Morning Info NOW Corpulent Broadcast – March 5


Morning Info NOW Corpulent Broadcast - March 5

right now on Morning News Now a super Tuesday showdown between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley on the heels of a Supreme Court ruling to keep Trump on Colorado's primary ballot the voters can take the person out of the r very quickly but a court shouldn't be doing that and Supreme.

Court saw that very well look I'll defeat Donald Trump fair and square but I want him on that ballot we have Team coverage as the polls open on what's shaping up to be the most consequential day of the election season so far also this morning no deal another round of ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas ending without.

A breakthrough as the UN sounds the alarm on the horrors of war in Gaza meanwhile the US downplaying the vice president's sharp stance against the fighting we'll bring you the latest plus wide out on the west coast Californians digging out of several feet of snow while on the East Coast we are tracking downpours we'll bring you the forecast.

And putting the RNR back in spring break that's right put the map and itinerary away more vacationers are opting to do less and relax more on vacation we'll unpack the do nothing travel Trend that's Making Waves this year is that your kind of vacation someone just call that vacation but it has become increasingly.

Harder and harder to unplug so it's good to see the trend moving toward no more like laying on a beach than touring a city exactly also fascinating the sabatical thing is also becoming a new thing so especially with younger people exactly we'll dig into that good to have you with us on this super Tuesday I'm Joe frier here we go I'm Savannah solers.

We're going to get started this morning of course with this big day in the race for the White House today is super Tuesday with voting taking place in more than a dozen states that means more than a third of all delegates will be up for grabs today with a strong showing today Republican front runner former president Donald Trump will move closer to.

Becoming his party's nominee his Challenger former un Ambassador Nikki Haley is staying in the race even though she has won just one contest so far she campaigned yesterday in Texas which is one of the states voting today telling supporters that casting a ballot is crucial in this primary fight courage for me to run and courage.

For every one of you to know don't complain about what happens in a general election if you don't play in this primary it matters we do have the results of the final contest ahead of super Tuesday NBC News projects Donald Trump has won the North Dakota Republican caucuses inching himself closer to the nomination and by.

Winning more than 60% of the vote as you can see on your screen well more than 60% Trump is set to win all 29 of the state's delegates we have full team coverage this morning of super Tuesday including NBC news reporter Gary grumach at NBC News campaign in bed Emma Barnett at polling locations in Virginia and Massachusetts it's let's begin with NBC.

News senior political editor Mark Murray Mark good morning so today is the biggest single voting day in the primary season nearly 900 delegates up for grabs what's at stake here today especially for Haley whose campaign is looking for any kind of momentum after winning DC over the weekend yeah Joe at stake I think is the.

Reality of the delegate math in this Republican race and as you up mentioning there are 865 delegates that are up for grabs in tonight's contest and on Donald Trump's best night he might end up getting 800 out of that 865 due to many of the delegate allocation rules that effectively these states become win or take all if you get.

50% or more from the contest Nikki Haley's best night she uh might be able to hold Donald Trump to fewer than uh 700 uh delegates uh and uh but that just kind of shows you the scape that even if she does super super well tonight and exceeds expect ations she will Trail Donald Trump significantly in the delegate race for the Republican.

Presidential nomination so as we've been discussing the mark former president Trump is the heavy favorite to win all the races today what are some of the things we should be watching for as the results start to pour in tonight as he potentially heads toward that 800 yeah uh Savannah my Baseline is about the national polls that we've seen.

In the Republican Presidential contest after the South Carolina primary where Donald Trump leads her by about 80 80 Point by 80 to 20 margin and so we're going to see if that kind of holds up throughout the contest tonight now there are some of these open primaries that allow Independents as well as crossover Democrats to participate and so I'm.

Going to be looking for some states like Virginia for example or Massachusetts where Nikki Haley might be able to overperform and give Donald Trump a closer contest but overall I think the expectation is that Donald Trump will probably end up emerging victorious in all uh of of the contests those are the two states we'll check in with in just a.

Moment so Mark with every passing day it looks more and more likely we're going to see this Biden Trump rematch this fall recent polls show Mr Trump leading President Biden some of those polls are within the margin of error will either candidate be able to really become their party's presumptive nominee after tonight I mean at what point could this.

Really shift to a one-on-one general election matchup Joe technically we're not going to get to that presumptive nominee phase uh most likely until later this month the magic number in the Republican race is 1215 delegates and even if Donald Trump does super super well and gets almost.

All of the delegates he's not going to come close to that number he will in the weeks ahead however uh but effectively Joe we have actually been kind of in this stage heading towards an inevitable Donald Trump versus President Joe Biden Showdown uh and the math at least gets us that stage later this month all right Mark thank you so much well for.

Perspective from voters let's bring in NBC news reporter Gary grumbach who is in henrio County Virginia which is just North of Richmond and NBC News political embed Emma Barnett who is in Nita Massachusetts good morning to you both Gary I will get started with you so Virginia has this Open primary that means voters don't have to be registered.

As a republican to vote in the Republican primary is that expect to have an impact on the results there hey good morning guys you have voters are voting here in the Commonwealth of Virginia polls have been open for about an hour here and voters here in Virginia tend to have an ability to surprise with their vote think back.

To 2021 when Governor Glenn yunan ended up beating out establishment Terry mcalli for the governorship here in Virginia so we're looking at two places where the voters may surprise here in Virginia first among Independents where do these swing voters where do these Independence end up because as you mentioned it is an Open Primary that.

Means they walk into the building behind me they pick a ballot that they want to choose whether it's Republican or Democrat and they can be any party they want they can then choose that ballot and pick their candidate the other group that we're looking at is going to be among Democrats Democrats don't have to vote for Joe Biden today they can.

Actually go and vote for Nikki Haley or Donald Trump or a Ryden candidate as well so we'll be looking at those numbers very closely this evening Gary are in a spot where former president Trump has not typically done so well over the years what are you hearing from voters so far there today so we are in henrio County it's a.

Little bit north of the state capital Richmond here in Virginia and we actually already heard uh from all three sides of the ticket here we've heard from Nikki Haley voters we've heard from Donald Trump voters and I've even heard from uh Joe Biden voters as well as you can imagine what you're hearing lines up with what we've heard over the past.

Several months Nikki h vot voters say they want to return to a little bit more of normal and governorship uh and and and and how it works there Donald Trump voters tell me they don't believe the election in 2020 was uh accurate they don't believe the election in 2020 was fair and they want to see it become Fair they want to see the economy get better.

Joe Biden voters say they like what they've seen so far they want to see more of the same guys Emma let's bring you in here Emma who by the way was on the producing team of this show and now is on this show so you go girl she's in massachus sit where 63% of Voters are unenrolled which means they can vote in either primary so as we've seen this.

Unaffiliated group of Voters that's this huge Target for Nikki Haley and potentially in some places a huge opportunity for her what are you hearing on the ground there Savannah that is exactly right that 63% is key for Nikki Haley because here in Massachusetts only approximately 8% of Voters are registered Republicans.

So the Haley team is looking at that 63% and are hopeful that people will choose to vote in the more competitive primary this cycle which is the Republican primary however there is a caveat and that caveat is that if you are an unenrolled voter here in Massachusetts you're not necessarily going to be voting in the Republican primary as I've.

Been speaking to people here in the state a lot of them tell me that they are either going to be voting for Trump today or for Joe Biden today and that just shows the level of apathy that voters here have towards what they see as the inevitable which is this Trump versus Biden rematch one thing that I will point out is the Nikki Haley voters.

That I have been speaking to here in Massachusetts really do not want to see a Trump versus Joe Biden rematch and they've told me that if it comes to it in the general election they will do one of three things they will either leave the top of the ticket blank they will write in Nikki Haley's name or they will vote for a third party Joe and Savannah.

So Emma what seems to be on voters Minds when it comes to issues as they head to the polls this morning as they look ahead to November Joe and I talk to voters here in Massachusetts especially Republican voters the number one issue I am hearing time and time again is immigration now you might be thinking well Massachusetts.

Is pretty far from the southern border and geographically that is true however Massachusetts is home to a number of sanctuary cities so the migrant crisis directly impacts people here in the state so when voters are choosing those unenrolled that 63% that may be choosing to vote in a Republican primary the thought process behind that is it is a.

Referendum against the Biden administration's immigration policies Joe and Savannah all right Emma and Gary thank you both very much and we will have coverage of super Tuesday of course throughout the day here on NBC news now and then our extensive live coverage gets underway at 5:00 p.m. Eastern to Pacific tune in now to a Supreme Court.

Ruling that's having a major impact on super Tuesday specifically the state of Colorado the Supreme Court unanimously rejected Colorado's effort to disqualify Trump from appearing on the state's primary election ballot that decision reverses Colorado's Supreme Court ruling which it determined that Trump could not serve as president again because he was.

Part of an Insurrection the ruling is a major victory for Donald Trump not only in Colorado where voters are heading to the polls today but two other states that had also moved to strike him from the ballot NBC News senior legal correspondent Laura Jarrett has more the US Supreme Court dealing a final blow to states trying to ban former.

