Morning Files NOW Plump Broadcast – Sept.14


Morning Files NOW Plump Broadcast – Sept.14

Uh this morning queen's elizabeth coffin is back in london yeah this was the scene last night as it arrived back at buckingham palace earlier in the day mourners in scotland were able to pay their respects and today the queen will lie in state inside westminster hall people though began lining up there yesterday just for a chance to say.

Goodbye all of this comes ahead of the queen's funeral which will take place on monday for more on the historic events and the future of the monarchy we have a team of experts including nbc news correspondent sarah james and american by countess julia montague but we begin with nbc news foreign correspondent molly hunter near westminster molly.

Thanks for joining us of course the queens lying in state starts today talk us through if you will what we can expect to see in london and how they're preparing giving just that massive turnout we saw in scotland yeah steven allison good morning to you given the massive turnout that we saw in scotland we are expecting so many more.

People here in england the met police estimates more than a million people and i just want to show you where i am so this is the line we are on the other side of the bridge on the other side of the river excuse me from westminster hall where she will lie and stay this is the line we're told this is kind of the first thousand people or so guys we were.

Here last night in the pouring rain people were ready to camp out i'm just gonna swing you around to show you exactly where these women are very smart they got here this morning they did not wait overnight in the pouring rain but that is where the queen will line state at westminster hall but guys they are expecting over a.

Million people this line will start moving around 5 p.m the procession with the queen's coffin will start just after 2 o'clock local time 38 minutes king charles will lead that procession we know that prince william and prince harry will be behind that coffin and it'll arrive at westminster hall around three o'clock everyone in this line.

Though guys gets to start moving around the river to the other side around five o'clock wow a million people that is just a testament to the legacy of the queen and we know king charles has been touring the country since ascending to the throne yesterday he was in northern ireland which of course has a.

Complicated relationship with the crown to say the least how is he received there he was welcomed uh big crowds there uh extremely uh warm welcome to king charles and queen camilla consort excuse me queen concert camilla they are touring all four nations so he is traveling with the prime minister as.

Well this country not only has a new head of state also a new head of government they are traveling they've already been to scotland they are traveling to northern ireland and wales as well really important to kind of start the reign start his rule by making sure he greets people from all four nations it is the united kingdom.

And so he was received warmly and certainly uh welcomed there with the queen and we see images of that on our screen right now and today the queen's coffin will leave buckingham palace for the last time in a horse-drawn carriage those walking behind the coffin will include of course king charles along.

With prince william and prince harry and this is drawing comparison to diana's funeral some 25 years ago what's being made of that moment especially between those two brothers who have reported tension right now yeah guys so behind the coffin will be king charles um all of the queen's children all of the queen's.

Grandchildren their spouses including the princess of wales and the duchess of sussex megan will be in cars following that coffin uh look i think the attention on the brothers i think everyone here and we've been talking about it for the last couple of days no one really wants to talk about the brothers right now people want to keep.

The focus on the queen we saw those fab four we saw william and kate and megan and harry reunite over the weekend it was kind of a watershed moment out at windsor people were surprised people were excited to see all four of them together and of course uh the visual comparison will be made between the two brothers walking behind their.

Grandmother's coffin the woman of course who apparently you know was so kind was so nurturing and really helped them through the death of their mother 25 years ago uh but i think at least talking to everyone here uh in this country guys they really want to keep the focus on king charles on on the queen today.

Maybe it's more of an american twist to this the focus is on the brothers molly hunter thank you so much for more on the celebration of the queen's life let's bring in american viscountess julie montague julie molly just showed us some of those crowds just lining the route to buckingham palace we know these started.

Some of the people gathering last night they're all just waiting hoping to catch a glimpse of the queen's coffin as it makes its way through london some people have predicted that as many as a million mourners could join these long lines to pay their respects some could wait up to 35 hours just to see her lie in state for so many people in the.

