting on when exactly Netanyahu and his War cabinet does decide to do Elizabeth Mick Daryl thank you all coming up the big four Congressional leaders have spoken with President Biden about the Iranian air strikes we'll tell you what happened next whenever news breaks we are here in.

Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting for the earthquake in Turkey en Rolling Fork This Tornado tore.

Through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in Beirut from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket.

Line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is where whever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot.

Going on get another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning Community what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straight with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good.

To me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live here was a story where's Kate's what's going on with Kate of course the mystery of a missing woman an a royal doesn't get more fascinating than that then the moment that silenced everyone.

It's been a really difficult time I would argue that the Royal Family were already facing a crisis this Health crisis has given them probably their biggest challenge the crown in crisis what is the relationship like between Harry and William today now streaming on Hulu welcome back everyone I'm Kira Phillips while the big four.

Congressional leaders speaker Mike Johnson House minority leader hakee jeffre Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate minority leader Mitch mccon have now all spoken with President Biden about the Iranian air strikes let's head straight to Capitol Hill where our J O'Brien has been tracking it all for us.

All right what do we know about the call Jay well we don't know much about the call other than the fact that it happened we have a little bit of Chuck Schumer's characterization of the call because he's giving a press conference in New York moments ago it began um and his characterization of the call is that among other things that were discussed.

Aid for Israel was discussed and he says that all four Congressional leaders on the call which would be Mike Johnson and Hakeem Jeff the top Republicans and Democrats in the house and also obviously Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer top Republican Democrat in the Senate agreed that there should be a package voted on this week that includes.

Aid for Ukraine and for Israel it'll be interesting to see if the Republicans on the call match that characterization that Schumer gives but I can tell you I've heard from Republican sources in the house who say that they are looking at voting on Ukraine Aid this week in addition to Aid they promised to vote on this week for Israel.

J O'Brien up on the hill we'll follow it for sure appreciate it coming up Senator Joanie ER served our military and now she serves in the Senate what she thinks about this attack and how she plans to hold Iran accountable if her fellow lawmakers will join her this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee.

Centers in Putin's Russia on the ground in Ukraine to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 stor along I five Boston is in the bullseye let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming.

News why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the now and get a different take on the today's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening.

To start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here it's lunch time in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know that sounds pretty good you're how your money breaking news music and of course good.

Food a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that reporting from Hartsville Jackson Airport in Atlanta I'm Faith abou wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than.

Any other newscast ABC news World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of Television right now there's just so much happening in our world so much at stake at the start of every morning and that's why at Good Morning America we're right here and we got you we got you we got.

You after those drones lit up Jerusalem Skies as you can imagine lawmakers back here at home came together to call out Iran and this unprecedented attack and call upon American leadership to take more action Senator Janie Ernst was one of them as a republican who was represented who has represented Iowa rather in the Senate since 2014 she's.

Also a member of the Armed Forces or the armed services committee and is the first female combat veteran to serve in the Senate Senator Ur good to see you a lot has happened uh since last night we will get to the politics in just just a moment Senator but I do want you for a moment please to put on your combat boots for a minute and just talk about.

Your time as a lieutenant colonel in Iraq you have always known about Iran's capabilities and the threat of Iran firsthand did the extent of this attack surprise you the extent did Kira this is absolutely unprecedented uh we've heard many many policy makers um many subject matter experts talk about this before.

But what we have seen coming from Iran previously were proxy attacks through Hamas of course through Hezbollah through the Islamic uh Palestinian Jihad uh there are so many different organizations that Iran will use as an extension of themselves but to see this coming directly from Iran um it does strike Terror into the hearts of uh the.

Israelis uh we saw this with the the drones that were outfitted with lights um I think this is a scare tactic uh but again it is Iran trying to flex its muscles and show Israel that they are commanding what's going on across the Middle East um fortunately Israel was able to push back with friends and allies and so what we.

