Massive Tell Declared In Bungoma Over Illegal Demolition


Massive Tell Declared In Bungoma Over Illegal Demolition

Hi one hope you're doing well from whereveryou are watching this channel depending on your terone now there is an ongoing demolutionin bua to be precise Bunga town uh whereby uh businesses are being brought down mogasbandas are being destroyed you talk about stores they're being demolished people's shopshave been brought down including a mosque that has been there for more than 60 years it hasbeen brought down and many people are crying that now it seems like a government that sayis going to take interest of the hustlers the people they refer to as Moga b b they arebeing now targeted by this regime and there is one thing that they telling people BungaI believe is a lie that they are trying to expand the road and do those demol because theywant to uplift the Bunga uh Bunga town to a city.

Status that we are doing this to PVE Way openways so that Bama will be uplifted to a city status for them to believe this Li theyshould be asking themselves a question why not Kaka and only buaka it's long time toapply for that people of kaka they really came out severally demanding Kaka to Beed toa city status instead it was only nakuru pending but they're being told that now B isgoing to be a city so this has to happen more than a th000 businesses at the heart of Bungatown have been destroyed many people are going to be rendered jobless but it seems likethere is selective demolition taking place in very very very sad this is the same buathat validated William rut's presidency today they are facing the worst of this sameregime Bunga County is government national.

Government but Moga the hustlersin Bunga are accounting losses imagine they're telling us that theywere given only 5 days notice why not 30 days only 5 days you'rebeing asked to leave where you going to they were not providedwith any other location to move to now if you listen to the statement fromthe affected people there's one one guy who has really embraced me and actuallywhat he's saying is true that every time and if there anything that they were planning because planning for you one ofthe plan was to demolish their.

Businessing they talkingabout upgrading of they're talking about little stum something like DEC second now beside this the opposition leadersthat is as M team was in Bunga again to stand with those who have been affected andif you listen from the people on ground they are demanding mass action they are callingfor protest they want Eugene and the team to lead demonstration that will be so muchmassive in Bunga County to reject what the government is doing so the issue of we arein government is longer there in bua what they are calling for is mass action protest toreject this regime from count level to the naal.

Level God ative application of the support B on as we continue with the final discussionjust a quick request for those who are watching and you have not yet subscribedplease consider subscribing to thank you so much and again to all our viewers pleasegive this video a thumbs up thank you so.

Much and back to this discussion Now youlisten to the people in bua really you see their problem you feel how they are sufferingthat you're telling us that you gave notice inaz in the premises that there will be demolitionhere it's like that did not happen if there was a not on ground those who are going tobe affected can get to know earlier and plan as quick as possible so 5 daysonly it was not enough that notice was not enough so the AO team as they say theyhave been they have taken that matter to the cour order are they going to follow it they arenot prepared for that so if you think you can use the court as of now and administration forgetdestruction will happen they will not listen to anyone they don't respect the court but it's amove they're taking but above all what they can.

Only do is to organize from massive protestin Bunga let them Express their anger their disagreement their disgruntlement with thisregime you hear someone saying that killer that's a very good question it's a good one the only thing we can see in nothing good Nik Le the company it's big no so this isthe behavior of Kenya Quan if you think of this is the government that is going to protect Moganow they the one coming out to destroy all the St so instead of Defending they are coming to destroy what belongs to M whatmakes M to take her child to school but we saw figures fav William above.

All from count level to the National but now thesame regime they voted for it has stand against them where is babaa to stand with you people andwho is pushing for this raka is aware that he's serving his second time in office and not beseeking for re-election you might not see him coming to defend you the only time you will seelaka it will be when R will be asking for his reelection property at belonging to to to laka is still standing the resent is there they don't fearGod they go to an exent of demolishing a mosque that has been there for more than 60 yearsit's almost old as old as our H Independence time these are the peoplewho told us that they are.

God fearing leaders how do you come and destroy a mosque without even offering an alternative in Malia Society it belongs to the society you can give another alterativebecause you will be giving back to the society but they don't fear they go an exentof demolishing a prayer you know House of Prayer the to that they want upgrade upgrade the the town to a city status just know that ashortcut they are using to mislead you they were pushing for affordablehousing that could be the same issue.

There but has nothing to do with assistingyou in any way so to Sak people are going to be so many are going to be renderedpoor because no one is willing to listen to them or give them timeto even remove their St from that place

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