Meet the Press NOW — March 29


Meet the Press NOW — March 29

If it's Friday President Biden With a Little Help from some famous friends rakes in tens of millions of dollars but not without interruptions from Pro Palestinian protesters plus the President says he's heading to Baltimore next week to view the wreckage of the Francis Scott Key bridge as officials prepare for a massive and daunting.

Operation to clear the critical Waterway and American journalist Evan gershovich Marks One Year in Russian prison as Washington renews calls for his release including a rare bipartisan statement from the top four Congressional leaders welcome to beat the Press now I'm Kristen Welker in Washington we.

Begin today with the 2024 race for the White House and both campaign its efforts to build momentum at and build up their campaign War chests the Biden campaign is celebrating what it says is a massive $26 million fundraising Hall last night from the celebrity field event with former presidents Clinton and Obama the campaign hopes to leverage.

Their cash advantage to overcome their polling Gap with former president Trump the Biden team did not allow reporters to record video inside the event which featured the three leaders taking part in a nearly hour-long conversation Modera ated by late night host Steven coar but this morning the campaign releasing edited clips from the event.

Seeming to Signal what they hope the big takeaway from last night will be when those folks came out of the fields carrying torches and and Nazi flags and accompanied by white supremacists and a young woman was killed a bystander and when the president was at former president was asked what he thought of that he said.

They're very fine people on both sides we're at a real inflection point in history things are changing this guy denies there's a global warming this guy wants to get rid of not only roie Wade but which he's brags about having done he wants to get rid of the ability of anyone anywhere in America ever choose I mean all the things he's doing are so.

Old speaking of old but as President Biden focused on former president Trump he was also forced to Grapple with tensions within his own party over his handling of the Israel Hamas War protesters interrupted the conversation between the presidents at least four times saying the president has quote blood on his.

Hands shame on you Joe Biden shame on you shame on you you are sping genocide of Palestine now responding to a question about the war for Mr colar Mr Biden said more needs to be done to get relief for the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza while noting that Israel's existence was at stake but it was former President.

Obama's defense of President Biden on the Gaza issue that Drew the most attention at one point sternly addressing the protesters himself according to the Press pool in the room Mr Obama saying quote you can't just talk and not listen that's what the other side does and it is possible for us to understand that it is possible to.

Have moral Clarity and have deeply held beliefs but still recognize that the world is complicated and it is hard to solve these problems meanwhile a third former president was in New York yesterday we're talking about Donald Trump who attended the wake of an NYPD officer killed in the line of duty Mr Trump was subdued as he briefly.

Addressed reporters late late yesterday afternoon as he left the Wake but this morning used the tragedy to attack President Biden on the issue of crime I think that politically he can't support the police I think he's also making a mistake but I think politically he his his uh base won't let him support the police they didn't even call the.

Family they could have called you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know even a call would be perhaps I'm not sure they'd take his call and the former president is also upping the antee on the cash clash between the two candidates as first reported by the financial times that the Trump campaign is aiming to take in $33.

Million at an upcoming Mara Lago fundraiser in April and surpass the single event record by Mr Biden that was set last night joining me now is our resident Biden expert Mike memy and NBC's Von Hilliard who's covering the Trump campaign thanks to both of you for starting us off so Mike let me start with you the campaign as we just showed.

Did release some clips from the three presidents fundraiser but you were there at this extraordinary and quite Frank historic event take us inside the room what were your biggest takeaways well Kristen lizo and Queen Latifa for instance got them fired up you had Mindy King she got the crowd laughing you had that dramatic entrance.

Those three presidents rising from under the stage uh putting those aviator sunglasses on in solidarity with Joe Biden at the end it was really quite a moment we do have to step back and remember only 45 men have served as the President of the United States and this was a unique opportunity for for this audience and for myself to hear them.

Talk about that and it was really through the lens of the presidency and the weight of that job that Bill Clinton and Barack Obama both tried in their own different and unique ways to address some of the vulnerabilities President Biden is facing as he runs for re-election for Bill Clinton he was the explainer in Chief the Secretary of.

Explaining stuff he was trying to take these complex economic data Trends and and really explain what the disconnect is between what voters feel and what the data really does show us we also saw Barack Obama he I'm told felt that his mission at this moment at least in the campaign is to talk about Joe Biden the man talk about his character and talk.

About the unique skills and and personal traits that he's bringing into this very difficult fraught moment in our politics and to try to send him on to continue what the campaign really feels has been a streak of momentum since the State of the Union Address yeah absolutely and that uh the Optics of the event last night certainly worth their weight in.

