Morning News NOW Beefy Broadcast – March 14


Morning News NOW Beefy Broadcast - March 14

Right now on Morning News Now the clock is ticking for tick tock the house overwhelmingly approving a bill that could ban the popular app here in the US but how will it Faire in the Senate and what could it all mean for Tik tok's millions of American users Savannah will break it all down also this morning major developments in former president.

Trump's election interference case in Georgia the judge dismissing three of the counts against him we'll explain what's behind thatc ision as the former president heads to a Florida courtroom today for a different case plus a promising medical breakthrough that might shape the way doctors detect colon cancer the new research that shows lives.

Could be saved with a simple blood test and swiping left why some of the big dating apps are on the decline among younger Americans the Gen Z trends that have them looking for love elsewhere good morning I'm Savannah sers going to be back here in New York with you good to have you with us I'm Joe frier we're going to start with tick tok's time in.

The US possibly running out a bill that could ban the popular social video app cleared the house yesterday yeah that's right actually they overwhelmingly passed it with strong bipartisan support in a 352 to 65 votes so this is called the protecting Americans from foreign adversary controlled applications act the legislation says Tik Tok is a threat.

To National Security because it is controlled by China a foreign adversary the company maintains it is not controlled or owned by the Chinese government well this bill essentially gives Tech Giant bite dance that's Tik tok's parent company two options either sell the app to a buyer approved by the US government within six months or foro.

A sale and be banned in the US Tik Tok CEO shoy Chu posted a video last night speaking directly to the app's users and expressing his disappointment this bill gives more power to a hand F of other social media companies it will also take billions of dollars out of the pockets of creators and small businesses it will put more.

Than 300,000 American jobs at risk and it will take away your Tik Tok we will not stop fighting and advocating for you we will continue to do all we can including exercising our legal rights so a potential ban could be devastating for small business owners and creators who use Tik Tok to earn their living several well-known to creators have already.

Started looking for ways to diversify their businesses and Brands so now what's next the bill heads to the Senate where it faces an uncertain future so you were there yesterday on Capitol Hill as the vote went down and that's the big question what happens next leaders of the Senate intelligence committee have already endorsed this is that a sign of.

What could happen in the senate or does it face a tougher Road here yeah so the leaders of that committee they put out this statement essentially praising the bill praising the fact that the house had passed the bill and then also urging Senate action saying we should do this we should bring this to the vote the thing though is is that Senate Majority.

Leader Chuck Schumer has been very non-committal about actually bringing that to a vote on the floor it is unclear if or when he would do so we also have heard just anecdotally from Senators more negativity than we did from Representatives several of them pointing out the fact that is it really a good idea to mess with something young.

Voters specifically love dick Durban actually has been saying do that really sound like a good re-election strategy it's of course on the back of everybody's mindset it's 2024 at the same time this fight is going down so if it is is approved by the Senate the president would have to ass it we we know that he uses Tik Tok in his.

Campaign at the same time it sounds like he probably would sign it where do things stand with the president yeah it's a great question because he is posting I mean as recently as this week he is fully using the app while this conversation is going on in the background I actually spoke with several Democratic Representatives yesterday who.

Said that is a mixed message I don't like that it's not clear why the president would be using the app that he seems to believe as well as many members of Congress do could potentially be a national security threat he has though said should this make it to his desk he would sign it of course that still passes the big hurdle that I just laid.

Out in the Senate unclear if it will make it to his desk if it does that's when that six-month time starts for bite dance to divest this company and if not in theory is the theory is that it would just essentially disappear from App Stores be unavailable on your phone but Tik Tok will likely challenge that in court should it get to that point that's.

The other part of this as well it's huge issue for tens of millions of people who use Tik Tok and make their money on it and much more to come all right Savannah thank you so much now to a major development in the Georgia election interference case against former president Donald Trump yeah fton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee has.

Dismissed three of the counts against Mr Trump but it's important to know he still faces 10 other counts in the Georgia case for more we are joined by NBC News justice and intelligence correspondent kend delanian he is in Fort Pierce Florida we also have NBC News legal analyst Danny saalo here on set with us Ken I'll get started with.

You there in Florida what can you tell us about the charges that were dropped good morning Savannah and Joe six counts total three of which apply to former president Trump and essentially what the judge decided here is that these counts did not allege sufficient violations of the Georgia and US constitutions that was the issue not the.

Overt acts that were alleged this involved uh the alleged acts by Mr Trump and his codefendants to pressure local officials over bogus allegations of Fraud and again the indictment is still in place most of the charges are still in place but these particular charges have been dismissed the prosecution could appeal this ruling all right Danny.

Let's bring you in here why did the judge decide to drop these three charges was this a mistake in your mind by the da to even bring them in the first place or was this kind of a surprise no this was an unforced error in a sense this is called a demure basically what you doing it exists in civil and criminal law you say look take a look at the charging.

Instrument here the the four corners of that instrument uh did they allege properly the crimes did they give us sufficient notice of what we have to defend against these motions are almost always denied they're very difficult for the defense to win because the pleading standard is really very light but this is not your ordinary robbery or burglary.

Case that is charged thousands of times in that a uh the DA's office would know how to allege the facts instead here this is a complex case and what the judge found is that there was an allegation that uh people solicited the violation of oath of office but they didn't articulate the state what part of that oath of office specifically was.

Solicited so when you do that you really have two El things you have to prove you have to prove the solicitation or allege it I should say and you also have to allege the elements of this oath that was violated so it really was in my view a an unforced error because it's something that they just needed to allege with with more specificity they.

Could do it again arguably that's really all these motions really win you they may just win you more time as the state or the government goes back and gets the proper indictment but you know any win on the defense that slows things down for the Trump team uh and the codefendants is a win absolutely Ken we're also watching for a decision on.

Whether or not da Willis will be disqualified from the case fonnie Willis do we have any idea when that ruling could come down if could come down any day now Savannah and this is really much more important than the other decision we're talking about because if she is knocked out of this case it could be the end of.

The case it would fall to a state prosecution board to decide who would replace her as prosecutor and that board moves notoriously slowly now if he does if the judge does rule that she has a conflict of interest here and this involves the hiring of a person that she had a romantic relationship with uh she may be able to appeal that ruling and.

That could allow her to remain in the case but again that would cause a big delay so um either way uh unless the judge completely absolves her and decides she can remain in the case this could be a very difficult situation for this case and for the prosecution guys all right so Danny let's talk about why Ken is in Florida right now and that's.

Because we're going to have this hearing today about the classified documents case that impacts Mr Trump there what could we expect in that hearing today we know that Mr Trump and his legal team they'd love to have this case thrown out at the very least delayed right yeah courts are very reluctant to throw cases out and deny the government their day in.

Court even more so I would expect uh in cases of this importance arguably the most important criminal cases in American history are all pending at the same time including in the southern district of Florida the argument is basically trying to boil this complex issue down to a simple explanation is really that the presidential records Act.

And the president status as president allowed him a special privilege to sort of designate documents as not classified that and some other arguments that they're making to throw the case out it's a legal issue that the court can decide at this stage but no matter the outcome we already know what we're going to see we're going to see a number of.

Appeals now whether or not those appeals can stall the pending criminal case uh that's another legal issue but these are legal issues the court can decide at this stage it's just practically they almost never will decide these in favor of the defendant because it means denying the state or the people or in this case the government the federal.

