LIVE: Natty Tuesday Outcomes


LIVE: Natty Tuesday Outcomes

Well hello and welcome to CBN News live coverage of super Tuesday my name is Dan Andros I'm managing editor for CBN News joined today by CBN Chief political analyst David Brody you're looking right now at a live shot of trump headquarters and David it's projected we only have a couple States in here Virginia North Carolina have been projected for Trump.

Uh not a surprise there but it's just the first couple of States here as we expect more to come rolling in soon as polls are just closing across the country here on super Tuesday where you have a whole bunch of States a whole slew of them so there is a lot to talk through here David well there there sure is first of all let's start with North.

Carolina no surprise there Donald Trump winning handily Virginia Donald Trump winning in Virginia not a surprise at all as well having said that the Virginia electorate a little bit more moderate on the Republican side than let's say North Carolina but it doesn't matter I mean with Trump uh he as we've seen in Iowa and New Hampshire and.

Nevada and South Carolina and just down the line it goes it's just been everywhere uh Michigan just goes on and on he's winning everywhere so whether the electorate is a little bit more moderate um which you think would be good for Nikki Haley it still doesn't matter this is Donald Trump's Republican party he's owning it tonight uh we have.

More polls that uh or excuse me states that have just closed and I can tell you at 8 o'clock it's a you know look as I get older I've got to read it because I don't know my memory's barely functioning uh Alabama Maine Massachusetts Oklahoma Tennessee and most of Texas all closing now at 800m Eastern and we should any moment now get.

Calls from the Associated Press that Trump will win Alabama uh Oklahoma Tennessee uh and down the line so uh we're waiting on Vermont a Vermont close at 7 pm that was Nikki haly's really Best Shot to win a state tonight um and Dan I you can tell me the latest on the numbers but I believe Donald Trump's winning there as well it's close what is.

It I can't see I've got to put on my uh old yeah we're watching yeah I know that's the that's the small font that's for uh I hate the small font that's for the eagle-eyed in the bunch here but uh looking at it now there's about 15 according to AP numbers which were following 15.8% of the votes counted so still ways to go but right now Trump's.

Up 6% and like you said David this was one of those state you know we last time we talked it was kind of like what's the path for Nikki Haley here and so you know she was obviously we're only a few days away from uh the last primary up until super Tuesday so maybe the thinking was hey we we've come this far let's just see what we can do on super.

Tuesday but she did travel around she went to a few States uh she went to uh well Vermont was one of them and so Virginia was one which of course didn't go her way but um that is one where she's getting at least a little bit of action to making it close well and let's be clear I think you can sum up Nikki Haley's campaign at this point by.

Looking at the one place she did win Washington DC uh that pretty much sums it up uh the Deep State primary if you will uh you know a lot of moderate uh left leaning even Republicans in Washington DC and then Nikki Haley puts out on social media thank you Washington DC really that's the one place you probably don't want to win as a.

Republican and she did win that's funny well Dave you mentioned that you know I'm looking at the delegate count right now and the ones that are official so far obviously we have a whole bunch that you know haven't been declared just yet on the AP results but 273 for Trump 43 for Haley and you're scrolling down the list and you're like okay where's she.

Getting him from and she's got a few but then the one Trump doesn't have any in his DC he's got a zero and that's Haley's best with 19 I just thought that was I just thought that was a little bit ironic and maybe maybe maybe on brand I guess for for what we're seeing uh play out but and let me give you a little bit of kind of an overview of what we're.

Going to see tonight so as you mentioned Dan Donald Trump with 273 delegates going into the night tonight on super Tuesday about a third of States 15 states uh voting so about a third of the United States voting 854 Republican delegates up for grabs tonight so even if Donald Trump won all 854 he's not going to win all 854 he.

Probably win very close to that but not all of them even if he want all of them uh quick math 854 plus 273 da da da around 1100 1120 whatever it is you need 1215 1,215 to secure the nomination so he will not get there tonight uh he'll probably end up being 100 150 delegates short of that maybe less uh and then the Clincher will come next week March 12th.

When Georgia votes Mississippi votes Washington State votes that should put them over the top that's what the Trump campaign is expec ing on March 12th and for some reason it doesn't happen then Dan it'll happen March 19th the following week that's when Florida other states as well but Florida and Arizona are the big ones on March 19th and then.

For sure it'll be a done deal and that'll be the end Dan it's interesting to point out that Nikki Haley we understand will not uh be speaking tonight uh normally obviously we would hear from from her on these evenings not tonight and I think that says everything you need to know she doesn't have any public events planned after tonight uh.

And so uh look you know I'm not a rocket scientist but let's put it all together she's not speaking tonight no public events planned after super Tuesday she's even said she's going through until super Tuesday and then we'll evaluate she's clearly going to see what the results are tonight across 15 states and then make that decision but I think that.

Decision is pretty much already made uh this will be the end of the road tonight for Nikki heli yeah and then it's just a matter of time of when does she indeed make it make make it official apparently that won't be tonight like you said not announced they not speaking uh former president Trump will presumably be.

Speaking he always enjoys these sorts of chances to address and why why wouldn't you on a big super Tuesday right where you're projected to win most of these states of course you're going to get up there and speak because now it's probably time to really turn towards the general and once this is put to rest any potential chance any outside long shot.

Turn around out of nowhere from Haley uh once that's put to rest we've got to turn this thing into the general and we're already starting to see Biden do that a little bit on this border issue that surged what's uh Trump's next steps from here well it's all Biden all the time and I think the key for him I'm talking about for for Donald Trump is to.

Compare his presidency to Joe Biden's presidency that's a big Advantage for Donald Trump remember in 2020 he couldn't do that he was running as President Biden was wasn't president obviously yet there wasn't that ju to position there is now and I think that's a big deal especially if you look inside the exit polling tonight uh you see once.

Again that people were better off they felt better off under a Donald Trump presidency than a Joe Biden presidency that's the Apples to Apples comparison it gives Trump a huge Advantage uh going into to the general another uh interesting part of the exit polls uh that you know this is the geek out portion of the uh YouTube Broad.