Gold from a political perspective if you are the Biden campaign but Mike as we also noted there were a number of interruptions at that event last night it speaks to the fact that this issue the protest within the Democratic party are going to loom large over this entire reelection campaign by the president how did the presidents respond to those.

Protesters Mike well you see what it looked like outside Kristen but in the room as well they paid the ticket price to be able to speak truth to power in their view uh to the president uh in that moment I thought it was so fascinating Kristen the way in which the campaign clearly had a plan for when this happened uh they were addressing an.

Innocuous question that Steven colar had asked when one of the first protests began and colar immediately took it back he gave a little bit of a monologue and then posed a question to President Biden about how he is grappling with this issue but it was really and you showed the quote Barack Obama who I think.

Chest but still wound up losing well Kristen you you've been reporting as has our team about the frustration some Democrats have had about the slow start to Biden's campaign they had wondered for instance where's the ground game in Michigan well it's not a coincidence that today they announced 30 new campaign offices in that important swing.

State putting that money to use also in a new campaign ad targeting those Nikki Haley voters the Biden campaign saying this new ad using Donald Trump's own words to criticize Nikki Haley will be targeted Battleground States specifically where zip codes where Nikki Haley overperformed against Donald Trump in those primaries and caucuses so this.

Is the Biden team having a significant cash Advantage wanting to press ahead with it I was just in North Carolina as well talking to strategists there in that key Battle Ground State they said they've never seen the kind of investment from Democrats in that important state the way that the Biden team is already on the ground now all.

Right Mike covering all the angles for us fun let me turn to you this obviously is some that has caught former president Trump's attention he wasted no time attacking the fundraiser he's also planning his own big dollar fundraiser in maral Lago he's hoping to top that $25 million figure what are you hearing about that.

Von right and it's no surprise that Donald Trump he chose to go on the attack against a New York City fundraiser the more than $26 million raised while he was attending the wake of the Fallen officer officer then ypd officer Jonathan Diller yesterday afternoon it was using that is a moment to try to highlight the way that he.

Views crime in America and try to undercut the Biden Administration and ramp up rhetoric around crime despite FBI statistics showing violent crime in the United States dropping over the last year but try to use that moment to draw a contrast of course you said it he is having his own major fundraiser next week down at marago you're seeing a lot.

Of old hands several billionaires that are helping Host this from Harold ham to Woody Johnson to the Mercers to Steve win these major figures here where prices for these tickets are going at over $800,000 with most of those contributions uh ultimately going to the RNC which his uh one of his co- campaign.

Managers is now at the helm of and so for Donald Trump there is a cash uh a cash deficit here and even just yesterday a senior campaign official acknowledged that they are not going to be able to go dollar for dooll against the Biden campaign acknowledging that over the next seven months they will be out fundraised by the Biden campaign but.

Contended that at least they will have enough money in order to pull off a win enough money to suffice to make sure that Donald Trump's message does get out there Kristen and V quickly I want to get to some of your new reporting out of Arizona you're reporting that some Republicans are starting to lose faith in Cary Lake what are you hearing what's.

The Fallout been right along with trying to gain back the White House for Republicans they're trying to gain back a Republican Senate majority and Arizona would be a good place to look their likely candidate is going to be Republican Carrie Lake who of course lost her 2022 gubernatorial bid but the big question was was she going to be.

Able to win over some of those reticent Republicans those McCain era Republicans Ducey Republicans who she had spurned and had explicitly said she didn't need in order to win her Governor's race in 2022 but she lost by just 177,000 votes and so Carrie Lake herself acknowledged this winter Kristen that she needed to prove that she was a less divisive.

Figure but I can tell you from a conversation with a Litany of Arizona Republicans over the course of last weeks that she is struggling to do that and to throw away the sort of the antics of the past just one example a fundraiser a major GOP fundraiser a former campaign manager to John McCain in fact told me that that she is.

Fundraising instead for the likes of Dave McCormick out of Pennsylvania one other activist she told me that she met up for an iced tea with Cary Lake and wanted car Lake to apologize to her and other Republicans in that she said the words I'm never came out of Ky Lake's mouth and she said in no way will she vote for KY Lake this November a.

Concerning a concerning position for republicans in Arizona for sure and of course the big question what will the impact be will we see similar Trends in other states Bon Hillyard thank you so much really appreciate it great reporting as always joining me now on set is my NBC News colleague Monica Alba she covers the White House F Shakur.