President Trump from the ballot in a unanimous decision the justice is effectively leaving it up to voters to decide if the former president returns to the White House Mr Trump praising the ruling the voters can take the person out of the race very quickly but a court shouldn't be doing that the justice is rejecting a Colorado State Court's.

Ruling finding Mr Trump ineligible to be president under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment a largely untested Clause of the Constitution passed after the Civil War disqualifying those who engage in Insurrection from holding public office again an elections official in Maine and a judge in Illinois later doing the same Banning the Republican front runner from.

The ballot in those States in light of his actions on January 6 the brooling from the high court now ending all similar efforts to disqualify Mr Trump from the ballot While most uh states were thrilled to have me there were some that didn't and they didn't want that for political reasons the justice is saying that Patchwork of different.

Rulings across the country cannot stand finding responsibility for enforcing Section 3 against federal office holders and candidates rests with Congress and not the states but at the same time the three liberal justices accusing their conservative colleagues of going too far by by ruling Congress must enact new legislation in order to ban a.

Presidential candidate writing this ruling will make it harder to Bar an oath breaking insurrectionists from becoming president conservative Justice Barrett cautioning this court should turn the national temperature down not up thanks to Laura Jarrett for that report the decision was the Court's most important ruling concerning a.

Presidential election since 2000 that's when the Court ruled in George W Bush's favor in Bush versus Gore which ruled that FL flid violated the equal protection Clause by using different standards during the ballot recount that decision ultimately gave Bush Florida's electoral votes and the presidency well the US Supreme Court is temporarily.

Blocking a controversial immigration law that was set to take effect in Texas the Biden Administration sued to stop the Lots known as sb4 which gives local police the power to arrest migrants who illegally cross the border from Mexico Texas had argued the law was legal under the state War Clause of the Constitution and also needed because the state's.

Leadership believes it is effectively battling an invasion at the southern border the Biden Administration argues that a surge of unauthorized immigration is not the same as an invasion the law was set to take effect on March 10th however the ruling puts it on hold until March 13th giving all nine justices more time to determine what next steps to.

Take the latest round of ceasefire talks aimed at halting the war in Gaza and releasing Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners have ended without a breakthrough the negotiations in Cairo involved Hamas and international mediators but no Israeli delegation attended the US and others are pushing to secure a deal before the Muslim holy.

Month of Ramadan which starts this weekend NBC News foreign correspondent Matt Bradley joins us now so Matt we understand the talks have have broken up no deal yet what are the major sticking points what happens next yeah guys no deal I think that everybody's probably disappointed but probably not surprised because this is.

Certainly not the first false start that these negotiations have had ever since the last successful round of negotiations to release those hostages and release Palestinian prisoners and halt the fighting temporarily ever since November when we saw a week-long pause that saw a lot of those prisoners released but you know a lot of the.

Issues that you're asking about are the same ones that have persisted for the past several months of negotiations the main one being just now Israel didn't attend that conference in KIRO and the reason why is because Israel says that they need a demand answer from Hamas that specific demand which is actually sort of new is saying they want a list.

Of all of the hostages that are still alive they want to know who they're negotiating for whether or not the people they're negotiating for are alive or dead and remember there are more than aund hostages who are currently being held in the Gaza Strip including six Americans so this is a big part of the negotiations uh a lot of the hostages.

Have been killed we heard just a couple of weeks ago that as many as a fifth of those hostages have been killed and it's not clear entirely why some perhaps by Hamas some succumb to the wounds that they sustain on October 7th during that terror attack that started off this latest round of fighting others were likely killed in Israeli attacks on the.

Gaza Strip the same force that has killed now more than 30,000 people according to the Gaza Ministry of Health so these are issues that are still persisting because both sides are so far apart Hamas wants a permanent ceasefire and the release of all prisoners in Israeli prisons that's something that the Israelis have said is a nonstarter.

In fact Benjamin Netanyahu has said that those demands are ludicrous so again this is not going to be surprising but disappointing that this is still not going anywhere guys so Matt as we're well aware as the images show the conditions within the Gaza Strip are just deteriorating day by day the un's agency for Palestinian refugees that's.

The agency at the Forefront of relief work in Gaza amid this starvation that's now starting to happen there there's some controversy here the agency had its funding slashed by several countries including the US after Israel accused it of employing operatives from Hamas and other Terror groups the UN says it's waiting to receive evidence from Israel.

On the allegations but yesterday we heard from UNR Chief about all this what did he have to say yeah well he was basically complaining the same things that he's been saying for the past several months that without this funding particularly from the United States which is the principal fun for unoa that the pal.

Inian people will suffer and even though this organization has announced that they are going to comply with the Israeli investigation into their into hamas's role uh in their own organization they at the same time have said don't let the entire Palestinian people suffer because of this issue now here as you mentioned we heard from the.

Head of raw here's what he had to say without additional funding we will be in Uncharted Territory with serious implication for Global Peace and security the fate of the agency and the millions of people would depend on it hung in the balance.

Excellencies un is facing a deliberate and concerted campaign to undermine its operations and ultimately end them so uh all of this is counting down to Israel's assault on Rafa which is the southernmost town city in the Gaza Strip now unra and other agencies other International Community organizations have all warned that if this attack on.

Unwa which is where Israel says the final remnants of Hamas are living that it could create what they're saying is a humanitarian catastrophe and in that case unra and its funding will be needed more than ever guys Matt yesterday we reported on vice president kamla Harris's speech in Alabama she criticized Israel Over the humanitarian.

Catastrophe in Gaza to today NBC News has some exclusive reporting about how Administration officials actually watered down parts of that speech which were especially critical of Israel real quick here what can you tell us about that yeah I mean it's interesting because this was done by the National Security Council which is of course part.

Of the same Administration the fact is is from our own reporting from my colleagues in Washington they said that this wasn't a substantive shift that this was that was imposed upon kamla Harris's speech it was more a question of tone there was no policy change there was no uh there was nothing that she was going to announce about American posture.

Towards Israel that the National Security Council walked back but still it does go to show that Kamala Harris did have a more forceful tone in mind a more forceful speech against Israel and that the US which has been falling out with Benjamin Netanyahu for the past several months decided to re that in just a little bit now whether or not the.

Thinking is that this best to just keep Israel onside this is part of an evolving relationship between Washington and is Israel and one that we're going to see continue to evolve probably in the coming months guys Matt Bradley Matt thank you let's get to your weather now there is a soggy week in store for the East Coast let's check the forecast.

Meteorologist Angie lassman's here Angie good morning good morning guys we've got some rain in the forecast and this is what we're going to be watching over the next couple of days across parts of the East as you mentioned here's the deal right now your satellite and radar showing a couple spots where we see rain we've got one moving into portions of.

The Northeast places like Washington DC to New York a little soggy for this early morning mute we've got some rain working across parts of the Midwest you're going to see that slowly but surely work a little farther to the east as the day goes on and down along the Gulf Coast and portions of the Southern Plains we've got some more showers and.

Thunderstorms that we're tracking through the day today as we zoom into to parts of of the Northeast you can see again Washington Philadelphia New York that area the I95 Corridor going to be a little wet this morning you'll likely need a little additional time for that morning commute here's why we've got a coastal low that's going to slide a.

Little farther to the north that's bringing the rain that you're seeing across the that region this morning as we look off towards those areas of the Midwest and parts of the South we've got a cold front that is leaving us with that kind of unsettled weather as of right now this is going to move to the east here as we go through the day today.

The coastal low will be out of here but look at this big push of moisture that we see as we get into the day tomorrow this means Heavy Rain on the table for folks from North Carolina basically to Maine and the potential with some of these really impressive rainfall rates for us to see some flash flooding especially as we get into the day.

Tomorrow tomorrow across portions of the Mid-Atlantic and the Northeast as we head into your Thursday we're not done with the rain just yet I think we could see a little bit of the snow kind of maybe wintry mix mixing into that uh into areas of New England but still it's going to be another day where it is unsettled I mentioned tomorrow has the.

Best chance for some of that flash flooding including places like Boston uh Riverhead Hartford all included in that New York Philadelphia also on the table to see some of that isolated flash flooding in those more urban areas and here's why as we get through Thursday potential widespread amounts anywhere an inch to 2 Ines of rain expected we could.

Though be seeing uh anywhere from uh up to 4 inches of rain in a short period of time guys so the umbrella handy across this region is going to be good advice not just today but for the next couple of days mine this morning all right this is where I get confused it's like too cold for just a rain jacket but then it's like what in another it's a mess.

It's a fashion nightmare all right thank you Angie much more to come here morning news now there you go this hour on trial the father of school shooter Ethan Crumbley now facing charges of his own we're going to break down the case as jury selection gets underway up first though after the break it's China's biggest political event of the year but.

This year's two sessions as it's called comes with an unexpected twist we'll take you to Beijing where a surprise announcement is Raising new questions stay with us we will be right back we are back with a surprise announcement out of China as a officials gather for the country's biggest political event of the year it's known.