Where I kind of I kind of Deep dive into the polls but I mean it doesn't take a rocket scientist once again to figure out what the number one issue was tonight just look at the exit poles it's not the economy it's not the economy it's immigration in Virginia it was immigration in North Carolina it was immigration they're only doing exit.

Polls by the way which you point out in Virginia North Carolina and California as well uh it's immigration across the board uh the economy number two so if immigration is the number one issue especially among Republican voters in terms of the enthusiasm that's great news for Donald Trump so uh one other exit poll geek out moment here and this.

This is interesting in Virginia listen to this statistic Dan this is an exit pole statistic in Virginia voters these are Republican voters asked would Trump be fit for the presidency if convicted if he was convicted would he be fit for the presidency uh 53% of folks in Virginia Republicans said yes a majority said yes even if convicted the number.

Even higher in North Carolina 64% of Republicans said yes even if he was convicted so this is the power of trump I mean this is the old uh I could shoot someone on the middle in the middle of Fifth Avenue I mean the Teflon Dawn as they call them I mean we're seeing that play out in these exit polls here D yeah we sure are and I just want to Quick.

Give a mention to everyone who's joining us on YouTube welcome everyone on the CBN News Channel as well if you want to comment if you want to get questions in for David feel free to shoot them into the chat there on YouTube we're we're monitoring that we see some people from Florida from New Jersey checking in Wisconsin we got people from everywhere.

Georgia so appreciate you all being here but uh feel free to leave your questions in the chat we'll try to we'll try to get to them uh during the broadcast here so all right David with presumably Nikki Haley likely ending this thing if not tonight in the next you know 48 Hours 24 to 48 hours right the the question that's kind of getting floated around in.

The media is all right so what happens to these Haley voters because clearly Trump was on a path a dominating path here but she still got a chunk of the vote and then usually it's kind of labeled as a more moderate vote like we're saying we're seeing her do well a little better than her other states in Vermont so the question looming now is.

Well what happens to those voters what do they do come general election times Trump's very strong here in the primaries but he's going to need those moderate votes to win the general and to beat uh Joe Biden so what what's your response to that line of of questioning that the media has been bringing up well let me go with facts Dan uh remember uh.

As we as we tell you here all the time at CBN News truth matters because the truth matters and this is why we are on YouTube and why we're providing analysis and it's not just analysis based on hey what do you think what's my opinion who cares about what my opinion is let's go to the facts and the facts are simply this the media is spinning this as Nikki.

Haley's 40% support and how in the world is Donald Trump going to win that 40% support uh but the problem here is is that that number 40% not accurate because if you go specifically inside the numbers that is not 40% Republican support that she's winning most of it is Democrat and independent support so for example you want facts we will give you.

Facts Dan not that you're asking for facts but I'm just I'm just talking to I don't know like imaginary people I guess uh but look here's the deal uh in North Carolina tonight uh Nikki Haley uh in terms of the support that she won these are her supporters only 18% 18% of her supporters were Republican in Virginia it was about 23% so this idea that it's.

40% is not true truth matters uh so now you're at a much lower number 23% 18% and then it becomes a crapshoot at that point you the Republicans uh the Trump campaign but even the RNC believe that most of those will come back home as they like to say it's the hold your nose crowd uh and you'll get the bulk you know five 10 12% whatever it is of those.

Voters that will eventually just go ahead and say you know what all right I'll vote for Trump even over Biden uh and then there's a few percentages obviously that that are not going to do that and so is it a concern that the Trump campaign needs to be worried about sure but not to the degree that the the Legacy Media is talking about and I.

Think it's important to put that in a proper perspective Dan all right uh just looking in the chat here Margie's asking us to to check in on the uh Texas races what's going on there I can I can tell you the numbers at least for the uh pre GOP primary voting so far it's just 15% are in so far so a long way to go still Trump.

Commanding lead in Texas 74 to 20 so far so so clearly uh that one's going to be a big win for Trump as far as I don't know if you have any of your eye on any of the other races going on if there's anything else in Texas that stands that stands out but um I want to mention real quick David you can chime in on the numbers in a second but I did want to.

Mention the immigration issue you said it went to the top and by the way we're waiting for president Trump to see speak former president Trump to speak and we will take you to that uh when he hits the stage so yeah we're on the lookout for that don't worry about that um but you mentioned the immigration thing being a top topic and that that is very.

Interesting because I mean I've been covering presidential elections for some time now and I don't recall immigration ever being a the number one issue I it's it's been a high issue before but I don't remember it zooming to the top like this before so that's different and I just we just saw some reporting now in the past few days that Haiti had this.

Massive Prison Break they've been struggling with gang uh control and and all sorts of Chaos in Haiti now what why do I bring that up well if that continues you are going to see a massive surge of migrants heading out of Haiti doing whatever they can to get out of Haiti because I mean I've been to Haiti before and I've done some reporting.

There and when you get out especially into I don't know just towns that are not like the main city but even PTO Prince is kind of kind of chaotic at times but it's like the wild west out there and that was I was there when it was fairly stable like five years ago it didn't have this sort of complete chaos that it has right now so you better.

Believe people are going to be fleeing there and so that's just going to exacerbate what's going on at the southern border even more you're right Dan and here's here's the problem for Biden it's not going to get better before it gets worse and you're mentioning Haiti and you just go down the list of the you know it it's.

Going to be relatively disasterous for the Biden Administration going forward on immigration uh and look you you say you've never seen these type of numbers before in terms of exip poing on immigration well right because the border is the worst it's ever been I mean we the Donald Trump campaign on immigration in 2016 it was really bad.

It's even worse now uh and so I think what you're going to see and I know we're gonna have some coverage of State of the Union on Thursday so we'll talk more about this at that point but Joe Biden is going to start to bring up this idea that you know he wants to have this deal this bipartisan deal uh that's going to somehow uh clamp down on on.

Border security I mean listen truth matters I mean the devil is in the details real quick hang on one second uh standby I'm just getting some breaking news here okay that was a trump campaign uh Source I can't name that Source they're thinking that Donald Trump is going to probably speak around 10 pm Eastern tonight uh however uh this.