Senior adviser to Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and Danielle plka a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute thanks to all of you for being here on this Good Friday really appreciate it Monica let me start with you let's talk about this historic fundraiser of course you were among those who broke the news that this was.

Going to happen in the first place what does the Biden team think they got out of last night and are they going to be able to build on this momentum and it was weeks and months in the making Kristen this was a firstof its- kind event they wanted it to be historic from the perspective of the amount of money that it raised but also they really.

Wanted to project this party Unity to have the president with his Democratic predecessors on stage trying to tell anybody in the party who might be a little bit anxious about the president's lagging poll numbers or where he is in this race Hey look it's time to get on board look at everything we have behind us look at now the resources that we're.

Going to be able to put forward with this kind of money and they had set expectations way lower something like maybe we'll get $10 million out of this then it was upped a little bit and then when they came out with this Blockbuster number of $26 million all told they really are now trying to show what they can use and they're trying to have this.

Be kind of an exclamation point on this month month of action they wanted March since the state of the union for there to be all this momentum ending in this and now being able to say here's how we can build upon that in the coming weeks and months well and I pick up on that point F because that's the question how are they going to build upon this we.

Talked about the new campaign offices are going to be build uh opening up in Michigan I mean what needs to happen to keep the momentum going how present do former presidents Obama and Clinton need to be on the campaign Trail in order to have an impact it's going to take a team effort Christen and everybody and anybody I think uh B's got some win at.

His back so you see the public polling starting to rise for him uh eight states he visited in 18 days he's got a three times cash advantage on Trump those matter I think when you're looking at Trump's own problems right now he's not traveling as much and one of the things that people don't realize why you're not traveling and doing big rallies they.

Cost money when you're in a cash crunch you know Trump has kind of moderated his campaign to not do much right now because he's losing money and he's on it's weird to say that that he's a paper billionaire this week right we learned that uh you got him selling Trump media and getting on paper at least billion dollars which he can't seemingly spend.

Right now uh he's locked up a bit on it and what I think is happening is he's getting more and more indebted to billionaires and large investors who's going to court at this major event that we're seeing he needs them for his Trump acquisition and I think that can deposit a dynamic in which helps Biden as he starts to move through these next few.

Months about what is the clear distinction and who fights for you particularly when you think about economic matters yeah Danny I mean the clear message of last night was this is all hands on deck now we have seen past presidents have an impact before we saw former President Clinton actually help then President Obama when he was in the.

Fight of his political life but here you have Trump saying hey I'm going to have an even bigger fundraiser what do you think the impact in the takeaway is look you know if you look at this from the perspective of money as you rightly say this is a great hall this is really important for the Democratic party showing that.

Solidarity Biden needs all the help he can get just from his status within the party from doubts about him so showing everybody together on the other hand you know you're not exactly speaking to disgruntled voters worrying about the gas tank or the price of milk or the price of when you've got you know the the the editor of Vogue and lizo and.

Steven colar you know it wasn't really an of the people type event they were talking to the chorus last they they were and you know what when you need to raise money that's who you talk to I don't fault them for that any more than I fault Donald Trump for going to billionaires I think that that'll be an interesting place for an argument.

Because of course both sides are very dependent upon very rich people who will get the most small donations will be a great question policy discussions and we're seeing you know with Trump's position on Tik Tok how it moves how his positions on carried interest loopholes might move how his positions on a lot of economic.

Matters might move fible he's a flexible I think that's what we need to understand you you talk about reaching beyond the base which I I think is obviously is in every election going to be where the battle lines are going I want to play this piece from the a new ad from the Biden Campaign which is really going after those Nikki Haley.

Voters take a look Nikki Haley has made an Unholy alliance with rhinos never trumpers Americans for no Prosperity she was sitting there like she's gone crazy she's a very angry person she is not presidential Timber I don't need votes we have all the votes we need she is she's gone hey W there aren't that many never trumpers anymore.

How do you bring these Niki Haley voters back into the I'm not sure we need too many Monica talk about this strategy I'm not sure we need too many former president Trump said of the Nikki Haley voters using the former president's own words in this ad the Biden campaign feels is the best strategy to try to make this kind of argument but they were.

The ones extending opening the door the day that Nikki Haley dropped out of the race remember the president put out this statement saying there's room for you in my campaign if you want to consider it they have known from day one that this is possibly a group of Voters that they can at least make overtures to now how many of those actually want to be.

