LIVE: Pres. Biden addresses the nation for the principle time since throwing in the towel of 2024 elope


LIVE: Pres. Biden addresses the nation for the principle time since throwing in the towel of 2024 elope

ABC News live tonight Biden addresses the nation the president of the United States prepares to speak to the country just days after announcing his withdrawal from the 2024 race giving his endorsement to vice president kamla Harris what we can expect from the president tonight as he looks to cement.

His legacy for decades to come while top Republican leaders are calling for his resignation now we'll hear from one of those leaders when the number three in the house Congressman Tom emmer joins plus the disruption felt on Capitol Hill as thousands of protesters demonstrated against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu's address to Congress the.

Tense moments and the message Netanyahu delivered to the American people and the shooter was flying the Drone around uh the area the Trump rally shooting may have been one of the biggest failures of Us Secret service in decades but we're now learning more about the alleged shooter behind the Carnage as the FBI director briefed the nation's leaders.

Drawing a picture of a loner with few contacts how he was able to conceal his weapon even the online searches that are now pointing to a potential motive good evening everyone I'm Lindsey Davis thanks so much for streaming with us tonight for our special coverage President Biden the decision in one hour the president will address the nation.

About his unprecedented move to step aside ending his bid for reelection it's the first time in more than 50 years an incumbent president has chosen not to run we've been told the president will speak from the heart tonight and in addition to naming some of his administration successes he's also expected to talk about what he aims to.

Do to quote finish the job in the final six months of his term the President says he's determined to get as much done as he can at home and abroad including negotiating a ceasefire in Gaza and a hostage deal speech is a culmination of Biden's more than five decades in Public Service back in 2020 he said he viewed himself as a bridge not as anything else.

That there's an entire generation of leaders who are the future of this country and to finish the job Biden is also determined to campaign to get vice president kamla Harris elected as the 47th president of the United States we'll carry the president's historic speech live right here at 8:00 pm Eastern our team is standing by to.

Discuss what it all means our chief White House correspondent Mary Bruce leads us off tonight from the White House tonight President Biden in the Oval Office coming before the American people explaining for himself why he dropped out of the race and making one thing clear his presidency is not over yet he.

Wants to finish the job that he started sources tell us the president is well aware that this is a moment for the history books he started writing these remarks while he was still at home recovering from covid tonight still putting on the finishing touches in excerpts released by The White House Biden will say I have decided the Best.

Way Forward is to pass the torch to a new generation that is the best way to unite our nation his message to the American people the great thing about America is here Kings and dictators do not rule the people do history is in your hands the power is in your hands the idea of America lies in your hands with 6 months left Biden plans to.

Outline his agenda for the rest of his term one top priority doing everything he can to help kamla Harris beat Donald Trump with Biden passing the torch tonight Harris with this salute he has extraordinary determination and profound compassion for the people of our country just three days into her campaign Harris today addressing a large Gathering of.

One of the nation's historically black sororities knowing well that black women could determine this race now in this moment our nation needs your leadership on once again in this moment I believe we Face a choice between two different Visions for our nation one focused on the.

Future the other focused on the past and with your support I am fighting for our nation's future She only mentioned Trump by name once but the central theme of her campaign now coming into Focus Harris arguing Trump represents the past and she is the future across our nation we are witnessing a full-on assault on hard.

Fought hard one freedoms and rights the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence and the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do the these extremists want to take us back but we are not going back we are.

Not going back so many adamant about that Mary Bruce joins us now from the White House Mary what are you hearing in terms of possible considerations for Harris's running mate well Lindsay we do know that the vetting process now is already underway a source familiar with the process tells me that the pool of.

Potentials who are now being vetted is roughly 12 people under consideration to be KLA Harris is running we know the names of at least four people on that list those Battleground State contenders Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona also those red State Governors Roy Cooper of North Carolina Andy Basher of Kentucky now.

This list of course could change and likely I'm sure will one other thing we now know the timing K Harris is expected in planning to make her announcement announce her running mate before August 7th that's the date of that virtual roll call to make her nomination official Lindsay be very soon all right Mary Bruce from the White House thanks so.

Much Mary thank you former president Trump is back on the campaign Trail for the first time since Joe Biden stepped aside from his re-election bid visiting North Carolina tonight Trump is now shifting his attacks to his new opponent vice president kamla Harris ABC's Rachel Scott is in Charlotte with more tonight in Battleground North Carolina Donald.

Trump's supporters lining up his first campaign appearance in Sunday's political earthquake President Biden out of the race vice president kamla Harris now Trump's new opponent Trump who spent years attacking Biden Now quickly trying to recalibrate to focus on Harris zeroing in on her role in the.

Administration Harris task with addressing the root causes of migration at the southern border she knew nothing about the border the border is the most devastating thing to happen to this country in so long but several Republican members of Congress now taking aim at Harris's identity as the first woman of color to serve as vice.

President labeling her a Dei hire shorthand for diversity equity and inclusion I think she was a Dei hire 100% she was a Dei hire sources tell ABC News house Speaker Mike Johnson has privately warned Republicans to stop this is not personal with regard to kamla Harris and her her ethnicity her gender have nothing to do with this.

Whatsoever today in the New York Times Hillary Clinton writing this is a race Democrats can and must win but Clinton adding I know what a thing or two about how hard it is for strong women candidates to fight through sexism and double standards of American politics noting Harris will face unique additional challenges as the first black.

And South Asian woman to be at the top of a major party's ticket and on social media Clinton showing this 2021 clip of Trump's running mate Senator JD Vance disparaging Harris for not having children we're effectively run in this country via the Democrats be via our corporate oligarchs by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable.

At their own lives and the choices that they've made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too and it's just a basic fact you look at KLA Harris Pete Budaj AOC the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children Hillary Clinton's reaction what a normal relatable guy who certainly doesn't hate.

Women having freedoms but here in North Carolina Trump supporters we spoke to say they're worried about the new excitement Harris could bring to the race do you think it could be more of a challenge for Trump that Harris is on the ticket I do yeah I do I think Harris will like I said I think it's will bring new life into the party for the.

Democrats and looking at you know the last couple weeks or couple months especially how everything's gone Haywire you know they're going try to find unity in it and I think that you'll you know give them that lift a lot of energy and enthusiasm from both parties about their candidates Rachel Scott joined us now Rachel this.

Is of course the first time that we're seeing Donald Trump since kamla Harris became his opponent how has his campaign adjusted yeah well Lindsay this is going going to be a major shift for both Donald Trump and his campaign because he wanted to run against President Biden in fact he has spent days on social media still attacking the president even.

Though he has already dropped out of the race so tonight Donald Trump on the stage behind me he's now trying to switch gears and focus on attacking the vice president going after her on immigration and the Border Lindsay I will tell you he has mentioned her name more than a dozen times already tonight he's mispronounced it every single time.

Lindsay interesting all right Rachel Scott our thanks to you joining us now for more is majority whip of the house Tom emmer thank you so much for your time tonight Congressman uh certainly been a busy day on Capitol Hill and we'll try and get to it all we spoke to you last week from the RNC a lot has happened since then uh first as we're.

Set to hear from President Biden at the top of the hour your reaction to his decision to not run for re-election well I think he got knifed by Obama and he was pushed over the cliff by Nancy Pelosi I uh not sure what we're going to hear tonight I I don't expect him to Veer away from his uh vitriol and his divisive uh approach that he took at the.

State of the Union that I would argue goes all the way back to his inauguration but we'll see I'm you know he has uh made the announcement it's very interesting that you send it out by uh tweet or email however they delivered it and you wait 3 4 days before you address the American people uh it just shows the kind of chaos they have in the.

White house but In fairness he did have covid uh dur during that time that he that he sent it out but uh we'll move beyond that you house Speaker Mike Johnson and other Congressional Republicans have called on the president to step down from Office arguing that if he can't run for president he shouldn't serve as president is there anything.

That President Biden could say tonight that might dissuade you from calling for his resignation well Lindsay let's keep in mind I we're told you at Co and I got to believe that but you could certainly do a presentation from wherever you're at and beam it into all the TVs across the country it still is quite bizarre that we're waiting 3 or 4 days for some.

Type of passing the torch uh campaign speech which uh is conveniently placed on the same day that uh prime minister Netanyahu is in Washington DC to defend uh Israel's actions to defend itself as you so is there anything that he could say that that might convince you that that he should remain president for the next six months actually uh when.

It comes to where Joe Biden is it's really interesting because uh depending on what he says it probably doesn't matter three and a half years this has been covered up Lindsay and we've got a uh M Harris who is now the candidate apparently she's got to be uh confirmed by a virtual uh uh convention on August 7th but she's been there for the entire.

Three and A2 years there is no light between these two people in fact now we know uh with his incompetence that it's very likely that it's been Camala Harris that has been running the country for the the last 3 and A2 years as you just heard moments ago we've seen some members of of your conference already make references to to.

VP Harris's race when talking about her bid for the White House calling her the Dei candidate Rachel Scott has reported house Republican leaders have privately told the conference to focus attacks against BP Harris on her record not her race or gender what's your message publicly to any member of your conference who makes reference to to her.

Race and gender uh kamla Harris is the most liberal Progressive in when she was in the Senate KLA Harris was the deciding vote for the $1.9 trillion spending bill that kicked off the inflation that Americans have been dealing with for the last 3 and A2 years 20% increase in inflation in three and A2 years ,000 a month more that.

Americans pay on a on a monthly basis Lindsay it's about the economy hey kamla where are the crow progrowth policies Donald Trump has done it uh kamla Harris I would argue has been at the helm of one of the worst uh uh economies for middle class and uh Americans that are trying to climb the economic ladder uh she's caused this inflation and she's.

Going to own it and the Border was hers too that's what you should be talking about so but I but just to be clear one of your colleagues said that the fact that she's not a white man is not a winning strategy do you agree that the idea of of her race and gender that should those should be off limits on the campaign Trail I will be very clear.

Kamla Harris and Joe Biden this country cannot live with another four years of their failed economic policies they cannot live with another four years of a wideopen southern border that has left tens of millions uh and terrorists come across our Southern border and we can't live with this Fess foreign policy that has created all these fires around the.

World and conflicts that need to be resolved quickly so people can get back to living in peace are you better today than you were four years ago absolutely not so your R her race and gender should not be brought up again she is the epitome of a failed economic agenda and it has caused a the the Border uh crisis that we have the invasion that we've got.

On our Southern border she her record is the reason that she is not uh uh fit to be president of the United States we know that Donald Trump said that he wanted Biden to run that he's the candidate he prepared to run against do you think that KL Harris is more difficult to beat some of the polls seem to suggest that's the case well you guys.

All have different things that you want to look at bottom line is Americans know that kamla Harris has been at the helm for the last three and a half years uh this economy uh that doesn't work for everyone Lindsay uh there's a group of people in this country that inflation is affecting in a very personal way in a difficult way they're having to make.

Choices about what they feed their families and that is all on kamla Harris and and this failed uh economic agenda I no I don't think it's any different contrary to what your uh previous report was there is no difference between Joe Biden except and kamla Harris except for age on Capitol Hill today we saw FBI director Ray uh testify about the.

Attempted assassination on former president Trump detailing how the shooter flew a drone for 11 minutes the day of the shooting as we learn more I'm curious what disturbs you the most about what you've seen and heard I so far there just too many questions that need to be answered but if it's true the timeline that we've been given that they.

Identified a potential shooter uh at least 10 to 15 minutes before Donald Trump took the stage I Lindsay I think all of us have to ask why was he on that stage in the first place and finally Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was on the hill today addressing congress former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi did not attend saying it was quote by.

Far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress of the United States your response to what you heard today well Nancy wasn't listening uh Benjamin Netanyahu did a amazing job of coming in saying this is what we're responding to barbarianism uh raping uh Israeli women.

Killing parents in front of their children killing children in front of their parents he went back through what October 7th was all about he said we are ready for peace if uh Hamas will put down their weapons and release the uh hostages until then he's committed to the mission and then he told us why it's important to us I quite frankly the fact.

That kamla Harris thinks she has some ability to be the leader of the Free World and she chose not to be there today Lindsay is disgusting and wrong and it's another reason why she is not at all prepared to be the United States of America president of the United States of America though she is planning on meeting with him tomorrow oh I that's.

Great I mean you make a public statement by not showing up for a an address of a joint session of Congress it's disgusting and people should not let her off the hook she's anti uh Israel and a meeting with him after the fact that's great majority whip at the house Tom emmer we thank you so much for your time Congressman thank you Lindsay Biden.

Speech tonight is in some ways his chance to write the first draft of his own legacy for what to expect as he makes that case we want to bring in Terry zlat former Obama speech writer and author of the upcoming book say it well Terry thanks so much for joining us thanks for having me you were on the inside of the Obama white Biden White.

House what do you expect to hear from the president in his speech tonight well in some ways he started to Telegraph his speech in the letter that he released when he made his announcement and you know as speech writers uh we always tend to think of a speech as a story and in this case there's probably perhaps four big parts.

Of the story that we'll hear tonight uh first we'll probably hear uh President Biden recount his achievements which are significant um first step in in reminding people of his legacy uh secondly I I think he'll explain you know his decision and I think he can do that in real personal terms so one of the things that President Biden is very.

Effective at is is telling his own personal story to the story of his service and so I think uh we one of the things I write about in the book is that our best speeches our best presentations whether we're pres United States or our family members are speaking up at work is when we speak from the heart and so I would expect and hope that the president.

Is really going to speak from the heart tonight uh third I think you know he'll still be president for six months he's want to outline what he's still wants to get done and finally and probably most importantly he's going to frame this election frame this moment in American history as a defining moment for our democracy and that's the reason that.

He's endorsed KLA Harris I know you've previously said that speech writers are always looking back to previous speeches for guidance but is there a comparable moment to reference in modern history well of course everyone's talking about uh you know what happened nearly 60 years ago but you I would suspect that the president his advisers.

And his speech writers probably went back and looked at the first time this happened first time that a president chose not to run for reelection which is George Washington and uh I say I've been writing speeches for nearly 30 years I've actually never read that speech I did go back the other day and read it uh it's more than 6,000 words long which is.

Probably why I didn't read it but there there's some really beautiful parts to it and and there's a there's a line that stood out to me that he said he was he was choosing not to run again because of the debt of gratitude to which he owed his beloved country you know what a spirit what a sentiment and I would imagine we're going to see that.

Sentiment tonight and hear that tonight from President Biden as well if you'd written uh President Biden's speech tonight which themes would you want to underscore you know no speech exists in isolation it's not it's rare that a president gets up and gives a speech that you've never heard before good you know good speech writing good.

Rhetoric and presidents do this they're sort of the latest chapter in in a in a in a book and so the themes that I would assume you'd hear from President Biden tonight are the themes you've heard from him throughout his presidency throughout his candidacy throughout his life uh you know he's prided himself on someone who's tried to bring the country.

Together who's tried to appeal to people on both sides of the aisle obviously we live in incredibly divisive time but this basic Spirit of unity uh again this was something something else that George Washington spoke about in in his farewell address the dangers of excessive partisanship the dangers of fractional you know so much of what he.

Predicted and what he feared we're living through right now so this really is a chance for for President Biden you know I think you know to give a speech for the ages this this could be the speech that people look back on uh when they look back on his presidency and so it's an important moment for him it's an important moment for the country and and.

