Live Tuned NOW with Gadi Schwartz – March 8 | NBC News NOW


Live Tuned NOW with Gadi Schwartz - March 8 | NBC News  NOW

To date Arrow has found no verifiable evidence for claims that the US government or private companies have accessed to or have been reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology extra terrestrial technology it has been one of the greatest conspiracy theories going back to the 1940s is the US government hiding.

Crashed extraterrestrial ships and dead alien bodies well today the Pentagon says they looked into it their answer is a hard no there are still some things they can't explain I'm Gotti Schwarz and this is stay tuned now hello and welcome back to us diving into that age-old question of are we.

Alone in the universe remember that wild testimony on Capitol Hill Last Summer the one where a Former Intelligence officer told Congress that the US government was involved in a cover up and was in possession of crashed UFOs and had been working to reverse alien Tech and even had recovered alien bodies I was informed in the course of.

My official duties of a multi-decade uh UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program do we have the bodies of the pilots who piloted this craft as I've stated publicly already in my news Nation interview biologics came with some of these recoveries yeah um where they I guess human or non-human biologics.

Nonhuman uh so that definitely caught the attention of lawmakers who pretty quickly passed some legislation telling the Pentagon you need to seriously look into all this and report back to us and today we finally have seen the first report due to Congress that details the history of UFOs and the United States government and a whole bunch of.

Classified government programs dating all the way back to the 1940s their conclusion no evidence of crash retrievals but that conclusion doesn't tell the whole story here's a quick recap of how we got here tonight eight months after that out of this world testimony on Capitol Hill were they I guess human or non-human.

Biologics non-human the official word from the Pentagon no dead alien bodies no crashed alien craft and no government coverup in a 63-page report the dod's UAP office saying they've interviewed more than 30 people including heads of aerospace companies CIA and officials and found no credible firsthand information supporting the claims any.

Validity to any of the crash retrieval talk that was presented to Congress or the fact that the United States may have you know alien craft yeah we've seen absolutely no evidence of that to date also detailed the government's long history with UFOs going back to the 40s even touching on former President Bill Clinton's interest in Roswell but the.

Dod insisting that was a mix of confusion over high altitude test dummies fatal plane crashes and a program to detect nukes what we found is that claims of hidden programs are largely the result of circular reporting by a small group repeating what they heard from others but when it comes to some of the.

Recent Mysteries involving Pilots or surveillance video the report was short on specifics the report's response to the UFO hype a long list of Earthly explanations saying there was no evidence of extraterrestrials but a small percentage of cases had potentially anomalous characteristics or concerning.

Characteristics anomalous and concerning AKA a lot of those big question marks are still out there so let's bring in Ryan Graves a former Navy pilot and the co-founder of the Americans for safe Aerospace Ryan thanks so much for joining us again we were talking a little bit earlier does this report address what you and your squadron were.

Seeing flying out there on the East Coast well no this report that was released by the AA office is a historical look going back to about 1940 and onward uh the cases that we experienced in the 2014 to 2015 period off the coast of Virginia Beach and Florida uh were not addressed and we still don't know what those objects were.

Uh reports are still coming in from the Eastern Seaboard and elsewhere that Pilots are experiencing objects today now that we're not really sure what they are and they have been demonstrating as this report used concerning performance characteristics and Ryan as I understand it there are two report that are due to Congress one was supposed to look at.

Things that happened from the 1940s to 2023 your incidents fall into that the the nimit incident in 2004 off the coast of California that falls into that those I didn't see anything about that in the report is is there any possibility that what you saw may be addressed in the next report that's supposed to come out that's a possibility um but you're.

Absolutely right it does uh not include any of the the more modern cases that have been traditionally considered uh unexplained uh in the 2018 time period if we recall or excuse me 2017 period the there was a couple videos that were released by The New York Times one lamble the Gimbal and another the go fast these were the cases on the Eastern.

Seab board and there it is there that still remain unexplained at this time and Brian you know how quickly the public forgets but you were there the day that grush testified I remember there were two different ISS isues brought to Congress that day we were watching for one the testimony of you and other Pilots like David fraver about.

Seeing things in the sky that you couldn't explain and then there was this whole crash retrieval stuff and the way I remember it as soon as people heard someone tell Congress about like non-biologics it almost seemed like whatever had been happening now was totally overshadowed by what may have happened or may not have happened in the.

Past do you think that's kind of what's happening in this report I I do agree with that you know it it's it's disappointing the language in this report is really detrimental to people that want to come forward Witnesses potential whistleblowers and also Commercial and Military Pilots that are dealing with this and are fighting.

Through the stigma in order to report these cases there is pending legislation now uh within Congress in order to enable Pilots commercial pilots would be able to report on UAP without fear of repercussions and you can learn more about that at safe but this type of report all it does is just.