As the two sessions where officials and political advisers of the ruling Chinese Communist Party gather for two annual meetings held simultaneously leaders use the weeklong meetings in Beijing as an opportunity to Signal their plans for the coming year it's one a few opportunities for journalists to question top Chinese leaders but for the.

First time in 30 years officials say the country's Premier will not talk with reporters at the close of the meetings NBC News correspondent Janice Macky frer joins us with more on this Janice good morning so the Chinese government has declared this commitment to transparency but then they're scrapping this opportunity for reporters to actually.

Speak with Chinese officials how are people reacting to the announcement and what does this tell us about President XI Jim ping well there's a lot of surprise and a lot of questions around this move which takes a famously opaque system and makes it even more of a black box because it's happening at a time when.

Foreign policym makers investors businesses around the world are looking to China for some sort of signal on where the economy is heading here the premier Lee is the country's top economic official so it's a missed opportunity uh that he now doesn't want to talk about it and it also ends a tradition here that accompanied the era.

Of reform and opening up as they called it the news conference has happened for decades uh it was one of the few opportunities where people were able to see this top ranked official uh publicly talking about the state's Affairs and it's also a missed opportunity for Lee CH to build his public profile but there is some speculation that that could be.

Part of the reason you know I mean Janice China is struggling right now with high unemployment and other economic issues so observers around the world were watching to see what actions the Chinese government is going to take to support the economy what are they saying they're not saying much on where the.

Economy is heading Lee Chong set the growth targets for China's economy at 5% which seems ambitious uh and there were no real stimulus measures that accompanied that growth Target uh he did acknowledge that there are risks ahead uh that there are difficulties here in trying to create jobs but there weren't any of the Bold moves that the business.

Sector was looking for uh to answer how it is that China is going to deal with a property crisis uh a slump in consumer spending there's deflation declining stocks all of these things that are troubling the economy which of course matters to the US and economies around the world because of the size of of China's economy Jan as heading into this.

Year's meeting there's been a lot of speculation about China's next foreign minister the current foreign minister is widely considered an interim Minister what can can we expect uh in terms of an announcement do you think we'll get that anytime soon well there was a lot of speculation heading into this NPC that there might.

Be uh some announcement or unveiling of a new foreign minister chin gong you'll remember was abruptly fired last year and it really kicked off a lot of rumors uh because he was widely considered part of XI Jin Ping's Inner Circle uh for now Wang yei is holding the position again uh and he's doing so in addition to his job as the country's top Diplomat and.

From all of the signals or comments uh that came out of the precedings yesterday it doesn't seem like they're going to be announcing a foreign minister after this session or any time in the near future the front runner is still considered to be uh a man called Leo jancha he started as a translator back in 1987 and has worked his way up.

Through the ranks and he's already doing a lot of the Diplomatic footwork but he hasn't quite been anointed yet uh uh Wong ye will be conducting the foreign ministers news conference for these political meetings before the end of the week guys all right Janice thank you so much Haiti is under a state of emergency this morning after a mass jail break.

Over the weekend armed gang members stormed the country's largest jails and freed thousands of prisoners now they're trying to seize control of hades's largest International Airport NBC News correspondent Ellison Barber has more Haiti spiraling toward Anarchy a 72-hour state of emergency.

Declared after armed gangs stormed two of the nation's largest prisons on Saturday and Sunday according to the government close to 4,000 prisoners reportedly escaped during the violent assault the exact death toll is unknown but bodies were seen lining the streets of PTO Prince as police unions publicly pleaded for backup the Associated Press.

Reporting heavily armed gangs tried to take control of the country's largest International Airport exchanging gunfire with soldiers as employees fled the government says gangs that now control an estimated 80% of the nation's capital city following the 2021 assassination of president jenel mise are behind the bloody Prison.

Break one of their targets Hades National Penitentiary houses several high-profile inmates including Colombian Nationals accused of being involved in the plot to kill President Moise prolific gang leaders like Jimmy cherizer who's known as barbecue have been calling for the arrest of Haiti's acting president prime minister Ariel.

Enri for months yeah yeah barbecue doubled down following the prison attacks releasing a public message telling Haitians The Gangs quote seek to liberate the country HRI was out of the country at the time of the prison break working with leaders in Kenya to finalize an agreement that would FastTrack the.

Deployment of police officers for a un approved Mission aimed at regaining control of the nation violence in Haiti is not new but it is steadily escalating last year the number of people killed in armed gang conflicts was two times higher than the year before Haiti is trapped trapped with a government that doesn't govern.

Incapable of doing anything it looks now like the gangs which are the only ones that can establish any kind of political order in Haiti are coming together for the resident support a prince help can't come soon enough thanks to Ellis and barber for that report the state department is closely monitoring the situation and it's urging.

US citizens inside of Haiti to leave as soon as possible coming up jury selection set for today in the trial of the father of convicted school shooter Ethan crumbly when we come back the charges he faces in a case that could set a new president in America plus feeling overworked you're not alone we're going to break down the symptoms.

Of something called misalignment burnout and what you can do to fight it you're watching Morning News Now welcome back jury selection begins today in the trial for the father of teenage school shooter Ethan Crumbley last month the Michigan jury found his mother guilty of involuntary.

Manslaughter after her son killed for classmates in his school shooting prosecutors accuse James Crumbley of failure to properly store his firearm and failure to provide reasonable care for his son he's charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter lawyers say that negligence allowed his son access to the gun which was used to.

Kill four classmates and wound seven others Crumbley has pleaded not guilty now his mother Jennifer is currently awaiting sentencing faces up to 15 years in prison while Ethan is serving a life sentence NBC News legal analyst Danny savalos is here with more on what to expect from this trial Danny good morning so walk us through jury.

Selection what kind of questions do you think these prospective jurors are going to be asked as they try and bring this group together this is a very Suburban County in Michigan it's got a lot of people but there's no main city in this County the other thing to know about michiganders of which I am one is that there are a lot of gun owners a lot of.

Hunters so these are all folks who are going to be familiar mostly with guns themselves or they're going to have a close family relative who has a firearm in the home now it may be a shotgun it may be a blunder bus it may be a pistol it's hard to say but in a community that has a lot of hunters you're going to have a lot of people who own guns and.

You do not in my view want gun owners on this jury if you're the defense that may sound counterintuitive but I find in working with experts that there is no harsher critic of other gun owners than lawful gun owners um so as we've mentioned here Jennifer crumbly uh faced a similar.

Trial she was found guilty on all four counts just weeks ago James now is facing the exact same charges and the facts really seem similar except for kind of this added allegation that James bought the gun was responsible for storing the gun uh what are you kind of taking away from what we just saw with Jennifer Crumbley how will these cases.

Compare well we learned some fascinating things that everyone's known for a long time in the legal Community after the first crumbly trial ended and the jury one of the the four persons uh made the rounds on media you learned that hey anything you think the jury's focusing on they may be focusing on something totally different and Mom's jury focused.

On the fact that she was the last one with access to the the gun which in my view was a relatively legally insignificant Factor but you never know what a jury is going to focus on so maybe you take from that for the father's case that you focus on blaming the mom focus on still blaming school officials and really focus on blaming.

Your son and maybe you'll see them do that more strident here they did that a softer version of that with the mother's trial you may see them come out uh really focusing on blaming others third parties uh for this shooting of which there several you have school officials you have Mom and of course you have the shooter himself are there strategies.

Danny that the defense can use for James that maybe weren't even an option for Jennifer yes for example uh James uh might focus on the fact that Mom was the last person with access to this firearm even if James did purchase the firearm he may focus on mom took him to the shooting range mom was more involved I expected a little that with um with the.

Mother's trial I expected them to point the fingers at each other more especially given the fact they haven't apparently even spoken to each other since just shortly after the shooting so uh I expect James Crumbley to to try pointing the finger more at the mother in this case uh than the mother pointed it at James the father in her case the.

Other thing too you might see a totally different witness testify I don't think uh Ethan's mother testified all that well in her defense it's understandable testifying is scary and most folks are not Naturals at it uh if James is a better speaker uh If he if he enunciates better if he's a better talker you might see him take the stand and do better.

Than his wife did just a few weeks ago all right we'll see what happens Danny savalos thank you so much now to an NBC News investigation exploring the fentanyl fight at the southern border authorities there have been given new Advanced scanners to help detect the drug being smuggled inside vehicles but we've learned millions of dollars worth.

Of these scanners are not not being used NBC News Homeland Security correspondent Julia anley takes a closer look we're on the front lines of the fenel crisis Nogales Arizona half of all fenel seized coming in from Mexico is stopped here but critics say the Biden Administration is not doing enough with fenol overdoses now the leading cause of death for.

Americans aged 18 to 45 acting CBP commissioner Troy Miller tells us virtually all Sentinel is brought across it's driven by men women young old US citizens Mexican citizens and he tells us border agents have begun using a new technology to identify fenel hidden in vehicles we watch as officers first question drivers and inspect cars then.

They may be referred for a scan this is new technology that's been installed to x-ray cars that officers suspect might be carrying narcotics it's been installed here in Nogales because it's considered the ground zero for fenel trafficking but less than 5% of personal vehicles and 20% of commercial vehicles coming into the US are actually scanned.