Persuaded enough to do it they claim that when they looked at some of these contests and primaries in recent weeks and months even after Nikki Haley dropped out there have been people who have supported her instead of Donald Trump and they say look there could be people there who voted early or voted by mail or who could be Democrats in some.

Of those open primaries but in other cases there are people there Republicans and independents who might just be persuadable and they know that if there's a small enough slice of that that they could convince before November that could make all the difference in some of the key States so expect that continued strategy I think and and they.

Believe that that really does show that they are more willing to do that when the former president has been very clearly dismissive he hasn't and and in fact this is what Laura Trump who's one of the new top people at the RNC had to say when asked by our own Von Hillard about courting those Nikki Haley voters let's take a look at that sound these.

People I don't think are are they don't want to vote for Joe Biden that's for sure the option is Joe Biden or Donald Trump and so whether you like his personality or not should not have any bearing on anything they are welcome to come back we are here to work as a party and in order to elect Donald Trump and Republicans all the way down the ticket.

We would love to have them come back this is of course an interview with Garrett hake my apologies we just were talking to Von and I confused them but Danny what do you make of that and and is the Trump campaign missing an opportunity here sure the Trump campaign is missing an opportunity we just talked about playing to your base everybody.

Loves to play to your base your base loves you right you know it's so warm and fuzzy and nice but at the same time that's not who you need they're going to turn out for you no matter what so it is about those margins it is about Outreach this is how Donald Trump lost the election in 2020 and if he is unwilling to reach out to those people Nikki Haley.

Wants to denigrate her wants to denigrate her voters wants to denigrate people like me who I am a Nikki Haley voter then that's a mistake but part two of that though Kristen is that is that um uh for Biden this is just you know that's nice that's cute that's underscoring how wrong Donald Trump is is about this but just speaking as a.

Nikki Haley voter and a republican H and most of my friends many of my friends are yeah we're not voting for Joe Biden what do you make of that F but are you voting for Donald Trump is the question right and that that is not me right and that's the point is you heard part of the effort and part of the uh what Donald Trump what they're reminding.

People about Donald Trump is who he referred to as bird brain ncky Haley is that you didn't really like this guy and we're not going to make you forget it that in the primary you had certain views and he dismissed you and if you look at Larry Trump quote man that's that's pretty awful that's not the way you.

Court people whose votes you need you said they're welcome to come back what what pitch are you going to make them why would they want to come back and so Biden I think is doing the right move where he's just reminding people that's all right people like Daniel will have to make their decision do they want to vote or they not want to vote and if.

They people choose to stay home and say I don't want to vote for Donald Trump that's still a win for Joe Biden all right great conversation happy Easter to everyone who's going to celebrate appreciate you being here on a holiday Friday Monica Faz and Danielle great stuff coming up the largest crane on the Eastern Seaboard has arrived on site of.

The Baltimore bridge collapse we're on the ground with the very latest on the recovery and cleanup efforts plus NBC News sits down with the parents of detained us journalist Evan gershkovich their message on the one-year anniversary of their son's imprisonment you are watching me the Press now stay with.

us welcome back President Biden now says he will visit Baltimore next week to assess the situation caused by Tuesday's bridge collapse efforts to remove the rack from that bridge are now beginning a crane described as the largest on the Eastern Seaboard has arrived on the scene of Tuesday's bridge collapse and a.

Second smaller crane is expected to arrive tomorrow all of this comes less than a day after Federal Transportation officials approved $60 million in emergency funding for cleanup and Recovery efforts and is Maryland Governor Wes Moore said just moments ago this accident could have a devastating toll on the entire.

Country what we're talking about today is not just about Maryland's economy this is about the nation's economy the port handles more cars and more farm equipment than any other port in this country our economy depends on the Port of Baltimore and the Port of Baltimore depends on vessel traffic.

Maryland's economy and Maryland's workers rely on us to move quickly but that's not just Maryland the nation's economy and the nation's workers are requiring us to move quickly NBC news reporter Gary grumbach joins me now from Baltimore so Gary what's the assessment how long will it take for the crane to remove all of.

That wreckage from the bridge hey there Christen yeah this is going to be be a weeks and months long process just to get the wreckage off of the boat let alone from the bridge itself from the water itself let me talk you through a little bit of what this process is going to look like as you saw we are starting to see cranes arriving.