Minish the conversation and does not leave many options for Pilots to have to deal with this now that's really interesting kind of ironic because like so much of this was about reducing the stigma of just being able to talk about seeing something weird and trying to figure out what it was I know this is just volume one of.

What's due to Congress uh what comes next based on the people that you've been talking to well we have to remember the headlines on this story aren't necessarily telling the full full report in the report it also does mention that they are taking care to be able to deploy sensors at various bases to.

Better understand what the UAP are so in one hand they are dismissing the historical context and any potential illegal programs however they are taking care to invest in the technology so we can better understand this going forward so to answer your question I think the government will likely continue to investigate this and I encourage the.

Public to keep the pressure on as well I'm so glad you brought that out this that for me that's the most fascinating thing the the the Gremlins um these pelican cases that from what we understand the dod has been testing out they're packing them full of sensors and these are supposed to be rapidly deployed to any hotspot of UFO activity.

And that's something that we know is going to happen what kind of sensor what what what will they be looking for yeah I think you know what they'll be looking for uh what we call things outside the normal pattern of Life uh using hyperspectral sensors you can look outside the normal visual range and you have the potential to be able to see.

Objects that are moving or producing energies that we would otherwise not normally be able to see optically and so by putting these centers out there they have the opportunity to catch some of these uh UAP in action and potentially better understand what they are uh it is a problem right now we do not have the proper reporting mechanisms the uh.

ICI has said that themselves and so as we continue to better understand what this is I think the arrow should leave the door open to at least understanding what these are without putting assumptions about their locations uh such as being off world or potentially EXT stral we can all agree that there's something there it's responsible for us.

To be able to know what's flying over our heads within the United States and if you if you would just level with me from what you've seen do you think this is part of a cover up of a cover up or do you think arrow is truly interested in in getting to the bottom of all this well I think if they were truly.

Interested in getting to the bottom of this there would be more resources and more time but forward in order to to understand that historical context ultimately the only way that people are going to be satisfied with the answer that's given by the Pentagon errow or another office is if there's transparency around the conversation.

That's good governance and we haven't seen that yet U hopefully more transparency follows Ryan thanks so much for joining us and the future of Tik Tok as we know it is at risk here in the United States a Company's trying to fight back against a bill that would ban Tik Tok in the US unless the company Cuts ties with its.

Chinese owners and the way that it all seems to be going down is pretty rare both Democrats and Republicans just came together on a powerful Congressional committee to write a bill that tells Tik Tok either sell or get banned in the United States and it's all prompted Tik Tock to try to call on their most loyal fans to try to come to its defense well.

Yesterday they sent out a push notification you might have seen it it was ahead of a key vote and they told people to call their Congress members and to ask them to vote against the bill lawmakers say their phones were going off the hook but it looks like it might have backfired take a look tons tons we had kids we had little children calling.

Into our office and others basically saying questions like what is Congress what is a congressman can I have my Tik Tock back that proved the point of why people wanted to pass the legislation the fact that they use geolocation targeting to go after minor children to call Congressional offices with misinformation about the bill.

Caused so many members on the ENC committee to vote in favor of the bill lawmakers voted unanimously to move that bill through and NBC news anchor Savannah sers joins us now Savannah what is a congress what is a congressman I mean the questions are pretty wild Tik Tok says this is a total ban lawmakers are saying no it's not there's Nuance.

Here is this a ban or not Gotti great question and first I just do want to tell you anecdotally I've spent the day talking to ticktockers who did make those calls to their Congress person and I actually did ask one of them did you ever think you'd be calling your Congress person about any type of issue and she started cracking up.

Laughing and she said no I had no idea I wouldn't have known how so to that point it definitely was unusual action that a lot of these people were taking spurred on certainly they will admittedly say so by Tik Tok and by getting that notification but that is such a question that you asked me Gotti is it a ban is it not a ban and look I'm just going to.

Say it's 2024 right we are in an election year so nothing is not about politics right what this sort of seems to be in terms of this little kind of nuance here on that language is essentially no one wants voters to be upset about something especially at a time like this right Congress doesn't want a bunch of American voters thinking.

They were the reason that their this app was taken away from them something that they loved in the case of a lot of Tik tokers their livelihood so they want to say this is not a ban this is up to Tik Tok Tik Tok meanwhile did say in their statement today I'll redo the exact language it said this legislation has a predetermined outcome a total ban of Tik.

Tok in the United States so as you mentioned that is in fact what they're calling it really what's going on though is what Congress is calling for is a divesture they are calling on bite dance this parent company that has these Chinese ties to sell Tik Tok and then hey there's no ban but of course if they do not actually do that then yes the.

Outcome here it is technically a ban effectively I should say a ban of Tik Tok I got to say like most Americans that I know they they don't care about their user data uh they don't really read the user agreements when you're signing up for a new social media app do we have any way of knowing whether or not the Chinese government actually has.

