Morning Info NOW Corpulent Broadcast – Feb. 26


Morning Info NOW Corpulent Broadcast - Feb. 26

Right now on Morning News Now a landslide win for Donald Trump in Nikki Haley's home state South Carolina thank you very much go home get rest I have never seen the Republican party so unified as it is right now today is not the end of our story now Nikki Haley vowing to stay in the race with super Tuesday just days.

Away knew this morning a major shakeup for the GOP the head of the Republican National Committee has just announced her resignation we have Team coverage also this morning more air strikes in the Middle East American and British forces targeting houthi rebels in Yemen to stop the hou's attacks on ships in the Red Sea meanwhile some progress on a.

Potential ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas will have the latest and a social media Showdown raising questions about freedom of speech speech the Supreme Court Now set to weigh in on two separate laws involving the censorship of controversial social media posts more on the debate and how it could impact what you see when you scroll plus safety.

Concerns over a beloved tradition in college sports why some are calling for fans to stop storming the court at basketball games we'll bring you that conversation it's an interesting one good morning I'm Savannah sers I hope you had a great weekend Joe is off today we begin this morning with a big shakeup in the race for the the White House Ron.

McDaniel has announced she will step down next month as chairwoman of the Republican National Committee the new news comes less than two weeks after former president Trump endorsed new leaders to direct the party going forward now despite the change the former president continues to dominate in his primary battle against former un.

Ambassador Nikki Haley Trump won the South Carolina Republican primary on Saturday night the race now shifts to Michigan for the GOP Primary set for tomorrow the win in South Carolina widen Trump's lead when it comes to delegates as he looks to win the Republican nomination for a third straight time Haley says she's looking forward to next.

Week when several States will take part in super Tuesday I said earlier this week that no matter what happens in South Carolina I would continue to run for president in the next 10 days another 21 states and territories will speak they have the right to to a real choice for the latest we are joined by.

NBC News senior political editor Mark Murray and NBC News senior National politics reporter Jonathan Allen good morning to both of you thanks for being here Mark I'll start with you and the news this morning of Ron McDaniel stepping down as RNC chair talked to us about the implications of this announcement yeah I think the biggest.

Takeaway is just just another sign about how Donald Trump has strengthened his hold over the Republican party and all of its organizations as he marches to become the party's life ly Presidential nominee after his victories in the early primary States and uh Donald Trump has already endorsed Michael wattley the chair of the North Carolina Republican.

Party to be the rnc's next chair it also comes as the RNC has struggle to raise money versus the Democrats and after the Republicans losses in the 2018 midterms the 2020 presidential election and the 2022 midterm elections although while many people in the Republican Party have pointed their fingers at Ron McDaniel others have actually blamed the former.

President Donald Trump John let's bring you in here um and talk sort of about what we're seeing happen to Nikki Haley so of course we we mentioned how she did not do well in her home state of South Carolina she's also losing some notable support uh including financial support walk us through what we're seeing happen to her and how significant this is right.

Now as she tries to hang on here yeah I think what you've seen is uh some of the big donors around her the uh coch Network the Americans for Prosperity concluding what a lot of others who were not uh in love with Trump have concluded uh over time which is that uh there's no marginal return in each dollar they put into Nikki Haley.

And so they don't want to keep throwing good money uh after bad uh and so when she looks at um when she looks at the the Outlook uh she's she's going to have some money to compete in these states that are upcoming but the truth is there's not a single state where she has that she has on the map that she can identify that she's going to win and if.

You can't come in first uh in any state you're not going to win a nomination Mark let's talk about the Democratic Primary in Michigan so it's also taking place tomorrow and as we previously reported Michigan congresswoman Rashida Talib is urging Democrats to vote against President Biden and vote uncommitted in the.

Primary this was in response to the White House's handling of the war between Israel and Hamas what should we know ahead of the Michigan vote walk us through what choices voters do have and what kind of an impact this is making that we're seeing from this congresswoman yeah this is a protest against President Biden coming from.

Progressives who are upset with the president's handling of the Israel Hamas war and of course we have seen this in National surveys and also uh in some of the polling in Michigan where president uh Biden ends up trailing uh Donald Trump in some hypothetical matchups although the margin is within the margin of error in those contests and Michigan.

It's important to note is an Open Primary so you're going to see de people participating in the Democratic Primary people participating in the Republican Prim primary regardless of party uh and uh you know that is that aspect of it being an Open Primary also is something that Nikki Haley sees as a benefit despite her trailing Donald Trump and.

Delegates and in many polls for for some of the upcoming contest test that some of the Independents and crossover Democrats might end up voting for her instead of participating in the Democratic primary John Before I Let You Go I mean so this is looking more and more like we are going to essentially have a rematch between President Joe.

Biden and former president Donald Trump um there's something interesting yesterday from Meet the Press where California governor Gavin Newsome he actually specifically called on Biden to debate Trump but we know his campaign has been non-committal at this point to any general election debates any change that you think that that moves forward.

What' you make of those comments it's a great question savan I really want to know what was behind them whether Gavin Newsome got a green light on that from the White House or he's freelancing um you know it's Gavin Newsome writing checks with his mouth that uh Joe Biden would have to cash with his body and with his debate skills later on so uh.

Look I I think the the bottom line is that uh it is still completely unclear as to whether there are going to be presidential debates this year uh obviously we've seen uh frustration um from the Trump side about the presidential debate commission that has long governed those uh you've uh seen frustration from the Biden side about uh.

About debates remember they uh canceled one when they had the opportunity to do so um uh during the last election cycle because uh Trump was not committal so um it would be fascinating I think the American public deserves to see uh the two candidates debate but at the same time uh not clear that that's actually going to happen we shall see John and.

Mark thank you very both thank you both very much for kicking us off on a Monday now let's head to the Middle East where us Coalition forces launched more than a dozen air strikes against houthi rebels in Yemen over the weekend the move is just the latest effort to try and stop the iran-backed fighters from targeting ships in the crucial shipping lanes in.

And around the Red Sea for more we are joined by NBC News foreign correspondent Megan fitzg she is in London Megan Good morning so what can you tell us about this weekend strikes and the areas that were targeted good morning to you what we know is that that the US and the UK launched fighter jets from the Red Sea striking some 18 Targets in houthi.

Controlled areas of Yemen so uh we're talking about underground facilities weapons facilities drones air defense systems uh things like Radars according to the US and look we are seeing these attacks because the houthis aren't letting up they just continue their attacks on shipping vessels in the Red Sea despite the US and UK's joint.

Efforts to stop them uh we've seen a surge in houie attacks take last week for instance the Iran backed militia fired a missile that set a cargo vessel on fire and guys I've been speaking with supply chain experts and uh these attacks are having a significant impact experts say some 90% of merchant vessels have diverted to around the tip of.

Africa creating delays in products and sending cost soaring so the cost of course will then be passed on to the consumer uh for goods guys Megan as you mentioned these attacks have been ongoing both um from the houthis and then the respon response this is the fourth joint mission to stop attacks on ships in and around the Red Sea but it.

Doesn't seem like that has done much what has the response been what are we hearing from us officials and is there hope that this time makes a difference yeah it's a great question and you know you're absolutely right I mean this was the fourth joint operation that we've seen since January 12th uh but keep in mind the US has also been carrying out.

Almost daily strikes to take out houie targets us defense secretary Lloyd Austin said in fact I want to read this for you the United States will not hesitate to take action as needed to defend lives and the free flow of Commerce in one of the world's most critical waterways we will continue to make clear to the houthis that they will.

Bear the consequences if they do not stop their illegal attacks but Savannah as you mentioned um we're talking about for four joint attacks with the US and the UK since January and so far uh that has not seem to stop the houthis from launching counterattacks all right Megan Fitzgerald thank you very much well this this week qar is set to host mediated.

Talks between Israel and Hamas in Cairo an Israeli official told NBC news that there was some progress on ceasefire negotiations but Hamas says Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu quote aborts all attempts to make progress in negotiations NBC News foreign correspondent RF Sanchez is in Tel Aviv with the latest an Israeli official.

Tells NBC News there was progress in talks over the weekend in Paris involving the CIA director but there is still a long way to go towards a deal negotiations right now focused on a proposal that would pause the fighting in Gaza for several weeks get more humanitarian Aid into Palestinian civilians and lead to the release of.

Israeli hostages beginning with women but Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is saying Deal or No Deal he will push ahead with an attack on the city of Rafa in southern Gaza he says Israel's military has drawn up a plan to move more than a million civilians out of the city before an attack begins but humanitarian groups are saying there is.

Simply nowhere safe in Gaza for them to run to Meanwhile in Yemen the US and the UK carrying out another wave of strikes against iranian-backed houthi militants hitting 18 targets that's according to us Central commands but there is no sign at this point that these strikes are deterring the houthis from their continuing attacks on commercial ships.