I would just say it's a just an important human moment I mean just I put side Republican Democrat for a moment this is someone who has dedicated his entire life to service of the nation and he made the profoundly difficult decision to walk away from it and by all accounts he still believes he could win he still believes he could do a good job.

Uh and so yet he's willing to do this for the sake of the country and I think that's something the applauded uh no matter what our politics are this could be an American moment and it could be a could go down in history as one of the great speeches Terry zlat we thank you so much for your time and Terry's forthcoming book say it well hit shelves.

On September 17th and with just minutes until the president delivers that Prime Time addressed to the nation sources tell ABC News the president is well aware that this is a moment for the history books he started writing these remarks while he was still at home recovering from covid tonight still said to be putting.

On the finishing touches joining us now is ABC's senior National correspondent Terry Moran Terry talk to us about President Biden from a historical perspective well it's historical because there haven't been many presidents who've declined to run for office for a second term when they had the opportunity to do.

So but also he is you know he stood in the breach right the the the Trump movement which obviously is is in charge of the Republican party today as well but he denied president Trump his second term at that point and I think Democrats will always be grateful for that now let's see if they can hold on to that achievement As Trump runs against Kamala.

Harris but I'm really I'm looking for a couple things out of the speech tonight one I think President Biden has to convince many Americans that he is fit for the job for the next six months obviously he's being attacked by Republicans who say if you can't campaign you can't serve but more deeply than the partisan attacks people have.

Been concerned now for months about his age and about his condition as they've seen him so I think that's one thing he has to do the other thing he has to do is vouch for Kamala Harris he's passing the torch tonight how does he describe her she is really in many ways an unknown quantity uh politically to many many people this will be her real.

Introduction by someone who they do know and many do trust especially Democrats I think those are the two big points he's got to hit in the speech and I know that you spoke with some Nikki Haley primary voters in Wisconsin last week before it was announced that Biden was going to be stepping aside from the race what did they tell you about where they stood on.

KLA Harris that was really interesting Lindsay we we talked to people wiconsin then we went across the lake to Michigan and onto onto Pennsylvania those three big swing States talking to people about what they'd seen and what they'd hoped for and it was very interesting for Nikki Haley voters for all voters when.

You mentioned kamla Harris uh they were willing to give her a a look no one really I'm not I don't want any part of AA Harris presidency everybody Americans are fair-minded they don't know her these days and weeks but really days are absolutely critical uh as she becomes find in the public mind I think that's a huge part of the president's speech as I.

Said and she's got a job listening to voters they're saying well you know if Biden does step aside we'll take a look even the Haley voters that we talk to the people who are strong uh on the opposite side of the abortion issue from KLA Harris they describe themselves as pro-life but they are willing uh to listen because I think nobody really.

Wanted a rerun of trump and Biden uh the the polls showed that Americans were dissatisfied with their choices and you heard it from voters all the time and so a fresh face in the campaign they'll get a she'll she'll get a long look from Republicans as well as Democrats all right Terry Moran our thanks to you for your Insight as always now to chilling.

New details in the investigation at the assassination attempt on Donald Trump today the FBI director revealed the gunman signed up to attend the rally one week before the shooting and that he also researched the Kennedy assassination on that very same day asking how far Lee Harvey Oswald was from JF K ABC's chief justice.

Correspondent Pier Thomas has that for us tonight and we should also warn you some of the imagery you see may be graphic there a ladder right here tonight the chilling new video obtained by ABC News showing the Frantic moments after the attempted assassination of former president Trump you see officers climbing to the roof finding the.

Shooter's lifeless body about 400 ft from the stage we have one shooter deceased I think it's three victims and stunning new details FBI director Christopher Ray on the hill today revealing Thomas Matthew crooks' search for information about the JFK assassination one week before the rally in Pennsylvania the very same day he.

Signed up to attend the rally on July 6th he did a Google search for quote how far away was Oswald from Kennedy Ray saying on the day of the rally the gunman flew a drone for 11 minutes apparently to survey the site 2 hours before opening fire the shooter was flying the Drone around uh the area not over the the.

Stage I would say about 200 yards give or take away officer and his questions remain over the failure to spot the shooter's assault style rifle tonight officials saying that gun also seen in this helmet video had collapsible St making it easier to conceal and carry Pier Thomas joins us now Pier what.

Are the FBI director say about a possible motive in this case well he didn't give a motive today but he said he's worried about the potential for more political violence and the potential for terrorism domestic and international right here at home Lindsay has he suggested that he's concerned about a possibility for more political.

Violence as we get closer to November he he indeed he did and Lindsay he even said that he's worried that Isis could conduct the same kind of attack that they conducted in Moscow at that concert hall only a few weeks and months ago all right Pierre Thomas for us thanks so much Pierre still much more to get to here on Prime tonight coming up hundreds.

Of passengers evacuated at one of the nation's busiest airports after an escalator fire the next a fiery speech on Capitol Hill from Israel's prime minister former house Speaker Nancy Pelosi called it by far the worst yet from a foreign dignitary and as we head to break taking a live look now from the White House where President Biden is set.

To address the nation in less than an hour keep it right here on ABC News live as we bring you special live coverage of his Oval Office address at 8:00 pm Eastern whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon.

Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024.

Campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in Beirut from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the.

Story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news Susan Powell was a young beautiful mother she just one night vanished where is Susan July 29th making sure that something happens to me assets are.

Documented Josh did you kill your wife I'll never forget the first time that I met him a chill just like raced up through my spine I just shook the hand of a killer now stunning details he ends up revealing the biggest bombshell what will happen next 2020 Friday at 98 Central on ABC if you were coming of age in the 1980s the brat pack was near the.

Center of your cultural awareness but for those of us experiencing it from the inside the brat pack was something very different the critics agree hated the brat pack what a disaster why did we take it as an offense Andre I'm not going to say we were Beatles or anything well we didn't.

F sha Stadium 1985 I think we could have betrayal is one of the hardest types of trauma to overcome this is her night in shining armor everything felt right all the all of a sudden I found this hidden folder I opened it I don't think I can say it I'm sorry it's shocking my stomach just dropped he just really didn't think I.

Had it in me to do something so I did betrayal of Father's secret the allnew season on Hulu all right let the dogs out please I don't think he's going to give you a hard time even if he gives me a hard time I'm the right guy you can handle it I want to make sure sure that we all learn together calm confidence calm confident calm.

Surrender everything that he's taught has become a reality we are so grateful and impressed I feel like crying you changed our world it is a beautiful thing to see as you rehabilitate the dog you also rehabilitate you welcome back everyone looking at.

Live pictures now of the White House where President Biden is expected to speak to the American people in an oval office addressed just minutes from now his first national remark since he decided to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race will bring you his remarks in a special report shortly but before we return to the president's.

Speech the other big story in Washington tonight the address from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before Congress making the case for continued us support for Israel in their war against Hamas he was met with a warm welcome but dozens of lawmakers were no shows including vice president Harris and Senator JD Vance while outside Pro.

Palestinian protesters clash with police Matt Gutman has that covered but we begin with our chief Global Affairs anchor Martha Raditz it was a thunderous largely Republican welcome with prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu offering a full-throated defense of Israel's war in Gaza and no mention of a ceasefire our.

Enemies are your enemies our fight is your fight and our Victory will be your victory there was a sizable contingent of Democrats in the chamber but dozens of high-profile lawmakers including Nancy Pelosi skipped the event vice president kamla Harris who would normally preside and Senator JD Vance not in attendance.

Due to scheduling conflicts Netanyahu tried to bridge The Divide in an emotional moment introducing rescued hostage Noah aramini who had been seized during the horrific October 7th Hamas Massacre the Israeli leader praising not only President Biden who traveled to the war zone just days after the attack I thank President Biden for his heartfelt.

Support for Israel after the Savage attack on October 7th he rightly called Hamas sheer evil but former president Trump as well I also want to thank president Trump for all the things he did for Israel yet it is clear why Netanyahu came with more than 39,000 Palestinians killed by the Israelis in Gaza according to the Hamas Health.

Ministry and hundreds of thousands facing starvation Netanyahu is appealing to Americans to stand firm in what he frames as a battle between good and evil Israel will fight until we destroy hamas's military capabilities end its rule in Gaza and bring all our hostages home a very defiant nety who today Martha RIT joins us now Martha we know.

That President Biden and vice president Harris were not there today but they are planning on meeting with Netanyahu separately tomorrow do we know anything about uh those meetings well the only thing we really do know Lindsay is that they are separate meetings between the vice president and the president but he is also flying down to maral Lago after.

That where he will be meeting with Donald Trump this all comes while a Us official says there are some serious negotiations going on that are going well to free the hostages Lindsay all right Martha Ritz our thanks to you thousands gathered in Washington to protest the Israeli Prime Minister's address and demand an end to the war in.

Gaza what began as a peaceful March for some turn violent Matt upman is there tonight as Israel's prime minister was addressing Congress just blocks away clashes erupting between some Pro Palestinian protesters and the police right now these protesters are trying to break through this line of police there was shoving projectiles were thrown and.

Capitol Police deployed pepper spray saying protesters failed to obey police orders to retreat it had started peacefully thousands thronging the Capitol Hill area demanding an end to the war in Gaza and Benjamin netanyahu's arrest blocking their route to the capital where Netanyahu was speaking.

Were miles of barricades backed by thousands of officers including SWAT teams the March stalling at Union Station where protesters began pulling American flags down from the flag poles officers moved in and were swarmed by the crowd the flag there on the ground was on the flag pole here at Union Station a few.

Moments ago but protesters here lit it on fire as well as that Effigy of Benjamin Netanyahu police eventually removing the Palestinian flags raised above Union Station Matt Gutman joins us now and Matt just at a minimum it looks like there's a a lot of graffiti where you are yeah Lindsay before they left the.

Protesters defaced that Liberty Bell and the memorial behind me there are a few stragglers left here from the protest and for the most part during the day they marched demanding an end to the war in Gaza and ENT to the blockade and the arrest of Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu but organizers are telling me that this was a trial run.

They're calling this the summer of resistance and they say we're going to see more of this and bigger numbers at the DNC in in Chicago next month Lindsay the summer of resistance Matt Gutman our thanks to you here in New York chaos at JFK airport after an escalator fire triggered alarms and sent smoke into the terminal some people were even taken to.

The hospital ABC's Trevor alt is at JFK tonight tonight that alarming scene for travelers as Smoke Filled a Terminal at New York's JFK airport fire the authorities say the fire sparked up on an escalator around 7:15 this morning with alarms blaring Nate pekena recording this video revealing the cloud of smoke down the hallway passengers.

Covering their faces as the smoke billowed into the terminal nine treated for smoke inhalation at least four had to be taken to the hospital so I'll be late getting to California apparently it was a escalator that caught on fire he and nearly a thousand other people filing down the stairs packing the tarmac met by firefighters and emergency.

Vehicles it happened in terminal 88 home to American Airlines but multiple Airlines were impacted in total more than 200 flights delayed the incident comes as Airlines finally recover after thousands of flights were scrapped over the past several days due to Friday's Tech meltdown our thanks to Trevor I95.

Remains shut down in Wilson County North Carolina following a devastating crash at least five people were killed in a collision involving two tractor trailers and two passenger vehicles one one of the trucks went up in Flames traffic is still backed up for miles telecommunications and internet services are still partially down in Bangladesh.

Today following more than a week of chaos and deadly violence nearly 200 deaths were reported along with nearly 2700 arrests following protest over government job quotas that spiraled into violence the protests were triggered largely by students who were Furious about the unemployment crisis there offices and banks open for a few hours.

In DACA today but authorities said a curfew would continue continue until the situation improves so much more to get to here on Prime tonight coming up we head to Capitol Hill where GOP leaders at the highest level say President Biden must step aside now but could tonight's speech change anything next breaking down Biden's presidency by the Numbers.

The highs and lows another look from the nation's capital as we count down the minutes to President Biden's obal office address special live coverage and Analysis right here on ABC News live Prime stay with us what does it take to be the most watched newscast in.

America an operation to capture Isis Fighters This combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in.

It how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you David good to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David I know who you are you every.

Night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast they call him the beauty queen killer he's targeting young women in malls I am single I want to enjoy the company of a m of women he tortured me how did she survive nine days of.

Terror the word accomplice came up Nobody Knows the real story The Beauty queen killer only on Hulu if you were coming of age in the 1980s the brat pack was near the center of your cultural awareness but for those of us experiencing it from the inside the brat pack was something very different if you could have the brat pack may not exist.

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Here hey good morning America Good Morning America Good Morning America are you ready they are ready covering the biggest events in the country right now lot going on here this morning you don't just see it you feel it I'm in I'm in I'm in I'm in too I am here and so happy I'm in I'm in too.

Michael George reporting from the floor of the Republican National Convention I'm Rachel Scott whever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live welcome back everyone Joe Biden's tenure as the 46th president began January 20th 2021 let's take a look at the administration's highs and lows by.

The numbers with nearly 26,000 weekly deaths in the us at the time Joe Biden taking off has coincided with the worst peak of covid deaths of the pandemic driven by covid-19 and snarled Supply chains consumer prices and inflation surged early in its term but since 2021 the economy has added nearly 11 million jobs and the unemployment rate has come.

Down to 35% the lowest in 50 years he signed 140 executive orders including A1 trillion doll infrastructure package that broaden access to the internet and Biden's inflation reduction Act created 20 tax incentives for energy and Manufacturing his chips and science act invested 52 billion to build factories and make computer chips domestically.

Since January of 2022 the US has provided $78 billion doll in Military and humanitarian Aid to Ukraine that's according to the Keel Institute for the world economy and yet another foreign conflict the war in Gaza the US has spent 12.5 billion dollars on military aid to Israel since October 7th last year but 36% that's Biden's approval.

Rating for the first three weeks of July according to Gallup and that is an all-time low for President Biden though Americans May one day look back more kindly on the president's now Soul term in office as it often happens so much more to get to here on Prime tonight coming up a presidential historian weighs in on how we're witnessing.

Something we haven't seen since the 1960s a president opting to not seek a second term plus how Biden's Legacy could be impacted by Donald Trump's time in office we're now roughly at the 30 minute Mark until Americans all across the country will hear from President Biden at the White House keep it right here for a special live coverage 88 p.m.

Eastern with full analysis to follow Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed you're in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas Eden BR Scotland from Poland once again tonight thank you so much for streaming with us Ukrainian refugees here in war song do you think.

You'll ever be able to go back home we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City splintered houses and splintered lives in the magnitude of the devastation you're streaming ABC News live reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Santa Fe New Mexico Raleigh North Carolina the US capital Mayfield Kentucky Minneapolis Mexico tongas.

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Powell was a young beautiful mother she just one night vanished where is Susan July 29th making sure that if something happens to me our assets are documented Josh did you kill your wife I'll never forget the first time that I met him but she'll just like raced up through my spine I just shook the hand of a killer now stunning details he ends.

Up revealing the biggest bomb showell what will happen next 2020 Friday at 98 Central on ABC betrayal is one of the hardest types of trauma to overcome this is her night in shining armor everything felt right all of a sudden I found this hidden folder I opened it I don't think I can say it I'm sorry it's shocking my stomach just.

Dropped he just really didn't think I had it in me do something so I did betrayal of Father's secret the allnew season on Hulu all right let the dogs out please I don't think he's going to give you a hard time even if he gives me a hard time I'm the right guy you can handle it I want to make sure that we all learn together calm confidence calm.