With more new technology Miller wants to bring those numbers up to 40% of cars and 70% of commercial trucks but not for another 2 years why not scan every vehicle through an x-ray we see a million people crossing our border uh every single day if we tried to scan every single shipment and person coming into the this country we would shut down.

Legitimate trade and travel we've learned millions of dollars of taxpayer purchased fenel scanners are sitting in warehouses unused we need approximately $300 million for Civil Works to actually put the technology in the ground and it's money you've already spent but it's sitting there is that frustrating for you very frustrating it's extremely.

Frustrating but in Tucson Teresa Guerrero is demanding authorities do much more every year enough Fel is trafficked into the US to kill every American I think the Border needs to be closed to be honest with you because we're a super highway um and they're just pouring in this is I believe our last picture together Guerrero lost her.

Son Jacob four years ago when cocaine he ingested was secretly laced with fanel she says Jacob was athletic a free spirit and always ready to help his friends if only if only you always ask those questions but I don't want another parent to have to say if only I thanks to Julia Ansley for that report CBP commissioner Miller is also calling on.

Congress for more money so they can start putting more scanners to use time now for our weekly mental health check-in we're going to take a look at the mental health impact of having a job that might not be the right fit for you plus a new study shows just how much our pets can boost our health joining us now to help break it down is psychotherapist.

Dr Robbie Ludwick Dr Robbie always great to have you with us thanks for being here so we talked in this segment a lot before about the big problem of burnout caused by working too much what that could do for you but I understand that there's a psychologist out there who thinks many of us might also be experiencing what's called misalignment.

Burnout what does that mean and how can we work to fix it so misalignment burnout is exactly how it sounds it's when your job is not in sync with who you are what your value systems are what you want to do in the world and it can feel Soul crushing when there's a mismatch because work is where we spend a lot of our.

Time all right let's and how can we fix that so the way to fix it is really to ask yourself what gives you Joy what would you like to do get some support for yourself and there are ways because we pay our bills with our jobs so there are certainly ways to incorporate what you love either through volunteering or a hobby just to incorporate.

Um feeling purposeful and feeling that you're in sync with what you're meant to do good advice there on the screen all right let's talk about how mental health is portrayed on the big screen you got there some classic movies like Fatal Attraction and psycho they're often criticized for how they do that but now a new wave of psychologists they're.

Actually trying to improve the way mental health is portrayed in movies so what do you think we're getting wrong about Mental Health on the screen what should we be seeing I always like to say when IST or psychiatrist or misrepresented in the media it's some writer who's very angry with their own therapist but we're.

Seeing a new trend where psychologists are being hired to represent therapy and help in a more accurate way and it's Shifting the way culture really sees therapy and mental health and seeking treatment it's destigmatizing what treatment is all about so in many ways it's a very good thing that we're seeing this chip and.

And the movies really are a mirror and a window into the possibilities of who we are and what's available to us all right last but certainly not least a new survey shows 84% of Americans with pets say the animals give them a mental health boost this is also an opportunity for me to show off my dog Lucy full disclosure but Dr Robbie so cute to she.

We'll see her in just a second there she is there's Lucy look at that and she is a mental health boost for sure I mean don't get me wrong she's also a stress inducer but how do pets make such a difference to people the studies are really consistent so pets offer unconditional love companionship they also can reduce.

Anxiety and depression and also reduce loneliness which is a big epidemic in this country so uh the studies are really true and support pets and dogs are man best man best friend and um you know they're adorable to have around as well so it's a win-win situation so true I know whenever my husband's out of town I feel like I am.

The crazy person who's like talking with the dog Co what's up L because we're all alone but it's nice to have her all right Dr Robbie lwi thanks so much good to see you day we are getting into vacay mode after the break we're going to explore why more people are choosing to do well nothing while on vacation pack gear bags.

Morning news now we'll be right back we are back now with some Financial headlines for you new rules are coming to cap credit card late fees CNBC syan hanau joins us with that and other money news Savannah Good morning Joe Savannah good morning to you all right let's start with that so the Biden.

Administration announcing new measures today to fight high prices and those so-called junk fees now among the new rules capping most credit card late fees at a dollar or requiring Banks to show why they should charge more the average late fee is now $32 the government estimates Banks brought in roughly $14 billion in fees last year President.

Biden is also forming a new Strike Force to crack down on unfair pricing on groceries prescription drugs and Health Care Whole Foods plans to open smaller format quick shop stores the Whole Foods daily shop will be about quarter to half the size of a regular store and the aim is to allow for more locations in dense Metro areas customers will still have.

Access to grabbing go meals and snacks recipe ingredients and grocery Essentials the first store will open on the Upper East Side of New York City later this year with plans to expand to other US cities and you can now edit your DMs on Instagram meta has rolled out an update allowing users to change their minds if they make a mistake but.

You only have 15 minutes to do so and you can make the edits by pressing and holding on the me on the set message which then creates a drop- down menu you look for edit and make the required changes other updates to DMS include being able to pin up to three of your favorite messages at the top of the feed which could be useful for ongoing chats.

Guys all right syana thank you so much yeah spring break is just around the corner many are looking to get away for some time in the Sun but experts say Generation Z is changing the travel landscape for 2024 yeah say goodbye to a bunch of excursions or scheduled dinners and Food Tours sabatical and do nothing vacations that's apparently where it's.

At yeah for more on this trend let's bring in travel expert Mark hellwood to break it down for us so let's start with sabatical because I was reading about this yesterday sounds great to me one study found nearly 7% of salaried workers were on sabatical in January of this year twice as high as 2019 num numbers even higher for j z explain to.

Us what does this look like what's behind this TR so what this looks like is basically 6 months of paid time off so another words a big CH you're already envisioning this right I'm looking at you both staring at me thinking yeah I essentially I think what is driving this is a shift in the work landscape there was a period when a company offered you.

Great perks a foosball table uh free Lune and then we had a period when we could work from home and there's a there's a real shift to pushing us back into the office so you want to throw a perk at someone and you say look work here for five years you can have six months on us and I think that's what's driving that and I do think with the.

Hybrid aspect people are still finding ways to kind of like work remote for a long time absolutely which totally you know potentially could but anyway all right that's not the only Trend changing apparently this year so let's talk about this concept of a do nothing vacation I mean what is that vacation I like to call I think a do nothing vacation is.

What we used to do school vacation and it is an interesting it's an interesting shift because it's telling is wow when I want time off I actually want time off I was at a private island komala in Fiji last week and these I mean again these but these these private islands the whole point of them is you go there and you're not going sightseeing there's.

There's one in French Polynesia there's one there's many in the Caribbean you go there to have someone bring you a drink to say maybe I'll do a game of tennis if I feel like it or I'll just have a nap and I think it's because our lives are so busy we say oh I just want time off an actual recharge actually wait give me this again you were on this Private.

Island last week hang with you youly dropped that that was excuse me but but it is it's this new it's this new Drive tour I I call them exclusive all-inclusives you'll see places like Hyatt and Marriot they're bringing in a new kind of all-inclusive which isn't that gross thing where you're basically like can I.

Eat my body weight in french fries in 3 days it's about saying I don't want that pain of paying I don't want a check at the end of the experience I want to pay up front and just have fun real quickly how do you plan to do nothing vacation you look for an all-inclusive remember if you see all-inclusive it's no longer a big blaring warning sign you know.

Steer clear look for those high-end all-inclusives places like H marot opening a Ritz Caron one that is how you plan it and you won't have to do anything but say one more drink please some of them are still sure again I went to one recently okay I think that's that's a t me of the story Mark do a little.

Research to thank you so much you coming up it's like a scene out of a western gone out of control after the break we're going to take you to Utah where tumble weeds have totally taken over really morning news now he may have made his name outside the ring but now he will join.

Wrestling's alltime great longtime professional wrestling icon Paul Heyman is is the first inductee revealed for this year's WWE Hall of Fame class now he's not a wrestler known as the wise man he's played many roles in the industry starting as a photographer in the 70s a commentator for WWE and as a manager for some of wrestling's biggest.

Stars like Brock Lesner but one of the biggest ways he put his imprint on the industry well after he was fired from world championship wrestling he launched something called Extreme championship wrestling or ECW which was really really extreme and influenced its competitors these days he's in WWE and known as the special.

Council for the universal champ Roman Reigns the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony will be held in Philadelphia on April 5th he's really well known and he's like one of those people whose skill is on the microphone if you will it's so funny when we talk about this and you know everything and I know nothing good about a different language chosen this is my.

Area of expertise I love it I don't anything about travel or you know this I got oh my gosh I love it all right let's now ahead to Salt Lake City where residents in one town there were left dealing with a tumble weed takeover strong winds brought the dead foliage rolling into town piling up next to homes cars and covering streets one of.

My old colleagues reporter Alex cabero from our affiliate KSL in Salt Lake City has the story of all the things to see in South Jordan John Young I don't know never thought his home would become the latest attraction you take pictures you take videos and you to hope the wind.

