‘Monsters might perchance presumably well no longer reach for you’: Israeli spokesperson offers update on UN findings | LiveNOW from FOX


'Monsters might perchance presumably well no longer reach for you': Israeli spokesperson offers update on UN findings | LiveNOW from FOX

This report confirms what we already have known for five months that Hamas and the other Gaza Terror groups raped abused shot and committed other heinous atrocities against the murder victims and the hostages both female and male this is now definitive recognition that Hamas committed sexual crimes but now Israel calls for the immediate of.

Designating Hamas as a terrorist organization the United Nations must impose International sanctions on Hamas as we prepare for international women's day later this week many have spent the last five months downplaying denying and ultimately delegitimizing the victims of these horrific crimes now even the un.

Recognizes hamas's horrific sexual crimes we simply ask the question wouldn't now be a great time to investigate unra on unra the more we investigate the more we find the more we release to you last night the IDF released details of an unra teacher boasting about kidnapping Israeli women he described.

The innocent Israeli civilian female as quote a prized horse the incriminating recording is further evidence that unra staff took part in the October 7th Massacre just to be clear these were Educators from unra schools participating in the heinous Massacre on.

The Octo on October 7th IDF Intel has revealed 450 terrorists in Gaza mostly from Hamas are also employed by unra unra must be replaced now with other organizations which have not been tainted by their support for terrorism the IDF confirmed that it had destroyed the largest Terra tunnel.

Discovered in Gaza to date confirm that just today I have been in that tunnel I saw that tunnel with my own eyes wide enough to drive a jeep through indeed we released a video of Yar sina's brother doing just that billions in foreign aid has been sunk into the Gaza Terror tunnel Network which is more than twice the size of the London.

Underground money that could have gone to build schools and hospitals was spent on death and destruction make no mistake this particular tunnel was built with the explicit intent of attacking Israel on a massive scale Israelis will sleep better knowing that it's been destroyed next a further update from our.

Ongoing efforts to defeat Hamas in Gaza yesterday and today in the Hamad area in Western hunis IDF raids apprehended dozens of Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists the terrorists were hiding in plain sight among the civilian population attempting to flee the area this in itself is a war crime in central Gaza the IDF eliminated.

Around 20 terrorists over the past day through the use of sniper fire tank fire and uavs in betun Terrorist a terrorist cell that was operating a drone aimed at our troops was eliminated all the while over the last 24 hours the Air Force carried out 50 PR precise strikes on Hamas Terror targets throughout Gaza we struck launch posts weapons storage.

Facilities tunnel shafts and Hamas military infrastructure now an update from Israel's northern border yesterday's healah anti-tank fire and launches into Israel claimed the life of an Indian national and injured two others this cowardly kisala Terror hit peaceful workers cultivating an orchard in the village of.

Maalot Indian media are reporting that patne bin Maxwell age 31 was killed he arrived in Israel two months ago and is survived by his 5-year-old daughter and wife who is seven months pregnant the people of Israel stand shoulder toosh shoulder with the Maxwell family and the people of India in their time of.

Grief Israeli medical institutions are completely at the service of the injured who are being treated by our very best medical staff Israel regards equally all nationals Israeli or foreign who are injured or killed due to terrorism we will be there to support the families and offer them.

Assistance our countries who are sadly well-versed in civilian loss Stand United in hopes of a speedy recovery for the injured and Solace for the family of the bered sirens sounded last night as 10 launches crossed from Lebanon into Israel the launches which would have fallen in populated areas were.

Intercepted and no injuries were report reported IDF fighter jets have struck a series ofala Terror Targets in the area of Bin jel sultania and Sedin we are operating to restore security to the residents of the north Israel continues to respond with Force.

To any kbal acts of aggression kisala is acting at the guidance and encouragement of Iran while we open to to a diplomatic solution if possible ifal pushes us into an expanded military campaign we will respond with such force that Lebanon will be set back by.

Years now an update from Kad yesterday alone 4,160 tons of food were transferred to Gaza 5,580 tons of humanitarian Aid was transferred on Monday including food water medical supplies and shelter equipment we say again there is no limit to the amount of Aid that can enter.

Gaza this morning we sent 50 incubators designed for hospitals in northern and southern Gaza Strip the incubators donated by UNICEF will be delivered to the following hospitals shifa Hospital Kamal adwan Hospital European Hospital NASA hospital and AXA Hospital a convoy carrying food was coordinated to the northern Gaza.

Strip yesterday four tankers of cooking gas and three tankers of fuel went into Gaza today between the hours of 10:00 in the morning and 2:00 in the afternoon the IDF will pause operations in the Sheik Al Sheikh AL yamini West neighborhood in De elala Central Gaza Strip in order to enable movement of humanitarian Aid that brings.

Us to end of today's briefing I will now take your questions please uh type them in the chat and let us know um what Outlet you're with thank you thank you first question from Jody Cohen world is one news in India what is the government doing to ensure that foreign workers from India and other countries are protected from crossborder.