In the red rap Sanchez NBC News televis this weekend marked two years since the war in Ukraine began since the start of the Russian invasion president zalinsky said 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed speaking with NBC's Richard Engle the Ukrainian president said his troops are running out of supplies and urged.

Congress to approve more military aid here's that interview as Ukraine commemorates 2 years since Vladimir Putin invaded president zalinsky told reporter ERS delays of weapons and ammunition from allies including the United States are costing Ukrainian lives saying 31,000 of his troops have been.

Killed so far in the war his first update of the death toll in a year president zalinski said Russian troops are taking advantage of Ukraine's lack of supplies with a new offensive which he expects will intensify over the next 2 months I met up with the president I thank you very much in our fifth.

Conversation since the War Began the president began by saying Ukraine has no choice but to keep fighting because the cost of losing to President Putin is everything he will destroy if he will break defending lines he will destroy all the cities he doesn't need any anything any Ukrainian culture he will destroy it architecture museums schools.

Universities people Mr President I just returned from several areas along the the front line in the South and in the East and soldiers there told me they have to ration their ammunition what happens to your country if this American Aid doesn't arrive we will lose a lot of people we will lose territories if to give.

Us strong package in one time our steps will be more strong on the battlefield do you think the United States wants Ukraine to win this war or do they just want you to weaken Russia and contain Russia I hope so I hope so otherwise how to trust people you know it's so difficult to live without any any trust so I mean.

That's I mean we have we we have we count on our partners you said that you believe this year is a turning point year for Ukraine because because of in part us elections you pointed specifically to the US elections are you talking about Donald Trump are you worried that Donald Trump could pull the plug I hope he will not.

Stop if he will be the president that is the decision of your people of course and I hope that the policy of the council will not change I count on the American people President zalinski also outlined a peace plan to end the war with Ukraine presenting its terms to Russia this spring followed by direct talks the Kremlin has already rejected.

The proposal Richard Engel NBC News Keith all thanks to Richard for that report well back here it is a battle of the seasons today the east coast and Southern PLS are expecting above average temperatures but the West is in for some heavy snow let's get a check on your Morning News Now weather with Michelle Gman who's with us today hey Michelle.

Good morning hey there Savannah great to see you yeah we're going to see temperatures 30 even 45 degrees above what is typical for this time of year so very spring-like in the Northern Plains the central plains from the Midwest the Ohio Valley uh portions of the East but the Southern Plains we're going to get into.

The 90s in some spots so feeling like summer in February you mentioned that snow in the west or the winter weather in the west we're looking at the chance for heavy snow we had snow all uh over the weekend we're going to see that once again today into the Inner Mountain West it'll be very windy too with winds gusting up to 60 even 70 mph so let's.

Get into it because there's a lot going on over the next few days first the warmth we're looking at February records being broken likely in many many areas uh possible in 25 States wherever you see these red dots that's where we're anticipating some record-breaking temperatures over the next several days that includes over a 100 records so.

We're going to continue to watch that not only today but tomorrow also Wednesday and then we're also looking at the chance for temperatur soaring well above what is average for this time of year so take a look at some of these numbers Dallas today 93° that is the expected high in February 9 0° is a record there temperatures into the 80s.

In El Paso also amarelo we're looking at 70s in Kansas City pretty close to the 80° Mark there and pretty close to 70° in Chicago 69 is the forecasted High the record there is 64 Minneapolis 64 and bismar looking at a chance of getting to the low 60s we're going to keep the warmth in place in some spots tomart then we have a huge dip as we go towards.

Wednesday even a 40° uh tumble as we go into Wednesday but first on Tuesday we're looking at temperatures into the '90s San Angelo the record there is 92 80s in Pine Bluff Baton Rouge Oklahoma City 70s near 80° on Tuesday in Nashville the record there is 78 degrees I think we will make it to 78 and 60s in Detroit also in Syracuse but look at.

This tumble as we go towards uh Wednesday this is a cold front that's going to bring the chance for severe storms tomorrow and it's going to really clear out the warm air so we're looking at a big difference as we get towards Thursday but still Wednesday we are warm in DC 70° a 20° difference on Thursday 50° 76 in Raleigh on Wednesday just 58.

On Thursday so you get the idea we'll see these temperatures go up but they're going to Tumble pretty quickly as we go over the next several days out west we are looking at some really heavy snow from the Cascades to the Rockies feed of snow in many spots especially in the highest elevations we're looking at damaging winds from Montana New Mexico.

And when I say damaging we're looking at winds gusting up to 70 M hour in some spots so we're looking at the chance of snow squalls blizzard like conditions snow falling at an inch 2 Ines per hour that's going to create some white out conditions combining that wind in there so really treacherous travel in portions of the northern Rockies uh today into.

Tomorrow and really throughout the Inner Mountain West where you see that blue that's where we're expecting that snow here's that cold front watch as it moves across to the east that's what's going to clear out those warmer temperatures but before that we're looking at really warm air ahead of that cold front so uh we're looking at the chance for severe.

Storms that cold air clashes with that warm air in portions of the Ohio Valley the Great Lakes Midwest and we're talking severe storms uh tornadoes really large hail Gusty winds heavy downpours but behind this we're looking at heavy snow for the Upper Midwest so we're looking at cold cold air behind that cold front that comes through on.

Wednesday for much of the East Coast rain and strong winds for much of the East Coast so we're still mild on Wednesday uh with that heavy rain falling but we're going to see those temperatures really tumble behind it we could see some snow showers behind that cold front uh we're looking at 5 million people impacted by winter alerts where.

You see the pink that's your winter storm warning winterstorm uh advisories are near uh White so again feet of snow in many spots Fargo you are under a winter storm winds will be very very Gusty it's going to be for really tricky travels we had throughout the Inner Mountain West portions of New Mexico as well 8 million people impacted we have.

High wind warnings that is in the purple there and there's that severe threat I do want to give a heads up Savannah with this because this is late tomorrow into Wednesday and we could see some pretty Gusty storms 25 million people at risk for S weather Tuesday into Wednesday back to you all right Michelle thank you so much much more to come here on.

Morning news now later this hour fertility Fallout new concerns about the future of IVF treatments following that controversial Court ruling in Alabama why some fear the decision could be felt far beyond state lines but first after the break a murder investigation at a college campus intensifying the debate on illegal immigration stay with us.

We'll be right back we are back with new details about the man suspected of killing 22-year-old University of Georgia student lak hope Riley new records show the suspect Jose and Antonio Ibara may have already had a criminal record while in the US police also say Ibara was in the country illegally sparking outrage among some.

Republican lawmakers they say the Biden Administration is partially responsible for this attack this all comes as University of Georgia students continue to mourn the loss of Riley the campus vigil is being held later today as the family prepares for her funeral NBC News Homeland Security correspondent Julia anley joins us now with the latest on.

This Julia good morning so what what new details are we learning about the suspect and his record at this point well just over the week in Savannah we learned that iar had been arrested by the NYPD in New York just of September of last year for acting in a manner that would injure a child under 17 it's not clear what the details of.

That actually was and for a motor vehicle's uh violation he was arrested but because New York is a sanctuary City and doesn't tell the feds meaning ice in this case when they were going to release an undocumented immigrant they did not tell ice so they couldn't make what they would call a detainer request to hold them until ice could come pick.

Him up to have him removed this is a controversy we've seen play out time and time again where someone has served their sentence but ice wants to be able to come in and remove people who have been charged with crimes so that they can be top of the list for deportation and in this case iara was released without ice knowing it and he went on to.

Commit this crime allegedly so we're hearing from Georgia governor Brian Kemp who's partly blaming this crime on President Biden's border policies tell us more about this and what we're hearing our other lawmakers in Congress say some of them agree with some of Kemp's criticism yes it's no surprise that we.

Would start to see a lot of uh this unfortunate death become played out in politics especially because immigration is such a hot button issue going into the 2024 presidential campaign Kemp was first among them to say that this man should not have been in the United States and because of the Border policies we do have to point out though.

That these same policies of releasing someone pting a court trial and of these cities not cooperating with FEDS go back at least through the last three administrations but it is true he's Venezuelan and under the Biden Administration the number of Venezuelans has skyrocketed they're now usually the top one or two nationalities crossing.

The border every month that of course has a lot to do with what's going on in Venezuela a lot of people fleeing that country and most recently Venezuela stopped allowing owing the US and Mexico to deport their Nationals back to Venezuela that was something they just agreed to last fall they've closed the door again.

Intensifying this whole conversation what does this tell us about some of the larger frustrations over Biden's immigration policies well it comes down to numbers we know that Studies have shown that undocumented immigrants per person commit fewer crimes than American citizens we've had studies come out time.