Confident calm surrender everything that he's taught has become a reality we are so grateful and impressed I feel like crying you changed our world it is a beautiful thing to see as you rehabilitate the dog you also rehabilitate you when you hear that Bell you know GMA.

Surprising someone somewhere with real unclaimed money they never knew was there this really is a big check and this Friday morning we're at it again thank you you did it show me the money on Good Morning America GM surprise people across the country helping find thousands in unclaimed money this really is a big.

Check and this summer we're at it again that's incredible because nothing's better than hearing you say show me the money on Good Morning America welcome back everyone we are now about 15 minutes away from President Biden's over office address yet another momentous event and what has been a really surreal month in US history want.

To bring in White House correspondent Mary Alis Parks Mary Alis what talking points can we expect from the president tonight yeah Lindsay the White House saying that this is a moment for the president to try to unite the nation that he's going to explain that he thinks it is the time it is time to pass the tourch to a new generation that that.

Is the best way to unite the country sources tell us the president is very aware that he is writing for the history books like you said that this has been a surreal moment in American politics in US history the president is aware of that of just how extraordinary his decision is and he needs to expl explain it to the American people uh the White.

House gave us a few excerpts from the speech he's expected to say the defense of democracy is more important than any title I draw strength and find joy in working for the American people but this sacred task of perfecting our Union is not about me it's about you Lindsay I think after the debate there were a lot of Democrats a lot of Voters that.

Wondered if this was inevitable they watched that debate they felt like the president struggled uh didn't seem fit enough didn't seem like he had the stamina to continue the job but we heard the president himself insist for days after for weeks after that he wasn't going anywhere so I think part of tonight is him explaining that Whiplash.

And explaining how he came to this decision let's see and you attended the White House Press briefing earlier today what did secretary Jean Pierre have to say about the the pressure Biden faced to drop out yeah I asked her about that exactly she said that it was a really hard decision for him a personal decision and she also talked about how.

The staff has felt immense pride in him in his decision in what she described as a selfless moment uh it was it was interesting that she sort of dodged the idea that he might have been bullied out of the job and really dismissed questions about whether he was leaving the job solely because of health concerns but I do think that the.

President is going to have to talk openly tonight about his health of course some Republicans have called on him to resign not just step out of the race saying that if he doesn't feel like he's up to running how do we know for sure that he's up for leading for the next 6 months again like you said the White House really uh responding to that.

Uh by brushing it off but I think that the president will have to address it himself and he will have to find a way to sort of strike that balance between um dismissing Republicans concerns but not making this speech political we are told it's not a political address tonight but an address from the Oval Office to the American people Mary Alis.

Parks our thanks to you as always in our country's history 15 vice presidents have advanced to the highest office and become president but never quite like this and as we're moments away from the president addressing the American people and laying out a transition of power let's bring in former DNC chair and ABC News contributor Miss Donna Brazil and.

Donna just want to start right off with what you'd like to hear uh from President Biden tonight well Lindsay I've been thinking all day about a man that I've gotten to know when I was 27 years old I've known him for close to 37 years he's an honorable man a Patriot he's someone who has a deep love and Devotion to his.

Country I want him to tell the American people that he's going to continue his work because he believes in Freedom because he values the rule of law I want him to tell us that he is not going to stop working 247 on behalf of the American people this is not a partisan address this is a patriot address uh from a President Who deeply cares about.

The future of our country last week uh when we were at the RNC had a chance to interview Senator Marco Rubio and he said at the time then and this is before uh President Biden even had decided that he was going to step aside he said that if he doesn't have the mental acuity to be the nominee doesn't have the mental acuity to be the president and run the.

Country now subsequently we've heard a number of Republicans suggest the same uh that he needs to to resign from office your thoughts on on those critics well let me just tell critics very nicely Joe Biden did not step aside he had to pledge delegates to continue to fight he had money in the bank and he had an army of volunteers and Patriots.

Who were willing to fight with him he decided to step back and give another generation the opportunity to serve our country and for those Republicans and any other Americans who don't believe that Joe Biden has the mental physical and spiritual strength to continue to fight well you're going to see that tonight.

He's not perfect he never ran as a perfect president he ran as a president for the people for the people who wanted someone who would fight on their behalf from leading us out of covid from bringing this country back on his feet in terms of jobs this is a president who's proud of his service and tonight you're going to see a man who cares.

Deeply about his country this is not someone who looks an America and say this is about me this is a man who cares about America I've I've lost my voice because I have just been talking to people who want to see Jo Biden continue to fight I was one of those Americans who said if Joe wants to fight down to Brazil will fight with him but Joe Biden.

Decided to step back he was not pushed aside he was not thrown off the boss or rolled over he's going to show tonight that he was a president willing to stand and fight but he's stepping back so a new generation will fight this battle and we're going to fight it with the energy that Joe has put in us and the Comm commment to American values the.

Freedom the rule of law that's who Joe Biden is that's the man I respect that's the president that has served us well we owe him a debt of gratitude a lot of the expectation is that much of his speech tonight will be about cementing his legacy talking about the the accomplishments of his administration how much of it do you think is it about.

Passing the torch now to kamla Harris absolutely you know when I think about the bipartisan infrastructure bill when I think there are people rural areas in this country today that are having Wi-Fi connected when I think about the jobs that are being created in red States in blue State's manufacturing sector when I think that inflation is.

Coming down so people can go to grocery store and and buy the food that they need it it this is a consequential president and yes he has endorsed uh KLA Harris and let me just say with the vice president's been doing she's been earning the support of the American people working with the delegates working with the process today the rules.

Committee of the DNC passed the resolution we know how we're going to proceed and I think by the weekend the Democratic part is going to be unified and we're ready to go let me just tell you Joe Biden did not want to see a divided Democratic party he wanted to see a United Democratic party because without a United Democratic party we.

Cannot reach out to The Independents and the Republicans to bring the American people together he's not going to preach Unity on one night he's not going to preach Unity because he's accepting a speech he's going to preach Unity because it believes it in his heart I have become more fierce in my determination to protect Joe Biden over.

The last couple days because I just remember the little kid from Louisiana that he said come work with me and I said I don't want to work with you just yet and we've been friends steadfast friends for 37 years I miss my time with him having breakfast he Irish oatmeal I like my grits I'm from the south yeah he's an oatmeal guy and I told the.

President as soon as I can get back to Washington I'm going to have breakfast with him the oldfashioned way the way we two Irish people like to have our breakfast daughter Brazil good Irish woman that you are our thanks to you as always Black Irish proud of it now I want to bring in ABC's J O'Brien who joins us from uh Capitol hillj we've.

Heard Republican after Republican including at the highest level say that President Biden stepping side is not enough that he must resign from office now can this overal Office Speech do anything to to put that train back in the station well while we expect President Biden to deliver this message of unity Lindsay and to talk about his.

Accomplishments and what he wants to accomplish over the next few months of his administration um I don't think there's anything he can say to your point that's going to change the calculus and frankly what we will see instead are some political divisions on display with the way that House Republicans and frankly Republicans of.

All are expected to react to this I can tell you that we have a number of high-profile lawmakers Republicans here on Capitol ill who have already called on President Biden to step aside one is Speaker of the House Mike Johnson another is someone who you had on your air not long ago Tom emmer the majority whip in the House of Representatives.

Josh Holly is Senator and the list goes on of Republicans who have called on him to resign and there is this split there are the Democrats who say he is stepping aside because he doesn't think he can win November he's making a selfless choice for the future of the party and then there was the Republican argument that he's stepping aside because he.

Doesn't necessarily have the gas in the tank to win in November in terms of ability and while the White House disputes that and have said look at his doctor's Reports look at his health history things of that nature Republicans are still pushing that narrative even Tom Emer earlier tonight call use the word cover up with you so.

That Schism is very much going to be on display and we do not expect these Republicans no matter what President Biden says tonight to stop those calls between now and and really November J O'Brien our thanks to you as always and joining us now is presidential historian mark up grov uh mark thank you for joining us the country is witnessing.

Something we haven't seen since LBJ decided not to run for a second term back in 1968 what are some other similarities between then and now you know that there are similarities uh and there are differences the similarity is of course it's the last time as you suggested a sitting president opted not to accept the.

Nomination of his party for another term in president but the difference is this Lindsay that was that that speech that LBJ made in 1968 was done on March 31st and he neither sought nor was would would chose to accept the nomination of his party for another term Joe Biden sought the the nomination he got the nomination and now he's declining to.

Accept the nomination and he's doing so uh at the end of July not the end of March well into the election cycle so a major difference but I think the other similarity is 1968 is there there are echoes of 1968 in in 2024 a stream of unprecedented and dramatic events that kind of shake us to our core and wonder what's happening next 1968 was what LBJ.

Called The Nightmare year because there was one thing after another uh we are seeing that once again caught up in the currents the rapid currents of history in 202 for Lindsay and one thing that that really fascinates me of course the presidential debate in June was the earliest such debate ever do you think that historians might look back and say.

Ah if not for such an early debate President Biden might have stayed in the race it's possible uh there's the one thing about that debate Lindsay is it determined the fate of one of the political candidates we really haven't seen that before to the point where the candidate re-evaluates his candidacy and says I'm not the guy.

To steer this party forward so I'm going to get out of the race that's never happened before you point out it happened early in the race the Democrats may be happy about that because had that performance happened at a later point it might have been very difficult to recover from that point on serve up a candidate who was viable and who was.

Appealing to the electorate so that might have been a twist of fate for the Democrats in this case and an advantage as go forward with a brand new candidate to whom Joe Biden passes the torch and just about a minute left mark But Biden really seems to have been tortured over this decision for several days how might history come to view his early.

Departure I think that history will see the wisdom in his opting not to to seek the presidency again for another term given what we saw in that performance earlier that debate performance you mentioned Lindsay but I I I think ultimately we will see Joe Biden as a patriot who uh made the decision to put his country above himself above his own.

Political gain in this case and this is a guy who worked his whole life toward the the acquisition and exercise of power 36 years in the Senate eight years in the vice presidency three plus years in the presidency and now he has an opportunity for one more term and decides that it's best for the country to step down I think history will smile.

Favorably on Joe Biden for making that decision despite his low approval ratings now despite his low approval well I in in part because of his low approval ratings I think Joe Biden sees that he is not the guy to take the country forward he got into the race in order to save democracy and he's done an.

Admirable job of that but I think he sees that he's not the person to fulfill going forward is KLA Harris presidential historian Mark upd gro we thank you so much for your time that's our show for tonight I'm Lindsay Davis our special coverage of President Biden's obal office address starts right now with David.

nework tonight President Biden addressing the nation from the Oval Office the president's historic decision to withdraw from the race for the White House his goals for his remaining six months in office and his message tonight to a divided America ABC News live coverage begins right now.

The ABC News special President Biden the decision address to the nation the president speaking for the first time since exiting the race for the White House finished the job he started now reporting David mure good evening and thank you for joining us on this historic night we are just moments away from President Biden's Oval Office.

Address to the nation for the first time he will speak to the American people about his very personal and likely wrenching decision to withdraw from the race for the White House we are told that he will argue in his words that the defense of democracy is more important than any title and he will outline his remaining six months in office pressure.

To drop out had been mounting for weeks following his alarming debate performance against Donald Trump the president revealing his decision Sunday in a letter addressed to my fellow Americans acknowledging quote I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down tonight to address a defining moment in.

His presidency passing the torch to vice president kamla Harris now the Democratic party's presumptive nominee the president will signal tonight he will now fight for his vice president let's listen to President Biden my fellow Americans I'm speaking to you tonight from behind the Resolute desk in the.

Oval Office in this Sacred Space I'm surrounded by portraits of extraordinary American Presidents Thomas Jefferson wrote The Immortal words that guide this nation George Washington who showed US presidents are not Kings Abraham Lincoln who implored us to reject malice Franklin Roosevelt who inspired us to reject.

Fear I rever this office but I love my country more it's been the honor of my life to serve as your president but in the defense of democracy which is a stake I think is more important than any title I draw strength and I find joy in working for the American people but this sacred.

Task of perfecting our Union it's not about me it's about you your families your futures it's about we the people we can never forget that and I never have I've made it clear that I believe America is at an inflection point one of those rare moments in history when the decisions we make now will determine our.

Fate of our nation and the world for decades to come America's going to have to choose between moving forward or backward between hope and hate between unity and division we have to decide do we still believe in honesty decency respect freedom justice and democracy in this.

Moment we can see those we disagree with not as enemies but as as fellow Americans can we do that does character and public life still matter I believe I know the answer to these questions because I know you the American people and I know this we are a great nation because we are good people when you elected me to this.

Office I promise to always level with you to tell you the truth and the truth the sacred cause of this country is larger than any one of us those of us who Cherry that cause cherish it so much a cause of American democracy itself must unite to protect it you know in recent weeks it's become clear to me I need to unite my party in.

This critical Endeavor I believe my record as president my leadership in the world my vision for America's future all merited a second term but nothing nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy that includes personal ambition so I've decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new.

Generation that's the best way to unite our nation you know there is a time and a place for long years of experience in public life there's also a time and a place for new voices fresh voices yes younger voices and that time and place is now over the next 6 months I'll be.

Focused on doing my job as president that means I'll continue to lower cost for hardworking families grow our economy I'll keep defending our personal freedoms and our civil rights from the right to vote to the right to choose I'll keep calling out hate and extremism make it clear there is no.

Place no place in America for political violence or any violence that ever period I'm going to keep keep speaking out to protect our kids from gun violence or planet from climate crisis that is the existential threat and I will keep fighting my for my cancer moonshot so we can end cancer.

As we know it because we can do it I'm going to call for Supreme Court reform because this is critical to our democracy Supreme Court reform you know I will keep working to ensure American remains strong and secure and the leader of the Free World I'm the first president of this Century to report to the American people.

That the United States is not at War anywhere in the world we'll keep rallying a coalition of proud Nations to stop Putin from taking over Ukraine doing more damage we'll keep NATO stronger and I'll make it it more powerful and more united than any time in all of our history I'll keep doing the same for allies in the.

Pacific you know when I came to office the conventional wisdom was that China would inevita would inevitably pass the United surpass the United States that's not the case anymore and I'm going to keep working to end the war in Gaza bring home all the hostages and bring peace and security to the Middle East and end this war.

Also working around the clock to bring home Americans being unjustly detained all around the world you know we've come so far since my inauguration on that day I told you as I stood in that winter we were stood in a winter of peril and a winter of possibilities Peril and.

Possibilities we're in the grip of the we were in the grip of the worst pandemic in the century the worst economic crisis since the Great depression the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War we came together as Americans we got through it we merged stronger more prosperous and more secure.

Today we have the strongest economy in the world creating nearly 16 million new jobs a record wages are up inflation continues to come down the racial wealth Gap is the lowest has been in 20 years we're literally rebuilding our entire nation Urban Suburban Rural and tribal communities manufacturing has come back to America we're leading the world again.

In chips and Science and Innovation we finally beat big Farm after all these years to lower the cost of prescription drugs for seniors and I'm going to keep fighting to make sure we lower the cost for everyone not just seniors more people have health care today in America than ever before and I sign one of the most.

Significant laws helping millions of veterans and their families who are exposed to toxic materials you know most significant climate law ever ever in the history of the world the first major gun safety law in 30 years today violent violent crime rate is at a 50-year low we're also.

Securing our border border crossings are lower today than when the previous administration left office I've kept my commitment to appoint the first black woman to the Supreme Court of the United States of America I also kept my commitment to have an Administration that looks like America and be a president for all.

