LIVE: Michael Cohen returns to scrutinize stand for Third day of testimony in Trump’s hush money trial


LIVE: Michael Cohen returns to scrutinize stand for Third day of testimony in Trump's hush money trial

Number one news source hi I'm Phil lip off today on ABC News live first it's a dire situation with global implications ABC News exclusive inside a hospital in Ukraine with president zalinski with Ukraine's second largest city now in Russia's crosshairs but now the world can help yeah also former president Trump returns.

To court his former fix Michael Cohen back on the stand for the second day of cross examination what's next in the trial and do you need a ride Uber now bringing shuttles to airports concerts and games our Alexis christopherus has all the details for you it's a wild Tale one family face to face with a cougar in.

Their own backyard take a look at that thing how they channeled some cat-like reflexes get it to get to safety and season 3 of bridon is out will gan is spilling the tea with some of the newest cast members we are going to begin with an ABC News exclusive this morning.

Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski inside a hospital on the dire situation his soldiers are facing on the front lines our foreign correspondent James Longman spoke with zalinski as Russia pushes forward with a new offensive president zalinski speaks excl exclusively to ABC News in K Ukraine's second largest city more than a million.

People now directly threatened by Russia's Advance the situation is so serious he had to cancel a foreign trip to rush here despite the danger We join him as he visits some of the men injured in a desperate effort to protect the city awarding them Medals of Valor during these days 500 person have been wounded their soldiers but mostly they.

Are from this region and for were important to support that um how serious is the situation right now it's difficult it's serious so brigades are not totally equipped because of the package which we waited through 8 months the president repeats his thanks to the United States for aid but there's a sense of frustration about its delay and.

Specifically the air defenses needed to keep K safe really if we are speaking about this region Russian can't occupy this if for example two Petrus will stay in this region just two systems and you're frustrated that you make these requests and there's the words but you don't feel that they're the actions maybe now it it's you know looking like.

More that very important dialogue now president zansky is asking for support for his country while Vladimir Putin arrives in China where he's Shoring up support for his war effort this is truly a conflict of global proportions and it will have an impact on November's election Phil foreign correspondent James Longman with.

That exclusive in Ukraine for us James thank you now to the race for the White House President Biden and former president Trump have now agreed to hold two debates but they won't be traditional presidential debates here's chief White House correspondent Mary Bruce the dates are set Make My Day pal President Biden and Donald Trump.

Upending the traditional presidential debates agreeing to two one-on-one faceoffs they're first June 27th on CNN before the conventions the 2 September 10th here on BC News just weeks before voters head to the polls on Election Day for months Trump has been taunting Biden we have an empty Podium right here to my right you know what that is that's for.

Joe Biden I'm trying to get him to debate but it was the president who challenged Trump in a surprise announcement Wednesday even mocking Trump's criminal trial in New York referencing the one day a week he's not in court so let's pick the dates Donald I hear you're free on Wednesdays Trump immediately accepting writing let's get.

Ready to ro oh sure I'd love to debate I want a debate I want to debate and then you can't make a deal with guy uh let's see if he shows up to a debate the two campaigns bucking the nonpartisan Commission on presidential debates which has organized general election debates since 1988 including their last go round.

I'm not going to answer the question because answer that question a lot of sueme Court Justice radical left you but the Biden campaign arguing the commission's debates have become an entertainment spectacle the commission they say unable to enforce their own rules instead the campaign's opting to square off in a studio with no live.

Audience just the two of them face to face now the stakes here are massive and the campaigns know it but both men are confident that they can outperform the other Trump is adamant that Biden will falter Biden eager to give voters a jolt and showcase the Stark differences between them and preparations here are already underway the president I'm told.

Is bringing back his former Chief of Staff Ron clean to help lead his debate prep Phil all right Mary Bruce in the White House Mary thank you now to former president Trump's criminal hush money trial set to resume with his one-time attorney and former fixer Michael Cohen returning to the stand for his third day of testimony.

Cohen has given the most incriminating testimony so far uh that Trump was aware of and directly involved in falsifying business records to hide the reimbursement of a hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels ABC News investigative correspondent Aaron kkki with the latest so far Phil the cross-examination of Michael Cohen has.

Focused on Michael Cohen his obsession with Donald Trump his desire to see Trump convicted how Cohen made money from badmouthing Trump online the defense asked nothing about the most damaging testimony Cohen delivered linking Trump to the alleged scheme to hide from voters an adult film star's claim of a sexual trick.

Cohen testified Trump knew about the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels and approved the plan to pay back Cohen who had fronted the money Cohen said he sent monthly invoices for services rendered but he told the jury he performed no Services the checks Trump signed he said were the reimbursement to me of the hush money meant to silence Daniels before.

The 2016 election the defense cast Cohen as a spurned underling whose testimony cannot be trusted and Phil defense attorney Todd blanch said he expects to cross-examine Cohen all day long Phil I bet he does ABC News investigative correspondent Aaron kerki Aaron thank you ABC News legal contributor Kim wayy joins me now for more Kim Michael Cohen.

Has arrived at the Manhattan Courthouse already we're still about an hour away from Court uh beginning what are you watching for as Cohen prepares to take the stand again today well there's a few things that the defense has to do number one as Aaron just indicated they need to cross-examine him on the core.

Conversations two conversations he had with Donald Trump allegedly about the payment to stormmy Daniels and it being for the election not for some other reason uh it's really the only direct evidence so far that we've seen of Donald Trump's intent um so that's important number two they need to develop a counternarrative maybe through.

Michael Cohen the the testimony the last round the cross- examination meandered a little bit the jury needs to see okay if it's did if this didn't unfold the way the government said it did what gives what's the alternative are they going to ask Michael Cohen to talk about the legal work he did for example try to distance himself uh from from uh Donald.

Trump and then third they probably want to see if they can get under his skin Michael Cohen when he testified in the Civil fraud case was a lot more animated maybe angry so if they can demonstrate uh through cross-examination that Donald that Michael Cohen is sort of a live wire that Leeds into the narrative that he can't be trusted and he this is a.

Vendetta and he has some ulterior motives for giving the testimony that he's given yeah and that's that's going to be a tall mountain to climb I mean obviously he's an attorney and he's been coached and he's been pretty calm so far on the stand prosecutors say Co will be the last witness and the defense might not call any Witnesses so I'm wondering.

Are you surprised at the pace of this trial so far it has gone very quickly this is the kind of thing that could drag out for quite a while and Michael Cohen knows a lot of information um and the prosecution gave him a pretty sort of streamlined direct examination uh per perhaps because they laid the foundation and the corroborating evidence through.

Documents there was an audio tape of Donald Trump talking about the Karen McDougall uh payoff there were hpx um you David pecker the several witnesses who laid basically what the government needs to prove and Michael Cohen comes in and and sort of you know uh connects all the dots and also gave an inside look of what it was like to be so close.

To Donald Trump per perhaps giving some color to the truth from the government's perspective around how Donald Trump really ran his company that it was closely H held and that he knew everything that was going on so I'm sure that was a strategic decision on the on behalf of the government to to kind of wrap this up quickly rather than let it.

Drag out and also have other Witnesses say that before they had Michael Cohen say that because he of course has those credibility issues um the defense told the judge they have not determined if Trump will testify in his own defense I think I know the answer to this question because it's it's it's it's pretty typical in cases you only put your.

Defendant on the on the on the stand if you have to but do you think if Donald Trump got up there it would help his case in any way I I don't because under New York law in particular the judg has already had some hearings on what's called a sand of all ruling that is if Donald Trump sits down hit other bad acts um you know hit the uh other bad.

Acts relating to the Civil fraud trial for example can come in on cross-examination so if he sits this case becomes not just about these hush money pay payoffs but about other things Donald Trump has done because that's fair game to challenge his credibility setting aside I think the the defense lawyer concern that he might perjure.

Himself and produce more criminal charges so I think it's highly unlikely it's mostly bless her for for his base because of course he is he's operating not just as a criminal defendant here but he's using this trial to raise money and to basically score political points on the campaign Trail yeah legally it seems like that might be some sort of.

Catastrophe uh Kim wayy thank you so much good to see you and I just want to remind our viewers what we're seeing on the on the left side of the screen there was Trump Tower we understand the former president is is going to be uh leaving the building soon and heading down to court in lower Manhattan we're going to cover that and we're going to continue.

To cover Trump's criminal hush money trial for you all day long bring you the latest details of Michael Cohen's thirdd day of testimony as soon as he takes the stand in about 45 minutes or so that should happen meantime developing now police moving in overnight clearing out more encampments on college campuses Chicago police taking down tents and.

Signs on the campus of depal University officers in riot gear seen moving out protesters who had been camped out there for weeks Riot police also called in to clear out a pro Palestinian encampment at UC Irvine dozens of people have been arrested ABC's Morgan norward has the latest Morgan tensions had been building for days leading up to this and.

Overnight the University's president authorizing police to go in and take down an encampment we've got dozens of officers in riot gear making a number of arrests overnight Let's Take You There Pro Palestinian demonstrators they started rallying at the school's science lecture hall yesterday afternoon putting up tents and building these massive.

Encampments much like much like the the ones that we've seen at college campuses across the country now the group demanding that the university divest from Israel Over the war in Gaza their encampment blocking entry to the building tents serving as barricades in a statement the University's president saying that he's brokenhearted that it.

Had to come to this saying the group had several warnings and wanted to allow the group to have a peaceful encampment classes though are now remote for the day and employees are being urged to work from home as well all right Morgan thank you uh now to the Israel Hamas War where a temporary Pier off Gaza is receiving its first shipment of.

Humanitarian Aid this happened pretty quickly it's taken months hundreds of millions of dollars but the US military just completed construction on a massive floating Pier for Gaza Matt Gutman in Israel with more Matt hey Phil it's taken months and hundreds of millions of dollars but us officials say that this morning they.

Have managed to Anchor that Giant floating Pier to a beach just off Gaza around central Gaza it's involved about a th000 US military personnel and we've been assured that there will be no boots on the ground in Gaza the concept is to deliver a significant amount of Aid directly into Gaza and they're already two inbound ships carrying aid but the.

Choreography here is incredibly complex it involves the US military obviously but also the Israeli military which will provide Logistics and security the UN which will technically receive the aid and Palestinian subcontractors who will then distribute the aid us says that this could be up and running in a couple of days but un officials tell us that.

They still haven't hammered out the agreements and security remains an issue you may be able to see The Columns of smoke behind me that's Israel going back into areas where Hamas has regrouped and this is happening across Gaza Phil all right Matt Gutman from Israel Matt thank you meantime police in Slovakia have now charged demanding.

Connection with the attempted assassination of that country's prime minister Robert Foo was attacked yesterday after a government meeting in the town of hanova officials say he was shot five times and is now listed in stable but serious condition FICO was rushed to a hospital then airlifted to a major Trauma Center medical officials.

Say he spent more than 5 hours in surgery the 59-year-old populist leader returned to power last year his controversial hard-right reforms have sparked protests in recent weeks Slovakia's defense minister says an initial investigation shows the attack was Poli Ally motivated and dangerous storms are on.

The move today threatening millions of Americans strong storms slam parts of Oklahoma again yesterday softball-sized hail seen shattering car windows take a look at that and now another new storm system is targeting the planes the biggest threat life-threatening flash floods and tornadoes here's ABC News chief meteorologist Jinger Z we have.

Lifethreatening fles flooding and a really dangerous situation setting up for parts of Texas and Louisiana especially focused on the piny woods so let's go through it we've got a flood watch from Dallas Fort Worth which is now at their third wetest to date on record Houston Alexandria Louisiana over to Jackson Mississippi a widespread 2 to.

5 Ines could fall but the rainfall rates will be somewhere around 2 or 3 Ines per hour so a place like the Trinity River that has stayed in major flood stage for nearly 2 weeks is swollen it cannot handle anymore the soil will not be able to absorb a lot of this so if you get up to 9 in locally especially in that high risk which is quite rare to have by the.

Way um this is going to be a major problem that's why they're using the terms life-threatening and extremely dangerous so the red area there still very close to Houston but you're also going to have storms that come with the flash flooding within that hail and damaging wind like we saw in Ponka City Oklahoma with gusts uh upwards of 60 M.

Hour and also that hail that was bigger than softball sized this is the area that has to watch for the damaging winds today at San Angelos Austin wake up just south of Dallas and Fort Worth and north and west of Houston so there's a lot to talk about as if that's not enough Hawaii declaring a state of emergency because they've had flash.

Flooding this week already up to 3 Ines fell really quickly and we've got this Kona low it's called and it's kind of trailing this moisture especially for the middle Islands here uh today tomorrow but through Friday you have locally up to 10 Ines possible Big Island not as much but they've got Gusty winds to 60 MPH kawhai will get in on.

The action later this week too Phil all right Ginger thank you and still to come newly released video of the moment a semi trck was left dangling from a Kentucky bridge take a look at that how the driver survived that harrowing ordeal also ahead a family coming face to face with a cougar in their own backyard what they're saying about this.

Encounter and former president Trump is now on his way to court for day three on the stand of his former attorney Michael Co and the defense getting ready for more cross-examination we have the latest from inside the court here on ABC News live we'll be right back whenever news breaks we are here in.

Israel a nation at war in Rolling for this tornado tore through this town from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting from the scene of that deadly missile strike ABC News live everywhere in Iceland let's go on the 2024 campaign Trail here at 10 Downing Street wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC.

News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand lost as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News Tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on television why do so many.

People start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your.

Daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars.

Music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that from the team that brought you the DuPont awardwinning report a groundbreaking new investigation spanning 9,000 miles miles trashed the.

Secret life of plastic exports stream free on Hulu welcome welcome back a dramatic rescue caught on dash cam video shows the moment A semi-truck crashed and was left dangling off a bridge in Louisville Kentucky firefighters say they had to race to keep that truck and its driver from ending up in the Ohio River Alex.

Perez with the story our first inside look at the harrowing and heart stopping moments that led to this semi Tru precariously dangling on this bridge over the Ohio river in Louisville with a terrified driver still inside the cab two trucks just got into an accident and a semi-tractor trailer is hanging over the bridge like we need.

People right now cameras from multiple angles capturing the moment the driver of this pickup 33-year-old Trevor brandham swerved to avoid a stalled car slamming into the semi- TR driven by 26-year-old cydney Thomas she's left hanging nearly 100 ft above the river you can hear the horror in her screams more than 40 Louisville.

Firefighters working for nearly an hour finally with precision and focus those teams able to rescue the semi-truck driver she was thanking you know thank God that's what she kept saying thank God those firefighters hailed Heroes who showed the world the importance of team and trusting your team the dramatic videos now evidence presented in court.

Wednesday in the case against that pickup driver who's been charged with four counts of want and endangerment and a count of operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license he has not yet entered a plea in a statement his attorney telling ABC News in part Mr brandham feels terrible for the truck driver and the trauma she suffered.

During those harrowing moments and sincerely thanks to Brave individuals who risked their lives to save her and Phil thankfully that semi- TR driver was not injured a grand jury is set to hear the case against a pickup truck driver next month Phil thankfully indeed Alex Perez thank you how horrifying that must have been we'll be right.

back whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at War en rolling for this tornado tore through this town from Leon main the scene of a horrific mass shooting from the scene of that Mission strike ABC newss live everywhere in Iceland let's go on the 2024 campaign Trail here at 10 Downing Street wherever.

The story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good it to your health your money breaking news pop culture with the.

Biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoons for everything you need to know I love that let's go the ship is incredible it feels like living in a science fiction movie we just saw what no one has seen.

Before wow look at that oh my God we are heading into the unknown Hammer Hammer Hammer it doesn't get any more Cutting Edge than this tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will.

Billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to world news tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on television from the team that brought you the DuPont award winning report a groundbreaking new investigation spanning 9,000 miles trashed the secret life of plastic exports stream free on.

Hulu I'm Ariel RF in Norwalk Connecticut wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live welcome back a family in Washington state is telling a pretty harrowing tale this morning about a close call with a cougar the wild cats seemed to come out of nowhere chasing the family's pet.

Through their backyard the terrifying moments caught on surveillance video and shared on social media here's ABC's Lara Spencer there's so many things going on I had to watch it over and over the moment of cougar comes face to face with a family's cat and their two-month-old puppy all captured on camera I think it was just as shocked by seeing us as we.

Were shocked by seeing it the cougar first spotted sprinting across the hav her family's backyard giving the family the scare of a lifetime took me a few seconds to realize this is this is very large it's a cougar venturing just 2 feet from Mom April and her young daughter the duo scooping up their new puppy and running towards the house like.

It wanted to have a snack so that's what it looked like for just a second with no tasty treats left outside the cougar fleeing the scene it was streaking away all I saw was it didn't have anything in its mouth everyone was okay we live to tell the tale and we have a really cool video to show for it all right Lara Spencer thank you.

Wildlife officials do add cougars do tend to get scared off once they realize they get too close to humans it is day three on the stand for former Trump attorney Michael Cohen the defense is getting ready for more cross-examination should be fiery we have the latest from inside the court right here on ABC News live we'll be right.

back what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America we are part of an operation is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate militants came in from different directions very reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag.

Not car in it how important it made the USA great work hi appr it's David D I'm David I know you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking.

News pop culture with the big Stars music Trends and of course good food gma3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that Friday night knock knock burglar may be to blame for the murder of hairdresser Fabio Santelli there's blood.

Everywhere and allnew 2020 True Crime irony of ironies one of the victims of knock knock burglar was fabiio lanon my phone start ringing off the hook there a Twist here this is really personal that was shocking are you sure this is right oh my gosh I blacked out the new 2020 Friday night on ABC if you want a relationship a happy.

Relationship you need to be in control of that relationship ENT Tate is one of many male Supremacy influencers you see him as this guy that has money has girls basically he's a god this compound what prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking business from we're not the first affluent wealthy men who have been unfairly attacked you think he he raped.

You they never meant for any of this to be public someone else to says there's something wrong going around here ENT your Tate Into the manosphere Now streaming on Hulu I experienced a lot of hard a I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel lonely it's taken me a really long time to even get to this moment and the CMA.

Award for Entertainer of the Year goes to Lany Wilson that was a mic drop the Entertainer of the Year baby I do see the bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero outfit this is ABC News live the crush families on the ground in Ukraine ABC.

News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news reporting in Atlanta Georgia outside the fton county courthouse I'm M win wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News.

Live first thing in the morning there's a lot going on we're still in a flash flood warning to catch you up with what happened overnight leas in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between.

Check out the gator on the 17th pole the buzz kill in baseball first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live come it all to me.

Give it to me hi I'm Phil Lipoff let's get straight to our ABC News exclusive with Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski the leader tells ABC News the delay in US Aid to his country has had a direct impact on the war saying quote the situation is very serious this as Russ 's new.

Offensive makes gains in the country's second largest city of AR foreign correspondent James Longman spoke to zalinsky as he visited a hospital where Ukrainian soldiers injured from the fighting are now recovering president zinski speaks exclusively to ABC News in Kev Ukraine's second largest city more than a million.

People now directly threatened by Russia's Advance the situation is so serious he had to cancel a foreign trip to rush here despite the danger We join him as he visits some of the men injured in a desperate effort to protect the city awarding the medals of Valor during these days 500 person have been wounded they are soldiers but mostly they are.

From this region and for me is very important to support them how serious is the situation right now it's difficult it's serious so brigades are not totally equipped because of the package which we waited through 8 months the president repeats his thanks to United States for aid but there's a sense of frustration about its delay and specifically the air.

Defenses needed to keep K safe really if we are speaking about this region Russian can't occupy this if for example two Petr will stay in this region just two systems and you're frustrated that you make these requests and there's the words but you don't feel that they're the actions maybe now it it's you know looking like more that very important.

Dialogue foreign correspondent James Longman joins me now from Kar for more on this James president zinsky as you mentioned in Your Story canceled a trip to Spain saying it was important for him to be there for the wounded soldiers what was it like walking around that hospital with zalinski and and how did the soldiers react to his presence.

There yeah Phil I think it just gives you a sense of the urgency here I mean look kke is the second largest city in this uh country and it's important to say that it had been defended they'd already done this it felt safer that I've been to this city a number of times most of the times I've been here it was deserted and then slowly over the months.

People were coming back and now it's in the crosshairs again so for him to be here it's no small thing and we rushed around that hospital pretty quickly because kinetic situation and and they never know he's always a Target but for him to be in KH is especially dangerous it was it was quite moving actually to watch him awarding these medals to these.

Men who have only just come back from the front line there's a series of villages in the North towards the border with Russia which they're trying desperately to defend uh and one by one he went to their bedsides their names were called out by an official and he awarded them the medal they they love seeing their president here is the.

Backbone o of uh this country's war effort but they also said look these medals are great but you know I they could they should go to my comrades who either saved our lives or or died on the battlefield that you hear time and time again here ukrainians very proud of their war effort but fundamentally his message is yes boosting Moral Moral.

Among the troops but also sounding the alarm because it's a serious situation and he puts that at the door of the United States because of this lack of Aid so he tells you James that Ukraine simply can't afford to lose a carke why is that City such a key Target in Russia's offensive and and what could losing the city mean for the trajectory.

Of the war well psychologically I mean it's huge it is the Second City of this country the capital uh of the East I think at the moment the the prospects of losing it to a Russian occupation are not necessarily that high but you never know the point is that they could get very close to the outskirts of the city.

It would render the city unlivable and the point is it's putting massive pressure on the rest of the front line 600 miles they're trying to uh defend and that means that they've got to pull resources away from other places where they're already stretched and move them here to KH so it's devastating for that war effort Phil all right foreign.

Correspondent James Longman from car ke of Ukraine this morning with that ABC News exclusive James thank you Michael Cohen has arrived at the Manhattan courthouse for former president Trump's criminal hush money trial Trump's onetime attorney and fixer is returning to the stand for a third day of testimony Cohen has given the.

Most incriminating a testimony so far that Trump was aware of and directly involved in falsifying business record Recs to hide the reimbursement of hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels as we wait for Trump to enter the courthouse we understand his motorcade is already there I want to bring in ABC News senior investigative.

Correspondent Aaron kki along with ABC News executive editorial producer John santui and ABC News legal contributor Kim wayy Aon uh let's start with you Cohen has arrived at court uh we've heard a lot of legal defense attorneys say what they would do what can we expect in court today I think Michael Cohen's uh whole.

Cross-examination is going to shift away from his podcast and books and all the mean things he said about Donald Trump and all the ways he's made money by attacking Trump by uh writing books and the like and and get into some of the the substantive testimony because remember Phil more than any other witness Michael Cohen has brought Donald.

Trump closer to the alleged falsification of the 34 business records than any other witness and so the defense is going to try and cast doubt in the jury's mind about his testimony by pointing out inconsistencies in his account from the witness stand compared to say what he wrote in his books or what he said in Prior interviews.

Including with ABC's George Stephanopoulos back in in 2018 so look for some of those statements past statements to be contrasted with his testimony and for the defense to to nitpick on any difference in detail and John how critical has Cohen's testimony been uh to the DA's case against Trump this is a deal that was between three.

People right Michael Cohen David pcker and Donald Trump and when this deal really moves to Stormy Daniels what these charges are about Phil it really becomes a smaller Circle in a sense right because it's just the two of them in Trump Tower and then Keith Davidson who is the lawyer as you well know was representing Karen McDougall who was.

Part of the Ami payoff and obviously was representing Stormy Daniels so Cohen is the only connective tissue Cohen was the one that can bring us into the room into the conversations into the dialogue recall when he was on the stand under direct examination from prosecutors it's where we first learn more details about conversations he had in February of 2017.

In the Oval Office with then sitting president Donald Trump so this is all Now sort of moving into you know the Here and Now of it with the way the defense is taking it because look look at how they began right they started throwing at Cohen the comments he made looking at his Tik Tok really focusing on those remarks that he was making that.

Could trip him up now I think that for today what's going to be fascinating is look we now have a sense that for the defense team they expect to go the entire day today that means for several hours Michael Cohen is going to be under Fire from Todd Blan and we know Donald Trump famously says he's a counter puncher you got to imagine he's telling.

His lawyers to do exactly that today Phil yeah and there was some criticism from other legal Minds not involved in the case that it should have been a little tougher so we'll see what happens to today Kim on Tuesday defense attorney Todd blanch began confronting Cohen with portions of a memoir suggesting that Cohen was obsessed with Trump while.

Judge Juan Maran accused blanch of making the cross-examination more about himself after he questioned coh about some of his comments on Tik Tok where do you think the defense goes from here after all of that well typically they would start with the facts and they would start with trying to create Reasonable Doubt about Michael Cohen's.

Basic Nar narrative and story around the the reasons for the payoff to Stormy Daniels and the link to Donald Trump the his representation that he was directed by Donald Trump to do this that's the center of really the prosecution's case and instead of doing that maybe it's because there was a day off in between the defense kind of went after him in.

Terms of his General credibility I think they probably scored some points and pointing out that he was talking about the case and talking about the witnesses and sort of had some disrespect for the process uh but that's not that's not normally how a cross-examination would go so I do think today will'll be trying to poke holes in the story and establish.

Some counternarrative because even though the burden of proof is on the government to prove this Beyond a reasonable doubt that means a doubt for which you can give a reason and In This Moment it's not really clear what the what the defense argument is for why this went down the way it did other than that Donald Trump was behind it and that.

Needs to be established before this case goes to the jury we're getting word that the former president is inside the courthouse right now not inside the courtroom but inside the courthouse Aaron Trump's team is expected obviously to bring Cohen's credibility into Focus once again uh the biggest problem he has uh how has the jury been reacting.

Reacting to Cohen's testimony so far you've been there in court able to watch how have they been receiving it Phil I would say it's a pretty workmanlike jury they don't tend to express a whole lot of emotion many of them take notes quite a lot of notes uh on notepads provided by the court that they're not allowed to take home and and.

Sometimes it can be like watching a tennis match back and forth between the witness and the lawyer but I noticed with with uh the the start anyway of cross examination the jury kept a focus on Todd blanch on the defense attorney maybe because they hadn't seen him in in a number of days he gave the opening statement but a lot of the.

Cross-examination had fallen to other lawyers at Trump's defense table but they really seem to be focused on on him and his tone uh and and they've already heard quite a lot from Michael Cohen so they've they've probably established whether they like him or not remember all the unflattering things that people said about him during the the course of.

The prosecution's case Keith Davidson Stormy Daniels lawyer at the time called him a jerk that nobody wanted to talk to Hope pick said he was a fixer because he first broke things and and so they're they're they're now getting of course the defense view of Michael Cohen which is he was a a kind of a a a disgruntled scorned loyalist who is now hellbent on.

Revenge John the courtroom has become campaign headquarters for Donald Trump because he really he can't be any anywhere else except for a few days here and there we saw um a pretty strong show of support on Tuesday the house Speaker uh two vice presidential hopefuls um all kind of dressed in the same red tie that was odd uh but what what can we expect.

Today well listen we are hearing that there's going to be more members of Congress coming Phil potentially nearly a dozen House Republicans behind Donald Trump we don't the name that would be pretty big now listen I mean nothing gets bigger than the second in line to the presidency because you mentioned house Speaker Mike Johnson there we've.

Had several United States senators that have gone we've had Party leaders look Lara Trump was there the other day she's now the number two at the Republican National Committee part of Donald Trump's takeover it's really remarkable right 2016 the way to get on Donald Trump's radar as a VP was will you go on TV and defend me in 2024 it's are you.

Going to come to court with me it's just a really stark contrast to where this country our politics have emerged and where Donald Trump is doing several things here right one a loyalty test for who's going to come to court two a little bit of a strategy on the part of the lawyers because to keep him around other people that will keep him calm is.

Going to benefit him and fundraising absolutely fundraising had a billion dollar donor in there with him last week it's all these worlds colliding in this courtroom mean I guess if you're his campaign this is what you've got to do it's the only you you have no schedule otherwise right absolutely all right John thanks so much Aaron John uh and.

Kim thank you all very much we'll be seeing you throughout the morning we're going to continue to cover Trump's criminal hush money trial all day long as bring you the details of Cohen's thirdd day of testimony just as soon as he takes the stand which should be shortly sometime in the next I don't know 15 20 minutes but now to the race.

For the White House President Biden and former president Trump that is still happening they have now agreed to two debates but they won't be traditional presidential debates here's chief White House correspondent Mary Bruce the dates are set Make My Day pal President Biden and Donald Trump upending the traditional presidential.

Debates agreeing to two one-on-one faceoffs their first June 27th on CNN before the conventions the second September 10th here on ABC News just weeks before voters head to the polls on Election Day for months Trump has been taunting Biden we have an empty Podium right here to my right you know what that is that's for Joe Biden I'm trying.

To get him to debate but it was the president who challenged Trump in a surprise announcement Wednesday even mocking Trump's criminal trial in New York referencing the one day a week he's not in court so let's pick the dates Donald I hear you're free on Wednesdays Trump immediately accepting writing let's get ready to rumble oh sure I'd.

Love to debate I want to debate I want to debate and then you can't make a deal with guy uh let's see if he shows up to a debate the two campaigns bucking the nonpartisan Commission on presidential debates which has organized general election debates since 1988 including their last go rounds I'm not going to answer the question because answer that.

Question a lot of new Supreme Court Justice radical left you sh but the Biden campaign arguing the commission's debates have become an entertainment spectacle the commission they say unable to enforce their own rules instead the campaign's opting to square off in a studio with no live audience just the two of them face to.

Face now the stakes here are massive and the campaigns know it but both men are confident that they can outperform the other Trump is adamant that Biden will falter Biden eager to give voters a jolt and showcase the Stark differences between them and preparations here are already underway the president I'm told is bringing back his former Chief of.

Staff Ron Clan to help lead his debate prep Phil let the debate prep begin all right Mary Bruce thanks so much we'll be right back whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon main the.

Scene of a horrific mass shooting EC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024.

Campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in Beirut from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is is wherever the.

Story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good to your health your money breaking.

News pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afterno for everything you need to know I love that let's go the ship is incredible it feels like living in a science fiction movie we just saw what no one has seen.

Before wow look at that oh my gosh we are heading into the unknown Hammer Hammer Hammer it doesn't get any more Cutting Edge than this breaking news out of Washington for you right now the justice department informing House Republicans President Biden will not release the audio of his.

Interview with special counsel Robert Herr claiming executive privilege it's a move the doj says effectively Shields attorney general Merrick garland from any criminal exposure as Republican lawmakers pushed to hold Garland in contempt let's bring in ABC News senior Justice reporter Jack de Jack uh remind us how we got here and and what's the.

Latest this morning so you remember back in February when special councel Robert her released his report uh her was investigating how Joe Biden had handled classified information over a long period of time over 40 years years uh from his Time dating back to when he was in the Senate uh the report wasn't particularly flattering making.

References uh to how a jury might regard his age and perhaps his his uh his memory issues uh he didn't have complete recall uh so once this got in the hands of a couple of house committees Republicans and the House of Representatives wanted more information from the investigation in particular they wanted a complete uh interview.

Transcript they also wanted the recording of the interview that her did with President Trump now the justice department did provide some level of cooperation providing a complete transcript of the interview but they drew the line at providing the recordings and that's what the Justice or that's what Republicans in the house.

Have been seeking and now Republicans want to hold the Attorney General in contempt this morning the justice department is announcing uh along with the White House that they're exercising executive privilege over these materials making it really difficult for the house to really seek that uh even through litigation because the executive.

Privilege claims have held up in court pretty well over the years all right jack thanks so much we we need to head back into court now because president Trump is doing what he does before he heads into court uh each day he is uh in the hallway in front of the cameras let's take a look I believe Todd blanch is with him and we understand Matt Gates.

Is one of the folks who is going to be with him uh today let's take a look Mr Trump will you testify Mr President are you looking forward to United are you worried about a conviction will you testify Mr Trump thank you very much uh we are going to be excuse me excuse me we are going to.

Be uh working with a lot of people over the next couple of weeks this is finishing up at some point it'll be finished every single review every legal scholar that I've been able to read said there's no case there's no crime it's a disgrace that it was allowed to happen the judge as you know is highly conflicted like nobody I've ever seen is.

Conflicted he should not be the judge it should not be allowed to have anything to do with this case he should be so far away from this case outside if you take a look it looks like we're Fort Knox there's so many police and they don't allow people to come you know you're allowed to have friendly protests but we're not allowed to have anything here.

They have more police and more assistant Das and Das I never seen anything like it over what everybody Alan dwz everybody said there's no crime here there's no crime Jonathan derley every single person Greg Jared Andy McCarthy uh look anyone you want to name Mark Levin great lawyer all of them great lawyers great legal Scholars every.

Single one said there's no crime this is the crime is that they're doing this case this was a case that wasn't going to be done and then when I announced was running they brought it up they could have done it 7 years ago this could have been brought s years ago but they wanted it right back in the middle of election these are very dishonest people that.

We're dealing with but outside it's like uh Fort Knox you can't get within three blocks of this place if you're a silian and it's a shame what they're doing what they're doing in terms of suppression and election interference has never been anything like that the good news is the polls are through the roof one just came out way up in North Carolina way up in.

Georgia way up in Nevada way up in Arizona uh overall way up leading by 5 six seven points crooked Joe Biden most crooked president we've ever had the worst president in the history of our country we have a lot of congressmen and some Senators down today and they're all up in arms over this they can't even believe it we have quite a few.

Congressmen I guess you'll be talking to them in a little while but uh I want to thank you very much for coming at least we're getting the word out but it's very unfair I'd like to be in these various states where I should be campaigning like anybody else this is a Biden trial this all comes out of the White House and the Department of Justice this is.

All them in fact a lead person from the doj is running the trial so Biden's office is running this trial this trial is a scam and it's a shame and it shouldn't happen thank you very much your all right so that's president Trump heading into court this morning uh we.

Heard some of the usual from the president he he calls this whole thing a disgrace listed a bunch of legal Minds who say there's no case here um I I want to bring in senior investigative correspondent Aon kerki and executive editorial producer John Cuchi back with me because I heard something this morning uh that I hadn't heard before.

John let me start with you um the president was talking about how it is like Fort Knox how there are so many dasas and there so many police officers and they won't let the public get anywhere near him I think a lot of that happens to be he's a former president and they have to keep it very secure but then he said he doesn't get to have.

Anybody with him talk to me about who he has with him this so far what we found Phil I mean we're trying to look very closely as you and I were like bending over the it's a little hard I mean it's a long hallway but anyway Gates well we got our Capitol Hill team which is the best part CU they're actually looking at the footage with us so so far we saw.

Matt Gates we saw Anna Paulina Luna uh younger member of Congress also from Florida and Andy ogles also a member of Congress republican from Tennessee not surprising here right one of the things that Donald Trump does is he brings this huge group with him you see over his shoulder as well Eric Trump is obviously his son who's been running the Trump.

Organization while his father of course has been in presidential politics along with several members of his campaign staff I see Jason Miller his longtime senior adviser and spokesperson and also over his shoulder Boris Epstein recall he was just indicted two weeks ago Phil by the attorney general for the State of Arizona for trying to overturn the.

Election in that state of course at the behest of President Trump and look none of this is surprising right I think about how many different members of Congress how many US senators how many donors we talked about that a little earlier have joined Donald Trump at these proceedings they're actually calling they want to be there they want.

To be there and Donald Trump expects them to be there I think that's a really important Point too right this is yeah because listen he knows at the end of the day these people all want something from him should he get reelected and from his perspective you know as I said to you offir Donald Trump believes every day of his life is a TV show so creating.

That image creating this you know strong force behind him right these well-known face Republicans listen most people outside of the State of Florida know who Matt Gates is even though he is a junior level member of Congress but he has become such a lightning rod he is the one that got Kevin McCarthy thrown off the speakership Phil this is the reason.

Why they're all there they are all part of Donald Trump's mea movement Aaron let's bring you into this I I I assume you were able to hear uh the president from inside Court uh if you were talk to me about what you heard and not just what you heard but how he was saying it he seems like he's up and ready for battle.

Today the posture in the hallway is much different than how we see the former president inside the courtroom when he's often slumped at the table with his eyes closed uh during much of the testimony and that could be Defiance disinterest indifference um and you know we don't know what that's about but then he comes out in the hallway as you heard him and.

He was much more animated but the substance of what he said um some of it just isn't right um there are a lot of police but the public is free to walk on the sidewalk uh there are a number of his supporters here not very many it's kind of a blustery rainy day but there's a giant Trump flag and maybe a dozen or so supporters in the park uh across the.

Street from the courthouse so the people are permitted they can come down he's encouraged it uh just not very many have decided to show up on a daily basis all right let's bring in Kim wayy now uh Kim Trump is still under this gag order though he gets to talk uh every day to the cameras twice a day uh what do you make of his comments this.

Morning well I I think it's really unfortunate that he comes out and spews lies and attacks the judicial system and there's been you know investigative reports uh showing that when he does that that violence and calls for violence online at his behalf escalate so it's really disturbing that a former president would do that and.

It's even more disturbing that members of Congress including the house Speaker who take Oaths to uphold the Constitution would be backing that screed which is actually quite dangerous for the people involved in the judicial system in these high-profile cases including jurors and Witnesses and the judge's family and Prosecutor's family.

But it's also a stain on the judicial system itself and the rule of law la which is foundational to democracy and is something we all should support and feel really good about because pursuant to the Constitution it ensures people like Donald Trump get their Fair shake before their Liberty can be taken away and I would say Donald Trump has had.

More than a fair Shake he's had more breaks and more support from good lawyers uh and arguments about being a former president that regular people don't have so I think it's really damaging and and again uh unfortunate even though he's under a gag order he does get to come out and talk like that I want to I want to come back to John.

Because John you're talking to the folks in Capitol Hill you got a little bit of a better idea of who he has with yeah so in addition to the names we mentioned ABC's j o Brian's confirmed that Lauren bobbert obviously another lightning rod a part of that you know group with Matt Gates who's there along with Bob good the chair of the House Freedom caucus.

These are all extremely conservative extremely magga Republicans with Donald Trump we're told they're literally Phil in the row right behind Donald Trump he's taking his seat at the defense table you got to imagine that group is going to be with him the entire day today absolutely all right we're going to take a quick break right now when we.

Come back more coverage of Donald Trump's hush money trial as it gets set to start a third day of testimony for Michael Cohen coming up whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at War en rolling for this tornado tore through this town from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass.

Shooting from the scene of that Deadly Mission strike ABC News live everywhere in Iceland let's go on the 2024 campaign Trail here at 10 Downing Street wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere Friday night knock knock burglars may be.

To blame for the murder of a hairdresser Fabio sintelli there's blood everywhere an allnew 2020 True Crime irony of ironies one of the victims of knock knock burglaries was Fabio lanzon my phone start ringing off the hook there's a Twist here this is really personal that was shocking are you sure this is right oh my gosh I blacked out the new.

2020 Friday night on ABC let's go the ship is incredible it feels like living in a science fiction mie we just saw what no one has seen before wow look at look at that oh my gosh we are heading into the unknown Hammer Hammer Hammer it doesn't get any more Cutting Edge than.

This why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start.

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Refugees here in Warson we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about.

Everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good give it to me your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoons for everything you need to know I love that.

hi there I'm Phil Lipoff today on ABC News live first court is now in session in former president Trump's criminal hush money trial once again his onetime attorney and former fixer Michael Cohen is set to return to the stand for his third day of testimony Cen has given the most incriminating testimony so far.

Saying that Trump was aware of and directly involved in falsifying business records to hide the reimbursement of a hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels ABC News senior investigative correspondent Aaron kki joins me from outside the courthouse along with ABC News executive editorial producer John santui who joins me here.

In studio and ABC News legal contributor Kim wayy is with us as well Aaron we start with you uh what can we expect in court today the conference at the bench so we're not clear what that's about but we expect any moment now Michael Cohen to resume his place in the witness stand and endure what's expected to be a day.

Of cross-examination Donald Trump's defense attorney Todd blanch had signaled when Court broke for the day on Tuesday that he would need all day perhaps even into Monday because there's no court tomorrow to cross-examine Michael Cohen and it started really about Cohen's character and his motives his obsession with Donald Trump his.

Desire to see him convicted how he makes money from badmouthing him and today Phil expect the defense to try to move towards some of the more particular pieces of Cohen's test testimony that linked Trump to the alleged falsification of business records and the hush payment to Stormy Daniels uh the defense is going to look for any.

Inconsistencies in what he told the jury here at court versus how he said it in interviews or in the two books that he's written and John the courtroom has become as it has to be for the former president Campaign Headquarters because that's where he's spending most of his time uh We've slowly started to see people coming to support him Mike.

Johnson obviously theg name second in line the the presidency you know behind the vice president but um today there are some pretty big names and this sitting right by no it's actually wild to think it's a better question at this point of who has not come with Donald Trump to court right so we've had our days of US senators the vep candidates.

Now we've got the group of house members so Matt Gates obviously the name many people will know is their front and center Lauren bobbert our team's also spotted the chairman of the House Freedom caucus there are so many members there that are so so loyal to Donald Trump and frankly have done a lot of his bidding up on Capitol Hill right recall.

Matt Gates even though Donald Trump kind of sort of didn't want it was the one that took out then house Speaker Kevin McCarthy these are all people that have been Rabel rousers if you will and they're in that courtroom today our team has spotted them all on that front row fill right behind Donald Trump they're going to be there throughout the day one.

Of the things that we probably can expect we haven't gotten a heads up yet but I'll put my money where my mouth is you got to imagine they're going to take a break at some point and go out to the cameras outside of court and do exactly what Donald Trump can't do right you talked a little earlier with Kim and Aaron about the gag order we know Donald.

Trump is restrained that does not stop his supporters from doing exactly what he wants go attack everybody in this Cas something like Johnson do it uh speaker of the house so yeah all right um Kim this the question of Cohen's credibility um is at the Forefront it's the focus despite being the prosecution's key witness uh how could being convicted of.

Pur y in the past impact the DA's case well they're going to say Michael Cohen has admittedly lied more than once to Congress to a federal judge that he is just a Serial liar and so because of that you can never trust anything that comes out of his mouth which would then leave the government's case to the documents and recording and uh other.

Witnesses that have come to to to present evidence so far of course you know Michael Cohen said that Donald Trump told him with respect to the stormmy Daniels payment quote just do it so he has that kind of direct knowledge that being said it's essentially a conspiracy case they're claiming that all these Bad actors including Donald.

Trump cooked up this scheme to dupe the voters in violation of the um election laws and it's hard to expect that there any of them including Michael Cohen would be squeaky clean that's kind of part of the deal and so the government's going to say he was lying when he was under the thumb of Donald Trump because that's what you have to be if you're.

Close to Donald Trump and now he's seen the light and he doesn't have any incentive in this moment to do anything other than tell the truth unlike some of his enablers that are showing up that presumably are looking for highlevel positions if Donald Trump makes it into the White House and so they're showing their loyalty for their own personal.

Gain whereas Michael Cohen has nothing to gain in fact uh he is potentially putting himself in his family in danger for making this kind of a move at this moment and when it's so fraud across the country Kim Aaron mentioned this just a short time ago there has been a private sidebar going on for more than five minutes between uh judge Maran and.

Attorneys for both sides one point there was even a little chuckle um uh up up there at the private sidebar what might they be discussing before this gets underway today well probably some areas that they I mean not probably it's possible they're talking about the areas of legitimate cross-examination Todd blanch started.

Out not with uh Michael Cohen's tweets and comments about Donald Trump or the case but about Todd blanch himself and the judge reprimanded him for that uh it's not completely um off limits but the judge needs to make sure that the jury is not hearing things prejudicial uh it's possible that there's another motion that was raised the defense is.

Very motion um heavy understandably they want to preserve things for appeal uh so it could be a whole range of things but inevitably my guess is it does have to do with the scope of Michael to Cohen's cross-examination today all right and we'll know for sure a little on little later on today when the partial transcript is released but they say it's.

Been a lighter sidebar uh than usual but Aaron I I I want to ask you this question because I know for a lot of people we're covering this very closely John you and I and and and our entire team but for for people who just see this on the news at night in passing Donald Trump has been closing his eyes um during testimony I'm wondering what.

You make of his demeanor I'm told he's doing that right now during this sidebar is he resting is he just trying to zone out what what what do you take from his demeanor in court there's really no way to know you know some have speculated that he's sleeping you know Phil I I kind of compared it to my father at yum kipur.

He's not fully paying attention but I wouldn't say that he's asleep and that could be an effort to show indifference to show that he doesn't think anything Michael Cohen is saying is is worth opening his eyes for it could be you know that kind of Act of defiance it could be that he's bored he could be tired I mean there's really no telling.

And there's also no telling how the jury takes it do they see that as a sign of arrogance or do they see that as as uh as something else so uh but it is I I think interesting how he comports himself inside the courtroom and then when he comes out in the hallway and and says uh false things like that this is the Biden justice department and there's.

A Biden justice department operative at the prosecutor's table that's not true um there is a former Federal prosecutor but there are also two former Federal prosecutors on the defense table uh so the the the the the difference is I think uh notable but no telling what really what it means trying to get inside his head but that's a a great.

Description Aaron thanks so much Aaron kki John Cuchi Kim wayy I thank you all be covering Trump's criminal hush money trial all day long I'll bring you the latest right here on ABC News live we'll be right back coming up North Carolina lawmakers pushed to ban masks in public why the pandemic era law could now become a.

Crime also ahead ABC News exclusive with Olivia m the actress opening up for the first time since her cancer diagnosis why she felt it so important to share her story tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand lost as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will.

Billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News Tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on television Paul and O the iconic Duo now John OES on his new music and is feuded with darl Hall in 2023 darl Hall filed a lawsuit what can you tell us about that tomorrow morning we Hall and oath ever perform together.

Again on Good Morning America experienced a lot of hard a I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel lonely it's taken me a really long time to even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the Year goes to Lany Wilson that was a mic drop the.

Entertainer of the Year baby I do see the bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero outfit night knock knck burglar may be to blame for the murder of a hairdresser Fabio Celli there's blood everywhere an allnew 2020 True Crime irony of ironies one of.

The victims of knock knock burglaries was Fabio lanzon my phone start ringing off the hook there's a Twist here this is really personal that was shocking you sure this is right oh my gosh I blacked out the new 2020 Friday night on ABC it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty.

Good your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that welcome back to ABC News live it is day three of Michael Cohen's testimony in.

Former president Trump's hush money case we're going to bring you the latest updates from inside the courtroom throughout the day but we do have other news to get to today and we want to do that right now Vladimir Putin has been welcomed by Chinese leader XI Jing ping as the Russian president arrived in Beijing for a state visit this morning.

Both leaders condemned what they say is increasingly aggressive behavior from the US and pledged to deepen their country's already close military ties Russia's latest offensive near Kar in Ukraine is forcing Ukrainian troops to retreat Republican lawmakers in North Carolina are pushing legislation to repeal a pandemic era law that allowed.

People to wear masks in public for health reasons the move started in part by demonstrations against the Israel Hamas war that have included Mass protesters on college campuses the bill would raise penalties for someone who wears a mask while committing a crime opponents say it risks the health of those masking for safety reasons the.

Bill will likely move to the house floor in the next month and fiser has reportedly agreed to pay up to $250 million to settle more than 10,000 us lawsuits over cancer risks associated with its discontinued heartburn drug zanac fizer says uh maintains the drug did not cause cancer when used as directed Olivia mun is speaking out in.

Her first on camera interview since revealing her most recent surgeries in her breast cancer battle ABC's Michael Strahan sat down with the actress to discuss everything from her treatment to fertility to her hopes for the future you never know what's going on in someone's life you know that that privately people are battling things.

That that you'd never know actress M opening up about the private Health Battle she's been fighting after an unexpected breast cancer diagnosis last year clear mamogram clear ultrasound genetic testing I have zero chance of having any cancer genetically then my doctor said there is this lifetime risk assessment test and I took it for you.

And you're at 37.3% which puts me into the high risk and she said I want you to go get an MRI and that's when they said well we found something and when you heard the word cancer what went through your mind I mean honestly I just thought of my baby your cancer is the that's the word you don't want to hear there's a lot of.

Other things that that you feel like you can beat but you you know cancer takes down a lot of people and I just thought about my baby last April M was diagnosed with stage one of the aggressive lumino B breast cancer in both breasts and what did they explain to you about your nosis they said that if I was extremely aggressive that I could fight this and.

Win but at the same time once they started finding all these little spots in my breast like oh there's another tumor there's another tumor there was such an urgency to it because we had to get in and make some really big decisions mun getting a double masectomy just 30 days after receiving the diagnosis in March the 43-year-old.

Decided to open up about her experience on social media do it for him do it for your baby including this raw moment right before she went into surgery I'm ready how did you know you were ready I didn't I just had to say it you know sometimes you just you just say it and hope that your body will go with it why did you want to document.

This journey that you're on right now well because if I didn't make it I wanted my my son when he got older to know that I fought to be here that I tried my best going to make me cry you want the people in your life you want the people that maybe don't understand what's going on right now to know that like you did.

Everything you could to be here M shared a 2 and a half-year-old son Malcolm with her partner comedian John melany and how has it been having John there to support you I mean he is he's honestly just the best human being he comes to everything in life with so much compassion and understanding but the the the one problem is that he makes me.

Laugh so much that I'm like you have there's times I'm like you have to leave the room like this is insane you when you're with the funny man I mean he's the funny guy I know I just say leave the room you have to leave and I was just this is you're going to make me angry now because it's it's going I'm going to you know literally pop stitch.

