“MANDATORY Nationwide Provider” | Rishi Sunak To Bring Abet Conscription If Tories Put off Election


“MANDATORY Nationwide Provider” | Rishi Sunak To Bring Abet Conscription If Tories Put off Election

It's an election and uh everything all the papers this morning are full of electoral Bliss obviously as you would expect now the big headline I woke up at about 3:00 this morning and the big headline that had been tweeted out on all the media Outlets was this one about the conservatives plan to bring back mandatory and this is the crucial word.

Here mandatory national service uh if it wins the next general election now if you are just waking up let me tell you what this will entail it said 18year olds would have a choice of either joining the military full-time or volunteering one weekend every month carrying out a community service there would be a royal commission it will cost.

About 2.5 billion a year and young people could choose a full-time 12-month placement in the armed forces or UK cyber defense which I think is very interesting learning about logistics cyber security procurement or civil response operations or the other option is to volunteer one weekend a month or 25 days a year in the community with.

Organizations such as the fire police and the NHS thoughts I think it's a nice idea I think it's it's good I I think what's um interesting about seeing the feedback on this is there aren't many people saying this is a terrible idea I think there is something in the British psyche about national service despite most people not really ever having done.

It themselves so if you think of my parents' generation sort of in their my father did I'm older than you are well exactly um so you know my granddad did and he taught so lovingly about it and how much it taught him and you know getting you sort of away from where you're grow up and meeting other people there there's.

Definite definite benefits to it I think that's great it just as you know really odd Havoc coming out of rishu next well I think this I said this to Christo it came out of Isaac levido who's one of the big campaign strategists I think it will go down very well I think it will play well with middle England I think people think that there are a group of.

Feral yous roaming the streets that actually need to be taught discipline I'm not sure the Army will be that thrilled about this but sunak goes on to say that actually under this plan it will essentially um a national Spirit he says this is a great country but generations of young people have not had the opportunities or experience they.

Deserve and there are forces trying to divide our society in this increasingly uncertain world it's about bringing a shared sense of purpose I think he's on the money I think if you want to give young people a sense of purpose maybe make work pay and allow them to have a situation where they could afford their own homes sure I'm not saying that this.

Won't work but just what about teamwork actually working as part of a team fostering Spirit national identity being proud of this country getting behind the Union flag all of those things which we're losing and I think it's really important no I think it is important I I think it has a role I as I say I'm not against this idea I.

Don't think it's ever going to happen um but I I'm not against it I just think there's no point doing that if then they come out of the army or wherever they've been in cyber security and then they still can't afford their bills sure no I understand that so there's a wider conversation around but but what interesting it has made every single.

Newspaper this morning as you would expect but there is a dividing line now between them and labor because the labor party this morning has come out and said it's another desperate 2.5 billion of unfunded commitment from a Tory party which has already crashed the economy sending mortgages rocketing and they're spoiling for more you see I don't think.

They know what to or how to respond to this well but I mean how the tide has turned that now we've got the labor saying the T the Tories are spending too much money what's happening I know they haven't costed it um so you know I think it'll be interesting to see how this plays out we've obviously going to get um these manifestos in and then I think.

You can do some proper stories about this is uncosted this how much is all going to cost because to be honest I know they've got a bit of a ballpark 2.5 billion a year that this is going to cost let's get the detail first but you see there's another point to this which actually this is as they say clear blue water between those two main parties.

Rishi sunak saying we're going to spend 2.5% of GDP on defense we've heard defense Chiefs saying you need to up it to 5% because the world is so dangerous at the moment now labor uncommitted on any of that and actually electorally this is I think this is dynamite because it certainly made me sit up and look at the headlines this.

Morning defense is undoubtedly something we have to be thinking about at the moment that the world is very unsafe yes um but I think labor will have to come around to it is the truth I think we've got six weeks of this campaign to go defense is going to be a big talking point in it I I don't think that the labor part is going to be able to get.

Away with with not pledging to do more on it let me just throw this out to you if I may I think this is a really interesting idea I've talked about it for a long time I do Wonder actually if this is yet another policy that's been nicked from another party but I'm just saying I'm just saying how how do you think this country might benefit from.

National service how would it benefit those young people actually how would Society benefit from this as well because I think actually the benefits are multiple and across many parts and many facets of life in this country call us 034 499 1000 you can WhatsApp us as well you can also send a text to 872 and tweet us on X talk uh TV we'll talk more.

About that later in our future politics panel now we're obviously uh you said six weeks it's five weeks on Thursday not that I'm counting until the general election how's it going do you think because basically we were saying yesterday that starma and sunak are both technocrats they they're not inspiring galvanizing people richy sunak started.

Off getting absolutely drowned outside number 10 with some dude playing things can only get better or as they Tablo said things can only get wetter I mean not an auspicious start he then managed to mix up wales's chance of being in the football competition because they're not actually through to the Euros I mean the whole thing has just been pretty.

Disastrous uh it has optically it's been awful I mean going to the Titanic ship yard what were you thinking well who actually came up with that I know and also you know there is actually a Titanic story that I'm quite interested in you know when you come and do the pay-per-views you're sort of arguing with a producer I want to do this one.

There was a Titanic one the other day about the about um the shipping yard might close it's got no money so I thought oh is he there for that but honestly I so I actually Googled it and no one can tell me why he was even there that's how bad it was like but he didn't get his message acoss you see normally and obviously I've been involved in.

Politics for a long time you would think about the pros and the cons why are we there while we're celebrating a great milestone in history what are the cons of this well it's sank you know all of those things should have been thought through so optically terrible so far I mean does it matter if you know if he weren't making.