Americans that's what I've done I ran for president four years ago because I believed and still do that the soul of America was at stake the very nature of who we are was at stake and that's still the case America is an idea an idea strong stronger than any army bigger than any ocean more powerful than any dictator or.

Tyrant it's the most powerful idea in the history of the world that idea is that we hold these truths to be self-evident we're all created equal in D our creat with certain inalienable rights life liberty Pursuit of Happiness we've never fully lived up to it to this sacred idea but we've never walked away from it either and I do not.

Believe the American people will walk away from it now in just a few months the American people will choose the course of America's future I made my choice I made my views known I would like to thank our great vice president Comm Harris she.

Experienced she's tough she's capable she's been an incredible partner to me and a leader for our country now the choice is up to you the American people when you make that choice remember the words of Benjamin Franklin's hanging on my wall here in the Oval Office alongside the bus of Dr King in.

Rosa Parks and sayar shavez when Ben Franken was asked as he emerged from the the the convention going on whether the founders have given America a monarchy Republic Franklin response was the Republic if you can keep it a republic if you can keep it whether we keep our Republic is now in your hands.

My fellow Americans has been the privilege of my life to serve this nation for over 50 years nowhere else on Earth could a kid with a Stutter from Modest Beginnings in Scranton Pennsylvania Claymont Delaware one day sit behind the Resolute desk in the Oval Office as president of the United States but here I am.

That's what so special about America We're a nation of promise and possibilities of dreamers and doers of ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things I've given my heart and my soul to our nation like so many others I've been blessed a million times in return with the love and support of the American.

People I hope you have some idea how grateful I am to all of you the great thing about America is here Kings and dictators do not rule the people do history is in your hands the power is in your hands the idea of America lies in your hands we just have to keep Faith keep.

The faith and remember who we are we're the United States of America and there are simply nothing nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together so let's Act together preserve our democracy God bless you all may God protect our troops thank you a moment in history tonight President Biden in the Oval Office you.

Heard him say there to the American people I Revere this office I love my country more he talked about this being not about me it's about you it's about we the people he said we cannot forget that I never have he did ask this question he says does character in public life still matter as we head toward the November election and he said.

Nothing should come in the way of saving preserving democracy in this country we do have our entire Powerhouse political team here tonight let's get right to ABC's chief White House correspondent Mary Bruce and Mary you had reported that this was a deeply personal decision it was closely held a very small group with him including his wife the first.

Lady Jill Biden that he began to come to this decision Saturday night then on Sunday made it official calling the vice president informing her of his plan to step aside in the race then informing his immediate team then just one minute later sending out that statement to the nation my fellow Americans it started but tonight Mary he explained what he.

Believes are the stakes in this election and he argued for himself that in the end President Biden believes that what is at stake here is actually larger than any title larger than even staying in the race himself David the president's saying he has given his heart and his soul to this country and he is doing that again by.

Deciding to step out of this race listening to that speech it felt very much like Joe Biden's love letter to the country that he has devoted his life and his career to serving protecting and defending and you heard him say nothing can get in the way of saving our democracy including personal ambition you know when he decided to run back in.

2020 he did it promising to be a bridge a transitional candidate to the Next Generation but when he announced his re-election he said he had to finish the job tonight he is making it clear that finishing the job means he needs to pass on the torch he needs to pass the Baton and help h haris now win the White House saying now is the time for the Next.

Generation he is also of course making it clear his work is not done here he has six more months left in office he wants to use that time to help cement his legacy but David the thing that Joe Biden will likely be most remembered for is this very moment the way in which he is exiting this race he did it in many ways to preserve his legacy but David it.

Will likely be the thing that ends up defining it well Mary I wanted to read you a statement moments ago that came in some color in fact if you will from inside the White House someone inside uh this circle the closed Circle who has spent time with the president and the family over the last few days the Biden family uh telling ABC News tonight that.

The only thing I can say is contrary to the reports I've heard there is no anger No Remorse with the Biden family there is only a deep sense of Pride and an enormous amount of gratitude and appreciation for the overwhelming recognition of Biden as a true patriot and historic defender of democracy and David I think that is a.

Sentiment that is sh shared not only by the family but also by the staff here at the White House I can tell you that right now there are about 500 members of the president's staff people who have devoted so much time and energy to this Administration and his fight for what the country can stand for they are now right now huddled in the state dining.

Room in the East room watching these remarks all together witnessing this history together David no question a difficult and challenging night for that team that has worked so closely with the president and uh even the Biden family themselves having uh been able to get used to this decision over the evolution Saturday Sunday into early this week it.

Still must be profound to have watched uh uh Jill watch her husband um and the rest of the family watch their father their grandfather deliver the news in that way tonight Mary thank you stay with us here I know our coverage is going to continue Mary's going to be back in just a moment but I do want to bring in our chief Washington.

Correspondent Jonathan Carl John is really impossible to overstate here how wrenching this decision must have been uh you know this is a President Who for weeks we we saw it we reported it here he was determined to stay in this race even under growing pressure to step down from the campaign from some of the very uh Democratic leaders who were his.

Partners in getting elected in 2020 what have you learned about what the turning point was for President Biden in in eventually making this decision well well and David uh you know you could hear it in what he said tonight he believed that his record merited a second term he did not want to make this decision this was a decision.

That he was was very much forced to make uh he did it there was nothing in that speech that suggested that he didn't believe that he could uh serve another four years nothing that suggested that his health would have gotten in the way he said he did it because of party Unity the party needed to be unified so in answer to your question a critical.

Moment in all of this there are many critical moments but perhaps most was a week ago Saturday uh when a Chuck Schumer the Senate leader of course remember Joe Biden is a man of the Senate he spent most of his life serving in the Senate so when the Democratic leader of the Senate went to see him at reoboth Beach and as we first reported.

Urged him uh to take this step in the name uh for his own good for the good of his party for the good of his country I'm told that at the end of that meeting Biden said to Schumer I need another week and the two men hugged and went on so it was exactly a week after that moment that Biden began the process of making.

That decision you heard Mary Bruce describe of deciding to get out of this race a decision he very much did not want to make and John those deeply personal words near the top of what he said he said the defense of democracy which is at stake I think is more important than any title yeah and he and he made the point.

He used the phrase inflection point that we're at an inflection point in our country where the decisions we make now the things we do now will impact the course of history for many years to come I think that's almost certainly uh correct uh but in terms of Biden's Legacy the question will come will be what happens now does kamla Harris win.

In November if she doesn't people will look back at this moment and ask why didn't Joe Biden do it earlier that would be the case certainly uh come November if they do not win uh in this election John Carl I know you're staying with us over the course of the hour as well I wanted to also bring in ABC's Rachel Scott covered the campaign both.

The Biden campaign and the Trump campaign and Rachel obviously uh as you heard John and Mary say there this is going to be a legacy defining moment for President Biden he's thrown his full support uh in recent days and again tonight in front of the American people behind his vice president kamla Harris you know he said back in 2020 that he.

Wanted to be a bridge to the Next Generation Mar alluded to that and it would appear that that's exactly what he's now trying to do here tonight tonight President Biden is that bridge to the Next Generation he said tonight that it was time to pass the torch he called it the best way to unite the nation the president put it very.

Bluntly he said that there's a time in place for long careers decades in politics and that there's a time in place for fresh voices fresh faces and he said that time in place is right now you know David as the president was speaking I thought back to how President Biden once introduced KLA Harris to the nation saying that he was thinking about.

All the brown and black little girls out there that was seeing a black and South Asian woman in a new way a way that they may have not ever seen before to tonight KLA Harris the presumptive Democratic nominee becomes the first black and South Asian woman on a major a major party ticket David Rachel Scott with us here tonight for our coverage as well.

Rachel will'll see you shortly with President Biden's decision on Sunday and it was nothing short of a political earthquake the presidential race immediately upended the Biden campaign now the Harris campaign tonight two new National polls showing the race tightening already the Reuters ipsos poll actually has vice president Harris.

Leading Donald Trump by two points another new poll out to tonight showing Donald Trump's National lead shrinking K Harris getting closer to Trump in that poll obviously this is all still very early and it will all come down to the Battleground States so Mary Bruce tonight on how this race has changed and quickly for KLA Harris a whirlwind.

Transition from Joe Biden's loyal number two to the new standard Bearer for the Democratic party their New Hope for defeating Donald Trump do we want to live in a country of freedom compassion and rule of law or a country of chaos fear and hate it was just minutes after dropping out of the race that Biden anointed.

Harris his successor giving her his full support and endorsement and telling Democrats it's time to come together his campaign office becoming hers the president phoning in these marching orders I'm hoping you'll give every bit of your heart and soul that you gave to me to Kam and we've been Harris then taking the mic but Biden.

Still on the phone we love Joe and Jill we really do they truly are like family to us and we everybody here do it's neutral I knew you were still there you're not going anywhere Joe I'm watching you kid I'm watching you kid I love you I love you Joe the top Democrats in the country you.

Ting behind her campaign within 48 Hours she had commitments from enough delegates to secure the nomination more than 100 million dollar in donations pouring in and then she was off hitting the campaign Trail the path to the White House goes through Wisconsin her historic candidacy.

Welcomed in Battleground Wisconsin by the biggest crowd a Democrat has seen this cycle it's a her story moment correction a her story yes and she will make it with our help Harris reintroducing herself to America as a former prosecutor ready to make the case against Trump I took on perpetrators of all.

Kinds Predators who Abused women frauders who ripped off consumers cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain so hear me when I say I know Donald Trump's type her early message aimed squarely at.

The middle class building up the middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency because here's the thing we all here Wisconsin know when our middle class is strong America is strong as vice president Harris has been the administration's leading voice on an issue Democrats are counting on to energize voters in November abortion now.

At the top of the ticket she's doubling down Donald Trump former president handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court because he intended for them to overturn roie Wade well let me tell you something when I am president of the United States and when Congress passes a law to rest for those freedoms I will sign it.

Into law we are not playing around let's get back to Mary Bruce at the White House and Mary you were in Milwaukee you were inside that rally the vice president's first campaign rally as the top of the ticket now the presumptive nominee very different running for president than running as.

The running mate can you describe for the audience tonight what you witnessed in that room any Evolution you might have witnessed in the vice president and the second part of my question is you know Comm Harris made it very clear that she believes she is uniquely qualified as a former prosecutor uh to make the case for the Democrats against Donald.

Trump yeah David she is in many ways now reintroducing herself to the American people as you mentioned they know her as vice president as a running mate but as the top of a ticket that is a very different role and you felt that in that room yesterday the energy the enthusiasm was palpable and she also seemed different she is trying to lean into.

This obviously in a different way she is leaning into that history and experience of hers reminding everyone that yes she was the former Attorney General of California and she believes that she is uniquely qualified to prosecute the case against Trump she's also going to have to reintroduce herself personally to the American people I can tell you so many.

Voters I talked to there yesterday especially women were extremely excited at the prospect of having a woman finally in the white house but David we are going to have to watch closely over the coming weeks and days to see how she distinguishes herself how she may distance herself from the president she has inherited his campaign but so far.

The only real big difference is the messenger and how that message is being delivered before I move on to this uh all this talk about running mates obviously everyone's reading the tea leaves out there I wanted to ask you Mary about something uh you were telling us just a moment ago while that piece was playing on the air you actually at.

The end of the Oval Office address thought you had heard Applause coming uh from the White House David you might be able to hear it right now behind me Mass massive Applause and cheering from what I gather are those hundreds of staffers who were watching that address uh in the residence right now and we heard what I know now is the president's voice saying.

Hello hello hello as he walked into that space he is now greeting uh his staff who love him very dearly as you may be able to hear behind me watching very closely each and every word in that Oval Office tonight Mary thank you as I mentioned the speculation is growing over vice president Harris's a short list of potential running mates Arizona.

Senator Mark Kelly of course a retired astronaut a veteran and married to former congresswoman Gabby gords and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro very popular in his home state a key battleground of course Pennsylvania you need to win the White House both are believed to be among the early favorites here so tonight Jonathan Carl is back.

With what we've learned so far about the potential contenders for running mate now that she has the support of enough delegates to lock up the Democratic nomination kamla Harris has her first big decision to make and she has to make it quickly choosing a running mate vetting a potential candidates has already begun sources briefed on the.

Process say there are at least four elected Democrats under consideration including Josh Shapiro the popular governor of must-win Pennsylvania Arizona Senator Mark Kelly an astronaut and husband of former congresswoman Gabby gords who survived an assassination attempt in 2011 Kentucky Governor Andy Basher a moderate and a.

Rare Democratic governor in a red State and North Carolina governor Roy Cooper a moderate who has known Harris for some 20 years going back to when she was the Attorney General of California and he was the AG of North Carolina North Carolina is in play Donald Trump is obviously worried because he's coming to Charlotte today because he wants to try.

And and Shore up North Carolina and I believe I believe that we can win this state for for KLA Harris today Governor Shapiro reminded voters of just how important his state will be in November the road to the White House leads through through Pennsylvania and listen it also doesn't take an expert to know the last two presidential races came.

Down to a point or less I expect this race will be close as well and as Harris undoubtedly knows Shapiro himself won Pennsylvania two years ago in a 15-point landslide as for Kentucky Governor pasier he's been elected twice in a state dominated by Republicans and he's been showing he's ready to take on Donald Trump's running mate JD Vance.

Offering something of a preview of a vice presidential debate JD Vance is a phony he he's fake I mean he first says that that Donald Trump is like Hitler and and now he's acting like he's Lincoln I mean the problem with JD Vance is he has no conviction but I guess his running mate has 34 Senator Mark Kelly from border state Arizona is a moderate.

With a more conservative approach to the issue of securing the Border perhaps the biggest issue for Republicans today ABC asked if he wanted to be Harris's running mate he didn't directly answer you know it's not about me what is important here is we have an opportunity uh in November uh to make a really really important choice and the choice.

Could not be more clear who should take this country into the f I don't want to see us going back to the past it's a this is a choice between you a prosecutor very experience works really hard he's done a great job and a convicted felon really interesting to watch these potential Enders be interviewed almost hourly uh with each.

Day that passes John Carl back with us tonight and John how soon could we see kamla Harris choose a running mate really soon David in fact the virtual roll call where uh the party is to at least under the current schedule uh to formally pick their nominees for president that'll be KLA Harris and vice president begins in a week one week and.

It ends on August 7th what I am told is the goal is to have it done have the choice done by August 7 that would give them just 2 weeks to complete a process that in any other presidential cycle usually takes a matter of a couple of months so at this point we think KLA Harris and her running mate will know the country will know by August 7th.

That's the plan right now David but we've never seen a running mate chosen on such a short timeline and John I don't want to put you on the spot you listed a number of potential contenders there what are your sources telling you about who they might be leaning toward on that list I I think that those four are at the top of list there are other.

Names that certainly are being uh looked at uh but Josh Shapiro the governor of Pennsylvania uh gives kamla Harris the possibility if the uh if the research which undoubtedly they're doing right now shows to win the state of Pennsylvania if they think they can win Pennsylvania with Josh Shapiro I think that puts him uh right near the top of.

That list and you can say the same about Roy Cooper uh in North Carolina another very key state but I think all four of those names uh mentioned uh you know are very much very actively under consideration all right John Carl with us again tonight John you know I'll likely ask you the same question again tomorrow night on world news I'll see.