Changes it's not every day you see thousands of tumble weeds roll in for a visit I I opened up the blinds and this was on my front porch there's even a car in there somewhere what do you do you just laugh there's nothing to do but laugh as heavy winds blew through this Daybreak neighborhood in South Jordan.

Avoiding tumble weeds kind of became a sport and the more you tried to get rid of them the more that seemed to just come right back yeah oh yeah it Twirls Stan Romero had quite the surprise when he opened his garage door and boom it was 10t high you know coming in the garage OH Close That Door South Jordan street workers showed.

Up with a dumpster and back ho to clear roads and Pathways luckily is something we can handle this is not our first tumble mageddon it's true Daybreak has been through a tumble week an invasion before and you tend to get that as you develop into open land but this is about as Western as it gets we've had a few.

Tumble weeds but nothing like this it's absolutely crazy it is absolutely crazy yeah it is thanks to Alex gaber from our affiliate KSL in Salt Lake City again for that report well if that wasn't enough a storm also brought snow to the region over the weekend all kinds of things I don't feel as bad though about any dust.

Bunnies that have accumulated corner of sorry that's going to do it for this hour Morning News Now the news continues right now good morning happy super Tuesday I'm Savannah sers and I'm Joe frier right now on morning news now it is maker break time for Nikki Haley the Republican Challenger preparing for what.

Could be her last stand on this super Tuesday 15 states are in play today former president Trump remains in Prime position to seal the Republican nomination his campaign getting a major Boost from the Supreme Court striking down a move by Colorado to remove him from the primary ballot building up to what could be a pivotal day in the race.

For the White House also this morning hopes of securing a ceasefire deal in Gaza hanging in the balance after talks end without a breakthrough we have the latest on that as the World Health Organization warns that children in Northern Gaza are dying from starvation here in the US the first over-the-counter birth control pills are.

Set to hit the shelves soon what you need to know about the newly approved contraceptive plus hanging up the helmet Jason Kelce retiring after 13 years in the NFL we'll take a look at his story career his emotional farewell and why the eagle star Center is Calling it Quits does have a brother that's fairly well known in the NFL right now I do.

Feel though like you can't watch this speech he gave without tearing up it's pretty amazing that's good we're going to bring you that in a little bit let's begin this hour of course with super Tuesday the biggest single voting day in the primary season today is a potential make or break day for former un Ambassador Nikki Haley in her Republican.

Primary fight against former president Donald Trump she is looking to gain momentum after winning her first primary this past weekend in Washington DC Mr Trump is looking to move closer to winning the Republican nomination with a big night tonight now there are nearly 900 GOP delegates up for grabs today that is more than one-third of the toal.

Total number of delegates voters will cast their ballots in more than a dozen states we have full coverage ahead this morning we've got NBC News National political correspondent Steve coraki at the big board and NBC News senior National politics reporter Jonathan Allen but let's get started this hour with NBC's Garrett H he is outside of.

Former president Trump's Florida overnight Donald Trump notched another victory in the North Dakota caucuses but his biggest win yesterday came from the Supreme Court which said he could stay on the ballot across the country today he's hoping it's voters that give him a big victory on what could be the decisive day of the Republican.

Primary this morning the road to the White House stretching from coast to coast as Republican voters in 15 states from Alaska to Alabama cast their primary ballots GOP front runner Donald Trump who swept the first seven states of the primary is widely expected to pick up the Lion Share of the more than 800.

Delegates at stake today Hell she's not a problem uh I think she's very negative for the party but she's not a problem in terms of winning because we're winning by a lot it's great to be here in Fort Worth while Nikki Haley fresh off her first victory of the campaign over the weekend in Washington DC taking aim at Trump in.

Texas arguing since his first term he's been a drag on the party as a whole with losses at the state and federal levels at some point maybe we should say the reason that America keeps losing is because of Donald Trump today's super Tuesday contests come on the heels of a unanimous Supreme Court ruling Monday in Mr Trump's favor ordering his name be.

Included on primary ballots in Colorado and other states where courts or officials had tried to Bar him for allegedly engaging in Insurrection on January 6th you cannot take somebody out of a race because an opponent would like to have it that way Mr Trump praising the ruling and arguing he's been politically targeted by the Biden.

Department of Justice it's their nonsense cases and everybody sees the Biden campaign responding calling Mr Trump's statement quote unhinged confused ramblings focused only on himself but the focus tonight will be on Trump who's throwing a party here in Florida and on Nikki Haley who's heading back to South Carolina with no events.

Scheduled adding to the speculation that the end of her campaign might be near all right Garett thank you for more on super Tuesday we're joined by NBC News National political correspondent Steve coraki at the big board and NBC News senior National politics reporter Jonathan Allen good morning to both of you John let's start with you what are.

You watching for tonight as the results start to come in any indicator that might tell us how the night's going to go I'm I'm watching to see if there is some major uh national natural disaster I don't know if it's a tumble weed mageddon or uh the sun uh suddenly uh falling out of the sky uh basically Donald Trump is uh expected to and and.

Bing some sort of uh major naal national disaster uh going to clean up uh tonight and he he's uh I think Steve may talk about this but it's unlikely that he'll actually clinch the nomination tonight but I you know from a practical matter is expected to John also as we heard in Garrett's piece there big news yesterday the Supreme Court ruled that Trump is.

Able to be on the primary ballot in Colorado and other states that were challenging his eligibility citing the 14th Amendment because of the events leading up to the January 6th attack at the capital tell us just major takeaways from this decision well I mean number one I think that this effort is dead um in terms of.

Not just Colorado but obviously uh other states that want to do similar things to try to take Trump off the ballot Supreme Court was pretty clear on this nine to nothing um uh you know that states can't take uh this can't take a federal candidate off the ballot uh I also think that you're seeing the number of uh Pathways uh that uh that could have.

Prevented Ed Donald Trump you know from the legal system or made it that much harder for him from the legal system to run for president or to win the presidency those are starting to close off I do think that there is one really fascinating sort of thing that was embedded uh in uh one of the concurring opinions written by the three liberal.

Justices so they agreed uh that Colorado shouldn't be able to take Trump off the ballot uh but in their agreement they said uh they called repeatedly referred to oath breaking insurrectionists which I think is an indication of where they might be inclined to go uh in terms of uh challenges to him uh in the future based on trying to overturn the 2020.

Election Steve let's bring you in here I'm guessing tumble weeds may not be on the big board but give us the lay of the land as we head into tonight yeah I mean look John got to the bottom line there just in terms of the expectations going in take a look what's uh what's uh on Deck right now today in yellow you see the states that are going to be voting.

Today what you see here this is the current delegate count heading into tonight the magic number on the Republican side being 1215 and I think a couple things to highlight here the number one is the biggest delegate prize on the board tonight for the Republicans it is California 169 delegates and and you see.

The rule in California no Independence no Democrats can vote it is a closed Republican primary and we've seen Nikki Haley's strength the backbone of it really has been Independence and even Democrats where they've been allowed to vote none of that in California and California a winner take all state if Donald Trump can just get 50% plus one.

He gets all 169 Texas the next biggest prize on the board today 161 delegates it's not quite as cut and dry as California but you've got a very conservative Trump friendly electorate they give out winter take all delegates by congressional district every reason to suspect Trump is going to get the overwhelming share of those 161 so you.

Can see just between those two states how quickly that number is poised to rise for Trump other states here quickly to note alab abama Arkansas Oklahoma in particular these could be states where Trump essentially gets all the delegates just based on the strength he has with the types of Voters who predominate in those States so again it's just even if.

Haley is getting 40% 43% in a lot of these states that's her best number so far 43 in New Hampshire even if she's getting 43 in a bunch of these states the way the rules are now on this day for the Republicans the rules are designed to get a quick and decisive outcome to this nominating race so 40 43% is not going to translate into many.

Delegates so Steve walk us through any places among the 15 states where Republicans are voting today where Nikki Haley could make some Headway so there there are a few actually uh the most obvious I would say is right here Vermont uh Vermont is an Open Primary no party registrations very small state remember Haley did get 43% next door in.

New Hampshire Vermont was one of Donald Trump's worst states in the 2016 primaries the first time he ran he only got 32% of the vote back then John Kasich Marco Rubio who were running against him had a lot of demographic overlap with what Haley's getting now they combined for an outright majority the vote in Vermont in 2016 she could.

Absolutely I think take a uh take a run at Trump in Vermont Virginia is interesting especially in the northern part of Virginia uh key to Virginia they do give out delegates based on Congressional District and you mentioned the Washington DC primary very low turnout but demographically the washingt DC Republican electorate has a lot of.

Overlap with the northern Virginia the right in the DC suburbs a couple of congressional districts there so Haley could make some noise around there pick up a few delegates um you know Minnesota Colorado she could do reasonably well in these states but again Vermont's only 17 delegates we're talking about District delegates in Virginia we're talking.

About just a share in Colorado Minnesota even if she's doing that it's going to be swamped very quickly by all of these other Trump areas I was just showing you Steve let's look ahead to the general election if we have a Biden Trump rematch what are things looking like so here it is I mean this is just in the last several days four major national.

