Morning News NOW Beefy Broadcast – Feb. 2


Morning News NOW Beefy Broadcast – Feb. 2

Right now on Morning News Now breaking his silence defense secretary Lloyd Austin apologizing for keeping his cancer battle secret I want to be Crystal Clear we did not handle this right and I did not handle this right how he's working to assure the public that the country wasn't put at risk during his.

Absence as US forces prepare to retaliate for that deadly drone strike in Jordan also this morning morning new push back in the Middle East President Biden issued an executive order targeting Israeli settlers in the West Bank what we know about the order and the waves of violence leading up to it plus of two minds some Republican women.

Are split on their support for Donald Trump and their anger over the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Rover versus Wade we're digging into a new NBC News poll to find out what that could mean before they vote this November and it's showtime the biggest night in music is almost list here we've got your Grammy's guide and why some people say.

This could be the year of the woman love to hear it it is always like the best concert of the Year too I mean a they give like three Awards and just play music all that long gry worthy artist performing for us exactly good to have you with us on this Friday I'm Joe frier and I'm Savannah sers we'll get started this morning with the expected Return To.

Us soil of the three American soldiers who were killed in a drone attack last Sunday in Jordan President Biden and the First Lady planed to be there in Delaware for what's known as the dignified transfer of remains it'll happen at Dober Air Force base later today Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin will also be there yesterday he held his.

First press briefing since his recent hospitalization and apologized for hiding his health issues from the White House and from the public Austin also said the US Was preparing to retaliate against the iran-backed groups that were behind the Drone attack well this is a dangerous moment in the Middle East we will continue to.

Work to avoid a wider conflict in a region but we will take all necessary actions to defend the United States our interest and our people and we will respond when we choose where we choose and how we choose we will have a a multi-tiered response uh and uh and again we have the ability to uh uh to.

Respond uh a number a number of times depending on what the situation is NBC News correspondent Aaron Gilchrist joins us now from outside do Air Force Base in Delaware so Aaron what can we expect from the president's visit there today and the return of these three Fallen US soldiers well Joe and Savannah today really is about these three soldiers.

Being returned here brought back home to the United States I think today what you will see uh is a really dignified uh respectful precision based uh Movement by the folks here at DOA Air Force Base that is really designed to pay tribute to the people you see on your screens here sergeants rivers mafit and Sanders uh.

They their bodies will be flown back to the United States they are being flown back to the United States and the the thing that will be different this time is that yes the president of the United States the commander-in-chief will be here along with the families of these soldiers to receive their remains along with the first lady and several other.

People who will participate as dignitaries in this uh this really a ritual the the Air Force doesn't like to refer to it as a ceremony but it is something this dignified transfer where we will see these uh transfer cases come off of an aircraft and in a very somber meticulous movement to be transferred into Vehicles before they're taken to.

The mortuary Affairs unit here to be uh positively identified and then eventually returned to their families for burial Joe Savannah Erin as we mentioned and we played a little bit of sound from this a moment ago defense Secret AR Lloyd Austin took questions from the Press yesterday what did we learn about what the US is planning in.

Response to this drone attack well Savannah we won't get a lot of detail about what exactly it is that will happen as a response to the deaths of these three soldiers and the injuries of the others in Jordan uh a couple of days ago but uh the president has said that he has made his decision about what sort of a response he wants to see and.

The Secretary of Defense you heard there uh say that that this will be a multi Ed response that we see uh uh officials have told NBC news that it will likely be a response that happens over the course of uh days or weeks it won't be one action that we see as a result of the plan that's being uh executed typically in these situations you'll.

Have the commanders on the ground who really have operational decision-making power in terms of when exactly something might happen and what exactly that a strike for example might look like but we do expect as the secretary indicated that there will be a robust response to what happened in Jordan over the weekend and Aran secretary Austin also.

Apologized for concealing his recent health issues from the White House to reminder he was hospitalized for complications from prostate cancer surgery didn't tell the President right away what else is he saying about that you're right the secretary apologized for keeping so much of that information private he said that it.

Wouldn't surprise anyone and it didn't that that he is a private man and thought it best to keep uh this cancer diagnosis to himself do want you to hear a little bit of what he said from the podium uh at the at the Pentagon yesterday in talking about this this incident listen I was being treated for prostate.

Cancer the news shook me and I know that it shakes so many others especially in the black community it was a gut punch and frankly my first instinct was to keep it private I don't think it's news that I'm a pretty private guy I never like uh burdening others with my problems and the secretary went on to.

Say that he understands that in the position that he is in as Secretary of Defense as a part of the national uh Security Council the president's National Security team he should have been expecting to be less private about this sort of information in the future we know uh that the White House has set up protocols that now all cabinet.

Secretaries have to follow and the defense Department's uh internal uh investigators are looking at what happen been doing a review and there will be some more decisions to come as a result of that investigation Joe and all right Aaron thank you so much well in a shocking move against Israel President Biden has signed an executive order that.

Allows the US to issue sanctions against Israeli settlers occupying the West Bank this unprecedented move is the president's most public split yet with Israel since the war with Hamas began in October the initial round of sanctions was issued against four settlers who the US says have committed specific acts of violence against Palestinians in the.

West Bank according to the order all of their assets and bank accounts in the US will be frozen the executive order also allows the government to impose further sanctions on government officials in Israel let's bring in Hagar shamali for more on this she's the former spokesperson for the US mission to the UN the former NSC director for Syria and.

Lebanon also the host of om my world on YouTube Hagar good morning first walk us through the history here of settlers in the West Bank and the tension that has existed throughout that period well there is a a small faction among Israelis um and Jews who believe that the entire area should be Israel and they are dictated by this by looking at.

Biblical times biblical stories so they go to those certain areas and establish these settlements now these settlements are illegal the United States has said that that's US policy has always said that we don't support uh illegal settlement and the policy of the Israel government isn't necessarily to support all settlements some of them they do.

Some of them they don't however settlers and all Israelis are guaranteed protection by the Israeli State and that's why when they go and create these settlements even if they are illegal they get protection from the military this is not the first time President Biden has spoken out about settlers here what is this saying right now about the.

Relationship between the US and Israel so first you have what you have just what you see on paper which is a significant move for the US government to actually go out and proactively do something where they're saying it's not just that were saying uh publicly that we're against this in general they're actually trying to take an action to.

Stop the activity to tell the Israeli government you need to help us put an end to this we've asked you a number of times and now we're really serious and this type of action it not not only freezes any assets they have here or prohibits us businesses from doing business with them it prohibits it ends up being that it unleashes Market forces.

Around the world so they end up getting isolated from really the entire International Financial system but that said what the real message here the US government is trying to say is we view this as a national security threat this Behavior because it it prevents the establishment of a Palestinian state which we believe is a threat to the US.

National Security foreign policy and economic interests let's talk while we have you about the latest on hostage negotiations we understand that Hamas leadership is reviewing the latest version of this potential deal how much pressure are they under we we know the Israeli government is hearing so much about the hostages what about Hamas how.

Much pressure are they under given the humanitarian crisis in Gaza that's a great question actually nobody asks me that and there there have been protests inside Gaza not huge but still very brave protests of people calling on Hamas to release the hostages because they are sick and tired of the war and they know that that is at the Crux of.

The real brutality here on Israel's side and so they also have increased pressure on the Hamas side but on hamas's side as well they know that if the war continues it will really inevitably undermine their military and governing capabilities and that's their ultimate goal is to maintain control over Gaza hi goal it's always great when you come by.

Thank you so much for being here thanks it's known as the Pineapple Express and the first one of the Year brought serious floods and heavy rain to California now the storms moving Inland heading toward the Rockies and the Plains today then the Lower Mississippi Valley and Gulf Coast by Saturday meanwhile California is bracing for.

Another atmospheric River as they're called it's on its way early next week the continuous rainfall on the already saturated ground could potentially produce mudslides landslides and flash flooding for the drench Golden State let's get your full Morning News Now weather forecast now Angie lman is here in studio with us hey Angie good morning.

Hi good morning guys we've got to talk about exactly what's going on with these couple of different storms because the one that has been impacting California over the past couple of days we are not done with just yet you can see there's still some rain occurring across that state but now the system's on the move and it's going to impact folks across.

The Rockies and eventually at parts of the Plains here in the short term long term we're watching for our next storm system to impact folks across the Golden State we've got that as a timeline from Sunday through Tuesday so that we have a couple more days until we'll have to deal with but here's the winter alerts from that first storm notice we've got.

Plenty of them in effect right now and they're across much of the West the storm is going to work its way a little farther to the east today so we're on tap for some wind some snow across portions of the Rockies travel will be difficult there and then we'll turn our attention to parts of the South where specifically in uh Texas we could see.

Some of those stronger storms developing this afternoon into this evening the system Mo moves a little farther to the east here as we get into tomorrow still dealing with the high rainfall rates from really the Mississippi Valley all the way up into portions of the Plains before we finally start to see this thing moving out as we wrap up our.

Weekend though we'll still see a little bit of that rain draped across portions of the southeast here's the area to watch for for some of those stronger storms today it's the hail it's the winds that'll be on to for those potential impacts the tornado risk is low uh but it isn't zero of course aene down to Del Rio and out towards San.