All these gaps it was all going perfectly would it really change anything you're going down anyway I mean if you want to use the so so I think this is quite interesting because in the telegraph this morning it says Rishi sunak can't can't afford any more gaffs this is according to senior conservatives because actually things do.

Matter the next 5 and a half weeks crucial because many people are sitting at home and I know this from what people are saying they're sitting there thinking right set out your plans which of these parties including maybe some of the others which of those parties are going to represent me most uh in terms of my beliefs and and what what I want.

To see happen to this country and actually those the lead of now 18 19 points that labor has I've said consistently is a soft lead I don't believe it's quite what it says it is and when the pollers ask people how are you going to vote often and I include myself I lie people lie to pollsters why because I think people don't you know.

It's it's none of their business okay so so that's what I mean is actually I think it's all to play for and actually it has to be very carefully managed and I think you also need to be honest with the electorate and I know this from another party obviously and we're not in per yet but I know that actually it's bit honesty with the.

Electric telling the electric exactly what you stand for and then people will make up their own mind so actually I'm not sure it's in the bag I I don't think it's in the they're not going to win by 20% or anything like that I think it's going to be a lot closer um could there be other parties that surprise us and and do quite well I think that that.

Would be quite interesting um I do think on these gaffs though I just it depends what people are seeing of this election because we are so deep in it I mean this is our job um I wonder how much people that aren't you know this focused on the news are seeing all of these gaps I I think we don't talk enough about social media as well there are probably some.

People that only interact with these campaigns through how they meme on social media and what the tagline is I agree so I mean it's got to be a a well-rounded 360 campaign I think they're running so you know him making gffs will not help with that I mean there's a great line here we can't afford any more gffs like the ones he's.

Had standing in the rain getting into a mudle with the football he's got to sharpen up his whole team has to sharpen up he can't just say we're reset setting we have to see humility not arrogance in a sense we're moving forward there's also another story about the fact that Tories are actually woefully short of candidates because essentially they.

Surpris themselves so they haven't even got enough candidates standing in the general election and that's one thing that the other parties have been doing slowly and surely is vetting all those candidates I mean you're not meant to surprise your own team I I think this was the odd thing because I think there was a lot of.

Debate as has he gone too early should he have gone to ear I actually think you know what this probably without the luxury of hindsight probably will work out a little bit better for you because you've caught everyone off guard it is just a shame you hadn't got your ducks in a row of knowing that who would be in the country.

Who would be standing but did it stem people about to jump why because you see it was about letters wasn't it because the letters were going in against Rishi sua and I think he decided that he had to go it might have been The Perfect Storm I've heard there were letters going in he was getting close to that critical number I've heard he was.

Worried about um Nigel coming back into the fold and giving him enough time um you know there's this thing about you know a quick a quick death over Annihilation people were talking about there's a lot of and also that the idea that he might have a nice little Tech job lined up in California um that he needs to make a decision there is.

Another thing as well which is that they thought this is my understanding that cchq thought that if he went early he'd stopped The Exodus of MPS it didn't work we're now at 78 I think think and it's beaten 1997 did it not though we don't know if we' have gone to November how many could have gone and how many now are saying well it's too late because.

Everyone's sort of got fry until after the bank holiday to decide if they're running or sure um Ju Ju Just very quickly I mean it's interesting that labor actually is not out of the wordss either because uh they you know their new deal or whatever they've called it new deal for working people they've now rebranded it it's now called Labor's.

Plan to make work pay they've dropped loads of stuff they said would be in it and actually there's another article this morning saying um the unions are um essentially he's facing a backlash from the unions because they've watered down the flagship workers Sharon Graham from unite the big the biggest Union in the United Kingdom says the latest iteration.

Of plans originally devised by Angela Raina has more holes in it than swiss cheese so it's not entirely great news for for starma well label we never going to win anyone thought they were good they're just less bad than the Tories so look as we get close to election this this is always going to be the thing with the labor party now is.

The detail you your strategy of we'll just say nothing and watch the Tories fall over was fine but you can't do that any anymore we've got 5 and a half weeks left we have to see the detail you can't just say you're going to reform workers rights or whatever how is it going to work and have you brought people with you have you made the arguments do.

People agree people behind your ideas so this you know as you're saying you know it is I would't say it's all to play for I think we know which way this is going but there there's more to play for than Maybe Might Have Been thought in my lifetime I've never seen an election like this I just think it's fascinating I don't think we can see what's going to.

Happen you're now in a position I have to be slightly careful what I say but you've got an Insurgent party sitting third essentially stealing the clothes of one of the major two players where people are actually defecting away from the conservatives and indeed away from labor and I think actually what people want to see in this country is drive and.

Vision determination and putting this country back into where it should be which is Great Britain yeah I I think it's interesting with reform because from the people I'm speaking to I think there is still this big demographic of people that are saying I can't vote for anyone I'm not going to vote or I'm going to go and spoil my ballot and.

Those are really the people that reform need to hoover up quite quickly I think and I don't think that what they're doing is cutting through I think what might be quite interesting if we accept that labor are going to win the election then maybe reformers position should be more of who do you want in opposition holding them to account the.

Conservatives that agree with 80% of what they're saying or reform I think that' be quite an interesting thing maybe it's a bit too early in the campaign to start talking about well we're not going to win but who do you want saying opposite that' be quite interesting I'm just looking at you sternly yes absolutely Louis thank you.

Very much indeed e

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