Mary Trump calls uncle Donald ‘a loser’ as he faces mountainous lawful tab


Mary Trump calls uncle Donald 'a loser' as he faces mountainous lawful tab

You know I immediately thought of you uh Sunday night uh sitting there enthralled by this documentary series about New York City and it was just like I said I he I heard that voice camera's not on them and I heard a little bit more and then there he was and and I was just stunned it it's completely clear those are sentences it's a paragraph.

Everything's true it's a serious point about how you actually build on this Island and why you're able to build so high on this island and then I'm hearing him talk about people are buying faucets that water doesn't come out of what happened what happened from the guy I who said that and was able to say that in 1999 about construction and now.

Doesn't know how faucets work well Lawrence I think a couple of things are going on and and one is perhaps the most obvious this is a person who has untreated psychiatric disorders uh and any untreated disorder of any kind worsens over time um as long as it remains untreated uh so it it makes perfect.

Sense that somebody who is unhealthy as he is who is under the extraordinary amount of stress he's under would have a harder time holding it together cognitively um the other thing that I think is interesting um before I get the second point is that Donald was always quite good uh when he was younger at sticking to a point and uh you know he.

He knew certain things about uh his business uh so he could say perfectly reasonable statements like that with confidence and let's let's be fair he's very he was very good uh at being in the media and that's one of the main reasons my grandfather chose him to be his successor uh because he had that kind of presence um so the second point though.

That it's struck me in in watching that is that his target audience is CH has changed dramatically in the ensuing decades he used to be focused on becoming a part of New York City's Upper Crust Inner Circle he desperately wanted to be part of that mil he desperately wanted to be accepted by his betters which is how he perceived.

Them and now he appeals to an audience that appreciates the kind of anecdotes about showers that don't produce water and that uh is full of the kind of invective and hatred that he has now become expert at so I think those two things kind of track together I I was struck by what you've written about um where he is in relation to the edge as a.

Result of New York State Attorney General Leticia James closing in on him and that specific line she said in that television interview about she looks at 40 Wall Street every day uh is it your sense that attorney general James has figured out two things how to beat Donald Trump in court and how to drive him absolutely insane with statements.

Like that yeah she has his number for sure and anybody who's from New York who has been paying any attention for the last many decades knows what makes him tick and what's so fascinating about this latest chapter in his life is that he's finally reached the end of the road um when he was taking over for my.

Grandfather or when he was my grandfather's successor and the one who was going to fill my grandfather's Ambitions he had he didn't need skill he just need his skill as a real estate developer he just needed the skill as the Arrogant self-confident Brash guy who played well on television um my grandfather always had hundreds of.

Millions of dollars to prop him up um we know that when after my grandfather died Donald sold the Empire Lock Stock and Barrel at a loss of approximately $300 million so he still had some cash on hand to keep it going and then he kept getting rehabilitated and rehabilitated AG James knows better than anybody else that there's nobody else.

Left to hand Donald a blank check anymore and that's what keeps him up at night because he is terrified of having the truth about him be known not just to other people but to himself because that's what's kept him going all these times all these years the lie that has become in his own mind the truth about what a great successful man he is so he.

His uh criminal trial in Manhattan uh starts Monday March 25th with jury selection uh you get I get the sense from him from my distance that he is more Disturbed at civil judgments that force him to pay money uh than he is at being criminally indicted where there isn't necessarily any sort of fine involved you're absolutely right and.

There are two reasons for this the the most obvious one is that money in my family was always the only currency it stood in for everything else the more you have the more you you're worth as long as you have more than other people you're worth more in every sense of what that word means and the other thing that's really important uh to keep in.

Mind is that he no longer cares about the criminal trials because because one they they won't necessarily cost him money but two they increase his street cred with his base and with the Republican party which is a very devastating commentary on where we are as a country uh so as you go forward uh this.

Year when we're looking at what is bringing him to the edge we should keep our minds our eyes more on the civil cases and how is he coming up with the money and how is he getting through that than what's going to happen to in the criminal trials yeah I think that's absolutely the case Lawrence Mary Trump thank you.

Very much for joining us tonight really appreciate it always glad to have you here thank you so much thank you

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3 thoughts on “Mary Trump calls uncle Donald ‘a loser’ as he faces mountainous lawful tab

  1. Donald Trump a loser? … completely he’s more than that … how about a “free cannon” … a “brick attempting a load” … about a slices “attempting a loaf” … about a chips “attempting a Overjoyed Meal” … def. “bats in the belfry”

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