Antonio has the best chance to see some of that uh those stronger storms developing and then we gear up for this second storm system that's going to hit the West here's the deal this is going to pack a punch we've got some really impressive rainfall rates potentially on top of this we've already got saturated grounds across this area it isn't hard.

For us to uh it isn't hard for us to see flooding as it is normally so we'll watch for the already soaked soil and the heavy rainfall to bring us another chance of some really um uh ult conditions across this region specifically places like uh Santa Barbara County stretching down into Southern California that's where we'll.

See those greatest uh amounts of rainfall between now through Tuesday notice it could be a half a foot to up to a foot of rain we've got that Busey really across portions of Southern California and when it comes to the snow I know this will be welcome for portions AC of uh the Sierra mountains we could see over 4 feet great for those ski.

Resorts who haven't had a whole lot of snow this season um but it'll be something to watch for for sure across that area um and guys I can't not mention the day that is the bane of all meteorologist existence you know we go to school for thison Phil just is borner rodent and apparently an expert but there it is.

There's the celebration of whether winter will be here to stay for a little while a crowd or you don't love a forast to be a groundhog you don't think that's a good method if he was more accurate I would give him a little more respect but I just get 40% accuracy it's not great do are we hearing that music it's listen people are excited.

It's an occasion wow I love it all right we will be sure to keep you all updated on what happens there Angie thank you course well we have new details about that deadly hanger collapse at the Boise Airport that left three people dead and nine others injured this morning investigators are on the scene trying to figure out what caused the fasal Fatal.

Collapse NBC News correspondent Liz CZ has has the latest officials working to determine what caused this hanger under construction at the Boise Airport to collapse killing three people and injuring nine others five in critical condition holy James kintana witnessed the immediate aftermath taking this.

Video as he drove by it was very very shocking to to see the the magnitude of damage and see how big the structure was and how it seemed to have collapsed let's get everyone out of that collapse Zone if you can offici described a chaotic scene as authorities responded to emergency calls around 5 Wednesday night I don't know what caused it uh but.

I can tell you that it was a pretty Global collapse that occurred to the main structural members uh came down was fairly catastrophic First Responders pulling victims out of the wreckage you saw people being rescued yes absolutely officials have now blocked off the property they say as many as 30 people were working here at the time of the.

Collapse the rescue challenging and Technical with some of the victims hoisted out this massive crane also collapsing they were still working on some of those structural components tying those together the 39,000 ft steel structure owned by private Aircraft company Jackson Jet Center the company saying in a statement our Focus now is.

On supporting our team and partners during this difficult time a project manager for the contractor Big D Builders telling NBC News all the victims are their employees it's overwhelmed it's such a tragedy lot of questions still our thanks to Liz CS for that report the mother of school shooter.

Ethan Crumbley took the stand in her involuntary manslaughter trial a day of stunning testimony Jennifer Crumbley talked about her son her actions and her thoughts about the day of the shooting NBC News correspondent Maggie vesa has the latest from Court I've asked myself if I would have done anything differently and I wouldn't have okay if.

You could change what happened would you oh absolutely I wish he would have killed us instead Jennifer Crumbley on the stand testifying in her own defense about her relationship with her son Ethan I thought we were pretty close and pushing back on Prosecutor's core argument that leading up to the 2021 shooting at Oxford High School she.

Ignored clear signs her son was struggling did you ever believe that your son needed mental health treatment no I mean there was a couple of times where Ethan had Express anxiety not to a level where I felt he needed to go see a psychiatrist or mental health professional she testified School administrators downplayed concerns.

Including in a meeting with Ethan's guidance counselor the morning of the shooting he told us that he didn't feel um my son was a risk Sean Hopkins telling the jury Monday I felt it was better for him to be around peers and people who are his age than to be home alone prosecutors say both of Ethan's parents bought him the gun used in the.

Shooting but prbly saying her husband was responsible for it who is responsible for storing the gum my husband is it was more his thing her testimony following an emotional morning several people in the courtroom crying as prosecutors played surveillance video of the deadly shooting because the situation was active and the The Killing.

Head and stopped you can't stop and render Aid our thanks to Maggie vesa for that report defense attorneys finished questioning Jennifer Crumbley yesterday the prosecution will start its cross-examination this morning for more on the trial let's bring in NBC News legal analyst Danny savalos Danny good.

Morning so just overall what were your big takeaways from her day on the stand look this is a case where the parents have been much maligned and probably for good reason because they may have missed some warning signs but the prosecution in this case has a pretty high hill to climb so folks out there should not assume that this is going to be a guilty.

Verdict for both Mom and Dad when dad's trial comes along the prosecution essentially has to prove that the parents re recklessly disregarded red flags and then recklessly allowed their son to get access to a firearm and did so essentially knowingly so that is not a slam dunk for the prosecution this kind of theory of responsibility is.

Exceedingly rare so the defense yesterday had to humanize their client and also dispel the belief that these red flags were no know to the mother or that they were even red flags and the best example is the reported text messages that uh he believed a poltergeist was in the house she dismissed that as a running joke between.

And among the family now there's a credibility issue either the jury will believe that or think it's Punk let's talk about the fact that this is somewhat rare right I mean most of the time in a criminal trial the defendant doesn't testify what do you make of her ability to essentially help herself here and do you think she did that yesterday.

She had to testify whether it helped her or hurt her it was really the only option because this is information you cannot get as the defense from anyone else other than the mother what was her State of Mind how did she perceive these facts as she receive them and again I go back to that example much has been made of the fact that he repeatedly texted.

His parents there's someone in the house uh things are flying off the shelves her response was well we sort of had this running joke he was always messing with us and we had this running joke that the house was haunted because it's a 100-year-old house so that was us joking and she's trying to convey the idea that this was not a red flag and in fact even.

In retrospect she still believes to this day that he was kidding when he was texting her about the house being haunted because that was part of their running joke so was it a red flag the jury is really only only going to go one of two ways they're either going to find her credible or they're going to say that you were not seeing what was plain.

And obvious there to see uh that everybody else could have seen except you this is the first time we've seen a case like this parents charged for a mass shooting that their child committed just how much is this case and the outcome going to impact whether we ever see anything like this again people should not think of this case as.

Standing for the proposition that parents will be held strictly or automatically liable for anything that happens with a firearm in their home in fact even one of the judges on this case in the appell at court said this is unique because it involves allegations that somebody number one recklessly disregarded their son's mental health.

Issues and number two recklessly allowed that person access to a firearm those two facts are exceedingly rare So this but I will say this our culture has shown an increasing acceptance of the idea that we hold parents responsible uh for their children's access to Firearms this is something that 100 years ago mental health and the independent Act of.

An independent actor would cut off causation so so negligence uh would be completely removed and you would only blame the shooter but things seem to be changing and mental health is almost always it seems like the issue with these school shootings too exactly all right Danny thank you so much appreciate it thank you coming up it's been one.

Year since the toxic freight train derailment in Ohio what we're learning as residents remain concerned about their health but first out on the campaign Trail President Biden makes this case to voters in the Battleground state of Michigan how he's polling ahead of a potential 2020 rematch with Donald Trump that's.

Next welcome back the president was in the Battleground state of Michigan yesterday hoping to boost his support from Auto Workers new polling shows in that state he is behind in a potential head-to-head match up against the GOP front runner former president Donald Trump NBC News senior White House correspondent Gabe Gutierrez reports.

From Michigan just days after clinching a coveted endorsement from the United Auto Workers President Biden B back in Michigan the battle for this crucial swing state intensifies we now have in large part because of you and organized labor the strongest economy in the whole damn.

World carpentry union worker Tracy longen Barger credits Biden for bringing infrastructure jobs here Joe Biden has kept us working and he's labor friendly and that's all I can ask for warning signs for the Biden campaign including this new poll showing a potential head-to-head match up here with GOP front runner Donald Trump Scott malen.

For has been an auto worker for more than 20 years I support Trump because I I I truly believe he he does want what's best for the American worker the former president is trying to peel off more of those bluecollar voters meeting with Teamsters leadership I've employed thousands and thousands of teamsters and they've done a great job another.

Challenge for President Biden here cratering support from Michigan's huge arab-american population demanding a ceasefire in Gaza I think he is funding a genocide the president said he understood that pain and passion but that's not enough for Lori caml aone in the Detroit suburbs how disappointed are you with the Biden Administration I am.

Heartbroken I am so hurt that it's a feeling of betrayal she voted for Mr Biden in 2020 but now there is a widespread underground campaign of Arabs of Muslims with we cannot morally support President Biden so if not President Biden would you vote for former president Trump no so who would you vote for I would write in on the.

Ballot ceasefire free Palestine even though that could potentially give the election to former president Trump if things don't change then I have no choice Gabe goerz thank you for that report well abortion access is shaping up to be one of the major issues in the upcoming election and it's exposed a divide among Republican women according.

To a June NBC News poll onethird of female Trump voters say they disapprove of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roby Wade in 2022 NBC News is taking a deeper dive into the issues driving voters this year we've launched a new focus group series called the deciders produced in collaboration with engages Syracuse University and SEO for.

The series NBC News spoke with some of those Republican women in Pennsylvania asking why they're supporting former president Trump even though they have strong feelings about that Landmark Do's decision joining us for more on this is NBC News Washington correspondent yamish Al sindor yamish it's great to see you thanks for joining us so how did these.