Access to some of this user data and and what is the risk here it's a great question Gotti every Tik tocker I talk to the day by the way does not care about that I asked I said you know this whole thing is happening because of the concern of your data and it potentially getting in the hands of the Chinese government they don't care a lot of them.

Pointed to the fact hey I just say out loud you know I need to buy my son's shoes and all of a sudden ads for shoes are popping up on every app so to the average consumer right it's like well I don't know it's kind of like the the trains left the station on my data just belonging to me it's out there it's everywhere why is this one app that I.

Really love such an issue and of course as you point out smartly it is that tie to China now Tik Tok denies that the Chinese government has actually had any access to this they say they are an independent company in fact I'll tell you I was on the hill last year when the CEO was on the hill and he was totally grilled by lawmakers and in response he.

Said I have seen no evidence that the Chinese government has access to that data they have never asked us he was responded to by somebody saying that's preposterous sounding to me he claims they have not they have admitted of course they do have data like other apps do just like the fact that for example they did geolocate people and send you.

Directly to your Congress person the correct one for your District that being said though the question remains what could happen with the Chinese government could they compel Tik Tok to turn over data and is there any way for us to know if that has happened Tik Tok denies that Savannah sers thanks so much for joining.

Us and we are following breaking news near the Texas border authorities say a National Guard helicopter has crashed there killing at least two people and leaving at least four others hurt now this happened in a small town near the Rio Grand River we're working to find out what led to crash and we're going to bring you updates as soon as we get them.

President Biden is officially on the campaign Trail today stopping in Philadelphia just one day after that State of the Union Address and a lot was writing on last night for Biden and he hit on all the things Americans are talking about the economy abortion Israel in Gaza and yes his age when it came to the topic of immigration he went.

Back and forth with Republicans in the chamber take a listen Lincoln Lincoln Riley an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal that's right but how many are thousands of people being killed by legals to her parents I say my heart goes out to you having lost children.

Myself those Biden referring to lakan Riley there a 22-year-old nursing student who police say was killed by an undocumented immigrant in Georgia last month her murder has been a ring cry for conservatives pushing for stricter immigration policies one person who's been dealing with the crisis at the border even stirring up controversy.

Along the way himself is Texas governor G Greg Abbott an NBC News senior White House correspondent Gabe Gutierrez spoke with him one-on-one to talk about his immigration enforcement and his take on Biden's address at the center of the Border battle is Texas governor Greg Abbott repeatedly taking on the Biden.

Administration which he says caused the crisis there's a number one issue in America and that's securing the Border it's an issue on which uh he has failed we spoke with him late today in Austin on a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate President Biden State of the Union Address I give it an F for failure the governor fiercely opposes the bipartisan.

Border security bill that President Biden is calling out Republicans for killing we can fight about fixing the Border or we can fix it Governor when did compromise become a dirty word so compromise should be effective the house is passed an effective border security plan if if if Joe Biden really believes in compromise.

He would work with the house chamber and work with the Republicans in the Senate why not pass that bill now because the the Senate Bill codifies illegal immigration and actually promotes even more illegal immigration Governor Abbott has grabbed headlines with controversial moves including busing migrants to democrat-led cities to relieve.

Overcrowded border Towns now he's forging ahead with Court battles over buoys in the real grand razor wire in Eagle Pass and the new law which would allow local police to arrest migrants for entering Texas illegally a judge recently wrote surges and immigration do not constitute an invasion isn't that word Invasion dangerous Governor so the.

The word invasion is the word that is used in the United States Constitution these are people who are coming across the border in violation of federal law in in the state of Texas meanwhile the White House has slammed many of his actions here in Texas as political stunts fascinating interview Gabe Gutierrez thank you so much and when.

There are political speeches there should be Vibe checks for voters right well NBC News correspondent bla Alexander headed out to a County in Georgia that could be pivotal in this year's election and that's because it's part of an elite group known as the deciders those Seven Counties that you're looking at out of more than 3,000.

Counties in the entire country are the ones NBC News will be following very very closely to help explain the course of the election and Blain joins us now with more well Gotti I spent the morning here in Gwynette County actually talking to voters what's interesting one thing that stood out to me of the people that I.

Spoke with most of them did not watch last night's State of the Union Address so that just kind of tells you the impact that it will have on voters here at least gives you a slice or a glimpse into the impact it'll have when you talk about crucial counties like guette a couple of things are clear one nobody's excited about the choices ahead of them.

November but what they plan to do about it is very different I spoke with two people who told me that back in 2020 they actually cast a ballot for Joe Biden as president but this time around they're planning to either lean for a third party candidate or just stay at home Al together I spoke with another person who said that she was out there.