On scene here's the largest in the Eastern Seaboard that's a 1,000 ton crane that you see in those images right there they have to cut it into pieces the bridge because the bridge itself is 3 to 4,000 tons so that crane can't even handle the bridge itself in one piece so they're kind to cut it into pieces get those out of the water make sure there.

Are no more pieces of the bridge even underneath the water 50 ft deep because they don't want to impact any other ships once the canal opens and then they're going to start removing the items from the ship itself to be able to get the ship out of the way and reopen the port this is not something that is going to happen overnight they will be.

Working on a regular basis to get this done and really the Cavalry has arrived here if you will I want to talk through some of the numbers of what we're going to start seeing over the coming days we're talking seven cranes 10 different tugboats n different barges eight different Salvage vessels and five Coast Guard boats dozens of agencies on scene.

Here trying to get this done as quickly as possible Kristen it just remarkable to hear the breakdown of how many resources will be sent there Gary is there any sense of when the port will actually be able to reopen well Governor West Moore as you heard there wants to get this done as quickly as possible because there are.

Millions and millions of dollars in economic impact being lost every single day because of this there's four or 5,000 workers that work in the port area that no longer can do what they've been doing every day because of this that is job loss that is that is the items that cars and and other perfumes and things cannot get in and out of the port this.

Is something they're going to want to get done within the next few weeks and and Gary of course the question becomes about the resources to make sure this happened you laid out some of the resources that are already heading there President Biden has approved $60 million in federal funding the reality is that's the drop in the bucket of what is.

Actually estimated to be needed to deal with this what type of funding fight are you expecting in Washington well once this is all said and done we're expecting to this be over a billion dollars in terms of actually rebuilding the bridge which could happen sometime over the next 5 years we're looking at here so this is going to be a.

Protracted fight to get the money that is needed for Baltimore of course Congress needs money for a variety of items both domestically and internationally but this is something that the members of Congress from across the country will be impacted by if items aren't coming in if cars aren't coming in and they start to see the real impact.

Of their constituents I think that's when you're going to start seeing agreements down in Capitol Hill Kristen I think you're absolutely right that's where the pressure point will be coming from and of course Congress still on recess for another two weeks Gary thank you for your fantastic reporting really appreciated our thoughts continue to be.

With the people of Baltimore coming up next Ukrainian president zilinski urges house Speaker Johnson to take quick action on war funding Johnson's response Straight Ahead you're watching Meet the Press now welcome back it has now been one year since American journalist Evan.

Greskovich was arrested in Russia on what the US says are false charges this was the front page of today's Wall Street Journal where gush kovich works it features a large blank space under the headline his story should be here krovic is being held at a notorious Russian prison and this week a Russian judge extended his detention for another.

Three months the Kremlin claims he was caught receiving secret information but has yet to Pride any evidence the White House calls the charges ridiculous my colleague Andrea Mitchell spoke with Evan's parents who say they remain hopeful Evan is not year it's been the year he been all four seasons there he spent his birthday and.

All the holidays no pessimism pessimism will kill all the hope so powerful to hear from them NBC News Chief International correspondent Kier Simmons joins me now K thank you so much for joining me you just heard there from evanovich's family what are US officials saying about his detention right now Kier and the prospects for.

Getting him out well I think that frankly the quickest perhaps most likely Prospect is that there might be some kind of a swap a prisoner swap if you like now even that is going to be extremely challenging uh because the person that it appears the Kremlin would like to see uh swapped released if you like is a FSB.

Officer who is in jail in Germany for murder so it's in Germany CHR it's not something that the US has immediate kind of control over if you like that being said the Biden Administration releasing a statement and I I'll read some of it for you uh as I have told evans's parents I will never never give up hope either we will continue working every.

Day to secure his release we will continue to denounce and impose costs for Russia's appalling attempts to use Americans as bargaining chips and we will continue to stand strong against all those who seek to attack the press or Target journalists the pillars of free Society so that a message from President Biden but of course the.

President faces some real challenges here not least and we've talked about it before the ethical issue that when you agree to uh negotiate like this do you encourage a country like Russia to try to arrest more Americans to be able to negotiate come back and negotiate again yeah that is an ongoing challenge for this Administration so many.

Administrations past here it's just devastating when you read the fact that a Russian judge has now extended his detention what can you tell us about the actual status of his case well he's on he's in pre-trial detention so he he's not on trial uh we don't even actually know beyond Espionage what the details of the allegations are allegations of.