Women react to the dobs decision tell us more kind of the Nuance of how they're feeling about it and what they have to say about preserving abortion rights well this really was a fascinating focus group because as you mentioned these women live in Pennsylvania they are staunch largely staunch supporters of former president Trump but they.

Vehemently disagree with the decision to overturn the roow decision they are largely they say supporters of abortion access in some form so take a listen to what some of them said about the decision to overturn row I was unhappy with the decision because I think we took a big step backward and treating women as not equal.

Not intelligent enough to make their own choices able be controlled by by men and their thinking just a giant step backward a giant step backward that's what a number of women said but here's the thing they Twisted themselves into pretzels in a number of cases when it came to explaining why they continue to support former president Donald Trump of.

Course Trump has been on the campaign Trail saying he is proud of the role he played to overturn roie Wade he also of course was instrumental in putting three justices on the Supreme Court which made it possible to overturn roie Wade but when they were asked specifically these women about the blame that they put on former president Trump they said they do.

Not blame him so take a listen to that moment by a show of fingers who would say former president Trump is at least partially responsible for roie Wade being overturned by the Supreme Court so none of you would say that he's at least partially responsible for it maybe just a little bit because of his Supreme Court.

Nominations so that was really a part of the focus group that made me gasp because these women were not blaming them and they really were making a lot of excuses frankly for former president Trump they said that they didn't like the way he talked about women but they thought oh well maybe he's just a man of a certain generation and that's why he.

Speaks like that when he's bragging about overturning Roy way they said that well really he's trying to get the crowds the the campaign crowds excited and that's not really what he thinks so these are women who are still they say largely by and large going to vote for president Trump so really fascinating stuff Savannah Jo so yish I guess the.

Question is is for this group just how important is the issue of abortion well this was a really big headline out of this focus group many of these women said that while they do not agree with uh restricting abortion access they also don't see abortion as their top issue take a listen it's not that important I hate to.

Say it but it's overall it's probably not going to determine who I vote for it's like mid-range um it I don't know um how to explain it it's is it's not something that's on my radar means nothing in the grand scheme of everything to me I'm going to vote who for who I think is going to do the best for my family and a number of these.

Women said they saw abortion as a top women's issue but not their top issue instead they said that immigration and border security were their top issue along with inflation in the economy it's also important to note that these women while they don't agree with overturning row they did say that they would back a national ban on abortion which means.

That they would be okay they said in most cases if all states across the United States banned abortion at 15 weeks so it's really important to sort of dig into the details here with these women Joe Savannah so yish you touched on this it's seeming like many of them will still vote for former president Trump and I think the way you put it was.

It seemed like a lot of times they were making excuses sort of for him and his role in the overturning of Row versus Wade but did this have an impact enough did this particular issue mean for any of them that that they won't vote for the former president or is that still the plan for all these women most of these women the majority of them.

Say that they plan on voting for former president Trump if it becomes a race between former president Trump and President Biden um take a listen to a little bit of their arguments on that case I guess it's my choice if I want to vote for him or not I can agree with some of the things that he's done and said but I also have the choice to be.

Disgusted by some of the things that he said so what they're saying is overall I'm going to Ste support former president Trump but it's true that I don't like some of the things he's doing but a lot of them said that they believed that the economy was better under former president Trump they belied that he was someone who was a strong.

Businessman they also disagreed with the egene Carol case which of course was that case where he was found liable for millions of dollars for sexually assaulting and then defaming EEG Carol who of course was that former writer who sued him so there really were a number of cases where they said we don't like this part of former president Trump but.

Overall we going to vote for him and a number of times when they brought up President Biden they physically even on Zoom they physically sort of show their disdain for President Biden so this is really bad news for Democrats who are thinking that they're going to be able to turn this slice of women now that doesn't mean that Independence or other.

Republican women might not back um former president Trump or for these women who voted for President Trump in 2020 it's going to be very hard to move them Savannah Joe yisha Alor interesting Nuance conversation thank you very much for bringing it to us time now for some International headlines a gas explosion has caused a deadly fire in Kenya's.

Capital Josh lman is with us this morning from London with that in more hi Josh good morning hey guys good morning authorities say at least three people were killed and well over 200 more injured in that explosion in Nairobi a government spokesman says that it all started when a gas Tinker exploded.

Shortly before midnight and set off a huge Fireball damaging homes businesses and cars throughout the area now the scene is said to be secure now but the rescue operation is still continuing and now to North Korea where earlier today leader Kim Jong-un toured a Naval Shipyard and called for North Korea's military to ramp up preparations for war.

This after the country fired multiple cruise missiles into the sea in its fourth round of missile tests already this year it comes as a string of military threats by Kim Jong-un have increased threats on the Korean Peninsula to their highest level in years and finally back here to the United Kingdom where the late Queen.

Elizabeth's famed Land Rover is up for sale Elizabeth was often seen driving the luxury SUV near Windsor Castle and her other palaces and now you can drive it too for the low cost of about $285,000 for comparison that is almost three times as much as a brand new Range Rover would cost you but let's face it for the bragging rights it is worth at.

Least that right it's I think it's cool cuz R rers are so huge in she was not it's just like I mean it is pretty cool to be like wow she this steering wheel all right we're all pulling our money to get the rch over all right Josh Letterman thank you so much appreciate it coming up two police officers attacked in Times Square allegedly by.

Group of migrants multiple arrests were made but the suspects were then released without bail now the governor's weighing in that story is up next welcome back new video shows the moment to two New York police officers were attacked and kicked allegedly by a group of migrants in Times Square NBC News correspondent Rahim Ellis has the.

Story The alarming video showing two NYPD officers beaten in Time Square kicked and punched as police say they were trying to disperse a disorderly crowd Saturday seven suspects arrested foreen in these mug shots Chief what were you thinking when you saw that video completely outraged the NYPD also outraged those suspects are back out on.

The street released without bail on charges including assault on a police officer any case when you attack our police officers you should go to Reich ISS you should be remanded or bail should be set prosecutors acknowledging to NBC news they only asked for bail for one of the suspects district attorney Alvin Bragg writing violence against.

Police officers is never acceptable it is Paramount that we conclusively identify each defendant and specify each participant's role in the incident the NYPD saying the seven suspects are migrants who came to New York in the past year several have arrest records since coming to the US according to senior law enforcement officials at.

Least six others still being pursued it's not known whether they are also migrants get them all and send them back you don't you don't touch our police officers we're told the two NYPD police officers are okay thanks to Raha Ellis for that report according to our affiliate NBC4 New York multiple sources familiar with the matter said they.

Believe four of those initially arrested have boarded a bus under new aliases and headed toward the California Mexico border following their release the next court date in New York is scheduled for next month well this Sunday marks one year since that toxic train derailment that impacted the Village of East Palestine Ohio and some residents are.

Just now getting back into their homes however as NBC News correspondent Steven Romo explains they say there is still a long way to go before it actually feels like home again video and documents just released by the NTSB shedding new light on that devastating train derailment and controlled explosion a year ago.

Including transcripts of the conversation in the Train's cab when conductors realized something was seriously wrong we didn't get any air in the back one says that means we've come apart 38 cars had jumped the tracks some bursting into flames and leaking toxic chemicals Christina dillworth says that day East Palestine changed forever we.

All had to leave it was scary it was like a horror movie you for much of the last year dillworth stayed at a hotel paid for by Norfolk Southern but that relocation program is ending bottled water it's just my new normal she hoped coming back to her house would feel more like coming home a lot of people just think oh it's done it's over everybody's.

Safe to go home I always feel like we're like the Forgotten Town an October EPA report did not show any concerning levels of contaminants and state Regulators say the tap water is safe but many here worry about the long-term Health impacts after the derailment dillworth says she developed a rash and headaches healthwise are you concerned.

Just being here yes I am concerned um what's my long-term future um I've already been exposed as for the cleanup Norfolk Southern says that is nearly complete trucks and heavy machinery remain as Crews rebuild the area that was dug up to remove chemicals we want to make it look like it was beforehand.

Crews also installed pumps which are still collecting all storm water from the site a lot of people asking why it took so long what was the biggest challenge at this site you know it's a complex site uh but you know everything we do we've got to work with The Regulators to get done correctly meanwhile all day long trains run.

Through East Palestine and no new federal safety legislation has passed Steven Romo NBC News East Palestine Ohio now to Medical news in a new report from the federal government showing a worrying increase in the sexually transmitted disease syphilis according to the CDC cases of the disease have increased 80% over the past 5 years with.

More than 207,000 total cases reported and that is the highest count in the United States since 1950 for more on this we are joined by NBC News medical contributor Dr kabita Patel Dr Patel good to have you with us so before we dig into the numbers more what can you tell us about syphilis how is it transmitted how is it.

Treated yeah Joe syphilis is known as the great imitator because it can present in many ways to be confused with other diseases it's caused by a bacteria it's a bacterial infection entirely treatable and curable and it's considered a sexually transmitted infection largely because of how it's transmitted close skin-to-skin contact.

Usually with a soore that presents in the mouth anus vagina penis and it can also be congenitally transmitted we'll talk about that in a moment with babies what's contributing to this rise and why are we seeing cases then of other types of sexually transmitted diseases decline what do you think is going on here yeah Savanah it's very disturbing in the 90s.