She was beating the pavement for um Stacey Abrams in 2022 now she's trying to convince her friends who were doing the same thing to actually cast a ballot this time around for president here's a little bit of what I heard from from voters take a look I do believe um for me personally that life begins at um consumption I.

Think the president needs to consider that it is circumstantial um and In Case by case sadly a lot of people don't want to vote period because they're not confident in either candidate um and these are people who voted in 2020 yes for Biden yes and they're telling you now they just don't know if they're going to.

Vote and so Gotti just to underscore why this is so important we're talking about Gwynette County of course in Georgia remember we are looking at almost kind of the curtain Riser of the general election tomorrow when both President Biden and former president Trump hold rallies here in the peach state that's just underscores the importance of this.

State when it comes to both of their paths to the White House but when you talk about winning Georgia you're really talking about winning counties like Gwynette places that are swing counties if I could just kind of illustrate for you back in 2008 Barack Obama lost this County by 10 points fast forward to 2020 Joe Biden won by 18 points so we're.

Talking about a place that is growing quickly it's becoming more diverse and both Democrats and Republicans really see this as the key to winning Georgia Scotty Alexander thanks so much and don't go anywhere we are just getting started later this hour the US is warning about an attack by extremists that could happen at any moment in.

Moscow Matt Bradley has the latest on that and Houston we've got a problem it's seems like every day there's a new headline about planes falling apart well you're not wrong if you're thinking that because coming up we're going to take a look at the latest one that just happened in Texas and later this hour a whale was spotted in New England that.

Hasn't been seen in more than two centuries we're going to tell you all about it in tonight's edition of stay wild so stay tuned hey welcome back you know some of those airdrops of food and supplies to Gaza well some of them have turned deadly we're going to explain that in.

Just a minute but first here are some of the other headlines we're following from around the world gunmen attacked a school in Nigeria kidnapping nearly 300 students that's what the school's head teacher is telling police there local Reports say it all happened just before school started Thursday morning right now no group has claimed responsibility.

But locals say Islamic extremists kidnapped at least 200 people in another part of Nigeria earlier this week the US state department is telling Americans to get out of Haiti but how Americans are supposed to leave is still up in the air since the country's airports remain closed as gangs attacked it last week the plans are still underway in fact a.

Series of gang attacks from last week on government buildings has paralyzed the country and led to a state of emergency and an update on a story we first told you about last month from Grenada you might remember the three men who escaped from jail who hijacked a boat of an American couple well they have been charged with murder and rape police say.

The three men likely threw the couple off their boat then sailed to nearby St Vincent where they were captured and an excessive heat could be causing irreparable damage to Australia's Great Barrier Reef for the fifth time in 8 years The Reef has been experiencing a widespread bleaching event that's when conditions like unusually warm water.

Turn the normally colorful corals white it doesn't necessarily kill the coral but in extreme cases it can and in his State of the Union last night we heard President Biden talk about new US plans to set up a temporary floating dock to get Aid into Gaza that was followed up today with more airdrops of food and supplies but neither are.

Permanent Solutions and those in Gaza say Aid isn't nearly enough NBC's Richard Engle has more this is what an aid drop into Gaza is supposed to look like as today a Jordanian military cargo plane dropped pallets of food near Gaza City they fall slowly but this also happened today as the pallet are dropped by another.

Aircraft one of the parachutes on the right of the screen fails to open the package comes apart in midair the pieces falling down with heavy thuds the other pallets also drop very quickly Palestinian medical officials and Witnesses say five people were crushed to death to establish a temporary pier in the Mediterranean last.

Night President Biden announced the US military will build a peer to improve and expand the delivery of humanitarian Aid NBC News has learned it could take up to 60 days for it to be fully operational but Washington also supplies Israel with weapons instead of telling us they will build a port to help us stop giving the.

Weapons they used to kill us this man said we were on an aid drop yesterday as a Jordanian military C130 flew over Northern Gaza they've just given the signal that they're ready to drop the pallets carried tens of thousands of meals our crew filmed as hungry people went searching for food as they searched they.

Approached Israeli troops because that's where the food Aid was not long after an explosion can be heard and an injured man is taken from the area the Israeli military says its troops have opened fire on those who appear to pose a threat gin's face an impossible dilemma do nothing and go hungry and maybe starve or search for.

Food at the risk of being shot or hit by reigning pallets Richard Engel thank you so much for that reporting and in Moscow Americans are being warned about a potential terror attack this weekend the US Embassy is telling US citizens to avoid big gatherings there and this as the Russian military says it stopped a.

Religious attack by Islamic extremists NBC News International correspondent Matt Bradley has those details yeah this warning was really ominous and very little explained we just heard from the US Embassy saying that American citizens should be warned that there could be imminent Terror attacks in the next 48 hours so that.