It's going to hurt because of potential impacts of cancer treatment on her future fertility she decided to undergo egg retrieval something mun had done twice before in her 30s John and I had a long talk about it we realized that we weren't done growing our family so right after the double masectomy I went through a round of egg retrieval and.

That's a scary process because I have a a cancer that feeds off of hormones so I knew there was a risk and our doctor said look we're going to get one for you and then we we're gonna call it and then our doctor called and he said hey we got the results back it's too healthy embryos and I we I mean just started balling crying both of us.

And have you ever thought about you know far that far ahead about what the future of your family looks like we really just hope that it works out for us to be able to have another baby we just want one more I'm not going to ask for too much more in this life I promise I just want just want one more baby because luminal be is a hormone positive type of breast.

Cancer mun's treatment involves suppressing production of the hormones that cause it to grow putting her body into medically induced menopause the hormone suppression therapy is brutal and it gave me next level debilitating exhaustion I was just in bed all day long all day long my quality of life was uh was so minimal and I wasn't able to.

Be there for my baby did he notice a change yeah yeah I mean whenever whenever Malcolm would come into the home he'd run straight to my bed because that's where he knows I am like that's what he associated with me and that was just too difficult for me to take I I had to find out if there was another option so I opted to do the hysterctomy.

With the ectomy and almost immediately after that my energy just came back full force soon M says her doctor wants her to start another drug that will stop her body from producing a cancer growing hormones elsewhere in the body I have been so aggressive I was you know I did everything they told me to do I did all.

The big surgeries and now I'm saying do I have to do this extra drug after all the steps you've taken why do you think that was the one thing you questioned it's just it's so TI tiring I just I it's so Tire these drugs are so tiring and I know that I'm going to stay.

Aggressive I know I'm going to do it I'm just surprised that that I'm even asking for anything less than aggressive because I mean as you know it just it's not just feels non-stop it feels nonstop because it is Non-Stop and going through all of this have you learned anything new about yourself I've learned that I'm a lot.

Braver than I thought I was and I learned that the most important thing to me in life is my family everything else can go away I don't have my career I don't have my body the way that it looked before but as long as the people that I love and care about are here and healthy and thriving Nothing Else Matters mama mama.

Our thanks to Michael and Olivia for that which was a very raw and beautiful interview Michael thank you uh now to the shake up in the ride share business we've been talking about this all morning Uber announcing the launch of a a new shuttle service aimed at making it easier and cheaper for customers to get to their destination ABC News business.

Correspondent Alexis christopherus joins us with more so Alexis how is this going to work and how do these shuttles operate two things we love easier and cheaper sign me up right okay so how is this going to work Uber is coming out with a uh shuttle this summer in select cities you're going to be able to go to the airport concerts sporting events.

Using the shuttle you can reserve up to five seats up to a week in advance and Uber says it will be less than the price of an Uber ride it's going to be partnering with uh some local shuttle bus companies and commercially licensed drivers that's who'll be driving you still going to be able to go on your app and give a tip to the driver and also.

Rate the driver on this in this situation the cities it's going to be launching in this summer four cities Chicago Pittsburgh Charlotte and Miami and depending on how it goes it'll roll out nationally all right fascinating a lot of tips oh and can I just mention real quick before we go a couple of other things they're doing Uber won now.

A membership program for students a discounted program and you can also if you're part of Uber Eats get deliveries from Costco even if you're not a member so lots of new revenue streams for Uber Alexis christopherus thanks so much do appreciate it coming up the cast of Bridgerton is spilling the tea what we can expect as season 3 rolls.

Out Friday night knock knock burglar may be to blame for the murder of hairdresser Fabio sintelli there's blood everywhere an all neww 2020 True Crime irony of ironies one of the victims of knock knock burglaries was Fabio lanzon my phone start ringing off the hook there a Twist here this is really personal that was was shocking are you.

Sure this is right oh my gosh I blacked out the new 2020 Friday night on ABC let's go the ship is incredible it feels like living in a science fiction movie we just saw what no one has seen before wow look at that oh my gosh we are heading into the unknown Hammer Hammer Hammer it doesn't get any more Cutting Edge than.

this tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand lost as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News Tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on television from the team that brought you the DuPont awardwinning.

Report a groundbreaking new investigation spanning 9 9,000 miles trashed the secret life of plastic exports stream free on Hulu reporting in Moscow Idaho I'm Kana Whitworth wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live dearest gentle reader we have been.

A part for far too long at last London's fashionable set has made its return and it seems that our Bon Ton is moving with a changing tide so too is this auor welcome back that was the trailer for season 3 of Netflix hit series Bridgerton Ballroom dances noble families steamy romance scenes and.

Contemporary music with just a Twist are some of the many factors that contribute to the show's huge success uh that uh perfect combination has captivated viewers since the show premiered in 2020 just like lady whistle Down's gossip newspaper uh and dearest readers do we have to treat you uh do we have to do we have a treat for you dearest readers I.

Guess today's season 3 part Premiere earlier this week ABC's will Gans spoke with hnad who plays the role of Franchesca Bridgerton and Jessica Madden who plays the role of cresa on Bridget's newest season let's take a look Hannah Jessica thank you so much for being here it's a shame you two don't get along at all you know I don't know that our.

Viewers can see yeah you're holding hands under the desk we hate each other it's a real problem absolutely having so much fun together obviously we are so excited to have some fun watching you in season 3 Hannah you are the newcomer this year what has it been like stepping into this world of Bridgerton it's it's pretty terrifying um but they all.

Gorgeous and lovely and actually it's it doesn't feel like the massive show that it is when you're on set they're all really grounded down to a the nicest place to go to work so oring lots of robes and slippers yeah constantly you don't just leave the pett coats and the coret on at all times you have to we do the robes go over the top got it which.

Looks phenomenal with her shoulders this year I do actually look like American football player when I wear a Rob right right Rob bu and then I yeah I did enjoy that Jess what was it like for you coming back to this character that you've now played for several seasons and word on the street is we might get to see a slightly different side to.

Cresa this year are we going to get to see maybe a step away from the Regina George of Mayfair see step away froma torture Mayfair I love that it was amazing I um I really had no idea that they would give me such a massive opportunity and I had the best time the best year of my life yeah what is it like like when we we you talk about the.

Hair the makeup the clothing what was it like for you Hannah putting those on for the very first time Bridger and Glam it's so much fun we're so lucky with our creative teams got the most talented hair and makeup costume designers um John is a genius genus My First costume fitting I hadn't had any scripts yet and they were putting me in the presentation.

Outfit and I was like okay you're like I'm in Rich what does this mean this is pretty iconic yeah what can you tease about Francesca this year I saw by the way your Instagram post when you were announced that you would be joining the show you were like I promise I'm not going to mess it up what can you tease about your character for season 3 well.

She joins the marriage Mark um so it's her turn to try and find a husband uh she's got quite a practical approach to the marriage Mark which is something we haven't really seen from the Bridget and siblings yet uh she doesn't like romanticize the idea of marriage um but she's not fighting it either so I think she's a little bit of a challenge for.

Mama Ruth um yeah and what she wants I think she's still on that journey of working out like who she is and what it is that she wants yeah and Jess your character we're getting some little teases about her friendship with Eloise I think online we're calling them a most peculiar.

Pairing what can you tell us a little bit about that they really hold a mirror up to each other they're very very different and they have a beautiful friendship they challenge each other they're receptive to the challenge and um yeah we don't see we don't see so much of a bite you know CH is really allowing it.

All to the mask is coming off and the armor is coming off and they have a genuine a genuine connection which is really exciting because we haven't seen that for her yet and it is like you know when we think Bridgerton we often think romantic love but like the best love stories of my life are my friendships what is it like to kind of portray a.

Female friendship a love story if you will in that way what does that mean to you as a human being so important I have such wonderful female friendships in my life and um they're they're incredible stories to explore you know especially when you see them younger and how they develop and we've been with them now for a long time all of these characters from.

The beginning to where we are now with Luke and Nick and all of them and we're really seeing them sort of mature and grow up and um yeah it's cool I'm excited for people to see this season really excited yeah I feel like also you guys it is my journalistic duty on behalf of gay men and women everywhere what is the tea with Jonathan Bailey is.

He as stunning and talented IRL as he is online and on screen absolutely 100% he is what is he bad at there has to nothing nothing he's the kindest kindest he's he's funny guy beautiful man yeah genuine human being he's a Class Act I should have known I should have known some people you know you guys congratulations so excited for season.

Three Hannah DOD Jessica Madson thank you so much for being here thank you will Gans is going to get the tea that is for sure and thanks ABC's will Gans for That interview part one of the third season of Bridgerton is streaming globally starting today and more of Will's conversation with the cast can be seen on ABC News Live's Instagram.

Meantime thank you for streaming with us I'm Phil Lipoff we are of course going to continue to follow the criminal hush money trial Donald Trump former president's former fixer Michael Cohen on the stand right now being cross-examined the news continues after a short.

Break Friday night knock knock burglar may be to blame for the murder of a hairdresser Fabio selli there's blood everywhere an allnew 2020 True Crime irony of ironies one of the victims of knock knock burglaries was Fabio lanon my phone start ringing off the hook there's a Twist here this is really personal that was shocking are you sure.

This is right oh my gosh I blacked out the new 2020 Friday night on ABC tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News Tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on television Paul and O the iconic Duo now.

John O on his new music and is feuded with Daryl Hall in 2023 darl Hall filed a lawsuit what can you tell us about that tomorrow morning will Hall and oath ever perform together again on Good Morning America why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top.

Stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a News podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start.

Here this is ABC News live the crush fames on the ground in Ukraine ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number One streaming news reporting from Harvard University I'm Selena Wayne wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming.

Leacy news live I'm Phil Lipoff today on ABC BC News live first former president Trump's criminal hush money trial getting underway again this his one time attorney and fixer Michael Cohen returns to the stand for a third day of.

Testimony Cohen has given the most incriminating testimony so far with what he says was Trump's being aware of and directly involved in falsifying business records to hide the reimbursement of a hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels ABC News senior investigative correspondent Aaron kki joins me from outside the courthouse.

Along with AB news executive editorial producer John sanui and ABC News legal contributor Kim wayy Aaron let's start with you as Cohen took his place in the witness box today the judge reminded him that he is still under oath what have we seen so far in just a half hour or so that court has been in session the cross-examination just.

Resumed Phil and it picked up right where it left off with uh the defense confronting Michael Cohen with things that he said to investigators with him in hatan District Attorney's Office the defense wanted to show some text messages they didn't get into evidence but uh the defense's whole suggestion here is that Michael Cohen is a witness.

With an agenda uh that he wanted to hold Donald Trump accountable he wanted to get Trump the defense has already told the jury that Cohen had an interest in seeing Trump convicted because he's a former employee former loyalist scorned so uh that's where the the line of questioning is now picking up with Michael Cohen intended in some ways to.

Put him back on his heels after he gave potentially damaging testimony uh during his direct examination John a few Republican house members showed up in support of trump today as we've been seeing uh day after day in court ABC News has obtained this photo uh let's take a look of it of the GOP lawmakers who appear to be appear we say appear to.

Be in court with uh the president they took this picture but our team points out that they're actually in a backup courtroom of the where they can watch the trial remotely it would appear they were in the front row where some of them are sitting right behind Trump what do you make of this I mean they're there they're just not.

There where they say they're there is there any there there I thought you were going to ask me what what what's going to be the band's album cover name based on that shot but anyway it does look like a band cover it does it does I'm not even going to predict a name I think I would be in trouble but anyway look he here's the reality right this has to.

Happen in the sense that if any of these people want a future in Republican politics they have to be there for Donald Trump it's part of this reason now there have been some that have said like house Speaker Mike Johnson said I volunteered to be there yeah okay like the reality is you've got to be there this is Donald Trump he is the.

Republican nominee he is the force he has taken over the Republican Party look the fact that Lara Trump Eric Trump's wife is in the courtroom she's not in the courtroom obviously she's a member of the family but also she's number two of the Republican National Committee now Phil I mean it speaks to Donald Trump's dare I say death grip over the.

Republican party that's how much control and force he has here across all of it and look the reality is he's is the presumptive nominee the poll numbers for him in most of the Battleground states have been looking better and clearly this trial is going to come to an end and I think that one of the things that we know about this this is one of those.

Rare moments in Donald Trump's 77 years on this planet that he does not have control of his life right now he's got to be there at certain times he can only leave at certain times can't you know do a bathroom break or like it's so much out of his control and it's making the caign so difficult they did a fundraiser earlier this week in New Yorkville.

Partly because it was on Donald Trump's off night from court and that just shows how hard of a schedule it is right now to get the business of the campaign accomplished while the courtroom is rocking and rolling inside politics but I'll ask you maybe during the break but I'm interested is margorie Taylor green ever going to show up because that's an.

Interesting that's an interesting thing happening right now Kim I want to go to you two defense lawyers and five prosecutors surrounded the bench to talk to the judge privately what do you make of that what what what do you think they were discussing well it sounds like it was long about 18 minutes that's pretty.

Significant uh so it's possible there are questions regarding the scope of the cross-examination maybe uh you know evidence that they might want to present to to Michael Cohen sort of shaping how the day is going to go but it's impossible to Pro you know to speculate not you know being in the courtroom and having full knowledge of what that side.

Far as to what it could actually be about yeah Erin and and and that's the point we we really don't know and we won't know until later when partial transcript is released but um can you weigh in for us well I it it it may have had something to do with with scheduling because after the the bench conference.

Ended the the judge mentioned to the jurors as they came into court for the day that it's possible he would ask them to work on Wednesday of next week normally Wednesday is a is a day off from The Trial uh and he wanted the jury to tell him if there were any conflicts and and that suggests to me that it's possible he thinks the case could go to.

The jury next week uh and maybe Michael Cohen's the last witness they'll hear from and if so he doesn't want to interrupt their deliberations or at least as much as possible given the upcoming uh long holiday weekend maybe he wants an extra day for deliberations it's possible that the defense has decided to put on a case and he would.

Like that defense case which is expected to be short if there is one to finish before the long holiday weekend uh just because the calendar can be disruptive uh possible that's some of the things they were talking about but but as you say Phil we'll know for sure when we get the transcript later on yeah well I I go to I go to the mins like you and John.

Sanui and he was shaking his head and you think that's probably uh part of what they were talking about I also want to talk to you about uh what happens now on the campaign Trail yeah um Trump is planning on being out on the campaign Trail in Minnesota what do you think his messaging is going to be it's going to be much of the same as we've seen so far.

Whenever he gets out there yeah I mean listen the reality is that he's got to get back on the campaign Trails fast as possible he's off from court tomorrow in part because Baron is graduating college so he'll do that and then you know run back out to do fundraising and other events and we've seen this dialogue from Donald Trump when he has been talking.

About this we must remember also that look at this big event he did last weekend Phil out in New Jersey he spoke a lot about the case right the case has benefited him politically where whereas personally and you know all the other means it's driven him crazy but politically it has been Donald Trump's campaign slogan for 2024 he does though.

Because look at what prosecutors have done he does have to watch the guard rails of that gag order because comments he has made on the trail have cost him literally money $10,000 to the state of New York between posts he made on his truth social platform comments he made outside of Court comments he made in interviews with conservative Outlets.

Talking about the jurors on the case so he's really got to be mindful of this and to think that prosecutors are watching everything right that camera what he's doing on the road it really speaks the intensity of this case and listen I think that what will be interesting from my perspective once this case is over Donald Trump is going.

To have to find a way to campaign without talking about the courtroom because look at all the other cases at the moment if you'll indulge me quickly Georgia they're on appeal it's going to take a bit we're waiting on the Supreme Court and the documents case that's not coming anytime soon right yeah so he'll he'll talk about the outcome of the.

Trial one way or the other totally Vindication total Vindication um all right Kim just quickly to you we're watching uh you know our folks in the courtroom are telling us what's happening so far in the cross but how do you expect this cross to go today on the third day well it sounds like it started out um you.

Know sharp again so clearly the the trying to establish Michael Cohen as someone who's not to be trusted maybe to get under his skin uh get him to sort of break before the jury and demonstrate that angry side that he's shown before in the Civil Trial when he was testifying but basically their their job right now is to try to under undermine.

The B the factual narrative that the government's laid out not just through Donal through Michael Cohen but through other Witnesses documentary evidence and even an audio tape and shed some Reasonable Doubt on that narrative maybe push it down to Michael Cohen suggest that he's the one who orchestrated this out of out of his.

Loyalty to Donald Trump and Donald Trump was sort of a loft in his office and not necessarily as dialed in specifically on the uh the goal allegedly which is to to thwart the election I think getting to the the primary factual allegations the government has to prove is what the defense needs to do today rather than just trash's credibility Kim wayy John.

Sanui Aon k thank you all again we'll be seeing you in a little bit as we cover Trump's criminal hush money trial all day long and bring you the latest right here on ABC News live in the meantime We are following some breaking news for you out of Washington the justice department informing House Republicans President Biden will not release the audio of his.

Interview with special counsel Robert her claiming executive privilege it is a move the doj says effectively Shields attorney general Merrick garland from any criminal exposure as Republican lawmakers push to H Garland in contempt let's bring in Jay O'Brien who was on Capitol Hill Forest Jay remind us how exactly we got here and what is the.

Latest right now yeah remember Robert Herr is the special counsel who was investigating Biden's possession of classified documents and he released that report in which he characterized an interview he had with the president this interview that was done months ago at the beginning of the Israel Hamas War as showing that the president had a bad.

Memory he said the president was an elderly man characterizations at the White House vehemently pushes back on but nonetheless there's an audio recording of that interview and when House Republicans who've been investigating President Biden and what they characterize as an impeachment inquiry learned about that audio.

Recording they said we want that audio recording mer Carin said I'm not giving you the recording then they said okay we'll hold you in contempt of congress which could lead to criminal prosecution and the white house today has said they're going to hold onto that audio recording exerting something called executive privilege which is the.

Presidential right to essentially keep things secret merri Garland in a rare move weighed in on all of this just moments ago this morning here's a little of what he said there have been a series of unprecedented and frankly unfounded attacks on the justice department the effort to threaten to defund our.

Investigations and the way in which there are contributions to an atmosphere that puts our agents and our prosecutors at risk these are wrong look the only thing I can do is continue to do the right thing I will protect this building and its people the attorney gen General's reasoning and the White House's.

Reasoning for exerting executive privilege was that releasing this audio would discourage other presidents Etc from participating in special counsel investigations and they allege House Republicans would cut up this audio and use it for political purposes film so then Jay talk about Republicans have planned for today and then how this.

Process is going to play out so this move to exert executive privilege over this audio it's a means of trying to Shield Merrick garland from any kind of criminal prosecution if he is held in contempt of congress two different committees are going to vote on a vehicle a legislative bill so to speak to hold Garland in contempt of congress.

One is having a conversation on what that legislation will look like right now and what's called a markup another committee is going to have a similar mark up later tonight and then eventually a bill would in theory go to the house floor if it has the support of speaker Johnson and Garland could be held in contempt of congress Phil all.

Right Jay O'Brien from Capitol Hill we know you'll be following it for us Jay thank you and ABC News exclusive now for you Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski inside a hospital on the dire situation his soldiers are facing on the front lines as you see our.

Foreign correspondent James Longman with him speaking to zalinsky as Russia pushes forward with a new offensive president zinski speaks exclusively to ABC News in KH Ukraine's second largest city more than a million people now directly threatened by Russia's Advance the situation is so serious he had to cancel a foreign trip.

To rush here despite the danger We join him as he visits some of the men injured in a desperate effort to protect the city awarding the medals of Valor during these days 500 person have been wounded they are soldiers but mostly they are from this region and for me is very important to support them how serious is the situation right now it's difficult.

It's serious so brigades are not totally equipped because of the package which we waited through eight months the president repeats his thanks to the United States for aid but there's a sense of frustration about its delay and specifically the air defenses needed to keep K safe really if we are speaking about this region Russian can't occupy.

This if for example two pets will stay in this region just two systems and you're frustrated that you make these requests and there's the words but you don't feel that there're the actions maybe now it it's you know looking like more that we're important dialogue now president zanski is asking for support for his country while V.

Putin arrives in China where he's Shoring up support for his war effort this is truly a conflict of global proportions and it will have an impact on November's election Phil our foreign correspondent James Longman in Ukraine with that exclusive James thank you now to the race for the White House President Biden and former president.

Trump have agreed to hold two debates but they will not be traditional presidential debates here's chief White House correspondent Mary Bruce the dates are set Make My Day pal president President Biden and Donald Trump upending the traditional presidential debates agreeing to two one-on-one faceoffs their first June.

27th on CNN before the conventions the second September 10th here on ABC News just weeks before voters head to the polls on Election Day for months Trump has been taunting Biden we have an empty Podium right here to my right you know what that is that's for Joe Biden I'm trying to get him to debate but it was the president who challenged Trump in a.

Surprise announcement Wednesday even mocking Trump's criminal trial in New York referencing the one day a week he's not in court so let's pick the dates Donald I hear you're free on Wednesdays Trump immediately accepting writing let's get ready to rumble no sh I'd love to debate I want to debate I want to debate and then you can't make a deal.

With the guy uh let's see if he shows up to a debate the two campaigns bucking the nonpartisan Commission on presidential debates which has organized general election debates since 1988 including their last go rounds going to answer the question answer that question lot of sueme cour Justice radical left you shut up but the Biden campaign.

Arguing the commission's debates have become an entertainment spectacle the commission they say unable to enforce their own rules instead the campaign's opting to square off in a studio with no live audience just the two of them face to face now the stakes here are massive and the campaigns know it but both men are confident that they can outperform.

The other Trump is at that Biden will falter Biden eager to give voters a jolt and showcase the Stark differences between them and preparations here are already underway the president I'm told is bringing back his former Chief of Staff Ron clean to help lead his debate prep Phil all right Mary Bruce from the White House Mary thank you coming up.

Kansas City Chief's kicker facing backlash for his controversial commencement speech how the NFL is reacting whenever new news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass.

Shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey en rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in iand.

Let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in Bay from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there.

You're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on we're still in a flash flood warning to catch you up with what happened overnight police in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters what's.

Happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straight forward with some fun in between check out the gator on the 17th pole the buzz kill in baseball first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live.

If you want a relationship a happy relationship you need to be in control of that relationship ENT Tate is one of many male Supremacy influencers you see him as this guy that has money has girls basically he's a god this compound what prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking business from we're not the first affluent wealthy men who have been.

Unfairly attacked you think he he raped you they never meant for any of this to be public someone has to says there's something wrong going around here enter Tate Into the manosphere Now streaming on Hulu welcome back to ABC News live backlash is growing this morning against Kansas.

City Chief's kicker Harrison buter after his headline grabbing commencement speech at a Catholic University the Super Bowl champ made some controversial comments to say the least about gay rights abortion and the role of women in society Stephanie Ramos with more he kicked the longest field goal in Super Bowl history to lead the Kansas.

City Chiefs to victory over the 49ers that is now nine consecutive makes from outside 50 for buter but Harrison buter is making headlines for his remarks off the field during a commencement address at Benedictine College a conservative Catholic liberal artart School in Kansas it is safe to say that over the past few years I've gained quite the reputation.

For speaking my mind buer sounding off about working women I think it is you the women who have had the most d diabolical lies told to you how many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the.

World but I would venture to Guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world buter then referring to pride month which celebrates the lgbtq community as a deadly sin not the deadly sin sort of Pride that has an entire month dedicated to it but the true god- centered Pride.

That is cooperating with the Holy Ghost to glorify him I couldn't believe it was such an outdated Antiquated view on lgbtq people and women and using religion in a way buer also mentioning priests who become too familiar with parishioners illustrating his point by borrowing a line from a song written by a certain famous teammates girlfriend.

Because as my teammates girlfriend says familiarity breeds contempt that line from Taylor Swift's bejweled quickly drawing the eye of swifties one writing I didn't think you grasped the message of the Taylor Swift song you quoted go listen to all her albums as homework the NFL reacting to the speech saying Harrison bucker gave a speech in his.

Personal capacity his views are not those of the NFL as an organization the NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion which only makes our league stronger there were apparently some mixed reviews in the crowd but in the end buter did receive a standing ovation from graduates and other attendees Phil uh Stephanie thank you I'm guessing not.

From Taylor Swift though we'll be right back I experienced a lot of hard a I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel lonely it's taken me a really long time to even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the year goes to Lany Wilson that was a mik drop the.

Entertainer of the Year baby I do say the bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero outfit tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will billions in usaid get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World.

News Tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on television why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the days top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New.

York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here Hall and Oats the iconic Duo now John Oats on his new music and is feuded with Daryl Hall in 2023 Daryl Hall filed a lawsuit what can you tell.

Us about that tomorrow morning will Hall and O ever perform together again on Good Morning America from the 2024 campaign Trail in Freeland Michigan I'm Rachel Scott wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live we continue to cover the criminal hush money trial for Donald Trump Michael.

Cohen back on the witness stand to testify again today his onetime attorney and fixer Michael Cohen has given the most incriminating testimony so far he says that Trump was aware of and directly involved in falsifying business records to hide the reimbursement of a hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels Trump has denied all.

Wrongdoing ABC News executive editorial producer John sanui joins me now along with ABC News legal contributor Kim wayy John let's start with you Trump attorney um Todd blanch attempted to highlight Cohen's past lies during his sworn testimony that's obviously a goal but what what's the latest we're hearing from our so we're there right now we're.

Talking about how Michael Cohen has given 17 interviews with federal agents Phil remember of course he was part of multiple investigations between special counsel Robert Mueller where frankly Donald Trump's legal troubles all began after the 2016 election and then we know as part of that investigation meller referred some of his work to other us.

Attorneys offices around the country one of which was prosecutors in New York southern district the office that ultimately charged and convicted Michael Cohen for lying to federal agents so it seems like that's where the questioning is going what's been interesting so far within just the last couple of minutes Todd blanch has spent a significant.

Amount of time questioning Michael Coen about statements he made on his podcast saying that revenge is a a dish best served cold saying that he hopes Donald Trump rots in prison a lot of profanity around those statements that we can't repeat here on news live but I do think what they're trying to do here is set out two things right that Michael Cohen.

Has an agenda that Michael Cohen has made it his mission to get back at Donald Trump so obviously him testifying today is why they say he's motivated and then because of the fact that he has been convicted of lying and said on the stand that he lied for Donald Trump repeatedly what blanch is trying to create now in this questioning in this.

Cauldron that he's sort of building in this courtroom is that Michael Cohen has an agenda he's a known liar and both of those worlds are coming together right now and why should the jury believe him it's a really you know fast moving approach by blanch this morning who we know you know is going to expected to be the whole day questioning Michael Cohen.

Here got a lot of hours to go the idea is just to get one jerk yep that's all they need do all right Kim the defense pointed out that the second recording uh predated Trump's 2023 New York indictment why do you think that they why do you think it was so important for them to highlight that uh well I think it's interesting.

What they're doing is also demonstrating what Michael Cohen is like outside the context of this particular trial that is he has come across very measured very thoughtful very uh Earnest truthful uh cared about Donald Trump you know felt terribly about what happened to him I think what they're trying to do particularly through recordings of meop.

Podcast is show the real Michael Cohen this is really the guy that is kind of runs off at the mouth hates Donald Trump he's giving you a show uh jurors in this moment but we're going to establish what he was a he's actually like when he's not under uh under the the the in the courtroom under oath in this moment and Phil if I could just jump in there where.

Where Kim made that point I think what's interesting about what's happening in the courtroom right now it's not so much that Todd blanch is just just reading into the record jurors the court everyone is hearing this podcast so you're hearing Michael Cohen's tone as he's speaking about his different than what they're hearing absolutely and I do.

Think that's where they're trying to show the other Michael Cohen right think about those Tik Tock videos that ABC News first discovered of Michael Cohen commenting on the case over the last several weeks the tone and tenor and demeanor of Michael Cohen in those videos you see them now on screen of talking about his former boss it is a.

Different Michael Cohen so what Todd blanch is trying to do is to poke the bear because Michael Cohen to his credit has remained very disciplined during all of the examination by prosecutors the job right now for Todd blanch is to bring out what we all know those of us in the media listen I have been yelled at by Michael Cohen interview anybody.

Who's ever done it anybody that's ever interviewed Donald Trump wrote a story about Donald Trump even if it was a fair story got a phone call from Michael Cohen because that was his tactic the Pitbull no matter the hour no matter the story everything from his perspective was always to be on defense mode for Donald Trump and and I'm guessing even.

If they don't poke the bear and bring that Michael Cohen out contrasting what they're hearing in and what they're seeing in front of them might be powerful enough 100% and let's be clear Phil there's a lot of tape Michael Cohen has spoken a lot over the years in interviews in podcast you know obviously the books he's written the Tik toks that.

We just mentioned i' take a bullet for that guy abely there's so much material of Michael Cohen out there because Michael Cohen and Michael Cohen said this this is not John santui saying it Michael Cohen wanted to be out there defending his boss and now Michael Cohen in some way saw a benefit to continue speaking about the case I will say even.

Those Tik Tok videos which when we first got this tip weeks ago that he was doing this I I said to our team I said there's no way this could be real because remember witnesses witnesses are going to be called in a case there's not supposed to talk about it and he's a lawyer it's not just like any witness he knows that's a bad idea the judge told.

Him so 100% But nevertheless kept doing it let me ask you this we've seen Senators we've seen the Speaker of the House we've seen people continuously come some of them want to some of them need to if they want to be in the vep stakes um today there's a group of congressional folks uh there Matt Gates Lauren bobbert among the most famous uh.

They TI this picture and said hey we're in court today point out that's not actually the courtroom right yeah no this is an overflow room where they're able to watch the feed some of those individuals have gone now into the main courtroom I assume at some point as everyone has done that has been a visitor with Donald Trump to court they.

Will go out and speak to the cameras and defend their guy the former president as they typically do you know what's interesting from our team ABC's Olivia Rubin observed this in court already Phil that you know because of some of the people there that are more well known look Matt Gates we see him there on screen is a Florida member from.

Congress for Congress but he has become so well known as a media magga star for Donald Trump that some jurors have taken note of that now how does that sway them one way or another it nevertheless creates this image that Donald Trump is seeking right that these people are all with me because I'm the Republican nominee and I should be out in the.

Campaign trail with them but I can't I'm here because of Alvin brag so all of that you know is hopefully from their perspective going to do something for the jury we'll see and Kim what has stood out to you so far uh from the testimony and and what are you listening for today well from Michael Cohen's.

Testimony uh the the direct of course was as John indicated he was an excellent witness that didn't surprise me he's very seasoned he knows exactly what he needs to do um but on the cross so far what stuck out to me was that they made a point um that he has been essentially disrespecting the process that he has been out there talking not.

Just about Donald Trump prior to the indictment but he's been talking about it when while the the court is in is ongoing and I think the jury has to ask themselves how much do they does he respect this process on the counter um side it's possible that having all these members of Congress and these high level people coming in that could backfire for.

The defense as well why are they here are they trying to tell us that there's some other reason besides the facts that are before us are they trying to intimidate us um this is an extremely unusual context right because it's not only a former president um but there's an election coming up and everyone is trying to get at this jury at the same.

Time they're trying to get to the voting public and uh it's just unfolding in an unprecedented manner John the president uh had asked for tomorrow off to go to Baron's graduation so he'll be off tomorrow but he's also made a campaign stop Minnesota yeah um that means it's going to be a quick graduation ceremony I was I was G to say I don't know how.

Long he's I mean my daughter's is this weekend too and I'm playing three four hours so uh but the campaign rally will happen nonetheless uh what do you expect to hear from him I mean more of the same listen I think this event as I understand it is going to be more of a fundraising appeal than anything else so you know look I think that there's going.

To be a lot of this coming up with the case you could expect a world fill based on our understanding that if Todd blanch concludes today we could be seeing the end of this show being the trial next week maybe so you got to imagine he's going to be talking about that you know listen one of the things Donald Trump is doing when he comes both out to that.

Camera and on the campaign Trail is build the drama of all of this yeah because he has a little bit of more power here if you will because there is no camera in that courtroom and we're obviously reading here off a TV screen I'm doing the best I possibly can to make this exciting but that that's the thing that Donald Trump does so well.

Right he's capturing that mood that vibe that that energy that intensity the way that he is vilified the judge vilified Alvin brag the Manhattan district attorney it's part of what he did in the other civil proceedings as you well know that he went through earlier this year so those are helping him in a gigantic way on the fundraising front and on the.

Polling front so as he is heading further and further into a general election now he has debates on the schedule right those are now locked so there's going to see more of that tone and tenor from Donald Trump as we head into the fin be fair he's getting an awful lot of media coverage on this absolutely all day long day um let's.

Bring in ABC News uh Deputy political director Avery Harper uh Avery Trump speaking at the courthouse earlier today telling reporters obviously as he said many times he'd rather be out on the campaign Trail uh than stuck in court he is scheduled as John and I were just talking about to make a campaign stop in Minnesota tomorrow maybe after the.

Graduation uh what do you expect to hear from him yeah he's going to be headlining a a dinner from the states uh GOP and so I I think that his message is essentially going to be more of what we have heard him say in front of cameras at the courthouse also in recent political rallies that he's held like John mentioned a little bit earlier the.

One that he had in Wildwood New Jersey or the the Jersey Shore look I think he's going to talk about the case uh he's going to make the claim that he is being political politically persecuted I think that's the Crux of his campaign right now I think with the recent news of uh these debates I think he's going to be able to talk about uh a matchup.

Between him and uh President Biden and so it'll be interesting to see what he has to say and Kim just one final question to you um what kind of line does uh the cross have to the Cross examination have to go be careful about today I mean they wanted you it's easy to show that Michael Cohen has a history of lying but what are they doing to make.

The jury see that and say okay well if he's a liar I don't have to believe anything they've said so far in this case it has to go back to the evidence that the prosecution laid out very meticulously before we even got to to Michael Cohen with hope hit with David pecker with the the actual uh notes on the the uh document.

Demonstrating the $150,000 payment with Alan wiberg's notes about uh increasing that for taxes ET Etc they have to create some um impression that Michael Cohen is the lynchpin to Donald Trump's intent that he's the one who actually was directed allegedly by Donald Trump um and that without that piece of evidence if they don't believe Michael.

Cohen even if the other stuff is good we're not going to convict there's that Reasonable Doubt well we don't have the actual words of Donald Trump except through Michael Cohen we don't believe Michael Cohen there's your Reasonable Doubt for one juror all right we'll be watching John Cuchi Avery Hopper and Kim wayy thank you all we're going to.

Continue cover Trump's criminal hush money trial all day long we're going to bring you the latest right here on ABC News live in the meantime coming up North Carolina lawmakers put push to ban masks in public why the pandemic era law could become a crime also ahead ABC News exclusive with Olivia m the actress opening up very personally for the first.

Time since her cancer diagnosis why she felt it was so important to share her story this way what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters This our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came.

In from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love it great.

Work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you David good to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David M I know who you are watch you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast this is not about parents who.

Just let their kid watch violent movies play violent video games this is about parents who neglected their son ignored his cries for help then bought him a gun the first parents in America to be charged in a school shooting they purchased that gun for him and bragged about it you don't get to walk away from that that's a criminal act sins of the.

Parents the crumbly trials the opposite of love is not hate it's just being ignored only on Hulu why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with for.

Edward R Muro Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here whenever wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in.

Buffalo yaldi Texas Edinburgh Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in waron we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live.

Welcome back to ABC News live it is day three of Michael Cohen's testimony in former president Trump's hush money case we're going to bring you the latest updates from inside the courtroom throughout the day but we do have other news to get to today and we want to do that right now Vladimir Putin has been welcomed by Chinese leader xien ping as.

The Russian president arrived in Beijing for a state visit this morning both leaders condemned what they say is increasingly aggressive behavior from the US and pledge to deepen their country's already close military ties Russia's latest offensive near kke in Ukraine is forcing Ukrainian troops to retreat Republican lawmakers in North.

Carolina are pushing legislation to repeal a pandemic era law that allowed people to wear masks in public for health reasons the move started in part by demonstrations against the Israel Hamas war that have included mask protesters on college campuses the bill would raise penalties for someone who wears a mask while committing a crime.

Opponents say it risks the health of those masking for safety reasons the bill will likely move to the house floor in the next month and fiser has reportedly agreed to pay up to $250 million to settle more than 10,000 us lawsuits over cancer risks associated with its discontinued heartburn drugs zanac fizer says uh maintains the drug.

Did not cause cancer when used as directed Olivia mun is speaking out in her first on camera interview since revealing her most recent surgeries in her breast cancer battle ABC's Michael Strahan sat down with the actress to discuss everything from her treatment to fertility to her hopes for the future you never know what's going on in.

Someone's life you know that that privately people are battling things that that you'd never know actress Olivia mun opening up about the private Health Battle she's been fighting after an unexpected breast cancer diagnosis last year clear mammogram clear ultrasound genetic testing I have zero chance of having any cancer genetically.

Then my doctor said there is this lifetime risk assessment test and I took it for you and you're at 37.3% which puts me into the high risk and she said I want you to go get an MRI and that's when they said well we found something and when you heard the word cancer what went through your mind I mean honestly I just thought of my.

Baby your cancer is the that's the word you don't want to hear there's a lot of other things that that you feel like you can beat but you you know cancer takes down a lot of people and I just thought about my baby last April M was diagnosed with stage one of the aggressive lumino B breast cancer in both breasts and what did they explain to you about your.

Prognosis they said that if I was extremely aggressive that I could fight this and win but at the same time once they started finding all these little spots in my breast like oh there's another tumor there's another tumor there was such an urgency to it because we had to get in and make some really big decisions mun getting a double.

Masectomy just 30 days after receiving the diagnosis in March the 43-year-old decided to open up about her experience on social media do it for him do it for your baby including this raw moment right before she went into surgery I'm ready how did you know you were ready D I didn't I just had to say it you know sometimes you just you just.

Say it and hope that your body will go with it why did you want to document this journey that you're on right now well because if I didn't make it I wanted my son when he got older to know that I fought to be here that I tried my best you're going to make me cry you want the people in your life you.

Want the people that maybe don't understand what's going on right now to know that like you did everything you could to be here M shared a 2 and a half-year-old son Malcolm with her partner comedian John meany and how has it been having John there to support you I mean he is he's honestly just the best human being he.

Comes to everything in life with so much compassion and understanding but the the the one problem is that he makes me laugh so much that I'm like you have there's times I'm like you have to leave the room this is INS when you when you're with the funny man I mean he's a funny guy I know I just say leave the room you have to leave and I was this is.

You're going to make me angry now because it's it's going I'm going to you know literally pop stitch it's going to hurt because of the potential impact of cancer treatment on her future fertility she decided to undergo egg retrieval something M had done twice before in her 30s John and I had a long talk about it we realized that we weren't done growing.

Our family so right after the double masectomy I went through a round of egg retrieval and that's a scary process because I have a a cancer that feeds off of hormones so I knew there was a risk and our doctor said look we're going to get one for you and then we we're going to call it and then our doctor called and he said hey we got the results back.

It's too healthy and and I we I mean just started Bing crying both of us and have you ever thought about you know far that far ahead about what the future of your family looks like we really just hope that it works out for us to be able to have another baby we just want one more I'm not going to ask for too much.

More in this life I promise I just want just want one more baby because L will be the hormone positive type of breast cancer M's treatment involves suppressing production of the hormones that caused it to grow putting her body into medically induced menopause the hormone suppression therapy is brutal and it gave me next level debilitating.

Exhaustion I was just in bed all day long all day long my quality of life was uh was so minimal and I wasn't able to be there for my baby did he notice a change yeah yeah I mean whenever whenever Malcolm would come into the home he'd run straight to my bed because that's where he knows I am like that's what he associated with me and that was.

Just too difficult for me to take I I had to find out if there was another option so I opted to do the hysterectomy with the erect toy and almost immediately after that my energy just came back full force soon M says her doctor wants her to start another drug that will stop her body from producing a cancer growing hormones elsewhere in the.

Body I have been so aggressive I was you know I did everything they told me to do I did all the big surgeries and now I'm saying do I have to do this extra drug after all the steps you've taken why do you think that was the one thing you questioned it's just it's so tiring I just.

I it's so tired these drugs are so tiring and I know that I'm going to stay aggressive I know I'm going to do it I'm just surprised that that I'm even asking for anything less than aggressive because I mean as you know it just it's not just feels non-stop it feels non-stop because it is Non-Stop and going through all of.

This have you learned anything new about yourself I've learned that I'm a lot braver than I thought I was and I learned that the most important thing to me in life is my family family everything else can go away I don't have my career I don't have my body the way that it looked before but as long as the people that I love and.

Care about are here and healthy and thriving Nothing Else Matters mama mama our thanks to Michael and Olivia for that which was a very raw and beautiful interview Michael thank you uh now to the shakeup in the ride share business we've been talking about this all morning Uber announcing the launch of a a new shuttle service aimed at.

Making it easier and cheaper for customers to get to their destination ABC News business correspondent Alexis christopherus joins us with more so Alexis how is this going to work and how do these shuttles operate two things we love easier and cheaper sign me up right okay so how is this going to work Uber is coming out with a uh shuttle this.

Summer in select cities you're going to be able to go to the airport concerts sporting events using the shuttle you can res Reserve up to five seats up to a week in advance and Uber says it will be less than the price of an Uber ride it's going to be partnering with uh some local shuttle bus companies and commercially licensed drivers that's.

Who'll be driving you still going to be able to go on your app and give a tip to the driver and also rate the driver on this in this situation the cities it's going to be launching in this summer four cities Chicago Pittsburgh Charlotte and Miami and depending on how it goes it'll roll out nationally all right fascinating.

A lot of tips oh and can I just mention quick before we go a couple of other things they're doing Uber one now a membership program for students a discounted program and you can also if you're part of Uber Eats get deliveries from Costco even if you're not a member so lots of new revenue streams for Uber Alexis christopherus thanks so much do.

Appreciate it coming up the cast of Bridgerton is spilling the tea what we can expect as season 3 rolls out tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will billions in usaid get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News Tonight with David mure the most.

Watched newscast on television why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts Friday night knock knock burglar may be to.

Blame for the murder of a hairdresser Fabio sintelli there's blood everywhere an allnew 2020 True Crime irony of ironies one of the victims of knock knock burglaries was Fabio lanzon my phone start ringing off the hook there's a Twist here this is really personal that was shocking you sure this is right oh my gosh I blacked out the new 2020.

Friday night on ABC ABC News America's number one news source reporting from the Federal District Courthouse in Washington DC I'm Terry Moran wherever the news is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live dearest gentle reader we have been aart for far too.

Long at last London's fashionable set has made its return and it seems that our Bon Ton is moving with a changing tide so too is this author welcome back that was the trailer for season 3 of Netflix hit series Bridgerton it's a show filled with Ballroom dances noble families steamy romance scenes and contemporary music.

With a Twist earlier this week ABC's will Gan spoke with some of the cast members of Bridgerton newest season take a look Hannah Jessica thank you so much for being here it's a shame you two don't get along at all you know I don't know that our viewers can see yeah you're holding hands under the desk we hate each other it's a real problem.

Absolutely having so much fun together obviously we are so excited to have some fun watching you in season 3 Hannah you are the newcomer this year what has it been like stepping into this world of Bridgerton it's it's pretty terrifying um but they were all gorgeous and lovely and actually it's it doesn't feel like the massive show that it is when you're.

On set they're all really grounded down to a the nicest place to go to work so alling lots of robes and slippers yeah constantly you don't just leave the pett coats and the corsets on at all times you have to we do the robes go over the top got it which looks phenomenal with her shoulders this I do actually look like an American football player when I.

Wear a r right right right Rob bu and then I yeah I did enjoy that Jess what was it like for you coming back to this character that you've now played for several seasons and word on the street is we might get to see a slightly different side to cresa this year are we going to get to see maybe a step away.

From the Regina George of Mayfair see a step away froma Toria Mayfair I love that it was amazing I um I really had no idea that they would give me such a massive opportunity and I had the best time the best year of my life yeah what is it like when we we you talk about the hair the makeup the clothing what was it like for you Hannah putting those on for.

The very first time Bridger and Glam it's so much fun we're so lucky with our creative teams got the most talented hair and makeup costume designers um John is a genius genius My First costume fitting I hadn't had any scripts yet and they were putting me in the presentation outfit and I was like okay you're like I'm in Bri what does this mean this is.

Pretty iconic yeah what can you tease about Franchesca this year I saw by the way your Instagram post when you were announced that you would be joining the show you were like I promise I'm not going to mess it up what can you tease about your character for season 3 well she joins the marriage Mark um so it's her turn to try and find a husband uh.

She's got quite a practical approach to the marriage Mark which is something we haven't really seen from the Bridget and siblings yet uh she doesn't like romanticize the idea of marriage um but she's not fighting it either so I think she's a little bit of a challenge for Mama Ruth um yeah and what she wants I think.

She's still on that journey of working out like who she is and what it is that she wants yeah and Jess your character we're getting some little teases about her friendship with Eloise I think online we're calling them a most peculiar pairing what can you tell us a little bit about that they really hold a mirror.

Up to each other they're very very different and they have a beautiful friendship they challenge each other they're receptive to the challenge and um yeah we don't see we don't see so much of a bite you know KES is really allowing it all to the mask is coming off and the armor is coming off and they have a.

Genuine a genuine connection which is really exciting because we haven't seen that for her yet and it is like you know when we think Bridgerton we often think romantic love but like the best love stories of my life are my friendships what is it like to kind of portray a female friendship a love story if you will in that way what does that mean to.

You as a human being so important I have such wonderful female friendships in my life and um they're they're incredible stories to explore you know especially when you see them younger and how they develop and we've been with them now for a long time all of these characters from the beginning to where we are now with Luke.

And Nick and all of them and we're really seeing them sort of mature and grow up and um yeah it's cool I'm excited for people to see this season I'm really excited yeah I feel like also you guys it is my journalistic duty on behalf of gay men and women everywhere what is the tea with Jonathan Bailey is he as stunning and talented IRL as he is.

Online and on screen absolutely 100% he is what is he bad at there has to be something nothing nothing he is the kindest kindest he's he's funny guy beautiful man yeah genuine human being he's a Class Act I should have known I should have known some people you know you guys congratulations so excited for season 3.

Hannah DOD Jessica Madson thank you so much for being here thank you will Gans is going to get the tea that is for sure and thanks ABC's will Gans for That interview part one of the third season of Bridgerton is streaming globally starting today and more of Will's conversation with the cast can be seen on ABC News Live's Instagram.

Meantime thank you for streaming with us I'm Phil Lipoff we are of course going to continue to follow the criminal hush money trial Donald Trump former president's former fixer Michael Cohen on the stand right now being cross-examined the news continues after a short.

Break I experienced a lot of hard a I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel lonely it's taken me a really long time to even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the Year goes to Lany Wilson that was a mic drop the Entertainer of the Year baby I do see the bell bottoms.

In the Hat as my superhero outfit what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture IIs fighter this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor.

So you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made in the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you.

Appreciate thank you good to meet you is David David yes yes yes I'm David M I know you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know that sounds.

Pretty good your health your money breaking news music and of course good food a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that me reporting from Burlington Vermont right in the heart of the path of totality wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News.

Live here's to good mornings in America Can You Feel The Love oh yeah mornings that Inspire filled with hope kindness joyous surprises and so much fun this is crazy this is absolutely crazy start your day with Good Morning America's ray of sunshine highlighting the best of America and helping make dreams come true wow y feel so happy it's so good.

Get ready to smile and put the good into your Morning America because you know what will make the morning better a little ray of sunshine first thing in the morning there's a lot going on we're still in a flash flood warning to catch you up with what happened overnight police in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters.

What's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between check out the gator on the 17th pole the buzz kill in baseball first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News.

live I'm Phil Lipoff today on ABC News live first Michael Cohen is back on the witness stand testify again in former president Trump's criminal hush money trial his onetime attorney and fixer Michael Cohen is given the most incriminating testimony so far but he says Trump was aware of and directly.

Involved in falsifying business records to hide the reimbursement of a hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels Trump has denied all wrongdoing ABC News senior investigative correspondent Aaron kerki joins me now from outside the courthouse along with ABC News legal contributor Kim wayy Aaron let's start with you is suggesting.

He was pressured to plead guilty by prosecutors telling the jury he doesn't believe he should have been charged with federal crimes in 2018 what's the latest there well the the specifics may not matter in that particular line of questioning as much as what defense attorney Todd blanch is trying to do here overall this morning Phil the the.

The focus has been on the many lies that Michael Cohen has told uh a lot of them and he's been convicted of lying he has the defense suggested he even committed perjury when he testified uh in the New York attorney general civil case against former president Trump back in October and and I think the the line of questioning is it intended to send a.

Message to the jury using Cohen's past indiscretions uh the suggest is gives the jury an excuse not to believe his testimony uh here or at least to to cast doubt on his test testimony here if he's lied in the past if he pleaded guilty just to try to save his own skin he says he didn't think he needed to be charged with tax crimes but the government.

Threatened to charge his wife if he didn't plead guilty uh that kind of motive uh those kinds of Lies perhaps the defense is hoping will will uh cast some doubt on the veracity of Cohen's testimony it Kim along those lines Trump attorney Todd blanch emphasized that Cohen told a federal judge he was not pressured uh or induced to take a guilty.

Plea in any way but Cohen said that that was a lie uh I mean it's hard to keep what's a lie and what's not here uh straight what do you make of the defense's strategy so far you know I it strikes me as a little bit precarious for the defense because at the Time Michael Cohen pleaded guilty uh Donald Trump was President so it was Donald.