Person saying it could be earlier I guess that was just for my planning purposes whoops I set it on the air my bad listen it's not the end of the world anyhow the point is he'll probably speak around 10 o'clock Easter maybe before any the point I'm not gonna sure if we're gonna make it that long but we'll we'll try yes okay so there there you go.

We've got some information once again coming in from the Trump campaign but anyhow I don't even know where I was the point is it was immigration it's a problem it's going to get worse for bid let me just say one other thing and this has to do with the economy which is the number two issue you know uh they always talk about biomics and they talk about.

The economy by the way on biomics someone needs to explain to me how in the world you can have a catchphrase for something that uh people aren't buying at all from an economic standpoint doesn't make any sense uh but anyhow you compare biomics to Reaganomics you know Reaganomics saw the GDP grow Gang Busters 7.1% the GDP under Biden not the.

Same so uh it's totally apples and oranges and what's another important point to remember because the Democrats will say well Barack Obama had tough poll numbers in 2012 against Mitt Romney or so yeah but at that point the economy was turning around it was getting better there were there was a lot more optimism coming at that point things had begun to.

Turn around already with Biden things haven't really turned around at all and once again to be clear just to be clear with Joe Biden here uh they can talk all they want about the economy uh doing Gang Busters but folks are not feeling it out there they just aren't and let's also be clear Gavin new the other day said there were 15 million jobs created.

By the Biden Administration well once again back to what CBN News always says the truth matters 15 million jobs hold on for a second 72% of those jobs were jobs that were not created they just came back from covid so you know remember this was coming out of covid so 72% of those 15 million that we keep hearing about they were already there.

They were just came back because of covid so so it's important to put a lot this in perspective and that's what we try to do here at CBN News yeah well done um uh I just wanted to update a couple people here on the chat we got Linda asking for an update on Oklahoma it's early going again some of these polls just closed so Oklahoma we've got.

5.5% of the votes counted so just in the early going but the indication is there 77% of those are going to former president Trump Dave we got a question for you from Holly was asking this is kind of a forward-looking one because this is interesting um regardless I guess if Trump wins or not um in in November is who will the.

Republican candidate be in 2028 can you see that far ahead hold on let me get my Christian crystal ball wait I can't you can't have a Christian crystal ball let me just be very clear so don't don't get your crystal balls out as a matter of fact throw them away now I think about it uh well that's an interesting uh scenario let me just say.

This this is what I think is going on in the minds of Nikki Haley and Mike Pence okay Mike Pence started 20 a $2 million organization he's in the process of starting a $20 million organization to fight back against populist policies that Trump is supporting right now within the Republican Party he wants to bring it back to Reagan days he wants to.

Go old school if you will Nikki haly feels the same way I believe what they're hoping for and by the way let me do the disclaimer good luck with this is that they want to see a 2028 that has Trump long gone and off the stage at that point and then uh how do I say this things return to regular order as they like to say in the Senate and it goes.

Back uh to what the Republican party used to stand for I don't think that's going to happen I don't see that happening I think the train has left the station not just with Trump I think it started with the tea party and then it morphed even more after Trump and I think those days are long gone now having said that we know his from a.

Historical perspective the Republican party has changed throughout the years you know so so there's been different uh different uh what's the word I'm looking for uh different variations thank you variations sorry if it's more than a two syllable word I'm done variations of that uh throughout history so I think that's what Nikki haly and Mike Pence.

Are are banking on and you might see a return with them in 2028 having said that I don't think that's happening I think the wave of the future is folks like VC ramaswami JD Vance uh you know th those type of folks uh Sarah Huck Sanders chrisy gome uh I think it's going to be very important who Donald Trump picks as his VP I know a lot of.

People out there in Maga world would like to see someone uh that just be just kind of lowers their head and doesn't have aspirations at all for 2028 but I don't think that'll be the case whoever it is will be in the driver seat for 2028 so I think that VP pick is going to be pretty important yeah you would think so I mean because this is a very unique.

Situation with former president Trump only being able to do one term so you really do have to put that that that forethought into okay this person is most likely going to be the incumbent essentially no doubt um it's it's so it's a unique situation you really have have to put an extra emphasis on that so on that front has has anything changed.

On since we last talked when we we were kind of baning about the different uh vice presidential possibilities for Trump gnome was out there Tim Scott's name was out there uh has that kind of stayed stood Pat or what are we looking at no it really has I mean I I think you're looking I mean my analysis of it and I know some of these principles.

These players I I know them personally but also obviously professionally I think Christy gnome is right there at the top of the list I I you know if you're gonna if you're gonna kind of tell me or you're gonna ask me who do I think it's gonna be I think it's gonna be Christine gome um I think Sarah hucke Sanders is a potential as well uh Tim.

Scott is there too I think they're all on on that short list uh and also just be U look out this is going to be an interesting one uh Ben Carson uh folks are talking about Ben Carson I you know look he's the chamomile te of politics you know not the most charismatic guy in the world I got it uh but he's a guy that Trump trusts and a guy that's going.

To bury his head and do the job uh so so watch out uh for Ben Carson is to be kind of a an interesting wild card in all of this so we'll see it is very interesting and I I do recall for president president Trump speaking positively about Carson often in public so um quick update here on Vermont because this was the one state David we.

Were looking at that maybe Nikki Haley would pull off a victory and right now we've got 26% of the vote in according to AP yeah and Trump has a nearly four-point lead at 50.2% to 46.3% so obviously still a lot of votes out there left to be had but Trump with the lead there as well even.

Though she spent a lot of time there and that was a place that maybe some thought she had a shot and if we go to Texas I know there were questions about Texas earlier not called yet I don't at least AP hasn't called it yet but uh Trump dominating there with about 22% 22% of the vote in Donald Trump up what what is it about 74% to 20 I can't read4 20.

Sorry you get the shot of my bald head how's that for you too there you go 20% and then uh my understanding is I'm not sure if AP has called let double check Tennessee and Oklahoma it is in red which would suggest that they have called Tennessee and Oklahoma uh and those would be Nob brainers anyhow I mean Trump's Trump Nikki ell has no shot.