Government the prosecutors uh their trial in court so we love when you make a prediction for us if not thrown out I mean at the very least is this delayed do you think uh it if the appeal the problem is interlocutory appeal in criminal cases usually doesn't uh stall the underlying criminal case there's a good reason for that we saw that earlier.

In one of the other Trump cases the DC case there's a reason we have that rule because if every criminal uh or criminal defendant could stall his case by simply appealing then no cases would ever go to trial you'd be 20 years down the road in the appell it process and the original trial never would go forward so uh look it predictions I'm usually wrong but if.

I were guessing the uh the court is not likely to Grant this motion simply because they want the government to have their day in court you don't want to be that judge uh that denied that opportunity to the state the people or the federal government all right kendan and Danny C thank you both legal challenges are not the only thing.

On former president Trump's mind after clinching the GOP nomination earlier this week speculation is growing over who he'll pick for a running mate NBC News correspondent Dasha Burns has new exclusive reporting that shows Mr Trump is focused on abortion as he considers the other half of his ticket former president Trump's search.

For a running mate coming into sharper focus and one issue dominating the discussions abortion we're living in a time when there has to be a little bit of a concession one way the other and I think uh you know I want to get I want to get it right multiple sources telling NBC News Trump views abortion as a singular liability for republicans in.

November and is screening candidates for a running mate for possible vulnerabilities on the issue Trump even reportedly surveying his own guests at maralago about potential VP picks and their views on abortion for 54 years they were trying to get Ro way terminated and I did it and I'm proud to have done it Trump three nominees to the.

Supreme Court were critical in overturning Rover's Wade but he now blames recent Republican losses on what he sees as the party's poor messaging on Reproductive Rights legal since the Dos decision that overturned Row in June 2022 abortion rights have gone virtually undefeated in ballot measures from coast to coast and.

Polls show voters trust President Biden over Trump on the issue Trump now determined to make sure his ticket doesn't face the same fate can a change in messaging to be more moderate really have an impact Republicans have yet to find that silver bullet or that tight RPP that they can walk that gets them Suburban voters but also doesn't.

Alienate or disassociate themselves from from past positions among the top VP candidates South Carolina Senator Tim Scott a former 2024 rival who has since endorsed and campaigned with the former president but his Hardline stance on abortion has some concern ered in Trump World I would literally sign the most conservative Pro.

Lifee legislation that they can get through Congress South Dakota governor chrisy gnome also on the list and also under scrutiny after her States trigger laws went into effect when roow was overturned instituting a near total ban gnome defending those laws which do not have exceptions in the cases of rape or incest in an interview with CNN noome.

Was asked about the possibility of a 10-year-old rap victim seeking abortion treatment in South Dakota the law today is that the abortions are illegal except to save the life of the mother because I don't believe a tragic situation should be perpetuated by another tragedy New York congresswoman Elise stonic currently in house leadership and.

Considered a rising star in the party has expressed support for a different approach a 15we national ban with exceptions we stand for life we are proud to stand for life and we will oppose this very radical anti-life agenda that we're seeing from house Democrats the New York Times reports Trump supported a 16we ban in private a.

Claim his campaign denies As Trump seeks to walk a fine line between appealing to the majority of Americans who support some abortion rights without alienating the pro-life base that's critical to his campaign our thanks to Dasha Burns for that report the former president has not given a timeline on when he'll select his running mate in 2016 he announced.

Mike Pence as his VP pick in mid July now to Oklahoma where we're getting new details about the death of next Bennett a transgender student last month a medical examiner's report has ruled his cause of death as suicide the report released yesterday cited the probable combined toxicity from Two drugs as the cause of death one of the drugs is.

Available over the counter the other by prescription the 16-year-old who used they and he pronouns died February 8th a day after he was involved in a fight at school NEX reportedly told his mother that he was bullied at school because of his gender identity if you or anyone you know is struggling please call or text the suicide and crisis Lifeline at.

988 it's day two of jury deliberations in the case against the father of a Michigan school shooter James Crumbley faces four counts of involuntary manslaughter for his alleged role in the attack that killed four Teenage students at Oxford High School NBC News correspondent Adrien BR says the latest as we wait for a.

Verdict a jury has started deliberating whether to convict James Crumbley of invol manslaughter and make him the first father to be held criminally responsible for a school shooting committed by their child James crle is not on trial for what his son did James Crumbley is on trial for what he did and what he didn't do you heard testimony.

From over a dozen Witnesses none of them told you that James knew what his son was planning his wife Jennifer found guilty on the same charges last month in her own Landmark Triumph was just it was chaos the prosecution calling many of the same Witnesses this time around arguing James Crumbley didn't do enough.

To stop Ethan from killing four students at Oxford High School in 2021 the most freshest in my mind was his smile he had those braces on for a long time and he had literally just got them off um a couple months before James Crumbley was presented with the easiest most glaring opportunities to prevent the deaths of these four students.

And he did nothing a key issue how James Crumbley store at the gun purchased a few days before the mass shooting prosecutors reading excerts from Ethan's Journal saying in part quote I will have to find where my dad hid my 9mm before I can shoot up the school Ethan wrote a saying quote I have zero help for my mental problems and it's causing me to.

Shoot up the exploitive school unlike his wife James Crumbley did not take this stand and the defense called just one witness his sister King who took this stand today your nephew never wrote you a note and said help me no sir and he never drew a picture next to that note with a gun did he no after 4 days of testimony another landmark case.

Is in the jury's hands seeing the evidence and seeing the testimony says enough for itself and just seeing us there as a present uh for our children it it says enough our thanks to Adrien brus for that report well as is in the case we've got some wild weather to get to it might feel like spring in the Northeast but it is still very much.

Winter out west right now Colorado is being hit with its biggest snowstorm in three years overnight snow started falling at a rate of 2 to 3 Ines an hour forecasters say Denver could get maybe up to 20 in other parts of the state could see as much as 3 to 4 feet top of all that snow wind gusts have up to 40 m an hour are making travel nearly.

Impossible airlines are telling passengers to double check their flights statuses and rebook if possible and on the ground officials Clos several stretches of Interstate 70 rescue crews ready to save any stranded motorists let's get more on all this from meteorologist Andie lman just's tracking the snow headed for the Rockies and just.

How much Angie good morning hey good morning guys yes we've got wintry weather for folks across the Rockies and that same storm system also going to leave us with the potential for some severe weather today let's start with the winter alerts though 5 million people included in those right now you can see that heavy snow continues.

Stretching across much of Colorado we've got Fort Collins Boulder Denver Colorado Springs all dealing with the heavy snow really impressive snowfall rates that we're expecting through the day today and because of that totals are going to be impressive in some spots we've got the potential for the Front Range to pick up anywhere from 3 to four feet.

Those are going to be on the higher ends of some of those totals you can see Boulder anywhere from 12 to 20 in we've got Denver up to 18 in by the time we get through tomorrow and again it's not just the the heavy snow that's going to be problematic we've also got those wind gusts up to 40 m hour so white out conditions are going to be likely uh.

Denver airport is going to be difficult to travel in and out of here for the next couple of days meanwhile I mentioned the severe storms that we're watching we've got a thunderstorm watch in effect and that's going to go until 12 o'l you can see St Louis included in that parts of Illinois as well as that system starts to March to the east.