And time again to show that but now we've so many more undocumented migrants in this country the last two years have been record Setters one topping the last um a lot of that has to do with the conditions in Central America South America like we said Venezuela these the number of countries of people coming here has just been added to the list we.

See a lot more Chinese people now people from Africa all over the world there are global migration patterns but because there are so many more undocumented migrants here we may start to see more crimes there was another crime uh that was largely reported on from four Venezuelan migrants attacking police in New York City just last month these are.

All things that are starting to get a lot more attention as this policy becomes as immigration policies under the Biden Administration become more and more scrutinized all right Julia anley thank you so much let's cat you international news now a former Brazilian leader LED thousands of supporters in a rally despite mounting.

Coup allegations NBC News International correspondent clao labanga has that another world news claudo good morning good morning Savannah well that's right on Sunday thousands of bolsonaro supporters gathered in Sao Paulo Brazil's biggest city after the former president of Brazil called for a rally protest on social media well now.

Calling it a quote defense of democratic rule of law supporters flooded the Main Street wearing green and gold bolsonaro joined the crowd despite despite mounting legal challenges as you mentioned earlier this month bolsonaro's lawyers confirmed that he's facing a Brazilian federal police investigation into an alleged coulot to stay in power.

After losing the 2022 election he denies these claims Let's Travel over to Afghanistan now where an 84-year-old Austrian man was just released by the Taliban officials say Herbert Fritz was arrested last year shortly after publishing an article titled vacation with the Taliban in a farri magazine Fritz was accused of spying and held in.

Prison in Cabell an Austrian paper reported that Fritz is known for traveling to dangerous locations a spokesman for the Austrian foreign Ministry says Fritz is now free he arrived in Qatar from Afghanistan on Sunday afternoon and if necessary he will receive medical treatment before going back home to Austria and we end.

This short tour of the world in Ireland now Savannah I know you love Christmas so I'm sure that you've decorated trees but have you ever tried throwing one well an Irish woman woman did when in fact she chocked her Christmas tree so well that she lost out on about $823,000 in injury claims how well Camila grabska was suing an insurance.

Company claiming her car accident injuries left her quote in disabling condition she said she was unable to work or play with her children but the court found pictures of grabska throwing a 5 foot tall Spruce at a charity event now the picture you're looking at now is not her but it gives you a good idea of what the competition looks like and get.

This grabska actually won the competition but after the judge saw her picture published in a national newspaper well of course they dismiss the case wow to you interesting all right claudo thank you so much well tomorrow marks 10 years since President Obama launched his My Brother's Keeper initiative in response.

To the death of Trayvon Martin the program serves as an Outreach to Young minority men and boys to help create more Pathways to success for the group that is historically marginalized NBC News correspondent train Lee takes a look at the impact it's still making in one New Jersey Community this week marks the.

Anniversary of one of President Barack Obama's signature efforts My Brother's Keeper aimed at bolstering the lives of young men and boys of color and this anniversary comes on the heels of another important date in American race relations the killing of Trayvon Martin with these two anniversaries inextricably linked we decided to go to.

One of my brothers keeper model communities Nork New Jersey to see how 10 years later the program continues to shape the lives of young men and teach them to save themselves for some young men of color in norc New Jersey it can often feel as if the world has put a Target on their backs mental health um.

Drugs sometimes La of resources from teacher and staff but here these teens know there's a group of brothers who've got their backs how you feeling how was your day we don't get asked them questions except when we come to spaces like this the teachers and the staff here everybody take care of you there students at lead a charter school for.

People 16 to 21 who struggled in regular public school at lead administrators say students get mentoring role models who look like them and one-on-one attention I'm not a product of my environment these students are in a program called men of Excellence part of a Community Network helping to empower young men like Joshua and Abraham to see in.

Themselves what Society may not that network is the My Brothers Keeper Alliance the initiative for black and brown boys started by then President Barack Obama in 2014 it was the president's response to Trayvon Martin's senseless death you know if I had a son he'd look like Trayvon My Brother's Keeper funded through public and private.

Partnerships provides mentorship education and job training we don't save young people right young people save themselves we are but facil it ators of them in that journey in places like nework we're seeing concrete reductions in homicides nor mayor Ross Baraka credits the partnership with MBK.

And other community based programs for an historic drop in homicides to a 60-year low in just over a decade but then when that work began to kind of integrate itself with the policing of the city and the everyday functions of the city then you saw dram dramatic changes reduction of homicides represents young.

Men that are living today that will be fully present right I'm trying not to get emotional but will be fully present in their families in their communities um in our democracy in the decade since it began MBK has reached thousands of young men with positive results in what the organization calls model communities like nor and Yankers where MBK is.

Credited with helping to elevate the highest graduation rate for young men of color in the state we are very explicit about the fact that there is nothing wrong with our young men in our city there are problems but they are not the problem they are actually our greatest resource last year Abraham was in court order detention now he's the president.

Of men of Excellence Joshua like countless other students across the country fell through the administrative cracks and hadn't attended School since the pic it made me think of the future of me becoming something I wanted to be my mindset used to be or survive but now my mindset is how like how good of a life I'm going to live newk is just one.

Of dozens of cities all across this country uh that have my brother's Keepers programs and 10 years in leaders say the data is promising that their efforts to make sure young people have access to Opportunities and mentorship and job skills is actually beginning to pay off all right taine thank you so much coming up controversy on the.

Basketball court why some are calling for an end to the Beloved college hoops tradition of storming the court like you're seeing on your screen right now stay with us you're watching Morning News Now joining us now with more on this is Dr guilf freed he's a professor at the.

University of West Florida and a specialist in sports law and facility management good morning thank you very much for joining us Dr so I mean this is nothing new right this court storming and college sports but what is it that's happening lately why it's getting so much attention good morning and thank you for.

Having me I think the reason why it's gaining popularity is the fact that we are now in a selfie type of environment and that is what happened in the Caitlyn Clark uh incident is a person was taking a picture of themselves and streaming themselves and trying to make sure they had a viral moment and they weren't looking at what they were doing and so I.

Think that is one of the efforts that people want to be part of the news and be part of the celebration and that is unfortunately leading to issues like this where they're not looking at where they're going they're not paying attention to protect other people so I know if people are thinking okay well what can be done about this how could we.

Stop it it's like maybe is there something physical some type of barricades or security between fans and the court but I know recently you've said that might not be the best idea why is that uh if you have people trying to storm uh a court or a field and you have any type of barrier there it could actually cause a pinch point and you.

Could possibly have issues where uh you could have Suffocation similar to what you've seen sometimes at Raw concerts or other areas where you might have a barrier that is in an inappropriate location I think there's much better strategies including developing policies and procedures for uh students indicating that if they storm the field.

That they could face consequences such as fines expulsion whatever it might be and that is what they need to try to uh Implement in order to make sure that the fans don't get into Harm's Way or cause trouble to other people yeah when it comes to this concept of fines like just a recent example of that actually in the South Eastern Conference they levied a.

$100,000 fine against South Carolina after fans had rushed the court do you think um schools are responsible should it be up to the institutions to to be fined in that way to telling their students not to do such a thing or do you think individuals the students themselves should be held accountable and if so how uh I don't think it should.

Be the institutions because the SEC has had a fine structure in place for years and it really hasn't stopped any Court rushing or field rushing incidents uh and while it's a graduated fine that can go up from 100,000 to 250,000 to 500,000 they get fundraisers to give them money to help pay for it so it really doesn't stop the behavior you have to stop it.

With the individuals and part of that is to develop policies and procedures within a student code of conduct or university disciplinary system that says look at this is not what we do at our institution and if you engage in this we're going to punish you and it has to be uh followed up with actual punishments and then I think fans will.

Get the gist of it we don't see this at the professional level and because they have an environment of that if you create the same kind of environment at the college level it might prevent some of these incidents from happening in the future Dr freed really interesting conversation one that of course I think we're going to keep having as we're.

Seeing this more thank you so much for joining us thank you so much for having me absolutely well this morning IVF treatments at Alabama's largest hospital and other clinics in the state remain suspended after the Alabama Supreme Court's controversial embryo ruling last week the Revolutionary medical breakthrough has brought the gift of.

Children to millions of parents who otherwise could not have them now though there are concerns after the ruling over the legal implications that doctors and patients could face so what does the future hold for ibf services in Alabama and also in other states here's NBC News correspondent Priscilla Thompson with more Rachel and Alex Jackson live in.

Birmingham Alabama and desperately want to have a baby my husband and I have been trying to um start our family for about five years now the Jacksons were set to begin I F treatment in March when you got that date March 25th what was that moment like for you we were so excited IVF is one of those things that it has such a high success rate that you.

Really just feel like like that's your answer that's your miracle that date now on hold after the Alabama Supreme Court ruled Frozen human embryos are considered children meaning discarding those embryos could lead to legal or civil consequences the University of Alabama where the Jacksons were seeking.