Trump's justice department secondly um he was he was pled guilty to a range of crimes but they included federal election violations relating to hush money payment so he was he plad guilty to and served prison time for a charge that is not far a field from the government's Theory here that in conjunction with um with Donald Trump.

Hash money payments were were paid by Michael Cohen um at at Trump's Direction in order to influence the election and then Trump repaid him by falsifying records so re remember the prosecution is going to be able to come back on rebuttal on some of these things and the Todd blanch needs to make a decision at how surgical his cross-examination is.

Going to be without opening up the opportunity to rehabilitate him I think on some points including this one that you could argue listen U Michael Cohen is taking the hit for Donald Trump U and he felt pressured because it was Donald Trump's uh jce department at that point so again I don't know that this is the most fruitful line of questioning In.

This Moment for the defense ABC News senior reporter kathern falers joins us now uh Katherine defense attorney Todd blanch challenged Michael Cohen on his past lies uh during the sworn testimony as we've all been talking about um how significant is that going to be to the case for the jury to hear and what kind of difference could it make well it's a.

Good question and at the end of the day I don't totally know their strategy here obviously we know that Michael Cohen has had credibility issues that's been acknowledged throughout the trial here but bland has focused the majority of the day so far solely on Michael Cohen's past lies now the question becomes does he knows something he being blanch for.

Example that Michael Cohen has said on the stand during this trial that he has information that is inconsistent with for example I think uh potentially we could see something like that I'm not sure uh but I would think that they really do need to get back into the meat of the case here the alleged underlying crime do they have uh evidence that they.

Say dis proves that they haven't shown that so far uh but I think potentially you could see a shift back to that um I will be curious to see how the jury ultimately reacts to these uh lies that Cohen told before at least from our team inside the court right now who is observing uh the jury they just seem to be stone-faced not surprised in any way.

Just listening to what Cohen is saying and the questions that blanch is asking yeah I mean Michael Cohen walking into court everybody knows what kind of witness he is everybody knows his past it's been widely reported um Aaron after the cross is done what do we expect to see of the defense's case well uh there may not be anything.

Left after after Cohen the prosecutor suggested they may have one additional witness I'm not sure they will actually call that person whoever it is uh they um it may be a custodial witness to get more documents in but uh it isn't expected to be a substantive witness and then we'll wait to see whether the defense wants to put on a case Court's.

Going to break today a little bit early uh and the the judge is going to discuss with the defense and the prosecutors the scope of potential testimony from a defense expert witness and at that point we may know whether the defense has anything to put on or whether this is all going to move towards summations next week and Kim you were just talking.

About this line of questioning may not be as fruitful as they want I'm wondering if you had a chance to cross uh Michael Cohen what would you be doing today would be focusing on his lies or or what else would you be doing I think focusing on the direct testimony that he claims uh ties Donald Trump to the actual directive to pay off Stormy.

Daniels in order to cover up the scheme um probe him and get him to maybe admit that there's some things he's assuming here there's some links that he's making maybe his memory of these conversations isn't exactly right maybe he had conversations with Donald Trump that were positive about his family that demonstrated some an alternative.

Rationale for why these hush money payments would have been paid talked about how you know maybe ask him how high-profile people like this engage in hush money payments that they're not illegal kind of trying to demonstrate I think again the I believe the defendant's biggest argument here on defense is listen this is businesses.

Usual in the Rough and Tumble of a campaign this is not uh rise to the level of a crime it's really really a plea for jury nullification but the jurors can basically decide you know this is Michael Cohen making a big deal out of something that we really shouldn't convict a former president for all right Aaron kerki Katherine folders.

Kim wayy thank you all very much we're going to continue to cover president Trump's criminal hush money trial all day long and bring you the latest right here on ABC News live right now uh I want to bring in ABC News Deputy political director Avery Harper Avery Trump speaking at the courthouse earlier this morning as he does before court.

Telling reporters that he'd rather be out on the campaign Trail than stuck in court he scheduled to make a campaign stop in Minnesota tomorrow sometime either after or before his son's graduation uh what do you expect the message to be right I expect for that to be after his son's graduation he's actually going to be headlining a dinner.

Uh for the Minnesota state GOP and so this is going to get him in front of the uh political establishment in that state uh not necessarily your average voter it could be an opportunity for to speak to those folks to uh push his message also an opportunity for him to fundraise I think we have uh continued to see former president Trump really stick to the same.

Script he talks about the trial uh he talks about uh claiming that he is being politically persecuted as uh these legal uh woses continue to play out in the legal system uh and that has really been the Crux of his message as he really tries to Rally his base and President Biden and former president Trump have now agreed to hold two de debate before.

No November kind of going around the commission deciding what to do on their own starting it uh early I think it's great for voters to be able to see these two men talk about policy especially without a without an audience but uh what can we expect right this is happening much earlier than we typically expect uh there was a body called the.

Commission on presidential debates that had hosted presidential debates since the 80s uh this is going to be happening way before that they're going to be hosted by television networks ABC News news is hosting one CNN is hosting the one that is happening in June and it is remarkable just how early it is it is going to be before either of these men.

Accept their parties nominations formally but I also think it is an opportunity for as you say for voters to see uh both of these men uh talk about policy uh well before they start voting also uh voting is different than it has been in years's past we have more of a voting season than we do just an election day with many people voting uh.

By male voting absentee and so it's going to have uh give voters the opportunity to make some decisions uh even earlier than they used to and Avery vice president kamla Harris we're just learning now has accepted an invitation to participate in the debate against Donald Trump's running maid who we you know don't know who that's going to be.

Yet but is the timing of this unusual yes just like uh with the presidential debates because uh this is happening much earlier uh it is uh very different than we have seen in years past typically these vice presidential debates don't take place uh until the fall and as you mentioned we don't even know who vice president kamla Harris.

Will debate against uh the proposed dates for uh this debate are going to be happening right after the RNC convention where uh former president Donald Trump and whoever his running mate might be uh will accept their nominations and so this is going to be the first really big test for whoever that person might be it will no doubt be someone who has visited.

Him in court we've seen that that uh folks who are on the short list for VP all right Deputy political director Avery Harper Avery Harper always good to see you thanks for the analysis me time the Supreme Court has handed down a major decision upholding the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau the banking industry had argued the Watchdog agency.

Is illegally funded but today in a 7 to2 opinion the court rejected the attack and a major win for the Biden Administration and Democrats let's bring in ABC senior Washington reporter Devon DWI and ABC News business reporter Alexis christopherus for more on this Devin big picture what does this ruling mean it's a big win for the Biden.

Administration as you said Phil and also for consumers those who uh sought protection from corporate Financial abuses after the 2008 financial crisis this is the agency that was created by Congress led by democrats Senator Elizabeth Warren to try to prevent some of those abuses things that prayed on consumers confused consumers during the.

Mortgage crisis that led up uh to that period of time uh and conservatives for years have stopped to undermine the agency get it struck down as unconstitutional and this was a major challenge in that vein fill uh here a number of banks had said that the agency was unconstitutionally funded because Democrats had designed it to be.

Insulated from Congress instead of having to go to Congress every year to ask for money uh this agency is funded through the Federal Reserve and it receives a standing uh amount of money every year so it can't be uh eliminated and today Justice Clarence Thomas in that 7 to2 opinion said that structure that mechanism is constitutional the.

Agency can stand and all those regulations that it's passed uh to protect more than 4 million consumers uh handing down $20 million in fines to Banks over the past few years all of that can remain in place now going forward uh because they rejected this Challenge and 7 to2 is a firm decision having said that Alexis how does this.

Impact consumers well they're not going to see any change now after the Supreme Court ruling this agency will be able to continue to do what it's been doing uh since 2011 when it was created post the financial crisis of 2008 it will continue to crack down on predatory uh lending and enforce consumer protection laws the uh agency releasing um uh this.

To us here at ABC today saying this decision is quote a resounding victory for American families and honest businesses alike uh they're saying they delivered more than $ billion in consumer relief to hundreds of millions of consumers and that they've also handled more than 4 4 million uh consumer complaints since their.

Inception had this gone the other way it could have put other agencies at risk that get their funding through the Federal Reserve like the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which we know um you know helps to uh protect our money in the bank all right Alexis christopherus Devon DWI thank you both very much we are following some breaking.

News to bring to you right now out of Washington the justice department informing House Republicans President Biden will not release that audio of his interview with special counsel Robert her claiming EX itive privilege it is a move the doj says effectively Shields attorney general Merrick garland from any criminal exposure as Republican.

Lawmakers pushed to hold Garland in contempt let's bring in ABC News White House correspondent Karen Travers and ABC's Jo O'Brien Karen we'll start with you remind us of how we got here and and what's the latest this morning yeah Phil so in asserting executive privilege here over the audio of President Biden's interview with special counsel Robert.

Herr the justi department is citing what they call extraordinary Cooper ation and good faith efforts to give House Republicans all of the relevant materials related to the investigation by the special counsel into President Biden's handling of classified documents when he was out of office there's also an element of politics here the White.

House Council says in a letter to House Republicans that absent of a legitimate need for the audio recordings they're essentially saying that what you're going to do with this now is chop them up distort them and use them for partisan political purposes there's also the element that you mentioned there attorney general Merrick Garland being.

Held in contempt of congress the justice department says here that this could Shield him from that here's what he had to say earlier today there have been a series of unprecedented and frankly unfounded attacks on the justice department the effort to threaten to defund our investigations and the way in which.

There are contributions to an atmosphere that puts our agents and our prosecutors at risk these are wrong look the only thing I can do is continue to do the right thing I will protect this building and its people now Phil remember after that interview with the special counsel Robert herb put out a report where he.

Characterized the president as a quote sympathetic well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory that of course sparked days of bad headlines for the White House they eventually did release the full transcript of the president's interview with Robert her but of course that audio would be very different to hear the president talking to Robert her.

To hear what prompted him to give that characterization like that so perhaps no surprise from a political perspective they do not want that audio out there so that's where we're at right now Jay talk to us about what Republicans have planned for today and how this process is now going to play out well this executive privilege.

Assertion Phil was meant to Shield the Attorney General from what's Happening Here in Congress today where there are two different congression committees one of them is meeting right now just down this hallway marking up resolutions to hold attorney general Merrick Garland in contempt of congress if that were to go to the house floor for a vote it would.

Have to have the support of the speaker to do that but if it were to be voted on in the house floor and approved and the house floor is controlled by Republicans remember it could mean that the Attorney General could face prosecution for withholding that audio that's certainly the argument House Republicans are making of course it's worth noting that.

The Attorney General runs the Justice part it will be the Justice Department's decision whether or not to bring those charges but I can tell you Republicans say that this move by the administration to exert executive privilege over this audio changes nothing speaker Mike Johnson has gone so far as to accuse the White House of being quote unquote.

Afraid of this audio being released obviously as Karen noted the White House saying part of their argument in not releasing this audio is that Republicans who are again meeting right down this hallway could chop up that audio and use it for political purposes Jay O'Brien Karen Travers thank you both very much still to come Netflix is.

Teaming up with the NFL what this means for the upcoming season also ahead Caitlyn Clark effect we are headed to Indianapolis as the city heats up for its first home game stay with us whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon main the.

Scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024.

Campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in Beirut from the FBI reporting from nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the.

Story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on we're still in a flash flood warning to catch you up with what happened overnight police in riot gear.

Arresting dozens of protesters what's happening to today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between check out the gator on the 17th hole the buzz kill in baseball first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC.

News live why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start.

Here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here welcome back Netflix has signed its first ever live NFL broadcast deal to air football games on Christmas Day this year this as the iconic Las Vegas Mirage.

Casino announces it will close its doors this summer ABC News business reporter Alexis christopherus has more on that and our other business headlines today and our other business headlines includes a historic day on Wall Street Phil one for the record books the Dow Crossing 40,000 for the first time ever more than doubling from its low hit.

During the early days of the pandemic it comes a day after all three major stock indexes the Dow S&P and NASDAQ rallied to record highs that rally was sparked after a report showing inflation came in cooler than expected in April keeping hope alive for an interest rate cut from the Federal Reserve later this year Walmart says wealthier customers are.

Hunting for bargains at the retailer while low and middle income Shoppers have traditionally been the store's core customer Walmart says last quarter's strong sales were driven by people making over $100,000 a year the company also raised its sales and profit outlook for the year the largest retailer in the US has.

Used its size and its buying power to keep prices lower than the competition even as inflation has surged Netflix just made its biggest bet ever on live sports the platform will stream at least one NFL game globally on Christmas day for the next three years Netflix is reportedly paying about $75 million for each game and what is the company's.

Highest profile live sporting event and it is the end of an era on the Las Vegas Strip the iconic Mirage Hotel and Casino will shut its doors July 17th after 34 years on the Strip the resort will reopen in 20127 as a Hard Rock Las Vegas The mirage's Landmark volcano you know it it's going to be torn down to make space for new hotel rooms and of course.

That Tower will be shaped like a giant guitar as hard rocks hotels are yeah all right end of an era I do love a giant guitar Alexis thanks so much he coming up feeling the fever excitement is building for tonight's home debut for Caitlyn Clark stay with us what does it take to be the most.

Watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis fighter this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag.

There's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made in the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you d is David David yes yes I'm David I know you are.

You every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watch newscast this is not about parents who just let their kid watch violent movies play violent video games this is about parents who neglected their son ignored his cries for help and then bought him a gun the first parents in America to be.

Charged in a school shooting they purchased that gun for him and bragged about it you don't get to walk away from that that's a criminal act sins of the parents the crumbly trials the opposite of love is not hate it's just being ignored only on Hulu why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the.

Know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the The Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see.

Coming wherever you get your podcasts start here reporting from Miami Florida I'm Victor okendo wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live welcome back to ABC News live first Indiana fans are on the edge of their.

Seats anticipation building for tonight's home debut of fever star Caitlyn Clark facing the New York Liberty ABC's Robin Roberts has more on how the WNBA is inspiring a whole new generation of basketball Stars take a look the Indiana Fever red hot here in Indianapolis the hype for the WNBA team hitting a fever pitch as the city gets.

Ready to welcome Caitlyn Clark on home court she's a generational Talent Indianapolis artist quazar Martin spray painting a tribute to the NCAA record cter with this super siiz mural I knew we had the number one pick and as soon as she made herself eligible for the draft I started working on the mural the Indiana Fever select Caitlyn Clark.

University of Iowa at the gamebridge Fieldhouse nearly 6,000 fans erupted in cheers during the fever's watch party in the crowd that night team members of the lady blackout it was super excited I was kept on shouting we love Kaitlyn bringing in a top player like that just put the the shine of.

Light on everybody give everybody the opportunity to show off their talents the lady blackout players grade second to eth embrac their skills trick and fierce athleticism whenever I hear this saying you play like a girl I take that as a compliment we play well and we win a lot of games the program led by father of.

Three Deone Eubank all right let's go who created the youth basketball league in Indianapolis four years ago quick quick quick quick we got seven kids and seven kids turned in the 50 and 50 turned into 100 and just kept growing from there you know it literally feels like a huge family coach Deone going above and beyond and.

Often out of pocket to ensure his players success we sponsored 100 plus kids play basketball for free so if it cost you know a couple hundred couple thousand to keep the kids off the street keep them playing we're willing to do that he's able to arrange multiple gyms for multiple teams every night of the week.

He's also there to support the kids as the young athletes shoot for the stars on and off the court some future stars right there Robin thank you and thank you for streaming with us I'm Phil Lipoff ABC News live is here for you anytime with the latest news context and Analysis you.

Can always find us on various streaming services the ABC News app and of course the news never stops so we don't either be right back important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo you've all Texas edin BR Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in warong we're.

Heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live tonight m Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will.

Billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News Tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on television first thing in the morning there's a lot going on we're still in a flash flood warning to catch you up with what happened overnight police in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters what's happening today.

Escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between check out the gator on the 17th hole the buzz kill in baseball first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live if you want a relationship a happy.

Relationship you need to be in control of that relationship ENT Tate is one of many male Supremacy influencers you see him as this guy that has money has girls basically he's a god this compound what prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking business from we're not the first affluent wealthy men who have been unfairly attacked you think he he raped.

You they never meant for any of this to be public someone has to say there's something wrong going around here enter Tate Into the manosphere Now streaming on Hulu why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the.

Story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts I'm Phil Lipoff today on ABC News live first the jury is taking a break right now as Michael Cohen testifies for a third day in former president Trump's criminal hush money trial his onetime.

Attorney and fixer Michael Cohen has given the most incriminating testimony so far uh that Trump he says was aware of and directly involved in falsifying business records to hide the reimbursement of a hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels Trump has denied all wrongdoing ABC News senior reporter kathern falers joins me.

Now along with criminal defense attorney and former Federal prosecutor Tim Jansen Katherine let's start with you defense attorney Todd blanch grilling Michael Cohen about his his past perjury is history of lying what's the latest from our team inside the courtroom about this yeah so court is now in recess for their morning break it will be about 15 or 20.

Minutes they'll come back uh but look Todd blanch Trump's defense attorney here has spent literally over an hour and a half solely focusing on Michael Cohen's past lives whether it's statements he's made publicly whether it was during his Congressional testimony this is part of their main strategy here to paint Cohen as a liar he has admitted.

He's a liar he's a convicted liar and to bring up all of his past Lies Over the years now the question then becomes obviously this has been their strategy they know that they've wanted to solely focus on this but how will Trump's lawyers bring this back to the meat of the case if you will they've solely focused on the past not anything that.

Really has to do with this case so how will they bring that back is there something specifically that they're setting up or teeing up for example of Cohen's testimony since he's been on the stand this week is there something inconsistent uh with something that they believe he said on the stand under oath surely there are multiple.

Inconsistencies Cohen's stories that he's told in his book that he said publicly that he said on the stand uh but is there something specific that the defense is really trying to get out here I think that they will continue to focus on his credibility but the question is when do they come back to the meat of the case.

And do they bring in any additional evidence to disprove the alleged underlying crime and to that point Tim as Katherine lays that out for us what do you make of the defense's strategy so far that we've heard well I think the cross-examination today is getting a little better they're on a roll.

Um obviously anytime you have a witness against you their credibility is the most important thing the jury instructions are going to tell you if the witness is lied or given false statements in the past you can disregard part or all of that testimony well this this witness gives them so much material that they're going to painstakingly go.

Through it to the point it's like the Chinese water drip he's lied so many times so many places for self-serving reasons then they're going to incorporate the fact that he hates Donald Trump more self-serving reasons then I expect they are going to get to the meat of the issue and I think they also going to ask him about his lawyer.

Mr Robert Costello didn't you in fact tell him when you hired him when you met with him you had no information and it was con inconsistent what you said today if he denies that then they're going to allow that witness to come in and impeach Robert Cohen on the most material issue in the case and Katherine part of what.

Tim was just talking about is Michael Cohen's well-known detest for Donald Trump dislike of hatred whatever you want to call it they've played part of his podcast uh for the jury and where he says these things out loud like we've heard on Tik Tok as well uh what stood out for you there yeah so I was in the the courtroom earlier this.

Week and observing Michael Cohen's Dem and what's fascinating here in his tone by the way but what's fascinating here is now they're playing these podcasts out loud for the jury to hear and of course Cohen is sitting right there it's a much different Michael Cohen than the jury is hearing from the witness stand obviously he's more animated and and his.

Voice is uh high and he's essentially yelling and screaming on his podcast about Trump uh meanwhile he's sitting there and on the witness stand and he's very calm cool and Collective this is the dynamic at least that our that our reporters in inside the courtroom were pointing out so I I find that fascinating because now the jury is.

Getting the chance to see Michael Cohen on the stand versus what he says publicly on his podcast which is something that obviously the jurors haven't heard yet until today you remember they were listening through their headphones not the jury but both parties and the judge previously uh so that part is fascinating I'm curious to.

See how that ultimately resonates with the jury if they take that into account the jury has been fascinating to me in a sense at least from our reporting from from our our reporters in the courtroom because they're listening to Todd blanch they're looking in his Direction they're looking back at Cohen they don't seem to be visibly reacting to what they're.

Hearing in court whether it's the podcast whether it's what Cohen is saying that they've remained pretty stone-faced so they've been really hard to read so at the end of the day of course it comes down to what the jury ultimately thinks and I'm curious to to know whether this at all has any effect on their decision Tim a lot of details.

Have come out of the courtroom so far but we shouldn't lose sight of of the charges that are at the heart of this case Trump is charged with falsifying business records in connection with this hush money payment that Cohen made to stormmy Daniels before the 2016 election uh do you think that Cohen's testimony so far specifically today is going to.

Have much impact on the DA's case well I think what it it is because the credibility of Michael Cohen is the essence of the case he's the only witness that can testify about the payments and he claims that it was Donald Trump's intent that he did it the way he did the only witness that they have put on the on trial at this point.

Is Michael Cohen and when you listen at the jury instructions all the jury instructions are going to tell you basically that Michael Cohen checks off every box that you should really suspect his testimony because of his credibility now is the defense going to present some evidence contrary to what Michael con said that would be a GameChanger or are.

They just going to rely on just cross-examining him claiming he's bias showing his hatred I agree the jury today did get to see Michael Cohen the real Michael Cohen on the podcast wearing the shirts talking the way he did the hatred for Donald Trump they're clearly and jurors are really smart people and they try to do the right.

Thing I think they're experienced at this point being in their 1920 days you're not going to see a reaction from them and you have two lawyers on that jury and that's going to make a big difference in the uh verdict kather in the courtroom has sort of become Trump's Campaign Headquarters it's really where he's been able to be to speak we saw.

Republican house members show up to support Trump today some big names like Matt Gates uh Lauren bobert what do you make of that yeah this is a fascinating Dynamic and it's kind of evolved over the course of the trial today by far and you see those images there he has by far uh the biggest Entourage with him um look this is Trump's way of turning the.

Courtroom in the courthouse into the campaign stump speech if you will he's bringing the campaign to him uh it's a fascinating dynamic because he said that he wants to get out on the campaign Trail he can't because he's trapped inside a courtroom uh the other interesting aspect of this is a lot of people who he's brought to the.

Courthouse have been widely rumored to be on a a VP list if you will I'm hesitant to even use the word VP list because as you know with trumpet changes constantly but it's also in a way turned into this auditioning if you will and then of course they go into the courtroom they go outside and then do their rounds these surgat do the rounds.

In the media circuit so we've seen a lot of that but it is definitely Trump's way of making sure that the politics of this isn't lost and and he wants obviously the legal and the political to blend together Katherine falers Tim Jansen thank you both very much we're going to continue to cover Trump's criminal hush money Tri all day long for you and bring.

You the latest right here on ABC News live to the Israel Hamas War now where a temporary Pier off Gaza is now receiving its first shipment of humanitarian Aid it's taken months and hundreds of millions of dollars but the US military just completed construction on that massive floating Pier for Gaza Matt Gutman in.

Israel hey Phil it's taken months and hundreds of millions of dollars but us officials say that this morning they have managed to Anchor that Giant floating Pier to a beach just off Gaza around central Gaza it's involved about a, US military personnel and we've been assured that there will be no boots on the ground in Gaza the concept is to.

Deliver a significant amount of Aid directly into Gaza and there already already two inbound ships carrying aid but the choreography here is incredibly complex it involves the US military obviously but also the Israeli military which will provide Logistics and security the UN which will technically receive the Aid and Palestinian.

Subcontractors who will then distribute the aid us says that this could be up and running in a couple of days but un officials tell us that they still haven't hammered out the agreements and security remains an issue you may be able to see The Columns of smoke behind me that's Israel going back into areas where Hamas has regrouped and this is.

Happening across Gaza Phil Matt Gutman from Israel Matt thank you we are following some breaking news for you out of Washington the justice department informing House Republicans president Biden will not release the audio of his interview with special counsel Robert her claiming executive privilege it is a move the doj says effectively Shields.

Attorney general Merrick garland from any criminal exposure as Republican lawmakers push to hold Garland in contempt let's bring in Jay O'Brien who was on Capitol Hill for us Jay remind us how exactly we got here and what is the latest right now yeah remember Robert her is the special counsel who was investigating Biden's possession of.

Classified documents and he released that report in which he characterized an interview he had with the president this interview that was done months ago at the beginning of the Israel Hamas War as showing that the president had a bad memory he said the president was an elderly man characterizations at the White House vehemently pushes back on.

But nonetheless there's an audio recording of that interview and when House Republicans who've been investigating President Biden in what they characterize as an impeachment inquiry learned about that audio recording they said we want that audio recording Mar Carlin said I'm not giving you the recording then they said okay.

We'll hold you in contempt of congress which could lead to criminal prosecution and the white house today has said they're going to hold on to that audio recording exerting something called executive privilege which is the presidential right to essentially keep things secret merri Garland in a rare move weighed in on all of this just.

Moments ago this morning here's a little of what he said there have been a series of unprecedented and frankly unfounded attacks on the justice department the effort to threaten to defund our investigations and the way in which there are contributions to an atmosphere that puts our agents and our prosecutors.

At risk these are wrong look the only thing I can do is continue to do the right thing I will protect this building and its people the Attorney General's reasoning and the White House's reasoning for exerting executive privilege was that releasing this audio would discourage other presidents Etc from participating.

In special councel investigations and they allege House Republicans would cut up this audio and use it for political purposes film so then Jay talk about Republicans have planned for today and then how this process is going to play out so this move to exert executive privilege over this audio it's a means of trying to Shield Merrick garland from.

Any kind of criminal prosecution if he is held in contempt of congress two different committees are going to vote on a vehicle a legislative bill so to speak to hold Garland in contempt of congress one is having a conversation on what that legislation will look like right now and what's called a markup another committee is going to have a.

Similar markup later tonight and then eventually a bill would in theory go to the house floor if it has the support of speaker Johnson and Garland could be held in contempt of congress Phil all right Jay O'Brien from Capitol Hill we know you'll be following it for us Jay thank you.

And ABC News exclusive now for you Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski inside a hospital on the dire situation his soldiers are facing on the front lines as you see our foreign correspondent James Longman with him speaking to zalinski as Russia pushes forward with a new offensive president zinski speaks.

Exclusively to ABC News in kke Ukraine's second largest city more than a million people now directly threatened by Russia's Advance the situation is so serious he had to cancel a foreign trip to rush here despite the danger We join him as he visits some of the men injured in a desperate effort to protect the city awarding them Medals of Valor.

During these days 500 person been wounded they are soldiers but mostly they are from this region and for very important to support them how serious is the situation right now is difficult it's serious so brigades are not totally equipped because of the package which we waited through 8 months the president repeats his thanks to the United States.

For aid but there's a sense of frustration about its delay and specifically the air defenses needed to keep KV safe really if we are speaking about this region Russian can't occupy this if for example two Petrus will stay in this region just two systems and you're frustrated that make these requests and there's the words but you.

Don't feel that they the actions maybe now it it's you know looking like more that were important dialogue now president zanski is asking for support for his country while Vladimir Putin arrives in China where he's Shoring up support for his war effort this is truly a conflict of global proportions and it will have an.

Impact on November's election Phil our foreign correspondent James Longman in Ukraine with that exclusive James thank you now to the race for the White House President Biden and former president Trump have agreed to hold two debates but they will not be traditional presidential debates here's chief White House correspondent Mary.

Bruce the dates are set Make My Day pal President Biden and Donald Trump upending the traditional presidential debates agreeing to two one-on-one faceoffs their first June 27th on CNN before the conventions the second September 10th here on ABC News just weeks before voters head to the polls on Election Day for months Trump has been.

Taunting Biden we have an empty Podium right here to my right you know what that is that's for Joe Biden I'm trying to get him to debate but it was the president who challenged Trump in a surprise announcement Wednesday even mocking Trump's criminal trial in New York referencing the one day a week he's not in court so let's pick the dates.

Donald I hear you're free on Wednesdays Trump immediately accepting writing let's get ready to rumble no sh I'd love to debate I want a debate I want debate and then you can't make a deal with a guy uh let's see if he shows up to a debate the two campaigns bucking the nonpartisan Commission on presidential debates which has organized general.

Election debates since 1988 including their last go rounds I'm not going to answer the question because why would answer that aot Supreme Court Justice radical left you sh but the Biden campaign arguing the commission's debates have become an entertainment spectacle the commission they say unable to enforce their own rules instead the.

Campaign's opting to square off in a studio with no live audience just the two of them face to face now the stakes here are massive and the campaigns know it but both men are confident that they can outperform the other Trump is adamant that Biden will falter Biden eager to give voters a jolt and showcase the Stark differences between them and.

Preparations here are already underway the president I'm told is bringing back his former Chief of Staff Ron Clan to help lead his debate prep Phil all right Mary Bruce from the White House Mary thank you coming up Kansas City Chief's kicker facing backlash for his controversial commencement speech how the NFL is.

Reacting I experienced a lot of Heartache I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel lonely it's taken me a really long time to even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the Year goes toing Wilson that was a mic drop the Entertainer of the Year baby I do see.

The bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero outfit tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will billions in usaid get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News Tonight with David mure the most.

Watched newscast on television Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas edinb Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in warong we're heading to.

A small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live Paul and O the iconic Duo now John OES on his new music and is feuded with Daryl Hall in 2023 darl Hall filed a lawsuit what can you.

Tell us about that tomorrow morning we Hall and oath ever perform together again on Good Morning America why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the story bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen.

Wherever you get your podcasts welcome welcome back a dramatic rescue caught on dash cam video shows the moment A semi-truck crashed and was left dangling off a bridge in Louisville Kentucky firefighters say they had to race to keep that truck and its driver from ending up in the Ohio River Alex Perez with the.

Story our first inside look at the harrowing and heart stopping moments that led to this semi TR precariously dangling on this bridge over the Ohio river in Louisville with a terrified driver still inside the cab two trucks just got into an accident and a semi-tractor trailer is hanging over the bridge like we need people right now.

Camera from multiple angles capturing the moment the driver of this pickup 33-year-old Trevor brandham swerved to avoid a stalled car slamming into the semi-truck driven by 26-year-old Sydney Thomas she's left hanging nearly 100 ft above the river you can hear the horror in her screams more than 40 Louisville.

Firefighters working for nearly an hour finally with precision and focus those teams able to rescue the semi- driver she was thanking you know thanking God that's what she kept saying thank God those firefighters hailed Heroes who showed the world the importance of team and trusting your team the dramatic videos now evidence presented in court.

Wednesday in the case against that pickup driver who's been charged with four counts of wanted endangerment and account count of operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license he has not yet entered a plea in a statement his attorney telling ABC News in part Mr brandham feels terrible for the trunk driver and the trauma she suffered.

During those harrowing moments and sincerely thanks to Brave individuals who risked their lives to save her and Phil thankfully that semi-truck driver was not injured a grand jury is set to hear the case against a pickup truck driver next month Phil thankfully indeed Alex Perez thank you how horrifying that must have been we'll be right.

back what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters This our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to.

go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love it great work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you David good to.

Meet you is David David yes yes I'm David M I know who you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast I experienced a lot of Heartache I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel lonely it's taken me a really long time to even.

Get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the Year goes to Lany Wilson that was a mic draw the Entertainer of the Year baby I do see the bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero outfit why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start.

Here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I.

Bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here you're watching America's number one streaming news keep streaming with ABC News live welcome back to ABC News live it is day three of Michael Cohen's testimony in former president Trump's hush money.

Case we're going to bring you the latest updates from inside the courtroom throughout the day but we do have other news to get to today and we want to do that right now Vladimir Putin has been welcomed by Chinese leader XI Jing ping as the Russian president arrived in Beijing for a state visit this morning both leaders condemned what they say is.

Increasingly aggressive behavior from the US and pledged to deepen their country's already close military ties Russia's latest offensive near karke in Ukraine is forcing Ukrainian troops to retreat Republican lawmakers in North Carolina are pushing legislation to repeal a pandemic era law that allowed people to wear masks in public for.

Health reasons the move started in part by demonstrations against the Israel Hamas war that have included Mas protesters on college campuses the bill would raise penalties for someone who wears a mask while committing a crime opponents say it risks the health of those masking for safety reasons the bill will likely move to the house floor.

In the next month and fiser has reportedly agreed to pay up to $250 million to settle more than 10,000 us lawsuits over cancer risks associated with its discontinued heartburn drug zanac fizer says uh maintains the drug did not cause cancer when used as directed backlash is growing this morning against Kansas City Chief's.

Kicker Harrison bucker after his headline grabbing commencement speech at a Catholic University the Super Bowl champ made some controversial comments to say the least about gay rights abortion and the role of women in society Stephanie Ramos with more he kicked the longest field goal in Super Bowl history to lead the Kansas.

City Chiefs to victory over the 49ers that is now nine consecutive makes from outside 50 for buter but Harrison buter is making headlines for his remarks off the field during a commencement address at Benedictine College a conservative Catholic liberal arts school in Kansas it is safe to say that over the past few years I've gained quite the reputation.

For speaking my mind buer sounding off about working women I think it is you the women who have had the most diabolical lies told to you how many of you are sitting here now about about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career some of you may go on to lead successful careers in.

The world but I would venture to Guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world buer then referring to pride month which celebrates the lgbtq community as a deadly sin not the deadly sin sort of Pride that has an entire month dedicated to it but the true god- centered Pride.

That is cooperating with the Holy Ghost to glorify him I couldn't believe it was such an outdated Antiquated view on lgbtq people and women and using religion in a way buer also mentioning priests who become too familiar with parishioners illustrating his point by borrowing a line from a song written by a certain famous teammate's girlfriend.

Because it's my teammate's girlfriend says familiarity breeds contempt that line from Taylor Swift's bejweled quickly drawing the ey of swifties one writing I didn't think you grasped the message of the Taylor Swift song you quoted go listen to all her albums as homework the NFL reacting to the speech saying Harrison buer gave a speech in.

His personal capacity his views are not those of the NFL as an organization the NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion which only makes our league stronger there were apparently some mixed reviews in the crowd but in the end buer did receive a standing ovation from from graduates and other attendees Phil uh Stephanie thank you I'm guessing.

Not from Taylor Swift though we'll be right back what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America we are part of an operation is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate militants came in from different directions nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and.

Ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag not a Car Any how important it made the US great work hi it's David D I'm David I know you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty.

Good your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoons for everything you need to know I love that why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get.

A different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming.

Wherever you get your podcasts start here this is ABC News live the crush families on the ground in Ukraine ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news I'm Gio Bonitas covering the.

Collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge here in Maryland wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live first thing in the morning there's a lot going on we're still in a flash flood warning to catch you up with what happened overnight police in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters what's.

Happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between check out the gator on the 17th poll the buzz kill in baseball first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News.

live I'm Phil Lipoff today on ABC News live first the prosecution star witness Michael Cohen is testifying for a third day in former president Trump's criminal hush money trial Trump's defense is grilling Cohen now about past perjury while the jury hears portions from his podcast where he made comments about.

Trump most of them disparaging ABC News senior reporter kathern falers joins me now along with ABC News legal contributor Brian buckmire good to see both of you Katherine let's start with you what's the latest from our team inside the courtroom well the defense is obviously still continuing their cross-examination of Michael Cohen this.

Cross examination has essentially been solely uh for attempted to establish Cohen's uh credibility uh Todd blanch the defense attorney has focused uh for more than an hour and a half frankly on just that and he hasn't really gotten to the underlying crimes here yet he's focusing on previous lies that Cohen has said publicly lies that Cohen has told.

During Congressional testimony blanch appears to to be trying to establish also Cohen's cooperation with various different uh law enforcement investigators uh sdny special counsel Robert Muller you'll remember the Manhattan da and blanch is asking Cohen you were meeting with them and providing them information Cohen affirms that he.

Was he said correct but blanch says that ultimately did not result in in cooperation agreements he's seems to be and and Brian would know more than I do on this but what blanch seems to be trying to establish is that none of the prosecutors thought that Cohen was potentially trustworthy enough to enter into a cooperation deal with him I'm not.

Quite sure how the strategy will ultimately resonate with the jury given that Blan is focusing on the past and nothing about the underlying crimes but perhaps they'll turn to that soon yeah I mean I feel like someone some point in the jury is going to go we get it he lies we understand well let's ask Brian um Brian Tuesday we we were speaking and.

You were saying that you're you're a little critical of the way the defense was approaching um Cohen in the tactic anyway um you've been watching today you think it's going better for them today so I was critical on Tuesday because I thought about it from a a sense of like almost game or clock management you had Tuesday afternoon to really give the.

Jury that you knew was not going to be back in court for 40 hours something that can really sink into their minds and I don't think that really came out today I'm more critical from a stylistic standpoint because while the cross-examination is going well and I will say that it is highlighting the lies it is not a cross-examination that.

Doesn't allow the witness to explain their lies therefore we're going to a position where theur is not necessarily in my mind evaluating whether or not Michael Cohen is a liar or not they're evaluating whether or not the justifications for his lies are okay I mean we're parents right we we joked before I lied to my son yesterday that.

We couldn't play Baby Shark because baby shark's asleep are you not going to believe me now because I lied to my son about that here no so give me most parents have about baby shark exactly give me something about a lie that is tangible to his credibility in this case or to the facts and the elements right so he's given the most incriminating.

Testimony so far we expected him to be the star witness but other witnesses that have come before him have sort of corroborated a lot of the things that he said where do you expect prosecutors to go from here so don't forget from just the way that we uh get information from Witnesses direct examination cross-examination redirect recross we're.

Probably going to get that from this case as well so after this cross-examination is done I would expect to answer your question that prosecutors will come back and try to rehabilitate Cohen give him the opportunity to explain okay yeah you lied to Congress why did you lie to Congress and I think it's going to be the same as we heard in.

The direct examination to protect Donald Trump at the time I was doing this I was falling in line I was being loyal but when I was no longer in a position to protect him or no longer wanted to I started telling the truth that's why you the jury should believe me now and you as a defense attorney want Michael Cohen on the stand explaining why he lied.

Rather than just saying he lied right if I'm the defense attorney cross-examining him I don't want him to explain I just want the cold hard facts that he lied the prosecutors want him to explain to give the jury a justification of like okay going back to that baby shark analogy I gave you I understand that you lied but here's the reason for it and we.

Will give you an excuse for it because of the reasons for it the defense doesn't want that kathern Cohen says he never asked former president Trump for a pardon nor would he accept one but during a deposition the defense pointed out that Cohen said he did explore the possibility of a pardon how is this.

Significant right this was uh during I believe they were talking about during his Congressional testimony Cohen said a lot on this for the record but during the Congressional testimony he said that he's never explored it uh that he wouldn't accept one today he said that he did explore it with his with his lawyer and just because it had been in.

The news at the time and that Trump was giving people pardons he exploited with his lawyer and he would have taken a pardon and and that one statement may may have been true at one time but it wasn't true at another time this again is just their way of establishing the inconsistencies and some of the.

Statements that Cohen has made publicly they're going to do this with the pardon they're doing this right now with allegedly Cohen and and his desire to be white house chief of staff at one point Cohen says that that that wasn't true he didn't want to be white house chief of staff so they're going back and forth on that now but it's really uh just to.

Establish what they believe are The credibility issues here you know I really think that and again I'm wondering how the jury re acts to this from our team inside the courtroom they're essentially saying the jury's engaged they're watching blanch they're watching Cohen they're hearing these podcasts of Cohen publicly what he's.

Saying publicly now in a much different tone than when he's at the witness stand but how ultimately does this resonate with the jury sure you can uh build up this this idea and and frankly the the true inconsistencies in a lot of the stories that he's told um but again what type of impact does that have with the jury as it relates to the alleged under.

Underlying crime I'm not sure and I'm also not quite sure why the Trump defense team for example hasn't just said hey look this was a bookkeeping error um there they appear to be you know making this a a bit more complex than perhaps maybe they need to be and really focusing in on Cohen so at the end of the day I think that their.

Success their success being the Trump defense team will ultimately hinge on whether or not the jury in fact believes that Coen is credible or not well Brian what about that because you've been in the you're a defense attorney you've been in the courtroom you stared jurries in the you you you know every jury's different every juror is different but.

From what you've seen on the stand so far how do you think it's going to translate with the jury so I think it could go multiple ways and I think what is Smart of the defense here is they are trying to pile on as many lies as possible to hope that at least one if not more juror say you know what I I just can't believe anything he says just.

Because of the sheer volume of lies and there's actually a jury charge that's associated with it uh the the Latin phrase Is fals Us in Uno fals Us in Omnibus false in one thing false in all things so if you can find that Michael Cohen lighted about one thing you do as a juror have the ability to say I'm not going to believe any of his testimony.

And if the defense can get it that get that instruction which I think they've already established enough evidence to do that and get at least one jur to say and dig their heels in and say you know what false in one false and all I don't believe anything Michael Cohen said I'm going to be the hold out that's a win that's all they need that's all they.

Need but if the other jurus start trying to justify say yeah he lied about this but this is why and push back on that that's a dangerous place for the defense but it's still a good strategy all right Brian buckmire Katherine falers thank you both very much we're going to continue to cover a Trump's criminal hush money trial all day long bring you.

The latest right here on ABC News live right now uh I want to bring in ABC News Deputy political director Avery Harper Avery Trump speaking at the courthouse earlier this morning as he does before court telling reporters that he'd rather be out on the campaign Trail than stuck in court he scheduled to make a campaign stop in Minnesota tomorrow sometime.

Either after before his son's graduation uh what do you expect the message to be right I expect for that to be after his son's graduation he's actually going to be headlining a dinner uh for the Minnesota state GOP and so this is going to get him in front of the uh political establishment in that state uh not necessarily your average voter it could.

Be an opportunity for him to speak to those folks to uh push his message also an opportunity for him to fundraise I think we have uh continued to see former president Trump really stick to the same script he uh talks about the trial uh he talks about uh claiming that he is being politically persecuted as uh these legal uh woses continue to play out in the.

Legal system uh and that has really been the Crux of his message as he really tries to Rally his base and President Biden and former president Trump have now agreed to hold two debates before no November kind of going around the commission deciding what to do on their own starting it uh early I think it's great for voters to be able to see these.

Two men talk talk about policy especially without a without an audience but uh what can we expect right this is happening much earlier than we typically expect uh there was a body called the commission on presidential debates that had hosted presidential debates since the 80s uh this is going to be happening way before that they're going to be.

Hosted by television networks ABC News is hosting one CNN is hosting the one that is happening in June and it is remarkable just how early it is it is going to be before either of these men accept their parties nominations formally but I also think it is an opportunity for as you say for voters to see both of these men uh talk about.

Policy uh well before they start voting also uh voting is different than it has been in years past we have more of a voting season than we do just an election day with many people voting uh by mail voting absentee and so it's going to have give voters the opportunity to make some decisions uh even earlier than they used to and Avery.

Vice president Kam haris we're just learning now has accepted an invitation to participate in the debate against Donald Trump's running maid who we you know don't know who that's going to be yet but is the timing of this unusual yes just like uh with the presidential debates because uh this is happening much earlier uh it is uh very different.

Than we have seen in years past typically these vice presidential debates don't take place uh until the fall and as you mentioned we don't even know who vice president kamla Harris will debate against the proposed dates for uh this debate are going to be happening right after the RNC convention where uh former president Donald Trump.

And whoever his running mate might be uh will accept their nominations and so this is going to be the first really big test for whoever that person might be it will no doubt be someone who has visited him in court we've seen that that uh folks who are on the short list for VP all right Deputy political director Avery Harper Avery Harper always good to.

See you thanks for the analysis meantime the Supreme Court has handed down major decision upholding the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau the banking industry had argued the Watchdog agency is illegally funded but today in a 7-2 opinion the court rejected the attack and a major win for the Biden Administration and Democrats let's bring.

In ABC's senior Washington reporter Deon DWI and ABC News business reporter Alexis christopherus for more on this Devin big picture what does this ruling mean it's a big win for the Biden Administration as you said Phil and also for consumers those who uh sought protection from corporate Financial abuses after the 2008 financial crisis.

This is the agency that was created by Congress led by democrats Senator Elizabeth Warren to try to prevent some of those abuses things that prayed on consumers confused consumers during the mortgage crisis that led up uh to that period of time uh and conservatives for years have St to undermine the agency get it struck down as unconstitutional.

And this was a major challenge in that vein fill uh here a number of banks had said that the agency was uncon institutionally funded because Democrats had designed it to be insulated from Congress instead of having to go to Congress every year to ask for money uh this agency is funded through the Federal Reserve and it receives a.

Standing uh amount of money every year so it can't be uh eliminated and today Justice Clarence Thomas in that 7 to2 opinion said that structure that mechanism is constitutional the agency can stand and all those regulations that it's passed uh to protect more than 4 million consumers uh handing down $20 million in fines to Banks over the past.

Few years all of that can remain in place now going forward uh because they rejected this Challenge and 7 to2 is a firm decision having said that Alexis how does this impact consumers well they're not going to see any change now after the Supreme Court ruling this agency will be able to continue to do what it's been doing uh since 2011 when.

It was created post the financial crisis of 2008 it will continue to crack down on predatory uh lending and enforce consumer protection laws the uh agency releasing um uh this to us here at ABC today saying this decision is quote a resounding victory for American families and honest businesses alike uh they're saying they delivered more than2 billion.

Dollar in consumer relief to hundreds of millions of consumers and that they've also handled more than 4 million uh consumer complaints since their Inception had this gone the other way it could have put other agencies at risk that get their funding through the Federal Reserve like the Federal Deposit Insurance corporation which we know um.

You know helps to uh protect our money in the bank all right Alexis christopherus Deon DWI thank you both very much we are following some breaking news to bring to you right now out of Washington the justice department informing House Republicans President Biden will not release that audio of his interview with special counsel Robert.

Herk claiming executive privilege it is a move the doj says effectively Shields attorney general Merrick garland from any criminal exposure as Republican lawmakers push to hold Garland in attempt let's bring in ABC News White House correspondent Karen Travers and ABC's Jo O'Brien Karen we'll start with you remind us of how we got here and and.

What's the latest this morning yeah Phil so in asserting executive privilege here over the audio of President Biden's interview with special counsel Robert her the justices department is citing what they call extraordinary cooperation and good faith efforts to give House Republicans all of the relevant materials related to the investigation.

By the special counsil into President Biden's handling of classified documents when he was out of office there's also an element of politics here the White House Council says in a letter to House Republicans that absent of a legitimate need for the audio recordings they're essentially saying that what you're going to do with this now is chop them.

Up distort them and use them for partisan political purposes there's also the element that you mentioned there attorney general Merrick Garland being held in contempt of congress the justice department says here that this could Shield him from that here's what he had to say earlier today there there have been a series of unprecedented and.

Frankly unfounded attacks on the justice department the effort to threaten to defund our investigations and the way in which there are contributions to an atmosphere that puts our agents and our prosecutors at risk these are wrong look the only thing I can do is continue to do the right thing I will protect this building.

And its people now Phil remember after that interview with the special counsel Robert herb put out a report where he characterized the president as a quote sympathetic well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory that of course sparked days of bad headlines for the White House they eventually did release the full.

Transcript of the president's interview with Robert her but of course that audio would be very different to hear the president talking to Robert her to hear what prompted him to give that characterization like that so perhaps no surprise from a political perspective they do not want that audio out there so that's where we're at right now Jay talk.

To us about what Republicans have planned for today and how this process is now going to play out well this executive privilege assertion Phil was meant to Shield the Attorney General from what's Happening Here in Congress today where there are two different congressional committees one of them is meeting right now just.

Down this hallway marking up resolutions to hold attorney general mer Garland in contempt of congress if that were to go to the house floor for a vote it would have to have the support of the speaker to do that but if it were to be voted on in the house floor and approved and the house floor is controlled by Republicans remember it could mean that the Attorney.

General could face prosecution for withholding that audio that's certainly the argument House Republicans are making of course it's worth noting that the Attorney General runs the justice department it will be the Justice Department's decision whether or not to bring those charges but I can tell you Republicans say that this move by the.

Administration to exert executive privilege over this audio changes nothing speaker Mike Johnson has gone so far as to accuse the White House of being quote unquote afraid of this audio being released obviously as Karen noted the White House saying part of their argument in not releasing this audio is that Republicans who are again meeting.

Right down this hallway could chop up that audio and use it for political purposes J O'Brien Karen Travers thank you both very much still to come Netflix is teaming up with the NFL what this means for the upcoming season also head Caitlyn Clark effect we are headed to Indianapolis as the city heats up for its first home game stay with.

Us whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting for the earthquake in.

Turkey en rolling Fort this tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI.

Reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news.

First thing in the morning there's a lot going on we're still in a flash flood warning to catch you up with what happened overnight Poli in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between.

Check out the gator on the 17th hole the does kill in baseball first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live if you want a relationship a happy relationship you need to be in control of that relationship in Tate is one of many male Supremacy influencers you see.

Him as this guy that has money has girls basically he's a god this compound what prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking business from we're not the first affluent wealthy men who have been unfairly attacked you think he he they never meant for any of this to be public so I would have to say there's something wrong going around here enter.

Tate Into the manosphere Now streaming on Hulu welcome back Netflix has signed its first ever live NFL broadcast deal to air football games on Christmas Day this year this as the iconic Las Vegas Mirage cassino announces it will close its doors this summer ABC News business.

Reporter Alexis christopherus has more on that and our other business headlines today last and our other business headlines includes a historic day on Wall Street Phil one for the record books the Dow Crossing 40,000 for the first time ever more than doubling from its low hit during the early days of the pandemic it comes a day after all three.