Here's what we're expecting through the day today and into tonight the greatest threat is going to be later into the day and into the evening hours and you can see right where we're looking at the bullseye it stretches from Texas all the way up into portions of Ohio but Indianapolis St Louis Dallas all including that Memphis as well uh but.

Folks across portions of Oklahoma and Arkansas are going to see that chance for us to to pick up some large hail that's going to be the biggest threat you can see that stretches into parts of Indianapolis and down to Dallas we won't rule out some strong wind gust to and a couple of tornadoes we're not done with the storm system just yet as we get into.

Tomorrow either those thunderstor storms will increase in intensity actually as we get through the morning hours and into the afternoon hours and we'll once again be looking at a severe threat it'll be a lot smaller tomorrow but it's still there especially across parts of Texas otherwise some thunderstorms will be possible across the southeast and.

Into the Southern Plains those same threats will be possible specifically the 2-in hail across again Texas now looking ahead to the weekend notice your Friday showers in the mild conditions from the Northeast to the southeast but the Northern Tier of the country that's where the milder conditions are and that's where you'll also find some.

Sunshine guys we head into Saturday with more mild highs across much of the East wow to see that mixed back exactly thanks Angie much more to come on this hour of morning news now including a new way to screen for colon cancer with a simple blood test the Breakthrough research that could help save lives but first we have boots on the ground in.

Haiti this morning with the US now sending a team of Marines to protect its Embassy there we've got the latest as the Caribbean Nation descends into chaos that's up next stay with us we are back now with the latest on the spiraling crisis of violence in Haiti the US is sending in a new.

Contingent of Marines to guard the embassy As Americans including a bestselling author are making harrowing escapes NBC's Gabe Gutierrez reports from neighboring Dominican Republic with in utter chaos a new team of US Marines has been sent to help protect the American Embassy this is what hell on Earth.

Sounds like a nighttime gun battle in Porter Prince captured on a terrified bystander cell phone another woman Haitian American Sheree B humer says an armed gang kicked her out of her home and threatened to kill her if she went back we are so frightened for our lives we can't never go back home she's now desperately.

Trying to escape and meet up with her family in Miami but the border and the airports are shut down also suddenly trapped bestselling author Mitch album visiting an orphanage as Charity runs in Haiti you can't go anywhere you know you can't get out that's how Haitians live every single day then a harrowing escape a stealth private helicopter mission.

Rescued album and orphanage staffers you know the fear is that the gangs are going to shoot at the helicopters that's they they did they've done that we're all on top of one another not in seats just a big ball of humanity and the door closed and within 60 seconds we were up in the air in the dark and and and flying ha's prime minister just said.

He'd step down as soon as a new interim government took over but a notorious gang leader known as barbecue is calling for civil war here in the neighboring Dominican Republic the government is stopping desperate ha from coming and in Florida the governor is already deploying extra law enforcement and drones in anticipation of a possible.

Migrant influx from Haiti Gabe guer there is NBC News Santiago Dominican Republic more International headlines now and we start with the latest on the conflict raging in Gaza claudo lavanga joins us from Rome with that and more Claudia good morning good morning guys that's right the United Nations Agency for.

Palestinian refugees say that one of its staff members was killed and 22 others were injured after Israeli forces HD a food distribution center in the southern Gaza Strip now according to the agency the distribution Center was hit despite having shared their coordinates with Israel's military the Israeli Defense Forces say it was a precise strike which.

Eliminated a Hamas Commander now to Australia's Victoria state where a 27-year-old man died and another was seriously injured after rocks collapsed inside an underground Gold Mine authorities said 29 workers at the site were rescued as they took refuge in a safety pod when the accident happened the mine has been shut down while the.

Police and local safety Regulators investigate what happened and we end up in Denmark which has started calling up women for military service as it boosts its Army the plan is to extend military conscription to women and also increase the standard service time the Danish Prime Minister said they are doing this not because they want war but because.

They want to avoid it the change marks uh makes Denmark the third country in Europe to introduce female conscription in the Army back to you guys all right claudo thank you so much coming up up a huge potential advancement in the way doctors can screen for colon cancer after the break can a simple blood test actually save more lives in the face of.

Rising cases where Dr John Torres is looking into it Doctor Is In next we're back with the results of a promising new study that could dramatically increase and improve colon cancer detection this is important because the number of colon cancer cases in the US continues to rise according to.

The New England Journal of Medicine research shows a simple blood test may be able to detect early signs of coloral cancer the doctors say the technology is a major step forward in this screening process NBC News medical contributor Dr John Torres joins us now with more on this medical correspondent good to have you with us so walk us through how this.

Compares to other screaming screening methods for colid cancer why do doctors think this is so promising and the reason doctors think this is promising and the reason it's hitting the news is like you mentioned the study showing that it's accuracy 83% it's very accurate detecting colon cancer in those early stage cancers which is all.

Important and what we WR know right now is it is comparative to the other ones that you have at home which are called the fit test the cig guard tests the difference being those are stool tests this is a blood test and that's the big difference and what they think is going to happen is this is going to drive people towards getting this blood test.

That didn't want to do the stool test or aren't getting the colonoscopy and that's probably the biggest advice saying this does not replace the colonoscopy but is an additional tool to the colon oscopy yeah and in fact I think on this point correct me if I'm wrong that the test found 83% of the cancers however it found few of the.

Precancer with gross growths excuse me that could be found in a colonoscopy does that mean maybe it's not like a good tool for early detection and that that's still an important part of care so it's the shield blood test by Garden health is the one we're talking about and what they say is you know 45 and above with average risk of colon cancers.

Are the ones that should be looking at this and you can see the early signs of colon cancer right there the other one would be changes in your stool if you have issues with that then that's another thing to look at but the the biggest thing is to remember that this is detecting early stage colon cancer because it uses DNA in the blood what.

Happens is the tumor puts out DNA when it starts shedding gets into the blood and the blood test can detect that DNA pops don't necessarily do that because they're early on and that's why a colonoscopy is that gold standard because they can actually visually see the pops remove them and test them so doctors are struggling to get people to.

Screen even though we are seeing younger people get more colon cancer we know the screening went down the colonoscopy to 45 but talk about how important screening is and could this blood test play any factor in trying to get that up and screening is ex is so important and you'll hear people tell time after time about how something happened they ended.

Up getting a colonoscopy for whatever reason or having one of those blood tests that led them to colonoscopy and they found it early and they were able to take care of it cure it and get them back to their normal lives extremely important and the problem is right now colonoscopy only 50 to 60% of people are getting colonoscopies if you add the.

Other tests we still have that segment of the population that's not getting those tests and so they think this will fill the Gap and that's the important thing to understand that what this is doing is saying if you get this it's positive then you go to a colonoscopy at that point to make sure that that's what the diagnosis is and then you get.

Treatment if you have colon cancer but you get it early which can save your life and quickly what would you say to people who are worried about a colonoscopy they don't like the sound of it yeah it's not as bad as you think I've had colonoscopies before yeah it's it's the thought of it happening is is worse than actually doing it the prep is.

Something people don't like once you get through the prep which you know is not that bad then colonoscopy you don't even really think much about it yeah all right Dr John thank you so much appreciate great to see you while a traditionally conservative town in Oklahoma is facing a political Reckoning a small group of locals have forced a.