Neither one of them uh the Evangelical vote interesting tonight if we can talk a little bit about that uh I can go through some of the exit polls but I'll just be very brief uh look let let me just be very clear about evangelicals uh and if the Trump campaign is listening to this they they should understand this well and clear Donald Trump doesn't even.

Sniff the White House 2016 or in 2024 without the support of white Evangelical Christians that is 100% proven statistically and we're seeing it again uh tonight in Virginia uh and if I can just go and quickly pull up some Evangelical numbers here uh here it is but they and once again in Virginia it's not going to be as much as North.

Carolina and I just want to if I can I've got so so many uh stats here real quick sorry about that here it is uh Virginia so in Virginia the Evangelical vote uh was 50 uh 50% 52% excuse me uh let me go to North Carolina my bad North Carolina 52% of the vote in North Carolina was White born again Evangelical Christian Trump.

Won 81% of that vote so 52% of the vote the voters were White born again Evangelical Christians Trump won 81% uh Trump also by the way won the other uh one folks that were not born again or Evangelical and then in in uh Virginia uh Trump won 76% of the Evangelical vote there it was a smaller portion of the electorate but Trump won that as well so.

He he wins everywhere with the the evangelicals he says the evangelicals love him and uh that has been the case for a very long time now well it's interesting because then of course Christians often get then criticized for saying well you're supporting all whatever shortcomings Trump has personally like.

You you're attaching yourself to those and how how could you possibly do that and I mean here's my working Theory David I want your reaction to this I mean I think when you see what's happening in culture and you see the extremes that are happening the parents having to go to these School boards and say hey can we not have pornography in.

Our school library that's all I'm asking for I just stick to some math I think maybe there's a big underestimating going on where they're saying well these Christians just love Trump it's like well there's also a lot of crazy stuff going on and I think people are are willing to just say whatever can get that out of there I mean whether that's.

Biden's fault or not I'm just saying like that that's that's how people are gonna you know you're in there the buck stops here right so if they perceive that to be a problem with the status quo they're going to they're going to vote against that so what what do you make of that as far as the the other factors going on in culture right now that are.

Leading people into Trump's Camp well I 100% agree with that Dan I'll take it a step further I I I believe that evangelicals are are so fed up with what they see in the culture what is a man what is a woman all the pronouns and I can go down the list and what they're teaching these our kids in public education and the the the the filth that.

You can find at your local not just library but your school library you put it all together and Along Comes Donald Trump who says uh well how well I won't say like him but he has a few um Choice words to say uh about this and not only that but he's a man of action and he's frustrated but not only that he's a doer and he has got a chip on his shoulder.

Actually let me correct that he's got a boulder on his shoulder uh and the truth of the matter is is that he specifically is going to go ahead and Fight Fire with Fire and I think evangelicals want to see someone bold stand up to the bullies that have been pushing around evangelicals and this culture at large for a very long time and this is not the.

Time for any sort of bipartisan you know think group on Capitol Hill to get to the bottom of the culture wars or another press conference or some niceties they don't want nice cities right now they want someone to fight and Donald Trump is a culture Warrior Fighter for them and they're they're sick and tired of it so I think.

Because the culture has gotten so out of control that they want someone to match that energy and Donald Trump has the energy and I think that's a big a big part of it Dan and there's there's so much more to unpack I think the big part of it no I was just gonna say I think that's a fair assessment because if you if you think about it you have a lot of.

Secular worldly forces sort of really putting a finger in your chest and saying you better go along with this you better go along with this and I think from a lot of Christians Viewpoint they said they they're like feeling like they're on eggshells they can't say anything then the minute they say offer up a prayer or something it's like ah be.

Quiet with your thoughts and prayers we don't need those now I mean we hear that during the gun control debate so when you have that Dynamic going on it's like hey wait a minute everybody else is allowed to go around and you know advocate for whatever view that they want or whatever World viw they want to push but then the minute we do we we get.

Shoved down and we have to say you have to be quiet about that you can't talk and so to your point about then then Trump tries to give them a voice a lot of people that probably resonates with you're absolutely right Dan and let me this is the Dr Phil portion of of the YouTube broadcast where we talk about the P psychology of this look here's the.

Truth of the matter every day on Legacy Media the liberal media calling whatever you want the mainstream media every day we hear about Christian nationalism and if you believe if you're if you support Donald Trump and you're white and you're a Christian and you believe your rights come from God not government and you want to bring this country back to its.

Judeo-christian founding you are a Christian Nationalist and the and evangelicals say that's a bunch of bunk that's a bunch of bunk I'm not a Christian because why because the media wants you to believe Christian nationalists are ready to take over in essence the country by you know armed Rebellion or something like that you.

Know and they want to make everybody they want to have every Christian tens of millions of Christians are all the ones that showed up on January 6th at the Capal which is also a bunch of bunk but they're trying to do that so here's how it relates to Trump when the media does that to Evangelical Christians they're doing the same thing to Donald.

Trump they are beating up on him relentlessly and that is the Kumbaya moment where evangelicals go you know what Trump is getting beat up by the same people that are beating us up and they don't like it and so that's why they bond with Trump it's kind of like uh one for all all for one The Three Musketeers type of situation and they.

All kind of have a Kumbaya moment I I really believe Dan that that is kind of the uh Dr Phil psychological DNA of what's going on here all right if you're just joining us you're watching cbn's live coverage of super Tuesday we've got results coming in still we've got a few states that have been called Virginia has been.

Called for Donald Trump so far I mean 70 about three quarters of vote in he's got 66% a lot of these big margins of Victory you have North Carolina 74% for Trump there that one's called as well uh so looks like Oklahoma is called now even that's very early that was 80 to 17 so far that's just 8% in and they called that thing uh so you have uh Tennessee.

Tennessee okay yeah I wasn't on I wasn't hovering over tenness yep there it is yep called 76% for Trump so so what we expected this is not surprising but uh nevertheless it is again looking like a big night for the former president and as we've been talking about we're we're kind of looking forward to seeing how things shift from here on out Nikki.