United kingdom this is the only monarch they've ever really known how has her death changed everyday life in the country has it changed it i mean these are extraordinary times and the scenes that you're showing right now i mean absolutely extraordinary you know this queen was able to keep the monarch intact throughout 70 years her 70-year.

Reign you know despite the british empire shrinking and despite many children of hers and grandchildren being splashed across the headlines for you know scandal or gossip however if the polls are to be believed then the majority of brits yeah still believe that the country should keep its monarch but it's really unclear if that was.

Rooted in the affection that we're seeing right now for the queen some experts do question the longevity of the monarch now that the queen is gone but you know there's other experts that believe that king charles iii has had 73 years to prepare for this and he will start to promote those important issues that maybe the youth in particular will.

Gather around and care about and support specifically climate change and steven mentioned in america especially there is a lot of interest on prince william and prince harry they are expected to walk together along with king charles behind the queen's coffin later this morning the image of them 25 years ago walking behind princess.

Diana's coffin has gone down in history it's something that almost every american remembers they feel it even if they have never been to the united kingdom themselves how symbolic will that moment be today for the world and also the united kingdom for many people as you said watching this will evoke you know that poignant.

Moment where we saw almost 25 years ago to the day when those boys walked behind their mother's coffin and what you're about to see later today you can't help but be reminded of that and we know that for william in particular he did not want to walk behind his his mother's coffin but today is different you know these are.

Prince william and prince harry are now adults and it will feel much more right for them and you know has this brought about conversations of healing and reconciliation uh you know we saw them the you know fab four at windsor i think we'd all like to think that yes these conversations might be happening uh i want to make note of prince harry's.

Statement to the queen in particular what stood out for me was where he said um you know the those um we now honor my father in his new role as king charles iii and three words really stand out for me honor my father and king and reading into that maybe a little bit it seems to me that perhaps prince harry is someone who does want to start to make amends.

Now let's talk while we have you about the queen's only daughter because we heard from her princess anne yesterday she wrote this in a statement quote i was fortunate to share the last 24 hours of my dearest mother's life it has been an honor and a privilege to accompany her on her final journey.

Witnessing the love and respect shown by so many on these journeys has been both humbling and uplifting could we see princess anne take on a more prominent role moving forward particularly as it relates to supporting her brother i think she'll continue on to what she's always been you know she is the considered the hardest working royal she.

Uh prior to king charles the third um taking uh uh taking on his new role in recent days she has had more engagements than any other royal year after year but i think in particular you know these over these past few days we have seen the queen's only daughter at her side from ball moral and all the way now to uh last last night at buckingham palace.

She has been with her but one scene really stood out for me and i think for many people was you know uh when we saw one of those that enduring image of princess anne uh taking that dropping into that deep curtsy as the coffin draped in the royal standard of scotland was then carried into hollywood house an absolutely extraordinary image to see.

That that deep curtsy for her mother all right julie thank you so much for your insight this morning we appreciate it and let's turn now to a country where the death of the queen is reviving the debate over whether it's time to get rid of the monarchy australia is one of 14 nations around the world apart from the uk where king charles is head of state.

But the prime minister there is a republican nbc news correspondent sarah james joins us now from sydney with more on this sarah good morning good to see you what is the mood like in australia following the queen's death well hi stephen and ellison the mood here is reasonably positive i would say certainly there are some older.

Australians who are deeply saddened by the queen's death but mostly what you get a sense of is a huge amount of respect for queen elizabeth ii and honor for her legacy and as just one example of that all you have to do is look at the sales of the sydney opera house behind me which have been illuminated in her image and i'm standing here at.

Circular quay in sydney where tourists have been taking pictures of that all night long and there have been talking about the queen two and her devotion to duty and imagining what's going to come next the prime minister of the country anthony albanese is going to be flying over in a couple of days to the uk to be there for the funeral parliament here.