Saw was large in part a failure of Iran to demonstrate any level of Might all right so with pretty much a win for Israel a failure for Iran except for maybe for its propaganda it was it was a win for them knowing what you know from your military background and now combine that uh with being a senator why do you have faith in the Iran sanctions.

Enforcement Act that you have sponsored uh when we are dealing with a country that has no problem launching hundreds of drones and missiles why is economic pressure the answer for you and is that the only Sol solution there are many solutions Kira but we have to start somewhere this Administration has put sanctions on Iran.

But unfortunately they have not stepped up and enforced those sanctions and this bill would force the president to uh live up to those sanctions that that he has placed on Iran now in the past five years we have seen the oil exports coming from Iran uh HD an all-time high with a revenue stream of over 80 billion do going into the pockets of the regime.

In Iran and as I stated earlier they use their proxies they are funding proxies with that 80 billion so what the bill would do and again it's a bipartisan bill in the Senate and in the house it would uh Force the seizure of those Iranian oil tankers sell the oil for Revenue that would go to our uh home land security.

Investigations and then any leftover money could be used to pay down the debt but again it's a bipartisan bill that's broadly supported in the Senate and the house we need this Administration to step up and start enforcing those sanctions and this bill would allow for that bipartisan key word there the US says it will not participate in a.

Potential Israeli Counterstrike as you know what role should the US milit AR play in this conflict now Senator should they do more than just intercept missiles and drones and shoot them down well I do think that we should be doing that we should continue to do that but key is of course the supplemental package that is being considered by the.

House to be a good friend to Israel we need to make sure they have the means to defend themselves um and they are always happy and they tell us as policy makers all the time that we don't need you to do the Fighting For for us we just need the support the platforms the Munitions and the knowledge knowhow so we anticipate that we will get that uh bill.

Over the Finish Line I'm very hopeful that speaker Johnson brings it up this next week and then we can continue to support our friends in Israel but absolutely assisting with shooting down any incoming missiles to Israel and then also we could help with targeting um logistical support whatever might be needed by the Israelis without directly.

Engaging in the conflict former president Trump is claiming this attack never would have happened if he were in office what do you think he is referring to specifically how would he have handled this and how would you like to see us policy toward Israel change if indeed he is reelected in.

November well president Trump was much more aggressive when it came to Iran and pushing back against Iran we have seen a level of appeasement in this Administration which has not gone gone unnoticed by the Iranian regime um we of course walked away from the Iran nuclear deal during uh president Trump's tenure and I supported that effort um and what.

We have seen from the Biden Administration again is a lack of uh standing up for what we believe in standing up for Israel pushing back on uh the the regime so we need to be very firm firm and enforce sanctions say and do what we mean um Iran is walking all over us uh you look at the attacks on American troops throughout the Middle.

East uh we have seen this time and time again we saw it with a loss of three soldiers from the 718th engineering company out of Georgia at Tower 22 with no retaliation or very little retaliation coming from this Administration so Iran thinks they can get away with whatever they want within this Administration I do not believe.

That they would have gone to this level to attack our service members as well as our good friend and partner in the Middle East Israel if president Trump had still been in office Senator if you don't mind Israel is facing threats on multiple fronts as you know you mentioned uh that 95 billion foreign aid package for both.

Israel and Ukraine that's been stalled in the house as you mentioned uh what's your message to Republicans who are still on the fence and how does that money play into holding Hamas and Iran accountable right now yes I think it's very important that we move this package over the Finish Line the United States of America is a world Powerhouse we are.

A leader of the Free World and we need to assist our friends and allies all around the globe when it means security for our own nation and this package does mean security for our own Nation we can see our friends and allies as an extension of the United States of America if we are defeating terrorist threats if we are defeating.

Authoritarian regimes overseas it means our nation is that much safer so I would ask friends colleagues in the house please step up I know this may be a hard vote for some of them but this is about the security of our own people here at home believe me I would much rather secure our nation by having friends and allies defeat these terrorists these.

