Morning Data NOW Corpulent Broadcast – Can also 12


Morning Data NOW Corpulent Broadcast - Can also 12

Foreign good morning I'm Stephen Romo in for Joe fryer hey everybody thank you so much for being here I am Savannah sellers right now on Morning News Now title 42 lifted it's the end of an era at the border the first group of migrants passing through just 90 minutes after.

The pandemic policy officially came to an end this morning there are concerns that tens of thousands more people aren't far behind the Biden Administration says they're ready they're planned already facing setbacks in court I want to be very clear our borders are not open people who.

Cross our border unlawfully and without a legal basis to remain will be promptly processed and removed we have teams embedded in Texas California and Washington to show you what's happening on the ground and the political Firestorm that's swirling as thousands wait at the border Chokehold charges the man seen putting Jordan.

Neely in a deadly Stranglehold on a New York subway now expected to be criminally charged in his death the new information we are learning this morning about the investigation and the possible punishment he could face troubling Trend as the U.S ends the covet Public Health Emergency a new warning this morning about a rise in the number of people.

Being diagnosed with a different condition the life-altering impact it's having on many women and how it could be tied to the pandemic and Guiding Light May is foster care month and with many children in need of a full-time home there are plenty of ways you can help even if you don't have the means to Foster the impact you can.

Have just by lending a helping hand fast headline last Friday it is Friday don't understand for some reason the southern border where migrants are now facing uncertainty and a new set of immigration laws hours after the expiration of that title 42. yeah just massive long lines of migrants have been building along the border for days now.

People waiting in difficult conditions under the trump-era policy of title 42 migrants who try to enter the country during the pandemic were turned away and after title 42 ended midnight border officials loaded with more people who made it into the U.S put them in Vans to take them to processing centers and then locked down the Border many of the.

Migrants don't know what lies ahead and they are facing some tougher immigration policies but they are still just desperate to get out of their countries I just want one opportunity to get into the U.S and explain my situation I can't go back to Peru well border officials are expecting to see an influx of migrants trying to.

Cross the border in the coming days Homeland Security secretary Alejandro mayorcas issued this statement last night saying quote the border is not open people who do not use available lawful Pathways to enter the U.S now face tougher consequences we want to begin our coverage this morning with NBC news reporter Aubrey Jackson in El Paso.

Texas Bri good morning to you so what are you seeing there today now just a handful of hours after the expiration of title 42. good morning Stephen well so far it's been a quiet morning here in El Paso at least where we're standing so as you can see behind me there's the Border fence between El Paso Texas and Mexico we have.

Seen some law enforcement agents uh coming through here in their vehicles we haven't seen any migrants coming through gate 40 yet but we do know that they have seen an increase in this community over the past several months they've seen thousands of migrants coming in and the mayor of El Paso tells me that they've been preparing for this day for.

Months they knew it was coming he calls it preparing for the unknown because there's a lot of uncertainty here they're uncertain of how many migrants will come into their Community they're uncertain how they'll be able to handle the influx but they know that it is going to happen so this community is one of many border communities that are.

Preparing for what's headed their way El Paso along along with Brownsville and several other cities here in Texas have already just declared a state of emergency even before title 42 was lifted and Bree as you mentioned we've been talking about title 42 for such a long time now and now that it's expired the U.S isn't just allowing all migrants.

Into the country something called title eight will now kick in explain to us that and what will the timeline be for people who are processed under that yeah so Stephen yeah now that title 42 has ended it goes to title eight uh and that's the immigration law that applies uh where migrants can apply to enter the U.S in several different ways but it the.

Key here it also does carry penalties for those who make an unlawful in in entry excuse me so immigration officials estimate that under title eight the processing time for migrants will be at least an hour under title 42 we're told that it was closer to 30 minutes and here's who's allowed in under title eight now up to 100 000 people from.

Guatemala El Salvador and Honduras will be allowed in they will have to have family here in the U.S and they must apply online now also thirty thousand per month will be allowed from Venezuela as well as Haiti Nicaragua and Cuba they'll have to come by air and have a sponsor but that's one of the key differences from title from between.

Title 42 and now title 80 which is now being enforced all right free Jackson thanks so much cities and towns along the border are facing an uncertain future this morning as they brace for that possible influx of people our coverage of this continues now with NBC News correspondent guard Venegas and a closer look at how San.

Diego is preparing San Diego bracing for a historic Rush of migrants U.S Customs and Border Protection conducting a Readiness exercise at the San Ysidro Port of Entry attention briefly shutting down operations and preparing for things to get even busier crowds of migrants have arrived at the border wall waiting out the hours before.

The end of title 42. local officials saying the number of people South of the Border is many times what they are used to there's 3 500 people sitting along that Tijuana border normally a normal day is about 200 people hundreds here stuck in limbo attempting to request Asylum they are in squalid.

Conditions this woman showing us a ticket border patrol handed her nearly a week ago and so are the processing centers where these folks will be questioned immigration officers making the evaluation on whether or not they're allowed to remain in the U.S for now.

Good afternoon the Biden Administration making it clear that the change in policy would be Swift and sending a message to those planning their arrival if anyone arrives at our Southern border after midnight tonight they will be presumed ineligible for Asylum and subject to steeper consequences we are conducting dozens of removal flights.

Each week and we continue to increase them this man from Nicaragua who was waiting to get across since January turned himself into border patrol and was expelled back to Mexico with his wife and daughter so he says he was never interviewed he was detained put in a vehicle and then brought back.

Another saying that he would keep trying to cross the border even if he's expelled for those allowed to stay in the U.S after being processed help will be needed many depending on local shelters which tell us they are preparing for an influx with extra beds and donated supplies but resources are limited we're.

County we're not equipped to do this we have very limited beds we have very limited facilities and so our our best effort is to try to get them to family uh or or to their sponsor as as quickly as possible the migrants released on a humanitarian parole expected to follow up with immigration courts and observe the process set by the Biden.

Administration which could take months or even years our thanks to guadbonegas for that report now homeland security has announced more than 300 million dollars will be distributed primarily to border communities to help with this increase of migrants looking for shelter well this morning major cities across the U.S are under states of emergency as.

Several places are seeing that increase in migrants as NBC News National correspondent Gabe Gutierrez explains the suburbs are also now feeling the impact of the situation as resources are stretched thin Coast to Coast New York City's mayor has been sounding the alarm over the migrant influx here for months now his battle with Suburban counties is.

Intensified the migrant crisis is stretching far beyond the southern border from Chicago where immigrants are sleeping in a police station to Denver where they're packing into this parking garage and overwhelming this intake Center there's nowhere else for these these refugees to go new buses of migrants also arriving.

In Philadelphia and Washington D.C so-called Sanctuary cities where local authorities have said they won't enforce Federal immigration laws here in New York mayor Eric Adams is now sparring with a suburb as he blames the bind Administration for the city running out of shelter space the national government has turned its back on New.

York City as the city receives up to a thousand migrants a day a plan to bus migrants to two surrounding counties has now sparked Fierce backlash I think it was it was an ambush did you feel blindsided yes I felt disrespected Teresa Kenny is the supervisor of orange Town New York a quiet suburb some 25 miles north of.

Manhattan is this a case of not in my backyard no we have zoning laws because things are appropriate in appropriate locations that's appropriate for a hotel it's not appropriate for a home Mission Center which will have up to 340 single adult males put in it suddenly so local officials have gotten a temporary.

Restraining order even posting the sheriff's department Vehicles outside of this hotel to prevent migrants from being bussed in he doesn't know what to do with and we don't want them up here we're not a sanctuary City in a neighboring County the first migrant buses arrived while in the City Emergency Shelters like this.

One and a 1300 room Hotel just steps from Times Square are overflowing this woman from Colombia tells us at first the conditions were rough but they've gotten better how long have you been here she's now been here five months New York City budget officials estimate that by next year caring for migrants including housing them at.

Hotels like this one will cost taxpayers more than 4 billion dollars back to you scientific situation there Gabe thank you and we're going to stay on the still now to the White House where the Biden Administration is keeping an eye on the situation at the southern border as we mentioned earlier President Biden is Shifting towards new immigration.

Policies for the latest we are joined by NBC News digital senior White House reporter Peter Nicholas Peter good morning thanks for being here with us so first just tell us what we can expect to hear or see from President Biden on this today and tell us about this new plan title 42's replacement title eight well President Biden has a meeting.

Scheduled today with the president of Spain so he'll have bilateral meetings and discussions that will involve Ukraine but this issue is front and center for the white house right now we saw secretary mayorkas come to the White House Homeland Security secretary come to the White House yesterday try to explain this to reporters and what we're.