Haley likely going to call it a day here on the campaign in the next probably 24 to 48 hours unless there was a big surprise and she wanted to keep going again we didn't see really the path last time when we talked David but uh really not no path now so I mean it's it's it's probably time but again she has said that she is not going to be speaking.

Tonight she's watching the results come in from South Carolina uh with her team there and Trump will be speaking we don't know exactly when um yet but uh we are we are monitoring that so if he does take to the stage while we are here chatting there's a live look at U Trump's uh headquarters there for the night for super Tuesday and again if he.

Hits the stage we will take you right to that so any one other thing I wanted to ask here uh and again don't don't forget to leave your questions uh in the chat uh we've gotten to a few of those but I'd love to get to more of those if you have them just you know write question and big caps I you know I have a hard time we getting older I have a hard time.

Seeing the letter sometime but question and big caps we'll see it they're rolling by pretty quick there so uh we'll try to get those questions but David I wanted to ask you are we seeing anything tonight that maybe gives us any indication any foreshadowing any sort of hint as to what's going to happen uh sort of the house races or or these.

Other races that are that are coming up uh this year uh do we see anything on that front any Trends or or is it still too soon no it's still it's still too soon uh we're we're waiting on what's going to happen in California that's a jungle primary out there that's always an interesting one we can get to that in a moment uh someone had asked earlier.

About um uh the Texas and of course it makes me think of uh Ted Cruz who will be up running again for US Senate and tonight we're going to find out who the Democrat will be running up against him so I we'll have to look to see if we have those statistics we'll try to find those uh and also one other interesting race of course uh the lieutenant.

Governor of North Carolina who's running for governor Mark Robinson um he's been a flasho the Democrats the Liberals can't stand him because he's spoken out against um homosexual behavior and and X Y and Z and so uh he he's going to win in a landslide tonight to be the Republican uh Challenger uh there in North Carolina so so those are some of.

The races you know I'm watching there there's other ones as well uh I do want to mention that Maine has been called for Donald Trump uh as well it looks like so so there's that and and we've been keeping our eye on Vermont that might be the one state where Nikki haly could actually potentially win they have not called that yet remember the polls.

Closed at 7 pm Eastern that at least as of a couple minutes ago was uh 4947 what is it it just up it as I was sitting here watching it while you were saying that and it's very it's neck and neck right now virtually a dead heat it's within it's a 10,000 20,000 votes in and it's within just 50 votes so they're they're neck and neck actually Haley is.

Slightly slightly ahead Still Still 65% of the vote to go but by far her best state yeah so you know knock yourself out Nikki haly you're gonna win Washington DC and Vermont you know Bernie Sanders salutes you I mean come on uh so so there's not much going on there uh but you know hey you know moral Victory I guess uh look one other exit.

Poll Dan here which is interesting and once again we saw this in Iowa New Hampshire and we've seen it and we saw it all over the country here it is again tonight and I'll read you the the stat and you'll know it well the question was asked do you think Biden legitimately won the election in 2020 and you know Dan what I'm GNA say the answer.

According to Virginia voters North Carolina voters is no 46% to 45% but still 46% of Virginia voters say no Biden did not win this uh that election in 2020 legitimately that's a majority excuse me a majority that it's 46 to 45% so more voters in Virginia thought Biden did not win the election legitimately and then in North Carolina the number is.

Even bigger 60% of Republican voters saying no Biden did not win the election legitimately and that kind of goes to what we've been saying all along on our YouTube coverage Dan which is that it's something I've been calling the doover election Ronda santis misread the electorate Nikki Haley misread it everybody that got in Mike Pence.

Everybody misread the electorate the Republican Party RIT large and I got it there's X percent that don't Can't Stand Donald Trump they're the Nicki Haley folks I got it it's 18 to 20% of the Republican party but RIT large the Republican Party believes that Donald Trump got jipped in 2020 they want him to w ify what happened and they are on.

His side and we see that once again that's not my analysis that are that is what the polling suggests or says and we're just reporting it truth matters so that's what's going on whether you like it or not that's what's happening in America well I think one thing this is interesting David especially for elections going forward because people.

Who are frustrated about that I think the biggest reason is the early voting right you have Democrats very organized going out and you know essentially harvesting these votes going to and nobody knows what's actually happening there right like are you what happens in these interactions when you when you come up to a homeless person on the.

Street and you get their name and you you get their ballot like people don't trust that so that all those rules were ushered in after covid right this was these were uh rules that were taken advantage of at the time that these these operatives took advantage of the the conditions on the ground in the country to say hey hey.

We need to get all this early voting going uh you know Trump played that by casting aspersions on that process which led to a lot of Republicans not trusting it so they didn't do it and that that led to a tactical Advantage for for Democrats so but going forward now those rules are still there they they haven't disappear you can still cast your vote.

Early in these and they can still Harvest and they can still use all their uh tools that they have at organizational tools at their disposal to harvest these votes are Republicans combating that on the ground and saying hey like we're not going to just let them do that we're gonna we're going to go out there and we're going to also.

Canvas for votes and try to get more votes that way or are they still doing it the same way they did last time and why would we expect a different result if if these are still the rules well Dan you're asking a $64,000 Question now on paper Republic or I shouldn't say on paper in statements Republican will say we're doing a good job we're getting.

We're we're serious about early voting this time yeah okay the proof is in the pudding we'll see that is an unanswered question they lose every single time in early voting and I was talking to a pollster I can't name the pollster that pollster wouldn't want me to name them but it's a high uh it's a uh how do I say this a noteworthy pollster someone.

That's very accurate and he said look this is how it could go sideways for Trump uh in 2024 in the general election is that the early voting becomes a real problem for Republicans they have not figured that out as well as Democrats Democrats are really really good at it and so Dan you're making a great Point early voting is key uh for the.

Republicans if Donald Trump is going to win back the White House Democrats are better at it so that's one way by the way speaking about going sideways this pollster said a couple other things to me that were interesting because I asked the question so I said look Donald Trump's been winning every national election pans Biden the last four to six.