We virtually eliminated CIS and we think there are several things driving cases of syphilis in the last several decades one decreased condom use just with teens and young adults there's just been overall decreased emphasis and education about condoms leading to rises in cases like syphilis but as you mentioned other sexually transmitted infections like.

Gara are on the decline that's largely thought to be due to kind of aggressive Public Health efforts to at least have Gara screening and follow-up treatment often with syphilis you have to make sure you've eliminated the the cases of syphilis and sometimes people are lost to followup there are also factors that are driving this that are common with.

Other diseases around systemic racism there is a two to fivefold increase in cases of syphilis among black and brown Americans as well so very complicated issues driving the increase in cases but nonetheless a very disturbing Trend the CDC has made a national call to action as a result of the increase you know here's an alarming stat from the report.

Civilist rates on the rise in newborns with more than 3,700 cases reported in 2022 that's a 183% increase since 2018 what's causing that yeah Joe genital syphilis is really a canary and a Coline phenomenon it's a reflection of the fact that we're seeing such an overall increase in cases of.

Syphilis so when we see so many babies being born with syphilis couple of things driving that one mothers are not getting as much of the prenatal care usually we screen for syphilis at least once during pregnancy and in some cases two to three times but many of these cases moms reported not getting that treatment or not getting that diagnosis.

And then unfortunately this is something of a stigma issue doctors sometimes don't drive this aggressive screening because they think this couldn't happen to my patient so I think it's incredibly important that if you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant ask and make sure that you're getting all the screening tests and remember very simple.

Treatable and curable all right raising awareness here Dr Cavita Patel as always thank you thanks coming up breaking barriers on the stage how one man's dream of inclusivity helped change the world of dance and is still leaving its Mark more than 30 years after his death that's next back now with some Financial.

Headlines for you Intel is pushing back its Grand chip manufacturing Venture in Ohio tnbc sa H now has that and other money news Savannah good morning Good morning Joe good morning savannah yes so Intel has delaying the completion of two semiconductor chip plants in Ohio until late 2026 The Wall Street Journal reports the delay of the $ 20 billion.

Project is due to a sluggish market and the slow roll out of government subsidies the Biden Administration is expected to start awarding big grants from the 2022 chips act with Intel and Taiwan semi the world's largest chipmaker being the biggest beneficiaries Taiwan semi recently delayed the start of production at one.

Of its upcoming plants in Arizona Amazon is launching a new generative AI shopping assistant called r now it's trained on Amazon product catalog customer reviews and information from across the web for now it's only available to a limited number of Amazon customers Amazon views Rufus as a onstop shop for all your needs and it can.

Answer questions such as what to consider when buying running shoes and also what to respond and also respond to followup questions now Rufus can also provide context with Insight on products based on specific activities or events and more AI Google is adding generative AI to Maps the feature is currently only available for certain areas and select.

Local guide members it allows you to speak to the app using natural language to help find new places in your hometown or even throughout the country Google says the system will work no matter how specific or broad your needs might be it can also be used in a pinch such as suggesting things to do in case of a sudden rainstorm and can you can further.

Refined search results by asking follow-up questions guys so I guess if we're bored we can say hey tell me what to do yeah what should I do send you there direct you there by the way in the world of AI going back to the previous story Rufus is the best AI name I've heard so far oh I agree Joe can I tell you when I first I I I couldn't believe.

I was like this is my absolute favorite my absolute favorite of any of the other names it's so funny also maybe a little less common than Alexa for people who like stop it everyone's going to be naming their kids Rufus yeah thank you all right February is of course Black History Month to commemorate this morning we are taking a look at the life.

Of Alvin ay he was a dancer choreographer and activist who founded the Alvin Aly American dance theater his contributions to modern dance have impacted audiences all across the world now more than three decades later his legacy lives on NBC News digital reporter Maya eagland shows us how I think it's a celebr of Life what.

African-Americans have contributed to dance it's always a reflection of their experience rehearsal is underway at Alvin Al's American dance company in New York City and Solomon Dumas is performing in his eighth season there these dancers are some of the smartest educated intuitive people I have ever encountered in my life all of them.

Honoring the legacy of the late choreographer civil rights icon and Visionary Alvin ay I'm aore choreographer I'm a black man whose roots are in the sun and the dirt of the South what Mr ay was able to do if you look at any of his Works he was able to tap into so many different genres it was like a gumbo of dance styles Alvin Aly.

Founded the company in 1958 at just 27 years old and during his career coreographed over 100 ballets I'm trying to say something about the beauty of black people he often showcased the wide range of African-American experiences while advocating for civil rights one of his most notable pieces being Revelations Revelations is a title.

From the Bible and it it's a it's a suite of spirituals in in three sections he received many honors but according to those who worked with him his biggest accomplishment was bringing the Art of Dance back to communities where it wasn't always accessible what are some of your favorite memories with Mr ay working with Alvin ay was.

Just the best you know out of 30 dancers he had a way of making everybody feel special almost 40 years ago ay hand selected Nasha Thomas to dance for his company where she performed for 12 years today she's the national director of ay Camp the last project Alvin ay started before his passing it's the same program that introduced Solomon to dance I was.

Completely blown away seeing people who looked like me doing these amazing things and they were all beautiful and they were all educated and they traveled the world and I said I want to do exactly that for some of these young people that can't see past their environment their home life and their situation and what they don't have it.

Gives them uh a vision of what is possible Matthew rushing is the associate artistic director and former dancer at ay we talk about how the art form gives one value you self-awareness it gives you skills to function in everyday life um and it gives a sense of Freedom it gives us a sense of expression that maybe words can't tap.

into as we're celebrating Black History Month how do you think people can honor the legacy of dance and Alvin I think we should remember that he was about unity and he was about sharing the beauty of of people of color but in a way that everyone could connect to tapping into that human Spirit there.

Was once in our nation's history where black people weren't even considered human but to see his work explore and amplify the humanity of black people and then to see other people connect with that is what's so genius about Mr A's Legacy his history his genius Maya eagland NBC.

News beautiful Jinx watch that's our second time this week coming up it is The Final Countdown to music's biggest night yeah we are previewing the Grammys and talking about why this could be a big year for female artist that is up next music's biggest names will take center stage at the 66th annual Grammy.

Awards in Los Angeles on Sunday night comedian Trevor Noah will once again host the show this year siza is leading the pack with nine nominations this year's Awards set to make history with the debut of three new categories joining us now for more on this is Clayton Davis he is the senior Awards editor at variety Clayton thanks very.

Much for joining us this morning so some people are saying this might be a big year for female artists at the Grammys with women dominating the nomination list as Joe just mentioned sisa for example who do we think could take home the top Awards so what's great about siza and looking at her leading the pack here with nine nominations is that she.

Might be able to do what Beyonce couldn't in the last few times that she's been up for album of the year and she actually could take this home she is facing some stiff competition we have Billy ish here we have uh uh Taylor Swift Olivia Rodrigo this is all going to be this is a killer field but one thing of note here is that a black woman.

Hasn't won the big award from album for album of the year in the last 25 years the last time was Lauren Hill for the miseducation of Lauren Hill for all those people who just love our childhoods that was a very long time ago and Beyonce has has failed four times in that so for to see siza be able to do it her first time out will be quite a feed.

And I'm looking forward to it and that remains to some a complaint about the awards is that when it comes down to the big awards at the end of the night they tend to kind of go to the same categories and don't Branch out much I think one reason people love the Grammys so much is that as much as we talk about the awards we don't see a lot of.

Trophies handed out it really is kind of like the ultimate concert right yeah they they love to spread the wealth and that and that's what's going to be interesting because Taylor Swift what we're predicting is that Taylor more than likely will win album of the year yet again extending her record in that in that category but then you have.

People like Miley Cyrus who could be taking home record of the year and then Billy ish who could take home song of the year so what what makes this a little difficult to predict this year is that it's wide open and it can really be spread through so many different people but as as you noted at the top that it's a dominating year for women we're always.

Looking for that surprise that kind of just comes out of nowhere I'm looking at John batist to potentially do that as he did a few years ago when he won album of the year so we have to be open to anything here but one thing I I I just want to note here is that SOS which is s's alum album this to see her lead the pack of nine nominations and not take.

Home any of the major prizes the top prizes would be really disappointing and that's something that we are hoping doesn't happen but very much could that's a very good point um as we mentioned a moment ago the Grammys there are some changes happening this year what's going to be different and what specifically will you be watching out.

For in any of these new areas well the Grammys have always had an affinity to step into it either by accident or on purpose of just on who they select I mean if anyone remembers last year watching Harry Styles win uh album The over Beyonce was quite a moment that not many of us will tend to forget and many would like to forget uh.

Because Beyonce would seem like such a shoe in uh for Renaissance this time around they're they're looking to spread the wealth and be more inclusive in their selections whether or not that actually happens you know we we can only see how the voters voted in the end but they'd like to spread the wealth I think they're going to be able to do that and.

We're going to have just a great night a great concert and that's what the Grammys are it's about performances and I can't wait to see some of those reunions and here fast car on that stage with Trac Tracy Chapman it's going to be awesome yeah the collaborations are always make it so cool and I forgot that was quite a moment when Renaissance.

Didn't take it Clayton Davis thank you very much Happy watching on the Grammys on Sunday thanks it's going to do it for this hour of morning news now stay with us the news continues right now good morning and happy Friday I'm Savannah sers I'm Joe frier right now on Morning News Now New Hope for the.

