Mass ‘UFO’ sighting caught on digicam in California | Jeremy Corbell Interview | 7NEWS


Mass 'UFO' sighting caught on digicam in California  | Jeremy Corbell Interview | 7NEWS

we saw a craft itwas silent it was hovering what is this [__] nowit's not showing up in my camera we're talking about an incursion of anunknown vehicle over a military base please tell me this is the end of the world UFOs are real our governmenthas told you that much they said that there are machines we can'tduplicate their technology and we don't know where they're from there's no sticker there's no tagthat says made in China made in Russia we don't know but this this idea that we don't have a 360degree complete understanding of what's within our airspace now that is a problem my name is JeremyCorbell and I'm an investigative journalist and.

I tend to focus on This Strange World of UFOs andthe puzzle that makes up the the whole experience of UFOs there are things that just keep us up atnight things that we can't put down like studying UFOs and on the show we're going to cover all thethings that do that to us they're excited us that was my thinking you and I have talked about alot of times over the last decade or so the big questions who are they where are they from why arethey here what's their interest in us oh and the more I learn the fuzzier those answers get someof this activity it doesn't fit into a category and the more that you look into this topic themore unsure you are of the conclusions that you that you really started with I mean we all startwith some idea of what we think it is and the UFO mystery I can't be a passive consumer of thisI have to be an active participant I've got a.

Podcast called weaponized podcast and George Knappand I He's My Mentor in journalism we usually drop these these cases through that visual podcastcalled weaponize This is an interesting one here's the basics of it man oneof the largest military bases on planet Earth it's called 29 Palmsout of California it's a Marine Base spanning nearly 1200 square miles the combatCenter is the largest Marine Corps Base in the world and is the only Marine Corpsinsulation that has adequate land and air space to conduct service level trainingwith fully integrated combined arms live fire I got a tip that there was an event and I shouldfind people that may be photographed it or filmed it that's all the information that I got within 36hours I was able to find that there were 50 plus.

Witnesses that claim to have seen a triangularshaped craft that was hovering over the base silently it was not descending it was just acraft and when I saw the first images it was kind of like black footage because you're filmingat night on iPhones and I was like oh those are probably flares no problem however everybodywas reporting to me that they saw the body of a craft and so as the footage started coming inand and this is just about two years ago that's when this all came to me so within 36 hours I gotpeople recorded documented on the record telling me hey we shoot up flares this wasn't thatwe saw a craft it was silent it was hovering those are not alone rounds because when roundsfall and and nobody shoots in a five gun section it's moving and then luckily they did shoot upillumination rounds and so you can see this big.

Difference between what an illuminationround or like a flare looks like and what whatever this v-shaped formation of Lightslooks like so I thought okay let me look a little bit more into that well some of thepeople had iPhones with low light capability and so they're saying look you can kindof see the outline or the the shape of the body of what we saw so this is whatwe're looking at now it's an interesting photo because with the low light function of theiPhone you're able to make out what appears to be the actual shape of what was describedverbally to me by some of these Witnesses who went on record by the way and we playedthat audio on the weaponized podcast so I'm a mortar man uh and he's artillery whatare the facts man like what base which which.

Marine base and what time was this two nightsago it was roughly like 8 25 ish at night uh it was near 29 Palms in California so I don't knowif you're familiar with the base at all but Camp Wilson is attached to 29 Palms it's like it's likea one-way Road in and out of the camp one of my buddies moved us back and he's looking the sky andthen it just kind of appeared out of nowhere and we all came out and looked and then slowly like50 plus people started coming out and looking those lights appeared out of nowhere obviouslya lot of people saw this what did people think they're just kind of they were just kind of likenobody could recognize it I mean we're all in the military so you think we'd this happened in anumber of places I've got reports from other people they're coming in with the video you sentme was that yours and the photo was that a still.

Photo or pulled from the video uh there's astill photo if you look in the picture you can see like a black triangular shape why arethese not flares uh because they stayed there for a solid 10 minutes just in the same spotand flares don't sit in one spot for 10 minutes no they definitely they fall so you personallyknow that these were not flares do you believe this was a craft yeah I would have to believe sowith the picture I took with the black triangular shape underneath the lights it's definitely notany type of bike flare illumination rounds or anything I didn't need a button but I work withartillery and we shoot illumination rounds out of our already guns into the air to loom uhinfantry guys and this was nothing compared to what that is like this was something noneof us had ever seen before it was completely.

Different color the size of the illuminationwas different and when we shoot illumination rounds it's one you shoot it in the air and LetIt Drop and then you shoot another one this was like obviously you've seen the picture this waslike five right next to each other and they're kind of reddish and our Loom rounds are likea yellow white color so this was a crop was it hovering stationary was there any sound there wasabsolutely no sound no sound but it was definitely stationary how big was it estimate to me how bigturn to uh one of those stealth bombers the size well hold on hold on stealth bombers can'thover exactly that's why I can compare to that but that's how I know it wasn't for that Iwould say the size of like three bedroom house maybe bigger so people are arguing thisis you know there was training going on there's.