Seeing from the White House is really I think an attempt to shift the blame here to Congress to say that yes there's going to be a surgeon migrants trying to cross the southern border yes it's going to be chaotic and messy but it's really up to Congress to provide more resources to the uh to the government so they can handle this influx and also pass.

Comprehensive immigration reform measures that would provide say a path to Legal citizenship for people living in the country illegally and we haven't really seen congress with most of the will and the appetite to try to pass such legislation so that's essentially the message coming from the White House house so before title 42 expired last.

Night we had heard from Biden's Homeland Security secretary Alejandro mayorkas we played some sound from him throughout the morning including him saying our borders are not open tell us more about what we heard and what he's focusing on regarding immigration as we move into this phase this morning well he's trying to deter people from coming across the.

Border he understands that there are ten thousand eleven thousand people trying to cross every day I mean this is well beyond the capacity of the US government to um to respond to so he is trying to send out a strong clear message that people should not attempt to cross the border at this point that there are another type of.

Leaders in place title 42 has expired they're subject to criminal penalties there's a five-year ban on re-entry if they tried to cross the border illegally so he's trying to use deterrence sticks rather than carrots to encourage people not to come and maybe relieve some of the strain and the pressure on uh U.S border agents who are just.

Dealing with an untenable situation which gears here and ask you well I've got you about the debt ceiling fight going on in Washington the drama around it President Biden was supposed to meet with Congressional leaders today but that's been postponed according to sources what can you tell us I mean the U.S is looking to avoid this potentially.

Crippling default next month we have not really seen any progress now a meeting being delayed what do we know well what we know is uh President Biden had said there was going to be a meeting with Congressional leaders from both parties today that meeting has been postponed the message from the White House is that there are private talks.

Happening at the staff level so talks haven't completely broken down but there was a meeting Tuesday and there was a lot of build up to it and there was a lot of anticipation and really nothing happened the ball was not Advanced and we only have about two three weeks before the debt ceiling before we may enter into default unless Congress can.

Lift the debt ceiling President Biden next week is scheduled to go to Japan and Australia so he'll be he may be out of pocket so it's uh clock is ticking Peter thank you so much we appreciate you joining us we will have more coverage from the border as we were discussing just a moment ago of course throughout the morning and coming up in.

Our next hour thanks Peter thank you and meanwhile new this morning the 24 year old man accused of putting 30 year old Jordan Neely in a deadly choke hold on a New York City subway last week is expected to turn himself into authorities today according to the Manhattan DA's office Daniel Penny will be charged with second degree.

Manslaughter here's NBC News correspondent Stephanie gosk with more ten days after the death of Jordan Neely was captured on video The Manhattan D.A taking action against the man who put him in a Chokehold writing in a statement we can confirm that Daniel Penny will be arrested on a charge of manslaughter in the second degree the.

Manslaughter charged carrying a sentence of up to 15 years penny a marine veteran put Neely in a Chokehold for at least several minutes in an effort to subdue him one witness says Neely a homeless Subway performer and Michael Jackson impersonator had been screaming at passengers saying he was hungry and ready to die when Penny.

Acted lawyers for Penny have said he and other passengers on the train were aggressively threatened by Neely overnight releasing a statement saying Penny risked his own life and safety for the good of his fellow passengers adding we are confident that once all the facts and circumstances surrounding this tragic incident are brought to bear Mr.

Penny will be fully absolved of any wrongdoing at the time of the incident Penny was questioned by police and released but the next day the medical examiner ruled Neely's death a homicide as a result from compression to his neck sparking outrage and protest throughout the city while some are calling Penny's actions.

Vigilantism others point to the issues of homelessness and mental illness in New York City Jordan nearly did not deserve to die and all of us must work together to do more for our brothers and sisters struggling with serious mental illness nearly Who police say was arrested more than 40 times was known to be struggling.

With mental illness since his mother's murder in 2007. hospitalization is a tactic it's not a plan Jordan had been in the hospital if you place someone in a hospital when they're released with no Continuum of Care it doesn't really help today's anticipated arrest potentially easing tensions in a conflicted City and our thanks to Stephanie gosk for.

That report next week mayor Adams plans to bring together leaders of homeless Outreach Services for a summit on improving outcomes for people with serious mental illness the goal to develop an action plan to get those in crisis the help they need Jordan Neely meanwhile will be laid to rest next week his family plans to hold a press.

Conference later today all right now it's now time for a check of your Morning News Now weather and we are so lucky to have Michelle Grossman with us on this Friday with all the details hi Michelle good morning hi there guys so good to see you and happy happy Friday unfortunately we are tracking some severe weather we've been.

Tracking it for days we're going to continue to track this weather over the next several days it's all due to a big storm in the middle of the country you kind of see this swirl here seeing lots of lightning with this we've been watching this for hours seeing some heavy rain too that's where we're seeing those brighter colors the Reds the.

Oranges the yellows also seeing some cold air on the backside of this seeing some snow in some spots so this is a big system bringing the chance for severe storms today could see some large hail some really Gusty winds even a few tornadoes and heavy heavy rainfall that's going to be the theme over the next several days and that's going to.

Prompt some flood watches so that's what we have in place here even some flash flood warnings these will pop in and out that's what we're seeing flooding happening now or it is imminent this is what it looks like today kind of tells you the whole story right it's a busy busy day we're looking at the chance for severe storms in the Northern Plains.

We're looking at the chance for severe storms in portions of the Southern Plains also looking at that flood risk we're looking at sunny and warm conditions in the Pacific Northwest so in early Heat Wave temperatures well above normal that's on that Coast then on the East Coast we're looking at a really warm day temperatures soaring.

Into the mid to Upper 80s and then kind of sandwich in between we're looking at that wet wet weather and that's into the Ohio Valley down into the Tennessee Valley also portions of the southeast so flood watches are in place for 12 million people were looking at the chance for rainfall rates of two to three inches per hour and get this we.

Could see 6 to 12 inches of rain over the next several days and that's why we're concerned for Creeks streams and also Rivers flooding we're concerned about flash flooding as well so you want to heat any warnings out there this is what it looks like in terms of your rainfall totals once again where you see those brighter colors especially the.

Orange especially the red that's where we're looking at the heaviest rain falling in parts of Texas Southwestern Texas locally 6 to 12 inches of rain it's all due to this big system that's kind of been lingering it's going to linger over the next normal days it's going to move off to the north also to the east bringing those numerous storms.

To the Plains and also the southeast bringing heavy rain and flash flooding to portions of the Southern Plains same story for tomorrow we're going to bring the Midwest into the chance for severe storms more downpours across the Southern Plains lots of rain on your Saturday and then Sunday Mother's Day unfortunately we're looking at some.

Brunches indoors so more storms soaking much of Texas and we're looking at beneficial rain but it's going to come pretty fast and we have some really dry grounds we could see those uh the Water kind of running off let's talk about the severe threat because it's Friday we get a little bit relaxed when this is into the weekend so 20 million at risk for.

Large hail could be baseball-sized hail winds gusting up to 60 miles per hour that could cause some damage and also the chance of a few tornadoes where you see that orange that's an enhanced risk it includes Omaha that's where we could see the likeliest spots for some large hail but anywhere where you see the yellow that's a chance of seeing those.

Tornadoes here's that warm stretch I'm going to Taylor Swift tonight it's going to be hot in the mid to Upper 80s I don't think my outfit's gonna go with them into upper 80s but it's all like that we're looking at temperatures 18 degrees above normal and then we're also looking at a warm day tomorrow so yeah tonight's the night guys it's not going.

To rain but it's going to be Michelle I'm on the hunt right now for tickets that drop because you know I went to Nashville but now I need to get closer to her I could see her all that up I do love the bathrobe of the situation things Joe was so confused by that thank you it was very practical I was so comfortable and it doesn't matter what.

I'm wearing it matters what she's wearing and I'm comfortable to take it in it's so cute it's so you and you just rolled with a bunches Meanwhile your husband's like no she doesn't yeah Michelle we love you stay here and I need to talk to you in the commercial okay they will be talking well coming up.

Going green the new climate push from the White House and why they say this policy could save lives that is next foreign we're back now with that big climate change initiative announced by the White House that's right the Biden Administration is planning tough new emissions caps for coal and gas-powered utility operators the several Republican.

States are threatening legal action NBC News correspondent Tom Costello has more if implemented these new EPA standards would force fossil fuel power companies to make deep cuts and greenhouse gas emissions the equivalent of taking 137 million cars off the road each year half the cars in the states the EPA predicts 300 000 fewer asthma attacks and 1300.

Fewer pollution related deaths President Biden wants to move the country from coal and gas power plants to clean energy but the White House is facing serious pushback from Republicans especially in West Virginia with 90 percent of the economy dependent on coal the Attorney General there tells me he will file suit to block the rule arguing.