Course as you say that the Wall Street Journal the US government and his friends and family absolutely utterly uh deny so he he's being held in the foro prison which is a chilling Place frankly it was a KGB prison now the uh in the FSB uh which is the the modern version of the KGB uh so we we know that much we know that he's the US ambassador has got.

Um some access to him and I can tell you too that NBC news as you know continues to report from Russia we have a a a incredible team in Moscow and they did try to get access to the latest hearing um but were not given access at no media were um so the truth is that he could be held almost indefinitely in Pre pre-trial uh detention while the.

Russians give the impression that they are continuing to investigate devastating from the perspective of his family and and the journalism Community who is holding out hope that he will come home soon let me just zoom out out a little bit here here and ask you about Vladimir Putin you were just in Moscow for the quote.

Unquote elections there talk about his grip on power right now has it expanded at this moment how would you assess that well I think look it's a country of 11 time zones so inevitably incredibly difficult even if you travel to Moscow to know the truth and in some ways we've kind of.

Uh gone back haven't we to Soviet times where you know it's almost it's very hard to to read what's really um going on and consistently now Russia seems to be surprising us in terms of uh the the uh events there so there's that but I can tell you uh that when you go to Moscow as I do um there are there's a lot of military um slogans around the.

Country um is increasingly economically geared towards um the military industry President Putin's revisionist history which he clearly believes um is also as far as I can tell believed by a lot of Russians or at least ostensibly that is what they will tell you uh clearly there are also Russians opposed to president uh Putin and then there are Russians who.

Kind of just say nothing very difficult to judge is there's very little independent polling at all but the reason why I mention all that and I think it's important in to as you say to with a wider lens is that President Putin likely now has another 12 years ahead we don't know he just got in that elected in that socaled.

Election for six more years but beneath him are officials who uh will repeat what he says and seen many some of them at least to be vly agreeing with the kinds of things he he talks about um and then the Russian people um appear many of them do appear to be very supportive of him and to believe that for example America is trying to crush Russia and.

That Russia has to fight back well your work in Moscow uh was just extraordinary and so we so appreciate your perspective Kier this Good Friday thank you so much good to see you Kier as always thank you meanwhile Ukraine's leader is ramping up his efforts to secure more more us funding in his war with Russia President zalinski says he spoke with house.

Speaker Mike Johnson yesterday and that he briefed the speaker on the current state of the war emphasizing what he said was a quote dramatic increase in Russia's air Terror it is unclear how the house will address the issue of Ukraine Aid when members return from Recess Johnson has thus far refused to put the Senate bill on in foreign aid on.

The house floor joining me now to discuss all of this is MBC news Capitol Hill correspondent Ali Vitali Ally great to see you so president zinsky and speaker Johnson we know they spoke yesterday what was President zelinsky's message to speaker Johnson that they need more aid from the United States of course this message hasn't changed.

Kristen as zinski has continued the conversation with top officials in Washington at times visiting here making addresses in front of elected officials in the United States and of course just continuing to impress the need that Ukraine needs American Support to continue its defensive against the Russian incursion that's still ongoing.

There in that country of course that need for Aid comes in direct conflict with the Dynamics within this very Rowdy house Republican conference many of whom say they don't want to continue giving Aid to Ukraine and leaving the house speaker in a precarious position on one of myriad number of issues that he's in a precarious position on and it leads to.

The current stalemate that we see now in this congress with a demand for more Aid not just for Ukraine but also for Israel for Taiwan and a supplemental Aid package that is just pretty much sitting there waiting for something to happen to it yeah they certainly will have a lot on their plates when they return from Recess Ally let me ask you about this.

Idea of getting the aid p in the form of a loan we know that former president Trump who basically has made it very clear he's opposed to just writing a blank check to Ukraine has backed this idea of a loan we know that for example I was able to interview Senator Lindsey Graham just a few weeks ago he indicated he would support that and that there is.

Momentum for that is there momentum is that real Maybe I asked the top Democrat on the house side here Hakeem Jeff about this because it had seemed in our conversations with other top Democrats here in the house that there could be an openness to that as a pathway but what Jeff told me is that the ideal way of doing it remains doing it in the form of.

The supplemental package that not only takes care of Aid to Ukraine but also takes care of Aid to Israel and Taiwan but there's an interesting piece of zelinsky's readout of his meeting with house speaker Mike Johnson I'm going to read to you a part of it because it really caught our attention on the front of is alone plausible zalinsky says that.