You then in the meantime I want to bring in the former head of the DNC ABC News contributor Donna Brazil with me here tonight and uh Donna we all know uh we're all students of History here LBJ March uh 1968 telling the nation that he would not seek a reelection uh but this was different obviously this is much closer uh to election day hearing this.

Message from the overall office and President Biden and in deeply personal terms tonight in modern American politics have you uh ever seen anything like this no I haven't David and look I've been a student of American politics since I was 9 years old when I worked on my first campaign to get a playground in.

My neighborhood back in Kenna Louisiana it's an emotional night for me David for obvious reasons uh Joe Biden has been one of those leaders in our country that have taken so many people over the bridge his entire history in public service has been one of commitment to freedom and democracy and Justice and so for for many of us and those of us who.

Have known Joe Biden for years I've known him for 37 years this sacrifice this ultimate sacrifice of given up power I asked one of my friends I said have you ever seen a man a man give his power give the torch to a woman and his bank and his bank chest I mean that's that's unusual but this is because Joe Biden has been an unusual type of.

President you talk about Lyon John you talk about the signing of the Civil Rights Act the Voting Rights Act the fair housing act the Head Start program and you talk about Joe Biden with building back a country that was on the brink so this is an amazing moment I know we have a tight timeline but the thing the president said tonight he.

Talked about the joy he has in public service I am so grateful that I know such a human being who puts his country ahead of his party and who will pass this charge to a tremendous proven leader KLA Harris is ready she was ready on day one and Joe Biden when he selected her almost four years ago in August he knew he wanted somebody to be.

Prepared for this moment she's she will meet the moment and I'm so proud to have known Joe Biden as a leader as a fighter and I'm going to help him over the next six months you know in watching this Oval Office address closely Donna I took note that this didn't seem to be a campaign speech tonight this was not a rally uh this was really it seemed a.

Moment for the president to Define his decision uh in his own terms to explain why he believes the stakes are so great this moment for democracy he argued that's why he stepped aside in this race that this was larger than any title than than than himself uh essentially is what he came down to and what do you make of this ABC news reporting at this hour.

That the characterization of the Biden family these last couple of days a source saying that's not exactly uh the true reflection of how they feel tonight that tonight they are uh gratitude is the word for so many people in this country pointing to Joe Biden now and calling him a patriot uh who stepped in when democracy needed.

It what a beautiful family um his sister I talked to his sister I stay in touch with the family I stay in touch with Dr Biden they're really a remarkable resource of Joy uh they're Fighters too I I love their spirit and when the president was getting just this hit and that hit the family stayed close and you know.

They just kept the the faith this is a wonderful wonderful phenomenal human being and I'm so glad that I've I've know him and I'm going to help him but more importantly what you saw tonight and I hope every American especially the young people today I hope they can find joy and seeing what a real true public servant is all about he put his country.

First he said I want to do this for the country Donna Brazil with us uh tonight as well Donna thank you we're getting Republican reaction tonight here as well in fact former president Donald Trump was back on the campaign Trail tonight holding a rally in Charlotte North Carolina Trump has been attacking President Biden over his decision to.

Withdraw from the race and he has now turned his attacks to vice president kamla Harris here again on that Rachel Scott tonight with the eyes of the world on the White House tonight in North Carolina Donald Trump plowing ahead with his campaign taking the stage for the first time since Sunday's political earthquake President Biden out of the.

Race vice president kamla Harris now Trump's new opponent Cala Harris is unfit to lead she's unfit to lead she'll destroy our country in a year Trump who spent years attacking Biden Now quickly trying to recalibrate to focus on Harris zeroing in on her role in the administration Harris task with addressing the root.

Causes of migration at the southern border with all of the things they've done wrong everything the border the borders are oh the borders are when you look at how bad they are you say you know I like Trump but now I really like Trump cuz we don't want to go back but several Republican members of Congress now taking aim at Harris's identity as.

The first woman of color to serve as vice president labeling her a Dei hire Shand for diversity equity and inclusion I think she was a Dei hire 100% she was a Dei hire sources tell ABC News house Speaker Mike Johnson has privately warned Republicans to stop this is not personal with with regard to kamla Harris and her her ethnicity her gender.

Have nothing to do with this whatsoever today in the New York Times Hillary Clinton writing of Harris I know she can defeat Donald Trump but Clinton adding I know a thing or two about how hard it can be for strong women candidates to fight through the sexism and double standards of American politics noting Harris will face unique additional.

Challenges as the first black and South Asian women to be at the top of a major party's ticket and on social media Clinton showing this 2020 one clip of Trump's running mate Senator JD Vance disparaging Harris for not having children we're effectively run in this country via the Democrats Bea via our corporate oligarchs by a bunch of.

Childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too and it's just a basic fact you look at kamla Harris Pete Budaj AOC the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children Hillary Clinton's reaction what a normal.

Relatable guy who certainly doesn't hate women having freedoms but here in North Carolina Trump supporters we spoke to say they're worried about the new excitement Harris could bring to the race do you think it could be more of a challenge for Trump that Harris is on the ticket I do yeah I do I think Harris will like I said I think it's will bring.

New life into the party for the Democrats and looking at you know the last couple weeks or couple months especially how everything's gone Haywire you know they're TR try to find unity in it and I think that you'll you know give them that lift really interesting to hear from Democrats and Republicans that they believe that kamla Harris whether.

You're going to support her or not is injecting new energy uh into this race Rachel I want to ask you about something that just came out moments ago this image I know you're read in on this apparently Donald Trump watching President Biden in the Oval Office a short time ago uh and what are you learning yeah David the former president.

Wrapped up his rally here in North Carolina just minutes before President Biden gave this Oval Office address and the former president then got on his plane and these pictures floating around from his own campaign advisers of the for for president watching President Biden give this speech from the White House even though President Biden is not.

Even in the race anymore it is clear that he has been top of mind for Donald Trump for the last few days even though Biden has been out of the race Trump has been railing and attacking President Biden he has spent the last 600 days focus on this rematch with President Biden and now of course he's trying to readjust and focus on vice president KLA.

Harris that is proving to be a little bit of a challenge David well talk to us a little bit about that because today was the first time we actually saw Donald Trump since kamla Harris became his true opponent here now at the top of the ticket and he had said earlier this week on a call with reporters that you know now we've got to start all over.

Essentially uh visibly frustrated that Joe Biden had stepped down from the race visibly frustrated he's been airing out his grievances about President Biden stepping aside in this race essentially saying that in his own words that he has to start all over again now with a new rival that he has to figure out a way to attack look Donald Trump wanted it to be.

President Biden especially given all of the questions about his mental Fitness and his age coming off of that debate where they believe that the president performed very poorly in that debate and so now they're trying to switch gears and try and test out new lines against vice president kamla Harris we know that this is something that the campaign had.

Been bracing for for a number of weeks now clearly picking up on the cues and the growing pressure on President Biden to step aside but this is now their reality and they're Drilling in and trying to figure out their new attack on vice president K Harris David Rachel Scott with us here again tonight Rachel thank you of course the next president.

Will face a number of world conflicts including the Israel Hamas War the president urging a ceasefire in Gaza and the return of all hostages of course President Biden vice president Harris and Donald Trump all three of them are expected to have meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu while he's here in the US he addressed that.

Joint meeting of Congress uh today in Washington protests on the outside in Washington a warm welcome inside let's bring in our chief Global Affairs correspondent Martha rit's co- Anor of this week and and Martha the next president also inherits not only the issues here at home the economy immigration abortion rights but these.

Conflicts Israel Gaza Russia and Ukraine and of course Rising concern over China exactly David in fact uh today for what we believe is the first time us Jets NORAD Jets intercepted Chinese bombers and two Russian bombers off the coast of Alaska as far as we know that has not not happened in recent times that was just off the coast of Alaska.

About 150 mile area on that Coastline so that is something that President Biden has certainly been briefed on but what he really has to do in these coming months is concentrate solely on being president because it can be a very vulnerable time if you are in fact a lame duck president the world will be watching our adversaries will be.

Watching he also wants badly for that Gaza War to end and for the hostages to return home Benjamin Netanyahu did not mention a ceasefire today uh but we know that negotiations are are doing fairly well they believe they may be in the closing stages of that according to a Us official uh sadly we have heard that before and it hasn't happened but we.

Have had many hostages released David Martha rit's with us tonight as well thank you Martha as always when we come back on this ABC News special report tonight Terry Moran is standing by on the state of this race tonight the new polls The New National polls just out in the last 24 hours where does this race now stand between Donald Trump and comma.

Harris the numbers have been eye opening we're also going to hear from Ryan's Pras tonight he was the former Chief of Staff to Donald Trump former head of the RNC on what the Republican party what Republican leaders are saying behind closed doors tonight what do they make of the new polls do they think kamla Harris is a formidable candidate we'll.

Hear from the Republican side and the state of this race these new numbers in just a moment here stay tuned betrayal is one of the hardest types of trauma to overcome this is her night in shiny armor everything felt right all of a sudden I found this hidden folder I opened.

It I don't think I can say it I'm sorry it's shocking my stomach just dropped he just really didn't think I had it in me to do something so I did betrayal of Father's secret the all new season on Hulu all right let the dogs out please I don't think he's going to give you a hard time even if he gives me a hard time I'm the right guy you can.

Hand I want to make sure that we all learn together calm confidence calm confident calm surrender everything that he's taught has become a reality we are so grateful and impressed I feel like crying you changed our world it is a beautiful thing to see as you rehabilitate the dog you also.

Rehabilitate you Susan Powell was a young beautiful mother she just one night vanished where is Susan July 29th making sure that if something happens to me our assets are documented Josh did you kill your wife I'll never forget the first time that I met him a chill just like raced up through my spine I just shook the hand.

Of a killer now stunning details he ends up revealing the biggest bombshell what will happen next 2020 Friday at 98 Central on ABC betrayal is one of the hardest types of trauma to overcome this is her night in shining armor everything felt right all of a sudden I found this hidden folder I opened it I don't think I can say it I'm.

Sorry it's shocking my stomach just dropped he just really didn't think I had it in me to do something so I did betrayal of Father's secret the all new season on Hulu hey good morning America Good Morning America Good Morning America are you ready they are.

Ready covering the biggest events in the country right now there's a lot going on here you don't just see it you feel it I'm in I'm in I'm in I'm in too here I am here and so happy I'm in Michael George Ginger much of welcome back to our live coverage tonight a remarkable night in the race.

For president I wanted to bring you up to speed on something that was just released it's a handwritten note actually from the first lady Dr Jill Biden she's posted it on social media and she writes to those who never wavered to those who refuse to doubt to those who always believe D my heart is full of gratitude thank you for the.

Trust you put in Joe now it's time to put that trust in Kamala love Jill that's the first public reaction from Jill Biden and it comes just moments after her husband addressed the nation from the Oval Office uh offering his own words his own explanation as to why he will not seek reelection I want to get right to Terry Moran tonight on the.

State of this race because we've got some new polls out in recent days Terry I know you've been looking into these numbers these are polls that have been taken after pres President Biden dropped out of the race on Sunday and it looks like we really do have a race in our hands we do and no surprise we're still a 50-50 country but it is interesting to.

See these first polls their first look at polls taken among registered voters since Biden withdrew and take a look that poll released Yesterday by Reuters shows Harris uh kamla Harris with a small lead and then today CNN releasing a poll showing Donald Trump uh with the edge over Kamala Harris in that poll it's worth noting however in that poll.

The previous CNN poll was between Biden and Trump trump had a six-point lead in that one uh but really you're looking at within the margin of error both of those polls a dead heat Terry Moran with us here tonight Terry thank you I want to turn now to former Chief of Staff to Donald Trump and former head of the RNC ABC News contributor Ry prus also here.

With us tonight and and writes the Trump campaign has been reported would have preferred to continue to run against President Biden is is that the case well I look I I think they'll take it either way but certainly Joe Biden was was hemorrhaging and it's obvious and tonight one of the most remarkable things about this speech was that that.

Joe Biden didn't address the elephant in the room he didn't explain to anyone listening why in fact he decided to step down a month ago we saw a disastrous debate and then a week after that all of the Democratic Leadership were saying that that Joe Biden was sharp as attack and he didn't address what happened this weekend why did he decide to step down.

And it's very clear we all know the answer the answer he decided to step down was that this was a political decision he decided that he didn't think he could win and so he handpicked his vice president and and and someone that didn't receive a single vote in a primary never received a delegate uh certainly she's accomplished she's a.

Former You Know da attorney general Senator I don't have a beef with that but clearly this was a political decision and and it's very bizarre to me that he didn't address the elephant in the room which is his health and if he's not healthy to run is he healthy to be president I'm not making an accusation I'm just saying he should.

Have addressed that issue tonight and he did not I'm curious Ry though on the issue of age and you know mental Fitness do you think the Democrats have flipped the switch here now that Donald Trump is the the older candidate in this race at 78 79 years old no I don't think so I mean look I just saw Donald Trump play 18 holes with.

Bryson uh yesterday and he looked pretty good to me so I don't think this is going to be an issue I do think in the end it will come down to the issues it will come down to the Border it'll come down to the economy Camala Harris is going to have to answer for where we are as a country and what was really driving the bad numbers for Joe Biden in the.

First place which was gas and groceries the border and the economy so those issues will eventually bubble up it'll be a close race 40,000 votes in three states no doubt about it it'll be nip Nick nip and Tuck from here on out those are modern day presidential elections you believe down to tens of thousands of votes will make this decision in in the.

Key Battlegrounds let me ask you though Ryan you were just uh looking at those numbers too I'm sure Terry Moran reporting on the state of the race you got the Reuters IPOs poll showing Kam Harris nationally and of course this all depends on the Battlegrounds we haven't seen a Battleground polling yet K Harris actually lead leading by two points.

Nationally now the CNN poll Donald Trump leading by three points though that that is shrinking significantly from when it was Joe Biden versus Donald Trump uh in the last couple of weeks do what has changed here now with KLA Harris at the top of the ticket for you as far as repic strategy she's a shiny new object David.

I mean it she's gonna have a little bit of a honeymoon period here we'll see how long at last she's got a little bump in the polls not enough to clearly overtake president Trump you know it's it's who knows who's ahead or behind it'll come down to a few votes but ultimately I I really do think that the Democrats dumped one set of baggage off and picked.

Up another because in the end this is going to come down to how people feel about the direction of the country so they're going to do everything they can to make it about Donald Trump Donald Trump's going to make it everything about the economy and and the fact that Harris is is is pretty liberal far more liberal than than than Joe Biden and.

We'll see where it goes Ry prus with us tonight as always Ry we always appreciate your analysis and as Ry points out the race for the White House may have changed but the key issues will remain the same it's going to be a very close race likely the economy immigration abortion rights crime uh violent crime has been dropping.

For months now across the US let's bring in our chief justice correspondent Pierre Thomas uh because Pierre you know obviously and you've been covering politics and and Justice in this country for a long time you know that even as the numbers come down the rhetoric doesn't always match the numbers and it and it truly comes down to how the.

American people when they go to the polls yes David when you talk about the issue of crime the issue that is of most concern to Americans is gun violence Donald Trump had a huge surge in gun violence in the final year of his administration including a stunning spike in mass shootings that surge continued in the.

First year of Biden's presidency so his administration has to own that but in the last two years the crime violence has been dropping and it's down double digits so far this year with mass shootings down dramatically but but in an election year perception is what matters and according to Gallup the percentage of Americans who worry a.