It would cost thousands of jobs and drive up electricity rates Nationwide all right Tom thank you so much all right time now for some International headlines as some rival factions in the Sudan each agree to help protect civilians that's right Claudia labonga joins us now with that and other International headlines hi Claudio good.

Morning Savannah's doing a good morning yes after days of talks the two factions at war in Sudan have finally agreed to at least protect civilians and allow humanitarian Aid to resume even though they did not agree to a ceasefire now there's the science declaration also mentions the restoration of essential.

Services a U.S state Department statement said the parties will focus on an effective short-term ceasefire of up to 10 days and Norway has taken over the Arctic council's presidency from Russia as questions about how Ukraine's Envision could impair their abilities to protect the polar region the Arctic Council gives a voice to the indigenous.

People of the Arctic region and is a key Forum that addresses climate change and other environmental challenges of the region experts say it will be complicated without Russia's Corporation as they are the biggest Arctic Nation Norway has vowed to keep the council's work moving forward as it assumes the rotating two-year chairmanship and let's.

Send this tour of the world with one man who's attempting to run the entire length of Africa until Christmas 26 year old Russell cook plans to cross 16 countries on foot without taking a single rest day that is more than 15 000 kilometers now the British Runner who also goes by the name of the hardest Giza the hardest geyser is documenting.

His journey on social media he hopes the physically demanding challenge will help him set a record as well as raise money for good causes both the running charity and water raid back to you guys wow yeah interesting all right Claudio thank you thank you come on and why it's so hard to stop it from spreading that's next.

Welcome back the World Health Organization has announced that monkey pox is no longer a global Health Emergency infections have been on the decline for the past three months with countries reporting nearly 90 percent fewer cases compared to the previous three-month period now monkeypox was given the emergency designation back in.

July after a major surge in cases according to the agency 87 000 cases and 140 deaths were reported globally since January of last year and while Health officials declare an end to the monkey pox emergency the CDC is tracking a possible new threat in the U.S yeah two people in New York City have actually contracted a highly contagious and drug.

Resistant form of ringworm it comes as more doctors report an uptick in patients taking longer to respond to traditional ringworm medications NBC News medical reporter Erica Edwards for instance now for more details on these two cases Eric I know a lot of people are like please don't show me more of those pictures but let's talk through.

This so what is ringworm exactly for people who've never experienced this and what do we need to know about these two cases reported to the CDC yeah good morning Savannah You know despite its unfortunate name ringworm is not actually caused by a worm it is a fungus and it spreads very easily through skin to skin contact now and.

Usually the rash is treated with topical um creams but this was not the case in these two women these two patients in New York City excuse me creams did not help them it took weeks of oral anti-fungal medications to actually clear their infections guys and walk us through this situation how.

We actually got here what led to this actually getting drug resistant I've seen like over-the-counter medications seem to be what people use to actually treat this is their concern that this difficult to treat form could spread to the General Public so one of these patients developed the rash while traveling in South Asia which.

In the area of the world where antique with fungus fungal infections have become um resistant to most drugs just like we've seen with antibiotic resistance um when it comes to misuse overuse of these drugs they will lead to resistance over time now I spoke with a dermatologist.

Who discovered these two patients in New York City he said that at this time there was no threat to the general public what are some symptoms of this Erica what should you do if you think you might have it yeah so this is a extremely itchy red rash usually circular with some plaques around it and it's it's often clear in.

The middle it can show up really anywhere on the body also even in the scalp now if you think you have it contact the dermatologist doctors say that if you're if you try to use those over-the-counter creams yourself you might actually make the problem worse what's more again we said the spreads very easily even through surfaces so.

Wash your bed linens your clothes your towels regularly and keep that affected area clean and dry in order to give some of the prescribed creams time to help the infection guys Erica Edwards thank you viewers at home apologies for the early am close-up shots of ringworm I appreciate it all right well there's a new trend on.

Social media and it's shining a light on a condition called pots the hashtag pots has about 1 billion views on Tick Tock alone million wow this comes as experts say the nervous system disorder has been on the rise particularly in women developing the condition after getting coveted NBC News medical fellow Dr Akshay Sal joins us now with more on.

That and he's going to tell us if we should be concerned about this what it means hi Dr Sal good morning good morning yes Savannah at over 1 million Americans have developed covids or have developed pots since since the pandemic began we spoke with a young girl who's been battling scary life-changing symptoms since recovering from the virus.

Take a look for Jillian symptoms started in June of last year I would stand up and immediately feel dizzy and lightheaded when you finally look at a calendar and start putting things together you realize wow all of this started after she got coveted in June what Jillian and between one to three million Americans.

Have is a life-changing condition called pots or postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome basically it's a condition that can cause some scary symptoms including dizziness fainting brain fog heart palpitations and fatigue amongst others and most cases are actually diagnosed in younger women in their 20s and 30s what is it like for these patients what are.

They telling you how is it affecting their lives it affects their life in a very significant way so if you think about it if you're tired all day long you cannot stand up for a long time or walk around for a long time Unfortunately they stop working or they have to probably go part-time from full-time their life is significantly.

Affected by diseases Dr Tay Chung directs the pot Center at Johns Hopkins University and is a world-renowned expert in the field many of the patients who come to him struggle for years to get an explanation for their symptoms does having a diagnosis is incredibly powerful until they get diagnosed with pots their symptoms are often dismissed.

By many Health Care Providers and they're very frustrated for Jillian pot symptoms made performing in marching band that much harder as she couldn't stand for a long time without feeling dizzy or lightheaded her case is Not Unusual scientists are saying there's been a rise in pots since the pandemic as the coronavirus is.

Believed to play a role data shows that up to 14 percent of coveted survivors can develop the condition more than just about a year waiting this before Kobe pandemic now after coffee pandemic my waiting list has gone more than two years the issue is putz isn't very well understood yet and diagnosis and treatment can take months we're going to.

Start the Tilt pots is typically diagnosed using a special test called a till table where a patient lies on a table to see how different positions affect their heart rate and blood pressure now you can see two different monitors here with your heart rate went by just less than 10 points which is very normal although you feel like you.

Feel a little we're not there but it's completely normal so it went up by 10 points in a pots patient what would you see there I would say definitely more than 30 to 40 points up from their Baseline not only is a special test typically used there's a shortage of doctors who actually know how to care for people with pots in the the U.S.

There are only about 100 clinics specializing in this condition and we don't yet have effective treatments besides hydration and a high salt diet but for Jillian her best advice to those struggling advocate for your own health especially if you feel dismissed I think while there is no cure the good news here is this condition can be manageable.

Up to 80 percent of patients will feel better using a combination of diet and exercise to help reduce their symptoms guys a really really important information there thank you so much we appreciate you coming by anytime all right coming up more pain for Peloton yeah why the fitness company is.

Urging users to hop off some of its exercise bikes get this recalling more than 2 million of them stay with us we are back this morning with an important recall over 2 million Peloton exercise bikes and this is because of safety concerns surrounding the seat post NBC News correspondent Blaine Alexander has the details.

Well they're the popular workout bikes that made their way into so many homes during the pandemic now many of those Peloton bikes are being recalled the company says that it can be fixed by just swapping out a piece but it's raising questions about what this means for the brand itself.

We are betting on ourselves this year it's one of the country's most popular home workout Brands now Peloton is telling Riders to pump the brakes issuing a voluntary recall of its original bike sold in the U.S between January 2018 and may 2023 the issue the seat post which the company says can break unexpectedly during use of the.

More than 2.1 million bikes sold during that five-year span Peloton says it's received 35 reports of the post's breaking with 13 reports of injuries including a wrist fracture lacerations and bruises the way that I hit the ground kind of landed on my wrist and pushed into my shoulder Daniel rush says he was doing a cool down ride when the.

Seat suddenly gave way there was no sign on the bike that and something was wrong it was just one minute you're sitting on the bike next minute you're sitting on the floor if people have one of these bikes what should they do right away you don't want this to happen to you if you have a recalled bike like.

This one Peloton says it's an easy fix they'll mail you another part free of charge and you can replace it yourself it's just the latest uphill climb for the already embattled brand Peloton stock dropped nearly nine percent Thursday with news of the recall it's fourth in three years in 2021 the company recalled its popular tread.

Machine after a six-year-old child was pulled underneath and died last year the company said it was slowing production due to reduced demand well there are 2.2 million of these that are being recalled it's a very popular exercise bicycle pay attention to this recall and in its quarterly report the company estimates this fix will cost.

About 8.4 million dollars back to you all right thanks to Blaine Alexander all right now to a warning about a potential danger for drivers and for passengers newer brighter headlights that actually may make it harder to see NBC News Now anchor Vicki Winn has the details on the high-tech solution that might be coming down the road.