Months he's up by two three four six points depending on what it is I said so how does this go sideways for Trump he said well one way is early voting they're two other ways world events you never know about what's going to happen there and the other way is that Trump says something let's be honest how do I say this well I'm from New York stupid I.

Mean you know he says something you know that's just off brand off message now he always says something that's uh you know not stupid but he always says stuff that's uh well how do I say it maybe not as they would draw up in the GOP Playbook uh but that's not what this guy's talking about we're we're specifically.

Saying stuff where you know he he just says things that will crater his campaign for people that he needs like Independence or women in the suburbs that type of stuff so yeah those are ways that it can go sideways for Trump but right now I want to be clear about something a lot of people will say oh they'll look at the polls and they go.

Okay well Trump's up been up in a couple of polls it's only a couple of polls and who cares about the polls here's the problem with that thinking Donald Donald Trump never with never beating Joe Biden never beat Joe Biden in one poll in 2020 didn't beat him in one poll he's beat beating him now in every poll nationally for the last like I said four to six.

Months so there's a big difference between 2020 and 2024 yeah definitely David um talk about the enthusiasm going into this general election we're assuming it's going to be Trump versus yeah Biden again and it's looks like Trump may be doing better uh with GOP voters than Biden is doing with his voters I mean we've talked about the.

Mental health issues can you expand on that a little bit about the enthusiasm right I mean we see the Trump crowds you know is Biden going to be able to overcome that on his side of things from his his perspective where the excitement just doesn't seem to be there you got a lot of tepid there from from Democrats who are just.

Wondering maybe this isn't a good idea just seeing seeing the age and seeing the uh the you know just sort of the issues he's having with his with his health um yeah what what's your thoughts on that well I'm glad you brought it up because enthusiasm is everything it's all about getting your people to the polls and on the Trump side he's got a.

Maga base as we know that's about a third of the party about 35% I mean they are all in we've talked about the Nikki Haley kind of contingent 15 20% or so that's something I'll have to work on some of them will come back but then there's the Joe Biden uh Side Of The Ledger and the enthusiasm is way down once again not my analysis going back to.

Facts let's go through the facts this New York Times Sienna poll and this has been pretty consistent uh Donald Trump I know get ready for the smelly Sal Dan if there liberals out there watching Donald Trump beating Joe Biden among Hispanics this is a New York Times Cena Pole 46% to 40% among.

Hispanics why is that exactly well there are many Hispanics here obviously that have come through the legal way into this country and they see folks coming in the uh illegal way and say no no no no no no I worked my you know what off to get here legally and now you're G to do this no that's not going to fly and so they like that Trump wants to crack.

Down on illegal immigration that I think is part of the reason you're seeing that the other thing is is that uh Joe Biden has a uh black vote problem uh the truth of the matter is in that New York Times Sienna poll Donald Trump was getting ready for this Dan 23% of the black vote Donald Trump got eight% of the black vote in 2020 8% he's.

Now polling at about 23% no one expects that to be his final number it'll probably be less than that but even if it's 12 13 14% that's game set match the Democrats must rely Biden has to rely on the black vote in the many many uh in the inter cities and elsewhere obviously uh to to win and if Trump is eating into that it's a big problem so you just go.

Across the board uh and it it's problem after problem for Joe Biden um from an enthusiasm standpoint yeah and then you also have what kind of impact do you think the protest vote on the Democrat side like um from the pro Gaza types who don't think he's being pro Gaza enough don't think he's being harsh enough on Israel and calling for genocide we saw.

Like we said AOC getting accosted there at the movie theater um you know from that type of person who's frustrated at democrats for P from their point of view not speaking out harshly enough against Israel is is that also a threat to or is that more of a media thing that we're sort of seeing in the headlines no I think that is uh that's legitimate we.

Saw the uncommitted vote you're talking about in Michigan and the reason I'm looking down and once you're again you're getting the nice shot of my scalp uh is because uh this was the case in many states uncommitted I'm looking at the uncommitted vote on the Democrat side tonight and look at North Carolina Joe Biden won 90% of the vote I mean.

That once again he's not running against anybody okay Mariana Williamson and her crystal ball and you know her costumes and then there's uh uh Dean Phillips but anyhow they're not getting any traction but look at in North Carolina Biden got 90% but look at this no preference in other words uncommitted 10% so 10% of the vote voted literally 26,000 people.

In North Carolina Democrats voted no preference rather than Joe Biden uh so these are the type of things and I'm going down let's see in Arkansas well it was a little less uh yeah in certain States they didn't actually have here we go oh look at this in Massachusetts get a load of this well this is only about two% of the votes in all right well they.

Already have a lot of votes coming in there no preference in Massachusetts as well on the Democrat side so this is going to be an issue for Biden uh people registering their complaints so Biden is kind of hemorrhaging on all different sides from the farle uh from the African-American vote from the Hispanic vote the J we haven't even talked about.

The Gen Z vote Donald Trump actually beat this is an NBC poll NBC not a friend of Donald Trump who skews polls from a Democrat perspective gen Z Donald Trump beating Joe Biden among gen Z what is that 18 to 34 am I correct on that 18 of 34 Gen Z Joe Biden won gen Z in 2020 by 20 points he's now losing to Donald Trump look this is bad Dan this is bad.

For Biden all around uh so to be clear even if the Nicki Haley vote that we hear so much about which is once again less than 40% but that that Nikki Haley Republican vote that is very anti-trump even if many of them stayed home and didn't vote for Trump that's one problem for Trump compared to about seven to eight problems for Biden on the other.

Side of the ledger so either way um it might hurt Donald Trump a little bit but not I mean Biden's gonna get hurt a whole lot uh more in all a lot of different ways you know the indictments against Trump right now in the court cases clearly that is Galvanized Trump supporters and Republicans many of them.

To his side to his support they don't view these a lot of them as legitimate so that's how it's played out in the primary now then we turn to the general does that have the same impact what does that do because you know we watched The Electoral College and the way it's structured right now and the way it is.