Treatment suspending all IVF services in response we were just heartbroken to have your entire not plan a or Plan B this is probably everyone's Last Resort um and then to have that taken away from you it's it's literally impossible at that point around 2% of babies in the US more than 880,000 are born each year using assisted reproductive technology.

Usually IVF Louise Joy Brown the world's first test tube baby since the first so-called test tube baby Luis Brown was born in England in 1978 more than 8 million babies worldwide have been conceived that way Leslie and John Brown now have the child they wanted IVF involves the extraction of a woman's eggs which are then fertilized with.

Sperm from a partner or donor and grown in a lab the resulting embryo is then implanted into a mother's uterus the treatment is done in cycles and can take several attempts unused embryos are frozen for later use or discarded if we know that they're never going to use this embryo because it wouldn't implant or it could result in a.

Miscarriage or a very unhealthy child that's an embryo that is discarded at best you know we know it's maybe a half half of them that will implant or 2third the fate of those stored or discarded embryos at the heart of the Alabama a ruling the Court's chief justice invoking his Christian faith in his opinion writing human life cannot be.

Wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God experts say if the ruling were to stand it would be a disaster for couples trying to conceive infertility is a disease and just like cancer is is a disease and everyone deserves access to timely treatment the same goes for fertility Rachel and Alex now in Lim.

Hoping the law won't get in the way of having a family we've been together for over 10 years now we were high school sweethearts so literally for half of our lives at this point we've been talking about having children we mean a lot if if this could be overturned and you believe you'll still have a chance to do that I think so I think so for.

Sure our thanks to Priscilla Thompson for that report well coming up the stage is set for a social media showdown at the Supreme Court will break down two cases from two different states raising questions about censorship online this is Morning News Now welcome back the Supreme Court is.

Set to hear arguments over two republican-backed laws out of Texas and Florida that center around social media censorship the Texas law bans social media companies from removing posts or accounts based on the users's views on issues the Florida law is similar it seeks to prevent social media companies from suspending the accounts of.

Political candidates or media Publications for posting contentious rhetoric tech companies like Facebook Twitter and YouTube say that both laws infringe upon the Free Speech rights of companies it comes at a time when the influence of social media companies is being hotly debated and it could have major implications for the type of.

Content we see on social media Platforms in the future NBC News justice and intelligence corent kend delanian is with us this morning with more here Ken good morning so explain how these cases got all the way to the Supreme Court and exactly what is being argued here yeah well Savannah first of all experts are saying this is a case that could reshape.

The internet as we know it it's the most important First Amendment case involving social media companies ever and it got here in part because the circuit courts the appeals courts in these two states have disagreed in Texas they upheld the law in Florida they knocked it out and at issue really is the question of does the First Amendment protect these.

Companies Facebook Tik tock uh uh Discord other platforms YouTube from curating content are they like newspapers that can publish anything they want and make editorial decisions or are they like the old phone company common carriers required by law to carry everybody's message whether they like it or not and the implications are profound.

Because what we're talking about here is does Facebook have the right to ban for example Nazi propaganda uh or which it does right now it has terms of service the internet without these kinds of curations by social media companies could be a very dark and disturbing Place Savannah so Ken according to Florida's attorney general that state.

Law is aimed at preventing social media platforms from abusing their power over the Public Square that's a direct quote what factors will the justices have to weigh before making their ruling and we should be clear that that Florida law pretty clearly stemm from Facebook meta's decision to ban Donald Trump from the platform over extremist content that.

He was uh putting out and and Twitter Twitter as well and so look the justices are going to have to call on their precedence but they've already made clear that there really is no precedent for this in First Amendment law there because we're in a new world these we've never seen anything like the social media platforms before and it's.

Interesting because you know newspapers are subject to liable suits for Content that they publish uh social media companies are not they're Exempted by what's known as SE section uh 130 from these kinds of lawsuits so they have this kind of get out of jail free card and it's something that conservatives are if you've got that then you've got.

To publish everything so Ken no surprise this sort of breaks down along political lines as many things do but in terms of where uh the kind of opinions are here about too much versus not enough Republicans have argued there's too much content moderation on social media Democrats often say there is not enough uh how could the Supreme Court's ruling.

Potentially impact social media regulation and the content we then see on social media Platforms in the future and you know of course I'm thinking this is all the backdrop of an election year yeah absolutely right so for example uh if if social media companies can't regulate and curate uh foreign election interference campaigns could go on.

Unabated on those platforms right now they make a concerted effort to look for inauthentic accounts and take them down uh conservatives are are worried about regulation of content that people at Facebook and YouTube think is outrageous and extremist but conservatives think is just fine but it goes way beyond that the implications are huge about what.

Kind of Internet we're going to have and what kind of content is going to be on social media what types of extremism and calls for violence and pornography are going to be allowed so this is a big one for the Supreme Court absolutely all right Ken thank you so much well let's get you some money news now starting with a look ahead to some pretty.

Important economic data that comes out this week CNBC syvan hanal has that another money news for you this morning savan good morning hey Savannah good morning to you yes so the markets are coming off a winning week largely power powered by big gains from AI chipmaker Nvidia now investors are now looking ahead to a key report on inflation this.

Week it's the pce or personal consumption expenditures index which is out on Thursday now this is the federal reserve's favorite measure of inflation and it will be closely watched following some hotter reads recently on consumer and producer prices that's pushing up expectations for pce which strips out food and energy pric.

Could have risen as much as half a percent in January AT&T CEO is apologizing for the Nationwide Network outage that affected thousands of Wireless customers last week the company says those subscribers will see a $5 credit on one of their next two billing Cycles AT&T says Thursday's outage was caused by a software update and not a.

Cyber attack the company is still working on compensation for prepaid and Enterprise customers and and Buffalo Wild Wings is giving out free Wings to everyone today as it makes good on its Super Bowl promise the chain said customers could get six boneless or traditional wings if the game went into overtime you can redeem the offer at any.

Location from 2: to 5:00 p.m. local time and it's only for dining and inperson takeout I love some wings but six is not enough I know and there we go we got to talk about it this early right all right sa thanks so much coming up another big night for one of last year's biggest films Oppenheimer dominated the SAG Awards this past.

Weekend we'll take you to the red carpet plus it's bizarre bold and honestly kind of brilliant we'll bring you highlights from the first ever Florida Man games you're watching Morning News Now welcome back I'm sure you've heard about Florida man or at least you've seen some of the memes online well over the weekend a contest brought flashing.

Floridians together for the first ever Florida Man games the event build as the most insane athletic Showdown on Earth set out to make light of some of the bizarre stories that have come out of the Sunshine State fans lined up to watch such unique competitions as the evading arrest obstacle course where athletes jumped over fences and threw.

Backyards to escape the police and the category 5 cash grab where the challenge was to withstand Category 5 wins and scramble to grab at as much money as they could there you go you really we really needed to bring that to you this morning well it was another big weekend for Oppenheimer as the film took home more more trophies at the SAG Awards on.

Saturday night NBC News correspondent Prius SAR has the highlights along with a list of the night's other big Winners it was all Glitz and Glam at the annual sag after awards show don't say anything you wouldn't say in in front of Oprah okay that was Oprah with everyone from Margo Robie to.

Ali Wong stunning the cameras and epic reunions of some of Hollywood's biggest hits from the cast of Breaking Bad Modern Family Lord of the Rings and The Devil Wears Prada on the small screen the bear and beef snagging the most trophies with beef dominating in the best actor and actress categories and the bear taking home top spots for lead.

Roles in a comedy series Oppenheimer was the big winner of the film side winning three of the five movie categories while Lily Gladstone took home another win for her performance in killers of the flower Moon keep speaking your truths and uh keep speaking up for each other davine Joy Randolph also adding an actor statue to her Golden Globe Award for best.

Supporting actress in The holdovers your life can change in a day this year Barbara strend was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award recognizing her work as a Trailblazer especially for women in the industry I wanted to be in the movies even though I knew I didn't look like the other women on the screen the.

Night also included several mentions of sag after's historic monthlong strike that halted production across Hollywood costing thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in Revenue your Collective dignity and perseverance to stand up and say we deserve better because we are better our thanks to priia Sher for that report last year every actor who won a.

Sag award went on to win an Oscar so that could mean good news for Lily Gladstone and the cast from Oppenheimer we'll see that's going to do it for this hour of morning news now stay with me though the news continues right now good Monday morning thank you so much for joining me I'm Savannah sers Joe has the morning off right now on.

Morning News Now not backing down after a doubl digigit primary defeat in her home state of South Carolina former Governor Nikki Haley is digging in this morning vowing to stay in the race for the White House in the face of a seemingly Unstoppable former president Trump I said earlier this week that no matter what happens in South Carolina I.