Polls coming out on a Biden Trump rematch with Trump ahead by anywhere between two and four points in all four our own NBC poll from a few weeks ago had Trump ahead by five the obvious significance there is how different this looks from the last go round in 2020 there was not a single not one major poll in 2020 that had Biden losing to.

Donald Trump we got four here just in the last couple days what is behind this one stat that stands out is from this New York Times poll that came out a couple days ago they basically asked of Trump's voters in 2020 how many are still with him now they found 97% in their poll how many of Biden's 2020 voters say in the New York Times poll.

They are still with Biden 85% look at that difference there a double digigit difference that's the slack for Biden that's the difference between Biden leading every poll in 2020 and slightly trailing in many now Steve and John getting us ready for a big super Tuesday thank you both got it stay with NBC News Now for coverage of super Tuesday all.

Day long our extensive lives coverage gets underway tonight 5:00 p.m. eastern time 2:00 this well this morning talks aimed at bringing a ceasefire to Gaza and releasing Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners have stalled the latest session of negotiations in Cairo ended without a breakthrough with a.

Deadline to reach a deal by the start of Ramadan now hanging in the balance NBC News forign correspondent RAF Sanchez joins us from Tel Aviv hi RAF good morning Savannah good morning yeah no sign of a breakthrough at those talks in Cairo both Israel and Hamas saying effectively the ball is in the other side's court and it is looking now.

Increasingly unlikely that a deal will be in place by the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan which begins on Sunday this morning time is running out to get a ceasefire deal before the start of Ramadan we're in a window of time right now where we can actually get a hostage deal done the US putting new and Urgent pressure on both Israel and Hamas.

We need to get more Aid in we need to get the hostages out as fears for those hostages grow following a chilling new UN report that found clear and convincing proof that some had been raped while in captivity we saw a catalog of the most extreme and inhumane forms of torture and other Horrors the UN says there's also.

Evidence Hamas Fighters committed rape during the October 7th attack at at least three locations including the Supernova Music Festival Hamas denying the un's findings calling them false accusations under a proposed deal for a 6-week ceasefire Hamas would release around 40 hostages many of them women in exchange for around 400 Palestinian.

Prisoners the deal would also bring more Aid into Gaza where famine is tightening its grip the US planning additional Aid drops from military aircraft but humanitarian groups say it's nowhere near enough to fend off starvation this view from a Jordanian Aid plane shows the Staggering Devastation in Gaza City after 5 months of Israeli bombing.

Somewhere down below Samia almasri is praying for a ceasefire as she feeds her children with pancakes made out of barley meant for Animals sometimes I add a bit of sugar she says a mom doing what little she can to spare her children the bitterness of War now in just the last hour the US military has carried out a second Aid.

Drop over Gaza we're told by Central commands three US aircraft were involved they dropped around 36,000 th meals into Gaza but as you heard in the piece humanitarian groups are saying you cannot fend off starvation with air drops what needs to happen is much more Aid coming in by land two Israeli officials tell NBC this morning the.

Israeli military is drawing up plans for a new Aid Crossing directly into Northern Gaza that Crossing likely to be in the area around kibutz bar one of the kbut seim that was attacked on October 7th but they say at this point no plans have been finalized guys all right rap thank you so much last month the mother of convicted school shooter Ethan.

Crumbley was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter marking the first time in US history that a parent was held criminally responsible for a shooting carried out by their child now his father is set to have his day in court with jury selection and his trial on the same charges set to begin today NBC News correspondent Stephanie gos wins us now.

With what we can expect step good morning Savannah Joe good morning to you guys this will be another closely watched trial as jurors weigh how much they should hold a father responsible for a crime his son committed this morning a month after that guilty verdict gripped the country we find the defendant guilty of.

Involuntary manslaughter James Crumbley starts trial with jury selection for his role in a mass school shooting carried out by his son Ethan his wife Jennifer was the first parent in the US held criminally responsible for a school shooting carried out by their child both charged with four counts one count for each student killed prosecutors say.

Ethan used a semi-automatic handgun allegedly bought by his dad as a gift days before the shooting they also argued Jennifer was negligent and ignored the warnings crumb's parents were called to his high school the morning of the shooting over concerns about a drawing he made of a gun and a message the thoughts won't stop help me.

She did not give him the help that he wanted but Jennifer crumb's defense team said her husband James was responsible for the storage and safety of the gun I just didn't feel comfortable being in charge of that it was more his thing so I let him handle that I didn't feel comfortable putting the lock thing on it experts say james'.

Attorneys likely watched Jennifer's trial closely to adjust their strategy the jury Ford person telling Savannah on today that Jennifer's testimony and evidence was pivotal for jurors Jennifer didn't separate her son from the gun enough to save those lives that day Craig.

Schilling's son Justin was among the four killed he's always on my heart he helpes our have to have to stay high you know I mean you're you're in it you want the accountability you want the you want the right verdict that jury selection begins this morning in the same courtroom with the.

Same judge as his wife's trial James crumbly pleaded not guilty to the charges guys all right Stephanie thank you so much you're welc Kim well this morning residents are still digging out after a multi-day blizzard in California Sierra Nevada mountains what's worse is after a weekend of heavy snowfall and Gusty winds another big storm is headed.

Their way NBC News correspondent Steve Patterson joins us now from Trey California with more Steve good morning in Savannah this current system nowhere near as dangerous as the snow that we got over the weekend but with 10ft snow piles still on the ground in people's communities any small amount of snow on top of that can lead to a big.

Headache this morning the race is on to dig out vehicles and homes from a weekend blizzard before snow from a new storm starts piling up again we had grass coming up in our yard on Thursday and now our windows are all buried on our house so this is the aftermath of an intense multi-day storm that Unleashed a life-threatening assault on the Mountain.

West dumping 5 to 10 and feet of snow across the region it was full on like it was definitely some pretty intense periods of wide out conditions the Region's major thoroughfare Interstate 80 finally reopening after disrupting traffic and commerce for days it has been a real mess if you live in it then you're used to it but if you're not I.

Would just say don't come up here if you don't have to because of heavy snow and winds that reached 190 mph at the highest peaks officials and locals still urge caution on the roads we've just been taking it slow you know going 25 30 m an hour the storm effectively ending The Season's snow drought bringing California's snow Pack level up to 104%.

Of normal up from just 32% at the start of this calendar year Lake Tahoe's famous ski resorts opening back up carefully with conditions still sketchy up top and deep powder everywhere today we're going to go e some mellow tree lines and hopefully avoid the Avalanches and with this current system now pushing South anybody coming to.

Enjoy the snow now is getting a warning from officials about Avalanche danger you don't want to be here in the back country if you don't know what you're doing right now Savannah that is so true Steve thank you so much all right as we mentioned another storm set to bring more snow to the northern sieras today let's get a check on your Morning News.

Now weather Andie lman is here with the details hey Andrew good morning hey good morning guys and some important notes that differ uh from the previous storm we saw to the one that we're going to see here that we're gearing up for over the next day or so not quite as impactful and especially the location of where we'll pick up additional rain and.

Snow is focused towards the northern Sierra and it is not going to add additional snow to folks in places like Tahoe so that's a good a good uh tidbit for folks that have really been hit with some really heavy snow over the past couple of days in the meantime here's what it looks like right now you can see Northern California getting uh some of.

This rain along the coast and stretching up into points north of that we do see some additional snowfall again in parts of the northern Sierra that is where we have those winter alerts that are up right now you can see in the bright pink the winter storm warnings we also have those winter weather advisories in effect and they extend out towards the.

Rockies we will see additional snowfall for folks in the Rockies through the day today here's the culprit this system that's going to work on Shore again the snow is and the rain for that for that matter are focused across portions of Northern California it does stretch into the rocky so we'll pick up some of that snow there where those alerts are in.

Effect places like Yellowstone out to Boise out to we'll see a bit of a wintry mix for folks there and then as we get into the day tomorrow notice that this system brings all of this rain from basically the Bay Area all the way down into San Diego we will see some showers likely as that low pressure gets a little closer to the coast this is going.

To leave it unsettled for folks up and down the coast of California and in Inland areas too when it's all said and done here as we get through at least the midweek you could see maybe a quarter of an inch to a half of an inch across uh areas of this region specifically San louiso down towards San Diego I think the higher amounts are going to be.

Focused up towards Northern California where they'll have more prolonged rain when it comes to the snowfall forecast picking up an additional six to 12 feet or 12 inches rather as as possible maybe up to a foot or higher in some of those spots but it's looking like that that's going to be the general amount that we'll see and again not looking for.

Additional snowfall around Lake Tahoe really important as they continue to dig out meanwhile a different story across the country when it comes to temperatures we've got places like Chicago St Louis Witchita all running well above average for this time of year Omaha is set to hit 57 degrees today running more than 10 degrees above.

Average uh across this region and we've got 70s on tap for places like Cincinnati close to 70 and Nashville well into the 70s and close to 80 as you look down towards the South through the day today that taste of spring continues tomorrow too across much of the East will'll end up into the upper 50s to low 60s mid-60s on tap for Charlotte as we.