Major stock indexes the Dow S&P and NASDAQ rallied to record highs that rally was sparked after a report showing inflation came in cooler than expected in April keeping hope alive for an interest rate cut from the Federal Reserve later this year Walmart says wealthier customers are hunting for bargains at the retailer while low and.

Middle income Shoppers have traditionally been the store's core customer Walmart says last quarter's strong sales were driven by people making over $100,000 a year the company also raised its sales and profit outlook for the year the largest retailer in the US has used its size and its buying power to keep prices lower than the.

Competition even at as inflation has surged Netflix just made its biggest bet ever on live sports the platform will stream at least one NFL game globally on Christmas day for the next three years Netflix is reportedly paying about $75 million for each game and what is the company's highest profile live sporting event and it is the end of an era on the.

Las Vegas Strip the iconic Mirage Hotel and Casino will shut its doors July 17th after 34 years on the street the resort will reopen in 2027 as a Hard Rock Las Vegas The mirage's Landmark volcano you know it it's going to be torn down to make space for new hotel rooms and of course that Tower will be shaped like a giant guitar as hard rocks hotels are.

Yeah all right end of an era I do love a giant guitar Alexis thanks so much he coming up feeling the fever excitement is building for tonight's home debut for Caitlyn Clark stay with us I experienced a lot of heart a I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel lonely it's taken me a really long time.

To even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the Year goes to Lany Wilson that was a mic drop the Entertainer of the Year baby I do see the bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero outfit w wildes tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a.

Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News Tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on television give it come give it all to me.

Give it to me why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening.

To start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here first thing in the morning there's a lot going on we're still in a flash flood warning to catch you up with what happened overnight police in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters what's.

Happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between check out the gator on the 17th hole the buzz kill in baseball first thing in the morning America this morning America America's number one early morning news on ABC News.

live welcome back to ABC News live first Indiana fans are on the edge of their seats anticipation building for tonight's home debut of fever star Caitlyn Clark facing the New York Liberty ABC's Robin Roberts has more on how the WNBA is inspiring a whole new generation of basketball Stars take a.

Look Indiana Fever red hot here in Indianapolis the hype for the WNBA team hitting a fever pitch as the city gets ready to welcome Caitlyn Clark on homec court she's a generational Talent Indianapolis artist quazar Martin spray painting a tribute to the NCAA record center with this super siiz mural I know.

We had the number one pick and as soon as she made herself eligible for the draft I started working on the mural the Indiana Fever select Caitlyn Clark University of Iowa at the gamebridge Fieldhouse nearly 6,000 fans erupted in cheers during the fever's watch party in the crowd that night team.

Members of the lady blackout it was super excited I was kept on shouting oh we love Caitlyn bringing in the top player like that just put the the shine of light on everybody give everybody the opportunity to show off their talents the lady blackout players grade second to eth embrace their skills tricks and fierce.

Athleticism whenever I hear this saying you play like a girl I take that as a compliment we play well and we win a lot of games the program led by father of three Deone Eubank all right let go who created the youth basketball league in Indianapolis 4 years ago quick quick quick quick we got seven kids and seven kids turned in 50 and 50 turned into 100.

And just kept growing from there you know it literally feels like a huge family coach Deone going above and beyond and often out of pocket to ensure his players success we sponsored 100 plus kids play basketball for free so if it cost you know a couple hundred couple thousand to keep the kids off the street keep them.

Playing we're willing to do that he's able to arrange multiple gyms for multiple teams every night of the week he's also there to support the kids as the young athletes shoot for the stars on and off the court some future stars right there Robin thank you and thank you for.

Streaming with us I'm Phil Lipoff ABC News live is here for you anytime with the latest news context and Analysis you can always find us on various streaming services the the ABC News app and of course the news never stops so we don't either be right back what does it take to be the most.

Watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters our comat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag.

There's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made in the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love great work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you D good to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David M I know you are.

Watch you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast I experienced a lot of heart a I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel lonely it's taken me a really long time to even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the goes to.

Lany Wilson that was a mic the Entertainer of the Year baby I do see the bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero outfit wildes first thing in the morning there's a lot going on we're still in a flash flood warning to catch you up with what happened overnight police in riot.

Gear arresting dozens of protesters what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between check out theame on the 17th poll the buzz kill in baseball first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early.

Morning news on ABC News live why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls a.

News podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here I'm Phil Lipoff today on ABC News live first the prosecution star witness Michael Cohen is testifying for third.

Day now in former president Trump's criminal hush money trial Trump's defense is grilling Cohen about past perjury and his interest in working at the White House when Trump was elected in 2016 Cohen has given the most incriminating testimony so far really saying that Trump was aware of and directly involved in falsifying business.

Records to hide the reimbursement of hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels ABC News senior reporter kathern fers joins me now along with ABC News legal contributor Brian buckmire Katherine Michael Cohen is being questioned about whether he wanted a top job at the White House when Trump became president what's that about and what's.

The latest in court right this is just another effort to use Cohen's previous words against him if you will this had to do with the uh Chief of Staff job and that he uh there were texts about his frustration about the chief of staff job he said in these texts the line of questioning pH was whether he wanted the job whether he wanted to work at the.

White House and he was Pres with text messages and he said that was for my ego yes so he was essentially holding his ground during this Porche of the Cross examination insisting at least according to our TM court that he he wanted the job he got which was the personal attorney to president Donald Trump at the time that he wasn't disappointed in.

The uh not getting this Chief of Staff job if you will which is contrary to some of his explanations before so this is just what the defense is doing to build on Cohen's uh lack of credibility if you will what they believe believe is Cohen's lack of credibility uh this specific you know line of questioning about his credibility has gone on and.

I'm looking at the clock here for quite some time since defense attorney Todd blanch resumed cross-examination this morning they haven't really come back to the heart of the case here Phil the meat of the case the alleged underlying criminal offense here so I'm curious to see how blanch ultimately transitions back to this but he appears to just be.

Hammering Cohen on what he said in the past how that's inconsistent with what he said uh previously and even how that's inconsistent with some of the statements that he's making now yeah look and there's a lot of material there and one thing everybody knew going into this Brian is that Michael Cohen has lied in the past he's been caught for it.

He's gone to jail for it you know so okay he's lied but what about the defense's strategy so far I know I know you had an issue on Tuesday you didn't you you didn't think you should leave them with out anything really to sink their teeth into but what about today has gone on this morning today makes sense I think we going to have to.

Understand that this is a marathon not a Sprint when it comes to the cross-examination of Michael Cohen and so there might be portions of it where you're kind of a bit in a bit of a lull and other points where you kind of pick up right now I think what we're doing as a defense uh is creating the Bedrock or or the the the framework to show that.

He's a liar that he's inconsistent and that he's biased towards Donald Trump and even in some ways to the defense as well I think after that is built uh then you get to the actual house so to speak that that you're building on top of and that's when you get to the actual case how his lies apply to what he said to investigators about Donald Trump and I.

Think that there is some room still from the defense uh to to explore from the direct examination as to whether or not Donald Trump directed Michael Cohen to do this or whether or not Michael Cohen did it on Donald Trump's behalf those two things might seem similar but are very different if Trump is directing he's more likely to be found criminally.

Liable if Cohen is doing this on Trump's behalf and he doesn't really know the ins and outs of the illegality uh then I think Trump is is has a better chance of getting off in the charges but I think that's for time to tell as we kind of move towards more of the cross-examination let's bring in now ABC News senior investigative correspondent.

Aaron kerki uh into the conversation Aon you just left court you were in there Cohen is now being asked about AI generated case law what's that about and what is he telling the jury oh this was when he sought a early termination of his supervised release he's still on supervised release as he testifies after he was let out of prison.

During the the covid-19 pandemic and he has on four different occasions sought uh early termination from that supervised release and and one time he submitted or his attorney submitted case law that didn't exist uh and was forced to admit that it was generated by AI uh and Cohen had a role in doing this uh search on a on a I think it was a Google.

AI program uh and and so it was just one more thing that the defense wanted the jury to hear about how Cohen isn't quite on the up and up and it's about AI generated case law whether he sought a pardon whether he wanted a cooperation deal whether he wanted a job in the White House what job did he actually won was it chief of.

Staff was it personal attorney to the president like he now says and the whole thing seems to be uh building to this notion in the defense's eyes that you can't trust anything Mich Cohen says like for example when he says Donald Trump approved the payoff to stormmy Daniels and how Cohen was eventually reimbursed for it yeah and as Brian.

Mentions these are building blocks U Marathon not a Sprint Katherine Republican members of Congress were outside the courthouse blasting the judge and the da in Trump sashman case and the Georgia election interference case as well um this is something that he can't do in some ways so what's the purpose of this big show of support well.

There's there's a few purposes you hit the nail on the head there when you said this is something that uh Trump can't do in particular he's obviously under a gag order but they aren't they can say things that he can't for example so that's part of the strategy here but it's mainly to bring all of his political allies if you will to the.

Courthouse and turn uh the courthouse and the courtroom into his political campaign Trump has constantly said that it's unfair he has to sit in that courtroom he can't be out campaigning though I I should say that on some of the days where he's been able to campaign on Wednesday he has elected not to he's done that on the weekend uh so.

What he's doing is using that courtroom camera you've seen him there every single day about two times a day he's using that courtroom camera as his campaign stump speech and he has his political allies and Sur Gets behind him it's also somewhat of a odd if you will um audition for some of these uh rumored VP candidates we've seen some of those.

People show up at the courthouse and they've appeared on TV outside the courthouse so that's another element of it I I'm hesitant to say that Trump has a list of VP candidates because he doesn't his mind is always changing but that again is another element of why they all are here aarin kerki kathern folders Brian buckmire thank you all.

Very much we're going to continue to cover Trump's criminal hush money trial all day long and bring you the latest right here on ABC News live meantime coming up North Carolina lawmakers push to ban masks in public why the pandemic era law could now become a crime also ahead ABC News exclusive with Olivia mun the actress opening up very personally.

For the first time since her cancer diagnosis why she felt it was so important to share her story this way what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters This our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five.

Different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great.

Work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you David good to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David M I know who you are watch you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast this is not about parents who.

Just let their kid watch violent movies play violent video games this is about parents who neglected their son ignored his cries for help then bought him a gun the first parents in America to be charged in a school shooting purchased that gun for him and bragged about it you don't get to walk away from that that's a criminal act sins of the.

Parents the crumbly trials the opposite of love is not hate it's just being ignored number one streaming news ABC News live breaking news exclusives live reporting across the globe keep streaming with ABC News live welcome back to ABC News live it is day three of Michael Cohen's testimony in former president Trump's hush money case.

We're going to bring you the latest updates from inside the courtroom throughout the day but we do have other news to get to today and we want to do that right now Vladimir Putin has been welcomed by Chinese leader XI Jing ping as the Russian president arrived in Beijing for a state visit this morning both leaders condemned what they say is.

Increasingly aggressive behavior from the US and pledge to deepen their country's already close military ties Russia's latest offensive near kke in Ukraine is forcing Ukrainian troops to retreat Republican lawmakers in North Carolina are pushing legislation to repeal a pandemic era law that allowed people to wear masks in public for.

Health reasons the move started in part by demonstrations against the Israel Hamas war that have included masked protesters on college campuses the bill would raise penalties for someone who wears a mask while committing a crime opponents say it risks the health of those masking for safety reasons the bill will likely move to the house floor.

In the next month and fiser has reportedly agreed to pay up to $250 million to settle more than 10,000 us lawsuits over cancer risks associated with its discontinued heartburn drug Zantac fizer says uh maintains the drug did not cause cancer when used as directed Olivia mun is speaking out in her first on camera interview since.

Revealing her most recent surgeries in her breast cancer battle ABC's Michael Strahan sat down with the actress to discuss everything from her treatment to fertility to her hopes for the future you never know what's going on in someone's life you know that that privately people are battling things that that you'd never know actress.

Olivia mun opening up about the private Health Battle she's been fighting after an unexpected breast cancer diagnosis last year clear mammogram clear ultrasound genetic testing I have zero chance of having any cancer genetically then my doctor said there is this lifetime risk assessment test and I took it for you and you're at.

37.3% which puts me into the high risk and she said I want you to go get an MRI and that's when they said well we found something and when you heard the word cancer what went through your mind I mean honestly I just thought of my baby you know cancer is the that's the word you don't want to hear there's a lot of other things that that you feel like you.

Can beat but you you know cancer takes down a lot of people and I just thought about my baby last April M was diagnosed with stage one of the aggressive lumino B breast cancer in both breasts and what did they explain to you about your prognosis they said that if I was extremely aggressive that I could fight this and win but at the same time.

Once they started finding all these little spots in my breast like oh there's another tumor there's another tumor there was such an urgency to it because we had to get in and make some really big decisions mun getting a double masectomy just 30 days after receiving the diagnosis in March the 43-year-old decided to open up about her.

Experience on social media do it for him do it for your baby including this raw moment right before she went into surgery I'm ready how did you know you were ready I didn't I just had to say it you know sometimes you just you just say it and hope that your body will go with it why did you want to document this journey that you're on right now.

Well because if I didn't make it I wanted my son when he got older to know that I fought to be here that I tried my best make me cry you want the people in your life you want the people that maybe don't understand what's going on right now to know that like you did everything you could to be here M shared a 2 and a.

Half-year-old son Malcolm with her partner comedian John melany and how has it been having John there to support you I mean he is he's honestly just the best human being he comes to everything in life with so much compassion and understanding but the the the one problem is that he makes me laugh so much that I'm like you have.

There's times I'm like you have to leave the room this is happen when you when you're with the funny man I mean he's the funny guy I know I just say leave the room you have to leave and I was just this is you're going to make me angry now because it's it's going I'm going to you know literally pop stitch it's going to hurt because of the.

Potential impacts of cancer treatment on her future fertility she decided to undergo egg retrieval something M had done twice before in her 30s John and I had a long talk about it we realized that we weren't done growing our family so right after the double masectomy I went through a round of egg retrieval and that's a scary process because I.

Have a a cancer that feeds off of hormones so I knew there was a risk and our doctor said look we're going to get one for you and then we we're going to call it and then our doctor called and he said hey we got the results back it's too healthy embryos and I we I mean just started balling crying both of us and have you ever thought about you know.

Far that far ahead about what the future of your family looks like we really just hope that it works out for us to be able to have another baby we just want one more I'm not going to ask for too much more in this life I promise I just want just want one more baby because luminal be is a hormone positive type of breast cancer M's treatment involves.

Suppressing production of the hormones that caused it to grow putting her body into medically induced menopause the hormone suppression therapy is brutal and it gave me next level debilitating exhaustion I was just in bed all day long all day long my quality of life was uh was so minimal and I wasn't able to be there for my baby did he notice a.

Change yeah yeah I mean whenever whenever Malcolm would come into the home he'd run straight to my bed because that's where he knows I am like that's what he associated with me and that was just too difficult for me to take I I had to find out if there was another option so I opted to do the hysterectomy with the.

Ectomy and almost immediately after that my energy just came back full force soon M says her doctor wants her to start another drug that will stop her body from producing a cancer groin hormones elsewhere in the body I have been so aggressive I was you know I did everything they told me to do I did all the big.

Surgeries and now I'm saying do I have to do this extra drug after all the steps you've taken why do you think that was the one thing you questioned it's just it's so tiring I just I it's so Tire these drugs are so tiring and I know that I'm going to stay aggressive I know I'm going to do it I'm.

Just surprised that that I'm even asking for anything less than aggressive because I mean as you know it just it's not just feels non-stop it feels nonstop because it is Non-Stop and going through all of this have you learned anything new about yourself I've learned that I'm a lot braver than I thought I was and I.

Learned that the most important thing to me in life life is my family everything else can go away I don't have my career I don't have my body the way that it looked before but as long as the people that I love and care about are here and healthy and thriving Nothing Else Matters mama mama our thanks to Michael and Olivia.

For that which was a very raw and beautiful interview Michael thank you uh now to the shake up in the ride share business we've been talking about this all morning Uber announcing the launch of a a new shuttle service aimed at making it easier and cheaper for customers to get to their destination ABC News business correspondent Alexis.

Christopherus joins us with more so Alexis how is this going to work and how do these shuttles operate two things we love easier and cheaper sign me up right okay so how is this going to work Uber is coming out with a uh shuttle this summer in select cities you're going to be able to go to the airport concerts sporting events you using the shuttle.

You can reserve up to five seats up to a week in advance and Uber says it will be less than the price of an Uber ride it's going to be partnering with uh some local shuttle bus companies and commercially licensed drivers that's who'll be driving you still going to be able to go on your app and give a tip to the driver and also rate the driver on.

This in this situation the cities it's going to be launching in this summer four cities Chicago Pittsburgh Charlotte and Miami and depending on how it goes it'll roll out nationally all right fascinating a lot of tips oh and can I just mention real quick before we go a couple of other things they're doing Uber won now a membership program for.

Students a discounted program and you can also if you're part of Uber Eats get deliveries from Costco even if you're not a member so lots of new revenue streams for Uber Alexis christopherus thanks so much do appreciate it coming up the cast of Bridgerton is spilling the tea what we can expect as season 3 rolls out.

why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth.

Listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News.

Tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on television first thing in the morning there's a lot going on we're still in a flash flood warning to catch you up with what happened overnight police in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the.

Migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between check out the gator on the 17th poll the buzz Gill and baseball first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live if you want a relationship a happy relationship you need to be in control of that relationship enter Tate is one.

Of many male Supremacy influencers you see him as this guy that has money has girls basically he's a god this com pound what prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking business from we're not the first affluent wealthy men who have been unfairly attacked you think he he raped you they never meant for any of this to be public someone has to say there's.

Something wrong going around here ENT Tate Into the manosphere Now streaming on Hulu right now there's just so much happening in our world so much at stake at the start of every morning making sense of it all that's not always so easy and that's where we come in Good Morning America we want you to know every morning we're right here and we.

Got you I'm zorine sha reporting from the New Hampshire primary wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live dearest gentle reader we have been apart for far too long at last London's fashionable set.

Has made its return and it seems that our B ton is moving with a changing tide so too is this author welcome back that was the trailer for season 3 of Netflix hit series Bridgerton it's a show filled with Ballroom dances noble families steamy romance scenes and contemporary music with a Twist earlier this week ABC's.

Will Gan spoke with some of the cast members of Bridgerton newest season take a look and Jessica thank you so much for being here it's a shame you two don't get along at all you know I don't know that our viewers can see yeah you're holding hands under the desk we hate each other it's a real problem absolutely having so much fun together.

Obviously we are so excited to have some fun watching you in season 3 Hannah you are the newcomer this year what has it been like stepping into this world of Bridgerton it's it's pretty terrifying um but they were all gorgeous and lovely and actually it doesn't feel like the massive show that it is when you're on set they're all really grounded down to.

Earth the nicest place to go to work so holding lots of robes and slippers yeah constantly you don't just leave the pett coats and the corsets on at all times you have to we do the the robes go over the top got it which looks phenomenal with her shoulders this year I do actually look like an American football player when I wear a Rob right right.

Right right Rob up and then I yeah I did enjoy that just what was it like for you coming back to this character that you've now played for several seasons and word on the street is we might get to see a slightly different side to cresa this year are we going to get to see maybe a step away from the Regina George of Mayfair see a step away from.

Regina George of Mayfair I love that it was amazing I um I really had no idea that they would give me such a massive opportunity and I had the best time the best year of my life yeah what is it like when we we you talk about the hair the makeup the clothing what was it like for you Hannah putting those on for the very first time Bridger and Glam it's so.

Much fun we're so lucky with our creative teams got the most talented hair and makeup costume designers um John is a genius genius My First costume fitting I hadn't had any scripts yet and they were putting me in the presentation outfit and I was like okay you're like I'm in Bri what does this mean this is pretty iconic yeah what can you tease.

About Francesca this year I saw by the way your Instagram post when you were announced that you would be joining the show you were like I promise I'm not going to mess it up what can you tease about your character for season 3 well she joins the marriage Mark um so it's her turn to try and find a husband uh she's got quite a practical approach to.

The marriage Mark which is something we haven't really seen from the Bridget and siblings yet uh she doesn't like romanticize the idea of marriage um but she's not fighting it either so I think she's a little bit of a challenge for Mama Ruth um yeah and what she wants I think she's still on that journey of working out.

Like who she is and what it is that she wants yeah and Jess your character we're getting some little teases about her friendship with Eloise yes I think online we're calling them a most peculiar pairing what can you tell us a little bit about that they really hold a mirror up to each other they're very very.

Different and they have a beautiful friendship they challenge each other they're receptive to the Challenge and um yeah we don't see we don't see so much of a bite you know kesda is really allowing it all to the mask is coming off and the armor is coming off and they have a genuine a genuine connection which is.

Really exciting because we haven't seen that for her yet and it is like you know when we think Bridgerton we often think romantic love but like the best love stories of my life are my friendships what is it like to kind of portray a female friendship a love story if you will in that way what does that mean to you as a human being so important I have.

Such wonderful female friendships in my life and um they're they're incredible stories to explore you know especially when you see them younger and how they develop and we've been with them now for a long time all of these characters from the beginning to where we are now with Luke and Nick and all of them and we're really seeing them sort of mature and.

Grow up and um yeah it's cool I'm excited for people to see this season really excited yeah I feel like also you guys it is my journalistic duty on behalf of gay men and women everywhere what is the tea with Jonathan Bailey is he as stunning and talented IRL as he is online and on screen absolutely 100% he is what is he bad at there has to be.

Something nothing nothing he is the kindest he's he's funny guy beautiful man yeah genuine human being he's a Class Act I should have known I should have known some people you know you guys congratulations so excited for season 3 Hannah DOD Jessica Madson thank you so much for being here thank you will Gans is going to get the tea.

That is for sure and thanks ABC's will Gans for That interview part one of the third season of Bridgerton is streaming globally starting today and more of Will's conversation with the cast can be seen on ABC News Live's Instagram meantime thank you for streaming with us I'm Phil Lipoff we are course going to continue to follow the criminal hush.

Money trial Donald Trump former president's former fixer Michael Co on the stand right now being cross-examined the news continues after a short break I experienced a lot of Heartache I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel lonely it's taken me a really long time.

To even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the goes to Lany Wilson that was a mic drop the container of the Year baby I do see the bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero outfit tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a.

Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News Tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on television what's good to watch read where can I get a great deal on what I'm just dying to buy oh it's all right here GMA life get the latest celebrity Buzz Deals and Steals and the.

Coolest lifestyle tips from GMA I love that so much streaming weekends on ABC News live why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards.

And see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know that sounds pretty good.

Your health your money breaking news music and of course good food a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that reporting from the Auto Workers picket lines in Michigan I'm Faith abou wherever the story is we'll take you there you streaming ABC News.

Live right now on ABC News live painting Michael Cohen as a liar and Donald Trump takes his gag order fight to New York's highest court Trump's felony hush money trial enters day 18 we're live outside the courthouse plus the peers in place help for Gaza and the foreign aid arriving right now to the shores of the war torn region but with Israeli troops.

Moving deeper in will it make a difference and one for the history books the Dow topping 40,000 for the first time ever what it means for you and your money this hour good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips our top story Michael Cohen and the contentious cross-examination court now on a lunch break but proceedings will presume when.

Cohen is back on the stand in just a bit the defense hammering away at The credibility of Donald Trump's former attorney and fixer during his third day of testimony in the president's historic criminal hush money trial Cohen trying to strike down suggestions he was obsessed with Trump then wanted to see Trump convicted and that he ultimately.

Made money from badmouthing the former president Trump's team playing clips of Cohen's MIAA podcast in which he seemingly celebrates Trump's New York indictment saying I want to thank the Manhattan District Attorney's office and man you better believe I want this man to go down and rot inside for what he did to me and my family those excerpts.

Of Far Cry from the calm and hushed Cohen that jurors have seen on the stand the former president's posy of support continuing to grow as well several more members of Congress joining him in court including members of the GOP Freedom caucus representative Matt Gates Lauren bartt and Bob good leading us off our senior investigative correspondent Aon.

Kerki he is outside Court he's joined byal defense attorney and former Federal prosecutor Tim Jansen so Aaron the defense set out to really show the jury who the real Michael Cohen is how do they do Cara we just had before the lunch break what may be the most dramatic moment of the cross-examination thus far.

One of the central pieces of Michael Cohen's testimony was that he spoke to president Trump in October of 2016 about Stormy Daniels and the hush money payment and on cross-examination defense attorney Todd blanch confronted Cohen with a series of text messages that preceded that call to suggest it was really about a bunch of prank calls that.

Cohen had been receiving and how he reached out to the White House to see if there was anything they could do to stop it in fact uh the testimony with Todd blanch uh kind of his voice Rising both in tone and in tenor said that was a lie you did not talk to president president Trump that night you can admit it Michael Cohen held firm he did not lose.

Any of his composure even though over and over blanch insisted that was a lie and preceding all of that uh the the defense had tried to laid the groundwork to portray Cohen as a liar uh and and pointed out inconsistencies in statements he made about a whole lot of things like whether he sought a cooperation deal with prosecutors.

Whether he sought a pardon whe whether he really wanted a job as white house chief of staff all to suggest Kira that you can't trust anything Michael Cohen says so Tim the Cohen on the stand and then the Cohen in that podcast recording are like jackqueline Hyde how damning do you think that was for the prosecution's case well it's a double-edged sword.

Right because the jury is going to see the real Michael Cohen but then you also jury's going to hear how bad Cohen thinks that Trump should go to prison so you walk a fine line and you really have to remember Michael Cohen is a lawyer okay he was not a trial lawyer but he's still a lawyer he's skilled he's got a propensity to lie for self-serving.

Reasons and if he's motivated as they're they're trying to show he is not going to take the bait he knows the pressure points and he's going to hold firm so he's a he's a tricky witness but he clearly has motivations to lie so Aaron how about Congressman Bob good showing up to support Trump there at court but Trump rolls up with his political.

Opponent riding right with him in the motorcade whether it's this court case or just daily politics I mean we're watching Trump in this theme of Revenge just play out in real time well it is the the the focal point of his campaign his his legal entanglements uh and and what seems like uh auditions for uh roles in in a future.

Trump Administration should it come to that all playing out right here at court where these supporters come in with him uh the men in in matching red ties and then they stay for just a bit of testimony come out to the park across the street uh speak to cameras uh about their Impressions and and most of them are quite favorable toward the former.

President's views that this case is unworthy uh but this has been repeated over uh and and over and uh for the former president it may serve to project a degree of control role that he has over uh the the Republican party at this point as he seeks the presidency while also seeking to uh get acquitted on criminal charges Tim as a lawyer what do.

You make now of this Entourage of lawmakers that it's it's not only continuing but it's becoming bigger um what do you make of that is it is it a distraction is it helpful for for Trump in any way is it is it going to hurt him let me tell you I some I've had a trial one time when I represent Florida State players and I had a very famous.

Player and I brought in Florida State people because I knew the audience I don't think Trump's team knows the audience the audience here is 80% 87% voted against Joe Biden or for Joe Biden against Trump why would you bring all these Republicans in front of this jury to have them think about something other than the evidence now if he's doing it.

For political reasons I understand that but it might have a backfire on the jury they're going to recognize some of these people like Congressman Gates and it may make them make a decision that maybe Trump doesn't want yeah I mean that's a whole another discussion we'll continue to talk about that because Gates already is in broiled.

In his own uh investigation so you're right the jury sees these individuals and it could start impacting what they think of the former president um we'll talk more about that we'll see how this uh continues and and who shows up uh next week uh Tim Aaron thank you both so much and while Trump now has all these Republican lawmakers lining up to defend.

Him other House Republicans actually showed up for work today here in our nation's capital because they're battling the Attorney General to try and get their hands on President Biden's interview with special counsel Robert Herr the justice department is telling lawmakers that Biden is claiming executive privilege though and will not.

Release the audio of his questioning by the man investigating his mishandling of classified documents House Republicans are already pushing to hold attorney general merri Garland in contempt for defying their requests for the recordings Jay O'Brien is up on cap capitol hill so Jay just for reference here the her report didn't recommend.

That the President should be charged for mishandling classified documents but it's the special council's description of Biden that was very embarrassing for him so could these recordings make things worse and how is that all playing into this battle correct remember Kira this was the report that characterized that.

Interview with the president that was done remember uh in the early days of the Israel Hamas War so months ago as being an elderly man with a failing memory that's how the special Council described that conversation with the president uh that's a character isation that the white house obviously strongly pushes back against but it's the audio.

Recording of that interview that led to that characterization by the special counsel that House Republicans have wanted to get their hands on and the attorney general has said he's not going to give them the audio and what the White House said today in their reasoning to exert executive privilege over this is they say if they turn this.

Over to what they claim as a partisan investigation which is by the way meeting right down this hallway Behind These closed doors here I'll get more into that in a second but if they turn that audio recording over to House Republicans they argue it would make other presidents in the future less likely to engage with special councils.

And they claimed that Republicans would chop up that audio and use it for political purposes in ads or things like that but still Republicans are going to move forward with trying to compel the Attorney General to give them that audio they want to hold him in contempt of congress that's what they're meeting behind closed doors down this hallway to.

Debate doing well in the Attorney General Act did a rare Q&A earlier today what did you make of that yeah the Attorney General really laid out the White House's argument in all of this uh in saying that again he used this audio could be used for political purposes and he tried to wrap it up into the larger theme he claims.

That House Republicans have been pursuing which is partisan political investigations into the president here's a little of what the Attorney General said look the only thing I can do is continue to do the right thing thing I will protect this building and its people we have gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure that the.

Committees get responses to their legitimate requests but this is not one so we characterize it as quote not a legitimate request care the Republican response came from speaker Johnson this morning in which he claimed the White House was quote unquote afraid of this AUD coming out Jay O'Brien up on the hill Forest.

Jay thanks history for the stock market and possibly your 401k today the Dow topped 40,000 for the first time ever it comes during a record run for stocks with the Dow NASDAQ and S&P 500 all closing at new all-time highs our business correspondent Lexus christopherus has been tracking it this is a big deal it is a big deal I think.

Uh it's a feel-good number you know it's more of a symbolic uh meaning than anything else it doesn't have a practical uh reasoning for investors I think 40,000 is one of these nice big round numbers that people can sort of wrap their heads around as you can see we pulled back from that uh Milestone a little bit right now but overall uh.

Positive news uh for the market and for investors at large for retirement accounts um the Dow makes up of 30 companies uh companies that largely reflect uh what's going on in our economy today companies like Walmart and Apple are part of the Dow so the fact that it was able to Rally to this Milestone and is now really double its.

Lowest point that we saw early in the pandemic I think just speaks to the resilience of the economy especially in this environment of high interest rates higher inflation and remember all the talk of a possible recession that we had not that long ago the fact that the market can pull off this kind of a performance is a big deal and it also.

Comes a day after the Dow S&P and Nasdaq all three major indexes hit record highs so as we said all the market averages continue to hit an all-time high why do you think that is well it's a number of things I think first off we got cooler than expected inflation numbers yesterday we've been waiting for this now for about four months that.

Helped reignite hopes that the FED might cut interest rates later this year some are now saying possibly September we also got a much weaker than expected retail sales report for April which shows that consumers may be pulling back so all of those higher interest rates are doing what the FED wants starting to cool the economy down and bring consumer.

Prices lower as well and Walmart big rally there for the company today out with much better than expected earnings Walmart actually said there were so many bargain hunters now that its core uh base of consumers is widening and now it has more people who earn more than $100,000 a year shopping at its stores because they too are hunting for.

Bargains amid this environment of higher inflation care up who doesn't love a bargain that's right Alexis thank you you yeah coming up fighting for his life Slovakia's prime minister and the assassination attempt more on the shooter and the motive when we return whenever news breaks we are here.

In Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fort This Tornado tore.

Through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the pi line.

Here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news it's lunchtime in America so what are we.

Serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good to your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest St Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love.

That first thing in the morning there's a lot going on we're still in a flash flood warning to catch you up with what happened overnight at Poli in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between.

Check out the gator on the 17th poll the buzz kill in baseball first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live glad you're streaming with us well the multi-million dollar effort by the US to get Aid to Gaza is one step closer.

To happening the military has now finished installing a peer for the Gaza Strip to help get critical humanitarian Aid into the warart torn region the pier has been under construction for months now and has cost hundreds of millions of dollars foreign correspondent Marcus Moore along with our national security analyst Mick mroy and Senior Pentagon.

Reporter Louis Martinez join me for more Marcus let's just talk about um how critical this floating Pier is for the people of Gaza yeah I mean you talk talk about the hundreds of millions of dollars it cost to to build this pier but the the the results of it Priceless for those families who have been uh starving many.

Of them in the midst of this crisis this peer um according to officials could handle as many as 158 trucks every single day and that is significant because the the amount of Aid that has been reaching Gaza has dropped sharply particularly from the south where the Israeli Defense Forces have launched an operation in Rafa that left the Raa.

Crossing shut down and only a trickle of eight is coming in from the Kum Shalom Crossing also in the South so uh that speaks to how significant this will be but Kira according to Aid groups uh it will still not be nearly enough to address the need but it is a step so Louie how much Aid is expected to actually flow into Gaza now uh that the.

Pier is finished and and what type of Aid in particular are we talking about K the US expects about maybe 500 tons of food a to be delivered into Gaza off of a ship over the coming days uh the way this works is that the cargo ship is offloaded onto a floating platform where trucks are waiting those trucks are then loaded onto smaller vessels that carry.

It to the end of that 500 uh yard uh Pier um and what's going to happen here is that that is just the initial wave of assistance that's going to come through uh we understand it's going to be potentially as high as 2 million uh the equivalent of 2 million meals a day uh for people it's going to be also the equivalent of additional assistance not.

Just food aid but also uh some type of humanitarian or medical assistance we know that there's uh needs for medicines inside of Gaza as well so it's a whole range of things but right now they're going to start slowly U those 500 tons that they have offshore right now and then that's going to move in and then I think what we heard from officials today.

Is that the whole process isn't going to speed up significantly after that so Mick let's just talk about how the us is going to ensure that the aid is delivered safely to civilians and not Hamas and initially you know you were involved uh with this project at the pier just your overall thoughts about this yeah Kier I'm I'm certainly.

Somebody who's very familiar with uh with this peer in the maritime Corridor overall I'd start by saying this was an absolute Herculean effort by the men and women of Central Command particularly the army component and Lieutenant General Pat Frank and his his team it was uh really impressive and quite frankly they did it faster than anybody.

I think expected and to Marcus's Point yes it's expensive but it's absolutely Priceless to the to the civilians that need this Aid desperately it does bring in a large quantity of Aid and that will only go up the longer uh it is operating as Aid will start blowing through Cyprus and more uh more vessels will become involved in the chain uh so it'll go up.

Substantially and it's going to a place quite frankly where it's very difficult to get trucks into so it is it is servicing I think the people that are at most uh desperate need of it and it's where the famine uh is expected to have already started in the northern part of Gaza security to your point Cara is very important uh how this is going to be.

Distributed is going to be done through uh us Aid uh and uh the United Nations world food program they're responsible for that uh this of course needs to go to the people who need it needs not to be taken as has been the problem in other parts of Gaza by Hamas and I think that is something that is a an issue not just with the maritime uh means that's.

How uh that's an issue with every means of delivery of Aid it has to happen and we have to deal with how to make sure that doesn't fall into their hands and Marcus it's all coming as the IDF just confirmed that it's sent more troops into Rafa yeah and Israel has been saying that they would expand their operation.

In Rafa and all of the the evidence the activity that we've seen around that area seems to suggest that they are continuing with that effort even though there has not been a a massive large scale operation launched there they continue to say that the the fighting the operation that we've seen in Rafa is limited in its scope and is precise but.

Kir it's also important to point out as we watch those developments unfold in Rafa there's a lot happening in other parts of Gaza including the north where just this evening there was another a very large uh explosion and um attack there so a lot is happening here Israel still fighting this war on multiple fronts and Kira no end inside at this.

Point we'll stay in close touch and follow the story with you Marcus Louie and Mick thank you so we're getting new details now about that assassination attempt of Slovakia and prime minister Robert fitzco today the Deputy Prime Minister described the gunman as a lone wolf who was recently radicalized following the presidential election in.

April Tom Sufi burd with more now from Paris hey Tom yeah here are positive news about the condition of the Slovakian prime minister he said now to be stable still in a serious condition after what's being described as an assassination attempt Robert fitso the Prime Minister was coming out of an event in central.

Slovakia yesterday afternoon he approached a small crowd uh it was being filmed that moment when a gunman then opened fire five times shooting the prime minister at Point Blank Range Slovakian officials are calling it an assassination attempt that was politically motivated in their words but we don't know much about the attack he.

Was taken down by bodyguards at the scene he's said to be by Slovakian media in his 70s a former security guard that's not confirmed information we don't have much about his motives apart from Slovakian officials claiming that it was politically motivated the attack but Robert fitso is a colorful character the prime minister in Slovakian politics.

For the best part of 30 years a controversial figure he's a three-time prime minister he was reelected last year on an anti-western support for Ukraine ticket uh but look this attack I think has been roundly condemned by people across Europe of all Creeds and colors including President Biden in the US saying it was an appalling attack but.

The positive news is that the condition of the Prime Minister seems to be improving Cara all right Tom thanks and coming up cooking up controversy the latest on the outrage and response to that controversial commencement speech from Kansas City Chief's kicker Harrison.

Buter what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture ice is fighter this this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to.

go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you D than you is.

David David yes yes I'm David M I know you are watch you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe some of the community doesn't feel like they need those answers.

I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who faed her will never know peace did you just stand there and let my friend's child die reporting from the fton County Georgia Courthouse I'm Reena Roy wherever the story is we'll take you.

There you're streaming ABC News live and some other headlines we're tracking for you this hour President Biden meeting with families who fought to End School segregation on the 70th anniversary of the Brown versus Board of Education Supreme Court ruling it's part of the week-long effort by the White.

House to Mark the 1954 decision that changed America later the president heads to morouse college in Atlanta to deliver the commencement address at the HBCU and more history for women's basketball and for our favorite Caitlyn Clark the WNBA season opener featuring Clark's Pro debut with the Indiana Fever hell was.

The most watched WNBA game on ESPN ever and the most watched game for the league since 2001 the 22-year-olds scored 20 points but committed 10 turnovers in that loss to the Connecticut Sun Well Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison bucker getting kicked in the tokus after his commencement speech that upset a lot of people and created a.

Whole lot of backlash on social media bucker stepping in it with comments about gay rights abortion and the role of women in society oh yeah Stephanie Ramos has all the details he kicked the longest field goal in Super Bowl history to lead the Kansas City Chiefs to victory over the 49ers that is now nine consecutive makes from.

Outside 50 for buter but Harrison buter is making headlines for his remarks off the field during a commencement address at Benedictine College a conservative Catholic liberal arts school in Kansas it is safe to say that over the past few years I've gained quite the reputation for speaking my mind buer sounding off about working women I think it is you.

The women who have had the most diabolical lies told to you how many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world but I would venture to Guess that the majority of you are most excited.

About your marriage and the children you will bring into this world buter then referring to pride month which celebrates the lgbtq community as a deadly sin not the deadly sin sort of Pride that has an entire month dedicated to it but the true god- centered Pride that is cooperating with the Holy Ghost to glorify him I couldn't believe it was.

Such an outdated Antiquated view on lgbtq people and women and using religion in a way buer also mentioning priests who become too familiar with parishioners illustrating his point by borrowing a line from a song written by a certain famous teammates girlfriend because as my teammates girlfriend says familiarity breeds contempt that line.

From Taylor Swifts Beed quickly drawing the eye of swifties one writing I didn't think you grasped the message of the Taylor Swift song you quoted go listen to all her albums as homework the NFL reacting to the speech saying Harrison buer gave a speech in his personal capacity his views are not those of the NFL as an organization the NFL is.

Steadfast in our commitment to inclusion which only makes our league stronger there were apparently some mixed reviews in the crowd but in the end buter did receive a standing ovation from graduates and other attendees Kira wow okay there was a kicker to the kicker um the Los Angeles Chargers actually took things a step further.

Fueling the bucker funf fire and the Chiefs last night the Chargers social media well the team unveiled their schedule with this video yes those are characters from the video game The Sims and yes the man there in the Harrison bucker jersey in the kitchen is Harrison and you know what I heard his cooking sucks thanks for streaming with us I'm.

Kira Phillips the news never stops neither do we we'll be right back why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast.

Honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here first thing in the morning there's a lot going on we're still in a flash flood warning to.

Catch you up with what happened overnight police in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between check out the gator on the the 17th hole the buzz kill in baseball first thing in the morning.

America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live if you want a relationship a happy relationship you need to be in control of that relationship ENT Tate is one of many male Supremacy influencers you see him as this guy that has money has girls basically he's a God he compound what prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking.

Business from we're not the first affluent wealthy men who have been unfair attacked you think he he raped you they never meant for any of this to be public someone has to say there's something wrong going around here inate Into the manosphere Now streaming on Hulu tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a.

Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News Tonight with David mure the most watch newscast on television what's good to watch read where can I get a great deal on what I'm just dying to buy it's all right here GMA life get the latest celebrity Buzz Deals and Steals and the.

Coolest lifestyle tips from GMA I love that so much streaming weekends on ABC News live hello everyone I'm Kira Phillips another combative day in court proceeding still on a lunch break lunch break but the defense was hammering away at The credibility of Donald Trump's.

Former attorney and fixer during this third day of testimony in the former president's historic criminal hush money trial Cohen trying to strike down suggestions that he was obsessed with Trump than wanted to see Trump convicted and that he ultimately made money from badmouthing the former president the former president's policy of support.

Continuing to grow too today several members of Congress joining him including members of the GOP Freedom caucus representative Matt Gates Lauren Boart and Bob good all there let's bring in our senior reporter kathern falers also our legal contributor and attorney Brian buckmire so kathern Trump's defense team uh grilling Cohen about a.

Number of things today um biggest takeaway so far well most of this cross-examination Kira was essentially to undermine Cohen's credibility not as it relates to uh things that he said now but in the past it was kind of unclear when they were actually going to Veer into any of the alleged underlying criminal charge here but there was one.

Thing that Todd blanch the defense attorney left the jury with just before the lunch break and and they think that this potentially is their Smoking Gun here I don't know how it will go over with the jury but it's specifically as it relates to an October call an October 24th call this call was between Cohen says between him and former president.

Trump two days before that hush money payment was made Cohen called Keith Schiller Trump's bodyman at the time and and was able to speak to Trump through Schiller was Cohen's telling of it and that he said Cohen testified on Tuesday that that call was specifically to update Trump on the stor Daniel situation while Trump's def fed's team.

Really grilled Cohen on that just before the lunch break they said well actually there were a number of text messages and Communications that you had with key Schiller that bookended that call and those text messages were actually about harassing calls you were receiving you were reaching out to Schiller for help potentially now of course blanche's line.

Of questioning was why did you say that the purpose of the call was to update Trump on on Stormy Daniels wasn't it also about this and Cohen said it was but it got really animated when blanch was asking and pressing Cohen to just admit that he lied on the witness stand on Tuesday Cohen claims he didn't lie he did claim that part of the conversation.

Was about this so look the defense is trying to say that the call was about one thing it was actually he testified to another but but I'm not sure I think there's there's some nuances there that they will ultimately um that the jury will ultimately have to consider so Brian the defense working to establish that Cohen lied a lot about a lot of.

Things uh for example Cohen said he didn't recall saying that he wanted to be attorney general after Trump took office which contradicts earlier testimony from stormmy Daniels lawyer Keith Davidson who testified the co and told him that he wanted to be Chief of Staff or or the attorney general what do you make of this and is it important.

Well K I think it's important in the sense that the defenses are trying to establish a foundation that whatever comes out of Michael Cohen's mouth you cannot believe because he lies Here There and almost everywhere but the difficulty that I think they're having is is that in the questioning of Michael Cohen they allowed him to give almost.

Explanations to every one of those lies and so then you're going to have the jury not really focused on the LIE in my opinion but focused on is this a justifiable lie uh but to Katherine's point the last point that the defense really drove home confronting Michael Cohen with a lie that I think is actually now material to the case.

Because a communication between Donald Trump and Michael Cohen two days before um the payment is made is crucial to see whether or not Donald Trump has his hand so to speak in this dealing and I think it was done well but to Katherine's point I don't think it's a Smoking Gun uh confronting a witness to saying they're lying great but if they don't.

Crack that's really your word against theirs and Michael Cohen's word is being tested but a stronger argument would have Keith Schiller on the stand and say yeah he called me for this reason and not another but I'm not sure if he's gonna get called to the stand so how is Trump been reacting to Cohen's testimony Katherine well Trump and he's been this.

Way actually throughout the course of the week he's been sitting there really with his eyes closed even when his own defense attorneys have been questioning Cohen um so in terms of reacting not really at all sometimes he'll open his eyes and talk to his other lawyers sitting at the table but just this this particular instance that we're talking.

About as it relates to the call in this case he was attentive and watching Cohen's reaction and and and really observing the exchange between his defense attorney in Michael Cohen so in that regard he has been alert but but really that that's rare Kira most of the time he is just sitting there with his eyes closed I doubt that he's sleeping.

Um surely listening um at some point uh during some points of it but but doesn't appear entirely engaged all right Katherine bran thank you and while Trump now has all these Republican lawmakers lining up to defend him other House Republicans actually showed up for work today here in our nation's capital because they're.

Battling the Attorney General to try and get their hands on President Biden's interview with special counsel Robert Herr the justice department is telling lawmakers that Biden is claiming executive privilege though and will not release the audio of his questioning by the man investigating his mishandling of classified documents House Republicans.

Are already pushing to hold attorney general Merrick Garland in contempt for defying their requests for the recordings Jay O'Brien is up on cap capitol hill so Jay just for reference here the her report didn't recommend that the President should be charged for mishandling classif by documents but it's the special council's description.

Of Biden that was very embarrassing for him so could these recordings make things worse and how is that all playing into this battle correct remember Kira this was the report that characterized that interview with the president that was done remember uh in the early days of the Israel Hamas War so months ago as.

Being an elderly man with a failing memory that's how the special Council described that conversation with the president uh that's a characterization that the white house obviously strongly pushes back against but it's the audio recording of that interview that led to that characterization by the special counsel that House Republicans have.

Wanted to get their hands on and the attorney general has said he's not going to give them the audio and what the White House said today in their reasoning to exert executive privilege over this is they say if they turn this over to what they claim as a partisan investigation which is by the way meeting right down this hallway Behind.

These closed doors here I'll get more into that in a second but if they turn that audio recording over to House Republicans they argue it would make other presidents in the future less likely to engage with special counsels and they claim that Republicans would chop up that audio and use it for political purposes in ads or things like.

That but still Republicans are going to move forward with trying to compel the Attorney General to give them that audio they want to hold him in contempt of congress that's what they're meeting behind closed doors down this Hall way to debate do it well and the attorney general actually did a rare Q&A earlier today what did you make of.

That yeah the Attorney General really laid out the White House's argument in all of this uh in saying that again he views this audio could be used for political purposes and he tried to wrap it up into the larger theme he claims that House Republicans have been pursuing which is partisan political investigations into the president here's.

A little of what the Attorney General said look the only thing I can do is continue to do the right thing I will protect this building and its people we have gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure that the Committees get responses to their legitimate requests but this is not.

One so we characterize it as quote not a legitimate request care the Republican response came from speaker Johnson this morning in which he claimed the White House was quote unquote afraid of this audio coming out Jay O'Brien up on the hill Forest Jay thanks history for the stock market and possibly your 401k today the Dow.

Topped 40,000 for the first time ever it comes during a record run for stocks with the Dow NASDAQ and S&P 500 all closing at new all-time highs our business correspondent Lexus christopherus has been tracking it this is a big deal it is a big deal I think it's a feel-good number you know it's more of a symbolic uh meaning than.

Anything else it doesn't have a practical uh reasoning for investors I think 40,000 is one of these nice big round numbers that people can sort of wrap their heads around as you can see we pulled back from that uh Milestone a little bit right now but overall uh positive news uh for the market and for investors at large for retirement.

Accounts um the Dow makes up of 30 companies uh companies that largely reflect uh what's going on in our economy today companies like Walmart and apple are part of the Dow so the fact that it was able to Rally to this Milestone and is now really double its lowest point that we saw early in the pandemic I think just speaks to the.

Resilience of the economy especially in this environment of high interest rates higher inflation and remember all the talk of a possible recession that we had not that long ago the fact that the market can pull off this kind of a performance is a big deal and it also comes a day after the doubt S&P and Nasdaq all three major indexes hit.

Record highs so as we said all the market averages continue to hit an all-time high why do you think that is well it's a number of things I think first off we got cooler than expected inflation numbers yesterday we've been waiting for this now for about four months that helped reignite hopes that the FED might cut interest rates later.

This year some are now saying possibly September we also got a much weaker than expected retail sales report for April which shows that consumers may be pulling back so all of those higher interest rates are doing what the FED wants starting to cool the economy down and bring consumer prices lower as well and Walmart big rally there for the.

Company today out with much better than expected earnings Walmart actually said there were so many bargain hunters now that its core uh base of consumers is widening and now it has more people who earn more than $100,000 a year shopping at its stores because they too were hunting for bargains amid this environment of higher inflation care.

Who doesn't love a bargain that's right Alexis thank you y coming up fighting for his life Slovakia's prime minister and the assassination attempt more on the shooter and the motive when we return I experienced a lot of hard a I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel lonely it's Tak me a really long time to.