Would continue to run for Pres we've got the latest analysis as both Haley and Trump look forward to Michigan's turn in the primary Spotlight tomorrow plus a leadership shakeup at the RNC that could prove good news for the Trump campaign also two years en counting the war in Ukraine pressing on this morning as Russian troops Advance.

Westward in The Battered Nation Southeast we'll bring you our Richard Engles conversation with Ukraine's president zinski on the weapons laps that he says could cost more Ukrainian lives also this morning more Americans than ever are turning 65 this year and that means retirement is on the minds of a.

Lot of people if you're one of them we've got some advice on how you can better prepare for your golden years and it's shaping up to be an astronomical event for the ages later in the hour the Nationwide travel boom over that upcoming solar eclipse that is now just weeks away we're going to get started this hour with a change of guard for.

Republican leadership Ron McDaniel has announced she will step down next month as chair of the Republican National Committee it was just earlier this month when former president Trump endorsed new leaders to direct the party going forward including his daughter-in-law as co-chair this announcement comes after Trump easily defeated former un.

Ambassador Nikki Haley in the South Carolina Republican primary over the weekend NBC's Garrett H has the latest on the state of the race the former president won a decisive victory in South Carolina dominating Nikki Haley in nearly every key voting block according to NBC's exit polls now Mr Trump is trying to Pivot to the general election.

But Haley is hanging on insisting Trump is unelectable in November this morning former president Trump one step closer to securing the Republican nomination following his double-digit victory in South Carolina wow that is really something this was a little sooner than we anticipated it was the former president defeated his.

One-time un Ambassador Nikki Haley in her home state never mentioning Haley by name in his victory speech instead focusing on his potential rematch with President Biden we're going to look at Joe Biden and we're going to look him right in the eye he's destroying our country and we're going to say Joe you're fired Haley campaigning in.

Michigan ahead of tomorrow's primary is vowing to fight on her campaign claiming it raised a million dollars since polls closed in South Carolina don't complain about what happens in a general election if you don't vote in this primary on Saturday explaining why she's staying in the race for the Long Haul I'm not giving up this fight when a majority of.

Americans disapprove of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden while the Trump campaign attempts to shift its attention to November Mr Trump is facing a fierce backlash over his remarks to a group of black conservatives last Friday saying his four criminal cases appeal to Black voters and then I got indicted a second time and a third time and a fourth time.

And a lot of people said that that's why the black people like because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against later invoking his mug shot taken after his arrest in Georgia you know who embraced it more than anybody else the black population it's incredible you see black people walking around with my mug shot you know they do.

Shirts and they sell them for $19 a piece Hale Ley says the former president's remarks are more evidence he cannot win a general election it's disgusting that's the chaos that comes with Donald Trump that's the offensiveness that's going to happen every day between now and the general.

Election and just this morning Donald Trump's consolidation of control over the Republican Party continues the RNC chairwoman Ron McDaniel announcing she's resigning effective next week that's when the party is expected to install a new slate of leaders handpicked by Mr Trump including his daughter-in-law as the party's co-chair all right Garett.

Thank you meanwhile the race for the White House head to Michigan tomorrow where both the Republican and Democratic primaries will take place next week also is super Tuesday where voters in 16 States will head to the polls Meet the Press moderator Kristen Walker has more on the presidential campaigns hi Savannah good morning to.

You well a defiant Nikki Haley insists she is staying in this race she believes she still has a path the reality check there her path is narrow at best her campaign says look there are a series of open and semi-open primaries coming up including in Michigan on Tuesday that's where Democrats and independents can vote and on super Tuesday by the way 11.

Of the 16 states are either open or semiopen primaries but in reality she needs to start getting Republican votes in order to win a Republican primary and even if she were to win one or a few of these states it's not clear that she would be able to catch up to Donald Trump's delegate lead we learned in South Carolina 77% of Voters there said.

That they made up their minds about who they were going to vote for back in January that effectively means that this is not a pliable electorate a convincible electorate that she is dealing with so if she doesn't have a strong showing on super Tuesday I think you're going to start to see the pressure really ramp up on her to.

Re-evaluate her campaign meanwhile over in Trump World we've been talking to AIDS and allies of the former president who say in the wake of South Carolina they want him to start focusing more on a general election message Less on his personal grievances more on the issues more on how he's going to defeat Joe Biden now of course he's always been an.

Unconventional candidate is he going to listen to that advice that is anyone's guess but that is the advice that he is getting as he continues his March toward the nomination so again the next big contest comes up tomorrow in Michigan where Nikki Haley is looking for is fighting for a strong showing so that she can justify staying in this race.

Savannah all right Kristen thank you so much well the war in Ukraine passed the twoyear mark over the weekend as keev urges the United States Congress to prove another package of military aid NBC News Chief foreign correspondent Richard Engle sat down with Ukraine's president zalinsky to discuss the state of the conflict Ukraine's president.

Zalinski said that delays of American weapons and ammunition are costing Ukrainian lives that 31,000 Ukrainian troops have already died so far in this war killed by Russian forces and that Russia is taking advantage of those delays right now to go on the offensive an offensive the president expects will only intensify over the next two months.

I sat down with President zalinski here in keev it was our fifth conversation since the War Began hi to see you again thank you very much I'm well thank you I just returned from several areas along the front line in the South and in the East and soldiers there told me they have to ration their ammunition what happens to.

Your country if this American Aid doesn't arrive we will lose a lot of people we will lose territories do you think the United States wants Ukraine to win this war or do they just want you to weaken Russia and contain Russia I hope so we have we can't on our partners and I hope that it's not only words in Washington National Security.

Adviser Jake Sullivan on Meet the Press of course Ukraine can win but it can only do so if it has the tools that it needs and that is why the United States needs to deliver the aid package the house needs to step up and pass that bill president zinski warning against appeasing President Putin if the world will not stop him he will do it till 203.

So you're assuming that he's going to win this upcoming election and give him another presidential term until 230 yes of course you he already won President Putin's main rival Alex navali died suddenly in prison his mother finally given his body after earlier saying authorities pressured her into having a secret funeral nal's AIDS.

Haven't discussed burial plans expressing concerns Moscow may try to disrupt them you said that you believe this year is a turning point year for Ukraine because of in part us elections are you talking about Donald Trump are you worried that Donald Trump could pull the plug if he will be the president that is the decision of your people of.

Course and I hope that the policy of the council will not change I count on the American people mostly they on the our way on our side and former US officials and cyber experts say that President Vladimir Putin is at it again trying to influence the US elections using Bots and fake accounts to try and disparage President Biden and weaken support for.

Ukraine and NATO all right Richard thank you so much well this morning there are positive signs on a potential cease file fire deal in the Middle East this week negotiators are set to continue discussing the release of more hostages held by Hamas in exchange for AA in Israel's fighting in Gaza but that.

Progress is already meeting some headwinds for more we are joined by NB BC News foreign correspondent Megan Fitzgerald she's in London Megan Good morning so what is the latest on these negotiations oh good morning to you look as is typically the case here officials aren't being forthcoming with details about negotiations but Reuters is.

Sourcing Egyptian officials who say catar will host mediated talks between Hamas and Israel uh the focus is to try and finalize an agreement on a ceasefire this week the talks are also focused on a hostage release as well um as before the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan which starts on March 10th now this comes of course after Israel's Head.

Of intelligence Services met with katari Egyptian and US officials Friday in Paris um an an Israeli official tells NBC News there was progress in Paris but that it's too early to tell if it will lead to a breakthrough and then of course on Face the Nation yesterday morning Netanyahu didn't get into specifics but he said it wasn't clear if.

A hostage deal would materialize but that Hamas needed to come down to a reasonable situation and if so he hopes that they'll have a hostage deal Savannah Megan the seire talks are playing out at the same time that Israel has this potential ground assault on Rafa on the horizon there are more than 1 million civilians who are seeking.

Shelter in that City what more can you tell us about this planned attack and what the White House has said about Israel's plan well look Nan yahu has said that the idf's ground offensive in Rafa is happening regardless of a potential ceasefire deal again speaking on Face the Nation on Sunday he said if there's a truce deal the offensive would.

Be delayed somewhat but that it will happen in fact he said over the weekend that he'll convene his War cabinet early this week to approve operation plans in Rafa including the evacuation of civilians but that's the key piece of this uh you've got more than a million people who are Sheltering in Rafa right now President Biden has demanded that.

Israel not conduct this operation without a plan to protect civilians that's something that the White House says they've not seen yet take a listen we have been very clear about our view here we're talking about more than a million people who have been pushed into this small space in Gaza because of military operations elsewhere it's also.

The area where all of the humanitarian assistance comes into Gaza to serve all of Gaza and so we've been clear that we do not believe that an operation a mil major military operation should proceed in Rafa unless there is a clear and executable plan to protect those civilians to get them to safety and to feed clothe and house them and we have.