It just a republican candidate has just a they have very little margin for error you know you're already starting off as a Democrat you've got New York you've got California um so there's you really have have to run the table on a lot of these swing States you know if you're the Republican nominee to get this so back.

To the indictments how does that play in the general and what does that do to some of these important swing States like the Pennsylvania of the world that are likely going to come down to the wire regardless of of you know I think these polls that Trump seem to be doing well it's still going to be close in a lot of these States's not going to run.

Away with Pennsylvania right so how does that play out oh it's a great question Dan uh look this is what Democrats are banking on they're hoping for not only obviously they got the indictments they're hoping for some sort of conviction before 2024 of November November 2024 and they hope that takes down Donald Trump's poll numbers in some.

Of these key swing States I'm not convinced uh some data will suggest that Trump's numbers uh get they they they they are are not as good for sure if he gets convicted then there's been some other polls that say people are going to vote for him no matter what as a matter of fact we saw some of that in North Carolina and um and Virginia tonight so.

I I think the jury is still out as to whether or not that's even going to help Democrats but let's just say it does uh either way it's going to come down to I mean we know the states that it's going to come down to right but uh look I think ultimately this election is going to be decided by Michigan Wisconsin Pennsylvania those three Russ Bel States.

Those are going to be the key if Trump wins two of three if he wins all three it's it's over if he wins two out of three most likely it's over as long as they keep Georgia so we'll see and Georgia is of course a crapshoot let me just quickly update you guys on Texas uh the senate race there Ted Cruz of course is going to be the Republican nominee.

For Senate uh the question is who's the Democrat gonna be uh it looks like Colin alred is going to be the Democrat he's a former football player uh he's got about 68% of the vote and about 40% of the vote is in so looks like he's going to be the nominee there on the Democrat side we're also looking into California that's not quite in yet but we can talk.

About that maybe tomorrow some other time that's a kind of a confusing situation it's a jungle primary and if I start to explain it I'll be honest with you my head's gonna explode so I don't think I'm gonna do it but DM me if you want the answer I I'll explain to you on on a DM go ahead and DM me uh watching the chat here interesting.

Question came in I not sure what the answer is this I'll I'll let you tackle this thanks man I appreciate yeah I'm just gonna hand this one all the time was right over to you but Holly asks what can a Christian voter do in a hopelessly Blue State assuming she's a republican given the phrasing of that question well what can a Christian voter.

Do in a hopelessly blue state holiday it's a great question the answer is take care of your own Bean patch uh what is right out in front of you in your front yard your local school board your PTA uh you know you name it all of the stuff we see at the national level we talk about President we talk about US Senate and House and all these.

Big bills and the transgender bills and the women's sports and all that stuff it all germinates at the local level it all starts the local level it is up to We the People and once again I'm not taking a side here I'm just saying whether you're a Democrat Republican independent liberal conservative animal vegetable or mineral it doesn't matter the bottom.

Line is it is about we the people and you've got to get active you got to get involved in your community you know God gave Us free will uh and that's the aspect that we're talking about here politically you know uh we're we're not supposed to sit on our hands uh we're we're supposed to be active and involved in our communities you know Alexis the.

Teville once talked about uh when remember the French uh philosopher who came to America in the early 1800s he loved America what did he love about America he said he love the platoon in other words the communities is what he called them the communities that were taking care of each other and ultimately that's what.

This is about ultimately this is about federalism if you will in other words not just at the state level but the community level the local level take care of what's right in front of you don't get so uh uh uh what's the word I'm I'm looking for once again it might be more than a two- syllable word but but once again make sure you're you're.

Not getting overwhelmed there it is overwhelmed see three did well done oh thank you thank you overwhelmed with what's going on at the national level keep it local that would be my suggestion all right just want to remind folks you can check out uh you can watch you know we're looking at this uh the results as they come in you guys can you.

Guys can poke right along with that too at we've got that in our election center there on the site you can check that out and you can watch as the numbers come in it's uh it's always it's always fun stuff and it's I mean it's a little bit of a route right now but uh still it's fun to watch the numbers come in uh and update so so we.

Had a little bit of a side chat going on here in the YouTube chat David yes and F first things first I have to address the user who brought it up his name is treasure hunter deals all right I'm I just love that name the username I'm now I'm curious I want to know what you're hunting is this is this one of those metal detectors on the beach are you an.

Antique guy are you like the uh American Pickers and you're going around so my my brain starts spinning so go ahead you can tell me what you do in there why you did that maybe I don't want to know maybe I'll regret asking that question we'll find all that out later but here's what they bring up yes sir in the general election yeah is there a.

Possibility of a wildcard sort of independent candidate coming along the name that just Springs to everyone's mind I'm sure is and the Chatters have pointed this out as well RFK Jr does that have any impact on the race at all who would it harm who would it help great question uh treasure hunter or whatever your name is exactly uh the.

Answer is yes and we could devote a whole hour YouTube special to RFK and I don't mean his policies I'm talking about his impact though we could talk about his policies as well yes he's going to be a third party candidate he's on the bell in quite a few States obviously and uh he's going to be a factor he could get 13 14 15% of the.

Vote we don't know could be that high you know the last time a third party candidate got that much uh or or got quite a significant size of the vote I think we can all say the name together we know Ross perau uh back in the day he got about 19% 19.8% almost 20% it's the most a third party candidate has ever received at least in modern political.

History so yes RFK Jr is going to be a factor remember when we talked about Joe Biden having all sorts of issues uh regarding enthusiasm oh he's got the RFK Jr issue as well leave it to JFK's nephew uh to go ahead and um you know give Biden more problems yes RFK Jr is going to be a problem for Biden so is Jill Stein Jill Stein's going to be in.

The race remember there are folks in Hillary's camp that are still lamenting the fact that Jill Stein uh took x amount of votes in certain key swing States from Hillary in 2016 and that cost Hillary the election yada yada yada as Seinfeld said but the point simply is is that yeah there's G to be a lot of third party candidates and we haven't.