Great deal about crime and violence has grown from 42% in 2020 to 53% in 2024 air Thomas uh with a fact check there on on when it comes to Crime the the current federal numbers in this country again numbers are one thing the arguments uh in these final months are another uh Pier thank you Donald Trump the Republicans wasting no time going.

After vice president Harris on the issue of immigration May Maria vial joins us now from the border tonight and Maria poll show that immigration is a major issue for Republicans Democrats Independents really across the board of this country Americans want this addressed that's absolutely right David a new ABC poll shows that immigration is.

At the top of a priority list for Americans around the country listen when we talk to people they say that this is important to them because when they see apprehensions high and and resources stength and makes them feel like the chaos is creating a vulnerability for our country but as you know David we know the Biden Administration talked.

About coming to a compromise on a border security deal months ago and that was shot down it fizzled out when Trump got involved and said listen this is my issue I want to run on immigration and he did that we saw that after the June debate or during the June debate we also saw that at the Republican National Convention just last week uh we also saw.

A number of speakers at the RNC try and capitalize on those immigration fears talking about how the Border uh chaos was was actually coalin with crime in our country and also fental deaths but really the facts do not support that kind of narrative there is no information no data out there that says that there is a crime surge because of.

Migrants or that it contributes to fenal deaths in our country and the likely debate that we'll hear moving forward in these coming months uh will involve President Biden of course K Harris part of the administration so she'll be asked about uh the president's executive action Maria which came just not so long ago and people will say why did you wait.

Until just before the election uh the Democrats will likely say well they believe that President Trump stopped that bipartisan deal you know David that's exactly right listen this Administration hasn't really taken on immigration as a topic headon I doubt that we will see that moving forward but you know listen we are.

Talking about VP kamla Harris being a former prosecutor she lives and dies right by statistics and facts so I can imagine while she may not take immigration on solely she will use a lot of that immigration statistical information that she is privy to as a way to fact check the former president Maria thanks so much we talked earlier.

About the state of this race The New National polls that show the race actually tightening almost immediately I want to bring back in Rachel Scott into the conversation tonight because in this new CNN poll tonight which showed Donald Trump ahead by three points and again the CNN poll not so long ago actually showed him ah head by much more than.

That up against President Biden but this also took a look at some key voting groups and it showed in those areas uh the distance between Donald Trump and KLA Harris is now is now shrinking when it comes to young voters uh when it comes to Black voters Hispanic Latino voters and when it comes to women take us through the.

Numbers yeah and any one of these key demographics can Propel either candidate to the White House David you said it yourself we now have a race on our hand so I want to take you through some of these numbers in April and June Donald Trump was up seven points among young voters now Harris is up Four Points among black voters President Biden was.

Up 47 Harris 63 Hispanic voters Donald Trump was up nine points in April in June now Trump is up two so clearly Harris there're tightening that uh lead a little bit and then female voters April and June it was even between President Biden and former president Donald Trump now you have Harris up five points this is a race that is very tight.

It was close before David it's getting even tighter now Rachel Scott with us with a deeper dive on the numbers tonight Rachel thank you we come back on our special a member of our own team was in the ovall office tonight with President Biden delivering that historic address a witness to history and we'll get his reaction what he witnessed in.

The Oval Office watching the President right after the break here betrayal is one of the hardest types of trauma to overcome this is her night in shining armor everything felt right all of a sudden I found this hidden folder I opened it I I don't think I can say it I'm sorry it's shocking my stomach just.

Dropped he just really didn't think I had it in me to do something so I did betrayal of Father's secret the all new season on Hulu there is a price to be paid every time a Survivor shares their story I will not be silenced do you feel the church accepted abuse I wouldn't say accepted it as so much pretended it.

Didn't exist yep that's him yep Ready Kira Phillips with ABC News does your church protect sexual predators the powerful New Impact by Nightline secrets of the 2 by Two church there's nothing pretty about here in this now streaming on Hulu if you were coming of age in the 1980s the brat pack was near the center of your cultural awareness but for those.

Of us experiencing it from the inside the brat pack was something very different if you could have the brat pack name not exist would you I hated the BR what a disaster why did we take it as an offense Andrew I'm not going to say we were the Beatles or anything we didn't F sh Stadium 1985 I think we could.

Have Susan Powell was a young beautiful mother she just one night vanished where is Susan July 29th making sure that if something happens to me our assets are documented Josh did you kill your wife I'll never forget the first time that when I met him a chill just like raced up through my spine I just shook the hand of a killer now stunning details he.

Ends up revealing the biggest bomb showell what will happen next 2020 Friday at 98 Central on ABC before we go tonight I want to bring in our Washington bureau chief and political director Rick Klein Rick as you know the networks that cover the White House I'm just explaining for folks at home there's always one network.

That's the pool the pool Network for these big moments tonight ABC was the pool which put you right in the room right in the Oval Office a witness to history tonight what did you make of it yeah David it was remarkably emotional and intimate the Oval Office is not a big place there are about 40 people in there maybe about 10 or 12 members of.

The Biden family watching intently to see the president's daughter Ashley Biden watching with her eyes closed uh grabbing her mother's hand at one point Jill Biden Hunter Biden the grandchildren all watching nodding intently slowly as they took in the gravity of the moment and when the president uh wrapped up his remarks they.

Broke into spontaneous Applause many of his own AIDS in the room just felt overcome by that moment and the president stood next to his wife who came over to him next to the Resolute desk and said this was the honor of a lifetime Rick Klein our Washington bureau chief in the Oval Office tonight Rick extraordinary uh to have witnessed.

That and Jill Biden saying moments ago thank you for the trust you put in Joe love Jill I'm David mure in New York I'll see you tomorrow for World News Tonight from all of us here at ABC News good night betrayal is one of the hardest types of trauma to overcome this is her night in.

Shining armor everything felt right all of a sudden I found this hidden folder I opened it I don't think I can say it I'm sorry it's shocking my stomach just dropped he just really didn't think I had it in me to do something so I did betrayal of Father's secret the allnew season on Hulu Susan Powell was a young beautiful mother she just one night.

Vanished where is Susan July 29th making sure that something happens to me our assets are documented Josh did you kill your wife I'll never forget the first time that I met him a chill just like raced up through my spine I just shook the hand of a killer now stunning details he ends up revealing the biggest bombshell what will happen next 2020.

Friday at 98 Central on ABC reporting from the Republican National Convention here in Milwaukee I'm Kaa Whitworth wherever the story is we'll take you there your streaming ABC News live tonight President Biden addresses the nation my fellow Americans has been the privilege of my life to serve this nation for over 50 years nothing nothing.

Can come in the way of saving our democracy Ry that includes personal ambition so I've decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation president of the United States speaks to the country just days after announcing his withdrawal from the 2024 race ultimately giving his.

Endorsement to vice president kamla Harris the message the president delivered tonight as he works to cement his legacy for decades to come there is a time in a place for long years of experience in public life there's also a time in a place for new voices fresh voices yes younger voices in that time and place is now and while.

Democrats may be celebrating the president's decision to step aside top Congressional Republicans are using it to call for his resignation we have fresh reaction from the White House and from Capitol Hill on this special edition of ABC News live Prime good evening everyone I'm Lindsey Davis thanks so much for streaming with.

Us this is our special coverage President Biden the decision the president spoke to the American people for 11 minutes from the Resolute desk in the Oval Office his move to step aside mid campaign is unprecedented but he says he's doing so because this is a rare moment in history calling it an inflection point saying quote the.

Decisions we make now will determine the fate of our nation and the world for decades to come America's going to have to choose between moving forward or backward between hope and hate between unity and division we have to decide do we still believe in honesty decency respect freedom justice and.

Democracy the president then tipped his hand a bit saying how he wants to see the country move forward you know there is a time and a place for long years of experience in public life there's also a time and a place for new voices fresh voices yes younger voices and that time and place is now Biden then went further making no secret.

Who he believes should lead the next the be the next president of the United States and I will keep fighting my for my cancer moonshot so we can end cancer as we know it because we can do it I'm going to call for Supreme Court reform because this is critical to our democracy Supreme Court reform President also made it clear.

There's still so much more that he intends on accomplishing during his final 6 months in office well a fresh reaction to the president's speech what he says about his plans for the remainder of his term the praise he heaps on to his vice president kamla Harris and how Congressional lawmakers and Donald Trump are reacting tonight.

But we are joined now oh and first I actually want to hear directly from first lady Jill Biden who wrote this heartfelt message on X writing quote to those who never wavered to those who refused to doubt to those who always believed my heart is full of gratitude thank you for the trust you put in Joe now it's time to put that trust in kamla.

Love Jill clearly an emotional moment for not only the president but his family staff and the entire White House and for more on that want to go to ABC News chief White House correspondent Mary Bruce who joins us live from the White House tonight and Mary at one point you described that that 11 minute speech as as a love letter that he had.

Written to his country it certainly felt like that you Joe Biden describing not just what's it AK in this moment in our country but why it is so important and why he made this decision this selfless and as many have described it patriotic decision to put aside his personal interests for what he says is the good of the country the president saying.

Nothing can get in the way of saving our democracy including personal ambition and the president did make clear that yes you know he still has work to do and and part of finishing the job he made very clear is now making sure that kamla Harris is finishing his work that she will be the one who inherits and wins the White House and goes on to continue.

The work that he has been doing uh the president tonight I think really striking an interesting tone it was very much you know not so much explaining his the details of this decision not explaining you know in detail everything he wants to get done over the next six months though he did tick those things off this was a chance for him to appeal.

Directly to Americans to voters and I keep thinking about what he said at the end he said the choice is up to you the future of the country is now in your hands Lindsay and talk to us about the cheers that you could hear from the front lawn there at the White House yeah we know that inside the Oval Office as the president gave that address were.

Members of his family sitting there watching taking in all of this remarkable moment of history but so too were here at the White House hundreds of staffers about 500 staffers they gathered here earlier in the day we saw them walking over from the executive office building here to the actual White House residents and they watched this.

Historic address from in there and then moments after the address wrapped as we were on the air we heard this huge uproar this Applause and cheering it was very clear what was likely happening and then that voice uh that I have heard many many times the president clearly saying hello hello hello and our producer Molly Nagel ran over listened.

In underneath the window and heard the president very clearly thanking his team who have spent so much time and energy and who love him dearly as he makes this remarkable uh turn and really cements his legacy now not only you know was this a chance for the president uh to preserve his legacy by stepping out of this race in the way he did but truly it.

Will Define it Lindsay and Mary we were together in Milwaukee for the RNC then you went back to Milwaukee for kamla Harris's first campaign rally running for president have you seen any shift in her demeanor since going from number two to presidential candidate can't get enough of Milwaukee Lindsay but the the the the vice president now top of the.

Ticket there is a real uh change here look she is having to redefine uh herself she's having to reintroduce herself to the American people they know her as vice president they know her as a running mate they know her as as a previous candidate for president but not in this way I mean in three days she has now become the presumptive Democratic.

Nominee that is an astounding uh Sprint and and it has changed I mean the feeling in that room was palpable the energy was palpable the crowd was enthusiastic they were fired up there were a lot of women no surprise here a lot of black women extremely excited at the possibility that now a woman could actually have a shot uh at being.

President again and her tone was different look the vibe is all different on this campaign it was clear from the moment K Harris took the stage that this is a whole new race what isn't different though is the issues that she's running on uh the issues and the policies and the substance of this campaign what is different though is the messenger and.

Certainly the way in which it is being conveyed to the American people Lindsay Mary Bruce from the White House Tonight our thanks to you Mary thank you our chief Washington correspondent Jonathan Carl joins us now and John while much of this certainly was political and about uh certainly cementing his legacy as as president it.

Also seemed very personal talked about how he was that kid with a Stutter from from Scranton Pennsylvania ascending uh to the Oval Office and and and it was wistful and we talked about how much he reveres that office I mean think about it this is somebody who spent most of his adult life and perhaps as a kid too dreaming of being president of the.

United States and working to make it happen uh and to to give it all up I mean he's not resigning as president but he is giving up his opportunity uh to to run for re-election he made it clear that in his view that his record merits another four years and that he was making this move because it was uh in the name of party Unity uh but but you.

Could hear the uh almost the the pain and anguish in his voice for having done that and putting it in the context of of portraying it as the ultimate selfless act uh re making the case the country is much greater than any one man's ambition which of course it is and certainly talked about how this is an inflection point and how this moment will determine.

The fate of our nation I'm curious if you feel that the chatter uh particularly from a number of Republicans as far as him if he doesn't have the mental acuity to be the nominee doesn't have the mental acuity uh to run the country at this time has that do you think is there anything he could have said tonight that might put that to rest.

I don't think there was anything he could have said uh that will put that to rest but there's a reality too that Republicans have something uh more immediate that they have to worry about which is uh running against kamla Harris so I you're you're going to hear that chatter you will absolutely hear the calls uh for him to resign as president.

But guess what the House of Representatives has some Mo votes tonight and then they're gone until September so so we won't have Republican house members uh making any efforts to do anything about that at least not for the next month and a half while they are on uh recess uh but you mentioned the inflection point and I think that was to.

Me the line that stood out maybe above all lines and that that we are at an inflection point and that this the decisions that we make now will affect the course of American history and world history for decades to come something that is almost certainly true given uh How Deep The Divide is in this election and when you talk about Biden's Legacy.

Uh this will either be seen as an ultimate the ultimate selfless act uh or it'll be uh looked at as something that should have happened much much earlier it'll depend on whether or not KLA Harris wins in November if KLA Harris wins in November Joe Biden will be remembered as a you know to to some degree as as the Statesman that that.

Gave it all up in the name of the country in the name of of the unity of his party if they lose uh the question will be asked why did he run again and why did he take so long to make this decision to get out of the race and just lastly you know we also heard from him with regard to the six months ahead the things that he's still committed to.

Among them revamping the Supreme Court that cancer moonshot strengthening NATO how does he accomplish anything else on that remains on his agenda as far as he's talked about finishing the job uh when he has a a house that's Republican controlled and and many are going to largely view him now as a lame duck president and and the the Middle East uh.

He he very much wants to get to a uh a ceasefire agreement release of the hostages in the Middle East he's got a very uh busy agenda for the next six months some of that uh can be accomplished regardless of what is happening in Congress you know they he can play his role as a world leader but he's a world leader who has now told the.

World that he was essentially unable to continue a presidential campaign and he will be you know looked at as a as a diminished president as a result uh so it's it's it's a good question and you know KLA Harris is going to be out on the campaign Trail uh these are his decisions not hers Jonathan Carl our thanks to you as always thank you.

Joining us now for more is Minnesota Democratic senator Amy kashar Senator thank you so much for joining us tonight you've known President Joe Biden for some time briefly serving with him and in the Senate as well uh one can only imagine just how difficult this decision must have been for him Joe Biden saying tonight that the best way for it is to.

Pass the torch to a new generation what did you make of his speech I thought it was a beautiful speech I think to me it remind me of when he came into the office he came into the office um as someone who said he was going to save our democracy and he did he he beat Donald Trump he was there on the inaugural stage and he talking about the.

Soul of America and bringing people together he didn't accomplish that entirely but boy he SA saved our democracy and he put that out as a challenge to the American people tonight when he quoted Benjamin Franklin and said it's a republic if you can keep it I also um am someone that loved that he talked about passing the torch um as a.