Regimes abroad than to have to send our sons and daughters uh abroad to do it uh we need to secure the Homeland this bill will do that Republican senator Janie Ernst of Iowa I sure appreciate your time today thank you Senator thank you Kira and thanks for streaming with us I'm Kira Phillips ABC News live is here for you.

Anytime with the latest news context and Analysis you can always find us on your favorite streaming service the ABC News app and of course on the news never stops neither do we we'll be right back why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start.

Here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I.

Bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here first thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another aval lch warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking.

About the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sounds sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live here was a story where's Kate what's going on with Kate of course the.

Mystery of a missing woman and a royal doesn't get more fascinating than that then the moment that silenced everyone it's been a really difficult time I would argue that the royal family were already facing a crisis this Health crisis has given them probably their biggest challenge the crown in crisis what is the relationship like between.

Harry and William today now streaming on Hulu with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of Television right now there's just so much happening in our world so much at stake at the start of every morning.

Making sense of it all that's not always so easy and that's where we come in Good Morning America we want you to know every morning we're right here and we got you hi everyone and thank you for streaming with us I'm DeMarco Morgan and welcome.

To ABC News live weekend a lot of news happened this past week so let's get you caught up on some of the stories that we are all talking about we're going to start with this one OJ Simpson has died at the age of 76 after battling with prostate cancer the football star and Hollywood actor leaves a complicated Legacy after he was acquitted of charges.

He killed his former wife and her friend his trial of the century captured America's attention on live TV and the case sparked debates on Race gender domestic abuse celebrity Justice and police misconduct and in Michigan the parents of school shooter Ethan Crumbley were sentenced after a historic judgment found them criminally liable in their.

Son's deadly Rampage the pain in the courtroom palpable as parents and siblings whose loved ones were killed that day in November 2021 were allowed to address the court as well as James and Jennifer Crumbley and Muslims around the world are celebrating Eid one of the biggest celebrations on the Islamic calendar now Eid offer which means a.

Festival of the breaking of the fast is celebrated at the end of Ramadan a month of fasting for many adults and a time of spiritual reflection and prayer we're turning now to our top story it is a shopping Trend that soared in popularity buy now pay later and at town toal's too good to be true get what you want now worry about what it cost us at another.

Time but is is it too good to be true we are taking a closer look in our latest edition of cashing in with Elizabeth schy how many times have you been shopping and thought to yourself I'd love to have that now but just pay for it later well when you go to checkout online you've probably seen or use the option to buy now pay later its.

Popularity is surging in the past year one in five Shoppers turned to buy now pay later its most prolific users are women people under the age of 40 and those with lower incomes and lower credit scores so how does it work bu now pay lader gives you the option to make a purchase in installments instead of all at once so you get the product right.

Away and pay it off over a set amount of time let's say you want to buy a new $250 TV when you go to pay you decide to pay over time with a firm afterpay or Clara you give them your personal info and they might run a soft check on your credit to get you approved to make the purchase in other words you're getting a loan once approved you agree to pay back.

The amount you owe over four equal payments in this example each payment would be $62.50 with the first payment due right away and the others due every 2 weeks it all sounds pretty easy right well it is and convenience is one of the reasons that more Americans are using buy now pay later it's a helpful way to.

Spread out what you owe for a big purchase like a TV or Home Appliance especially if you don't have all that cash up front the other big benefit unlike a credit card buy now pay lader usually doesn't charge interest during the life of the loan that can save you a lot of money especially with credit card interest rates at record highs sound too.

Good to be true well often it is many V now pay lader companies will still charge you a fee if you're late or miss a payment one out of every 10 borrowers was charged a late fee in 2021 averaging $7 per missed payment that can quickly add up if it's one of the ways the payment companies make money to stay in business the other big risk is that you.