Recall vote against a City Commissioner who attended events supporting white nationalism NBC News senior reporter Brandy zadra takes a closer look at the Fallout terrifi it's an unusual meetup on a Monday night in Enid Oklahoma the location is secret somebody mins the door for security a small group determined to change their city so.

Everybody in this room played a role among those here are 69-year-old Connie Vickers I was born and RIS here in Enid and 74-year-old Nancy prel I've lived here most of my life their best friends and Democrats rare in the deeply conservative County both retired but hard at work how many doors did you knock.

On I don't know it was a lot enough to get the signatures needed for a recall election of City Commissioner Jud bevens this is Jud bevens in 2017 tiki torch in hand in Charlottesville Virginia marching alongside avowed white supremacists and neo-nazis I saw the picture of Jed bevens with the tiki torch and I was like just shocked the.

More they looked the more they found bevens had been an active leader in the white nationalist group identity Europa according to an analysis of photos biographical details and other information blevens hid his white nationalist identity behind the online moniker Conway in private online forums reviewed by NBC news bevens as Conway.

Posted racist messages and praised Hitler and when the former Marine ran for City Commissioner last year as a Conservative Republican he won by 36 votes let's go now presal and Vickers are part of the Enid social justice committee vocal opponents of Bev since he took office the group mincing no words on its website saying Enid has a.

Nazi problem a lot of people don't want to say the word Nazi but when you see what he did and what he's involved with you know it's not name calling it's what he is what he believes we wanted to ask bevens what he believes for ourselves but he denied our multiple requests for interviews we tried once more outside a city council meeting can I ask you were.

A leader in an Oklahoma chapter of a white nationalist organization and I want to know if you have any explanation to that here why did you march andite the r why did you hold a tiki torch and marches people said Jews will not replace been a conservative all my life Cindy Allen was editor and publisher of the Enid news.

And Eagle when blevens won her paper had published a front page story about his past prior to the election blevens called it a hitpiece we followed up uh many times and he never would answer us and yet he won he won There's an opportunity now to address what kind of Tolerance of extremism this community is going to have Enid's mayor David Mason.

Also a Conservative Republican says behind closed doors bevens admitted to his involvement in white nationalist activities and my follow-up question was are you still involved with those groups and he told me I do not have to answer that question and my my thought was you just did blin's opponent in the recall election set for April 2nd is a.

Republican too she didn't want to talk about the race with us a race that most here see us squarely about bevens if we vote him in a second time it probably says a lot about about who we are that identity is exactly what Vickers in presal are working for National white supremacist organizations have called you to.

Outrageous antifa Commandos badge of honor what happens if you don't win we keep putting up a fight we're we're not going to put up with it quietly fighting they say for the soul of their City Brandy zne NBC News Enid Oklahoma coming up a battle of the ex's it's a media Smackdown that's pitting.

Former CNN anchor Don Lemon and Elon Musk against each other this morning more on their testy one-on-one interview and lemon's deal with musk's X that's now toast stay with us this is morning news now we're back now with disturbing accusations about what was going on behind the scenes of some of the most.

Beloved Nickelodeon shows of the 9s and early 2000s including all that The Amanda Show and Drake and Josh a new docu series is shining a spotlight on claims of discrimination sexism and sexual abuse NBC Steven Romo has the story bring in a dancing lobst they were massive TV hits for kids in the '90s and early 2000s Nickelodeon shows like Drake.

And Josh I Carly all all that and more Nickelodeon was kid everything and you better hope that your house had K quiet on set the Dark Side of kids TV is a new investigation discovery documentary series raising disturbing allegations about some of these beloved shows and the people behind them like Powerhouse creator and producer Dan Schneider.

Business Insider first reporting on some of these allegations in 2022 but the new series delves deeper with interviews from some on and off camera team members two women writers on The Amanda Show starring Amanda binds say the production was a hostile work environment for women accusing Schneider of telling them that women aren't funny there are also.

Accusations of sexual abuse against members of Schneider's staff a major accusation that came to light in a new teaser trailer actor Drake Bell co-star of Drake and Josh coming forward as an alleged sexual abuse victim of dialogue coach and actor Brian Peck who was convicted of child sex abuse back in 2004 the minor who was previously.

Identified as John Doe is set to be Bell in the docy series one of our reporters got an advanced screening of Belle's accusations he asked the producer to essentially imagine the most horrible form of sexual abuse possible and that's what happened to him Bell his face disturbing charges of his own in 2021 he pleaded guilty and was.

Sentenced to 2 years probation for felony child endangerment and a misdemeanor charge of disseminating harmful material to a juvenile after a woman says Belle attempted to groom her when she was 12 in the documentary he kind of said that he took responsibility for that what this documentary kind of highlights with those two cases ju toose.

With each other is that a lot of times there's a cycle of abuse a spokesperson for Schneider told NBC news that he was the biggest champion for child actors on these shows and said that an investigation by Nickelodeon after Schneider's departure found he was a challenging tough and demanding person to work with nothing else these.

Revelations a STK contrast from the happy go-lucky shows they stem from our thanks to Steven Romo for that report for its part Nickelodeon says it cannot corroborate or negate these allegations from decades ago but the network says it has adopted new safeguards since that period former CNN anchor Don Lemon said that Elon Musk cancelled his new talk.

Show onx before the first episode even premiered lemon says his deal with the social media platform was terminated after he interviewed musk this comes just two months after X announced it was partnering with lemon in a new content deal on the site lemon took to X yesterday to talk about what he says happened speaking of free speech right I.

Thought thought the first person interview no-brainer Elon Musk the man who calls himself a free speech absolutist I asked him to do it he willingly agreed to the interview apparently Free Speech absolutism doesn't apply when it comes to questions about him from people like me well for more on this we are joined by Vanity.

Fair special correspondent Brian stelter Brian good morning let's start with what happened in this interview with musk that got him unhappy enough to cancel lemon's whole show what details do we have right we know that Don Lemon asked about reports of illegal drug use in musk's past we also know that Don Lemon asked about the rampant anti-Semitism.

That has erupted on X formerly known as Twitter you know the thing about this interview is that musk rarely grants interviews he's happier on his own social network replying to his fans spreading far-right memes and here's the other thing about musk he is undeniably a genius his SpaceX compan is about to launch you know a bunch more uh Rockets.

A bunch more satellites in the space later today but when it comes to X his social network he often times steps on Race he spreads misinformation he repels advertisers and in this case he's broken up a partnership that he said he needed he's been trying to attract video creators to X and in this case he's broken up with one of them so in a.

Statement on X lemon says the interview will be available to watch next Monday on the site as well as YouTube so a couple questions here how's X responding to what happened all these developments yesterday and then what is next for lemon can this show still continue yeah I think it will I think the deal that lemon worked out a multi-million dollar.

Deal that was basically designed pretty quickly in order to make X sound more palatable to advertisers X's out there in the marketplace trying to sign up more advertisers it's been hard to do that because of all the content moderation problems all the spam and pornography that fills up X but Don Lemon signed on he said he would do One.

Exclusive show a week on X and then he would do lots of other shows on YouTube and on podcast Etc so that's why lemon show is going to continue in various formats but that X partnership The Advertiser partnership that is gone kaput uh you know from X's point of view they can make deals with whoever and whatever they want and and that's what.

They say this is a you know a basic contract dispute there was no actual signed contract yet but they had a handshake agreement because X really needs video creators Elon Musk says he wants X to be more like a YouTube platform more of a video platform but in order to do that he needs lots of people to make videos and this shows the.