Get into tomorrow and you can see we really do keep it above normal here for the next 2 days before we start to see things kind of change up that's when we see temperatures take a bit of a tumble we'll start to turn cooler by the time the week really wraps up we end up into the 50s for both Thursday and Friday in Chicago but notice the 40s return by.

Saturday similar story for St Louis we end up back into the 50s guys by the time we get into the weekend of course all good things come to an end back over you thank youie BL coming up multiple explosions lit up the guys of Michigan overnight what's behind the incident at an industrial site near Detroit and why.

Officials have been urging residents to stay inside that's next we are back now with a developing story out of Eastern Michigan multiple explosions and a fire broke out at an industrial site north of Detroit late Monday night the blasts were so powerful debris was sent flying as far as a mile away now officials are asking people to.

Avoid the area as they try to get the situation under control NBC News correspondent Adrien brus is near the scene and joins us with the latest Adrien Good morning Joe good morning to you a terrifying scene here in this Michigan Community moments ago we learned a 19yearold was killed that 19-year-old.

Male was injured after this series of explosions the chief of the fire department saying containers like this filled with butane and other gases were flying through the air falling like raindrops and now the investigation continues into what started that explosion overnight massive explosions.

Lighting up the sky in Michigan causing a massive factory fire at an industrial site about 25 miles outside Detroit pleas got multiple explosion a lot of debris in the air authorities say the blaze erupted at a plant which distributes Vape products and other items in Michigan against Clinton Township debris projected into.

The air traveling as far as a mile away as canisters became projectiles residents were asked to avoid the area stay inside and close windows I want any any standing around video taping in their cars that are anywhere near the cation cleared out immediately neighbors describe hearing a loud bang which sounded like fireworks.

Shaking the ground social media posts showing images of huge plumes of fire and smoke billowing from the site Clinton Township Police releasing a statement saying quote upon arrival officers observed exploding materials flying in all directions from the building police also writing on Facebook please please please stay inside bigger.

Concern right now is obviously they're taming the fire but now you know what's going on with that air quality emergency crews working throughout the night to put out the blaze as residents waited for the Flames to die down and even this morning about an hour ago there was another explosion before that explosion the last one was at 3:00 a.m.

Behind me you see the pile of rubber that's all that's left of the building the good news the fire chief says the air quality which was a concern is okay Joe Adrian thank you so much got some other International headlines now starting with a warning from North Korea in response to joint military drills by the US and South Korea NBC's clo lavanga.

Has that and other world news clao good morning good morning guys that's right the day after the South Korea and the US started their annual joint minitry drills North Korea says that those exercises are part of a plot to invade their country now in a statement the defense Ministry of North Korea said and I quote it strongly denounces The.

Reckless military drills of the US and South Korea for getting more undisguised in their military threat to a sovereign state an attempt for invading it North Korea also threatened to take unspecified military steps in response The Joint drills by South Korea and the US will last 11 days and will involve 48 field exercises twice the number.

Conducted last year let's now go to France which on Monday became the first country in the world to enshrine abortion rights in its Constitution after lawmakers in both houses of Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favor of the measure now the decision to ensine abortion in the constitution in France was triggered by the US Supreme.

Court's decision to overturn roie Wade and will send a strong message to other countries in Europe like Hungary where Reproductive Rights are under threat following the vote the iel tower was lit up with a words my body my choice and let's end the stour of the world in Britain where police recovered a Ferrari three decades after it was stolen in.

Italy the red Ferrari belonged to for former Formula 1 driver Gerard Berger and was one of two sports cars stolen in 1995 the Breakthrough came in January this year when a manufacturer noticed that the car which was going to be sold to an American buyer had been flagged as a stolen vehicle officers sees the car worth almost half a million dollars now.

A very very fast car and a very very slow return home back to you guys wow it's exciting for them Claudia lavanga thank you so much coming up a landmark moment for reprod Ive healthare what you need to know about the first over-the-counter birth control pills to hit shelves later this month that's up.

Next welcome back over the counter birth control pills are expected to hit shelves at Major retailers across the country by the end of the month opil as it's called was approved for sale by the FDA last summer it will be the first daily oral contraceptive approved for use in the US without a prescription Dr lucky C conts us for more on this she is.

A double board certified reproductive endocrinologist and OBGYN at RMA of New York fertility clinic and of course a friend of the show Dr secon always great to have you with us good morning so why is this considered such a landmark moment for Reproductive care in the US this is revolutionary for Reproductive health because this is the.

First non-prescription over-the-counter birth control pill that has ever been made available in the United States and this follows at least a hundred other countries around the world that have made this type of uh contraception available and it's going to increase access to care for a lot of people tell us more details here before people start.

Purchasing them in stores are these covered by insurance companies is this going to be available across the country what are the details this is going to be available across the country it's hitting shelves this month and it was formally approved as an over-the-counter non-prescription contraception last summer and it's.

Actually not a novel or new new medication this is the progestin only birth control pill so the standard birth control pill that most people think about when you he people talking about the pill contains usually estrogen and progesterone and that's not always suitable for everyone people who have uncontrolled hypertension blood clots.

Different types of migraines shouldn't be taking estrogen containing birth control this is a much safer more inclusive form of birth control that only contains progestin there are fewer contraindications and this is one of the reasons why the FDA felt it was the safest version of birth control pill to make available over the counter who.

Might benefit from having access to these pills without needing to head to a doctor's office or get a prescription written well depending on who you are and where you live in the country it's not always so easy to have access um to a doctor and to to get in for a visit and then wait to have a prescription so so this is great for anyone who's.

Waiting to get in to see a doctor it's an immediate way to start contracepting and avoid an unplanned pregnancy it's also helpful to people who are trying to avoid the co-pay of an office visit um it's also very discreet there's really no age limit to who can access the opil and so this is going to be a game Cher for adolescents and teenagers who.

Otherwise might have a hard time having access to contraception and doctor for people who have seen a doctor before for this type of medication and like you said there's lots of different types is there a reason why someone would cut out the doctor and just go straight to a pharmacy themselves what should people think about is there a reason why you.

Might not want to be on this particular birth control I mean there are differences and potential downsides to taking a progestin only pill um there is a little bit less wiggle room in terms of when you need to take this this is only an effective form of contraception if taken at the exact same time every day and if.

It's any later than 3 hours than your usual time that you administer it then you really need to make sure that you have a backup form of contraception for at least 48 hours otherwise the failure rate does increase compared to estrogen containing birth control pills all right Dr lucky seeon great information thank you so much more more people are turning.

To weight loss drugs to help them lose weight and that is having an impact on many businesses yeah it's already shaken up the diet and snack food Industries well now it's starting to reshape how gyms and fitness clubs are trying to win over members NBC News correspondent Emily aeta is here in studio with more on this hey Emily good morning hey guys.

It just continues to have a sweeping impact you think about it as many as tens of millions of Americans could be taking weight loss drugs by 2028 according to Goldman Sachs their soaring popularity has gyms which have long relied on people hoping to shed pounds adjusting their strategies as weight loss drugs soar in.

Popularity and make shedding pounds easier than ever I have worked out three to five times a week since being on this medication America's gyms are working up a sweat to assure they're not left behind in this new age of Health and Wellness we're now trying to figure out how can we assist people in getting the best possible results.

Equinox is among the fitness clubs leaning in launching curated training programs for members on weight loss drugs people need to maintain a really good exercise regimen and a a nutrition regimen on top of it exponential Fitness acquired a chain of weight loss medical clinics while lifetime is piloting an on-site Clinic that provides access to.

Doctors who can prescribe weight loss medications to eligible members while some trainers say they're losing clients to weight loss drugs many industry analysts believe gyms luxury or not stand to benefit Planet fness calling the drugs a Tailwind for our industry 40 lbs ago this girl was not going into a PL body's class as some patients find.

New confidence to start working out it's super important to try to build your muscle and look to Stave off muscle loss a potential side effect of such medications doctors say those taking weight loss drugs should stay in touch with the healthcare team to monitor any potential side effects practice strength training like body weight squats and.

Resistance bands and avoid exercising on an empty stomach what's at stake for those who do not do any strength training on these kinds of drugs if you don't move your body you don't do some resistance activity you're at risk for losing more of the muscle mass as we age and we lose that muscle mass that we're going to have you know more troubles and.

More issues over time Dr Angela Fitch says nausea is a common initial side effect of the drugs and that new patients should take exercise slow at first I felt I had a little bit of nausea and within a week after taking it probably my second shot I felt a lot better I started my workout routine again so we talk about this issue of.

Preventing muscle loss we know obviously strength training can help can nutrition help at all with that yeah absolutely that's the other important pillar here and when it comes to nutrition you think of one word it's protein especially when there's concerns about muscle loss when someone is rapidly losing weight and so a couple of things that you can keep in.

Mind and should look for in adding to your diet if you're really rapidly losing weight uh consider doctors say protein supplements make sure they are lower in sugar but then also just like lean meats chicken fish vegetables are good options as well to really pack that diet with protein but I think this all just goes to show that there's no Silver.