Can end up spending more than you can handle more and more people are using buy now pay later for everyday expenses like groceries or gas this can be a problem if you lose track of the payment schedule your debt can quickly spiral and your credit score will take a hit so here's what you should know if you're going to use by now pay later set up.

Autopay or write down the dates your payments are due so you don't risk getting behind keep in mind that it can be harder to make returns double check the return policy to ensure you won't be making payments even after you've sent back merchandise and finally remember when you use buy now pay later you're still taking on debt so take a second to.

Think about if that purchase really falls into your budget before you click buy Elizabeth thank you for that report well coming up Formula 1 racing is one of the only mixed gender sports but there isn't always equal funding to bring female drivers onto the track that's where the F1 Academy and the organization more than equal comes in.

Stay with us to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters This our combat operation Cent we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to.

Go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you David good to meet you is David.

David yes yes I'm David M I know you are watch you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it.

Listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your PO podcasts start here whenever wherever news breaks it's so important.

To always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas Edinburgh Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in war song we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week.

Nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live welcome back it has become one of the most popular sports in the entire world Formula 1 racing brings intense rivalries million dooll cars and expertly trained drivers now the Motorsport is one of the only mixed gender Sports out there giving men and.

Women a chance to compete but there isn't always equal funding to bring them onto the track and that's the subject of this ABC News live Prime Focus take a lesson there's always stress there's always adrenaline there's always kind of.

Nerves there weren't really any women in the sport when I started um or not that I raced against I was the only girl more often than not my name is Jamie chadrick and I am a racing driver for Andy Global in Indie next before I got into racing I was described as quite a big tomboy and an older.

Brother and very competitive with him everything he would do I would want to do as soon as he started in in racing it was quite a big decision or obvious decision uh for me to kind of follow him into it and from there yeah I just fell in love with the sport Dam Chadwick wins the first W Series race out of the final Corner Jamie Chadwick sees the Checker.

FL first and wins that boot buest Jamie Chadwick wins the opening race of the W series season it's seven wins in a row for Jamie Chadwick beautiful warning here on the streets of St Petersburg I'm very fortunate in IND next to have the opportunity that I have.

And and Drey are a big reason for that they bought me over and gave me the chance but now we've got two women in the series there's no reason why we can't have S eight women in the series back up front SLE Jacob B BR and Lou Foster thought Lou Foster might be a bit more aggressive at the start but he's decided to back behind the.

Lead I went down the inside stopped it on the Apex thinking he was going to get under me and he just stayed hung on the outside um so then he kind of I gave him too much much opportunity there I should have just steam rolled it past him all right like you said a lot of positives still I think my ultimate goal is obviously.

Formula 1 but there's 20 seats in Formula 1 and it is one of the hardest sports in the world and my opinion so I'm under no Illusions as to yeah what it takes to get to that point but I strongly believe if I can get good results in Indie next ultimately I want to go to potentially Indie Car next if I win every race this year win every race.

Next year then there's no reason why I could be in Formula One the accolades don't mean a huge amount I don't care so much for being the first woman to do anything I don't see that as being necessarily A not a compliment but like a a positive thing I see as of anything being a a negative thing because really there is no reason why I should be the.

First woman to to do all these things how accurate are these uh Sim yeah yeah so it's never going to be perfect but at the same time yeah considering we don't get to drive this track until we really race there yeah it's pretty close I think the sport definitely isn't the most accessible it's an expensive.

Sport to get into it these cars are inherently designed for the average male driver so actually as a smaller person it's it's been a challenge to get strong enough to be fit enough to actually just drive the cars my training has changed a lot as a result I think one of the big.

Misconceptions of our sport is that it's not physical but it definitely is the cars that we drive outside of Formula One so in the junior series we don't have power steering they're inherently designed for men they're all standard cars so the steering wheel in my car usually would be the same as the steering wheel in every other car but.