Attacks when they come to work in Israel the government of Israel is doing their utmost to restore peace and security on the northern and southern borders of Israel with threats from balah H and Hamas um as far as those foreign Nationals including uh our dear friends and allies the Indians which were.

Affected by yesterday's attack we will do our utmost to give give the very best um Israeli medical attention and Care from our finest doctors and medical staff um to to those injured and uh we will do our utmost to uh send uh Solace and uh and stand with the people of India at this hard time thank you another question from.

Emily Rose of Reuters is there comment is there any comment on progress made in ceasefire talks and Expediting the distribution of Aid to Northern Gaza and we thank you very much for the question um as far as the ceasefire talks are concerned we have put our cards on the table we have stated uh what we need uh very clearly and we.

Won't be uh negotiating via the media um we hope that there will be news and when there is news we will give it to you but that would mean that Hamas has to come down from their delusional positions and uh and come into our orbit as the Prime Minister said to uh reach a deal I will say to anyone who uh is concerned about humanitarian issues and.

Humanity in general to call on Hamas to immediately without any preconditions without any conditions of any kind to release the Israeli men women children toddler and baby currently being held in Gaza it is a crime against humanity and those 134 Israelis must come home to their families as far as Aid into Gaza.

Northern and southern Gaza um I will stress again that there is no limits on the amount of Aid um there is questions in certain areas certain pockets as to distribution um we've already spoken amply about unra and the problems there we are working on a day-to-day basis to ensure that Aid gets to the civilians of Gaza who need it and is not stolen by.

Hamas and their enablers thank you question from Le Soka from uh The Washington Post Turkish authorities have detained seven people suspected of selling information to the mosad Israel's intelligence service including a former Turkish public official the state run uh news agency reported Tuesday any comments so I'm.

Sorry uh I have actually not seen those reports um so I can't I can't I don't have anything to add question from Jim Williams at Zenger International news service Washington DC are the food drops to Gaza by the us being coordinated with the Israeli government um of course I mean uh anything being dropped into Gaza needs.

To be uh coordinated with the Israeli governments and is being coordinated with the Israeli governments question from Joel Pollock at Breitbart News could you give us a sense of the proposal for a diplomatic solution to the problems on the northern border uh is the US proposing that Israel give up territory or move its own.

Troops back from its International boundaries so fair play for the question Joel but we won't be negotiating through the media on this either what I can say is that Israel is open and would be happy to reach a diplomatic end uh to.

The uh ongoing uh violence that we're seeing on the northern border from the aggression ofah um but that would uh revolve around uh the UN resolution 1701 that would mean that they need to get back past the Lani River these are not Secrets um everyone that is read up on the subject knows exactly where kbal should be and.

Shouldn't be now if we can't reach as I've said if we can't reach a diplomatic uh understanding then uh the military card is still very much ready to be played and uhal will regret um having tried us um to quote the the president of the United States at the beginning of the war.

Don't don't question from Alon Avital at NPR can you please comment on the report saying the talks in Cairo have ended without any breakthrough or agreement I don't have uh anything to uh to add to those reports um I can reiterate again that uh the 134 Israelis are being held um against their will it.

Is a crime against humanity and we call upon the International Community to immediately uh demand to demand their immediate release now what I can tell you historically what we've seen until now having already um in ured the uh safe return of 112 of our people from the clutches of Hamas is that one thing that works one thing that works is.

Military pressure against Hamas Hamas understands military pressure and we are bringing it to them we have taken out 18 of 20 out of 24 Hamas uh battalions we are moving forward with our mission which as stated from the beginning of the war is to destroy Hamas bring home every last hostage and to ensure that Gaza no longer poses a.

Threat to the state of Israel thank you another question from Jim Williams at zener international news doesn't the UN report on sexual abuse by Hamas automatically qualify them for terrorism status as per the UN Charter I won't speak on behalf of the un uh as in Israeli um these things seem pretty clear um Hamas is a recognized terrorist.

Organization in many many capitals around the world and rightly so and we call upon the United Nations to put themsel on the right side of history and say what is clear to anyone who saw who witnessed who read about what happened on October 7th call it what it is Hamas is a terror organization final question from Jean.

Philip Rubin at breev Israel Media Group do you think that the fact that this war is taking place uh in the holy land or close to the Holy Land uh has spiritual significance the roots of the je people to the land of Israel go back thousands of years this war is not so much about history or.

Religion it is a war to defend our very existence it is a war to ensure that Jewish men women children Israelis Muslims Christians Drews can walk the streets peacefully of Israel it is a war with the aim of being able to look at our children in the eye when we put them to bed and say don't worry darling don't.

Worry monsters won't come for you in the middle of the night and take you into Gaza thank you that was the last message thank you very much um same time same place tomorrow

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