Tension when he might be too thin skinned to answer questions it ends up you know canceling a relationship with a content creator I think it really shows the the drama that's inherent in Elon musk's relationship with his uh with his platform Brian what do you make of the fact also that as Joe mentioned they're saying it's still going to be available.

If he's so upset about this interview right that that's a good point lemon's gonna post the interview on his own but he won't have that Financial relationship with musk anymore and maybe ultimately that's a good thing because you know he can go off and do an interview whoever he wants uh but it does show that musk says he commit.

Commits a freedom of speech will let anything be posted on X as long as it doesn't break any laws that is musk's promise I just think sometimes in the actual delivery he um he he reacts badly to criticism and this is one of those cases where he just you know Don Lemon rubbed him the wrong way and he said okay we're breaking up so it wasn't just.

A partnership with Don Lemon X has also announced shows with former congresswoman telsey gabard show host Sports talk show host Jim R of course Tucker Carlson has a show there too what is the future right now for new content on this platform yeah I think there still is a very interesting opportunity here when it comes to X in the same way.

That is true on Facebook and YouTube and twitch when you can interact when you can watch in real time with other people when you can feel like you're part of a community part of a broader viewing Community there's a real opportunity there so I I wouldn't count X out but but I do think a situation like this shows that they can go out and make.

Fancy prom they can make Grand announcements they can make big promises to advertisers but then if Elon Musk wakes up on the wrong side of the bed all of that might go away Brian stelter we love when you join us thanks so much thanks thanks Financial headlines now sportsware giant under arour has announced a leadership shakeup CNBC.

Sylan hanell joins us with another news syvan good morning hey Savannah Hey Joe good morning to yes so Kevin plank is retaking the Helm of under arour plank founded the sportsware brand back in 199 6 and ran it up until 2019 when he stepped down as CEO but remained chairman of the board Under Armour enjoyed rapid growth for years under.

Plank reaching about $5 billion in annual sales but the business hit a wall in 2017 and has struggled to regain its footing in recent years plank joins a short list of companies whose Founders returned as CEO including Steve Jobs at Apple and Larry Page at Google mean Microsoft is moving to a single app for teams that will allow you to easily.

Switch between personal and work accounts the new version which is currently being tested will roll out to commercial users next month now in future updates you'll also be able to choose the account you want to use when joining a meeting link or even join a meeting without having to sign in and Pinterest has launched a new AI feature.

Letting users filter search results by body type it starts with a visual cue to select between between four body type ranges now the new tool is only available for women's fashion and wedding related items but will expand to Men's Clothing later this year and well it's hard to represent all body types Pinterest says the tool will help make.

The site a more inclusive place guys I can't wait to try off that tool it sounds pretty cool yeah that's a great idea all right syvan thank you so much coming up swiping left on dating apps after the break why some experts say younger Americans are starting to ditch those popular apps like Tinder and match and how the companies could possibly win.

Users back that's next stay with us a developer says he has the funding to build America's tallest skyscraper in Oklahoma City it would be called The Legends Tower and it would stand at 197 ft that's more than 100 ft tall than one World Trade Center in lower Manhattan it'd be the center point of a $ 1.5.

Billion development including a hotel and apartments developer Scott Madison told the Oklahoma the plans are now fully funded but another developer called the tower fanciful the city council is due to vote on the plan in June Oklahoma City who knew be lonely up there exactly it will definitely stand out there but interesting good for that.

All right well dating apps have loomed large in our love lives ever since the early 2010s but could our love affair with them be at an end apps like Tinder and Bumble have been steadily losing their market value since 2021 experts say younger Generations are less willing to Fork out the money for costly subscriptions yeah I didn't even realize.

There were these subscriptions Dr Jess carbino joins us for more on this she's the former sociologist of Tinder and Bumble doctor thanks for joining us so why are these apps struggling to get people to pay for their service is it like a changing demographic or is some of this just that they're too expensive I think it's fundamentally a.

Demographic change if you look at genze as a population which is what the media is most often discussing gen zers are were born between the years 1997 and 2012 so legally a very strong proportion of the individuals who fall within genzi are not even eligible to use the app because you have to be 18 years old to do so moreover dating apps.

Exist and are still fundamentally the number way one one way individuals are meeting their romantic partners for long-term Partnerships we also know that over half of individuals who are between the ages of 18 to 29 according to the Pew Research Center are using online dating apps but individuals who are between the ages of you know 15 and 27.

Which is really the primary demographic of indiv idual who are in gen Z are meeting Partners outside of it they're meeting people through in existing social institutions like their local schools or through their neighborhoods because they're still living there and dating apps really develop to help fill that Gap so it makes absolute sense that.

You know a kid who's in college is not paying for a dating app because they're able to meet people outside of it and I think as with Millennials when these geners transition outside of educational institutions to meet romantic partners because we know that the age at first marriage is not going to decline if anything it's going to continue to.

Increase we are going to see them returning and paying two dating apps for subscriptions they're still using the apps they are just not paying for them because they don't have that need yet what is Gen Z looking for in the dating scene Jers are really looking to explore we know that Jers are a generation is very curious um they have a lot of.

Questions as it relates to the authenticity of themselves and the authenticity of others so I think that gen zers are using dating apps as a mechanism by which to discover and find themselves and others and to build community which is something that we know geners really long for fundamentally can we also talk about the.

Price tag on the league I mean this graphic that we have over here 299 a month I mean what is it that apps need to do to win us back you sound confident that J zers will come back what do they need to do well I I think that the r tag associated with other dating apps is incredibly reasonable a lot of streaming.

Services are approximately $20 and the satisfaction we get from streaming services while high is not in any way commensurate with what we find when we are in a relationship with someone and I think that individuals who are paying a real premium like league for $300 um are really invested and are interested in finding people who are.

Equally invested and my research has shown that people think about um whether or not individuals are paying when using a dating app and think of that payment as a signal of investment so it makes sense to me that a 22-year-old is not paying $300 um a month for a dating app because they don't need to they're in college.

And frankly I think it's a good thing that they're meeting people organically but at the same time I think that fundamentally they are still using the dating apps they are using dating apps in college and they're meeting people organically which is really important because when they're meeting people organically in college they have the.

Skills and background to be able when they're you know in their late 20s and early 30s like the Millennials did to communicate and form long lasting relationships on the dating apps which I absolutely believe you will see happen Dr Jess you know thank you so much some people may prefer their relationship with their streaming services right we.

End the shower in the California Hills where Crowds Are flocking to see the incredible displays of flowers which they're hoping will be another Super Bloom those new to the area can learn more about the Phenomenon with the help of a 40-year-old telephone hotline NBC News correspondent Liz quitz has the story as spring emerges all around.

Southern California the hills are alive with the sound of displays of San verb Dune evening Primrose that's actor Joe Spano seen on NCIS now we can do one or two things here and in Apollo 13 welcome and heard on one of California's most quirky Traditions The Wildflower hotline what is it that gives you so much joy about being part of this hotline every.

Year there's no downside to beautiful flowers coming out of the ground the weekly telephone hotline started 41 years ago by the Theodor pain Foundation a way for the group's botanist to let fellow flower enthusiasts find the best spring bloom pick up the phone and call yeah just pick up the phone and call I mean.