Includes today which is over in Russia now and tomorrow Saturday and that this these could be targeting places where Americans could congregate now this was a very turst statement by the US Embassy it did say it did specify including concerts um so this is something that we don't know anything about we don't know whether this is something that they.

Received from Russian intelligence whether this was individual monitoring by the United States we don't know where the threat comes from or where it could strike and based on NBC's own reporting the only real connection that we're seeing with other events was that the FSB Russia's Security Service announced that they had foiled a plot by ISIS also.

Known as Islamic State their Afghan branch called Isis kosan from attacking a region or a synagogue in a region in the southwest of Moscow they had said that they foiled this plot uh and but you know there's no real indication that that has anything to do with the US embassy's warning so again this is very ominous and there's almost no.

Explanation attached to it we're really just going to have to wait until the end of Saturday to see whether this weekend passes peacefully in Russia Matt Bradley thanks so much and coming up Ethan crumley's parents continue to stand trial after he killed four students at his Michigan school we're going to bring you the latest on.

That case but first take a look at this Florida is known for all kinds of wildlife but some people in Temple Terrace which is located right outside of Tampa well they got an unexpected visitor in the middle of the night not a gator but a bull imagine waking up and saying that outside your door he was just casually chewing on grass when the.

Neighbors called the cops around 2:30 in the morning officers were thankfully able to Corral him and for now Florida's very own Ferdinand was reunited with its owner we'll be right back hey welcome back more on that groundbreaking trial out of Michigan where the parents of a school shooter.

Are facing charges Maggie vesa is going to join us there in just a second but first let's get to some of the other headlines we're keeping an eye on right now five middle school students were expelled in Beverly Hills after they apparently created deep fake nudes of classmates last month they were accused of using generative AI to create those.

Images which they allegedly shared no arrests or charges have been reported and Donald Trump is appealing the Civil defamation verdict in favor of Eugene Carol now the former president posted a 91 million bond to avoid having to pay damages he owes Carol while he appeals and that comes just days before he vased a deadline to pay over 83 million in.

Damages the bond is basically meant to secure that damage award in case his appeal fails and the US military is saying one of its most troubled aircraft is again cleared for takeoff they are resuming those v22 Osprey flights lifting an order that had grounded most of the fleet just months ago eight Airmen were killed when an Osprey.

Helicopter crashed into the sea off the coast of Japan that was the fourth fatal crash for the Osprey in less than 2 years and Drug maker Eli Lily says the FDA has delayed the approval of its Alzheimer's drug surprise move will push back the approval decision of the experimental treatment and it's likely to come next month Eli Lily says the.

Drug slowed Alzheimer's progression in a late stage trial and it is that time again it's time to Spring Forward which of course means we are going to be losing an hour of sleep daylight saving time is back this weekend officially shifting over on Sunday but on the bright side more sunlight I guess meanwhile in Michigan prosecutors.

Are insisting that the father of the Oxford High School Mass shooter could have stopped that Rampage James Crumbley is facing charges of involuntary manslaughter the same charges his wife Jennifer Crumbley was convicted on last month and both parents were accused of ignoring signs of their son's mental health struggles leading up to that.

Shooting today in court the gun store manager who called James Crumbley a familiar face testified about the day the Father and Son came into the store to buy a gun Mr crley asked to see the um 6 hour said he had had his eye on that for quite some time and just because he is a familiar face to our store I looked at.

Him and said you know the drill I need your license um took that made copies uh while he was filling out his um application James Crumbley originally bought that gun as a gift for his then 15-year-old son just Days Later Ethan Crumbley would use it to carry out that deadly shooting at Oxford High School in.

November of 2021 four students were killed and Ethan Crumbley is now facing a life or serving a life sentence in prison NBC News correspondent Maggie vesa has more from court today got day two of testimony in the trial of James Crumbley the father charged in his son's Mass school shooting is in the books with now James.

Crumbley tonight back Behind Bars Under new restrictions this after the judge effectively cut off his access to the phone and to what they call Electronic messages after the local sheriff says James Crumbley made threats from inside jail the Sheriff's Office declining to say who exactly he threatened when this happened or any content of those threats.

Specifically but only telling NBC News and also pointing us toward the judge's order that corroborates this that James Crumbley is now limited to only contacting his lawyer as well as legitimate clergy and then using the internet they said if he wants to to research his case again we've reached out to attorneys on both sides they.

Remain under gag orders in this case it is worth noting as far as who these threats might have been against that officials have told us in the past James Crumbley has not been able to directly contact his wife or his son from inside jail and they tell us all three have been held separately so take that into account in the meantime again this was.

Day two of testimony right we heard from several people one of them being a computer crimes analyst who testified about text messages that he says Ethan the son the convicted school shooter sent to a friend leading up to this shooting back in 2021 in one such kind of text exchange that was described he said Ethan sent a video of him holding a.