Families of those hostages still held captive by Hamas the potential deal brokered by Qatar that's now reportedly being hammered out in Washington a candid apology from defense secretary Lloyd Austin for hiding his cancer diagnosis from the public and the president we did not handle this right and I did not handle this right more on.

His emotional appeal to Americans as the secretary heads back to work also this morning we're tracking more wet wet weather moving across the Wild Wild West it could bring another round of severe storms to Texas and parts of the southeast this weekend we have got your full forecast in just a moment and it is the end of Curb Your Enthusiasm as we.

Know it Larry David's Landmark HBO Comedy begins its final season this weekend after nearly a quarter Century on the air we've got a preview and everything else you simply can't miss in the world of entertainment later in the hour you promise no puppets will be injured if you don't know what that means do yourself a paper and look it up.

Just Google Larry David and Elmo all right don't started much more on all that speaking of Elmo and red by the way wear red for heart health American Heart Association raising awareness about heart and health all right we are going to begin this hour with New Hope in the hostage negotiations between Israel and Hamas officials say both sides have.

Tentatively agreed to the framework of the deal it comes as the Biden Administration makes an unprecedent and move to issue sanctions against Israeli settlers in the West Bank it's the president's biggest break from the Israeli government since the War Began in October NBC News forign correspondent Matt Bradley joins us now from Tel Aviv.

With the latest hi M good morning hey good morning guys so yes there has been some progress on this much discussed much negotiated deal but I have to say at the same time the people that I've been speaking to in the Israeli government have urged caution they say that the deal isn't necessarily imminent it's unclear whether or not.

They're simply pouring cold water so it's to diminish expectations but we have been seeing some positive signals here's our report today signs of Hope for a hostage deal to free more than 100 100 people held in the Gaza Strip including six Americans Qatar a key negotiator heralding potential agreement from Hamas.

The proposal has been approved by the Israeli side and now we have an initial positive confirmation from the Hamas also General framework but they said details still need to be ironed out and the Israeli government still needs to approve pressure is mounting on the Prime Minister the hostages families are getting louder.

AS Global outrage over Israel's incursion in Gaza reached deafening volumes even President Joe Biden showing signs of impatience with netanyahu's government the administration tightening the screws on settlers in the West Bank slapping sanctions and visa restrictions on four West Bank settlers for allegedly harassing and attacking.

Palestinians the decision spurred in part by the death of 17-year-old American taik Abdul Jabar see the blood you see the blood all over the SE shot his friend Say by an Israeli settler Israeli police say they're investigating the incident settler violence against Palestinians has long been a problem but since the October 7 attacks the UN says.

Such incidents have doubled we think the expansion of settlements in the West Bank uh undermine peace undermine stability and so we will continue to engage with the Israeli government on that matter as well that infuriated Tel Aviv Israel's government said their justice system is already punishing settler violence one far-right Minister.

Calling the order anti-semitic and based on a lie and guys I should say that you know obviously the unprecedented decision by the Biden Administration to sanction those four settlers and I don't use that word unprecedented LLY that took the headlines today but at the same time in parallel there was another initiative.

That's been announced by the Biden Administration this effort to try to recognize a Palestinian State and that's supposed to be wrapped up in a lot of the deals that are going to go into what happens next in the Gaza Strip now if it is that would be a major deal and one that has eluded so many past presidents so we'll see if the Biden Administration.

And he's facing an election obviously in November so time is possibly running out we'll see if he can ink this master deal guys all right Matt Bradley thank you very much Senate negotiators say they have struck a tentative deal on US immigration and Asylum laws they are hoping to vote on the bill next week but it's already getting pushed back NBC.

News senior National respondent Stephanie gos joins us with the details hey Steph good morning hey guys good morning you know there has been a lot of um confusion and speculation about what that deal would actually look like now Democrats say they'll release the details and the Senate will vote on Monday this morning a landmark vote on.

Immigration could finally be in sight after months of battling on Capitol Hill Democratic leader Chuck Schumer will force a vote on Monday we cannot simply Sher from our responsibilities just because a task is difficult as record numbers of migrants have been crossing the southern border overwhelming authorities President Biden has pushed.

For more action to combat the crisis a bipartisan deal coming into shape in recent weeks but former president Trump and his allies have been trying to undermine it arguing it would give Biden a win in an election year if the Bill's not going to be a great Bill and really solve the problem I wouldn't do it at all with the southern border under.

Immense pressure leaders of border states have been busing migrants to other cities and in places like Chicago and New York there's tension from overcrowded shelters a growing Firestorm after this dramatic attack on NYPD officers some of the suspects migrants according to police seven people were arrested for the assault in Times Square.

I'm apped at this this city we've had enough several of the suspects have arrest records since coming to the US according to senior law enforcement officials NBC News has not been able to confirm their immigration status now some have been released as the cases are pending in any case when you attack our police officers you should go to Reich.

Is ISS the district attorney saying violence against police officers is never acceptable it is Paramount that we conclusively identify each defendant and specify each participant's role in the incident Governor Kathy hokel a Democrat responding to the attack get them all and send them back you don't you don't touch our.

Police officers you don't touch anybody the mayor of New York has said he's disgusted by the attacks he's been one of several mayors who have asked the federal government for help handling the crisis and President Biden pledges he will do more if this bill goes through guys all right we'll see what happens Stephanie thank you thank you well.

Defense secretary Lloyd Austin apologized yesterday for failing to notify the White House about a recent Health scare that landed him in the hospital NBC's chief White House correspondent Peter Alexander joins us now with the latest hi Peter good morning Savannah good morning secretary Austin's going to join President Biden.

This afternoon at do Air Force Base when the remains of the three us service members killed by a drone strike in the Middle East earlier this week return home it follows Austin addressing those ongoing questions about the dayslong hospitalization that he kept secret in a remarkably Frank news conference still dealing with leg pain.

His limp visible as he arrived at the Pentagon briefing room defense secretary Lloyd Austin speaking out for the first time about that controversy how he hid his hospitalization and diagnosis from the president and the public we did not handle this right and I did not handle this right admitting his mistake and delivering this apology I should have.

Told the president about my cancer diagnosis I should have also told my team and the American public and I take full responsibility I apologize to my teammates and to the American people Austin both contrite and candid after bipartisan criticism that he kept secret from the commander-in-chief and others.

Within the Pentagon that he was hospitalized for days in the ICU with complications after being treated for prostate cancer the news shook me and I know that it shakes so many others especially in the black community it was a gut punch and frankly my first instinct was to keep it private the secretary also responded to.

Questions about whether he ordered his staff to conceal the emergency an aid heard on the 911 call before Austin was rushed to Walter Reed can I ask but can the ambulance not show up with lights and Sirens um we're trying to remain a little subtle I never directed anyone to keep my January hospitalization from the White House I'm offering all of this as.

An explanation and not an excuse anyone else within the military chain of command would have faced reprimand or even dismissal why shouldn't that same standard apply to you sir we didn't get this right and as I said I take full responsibility for uh for the Department's actions the 70-year-old hoping this moment serves as a lesson.

For others get screen get your regular checkups Austin said as a leader he had missed an opportunity to deliver an important Public Health message and that he didn't want that chance to pass again it is important to note that the pentagon's inspector General is conducting a review into Austin's actions but Savannah no timeline on when.

That'll be completed all right Peter thank you very much in California today they're worried about even more flooding after severe storms drenched the Golden State yesterday at least 5 in of rain fell in less than 24 hours and experts say more could be on the way NBC News correspondent Dana Griffin is in San Diego with more on the aftermath of this.

Storm Dana Good morning Joe good morning to you right now there's a high surf advisory in place that's because these waves are forecasted to reach up to 10 ft and officials are warning people now is a good time to get out and get the things that you need and with this weather already pretty windy and the ground.

Already saturated with more rain coming this weekend it could make the cleanup here in San Diego more difficult overnight the brunt of Thursday storm swamping Southern California soaking rain dropping on battered San Diego still reeling from last week's destructive floods more than 300 homes and families needing.

Assistance 65 people in evacu ation shelters across the city 30 roads closed the county of San Diego is establishing uh a housing assistance program to connect displaced residents with long-term housing while they wait to get back into their homes this along with widespread damage throughout Los Angeles and Orange counties and Swiftwater.

Rescues across the region teams pulling a person from a storm channel in Orange County and Santa Ana hoisting a man from the middle of a riverbed drivers rescued from submerged cars as roadways suddenly turned into waterways I can't open the door fire truck came to pull me out of the window thank God they're here walkways closed after the Earth.

Underneath washed away this is not a little flood no I mean you see look at the cars and it's how to get into your house and homes water logged look like a solid 3 in of standing water and even more so over here that's like a good 5 in impacts of the Pineapple Express sending tropical moisture from Hawaii to the.

West Coast in the north the Sierra blanketed with snow up to 4T in some locations the Russian River overflowing washing out highways and flooding Vineyards trees and power lines down across the state now that latest storm has moved on but come Sunday a second more powerful one will impact this region once again officials remind.

People if you see stand water do not drive through it like you saw the people that had to be rescued in that story that could end up happening to you or worse it could be deadly Joe all right Dana thank you so much meteorologist Andrew lman has the latest forecast on where that storm is headed but first we have to mention that today is ground.