There's something you know Charming about it right now getting to some of the most popular spots like here in the anel bgo desert does require a drive but for all these colors folks say it's worth it and this is just the start of the Season experts say just wait this year's rain could lead to another Super Bloom like recent years in the corizo.

Plaine and analou Valley imagine someone taking a paintbrush and just flinging paint across the hills I'm glad we did this that vision is what brought chandini Sharma all the way from Oklahoma showing it off to her friend in India it's just so beautiful and so colorful so colorful I dreamt of it all night a simple yet extraordinary.

Pleasure preserved by painters you turn the other way photographers and a voice sharing this natural wonder with the world we have the right conditions for an excellent Wildflower viewing season Lis CS NBC News Los Angeles beauti gorgeous let good do for this hour Morning News Now the news continues right now.

though good morning I'm Joe frier and I'm Savannah sellers thanks for being with us this Thursday right now on morning news now back in court former president Trump is expected to attend a Florida hearing today on whether the criminal case involving his handling of classified documents should be thrown.

Out it comes as Mr Trump has handed a boost in the Georgia election interference case where a judge has dismissed three criminal counts against him we'll have the latest on Trump's legal turmoil also this morning the clock is ticking for tick tock after the house passed a bill that would ban the popular social media app unless its.

Chinese parent company cuts it Loose I would say the choice is in Tik tok's hands I have no problem uh with continued Dance videos or even political campaigning on Tik Tok so long as the ownership structure changes why Tik Tok users are fighting back against the potential ban as the bill heads to the Senate speaking out.

Olivia mun and Christy Brinkley have revealed they're being treated for breast and skin cancer respectively by both actors hope their stories will help others in what you need to know about these conditions plus Failure to Launch former CNN host Don Lemon says Elon Musk has cancelled his new web-based show that was was supposed to debut on the.

Platform X why musk is pulling the plug and how the decision could set the stage for a legal Showdown begin this hour with the race for the White House and a busy day ahead on the campaign Trail President Biden is head to campaign later today in Michigan that's an important Battleground state that the president hopes to win again in.

November Mr Biden's opponent former president Trump making a very different stop he said to appear in a Florida courtroom today for a hearing in his classified documents case this comes after a George judge dismissed some of the charges against Trump yesterday in that State's election interference case NBC News chief White House correspondent.

Peter Alexander joins us from Milwaukee with all the latest Peter good morning Hey Joe and Savannah nice to see both of you this morning we of course have a long way to go in this presidential race but it really does begin in Earnest this week with both President Biden and former president Trump just clinching their party's.

Respective nominations and to give you a sense of the urgency here president Biden is right now wrapping up what is his ninth visit to this key swing state of Wisconsin since taking office while his predecessor the former president is off the trail this week as you note instead making his arguments in court this morning with the general.

Election fight Off to the Races President Biden will campaign in Michigan while former president Trump returns to court in Florida as part of his classified documents case I took him very legally and I wasn't hiding Mr Trump praising the judge in his Georgia election interference case after he dismissed six of the 41 criminal counts.

Against Mr Trump and his codefendants including one charge involving Mr Trump's phone call to Georgia's Secretary of State pressuring him to overturn the results I just want to find uh 11,780 votes the judge found those counts lacked sufficient detail that said prosecutors could refile them Mr.

Trump has pleaded not guilty President Biden is hitting his second Midwest Battleground in two days first Wisconsin now Michigan where both races are expected to be highly competitive this fall the president emphasizing his bipartisan success investing in America's infrastructure my predecessor talked about infrastructure weak for.

Four years he didn't get a single thing done but one key challenge stubborn inflation at alib boy bagy in Milwaukee owners Ben nusen and Stacy Lopez have felt pressure from rising costs but support President Biden's views on social issues like Reproductive Rights I said I do feel a lot of the issues that he touches on are not just meant for.

Today but for future Generations that he's not even going to see in wakashaw County Matt leopard's Republican politics are on full display at his auto body shop he says America needs four more years of Mr Trump I want my economy back I want our national security back I want our tax money to stay here also certain to make headlines.

Today vice president kamla Harris has an effort to sort of demonstrate the administration's commitment on the issue of Reproductive Rights today we'll visit a PL Parenthood Clinic that provides abortion services in Minnesota's Twin Cities Joe and Savannah this is a powerful and symbolic move it'll also be we believe the first time a president or.

Vice president has ever made such a visit while in office back to you guys all right Peter thank you so much let's get more on the legal battles facing former president Trump with NBC News justice and intelligence correspondent Ken delanian hey Ken so you are outside the courthouse in Florida where a judge is expected to hear arguments on Trump's.

Motions to dismiss the classified documents case against him walk us through what we can expect from today's hearings and the argument that's being made here good morning Savannah and Jo well we're told that Mr Trump will be in the courtroom today as he was during the last motion's hearing here in Fort P.

Pierce and judge aen Canon is expected to hear two of Donald Trump's many motions to dismiss this case today one involves the presidential records act and another asserts that the Espionage Act uh which undergirds most of the charges in this case is unconstitutionally vague so in terms of presidential records Mr Trump is arguing.

That the Civil presidential records act uh which governs how presidents treat their records after they leave office moots this prosecution essentially he's saying that anything that he decided to take out of the White House automatically became a personal record and his property and therefore the government cannot come after him because.

Those records were classified now obviously the government says that's ridiculous and absurd and that he's trying to act as if um because he was president he's not subject to the same laws as everyone else on the second motion um he's arguing that the 1917 Espionage Act um is unconstitutionally vague that some of the terms are not.

Well defined people have tried said that before unsuccessfully the Espionage Act has been used many many times to prosecute people who have taken home classified information most recently notably Jack tashera the Airman in Massachusetts who is pleading guilty to uh taking home and leaking massive amounts of classified information so.

It'll be an interesting set of legal technical arguments today and in fact it's expected to last all day and if passed is the guide special counsel Jack Smith will be sitting in the courtroom behind his prosecutors who are arguing these matters so can what are the possible outcomes here how quickly do we expect the judge to make.

Decisions Joe this judge moves methodically I don't expect her to rule From the Bench today she will probably issue written rulings at some point we don't know when um in terms of the outcomes look most legal experts say these claims by Mr Trump are absurd and baseless but judge aen Cannon has at different points during this case.

Entertain the idea that somehow because Donald Trump was President uh he he he gets special treatment we saw that when she had a special Master appointed to review material that was seized by the FBI at his house a lot of people criticized that ruling which was eventually overturned on appeal so it wouldn't be surprising if she.

Entertained particularly the presidential records act issue uh but the idea that she would dismiss these counts on that on those grounds considered very remote Ken we just have about a minute here but I do want to ask you about the Georgia election interference case before we let you go uh as we heard from Peter a judge had.

Dismissed three criminal counts against Trump walk us through what we saw there yeah so This Is Not Unusual uh and and most of the counts survive that's what's important and only one felony conviction uh is enough here in in a case like this but these are uh counts involving uh accusing Mr Trump and others of um uh you know pressuring.

Local officials to violate their Oaths to the Georgia and US Constitution and what the judge found is that the prosecutors did not allege specifically enough which parts of the Constitution were allegedly violated and so that was a fatal defect now the prosecution can appeal and so they may be reinstated but as of now they are out guys all right.

Kendel lanan on a journey there in Florida Ken thank you so much was good well turning now to Washington where lawmakers are one step closer to potentially Banning Tik Tok because they see it as a national security threat the house passed a bipartisan Bill yesterday that would require the popular app to be sold by its Chinese parent company or be.