Has taken off several days off and indeed everybody in australia is going to get a holiday to honor the queen so the question next becomes what about king charles iii and really the question there is how is he going to be regarded i had the opportunity stephen to talk to some australians about that have a listen to what they had to say.

What do you think about australia becoming a republic and getting rid of the monarchy all together i like the royals i think i'd like to feed them i feel like they're kind of quite removed as well like a lot of we don't blame them for much of our wrongdoings in politics like we have our.

Prime minister for that no i think we should be a republican and why do you think that because we're we've grown up now and it's time so what you get there is a sense of the kind of cross-section of opinion for some australians i spoke to it was very.

Much a sense of if it ain't broke don't fix it although that's not how that expression is said here in australia but there is perhaps a sense of let's give king charles iii a try and see how he does stephen a bit of a push of unity there but we know the current prime minister of australia as you mentioned anthony.

Albanese has pro-republic views so can we expect to see a push in that direction in the coming months he certainly does he's made a public statement to that effect speaking on one of the news stations here but the fact of the matter is what he has said is that he thinks it's important to wait have a listen to what.

He had to say it's reignited a debate about a republic do you think in this moment that that is appropriate or perhaps even opportunistic well i i am of the personal view and i've made it clear that now is the time for us to pay tribute.

To the life of queen elizabeth ii to give thanks for her service to australia to the commonwealth end to the world and that is the focus that i have there's another element to all of this too and that is that this government has another item that is at the top of their agenda and that is making sure that.

There is a constitutional representation of indigenous australians that that's reflected in the parliament they've put that front and center that's the first item they want to take care of and that means that questions over whether or not australia becomes a republic are going to go down until that has been determined so there are a couple of.

Reasons there why prime minister anthony albanese gave the answer that he did stephen and ellison a lot of dynamics at play sarah thank you let's switch gears now and turn to wall street which is looking to rebound today after the dow jones suffered its worst day in more than two years on tuesday it.

Closed it down nearly 1300 points in reaction to august's consumer price index report that report showed inflation is still unfortunately sticking around despite falling gas prices joining us now for more on this is robin farzad he's the host of full disclosure on npr robin good morning to you we're so glad to have you break all.

Of this down because this can get a little confusing so let's dig a little deeper into this report even though as we said gas prices are down we're still seeing big price jumps in other facets of the economy year over year looking at energy food and rent what should the average american take away from these numbers.

That inflation is still persistent and the fed has license now to keep hiking by chunky kind of three-quarter point increments which is difficult it's a foe we don't really know generationally this kind of inflation visited us 40 years ago and that federal reserve before alan greenspan had to tip the economy into a deep recession to.

Spare it from the ravages of just unending price hikes and people are feeling that at the grocery stores you get a print every time you look at you know a thing of flour bread flour or milk or eggs cost of living rent clothing services there's just too much money chasing too few goods and services.

When you look at what's happening on wall street what kind of response should we expect there do you think the sell-off will continue this morning wall street loves easy money it loves the fed flooding the plane with cheap money you can take that money and invest it in their various arbitrages and carry trades but when the fed comes back and.

There's a bill to be paid a tab like this you know from a very plain perspective i can invest in stocks and get a two percent dividend or something like put it in a short-term treasury which increasingly is going to yield something like three or four percent and a lot of people that made money uh during this flush capital markets of.

The plan pandemic they're just you know what i'll just park it in a treasury and ride this out and that's the problem there's a crowding out you don't want u.s government bonds to be competing with private assets but that's what happens when the fed hikes so big picture are there any fiscal trends that you are looking out for as.

We head into sort of this final quarter of the year i'm just looking at how much the fed can jawbone can can telegraph this without actually having to hike several times by chunky you know i call them chunky increments because we're not used to seeing 75 basis points three quarters of a point typically the fed moves up and.

Down by 25 basis points but going into this pandemic it slashed to zero and we were saved by zero you know you might remember that track from the early 80s but again there's a tab to pay you got to come in and do this and it's a great unknown right now like what's the cry uncle point is it four percent is it four and a half percent and i think.