I couldn't see anything Ashanti Collins was driving at night in May of 2021 when she says blinding lights from an oncoming car caused her to crash I woke up on the side of the road in my car she was airlifted to a hospital to treat a broken arm and dislocated wrist social media is filled with videos of blinding headlights I can't even see.

Blinded from the guy's headlights behind me the light does look much brighter scientist John bolo says older headlights use halogen bulbs which have a softer orange color but newer ones are bluish white I'm going to look at the warm light just to kind of get a sense okay yeah it's bright let me see what the LED light does.

Oh this one for sure much much brighter it hurts my eyes and actually I'm still seeing the spots from it why is it that they appear brighter well our eyes are more sensitive to Blue Light he shows me how the issue is magnified when a headlight is out of alignment a common problem wow so the LEDs are already quite bright but when they're tilted up.

You can't see anything else this would be very dangerous if I were driving in NBC News analysis found only 10 states require annual inspections for proper headlight alignment automakers say they have a solution adaptive headlight technology what did these lights do well instead of thinking of a static light like a low beam and a high beam think of.

It as a projector and it's not blinding other people and it's not blinding other people I saw firsthand how adaptive headlights work wow I can see everything this experience of driving at night is completely different and so much better I feel like a safer driver they even highlight my Lane without affecting other drivers okay so this car now he.

Got in got in front of me and notice how it's got a shadow on him now yeah oh interesting the technology has been in use in Europe for a decade and automakers say they hope to have it on U.S vehicles within five years do you think this technology is life-saving absolutely wow and I think so Vicki win it for that.

Story well the U.S Waits For That headlight alignment technology experts say drivers should get an alignment check done by a mechanic and if you're in a state that doesn't require those checks all you have to do is ask for it really good information that it could actually save live so let's get to some money news now and it seems like the.

Search for a new Twitter CEO has come to an end yeah cbc's Bertha Coombs joins us with that and other money news good morning Bertha hey good morning guys yeah Elon Musk says that he has hired a new Twitter CEO in a tweet late last night musk says she will be starting in about six weeks he will become executive chair and chief.

Technology officer overseeing product and system operations now the Wall Street Journal and others are reporting that NBC universe will add Executives Linda yakarino is in talks for the position NBC Universe of course is the parent company of CNBC and this network and has reached out to yakarino for comment a company spokesperson says that.

She's currently rehearsing for NBC's upfront presentation to advertisers on Monday so she's pretty busy meantime another company that Elon Musk is CEO of currently Tesla raising prices for all vehicles except the model 3. company raising the price for all versions of the model S and X by a thousand dollars while the model Y is going up by two.

Hundred and fifty dollars this is actually the second price increase for those cars in the past month why aren't they raising it for the model 3 because they already raised the price on that earlier this month as well as a series of price cuts that we saw a while back to drum up demand looks like it's working meantime Tinder is updating its.

Community guidelines in a bid to keep the dating apps safe and respectful it says it will automatically remove social handles from user bios and discourage them from posting private conversations with their matches on other platforms Tinder says it's not a place where users should be looking to gain followers on their social channels you can still.

Share your Instagram profiles with matches using tinder's Instagram integration you know somehow this seems like they just want to keep you on Tinder wouldn't the idea be you take it into the facets of your life all right Bertha thank you well now to this story artificial.

Intelligence is going to revolutionize our lives in ways we just can't imagine that is no secret by now from how we surged to how we do our jobs even the way we recycle NBC News technology correspondent Jake Ward has more on that at this Recycling Center in Boulder Colorado a blur of pan separates plastic glass and paper into over a dozen.

Categories it is hard grueling tedious work to sort out all those materials and that along with the cost of recycling not to mention our consumption and carelessness means only 69 million of the 292 million tons of waste we throw away each year is recycled sold and reused and Suzanne Jones whose non-profit runs this place says Staffing.

It is hard these aren't jobs that people are clamoring for now Automation and artificial intelligence are part of the process a good human sorter is still better than a robot however robots don't need lunch breaks they don't call in sick and they don't need to go on vacation and they can work a double shift this one made by colorado-based.

Amp robotics uses Machine Vision and a vacuum Grabber to pick out what it can and according to CEO matanya Horowitz the lease costs roughly the same as one or two workers annual salary we identify hundreds of different like sort of specific types of things but we're always teaching it new things and as the AI learns that this company lab how to.

Tell pieces of plastic from sheets of paper it also learns how to grab them in the future it'll go for the flat spots and get better and better over time would it be the case that if you smashed this thing up a million different ways it will eventually learn all million possibilities well even better it learns to generalize in addition to the million.

It'll learn the million and one that it's never seen and the AI can learn the exact chemical composition of each item allowing it to not only fingerprint which company it came from but also sort the stuff so exactly recyclers can guarantee customers a pure form of recycled plastic or paper not one that's mixed up with materials humans might.

Miss when you total up the value of all the stuff that we put up in the garbage you end up with these colossal figures hundreds of billions of dollars of Commodities that right now the world doesn't have access to because the Sorting problems too hard this is the river of refuse that flows from us each day but if AI makes it possible to see.

Its contents more clearly it could become a pool of materials we never throw away Jake Ward NBC News Boulder Colorado celebrate the mother yeah how you can help provide a steady foundation for these kids who need it most that's coming up next foreign.

Welcome back sunny days on Sesame Street as they welcome their newest friend TJ who's also the program's First Filipino American Muppet TJ's debut comes just in time for aapi Heritage Month in this week's show TJ along with actor Cal pin Grover and fellow korean-american Muppets G young spoke about their confidence the character is voiced by.

Yanina shintu and it was created by animator Bobby Pontius and Puppeteer Louis Mitchell Pontius says he modeled TJ on his lifelong friends children oh that's very cool did you grow up on Sesame Street I did yes absolutely but it's just so neat every time that they add a character that just helps with representation absolutely how many kids.

Do grow up with it so many of us awesome all right well may is National Foster Care month and according to the Department of Health and Human Services there are nearly 400 000 children and teens currently in foster care and while many people are unable to provide homes for those children their are still plenty of ways to help and build a.

Community let's bring in Susan Ramirez for more she is the CEO of national Angels an organization that focuses on providing care for foster children Susan good morning what incredible work you are doing we appreciate you joining us talk us through what support for foster children looks like if you're not just able to provide that home how can people.

Create bonds with kids in foster care and help provide for them in some way yeah so we have a saying that not everyone is called to Foster and not everyone is called to adopt but everyone can play a role and make a difference in a child's life and that is what our organization is set out to do we know that children spell love.

T-i-m-e and so it's really about providing time um and in our organization we call it radical support what which looks like walking alongside children to understand the color of their eyes the passions of their heart their dreams their desires and ensuring that every single child has the.

Opportunity to reach their fullest potential so we know that children in foster care will move several times even within a two-year span so our organization is set out to walk alongside children in hopes that we help to create stability by doing homework and offering things like school clothes supplies and a whole array of other.

Sorts of kind of support so important and so so many ways to help if you could talk to us a bit more about why those relationships those mentorships are so important and bigger picture what are some of the biggest challenges that foster children have to face yeah so in addition to them moving the majority of our homeless population our.

Prison population our human trafficked population if we go upstream and look what we know is that the majority of them come from foster care and so every time a child moves they're about six months behind from an educational standpoint and that's why 50 percent of children who grow up in care will not graduate from high school and 97 percent.

Of them will not earn a college degree even though in Most states they have a full ride scholarship so there are a lot of odds stacked against children and families who are caring for kids and they're experiencing foster care so our organization is set out to change that and through research we see that that is actually what is happening children are.

Staying in place when families are supported and children are supported in a really unique way and Susan we're talking through a lot of the difficulties that these children who have to move so many times and lack that stability go through but it's also tough of course for the families who are providing that physical space who are.

Obviously giving in a financial way to these children how can we help support those families the families who are opening up their homes yeah so we hear that the number one need from families is community I was a foster mom I know how isolating it can be when caring for a child that comes from really hard places and so Community.

Is a huge uh support for families to not feel alone and simple things like I'm going to bring a meal to you I'm gonna go and sit in court with you I can help clean the house fold laundry Rock a baby babysit so um again not everybody's called to Foster and not everybody's called to adopt but everyone can play a role and.

Make a difference in a child and in a family's life Susan Ramirez really really cool stuff what an inspiring conversation to have especially as we head into Mother's Day weekend we really appreciate your time and the work that you're doing thank you well that's going to do it for this hour of morning news now but the news.

Continues right now don't go anywhere good morning everybody and happy Friday I'm Savannah sellers so glad Friday is here so glad you're here I'm Stephen Romo in for Joe fryer today and right now on Morning News Now lifted This Morning America's border crisis is in the spotlight as the pandemic era.