Even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the goes to Lany Wilson that was a mic drop the Entertainer of the Year baby I do see the bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero outfit tonight Michael Cohen returns to.

The stand plus as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News Tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on television we're trying to get answers for the community at large I want my daughter.

Back did you just stand there and let my friend's child die why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast.

Honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here first thing in the morning there's a lot going on we're still in a flash flood warning to.

Catch you up with what happened overnight police in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between check out the gator on the 17th hole the buzz kill in baseball first thing in the morning.

America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live glad you're streaming with well the multi-million dollar effort by the US to get Aid to Gaza is one step closer to happening the military has now finished installing a pier for the Gaza Strip to help get critical humanitarian Aid into.

The war torn region the pier has been under construction for months now and has cost hundreds of millions of dollars foreign correspondent Marcus Moore along with our national security analyst Mick mroy and Senior Pentagon reporter Louis Martinez join me for more Marcus let's just talk about um how critical this floating Pier is for the people of.

Gaza yeah I mean you talk about the hundreds of millions of dollars it cost to to build this pier but the the the results of it Priceless for those families who have been uh starving many of them in the midst of this crisis this pier um according to officials could handle as many as 150 Aid trucks every single day and that is significant.

Because the the amount of Aid that has been reaching Gaza has dropped sharply particularly from the south where the is Defense Forces have launched an operation in Rafa that left the Rafa Crossing shut down and only a trickle of Aid is coming in from the Kum Shalom Crossing also in the South so uh that speaks to how significant this will be.

But Kira according to Aid groups uh it will still not be nearly enough to address the need but it is a step so Louie how much Aid is expected to actually flow into Gaza now uh that the pier is finished and and what type of Aid in particular are we talking about Cara the US expects about maybe 500 tons of food a to be delivered into Gaza off.

Of a ship over the coming days uh the way this works is the cargo ship is offloaded onto a floating platform where trucks are waiting those trucks are then loaded onto smaller vessels that carry it to the end of that 500 uh yard uh Pier um and what's going to happen here is that that is just the initial wave of assistance that's going to come through.

Uh we understand it's going to be potentially as high is 2 million uh the equivalent of 2 million meals a day uh for people it's going to be also the equivalent of uh additional assistance not just food aid but also uh some type of humanitarian or medical assistance we know that there's U needs for medicines inside of Gaza as well so it's a whole.

Range of things but right now they're going to start slowly um those 500 tons that they have uh offshore right now and then that's going to move in and then I think what we heard from officials today is that the whole process isn't going to speed up significantly after that so Mick let's just talk about how the us is going to ensure that the aid is.

Delivered safely to civilians and not Hamas and initially you know you were involved with this project at the pier just your overall thoughts about this yeah Kier I'm I'm certainly somebody who's very familiar with uh with this peer in the maritime Corridor overall I'd start by saying this was an absolute Herculean by the men and women.

Of Central Command particularly the Army component and Lieutenant General Pat Frank and his his team it was uh really impressive and quite frankly they did it faster than anybody I think expected and to Marcus's Point yes it's expensive but it's absolutely Priceless to the to the civilians that need this Aid desperately it does bring in a large quantity of Aid.

And that will only go up the longer uh it is operating as Aid will start blowing through Cyprus and more uh more V will become involved in the chain uh so it'll go up substantially and it's going to a place quite frankly where it's very difficult to get uh trucks into so it is it is servicing I think the people that are in most uh desperate.

Need of it and it's where the famine uh is expected to have already started in the northern part of Gaza security to your point Cara is very important uh how this is going to be distributed is going to be done through uh us Aid uh and uh the United Nations World approv program they're responsible for that uh this of course needs to go to the people who.

Need it needs not to be taken as it has been the problem in other parts of Gaza by Hamas and I think that is something that is a an issue not just with the maritime means that's how uh that's an issue with every means of delivery of Aid it has to happen and we have to deal with how to make sure that doesn't fall into their hands and Marcus it's all.

Coming as the IDF uh just confirmed that it's sent more troops into Rafa yeah and Israel has been saying that they would expand their operation in Rafa and all of the the evidence the activity that we've seen around that area seems to suggest that they are continuing with that effort even though there has not been a a massive large.

Scale operation launched there they continue to say that the the fighting the operation that we've seen in Rafa is limited in its scope and is precise but Kier it's also important to point out as we watch those developments unfold in Rafa there's a lot happening in other parts of Gaza including the north where just this evening there was another a.

Very large explosion and um attack there so a lot is happening here Israel still fighting this war on multiple fronts and Kira no end inside at this point we'll stay in close touch and follow the story with you Marcus Louie and Mick thank you so we're getting new details now about that assassination attempt of Slovakian prime minister.

Robert fitzco today the Deputy Prime Minister described the gunman as a lone wolf who was recently radicalized following the presidential election in April Tom Sufi bur with more now from Paris hey Tom yeah here are positive news about the condition of the Slovakian prime minister he said now to be stable still.

In a serious condition after what's being described as an assassination attempt Robert fitso the Prime Minister was coming out of an event in central Slovakia yesterday afternoon he approached a small crowd uh it was being filmed that moment when a gunman then opened fire five times shooting the prime minister at Point Blank Range.

Slovakian officials are calling it an assassination attempt that was politically motivated in their words but we don't know much about the attack he was taken down by bodyguards at the scene he said to be by Slovakian media in his 70s a former security guard that's not confirmed information we don't have much about his motives apart.

From Slovakian officials claiming that it was politically motivated the attack but Robert fitso is a colorful character the prime minister in Slovakian politics for the best part of 30 years a controversial figure he's a three-time prime minister he was re-elected last year on an anti-western support for Ukraine ticket uh but look this attack I.

Think has been roundly condemned by people across Europe of all Creeds and colors including President Biden in the US saying it was an appalling attack but the positive news is that the condition of the Prime Minister seems to be improving Kira all right Tom thanks and coming up cooking up controversy the latest on the outrage.

And response to that controversial commencement speech from Kansas City Chief's kicker Harrison buter what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came.

In from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made in the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great.

Work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you David good to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David I know you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast I experienced a lot of hard I.

I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel lonely it's taken me a really long time to even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the Year goes to Laney Wilson that was a mic drop the Entertainer of the Year baby I do see the bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero.

outfit why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it.

A news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here Friday night knock knock burglar maybe to blame for the murder of a hairdresser Fabio sintelli there's blood everywhere an all neww 2020 True Crime irony of ironies.

One of the victims of knock knock burglaries was Fabio lanon my phone start ringing off the hook there's a Twist here this is really personal that was shocking you sure this is right oh my gosh I blacked out the new 2020 Friday night on ABC we're reporting on board a US Navy destroyer in the Eastern Mediterranean.

I'm Maggie ruy wherever the story is we'll take you there you're watching ABC News live and some other headlines we're tracking for you this hour President Biden meeting with families who fought to End School segregation on the 70th anniversary of the Brown versus Board of.

Education Supreme Court ruling it's part of the week-long effort by the White House to Mark the 1954 decision that changed America later the president heads to morouse college in Atlanta to deliver the commencement address at the HBCU and more history for women's basketball and for our favorite Catlin Clark the WNBA season opener featuring.

Clark's Pro debut with the Indiana Fever hell was the most watched WNBA game on ESPN ever and the most watched game for the league since 2001 the 22-year-old scored 20 points but committed 10 turnovers in that loss to the Connecticut Sun well Kansas City Chief's kicker Harrison bucker getting kicked in the tokus after.

His commencement speech that upset a lot of people and created a whole lot of backlash on social media bucker stepping in it with comments about gay rights abortion and the role of women in society oh yeah Stephanie Ramos has all the details he kicked the longest field goal in Super Bowl history to lead the Kansas.

City Chiefs to victory over the 49ers is now nine consecutive makes from outside 50 for buter but Harrison buter is making headlines for his remarks off the field during a commencement address at Benedictine College a conservative Catholic liberal arts school in Kansas it is safe to say that over the past few years I've gained quite the reputation.

For speaking my mind buter sounding off about working women I think it is you the women who have had the most diabolical lies told to you how many of you are sitting here now about to Ross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the.

World but I would venture to Guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world buter then referring to pride month which celebrates the lgbtq community as a deadly sin not the deadly sin sort of Pride that has an entire month dedicated to it but the true god- centered Pride.

That is cooperating with the Holy Ghost to glorify him I couldn't believe it was such an outdated Antiquated view on lgbtq people and women and using religion in a way buer also mentioning priests who become too familiar with parishioners illustrating his point by borrowing a line from a song written by a certain famous teammate's girlfriend.

Because as my teammate's girlfriend says familiarity breeds contempt that line from Taylor Swift's bejweled quickly drawing the ey of swifties one writing I didn't think you grasped the message of the Taylor Swift song you quoted go listen to all her albums as homework the NFL reacting to the speech saying Harrison bucker gave a speech in his.

Personal capacity his views are not those of the NFL as an organization the NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion which only makes our league stronger there were apparently some mixed reviews in the crowd but in the end buter did receive a standing ovation from Gra grates and other attendees Kira wow okay there was a kicker to the.

Kicker um the Los Angeles Chargers actually took things a step further fueling the bucker funf fire and the Chiefs last night the Chargers social media well the team unveiled their schedule with this video yes those are characters from the video game The Sims and yes the man there in the Harrison bucker jersey in the kitchen is Harrison.

And you know what I heard is cooking sucks thanks for streaming with us I'm Kira Phillips the news never stops neither do we we'll be right back what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters is this our combat Operation.

Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right.

Here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate thank David than to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David M I know who you are watch you every night EC's World News Tonight with David.

Mure is America's most watched newscast it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good your help your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third.

Hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that this is ABC News live the crush families on the ground in Ukraine ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one.

Streaming news reporting in Philadelphia I'm Trevor alal wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live right now on ABC News live painting Michael Cohen as a liar and Donald Trump taking his gag oder fight to New York's highest court Trump's felony hush money.

Trial enters day 18 we are live outside Court plus we need help now the Urgent plea from Ukrainian president zalinski as Russian troops move closer to Ukraine's second largest city are James Longman and his exclusive interview with the president and a rare high risk for flash floods in Texas and Louisiana with more than three inches of rain and hour.

Expected in some areas our forecast on the storm and where it's going next good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips Michael Cohen and the contentious cross-examination that's where we start this hour as court is on a lunch break proceedings will resume as soon as Cohen gets back on the stand at any minute the defense hammering away at.

The credibility of Donald Trump's former attorney and fixer during the third day of testimony in the former president's criminal hush money trial Cohen trying to strike down suggestions that he was obsessed with Trump then wanted to see Trump convicted and that he ultimately made money from badmouthing him Trump's team playing clips of Cohen's Mia Copa.

Podcast where he celebrates Trump's New York indictment saying I want to thank the Manhattan District Attorney's office and you better believe I want to see this man go down and rot inside for what he did to me and my family those excerpts of Far Cry from the calm and hush Cohen that jurors have seen on the stand today not so quiet though the.

Growing posy of lawmakers showing up to support Trump take a look at this photo that we obtained harite G Freedom caucus representative Anna Paulina Luna Matt Gates Bob good Andy bigs Eli Crane and Lauren bobbert all showing up in court today leading us off our Olivia Rubin who's outside Court also our legal contributor and trial attorney Brian.

Buckmire so Olivia uh we'll talk about the posy of lawmakers showing up in a minute but first let's talk about this phone call with Trump in October 2016 a key piece of evidence in the government's case how does that throw a wrench into things what Trump's attorney is trying to do there is call into question whether.

Michael Cohen really had the conversations with Donald Trump that he said he did remember he is the only one that has testified to exactly tie Donald Trump to the scheme and that October call is a key one in which he said that he had spoken to Donald Trump who affirmed that he should move forward with the payment to Stormy Daniels a key.

Piece of evidence for prosecutors they showed a log Michael Cohen's phone to the jury that showed he had had a phone call with Keith Schiller Donald Trump's bodyguard at the Time Michael Cohen saying he put Trump on the phone so they could talk about Stormy Daniels but Todd blanch on cross- examination calling that into question suggesting that.

Michael Cohen was really calling Keith Schiller about another issue he was having something uh about assaulting phone calls that Michael Cohen had kept receiving and that he was asking Keith Schiller for help in reporting them to the Secret Service and showed a new text message to the jury between Michael Cohen and Keith Schiller just after that.

Call in which he then sent Keith the number of the person who was harassing him and Todd uh sort of erupted at Michael Cohen saying you lied about the phone call you never spoke to Donald Trump you spoke to Keith Schiller about the phone call you received and he pressed him he said just admit it admit that you were lying but Michael Cohen.

Again staying firm saying he can't admit it he did speak to former president Donald Trump about it but really the fieriest moment that we've had from Todd yet and one of the clearest in trying to paint uh what Michael Cohen is saying about this case as false he had questioned Michael Cohen for over five hours about his credibility before even.

Getting to the substance of the case so Brian what do you make of Cohen keeping his cool on the stand today despite the defense provoking him and just attacking him K I think it works to his favor in a number of ways one based on the description the defense is always kind of paint Michael Cohen as the jury may have seen that in other social media.

Posts maybe they have or have not depending on their answers at jury's selection but in terms of the evidence they're supposed to be uh calculating on that being what Michael Cohen looks like on the stand they're not seeing that description of him and as much as Todd blanch is is kind of giving this fiery cross-examination Michael Cohen being.

Calm cool and collected I think helps to to his credibility the idea of he's not going to get angry if he believes himself to be right or that he's not lying in itself uh so I think that helps him Todd blanch I think's got to kind of straddle the line so to speak of not being too aggressive with Michael Cohen if he's not going to respond back.

Because you don't want the witness to look like a martyr and you keep beating him up over and over again and he's just responding back calmly oftentimes jurries don't like that of it kind of looks like one person's picking on the other so Olivia as I mentioned uh up top all these house members showing up today in court uh the posi continues to grow.

And the gallery is running out of room um what's this has this been a distraction you think is the jury looking at these lawmakers and and paying attention to what Trump and his team are doing here by sort of packing the pews with uh supporters well to that point and just having spent you know a few hours inside.

Of the courtroom this morning I did actually see wer looking directly at the row of you know political Spectators that Donald Trump had brought along with him instead of looking at the testimony so clearly this is something that the jury is noting today specifically there was Matt gates in the room as you said that is certainly a recognizable face.

For many of the jurors he is very public he's very out front but as you said every single day the group that Donald Trump is bringing with him is growing and growing like you said running out of room today they have two rows reserved for them and there had to be some of his team that was sent to the back of the courtroom because they could not fit in.

Those two rows so it's sort of a a show of support for the former president but I would ask you know Brian or a lawyer what sort of impact that could have on the jury is that someone that you know Donald Trump wants to be associated with in the courtroom as he is you know facing his own legal issues himself but certainly appears to be something that.

At least the jury sometimes is noticing and Brian is that dangerous especially Olivia mentioned Matt Gates who uh is being investigated by house ethics once again about relationships with with underage girls um could is this a good strategy a bad strategy do you think that the Trump team is not thinking about who's coming into this.

Courtroom and how that could impact the jury well let's put it this way showing support for a criminal defendant is great in many ways uh I do it with my clients you probably see it when officers in the line of duty are injured injured sorry the nyp will will flood the courtrooms to show support and in that way I think it can be positive uh.

Depending on who's observing it but again look at the names that we're talking about Lauren bber boubert sorry and Matt gates for most people in Manhattan who typically vote a certain way as Donald Trump has complained those two Republicans are not the necessarily the ones that I would think would have a positive uh light to a manhattanite.

Voter in and considering Donald Trump I think there are far better Republicans that you can say hey this the Republican Party there's people who don't have this kind of baggage with like bobbert for example talking about the theater and Beetlejuice and and Matt Gates and in terms of the investigation you talked about I'm not sure those are the people.

You want behind you but there are plenty of other Republicans that I think could have done a better job of showing up for Donald Trump and a jury would have had a better uh kind of inclination for them being there well and just to follow up on that it's interesting that these are the lawmakers that are there I mean there's there's it's interesting in.

Itself uh Olivia Brian thank you so much Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visiting troops near the Rafa area for the first time since the start of the war this comes as the multi-million dollar effort to get the us to help get Aid to Gaza is just one.

Step closer to happening the military has now finished installing that Pier for the Gaza Strip to get that critical humanitarian Aid into the war torn region the pier has been under construction for months and has cost hundreds of millions of dollars our foreign correspondent Marcus Moore is in Tel Aviv.

Marcus hi Kira Fierce fighting has continued throughout Gaza with new strikes in the north where the IDF says Hamas has been able to regroup and at the same time Israel is amassing more soldiers in the southern Gaza City of Rafa more than 500,000 people have EV evacuated from that City mainly in the east as Israeli Fighters carry out a.

Ground operation that Israel says is meant to eliminate Hamas in their remaining stronghold and we've watched the the intensity of the operation only grow with more soldiers moving into that area and of course this operation comes despite calls from the US other countries and Aid groups for Israel to hold off because of the risk to.

Civilians now Aid to the region has dropped significantly because of the fighting there and with no coming through the Rafa Crossing and very few trucks getting through the Kum Shalom crossing the humanitarian crisis has only gotten worse according to Aid groups but there was a significant uh development today progress on a pier.

Being constructed by the US that Pier off the coast of the Gaza Strip is expected to be operational in the coming days we're told that it has been completed and will could facilitate as many as 150 trucks going into Gaza every single day and so this is what a significant development in terms of getting Aid to families and also.

Hospitals there but on its own it still won't be enough Aid groups are desperately calling for ceasefire Cara all right Marcus thank you for more let's bring in our senior Pentagon correspondent Louis Martinez Louie how soon can we expect the pier to actually open and start delivering this Aid K what we've heard is in coming days.

But I think we've been told that essentially it's going to start happening tomorrow um as early as tomorrow and we're talking about 500 tons that have been offloaded aboard onto a large vessel that's about several miles offshore and then there that amount of cargo is going to be unloaded onto that floating.

Platform that you see right now on your screens then trucks will take it it'll be unloaded onto a vehicle onto some shipping vehicles that will then transfer to a long pier that's about 500 yards long um so that's what we're talking about it's initial steps 500 uh tons it's uh not going to make a big drop uh in the bucket if you will but.

Essentially it's starting the process ultimately they think that they're going to build up to maybe 150 trucks worth of materials per day that's equal to about 2 million meals per day so what will the US military do to ensure that this Aid will be protected and delivered and that the right people will receive it and not.

Hamas earlier today car we had a conference call with some officials from usaid and as well as from us Central Command um this was obviously a big concern from reporters they were the ones asking the questions yeah exactly how how can we ensure that this is going to get to the right people um well number F first of all they talked about.

The priority being the safety of the US forces as well as the uh people who are working for the NOS that are going to be delivering this um material into Gaza um and they're working with the Israeli Defense Forces to ensure the safety of the pier now once they leave that area of course that's something that's going to be different um but that we are told.

That vetting is taking place of these NOS um and that the all efforts are being done uh stand best standard practices from these NOS of how to deliver materials inside of Gaza they say that they have systems in place that are are going to ensure that yes they do get to the people who need it most you know this was a multi-million dollar.

Operation how long uh can we expect the peer to actually stay open Kira the Pentagon has said that this is going to cost 3 $20 million for a duration of 3 months we've been asking does that mean that after 3 months it's over or this is just it um but I think right now that's the start and I think that us officials essentially are saying.

That what they want to see is that the aid flow begins and they know they know this isn't the solution they know that this is just another means of getting of Aid into Gaza that what they would like to see is the full opening of those land routes uh into Gaza working with Israel to ensure that but of course that's been the problem and of course now that's.

Been complicated even further with the closing of the Rafa gate along the border with Egypt Lou Martinez at the Pentagon appreciate you Louie thank you now to an ABC News exclusive our James Longman side by side with Ukraine's President Vladimir zalinski in.

Kar which is now in real Danger from a Russian Advance sininsky along with James visiting a hospital there where they met with soldiers injured in the northern defense James yeah hi k a fascinating conversation with president zilinski at a hospital here in kke now this is Ukraine's Second City it was.

Successfully defended uh for months but now it's under attack again and faces the prospect of Russian troops rolling up to its outskirts that is a really serious position to be in I went with president zilinsky to a hospital where he was meeting those injured in the defense of KH and the villages to the north of this city and he had some.

Strong words to say about how the delay in Aid has impacted the fight here have a listen it's difficult it's serious so brigades are not totally equipped because of the package which we waited through 8 months now president zki was also adamant that he felt that there was a misconception about how Aid Works he says that he thinks people imagine.

Somehow briefcases of cash are brought over to Ukraine and that it's just spent by the Ukrainian authorities he says that's not the case most of that $60 billion that was passed through Congress is money that is spent on manufacturing weapons in the United States he says that's a really important point to make because it's creating jobs he says in.

The US and it is an important issue at the war here in Ukraine for American voters it will be a really really Salient issue come November Kira look forward to more of your interview James Longman and Ukraine Forest James thanks coming up historically rare high-risk warnings for flash flooding in Texas and Louisiana our weather team with the.

Details next whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon main the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike.

In Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey en rolling for this tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front.

Lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in Beirut from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC.

News live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe some of the community doesn't feel like they need those answers I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who.

Felt her will never know peace did you just stand her and let my friend's child die if you want a relationship a happy relationship you need to be in control of that relationship ENT Tate is one of many male Supremacy influencers you see him as this guy that has money has girls basically he's a god compound what.

Prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking business from we're not the first affluent wealthy men who have been unfairly attacked you think he he raped you they never meant for any of this to be public someone has to say there's something wrong going around here enter Tate Into the manosphere Now streaming on.

Hulu well while Trump has now received all the support from Republican lawmakers lining up to defend him other House Republicans actually showed up for work here in our nation's capital because they're battling the Attorney General to get their hands on President Biden's interview with special counsel.

Robert her you see the justice department is telling lawmakers that Biden is claiming executive privilege and won't release the audio of his questioning by her who's investigating his handling or alleged mishandling of classified documents well House Republicans are already pushing to hold attorney general Meritt Garland in.

Contempt for defying their request for the recordings J O'Brien is on Capitol Hill to make sense of it all so the her report didn't recommend that the President should be charged for any kind of mishandling of classified documents but it's the special council's description of Biden that's been very embarrassing for the president so could.

These recordings make things worse if indeed everybody was able to actually hear the voices and hear the exact words yeah Kier remember this is the recording uh that said that that characterized the president in this interview rather this was the interview uh through which the special counsel characterized the president's behavior in the interview as.

Being an elderly man with a poor memory um and it was that characterization that the white house obviously strongly pushed back against but Republicans made a lot of political hay out of it and House Republicans said that they wanted the audio recording of that interview the transcripts of that interview have already been released but they want the.

Audio recording of it the White House says that if they were to release it it would discourage people uh maybe presidents in the future from participating in other kinds of special counsel investigations and they blatantly say they believe Republicans would use that recording for political purposes so they're not going to release.

It they've exerted executive privilege over it but Republicans are still going to move ahead with trying to hold the Attorney General in contempt for not giving up that recording so let's talk about that the Attorney General now faces being held in contempt so what's the likelihood that that could actually.

Happen well the Judiciary Committee uh in the house is meeting right here down this hallway right behind these closed doors and they are marking up that contempt resolution right now actually Congressman Roy very quickly can we get your reaction to the White House's decision on holding exe exerting executive prage over this reporting yeah.

Like we're just talking about in the uh hearing or in the markup um you know they've already pretty much waved privilege I mean they they already agreed to the transcripts the only question before us right now is whether or not we should be able to actually view or listen to I should say the audio recording um and you know we believe.

That it goes to the heart of the demeanor of the president obviously the special counsel her uh referred to the president's demeanor and State of Mind repeatedly throughout the his report so we believe it's kind of central to the question so uh you know this is not actually that complicated Remember by the way my Democratic colleagues held uh.

Attorney general Barn contempt for literally redacting that which he was legally required to redact now the White House says that you would use this recording for political purposes you would chop it up do they have a point there certainly House Republicans would I think the president does a pretty good job of making his State of Mind known to.

The American people every day when he addresses the American people uh in front of a camera thank you Congressman chip Roy Republican of Texas on the house Judiciary Committee which is right now voting as we speak Kira on whether or not to hold attorney general Merrick Garland in contempt for not giving up that audio recording of that interview.

All right uh great grab there by the way in real time as everything's happening Jay O'Brien on the hill Forest Jay thanks coming up should marijuana be considered as dangerous as meth well the White House effort to change the way cannabis is classified next I experienced a lot of Heartache I'm a.

Tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel lonely it's taken me a really long time to even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the Year goes to Lany Wilson that was a mik drop the Entertainer of the Year baby I do say the bell bottoms in the Hat as my.

Superhero outfit Wild wildes tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News Tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on.

television come give it all to me give it to me why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news.

Today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with for Edward R mural Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start.

Here we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe some of the community doesn't feel like they need those answers I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who felt her will never know peace did you just stand there and let my friend's.

Child Die California I'm I'm Robin Roberts wherever wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live so Stark warning from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration the ground in parts of Texas and.

Louisiana just can't absorb any more rain Noah says that areas near the gulf have gotten 600% of their normal rainfall and that's just in the past two weeks and it's not over some of those areas are now at rare high risk for flash flooding with the possibility of rain falling at the rate of 2 Ines per hour later today and through the night.

Our Meteorologist Melissa Griffin is tracking it so Mel we're talking lifethreatening flooding no doubt yeah very strong words from Noah today Kira and it's all because of this rare high risk it's so rare it only gets issued about 4% of the time but when it does get issued it's usually in Texas and in Louisiana and here we are again for.

Tonight Eastern Texas that includes Lufkin back through parts of Western Louisiana that's where we have that high risk for flash flooding and I think the timing of that is mainly going to be this evening into the overnight hours but anywhere in red stretching up through Waco and Dallas could see flooding as well and it's all because of.

These storms that are developing right now we can see these flash flood warnings already in parts of uh Texas right south of Dallas the severe thunderstorm watch because it's not just flooding but we're also watching for damaging winds hail the potten for brief tornadoes through this evening that stretches down to Austin into San Angelo.

But the flood watches extend all the way into Louisiana and Mississippi again that is for this evening here's the timing of it you can see Dallas getting the worst of it through the evening hours but when we take that time frame to 10 p.m. that's where we stop it in Eastern Texas and Western Louisiana again that's where that high risk for.

Flash flooding is 2 to 3 inch per hour rainfall rates are possible here and the ground so saturated it just can't absorb the rain that will fall this quickly those Rivers already so swollen they're going to continue to rise as we head into the early morning hours of Friday that line continues to stretch into parts of Louisiana and Mississippi even.

Into Far Western Alabama damaging winds will remain a threat into the early Friday morning hours and then again A Renewed threat for more severe storms and flash flooding from New Orleans all the way to Birmingham so K it looks like a very active 24 hours ahead and we'll be watching very closely that high risk of flash flooding all right Melissa.

Griffin thank you so some other top headlines were following this hour Slovakia's prime minister now in stable but serious condition after an assassination attempt yesterday Robert fitzco was shot multiple times and spent hours in emergency surgery that gunman who has not yet been identified has been charged.

With premeditated murder President Biden says the doj is taking a Monumental step on marijuana right now marijuana is classified as a schedule one drug the same category as heroin and LSD and Ecstasy but the doj wants to label marijuana as schedule three substance putting it alongside common prescription painkillers Biden says this move will.

Help address inequities and clear roadblocks for people charged with marijuana related drug offenses thanks for streaming with us I'm Kira Phillips the news never stops neither do we we'll be right back whenever wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in.

Buffalo yaldi Texas Edinburgh Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in Warson we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live.

Tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to world news tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on television we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe.

Some of the community doesn't feel like they need those answers I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who felted her will never no peace did you just stand there and let my friend's child die.

If you want a relationship a happy relationship you need to be in control of that Rel Andrew Tate is one of many male Supremacy influencers you see him as this guy that has money has girls basically he's a god this compound where prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking business from we're not the first affluent wealthy men who have been.

Unfairly attacked you think he he raped you they never meant for any of this to be public someone else to say there's something wrong going around here ENT your Tate Into the manosphere Now streaming on Hulu why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top.

Stories start here now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts here to good mornings in America Can You Feel The Love oh yeah mornings that Inspire filled with hope kindness joyous surprises and so much fun this is crazy this is absolutely crazy start your day.

With Good Morning America's ray of sunshine highlighting the best of America and helping make dreams come true wow just so happy it's so good get ready to smile and put the good into your Morning America because you know what will make the morning better a little Ray of sunshot first thing in the morning.

There's a lot going on we're still in a flash flood warning to catch you up with what happened overnight police in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters what's happening today as ating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between check out the gator on the 17th pole the.

Buzz kill in baseball the first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live and good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips topping our news this hour Michael Cohen back on the stand following a lunch break the defense.

Hammering away at his credibility the former attorney and fixer for Trump is in his third day of testimony in this historic criminal hush money trial Cohen is trying to strike down suggestions that he was obsessed with the former president then wanted to see Trump convicted and that he ultimately made money from badmouthing the former.

President well the former president's posy of support just continues to grow today several members of Congress joining him in court including members of the go op Freedom caucus like Representatives Matt Gates Lauren bber and Bob good let's bring in our senior reporter kathern falers also our legal contributor and trial attorney Brian.

Buckmire so Cohen has been back on the stand for what 10 minutes so anything dramatic happened thus far Katherine well look he's back on the stand as you note and the defense lawyers are really picking up on on where they left off before the lunch break they're focusing on that October phone call that occurred two days before the alleged hush money.

Payment was made and this is they're trying to poke holes in the inconsistencies they say with Cohen's story now Cohen testified on Tuesday when he was questioned by prosecutors that that phone call two days before the payment was specifically to update former president Trump on the payment and where where things stood to update.

Uh Trump on Stormy Daniels now what Todd blanch the defense attorney is doing here is presenting evidence that he says uh Cuts squarely against that he's saying he's presenting evidence um of coen's text messages with Keith Schiller the The Bodyguard uh Trump's bodyguard at the time saying that this was about a text about a Prank Caller Cohen wanted.

Schiller's help on it they were texting before the call Schiller called him and then Cohen called him back and then shortly after they talked on that call in question Cohen then sent Schiller the number of this Prank Caller blanch is trying to say actually Mr Cohen your call was about this Cohen uh is saying that he didn't lie about that that he.

Recalls the call uh with Schiller uh being also with President Trump at the time and that it was to update on Stormy Daniels so that's where we are there's inconsistencies blanch would argue in this account and he's really trying to hammer that home I'm curious to see how ultimately that resonates with the jury uh blanch trying to poke holes not only.

In Cohen's previous credibility and his lies before but what he said on the witness stand this week so Brian uh I'm just getting uh part of the testimony that's happening right now prosecutors are now complaining about Trump's Entourage we pointed out that a number of lawmakers uh the number of lawmakers growing every.

Time uh court is in session now uh today a handful of those uh supporting the former president filing into the courtroom well now apparently uh prosecutors are complaining to the judge saying that this political Entourage that's attending the trial and support of the former president is a distraction the judge saying yes I would advise that.

This not happen but then Todd blanch uh Trump's attorney said it was out of his hands saying your honor I have less than zero control over what is happening on anything or anyone that's behind me when I am crossing a witness I don't know what I don't have any control over that um Brian could this possibly backfire uh on the former.

President it could backfire in the sense that jurors are looking at who's in the audience and if they're there in support of Donald Trump and they don't like those people um based on what they know of them or what they believe they know of them from the media then yeah you you you take those negative implications of those people and you pass along to the.

Defense attorney and the defendant as well but in terms of backfiring with the actual judge and and and the prosecution making this argument I I think the prosecution should leave this alone it's an open and public court regardless of who you are you're allowed to be in that courtroom and so long as you're following the rules of the Court allow.

Them to be there if they become a distraction then they become a distraction only in so far that the jury is not focusing on the testimony they're not a distraction because they're waving a large sign or they're saying look at me I'm Matt Gates and I don't think you should be allowed to limit people's access to a courtroom because of who.

They are so I think from a legal standpoint the the defense blanch is correct not much you can do about it but I do think it is tricky uh for who is showing up because that could have a negative effect on the defense well let me follow up Brian what if they do start bringing in signs or speaking of or heckling in any way I mean you never.

Know what can happen um but would would that change the dynamic would the judge have the power to say out of my courtroom absolutely because that goes against the rules of the courtroom regardless of who you are if if Kira Phillips Brian buckmire Matt Gates Whoever walked into the court it doesn't matter who you are if you're doing those.

Things that you're listing those are against the court rules and that's when you have to get out for the heckling and disrupting of Court proceedings but simply because you're saying well this person is there they shouldn't be there um because of who they are I don't think that will work with any kind of Court ruling or or Court decorum.

Rules got it by the way that could be really interesting you me Matt Gates walking in that could be an interesting conversation sounds like an interesting joke to like three people walking into a bar but I'm G leave up for someone else there you go um so Katherine how does the jury seem to be responding uh to today's testimony maybe even the number.

Of lawmakers filing in yeah no that's a that's a great question I know that some uh members of the jury at least from our team that's reporting this out inside that courtroom have said that at times that the jury has glanced over to to that Entourage to see who they are frankly um the jury is fascinating to me and maybe this.

Honestly is how most jurors operate but they're very hard to read Kira and mainly that's because they're not really making any facial expressions during that uh before the lunch break where blanch was questioning Cohen on that call and question jurors didn't seem to visibly react in any form of surprise or or not surprise if you will but they're.

Very engaged they're writing down notes they're looking at the Trump's defense attorneys they're looking back at Cohen so they seem to be at least very engaged in the testimony in the lines of questioning from the defense so Brian what do you think about Michael Cohen um as much as he's getting hammered just knowing how he's been in.

The past he usually fires back he usually uh you know he's not one to sit back and be quiet but today he's quiet and he's calm and he's letting lawyers do what they need to do and he's not drifting away from his stories but he doesn't seem rattled either what do you make of that yeah he doesn't seem rattled I mean don't forget while he.

Doesn't have the ability to practice law in this state anymore I don't think in any state for that matter he's still a trained attorney he understands how Optics looks so when you have Todd blanch yelling at him saying you're a liar liar uh without any real hard evidence to prove otherwise other than just saying here's a text message before.

The call here's a text message after the call it seemed like the context of what you would have said in the middle is not correct based on what you testified uh short of having uh the actual individual on that phone call testify all Todd blanch can do is just yell at him and call him a liar and if Michael Cohen starts yelling back at him that creates.

A heated and contested argument where now you're thinking all right why are you getting so mad Michael kohen did he strike nerve but that calm Collective stance that he's taking I think adds a little bit of credibility if if if any at all because it's Michael conohan we know he's a liar in so many ways but I think his his demeanor lends itself to.

Be credible and that's a good thing for him he's smart to try to do that as opposed to what we've seen of him on Tik Tok and other uh other social media platforms all right Katherine bran thank you.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visiting troops near the Rafa area for the first time since the start of the war this comes as the multi-million dollar effort to get the us to help get Aid to Gaza is just one step closer to happening the military has now finished installing that Pier for the Gaza Strip to get that critical.

Humanitarian Aid into the warart torn region the pier has been under construction for months and has cost hundreds of millions of dollars our foreign Cor respondent Marcus Moore is in Tel Aviv Marcus haira Fierce fighting has continued throughout Gaza with new strikes in the north where the IDF says.

Hamas has been able to regroup and at the same time Israel is amassing more soldiers in the southern Gaza City of Rafa more than 500,000 people have EV evacuated from that City mainly in the east as Israeli Fighters carry out a ground operation that Israel says is meant to eliminate Hamas in their remaining stronghold and we've watched.

The the intensity of the operation only grow with more soldiers moving into that area and of course this operation comes despite calls from the US other countries and Aid groups for Israel to hold off because of the risk to civilians now Aid to the region has dropped significantly because of the fighting there and with no Aid coming.

Through the Rafa Crossing and very few trucks getting through the Kum Shalom crossing the humanitarian crisis has only gotten worse according to Aid groups but there was a significant uh development today progress on a pier being constructed by the US that Pier off the coast of the Gaza Strip is expected to be operational in the coming.

Days we are told that it has been completed and will could facilitate as many as 150 trucks going into Gaza every single day and so this is will be a significant development in terms of getting Aid to families and also hospitals there but on its own it still won't be enough Aid groups are desperately calling for ceasefire Cara.

All right Marcus thank you for more let's bring in our senior Pentagon correspondent Louis Martinez Louie how soon can we expect the pier to actually open and start delivering this Aid car what we've heard is in coming days but I think we've been told that essentially it's going to start happening tomorrow um as early as.

Tomorrow and we're talking about 500 tons that have been offloaded aboard onto a large vessel that's about several miles offshore and then there that balance of cargo is going to be unloaded onto that floating platform that you see right now on your screens then trucks will take it it'll be unloaded onto a vehicle onto some shipping vehicles that.

Will then transfer to a long pier that's about 500 yards long um so that's what we're talking about it's initial steps 500 uh tons it's uh not going to make a big drop uh in the bucket if you will but essentially it's starting the process ultimately they think that they're going to build up to maybe 150 trucks worth of materials per day that's.

Equal to about 2 million meals per day so what will the US military do to ensure that this Aid will be protected and delivered and that the right people will receive it and not Hamas earlier today car we had a conference call with some officials from usaid and as well as from us Central Command um this was obviously a big.

Concern from reporters they were the ones asking the questions yeah exactly how uh how can we ensure that this is going to get to the right people um well number for first of all they talked about the priority being the safety of the US forces as well as the people who are working for the NOS that are going to be delivering this um material into.

Gaza um and they're working with the Israeli Defense Forces to ensure the safety of the pier now once they leave that area of course that's something that's going to be different um but that we are told that vetting is taking place of these NOS um and that the all efforts are being done uh stand best standard practices from these NOS of how how to.

Deliver materials inside of Gaza they say that they have systems in place that are are going to ensure that yes they do get to the people who need it most you know this was a multi-million doll operation how long uh can we expect the pier to actually stay open Kira the Pentagon is said that this is going to cost $320 million for a.

Duration of three months we've been asking does that mean that after three months it's over or this is just it um but I think right now that's the start and I think that us officials essentially are saying that what they want to see is that the aid flow begins and they know they know this isn't the solution they know that this is just.

Another means of getting of Aid into Gaza what they would like to see is the full opening of those land routes uh into Gaza working with Israel to ensure that but of course that's been the problem and of course now that's been complicated even further with the closing of the Rafa gate along the border with.

Egypt Louis Martinez at the Pentagon appreciate you Louie thank you now to an ABC News exclusive our James Longman side by side with Ukraine's President Vladimir zalinski in carke which is now in real Danger from a Russian Advance sininsky along with James visiting a hospital there where.

They met with soldiers injured in the northern defense James yeah hi k a fascinating conversation with president president zilinski at a hospital here in KH now this is Ukraine's Second City it was successfully defended for months but now it's under attack again and faces the prospect of Russian troops rolling up to.

Its outskirts that is a really serious position to be in I went with president zinsky to a hospital where he was meeting those injured in the defense of KH and the villages to the north of this city and he had some strong words to say about how the delay in Aid has impacted the fight here have a listen it's difficult it's here so brigades are not.

Totally equipped because of the package which we waited through 8 months now president zki was also adamant that he felt that there was a misconception about how Aid Works he says that he thinks people imagine somehow briefcases of cash are brought over to Ukraine and that it's just spent by the Ukrainian authorities he says that's not the case.

Most of that $60 billion that was passed through Congress is money that is spent on manufacturing weapons in the United States he says that's a really important point to make because it's creating jobs he says in the US and it is an important issue at the war here in Ukraine for American voters it will be a really really Salient issue come November Cara.

Look forward to more of your interview James Longman and Ukraine Forest James thanks coming up historically rare high-risk warnings for flash flooding in Texas and Louisiana our weather team with the details next what does it take to be the most watched newscast in.

America an operation to capture Isis Fighters is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag.

There's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate thank you David to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David M I know you are.

You every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast this is not about parents who just let their kid watch violent movies play violent video games this is about parents who neglected their son ignored his cries for help and then bought him a gun the first parents in America to be.

Charged in a school shooting they purchased that gun for him and bragged about it you don't get to walk away from that that's a criminal act sins of the parents the crumbly tribe the opposite of love is not hate it's just being ignored only on Hulu why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the.

Know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see.

Coming wherever you get your podcasts start here well while Trump has now received all the support from Republican lawmakers lining up to defend him other House Republicans actually showed up for work here in our nation's capital because they're battling the Attorney.

General to get their hands on President Biden's interview with special counsel Robert her you see the justice department is telling lawmakers that Biden is claiming executive privilege and won't release the audio of his questioning by her who's investigating his handling or alleged mishandling of classified documents well House.

Republicans are already pushing to hold attorney general Merrick Garland in contempt for defying their request for the recordings our J O'Brien is on Capitol Hill to make sense of it all so the her report didn't recommend that the President should be charged for any kind of mishandling of classified documents but it's the special council's.

Description of Biden that's been very embarrassing for the president so could these recordings make things worse if indeed everybody was able to actually hear the voices and hear the exact words yeah K remember this is the recording uh that said that that characterized the president in this interview rather this was the interview.

Uh through which the special counsel characterized the president behavior in the interview as being an elderly man with a poor memory um and it was that characterization that the white house obviously strongly pushed back against but Republicans made a lot of political hay out of it and House Republicans said that they wanted the audio recording of.

That interview the transcripts of that interview have already been released but they want the audio recording of it the White House says that if they were to release it it would discourage people uh maybe presidents in the future from participating in other kinds of special counsel investigations and they blatantly say they believe Republicans.

Would use that recording for political purposes so they're not going to release it they've exerted executive privilege over it but Republicans are still going to move ahead with trying to hold the Attorney General in contempt for not giving up that recording so let's talk about that the Attorney General uh now faces being held.

In contempt so what's the likelihood that that could actually happen well the Judiciary Committee uh in the house is meeting right here down this hallway right behind these closed doors and they are marking up that contempt resolution right now actually Congressman Roy very quickly can we get your reaction to the White House's.

Decision on holding exe exerting executive privilege over this reporting yeah like we were just talking about in the uh hearing or in the markup um you know they've already pretty much waved privilege I mean they they already agreed to the transcripts the only question before us right now is whether or not we should be able to actually.

View or listen to I should say the audio recording um um and you know we believe that it goes to the heart of the demeanor of the president obviously the special counsel her uh referred to the president's demeanor and State of Mind repeatedly throughout the his report so we believe it's kind of central to the question so uh you know this is not.

Actually that complicated Remember by the way my Democratic colleagues held uh attorney general baren contempt for literally redacting that which he was legally required to react now the White House says that you would use this recording for political purposes you would it up do they have a point there certainly House Republicans would I.

Think the president does a pretty good job of making his State of Mind known to the American people every day when he addresses the American people uh in front of a camera thank you Congressman chip Roy Republican of Texas on the house Judiciary Committee which is right now voting as we speak Kira on whether or not to hold attorney general meric.

Garland in contempt for not giving up that audio recording of that interview all right uh great grab there by the way in real time as everything's happening Jay O'Brien on the hill Forest Jay thanks coming up should marijuana be considered as dangerous as meth well the White House effort to change the way cannabis is classified.

next Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas and bruss Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in warong we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the.

Stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News.

Tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on television we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe some of the community doesn't feel like they need those answers I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who.

Faed her will never know peace did you just stand her and let my friend's child die if you want a relationship a happy relationship you need to be in control of that relationship ENT Tate is one of many male Supremacy influencers you see him as this guy that has money has girls.

Basically he's a god his compound where prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking business from we're not the first affluent wealthy men who have been unfairly attacked you think he he raped you they never meant for any of this to be public someone else said there's something wrong going around here enter Tate Into the manosphere Now streaming.

On Hulu here to good mornings in America Can You Feel The Love yeah mornings that Inspire filled with hope kindness joyous surprises and so much fun this is crazy this is absolutely crazy start your day with Good Morning America's ray of sunshine highlighting the best of America and helping make dreams come true wow I'm just so happy it's so good.

Get ready to smile and put the good into your Morning America because you know what will make the morning better a little ray of sunshine why do so many people start their day here for ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the.

Story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts Friday night knock knock burglar may be to blame for the murder of a hairdresser Fabio sintelli there's blood everywhere an allnew 2020 True Crime irony of ironies one of the victims of knock knock burglaries was Fabio lanzon my phone start ringing off.

The hook there's a Twist here this is really personal that was shocking are you sure this is right oh my gosh I blacked out the new 2020 Friday night on ABC I'm Alex pet in East Palestina Ohio one year after that toxic train derailment wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News.

Live so a stark warning from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration the ground in parts of Texas and Louisiana just can't absorb any more rain Noah says that areas near the gulf have gotten 600% of their normal rainfall and that's just in the past 2 weeks and it's not over some of those areas are now at rare high risk.

For flash flooding with the possibility of rain falling at the rate of 2 in per hour later today and through the night our Meteorologist Melissa Griffin is tracking it so Mel we're talking lifethreatening flooding no doubt yeah very strong words from Noah today Kira and it's all because of this rare high risk it's so rare it only gets issued.

About 4% of the time but when it does get issued it's usually in Texas and Louisiana and here we are again for tonight Eastern Texas that includes lkin back through parts of Western Louisiana that's where we have that high risk for flash flooding and I think the timing of that is mainly going to be this evening into the overnight hours but anywhere in.

Red stretching up through Waco and Dallas could see flooding as well and it's all because of these storms that are developing right now we can see these flash flood warnings already in parts of uh Texas right south of Dallas the severe thunderstorm watch because it's not just flooding but we're also watching for damaging winds hail the.

Potential for brief tornadoes through this evening that stretches down to Austin into San Angelo but the flood watches extend all the way into Louisiana and Mississippi again that is for this evening here's the timing of it you can see Dallas getting the worst of it through the evening hours but when we take that time frame to 10 p.m. that's.

Where we stop it in Eastern Texas and Western Louisiana again that's where that high risk for flash flooding is 2 to 3 inch per hour rainfall rates are possible here and the ground so saturated it just can't absorb the rain that will fall this quickly those Rivers already so swollen they're going to continue to rise as we head into the.

Early morning hours of Friday that line continues to stretch into parts of Louisiana and Mississippi even into Far Western Alabama damaging winds will remain a threat into the early Friday morning hours and then again A Renewed threat for more severe storms and flash flooding from New Orleans all the way to Birmingham so here it looks like a very.

Active 24 hours ahead and we'll be watching very closely that high risk of flash flooding all right Melissa Griffin thank you so some other top headlines we following this hour Slovakia's primee Minister now in stable but serious condition after an assassination attempt yesterday Robert fitzco was shot.

Multiple times and spent hours in emergency surgery that gunman who has not yet been identified has been charged with premeditated murder President Biden says the doj is taking a Monumental step on marijuana right now marijuana is classified as a schedule one drug the same category as heroin and LSD and Ecstasy but the doj wants to label.

Marijuana as a schedule three substance putting it alongside common prescription painkillers Biden says this move will help address inequities and clear roadblocks for people charged with marijuana related drug offenses thanks for streaming with us I'm Kira Phillips the news never stops neither do we we'll be right.

Back I experienced a lot of heart a I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel lonely it's taken me a really long time to even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the Year goes to LAN that was a mic drop the Entertainer of the Year baby I do see the bell bottoms.

In the Hat as my superhero outfit wildes what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear.

Reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work.

Hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you David good to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David I know you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about.

Everything you need to know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news music and of course good food a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon everything you need to know I love that me reporting from Iowa on the 2024 campaign Trail I'm Mary Alice Parks wherever the story is we'll take you.

There you're watching ABC News live right now on ABC News live painting Michael Cohen as a liar and Donald Trump takes his gag order fight to New York's highest court the felony hush money trial enters day 18 we are live outside Court plus he's one of the most infamous men online he preaches a brand of brash.

Masculinity that his critics say is dangerous misogyny but in real life he's facing multiple legal cases in two different countries our investigation and Andrew Tate coming up and one for the history books the Dow topping 40,000 for the first time ever what it means for you your money even your 401k this hour.

and good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips and I'm Terry Moran at our top story this hour Donald Trump's former lawyer and longtime fixer Michael Cohen is back on the witness stand today for his third day of testimony in the Trump criminal hush money trial Cohen is facing a tough cross-examination he's.

Trying to push back against suggestions that he was obsessed with Trump wanted to see Trump convicted and that he ultimately made money from bad mouthing Trump Trump's team playing clips of Cohen's Mula podcast where he celebrates Trump's New York indictment saying I want to thank the Manhattan District Attorney's office and you better believe.

I want this man to go down and rot inside for what he did to me and my family these excerpts a far cry from the calm and hush Cohen that jurors have seen on the stand today but not so quiet the growing posy of lawmakers showing up to support Trump hard right GOP Freedom caucus Representatives Anna Paulina Luna Matt Gates Bob good Andy bigs Eli Crane.

And Lauren bobbert all showing up in court today prosecutors now raising concerns over this with the judge let's bring in our ABC News investigative reporter Olivia Rubin she's just outside Court along with legal contributor and trial attorney Brian buckmire so uh Olivia Trump's attorney resumed cross-examination he.

Showed yours text messages between Cohen and a 14-year-old Prank Caller all this relating to a a call to the White White House and it did seem like the defense made significant gains on this well it was a key point for Trump's attorney Todd blanch to hit because what he is trying to do is cast doubt that Michael Cohen actually had a call with.