Bullet for weight loss and it all goes back to taking a well-rounded approach to health and wellness always good advice Emily thank you thank you so much coming up super Tuesday isn't the only vote we're watching today that's right the dart with college basketball team is voting on whether to form a union more on that and what it could mean for.

College sports all across the country when Morning News Now continues time now for financial headlines on a surge in the price of Bitcoin CNBC Savanah hanau has that and other money news Savanah good morning Hey Joe hey Savannah good morning yes so Bitcoin it is pulling back today but.

This is after topping $68,000 yesterday nearing its all-time high around 69,000 so the cryptocurrency is closing in on the market value of silver at roughly $1.4 trillion investor enthusiasm for Bitcoin has picked up steam since the SEC approved several Exchange ated funds that track the spot price black Rock's ETF the I shares.

Bitcoin trust has racked up more than 10 billion dollars in Assets in just two months meanwhile Jeff Bezos overtakes Elon Musk as the world's richest person for the first time since 2021 it's also the first time musk has lost the top spot in the Bloomberg billionair index in 9 months when the CEO of lvmh Bernard Arno briefly surpassed him now bezos's.

Net worth is estimated at $200 billion topping musk at $198 billion musk's Fortune has dropped by 31 billion this year as Tesla stock has lost a quarter of its value Bezos recently sold about 50 million shares of Amazon worth roughly $8 billion and Cookie Monster is weighing in on the economy the iconic Sesame.

Street character is expressing his dismay at shrinkflation in a post on X Cookie Monster says he's feeling the pain of high prices which have led to the downsizing of certain consumer goods he says me hate shrinkflation me cookies are getting smaller guess me going to have to eat double the cookies nope the chief.

Economist at jobsite glore responded by posting a chart showing cookie prices are up nearly 30% since the since the pandemic which he says is well tough for somebody whose consumption basket is 100% cookies good yeah I'm very impressed syana thank you so much should today may be super Tuesday but there's another election we're closely.

Watching that has nothing to do with politics in New Hampshire the 15 members of the Dartmouth College men's basketball team will vote today to potentially form the first ever Union in college sports the results could change college sports forever NBC News Now correspondent Mora Barrett has more Kate H Haskins and Romeo mer are.

Like most students at Dartmouth every day is work and school school and work except the work they do doesn't come with a paycheck why because they're on the men's basketball team we don't get a stip in or any type of benefit for being athletes even though we are you know working like full-time jobs basically by being on the team the only way College.

Athletes can get money for playing is through what's called name image and likeness basically it lets players earn money for things like autographs appearances coaching merch video games games or endorsements just not directly for what they do on the field some like Southern California's bronny James or LSU's liby Dunn can rack up big bucks.

But those opportunities don't exist for every athlete that's why H Haskins and Myrtle decided to form a union to get compensated like other student employees with hourly wages similar to other student wages on campus or scholarships both players have had to take on what are essentially third jobs H Haskins has experience with unions though helping.

Start one at the dining hall on campus we saw the impacts and how influential their voices became um once they actually became a union there's a lot more power athletes have tried this before were seeking to form a labor union back in 2015 the National Labor Relations Board rejected Northwestern football's bid to form a union but a.

Decade later a shift now the nlrb is backing their bid ruling the men's basketball team performs work in exchange for compensation in the form of gear food lodging and tickets since ivy league athletes don't get scholarships Dartmouth is appealing the ruling telling NBC News unionization is not appropriate in this instance the cost of.

Dartmouth Athletic program far exceed any revenue for the program but H Haskins and Myrtle already have their sites set on something bigger overturning the whole system at the core of all of this it challenges the term that we see so often in the conference of you guys being student athletes what do you make of that term do you agree.

With it I mean no it's a it's an old term and it was used to kind of keep the the athletes as students first and kind of deemphasize the athlete part of it and the fact that they actually do work for the college sports law expert Michael mccan says these rulings could put the entire NCAA on notice it's a game changer for college sports so there.

Would be a fundamental shift in the ncaa's model from a model where by rule these schools cannot pay the athletes and that makes them amateurs college players are have a big role in terms of generating Revenue uh generating fundraising generating admissions so schools might rethink some of their numbers the NCAA has not responded to.

Our request for comment but it has a key factor working in its favor Public Schools like Alabama Ohio State and Michigan aren't covered by the nlrb so there's no sign athletes that those schools could form unions yet but more than a third of the D1 schools are private leaving them wide open to take that step for H Haskins and Myrtle.

They're now focusing on bringing together the whole ivy league under One Roof we're not the only ones frustrated with the ivy league and uh with our own school it's it's everybody you know everyone feels like we're being used in the ivy league and and we want to make we want to change that thanks to Mora Barrett for that report if the players.

Vote in favor of a Union Dartmouth can still appeal to the full National Labor Relations Board and then to the federal courts so it could be years before players can negotiate a collective bargaining agreement with the school coming up it is the end of an era for one NFL star Jason Kelsey he's calling it quck after 13 years we'll bring you.

His emotional announcement and why he's decided to hang up his cleat stay with us welcome back Taylor Swift has a new album on the way it's called the tortured poets department but it turns out she is not the only poet in the family according to the genealogy company ancestry Swift and the treasured.

American poet Emily Dickinson are sixth cousins three times removed ancestry shared that the par are descended from a 17th century English immigrant who lived in Connecticut for six Generations before Taylor's part of the family moved to Pennsylvania and married into the Swift family line swifties have long speculated Dickinson's influence on her.

Album ever more with Swift's lyrics often hinting at lines from Dickinson's poems so you know Joe I guess the lyrical genius Apple doesn't fall bar from the family tree that's true I I guess isn't everyone sixth cousins three times REM I know what is that and I never what is there removed thing mean I never remember I don't know either it's.

Like Six Degrees of Kevin B something there yeah all right we end this hour with the end of an incredible career it is now official during an emotional press conference yesterday Philadelphia Eagle Star Center Jason Kelce announced he's retiring from the game capping off a storied career that had an impact both on and off the field NBC News.

Correspondent kayy Hartung has reactions from fans and his teammates hey there Joe and Savannah Jason Kelce was in tears before he even began in his prepared statement it was a retirement speech unlike any other he thanked everyone from his high school band teacher to football coaches at every level and of course his beloved.

Family Kelsey will go down in NFL history of one of the greatest centers to ever play the game but his impact on the Eagles franchise the city of Philadelphia and the NFL is immeasurable with an emotional farewell Jason Kelsey's 13-year NFL career comes to an end this all brings us here to.

Today where I announce that I am retiring the 36-year-old making the announcement with his family in attendance brother Travis wiping away tears during the heartfelt speech there is no chance I'd be here without the bond Travis and I share it's only too poetic I found my career being fulfilled in the City of Brotherly Love.

An unlikely hero in Philadelphia the Eagles drafted Kelce in 2011 as the 191st selection but with dogged determination he would help guide the franchise to their first ever Super Bowl title in 2018 the long drought is over his rock is showing at their Victory Parade cementing Kelsey as a philly icon then 5 years later the star Center's.

Fame reached New Heights as brothers faced off against each other for the first time in Super Bowl history the game dubbed the Kelsey Bowl I won't forget volley short to the Chiefs and the conflicted feeling of immense heartbreak I had selfishly and at the same time the amount of pride I had that my.

Brother had climbed the mountain top once again that match up putting a spotlight on the Kelsey family with Mom Donna at the helm I won't forget my mother becoming mom of the NFL the announcement coming after months of speculation when the eagle season ended in disappointing fashion Kelsey turned into the the ultimate cheerleader for.

His brother through the playoffs there brother his Antics going viral celebrating alongside Taylor Swift after the chief Super Bowl win last month as he closes the chapter on his NFL career with accolades piled high Kelsey's family the center of his world I have enjoyed my best years of my career with Kylie by my.

Side she has also given me three beautiful girls and a life that increasingly brings me more fulfillment off the field than it does on Kelsey giving the bird gang his final thanks before flying the coup thank you Philadelphia from the bottom of my heart so it's getting a little Misty in here guys Jason says he's not sure what the.

Future will hold but there's no question he's comfortable in front of the camera and we know he's spoken with sports networks about the possibility of going the analyst route he's also mentioned he's open to coaching at either the pro or even high school level and Eagles head coach Nick serani has also said they w always be a place for Jason in.

Philadelphia guys all right kayy thank you so much hard to believe we're never going to have another Kelsey Super Bowl first oh my gosh can you imagine if he was your high school football coach he'd be like the best coach that is so epic also I loved something else that wasn't none that he said about his wife he described like the first moment he.

Remembers seeing her walk through the door and everything it was just so sweet and the whole family was just soing we're going to see him in a million advertisements so he's not going anywhere see we can listen to her podcast still course has lots of new Swift fans so anyway all right our thanks again to Kaye for that well now a.

Reminder before we go we will have coverage of super Tuesday throughout the day here on NBC news now and then tonight we've got extensive live coverage that gets underway at 5:00 p.m. Eastern to Pacific Time be sure to tune in that's going to do it for this hour of morning news now stay with us though the news continues right now thanks for.

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