Restriction known as title 42 expires we're on the ground with the latest scenes of desperation and frustration as the Biden Administration Works to get a handle on the influx of migrants plus the signs of hope this morning as an El Paso Pastor looks to provide some safety for those who need it most and from the subway to the courthouse here in New.

York this morning the man who put Jordan Neely in a deadly choke hold on the subway days ago is now expected to face manslaughter charges we've got more on how New Yorkers and city leaders are responding and a major policy shift from the FDA now easing its ban on blood donations from Gay and bisexual men the new reasoning behind the agency's.

Reversal of a decades-old approach and an Ode to Mom Sunday is Mother's Day and later in the hour we'll take a closer look at the mental health struggles some may face around the holiday and how social media can actually help love to hear about social media being helpful to a lot of stories about the dangers seriously that's good too absolutely and.

We do begin this hour though with the latest on the covet era immigration policy known as title 42 which is coming to an end and the policy expired last night at midnight now the U.S is bracing for an influx of migrants looking to cross the southern border well title 42 is now being replaced by what's called title eight that's the U.S law that.

Dealt with immigration prior to the pandemic well as all of this unfolds migrants are waiting for their opportunity to entry the country enter excuse me the country in fact more than 11 000 people were apprehended on Tuesday and Wednesday this week that is more than the 10 000 that Home One Security officials had predicted are.

Going to be trying to cross the border each day NBC News Homeland Security correspondent Julia Ainsley begins our coverage she is in El Paso Texas she has been in El Paso Texas for us throughout the week reporting hi Julia good to see you so this first group of migrants pass through the border in El Paso just about an hour and a half after title 42.

Expired tell us the scene and tell us what it's like this morning where you are now well I can tell you Savannah it's not that chaotic I'm right outside a shelter in downtown El Paso this is Sacred Heart Church really it's been the epicenter I've seen many more migrants here in fact I saw more migrants here in.

December you can see summer here sleeping on the streets overnight this is often because the shelters are overcrowded or because border patrol had to release some migrants onto the street it also could be that these migrants came in and simply didn't get detected by border patrol we've seen that happen in the past too but I think what's.

Important for people to realize here is that yes there are 60 to 65 000 migrants waiting in northern Mexico to get into the United States but they're not all coming at once we're probably going to see the numbers rise over the next few days and it's over the next few days when border patrol and these shelters get overcrowded that we'll see more.

Migrants coming out onto the streets but it's not 65 000 migrants rushing the U.S border at once this is a policy change but there are other policies that are going into place at the same time a lot lots going on around me here a lot of policies are going into place at the same time and so those will also uh increase uh restrictions on Asylum.

Making it harder to claim Asylum under the new policies even if you pass through a country on your way to the United States if you did not first claim Asylum there you could be ineligible so it's a question now to see will it actually be harder to get into the United States under those rules but I'm told it will take longer to process and.

That again is when they would worry about overcrowding and having to release more people onto streets like this in El Paso where they say they do need more help from the federal government yes so Julia let's talk about that overcrowding and releasing in fact part of our reporting this week has been that the Biden administration had wanted to begin.

Releasing some migrants into the U.S with no court date and also no way of tracking them rather than having to check in each day which was part of the previous process again that was all due to this concern of overcrowding well that's now we're hearing on hold because of a judge blocking it what do we know yeah that's right a federal judge in.

Florida has placed a temporary restraining order on that memo that border patrol Chief Raul Ortiz sent out to men and women in CBP on Wednesday they are now saying that it is on hold for 14 days and that they cannot do as he said in the memo which is to release some migrants who have been carefully vetted without court dates telling them.

To report to an ice office and only giving them sorry giving them court dates and telling them that they don't need to be tracked in other words not putting them on this program called alternatives to detention where they have to check in they've put a hold on that saying you cannot release migrants in that way but.

Again that takes away a tool that border patrol had to alleviate some of the overcrowding Julia Ainsley we appreciate your reporting it has been fantastic all week and we will keep talking to you from El Paso Texas thank you so much well the Bible Administration has received criticism from both sides of.

The aisle over its handling of title 42. a little earlier this morning Homeland Security secretary Alejandro mayorcas sat down with today anchor Savannah Guthrie defending the administration's immigration policies let's listen let us not sugarcoat this then already you have a record number of Crossings exceeding your own internal estimates.

You have severely overcrowded detention facilities already the president himself acknowledged this week it's going to be chaotic for a while that's his word not mine my question to you is why you have had two years to prepare for this why is why do we have this chaos and confusion at the border Savannah the answer is uh very very.

Clear we are operating within the constraints of a broken immigration system there is unanimous agreement about that fact our system has been broken for more than two decades it was last reformed in the 1990s so that is the first point the second point is we have not received from Congress the resources that we need and that we.

Requested you've announced a new policy this week that allows some highly vetted migrants to be released into this country but with no court date and no way to track them now late yesterday a federal judge struck that down what now then what do you do about this overcrowding so we we consider that ruling to be very.

Harmful uh the procedure that we were executing uh is something that other administrations have done these individuals are screened and vetted and then they are release and then placed into immigration enforcement proceedings uh the Department of Justice is of course considering its options with respect to the Court's ruling.

Well the end of title 42 is of course putting a strain on migrant shelters in cities along the border many migrants are in need of basic living Essentials like food water and clothing and churches are stepping in to help well Timothy perea pastor at new life Faith Center in El Paso Texas joins us this morning Timothy it is wonderful to have.

You with us thank you so much for joining us we understand that you have been volunteering for the past few months actually ahead of the lifting of title 42 helping the migrants in your city and I mean you know just by the Numbers obviously most Americans do not live along the southern border so I'm wondering if you can just put this in.

Context for people who are watching from elsewhere in the country what has it been like in the lead-up to this in a border city is it something that you've been regularly faced with thinking about what have the challenges been yes and I want to thank you first of all good morning Savannah how you doing today and uh Happy Mother's Day for for.

Those who are out there uh the thing that we uh face here as uh NGO non-profit is that we have a lot of uh misinformation fall pretense for these particular immigrants our responsibility as a church though is to provide that welcoming Spirit you know what you don't have food in your stomach you don't have any liquids we heard to provide the.

Essentials and then of course give them an education of of they're here I mean they travel seven to nine countries they're already here uh and I tell all of the the local support communities you know it is a challenge for El Paso but we we're we're ready we're community that not only Embraces or our pro-immigrant but you know we have the.

Hard desire to serve the less fortunate and I understand that you are not receiving any funding is that right for the work you're doing you're just providing everything through donations that you receive so tell us what resources do you provide for people who are coming to the U.S without anything with them what is needed for these.

People well we're not going to wait for you know any funding or anything that we're requiring from the government right because we see the need at hand uh so basically what we're coming out and we're saying you know what Welcome to our community where you're already here in the US of a and many of these people.

Uh and when I see people I don't need it uh you know in Industry guard the community is seeking for a better life so we provide them a meal a hot meal we got different local ngos like keepers kitchen uh we have elwen Sasson and other churches like abundant and um we have a cantipunuelo that are providing uh these particular resources to our.

Beloved Community for Venezuela so yes it is a challenge however uh it's a challenge that as a church non-profit we can meet and serve uh this beloved people and Pastor perea if we can talk just about some of the complaints that we have heard from areas like where you are in El Paso that you know migrants are overrunning these border cities and.

Sleeping outside in the streets we just saw that behind my colleague Julia Ainsley we're seeing that now on our screens there's safety concerns that come along with that and migrants running into streets or crowding cars trying to be the first to get donations because they are so scarce all these reports we're seeing what do you say to.

Those reports and what have you seen what are solutions well I mean um I side with that particular complaint and not only do I side but also want to provide a solution I'm not going to wait for the city officials or or even our beloved mayor to say you know what here's here's this amount of funds towards your your NGO.

Now what we got to do is step up to the game and say you know what these people are living in the streets one of the words that I've used uh throughout our interviews it's inhumane and to have these people on the streets sleeping on rocks uh you know making beds out of carton board and it's something that that is reality to towards our our city.

Here in El Paso so one of the things that I want to mention to you really quick Savannah thank you very much for giving me the opportunity is that these people are left with nothing they've traveled so many countries they get here and then they're like what what's next right so what we do as a church we we provide them the hope uh of course the.

Preaching of the Gospel but beyond that we also provide education because they're in a new country they don't even know what a crosswalk we they don't so uh local officials have been doing a great job as far as crowd control uh making sure that they're allowing us to go in there feeding these people and let me give you an example this past uh.

Sunday we fed about 800 people out there that didn't have any liquid in their system no hot meals Pastor Timothy perea thank you very much for your time this morning and I think no matter what side of this issue you stand on it's obviously fantastic to see you just helping other humans who are in your city we appreciate your time very.