Not seen a plan like that right so that plan is something that we will be monitoring very closely Savannah absolutely all right Megan Fitzgerald thank you so much Alabama where local lawmakers are scrambling to introduce legislation to help families being impacted by the state Supreme Court's controversial embryo ruling it comes.

After a growing number of fertility clinics and transport services announced they are pausing embryo transfers in and out of the state NBC News senior legal correspondent Laura Jarrett has more Laura good morning hey there it's been a little over a week since that Alabama Court decision changed everything for so many.

Families going through IVF or hoping to do so soon many finding their options on how to move forward increasingly complicated right now with IVF on hold for many in Alabama patients hoping to finish their treatment somewhere else are hitting more roadblocks this morning my patients with embryos Frozen cannot not only not.

Have an embryo transfer with me to become pregnant but they also can't take their embryos elsewhere it's wasted time and money that's because some embryo shipping companies have now opted to Halt all business in and out of Alabama following in the footsteps of fertility clinics that abruptly paused all IVF last week trying to avoid lawsuits after.

The Alabama Supreme Court ruled embryos are unborn children making their destruction potentially a wrongful death as a physician I never thought that I would have to wait on the legislature to tell me how to do my job the legal buying IVF doctors are in right now putting increasing pressure on Alabama lawmakers to do something let's just.

Find a way to get something done so we we can pass this and get it to the governor the controversy making its way into the race for the White House too if they need to do legislation to fix it that's fine but I don't want states to have knee-jerk reactions to where they insert government into these conversations between doctors and.

Parents I'm calling on the Alabama legislature to act quickly to find an immediate solution to preserve the availability of IVF but some in the GOP have a record on this issue at odds with their current public support of IVF house Speaker Mike Johnson issuing a statement describing IVF as quote a blessing for many moms and dads but at.

The same time co-sponsored legislation last year defining human being to include all stages of life including the moment of fertilization that same definition at the heart of the Alabama Court ruling that put IVF in Jeopardy and if enacted could compromise IVF procedures Nationwide some democratic lawmakers are.

Now suggesting new federal legislation is needed to protect IVF at the national level but in the meantime for patients wondering why the shipping companies are pausing everything it all goes back to the concern that something could happen in transit to the frozen embryo say a truck breaks down and they thought accidentally that creates potential.

Legal liability for their destruction back to you Republican Congressman Byron Donalds also expressed his views on the controversial ruling over the weekend on Meet the Press here's moderator Kristen Walker with some of the highlights hello there Savannah this week on Meet the Press I spoke with Republican Congressman Byron Donalds here's his.

Reaction to the Alabama Supreme Court's ruling that Frozen embryos are considered children I want to talk about the the Alabama IVF ruling this week you said that you agreed with the state Supreme Court's decision that embryos are children I just want to put a fine point on this do you support IVF as it is practiced in the United States which.

Involves the production of embryos that are sometimes destroyed or even donated if they're unused well first I do support IVF because I have a several friends that have gone through that procedure it has made their their families whole it's allowed them to have children their children are beautiful they're wonderful.

I totally support the procedure number two when uh when the MSNBC reporter asked me that question I was in the middle of a hallway I heard the tail end of it I didn't hear about the Alabama ruling it was about do I support that embryos are are should be protected as life look embryos are important to the production of life we all come from.

Embryos that's what I said because I heard half a question but do I support the IVF procedure 100% I do it should be made available and I believe as president Trump has also said we really want the Alabama legislature to make sure that that procedure is protected for families who do struggle with having children that helps them actually create.

Great families which is what our country desperately needs so just to be very clear though if you believe that embryos are children do you think they should be treated as people with all the same legal rights as people well I think now you're getting to a personhood argument and this is where a lot of details in legislation.

Not just Court rulings are important I believe that this is something that the legislators have to make sure they weigh and walk themselves through the IVF procedure is very important to a lot of couples in our country it should be protected I agree with President Trump on that but when we get into these these conversations it's important to.

Delineate from what just one judge might say versus What A legislature and a governor will decide when they go through the legislative process you can see my full interviews and a lot more at meet the you can also get more Meet the Press here on NBC news now every weekday at 400 p.m. all right Kristen thank you so much now let's get.

A look at what to expect from the week ahead with your Morning News Now weather Michelle Gman is with us this Monday hey Michelle good morning hey there Savannah good morning and we are looking at a battle of the seasons because some spots will feel like spring some will feel like summer and really wintry throughout the West.

Once again we're looking in heavy snow measuring that feet and uh snow in feet once again really Gusty winds winds gusting up to 60 70 hour you combine that with a heavy snow falling at an inch 2 Ines per hour We're going to have some snow squalls and we're also going to have some blowing snow so that's going to create some tricky travel as we.

Head out on this Monday throughout the Inner Mountain West and Northern Rockies especially then in the middle of the country we're looking at record highs temperatures uh even 30 45 degrees above normal for this time of year in some spots the Southern Plains will feel like summer as we head into the 90s today and it's going to be mild two in the.

Mid-Atlantic the southeast along the Carolinas as well then as we near Wednesday today we are looking at heavy rain in portions of the Tennessee Valley rain in the Northeast some snow on the backside this is a cold front that's going to be moving through so it's going to wipe out that warmer air it's also going to bring some really cold air back.

Behind that cold front that's why you're seeing snow throughout the Midwest into portions of the interior parts of the Northeast into New England sharply colder in the middle of the country we're going to see a 40° drop in some spots still looking at snow some rain in the Northwest the Pacific Northwest on Wednesday could see a little rain too in.

Parts of the Southwest then as we head towards Friday we are looking at snow continuing in the Northwest the Inner Mountain West uh where you see the blue and the white rain and snow also in the lower elevations of Northern California Spring Lake once again so we're going to rebound quickly in the middle of the country on Friday looking at the chance.

For some rain you'll need the umbrellas from the Carolinas to parts of the Tennessee Valley and also the Mississippi Valley into the southeast let's talk about the warmth because we are looking at temperatures again 45 degrees above normal for this time of year in some spots we're going to break records we could break a 100 records.

Over the next few days and that would be without within 25 States so where you see these red dots that's where we're looking at the chance for breaking some records temperatures soaring into the '90s 93 is the forecasted high in Dallas today 84 in PT Smith really warm in Chicago near 70° and baduka you're going to be near 80 degrees forecasted high of.

78° the record there is 73 warm once again in the Southern Plains tomorrow San Angelo 90° Baton Rouge 82 still warm in portions of the Midwest the Ohio Valley Detroit 62 Nashville near 80 Dees tomorrow and then we'll take that plummet uh we'll take the plummet a little bit later in New York City because on Wednesday we're going to look.

At temperatures 62 degrees that's well above normal for this time of year big drop off though by Thursday as that cold front comes through 46 degrees Raleigh 76 on Wednesday 58 degrees on Thursday let's talk about that windry weather because 5 million people under winter alerts we have winter storm watches winter weather advisories we have wind.

Warnings wind advisories 8 million people impacted high wind warnings that's in your purple and Savannah we could see winds gusting up to 70 M hour and well ended here because I do want to note tomorrow we're watching the chance for some strong storms in the Great Lakes the Ohio Valley Tuesday night into Wednesday but Angie will be back.

Tomorrow she'll talk more about that back to you all right Michelle thank you so much we've got much more to come on this Monday edition of morning news now including the Brewing controversy surrounding one beloved postgame celebration tell you about the fans calling for court storming to be banned plus retirement is on the minds of many.

Americans this morning with a record number of people turning 65 in 24 so if you're thinking about your golden years how can you best prepare we've got some tips stick around welcome back we're learning more this morning about that shooting on the campus of the University of Georgia.

Where a nursing student was killed last week meanwhile police are investigating a separate incident after another student was killed this time at a small College in Kentucky NBC News correspondent Marissa parro joins us from Athens Georgia with the latest Marissa good morning Savannah good morning classes.

Here at ug resume today for the first time since Thursday evening and even though there's been an arrest in last week's murder students here are still anxious we've spoken to some women who say they refuse to walk alone others carrying pepper spray for the first time all of this is There's A Renewed push to address safety on.

Campus this morning tributes are growing for Lake Riley a 22-year-old nursing student murdered while jogging by this lake at the University of Georgia the 26-year-old suspect hos Antonio iara a non- US citizen from Venezuela now charged with her murder police say they had no prior relationship this was a crime of opportunity immigration.

Officials say iata was previously arrested when he illegally entered the US in 2022 a year later he was arrested in New York City for acting in a manner to injure a child less than 17 he was released both times and just days after the ug attack tragedy striking another college campus ky's campbellville.