Investors are going to sell first and ask questions later all right well robin we are glad to have you help us navigate through some of it and get a little bit more of an understanding so thank you so much for your time this morning we appreciate it and turning now to the latest on the legal fight over the documents seized.

From former president trump's mar-a-lago resort a florida judge has unsealed new portions of the affidavit used by the fbi to search the estate yeah i mean this comes as the justice department is blasting efforts by trump's legal team to delay its investigation of those seized classified documents saying further delay could cause quote.

Irreparable harm for more we're joined by nbc news investigative correspondent tom winter tom good morning to you we're so glad to have you on set great to be here let's start big picture here the affidavit what do we need to know what are you looking at what stands out to you so it's about nine paragraphs that were.

Redacted or redacted in part yesterday that we started to see the overarching theme is we're familiar with this and the reason why they're unredacted is because we know from the filings and that special master debate that's going back and forth uh that there were a couple of grand jury subpoenas that were issued well prior to this search warrant.

The search warrant really happened because the justice department felt that there were crimes that were being committed at mar-a-lago by whom they don't say or at least doesn't say what's been unredacted so far and they went to the judge who oversees the grand jury and says hey you know normally we're not allowed to talk about this but since.

It's come up and was raised by trump's attorneys can we talk about these subpoenas and so the underlying information that was used in the search warrant that has to do with the subpoenas that's what was unsealed yesterday a couple of key new details as far as the items that were handed over by.

Trump's attorneys uh that there were 17 of them top secret rep by his representatives that were turned over in june on top of that we learned that uh and have confirmed now that in fact they got surveillance video from mar-a-lago and from the storage area and i think a big revelation is that somebody made a.

On behalf of information they say that they received from former president trump they made the assertion that there was no information or no documents that would be responsive to the justice department outside of that storage room well as we well know by now the fbi says no in fact we found documents in trump's office so.

I think it just raises more questions as far as what was going on and when in mar-a-lago we know the justice department tried for so long to get those documents so one of the big questions now will they pursue any obstruction charges during this there's two schools of thought on obstruction the first is if you don't have an.

Underlying crime the supreme court has examined this over the years if if there's not an underlying crime what are you obstructing so in other words is there something else that had to have occurred here in order to bring those obstruction charges on the other hand people say well if you're obstructing so much that we can't actually get the.

Evidence and we believe that there's a crime why is that not just charged as a crime on its own you're standing in our way you're getting in the way of us lawfully figuring out what happened here so there's really kind of two schools of thought on that they have indicated that that's one of the things in what we've.

Seen unsealed so far and unredacted so far that obstruction is something that they're looking at but it's just too soon to say that doj warning if you will from an outsider standpoint the language they're using seems to be pretty significant pretty serious they're warning that delays in their investigation could.

Cause irreparable harm to the government and the public do we know exactly what they're referring to there and have we heard anything from former president trump's legal team right i think they're tackling two questions there one is what were in those folders marked as classified documents that are now empty um and the second thing is you know.

Could this information have gone to anybody else we don't know who else might have handled it they've said and they've certified the the trump side uh in in a presentation of the just department attorneys that hey you know we never made a copy of any of this stuff we never made any notes off of any of this stuff but they also said that.

There were no documents found outside of the storage room so i think they've got some questions to figure out exactly what happened here that's why you saw such grave language yesterday i'm sure trump's attorneys are going to respond and they've suggested this in the past look if this was so horrible and so grave.

He's had these documents at mar-a-lago since 2020 here it is the now turning into the fall of 2022 and we're still talking about this and you only executed your search warrant a month or two ago what's you know what's the issue here i mean is it really that grave if it's been uh over a year and a half two years uh on this issue so i think that's.