Gun to his friend and told the friend that his dad had left the gun out left the gun un secured basically then James crumb's attorney today in cross-examination kind of pushed back at that assessment and here's part of that exchange Mr Crumbley son said to his friend that his dad left a gun out correct you don't know if that's true is.

That fair I mean I don't know why I would lie to his friend that he talks to all the time you don't know if it's true correct from this it doesn't say that it's true or not but I don't know why it would lie the words on the page or the words on the page is that correct we saw a lot of exchanges like that.

Today uh just a quick recap 47-year-old James Crumbley is facing four counts of involuntary manslaughter one for each of the classmates that his son Ethan killed in the Oxford High School massacre back in 2021 again James crumbly facing the exact same charges that a jury found his wife guilty of here in this Courthouse last month Gotti Maggie vesa thanks so.

Much and still to come there's a new trend spreading like wildfire on social media and it's helping Jin Z and Millennials land jobs we're going to tell you all about it so don't go anywhere hey welcome back and here are some of the stories happening out west that we're following right now camera's caught this rare sighting of a mountain.

Lion late at night in Oceanside California this happened earlier this week you can see right there that cat just strutting along on the streets he's even looking through the windows of a movie theater at one point police are telling people obviously don't approach the mountain lion and to report any sightings of it ASAP and we've got an.

Update on the lake me Reservoir level story that we told you about a few weeks ago Federal officials say they are backing a long-term agreement between three Southwestern states to conserve water taken from the drought PL plagued Colorado River and they say the move will help California's Lake me and other reservoirs from falling to severe low.

Levels in the near future and Hollywood's biggest Awards night is back this weekend and with it the return of the bright red Oscars carpet Oppenheimer is heading into Oscars Sunday as the major favorite racking up 13 nominations in what could be one of the biggest winners ever a number of awards are still up for grabs there hasn't been a.

Clear favorite for best actor best actress in a lot of the other major award show leading up to Sunday so anything can happen now if you've been kind of sketched out by all these plane mishaps recently well there's been yet another scare in the sky except this one happening right as the plane landed and.

In Houston this morning a United Airlines jet slid off the Runway after some sort of gear collapse NBC News senior correspondent Tom Costello has more on what went wrong Off The Runway tipped over and stuck in the grass a United 737 Max 8 it's landing gear collapsed flight 2477 Memphis to Houston touched down just before 8:00 a.m.

Runway 27 with another plane following close behind the pilots were told not to slow too much uh keep your speed up that's proof okay we'll do but the plane slid off a wet Runway as a tried turning onto a taxi way another United flight close behind ordered to cancel its Landing United 1383 go around 2477 see in the grass.

Rolling the uh trucks in route United says no passenger or crew injuries were reported the runway closed as investigators look into what happened and whether the plane's landing gear failed it comes one day after this incident in San Francisco the last departure lost the wheel on departure so we're going to have to shut the runway.

Down a United trip 7 headed to Japan lost one of Six Tires from its main gear assembly as it took off Thursday morning the tire crashed through a fence crushing several parked cars no injuries Runway 28 right is temporarily closed the flight then diverted to LAX with investigators looking into how that tire came loose ladies and gentlemen we.

Realize and United says the Flames from that midair engine stall on Monday may have happened after the plane's engine ingested bubble wrap debris left on the runway every flight landed with passengers safe but shaken Tom Costello NBC News Washington shaking indeed Tom costell thanks so much and it looks like some.

Good news from today's job report roughly 275,000 jobs were added in February of this year that's better than expected and shows some signs of a strong Market but in the same month it seems as though layoffs were at their highest for any February since at least 2009 but despite that it seems like Jen zers and young.

Millennials are finding ways to land some job security and NBC's Julie cirin has more if you're on social media chances are you've seen these videos all over your for you page I'm pretty sure I'm getting laid off today job cuts no matter the industry can be found all over the headlines So to avoid being.

Just just another one of the more than 160,000 layoffs this year alone jenzy and Millennials found a little hack Calling it Quits on the private sector and going public many looking to lock down government jobs for security public service was something I always wanted to do besides the benefits but also one of the reasons is because you were not.

Going to get laid off versus private sector 77% of the class of 2024 say they're more likely to apply to a job that promised is stability and that's what a government job offers we have to have a government if we don't our society is in trouble and our democracy as well so it's not that your jobs are forever necessarily but certainly the.

Organization is there salaried workers in the public sector hold their jobs for three more years on average than in private and the younger generation is beginning to notice #g government jobs on Tik Tok has more than 23 million views we need to start applying to jobs with the federal government on a popular career site for college kids federal.