Banned in the US President Biden says says he supports the bill but it now faces an uncertain future in the Senate NBC News senior Capital Hill correspondent Garrett he joins us now with the latest Hey Garrett good morning hey Savannah good morning and yeah that overwhelming bipartisan vote yesterday along with how fast the vote happened at.

All in a Congress that does not do anything quickly is a sign of lawmakers concerns about what they believe are the National Security risks of this popular video app used by more than 170 million Americans but now Tik tok's users are pushing back and it's not clear what steps Washington or Tik Tok will take next for social media giant Tik Tok an.

Uncertain future this morning as a bill calling for the company to split from its Chinese parent company or be shut down now heads to the Senate the US House on Wednesday in a rare and overwhelmingly bipartisan vote passing the measure that requires Tik tok's parent company bite dance to sell the app within six months Republican Mike.

Gallagher wrote the Bill what do you say to people who just fundamentally don't understand why the app where they watch silly dance videos is a national security threat the possibility for Dangerous propaganda is too immense to allow one of our formost adversaries to have this control over what is increasingly becoming the dominant news.

Platform in America lawmakers and National Security Experts have long been concerned with bite dances ties to the Chinese Communist party which many believe can and does store data from American users partly because of a national security law that requires Chinese companies to share data and other information with the government.

The reason that is valuable to the Chinese Communist party is it be it begins to allow them to know how to influence Americans in its annual threat assessment the US intelligence Community says China used Tik Tok in the 2022 midterms warning it could do so again in this Fall's presidential election Tik Tock has repeatedly denied any.

Connections to the Chinese government with the company CEO responding to the house vote late Wednesday we will continue to do all we can including exercising our legal rights to protect this amazing platform just 65 house members mostly Democrats oppose the bill it's an overly broad bill that I don't think will withstand First Amendment.

Scrutiny uh the the other issue is that there are a lot of people who make their livelihoods on this including creators like JT labor it is 100% of our income um it's how I feed my wife and three children even some who support a divestment see a double-edged sword in an election year with more than 20% of American voters using Tik Tock at least.

Once a day cutting out a large group of young voters is not the best known strategy for reelection a lot of Savannah sellers Easter eggs in that spot so what happens next this bill will go to the Senate now where leader Schumer says the Senate will review it they don't appear to be in any hurry to do that if the bill does.

Get passed through the Senate though and signed by President Biden it gives 6 months for this sale to occur and that's without what would be an almost inevitable Court challenge so the bottom line here I think is that Tik Tok is not going anywhere anytime soon Savannah all right Garrett he thanks for sharing the hill with me yesterday good to see you.

The escalating turmoil in Haiti is making it increasingly harder for Americans trapped in the chaotic country to leave safely this morning the US military is sending in more Marines to ramp up security at the embassy there as gang violence overtakes the nation NBC News correspondent Gabe Gutierrez is at hai's border and the Dominican.

Republican with the latest Gabe good morning hi there Jones Savannah good morning well right behind me just across this gate is Haiti's border it's mostly closed and it's a country essentially on lockdown no flights in or out and we're now learning more about the harrowing efforts to escape this morning as even more gang.

Field violence erupts in Haiti a new team of US Marines is on the ground in Porter Prince securing the American Embassy the capital gripped by gunfire and chaos it's been three days since Haiti's prime minister announced he would step down after Relentless pressure from gangs who wanted him gone now efforts to.

Stabilize the country may be stalling any delay could put the aid of a multinational police force led by Kenya and largely funded by the US in jeopardy with gangs controlling most of the capital many civilians are now trapped haian American Sheree bimer says she's hoping to escape Haiti and see her family in Miami but there no way to get.

There they saying if we was to come back home to get our things that day is going to kill us bestselling author Mitch album now safe in Michigan after a stealth private helicopter mission in the middle of the night rescued him and staffers from an orphanage as Charity runs how harrowing would that escape you know the fear is that the gangs are.

Going to shoot at the helicopters and the door closed and within 60 seconds we were up in the air in the dark and flying and trying to get out out of Haiti the UN says a million Haitian are now on the brink of famine hospitals are struggling too desperate for generator fuel we spoke with a doctor who says armed men executed a patient inside an.

Ambulance we are also seeing uh you know patients who suffer from gunshot wounds the previous day who are only able to make it to our facility 12 hours later uh when they feel safe missionary Jill Dolan and her family are trapped at a makeshift motel near the airport she's frantically trying to get back back to Florida in time for her daughter's.

Wedding but with the airport still shut down she's instead ducking for cover we did hear gunfire like right outside at this gate and it was very scary and we hid in our room until it went away as more Haitians flee the country it could impact the Border crisis back in the US Florida Governor Ronda SES is already bracing for an influx of patient.

Migrants deploying more soldiers and drones State's southern coast Joan Savannah all right Gabe thank you so much well this morning Colorado is bracing for the worst winter storm to hit the state in 3 years it comes as other parts of the country are experiencing tornadoes and unseasonably warm temperatures NBC News correspondent.

Dana Griffin is in Boulder Colorado this morning with more hey Dana good morning hey good morning to you Savannah this is just the beginning of that intense snowstorm you can already see the wet heavy rain falling which could present a threat for down trees and power lines Denver forecasted to get more than a foot of snow in the metro.

Area the mountains could get up to 5 ft of snow but officials here say they're ready the biggest storm to hit Colorado in three years arriving like a thief in the night quickly shifting from rain to heavy wet snow falling at a rate of 2 to 3 in per hour forecasters predicting when it's over the snow will be measured.

In F feet not inches the heavy snow creating treacherous roadways stranding dozens of cars under blinding conditions on Interstate 70 and leaving semi trucks completely stuck Denver City officials calling this a rare tier four storm the tier four level for us is heavy accumulation major drifting potential and with hundreds of.

Flight cancellations already at Denver International both Southwest and United Airlines are offering free re-bookings for passengers flying to Colorado this week while Colorado gets hammered with snow California facing its own problems a massive Landslide destroying homes in this Los Angeles neighborhood collapsing roofs and decimating yards fortunately.

There were no injuries reported with several people evacuated other parts of the country are dealing with wild weather too overnight South Central and Midwestern states facing severe thunderstorms tornadoes and golf-sized hail the so-called gorilla hail creating dangerous conditions on the road even cracking this truck's windshield I was.

Flustered I really thought all the the glass is going to shatter in my truck tornado on the ground we got tornado on the ground these stormchasers capturing this massive tornado touching down an ALT of Vista Kansas and from Oklahoma to New England and unusual winter warmup with temperatures more than 15° above normal with many hoping it's a sign that.

Spring may be around the corner now this heavy wet snow is expected to keep falling through Friday morning and Flight Aware is already reporting some 1300 combined cancellations and delays officials warning people to stay home stay off the roads and stay safe Savannah all right Dana stay safe and go get warm at the.

Bub best breakfast in town while it's still winter out west the East Coast gets a taste of spring-like weather Andie lman here with the forecast Andie good morning hey good morning guys spring is definitely in the air for the East we've got temperatures running more than 20° above normal in some of these spots places like Cincinnati and St.

Louis are going to be well into the 70s today we've got Cleveland on top to hit 67 degrees Nashville and Little Rock they're going to make it to the 80s and the warmth will even continue into tomorrow the closer you are to the east we've got uh Elizabeth City Wilmington Charleston all into the 80s tomorrow New York will still be running well above.