Much this morning thank you God bless well other cities across the U.S are feeling the effect as they also see an influx of migrants heading their way in Chicago more than 8 000 migrants have arrived since last summer with a couple hundred more arriving each and every day now NBC News correspondent Shaquille.

Brewster joins us from Chicago with more on the situation Chad good morning to you so what are you seeing in Chicago and where are the migrants going there to try to find help well City officials volunteer organizations those on the front lines are saying Chicago is at a Breaking Point you keep hearing this phrase at.

Capacity you mentioned about 8 000 migrants have come to Chicago since August have been sent here including and it's about a pace at about 100 to 200 migrants a day according to City officials what's that what's that doing is it's straining resources including uh places like at places like the one behind me police stations you have.

Migrants in lobbies sleeping on the floor you have at park districts that field houses migrants sleeping on the floor in those areas forcing community members to open these makeshift shelters there's a strain for food there's a strain for housing and there's a strain for medical assistance I want you to listen to what one person a medical.

Student who's been volunteering to assess some of these migrants listen to what she told me foreign so predominantly what we've been seeing are things like the common cold you know migraines headaches joint pains um you know some people have you know they've been sleeping on the floor.

They've been sleeping on mattresses and so just like kind of come and eat I've seen a lot of kids and people are really grateful for the time that you give the kids and also you know they're not having a good time right now I spoke to one couple who came here from Venezuela Anderson in your Dallas they said that they walked much of the way.

They went on trains before they got to the U.S border went to Denver first was sent to Denver first then came to Chicago they don't have family here they're looking for work but it just gives you a sense of the struggle that so many people are facing here wow a struggle and a lot of desperation there Shaq and I know Chicago City officials.

Have said they're limited when it comes to resources that they are able to provide these migrants so what are some of their concerns that's right they're sitting there at capacity they're looking and scrambling to find more shelters more places to house these folks who are coming to Chicago I want you to listen to a little.

Bit of a conversation I had with uh the executive director of a food pantry here that's been collecting supplies collecting some of the food that has been donated to migrants because they're saying while they want to help they just don't have the resources to be able to help as many people as necessary listen here.

Chicago being a sanctuary city has really stood up and tried to do its best but we have a city that doesn't have an infrastructure already to support people that are chronically homeless or adequately and so that makes it very very hard these are hard problems that don't take two minutes to solve they're very complex problems.

And that's why you have Chicago's mayor declaring a state of emergency that she's saying that the problem will get worse before it gets better more money more resources are coming to address this issue but just not quickly enough guys all right Shaq thanks so much well new this morning just moments ago Daniel Penny the man accused of putting.

30 year old Jordan Neely in that deadly Chokehold has turned himself into police this morning the Manhattan D.A announcing yesterday that Penny will face second degree manslaughter charge that's right you're seeing him there on your screen as as Steven just said just moments ago turning himself in the charges the charge follows a week of.

Tensions and protests that spilled across the city all sparked by this video of the moment that Jordan nearly lost his life and a warning now that the video you are about to see may be difficult to watch yeah you can see Daniel Penny there on the floor of that subway car last week allegedly putting Neely in that Chokehold that of course.

As we know now would later cause him to pass out and then never regain Consciousness NBC News correspondent Stephanie Goss joins us now with all of this hi Stephanie good to see you good to see you so like we just said moments ago tell us about this charge and what happens next yep so there there was Daniel Penny 24 year old former Marine.

Turning himself into the fifth Precinct here in New York City later on today he's going to be arraigned um where he will most likely enter a plea that the charge the single charge is manslaughter in the second degree this is a charge that carries a maximum penalty of up to 15 years and it's used when someone recklessly causes the death.

Of another person we did receive a statement from Daniel Penny's attorney overnight and he said when Mr Penny stepped in to protect himself and his fellow New Yorkers he risked his own life and safety the unfortunate result was the unintended and unforeseen death of Mr Neely we are confident that once all the facts and circumstances.

Surrounding this tragic incident are brought to bear Mr Penny will be fully absolved the defense will be that he was in self-defense he said that they were quote aggressively threatened by Jordan Neely on that train not just uh Daniel Penny but other Riders on the train and of course there have been so many strong opinions about this so much outrageous.

About the timeline that it's taken to get here criticism from the justice system but also from politicians from not speaking out what are we hearing about that yeah and we saw those protests and those protests almost uniformly were about let's get criminal charges the the most recent over the weekend and pretty dramatic pictures of.

A subway station where people stood in front of a train and actually blocked a subway line calling for criminal charge you had other officials calling for charges as well the mayor of the city notably did not he said let's let this process play out our sources had told us they were going to convene a grand jury before charges and that the case would.

Be heard by the grand jury but that process has been pushed down the road a bit they went straight to charges it was a bit of a surprise yesterday to hear from the District Attorney's office about this charge all right Stephanie Goss thank you so much for reporting on this unfolding story for us you're welcome well over in Washington the.

Highly anticipated debt ceiling meeting between President Biden and the top four Congressional leaders has been rescheduled the meeting was supposed to be held today but has now been postponed until next week a White House spokesperson said staff will continue working and that all principals agreed to meet next week a source familiar with.

The Gathering said the delay was quote a positive development adding that the meetings are progressing but it wasn't the right moment to bring back principles the delay comes as the debt ceiling deadline is estimated to be June 1st which of course is ancient closer former president Donald Trump is appealing The Verdict by a federal jury.

That found him liable in a civil case brought by E Gene Carroll the New York jury unanimously found Trump liable for sexually abusing and defaming Carol and awarded her damages of roughly 5 million dollars Carol accused Trump of raping her in a department store dressing room in the 90s and then defaming her when he denied her allegation as a quote.

Complete con job the jury did not find Trump liable for rape the former president denied knowing Carol and did not testify in the trial well this morning the feud between Disney and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is escalating with the company's CEO telling investors he's reconsidering how much Disney wants to invest in the state.

This as DeSantis moves closer to entering the 2024 presidential race NBC News National correspondent Gabe Gutierrez has the latest hey there Governor DeSantis plans to visit Iowa tomorrow in what is widely seen as one step closer to announcing a presidential run but his ongoing feud with Disney is making new headlines.

Disney's CEO now suggesting the company's plans to invest billions of dollars in Florida over the next decade could be in Jeopardy as speculation mounts over his potential run for president Florida's Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is facing even more pushback from Disney on an earnings call with investors Disney CEO Bob Iger.

Responding when asked about the company's ongoing fight with the state of Florida this is about one thing and one thing only and that's retaliating against us for taking a position about pending legislation and we believe that in in us taking that position we were merely exercising our right to free speech while Iger says.

Disney still plans to invest 17 billion dollars over the next 10 years at Walt Disney World he pointedly asked this question does the state want us to invest more employ more people and pay more taxes or not the battle began last year when Disney opposed the parental rights and Education Act the scientists signed that opponents labeled the don't.

Say gay law the policy ban teaching about sexual orientation or gender identity in Florida classrooms DeSantis and Florida legislators are now trying to get rid of Disney's decades-old deal allowing the company to essentially govern itself Iger is accusing Florida of unfairly targeting Disney saying that many of the almost 2 000 other Special.

Districts in the state like those surrounding the Daytona Speedway and The Village's retirement community have not faced the same scrutiny DeSantis is not backing down Newsmax last week can't have a situation where the legislature has spoken and one company just decides to contract out against the will of the people at the end of the day I think.

That they just have to understand the party is over for them in conservative Lake County Florida some 40 miles from Walt Disney World many tell us they support their governor definitely on the Santa's side go wolf go broke but other voters doubt whether desantis's rhetoric matches his record going around the country now the world.

Saying is that Florida is free that he's made us more free he hasn't made us more free Governor DeSantis also just signed a transportation bill that gives the state authority to inspect Disney's monorail system so the Disney drama continues with a happy ending looking increasingly unlikely back to you Messier and Messier.

All right Gabe Gutierrez thank you all right now it's time for a check at your morning news now forecast that is right that means Michelle Grossman is that good hey Michelle hi there guys great to see you happy Friday and unfortunately we're starting out this weekend wet we're going to be wet in many many spots that's going to be today tomorrow and.

Also Sunday so mother Mother's Day plans might be a little damp in some spots let's talk about what's happening right now we do have an area of low pressure you can see that squirrel right there on the back side we have some really cold air that's bringing some snow and we're also looking a lot of lightning some really heavy rainfall that's going to be.

A concern over in the next few days I see some clusters here we had a tornado tornado warning a few hours ago that's expired but we're probably going to see some more Watches or Warnings later on this afternoon so we do have some flood watches right now that's where you see the green and that's because we're expecting anywhere from six up to a foot.