Even talked oh maybe we shouldn't talk about it oh gosh as well let me just say this let me just say this I'll give you news of the day okay Michelle Obama Michelle Obama's office came out today and said no and said no Michelle Obama is not running for president that is from her spokeswoman said Michelle Obama has no.

Desire does not want to be they all say that though they all say it I know so so I guess that means she's running just kidding she's running she's running There She Goes look you take their word for it they're politicians they're telling the truth of course they are okay never mind I've got a bridge to sell you in.

Brooklyn all right um well you know what look at this David as I'm just about to I'm just about to wrap us up for the night but then this question people really want you to look deep into the Looking Glass and see what's going on in 2028 uh DMS is asking will DeSantis run in 2028 and I actually I mean look again.

That depends on as we talked about what well I'll throw in my two cents here David then I'll let you go but I me I think it depends on who's actually in the White House at that particular time but uh I think especially if Trump serves another term and he can't I mean I think D santis certainly a likely guy but like we said that VP is going to be.

A big time wild card there yeah I think the well Des santis definitely wants to run again I don't think there's a question about that and yeah I mean look there was some animosity there quite a bit of it actually uh but the santis did the right thing and got out right after Iowa didn't even compete in New Hampshire unlike Nikki Haley who is.

Basically just you know um you know what's the word self-destructing before our very eyes in terms of any sort of chance at a republican nomination having said that her her she's hoping that the party change his directions in 2028 but as for D santis he's banking on the fact that mag is not going anywhere and he's right I don't think Mag is going.

Anywhere remember this is not the the media wants to tell you that this is all about Trump and there's no doubt that Trump is a Powerhouse he's a force he's a vessel and he's Politically Incorrect and all of that and that makes a difference but the movement is bigger than Trump uh the question is who is the right vessel and the santis has some of.

That in him he's not Trump there'll be no one like Trump uh for the next X amount of decades maybe ever but uh I do think the santis does want to run and I you can you can even probably see him as a potential leading front runner in 2028 all right Dave David it's about that time we were waiting for Trump to speak he didn't he didn't get there just.

Yet but uh he they said potentially a 10 o'clock so it's going to be a while potentially before he he gets out there and actually addresses because we're still waiting for a lot of numbers to come in like we've called most of the states we talked about we went through Tennessee North Carolina Virginia Oklahoma called Alabama called Texas is.

A blowout um you know Massachusetts called for Trump Trump's back up in Vermont with 40 6% he's back up by just a little bit uh so we're seeing a lot of the results in but there's still a lot coming out at West out of these 15 or so States I believe it is that are going to today um so you're still going to have a lot of numbers coming he's likely just.

Going to wait that out a little bit longer so any any final thoughts you want to leave us here your highlights for kind of what we know at this point in the evening on super Tuesday 2024 well let's be honest and and I don't want to pooo our coverage because let's be honest as I Pat ourselves in the back we're fantastic uh okay Dan.

Let's be clear but this is not super Tuesday this is snoozer Tuesday I mean that's what this is this has been a feta compete uh for a very long time and that's the most French you're ever going to hear me speak on the air but that's it it it's been over uh for a very long time and so tonight we have right now at nine o'clock Eastern we have a few more.

Polls closing here in matter of fact in two more minutes but right now nine states if I'm counting it correctly nine super Tuesday states have already gone to Donald Trump we're waiting on Vermont we'll see about that here's the bottom line this thing's over Donald Trump will not clinch tonight he will clinch on March 12th he couldn't even clinch.

Tonight if he won every single delegate tonight he'll clinch March 12th which will be in a week Nikki hail will be out of the race probably by noon Eastern tomorrow that's the prediction here and this is Donald Trump's GOP it is not your grandfather's Republican Party it is not Ronald Reagan's Republican party anymore this is not reaganism anymore.

This is trumpism more specifically its populism and remember it's very important that Donald Trump Joe Biden called his economic plan biomics Trump the other day called his economic plan magon namics he didn't say trumponomics he called it Magics it's very important for people to understand and Rachel matow if you're watching and I'm guess.

You're not but if Rachel matow or any liberals watching on on the Legacy Media you always want to make this about Trump and believe me Trump loves to hear that don't get me wrong but the truth of the matter is it's never been about Trump it's been about we the people it's been about Maga it started with the tea party it's now through Maga and Trump and now.

We wait for the dot dot dot of what is next but right now we wait for 2024 in the general election and Joe Biden is in a world of hurt going forward Dan well and we will continue I mean we don't have uh I mean look I think the suspense is all but gone if there was what was left of it uh here in the GOP Primary so we will be.

Turning and obviously covering everything election 2024 here heading all the way up to November I got to give everyone an update here for those of you who weren't in the chat I I pointed out that username treasure hunter deals this answer I got an answer to what that name means and it's better than I could have imagined that it would have been check.

This out the name comes from he's got a Ministry called treasure which is named after Matthew 13 they raise money for other Ministries selling secondhand donations that's fantastic that's great oh that's great by the way real quick I just want to point out this just came in Texas now called or Texas called okay Donald Trump so there you go Colorado.

And Minnesota just closed their polling 9:00 Eastern 700 p.m. out in the mountain time zone and 8 o'clock out in Minnesota so we wait on those but this is a this is a clean sweep so far for Donald Trump maybe Vermont goes to Nikki haly we'll see but uh but it's not going to matter so that's where we're at all right well just once again want to thank.

Everyone who's joined us uh both on the CBN News Channel on our app on the CBN News app on YouTube and our chat I've enjoyed going back and forth with y'all really appreciate you being here with us look forward to having you with us again don't forget to hit the notification Bell I think you can get it whenever we go live um you know we've got Chuck.

Holden who's all around the world at different places George Thomas going live frequently and of course David and I and others will be covering um all things election we're we're going to be here Thursday nights make sure mark it down your calendars we're going to be here Thursday night for the State of the Union watch it with us you all can.

Comment in here we'll be commenting with you it'll be it'll be a fun evening so appreciate you all being here David appreciate you spending your time here on this Tuesday evening on super Tuesday and and uh just uh once again thank you all for being here and watching God bless have a fantastic rest of your evening see.

Everybody that

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