Jobs receive twice as many applications the paycheck is probably smaller on average federal workers earned about 22% less than private sector workers with similar roles but for many the benefits are the selling point good health insurance retiring early with a pension plus after a decade student loans are wiped clean for many that's a perk.

Nearly 70% say will influence their decisions and of course there's the work life balance you do your job 9 to5 and then you can enjoy your life after work and do what you want to do but right now less than 8% of federal workers are younger than 30 and nearly half are over 50 the challenge though is that the leaders in government don't often.

Prioritize creating the opportunities for young people ensuring that that the managers know how to manage Jen and Millennials and and making sure the process itself is not overly honorous too says the long process can be a big turn off I tell them that it's going to take a minute and when they say what do you mean a minute like 5 to 6 months.

They get very discouraged by it but for him it's worth it you just have to be patient because at the end of the day you're going to get a secure job where you're not going to get laid off CH cin thanks so much and you know how many animals have gone extinct a lot and there are some that go extinct altogether and then there are some that.

Are locally extinct like the gray whale which was completely wiped from the Atlantic Ocean we have to go all the way back to the 18th century to find it way back in 1725 a guy by the name of Paul Dudley wrote this about whales it could be seen off the coast of New England in his essay he noticed one of them having a grayish color and that was the last.

Known documentation of a gray whale in the Atlantic before they went extinct there until at least last week scientists from the New England Aquarium spotted a gray whale swimming near the water of Nantucket Massachusetts something that hasn't been seen in that area in over 200 years gray whales are usually found out here on the West in.

The Pacific Ocean but in the last 15 years five whales have been spotted in Atlantic and Mediterranean Waters the aquarium says this whale is most likely the same whale that was spotted off the coast of Florida last December so joining us now is biologist and Wildlife conservationist Jeff Corwin Jeff so this is the same whale is this I mean I've.

Been told and I got a chance to go down to Baja California I've been told very specifically all gry whales are Mexican they're all born in that area is this one of those whales that made its way over to the Atlantic somehow or are we looking at a whole different set of gry whales in the Atlantic good evening gy it is likely.

The same species of gray whale that you find along the Pacific course uh Coastline from Alaska clear clear down to to Mexico and of course we love seeing them Gather in in Baja where people can actually interact and experience the wonders of these whales there's about 14,000 of these gray whales and historically they would have.

Been spotted in England two centuries ago or more they became regionally extinct which we call extrait but because of climate change because of the warming Waters up north that ice stretch uh known as the uh the Northwestern passage has opened up creating a new navigating exploration opportunity for these incredible marine.

Mammals wow that that is fascinating so and speaking of whales turning gears a little bit while one's whale species seems to be making this comeback or at least uh veering off because of effects of climate change another one the North Atlantic Rail Whale um that one seems to be going extinct right what can you tell us about that and what's threatening.

That whale absolutely so we're actually looking at the the the curtain of Extinction closing around the North Atlantic right whale uh there's only about uh 360 of these whales surviving today only 70 surviving females and what's wiping these animals out is they migrate from uh colder Waters in Canada New England down to a warm Waters off of.

Florida where they uh feed their in the winter then they come up north to reproduce and as they come up north they get struck by ships and shipping lanes they also get entangled in uh commercial fishing gear so the great news is that Noah uh the uh National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration is laser focused on saving the species and a key.

Component to saving the North Atlantic right whale are sanctuaries so uh we have what we call National Marine sanctuaries think of these as like a national park in a marine environment but they're managed by Noah and we have a sanctuary off New England a spectacular one known as Stellwagen bank they head their way to sanctuaries off.

Of Florida but we're really in a fight to save the species females now breed only seven to 10 years they should be breeding once every 3 years the mortality of females has gone from living upwards to 100 years plus to about 45 years they're in serious trouble they're not replacing themselves they're on the brink of Extinction so if.

We're going to save them Gaddy it's going to be today thankfully Noah's focused in this uh incredible organizations uh like the uh National Marine Sanctuary Foundation are working alongside to try to save these species and and I mean you brought up breeding I I didn't know how to apprach this next topic but I got you're going.

To go there aren't you I have to I don't even know if we're going to show the picture but it's late Ian there's some pictures out there of of Wales doing it it's a pretty uh it's a pretty historic picture from what I understand don't look too closely at that one I guess um oh you don't have to look closely at all it's all right there it's stretched all.

The ways across my computer scen I know sorry we were debating on do we blur underwater or not happen it's nature it's hey it's nature right the birds do it bees do it and even giant whales do it so uh yeah they're very Randy um and they have a very rich sexual lives and they reproduce and they have courtship and uh.

And here we see you know pushing other boundaries when it comes to reproductive Behavior so uh it's pretty incredible I've actually been there watching whales uh reproduce there and I'll tell you what it's very intimidating to be in a very small boat watching a big whale having a lot of fun I bet last question I promise.