In his conversation with Johnson quote we also discussed the importance of cutting off Russia's sources for funding for its War as soon as possible and using Frozen Russian assets for Ukraine's benefit that's one of the mechanisms Kristen that's being talked about by those who are pushing the idea of a loan to Ukraine that's one of the.

Mechanisms that they're talking about the fact that zalinsky is bringing it up and that he's talking about it with Johnson gives us more questions to ask when they get back here from their recess it certainly does Ali Vitali fantastic as always have a happy Easter Aly thank you so much great to see you after the break a rare look inside the.

Territory of Haiti's top gang leader The Man known as barbecue who is now saying he may be open to peace talks on the future of the country you're watching Meet the Press now welcome back gang leader Jimmy cherese has become the face of Haiti's descent.

Into chaos The Man known as barbecue and his gangs have taken over parts of Haiti's Capital Porter Prince and sparked some of the worst violence in the country that had seen since the early 90s now the gang leader is saying he would consider calling a ceasefire but only if his Alliance of armed gangs is included in international talks on.

The country's future St Ramsey the chief correspondent of NBC's partner Sky News sat down with the notorious gang leader and got a rare look inside barbu's territory he's not responsible for all the violence sweeping across Haiti's Capital but Bey under no doubt he's at the center of it his Fighters are never far away is this now all your territory.

Cuz it was an open road when I was last here yeah Jimmy chariza universally referred to here as barbecue is the head of one of the most powerful gangs in Porto Prince but he's also the head of a gang Consortium that's brought Haiti to its knees he took us through the roadblocks of buses they put in place to stop.

Police raids on his territory that territory now extends over one of the Cities main roads an economic Highway he controls in its entirety barbecue sees himself as a revolutionary for the people and he rails against corrupt politicians and oligarchs he dismisses all the efforts.

Underway here to form a transitional Council that will govern Haiti but for the first time he's told Sky News he would consider a ceasefire and talks if his people are represented this is significant EX inside his territory despite the poverty.

Life is relatively peaceful and organized unlike in much of Porto Prince cues for food barbecue gets brought in are orderly usually it's chaos but here people wait knowing that there are enough supplies for the whole Community this is a source of barbecue strength to the outside world he may be a gangster but here he's a sort of Robin.

Hood well we're right in the heart of Barbec's Gangland territory and I have to say the atmosphere here is very different to large parts of the rest of Porto prince it's much more chilled much more relaxed there's Aid distribution it's not chaotic what the sense you get from this is that people feel safe inside here the.

Battlefield is outside the barricades which is over there here this is much more like a normal town if you like the road barbecue Now controls is all but deserted the signs of battle the burnt out cars and the deserted buildings are the visual signs of uprooted families who have been forced.

To flee in their tens of thousands he says he's trying to re the more violent gangs in he says they need to change their ways or risk losing this revolution but is it a revolution or just Gangland violence it's almost impossible to know Stuart Ramsey Sky News Porter Prince what an extraordinary look at the situation inside Haiti thank.

You to Sky news's Stuart Ramsey for that remarkable reporting coming up after the break controversy in South Carolina the state is set to move forward with an unconstitutional Congressional map that a federal court deemed racially Jerry Mander stay with us you're watching Meet the Press.

Now welcome back this may actually sound unreal but the Congressional map that South Carolina will be using in November is illegal last year a three judge panel concluded the Republican Le state legislator's map quote exiled 30,000 black voters to make a safer district for Republican Congressman Nancy mace but with a supreme court appeal still.

Pending South Carolina now joins Alabama Georgia and Louisiana as states where Congressional Maps were found to violate the voting rights of people of color but were allowed to be used anyway joining me now is our Authority on all things redistricting Dave waserman he's a senior editor and elections Analyst at the cook political report Dave thanks so.

Much for joining me I really appreciate it for sure so let's talk about what is happening in South Carolina how does something like this happen and what are the implications for November well often times when these redistricting lawsuits are brought along racial lines the strategy of the defendants in this case South Carolina.

Republicans is simply to run out the clock and this South Carolina case was a bit unique in that the plaintiffs civil rights groups and Democrats they didn't lump this in with the Alabama and Louisiana cases which were Voting Rights Act claims that the Supreme Court interpreted in their ruling last summer to lead to additional black majority.

Seats this was brought under a 14th Amendment equal protection claim that moving 30,000 black voters out of Nancy Ma's First Congressional District into a black majority District violated the equal protection of of those voters and these court cases move slowly and so the Supreme Court has not adjudicated this yet and what happened here is the same.

