Mission of hope: Reduction airplane makes it to Haiti from Citadel Pierce


Mission of hope: Reduction airplane makes it to Haiti from Citadel Pierce

Now only on CBS News Miami for more than 2 weeks getting supplies in and out of Haiti has been impossible the continued unrest between gangs and police has paralyzed the country but today a mission flight to capan delivered thousands of pounds of much needed items and CBS News Miami is Tanya franois was the only journalist on that flight she.

Joins us now in the studio to share more about her trip first of all welcome back Tanya thank you very much Elliot Lauren our flight with m flight International took off from the Treasure Coast at 6:30 this morning on board myself along with three missionaries they were headed back to Haiti their home to deliver the essentials needed to help the hundreds.

Of people who they serve what are some of the things that people need the most dads have women noodles and there's a a peanut butter things that they can quickly eat relief finally heading in This World War II DC3 turbo is filled with the food formula and Furniture based Necessities people have been lacking for weeks what we're.

Going to do is we're going to I'm going to be going to churches and also the communities that people that partners that we're working from the community that's why I'm going to distribute the flight crew says this is the first plane from the United States to bring in cargo their plans back in February were cancelled after gangs took over the.

Capital city of Porter Prince and violence broke out shutting airports the unrest making life very difficult this affect every everyone living in Haiti okay I mean even if you are not living in Haiti it would affect you um so where where we live like it affected us because like it's like when we want to go shopping to get like I mean to bring.

Things home it's it's not easy our first stop was to cap Haitian airport normally the country's second busiest airport some of the boxes were removed and separated right in baggage claim then it was off to pinong a 15-minute flight to the South the supplies are being offloaded some of the things that are in these uh bags a lots of ramen noodles he.

Says it's also peanut butter the more immediate need here on the island is food because the roads are blocked and so trying to get to the grocery store trying to get to different parts of the island to harvest and get food has become very very difficult with the unrest so he decided to the pastor who was on the flight with us decided that.

When he landed he would uh try to see if he could get some food to come with him and here these supplies are being offloaded and they'll be given to the people here in the community he says he will serve about a 100 people with the cargo gone it was time to board the group headed back to the United States 15 missionaries four of them with hidden.

Passports why are you leaving okay my baby boy as a with is pediatrician I came to see my family um my mom my friends some offens we have at an off center and when I had to return like I had some American friends I mean who came with me so due to the problem the situation of the country so I could not go back together with them despite the.

Ongoing unrest the passengers I spoke to all say they will soon return because Haiti is home my goal like as I am Haitian I am glad for the opportunity that I have to study in the US but my goal is to come back and serve my country in spite of all the problem we are having now the cargo company also has Aid meant for Porter Prince but it.

Is still in Fort Pierce some of it in coolers because that airport is still closed to them due to the non-stop unrest still going on on the on that part of the island Tanya just great reporting it's you know heartwarming to see that help getting to pan and to cap but you mentioned Porter Prince the situation at the airport there how are.

Those people in the city getting by right now so a gentleman I spoke to actually a pimber Pines man I spoke to yesterday says he's getting by on carrots and tomatoes and a lot of people reports we getting um it's a huge humanitarian effort that's going to that's going to start their they're surviving off one meal a day great job.

As a journalist as a Haitian American What feelings were going through your mind wow um that's difficult as a haian American my dad cuz he's still there and today when I finally spoke to him he says he's ready to come back finally after being so staunch about um wanting to stay today he says um if a a state department flight came for him in PTO.

Prin he'd get on it is that something that could be in the works or how long would that take it all depends on you know the violence that's happening at the airport there all commercial flights are still closed and so it depends this flight took off today because the state department the the people who they communicate with Mission flight says.

It's okay to land it is not okay still to land in Porter Prince because usually they go to Porter Prince and they couldn't today well our thoughts are with your dad great job thank you very much thank you

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