Something that um you'll see them respond to this obviously remains an ongoing litigation so we'll just have to see what they have to say a lot of unanswered questions a lot of things to watch out for exactly right thank you so much we appreciate your time you got it now let's get a check at your weather morning news now weather yeah that's.

Right and we have michelle grossman standing by to tell us all about it so great to see you as always michelle so good to see you guys and happy wednesday relatively quiet today in the weather world which is good news but we're watching a couple bigger stories the flooding stories one in the west and also in portions of florida so let's.

Start out west we're talking about nevada also portions of utah into northern arizona we do have a flood watch that's where you see the green here this is through early thursday so not just today but also tomorrow we've seen some flash flood warnings pop in and out that means flooding is happening right now right now we don't have any.

But we're seeing some heavy rain falling in spots so radar showing us where the heavy rain is falling where you see those brighter colors the yellows the reds the oranges that's where we're seeing the heaviest rain falling and this is what we're going to watch throughout the day so chances for localized flooding rounds of showers and.

Storms also seeing that lightning hearing the thunder generally one to three inches but we could see three to four local amounts where you see those brighter colors once again that's where we're gonna see the pockets of heavier rain now as we go throughout the rest of today we're looking at some storms also in florida so it's a combination between.

A stationary front and a sea breeze these two interactions will kick up some rounds of showers and storms today could be heavy at times and we're going to see storms producing high rainfall rates so once again we're going to see flooding and low-lying areas ponding on the roadways as well that happens today but also tomorrow so generally one to three.

Inches again but we certainly could see locally higher amounts three to four inches especially through central and southern florida that's going to be a big story today and also tomorrow elsewhere in the nation really nice in the northeast enjoy because we have a stretch of really nice weather low humidity levels.

Are dropping looking at sunshine today temperatures really comfortable the upper midwest really nice too 77 today in chicago 87 in st louis the heat is in the middle of the country through the northern central and southern plains we're looking at temperatures into the 90s and this is way above normal for this time of year so here's a set up the.

Jet stream so far to the north that's closing off any cooler air coming down from canada it's lifting up that warm air off the gulf so it's humid as well we're looking at 81 degrees in minneapolis that's eight degrees above what is typical for this time of year 88 in scotts bluff 91 that's a hot one 91 degrees we just have eight days left.

Before fall arrives and it's feeling a lot like summer and it will feel like summer over the next few days so that heat slides to the east tomorrow minneapolis 12 degrees above what is typical for this time of year we'll see this heat sliding a little bit further to the east by the weekend back to you guys this morning we're taking a look.

Back at the life and political legacy of ken starr a pivotal figure in the impeachment of former president bill clinton who passed away yesterday according to a family statement starr was the independent council whose whitewater investigation in the 1990s uncovered the monica lewinsky affair that in part led to clinton's.

Impeachment he also defended former president trump during his first impeachment according to starr's family he passed away due to complications from surgery in houston starr was 76 years old turning now to new hampshire where results are rolling in this morning from two key republican primary races that.

Could serve as a political bellwether for november's midterm elections caroline levitt a 25-year-old former trump staffer has clinched the gop nomination for the state's first congressional district over former trump state department official matt mowers levitt will now face democratic incumbent chris pappas in november.

However the race for the senate nomination between retired army general don bolduck an establishment favorite chuck morse is still too close to call nbc news correspondent dasha burns joins us now from the granite state with more dasha good morning to you let's start with that senate primary race we still do not have an outright winner even.

Though one candidate chuck morris has received tons of support from what a lot of people would call the establishment wing of the gop how significant is that that he is still not one despite all of that backing from the so-called establishment hey allison good morning so good to see you my friend and look this entire race.

Is incredibly significant it's not only important for the voters and the residents here in new hampshire but for the nation because what happens here it could determine the balance of power in congress now look the republican party is trying to flip this seat from uh democrat maggie hassan this is one of the more vulnerable democratic senators.