Always training going on this is a training basehere's the point we don't know this is this is an active investigation were these just flares orare these reports of seeing a triangle craft like the body of it is that correct couldn't get moreinformation I kind of tapped out all the sources I wasn't getting more information and I'm likeokay it's time to put this out and let's see now the power of crowdsourcing let's see now we'remore people there did is there longer footage the footage I have ranges within six minutes fromthe first piece of footage to the last when I look at the metadata it's six minutes but thisthing was described as being up there between 10 and 25 minutes without dissent so I can proveto to a high degree I can prove 10 minutes but we're trying to see if it's more you said thatthere were like objects that came out and like.

Circled it right after and then it went darkwhat do you mean so right before they went out the aluminum Islands popped off over top of itthose two orange lights the actual Loom rounds that went up over top of it and then after that itdisappeared like just straight went black and then helicopter started like hauling ass towards itand they went like in the direction of it and then they'd start circling the area these helicopterswere circling for a good bit afterwards and there was a there was a convoy as well that went out itwas like a 60 plus truck Convoy that we saw go out as well we were taking pictures afterwards becauseit was just straight black it just disappeared here's the deal man there's no official way thatUFOs are investigated people are not going through the formal process like they should there shouldbe tons of data on this so the idea is just to.

Try to find out as much as we can try to get asmuch footage so now people are coming out they are coming with more footage more information I'mgetting calls every second which is exactly what we wanted because this process is kind of brokenyou know the US government's saying transparency no problem you know we're gonna we're gonna lookinto this oh my gosh I mean if I'm getting good Intel the US government's not getting the bestIntel so I'm trying to accumulate as much as I can this case if it is as described that's veryinteresting we're talking about an incursion of an unknown vehicle over a military base if itturns out to be flares then that's also that's also really important you know let's get thatinformation out uh but it is representative of what people are really concerned about we know wehave very special weaponry and we have U.S assets.

That can do some really cool things we also knowthat other foreign Nations have technologies that we should be concerned about when it comes toduration of flight that kind of thing and just reconnaissance as we saw with all the balloonstuff that was going over the United States but there is a third element here there are Machinesof Unknown Origin unknown operator and unknown technology and capability that durationallyhave been over classified airspace or I'd say restricted airspace flying with impunity andin a lot of cases that are documented even messing with our nuclear or tampering withour nuclear assets not just in our country but also in Australia in Russia and so thisis an issue look we know UFOs are real the government has told us as much remember the the2004 Tick-Tock UFO event or the series of events.

Where Commander David fravor chased a UFO sawit with his eyes with a bunch of other people it's on radar it's on all sorts of sensor systemsthat was during a training or a workup exercise so was the 2019 UFO swarms which by the waythey're not our assets whatever swarmed our ten warships in 2019 off the west coast ofCalifornia I have talked to more individuals directly involved with fighting those ships in anyintelligence agency we have in the United States or beyond for sure that those were not us assetsand if they were other foreign Nations or you'd call them adversarial Nations assets man that'san even bigger problem but the issue is we've ruled that out too from what I understand butthat was during a training or a workup exercise as well so here we are there's this hugemilitary base it's known for training people.

That's what it's there for there's alwaystrainings going on so the question is are these objects that we don't know where they'refrom are they observing this what's going on I've told you all this research wasn'tfor nothing I knew aliens were real there's more lights around it so this is one of those unique momentswhere I'm asking for help I'm asking for anybody else that was at 29 Palms militarybase camp Wilson or anywhere within the 1 000 almost 1 000 square miles of this base wereyou there that night you know it do you have footage and so that's kind of what I'm hopingto get and in fact that information is coming in so look UFOs are real our government has toldyou that much they said that there are machines.

We can't duplicate their technology and we don'tknow where they're from there's no sticker there's no tag that says made in China made in Russia wedon't know but this this idea that we don't have a 360 degree complete understanding of what'swithin our airspace now that is a problem range so you see congress senate is holding hearingswe're trying to get as much information as possible as journalists George Knapp and I asjournalists but we have to heal our mend that divide we need to get to a point where thatinformation flow is going where it should and then I'll be obsolete you know my job as beingthe go-to guy like who are you going to call if you see a UFO right hopefully at some point umI won't have that job and it will be reported properly so that's what's going on today is iswe're really looking to get as much information as.

We can put it out to the public lots of slings andarrows coming my way for doing this but I think ultimately it raises awareness and informationof like how does this work how do you investigate UFOs you can only go and look UFO just meansunidentified flying object or UAP which which is you could say unidentified aerial or anomalousphenomena you don't know till you know so the only way to go about this is to get informationout and ask for data what do you think you saw I couldn't tell you I just know it's not anythingthat I recognized or any of my close friends could recognize either so I don't think it wasanything U.S military definitely some type of UFO and governor was trying to look forwardafter it disappeared I'm just trying to figure out what the hell that was this is a highlydocumented event we just don't know what it is.

Like through exercises so we've worked with alot of people who use different type of weapons so I've never seen anything like it

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3 thoughts on “Mass ‘UFO’ sighting caught on digicam in California | Jeremy Corbell Interview | 7NEWS

  1. Makes me laugh when of us discuss flying saucers's or unexplained lights within the sky that folk recount are aliens. If there are aliens visiting our planet I find it laborious to judge that they would want headlights on their spaceships to search out their skill within the darkish.🙄

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