Magnificent fresh records from US border patrol is the ‘tip of the iceberg’


Magnificent fresh records from US border patrol is the ‘tip of the iceberg’

Welcome back shocking new numbers from the border border patrol Chief Jason Owen writing this on X over 52,000 special interest aliens were apprehended by border patrol just since October 1st almost 90% of those encounters happening in the San Diego sector joining me now is Missouri congressman and member of the House oversight committee Eric.

Brolis Congressman thanks very much for being here this morning I know you posted uh this on x quote Joe Biden and secretary mayorcas leted a wanted murderer into our country that Ed murderer went on to stab his girlfriend and her four-year-old daughter to death in the United States Biden's border crisis is endangering Americans every.

Day and now we've got Congressman these numbers of uh all of these special interest aliens being apprehended tell us what a special interest alien is Congressman yeah these are individuals that are that have got EI criminal activity they've got criminal records from other other um Nations that they're coming from they could also be someone.

Who's on a terror watch list at the end of the day what's what's really startling is the overall number you know over two million known Goda ways people that we have no idea who they were but we know that they came across the border and they they clearly didn't want to go through our customs of border patrol because they probably knew that they.

Would they had a criminal record they had some background so that I would say that that 50,000 number is just the tip of the iceberg I mean do you have any idea why this Administration uh has this WI wi open border why they have allowed America to be in such a vulnerable position with all of these Encounters of potential terrorists and all these.

Unknowns about who many of these people are we don't know what their motivations are I you know it really puzzles me Maria because I I can't understand why they would want to undermine their base you know for a long time labor unions were supportive of the democratic party uh they were they were core pillar for for Democratic uh for the for that party.

And all of this illegal immigration is completely undermining blue collar workers our our labor forces in in the United States and I would think that the labor unions and I think the polls indicate labor unions are waking up and seeing that the party and this President is is not interested in in benefiting them well part of the issue According to.

Some of your colleagues is that they think they want these people to ultimately become voters do you find that illegals are going to be voting in in American elections yeah there's even been some Democrats that have said the quiet part out loud that that they want to see more they don't want to stop the flow of.

Illegal immigrants because they're able to count those people in their census and they don't want to lose their congressional district right so I think that that's step one step two would be what you're seeing blatantly happen in cities like Washington DC where they are allowing them where they're allowing illegal immigrants to vote to actually.

Vote which is crazy uh crazy illegal uh can you do anything to stop it on the federal level we can we can certainly restrict funding we can we can use the power of the purse have you done that to try to stop anything uh on this on the we just passed a resolution in the house um decrying the Washington DC because we do.

Have control particularly oversight committee has control over the city of Washington and we we have uh sent that um we've been successful in the past um even under the Biden administration of forcing them to reverse some of their policies particularly when it comes to softening their crime crime laws yeah I mean if if you are expecting the.

Democrats to try to in some way get illegals to vote in the upcoming election I would expect you would be doing something about it correct yeah there are a lot of efforts and a lot of uh there's a lot of bills that are out there that or members are trying to get p put on desk unfortunately I doubt that.

He going to sign them at the end of the day the only that's going to us is to elect President Donald J Trump well he's in a courtroom all day and has been for six weeks jurors in the former president's Trump uh in the former president's so-called hush money trial a New York trial will return to court this morning they'll deliberate for a second.

Day the judge yesterday told jurors that they do not need to agree on a specific secondary crime that Trump committed whatever crime it is it is you don't have to agree despite needing to reach a unanimous verdict on all 34 counts lot of questionable things here in this trial meanwhile president Trump is urging the New York Court of Appeals to.

Expedite its review of his gag order which bars him from talking about anybody involved in the case including Witnesses Senator JD Vance demanding a criminal investigation into judge meran over his enforcement of gag orders against the former president during the trial Congress when you were in court with Trump last week what did you learn.

What can you share yeah what I saw was you know it was very boring day so any any talk about someone fing asleep in that courtroom I can fully understand most of it's not exactly very exciting but throughout the entire day most anytime that the prosecute prosecutors would object anything the judge would side.

With the prosecutors every time I think in that entire day I only heard one time wow that the judge sided with the defense and so it's it was clear to me that it's a one-sided um courtroom I hope that it's clear to the jury uh and and the fact that he this judge is saying that the jury doesn't have to prove an underlying crime that that.

Trump was trying to avoid an underlying crime is ridiculous it's ridiculous that's the entire case is built upon that otherwise they wouldn't even be in that courtroom they wouldn't it would it would it would have uh uh exhausted the statute of limitations well that's that's all Extraordinary and yet they're getting away with it I.

Guess and for I I guess he's getting away with it for now yeah Todd real quick go ahead JD Vance demanding a criminal investigation with separations of power not withstanding what can you do and Congress in the House of Representatives to look into judge Maran and the way this case has been run yeah I think that the Judiciary um.

Committee has has the authority to do that and I would hope that Jim Jordan and the folks on the Judiciary Committee are able to pull them in there there's an entire subcommitte for the weaponization of government and hopefully that committee is addressing this as well Congressman will be watching all of that thanks very much.

For being here this morning thank you anytime Congressman Burleson joining us stay with us

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3 thoughts on “Magnificent fresh records from US border patrol is the ‘tip of the iceberg’

  1. Republicans invent nothing but talk they all are susceptible and worthless to all american citizens… talk talk Republicans achieve all on trump.. they create nothing makes me completely for TRUMP

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