Given my hands are smaller than say something of the boys we've now designed it to be better for me Motorsport is one of the world's only mixed gender Sports there are very few sport in the world where men and women compete on equal footing so it has this massive opportunity that it is sort of.

Missing we found a range of barriers um that that have blocked the progress of women and girls in the sport the primary one is the very small participation pool so less than 10% of all female participants in Motorsport are female largely people come into the sport through carting so you can take.

That up from a very young age before moving on to Open Wheel racing I think we're now seeing different Initiative for women in the sport for one Academy for example which is an old female racing series was set up partly in recognition of the fact that women often have less opportunity to race we found in our researchers that.

Girls really struggle to pick up the funding required whether it's from sponsors or investors we've just got too few Jamie Chadwick for example for a sponsor or backer to really take that risk on the girl when I was kind of progressing through the sport uh there was CLA Williams at the helm of uh Williams Racing that then took me on.

Into being a young driver and also Susie wolf was actually testing in the Williams at that time so I was lucky I had sort of role models of people um women visible in the sport I've been in Motorsport over 35 years and this sport has changed F1 Academy is a race series that's been made by Formula 1 to really help women to succeed in the sport it's.

Bianca bu ahead of Jess Edgar bu crosses the line to take her second win coming from Philippines is quite tough to get into this sport Philippines is not known to have racing drivers we don't even have the facility to C to you know form the car racing we don't have the track the equipment the the structure of F1 Academy is built by a strong Foundation.

Because it's backed by women growing up I've always raised against against boys and um I always would feel sort of alone that I was always the only female the only girl and I always felt so left out but the fact that I'm in a championship that encourages femininity encourages you to be who you are as you are oh that is a squeeze at the Apex at.

Turn one she's able to hold the position in my opinion there is no reason why it's so M dominated it shouldn't be it can be a sport that is really open to all there's a lot of initiatives going on but there isn't really anything tackling absolute Grassroots level so that's the bit that I wanted to try and kind of help where we.

could you'll see there's so many different people that are involve you like the driver gets the credit he gets to stand on the podium or they get a on the podium but there's mechanics there's Engineers there's the person that makes sure the pit stop Mak sure the wheels are on the car really it is trying to.

Encourage as many young girls into that kind of first step into a go-kart into the sport and then from there whoever wins it will get bit guidance and mentorship and also a bit of funding to The Next Step so you've never done anything like this all of your H is.

nice and slowly okay today is actually really cool because most of the girls I've spoken to have never even watched watched racing have no idea about it so the fact that they can try this for the first time is really really cool you have to see a young woman.

Achieving something to think maybe I can do that I was one of those annoying little girls that was hugely competitive I loved speed I loved adrenaline I got my first go-kart at eight and that was for me the start of the journey put your up 16 with what Jamie Chadwick is doing now.

So setting up a whole initiative to get girls into Grassroots and to help them to see that there's a ladder for them we don't want women feeling that they have to do this but I think they have naturally sort of because they've experienced to challenge themselves on the way up we need more Jamie Chadwicks though we need another 10 or 20 of her.

You need to go far you want to go faster so you need to come back and do it again so you can go quicker turned up to a few of these events and there's been young girls and I felt like I've got imposter syndrome I'm like well why they don't necessarily want to listen to me or hear from me it's a bit tight there go it takes one or two of those girls to come.

Up to me and say if they're you know inspired into the sport it good good and that's enough for me to kind of relax a little bit think this is something I'm really proud to try and kind of wave the flag for and like I said if it's not me there are so many great women in the sport that are equally pushing really hard and I think that is going to make a.

Difference down the line to to try and encourage more and more young girls into it and a special thanks to ABC News live Prime for that report coming up when we return a seven-year-old girl flips the script on her eating disorder in front of more than a million Instagram followers all also ahead an.

Acknowledgement long overdue for the millions of Rosie the riveters who jumped into the action during World War II stay with us first thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute.

What's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between

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