Donald Trump in October where Trump allegedly confirmed that he should move forward with the payment to stormmy Daniels and remember Terry Michael Coen is the only one the only witness that prosecutors have to tie Trump to these conversations so when you see that text from a 14-year-old to Michael Cohen what Trump's team is trying to say is that.

Michael Cohen was not uh you know having a call to Keith Schiller Trump's bodyman to talk to Donald Trump what he was actually doing was reporting harassing phone calls that he had been getting to Keith Schiller because remember all prosecutors had to Memorial memorialize this alleged conversation between Cohen and Trump was a call in Cohen's call log.

To Keith Schiller Cohen testified he would call Schiller who would put Trump on the phone but now Trump's team is trying to say that Donald Trump was never put on the phone it was really this call about the alleged harassing phone calls and Michael Cohen wanted Trump's bodyman to do something about it and it was the most heated moment in the.

Cross-examination that we have seen and by far the most substantive where Todd was essentially yelling at Michael Cohen to say you lied about the conversation with mik with Donald Trump he pushed him to admit it to say that he was lying but Michael Cohen again stayed quite firm saying I can't admit it I did talk to Donald Trump staying calm throughout the.

Exchange thank you Olivia Brian I want to follow up on this with you so this is a phone call that Michael Cohen never mentioned in his grand jury testimony he was he didn't mention it apparently to the prosecutors wasn't asked about on direct examination he now says uh that this 42nd call was about stormmy Daniels and he thinks potentially he says also.

About this Prank Caller that he was getting and that he believes that he talked about story Daniels as well which led to the cross-examiner saying we don't want your belief and I'm just wondering I mean a lot of weasel words in that testimony there and I'm wondering how much damage it does to a jury this is one of the links between.

Trump and the crimes alleged Michael Cohen is critical how how good a day for it was the defense so far so far so good and and they're at least striking Accord to the to the extent that they are greasing sorry that they're raising some doubt in The credibility of Michael Cohen but I think about it this way unfortunately the way I say this as.

Defense attorney unfortunately the way the criminal justice system works prosecutors always get the last word they get the last word when it comes to giving uh cross-examination and then redirect uh they'll be able to go back and redirect uh Michael Cohen but more importantly they get the last word when it comes to summation so all of these.

Points the defense is going to bring they have to come under the scrutiny of prosecutors getting the last word so for me I evaluate how big of a deal it is to the extent that can the prosecutors recover from this now if the prosecutor gets up there and just fully lays out and redirect okay you can text someone that you're going to call them about one.

Issue have a conversation with them on that call about that issue and also other potential issues as well and then not talk about that issue on text message afterwards especially if the issue you're talking about is something about I don't know paying off uh porn star actress and UR ing that the person you're paying them off uh for doesn't.

Have a paper trail through text message that could be a reason why there's no text message about it now is that true I don't know but can the prosecutor make that argument or can they bring that up on redirect and somehow convince jurors that the big issue that the defense raised is not that big of an issue potentially and so we have to evaluate.

How this goes as the testimony and potentially summations continue so Olivia we now have learned that prosecutors are complaining about Trump's growing Entourage um saying that it's a distraction uh that they shouldn't be in there uh it looks like Todd blanch weighing in saying that he can't uh.

Control the posi here he's just trying to focus on his cross-examination uh but the judge did seem to sort of agree with prosecutors where do you see this going could this become such a distraction that the judge may be forced to say so and Trump will no longer be able to bring uh his uh growing number of lawmakers into the.

Courtroom well distraction Kira is the key word because just to Zone in on what prosecutors really raised to the judge was not the fact that he just has this posy in there it is the fact that there have been times when his Entourage and the the you know officials that he is bringing with him are disturbing the proceedings and being walked in and out.

Of the room in the middle of testimony while there is a witness on the stand and that it is something both the witness and the jurors are seeing it came after Michael Cohen's testimony previously on direct examination when members of Donald Trump's Entourage including Byron Donald came back into the courtroom in the middle of testimony.

Just as Michael Cohen was in the middle of an emotional moment describing exactly why he chose to flip on Donald Trump so they raised this to the judge this morning out of earshot of the jury to say that they should not be allowed to come and go during testimony it must be during the breaks when everyone else in the room is allowed to come and go.

Todd pushed back he said he had sort of no control over it but then just hours later it was Congressman Matt Gates who came right back in Waltzing in after doing television in the middle of testimony again so I would not be surprised if we see prosecutors go back to the judge once again and say you know he had agreed and said that they should.

Not be coming in during these times and there they were doing it again so I expect we'll see another issue raised all right Olivia Brian thank you both so much now to the war between Israel and Hamas Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited troops near the Rafa.

Area that's that City in southern Gaza for the first time since the start of the war all this comes as the multi-million dollar effort by the US to get more Aid to Gaza is it looks like one step closer to happening the military has now finished installing a pier for the Gaza Strip to help get absolutely critical humanitarian Aid.

Into that war torn region the pier has been under construction for months and has cost hundreds of millions of dollarss Chief National correspondent Matt Gutman and our national security analyst mck mroy join us now so Matt Netanyahu now meeting with troops uh near Rafa and I'm curious has he gone inside Rafa because just Reports say.

He's outside of Rafa but this is you know the first time since the war started that he has done this why now we think that he's trying to take back the narrative Kira uh just yesterday his own defense minister really for the third time issued this broadside against Netanyahu saying that he is essentially seeding the war that.

No decision on the day after who will replace Hamas is essentially a decision to allow Israel to reoccupy the Gaza Strip militarily and civil and that is something something by which he cannot abide um the defense establishment in Israel is making itself more and more uh vocal about the fact that they want some sort of replacement a Palestinian.

Authority or its Affiliates to take the place of Hamas otherwise any gains that they've made in this war they say will be squandered and that's what we're seeing right now Kira Israel is fighting in places it had cleared and left and where Hamas has regrouped and there are Israeli soldiers dying there and they they say that this is netanyahu's fault.

So perhaps we saw Netanyahu there in Rafa with those troops we're not sure how far in he got but to try to say hey I am seizing back the leadership I'm trying to change the narrative here this is not about Gallant this is about or the defense minister this is about me still being the leader of this nation kir bit of a stunt it sounds like there.

Matt Mick let me turn to you and this new American peer in Gaza you were part of the aid effort and of this effort as well tell us about it about this work and what type of Aid uh is going to get delivered and when so Terry to start with I really have to point out the Herculean effort that men and women of sencom.

Particularly uh the Army component and uh Lieutenant General Pat Frank's uh uh people that went into putting this together it was way faster than expected uh because it is critically needed and it will be allowing as you can see on the screen right now be allowing multiple ships and barges to bring Aid at scale so much larger than is coming.

In through any particular ground entry point into areas of Gaza where it's currently very disc difficult to access by truck so this is really important uh for the people uh that are obviously going to get this Aid the north is the place most experiencing famine conditions so this really needed to happen and I really would like to.

Commend uh again the US military for making it happen uh in such a quick manner it will be a game Cher when it comes to the delivery of humanitarian Aid so Matt let's just talk about how crucial this Aid is for the people of Gava Gaza rather and how the IDF is going to ensure that it's actually going to go to civilians and not Hamas and.

Also just protecting the pier protecting everything that's coming up to the shore there I think that's really the biggest question Kira no doubt that this Aid is going to be essential Mick just mentioned it there have been famine likee conditions in Northern Gaza for months now the question is well there are two questions one how are they going.

To secure this and are they going to get bogged down in bureaucracy there are multiple countries and agencies involved here so the us is going to offload the aid onto this pier um Palestinian subcontractors will then uh take it in they will be uh overseen by the UN Israel will provide Logistics and security control that's a lot of moving.

Parts a lot of different government agencies involved and Israel has shown at this point that it has not been able to maintain control over any one particular area so it has guaranteed security for those American troops operating in and around that Pier but can it actually guarantee it and that remains a pretty big question at this.

Point all right Matt Gutman uh and Mick mroy thank you very much for that well coming up the Dow Jones Industrial Average has reached a historic level today we'll tell you how hisor and what it means for you when we come back whenever news breaks we are here in.

Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey en rolling Fort This Tornado tore.

Through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket.

Line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one stream news we're trying to get answers for the.

Community at large even if maybe some of the community doesn't feel like they need those answers I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who fa her will never know peace did you just stand there and let my friend's child die.

well history for the stock market and possibly your 401k 401K today the Dow dropped or topped rather 40,000 for the very first time ever it's a big round number it's under that right now just as we come on the air talking about how great it is that it broke 40,000 but it.

Did and this record comes during a record run for stocks with the down NASDAQ and S&P 500 all Clos at new all-time highs there we go back up above 40,000 or is that Frozen ah that was that was earlier that was earlier it still count let's GOC business reporter Alexis Christoper she's here Elizabeth Shel sorry about.

That Elizabeth uh so it it it'll it got to 40,000 it'll get there again uh what's the significance how big of a deal this is you're we about 30 points shy Terry and Kira so you know maybe during the time of this segment we'll get back there but look this is a significant Milestone we're talking about the stock.

Index that most Americans think of when they think of the stock market you think of the Dow this is the index in the market that tracks 30 of the biggest American companies think of names like McDonald's Apple Amazon so hitting 40,000 is a milestone it is symbolic in a lot of ways and it as you say does come off of this record run that we're.

Seeing in the stock market the Dow's up about 6% so far this year when you go back in a year it's up 20% so that is more money for people who are invested in stocks new data shows about 60% of households are invested in the market right now but there is a little bit of a caveat here and that's that when you look at your 401k or your retirement.

Fund the index that those funds mostly track is actually the S&P 500 those are a little bit seen as a broader gauge of the market they include 500 of the biggest companies that index also at a record high but when you're kind of thinking about your money that's a little bit more what you want to be looking at still a big deal though so as.

We said all the market averages uh continued to hit all-time high what what happened right so look this is all about the expectations for what the Federal Reserve is going to do and the fact that the economy has remained resilient we've talked a lot about persistent inflation and we got new data yesterday that showed that inflation is still.

Persistent it's running hotter than the Federal Reserve wants to see but the data that we got showed that the trend is hopefully heading in the right direction in other words inflation is cooling again which would allow the FED to to start those long awaited interest rate Cuts lower interest rates are better for companies it makes it cheaper.

For them to borrow money generally lower rates help boost companies bottom line but there is a little bit of the reality here that even though we've been in this inflationary environment we've seen calls for a recession a lot of concerns about the health of the consumer here we are the stock market continues to hit records a lot of investors continue to.

Be bullish about the Outlook going forward though that does not necessarily mirror what a lot of people are feeling when they think about the economy uh you know not necessarily seeing a lot of that optimism that they're seeing on Wall Street Elizabeth schy great to see you thank you thanks guys and we'll turn now to the Supreme Court the justice has.

Just handed down a major decision today that upheld the constitutionality of the Consumer Finance Financial Protection Bureau in a 7-2 decision the court rejected a constitutional challenge by look by the banking industry and preserved a broad set of Regulation that govern everything from credit cards to personal loans and home.

Mortgages our senior Washington correspondent Deon DWI joins us for more he covers the Supreme Court for us so what does this ruling mean for everyday American consumers Devin this is a status quo decision in good news for many American consumers Kira this was the agency created after the financial crisis in 2008 to prevent some of those.

Corporate Financial abuses uh and predatory practic is that led uh to really the demise of the financial sector at that time that remains in place T thanks to the Supreme Court's ruling today the cfpb was designed by democrats during the Obama Biden Administration to be an independent regulator to pass some of those rules.

You talked about for credit cards personal loans home mortgages to increase disclosures to crack down on fees all of those things will now stay in place conservatives have tried to attack this Agency for years saying it's costly too many regulations but today the Supreme Court said that it was appropriately funded it can survive.

And that means that consumers in some 17 A5 billion dollars of restitution benefiting some 200 million Americans by the cfpb since it was founded will all remain and continue Kira so Devin uh it was an interesting ruling right 7 to2 liberal and conservative justices coming together on this and the question in it was well you.

Know this is uh an organization set up by Congress but doesn't get its money from Congress so why did seven justices including some conservatives agree to this well first of all this was a decision written by Justice Clarence Thomas the perhaps the most conservative certainly the most senior conservative on the Supreme Court.

Handing a big win to the Biden Administration that's not something you see every day and in fact he relied on a very conservative interpretation of the text of the Constitution and the history of this country to say that because Congress allocated money to the Federal Reserve which in turn uh provides money to this.

Agency that's fine it's it comports with the Constitution uh critics of that sort of convoluted Arrangement said that the cfpb needs to go to Congress every single year and ask for funding and that that perhaps uh didn't pass muster but today as you said this conservative majority including the three other conservatives Roberts Kavanagh and.

Barrett and the three liberals all United to say that this agency that's been really a signature piece of legislation by democrats can stand and you see President Biden today praised this as an unmistakable win for the American people the agency itself said that it will ensure stability in uh of the financial markets continue Fair.

Transparent and competitive practices but I should say Terry and cira the industry is not happy about this and they say that the Firestorm around the cfpb is just going to be beginning now because now that this uh legal challenge to the exist of the agency is off the table they're going to begin to bring legal challenges against some of the.

Rules specific rules that it's written around credit cards Bank fees and things like that guys and they may find more friends among the conservatives on the Supreme Court for that but the big one is it constitutional they won Deon DWI thanks much it will be around you bet thanks guys yep well coming up he's one of the most infamous men on the planet.

Kickboxer turned online provocator Andrew Tate will take you on our yearlong investigation into what Tate critics call the manosphere it's an online world of misogyny many say where he is one of the chief influencers what does it take to be the most watched newscast in.

America an operation to capture Isis Fighters This our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag.

There's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate Youk you David good to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David M I know you are watch.

You every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast Andrew Tate is one of the most infamous men on the planet and one of the most influential a kickboxer turned online provocateur he's made a name for himself on social media preaching a.

Brash brand of masculinity that many critics call dangerous misogyny but in real life he is now faced with three separate legal cases in two countries all claims that he denies and for the past year I along with our colleague Patrick revil and a team of producers have been investigating Andrew Tate and the so-called manosphere that he.

Influences and in many ways rules over we traveled to Romania to try to track him down here's a preview of this week's impact by Nightline Bucharest the historic capital of Romania but for Andrew and Tristan Tate.

It's a bit of a prison they are not legally permitted to leave the country might surprise you but Andrew Tate with all of his Fame and Fortune he lives out here near the airport and this is it this is his compound where prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking business from an allegation he.

Denies one thing you're constantly aware of here you're being watched this place just bristles with security guards cameras yeah look that's me they're there're that's on their camera their security camera they are watching us yes Bogdan uh this is Terry Moran with impact by Nightline in ABC News and um we've been trying to get a hold of of.

Andrew for a while I think he hung up Andrew and Tristan Tate moved here to Romania in 2017 and there began to grow an erotic webcam business I like living in countries where corruption is accessible for everybody in all of his public denials Andrew Tate has maintained not only that he is Innocent but that he is.

Being charged because he is outspoken because he is Rich and influential we're not the first affluent wealthy men who have been unfairly attacked the Tates are charged in Romania with human trafficking the charges alleging that the brothers set up an organized criminal group and subsequently recruited women by misleading them about.

The intention for the relationship transported them from other countries to Romania where they subjected them to physical violence and psychological coercion including intimidation surveillance and control with the purpose of sexual exploitation and forcing them to engage in pornographic acts for the brother's webcam business.

Andrew is also charged in the indictment with rape prosecutors accuse the Tates of sexually exploiting seven women including one American two of the women in this case do not consider themselves to be victims but most of the women do the brothers have vehemently maintained their innocence they've told the whole world.

On a human traffic told the whole world on this big Grand criminal you're expecting to see dungeons with chains and girls who are crying and black like you laugh i' I I'd cry if I didn't laugh about this literally are you ready for this to go on for a long time I mean it's obviously I'm I'm Built For War.

It's fine whoa um you and I have been talking about this for a while um why why were you so passionate about this this particular story because you had been listening to interviews he had done you've been reading in on him you've been following all these allegations and.

Even his his businesses yeah he he has come to stand for something really important I think in our country and countries around the world and that is there are a lot of lost young men young men who don't seem to have a purpose a mission a sense of real self-worth they blame feminism they blame an economy that has gone away from them they blame.

Lots of things and Andrew Tate who is a very charismatic person online and a two-time world champion kickboxer you can't take that away from him has managed to become the star and in some ways their savior saying I can teach you how to recover your position your rightful position in society and it's in one word dominance dominate women in.

Your life dominate the men around you get the money that you can don't let anyone get you down or get you too involved with love and all that stuff to tear you away from your mission which is to be dominant in the world and it may sound foolish to some but it's had a huge impact millions of young people millions.

Of boys are completely plugged into them you and I are raising young boys um I asked my son if he knew who this was you asked your son they did both know who he was and that scared me as a mom so it caused me to investigate why my son knew and he said oh Mom that's the guy with all the cars and the airplanes and and he didn't even really understand the.

Concept of how he was getting his money but these young boys are impressed with how he flaunts it and and they need to they need to understand the entire background which of course you lay out in this investigation it's uh it's pretty gross what he's gotten by with yep it's the Lamborghinis the Glamour the power the dominance that is.

Attractive to boys who are lost in how to become a man that's what they really need is better role models obviously so uh our year-long investigation has uh much more detail including an exclusive interview with the prosecutor who led the Romanian case the human trafficking case against Andrew and interviews that Patrick reval did with women who have.

Filed lawsuits against Tate for abuse and to Forma Tate employee who says that Tate's businesses aren't what they seem to be the full episode of impact By Night line into the manosphere is now streaming on Hulu and new episodes of this program impact drop every Thursday I'll be watching so will my family thanks for streaming with us I'm Kira.

Phillips and I'm Terry Moran the news never stops and we'll be right back whenever wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas Edinburgh Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in waron we're.

Heading to a small community out side of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will.

Billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News Tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on television we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe some of the community doesn't feel like they need those answers.

You I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who faed her will never know peace did you just stand her and let my friend's child die if you want a relationship a happy relationship you need to be in control of that relationship ENT Tate is one of.

Many male Supremacy influencers you see him as this guy that has money has girls basically he's a god this compound what prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking business from we're not the first affluent wealthy men who have been unfairly attacked you think he he raped you they never meant for any of this to be public someone has to says there's.

Something wrong going around here enter Tate Into the manosphere Now streaming on Hulu why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you.

Get your podcasts good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips and I'm Terry Moran and our top story at this hour Donald Trump's former lawyer and onetime fixer Michael Cohen is back on the witness stand for his third day of testimony in the former president's criminal hush money trial Cohen is facing a Fierce.

Cross-examine and pushing back against suggestions that he was obsessed with Trump somehow that he wanted to see Trump convicted and that he ultimately made money from badmouthing the former president the former president's posi also growing uh today you saw several members of Congress joining him in court including members of the GOP Freedom.

Caucus Representatives Matt Gates Lauren bobbert and also Bob good all joining the circle of support in that courtroom let's bring in our executive editorial producer John santui Senior reporter kathern falers and also Jerry goldf senior counsel at Coen oconor so uh Katherine let's start with you bring us up to speed on the.

Proceedings right now Cohen back on the witness stand after a brief recess and and a a really ferocious cross examination where he kind of struggled with a phone call that he hadn't told the grand jury about that he had told prosecutors about didn't come up on direct examination and now you know may be causing some problems for the.

Prosecution yeah I'm interested to see how this plays out and especially how the prosecution addresses this on redirect it has to do with a specific phone call that Cohen said that he had with Trump this was a call that was two days before that hush money payment now Cohen on Tuesday when he was questioned by prosecutors said that that call that.

He did recall um the reasoning for that call and it was because he wanted to update former president Trump on the Stormy Daniels matter now he was asked about that same call during cross-examination with defense attorney Todd blanch who presented um Communications that bookended that call with uh Keith Schiller Trump's bodyguard.

For example um where he essentially was saying that he was getting Cohen was saying he was getting harassing texts from uh somebody who was blocking their number who happened to be a minor now Todd blanch the defense attorney presented text messages that showed uh that it appeared at least that Cohen wanted to talk to Trump's bodyman Keith.

Schiller specifically uh as it related to how to block that call or or what to do about that so he was asked about that Cohen was asked about that and he said he stood by his account but it it does seem to poke some holes in it um but look I guess you could have had a call about two things so I'm curious to see ultimately how that resonates with the.

Jury Todd blanch spent a lot of time just focusing on Cohen's previous lies not current lies so again I'm not really sure the strategy there but I'm sure you'll hear more about that as well so Jerry the defense has been working overtime to establish that Cohen lied so much he can't be trusted he can't even remember all of his lies do.

You think that this strategy is working to discredit him or are there areas where he's been very believable it's really hard to know obviously uh look we know he's a liar the jury knows that he's a liar the prosecution brought that out and now the defense is going like picking a scab going through every little Nuance of.

Lies that he told and he's admitting it um I think what what the jury needs to uh think about is overall even though he may have lied about a whole host of things relating to Trump relating to himself in the past is he telling the truth about the story about the the main story The Charge that the prosecution has made that's that.

Will be the the challenge for the prosecution that's the challenge for the jury I do want to point out one little nugget that the uh defense uh elicited they asked they asked Michael con if this was Tri if this trial was important to him personally and he said yes and then they asked him do you lie when something is important to you personally.

And he said yes and that little nugget I think could be very damaging uh for the prosecution we'll see that's a veteran trial or's observation there thanks very much for that John let me go to you on the prosecutors complaining about you know Trump's Entourage this it's become a political event actually uh Trump would.

Argue from the beginning it was and now politicians showing up in the courtroom and the prosecution is upset why so remember Terry part of the thing that Donald Trump has been having some of his allies do is go out and do media availabilities press conferences Etc and one thing prosecutors are arguing is that this is a bit disruptive during the.

Proceedings people are getting up they're you know coming in coming out and as we know Katherine myself others on our team who have been over in court one of the things that is very clear is that once you're in court you really can't get up from Court you can't move around they really want to keep the room silent focused listening to whomever is.

On the witness stand testifying so that really is the long and short of it and obviously as we know Donald Trump has been bringing everybody to this courtroom between the Speaker of the House multiple members of the Senate all of whom are competing in part to potentially be his running mate for the 2024 election so I think a little bit of.

That but look I don't think that's going to stop Donald Trump anytime soon from bringing any of his you know political allies to court with him all right John Katherine and Jerry thank you now of the war between Israel and M.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited troops near the Rafa area that's that City in southern Gaza for the first time since the start of the war all this comes is the multi-million dollar effort by the US to get more Aid to Gaza is it looks like one step closer to happening the military has now finished installing a.

Pier for the Gaza Strip to help get absolutely critical humanitarian Aid into that war torn region the pier has been under construction for months and has cost hundreds of millions of dollars Chief National correspondent Matt Gutman and our national security analyst mck mroy join us now so Matt Netanyahu now meeting with troops uh near Rafa and I'm.

Curious has he gone inside Rafa because just Reports say he's outside of Rafa but this is you know the first time since the war started that he has done this why now we think that he's trying to take back the narrative Kira uh just yesterday his own defense minister really for the third time issued the.

This broadside against Netanyahu saying that he is essentially seeding the war that no decision on the day after who will replace Hamas is essentially a decision to allow Israel to reoccupy the Gaza Strip militarily and civil and that is something by which he cannot abide um the defense establishment in Israel is making itself more and more uh vocal.

About the fact that they want some sort of replacement a Palestinian Authority or its Affiliates to take the place of Hamas otherwise any gains that they've made in this war they say will be squandered and that's what we're seeing right now Kira Israel is fighting in places it had cleared and left and where Hamas has regrouped and.

There are Israeli soldiers dying there and they they say that this is netanyahu's fault so perhaps we saw Netanyahu there in Rafa with those troops we're not sure how far in he got but to try to say hey I am seizing back the leadership I'm trying to change the narrative here this is not about Gallant this is about or the defense minister.

This is about me still being the leader of this nation Kira bit of a stunt it sounds like there Matt Mick let me turn to you and this new American peer in Gaza you were part of the aid effort and of this effort as well tell us about it uh about this work and what type of Aid uh is going to get delivered and when so Terry to start with I really.

Have to point out the Herculean effort that men and women of sencom particularly uh the Army component in uh Lieutenant General Pat Frank's uh uh people that went into to putting this together it was way faster than expected uh because it is critically needed and it will be allowing as you can see on the screen right now we're allowing.

Multiple ships and barges to bring Aid at scale so much larger than is coming in through any particular ground entry point into areas of Gaza where it's currently very disc difficult to access by truck so this is really important uh for the people uh that are obviously going to get this Aid the north is the place most experienced ing famine.

Conditions so this really needed to happen and I really would like to commend uh again the US military for making it happen uh in such a quick manner it will be a game Cher when it comes to the delivery of humanitarian Aid so Matt let's just talk about how crucial this Aid is for the people of Gava Gaza rather and how the IDF is.

Going to ensure that it's actually going to go to civilians and not Hamas and also just protecting the peer protecting everything that's coming up to the shore there I think that's really the biggest question Kira no doubt that this Aid is going to be essential Mick just mentioned it there have been famine likee conditions in Northern Gaza for.

Months now the question is well there are two questions one how are they going to secure this and are they going to get bogged down in bureaucracy there are multiple countries and agencies involved here so the us is going to offload the aid onto this pier um Palestinian subcontractors will then uh take it in they will be uh overseen by the UN.

Israel will provide Logistics and security control that's a lot of moving Parts a lot of different government agencies involved and Israel has shown at this point that it has not been able to maintain control over any one particular area so it has guaranteed security for those American troops operating in and around that Pier but.

Can it actually guarantee it and that remains a pretty big question at this point all right Matt Gutman uh uh and Mick mroy thank you very much for that well coming up the Dow Jones Industrial Average has reached a historic level today we'll tell you how historic what it means for you when we come.

Back I experienced a lot of Heartache I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel lonely it's taken me a really long time to even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the Year goes to Lany Wilson that was a mic drop the Entertainer of the Year baby I do see.

The bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero outfit tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News Tonight with David mure the most watched.

Newscast on television it to why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the no and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news.

Today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start.

Here we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe some of the community doesn't feel like they need those answers I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who felt her will never know peace did you just stand there and let my friend's child.

die well history for the stock market and possibly your 401 kid 40 1K today the Dow dropped or topped rather 40,000 for the very first time ever it's a big round number it's under that right now just as we come on the air talking about how great it is that it broke 40,000 but.

It did and this record comes during a record run for stocks with the Dow NASDAQ and S&P 500 all closing at new all-time highs there we go back up above 40,000 or is that Frozen ah that was that was earlier that was earlier it still counts let's go to ABC business repor Alexis Christoper she's here Elizabeth Shel sorry about.

Elizabeth uh so it it it'll it got to 40,000 it'll get there again uh what's the significance how big of a deal you're we're about 30 points shy Terry and Kira so you know maybe during the time of this segment we'll get back there but look this is a significant Milestone we're talking about the stock index that most Americans think of when.

They think of the stock market you think of the Dow this is the index in the market that tracks 30 of the biggest American companies think of names like McDonald's Apple Amazon so hitting 40,000 is a milestone it is symbolic in a lot of ways and it as you say does come off of this record run that we're seeing in the stock market.

The Dow's up about 6% so far this year when you go back in a year it's up 20% so that is more money for people who are invested in stocks new data shows about 60% of households are invested in the market right now but there is a little bit of a caveat here and that's that when you look at your 401k or your retirement fund the index that those.

Funds mostly track is actually the S&P 500 those are a little bit seen as a broader gauge of the market they include 500 of the biggest companies that index also at a record high but when you're kind of thinking about your money that's a little bit more what you want to be looking at still a big deal though so as we said all the market averages uh.

Continued to hit all-time high what what happened right so look this is all about the expectations for what the Federal Reserve is going to do and the fact that the economy has remained resilient we've talked a lot about persistent inflation and we got new data yesterday that showed that inflation is still persistent it's running hotter than the.

Federal Reserve wants to see but the data that we got showed that the trend is hopefully heading in the right direction in other words inflation is cooling again which would allow the FED to start those long awaited interest rate Cuts lower interest rates are better for companies it makes it cheaper for them to borrow money generally lower.

Rates help boost companies bottom line but there is a little bit of the reality here that even though we've been in this inflationary environment we've seen calls for a recession a lot of concerns about the health of the consumer here we are the stock market continues to hit records a lot of investors continue to be bullish about the Outlook going.

Forward though that does not necessarily mirror what a lot of people are feeling when they think about the economy uh you know not necessarily seeing a lot of that optimism that they're seeing on Wall Street Elizabeth schy great to see you thank you thanks guys and we'll turn now to the Supreme Court the justice has just handed down a major decision today.

That upheld the constitutionality of the Consumer Finance Financial Protection Bureau in a 7-2 decision the court rejected a constitutional challenge by look by the banking industry and preserved a broad set of regulations that govern everything from credit cards to personal loans and home mortgages our senior Washington.

Correspondent Deon DWI joins us for more he covers the Supreme Court for us so what does this ruling mean for everyday American consumers Devin this is a status quo decision in good news for many American consumers Kira this was the agency created after the financial crisis in 2008 to prevent some of those corporate Financial abuses uh and.

Predatory practices that led uh to really the demise of the financial sector at that time that remains in place T thanks to the Supreme Court's ruling today the cfpb was designed by democrats during the Obama Biden Administration to be an independent regulator to pass some of those rules you talked about for credit cards.

Personal loans home mortgages to increase disclosures to crack down on fees all of those things will now stay in place conservatives have tried to attack this Agency for years saying it's costly too many regulations but today the Supreme Court said that it was appropriately funded it can survive and that means that consumers in some 17.5.

Billion dollar of restitution benefiting some 200 million ion Americans by the cfpb since it was founded will all remain and continue Kira so Devin uh it was an interesting ruling right 7 to2 liberal and conservative justices coming together on this and the question in it was well you know this is uh an organization set up.

By Congress but doesn't get its money from Congress so why did seven justices including some conservatives agree to this well first of all this was a decision written by Justice Clarence Thomas the perhaps the most conservative certainly the most senior conservative on the Supreme Court handing a big win to the Biden Administration that's not.

Something you see every day and in fact he relied on a very conservative interpretation of the text of the Constitution and the history of this country to say that because Congress allocated money to the Federal Reserve which in turn uh provides money to this agency that's fine it's it comports with the Constitution uh critics of that sort.

Of convoluted Arrangement said that the cfpb needs to go to Congress every single year and ask for funding and that that perhaps uh didn't pass muster but today as you said this conservative majority including the three other conservatives Roberts Kavanaugh and Barrett and the three liberals all United to say that this agency that's.

Been really a signature piece of legislation by democrats can stand and you see President Biden today praised this as an unmistakable win for the American people the agency itself said that it will ensure stability in uh of the the financial markets continue Fair transparent and competitive practices but I should say Terry and cira the.

Industry is not happy about this and they say that the Firestorm around the cfpb is just going to be beginning now because now that this uh legal challenge to the existence of the agency is off the table they're going to begin to bring legal challenges against some of the rules specific rules that it's written around credit cards Bank fees.

And things like that guys and they may find more friends among the conservatives on the Supreme Court for that but the big one is it constitutional they won Deon DWI thanks much it will be around you bet thanks guys yep well coming up he's one of the most infamous men on the planet kickboxer turned online provocator.

Andrew Tate we'll take you on our yearlong investigation into what Tate's critics call the manosphere it's an online world of misogyny many say where he is one of the chief influencers than what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters This our combat Operation.

Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here.

Made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love it great work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you David good to meet you is David DAV yes yes I'm David M I know you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with.

David mure is America's most watched news cast I experienced a lot of heart a I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel lonely it's taken me a really long time to even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the Year goes to Lany.

Wilson that was a mic drop the Entertainer of the Year baby I do see the bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero outfit wow number one news source I'm W Johnson reporting from Maui wherever the story is we'll take you there your streaming ABC News.

Live Andrew Tate is one of the most infamous men on the planet and one of the most influential a kickboxer turned online provocateur he's made a name for himself on social media preaching a Brash brand of masculinity that many critics call dangerous misogyny but in real life he is now faced with three separate legal cases in two countries.

All claims that he denies and for the past year I along with our colleague Patrick revil and a team of producers have been investigating Andrew Tate and the so-called manosphere that he influences and in many ways rules over we traveled to Romania to try to track him down here's a preview of this week's impact by Nightline.

Bucharest the historic capital of Romania but for Andrew and Tristan Tate it's a bit of a prison they are not legally permitted to leave the country might surprise you but Andrew Tate with all of his Fame and Fortune he lives out here near the airport and this.

Is it this is his compound where prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking business from an allegation he denies one thing you're constantly aware of here you're being watched uh this place just bristles with security guards cameras yeah look that's me they're they're that's on their camera their security camera there watching us yes.

Bogdan uh this is Terry Moran with impact by Nightline and ABC News and um we've been trying to get a hold of of Andrew for a while I think he hung up Andrew and Tristan Tate moved here to Romania in 2017 and there began to grow an erotic webcam business I like living in countries where corruption is accessible.

For everybody in all of his public denials Andrew Tate has maintained not only that he is Innocent but that he is being charged because he is outspoken because he is Rich and influential we're not the first affluent wealthy men who have been un fairly attacked the Tates are charged in Romania with human trafficking the charges alleging that.

The brothers set up an organized criminal group and subsequently recruited women by misleading them about the intention for the relationship transported them from other countries to Romania where they subjected them to physical violence and psychological coercion including intimidation surveillance and control with the.

Purpose of sexual exploitation and forcing them to engage in pornographic acts for the brother's webcam business Andrew is also charged in the indictment with rape prosecutors accused the Tates of sexually exploiting seven women including one American two of the women in this case do not consider themselves to be victims but most of the women do.

The brothers have vehemently maintained their innocence they've told the whole world on a human traffick told the whole world on this big Grand criminal you're expecting to see dungeons with chains and girls who are crying and black like you'll laugh i' I I'd cry if I.

Didn't laugh about this literally are you ready for this to go on for a long time I mean it's I'm I'm Built For War it's fine whoa um you and I have been talking about this for a while um why why were you so passionate about this this particular story because you had been.

Listening to interviews he had done you've been reading in on him you've been following all these allegations and even his his businesses yeah he he has come to stand for something really important I think in our country and countries around the world and that is there are a lot of lost young men young men who don't seem to have a purpose a.

Mission a sense of real self-worth they blame feminism they blame an economy that has gone away from them they blame lots of things and Andrew Tate who is a very car Matic person online and a two-time world champion kickboxer you can't take that away from him has managed to become the star and in some ways their savior saying I can teach you.

How to recover your position your rightful position in society and it's in one word dominance dominate women in your life dominate the men around you get the money that you can don't let anyone get you down or get you too involved with love and all that stuff to tear carry away from your mission which is to be dominant in the world and it.

May sound foolish to some but it's had a huge impact millions of young people millions of boys are completely plugged into them you and I are raising young boys um I asked my son if he knew who this was you asked your son they did both know who he was and that scared me as a mom so it caused me to investigate why my son knew and he said oh Mom.

That's the rich guy with all the cars and the airplanes and and he didn't even really understand the concept of how he was getting his money but these young boys are impressed with how he flaunts it and and they need to they need to understand the entire background which of course you lay out in this investigation it's uh it's pretty gross.

What he's gotten by with yep it's the Lamborghinis the Glamour the power the dominance that is attractive to boys who are lost in how to become a man that's what they really need is better role models obviously so our year-long investigation has uh much more detail including an exclusive interview with the prosecutor who led the Romanian case.

The human trafficking case against Andrew and interviews that Patrick geval did with women who have filed lawsuits against Tate for abuse and to for a tate employee who says that Tate's businesses aren't what they seem to be the full episode of impact by Nightline into the manosphere is now streaming on Hulu and new episodes of this program impact drop.

Every Thursday I'll be watching so will my family thanks for streaming with us I'm Kira Phillips and I'm Terry Moran the news never stops and we'll be right back what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters our combat Operation Center.

We're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile.

You're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you David good to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David M I know who you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched.

Newscast this is ABC News live the crush of families on the ground in Ukraine ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number number one streaming news from fton County court in Atlanta I'm Aaron kerki wherever the story is.

We'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live good afternoon everyone I'm Kira Phillips right now on ABC News live testimony concluding for the day in the former president's criminal hush money trial Michael Cohen was on the stand all day facing a tough cross-examination.

Trying to push back against suggestions he was obsessed with Trump today's testimony a far cry from the calm and hush Cohen that jurors have seen on the stand but not so quiet the growing posy of lawmakers showing up to support Trump today members of Congress joining him in court including members of the GOP Freedom caucus you saw Representatives.

Matt Gates Lauren bobbert even Bob good let's bring in our investigative reporter Olivia Ruben she is outside Court she's also joined by Jerry gold feter senior council at Coen OK Conor Olivia Trump's attorney finally getting into the weeds of that $130,000 hush money payment to Stormy Daniels uh of course this is the center of this case.

Um before court wrapped what was the highlight he did it only took about you know 8 hours of cross- examination before getting to that payment and I suspect that there will be much more questions about it but really kicking off by getting Cohen to admit that on its face there was nothing illegal about the $130,000.

Payment to Stormy Daniels they looked at the contract Trump's attorney Todd blanch said on its face you did feel and still feel that this is a perfectly legal contract and Michael Cohen said yes he agreed with that statement and Todd followed up and said and there is nothing illegal about an NDA of this sort and Cohen said that is correct but.

I do suspect that much like we have seen with the phone calls that uh Michael Cohen testified to and other payments that Todd is going to try to distance Trump from them again try to make it seem as if Michael Cohen was a rogue actor there and that much of what he did he did on his own without consulting with Donald.

Trump so Jerry in your opinion what was the most damning testimony during cross-examination yeah they demonstrated that he's a liar but the jury knew that and so I'm not sure how much they succeeded in moving their case along they don't have a c counternarrative but what's interesting here is that after the jury left they spoke to the judge.

The defense lawyer spoke to the judge about bringing in another witness someone named Bradley Smith who is an election law expert and I think what they're going to try to prove is that Trump was not intending to influence the election that the money paid to stormmy Daniels was not an inine campaign contribution and if they succeed at.

Doing that they'll blow a hole in the prosecution's case wide open all right well Olivia Trump appeared uh probably the most engaged in Cohen's testimony after returning from lunch uh opened up his eyes what did you think uh happened that caused him to sort of sit up and pay attention this time.

Around well we know that Donald Trump likes when his attorneys are aggressive he know he likes he likes a lawyer that is aggressive and that's exactly what Todd blanch started giving him aggressive aggressive questioning of Michael Cohen about specifically his dealings with Donald Trump trying to poke holes and possibly having.

Conversations with Donald Trump specifically but we have seen Trump's engagement with the trial sort of Wayne in and out he has certainly been keeping his eyes closed much more during Michael Cohen's testimony than he has during other testimony Perhaps it is some sort of tactic he wants to appear to Coen that he is unengaged and uninterested.

With what he has to say to the jury and I would also point out that much of you know his entourage is no longer in the courtroom weaving in and out with him as well so who's to say you know what really goes on in the break room that Trump and his team retreats to during the morning and afternoon break during the lunch what sort of strategy sessions.

They're having in there although I will say just on Tuesday we did get a peek in there when his uh campaign surrogates recorded a video in there and released it for fundraising ah yes I you know let me follow up on that because we talked about that what was not yesterday because there wasn't court but the day.

Before the fact that Trump is not not only having all these lawmakers come and show um support and Olivia and Jerry I'll have you both weigh in on this um but that number of lawmakers continues to grow uh and already it was a bit of a distraction today the judge even commented that this might have to you know slow down a bit here and it was.

Becoming a little bit of a distraction but Olivia how was it that you know uh a video was allowed to be made how was that done who was shooting the video and and how was that allowed how was that not a distraction well that appeared to have occurred uh during their private uh in their private holding area during one of.

The breaks you could see his daughter-in-law Laura Trump uh Byron Donald's was in that video a number of individuals showing their support uh for the former president who was in the back of it and Todd blanch his attorney was also in the back of that video I think that could be the first time we have seen one of his current lawyers in a.

Video that was then sent out for fundraising purposes so that's not necessarily the distraction cira but what has been quite stunning at times is the way that his you know campaign uh attendees these political allies have been coming into court in the middle of testimony it's one thing to bring them into the room in the morning with Donald.

Trump and have them sit there and watch but because they are going in and out and doing television hits his allies that are with him they are ending up coming in while there is a witness on the stand in the middle of testimony and it's something that prosecutors raised to the judge outside of the earshot of the jury saying we can't have that we.

Can't have Byron Donalds and Matt Gates strolling into the courtroom while there is a witness on the stand and it was quite stunning when it happened on Tuesday Michael Cohen was quite literally in the middle of telling the jury about his decision to flip on President Donald Trump it was a quite emotional moment for him you could sort.

Of feel that tension in the room then all of a sudden the door opens and his allies return from their television hits so what prosecutors have asked earlier this morning was for that to not be allowed that they can't come and go for the witness and jury to see but again just hours later Matt Gates doing the same thing Kira I mean talk about a.

Political circus and Jerry I just want to ask you from a legal perspective and as a lawyer um okay so Trump is one thing using the courtroom as his basically campaign forum and using it to fund raise and and and now making a video but now you have all these other lawmakers saying that they're coming to support uh the former president which.

Okay that could be true but they are also now jumping on the campaign B bandwagon and using this as a forum to do interviews and and promote themselves and sort of ride the media train here because now they're becoming a part of a story story when these lawmakers have nothing to do with hush money payments to well that we know of to Stormy.

Daniels so I guess what do you think of this whole charade going on and these politicians kind of jumping on but also Jerry I want to know will there come a point where the judge says okay enough is enough let's get back to what this case is about and just make some sort of decision to just you know cut the circus really well I I think you characterize.

It perfectly it is a circus and and look the the purpose there's a variety of purposes here first of all it's to distract the American people from what's actually going on in the courtroom and it's also to show support for him and perhaps calm him down uh but if I were the judge at a certain point I would I I couldn't stop them from being there but.

I could certainly say that people cannot go walking in and out during testimony that's not only a distraction of the proceedings but it has a subtle or maybe not so subtle influence on the jewelry on the jury and I think that's its purpose and I'm not sure that the jury will respond positively or negatively to this uh all these going on but if I were.

A juror and I saw this going on I I might react negatively and might just chalk it up to just another facet of trump being Trump and I think that I would on in some some subconscious level hold it against him so I'm not sure that his intent is going to be fulfilled here and um and I think it's inappropriate if I were on the other.

Side as the prosecutors um have already done is to raise the issue with the judge to stop this because at the very least it is just as you say it is a dist raction and really should should not interfere with the trial how much longer do you think Jerry this is going to we thought it was going to go on for what six weeks six eight.

Weeks now we're hearing it may wrap up way sooner well I think they're going to I think they're going to continue uh they obviously going to continue with the cross-examination of con on Monday they finisher today there's no trial tomorrow because of Trump's son uh his graduation so on Monday they probably prob will finish with.

Cross-examination of con and they've already indicated that they're bringing in an election law expert to testify as to the rules and regulations of the Federal Election Commission the meaning of uh a contribution whether or not somebody is intending to influence an election under the under the law so um he will be he will be a witness at a at.

A at a certain point uh but I skip over the fact that after cross-examination the question is whether the prosecution will rest or whether the prosecution will have uh additional Witnesses we don't know that yet and let's assume they rest let's assume there's no other um uh uh Witnesses for the prosecution then uh at the very least they're going.

To bring in this election law expert the defense will as their first perhaps only witness it's not clear I still have this nagging feeling as everybody does that Trump really wants to testify I think there zero chance that'll happen I think he would be crazy to do so but he I I I have a feeling as a lot of people do that he probably wants to and so there's.

There's probably a battle going on between the lawyers and him um as to whether or not he does it we'll see yeah but he always does what he wants to do so um um so you really think his lawyers could keep him from doing it well I don't really know all I can say is that you're absolutely right the history is such.

That he really does whatever he wants and he doesn't really care what lawyers tell him what accountants tell him what anybody tells him right and but this is this is about a conviction this is about his freedom and um I hope for his sake that he has a little voice in his head telling him I know you want to testify I know you want to tell your story but.

Don't do it well Olivia he did say uh what there was a back and forth I'm not going to debate I'll debate I'm not going to debate now apparently he's going to debate uh President Biden so he says I'll testify maybe I won't testify I mean what do you think Olivia you're there every single day and you're.

Listening to to to all the conversations going on mhm well I think what you said is exactly right that ultimately Donald Trump does think that he is his own best defender if you watch him in court you can see him even trying to sort of micromanage the lawyering that's being done we talked about him hitting his.

Attorney when he wanted her to step forward and make an objection and so that will likely cross over and he has indicated he would like to testify I asked him about it weeks ago and he said he did want to so there is that also but also just thinking about his other cases that he has been a part of the Civil Trial the egene Carrol case that he.

Attended I covered both of those as well both times Donald Trump took the stand in his own defense granted those were not criminal cases they were civil cases so the stakes were much lower but it exemplifies just how much Donald Trump wants to speak to his own defense in that egene Carrol trial specifically it was so limited what he could say he.

Literally got on the stand just to answer three questions and they were essentially yes or no questions he was on the stand for less than five minutes but still making his appearance there so you'd have to think that he would want to do that as well here and want to speak for himself specifically about conversations that Michael Cohen is.

Testifying that he is the only one that can rebut he could get up there and say the conversation he's talking about that never happened but you have to weigh the risk that he is also going to face Fierce cross-examination from prosecutors who have been given the green light from Judge Maran to question him about other legal issues that he has.

Does he really want to bring those in front of the jury guys and now Olivia apparently what's happening in core the defense uh attorney arguing in favor of allowing defense expert testimony about Federal campaign laws this has been a conversation we've been having on how campaign fin F how campaign Finance laws.

And and funds play into all of this so what what does this mean now what's happening right now well they want to bring forward this expert to be able to walk the jury through you know campaign Finance laws and remember Donald Trump's not facing any of those uh crimes here Michael Cohen of course pled guilty to the.

Excessive campaign contribution but remember why these underlying you know State uh laws are so important and what the underlying crime is is because prosecutors need to prove the underlying crime in order to bump up the misdemeanors into a felony a falsifying business records is a misdemeanor unless it is done in furtherance of another.

Crime but what is so fascinating here is that prosecutors haven't been entirely open about what the underlying crime here is they have put forward a few different theories in their papers but it has not yet been spelled out so you'd have to think that what Donald Trump's team is trying to do is get ahead of sort of the the underlying crimes the.

Election crimes crimes that uh you are not allowed to do conspiring to further election efforts those are what they want to try to explain to the jury in their own words but prosecutors of course are pushing back and saying that it is up to the judge to to charge the jury on what the law is and not a defense expert to try to spin them in a.

Certain way all right we are just going to take a quick break I know that it's still pretty busy in that courtroom um but it should be wrapping very soon we'll take a quick break we'll be right back whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground.

In Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from.

Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the pick line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story.

Is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there your streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe some of the community doesn't feel like they.

Need those answers I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who felted her will never no peace did you just stand her and let my friend's child die if you want a relationship a happy relationship you need to be in control.

Of that relationship inate is one of many male Supremacy influencers you see him as this guy that has money has girls basically he's a god this compound what prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking business from we're not the first affluent wealthy men who have been unfairly attacked you think he he raped you they never meant for any of this to.

Be public someone else to say there's something wrong going around here ENT Tate Into the manosphere Now streaming on Hulu whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at War and rolling for this tornado tore through this town from Leon main the scene of a horrific mass shooting from the scene of that deadly.

Missile strike ABC News live everywhere in Iceland let's go on the 2024 campaign Trail here at 10 Downing Street wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere what does it take to be the most watched newscast in.

America we are part of an operation is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate militants came in from different directions nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag not a car in it how important it made the USA great work hi it's David David I'm David I know you.

Are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four.

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Live it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us.

Afternoon for everything you need to know I love that glad you're streaming with us Michael Cohen's testimony concluding for the day in the former president's criminal hush money trial want to once again bring in our investigative reporter Olivia Rubin who has been.

Inside and outside court she joins us once again also Jerry goldfeder senior counsel at Coen o Conor all right so Olivia looks like the judge just said be prepared uh for closing arguments on Tuesday so it looks like this could wrap up early next week it will indeed getting to the end of the case there Todd blanch saying.

That he will be done cross-examining Michael Cohen which will be his fourth day on the witness stand before the morning break on Monday that's usually at about 11:15 and then the prosecutor Susan Hoffer said she has under an hour left of redirect with Michael Coen to try to reel back in some of the lies that Todd blanch tried to expose on.

Cross-examination and then they're saying they have no other Witnesses so it turns over to the defense and of course they have this uh election expert that they would like to put forward still no word yet though on Donald Trump will he or won't he take the stand blanch leaving the door open and a lot of people wondering if he will end up.

Getting on that witness stand but because uh uh the testimony is likely to wrap on Monday that's why now closings have been set for Tuesday so all eyes on Tuesday which will be their final pitch for both sides to the jury before of course the jury is charged and then they go to do their deliberations so Trump is has come out.

Of the courtroom now and you know every day usually we have been taking his comments but he just says the same thing over and over again and he's reading from articles that he collects now on all the coverage of this uh trial next to him Todd blanch Jerry I'm I'm curious as a as a lawyer if you were representing Trump would you be in.

Support of this that he comes out every day after court and just kind of rambles on about you know that he says the same thing it's a Witch Hunt it's all about Biden it's all politically motivated and then he reads a bunch of articles well if I were representing Trump um I'm sure I wouldn't be able to control him just like blanch is not able to control.