Doog day and we have an update yeah breaking news a little earlier in gobblers Knob Pennsylvania patani Phil emerged from his hibernation and did not see his shadow so if you believe in ground hog inspired forecasting that means we are in for an early spring we know someone who loves talking about this Angie what do you say if only I was.

Born eroding I would know more about the weather here's the deal if Phil just consistently forecasted in early spring he'd be much more accurate than he has been in all the decades that have preceded us though right could be right well he could be right and if you if you look at the forecast right now of course weather and climate are so different but.

If you look at the forecast right now it does look like spring across the middle of the country so maybe Phil got a little indication of those temperatures in I don't know Oklahoma City where we're running nearly 20 Dees above normal with of course climate change it's more likely for us to see these earlier Springs right mid-50s are.

Expected today in Omaha you can see Poria ending up into the upper 40s Nashville into the mid-60s so yes it does feel a lot like spring across a big chunk of our country 43 degrees in Chicago tomorrow mid-60s in Memphis and then we start to see things get a little more uh average where we should be for this time of year so places like Boston.

You'll be into the 30s high 30s on Sunday but back down to the mid-30s by the time we start our next Work Week 50s on top for Sunday and Monday in Washington DC and then we return to the 40s by the time Tuesday rolls around similar story for Lexington upper 50s for Sunday and into the upper 40s by Tuesday so cooler conditions are on the.

Way or closer to normal conditions here's the deal though for the rest of the day today we've got some rain and snow from that pesky system that has been impacting folks that you heard Dana talking about across California the West is not done with that system just yet rain and snow on tap today across the Rockies we've got some afternoon.

Thunderstorms across parts of the Southern Plains mild conditions for the Midwest plenty of sunshine for much of the East so you'll maybe finally start to see a little sunshine if you're looking for it in places like New York City you just got to wait until the afternoon hours today here's the deal as far as the storm conditions are.

Concerned here in parts of Texas aene down to Del Rio out to San Antonio that's where we have the greatest chance to see some large hail some strong wind gust and that's this afternoon into this evening as we get through Saturday notice the snow and wind only migrates a little bit to the east we're still going to see The Heavy Rain draped across.

Portions of the Gulf Coast we'll keep it sunny and Mild for your plans along the east coast and then that system moves into the southeast and that's where we see our rain uh and wind impacting folks for Sunday but notice the West Coast our next big storm is right at our doorstep when we get to Sunday and this one's going to be a little more impactful when.

It comes to the heavier rain across portions of California that have already been drenched over the past few days and already have saturated grounds here's what Sunday looks like that atmospheric River Works close to the coast uh and leaves us with some really heavy rainfall uh the flooding concern not to mention we'll pick up some additional.

Snowfall across parts of the Sierra mountains they of course need it uh and we could see a good amount maybe 3 to four feet in some of those higher elevations the system is going to stall as we get into Monday so that means that we'll watch for that uh that rain to still will be with us as we start our upcoming work week and likely stay.

Across that area for Tuesday rainfall amounts they're impressive Santa Barbara to LA we could see a half of a foot of rain and up to a foot of rain in these areas again in those mountains near that region um it doesn't take a lot for us to see the flooding occur and we've already got a good amount a substantial amount of rain in the past couple of.

Days so nowhere for this water to go we could see those mudslides being a problem the flooding is always going to be uh something that we we uh warn you about so keep an eye out for that and there's the snow that a lot of folks across the that mountain range are hoping for in those ski resorts it'll be great for that but not so great for.

Travel that'll slow you down from tues or from Sunday rather to Tuesday guys um we've got a couple things you know on deck for folks out in California and if you've looked at social media they're wondering what this water falling from the sky is in California they don't handle that well there they do not they do not and there's nowhere for it to go.

So something they'll have to watch for in the next couple of days I love it by the way I have that dress we should match sometime we should on a Wednesday there you go what do you think I'm I'm well I just wore it so now when am I going to wear it again I don't know we can pick something later next month okay sounds good so glad wit this convers we.

Can get you one too Joe are we done we have much more to come on this Friday edition of morning news now a little later in the hour we're going to take the temperature of America's labor market with some new data out just this morning first though some developing news overnight out of Florida where several people are dead after a plane.

Crashed into a mobile home park we'll bring you what we know up next we're back now with some breaking news out of Florida the FAA now says three people are dead after a plane crash overnight in Clearwater Florida one was in the plane two were killed on the ground it happened in a mobile home.

Park NBC's Marissa par has that story this morning TR in Clearwater Florida after a single engine plane crashed into a mobile home park Thursday evening I can confirm that we have several fatalities both from the aircraft and within the mobile home a fiery crash happened around 700 p.m. last night response it's going to be a.

Um plane crash plane crash two houses on fire for the fire department the small plane striking one home directly The Blaze causing fire damage to at least three other homes nearby two people have inside the house plan showing this helicopter video shows the field of debris with firefighters working overnight to put out any hotpots we.

Haven't been even been able to get into the scene to effectively assess uh the totality of it at this point the pilot of the plane a beachcraft bonanza v35 reported engine failure shortly before the crash according to the Federal Aviation Administration the FAA adding in a statement it is not yet known how many people were on board we heard.

Um what we thought was like a motorcycle go by or something then a few seconds later it was um a loud bang the windows actually shook the house shook is there anybody else in this house no I think they're all out neighbor Rick Runner was at the scene minutes after the crash taking this video of The Blaze even after the fire was like out you really.

Couldn't even tell that there was a plane in there everything was just gone everybody knows everybody everybody is friends and uh I mean it's it's it's just weird that something like this happens in you know in your neighborhood investigators on the ground now working around the clock to get to victims and determine what went wrong our thanks to.

Marissa par for that report and we'll continue to follow this story and bring you more developments as they become available here on NBC news now well Jennifer Crumbley the Michigan mom charged in her son's school shooting is set to take the stand again this morning it comes after a dramatic day in court where Crumbley claimed that she did not.

Know about her son Ethan's mental health problems NBC News correspondent Maggie vesa has been following this for us and joins us from Pontiac Michigan hi Maggie good morning hey Savannah good morning yeah as you said a stunning emotional day yesterday in court with Jennifer Crumbley actually crying multiple times.

Throughout the day multiple jurors crying as well at one point crumley's own attorney appearing to shed a tear this as America's first parent as you pointed out to ever stand trial for their child's Mass school shooting pleads her case to a jury that essentially she couldn't have stopped her.

Son happened would you I wish he would have killed us instead this morning the mother of convicted school shooter Ethan crumbly speaking out in her own defense as a parent you spend your whole your whole life trying to protect your your child from other dangers um you never you never would think you have to protect your child from harming somebody.

Else in emotional testimony Jennifer Crumbley fighting prosecutors claims that she dismissed clear warnings signs about her son leading up to 2021 shooting at Oxford High School that left four students dead crumblyy describing Ethan as anxious and quiet with few friends but never thinking he was a danger to others did you ever believe.

That your son needed mental health treatment therapy counseling anything no I felt like I had an open door and he can come to me about anything both crumblyy and her husband James are charged with involuntary manslaughter he will be tried separately prosecutors say together they bought Ethan the gun used in the.

Shooting playing this video of Jennifer taking her son to a shooting range but Crumbley says her husband was in charge of securing the gun who is responsible for storing the gun my husband is I just didn't feel comfortable being in charge of that crumbly claiming Ethan School downplayed concerns that he was a risk the morning.

Of the shooting admin rators called a meeting with Ethan and his parents to discuss a disturbing drawing he' made of a gun with the phrases blood everywhere and the thoughts won't stop help me his school counselor testifying Monday why he supported keeping Ethan at school I felt it was better for him to be around peers and people who are his age than to.

Be home alone crumblyy who earlier cried alongside her attorney as prosecutors played surveillance video video of the shooting now hoping for sympathy from the jury I do not want to disrespect those families that truly are the victims on this um but we did lose a lot okay you've lost everything we.

Did and just a little bit of background here on these proceedings the really interesting Dynamic that's been going back and forth uh throughout the trial is the defense repeatedly pushing to be allowed to call Ethan Crumley to the stand in his mom's own trial the problem is for the defense in that case Ethan has made it clear to the court via his.

Attorneys that if that were to happen he would plead the fifth and effectively say nothing and the judge yesterday reiterated that existing case law she says prevents an attorney from calling a witness who has made it clear that they will plead the fifth on the stand so she shut that option down once again for the defense yesterday and attorneys seemed.

Really frustrated about that as far as back here today what's expected to happen prosecutors in this case are expected to begin their cross-examination of Jennifer Crumbley first thing this morning Maggie thank you so much this morning Ukraine is sharing footage of what it claims is the sinking of a.

Russian warship Josh lman joins us from London with that and more hi Josh good morning hey good morning Savannah Ukrainian Military Intelligence says that the guided missile ship named Ivanov Vitz uh was actually in the largest uh Lake in Crimea just off the Black Sea when it exploded and footage from the incident appears to show sea.

Drones heading toward the Russian ship before that explosion it is a major blow to Russia's Black Sea Fleet Russia's government hasn't commented and NBC News can't independently verify Ukraine's claims now to Argentina where there have been major protests and clashes with police in Buenos RS over controversial economic reforms the reforms are aimed.