Federal panel that struck this down ruled that there wasn't an ideal recourse other than to let the elections for this year play out under this current map I can understand why plaintiffs are outraged not only here but also in Florida and Georgia where there are similar diminishing uh opportunities for minority voters to.

Elect candidates of choice but there was no remedy in the map for this Falls election and just to to be clear for our viewers who say well hey wait a minute it's only March there's plenty of time to redraw these lines why isn't there why is this in March something that's not feasible by November well keep in mind the Supreme Court has not ruled in.

This CA case yet which makes it difficult for the plaintiffs to try and press for more uh at least temporary relief and the filing period for the primary which is in June already opened uh in the middle of March and so you would have to push back the entire election calendar which is not unprecedented but often times uh courts.

Invoke something called the purcel principle which is that it's too close to an election to really make broad changes to the rules and now uh Democrats did score victories in Alabama and Louisiana which offsets some of what North Carolina Republicans did however there is a a a widespread frustration on the part of these groups that.

Republicans are standing in the way of additional opportunity seats for for minority voters m let's talk big picture for a minute Dave now that the lines are drawn now that you can see the maps and all of the different states who do you think has the edge here Democrats or Republicans the house is so interesting.

And we are looking at at a re- redistricting wash practically because Republicans they gerrymandered North Carolina to wipe three to four Democratic seats off the map Democrats benefit from Alabama Louisiana and also L from a new map in the state of New York overall looking at the house Democrats do have I think their best.

Opportunity to hold a lever of power in 2025 in the house they're still slight underdogs in the chamber but they only need to pick up four seats and keep in mind that there are 17 Republicans in Biden districts only five Democrats sitting in districts Trump carried in 2020 and so there are enough seats on the table particularly in California and.

New York for Democrats to get there and Republicans they're suffering a mass exitus right now their majority is essentially majority of of one seat or one vote that they can afford to lose at the moment so it's very tight yeah it's going to be just extraordinary it it is so tight Dave werman thank you for breaking all of that down for us we.

Really appreciate it have a good holiday weekend appreciate it all right before we go this week I sat down with the Republican governor of New Hampshire Chris sonunu and the Democratic governor of neighboring Massachusetts more Healy for a fireside chat at the Edward M Kennedy Institute our wide ranging conversation touched on governing in.

Times of Crisis grappling with political division and working across the aisle take a listen to what they had to say sometimes it feels like we are most unified as a country when there is a crisis and we are facing a moment where we are dealing with a country that is very divided is it as divided as we perceive.

It to be and Governor suu I'll start with you how do you think about the divisions in this it's not as divided as people think it's really not um because of how we consume information because of how whether it's social media or this you know regular media because of how you know the politicians have become almost celebrities which is really wrong.

By the way so the Spectrum within our parties has always been there but unfortunately some of the constructs today allow those voices to control the microphone even even though there a minority within our parties I agree with so much of that and just want to underscore there is far more that unites us then divides us as a.

Country it's also the case that 87% of Americans are sick and tired of the polarization and 82% have real questions about democracy and the threat to democracy in this country now we also discussed the 24 election and the issues that they believe will be at the Forefront of Voters Minds both Governors agreed that.

Abortion will once again be a key issue look conventional wisdom has always been that with elections it's the economy stupid um but in the midterms we saw that Reproductive Rights played a very large role Governor Healey what forces do you think what issues we're talking about policies what issues do you think will be at the Forefront.

Certainly abortion this is Donald Trump's Supreme Court and you know it's very clear I mean Donald Trump head his way he appointed his Supreme Court we saw dos we saw the overturning of row and we have seen in an election after an election that this is an area where actually Republicans and Democrats have a lot of agreement that women should.

Have access and an ability to make that decision for themselves Governor suu what issues do you think are going to be driving forces what are you watching for there's two issues and all the poll say it's it's inflation it's the border and then it's it's the the uh the abortion issue the abortion issue the issue of abortion will will dries it I don't.

Think it's going to be like 22 it's a States issue now right some states do it well and some states don't our thanks to both Governors for a great conversation at the Edward M Kennedy Institute for a really fantastic evening that does it for us this hour we will be back Monday with more Meet the Press now and if it's Sunday it's Meet.

The Press on your local NBC news station I'll have exclusive interviews with Congressman Jim kurn and Don Bacon don't miss that I'll also be talking to Savannah Guthrie about her new book you'll hear that as well as her Easter message the news continues with Hy Jackson right now thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top.

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