Of rain over the next several days especially in parts of Texas this is what it looks like for today really busy let's start on the west coast because we're sunny and warm and early Heat Wave temperatures well above normal the coast the coastal sections of the Pacific Northwest into Northern California that's today tomorrow into the later.

Part of the weekend severe storms in the Northern Plains the plains were going to be wet the Southern Plains same story you could see some strong storms and couldn't see some flooding that would be today throughout the weekend as well but look at all the chances for rain that includes portions of the Midwest the Ohio Valley into the southeast along the.

Gulf coast states we're drying the southeast but we're Northeast excuse me in Mid-Atlantic but it's going to be warm well above normal for this time of year temperatures into the mid to Upper 80s so feeling summer like there we're going to hold on to those temperatures as a record highs into the Northwest but we're going to bring down the.

Temperatures a bit as we go throughout Saturday in the Northeast but look at all this rain once again so it's a wet start we're going to see that sandwich in the middle on Saturday with lots of rain flood risks down to portions of the Southern Plains and looking at showers in the Mid-Atlantic and also the Northeast let's take a look at Mother's.

Day I know it's a big day for many and we have plans we want to be outside maybe dining Outdoors where we're looking at temperatures warm but we're looking at a lot of rain in some spots so De Queen who even knew that was a spot but I love it De Queen Arkansas I'm going to call my mom that on Sunday my mom's gonna be like huh.

Um 12 million at risk for a flood watch through Saturday we're looking at Green here and that's where we're going to see the chance for a foot of rain in some ways like that's usually my mouth wants to say snow right the same foot rain but rains yes the Queen the queen that's funny take a video like when she enters the room.

And she is the queen foreign coming up on morning news now it's a solemn commencement weekend at the University of Idaho after those brutal student murders yeah but the school Community is determined to honor the victims at the same time during this.

Graduation we'll explain coming up welcome back graduation ceremonies at the University of Idaho begin tomorrow yeah but this year the school is set to honor those four students who were brutally murdered back in November with posthumous degrees NBC News correspondent Stephen Patterson joins us now from Moscow Idaho with more on this.

Hey Steve good morning guys good morning as you can imagine it has been such a tough year on campus especially for those dealing with anxiety and Trauma well this weekend the university is planning and holding a healing Moment by honoring those achievements of the students who lost their lives.

on campus spring is all around offering a sense of relief as a difficult year comes to a close but for many the traditional grad celebrations are tinged with sorrow for the students who lost their lives we're gonna remember those four individuals and remember the Legacy they left on and just kind of take that.

And move forward the university is awarding posthumous degrees and certificates to Kayla gonzalves Maddie Mogan Ethan Chapin and xana kernodle along with another student who lost their life in a car accident a family friend of Zen his father Jeff telling NBC news that Jeff feels honored and hopes the posthumous diploma will.

Inspire other youths to continue their education they worked hard they studied hard they deserve to have that work recognized and honored and remembered for sure a healing garden and Memorial is also being planned Chapin's parents writing the University of Idaho continues to amaze us with its unwavering support the.

Champions created a unique scholarship program in his honor selling tulip bulbs called Ethan smile to raise money for others he's a he's a one of a kind Ethan's fraternity also raising more than 125 thousand dollars for scholarships the other families establishing similar foundations the.

Murders on November 13th shocked the community and brought national attention to this shared residence on King Road and this is what the house looks like now the fence line around the property the windows boarded up after it was given to the university with plans for it to be demolished meanwhile the case against accused killer Brian coburger is.

Moving closer to trial a preliminary hearing is scheduled to start June 26th co-worker was arrested on December 30th at his family home in Pennsylvania who is pleaded not guilty recently hiring a defense attorney certified to defend it death penalty cases the crimes of an accused killer Now set to play out in court as students prepare to take.

Their next big steps in life a walk across the stage side by side with the memories of their fallen classmates oh Steve it's just heartbreaking to hear from any of those parents like Ethan's there in your story do we know if any of these families are going to actually attend the commencement no Savannah we haven't heard word from.

The families if they plan to attend or not we of course know that Kaylee and Maddie were set to graduate this year we also know the families really appreciate that everything the university has done but we also know there's a lot of pain still here definitely Savannah all right Steve Patterson thank you so much turned out to International headlines a.

Top U.S official has accused South Africa of providing arms to Russia Claudia labonga is back with us from Rome with that and more hey patio Savannah is Stephen good morning yes the U.S yes U.S ambassador to South Africa has accused the South African government of delivering weapons and ammunition To Russia despite its professed neutrality.

Over the invasion of Ukraine now Ambassador Reuben Brigitte says that a Russian ship was loaded in Cape Town last December the South African office says they are disappointed by the claims and say no evidence has been provided to support them in the past the U.S has also expressed concerns about South Africa's participation in military.

Exercises with Russia and China these drills were later addressed by South African authorities who call them routine exercises and let's move to Mexico where a new tool to help record missing people's information will be launched officials say the registry is set to gather information from multiple sources hoping it will help current and.

Future investigative cases last year the official list of people who've gone missing surpassed 100 000 and then number keeps Rising the creation of such a database has been required since 2017 but has been stalled up to last October after a judge called for lack of information during a missing person case the database is set to launch on May.

29th and let's end in Switzerland where a village has been ordered to evacuate after scientists said a rock slide could be imminent the threat of the mountain has loomed for centuries but geological Engineers started to closely monitor the situation since 2017. and in recent years they have seen greater movement than ever before now scientists say they.

Cannot fully predict what's going to happen telling residents the danger is only temporary and to prepare for weeks or even months away from their homes guys scary stuff all right Claudio thanks so much thank you all right now to a major change by the FDA for their guidelines on blood donations the government agency.

Easing its ban on donations from Gay and bisexual men these restrictive policies date back to the 1980s and the HIV and AIDS epidemic well the FDA says it will now be taking a more individualized approach to this yeah let's bring in NBC News senior medical correspondent Dr Don Dr John Torres for more on this so doc remind us of those old policies which.

Were quite dated in so many ways and what's the change here and that's one of the reasons the policies are changing because of the criticism behind the old policies and how they were stigmatizing a certain population going back to the 1980s the AIDS epidemic at the time it was thought okay the only ones we have to worry about are men who are having.

Sex with men and so let's go ahead and restrict them for a lifetime from donating Bloods you know fast forward to 2015 and they said well it doesn't need to be a lifetime let's just make it a year 2020 they said let's just make it three months but then started looking at the data going you know it's possible that we we are stigmatizing this this.

Portion of society without a need to because science is showing that it's not just them that have HIV and AIDS it also is a heterosexual population so we need to go across the board and start looking at everybody treating everybody equally when it comes to blood donations and saying let's ask everybody the same questions.

Dr John what by the way I like the Ring of Dr Don though why reverse these long-standing policies what was it that was sort of the impetus for this so there's a few reasons and yesterday we talked to the FDA and they said you know one is the science has caught up in the science now we understand more about HIV and how that.

Virus actually affects the body we understand more about testing and we have better tests right now and on top of that we have a better understanding of the questions we need to ask and more specifically what directed questions can say you know somebody needs to wait a few months to donate to make sure the blood supply is safe it's important that.

We have the blood supply but it's also important that we end up having safe blood supply right there's such a big need out there and I know advocacy groups they've been calling for this change for a long time and they've celebrated this change but there's still a bit of criticism here mostly because people who are taking prep medications.

Are still barred what's the thing exactly so in addition to the ones who are still having anal sex there's they have to be banned for three months regardless of who the anal sex is with you end up also having to be restricted from donating blood if you're taking antivirus antiretroviral therapy which is if you have HIV and you're trying to.

Suppress that if you're taking prep which is pre-exposure prophylaxis or pep which is post-exposure prophylaxis the FDA is saying you know if you're taking those medications your viral load is so low our tests can't detect it what critics are saying is you know you cannot pass it on to another person if you're taking those medications fda's.

Pushed back is saying yes that is true through sexual activity but not true through blood donations because it is such a large supply of blood that the virus could be in there we couldn't detect it but it could still affect somebody and again they're trying to keep us safe they're trying to move forward and hopefully they'll keep.

Looking at the science and moving forward even more yeah it's been a bit of a balance so far a lot of people celebrating this though all right Dr John thank you thank you always good to have you safe travels back home well coming up Sunday is of course Mother's Day hopefully you know that it's time to celebrate those who helped raise us but.

The holiday can prove pretty stressful for some yeah after the break how social media can actually help bring a little lightness back to Mother's Day stick around foreign welcome back if you still need a reminder to get that gift in the mail this Sunday is Mother's Day you're.