In the midterm cycle the question has been uh which republican candidate is going to battle against her the establishment as you said there did put their support behind that chuck force sort of a more traditional republican candidate the republican governor of the state also backing morse and calling his opponent don bolda too extreme.

Boldus meanwhile is coming from the trump the maga wing of the republican party a very grassroots style campaign uh and although this race is still too close to call i will say last night morse called bolda to concede so it does look like we will have results imminently and it will most likely uh be a win for bolduc now this is something.

That democrats were actually hoping for they had meddled in this election in the way that we've seen throughout this primary cycle trying to boost voldek and sink morse because they believe voldick's extreme views will make him a weaker candidate in the general election when he'll have to win over those many unaffiliated voters in the state of new.

Hampshire ellison so when you're looking at this other race the one that was called carolyn levitt is her win unique to her and her candidacy or should we take away something bigger here is this the type of candidate new hampshire republican voters want to see running in other.

General elections well i think the trend that you've seen uh coming out of this primary cycle and playing out here in new hampshire is that the maggot candidates are are running away with this thing uh caroline levitt though i'll tell you when i was talking to voters at the polls even those who supported.

Morse and wanted a more traditional republican candidate for the senate did find her incredibly compelling she's 25 years old she's incredibly energetic and when i interviewed her just a couple of days ago she told me her youth is part of the reason that she's running she believes the republican party uh doesn't have enough of that support from.

Millennials from the gen z generation and she wants to bring that to the party gen z's really looked at democrats as their party and she's hoping that she can infuse some of that younger energy into the gop fascinating stuff if there's a primary election dasha i feel like you are there wonderful job thank you so much for that.

My friend we appreciate it international headlines now and ukraine is making more headway and it's offensive against russian forces nbc news tehran bureau chief ali aruzi joins us now with more on that good morning aly what can you tell us good morning guys that's right ukraine uh continues to make a string of.

Advances and enlightening counter-offensive while also working to secure territory reclaim from russian forces ukrainian officials now say that they're targeting towns in the eastern donbas region in his nightly address last night president zielinski said that around 3 100 square miles had been liberated by.

Ukrainian forces president biden said that ukraine had made significant gains with caution the defensive could be a long haul the mexican navy has seized around 3 750 pounds of cocaine off the coast of chipas in a high speed chase involving speed boats helicopters and cars the air land and sea pursuit looked like a scene.

Straight from a hollywood movie eight people were detained on a small speedboat who was carrying 1744 brick shaped packages believed by authorities to contain cocaine and finally a new set of bowls and spoons developed in japan that use electric currents to make food taste saltier is close to commercialization and set to be.

Released sometime in 2023 the dinnerware uses attachable batteries to generate a weak non-harmful electric current a waveform of which passes from the surface of the utensil to the food the ions bunch together and simulate the taste of salt as part of what the researchers are calling electric taste sensation technology developers created.

The product in hope of reducing salt intake in dishes such as miso soup and ramen and those are your salty headlines guys i shouldn't say ali aruza taking us all around yes no kidding into the future with that i love that ali thank you so much it's time for your weekly checkup this morning we're taking a closer look at the potential effects.

Marijuana use during pregnancy could have on kids and if you are having trouble sleeping we have tips to help you get some of that much needed rest nbc news senior medical correspondent dr john torres joins us on set to discuss the latest health headlines you might have missed let's start with this report related to.

Cannabis it's from researchers at washington university which is in st louis so they're saying that they have found a link between marijuana use by pregnant mothers and mental health problems in their children exactly first and foremost it's an association so they can't say one causes the other but they're saying they're.

Associated and what they're talking about is prenatal cannabis prenatal marijuana use particularly in the middle of that first trimester seems to be affecting the brains of children that are being developed up to the point where they start getting older in this case 11 to 12 year olds is what they were looking at prior studies look at.