Young Senator I remember one of my first speeches on domestic violence I was in the chamber late at night uh and no one was in there I think the pages were falling asleep and I walked out and my phone rang and I thought is it my mom then I thought no my mom didn't even stay up to watch this and it was Joe Biden he at the time uh had just gotten.

Out of the presidential race and he took the time as a senator to call me and he said Hey kid that was a great speech and when kamla went to Delaware he kind of said the same thing he said he got this kid um you know that was him that was him tonight and um I couldn't been more proud of his decision he took the honorable path were you surprised by his.

Decision uh I was not I think this was mounting uh as Jeff uh who you just talked to I think he was well aware of what was going on a lot of discussions um and he ultimately decided that this was best for a democracy and um I just think he did it with Grace and he didn't waste time he endorsed kamla Harris right away.

Meeting with my Republican colleagues today and talking to a number of them that run the gamut ideologically I think think they have been really shocked at how quickly she Consolidated her support how quickly people came together and endorsed her the joy that's out there right now of young people that say Hey Now generational change I'm ready for.

This those were a lot of the people that were hanging on the sidelines not yet ready to accept this candidacy understandably having gone through the pandemic she's going to be able to make the case for them so while this is about beating Donald Trump and the negativity that he brings divisiveness that he brings the uh breaching of our freedoms.

What happened with roie Wade it is also about what she is going to bring to the table and that is what I'm excited to see unfold in these next few weeks and tonight Biden called kamla Harris experien tough and capable uh you served with this her in the Senate as well how would you describe her um she is someone that um is I.

Always think about her posture she is very very stand straight and keeps her shoulders High she is someone that just doesn't let the criticism get to her she has a mission and she completes it I watched her dismantle those Supreme Court Justice nominees to show their true colors which ended up being exactly right so you're going to see on one side.

Of a debate stage if he is willing to debate her uh you're going to see her making the case uh on what happened with those justices and you're going to see him who just did a video this year that said he was proud to to be the person who overturned roie Wade those are his words not my words uh you're going to see her as a former prosecutor uh make.

The case for the rule of law and on the other side of the stage will be someone that has racked up over 100 felony indictments and a number of convictions as well so I think you're going to see a very strong contrast but sometimes what gets missed here is there's a Joy about KLA Harris I ran against her we became better friends as the election went on.

Um I've seen her and Doug together my husband and I have hung out with them um and I think you're just going to see someone who also um has a Joy about her that I think we need in our politics right now and what types of qualities do you think that she should be looking for as she tries to choose a vice presidential candidate especially on an.

Expedited timeline sure so I think number one uh someone she can trust uh number two someone that can just step in and govern and number three someone who augments her skills um it is speed dating that is true she is not going to be on the timeline of other people but all of the candidates that I've seen on the list of the top ones have been.

Vetted by voters they've been vetted in tough races um I'm not as concerned about that uh because of who she's looking at the quality of who she's looking at and then finally she knows them she knows every single one of them so it's not going to be like hey I've never met you before do you want to be my running mate that's not what this.

Scenario is going to be like H comments that were made by former President Gerald Ford in 1989 have recently resurfaced and Ford was asked by a young school girl what advice he'd give to a young lady who wanted to become president and he said it won't happen in the normal course of events he thought that it would take an event like a.

President dying for a woman to become president and I'm just curious 35 years later what you make of that response well I think I was the one on the uh debate stage at one point uh who said if it was easy for a woman uh to become president we could play a game called name your favorite woman president and not only could we not play that game.

Until kamla came in we couldn't even play the game of name your favorite woman vice president so we know this has been tough women have been held to different standards after that race was over uh there were some look people looked at social media and they saw the kind of criticism that were lodged at the women candidates compared to the.

Male candidates um Rel getting at looks really getting at in a way that none of the men had to deal with getting at uh if someone oh they loved it when they could say you were dumb they loved it when they could say you were too tough um those were the kinds of things that went viral so one of the good things for commala right now is that we've been.

Through this before with Trump and how he handled what he said about Hillary Clinton everyone knows what went on there uh what happened um to her uh in her past races were pretty attuned to this and I think it's not just kamla that will be defending herself there will be entire Brigade of people that are ready to either call it out laugh at.

It embrace it or most importantly ignore it because the cause as a president laid out in his beautiful words today the cause of Defending democracy is larger than yourself that is the deal larger than any personal ambition as he so beautifully pointed out and certainly larger than any one person senator Amy kashar of Minnesota we thank you so much.

For joining us tonight it's great to be on thank you tonight was certainly a personal moment for the president as he laid out his remarks just back after a covid diagnosis just days from deciding to step aside from the 2024 race here's a bit of what he had to say I rever this office but I love my country more it's.

Been the honor of my life to serve as your president but in the defense of democracy which is a stake I think is more important than any title I draw strength and I find joy in working for the American people but this sacred.

Task of perfecting our Union is not about me it's about you our chief Global Affairs anchor Martha radit joins us now Martha the president left time in a speech to say which accomplishments abroad in particular made him proud tell us about that well I I think certainly he talked a lot about about Ukraine and we go back.

And we remember those early days and the administration talked so much about what was about to come and that was a that was a big decision within the administration with the N within the National Security apparatus they had intelligence showing Russia was going to those borders going to those borders and they wanted to convince people that this.

Was going to happen and that helped and and the president certainly talked about that tonight bring NATO together and the president has really helped reunite nato in ways that it started to kind of fall apart uh in the previous administration because they were they were clear that if if you want to be protected you have to pay more didn't really fall apart but.

It but it really started to mistrust in many ways whether this Alliance could survive whether uh they would continue to get the support and I think they're they're in that way now and and very much watching the presidential the presidential race but but President Biden is very proud of uh helping to reunite NATO and face up to the threat.

From Russia and be tough on Russia and side with the ukrainians in in not backing down now where that goes in the next six six months Lindsay is another question Al together I mean does Putin become Bolder because president President Biden now is essentially a lame duck president and and I think that's in a way a very vulnerable time.

For the nation I mean he clearly doubled down on that tonight that his attention would be focused on his job as president uh but but it is a time when when the adversaries can look at the United States in a way they weren't a week ago all right Martha RIT our thanks to you and now I want to bring in former DNC chair and ABC News contributor Donna.

Brazil Who of course knows Joe Biden very well Donna your reaction to President Biden's address to the nation I thought it was very heartfelt 11 minutes it was short but it was so impactful what he told the nation was his love of his country his desire to complete his job his determination to see a new generation with new voices and.

New faces uh to rise he stepped back so that those who believe in Freedom step forward he stepped back so that we can see the bridge that we've been trying to cross over he stepped back so that the 21 million Americans who have got health insurance to 15.7 million Americans who found jobs after Co he stepped back so that we can continue that progress I.

Know there will be people out there in the country that just will never understand Joe Biden why he ran in the first place and why he decided to step down after 3 weeks and 3 days of taking on on you know criticism from his friends from people inside his tent his party it's been a very deep and very troubling time but you know the faith.

That he has not just in a higher being but the faith he has in us the American people that came through Lindsay in those 11 minutes so I've already sent my congratulations Mr President we still love you we still have your back you still got a lot of to do so don't go get some chocolate chip ice cream don't go get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Mr President Mr President continue to fight you're not finished the work you know Lindsay this whole thing about passing the torch if from the Greek literature it's it's it's the runners but Moses had 40 years and he had to pass the torch I am so proud of Joe Biden because not many men in my life have given up power let alone give up.

Their power and their War chess to a woman but over the last three and a half years this much I know and I tell everybody KLA Harris is a proven leader she's ready she's not ready just because of her education she's not ready because she was a DA in California AG in California United States Senator but she has been a governing partner with Joe.

Biden for the last three and a half years she has traveled to over 20 countries she knows over 150 leaders you can't get that experience while justun running your mouth you get it by putting in the work she has receipts and I'm proud so very proud of the Biden family they took this with Grace they never once expressed horror AG grievance.

They're like we going to keep fighting and I I'm so grateful I'm so grateful to Joe bot and his leadership there was a moment tonight where President Biden asked the critical question does character and public life still matter and also referred to as humble beginnings let's take a listen fellow Americans has been the privilege.

Of my life to serve this nation for over 50 years nowhere else on Earth could a kid with a Stutter from Modest Beginnings in Scranton Pennsylvania Claymont Delaware one day sit behind the Resolute desk in the Oval Office as president of the United States but here I am I want to ask you in particular what you made of that question about.

Does does character and public life still matter it matters a great deal remember when Joe Biden entered the National Public life he lost his wife a child two of his sons had deep injuries he had to put his life back he's suffered an aneurism he had to put his life back he's had so many setbacks but it never.

Stopped him from making the American dream available to each and every one of us when Joe Biden talks about his struggle with stuttering I think about all of the kids in this country all of the adults that have to overcome their disabilities overcome their shortcomings and yet can face tomorrow with joy with the belief that you can still walk you.

Can still contribute you know I'm not close to 81 yet Lindsay but I tell you one thing if the good Lord gives me as many years the as the Lord has given Joe Biden I hope I have his character his decency his kindness and his willingness to sacrifice to let a new generation go over that bridge Joe Biden has brought us so close to what we want in.

America an America that sees everybody the stuttering little boy from Scranton the little girl from Kenna Louisiana that was too dark to go someplace and yet this is a country that sees all of us the little the guy from The Other Side of the Mountain Mr Vance the little girl with pigtails and and in Oakland riding her bike this is Who We Are and.

If we can celebrate just the fact that we comes we come from everywhere and we are a little bit of everything none of us are perfect if we can take the example here set and start talking to our neighbors and talking to our friends and co-workers with love then Unity will not just be words in a speech but Unity will be part of the American fabric that.

We love I love this country and more importantly I love politicians like Joe Biden I am so glad he's my friend I love Dr Biden I'm so glad she's my friend these are good honorable decent people so I got to get on with my work but I tell you one thing Joe Biden kept the faith and I'm Gonna Keep the Faith for him as well your passion comes through.

It is it is quite evident and lastly before we let you go let's just talk about what happens next there's been a lot of conversation about torch being passed you've expressed confidence in Democrats now rallying behind vice president Harris but just walk us through what happens from this point up until the the roll call and and the DNC.

And what that'll look like well we had that meeting today and by the way this is for those of us who are insiders throughout this process Joe Biden has never lost more than three votes on the platform on the on the on the rules credentials zero he wasn't hrin delegates he was hrin or I guess the best way to describe it some people.

Said I didn't want him to lead the team anymore that's fine they made their choice it's their conscience but he's leing this part in good hands and good shape and the vice president knows how to not just rad a boat but she knows how to include more people because we're going to sail forward in the future we're not going backwards as the vice.

President say we're not going back so she will have to submit her papers 300 signatures to place on name and nomination I'm actually going to ask her if I can sign my name I want my name in the history books I want I want this kid from Louisiana I want this kid I want her to have her named I want to I want to help nominate her I want to be one of.

300 and then of course the process will go to the full body of the DNC I mean the dncc which is the convention delegates we have until August 1st if no one steps up then it will move just a little quicker but we all know by August 7 we want both the president and the vice presidential nominee to be on the ballot in all 50 states in the District.

Of Columbia so we got a fast timeline but we had an open a fair transparent process and if you're interested in being the nominee for the Democratic Party get your signatures and guess what let the party begin all happening in short order Donna Brazil our thanks to you as always thank You' much more on President.

Biden's address straight ahead stay with us whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile stri.

Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front.

Lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in Beirut from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC.

News live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on we're still in a flash flood warning to catch you up with what happened overnight police in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking.

About the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between check out the gator on the 17th pole the buzz kill in baseball first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America we are part of an operation this.

Our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate militants came in from different directions reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go house is destroyed but the flag not a in it how important it made the USA great work hi appreciate you is David David I'm David I know who you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with.

David mure is America's most watched newscast betrayal is one of the hardest types of trauma to overcome this is her night in shining armor everything felt right all of a sudden I found this hidden folder I opened it I don't think I can say it I'm sorry it's shocking my stomach just dropped he just really didn't think I.

Had it in me do something so I did betrayal of Father's secret the all new season on Hulu all right let the dogs out please I don't think he's going to give you a hard time even if he gives me a hard time I'm the right guy can't I want to make sure that we all learn together calm confidence calm confident calm.

Surrender everything that he's taught has become a reality we are so grateful and impressed I feel like crying you changed our world it is a beautiful thing to see as you rehabilitate the dog you also rehabilitate you welcome back everyone taking a live.

Look now at the White House where not long ago the president made his address to the American people and I want to bring back in a Washington bureau chief and political director Rick Klein who joins us now and and Rick there's often a lot of discussion about being in the room where it happens you were there tonight in the room for that Oval Office.

Address just give us a sense of of what that moment was like yeah Lindsay it was powerful it was intimate uh it was even emotional at times I was there in my capacity as bureau chief representing uh the networks as part of a pool rotation you get the opportunity to to to watch this and to to produce these events on a on a smaller scale basis and just before.

Uh the the president spoke uh members of his family about 10 or 12 bidens walked into the room first lady Jill Biden uh son daughter son Hunter um his daughter Ashley all all filed in several of his grandchildren uh and and uh it was really remarkable to see the anticipation on their faces and then uh the the emotion that they seem to digest.

It his daughter watched most of the speech Ashley Biden watched it with her eyes closed nodding very slowly appearing to dab her eyes at times uh grabbed for her mom's hand toward the into the speech um to see his son Hunter so much in the public eye just just a few feet off camera just to the president's left just outside of his.

Sight line but there uh to emotionally support him was truly remarkable and when the president wrapped up and the the the TV cameras went off to see the the room erupt in Applause many of his AIDS uh who who had came in I saw them making eye contact just nodding at each other they recognized what a what a what a important moment this was and to their.

Mind their their boss or their father or their grandfather or their husband just did something truly selfless in politics and and historic in uh in politics and Beyond and Mary Bruce who was on the front lawn there at the White House at one point heard loud cheers uh erupting and and you were inside so give us a sense of of what was happening inside.

Yeah I mean there was there was a I don't think she heard the loud one because this was a smaller group inside the Oval Office and and Lind see the Oval Office isn't that big and they have to move out a lot of furniture uh to to make room for the TV equipment but there were about 30 39 or 40 people I think we counted in the room uh and uh including.

A lot of ABC Personnel some White House staffers uh at all levels part of the production uh as well as the the speechwriting team and people that that are close to him personally some of some of those AIDs that I recognize worked with him literally for decades back to his days in the United States Senate uh and they were there to support him and.

To witness firsthand in a way that most people would never have the opportunity to do uh that group um did applaud and then the president went into to a holding area with his family when he came out he walked out onto the White House lawn and uh I don't know that he knew this was happening but there were hundreds of staffers who were gathered.

And that's where the loud Applause happened that Mary was reporting on the president took the mic and thanked people for being there uh and you could tell this was a moment for anyone whether you're member of the Biden family uh or or White House staff or at any level this was a special opportunity so many of them have genuine affection.

For him as well he's he's a politician that uh at his heart has a lot of of people very loyal to him that truly love him uh people that have worked with him again going back to the 1970s and to see them and the way they reacted I think was powerful on its own an emotional night a historic night to be sure recline our thanks to you thank despite.

The claims by the GOP that President Biden leley isn't fit to continue in his role he was adamant that he will finish the job I want to bring back in ABC News White House correspondent Mary Alice and Mary Alice from his interview with George Stephanopoulos where he insisted it would take an act of the Lord to come down to to have him decide that he was.