University sent into lockdown Saturday after 18-year-old student Josiah kilman was found dead inside of his dorm room another student at the school 21-year-old Charles escalera now charged with murder both had been members of the school's wrestling team kilman's family writing in a statement Josiah influenced many hearts as he was a true example of.

Compassion kindness and love as yet another college campus is shaken students are taking action some keeping pepper spray at the ready for the first time got this from my dad I've had it for a while but I've honestly never felt the need to carry it until now a ug student petition with roughly 25,000 signatures is also asking the school to.

Reinstall blue emergency call boxes that were removed 20 years ago and replaced by a safety app being able to just see the light itself not having to reach into your pocket and pull out your phone and put in your password and there's a lot more steps as ug's first day back to class begins so does the process of keeping Lake and Riley's memory alive.

She lit up every single room that she walked into Bianca tiller and Riley were freshman roommates tiller says Riley loved to help people she was pursuing a career in something that came naturally she was just the most selfless person Riley's funeral will be held later this week in her hometown but students today.

Will get their own chance to say goodbye at a campus Vil later this afternoon Savannah all right Marissa thank you so much let's get you International headlines now a gunman attacked a Catholic Church in berina Faso killing at least 15 people NBC News International correspondent claudo lavanga joins us with that another world.

News claudo good morning good morning Savannah that's right Church officials in Bina Faso said that on S side Sunday uh gunmen open fire or rather attacked commun a community of Catholic worshippers as they prepare to go to the church in the north of the country killing at least 15 people now the vicer general of the.

Local Catholic dicese said in a statement that 12 people died at the scene and three others died later from their wounds the attack took place in the village of esak and was called a terrorist attack by authorities there there was no immediate claim of responsibility for this shooting but it took place in a region where in the past.

Armed groups have targeted Christian churches and kidnapped the clergy let's go over to the South Pacific island of tuvalu where former Attorney General FTI Teo was named prime minister after the previous leader CA natano lost the election a month ago it is still not clear how the change will affect the relationship between the small island.

With other nations in the region including Australia China and Taiwan last November Australia proposed to help to Val in in response to major natural disasters and Military aggression in exchange of Australia's veto power over any security or defense related agreement tuval wants to make with any other country including China why is.

This important well because currently talo is one of only 12 countries that have official diplomatic ties with Taiwan it's unclear if the new prime minister wants to honor the deal with Australia and keep preferring Taiwan over China let's sent with some good news for those traveling to Paris soon the eiel tower has reopened to visitors.

Following a 6-day strike by employees they were demanding better maintenance of the iconic Landmark which is showing widespread traces of rust concerned workers warrant the tower was heading for disaster because its business model they say is based on an overestimation of future revenue from ticket sales and an underestimation of escalating.

Maintenance and repair costs in in a statement the towers operator said it agreed to an ambitious $400 million up to 2031 towards maintenance and renovation of the $135 year old attraction back to you s all right super interesting cladio thank you so much well this year more Americans than ever are turning 65 with just over four.

Million people reaching that traditional retirement age meanwhile many younger people still have to get their heads around what they need to do to save for retirement down the road we here to help us understand all this and help with planning retirement Finance is we got NBC News senior business correspondent Christine Romans good morning thanks for.

Being here okay so this you were telling me this is actually being called the silver tsunami right so this like whole wave of people turning 65 at this at this point first of all that age isn't quite the full retirement age anymore what is this so social security has been slowly over the past 20 years moving further down the age Zone your age for.

Retirement so if you were born in 1959 your full retirement age is considered 66 years old in 10 months if you're born 60 and after it's 67 years old and when you start taking social security is incredibly important the earlier you begin taking it the less you get and so financial advisers will tell you you want to wait until the right bull age of.

70 before you start taking that benefit because over the course of your lifetime you will earn more and let's let's remember here Social Security isn't the whole pile of money that you should have saved by the time you get to retirement you need to be investing along the way Social Security will be part of it and people are also working later this isn't.

This isn't like our grandparents who got a gold watch and then they retired from the working life you know a lot of people are still working in some manner absolutely what should goals be at each age then right so time is your superpower the longer you are saving the better it will be for you and Fidelity has a rule of thumb this is just a rule.

Of thumb but at the age of 30 you should have one times your current salary uh in a retirement account that means if you make $55,000 at 30 years old you should have $55,000 in a 401k and remember your company is matching you along the way so that means over time you're going to be even saving more money by age 67 that number right there terrifies people when.

They see it but the earlier you start you need to be saving saving along the way just a rule of thumb H wow I've never heard those numbers that's interesting so for people who maybe didn't save much in their younger years how what can they do how can they catch up so there is a catchup provision the IRS allows you to stash away another.

$7,500 a year in a traditional 401K on top of the of the the regular contribution so if you're 50 years old you got to start doing some math you might even be saving for college or have a kid in college at this age because we are not our parents and grandparents generation we're having kids later so you have to be managing retirement.

Savings paying for college paying for your everyday expenses it can seem like a lot but if you're budgeting and you start early and then at 50 you try to catch up that can help as well so where should people be saving their money what's the best place for that right now it's so interesting last last week we had record highs in the stock market.

Again and over the course of my career betting against the American Stock Market has been a losing bet so the longer you are invested it's important now if you are a year away from retirement you certainly shouldn't have 100% of your money in the stock market you need to have an asset allocation that that reflects whether you can sleep.

At night with all of your money in just a stock Mark you need bonds you need stocks you need cash you need real estate in your portfolio all of these things you can look at your 401k manager they have tools and calculators it's it's it's really important not to just set it and forget it but over time re-evaluate your goals and make sure.

You're positioned uh properly you know and and it used to be you had a pension so you retire at 65 you got the gold watch the retirement party you got 60% of your salary till you died that is not the world we're living in now a lot of people are healthier they're wealthier they want to keep working um and they don't have a pension we 401K is a you.

Got to really be actively participating in the 401K you know pension was just something that you were part of and didn't have to think about this is this is a different kind of Zone we're heading into 11,200 people will turn 65 today is that amazing just today a record number happy birthday yeah exactly very interesting a big topic of.

Conversation in my families as my as my in-laws are getting ready to retire Christine thank you so much great stuff well the artificial intelligence boom has helped one company Leap Frog Amazon and Google owner alha alet to become the third largest company in the country NBC News business and data correspondent Brian Chung takes a closer look at the.

Rise of Tech Giant Nvidia it's the2 trillion company captivating social media who was watching Nvidia earnings today and their heart was literally skipping a beat Nvidia the chips maker selling a majority of the tech powering artificial intelligence the rapid development of generative AI tools relying on the.

Processors Nvidia makes what is it that Nvidia offers that AI needs so much they offer that the chips the hardware the networking the software to make deploying artificial intelligence extremely easy Nvidia shares still popping here after saying earlier this week that its profits soared the stock jumped propelling Nvidia to the third.

Largest company in the US behind only Microsoft and Apple I made $560 Caitlyn Mackey among the young investors putting their faith in Nvidia she says conversation about the stock even comes up on dates does that feel normal to you there's nothing about what's going on with technology right now that feels normal another winner CEO.

Jensen hang now on the cusp of becoming one of the 20 wealthiest people in the world it's definitely a watershed event for the AI industry for both Ai and Nvidia the sky is now the limit Brian Chong NBC News New York coming up excitement over that upcoming solar eclipse is really heating up across the country some cities in its path are.

Actually seeing a travel boom as we get closer how some local governments are now preparing for a major tourism boost up next we are back with an NBC News investigation on guns in America Federal data obtained by a gun violence prevention group shows which dealers are.

Selling firearms that are most often linked to crimes here's NBC News correspondent Stephanie gos with more in April last year Connor sturgeon opened fire on his colleagues at the Louisville Bank where they worked killing five with an rf15 rifle Dana Mitchell was shot in the back within a second he shot the person in the hallway.

And that Split Second gave me time to duck we afraid he was going to come back oh yes and kill you yes 6 days before the 25-year-old bought the rf15 and 120 rounds the police report included this note handwritten by sturgeon after getting the gun oh my God this is so easy I know it's really easy to buy a gun but it almost felt like that he was.

Bragging about how easy it was River City Firearms where sturgeon bought the gun has not been charged with any crime but data obtained by the gun violence prevention group Brady and reviewed by NBC News reveals that the ATF notified the dealer that a large number of guns bought at the store have been used in crimes a dealer gets a letter like this.

One when at least 25 of its firearms sold in the last 3 years are traced to crimes in the previous 12 months the agency has sent more than 1,500 dealers these notifications since 2022 according to the data River City Firearms didn't get just one letter Brady says the store has been continually flagged telling us that between 2020 and 2022 at least 75.

Crimes were committed with guns bought right here the ATF says the letter does not mean a dealer has engaged in any form of wrongdoing a number of factors including geography sales volume and the resale of guns can be to blame in 2003 Congress passed a law prohibiting the ATF from releasing firearm Trace data to the public Brady says it relied on the.