Nine to 10 year olds and they found the same thing that they were having some issues and we saw the graphic up there what they're talking about again that prenatal use in the that that first trimester in the middle the first trimester used and it caused a high risk of some behavior issues in children when they got to the age 9 to 12 year olds.

Adhd aggressive behavior risk-taking behavior those types of things so what does that mean what are doctors orders well some people take marijuana because they have nausea some people take marijuana because it's something they took before but the main thing is you want to be cautious about your cannabis use and talk to your doctor if you're.

Taking it for you think a specific reason if you think you're taking it because you're trying to avoid the vomiting that people have associated with pregnancies there's other things you can take as well the main thing is be very cautious with that because now we know that it could potentially affect a child's brain and that could cause.

Problems even when they're 9 to 12 year olds and possibly later on too i wanted to ask you about this other it's a survey from ohio state university saying that it's the state of the world in general that's keeping so many of us up at night what can we do about that to try to get some better sleep you know none of us sleep well to begin with.

No sleep well but it turns out one in five of us 20 of adults say that the state of the world the things that are happening we start worrying about those and so we can't sleep at night plus on top of that a lot of us use bad bedtime habits to try and get or stay to sleep or stay asleep or we use bad habits that cause us not to get much.

Sleep and so some of the things they're looking at is a lot of us end up using over half of us use a cell phone right before we go to bed a smartphone 37 so over a third of us actually fall asleep watching a tv and we know those lights that come off those objects a smartphone or tv can keep you awake at night and so what are the doctor's orders here well.

Essentially you want to do the things you need to do to try and get to sleep number one realize that this stress issue could be a problem all the stressing you're going to do is not going to change the world and so trying to figure out what you can do to get that stress under control is the key here relaxation meditation those types.

Of things can certainly help and then break those bad habits you know the bedroom should have no electronics in it you should go ahead and have what we call sleep hygiene you know before you go to bed you know try meditation try just slowing things down and then if you can't sleep at night if you're spending more than 15 minutes tossing and turning.

Into bed get up for a few minutes and then get back to bed because that trains your body that the bed is something to sleep in not something to toss and turn it so just a few tips hopefully they have no electronics in the bedroom no electronics no that's tough for a lot of people yeah for a lot of competitors so the last study.

Might make parents around the world ecstatic there might be some sort of recipe if you will for sleeping babies what's going on right and this is a big talker because i've talked to a lot of people about this and if you've ever had a child especially three in the morning that's crying you will do anything to get them to try and sleep because you're.

Not getting any sleep and it turns out that crying babies are affected by the way they're being held and the way they're being carried this is a japanese study they looked at 21 infants and they tried a variety of techniques mom holding the baby dad walking with the baby rocking with the baby doing all sorts of things and what they found out.

Is the one thing is when you end up walking with them and then sitting with them and then putting them in the bed that seemed to work great so they even came up with a formula which i think is great and what they said is you want to walk with them for five minutes it's that motion that seems to be doing something so walk with them gently for.

Five minutes because even abrupt turns if you're pacing a room can wake them up babies are very sensitive and so you want to go ahead and do that for five minutes and then once they calm down and in the study every child calm down go sit down with them for eight minutes and then put them back in the crib and it seems to work pretty well fascinating.

An important little ritual there yes set your timer for buzz no no sudden movements eight minutes five i got it okay walking on eggs that's right thank you so much we appreciate it well companies are looking to fill the surplus job openings on the market right now are turning to an unlikely force of labor americans with criminal records.

It's offering new beginnings to many who say they would struggle to find employment otherwise nbc news correspondent zinc clay esomar spoke to employers who say their hiring practices are good for business and the community there's an oft untapped pool of employee talent applicants with criminal records with 6 million americans unemployed and.

11.2 million u.s jobs currently open the labor shortage is now pushing companies to address this hiring gap with ex-felons through what some call a fair chance at employment it's a second chance for people like tim cheswick i was about 24 years old when i first started getting into trouble i ended up getting hooked on pain pills.

