Meghan Markle Recognition “Slightly Low” In Original BallotOn British Royal Family


Meghan Markle Recognition

Rert Bell who is of course Talk's Royal correspondent and good news for the royal family rert that they've seen pretty significant boost in popularity since the coronation apart from one particular person tell us more well yes uh a year on from the coronation a poll was conducted and it seemed to suggest that um that that since the King has.

Come to the throne that his popularity has gone up obviously The Prince and Princess of Wales are at the top of the tree not surprisingly and many ways the king I think is in number three but yes uh one of forementioned Megan doesn't seem to have moved the dial at all down around about pretty low prince Andrew is the least popular member although.

According to this poll he did popularity went up by one% wow but it does reflect um which um which I suppose he might will take some comfort but the fact of the matter is I think we look back over this year it's been a a very interesting one from all sorts of reasons most notably since the turn of the year when both the king and the princess of Welles.

Are having to um battle cancer and that has obviously focused people's minds and a a huge level of sympathy but I think since the King has come to the throne there has been a general people saying well how's he going to cope what's his how's it going to go for him but I think overall um he's been pretty assured in what he's done he hasn't had uh I don't.

Think a foot in mouth moment you know when he might people saying that some of his um views might be coming right to the fall but he seems to have negotiated his way through that and part of this poll said a lot of amongst the younger people particularly children his views on how he's been wanting to help in the environment as as as sort of that he was.

Rather an acronis wasn't he he was before his time when it came to campaigning on these various environmental issues one thing I think is quite remarkable is uh from my point of view Prince CH when he was Prince Charles he kind of seemed like this rather aloof fuddy duddy who we just associated with that really horrible.

Acrimonious split from Diana and that I think took him a long time to recover from and yet as Monarch I think he is so accessible he's really humanized the royal family the queen and we all absolutely adored her was ever the stoic there was protocol that if you go and meet the queen don't you know like was it barck Obama who tried to give her a.

Hug on Michelle Obama you don't do that you don't touch the queen you know the the most you got was that sort of cheeky grin and the twinkle in her eye whereas with King Charles you could probably go and lick his face he's really accessible he's very tangible he's very tactile he really is sort of helping I think to modernize the monarchy and it's not what.

People expected and no and I think the fact that he's been very open with his diagnosis from the moment that he had to go to the hospital for the prostate issue which then obviously subsequently turned out to be you know he's been diagnosed with cancer and you saw last weekend when he was at winds a hor show his uh of Zara coming up and giving him.

A great big hug you know very open and very um sort of suggesting like any family so looking very normal in that respect and I think he is someone who is a an emotional person um sometimes we didn't always see that sometimes it got him into hot water but I think we've also got to put a lot of credit on the queen for sort of bringing out this side.

Of him look he's like a cage lion they say that he's not being able to do all the work that he would like to do since the diagnosis of cancer although he's been eased back in but I do think he does want to be out there meeting people and he knows how important it is for him to be seen to be connecting because if he doesn't then that causes a long-term.

Problem but right now I was going to say but you think actually he's also been helped I mean I don't want to suggest that the world family's approval ratings are going up as a sympathy vote because they they all cancer us I don't think that's the case at all uh but I do think that King Charles especially might actually be help by the Netflix series.

Because I think they've been quite kind in their portrayal of him and humanizing him and humanizing that narrative all about the breakdown of his marriage I think the important thing is that he is seen that he did does care look the breakup of his marriage was appalling and he knows that it was not handled well but at the end of the day I.

Think since he's come to the throne it's been a very positive start even though he's got difficult personal health issues to deal with yeah he has indeed got a lot to deal with and I think he's doing it in a grand fashion thank you so much rer Bell

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