Lunatic “Doctor”: Everybody You Know Will Die from COVID Vaccine



Speaker 1: Anti-vaccine so-called expert SherriTenpenny is again spreading fear and promulgating disinformation about the COVID 19 vaccine. She isnow warning everyone that is close to you is soon going to die from the COVID vaccine, not fromCOVID, from the COVID vaccine. Sherri Tenpenny is now warning about a tsunami of deaths in2023. She says by the end of this calendar year, the year of the Lord 2023, every one of us willknow five, maybe ten or more people who have died from the COVID vaccine. Okay. Let's listen to whatshe had to say. This is very instructive in terms of fear mongering and so many other things.Speaker 4: Let's listen now. We're seeing the tsunami of deaths. Tsunami I've been talking aboutsince the beginning of 21. Millions of people are going to die. You know, when Judy Mikovits cameout on Plandemic at the beginning of that and by..

Speaker 1: The way, that was one of the biggestnonsense propaganda films. Plandemic and Mikovits It's crazy to even mention it.Speaker 4: That that more than 50 million people are goingto die. And everybody was like, Whoa! And when they started interviewing me and I andthey asked me, what did I think about that number, I said, It's way too low. Oh, it's going to bemuch more than 50 million people in America alone. And we're already starting to see it.Speaker 1: We're not. Speaker 4: So the tsunami of deaths iscoming. It's already here. And I believe that what's happening now is is startingto happen now is the tsunami of regrets of the people that fell for the lies,the fear, friends and family members and.

Parents and children. And all they didto your grandchildren just could not be told otherwise. But now that people are dyinglike flies, I mean, my business partner has 83 close people in his life that have died.Speaker 1: You know, most the truth is most people don't have 83 people in their lives thatthey are close to. This is like a separate issue, but these are obvious lies.Speaker 4: 83. Speaker 1: Yeah. No.Speaker 4: It's the beginning. And I predict that by the end of this year,every person in this room and every person listening behind here is going to know a minimumof five, probably ten or more close friends and. Speaker 1: Figure you don't have as manyfriends as her business partner. So you'll.

Have only 5 to 10 people die.Speaker 4: Members that have died from these shots.Speaker 1: Right. So I want to remind everybody, and this is socontroversial every time people say David, is Sherri Tenpenny a doctor? Is she not a doctor? Andwhen I explain it, people get mad. Sherry Tenpenny is not a medical doctor. She is an osteopathicphysician. Now, whenever I make that distinction, people start writing in, including osteopath,saying, David, you shouldn't act as though that is less than being an MD. I'm not saying anything.I'm just telling you she's not an M.D. She's an osteopathic physician, and her claims have noscientific basis. It doesn't mean every osteopath believes the things Sherri Tenpenny believes. I'mnot saying that at all. All I'm telling you is.

Actual medical doctors have debunked her claims.Health organizations have debunked your claims. Many osteopathic have also debunked her claims.But in the sense that osteopathic physicians are doctors, she is indeed a doctor. Now, if shesounds familiar, and this is really the big point I want to make. It's because we have listenedto her predictions in the past, and of course, none of them have come to pass. What I would likeis accountability for these people when they make these predictions. Let's remember and then we canfollow up and say, hey, that stuff didn't happen. Because remember when she said this last year?Speaker 4: The more shots you get, the more the more you destroy your immune system and thefaster that happens. And it's anticipated. The German data says that by the end of2022, every fully vaccinated person over.

The age of 30 may have the equivalent of fullblown vaccine induced immune suppressed AIDS. Speaker 1: Ladies and gentlemen, as a fullyvaccinated person over the age of 30, I am here today to tell you I do not have full blown vaccineinduced immune suppressed AIDS. I do have a little neck pain from a weird movement I did at the gymthree days ago, but I don't have full blown AIDS. So the point is, it's fear, fear, fear. And we'regoing to talk about this later. I can't believe I'm saying these words. But later on in the show,I'm going to talk to you about Tucker Carlson, fear mongering about a space vagina. I know itsounds insane, but it's what it is. They have to induce fear. Fear generates the environment theyneed in order to then sell you something, whether it's tickets to an event or a product or liquid,liquid, silver, whatever it is they sell you..

And then there's no follow up and there's noaccountability. We have to hold these people accountable for their endless failed predictions.This is yet another one of those. And if you want to if you're listening today and you want to seewhat this looks like when this woman makes these claims. We'll have all of these clips on ourYouTube channel, slash The David Pakman Show and on our Instagram, which you canfind by searching Instagram for David Pakman show.

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