Marianne Williamson: Right here is now not what the Democratic Birthday celebration may maybe maybe peaceable be


Marianne Williamson: Right here is now not what the Democratic Birthday celebration may maybe maybe peaceable be

Voting uh underway in South Carolina it's the Democratic primary going on there the Republicans have their big primary that will pit Nikki heli against Donald Trump and what they call for all the marbles on the table at least for Nikki Hy she's saying it's not the end of everything but that's three weeks from now this primary is happening today.

Uh and we have Maryann Williamson with us and whatever your opinions of Mariann Williamson I might point out here for those who don't know that long before Robert F Kennedy Jr was talking about taking on uh a fellow Democrat and a giant in his party and Dean Phillips came along he's not on the ballot for example in South Carolina and Gavin new.

Seemed to be teasing a presidential run there was Maryanne challenging the president taking on when he was a lot more popular she's got a little more popular right now she joins us out of Nevada uh marann good to have you back oh thank you thank you for having me um you must feel like Rodney danger feels sometimes like you get no respect uh you.

Know you've been there and you've been slugging it out you've been taking on the Democratic establishment of the they've been predictably ignoring you how does that feel well they've been more than ignoring me they've been belittling me remember soon as I announced the president's uh own press secretary on.

The presidential Podium belittled me I think the president actually owes me an apology it's not about me I'm a big girl when you ask me how I feel I can take it I mean you're running for president there's a lot of heat in that kitchen but it's an insult to every Democratic voter it's a Dem it's an insult to everyone who is very interested in.

Hearing other options than that which is Anointed The the candidacy of the president being anointed by the DNC so no that's not okay with me not because it hurts my feelings but because this is not what the Democratic party should be and this is not what our democracy should be now as far as respect is concerned I feel some self-respect.

That's how a system like that works it wants you to lose all confidence in yourself particularly as a woman I think I feel self-respect and I know a lot of people respect the fact that I'm talking about the actual experience of the American people we have 39% of American people who say that they are regularly skipping their meals in order to pay.

Their rent we have half of Americans living paycheck to paycheck we have Americans who are struggling to make it and now with these retaliatory air strikes we are provoking Iran so actually I feel pretty good because I'm having the conversations that I think matter the most well and you do keep those conversations going Maran I mean.

No offense but the White House points to the latest jobs report 353,000 more than the month and the continued Improvement in the economy as proof that you're wrong what do you say what I say to that Neil is that you and I both know and I think they know as well that for 20% of Americans and that does include me those of us who have made it in the economy up.

To that top 20% the economy is very good what do they say however to the fact that half of all renters cannot afford their rent 70% of Americans say that they live with chronic economic anxiety they're talking about economic data I'm talking about human Despair and as far as that jobs report is um is concerned how many of those jobs are jobs that.

Somebody can support a family of four of even uh two on with just one of those jobs remember in the 1970s average American average wages there though Marin did go up in fact much further than than than we thought in fact now people are wearing that they went up so much the Federal Reserve might hold off on rate Cuts how do you.

Feel about that what I feel about that is that the Federal Reserve is thinking about that top 20% a whole lot more than it's thinking about the permanent underclass that exists in this country we have an economic system now when you look at the 1970s Neil we had a thriving middle class in this country none of those e economic data points that you.

Are mentioning point to the restoration of a middle class in this country when you have the the a majority of Americans who cannot afford to absorb a $500 unexpected expenditure no things are not not going well you have the highest level of poverty including child Poverty of course of any advanced nation and that's the point of this campaign we.

Refuse to acquest to a narrative that serves an elite that serves a few but at the expense of the many that is not the visceral experience of the majority of Americans this idea that everything's Rosy is not the experience of the majority of American people if it doesn't my campaign is for them I understand if it doesn't work out for.

You would you support Joe Biden I will not do anything that I feel helps uh Donald Trump get back into the White House you had a choice between Joe Biden and Donald Trump I think you've said this before you'd go to Biden even though he's all but ignored you attacked you the people around him have humiliated.

You you know I'm a big girl this is not about my being humiliated you know what I mean this is about this is about our country and the state of our country and I'm sure you share that uh with me we're we're grown ups here um yeah they have they have to me worse than I would have expected but I you know that's not what makes me cry what makes me cry is to see.

600,000 people who are uh homeless every night what makes me cry is the fact that we are messing we're provoking Iran right now what makes me cry is what's happening to all of those people in Gaza right now what makes me cry are much bigger things and whether or not my feelings get hurt by the DNC or anyone else well you say you're big girl but.

I've met you a number of times you're actually very thin and fit person so I I think I understand what you say I'm sorry I understand now you say you're you're a big girl but I've met you you're actually very thin and fit so maybe you're making a metaphor there but uh we'll see Mar very good seeing you again oh it's always good and thank you.

For having me I so appreciate it I wish you the beautiful day well I enjoy all points of VI Maran Williamson thank you very much Democratic presidential candidate Maran Williamson hi everyone I'm Brian kilme I want you to do me a favor I want you to click to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page this is the only way that I know for sure that.

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