Him look Trump has um several uh several issues here he wants to be acquitted or at least have a hung jury but he also wants to get elected president and so this political theater this political circus of him coming out every day multiple times and having all these people uh elected officials supporting him and.

Being on the inside that's just all part of his narrative that whatever happens in this trial even if he gets convicted that it was rigged that uh it was unfair and that the people should ignore it um it's just it's very similar to what he says about the election uh he lost it but he refuses to agree that he lost it and he's already uh told us that if he.

Loses again in 2024 it's because it's rigged so this is part and parcel of who he is and as I say if I were a lawyer I probably wouldn't be able to uh if I was his lawyer I probably wouldn't be able to uh stop him from doing this because after all this is uh part of his scheme part of his of his Narrative of who he is what he believes he's doing.

Uh in terms of defending himself uh in the in the eyes of the American public so it's it's it's not surprising that he's doing it it's not surprising that he's saying the same thing over and over again but after all when uh you're telling the quote big lie the the reason people believe it is because you say it over and over again history teaches us.

That and that's what's happened with regard to the 2020 election and if he's convicted he has all already laid the table for trying to persuade people that this is meaning this is this is a meaningless sham and that it's it's a Witch Hunt etc etc so from his point of view it makes all the sense in the world irrespective of what he's advised by his.

Lawyers so Jerry as we're looking at this live picture you can see right in between Todd blanch and the former president Matt Gates uh kind of in the center back there Standing Tall a little fuzzed out um and I'm just looking at this thinking okay with all these lawmakers that are showing up and showing support for the former president.

You've got Matt Gates who's you know there's a number of of lawmakers by the way that we could point out that are kind of uh embroiled in controversy but Gates is once again uh being investigated by the Ethics Committee um all tied to these allegations of his relationship with with underage girls is this smart for the former president to.

Have these types of lawmakers they front and center even you know seeing Matt Gates uh behind him as he makes these comments does this help or hurt the president when he maybe brings in you know Shady characters well Shady characters is his his campaign is filled with Shady characters his supporters are are uh of.

His supporters uh uh have the same foibles we'll call them as he does um a as a lawyer I would say uh don't do it it's going to rub off on you but this is who he is this is who he hangs out with uh I I would say as a political analyst um that uh a lot of these uh Republican Congress people have no shame um and they believe that that they can get away.

With all sorts of uh uh uh unted conduct um and it doesn't touch them um we're seeing that in this trial and Gates is uh another one that has these kinds of problems that he seems to not care about and I think that the Trump base seems not to care uh about uh the the conduct of of some of these uh folks who they elect and support so it doesn't surprise.

Me that Gates is there I don't know that it helps him or hurts him uh um at all uh um but he believes it helps him and that's really uh why they're there and of course from Gates's point of view he wants to rub shoulders with the person he believes is going to be the next president of the United States so there there you know it's it's a mutual.

Benefit um uh to in their eyes um it's totally irrelevant to the jury um unless of course uh they continue to you know March in and March out and distract the jury and in a subtle way influence the jury but really this is focused upon this is focused upon the public this is part of his campaign for election uh that's what that's what his statements.

Are about and that's why the Congress people are there in in support of him um and I I think we just have to accept the fact that uh the Republican party is uh made up of a lot of these people yeah yeah we're watching it in real time uh as the president former president uh continues uh to hold his uh his Daily Press Conference um Olivia.

Trump is now asking New York's highest court to intervene in his fight to throw out this gag order in his trial it's funny that we're talking about this and here he is um going on and on and on uh in front of reporters uh where do things stand with that he has asked the New York's highest court to step in on this gag order that.

Was just reaffirmed by a lower court who said that judge Maran in putting it in place had appropriately weighed Donald Trump's First Amendment rights and that yes he has a freedom of speech but that can be curtailed to a certain degree when he steps into the courtroom and so but Donald Trump as usual not giving up in the fight I would point out though.

Kira that you know we do see Donald Trump going to the cameras every day as usual but he has not violated the gag order since Judge Maran gave him that strict warning about sending him to prison if he does it one more time so yes he is attacking the judge he is attacking the case and I'm just looking at him over here right now but that's.

Not a violation of the gag order he can say whatever he wants about meran he can say whatever he wants about Alvin Bragg but he cannot go after Witnesses and he cannot go after lawyers in the case and I'm sure for him to not go after Michael Cohen who has spent hours on the stand and will be turning returning for a fourth day is quite challenging for him.

So it's it's sort of remarkable that he has not violated the gag order again since that warning so as he well it looks like he's getting close to to wrapping things up but just moving forward Olivia um tomorrow the former president has been allowed to go to his son's graduation uh but he's also turned that day into a.

Chance uh to campaign uh he'll be in Minnesota as well are you surprised that the judge uh gave him this day tomorrow I don't think it was that surprising the judge has been handing out days for certain reasons he has ended court early for you know a juror who had an appointment he has given holidays for Jewish holidays so he was.

Going to give you know the former president perhaps this day for his son's graduation they had asked for it early on and there was another request from another attorney for a different uh event of a family member later on and judge Maran said we'll get that when we get there but he expected the case to be done by then so not all that surprising.

But judge Maran has been ruling sort of with a heavy fist but uh you know quite calm we don't see him raise his voice quite often even when he issued that warning to Donald Trump about the threat of jail it was it was a very calm and sort of compassionate moment looking right at Donald Trump to deliver that message so this is not uh a judge that.

We have seen like in earlier cases such as the egene Carrol case a very Stern judge one who was prone to yelling one who was prone to getting into back and forth arguments with Donald Trump's attorneys but that is not the judge Maran that we have seen in this case where he has been accommodating to many of the parties when they have come to.

Him with something Olivia we've been talking about how the former president okay and he's now just uh he's wrapping up so uh we will Fast Forward uh to our next day in court which will be on Tuesday and then uh or Monday rather then Tuesday closing arguments and this actually could all of this could wrap up uh by early next week and as we sort of.

Put a button on it Olivia what could be the outcome here come let's say Tuesday Wednesday well all eyes are going to be on this jury as they begin deliberations and clearly what Donald Trump's team needs is just one juror who will hold out their vote on a guilty verdict I don't think there's any expectation that.

They're going to come back with a not guilty although they absolutely could but a hung jury would give Donald Trump exactly what he needs to go out and claim Vindication for Monday though Kira I'm really interested to see where else Todd blanch goes with his Crossing examination one of his most effective moments was when he cast doubt on the.

Phone call that Michael Cohen said he had with Donald Trump about the stormy Daniel's payments because remember it is just it is planting a nugget of doubt in potentially one juror's mind that they need so I I do think that they are going to do a bit more of that on Monday perhaps about more phone calls that they had with Donald Trump perhaps about the.

Meeting in uh the White House where prosecutors say that you know Donald Trump person affirmed the repayment plan that is that issue here and then of course also all eyes on will Donald Trump take the stand or not I believe I saw a report that he ignored a shouted question when he was speaking just out there if he will testify or not so not.

Answering it which is a pivot from earlier when he would answer to say that he was going to testify so a lot of balls in the air to keep our eye on going into Tuesday very high stakes the cross-examination the redirect Donald Trump's potential testimony closing uh argument from both sides and of course the jury deliberating a lot over the.

Next few days oh yeah but at least tomorrow Olivia jeria you get a bit of a day off Olivia Ruben Jerry gold better yes exactly you rest thanks you guys appreciate it thanks for streaming with us I'm Kira Phillips the news never stops we've got more gma3 right now why do so many people start their.

Day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening too start here ABC News make it your daily first.

Listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here if you want a relationship a happy relationship you need to be in control go of that relationship Andre Tate is one of many male Supremacy influencers you see him as this guy that has money has girls basically he's a god this compound where.

Prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking business from we're not the first affluent wealthy men who have been unfairly attacked you think he he raped you they never meant for any of this to be public someone else to say there's something wrong going around here Andrew Tate Into the manosphere Now streaming on Hulu Paul and O the iconic Duo now.

John Oats on his new music and disputed with Daryl Hall in 2023 darl Hall filed a lawsuit what can you tell us about that tomorrow morning we Hall in not ever perform together again on Good Morning America wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC.

News live Prime we'll take you there streaming free on ABC News live what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear.

Reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're I love this great work.

Hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you D to me is David David yes yes I'm David M I know who you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe.

Some of the community doesn't feel like they need those answers I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who felt her will never know peace did you just stand her and let my friend's child die all right welcome back to GM 3 just.

Last week Tik Tock and its parent company B Dan filed a legal challenge over the legislation that would force the app to sell or be banned in the US and the suit sites it's users First Amendment rights now some users are also suing the government a group of eight Tik Tok creators are claiming the law violates their rights to free speech.

Better call Brian joining us now with his perspective ABC News contributor Brian buckmire to see you man always a pleasure thank you so we have to start with the most obvious question do these content creators have a case here do if they can establish that this is a violation of their first amendment rights that they have this unique speech.

And this very unique uh algorithm and and an application that the government is in essence saying you can't use it anymore we're we're asking that it no longer is provided in the United States that is a limitation of their speech and they do have an argument there especially when you consider that the solution that the government is putting.

Forward is Banning it all together and not some smaller restriction there was an attempt at a state ban in Montana how did that play out and could it be used as a model moving forward oh absolutely so so first and foremost that case in Montana it was the Tik Tok ban was very similar to that of the federal ban that we're seeing now and a federal judge.

Said no you can't do that in fact he dug in a little bit deeper and the judge ultimately said this seems to be more about an animous towards who is owning uh the company and less about protecting consumers and in terms of balancing the needs to allow people to have the First Amendment speech but also National Security which is a big point of which.

The government both in Montana and the federal government is arguing the judge says that balancing act that you're doing weighs more in favor of First Amendment rights and they block that Montana ban let's talk about the government's case the justice department tells ABC News the legislation addresses critical National Security concerns in a.

Manner that is consistent with the First Amendment and other constitutional limitations and that it's looking forward to defending its legislation in court so in cases like this how does that a Court decide whose interest wins here got it so so first and foremost the first question becomes this law does it directly or indirectly ban Free Speech.

If it's indirect we call it something like content neutral and there's a lower standard think of like the difference between a criminal and a civil case obviously there's a higher standard if it's an indirect ban it's a much lower standard and there you're asking the question uh does the speech that is indirectly limited the law must further.

An important government interest but it has to do so in a substantial way that affects that interest it's a lower level than if that law directly bans it if the law says you know what we're directly Banning this unique uh algorithm that is Tik Tok then you have to have a higher standard and that's where the creators are arguing they're saying you don't.

Have a compelling interest here and you haven't narrowly tailored your uh solution to trying to solve it the compelling Interest being that the creators are saying your idea of National Security is more theoretical you can't point to an actual instance and this solution isn't saying just put safe guards you're saying throw out the.

Baby with a bath water so to speak and so that's kind of how a court May evaluate this these arguments all right so what's next in the case so in the Creator's case as well as in the Tik tok's main case they're asking for what's called an injunction I I would probably say it's like a preliminary injunction where they're saying you know.

What we can't do this fire sale of Tik Tok if you do so my interest will be damaged so they're asking the judge to evaluate the case put a pause on it allow for the cases to go through the court systems and then ultimately come up with a solution before Tik Tok has to ultimately sell its company looking at your crystal.

Ball do tell I've got I've got a few I got a few dollar Bets with other attorneys out there I think they win the injunction I think there's enough there to get a pause But ultimately if the creators can make this a First Amendment right and say that the law is going specifically to their freedom of speech I think they have a stronger argument.

But if they lose that argument to us to say you know what it's indirectly affecting them the government may have a strong argument but so far Tik Tok is 2 and0 with these legal battles both in overturning former president Donald Trump's executive order and that Montana law that we talked about so record looks pretty good for.

Them so far lots of people watching it too all right Brian thank you we appreciate it when we come back your wish is his command the genie is here get ready for Aladdin's Michael James Scott yeah he's been on a magic carpet for a ride for special worldwide celebration and you don't want to miss this one check him out.

I experienced a lot of hard a I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel lonely it's taken me a really long time to even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the Year goes to Lany wison that was a mik drop the.

Entertainer of the Year baby I do say the bell bottoms in the had as my superhero outfit wildes what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters This our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now.

Militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile.

You're proud of this I love it great work hi where are you where are you appreciate thank you David good to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David I know who you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched.

Newscast from the team that brought you the DuPont awardwinning report a groundbreaking new investigation spanning 9,000 miles trashed the secret life of plastic exports stream free on Hulu why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day top stories a.

Lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here hul and O.

The iconic Duo Now joh notes on his new music and is feuded with Daryl Hall in 2023 darl Hall filed a lawsuit what can you tell us about that tomorrow morning we Hall and oath ever perform together again on Good Morning America ABC News America's number one news source.

Me oh those voices there and that big hug at the end too welcome back we are celebrating Disney's 30th anniversary on Broadway and that joyful Instagram post was just one of many highlights as the genie from Aladdin set off on an epic journey to visit other Disney Broadway Productions around the world and there are quite a few from Paris and Madrid to.

Tokyo and more each with a special something highlighting the region of the performance and we are so excited to have friend of the show Michael James Scott AKA Genie here to tell us more I first of all this trip just a small little trip everywhere just in two weeks five countries I mean it was unbelievably epic in such a.

Beautiful uh extraordinary way we got to celebrate as you said 30 years of Disney on Broadway Disney theatrical Productions magic I got to go and interview actors and some of our creative teams from those Productions and you know see them in their in their environment see them in the culture I got to be immersed in culture it was.

Just it truly was just like the most epic thing and I still can't believe it actually happened that you know but I kind of joke cuz you know I don't I've never gotten to ride the carpet but this was my carpet I was like this is the carpet your day okay yes this was this was it which was amazing it made up for all the.

Time I've been like I want to get on the carpet I got to go and and really be amongst our Disney cousins that we call each other around the world and see them and take them in and and really feel what this Global Disney on Broadway uh Magic has been for now 30 years and speaking of around the world a lot of people may be surprised to find.

Out that Disney has Broadway shows everywhere except for New York I mean they have them here but not just in New York but everywhere tell us what stood out mostly to you well you know what's amazing to me was obviously you're right so many people don't know all of the Productions that are going around but for me was it was the same joy that we.

Get to bring eight you times a week with Aladdin on Broadway I got to feel that in every country in Paris in London in Japan in Hamburg in there all the different cultures and experience that same joy and you know these stories are are Timeless they're Classics it's what people connect to they they still really feel that right.

So to be able to feel that in any language any culture is just it's it's it's a true uh the special thing that is Disney on Broadway and what we do and the the magic of that that that happens in live theater around the world you got to take in that magic and also a few cultural experiences you learned the flamingo dance I did I literally got off.

Of a plane and like went straight to put on my heels Okay and like and like where it gave oh oh there we are it is it was it was like you know this big welcome from you know culturally these amazing uh things I got to feel you know you feel those are really special and very important to those to the culture of the of the.

People of Spain and so to be able to come in and them invite me in to take that in one of our The Ensemble one of the girls in The Ensemble of Aladdin in Spain grew up obviously doing Flamingo dancing it's very important to her so I got to talk to her about that and why that's important and what was so cool is to see the influence of that movement on.

Stage right like in Aladdin and feel and feel just the differences that uh you know they because of culturally what that feels like for them and why the movement of flamingo dancing is I like how you're dancing well you can't help but getting into the mov yeah you can't help but do that as soon as you hear the drums and like you go it's just it's.

Just incredible I see I got to have I got to have tea in London with the amazing Samantha Barks uh who plays Elsa there uh makiko in in um in uh uh in in Japan we got to have tea there she plays Bell and Beauty and the Beast and then I got to go to Mulan Rouge and learn the can can backstage that's right y'all didn't know the chocolate man can do the.

Can can okay that's right I did it and we were I had my leg up going around doing my thing it was just a incredible incredible thing but like I said the culture to be able to feel that welcome it was like being invited into your home and because they invited us and we got to be there with them feel that culture and see what Disney on Broadway you know.

How the cultural influence has spread throughout these cities I got to see fir hand well we don't want to cut you off but as the genie you're used to granting wishes we have a wish for you we want to wish you an early happy birthday oh my God thank you so much and of course there's a cake got a cake what are you kidding me right now.

Getting to get to surprise gen need that's kind ofic I know right he's like thank you very much we're like look look behind you me you I'm like like are you kidding me this is insane you deserve it okay okay I see what's going on here oh oh my gosh this is amazing thank you so much I mean now every year I want to celebrate.

My birthday on GMA we can make that happen you know that also you are quite the professional cuz that is a squeaky chair Michael James scottt thank you so much and happy birthday oh my gosh I'm I'm so speechless right now thank and Disney's Aladdin on Broad Broadway recently celebrated its 10th anniversary you can.

See this Genie In Action at the New Amsterdam theater we love Michael yes we do when we come back she stars in the very popular will Trent series what iantha Richardson says set the show apart she joins us here next happy birthday we're trying to get answers for the.

Community at large even if maybe some of the community doesn't feel like they need those answers I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who felt her will never know peace did you just stand there and let my friend's child.

die tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will billions in usaid get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News Tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on television Friday night knock knock Burgers may be to.

Blame for the murder of a hairdresser Fabio selli there's a Twist here this is really person are you sure this is right oh my gosh I blacked out the new 2020 Friday night on ABC let's go the ship is incredible it feels like living in a science fiction movie we just saw what no one has seen before wow look at that oh my.

Gosh that hug we are heading into the unknown Hammer Hammer Hammer it doesn't get anymore more Cutting Edge and this this is not about parents who just let their kid watch violent movies play violent video games this is about parents who neglected their son ignored.

His cries for help then bought him a gun the first parents in America to be charged in a school shooting they purchased that gun for him and bragged about it you don't get to walk away from that that's a criminal act sin of the parents the crumbly trials the opposite of love is not hate it's just being ignored only on Hulu if you want a.

Relationship a happy relationship you need to be in control of that relationship ENT Tate is one of many male Supremacy influencers you see him as this guy that has money has girls basically he's a god it's compound what prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking business from we're not the first affluent wealthy men who have been.

Unfairly attacked you think he he raped you they never meant for any of this to be public someone has to say there's something wrong going around here andate into the Pete maybe because of all the takeout containers you never going to make detective this way Pete why are you guys being mean cuz we're working nonstop and this case won't break I got.

It I got it listen to this what if it's a really big guy who stands behind him just squeezes can you still breathe pet yes but not well prolonged exposure would deprive my muscles of oxygen causing them to shut down see the bear hug diddler killer that's stupid welcome back that was a clip of.

Our next guest starring as Faith Mitchell in the ABC crime drama will Trent she is amazing she does it all she's a professional dancer actor director and she's here to tell us all about the second season of the hit show please welcome anantha Richardson everybody good to see you and congratulations thank you so much great.

To be here yeah thank you so before we get into the show yeah you didn't always want to be an actress I did not in ballet I was in ballet can you tell us about that yeah so I started off as a ballet dancer I am from DC and I moved wait a minute is that you that is me wow that is me in my senior year at ay in forom University I got my BFA and dance.

From the a school um and yeah I wanted to do contemporary ballet I wanted to move to Europe I wanted to do all the things that a ballerina would do in point shoes so when did the acting come into play and about about uh 2014 I moved to LA because I needed a change of scenery and I had a roommate at the time she wanted to be an actress.

She was really into it and I was just open to trying new things cuz I experienced a lot of rejection in New York around dance so I was like okay well I'll try acting I'll go to a class with you and from there it just snowballed like yeah just one of the friends that I can't stand the people that I'll try it and then you end up on.

An incredibly popular show will Trend as I said this morning it was one of the most I search it was one of the top 10 most searched crime shows on streaming what is it like being a part of a popular show like this and what led you to it h it's so fulfilling it's so fun the cast is so different and we're all definitely not the same but it's fun.

It's it's great um yeah it's really fun well since you've done so much in your life is there what are your next goals you know do you have other things other than just acting absolutely I would love to on Broadway one day like to be able to star in a show that also incorporates Dance I'm not a singer but a show that incorporates dance and is.

Theatrical is a goal and I really want to be a superhero like I would love love love to be a superhero um when I was young my dad was really into the Black Panther comic books in the 9s and there is a story in Black Panther that combines black panther with Storm's character and I would love to be storm in that so that is goal manifesting it.

That's what I you just put it out there I just put it out there so what type of superpowers would you wish to have oh my gosh in real life uh teleportation because I hate traveling but I love going places does that make sense you just want to get there in five minutes I just want to get there that's it I would love to go to.

Like Bali in 10 minutes that's only a dream you have been so lovely thank you so much for being here with us luck too and you can catch will Trent season 2 the finale airs May 21st at 8:00 p.m. right here on ABC and you can stream episodes the next day on Hulu why do so many people start their day here from.

ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a.

Part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here hi I'm Andy and I'm Sabrina and we're moms juggling tons of stuff every day like all you moms out there and you know what we love really love Pop Culture so listen now to our new podcast pop culture moms wherever you get your.

Podcast we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe some of the community doesn't feel like they need those answers I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who felt her will'll never know peace did you just stand there and let my friend's.

Child die I experienced a lot of Heartache it's taken me a long time to even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the Year goes to Lany Wilson wow it's lunchtime in America so what.

Are we serving up well how about everything you need to know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news music and of course good food a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love me reporting from Monteray Park California I'm Robin Roberts wherever.

Wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live I'm Selena Wing in Washington and right now on ABC News live Michael Cohen back on the stand and Donald Trump's hush money trial how Trump's attorneys grilled Cohen under cross-examination plus the message from Congressman Matt.

Gates showing support for the former president at court with other GOP house members attorney general Merrick Garland also defending attacks from Republicans on the hill pushing to hold him in contempt the key vote expected tonight as President Biden blocks a release of recordings from his interview with special counsel Robert herb and the US.

Military saying the floating Pier off the Gaza Strip is now finally in place how it could help more desperately needed humanitarian Aid reach civilians in Gaza but we begin with Donald Trump's lawyers hammering Michael Cohen in court as more House Republicans show support for the.

Former president at his hush money trial Trump leaving Court just a short time ago after another day of heated cross-examination of Cohen's testimony I think it was a very interesting day it was a fascinating day and it shows what a scam this whole thing is Trump's defense team again attacking Cohen's credibility working to paint a.

Picture of him as a proven liar who pleaded guilty to crimes involving those lies and more House Republicans accompanying Trump to court today including Representatives Lauren bber and Matt Gates we're here voluntarily supporting our friend president Trump the leader of our movement the leader of our party and soon again the leader of.

This great country ABC News investigative reporter Olivia Rubin l outside Court in lower Manhattan along with senior councel at the Kosen oconor law firm and director of forom law school's voting rights and democracy project Jerry goldfeder so Olivia Trump we saw him we heard him earlier give reporters a thumbs up.

During a break when they asked him about his lawyer cross examination of Cohen so just tell us what his demeanor what his behavior was like in the courtroom today Donald Trump perking up a bit this afternoon as his lawyers stretched into nearly 9 hours of cross-examining of Michael Cohen on the witness stand getting quite testy at times today we.

Saw some of the fiercest and most heated moments of that cross-examination specifically as Trump's attorney Todd blanch tried to call into question a phone call that Michael Cohen said he had directly with Donald Trump in which the two discussed specifically the payment to Stormy Daniels Todd Blan trying to say that that call with Donald.

Trump never happened that it was a call to his bodyguard about an entire enely different issue and it was one of the most substantive again Selena moments there because it dealt with the actual facts of this case up until then Todd blanch had spent much of his time attacking Cohen's credibility a time when Donald Trump kept his eyes closed.

The majority of the time with Todd trying to point out to the jurors that Michael Cohen is a liar that he has pled guilty to lieing that he has met with investigators sought cooperation uh agreements to try to save his own skin and lesser his own jail time the question becomes is the jury buying it and do they now have a seat of Doubt as.

To whether Donald Trump was personally involved in these schemes as Michael Cohen alleged so very critical testimony at times quite he did yeah and Jerry it was always a gamble to have Cohen on he has serious credibility issues and we saw Trump's defense team working very hard to portray him as a serial liar how successful were they and and how.

Important is it given all of the other evidence to this case well it's important to try to discredit an important witness but the prosecution already did that the jury knows that he's a liar the jury knows that he has a tortury past and U has a very uh distant relationship to the truth the question is for the jury is is.

He telling the truth here is the story that the prosecution has put forward in their charges is that story accurate does the defense have a counternarrative so far we haven't heard that it's true that they've picked apart some of uh his testimony but the basic features of the story of the relationship between him and um uh and Trump and what Trump.

Trump's involvement in the cash and and kill scheme and the payment and the coverup and his intent to do all of that it to or to influence the election that story has not really been touched and so even though they have really gone after con I'm not so sure that they've that they've really uh discredited the major story that's behind the charges we'll.

See what the jury uh uh thinks when they come back with the verdic but so far I'm not so sure that they've done uh uh done any harm to the charge to the prosecutions um uh narrative and Olivia we did see more Republicans coming to to court today apparently prosecutors were complaining about this Entourage and did you see any reaction from Trump as they.

Were coming in they did complain specifically Selena about their comings and goings in the middle of trial prosecutors have no issue with Donald Trump filling the first two benches behind him with political allies as he has been doing but what they said is becoming a problem was when on Tuesday uh some of Trump's.

Allies such as Byron Donald and V ramaswami came back into court after leaving to do television outside in the middle of Michael Cohen's testimony and remember that is something that not only Michael Cohen sees but it is something that the jury sees and the judge did seem to agree with them saying that that's should not be happening but of.

Course fast forward just hours later and Matt Gates did the exact same thing in the middle of Todd Branch's cross-examination so there was no reaction from Donald Trump because that's not a conversation that he can hear but I'm certain that Pro uors could go to judge M again to raise it one more time and Jerry this trial seems to be.

Moving pretty swiftly I mean where does this go from here well they're going to finish the defense is going to finish cross-examination uh Monday morning uh the prosecution said that they'll do a redirect on Michael con and they've said that that should take an hour and then the prosecution will rest so that's.

Probably midday on Monday and then the the defense puts on its case they've indicated that they have an election law expert but the judge has already ruled that this election law expert can testify in very very limited ways can't really uh give an opinion as to whether or not any uh campaign Finance laws have been violated so you know it it it.

Depends on whether or not they have further Witnesses uh beyond that election law uh uh expert and once that done once the defense rests then we'll go to arguments closing arguments probably on Tuesday liia and Jerry thank you so much for breaking all of that down for us and now to Capitol Hill where a showdown.

Between House Republicans and the justice department is underway House Republicans are battling to get their hands on the audio recordings of President Biden's interview with special counsel Robert her in the investigation into Biden's handling of classified documents but they're facing tough push back from.

Democrats the recordings are necessary the transcripts alone are not sufficient evidence of the state of the president's memory frankly because the White House has a track record of altering the transcripts now I've been to a number of proceedings in my time in Congress and in the state legislature that have been relatively stupid but this proceeding.

Goes beyond stupidity this is as the justice department told lawmakers today that President Biden is claiming executive priv privilege to prevent the release of those audio recordings to Congress House Republicans expected to vote tonight to hold attorney general Meritt Garland in contempt of congress for defying their.

Requests for the recordings let's bring in ABC's Jay O'Brien on Capitol Hill and ABC News White House correspondent Mary Alice parks to break this down so Jay the her report did not recommend charges against the president for mishandling classified documents but the special council's depiction of Biden was embarrassing claiming he had these.

Memory issues so what are House Republicans telling you about why these audio recordings should be released when the transcript is already out there well I just spoke with James comr the chair of the oversight committee minutes ago before coming on air with you and the rationale he gave is he alleges that there may be and and this.

Has not been proven anywhere but discrepancies between the transcript that's already been released and actually what transpired in the interview that's why he says he wants the recordings but as you noted Selena the White House's argument is a that if they gave over these materials it would discourage perhaps presidents in the.

Future from participating in special counsel investigations and B the White House makes the point that they believe Republicans would cut up this audio and use it for political purposes and things like campaign ads I asked chair and comr that exact question isn't that a fair argument that you would cut this audio off that it would find its way into a.

Campaign ad he says it isn't he accuses the White House of playing politics and all of this but all the bottom line is the house Judiciary Committee has already voted and approved its contempt resolution the oversight committee will likely put its contempt resolution through that process tonight and then it will be a question facing speaker.

Johnson as to does he want to put one of these contemp resolutions on the floor and does he think he has the votes in his own party to pass it yeah Jay the cutting up of the audio a critical concern from the White House and Mary Alice attorney general Garland held a rare Q&A earlier saying that this is UN precedented and unfounded attack let's.

Take a listen to what he said we have gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure that the Committees get responses to their legitimate requests but this is not one to the contrary this is one that would harm our ability in the future to successfully pursue sensitive investigations Mary Alice just give us.

Your reaction to that yeah well clear clearly uh the Attorney General wants these this threat of a contempt charge um being held in contempt by Congress to be dropped and they think that by moving to um to claim executive privilege over this audio recording that that Congress should do exactly that and not hold him in contempt for withholding that audio.

But look this is the Department of Justice that wants to draw a big contrast here they want to remind the American people that the president President Biden the sitting commander-in-chief did go to extraordinary lengths to cooperate in this document's investigation I mean sitting for hours of interviews opening.

Up his personal residence to investigators by contrast we know that former president Trump uh fought at every single step uh to comply with subpoenas to give documents back and I think that that clearly we're seeing a department of justice that is frustrated by Republicans seeming to have a double standard two different standards when it.

Comes to what counts as fair and honest cooperation here and Mary Alice when I was pressing the White House about this today Karine Pier just kept on saying the transcripts already out there there's no need for an audio recording but as We Know audio and transcripts are very different I mean that's exactly right.

But that's also been the point from the White House Council here they've said that that Republicans haven't been able to argue any legitimate reason for needing the audio and so it leaves them to believe that it is just a political maneuver I mean that was the language from the letter from the White House Council today uh really blasting.

Republicans for just going out on a on a political sort of fishing Expedition hoping to get something that they could use like Jay said potentially in ads knowing that audio could be different could be damning could be sliced and chopped up and we're seeing the White House draw a line here and saying that that they're not just going to turn it.

Over that easily yeah that was a very long transcript moments of memory lapses but moments of clarity as well Mary Alice thank you and Jay stick around with us the House of Representatives just moments ago passing a bill forcing President Biden to continue weapons transfers to Israel the Republican Le bill D demns President Biden's approach.

To the Israel in Hamas war and urges expeditious delivery of bombs to Israel the president paused shipments of three 3500 bombs to Israel that are capable of killing hundreds in populated areas Republicans calling this a catastrophic decision and accusing President Biden of turning his back on Israel let's bring back ABC's Jay O'Brien for the details.

Jay thank you for doing double duty for us this has just pass how will this legislation fair in the Senate yeah and it just happened moments ago Selena when pass so forgive me as I check behind me every now and again because lawmakers are coming out of the house chamber at the top of these stairs is the house chamber they finish voting.

So we might be asking a few as I look around here to see who's gaggling um they might be ask we might be asking a few their reactions to all of this but uh 16 Democrats voted with Republicans to put this measure over the goal line that was significant because the White House had said that they do not support this legislation they say it is based on.

A dis characterization of their approach to Israel they said If It ultimately got to the Senate and passed out of the Senate which would be a tall order but they said the the president would veto it that it would not become law nonetheless Republicans were able to muster those 16 Democrats keep Republicans largely together and pass.

This what it would do is it would compel weapon shipments that have already been appropriated by Congress to be sent by the president to Israel and if that doesn't happen there could be consequences for people like the Secretary of State the Secretary of defense etc etc and again this is an open question as to whether or not Chuck.

Schumer would even put this on the senate floor for a vote he has certainly indicated that he's not going to and doesn't want to because of the White House's opposition to this but this does force Chuck Schumer's hand it certainly creates a situation that is difficult for Chuck Schumer the top Jewish Democrat elected official on in Congress.

And in the United States government nonetheless it doesn't look like he would put this on the floor so this is more of a messaging bill from House Republicans meant to show their resolve and try to force the Senate's hand and also perhaps Force the president's hand rather than something that actually might become law Selena yeah critical.

Point there Jay O'Brien thank you and meantime Israel says it has sent more troops into Rafa this coming a day after us officials told ABC news that the Israeli military had amassed enough troops on the edge of the Southern Gaza City to launch a fullscale incursion prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisting Israeli forces must invade.

Rafa because he says it's the last Hamas stronghold brushing off warnings from President Biden and other allies we're also getting word that the floating peer designed to increase Aid to Gaza is now in place this comes as deliveries via land Crossings have slowed dramatically the United Nations will now be in charge of Distributing Aid that comes into the.

Pier ABC News Chief National correspondent Matt Gutman has the latest from Tel Aviv Selena months after President Biden announced the construction of this massive uh 1,800 ft long pier right right off the coast of Gaza basically twice the size of an aircraft carrier and hundreds of millions of dollars in.

The US saying that it is completed it's ready to go the question is will they be able to secure it there are lots of moving Parts here um it will involve the US military obviously the Israeli military which will provide Logistics and security support the UN which will receive the aid and Palestinian contractors are going to take it.

Actually on the pier and then distribute it to areas of Gaza where it's needed the question of distribution is going to be major can they actually get it to the places it needs to go some of which are going to be a battle Zone and can Israel actually secure um this area for US troops all of these issues remain unclear at this point um especially.

Because Israel is now fighting intensely in places it had left months ago and is now fighting Hamas which is regrouped in areas like Northern Gaza not that far from where this pier has been built so there's some major questions surrounding it what is not in question is how important it can be for the people especially living in Northern Gaza where.

They have faced near famine conditions for months now uh this pier will be able to bring in 150 trucks worth of food every single day we are told a tremendous amount of Aid especially to the places that need it most Selena Matt Gutman in Tel Aviv thank you so much and now to an ABC News exclusive on the war in Ukraine Forum correspondent James.

Longman going oneon-one with Ukrainian president volodimir zalinski as he visits soldiers injured during Russia's new push into the city of kke James yeah hi care a fascinating conversation with president zilinski at a hospital here in KH now this is Ukraine's Second City it was successfully defended uh for months but.

Now it's under attack again and faces the prospect of Russian troops rolling up to its outskirts that is a really serious position to be in uh I went with with president ziny to a hospital where he was meeting those injured in the defense of KH and the villages to the north of this city and he had some strong words to say about how the delay.

In Aid has impacted the fight here have a listen it's difficult it's serious so brigades are not totally equipped because of the package which we waited through 8 months now president zki was also adamant that he felt that there was a misconception about how Aid Works he said that he thinks people imagine somehow briefcases of cash are brought.

Over to Ukraine and that it's just spent by the Ukrainian authorities he says that's not the case most of that $60 billion that was passed through Congress is money that is spent on manufacturing weapons in the United States he says that's a really important point to make because it's creating jobs he says in the US and it is an important issue at.

The war here in Ukraine for American voters it will be a really really Salient issue come November Kira James Longman and carke thank you and the justice department today taking a formal step toward reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug the department sending a proposed rule to the Federal Register the rule would move.

Marijuana from a schedule one drug alongside heroin and LSD to a schedule three alongs ketamine and some anabolic steroids now the rule submission kicks off a 60-day comment period followed by a possible review by a judge and coming up the ABC News investigation into an internet provocator Andrew Tate claims of abuse and his promotion of what.

Critics call a dangerous brand of masculinity that's up next you're watching America's number one streaming news live reporting breaking new exclusives keep streaming with ABC News live we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe some of.

The community doesn't feel like they need those answers you I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who felted her will never know peace did you just stand her and let my friend's child die Friday night she seized lobus slumped over in his favorite chair.

There's blood everywhere and lets out a scream an allnew 2020 True Crime Fabio seeni made a major name for himself in the hair industry Fabio style people like JLo Russell Crow he's just Larger than Life Fabio is found stabbed to death on the deck of his home please say burglaries increased significantly in the area celebrities targeted an A-list.

Of victims Nicki Manan Rihanna is now investigating if knock knock burglar may be to blame for the murder of hairdresser Fabio sintelli I already of ironies one of the victims of knock knock burglaries was Fabio lanzon it was like a made for TV movie I found out bobo just got killed by myop phone start ringing off the hug we all thought they.

Were investigating this robbery turned deadly they knew much more there's a Twist here this is really personal that was shocking this tor trail of Love and Murder how can this happen who would want to do these things to him I remember hyperventilating you sure this is right oh my gosh I blacked out David mure.

Deborah Roberts the only 2020 Friday at 98 Central on ABC here's to good mornings in America Can You Feel The Love yeah mornings that Inspire filled with hope kindness joyous surprises and so much fun this is crazy this is absolutely crazy start your day with Good Morning America's ray of sunshine highlighting the best of.

America and helping make dreams come true wow feel so happy it's so good get ready to smile and put the good into your Morning America because you know what will make the morning better a little ray of sunshine a new report examining kickboxer turned online provocator.

Andrew Tate facing three separate legal cases in two countries for claims that he denies Tate made a name for him himself on social media preaching a bombastic brand of masculinity that many critics call dangerous misogyny for the past year ABC News live anchor Terry Moran and reporter Patrick reville have been investigating him in the so-called.

Manosphere he influences Terry has more Andrew Tate says he's one of the most famous people in the world and this is where he lives just arrived in Bucharest the capital of Romania and this is where he and his brother moved a few years ago and brought their web business which is now at the heart of this human trafficking investigation.

We've been trying to get an interview with him for more than a year and now we're here we're going to try and track him down Terry Moran thank you for that this year-long investigation has much much more including an exclusive interview with the prosecutor who led the Romanian case interviews with women who have sued.

Tapate for abuse and a former Tate employee the full episode of impact by Nightline into the manosphere is now streaming on Hulu with new new episodes dropping every Thursday and coming up the WNBA breaking records will tell you how the Caitlyn Clark effect is sending raing soaring that's after the.

Break we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe some of the community doesn't feel like they need those answers I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who failed her will never know peace did you just stand there and let my friend's.

Child die come give it all to me give it to me tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will.

Billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News Tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on television why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the.

Daily News podcast honored with four Edward word our meral Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here this is ABC News live the crush fam on the ground in.

Ukraine ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC News live America's number one streaming news reporting from the aftermath of the Maui fires I'm Melissa Adon wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News.

live Kaylin Clark's professional debut is heating up the basketball court Clark's first regular season game the Indiana Fever versus the Connecticut son becoming the most watched WNBA broadcast in ESPN history drawing more than 2 million viewers Clark scoring 20 points in the fever's loss to the sun then next.

Up for Clark her first home game in Indianapolis taking on the New York Liberty tonight Indie so Jazz for the home debut that a local artist spray painted a tribute to their new rookie and much more news ahead here on ABC News live in today's big story Donald Trump's lawyers hammering Michael Cohen during cross-examination how they tried.

To pick apart his earlier testimony plus the message from Congressman Matt Gates showing support for Trump at court with other Republican house members and in our Spotlight Vladimir Putin visiting Chinese president Xi Jinping our panel weighs in on the two leaders forming a united front as tensions rise with the.

West I experienced a lot of rejection a lot of Heartache I'm a tough woman but it's not easy I have my days where you got to do whatever you can to crawl out of those dark holes you're going to feel lonely there was a lot of personal stuff in my life that was really falling.

Apart it's taken me a really long time to even get to this moment I feel like every pair of bell bottoms all come with a different story 19 years old pulling up to Nashville I was terrified not everybody makes it I was a fish out of water at times I was to Country for Country you were living on a trailer for a.

While I remember sitting out in this camper trailer crying my eyes out thinking is it ever going to happen but Mom and Daddy didn't raise no quitter I have had the hardest two months of my life my Daddy has not been doing well we've been through a lot these past few years and um it kind of makes me emotional y'all.

Going to see me cry again I was scrolling on Tik Tok I noticed a few videos of my butt that had gone viral at first I was laughing I'm like these people ain't right no matter what size you are you are beautiful being a woman in country music can be tough the CMA award for album of the.

Year for female vocalist of the Year Entertainer of the Year goes to Laney Lany Laney Wilson that was a mic drop the Entertainer of the Year baby lany's Alvin bellbottom Country changed the game there ain't nothing better than this hold my beer.

Watch what she is doing right now is changing country music I do see the bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero outfit it's mind blowing It's Magic I'm proud of myself I really am I have worked my ass off now it's time to see what's next that's what I'm talking.

about you're watching America's number one streaming news keep streaming with ABC News live we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe some of the community doesn't feel like they you need those answers I have covered child homicides.

Before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who felt her will never know peace did you just stand there and let my friend's child die why do so many people start their day here this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the.

Days top stories listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards start here ABC News make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts start here Donald Trump's defense team hammering Michael Cohen as more Republicans show up to the former president's hush money trial I'm slena.

Wang in Washington and in today's big story Trump's attorneys resuming their heated cross-examination of Co attacking his credibility as Matt Gates another House GOP members accompany Trump to court I'll speak with ABC's Chief Washington correspondent Jonathan Carl and in our Spotlight Vladimir Putin visiting Chinese president Xi Jinping.

Our panels weighs in on the two leaders forming a united front as tensions rise with the west but we begin with our big story Donald Trump's lawyers hammering Michael Cohen in court as more House Republicans show support for the former president at his hush money trial Trump leaving Court.

Just a short time ago after another day of heated cross-examination of Cohen's testimony I think it was a very interesting day was a fascinating day and it shows what a scam this whole thing is Trump's defense team again attacking Cohen's credibility working to paint a picture of him as a proven liar who Ed.

Guilty to crimes involving those lies more House Republicans accompanying Trump to court today including Representatives Lauren bber and Matt Gates we're here voluntarily supporting our friend president Trump the leader of our movement the leader of our party and soon again the leader of this great country ABC News Chief Washington.

Correspondent John Carl joins me now for more on this here on set okay so having Cohen was always going to be a gamble he has a very interesting history credibility issues exactly one way to put it lightly so just how damaging was the cross-examination today and just walk us through that 201 phone call uh look I I think that this was pretty.

Brutal day for Michael Cohen uh first of all the repeated uh documentation of the fact that Michael Cohen is a convicted liar he is an opportunist he is somebody who clearly has an agenda now to destroy somebody who he once adored and practically worshiped that he has a motivation uh to take down Donald Trump but the key thing was this phone call.

That Michael Cohen on Monday testified was basically a key moment in all of this a moment when Michael Cohen called Keith Schiller who was Trump's security guy basically and was put on the phone with Donald Trump and he told him the Stormy Daniels thing is taken care of it's done and you know Trump said good good good work we're we've accomplished.

This it was a phone call that lasted less than two minutes according to the to the to phone records but what the defense did today was to establish that the phone call seems to have quite likely been about something entirely different that Cohen was concerned about some teenager who was making threatening calls to him and.

He wanted uh to talk to Keith Schiller about informing the Secret Service to go after uh this teenager who was harassing him with phone calls so Cohen on cross-examination instead of standing firmly by what he said on Monday about this critical phone call is now saying I believe I told the truth maybe I did maybe I didn't believe yes and you've.

Been in court for many of those days and you've seen Trump's various reactions his demeanor how do you think he's reacting to what we saw today well uh I I was in court for the first two days of Cohen's testimony and Donald Trump seemed to be intent on doing absolutely nothing to show that he was paying attention his eyes literally closed.

Through much of it never acknowledging Cohen never looking in his Direction according to people that were in court today Trump was more more on top of it today at least the body language looking at Cohen paying very much close attention and when he came out clearly happy uh with the way he believes that his uh attorney Todd blanch took him.

Down and for people who haven't been following all the ins and outs of this I mean where do you think things could go from here especially based off of that very brutal cross-examination that played out today well look there's a lot of documentary evidence about the reason uh for uh this hush money payments about the context within the campaign about.

How the campaign was deeply concerned about how damaging Stormy Daniels story could have been coming at the final week of the campaign and how much they wanted to shut it down and and Michael Cohen's motivation uh for making that payment and the fact that Michael Cohen has said very clearly that it was Donald Trump who directed him to do so um but look.

Reasonable Doubt I found a number of places where you could have Reasonable Doubt Reasonable Doubt about uh Michael Cohen's motivation for speaking is he lying now we've know he's lied before he's admitted he's lied before uh why he is there doubt about his testimony this phone call that's one piece of it but if he's not really telling the truth about.

That what is he not what else is he not telling the truth about so I don't know will the what will the jury do it's 12 people and it only takes one and that's all Todd blanch wants is a single juror to say you know what I have Reasonable Doubt and I am not going to uh find him guilty yeah only takes one to your point and it's very interesting to see these.

High-profile Republicans show face and you had you know Matt Gates Lauren bober various people what impact does that have and just tell us in context just this moment we're in where they're going to court to show their support for Trump you know you've had a whole bunch of these Republicans come in uh earlier in the week at Todd beram the governor of.

North Dakota you had JD Vance uh the senator uh from Ohio you had V ramaswami the former presidential candidate I was watching the jurors as all this was happening they didn't seem to take notice of who's in the first couple of rows in in the courtroom today though according to those in the courtroom Matt Gates the jury was.

Clearly looking and taking note Lauren bobert these are much more high-profile figures uh recognizable to the jury is it going to matter to them at all I mean who knows probably not but what's I think it's more Trump wanting to turn that courtroom that Courthouse into his campaign and those people each day go out hold press conferences who knows how.

Many people are really listening but they go out they hold press conferences and they say things that Donald Trump is actually not allowed to say because of the gag gag order they literally uh earlier this week were attacking the judge's daughter which is specifically one of the things that uh Trump was cited for as a violation of his gag.

Order so but they're not subject to the gag gag order right well he's stuck there under these really tight circumstances he's putting a surrogate there yes absolutely whether they're effective is another question John Carl thank you so much thank you and now let's bring the big story to the rest of our panel joining us today is ABC News.

Contributor and serus XM radio host Mike Muse ABC News contributor and Democratic strategist and president of nextg America Christina Tintin Ramirez along with ABC News contributor and former Republican Congressman for New York John CCO and Senior council at the Coen oconor law firm and director of forom law schools voting rights and democracy.

Project Jerry gold Federer so John these Republican lawmakers clearly rallying behind Trump is there a political payoff for them or are they running a political risk here I think they're all certainly hoping for a political payoff and that's the only reason I could think that they're being there they're not the.

Heavy Hitters within the Republican Party they're not senior members they're the farri members of the party who love the media and have latched on to Trump and the hope that their greater days are at for them if he becomes president again but I don't think they're gonna have much of an effect on the jury try cases like these I I I don't think the.

Jury pays much attention to them and so I I just think that it's uh they should be in Washington doing their job and they you know in for goinging being in a criminal case against former president United States but that's the state of politics today and I think they see by hitching the away the Trump they may make somehow benefit down the road.

That's that's pretty pathetic yeah and Christina in my conversation with John Carl he was talking about Trump using this trial as a campaign event of source while he's constricted and stuck there in court um what do you think this means for the Biden campaign cign how could they be capitalizing on this because so far.

They're they're just making cheeky comments about what's actually happening well this uh trial is another reminder of the chaos that uh really Donald Trump's presidency and campaign was in 2016 and why so many Americans were uh felt motivated to vote against him in 2020 um it's a reminder for many female voters right this was a president.

That or a candidate that in 2016 had real problems with female voters and now not only do we have this case as a reminder of that um and also a reminder of the Access Hollywood tape that was discussed during this trial but also abortion rights at the Forefront so I think this campaign is ation for the campaign the Trump campaign and also he.

Can't be out campaigning so that's why he's trying to turn this into a campaign event and Mike just want to get your take on the defense's effort to undermine Cohen's credibility this was hours of brutal cross-examination just how effective do you think they were it's a really great question it all depends upon how the jury is perceiving.

This um this comes down to the defense is hanging their head on undermining Cohen's credibility uh versus what the prosecution is putting forward is about the hardc core evidence and data and Exhibits that they are presenting this case really comes down to a paper trail and whether or not the prosecution can connect the dots enough to create The.

Narrative of the paper trail in order to bring the enough charges up to make it a uh to which the jury needs to convict based upon the prosecution the defense seems to be undermining Cohen's credibility they did a really great uh presentation of that today uh asking him questions so it really would come down to was the jury hanging their decision.

On The credibility of Cohen or the evidence in the documents that they see before them and Jerry I want to get your best prediction of where things go from here could we see more witnesses could we see Trump testify how fast could this all wrap up well I think it's going to wrap up much more quickly than we originally thought uh there's a little.

More cross-examination of Michael Con on Monday they'll be uh redirect of con by the prosecution for about an hour so that's midday on Monday and then the prosecution I think will be resting and then there's the the defense and the defense is going to put on uh at least according to what they've said so far an.

Election law expert to try to talk about the campaign Finance uh issues that are the at the heart of this case and the judge has already instructed that uh that if he does testify that expert it's going to be very very limited and then the question is will they put on Trump and there's a lot of back and forth on that Trump I'm sure wants to testify but.

Let's assume he doesn't and let's assume that the defense uh then rests summations will be on Tuesday and let's assume that goes on Tuesday maybe on Wednesday the jury will get the case before next weekend before Memorial Day uh weekend and then the question is do they rush through it or do they take their time and go beyond Memorial Day.

Weekend we'll see Mike Christina John and Jerry thank you all and coming up in our Spotlight Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese president Xi Jinping reaffirming what they call a No Limits partnership at a high stake Summit my panel weighs in on their diplomatic relations up next.

Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed you're in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas Edinburgh Scotland from Poland once again tonight thank you so much for streaming with us Ukrainian refugees here in warong do you think you'll ever be able to go back home we're heading to a small community.