There's some talk about using AI to talk to Wales to talk to Wales first right I'm not sure if you've seen this and then there's this whole discussion on wait should we should humans talk to Wales and like what the ethical implications of conversing with whales would be have you have you thought about that at all well it is interesting as we.

Know citations which are the whales and the Dolphins and the porpuses are very intelligent they have big brains those brains are they use for navigating some of them will use echolocation uh to actually literally sonar their way through their environments those big brain tells us that there's some maybe some complex thought and behaviors going.

On there and they do communicate they have these incredible complex uh languages that can travel from many miles under the ocean I Believe by better understanding them having a window into the worlds of communication will give us a better appreciation for them Noah is doing a ton of research in this by better.

Understand whales we know that we compete with whales with sound a lot of the noise pollution we produce impacts the survival of whales so I say if we can figure out if we can crack that nut and figure out what these animals are saying maybe we'll appreciate them more and have better to better tools to protect.

Them and maybe even give them a little bit more silence Jeff Corwin thanks so much for joining us next time you go Whale Watch How to to them we maybe get some information about their love life there you go yeah next time you're on a G-rated whale watching tour I'd love to come thank you so very much for joining us and before we go it is time for the.

Future of everything and tonight we are talking about the future of the stem industry one New York City organization is teaching kids how to code and we're going to tell you all about it we'll be right back and in the future of everything this Friday we want to talk about a very.

Special group that's teaching underprivileged kids how to code but first here are some tech headlines we're watching right now Sam Alman is back on the new board of advisers at open AI an internal investigation chocked up the CEO's outst back in November to a breakdown in trust between Alman and the old board and remember filling in all.

Those little bubbles on an answer sheet for the SAT well you might not have to sharpen those old number two pencils anymore because as more universities move away from standardized testing the SAT is going fully digital the new pilot version has shorter reading passages an online calculator and cuts the exam down to just 2 hours and 14 minutes and.

Tonight we are taking a look at the stem industry which has been historically dominated by men and not much diversity but one group out in New York City is rewriting that code to include more communities where stem education isn't always available our friend and NBC reporter Maya England got to spend an afternoon with some Americans who are.

The next generation of coders hey Maya hi Gotti barriers in access to higher education skilled training and jobs are just some of the challenges communities of color face trying to enter the stem field but Hood code in New York City is encouraging young coders to look beyond what is and focus on what could be take a.

Look do you think more kids should learn how to code yeah because if you learned how to cat you can be like an engineer or work at Google and get a big job and you can like live your life change the world the tech industry has a long-standing problem with diversity and Jason Gibson is trying to change that I wanted to make it easily accessible to.

The families that live here that change is starting in rooms like these here in New York more specifically the New York City Housing Authority or Nicha for short it's the largest public housing authority in the country with more than half a million residents a quarter of them under the age of 18 and Jason wants to give all these kids New Opportunities.

The goal is to have Hood Cole running simultaneously in each one after school and during the summer every day Hood coat is a nonprofit that began in 2019 since then Gibson and his team of instructors mostly high school students and recent College grads have helped many of these kids realize that a career in Tech is not Out Of Reach I didn't.

Have a computer till basically high school and I didn't even know that jobs en coding like existed I really did not know that it was like a field that was accessible to us in some ways neither did Gibson so I came up with the idea during my Inc a in 2017 you know I've always been a entrepreneur Gibson says he thought.

Maybe a career in the tech industry could have kept him out of the criminal justice system and he used his entrepreneurial Spirit to get others on board sponsors and community members to make sure his program would be free for students and a paid job for tutors the easiest part about coding is um the fun the best thing about coding is that you.

Get to use your imagination it feels like a game but if these kids do decide to go in tech there are still challenges ahead black employees made up 8% of the it Workforce in 2022 according to the it trade group comp Tia and the numbers at some of the biggest tech companies like X meta and Google show similar gaps and thenit you can hit copy sheo one of hood.

Cod's tutors says these kids have already been through obstacles and are not discouraged the passion the drive that these kids have is something that you don't see in like your ordinary ordinary kid cuz I know that they had to work 10 times harder to be here and now with $200,000 from the David prize a no strings attach award given to new.

York-based innovators Hood code is more determined than ever to make real change what do you wish more people knew about the students coming into this program um I wish people knew about some of the creativeness that the students have the Ambitions that the students have the abilities that the students students have and the interest I think.

People kind of have stereotypes or you know their own beliefs about just neighborhoods like these in general and a lot of times they're wrong so although Jason doesn't code himself he says his goal is to get Hood code in every Nicha neighborhood as soon as possible so these students can have more opportunities for their future.

Gotti such a great story my akland thank you so much and and that does it for us tonight I'm Gotti Schwarz we'll see you here Monday but until then stay tuned now thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social.


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