At rescuing Argentina's economy and stopping runaway inflation but critics say the legislation undermines democracy in Argentina while newly elected president Javier Malay says without reforms Argentina faces social catastrophe of biblical proportions and finally to Australia where a three-year-old decided he had a.

Different way to win one of those toys in those claw machine games the boy named Ethan had his eye on a Hello Kitty toy and crawled up through the prize dispenser inside the toy machine he was in there for about 10 to 15 minutes and police had to actually break the glass to get him out but the good news is he did get the toy he wanted guys I mean to.

Be fair that might be the only way that was going to happen those claw machines are very difficult exactly the only way could have what he wanted was crawling in ultimately they got the priz getting him back out coming up we are going to take a closer look at yet another way your race might affect your long-term Health.

It's all in the wake of Defense secretary Lloyd Austin's Pentagon press conference yesterday where he highlighted the risk of prostate cancer especially espcially among black men we're going to talk about what you need to know up next welcome back the Biden.

Administration has started negotiations to lower prices of commonly used drugs covered by Medicare it's part of lawmakers efforts to contain skyrocketing drug costs NBC News senior business correspondent Christine Romans joins us now with more Christine great to have you here always so what drugs are we talking about these are drugs you.

Have heard of and you've probably seen the ads these are the first 10 drugs there'll be 30 more later that they're going to negotiate but these are Landmark drugs for cancer diabetes arthritis blood thinners we're talking elquist that's a blood you've probably heard of and tresto that's a cardiovascular drug look at Stellar.

There that's a drug for psoriasis and I was eight weeks every eight weeks you get a shot of this thing it's like 25 Grand so these are names these are names you have heard of and these are the first 10 names that the government in this Landmark negotiation made possible by the inflation reduction act its law Congress said look Medicare is the.

Biggest consumer of these drugs in any other business if you were the big buyer you would be negotiating prices for that volume and so now the US government is negotiating prices for the volume of drugs it buys it's interesting I think I know the names of most of those drugs because of advertising these days no clue what any of them what any of them.

Do let's talk about we know this is early but how steep could some of these Cuts be when could people actually start to see some of these so the estimates I've seen are anywhere from 25% to maybe 60% it depends on how these negotiations go and we should point out the drug industry has lawsuits and is pushing back against this new law that was.

Passed last year but $50 billion is the out-of-pocket cost from Medicare and and or the cost of Medicare and people Medicare recipients pay 3.4 billion out of pocket expenses so it's a lot of money we're talking about here we can expect these discounts 2026 is when they're supposed to start and again 30 more drugs 30 more drugs are going to be.

Uh begin negotiating in the next year or so what if you are not a Medicare recipient do Supply at all a lot of insurance companies tend to make their pricing along with Medicare because again Medicare is the big buyer they are the big big buyer taxpayers essentially so a lot of other insurers tend to follow along sometimes and also I should.

Point out that also in the inflation reduction Act was this measure to cap for Medicare recipients they're out of pocket a drug cost to $3,300 a year for Medicare Part D recipients and in 2025 that'll get to about 2,000 so already there are people on Medicare party right now who've hit that number say you take a a cancer drug that cost $112,000 a.

Year or whatever you've already so now there are people who are starting to feel a little bit relief even though this big negotiation has not uh has not uh gone to fruition yet and there's a potential for some type of trickle down perhaps yeah maybe well lifechanging really when you think about some of those price cuts abs incredible.

Christine thank you so much nice to see you guys we're sticking with health news and an issue highlighted by defense secretary Lloyd Austin during that news conference yesterday at the Pentagon Austin spoke about his his diagnosis of prostate cancer and use the moment to highlight how black men are at greater risk I also missed an opportunity to.

Send a message on an important public health issue and I'd like to fix that right now I was diagnosed with a highly treatable form of cancer a pretty common one one in eight American men will get prostate cancer one in six black men will get it and so I'm here with a clear message to other men especially older men get.

Screen get your regular checkups prostate cancer has a glass jaw if your doctor can spot it they can treat it and beat it let's talk more about this with Dr Cedric mcfaden he's a certified surgeon and a clinical associate professor of surgery Dr mcfaden good to have you with us so according to the aacy organization zero.

Prostate cancer African-American men are more likely to develop prostate cancer why is that what are some of the factors that can influence cancer risks for black men well there are some general things that will increase your risk for prostate cancer these primarily include being odor it also includes factors such as obesity and smoking and even a family.

History but in black man it really comes down to screenings I think he said it quite eloquently you know screening rates are self-reportedly lower in African-American men than in other white counterparts and this is particularly dangerous because it's you can't find the cancer soon enough it's number one going to have a chance to develop and.

And obviously then have more advanced presentation which makes it harder to treat you know screening really comes down to access being able to get the test done but also communication with your healthare team to not only why you need the test let's talk about what the test does how often it should be done and what should you anticipate about.

Those numbers so you have to really we talk about knowing the numbers this is definitely a number you want to know your score so we can save more lives from prostate cancer Dr mcfaden tell our viewers what they should be looking out for what type of symptoms should men be aware of and how often should they be getting.

Screened so more commonly than not often you don't have any signs of symptoms for prostate cancer which is why it's so important that we begin screening when there are signs and symptoms present it primarily involves urination either there's difficulty urinating either there's blood in the urine or you find it you maybe have some pelvic pain or.

Pressure and and if you're finding more symptoms then we're talking about potentially more Advanced disease this testing generally begins in the 40s for African-American men now in general in the white counterparts we talk about obviously by 50 getting that test done but in Black Men you should be having that test done probably 45 if not even.

40 and it should be done at least every year or two and this is when we have a shared decisionmaking a conversation with your Healthcare team that's so vital to make sure that people are getting that testing done a lot of people just don't want to think about or talk about prostate cancer talk about what some of the stigmas are and how.

Much those stigmas really play a role with black men receiving medical treatment yeah it's such a sensitive topic for many reasons I mean do we think about its role in production the idea of masculinity but I think in particularly we often don't know if you ask an average male where's the prostate what it does they don't even have that.

Information so I think we first of all have to arm people with knowing that information so that they can know the importance of getting the testing and getting the screening done and in general we also know that men are less likely to go to the doctors compared to women and so that's the other barrier that we have to address in this instance.

To get rid of the masculinity to really go in and get the test can save your life and obviously affect your family as well all right Dr Cedric mcfaden thank you for joining us this morning important information very coming up we are talking about the economy we're talking about your money we've got the latest jobs report out this morning and.

You know we've got our economic Dream Team waiting in the wings to break down everything you need to know our invested is Caleb silver Okay we okay we won't ask you to do that again but they are going to talk about the job numbers they're up next we are back with some breaking economic data Big Data the US economy.

Added a stronger than expected 353,000 jobs in January while the unemployment rate came in at 3.7% here to help us make sense of these numbers is BC News business and data correspondent Brian Chong investopedia's editor and chief Caleb silver of course our economic Dream Team I think we have that graphic just to break me every time.

The Bobble gets me Brian I will start with you this is coming in hot walk us through these latest numbers and how they compare with the previous month yeah a little bit contacts is always helpful and again 353,000 jobs that was way above what economists had expected going into this month the expectation 185,000 the number came in so high our y.

AIS doesn't even cover it so it would actually be above the height of this chart the last time you've seen a monthly gain that high was in January of last year when again not covered on this chart it was over 400,000 jobs added in that month so above the pace that we had seen and important to also note that the unemployment rate how many people are.

Out of work relative to the overall labor force at 3.7% staying below that 4% unemployment rate which we were able to do for the entirety of last year this labor market this jobs Market remains hot we're going to need a bigger board all right Caleb your thoughts good one yeah I had to check Brian's coffee after he sped out the number because I.

Couldn't believe it either 353,000 plus they revised the December numbers up just in the past two months guys almost 700,000 jobs added when we thought the jobs Market was slowing not only that wage growth continues to increase now up 4.5% on an annual basis wages are hot jobs are hot there's still 1.4 million jobs out there this labor market is hot.

Maybe too hot right now right we're going to talk about that in a sec Brian tell us categories here where we we seen the biggest gains biggest losses yeah well of course you want to know where in the jobs Market did we see gains so I highlighted a few going into today so Leisure and Hospitality this has been the Big Driver of job growth in the.

Post-pandemic recovery slowing a little bit in terms of job gains but still adding 11,000 in the month but it was Healthcare that added the Lion Share of what we saw in this month about 70,000 jobs added there but I also want to call attention to information this is going to include jobs in the media as well as some jobs in Tech uh it did gain about.

15,000 jobs but I bring this up because we have been seeing quite a number of headlines over the past few weeks even just since we flipped into the new year with layoffs at n a number of companies in Tech and also in media so these are things we're going to watch they might not be reflected in this report but we have to keep this in mind as we get to.

Some of the later reports uh in in the winter all right so Caleb you said perhaps too hot we know that fed rates unchanged Jerome Powell seem to downplay a cut in March now what yeah I don't think a March cut is on the table they were going to be data dependent this data says the L labor market is hot companies are still hiring aggressively.

Consumers by the way continuing to spend even though debt record uh debt levels are at record high and the wages keep increasing so definitely no cut probably in March 75% chance they stay the same may could be a potential cut but right now the way things are going especially with the higher revisions for the last couple months of the year when we.