Actually probably too late for mail unless you're going to overnight hopefully you live near your mama yeah you gotta run that over this holiday though is often seen as so joyful because it's a time of course to celebrate mom's butt it isn't always happy for everyone yeah of course we want to acknowledge that many mothers.

And mother figures can struggle to find happiness on a day which can be painful for all sorts of reasons we're going to talk about both sides of this with psychotherapists and reporter Dr Robbie Ludwig a friend of the show as well it's always great to see you great to be here and happy Mother's Day to you so much and happy Mother's Day to you or your.

Mothers I know we're not parents quite yet but yes our mothers exactly so let's start with the happy side of this and just yeah I mean what you know especially speaking as a mom but just what does this day like to be appreciated be the focus how much does you know just saying thank you to Mom matter it feels so good because.

Sometimes motherhood can be a thankless job we don't expect our children to run around saying thanks Mom we appreciate you every day so it's this one moment to really appreciate the power of women and motherhood and the importance that they create in their families and in the world and also our mothers are really the first and most powerful relationship.

That we have psychologically and it often influences the way we experience others so it is a wonderful time to uh to celebrate women stepmoms mothers people who are new mothers and just appreciate all the work that they do absolutely by the way you were seeing just a moment ago those are the moms of our team either moms themselves who are.

On our team or our team members with their moms just a minute ago those pictures on the pink background so yeah so so much to celebrate with moms but we do want to talk about sort of the other side of it it can be a difficult holiday for a lot of people people who've lost their moms I lost my mom in college there's also a people who are struggling.

With fertility issues who want to be parents and they can't how can we support those people who who are suffering during this time that we're even talking about this this was never a it was just glorified and so I think it was really tough for people to see happy photos with mothers.

If they lost a a parent um so we have raised awareness as a culture that Mother's Day can be a very conflicted time so that in and of itself recognizing it and and helping those who are struggling be seen is tremendously helpful and then just to reach out to somebody who might be having a tough time you know allow that space for.

Grieving it's not necessarily our job to make somebody feel better sometimes just allowing them to State how they're feeling and doing is tremendously powerful absolutely and I think it kind of sounds like I've been we see a lot of those posts on social media now on on you know Mother's Day Father's Day anything like this where it's like we're.

Thinking of those that this is also tougher what do you think about that I love that idea because it's really reaching out and saying we recognize that it's not just a happy day that all those who are struggling and having mixed feelings on Mother's Day day they also are included we see you we hear you we support you and we want you to.

Support yourself in whatever way that you need to maybe a good way for using social media as we were saying Dr Robbie Ludwig it is always fantastic to see you happy Mother's Day again to you and Stephen thank you for sharing with us you know some of your own of course yes absolutely awesome well thank you so good to see you Doctor we also want in.

This moment take this moment to say thank you to our own moms we got some pictures of our moms let's see Patricia I think is coming up first she thinks look how cute look there she is with her peacock we both have that sweater love you Mom uh you are just so fantastic and I'm just so lucky that you are mine and I hope that you are up uh you know at 5.

45 in San Diego watching this or 11 45 later on yeah I'm sure she's DVR in US yeah I also want to say uh to all the moms out there wanted to say uh happy your mom I think that's my mom yeah and there's me I'm the cute one there and there's my mother-in-law and uh I got another mother figure in my life to say Happy Mother's Day too that's cute.

Well of course ours aren't the only two moms who watch the show and regularly text their kids feedback let me tell you every day I'm hearing from mine look at all this here are some of the Morning News Now teams wonderful moms I'm sure lots of them are watching right now um and of course there are more moms who also just who work here who are members.

Of our team waking up at crazy hours to put this show together while balancing things like homework soccer games family time all that kind of stuff so happy Mother's Day to all of them and all the mothers watching at home along with us we're so thankful for you I'm also so thankful for my mother-in-law we both just got married recently it's like.

Having a second mom you know it's like yeah mother-in-laws yeah I know exactly so love you too Kathy thank you so much for everything all you moms do yeah well coming up now a rare bit of good news at the grocery store this morning yeah food prices are actually dropping ahead of the all-important Memorial Day weekend.

Where you can find the best deals to kick off somewhere the right way this is Morning News Now we're back with some good news for your wallet for a change and it's coming just in time for Mother's Day or your Memorial Day barbecue yeah we love to hear that the cost of food has dropped for the second straight month with.

Basics like milk and eggs leading the way but also some summer Staples too like hot dogs hot dogs are more than a summer staple for me they are a favorite yeah they are a year-round paper pit I'm not even kidding NBC News correspondent Sam Brock joins us now from Florida with more on this trend hey Sam good morning credit Savannah Stephen good morning for.

The record my wife her favorite food is hot dogs so you're in good company right there look we're at a situation right now where so many families have had a real rough go of it at the grocery store the last couple of years but now for the first time in recent memory the last couple of months in March and April month a month the average price of.

Groceries guys has come down with the holidays coming up now I'm at a Win Dixie in Plantation Florida I assembled some breakfast foods here for you just to give you a sample of what's going on right now bacon has dropped substantially chicken is about the same hot dogs the aforementioned hot dogs have come down hamburgers actually up a.

Little bit but if you look at the full picture right now this sizzling of inflation that we're seeing is finally showing signs of cooling off 59 for families who have watched grocery Bills take an oversized bite out of their budgets.

Like Chris Roberts and his three kids the last two years have been tough to swallow we used to spend Thirty thirty dollars a day I know it's closer to 60. but months of double-digit food increases appear to finally be easy even not going up anymore even just stable the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows.

Food at home prices fell modestly months a month in March and April the First Time The Benchmark has actually come down since September 2020. in South Florida some parents trying to capitalize ahead of the Mother's Day and Memorial Day holidays are you guys planning on having a big family meal um we normally do I am very much so.

Looking at the buy one get one ribs behind you with so many eyeing savings here are some items in your cart that now cost less eggs have cracked their pricing Search Falling 1.5 percent after a nearly 11 percent drop the month before milk prices are down two percent the biggest decrease in more than eight.

Years and fruits and veggies dipped 0.5 percent thinking about firing up the grill barbecue Staples like hot dogs are 2.9 percent cheaper but ground beef for burgers and chicken are slightly more expensive certain areas certain Commodities are still strong certain have weekends such as poultry and pork owner John alfano at Doris's Italian.

Market in Sunrise Florida walking us through your best deals you mentioned chicken and poultry yes better value here definitely compared to beef poultry is much more reasonable right now chicken wings are are probably the the best bet right now price wise in the Poke market and great for grilling as for key tips to save even more consider.

Buying the store brand when Dixie says its private label can be around 20 percent cheaper and look ahead of time online at what deals stores are Doling out like Brianna Williams did I had a taste for something but next week is going to go on sale I'll wait and buy it when it's buy one get one free now month to month we mentioned the.

Grocery prices have come down some people might be looking at their bills and thinking wait a minute but are we below where we were before the pandemic no guys it's been actually about a 7.1 increase year over year which sounds bad however compared to August just a few months ago that was 13 and a half percent so we're moving in the right.

Direction slow progress the progress nonetheless Stephen yeah still some hot dogs yeah pick us up some hot dogs there Sam yeah this is the key right here prepared all right all right Sam thanks so much Financial headlines now cities wanting to become America's Next Big Tech Hub will be able to apply for financial help.

Soon that's cool yeah very cool cbc's Bertha Coombs joins us with that and the other morning other money news good morning good morning when we think about money all the time certainly at CNBC not just in the morning but this morning the Commerce department is launching the application process for U.S cities to.

Receive half a billion dollars in Grants to become Tech hubs money is part of the chips and science act which was signed by President Biden last year it aims to boost investment in new technologies such as artificial intelligence which is all the rage now Quantum Computing and biotech Tech investment has mostly been concentrated in a few cities Austin.

Texas Boston New York San Francisco and Seattle and they've benefited now they want to spread the wealth meantime meta platforms is jumping on the AI bandwagon it will start testing ad tools that can create content such as image backgrounds and variations of written text a select group of advertisers will be invited to experiment with them and what the.

Company is calling the AI sandbox meta plans to integrate some of the features into General us add products later this year and Lyft is ending pooled or shared rides the latest change by the company's new CEO to try to compete with Uber he says the problem with pooled rides is that they take people out of their way Lyft was the first to launch shared.

Rides back in 2014. Uber followed with uberpool Lyft is now focusing more on airport rides which account for about 10 percent of all trips it will now give customers the option as well to hail a lift the moment they land you know airport rides are also much more profitable because they tend to be longer so that's one of the areas they.

Want to focus on I can't believe what it costs to get home from the new airports these days okay I guess so yeah yeah all right Bertha thank you so much that's going to do it for this hour of morning news now but the news continues right now so don't go anywhere thanks for watching our YouTube channel follow today's top stories and breaking.

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