Outside of Mexico City splintered houses and splintered lives in the magnitude of the devastation you're streaming ABC News live reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Santa Fe New Mexico Raleigh North Carolina the US capital Mayfield Kentucky Minneapolis Mexico tongas national forest Alaska getting you behind the stories as they happen giving.

You a front row seat to our world as it plays out in real time live ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights America's most honored stream news program only on ABC News live streaming free right now wherever you stream your news we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe some of.

The community doesn't feel like they need those answers I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who faed her will never know peace did you just stand her and let my friend's child die.

If you want a relationship a happy relationship you need to be in control of that relationship in Tate is one of many male Supremacy influencers you see him as this guy that has money has girls basically he's a god this compound what prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking business from we're not the first affluent wealthy men who have been.

Unfairly attacked you think he he raped you they never meant for any of this to be public I would have to say there's something wrong going around here ENT Tate Into the manosphere Now streaming on Hulu let's go the ship is incredible it feels like living in a science fiction movie we just saw what no one has seen.

Before wow look at that oh my God we are hitting into the unknown Hammer Hammer Hammer it doesn't get any more Cutting Edge than this in today's Spotlight two of America's biggest geopolitical foes praising their quote Everlasting friendship Russian.

President Vladimir Putin making a state visit to Beijing this week meeting with Chinese president Xi Jinping with the two pledging a new era of partnership and taking an adversarial tone towards the United States in the West as a whole let's bring back my panel Mike Christina and John and joining us now is ABC News National Security and defense analyst.

Mick mry so Mick we know that China is helping to stabilize Russia's economy as they face many many sanctions from the west and the White House again accusing Chinese companies for helping Putin wag this war against Ukraine so what's your takeaway from this Summit and just how consequential China is as this war rages on so Selena very consequential and you.

Already already hit on the main reason they are basically supplying the war machine for Russia to uh carry out its war against Ukraine but this sum is very significant these two individuals know each other very well uh they've met over 40 times if that gives you some indication and they are talking about everything from defense to economics to.

Energy and of course energy plays a part in defense and economics so this is very significant and troubling there's a reason why these two countries are first and second uh when it comes to our strategic competitors also known as adversaries at our national security strategy and they're just trying to basically uh build up their Coalition uh.

Because they view us uh as their most strategic adversary and it should be something we pay a lot of attention to and John is Russia clearly the junior partner in this relationship just talk to us about how this interde interdependence helps Beijing here oh yeah from an economic standpoint there's there's no parody whatsoever uh China is.

Simply using Russia because they got Russia in a spot where Russia can't need somebody to help them and it's China is the only one willing to help but China in return is getting well below Market uh prices for oil and gas which they need badly so from a from an economic standpoint Russia is getting fleeced but from a strategic uh standpoint from a.

From a threat standpoint it UPS the anti against the United States so he's absolutely correct when he says that so uh but by and large from an economic standpoint China is really just using a a wounded animal right now Mike I just want to get your thoughts bouncing off of that I mean clearly these two countries are aligned in their.

Opposition to this us-led world order do you see this as more of than a relationship of convenience here it's a relationship of convenience also to uh and a strengthening of the Allies a relationship between the two countries I totally agree with a lot with John catco just said here something also too that China has to be mindful though is that.

They don't want to lean too heavily on uh their relationship with Russia uh that can alienate Europe not just the United States uh as they do a lot of exports over into Europe so they don't want to see too much um ined with Russia to where they may alienate their Europe allies that they count on for their economic gains too as well really.

Interesting enough too as well was how uh Russia and China are looking at um research militarily uh that Russia could definitely use the technology and the military advancements of China uh as they continue uh their offense in Ukraine yeah Mike I think you make a really good point because they do not want to be a global Pariah in the same.

Way that Russia has become in this war they xiin ping still wants to be a global Statesman and um Christina the Biden Administration has taken a tough stance on China they've been building on Trump's tariffs quadrupling tariffs on EVS from China does Biden run the risk of inflaming tensions between these two countries in an election.

Year I mean it's been interesting to watch the Biden Administration continue with the tariffs on China and try and protect a lot of the game when we talked about John was talking about energy that also China has really positioned themselves as the leader in clean energy and the Biden Administration is trying to fight that seeing the energy.

Revolution happening across the country and Russia of course wanting to hold on to oil and gas economy I think what's also really interesting not just about this election but to think I don't I really hope Trump doesn't win but if Trum Trump wins this partnership is also a very interesting one because Trump clearly is a big fan of Putin and so but.

Also really against China so who knows where this goes if Republicans were to win clearly uh uh much more support for authoritarian regimes under a republican Administration and Mick just going back to what you said earlier is there anything that the US can do to influence Xi Jinping when it comes to this cozy relationship with Russia and their.

Support as they wage this war so of course the first thing we could do is show a strong Coalition uh that's something they understand building our our coalition in the in the indopacific region is a I think a major effort that we are undertaking and it will likely continue whoever is the next president that's one the second is to.

Find uh places where we do agree and where there's combined interest and really promote that because one thing I think we should all agree that a conflict between Russia uh China and the United States and our allies is not in anybody's interest so uh we need to have a strong uh defense if you will but we also need to look for places where we.

Have a common goals specifically with China Mike Christina John and Mick so much to get into here thank you all and coming up in our last call Uber looking to revolutionize the way people travel to concerts and sporting events will tell you all about the big announcement the ride share company made today our panel ways in on Uber shuttle when we.

Come back I experienced a lot of hard a I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel lonely it's taken me a really long time to even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the Year goes to Lany Wilson that was a mic drop the.

Entertainer of the Year baby I do say the bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero outfit Friday night knock knock burglar may be to blame for the murder of hairdresser Fabio Santelli there a Twist here this is really personal are you sure this is right oh my gosh I blacked.

Out the new 2020 Friday night on ABC tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a Russian Onslaught You Are Not Alone will billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News Tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on television why do so many people start their day here from ABC.

News this is start here to be in the nail and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R mural Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now.

That's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe some of the community doesn't feel like they need those answers I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy.

Will be made public one day those who failed her will never know peace did you just stand her and let my friend's child die this is not about parents who just let their kid watch violent movies play violent video games this is about parents who neglected their son ignored his cries for help then bought him a gun.

The first parents in America to be charged in a school shooting they purchased that gun for him and bragged about it you don't get to walk away from that that's a criminal act sins of the parents the crumbly trials the opposite of love is not hate it's just being ignored only on Hulu it's lunchtime in America so what.

Are we serving up well how about everything you need to know that's sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news music and of course good food a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that reporting in St Petersburg Florida in the aftermath of hurricane Adelia I'm.

Mwin wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live it is time for our last call a new cheaper way to travel with Uber the RAR company announcing a new shuttle service customers can reserve up to five seats and according to the company will cost a fraction of their price in their.

Standard ride in launches in Miami Chicago Pittsburgh and Charlotte this summer Riders can book up to 7 days in advance and the shuttle will hold from 14 to 55 people the company is partnering with local shuttle services and commercially licensed drivers let's bring back my panel Mike Christina John and Mick okay so Mike we've seen Uber.

Disrupt so many different Industries what does this mean for public transportation do you think this is going to be a game Cher for people in theory I think Uber would like for it to be a game Cher but in practice I don't see this working Selena I think that this is going to backfire on Uber um I I have so many questions about you know.

Does the shut going to leave on time would have I reserved it uh but I didn't make it as there were extra seats available for other people so I think it's going to create much more complicated problems then is actually going to saw off yeah I can see a lot of issues when you've got up to 55 People Christina what do you.

Make of this I mean do you think this is a good way for people to avoid the surge pricing we've all dealt with when we open Uber for one moment and then we look two minutes later and it's like $20 more yeah I mean I I think it's their attempt to deal with surge pricing and people being really unhappy about it but like Mike said I think it's a pretty.

Rough deal this to me just feels like an expensive bus I don't know why anybody would take it instead of just getting on the bus or the Metro seems like a much more efficient way to me than waiting around for 20 strangers to get on John what do you think well for a baby boomer like me it's a way to be hit because we can say.

We're taking Uber instead of in fact really taking a bus so I'm all in for it I hope it works yeah what if it's why not just get on an actual bus which also might be cheaper but Mick you get the last this is Uber this is different this is different and Mick you get the last call on this.

What's your take would you hop on this well there's not a lot of Ubers in Montana I have to say but I am familiar with them when I go to the big city so I would say there is an issue with me when it comes to Surge pricing where it costs one thing to get somewhere and like 10 times more to get back I'm kind of out of principle like to walk but that can.

Cause a lot of maral disharmony so I hope that does help there but I do agree this looks like this looks like a bust to me and sometimes we forget that you can actually take a taxi and it's not always more expensive sometimes it's cheaper anyways I think it's up to public officials to create better Lanes after.

Big concerts and big sporting events I think public officials do better with Logistics and urban planning when it comes to that yeah absolutely I mean we've all been there when it takes like an hour to get out of a big crowded venue and that is our last call for this half hour Mike Christina John and Mick thank you all and thank you for.

Streaming with us I'm Selena Wang follow ABC News live on Instagram Tik Tok Facebook and More in coming up at 7:00 p.m. Eastern be sure to catch ABC News live Prime with lindsy Davis for the day's biggest stories and the impact they have on you the news never stops and neither do we keep it right here on ABC News.

Live what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America we are part of an operation is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate militants came in from different directions very ACC so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag not a in how important it made the USA great.

Work hi apprciate you is David David I'm David I know who you are watch you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David M is America's most watched newscast we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe some of the community doesn't feel like they need those answers I have covered child homicide.

Sides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who faed her will never know peace did you just stand there and let my friend's child die whenever wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in.

Buffalo yaldi Texas Edinburgh Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugee here in warong we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live.

From the team that brought you the DuPont award winning report a groundbreaking new investigation spanning 9,000 miles trashed the secret life of plastic exports stream free on Hulu hi I'm Andy and I'm Sabrina and we're moms juggling tons of stuff every day like all you moms out there and you know.

What we love really love Pop Culture so listen now to our new podcast pop culture moms wherever you get your podcast why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast.

Honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here Babe Ruth Hank Aron showy Otani Legends of the game but now the list of greats.

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Streaming AB News live what's good to watch read where can I get a great deal on what I'm just dying to buy oh it's all right here GMA life all the exclusive and buzziest celebrity good stuff deals and steals with amazing savings and the coolest lifestyle tips from Good Morning America I love that so much GMA life streaming.

Weekends on ABC News live your weekend just got a little better with GMA life ABC News America's number one news source I'm Selen wiang in Washington and right now on ABC News live Michael Cohen back on the stand at Donald Trump's hush money trial the former fixer facing some combative cross-examination about a.

Phone call he says he had with former president and whether or not he was interested in a job at the White House plus the Israeli military sending more troops into the city of Rafa as officials say that floating Pier designed to get more Aid into Gaza is now in place what this all means for Palestinian civilians on the ground and.

In tonight's Prime preview celebrating Asian-American native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month we'll introduce you to a motherdaughter Dua who are sharing their culture through food but we begin with Donald Trump's lawyers hammering Michael Cohen in court as more House Republicans show support.

For the former president at his hush money trial Trump leaving Court just a short time ago after another day of heated cross-examination of Cohen's testimony I think it was a very interesting day it was a fascinating day and it shows what a Dam this whole thing as a Trump's defense team again attacking.

Cohen's credibility working to paint a picture of him as a proven liar who pleaded guilty to crimes involving those lies and more House Republicans accompanying Trump to court today including Representatives Lauren bber and Matt Gates we're here voluntarily supporting our friend president Trump the leader of our movement the leader of.

Our party and soon again the leader of this great country ABC News investig reporter Olivia Rubin has more from outside the courthouse in lower Manhattan Selena day three of Michael Cohen's testimony bringing some of the most heated and substantive cross-examination from Donald Trump's.

Attorney Todd blanch who narrowed in on Michael Cohen's story about allegedly speaking with Donald Trump personally about the stormy Daniel payments in October of 2016 that line of questioning getting so heated Todd blanch screaming at Michael Cohen saying you lied just admit it but Michael Cohen of course staying firm saying he could not admit.

It because it was true it did happen it was very key testimony from Michael Cohen who stood firm but a key moment also for Todd blanch who scored some points in potentially planting that seed of doubt in the mind of the jury could Michael Cohen have possibly lied about that conversation for which there is no documentation except his word and a call.

Log entry to Donald Trump's bodyguard Michael Cohen will be back on the stand on Monday morning to conclude his cross-examination it will be day four and that could lead us into likely the end of this case next week both prosecutors and defense laying out their timeline for the rest of the case Todd blanch and the prosecutor will wrap up.

With Cohen before lunch is what they told the judge and then Todd saying that they could get through all of their defense Witnesses on Monday but of course the big question Donald Trump's testimony will he or won't he Todd blanch saying there still has been no determination but leaving the door door open but the judge critically saying.

Those closing statements could come as early as Tuesday and all eyeses of course from then on on that jury Selena Olivia thank you for that and let's now bring in senior council at the Kosen oconor law firm and director of forom law schools voting rights and democracy project Jerry goldfeder so Jerry we know the defense has been trying to establish.

That Cohen lies so much that he cannot be trusted is this strategy working one and two how critical is that for this case well it's critical to the case U according to the defense but the jury knows he's a liar the prosecution brought that out pretty in pretty much detail so the jury is not surprised by the aggressive very aggressive.

Cross-examination here look the the only thing that really matters is the narrative the story the charges that the prosecution has made the catch and kill uh scheme the payment of hush money the cover up and of course Trump's involvement in that um the falsifying of business records with the intent to influence the.

Election by unlawful means that's the charge and I don't think the defense has uh touched cone or any of the other Witnesses uh on this uh main story don't forget con is not the only one who's testified uh about this about this scheme we've had preor robor David pecker from the national Inquirer and stormmy Daniels uh former lawyer and.

Documentation all of that preceded cone and all of that has been consistent with what con has testified on the prosecution's case so it seems to me that the fact that the uh defense lawyers have gone after all of these uh admitted Lies by con is not telling the uh jury anything new what they really need to do is come up with some kind of.

Counternarrative which doesn't include Trump in involved with the hush money payments to uh to attempt to uh influence the election and I don't think the defense has done that yet and we'll see when when both sides sum up probably on Tuesday they'll they'll uh give the summary of their cases we'll see what happens once it goes to the jury which I.

Think will happen uh next Wednesday or Thursday yeah Jerry all of this moving a lot faster than expected thank you so much and now to Capitol Hill where a showdown between House Republicans and the justice department is underway House Republicans are battling to get their hands on the audio recordings of President Biden's interview with special.

Counsel Robert her in the investigation into Biden's handling of classified documents but they're facing tough push back from Democrats the recordings are necessary the transcripts alone are not sufficient evidence of the state of the president's memory frankly because the White House has a track record of altering the.

Transcripts now I've been to a number of proceedings in my time in Congress and in the state legislature that have been relatively stupid but this proceeding goes beyond stupidity this as a justice department told lawmakers today that President Biden is claiming EXE ex cutive privilege to prevent the release of.

Those audio recordings to Congress House Republicans on the Judiciary Committee voting to hold attorney general Meritt Garland in contempt of congress for defying their request for the recordings a full floor vote would happen in the coming weeks let's bring an ABC's J obri on Capitol Hill to break this down for us so Jay that report did not recommend.

Charges against President Biden for mishandling classified documents but of course it did have this embarrassing depiction so what are House Republicans telling you about why these audio recordings should be released well the White House's argument Selena was that a if this recording came out it could discourage future.

Presidents from participating in special Council investigations because the special Council would be giving evidence through the Department of Justice over to what the White House says is a partisan investigation Happening Here in Congress that was one argument the other argument they made is that House Republicans could cut up this audio of.

This interview and use it in campaign ads use it for political purposes uh and so that was the argument that Republicans pushed back on today in the Judiciary Committee where they've already voted to advance a resolution to hold Garland in contempt and they're expected to also push back on tonight when the oversight committee holds a.

Similar markup for a resolution to hold Garland in contempt the chair of that committee James comr I asked him if the White House doesn't have an argument here that this audio could be used and would be used for political purposes here's what he told me chairman comr the White House says that if you got the audio you would cut it up make ads out.

Of it isn't that a fair argument on their part no what's what would be a a fair argument is the fact that that merri Garland has been untruthful so many times that uh there's a concern that the transcripts may have some uh mistakes in there so the audio would help us ensure that uh the transcripts are.

Correct now again the White House says comr is conducting a partisan investigation same with a house Judiciary Committee as well um nonetheless once oversight does advance that contempt resolution as they are expected to tonight it's going to be up to Mike Johnson as to when and how he wants to put a potential resolution to.

Hold the Attorney General in contempt on the floor and does he have all of the votes amongst House Republicans to get it passed yeah a lot of what if there Jay so what would you say are the chances that attorney general Garland is actually held in contempt of congress and what then happens if that is the case well certainly it all depends upon.

How Mike Johnson wants to play this and he has such a slim majority remember Selena as you know that he can't afford to lose a single Republican vote on any kind of contempt resolution against the Attorney General so there's difficult political math there additionally he can't afford to lose a significant number of Republican absences if all the.

Democrat show up because the same kind of math plays out there as well so it's a tough Calculus if you're Mike Johnson but he has indicated that he does want to bring a contempt resolution to the floor he believes that he has the votes and Jay the Attorney General also pushing back very hard on this what is he.

Saying yeah the Attorney General this morning gave a rare statement to TV cameras in which he encapsulated a little bit of the White House's arguments that I laid out he believes that this investigation is partisan he believes that if this evidence were to be handed over it would discourage presidents Etc from participating in.

Special counsil investigations and he accuses House Republicans of mounting a string of attacks on law enforcement particularly the Department of Justice through these investigations and others and he says that that string of abuses I'm paraphrasing the Attorney General here indicates that Republicans are not acting in good faith in asking for this.

Audio but instead acting with political purpose J O'Brien thank you for following all of that for us and Israel says it has sent more troops into Rafa this coming a day after us officials told ABC news that the Israeli military had amassed enough troops on the edge of the Southern Gaza City to launch a fullscale incursion prime minister.

Benjamin Netanyahu insisting Israeli forces must invade Rafa because he says it's the last Hamas stronghold brushing off warnings from President Biden and other allies we're also getting word that the floating Pier designed to increase Aid to Gaza is now in place it comes as deliveries via land Crossings have slowed dramatically the United.

Nations will now be in charge of Distributing Aid that comes into the pier joining me now ABC News National Security and defense analyst Mick mroy Mick help us understand what is actually happening in Rafa right now is is this really just this so-called limited operation we've seen from the White House or do you believe this is actually.

A slow March towards that long planned incursion so Selena what we know right now is they are raid to be able to do a full-scale incursion into Rafa so the full offensive that the white house does not want to see happen that doesn't mean they're going to do it of course they can still uh shift and essentially do a limited uh Intel driven directed uh.

Mission but it does seem like they are ready to do the full scale which is obviously going to be at odds uh with the US with the White House's preference on how this would be done uh we're seeing more and more civilians move to the humanitarian zone so this could happen soon we're once I think we get to uh that over a million uh uh civilians.

Leaving then that would be the time that this start and then we also have fighting picking back up in Northern Gaza as Hamas is regrouping there so if Israel achieves its Goen Rafa does it still need to continue fighting back up north is it going to consider Hamas defeated there's two parts of this under our counterinsurgency Doctrine there's.

Clear hold and build uh right now we're seeing the IDF clear and leave so that is uh problematic potentially because they don't have enough forces uh but something that already seen the IDF seniors addressing and it's also one of the reasons why the IDF seniors including uh the minister of defense is talking about what is the plan for the.

Day after uh they view this as being a continuous fight unless there's an actual plan a political plan uh to for the day after is there going to be another force that comes in from Arab countries that provides security what is the path toward ensuring this doesn't happen again I think you're seeing a lot more discontent inside the Israeli uh.

Government particularly with the IDF which of course is responsible for this War uh and wants to end it somehow uh you think you're seeing more of that and it's it's an important to point to point out and that floating Pier that was built by the US to get more Aid into Gaza is now finally in place talk us through the challenges here it is very.

Very difficult to get from point A to point B to the people who actually need this what do the logistics look like that's right Selena even before the crossings in the South Rafa and Kum Shalom uh went down substantially in the amount of Aid that was coming in it was almost impossible to get Aid into the north of Gaza which is why that is where.

The famine conditions exist so this pier comes in to a place that can get Aid to those people I think that's very important it is up and running now uh Aid is going to start flowing into Cypress so we're going to see more and more Aid going to that Pier herculan effort by the US military to do this and Mick just really quickly what does it.

Say about the moment we're in that the US had to make this massive effort to get Aid in through this floating Pier it should be coming in through those land Crossings right right and I think the the answer really isn't one of the other it's all the above they need to have Aid coming in through ground Crossings and the.

Maritime Corridor the maritime Corridor of course can bring in Aid at scale so a lot more that's coming through uh the gates even if they were open so this really needs to be a a combined effort to bring Aid into people who desperately need it or we're going to see this famine condition turn into a full-scale famine throughout Gaza Mick mooy thank.

You for sticking with us and the family of the US Airmen shot and killed by a Florida Deputy speaking out in calling for justice in the case relatives of Roger Fortson joined by their attorney Ben Crump at a news conference today one day before the airman's funeral is set to take place Crump saying the new police dispatch audio supports their.

Claim that deputies went to the wrong home when they shot and killed Fortson in the doorway of his apartment when he answered the door with a handgun pointed at the ground now the airman's mother among those speaking today he would not be put to rest in darkness because he was light yes fix his reputation tell the truth and give my child Justice give.

Him Justice J how they got to that wrong apartment if it was the lent office who put them at the wrong apartment then they bear responsibility as well blood is on their hand as well and they should be held to account a reporter at our ABC news station in Atlanta WSB spoke exclusively with fortson's girlfriend who was on the.

Phone with him when he answered the door that day take a listen everyone's saying oh Roger he shouldn't have went to the door with a gun and I'm like it's his home if someone is banging on your door and not revealing themselves he's a military man for one like that's I'm sure that's something they learned especially being deployed and seeing.

What he's seen sheriff's deputies who say the officer who shot Fortson acted in self-defense while responding to a call about a disturbance that officer now on administrative leave State investigators are reviewing the case and the White House is seeking to ease concerns around President Biden's.

Planed commencement address at morehous college in Atlanta this weekend the announcement of the president's speech last month triggered peaceful protests and calls for the HBCU school to cancel it over its handling of the Israel Hamas War Biden responded to concerns yesterday on an atlanta-based radio show saying there's quote a lot of legitimate.

Concern and people have the right to protest to do it peacefully and I respect it earlier at the White House I asked Steven Benjamin senior adviser to the president about concerns from some students at morehous do you or the president have any concerns about the president's address overshadowing the commencement.

As we've heard from some students publicly sure um no obviously I think what what's going to be most important are the words that the president articulates and I know that he he feels very deeply about what this means to these uh young men uh the goal will be to make sure that we use this as an opportunity to continue to elevate the.

Amazing work that's been done at morous over the last century and a half Sunday will Mark Biden's most direct engagement with college students since the start of the Israel Hamas war and protests at college campuses across the country and coming up the Dow Jones Industrial Average hitting a significant.

Milestone today what it could mean for interest rates amid cooling inflation stick around with us a lot of hard I I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel lonely there was a lot of personal stuff in my life like that was really falling.

Apart but Mom and Daddy didn't raise no quitter not everybody makes it it's taken me a really long time to even get to this moment the CMA award for album of the year for female vocalist of the Year Entertainer of the Year goes to Lany Lany Laney Wilson that was a mic.

Drop a Entertainer of the Year baby what she is doing right now is changing country music wow I'm proud of myself I really am I have worked my ass off now it's time to see what's next I do see the bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero outfit we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe.

Some of the community doesn't feel like they need those answers I I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who felt her will never know peace did you just stand there and let my friend's child die knock knock burglers may be to blame.

For the murder of a hairdresser Fabio sintelli this a Twist here this is really personal the new 2020 Friday night on ABC let's go we are heading into the unknown oh my gosh we just saw what no one has seen before Hammer Hammer Hammer it doesn't get any more Cutting Edge than.

This now to some other stories we're following Indonesia under threat of a volcanic eruption the country raising the alert for Mount IU to the highest level following a series of eruptions since last week the volcano has been spewing thick gray Ash and dark clouds up to 16,000 ft in the air since last Friday thousands of people live nearby.

Mount IU but there have been no formal evacuation order so far and police in Spain breaking up a massive drug Network seizing 1.8 tons of metaphanine Spain's national police saying they arrested five people in what they call the country's largest ever meth bust theor as part of the Mexican caloa cartel which was once led by notorious drug.

Lord hin El Chapo Guzman who's now serving life in prison in the US and a major Milestone on Wall Street today has a dow briefly crossed 40,000 for the first time in history The Surge comes from investors optimism that inflation will ease and interest rates will come down as the Dow NASDAQ and S&P 500 continue to rally and Tennis Legend.

Serena Williams will host the espies this summer Williams who retired in 2022 will be become just the fourth women to host the show which honors the year's best in sports the tennis superstar has won 12 esps herself during her 10e of her career calling the chance to host a dream come true the esps will Air July 11th from the Dolby Theater in.

Hollywood and coming up we'll introduce you to a mother and daughter putting their Filipino culture and Heritage on the menu as they dish up food and flavor in our nation's capital that's up next I experienced a lot of heart a I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're going to feel.

Lonely it's taken me a really long time to even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the Year goes to Lany Wilson that was a mic trop the Entertainer of the Year baby I do see the bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero outfit w.

Wildes what's good to watch read where can I get a great deal on what I'm just dying to buy oh it's all right here GMA life get the latest celebrity Buzz Deals and Steals and the coolest lifestyle tips from GMA I love that so much streaming weekends on ABC News live tonight Michael Cohen returns to the stand plus as Ukraine faces a Russian.

Onslaught You Are Not Alone will billions in USA get to the front line in time more Americans turn to World News Tonight with David mure the most watched newscast on television Friday night knock knock burglar may be to blame for the murder of a hairdresser Fabio sintelli there's blood everywhere an allnew 2020 True Crime irony of ironies.

One of the victims of knock knock burglaries was fabiio lanon my phone start ringing off the hook there's a Twist here this is really personal that was shocking you sure this is right only my gosh I blacked out the new 2020 Friday night on ABC it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know.

That sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news music and of course good food a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that reporting from the labor department in Washington I'm ABC is Elizabeth schy wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News.

Live many consider small business owners and entrepreneurs to be the heart of our communities as we Mark Asian-American native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander heritage month we want to introduce you to a mother daughter D in Washington DC who are using their family's restaurant to serve up Filipino dishes from their native land and it's through their.

Shared love of their food culture and family that's helping to propel their restaurant to critical Acclaim ABC's Christian Cordo brings us the story this will forever be a Filipino restaurant in the nation's capital look at this this is sh of adobo Patrice clear is a self-taught chef a mother a daughter a former Marine and a first.

Generation Filipino Aman adobo is a very traditional Filipino dish of her story sits in this four-story building I was able to introduce my food uh that I grew up on that I loved to people that may have never had it but also people from the diaspora that missed it and wanted it among those who've discovered Purple Patch are some notable washingtonians.

Helping to bring Filipino food to prominence and elevating patrice's stature as a Pioneer in her industry Patrice opened Purple Patch in Washington DC in 2015 and since then the dining room has expanded to fit more than 200 tables inside and out with one very important regular you guys you've been here before making her.

Rounds oh you guys like it the daily she just kind of is that motherly figure here so everybody called me Alice Mama Alice Mama may as well be your first name yeah Mama Alice is patrice's mom born and raised in the Philippines Patrice was an infant when her dad a US Marine moved their family to military bases around the country and.

Overseas she grew up in the kitchen fluent in its mechanics and its purpose of bringing people together this kitchen is connected to the dishes from home what about you made you want to share it with other people I was crazy I anybody that opens up a restaurant has to be borderline crazy I went from being a stay-at-home mom one day to a restaurant.

Tour the next day our thanks to Christian and please tune in tonight to our ABC News live special Amplified a and HPI voices it celebrates the history unique Heritage and culture and contributions of the AA and HPI Community to the fabric of America that's tonight at 8:30 p.m. Eastern right here on ABC News live and.

Streaming on Hulu and we've got much more news ahead here on ABC News live in today's big story Donald Trump's lawyers hammering Michael Cohen during cross-examination how they tried to pick apart his earlier testimony plus the message from Congressman Matt Gates showing support for Trump at court with other Republican house members and in.

Our Spotlight Vladimir Putin visiting Chinese president Xi Jinping our panel weighs in on the two leaders forming a united front as tensions rise with the West why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories.

A lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start.

Here we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe some of the community doesn't feel like they need those answers I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who felted her will never know peace did you just stand her and let my friend's child.

die if you want a relationship a happy relationship you need to be in control of that Rel and Tate is one of many male Supremacy influencers you see him as this guy that has money has girls basically he's a god his compound what prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking business from we're not the first.

Affluent wealthy men who have been unfairly attacked you think he he raped you they never meant for any of this to be public someone else to says there's something wrong going around here inate Into the manosphere Now streaming on Hulu with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News.

Tonight with David M America's number one most watched newscast across all of Television next week where will Chris Hemsworth and Ana Taylor Joy be first thing in the morning get ready JM we are coming your way and lir and Sam are taking you aboard the USS Paton live for Fleet Week only on Good Morning America first thing in the morning.

There's a lot going going on we're still in a flash flood warning to catch you up with what happened overnight police in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between check out the gator on the 17th.

Hole the buzz kill in baseball the first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there streaming.

Free on ABC News live Donald Trump's defense team hammering Michael Cohen as more Republicans show up to the former president's hush money trial I'm Selena wng in Washington and in today's big story Trump's attorneys resuming their heated cross-examination of Cohen attacking his credit ability as Matt.

Gates another House GOP members accompany Trump to court I'll speak with ABC's Chief Washington correspondent Jonathan Carl and in our Spotlight Vladimir Putin visiting Chinese president Xi Jinping our panels weighs in on the two leaders forming a united front as tensions rise with the.

West but we begin with our big story Donald Trump's lawyers hammering Michael Cohen in court as more House Republicans show support for the former president at his hush money trial Trump leaving Court just a short time ago after another day of heated cross-examination of Cohen's testimony I think it was a very interesting day it was a fascinating day.

And it shows what a scam this whole thing is Trump's defense team again attacking Cohen's credibility working to paint a picture of him as a proven liar who pleaded guilty to crimes involved those lies more House Republicans accompanying Trump to court today including Representatives Lauren bber and Matt.

Gates we're here voluntarily supporting our friend president Trump the leader of our movement the leader of our party and soon again the leader of this great country ABC News Chief Washington correspondent John Carl joins me now for more on this here on set okay so having Cohen was always going to be a gamble he has a very interesting history.

Credibility issue exactly one way to put it lightly so just how damaging was the cross-examination today and just walk us through that 2016 phone call uh look I I think that this was pretty brutal day for Michael Cohen uh first of all the repeated uh documentation of the fact that Michael Cohen is a convicted liar he is an opportunist he is somebody who.

Clearly has an agenda now to destroy somebody who he once adored and practically worshiped that he has a motivation uh to take down Donald Trump but the key thing was this phone call that Michael Cohen on Monday testified was basically a key moment in all of this a moment when Michael Cohen called Keith Schiller who was Trump's security.

Guy basically and was put on the phone with Donald Trump and he told him the Stormy Daniels thing is taken care of it's done and you know Trump said good good good work we're we've accomplished this it was a phone call that lasted less than 2 minutes according to the to the to phone records but what the defense did today was to establish at.

The phone call seems to have quite likely V about something entirely different that Cohen was concerned about some teenager who was making threatening calls to him and he wanted uh to talk to Keith Schiller about informing the Secret Service to go after uh this teenager who was harassing him with phone calls so Cohen on.

Cross-examination instead of standing firmly by what he said on Monday about this critical phone call is now saying I believe I told the truth maybe I did maybe I didn't I believe yes and you've been in court for many of those days and you've seen Trump's various reactions his demeanor how do you think he's reacting to what we saw.

Today well uh I I was in court for the first two days of Cohen's testimony and Donald Trump seemed to be intent on doing absolutely nothing to show that he was paying attention his eyes literally closed through much of it never acknowledging Cohen never looking in his Direction according to people that were in court today Trump was more more on.

Top of it today at least the body language looking at Cohen paying very much close attention and when he came out clearly happy uh with the way he believes that his uh attorney Todd blanch took him down and for people who haven't been following all the ins and outs of this I mean where do you think things could go from here especially.

Based off of that very brutal cross-examination that played out today well look there's a lot of documentary evidence about the reason uh for uh these hush money payments about the context within the campaign about how the campaign was deeply concerned about how damaging Stormy Daniels could have been coming at the final week of the.

Campaign and how much they wanted to shut it down and and Michael Cohen's motivation uh for making that payment and the fact that Michael Cohen has said very clearly that it was Donald Trump who directed him to do so um but look Reasonable Doubt I found a number of places where you could have Reasonable Doubt Reasonable Doubt about uh Michael.

Cohen's motivation for speaking is he lying now we've know he's lied before he's admitted he's lied before uh why he is there doubt about his testimony this phone call that's one piece of it but if he's not really telling the truth about that what is he not what else is he not telling the truth about so I don't know will the what will the jury do it's 12.

People and it only takes one and that's all Todd blanch wants is a single juror to say you know what I have Reasonable Doubt and I am not going to uh find him guilty yeah only takes one to your point and it's very interesting to see these high-profile Republicans show face and you have you know Matt Gates Lauren bber various people.

What impact does that have and just tell us in context just this moment we're in where they're going to court to show their support for Trump you know you've had a whole bunch of these Republicans come in uh earlier in the week you had Todd beram the governor of North Dakota you had JD Vance uh the senator uh from Ohio you had V ramaswami the former.

Presidential candidate I was watching the jurors as all this was happening they didn't seem to take notice of who's in the first couple of rows in in the courtroom today though according to those in the courtroom Matt Gates the jury was clearly looking and taking note Lauren bobert these are much more high-profile figures uh recognizable to.

The jury is it going to matter to them at all I mean who knows probably not but what's I think it's more Trump wanting to turn that courtroom that Courthouse into his campaign and those people each day go out hold press conferences who knows how many people are really listening but they go out they hold press conferences and they say things.

That Donald Trump is actually not allowed to say because of the gag gag order they literally uh earlier this week were attacking the judge's daughter which is specifically one of the things that uh Trump was cited for as a violation of his gag order so they're not subject to the gag gag order right well he's stuck there under these really.

Tight circumstances he's putting a surrogate there yes absolutely whether they're effective is another question John Carl thank you so much thank you and now let's bring the big story to the rest of our panel joining us today is ABC News contributor and serus XM radio host Mike Muse ABC News contributor and Democratic strategist and president of.

Nextg America Christina Tintin Ramirez along with ABC News contributor and former Republican Congressman for New York John kco and Senior council at the co and oconor law firm and director of forom law school's voting rights and democracy project Jerry gold Federer so John these Republican lawmakers clearly rallying behind Trump is there a.

Political payoff for them or are they running a political risk here I think they're all certainly hoping for a political payoff and that's the only reason I could think that they're being there uh they're not the Heavy Hitters within Republican party they're not senior members they're the farri members of the party who love the media and have.

Latched on to Trump and the hope that their greater days are at for them if he becomes president again but I don't think they're gonna have much of an effect on the jury I tried cases like these I I I don't think the jury pays much attention to them and uh so I I just think it's uh they should be in Washington doing their job and they you.

Know in foregoing being in a criminal case against a former president of United States but that's the state of politics today and I think they see by hitching the raag and the Trump they may make somehow benefit down the road that's that's pretty pathetic yeah and Christina in my conversation with John Carl he was talking about Trump using.

This trial as a campaign event of sourcewell he's constricted and stuck there in court um what do you think this means for the Biden campaign how could they be capitalizing on this because so far they're they're just making cheeky comments about what's actually happening well this uh trial is another reminder of the chaos that uh really.

Donald Trump's presidency and campaign was in 2016 and why so many Americans were uh felt motivated to vote against him in 2020 um it's a reminder for many female voters right this was a president that or a candidate that in 2016 had real problems with female voters and now not not only do we have this case as a reminder of that um and also a reminder.

Of the Access Hollywood tape that was discussed during this trial but also abortion rights at the Forefront so I think this campaign is ation for the campaign the Trump campaign and also he can't be out campaigning so that's why he's trying to turn this into a campaign event and Mike just want to get your take on the defense's effort to.

Undermine Cohen's credibility this was hours of brutal cross-examination just how effective do you think they were it's really great question it all depends upon how the jury is perceiving this um this comes down to the defense is hanging their hat on undermining Cohen's credibility uh versus what the prosecution is putting forward is about.

The hardcore evidence and data and Exhibits that they are presenting this case really comes down to a paper trail and whether or not the prosecution can connect the dots enough uh to create The Narrative of the paper trail in order to bring the enough charges up to make it a felony uh to its Aur needs to convict based upon the prosecution uh the.

Defense seems to be undermining Cohen's credibility they did a really great uh presentation of that today uh asking him questions so it really would come down to was the jury hanging their decision on The credibility of Cohen or the evidence and the documents that they see before them and Jerry I want to get your best prediction of where things go from.

Here could we see more witnesses could we see Trump testify how fast could this all wrap up well I think it's going to wrap up uh much more quickly than we originally thought uh there's a little more cross-examination of Michael Con on Monday they'll be uh redirect of cone by the prosecution for about an hour so.

That's midday on Monday and then the prosecution I think will be resting and then there's the the defense and the defense is going to put on uh at least according to what they've said so far an election law expert to try to talk about the campaign Finance uh issues that are the at the heart of this case and the judge has already instructed that uh.

That if he does testify that expert it's going to be very very limited and then the question is will they put on Trump and there's a lot of back and forth on that Trump I'm sure wants to testify but let's assume he doesn't and let's assume that the defense uh then rests summations will be on Tuesday and let's assume that goes on Tuesday maybe on.

Wednesday the jury will get the case before next weekend before Memorial Day uh weekend and then the question is do they rush through it or do they take their time and go beyond Memorial Day weekend we'll see Mike Christina John and Jerry thank you all and coming up in our Spotlight Russian President Vladimir Putin and.

Chinese president Xi Jinping reaffirming what they call a no liit partnership at a high stake Summit my panel weighs in on their diplomatic relations up next you're watching America's number one streaming news ABC News live breaking news exclusives live reporting across the globe keep streaming with ABC News.

Live this is not about parents who just let their kid watch violent movies or play violent video games this is about parents who neglected their son ignored his cries for help and then bought him a gun the first parents in America to be charged in a school shooting involuntary manslaughter charges against parents of the shooter at Oxford High School who.

Killed four students and wounded others there's a myth that a shooter just snaps it's just not true there are always signs he was crying for help and being ignored he had pictures of a Target on his bedroom wall shell casings on his nightstand a very toxic turbulent relationship those people are Yik the life they lived was just crazy the sex.

Sting and the really terrible things theyd video of their sexual acts they purchased that gun for him with his money and bragged about it they're being told by a school counselor that he thinks their son's going to kill himself and they do nothing as soon as I heard they were called to the school that day the messages about lol don't.

Get caught those were very very concerning to me that's the moment that no juror is going to think well haven't we all been there here's what it is I got it they do not seem shocked about him having the gun there was no shot zero zero schoolers aren't created they're made and it's made over time you don't get to walk away from.

That you just don't that's a criminal act sins of the parents the crumbly trials the opposite of love is not hate it's just being ignored only on Hulu what's good to watch read where can I get a great deal and what I'm just dying to buy oh it's all right here GMA life all the exclusive and buzziest.

Celebrity good stuff Deals and Steals with amazing savings and the coolest lifestyle tips from Good Morning America I love that so much GMA life streaming weekends on ABC News live your weekend just got a little better with GMA life when it matters most America turns to David mure and ABC's World News Tonight Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so.

Important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas edinb Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in warong we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News News live week.

Nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live first thing in the morning there's a lot going on we're still in a flash flood warning to catch you up with what happened overnight police in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking.

About the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between check out the gator on the 17th hole the buzz kill in baseball first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live in today's Spotlight two of.

America's biggest geopolitical foes praising their quote Everlasting friendship Russian President Vladimir Putin making a state visit to Beijing this week meeting with Chinese president Xi Jinping with the two pledging a new era of partnership and taking an adversarial tone towards the United States and the West as a whole let's.

Bring back my panel Mike Christina and John and joining us now is ABC News National Security and defense analyst Mick molight so Mick we know that China is helping to stabilize Russia's economy as they face many many sanctions from the west and the White House again accusing Chinese companies for helping Putin wage this war against Ukraine so.

What's your takeaway from this Summit and just how consequential China is as this war rages on so Selena very consequential and you already already hit on the main reason they are basically supplying the war machine for Russia to uh carry out its war against Ukraine but this sum's very significant these two individuals know.

Each other very well uh they've met over 40 times if that gives you some indication and they are talking about everything from defense to economics to energy and of course energy plays a part in defense and economics so this is very significant and troubling there's a reason why these two countries are first and second uh when it comes to our.

Strategic competitors also known as adversaries at our national security strategy and they're just trying to basically uh build up their Coalition uh because they view us uh as their most strategic adversary and it should be something we pay a lot of attention to and John is Russia clearly the junior partner in this relationship just talk.

To us about how this inter interdependence helps Beijing here oh yeah from an economic standpoint there's there's no parody whatsoever uh China is simply using Russia because they got Russia in a spot where Russia can't need somebody to help them and it's China is the only one willing to help but China in return is getting well.

Below Market uh prices for oil and gas which they need badly so from a from an economic standpoint Russia is getting fleeced but from a strategic uh standpoint from a from a threat standpoint it UPS the anti against the United States so he's absolutely correct when he says that so uh but by and large from an economic standpoint China is.

Really just using a a wounded animal in Russia right now Mike I just want to get your thoughts bouncing off of that I mean clearly these two countries are aligned in their opposition to this us-led world order do you see this as more of than a relationship of convenience here it's a relationship of convenience also to uh and a.

Strengthening of the Allies a relationship between the two countries I totally agree with a lot with John catco just said here something also too that China has to be mindful though is that they don't want to lean too heavily on uh their relationship with Russia that can alienate Europe not just the United States as they do a lot of exports over.

Into Europe so they don't want to see too much um in bed with Russia to where they may alienate their Europe allies that they count on for their economic gains too as well really interesting enough too as well was how uh Russia and China are looking at um research militarily uh that Russia could definitely use the technology and the.

Military advancements of China uh as they continue uh their offense in Ukraine yeah Mike I think you make a really good point because they do not want to be a global Pariah in the same way that Russia has become in this war they xiin ping still wants to be a global Statesman and um Christina the Biden Administration has taken a tough.

Stance on China they've been building on Trump's tariffs quadrupling tariffs on EVS from China does Biden run the risk of inflaming tensions between these two countries in an election year I mean it's been interesting to watch the Biden Administration continue with the tariffs on China and try and protect a lot of the gains when we.

Talked about John was talking about energy that also China has really positioned themselves as the leader in clean energy and the Biden Administration is trying to fight that seeing the energy Revolution happening across the country and Russia of course wanting to hold on to oil and gas economy I think what's also really.

Interesting not just about this election but to think I don't I really hope Trump doesn't win but if Trum Trump wins this partnership is also a very interesting one because Trump clearly is a big fan of Putin and so but also really against China so who knows where this goes if Republicans were to win clearly uh uh much more support for authoritarian.

Regimes under a republican Administration and Mick just going back to what you said earlier is there anything that the US can do to influence Xi Jinping when it comes to this cozy relationship with Russia and their support as they wage this war so of course the first thing we could do is show a strong Coalition uh.

That's something they understand building our our coalitions in the in the indopacific region is a I think a major effort that we are undertaking and it will likely continue whoever is the next uh president that's one the second is to find uh places where we do agree and where there's combined interest and really promote that because one thing I.

Think we should all agree that a conflict between Russia uh China and the United States and our allies is not in anybody's interest so uh we need to have a strong uh defense if you will but we also need to look for places where we have a common specifically with China Mike Christina John and Mick so much to get into here thank you all and coming.

Up in our last call Uber looking to revolutionize the way people travel to concerts and sporting events will tell you all about the big announcement the ride share company made today our panel weighs in on Uber shuttle when we come back I experienced a lot of hard a I'm a tough woman but it's not easy you're.

Going to feel lonely it's taken me a really long time to even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the goes to Lany Wilson that was a mic drop the Entertainer of the Year baby I do say the bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero.

Outfit we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe some of the Community doesn't feel like they need those answers I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who failed her will never know peace did you just Stander and let my friend's child.

die if you want a relationship a happy relationship you need to be in control of that relationship ENT Tate is one of many male Supremacy influencers you see him as this guy that has money has girls basically he's a god his compound what prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking business from we're not the first.

Affluent wealthy men who have been unfairly attacked you think he he raped you they never meant for any of this to be public someone else to say there's something wrong going around here enter Tate Into the manosphere Now streaming on Hulu with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News.

Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of Television here's to good mornings in America Can You Feel The Love oh yeah mornings that Inspire filled with hope kindness joyous surprises and so much fun this is crazy this is absolutely crazy start your day with Good Morning America's ray of sunshine highlighting.

The best of America and helping make dreams come true wow is so happy it's so good get ready to smile and put the good into your Morning America because you know what will make the morning better a little ray of sunshine from the team that brought you the DuPont awardwinning report a groundbreaking new investigation.

Spanning 9,000 miles trashed the secret life of plastic exports stream free on Hulu first thing in the morning there's a lot going on we're still in a flash flood warning to catch you up with what happened overnight police in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking.

About the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between check out the gator on the 17th poll the buzz kill in baseball first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live right now there's just so much happening in our world so much at stake.

At the start of every morning and that's why at Good Morning America we're right here and we got you we got you we got you you're watching America's number one streaming news keep streaming with ABC News live reporting from the 2024 campaign Trail I'm Eva Pilgrim wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News.

live it is time for our last call call a new cheaper way to travel with Uber the ride Shar company announcing a new shuttle service customers can reserve up to five seats and according to the company will cost a fraction of their price in their standard ride in launches in Miami Chicago Pittsburgh and.

Charlotte this summer Riders can book up to seven days in advance and the shuttle will hold from 14 to 55 people the company is partnering with local shuttle services and commercially licensed drivers let's bring back my panel Mike Christina John and Mick okay so Mike we've seen Uber disrupt so many different Industries what does this mean.

For public transportation do you think this is going to be a GameChanger for people in theory I think Uber would like for it to be a game changer but in practice I don't see this working Selena I think that this is going to backfire on Uber um I I have so many questions about you know does the shuttle going to leave on time would have I reserved it.

Uh but I didn't make it is there extra seats available for other people so I think it's going to create much more complicated problems uh than it's actually going to off yeah I can see a lot of issues when you've got up to 55 people uh Christina what do you make of this I mean do you think this is a good way for people to.

Avoid the surge pricing we've all dealt with when we open Uber for one moment and then we look two minutes later and it's like $20 more yeah I mean I I think it's their attempt to deal with surge pricing and people being really unhappy about it but like Mike said I think it's a pretty rough deal this to me just feels like an.

Expensive bus I don't know why anybody would take it and instead of just getting on the bus or the Metro seems like a much more efficient way to me than waiting around for 20 strangers to get on John what do you think well for a baby boomer like me it's a way to be hit because we can say we're taking Uber instead of in fact.

Really taking a bus so I'm all in for it I hope it works yeah what if it's why not just get on an actual bus which also might be cheaper but Mick you get the last no no this is Uber this is different this is different and Mick you get the last call on this what's your take would you hop on this well there's not a lot of Ubers.

In Montana I have to say but I am familiar with them when I go to the big city so I would say there is an issue with me when it comes to Surge pricing where it costs one thing to get somewhere and like 10 times more to get back I'm kind of out of principle like to walk but that can cause a lot of maral disharmony so I hope that does.

Help there but I do agree this looks like this looks like a bus to be and sometimes we forget that you can actually take a taxi and it's not always more expensive sometimes it's cheaper anyways I think it's up to public officials to create better Lanes after big concerts and big sporting events I think public officials do better with.

Logistics and urban planning when it comes to that yeah absolutely I mean we've all been there when it takes like an hour to get out of a big crowded venue and that is our last call for this half hour Mike Christina John and Mick thank you all and thank you for streaming with us I'm Selena Wang follow ABC News live on Instagram Tik Tok.

Facebook and more and coming up at 700 p.m. Eastern be sure to cash ABC News live Prime with lindsy Davis for the day's biggest stories and the impact they have on you the news never stops and neither do we keep it right here on ABC News live we're trying to get answers for the community at large even if maybe some of.

The community doesn't feel like they need those answers I have covered child homicides before and now my daughter's autopsy will be made public one day those who felt her will never know peace did you just stand her and let my friend's child die with so much at stake so much on the.

Line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David mure America's number one most watched newscast across all of Television if you want relationship a happy relationship you need to be in control of that relationship ENT Tate is one of many male Supremacy influencers you see him as this guy that has money.

Has girls basically he's a god his compound what prosecutors say he ran a sex trafficking business fromont we're not the first affluent wealthy men who have been unfairly attacked you think he he raped you they never meant for any of this to be public someone else says there's something wrong going around here enter Tate Into the manosphere Now.

Streaming on Hulu why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts let's go we are heading into the unknown oh my.

Gosh we just saw what no one has seen before

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