Going to drop out until today why such a a drastic change from the president Lindsay I think that that question is still unanswered the president didn't uh directly explain that Whiplash this was a powerful speech an emotional speech clear that this was a decision that he sort of was forced into that he had hoped he would not have to step down uh.

But it is remarkable to think about just a few weeks ago he said it would take an act of God it would take a message from the Lord Almighty to step out of this race and today tonight in that in that Oval Office address he didn't talk about um the change of heart he didn't talk about his health uh he notably you know didn't take on the the the questions.

From Republicans about whether he is still fit to serve out the next six months though he insisted uh that he is and that he has a lot still to do and I'm thinking too just about the the the Press briefing today where we were asking White House Press Secretary Kar jeanpierre about you know whether he made this decision because of his health.

And she you know repeatedly said that was not it but but I think that he's going to still face questions about that Whiplash and what ultimately led him to this decision all right Mary Alis Parks our thanks to you I want to go now to our senior White House correspondent Selena Wang Selena you're there in Houston.

Texas where VP KLA Harris is how is Harris hit the ground running okay we're getting close I can't M well she has wasted no time Lindsay she has very very rapidly United the entire Democratic party behind her her campaign has already raised record shattering amounts and she's already been touring the country she was in Battleground.

Wisconsin for a rally then she was in Indianapolis today speaking to a historically black sorority and then tomorrow she's going to be here in Houston Texas speaking in front of a national teachers union she's already here right now as we're speaking and vice president Harris now Lindsay she is now able to redefine herself to the.

American public on her own terms and we've seen her really lead into her background as a prosecutor and make the case that she can attack Donald Trump where it hurts the most she is framing this election as one between a prosecutor versus a convicted felon but look her campaign knows that this is going to be a very tight race but they.

Believe they do have a unique Advantage they're saying that in disproportionate amount of undecided voters are black Latino and young voters all of these demographics are where they believe vice president kamla Harris can generate the most enthusiasm and some Republican members are now referring to this vice president.

As a diversity equity and inclusion a Dei hire has anyone from the Democratic Party come out into her defense well Lindsay we've already seen many Democrats rush to the vice president's defense including representative Alexandri oazo Cortez she said that these are unfounded that she has worked for this she rightfully.

Deserves this role but she did say that they need to brace them eles for the sexist and racist comments and attacks that are going to be hurled at the vice president we also heard from Hillary Clinton she wrote an oped saying that she knows a thing or two about what it's like to be a woman in American politics and to face the double standards and the.

Sexism but she said that vice president Harris is going to face even additional challenges because she is the first black woman she is the first South Asian woman to be at the top of a part's ticket but what's interesting here is that house Speaker Mike Johnson told Republicans were're learning to stop these attacks and that instead they.

Should focus on vice president Harris's record and her policies Lindsay all right Selena Wang for us thanks so much Selena still much more ahead on President Biden's address stay with us let's go the ship is incredible it feels like living in a science fiction movie we just saw what no one has seen.

Before wow look at that oh my go we are heading into the unknown Hammer Hammer Hammer it doesn't get any more Cutting Edge than this all right let the dogs out please I don't think he's going to give you a hard time even if he gives me a hard.

Time I'm the right guy you can hand I want to make sure that we all learn together calm confidence calm confident calm surrender everything that he's taught has become a reality we are so grateful and impressed I feel like crying you changed our world it is a beautiful thing to.

See as you rehabilitate the dog you also rehabilitate you hey good morning America Good Morning America Good Morning America are you ready they are ready covering the biggest events in the country right now there's a lot going on here you don't just see it you feel it I'm in I'm in I'm in I'm in too I'll be.

Here I am here and so happy I'm in I'm in too Michael George Ginger betrayal is one of the hardest types of trauma to overcome this is her night in shining armor everything felt right all of a sudden I found this hidden folder I opened it I don't think I can say it I'm sorry it's shocking my stomach just.

Dropped he just really didn't think I had it in me to do something so I did betrayal of Father's secret the all new season on Hulu welcome back everyone to our special coverage of the president's address tonight we're getting new reaction from the number three in the House Majority Whip Republic Tom emmer.

Who said in a statement quote it's a tough sell that this decision was about democracy when the Democrats just trampled on the will of 14 million primary voters who selected Joe Biden to be their nominee for more reaction on President Biden's speech tonight let's bring in ABC's j o Brian who's on Capitol Hill for SJ uh President Biden.

Said tonight that he's ready to focus on his job as president and that he'll continue giving his heart and soul to the nation do you think he was able to say enough to restore confidence in in those who have expressed doubt it doesn't look likely Lindsay that is going to change any of those House Republicans Minds who have called for.

Him to resign saying that if he can't run for re-election he shouldn't continue on as president Tom emmer is one of those house Speaker Mike Johnson is another one we caught up just moments ago with two members of the House Tim burett a republican Jared Moscow it's a Democrat we ran into them just minutes ago right after the president's remarks.

Were finished and we got their reaction particularly on that idea of should President Biden resign here's what they told us do you think uh this is going to come any calls for him to resign because just you know kamla Harris is now in I don't think so I don't think it's going to matter um I think he'll just you don't really care if he resigns or not.

Well I think we're in trouble what was your reaction to Biden's address did you watch it so I watched it so I you know he doesn't look or sound as good as he used to but I'll tell you this I think it was one of his best speeches I think it'll be one of his most memorable speeches um and it was extremely moving moscowitz went on to say.

Something that we've heard from a lot of Democrats which is framing President Biden's decision not as one about Fitness for office but as one about ability to win in November saying that Biden made the calculation that he can't win in November that he might not have the ability to campaign the way he needs to campaign and that's why he made this.

Call we also heard tonight from former speaker Nancy Pelosi who was one of sources tell us those top Democrats who were trying to push President Biden to recognize in their View that he couldn't win November she said in a statement tonight quote tonight we saw President Joe Biden one of America's most consequential presidents show that he is.

Not only on the right side of history but on the right side of the future Lindsay J O'Brien from the Rotunda there on Capitol Hill thanks so much Jay immigration obviously a major issue for voters across our country especially with border security I going to get in uh bring in ABC's Mar Via Real who's at the border for us and Maria what exactly.

Does poing show about the topic of immigration Lindsay that's exactly right new ABC polling does show that immigration is a top priority for Americans in our country people we speak with tell us this is important to them because when they see apprehension numbers up and resources strained at the border it makes them feel like this.

Border chaos is actually creating vulnerability in our country now the Biden Administration as you know has talked about coming to a compromise on a border security deal That was supposed to happen months ago but it was torpedoed when Trump said listen take this off the table I want to run on this issue and that's exactly what we have.

Seen him do after or during the June debate but also at the Republican National Convention as well just last week as you heard him talk about we also heard a number of other people that were speaking at the RNC trying and capitalize on immigration fears talking about how the chaos along the border led to a rise in crime in our country it ALS.

So to fentol Deaths but let's just be very clear the facts do not support that narrative there is no evidence at points to a major surge in crime caused by recent arrivals and additionally while we do have issues with fentol in our country and fenol deaths right now we know that cartels bring this drug into our country uh through big rigs and.

Vehicles not on the backs of migrants we also want to point out that right now apprehension numbers continue to decrease in our country especially over the last few months I I spoke to One agent out of the Eagle Pass area just this morning who says we are doing our jobs it is manageable to but to be quite honest right now it is actually pretty.

Quiet listen this Administration hasn't outwardly come out to try and take on the issue of immigration I doubt that that's what VP Harris will do but we do know that she is privy to statistics and information on the border more than likely what we will see on the campaign Trail as well as when she takes on uh the former president in a debate style.

She will use that information to fact check him not necessarily make immigration her top priority when she's campaigning Lindsay Mara vial our thanks to you and now I want to bring in ABC zaren sha who has closely followed kamla Harris long before she was vice president and now a White House Contender zaren Harris spoke in.

Indianapolis today a day after she held her debut campaign rally just give us a sense of of her tone and also the reaction to her on the campaign Trail now as a presidential Contender you know Lindsay I think you feel a sense of confidence right I mean when you are in a place where you believe you should be there is a freedom there and you sort of.

Felt that with her you felt that shift of tone but I got to ask this question I mean we know she's grown we always ask how much has she grown we as a country of grown too and sometimes I wonder how much she has changed versus how much we have changed when we look at her these crowds are coming at her looking at her in a completely different way seeing her.

Really as someone who's going to take on Donald Trump versus the person who's going to take on you know 20 different candidates in a democratic uh field and what was the reaction from the crowd they were just so enthusiastic I mean the last time I remember crowds this excited about her I mean it must have been like you know end of summer I.

Remember this one event in Nevada where the crowds were so excited they kept chanting the words dude got to go and she was so thrilled about that and they were just so pumped and energetic and there was a feeling there was a sense that maybe she could cross that finish line and actually become the nominee in that moment zaren sha our thanks to you.

Is always joining us now is presidential historian Mark upter grov uh Mark thanks so much for joining us you no doubt have seen and and read about presidents giving similar addresses months before the end of their terms how does this one measure up I think it's a good speech Lindsay it was a very good speech and no surprise.

Joe Biden came back time and time again to the issue of democracy that's why he went into this race to begin with and one thing stuck out to me at the at the end of the speech Lindsay when he said history is in your hands let's act together to preserve our democracy uh and and I think President Biden by getting into the race in 2020 was was.

Intent on bending the currents of History uh taking back the White House in order to preserve democracy from Donald Trump who he considered and many Americans considered to be an existential threat that was a defining moment resting the White House from Donald Trump I think the other defining moment.

For his presidency will be stepping aside and patching the passing the torch to kamla Harris who stands a better chance of staving off another threat from Donald Trump Against All Odds a resurgent Donald Trump to once again win the White House so two defining moments bookending the Biden presidency uh Lindsay and Biden was obviously trying.

To cement how hisory Ians will view his presidency do you think that he was able to succeed in selling it I think in some ways yes because his you he fulfilled the promise of restoring our democracy by by preserving and protecting and strengthening our democracy by bringing us back to democratic norms and values and.

Traditions you also mentioned or Martha radit early in the broadcast that he revived a very weakened NATO around the defense of Ukraine against Russian aggression two very significant accomplishments in restoring and preserving our democracy but again I think he realized that uh he wasn't the one to continue this fight so his uh.

Legacy Lindsay is very much in the balance as again uh he hands off the torch to kamla Harris to Stave off another Potential Threat from Donald Trump and the fact that the president has six months still remaining in his term is that much time for him to affect his legacy and and for it to change I don't I I think he has to do.

Everything he can to to round out the administration in a in a noble and admirable way lame duck presidents can accomplish a great deal Lindsay as you know having watched lame duck presidents through the years but I think he has to do everything he can to help his a parent uh kamla Harris to win the office in the fall but uh you know the other.

Thing he's he's going to have to do is uh is show American America that he is able to continue to lead given the fact that he said that stamina is an issue that's why he's not running again that's why his his party has asked him to step aside so he has to continue to show the Vigor the energy the vision to to continue in the role of our president.

And commanderin-chief presidential historian Mark upov we thank you so much as always and as Mark just laid out for US democracy and the fight over the Republic was a key part of President Biden's spee tonight joining us now in studio is Biden biographer Chris wible author of the fight for his life thanks so much for joining us good to be with.

You so we saw there just a little short time ago when when Joe Biden sat down with George Stephanopoulos and he said essentially it was going to take an act of God in order for him to to get removed from the race and then you saw uh less than roughly three weeks later where where he did have a change of heart you know him uh better than most.

What do you think actually did C caused that change of heart well it it was an extraordinary drama that we've watched unfold um over the last 72 hours um and and prior to that um really we've seen nothing like it in modern American history and what struck me tonight uh T your question is U this was was just the extraordinary Grace that Biden brought.

Joe Biden brought to this moment it was the most difficult decision he's ever made in his career maybe the most difficult since LBJ in 1968 but what fascinated me was the way he framed his decision he said he was passing the torch because he wanted to unite the party now if you gave Joe Biden a truth serum he would probably.

Say in America the people rule but so does Nancy Pelosi I'm being slightly facius but the fact is the truth is that Joe Biden had to make a cold hard decision last Sunday in reoboth beach and the decision he made was there was no path forward with with the Democratic Party leaders abandoning him and the party fracturing around him that's the.

Decision Joe Biden didn't want to make but he he made it and delivered it tonight with extraordinary Grace I mean not a trace of bitterness do you think that it was ultimately about self-sacrifice that he was putting country over self yeah and I he'll be remembered for that for sure I agree with Mark upd Grove I think just as LBJ.

Uh had a tremendous surge in popularity when he made that tough decision in 68 uh Joe Biden will too and one of the parallels that people don't talk about very much between LBJ and Biden is that one of Lyndon Johnson's primary reasons for stepping away was because he thought that if he divorced himself from politics he could get a peace settlement.

In Vietnam I think Joe Biden is desperate to get a peace settlement in Gaza and imagine if he's able to do that I mean he would he would actually have a crowning achievement that would surpass LBJ who never got a peace settlement in in Vietnam there was a subsequent interview recently uh where he was asked uh who do you rely on to advisors you go.

To to help you make the decisions and you said me I I rely on on me for that um but do you think in this case it was just a case as as young people say the math just wasn't mathing that it just It ultimately just came down to the numbers or or do you think that it was listening to the Council of of dear friends or perhaps family yeah I think the truth is.

That to this moment I would bet you that Joe Biden believes that he could win this election I don't think he stepped away because he thought he couldn't do that or even because he thought he couldn't serve for the next four years I think what happened was the cold hard reality set in of a party that had abandoned him uh Party leaders certainly.

Who had abandoned him uh for right down to The Bitter End he believed I think and some of his inner circle believed that we've we've done this we've time and time again we've proved that everybody wrong all of our critics uh he'd won those battles before in 2020 when everybody said he was dead after Iowa and New Hampshire he he did it in.

2022 uh when he defied the odds in the midterms and he lost this last battle and this one was something he just couldn't overcome because the party leaders had abandoned him Biden biographer Chris Whipple we thank you so much for your Insight really appreciate you joining us sure and that's it for our special coverage of President.

Biden's Oval Office address I'm Lindsay Davis be sure to stay tuned to ABC News live for more context and Analysis of the day's top stories thanks so much for streaming with us have a great night Susan Powell was a young beautiful mother she just went

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3 thoughts on “LIVE: Pres. Biden addresses the nation for the principle time since throwing in the towel of 2024 elope

  1. The all de voters accessible don't get confise by the democratic celebration and the main movement media who strive primarily exhausting to portrait Kamala Harris as some extra or much less Jesus Christ figure. If you happen to would possibly per chance likely very well be making an are attempting to reflect who to vote for that's primarily a straightforward substitute at the same time as you happen to inquire of the moral questions: 1. Below what administration where you greater. 2. Below what administration modified into the our economy stronger. 3. Below what administration were our borders secured. 4. Below what administration where you in a neighborhood to pay all of your payments and aloof maintain cash to set apart. 5. Below what administration you would give you the cash for to by a rental? Easy sufficient moral moral. The media and the democratic celebration strive and maintain you beleive that at the same time as you happen to don't vote for a girl you would very well be sexiest, racist, bigot etc. They strive and maintain you feel guilt. And this is something you shouldn’t primarily feel guilt. trigger you vote would possibly per chance likely aloof be for the must excellent candidate regardsless of that particular person is gloomy, white, yellow or blue and no matter gender. We would possibly per chance likely aloof vote for our future and for the weel being of all american citizens and the nation.

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