Thought the labor market was waning this doesn't look like we're going to get a cut anytime soon stock market not liking these numbers either really okay oh Brian uh Caleb just mentioned wages here tell us what we're learning from wage growth numbers yeah well again let's rehash that number because when we look at the average hourly earrings how much.

More are people making this year compared to this time last year 4.5% this is actually a faster Pace that we had seen in the December report but notably and we have to remember this wages are outpacing inflation this is a trend that we had not seen until the spring of last year so inflation was very much a big part of the story.

Eroding uh households wallets for the 2022 period where we saw Peak inflation that story has flipped as of the spring last year does this get felt politically it takes time for this to be felt by the American uh constituents but again this story broadly speaking good for Americans but does present a conundrum for the Federal Reserve which thought.

This number may be 4% maybe 3.9% you want it above inflation but not running so hot that maybe it reignites potentially inflation in the future all right Brian Caleb what a number thank you for walking us through at breaking news there's your ch- Ching thanks guys the Department of Education says colleges and universities across the.

Country will not receive students applications for financial aid until at least early March that's because the department had to fix an error in how student aid eligibility is calculated and that delay is leaving students and parents on edge for more we are joined by Mark cantrowitz he is a student loan expert and author of the book how to.

Appeal for more College financial aid Mark good to have you with us thanks for joining us so explain to us first of all what this error was and then just the ripple effect it's having on students in their families who of course when they make that decision really want to know about the financial aid packages too right so the FAFSA simplification.

Act included financial aid formula tables from the year 2020 but required them to be adjusted thereafter for inflation uh inflation as you know increased by about 18% from April 2020 to April 2023 but those inflation adjustments didn't occur in particular this means that um a part of the formula called the income protection allowance.

Which shelters a portion of income for basic living expenses wasn't adjusted we knew there was a problem back in May of 2023 when the US Department of Education published the draft financial aid formula and I and other people brought it to their attention but uh they didn't do anything about it and they actually announced in.

December that they weren't going to do anything about it but then it became apparent just how big of an impact this has um I mean middle income students would get $1,600 less financial aid High income students $4,600 less financial aid it's a pretty big deal um so now they're scrambling to fix it Mark can you break down this new formula that's.

Being used to calculate eligibility what do students need to know about that and how much it's going to impact them okay so there's a lot of changes in the halfs they've eliminated 2third of the questions and they've added more ways for students to qualify for example for the Federal pel grant so the old formula for the Federal pel grant is.

Still going to be in place but they've layered on a new formula that compares family income to the poverty line so if your income is less than 175% of the poverty line you're going to get the maximum pel Grant regardless of what the old formula says and if it less than 275% of the poverty line you're going to get at least the minimum federal pel.

Grant so families with income up to about $60,000 are going to qualify for the maximum pel Grant uh $85,000 for the minimum pel Grant and so we're going to see a big increase in the number of students qualifying and more than half a million additional pel Grant recipients and of the pel grant recipients more.

Than 1 and a. half million will qualify um for the maximum pel Grant so we know you know some students have already made their picks and where they're going to go to school in the fall others are waiting for this financial aid information before making a decision what's your advice to families who are in.

Limbo well most families are actually in limbo um and I I recommend just being patient checking on the website every day to see if there have been any changes they're going to recalculate the student aid index for everybody who is affected and pretty much everybody is affected Ed so the colleges will have no choice but to push back their own.

Deadlines for students to accept offers of admission now if the colleges get the faet data by the middle of March as the Department of Education is promising the soon as the colleges will be able to send out the financial aid offers is April but may it may even be not until May or even later so that National decision day of May 1st will probably.

Have to be pushed back all right Mark croit thanks so much for joining us we appreciate your expertise coming up if it's Friday you know your weekly can't miss list is right around the corner after the break the swan song of Curb Your Enthusiasm finally begins this weekend on HBO we've got a preview and we've got everything.

Else that you simply can't miss that is up next welcome back we've got good news for fans of the show Suits which seems to have had many more fans recently the series is coming back with a spin-off it is called suits La as the title suggests it will be set in Los Angeles instead of New York the original show followed fake.

Attorney Mike Ross played by Patrick J Adams who got his big break with his photographic memory the series aired for 9 years with its last episode in 2019 but then it became the most dream show of 2023 beating the office the spike in views might have had something to do with royalty specifically the Royal Duchess of susex me Mar as well as when.

It arrived on Netflix although none of the original cast is attached to the spin-off filming will start just around the corner in late March I kind of like went through phase where I watched a little bit when everybody was watching it it was High on Netflix but I've never seen the whole thing of you I've never watched it but I love how they can just.

Be like this is a great show let's make it and just set it in LA now and that's the new that's the new Peg so well we'll see what happens any chance of a cameo o know she lives nearby all right finally this hour it's Friday which means it's time for your weekly Camp Miss list from two spy Thrillers to the end of one of television's Best Loved cringe comedies.

A lots of yes there is a lot to pick from this weekend K angram is a digital reporter from NBC New York joins us with what we can't miss let's start in the theaters Argy which is the spy movie within a spy movie The cat is sort of the star what do we need to know about Argy is he the star well first off look if you're looking for something that's.

Light fun and entertaining Argy is definitely going to be just like you mentioned Joe it's a spy movie with a bunch of references to other spy movies it stars Bryce Dallas Howard who you know listen we love her from her films but in this one she plays this introverted bestselling author who goes from writing about spies to actually.

Having to work alongside one and she finds out that you know her writings although they're fictional they come to life and there are some real life consequences so you can already imagine where that's going to go I love that you mentioned the cat because if you're like me watching this trailer you're like is it real it is his name is Chip I know.

It's crazy cuz it looks like CGI but his name is Chip and the internet is loving him they're calling him neppo Kitty so if you're familiar with nepo babies just like nepo babies where their parents are celebrities his parents are celebrities what I will break this down are you ready okay so here's how it goes the director of this one Matthew vaugh who's.

Done the kingsman that's his owner Matthew Bon going to say parents were in the Meow Mix commercial oh my gosh imagine oh my goodness wow royalty all this fire realness alongside a star studing the other thing that's so fascinating about this to me just very quickly to say is like there was this whole rumor about Taylor Swift being.

Evolved or something which has now been killed but the reason for that is because this is based on a book but the book's not even out yet so it's like what's going on here like why how did it get this movie was it actually like a companion novel to a movie they were doing but then it's so many questions and it's why all the cast Henry caval I.

Mean everyone it's been a hard time for them to really talk about it fresh junk so mysterious there's a lot to be said so you just got to go and watch it this Mr and Mrs Smith there's show and Mrs Smith yeah tell us about this one okay so this one is a reboot it's the one that folks have been really excited about myself included um I love Donald.

Glover and so he's one of the co-creators but he also stars in it alongside Maya kkin and so the two of them play Mr and Mrs Smith and what's really interesting is that while it's like the original you know the OG from 2005 with Brad pin Angelina of course but this one's a little different instead of them being.

You know a married couple who finds out later that they're spies not to get too much away they are individuals who didn't know each other but then they know that they are married and they know that they're spice so it's like a whole it's a whole remix little twist yeah yeah a little twist we'll take that all right of course Curb Your Enthusiasm the.

Final season out this weekend Larry David is wanding the building so hide your puppets I hope so oh good up part Savage right well listen that was a curb moment and I think fans are really excited because this is the final season which feels so hard to believe right it's been we've heard it before we've heard it before that's true.

And this is what 12 Seasons now 12 season it's a 12th and final one of course we're going to see Larry David playing none other than himself Larry David we've got Vince vongh a lot of ogs who are returning but we've got some new faces too like Danny Levy um Dan Levy who's going to be there so yeah it's going to be a crazy czy crazy return.

That folks you know are really hoping maybe this isn't the last but he says it is we'll enjoy it while we can well you can that's on HBO yeah another thing to watch documentary right about the group Run DMC tell us about this one oh my gosh the Kings from Queens so of course everyone knows that hip hop right A King of Queens which I love but this is.

Different clearly Kings from Queens um you know of course everyone knows that hip-hop started in the Bronx but three brothers from Queens are the ones who really took it to the global Main stage and peacock they're giving us a three-part docu Series where we go behind the scenes learn really what it was like for Run DMC to come together.

They got their start again in Hollis Queens and then they again have hit the main stage Ice Cube was quoted as saying you know these are the guys who really made hip hop what it is today so this is a mustat because we get that backstory that honestly we haven't really seen before that I'm looking forward to that one all right we have just under a.

Minute here last week we talked with WWE Superstars Bianca belir Mont for today their new Hulu series loving WWE comes out what should we know well you should know that if you love reality TV I think this is going to be another one you're going to want to like sink your teeth into um Joe you know you interviewed them they are so fun more.

That wait we'll have to dive into that later I'm a huge Bianca fan so well if you're a huge Bianca fan and honestly even if you're not a big wrestling fan this is going to be a show to watch it's on Hulu and again it just walks you through their story as a married couple but what it's like to be Mega superstars in wrestling on their Road to.

WrestleMania so we get a little bit of what life is like as a you know meast star uh wrestler who's broke records but also what that's like when they bring it home what that looks like so should be fun cool all right K Ingram thank you so miss it thank you good to have you with us happy Friday that's going to do it for this hour of morning news now but.

The news continues right now don't go anywhere thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media

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