Masih Alinejad: This hunger strike sends the message to make a choice out plod against the Islamic Republic


Masih Alinejad: This hunger strike sends the message to make a choice out plod against the Islamic Republic

Well dozens of women going on Hunger Strike protesting the execution of a young man in Iran 23-year-old Muhammad gabad accused of killing a police officer with his car during demonstrations back in 2022 his mother said he had bipolar disorder and was not taking his medication Iran claims its Supreme Court upheld his death sentence.

After a psychological exam he was killed this week by hanging Lux spring masi alinad an Iranian American journalist and activist taking part in the Hunger strike uh this really is one of those things where the whole world needs to get involved and be aware of what's Happening Here M I want to put this quote up because this is from one of the.

Women who is in the prison nargas muhamed her Instagram post reads the following the imprisoned women to keep the names of the executed alive and survive hundreds of individuals in the prisons of the Islamic Republic awaiting execution will resist and apparently for now that resistance masi and tell me if I'm wrong is a hunger strike is that.

Right it is it is indeed the political prisoners 61 female political prisoners risking their lives and uh not only themselves like their family members as well uh they went on Hunger Strike to show their resistance and solidarity not only to the family members of those who got executed and those who are on the death row but sending a message to the.

Rest of the world especially to Biden Administration to democratic countries that you have to take actions against the Islamic Republic otherwise more innocent people will face death but you wonder to what end masi because Iran has long executed political prisoners and those who those who disagree with the regime how does this end what is what is.

This country what do we what does the world do to respond to this yeah um look I have to say that um the world can do a lot and the reason that the Islamic Republic kill innocent uh prisoners it's just because they're not being punished because they are not seeing any consequence anything so what is the reason for the Islamic Republic.

To stop killing its own innocent people you know for miles away from political prisoners I am experiencing now hunger strike this is my second I have to say that last day was easy um yesterday was fine but today I'm I've been feeling very weak and uh I have greater sympathy yeah with uh with political prisoners inside Iran.

Because I here I have a lot of people hearing me I go on TV I see a lot of solidarities and PE people around me supporting me but imagine that you are political prisoners you don't have anyone to hear you so I actually extend my Hunger Strike because I received photos from family members Sabah daughter of pman.

Aimi and pman is on the death row and yesterday another uh woman sent me a photos and she said that my husband msen maum is on the death row because of being accused of spying for Israel so you see the Islamic Republic is not capable of uh retaliating against Israeli and government but what they do they take revenge against innocent.

People that is why I want to call on the rest of the world to be the voice of political prisoners like uh sepan she's on Hunger Strike immediately when she got free from prison in front of prison she said death to I want the world to be as Brave as n mam as Brave as and you know Echo their voice against this barbar tell me how long how long.

Will you go on this hunger strike how long will you stay on this I'm being very honest with you I mean I today I'm very emotional because I just found out that it's not easy it's not easy I I drink water with salt but I feel like shivering shaking like fing out and my heart goes with like v um sayi one of the Iranian prisoner who.

Actually um you know lost his life after going on a hunger strike in Iranian prison my heart goes with all those of you know political prisoner like Muhammad K who was totally innocent and and other like you know eight um of them who actually joined woman life Freedom uh Revolution last year and the Iranian regime executed them so I don't know I.

Keep continue to be their voices this is what I'm sure about it I'm going to be the voice of Iranian political prisoners yeah you are you are a very strong woman we appreciate you coming on please keep in contact with us and let us know uh and the same we will keep stay contact with you thank you musy we appreciate it hey Sean Hannity here hey click here to.

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