Freedom of Information Act to compel the agency to release the letters understanding where these guns are coming from allows us to turn off the flow of traffic Firearms at their source and stop flooding communities that are most impacted a Trade Organization for the Firearms industry disagrees nobody in the industry wants to see criminals.

Obtaining Firearms National Shooting Sports Foundation says releasing the information publicly could hamper law enforcement and be used to name and shame gun dealers unfairly when there's no way to conclude the dealer is at fault not from the mere fact fact that a gun has been traced and that the dealer is the person who sold it after a.

Background check supported by the industry to a consumer Brady argues that policy makers regardless of where they stand on the issue of gun control need access to the ATF data so that we can have vigorous debates about what the best Solutions are Dana Mitchell is one of five people suing River City Firearms accusing it of a reckless dereliction of.

Duty arguing sturgeons Behavior at the store should have raised red flags NBC News reached out to the store but they declined to comment should there not be some liability there you're the first line of defense to keep those weapons off the street and out of the hands of people that have no business having them Mitchell believes in the right to bear.

Arms but lives with a daily reminder of the damage that can be done by someone she says never should have had one Stephanie Goos NBC News Louisville Kentucky let's get you some money news now starting with with a new survey showing some not so great numbers for potential home buyers CNBC syana hanau has that in other money news syana good.

Morning hey Savannah good morning to yes so more than half of wouldbe home buyers say they earn too little to afford a house a new survey from Bankrate fines 51% also say the current cost of living is just too high for them to afford a down payment and closing cost Rising home prices and mortgage rates are limiting how much home buyers can afford.

The average price was $379,000 in January that's up 5% from a year ago Google's AI chatbot is about to slide into your DMs the company is rolling out Gemini as an update to messages this week although just initially for people enrolled in Google's beta testing program Gemini will be able to handle basic ta basic.

Tasks such as drafting messages and helping to plan events Android auto is also getting more AI features the app can now summarize and voice long text or chat threads so you can keep your eyes on the road and Crispy Cream is celebrating an extra day on the calendar this year customers can get a dozen original glazed donuts for $229 on.

Thursday February 29th that's leap day with a purchase of any regularly priced dozen and if you happen to be a leap year baby you can get a free dozen original glazed no purchase necessary you just have to show proof you were born on the 29th sann that's fun good for them all right Sav thank you so much got it well we're just 6 weeks away from.

An out of this world event a total solar eclipse it's the first major eclipse in seven years so many people are making plans to travel hundreds of miles just to get the best possible look NBC News correspondent Priscilla Thompson has more this eclipse is going to be a travel Boom for small towns in its path here in Ken Texas this entire downtown.

Street is going to be shut down to traffic full of vendors and and visitors already Bell County is declaring a state of emergency in anticipation of the influx a cosmic event for the ages shaping up to be the hottest ticket in town on April 8th a total eclipse of the sun will plunge millions of viewers from daylight Into Darkness for more than.

Four captivating minutes in parts of the country and excitement is already building as so-called Eclipse tourists rush to book travel to be in its path the stars are aligning the total eclipse will span a 115m wide path across 13 States from Texas to Maine that's nearly twice as wide as the last major eclipse in 2017.

And it will also last twice as long towns and cities lucky enough to be in the path of totality have been preparing for months if not years like the small city of Columbus Indiana I feel like we've kind of uh hit the cosmic Lottery we're planning you know downtown festivals with bands playing and vendors and food trucks Bell County Texas.

Already declaring a state of emergency because its population of nearly 400,000 could double maybe even triple everything from our First Responders to our Health Care Systems to our fueling stations to our highways to our Emergency Management stations and more all of these could be severely strained by the influx of people still the owners.

Of The Mint Restaurant and Bar are looking forward to the economic Boon I'm excited about an insurgence of Tourism hotel rates are spiking throughout the eclipse's path but in Carbondale Illinois doy Gorton refused to raise the price of his rental listing it's a time to gather together and connect with you know people with our shared Humanity.

What it's not a time to do is rip people off and to make a quick bck some resorts offering luxury Cosmic themed stays for thousands of dollars others will get the chance to catch the the eclipse from the sky Delta offering a flight from Austin to Detroit to give onlookers an outof this world view and that flight sold out in 24 hours and for folks who are still.

Weighing whether they should come or not I do just want to point out that the US will not see another eclipse like this for 20 years and of course since I'm in town I had to pick up the hottest accessory here I have got my glasses I am ready these are sure to sell out and I did pick up an extra pair so if anyone wants to make their way down to Texas.

I've got you covered although good luck finding a hotel room back to you all right Priscilla on my way thank you coming up it's a celebration of diversity that's taking one major snow sport destination by storm it's all for a good cause we'll bring you more on that up.

Next we are back now with yet another big night for Oppenheimer this time it was last night's producers Guild of America award s the film took home the award for outstanding producer of theatrical Motion Pictures this is just one day after it won best film Ensemble at the Screen Actors Guild Awards some of the other big winners for the night.

Were beef succession and the bear love all three of those shows they took home the awards for producer of episodic television producer of limited or Anthology series television and producer of episodic television there you go so now we just got to wait and see what happens at the Oscars now let's head to Big Sky Mont where the largest gathering.

Of black skiers and snowboarders in the country is currently taking place since 1973 the national Brotherhood of snow Sports has gotten together to raise money to support black Olympians for more we are joined by national travel expert DAV Seton who's at this year's celebration Davey good morning thank you for joining us this is so neat tell us.

About this amazing Gathering and how it does help black Olympians yeah so thanks for having me Savannah I was hoping to give you a classic Big Sky shot but it's we're two hours behind you so the sun hasn't R Rosen yet but yet this is the national Brotherhood of snow Sports annual Summit which is a fundraiser for NBS Olympic.

Scholarship fund which helps support and promote diversity of athletes of color so this week there will be about a couple hundreds of black skiers and snowboarders on the ski hill with competitions we can we can see we can participate in I'm a snowboarder so I'm going to be out there and there's there was this beautiful opening ceremony.

There's going to be a barbecue cookout and of course the opra ski event so much fun and it's it's just a beautiful side to see I got to say I am not a winter sports Enthusiast but I am all about the AE activities so I would be right there but so cool such a neat event um let's switch gears and talk a little bit now just generally you are always so helpful.

To us as a travel expert for us some travel advice coming up I mean we're heading into Spring Break season already and I know some Travelers are actually um going on what's called a cool so instead of heading to somewhere like a beach what you think of spring break as heading somewhere a little bit colder tell us about this yeah because it turns.

Out that you know popular destinations have spiked like Finland Iceland Greenland and here in the states Colorado and Big Sky Montana they have extended ski Seasons last year um Colorado they got to ski to June here in Big Big Sky the tourism board they told me that they expect through the end of April so some spring skiing if that's on.

Your list um Big Sky Montana Montana is known as a Haven for outdoor adventurers all year around um but here I want to give you a quick quick trip planning tip for you if you um I was brought here by verbo um and so a bunch of us are staying in a verbo house and that's the way to do it if you're on a group trip Savannah with friends or family you get.

A big house and everyone has their own room and their own bathroom yeah it's so nice too when you just all get to to wake up in the same place and get your day started right away I think it's always so fun to stay in a house with people um okay so if you are headed out for spring break I know you've got some safety tips for us just remind us.

Travelers who are may be headed to an unfamiliar City particularly of course if somebody's traveling alone but just remind us what people need to keep in mind yeah so beware of the surroundings uh when you go to new places typically PE what I mean is typically people uh let their guard down when they're on vacation you should relax and you should.

Have fun but also pay attention also don't draw attention to yourself I know it's invoked to wear all your flashy and luxurious clothing but that may heighten your risk of being targeted as easy prey as somebody who is traveling um never post on social media what you're doing in real time I know we want to take the photos and the video for social media.

Sharing but wait until you leave that location or leave that hotel and then share with your fans and your friends that's a really good piece of advice I would not have thought about that not exactly showing where you are at the exact moment I like it all right Dave suon thank you for joining us and covering it all for us this morning.

Enjoy have fun over the next few days there it looks like a blast yes thanks for having me absolutely see you soon that is going to do it for this hour of morning news now stay with us though thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media

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3 thoughts on “Morning Info NOW Corpulent Broadcast – Feb. 26

  1. The collection of unlawful immigrants who commit crime just is not very decrease than residents because 100% of them commit a crime by coming into the nation illegally and gain up everyday illegally here, working illegally beneath the table before they commit other unlawful actions. Ranking off that talking. Majority of them disclose they coming here to flee nations riddled in crime and theirs first action is to criminally enter into our nation. Guess the culture the com from has no construct on them settle for after they are waving their flags bragging of how proud they are of their cultural heritage 😂😂😂

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