And then from there just kind of led into a life of crime tim says he went in and out of prison for years eventually convicted of a felony in 2016. you just got out in may 20 what were you most nervous about i was.

Most nervous about is finding a career honestly it's not easy getting a job being a felon tim did find a career through first class vending what impact has covid had on your company particularly when it comes to hiring we're an essential business so we stayed open the.

Whole time in terms of hiring it's almost impossible to hire impossible almost pretty much anybody who wants a job has a job and the people that are applying just don't have the skills or the kind of mindset that we want before the pandemic the company's las vegas location had 120 employees only five were fair chance hires.

Now i would say a conservative estimate is about 20. sizable increase yes and they're not alone a report by job site indeed finding job postings noting fair chance employment policies climbed 31 percent from may 2019 to may 2022 manufacturing company u.s rubber in colton california has employed ex-felons.

For over 20 years they have tremendous skills they can contribute to the community by becoming employed paying taxes disposable income that they're going to use locally today more than 66 percent of u.s robbers workforce consists of ex-felons excluding felonies for murder rape molestation and kidnapping i know some employers may.

Think hiring someone with a criminal record feels like a high risk what's your response no not at all i don't i think people are people the focus should be you know for us is what are you going to do now ceo jeff baldisari says their fair chance hiring not only expanded profit.

Outlooks but professional outlooks for the individual workers i was in a dark place for like two years very depressed but now it's just like i'm not going to let that keep me in a box because i know who i am raven bowie has been looking for work since her felony conviction in 2020. though still in her trial period with u.s rubber.

She's already considering a new career path every single day i'm going to make today better than it was yesterday because i need to figure out what's next for me it doesn't stop here it's a sentiment shared by tim chesick now a father of two and hoping to continue climbing the ranks at first class vending how did it feel to have an.

Organization and a company say hey we know your history and we still have confidence in you it's amazing not a lot of people trust us all you're a criminal you're always going to be a criminal and first-class vending they really uh sorry they really helped you out feeling it yeah yeah yeah.

They gave me a career they gave me a chance to make something in myself again so our thanks to zincley essenwa for that report first class vending and u.s rubber both partner companies with that say they prepare formerly incarcerated americans for life and employment after their convictions.

We're going to end this hour with a story that is guaranteed to bring you just a little bit of sunshine yeah much needed sunshine two pilots are flying high after discovering they're actually long-lost sisters it's incredible but fate did not stop there nbc news correspondent gotti schwartz has that.

Story catch a glimpse of these two walking through an airport i think the whole thing was like so much fun and you'd think gotta be sisters right sherry ritkin a captain for spirit airlines very nice and tammy holloway also a pilot and manager of united's terminal 7 at lax but just wait till you.

Hear their jet setting twist so you never knew you had a sister never knew until two and a half years ago and you you neither both the parents went to the grave and said nothing but in 2019 all that changed with the help of a dna test and a friend my friend called me out she's like you're not going to believe this you have a full sister your mom and.

Dad got married 13 months after they gave birth to you and then 11 years later gave birth to my sister and i said well where does she live in l.a in la i'm flying there in five hours for years you've crossed paths as sisters and just never known it yeah right it gets crazier like the more we've come to learn about each other the.

More we've discovered that our universes get so close to colliding even going through pictures for this story tammy spotted one of her college friends teaching her sister how to fly but their biggest connection their biological mother cindy who also worked in the airline industry for 30 years i feel like her passing she somehow.

Said i'm not going to let them be without each other and i'm going to make sure they find each other definitely then find out that you have this whole new space and this whole new person to come in and accept and love you it's really special last week the sisters taking flight for the first time together.

Sharing their love of flying and a sisterhood that was always meant to be daddy schwartz nbc news los angeles great story thanks to gotti for that and that'll do it for this hour of morning news now the news continues right now thanks for watching our youtube channel follow today's top stories and breaking news by downloading the nbc news app.


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