Normal with a temperature of 64° and Washington DC is expected to hit 76 by the time we get into the weekend things will start to kind of moderate out so you can see places like Detroit going from the upper 50s on Saturday to the 30s by Monday a bit of a reality check if you ask me we've got New York into the upper 50s for Saturday and Sunday.

And we are back to the low 50s by Monday and this is the general Trend we'll see even in places like St Louis going from the 60s to the 40s in a matter of a couple of days so spring not settling in permanently just yet but we will enjoy those mild temperatures for a little while longer meanwhile you heard Dana talk about some of those storms that we.

Saw yesterday Kansas City really bearing the brunt of that with some of that hail and now they continue to charge on these lines of thunderstorms prompting a thunderstorm watch that's going to last until noon Central Time across these regions parts of Illinois and Missouri included in that uh you can see St Louis dead center in that watch and this is.

Why we've got the storm system working to the east we're going to expect not just the thunderstorms possible in that region through noon but but even into the afternoon and evening hours we're going to watch this area you can see a big chunk of the country from the Midwest down to the plains that has the potential to see some of those strong to.

Severe storms later today our biggest concern is going to be the large hail kind of like what we saw yesterday two inches or larger is possible we'll see those wind gusts and maybe a couple of tornadoes too and the system not done just yet even as we get into tomorrow we'll still see that cold front moving uh as we get into the afternoon hours.

Tomorrow and bringing the potential for some strong storms yet again it's a smaller area mainly across portions of southern Texas still those threats will remain especially the large hail that we're going to watch into the afternoon and evening hours and the rocky snow continues 5 million people under these winter alerts we've got the heavy snow.

Happening Colorado Colorado Springs Denver uh Boulder all picking up some additional snow the largest totals are going to be mainly in the isolated areas of the Front Range I think um few and far between we'll see 4 feet but still places like Denver 9 to 18 in we're expecting Evergreen anywhere from 28 to 36 in there a lot of.

Snow even for Colorado which by the way March is their snowiest months right and it'll be like 75 degrees in three days probably there yes the flipflop is insane there Andie thank you coming up after days of speculation over Princess Kate's edited photo Prince William is back in the spotlight tonight at an event honoring his late mother the.

Tribute William will be paying to Princess Diana and the role his brother Prince Harry will also have that's all next welcome back both Prince William and Prince Harry are set to make appearances at a memorial event for their mother Princess Diana it will put the Prince of Wales back into the public Spotlight.

Just days after his wife posted that edited photo which led to a wave of questions about the royal family NBC News International correspondent Molly Hunter has the latest from London and as the questions keep coming we've actually just learned that we will see both brothers Prince William and Prince Harry at this same event tonight and the.

Legacy of their mother Diana is top of mine take a look this morning on two different continents both Prince William and Prince Harry preparing for a royal event near to their hearts the Legacy Awards tonight in London put on by the Diana award nonprofit in honor of their late mother back in 2017 both brothers were.

There in person for the inaugural event and tonight Prince William Will present the awards giving a short speech and later Prince Harry will speak with the re ients separately and virtually to celebrate their accomplishments this comes as Prince William carries on with public Royal duties as Kensington Palace stays M on Kate but the late princess of.

Wales's Legacy looms large as the current Princess of Wales stays out of sight in recent years Prince Harry has spoken frequently about the threat of media attention of course leading to his move to the states with his family rarely do we have a holiday without someone with a camera you know jumping out of a bush or something within the.

Family within the system the advice that's always given is don't react don't feed into it and on this side of the pond Kensington Palace has been clear Kate will recuperate in private there will be no rolling Health updates William regards the media with suspicion I I think his instinct is to try to keep a lid on things as much as.

Possible the the problem is that if you go back to the age of Diana life was so simple there wasn't this nightmarish social media thing in the middle as the headlines waned days after that photo was posted the son implored readers to lay off Kate and the daily mail today give Kate a break the public and the media do not have the intense interest.

In the king uh that they do in the Princess of Wales Kate she's a different matter for them Al together now as you heard Tim just say right there it is so interesting watching how Buckingham Palace is dealing with King Charles of course he is undergoing cancer treatment right now but they feel a responsibility to show.

The 75-year-old Monarch to the public just this week we've received numerous photos of the king performing State duties Kensington Palace clearly has a very different approach I'll send it back to you all right Molly thank you let's get to more International headlines now starting with the latest show of force by North Korea's leader.

NBC's claudo lavanga joins us from Rome with that in otherw world news claudo good morning good morning guys that's right State media in North Korea is reporting that the leader Kim John unes joined his troops while they were training to operate a new type of battle tank now the Korean Central news agency said that.

During the training the North Korean leader mounted one of the tanks and drove it himself and later called the the new tank the world's most powerful the training is seen as a response to the annual joint military drills by South Korea and the US which lasted 11 days and are expected to end today which North Korea sees as a rehearsal for.

Invasion let's go to India where thousands of farmers travel to the capital New Delhi on buses and trains to push their demand for a guaranteed minimum profitable crop prices initially the farmers were planning to drive their tractors into the capital but authorities blocked all access to the city using cement blocks and barbed wire.

The farmers then decided to take public transports to join the rally where they also said they they also ask the government to keep its promises to wave loans and withdraw legal cases brought against them during the 2021 protests and let's end his St of the world in Australia where the first male professional soccer player to come out.

As gay in a main league has proposed to his partner Josh cavalo who plays for the Australian team Adel United made history in 21 when he came out with an emotional online video vowing to change the sports culture to show and I quote that everyone is welcome in the game of soccer today he posted a picture of him going down on his knee on his home pitch.

At the Cooper Stadium and giving the photos of the emotional reaction of his fiance looks like he said yes congratulations to both I hope so we see the ring on so I think he accept today oh that's so sweet Kia thank you so much coming up Olivia mun and Christy Brinkley sharing their cancer diagnosis why the two women are speaking out and.

What you need to know about their conditions up next we're back now with a story about two celebrities revealing their cancer diagnoses on social media both Olivia mun and Christy Brinkley shared the news on Instagram yesterday NBC News senior National correspondent Stephanie Goos.

Has that story doctors say the key to beating cancer is catching it early Olivia mun and Christy Brinkley would agree both women are sharing stories about their cancer diagnoses hoping what they've gone through will remind people to make those appointments and get those exams on the red carpet at the Oscars.

This weekend Olivia mun and her partner John mulany held hands and smiled for the cameras no sign of the serious health battle the 43-year-old actress has been waging M announcing Wednesday she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer in both breasts last April and underwent a double mastectomy writing on Instagram I went.

From feeling completely fine one day to waking up in a hospital bed after a 10-hour surgery the next M who many know from her role on HBO's The Newsroom writes I'm lucky we caught it with enough time that I had options she says Dr thus aliabadi saved her life when she did a breast cancer assessment M's score was high 37% according to the actress's.

Post what does that 37% mean in her case 37 .3% was her lifetime risk for breast cancer and the way I explain it to my patients if you had a 37 a half% chance of boarding a plane that would crash would you ever board that plane Dr Alia sent her for a breast MRI and that's when they discovered the cancer Olivia says that she wasn't going to be going.

In for another mammogram for a year what would have happened in that year potentially her cancer would have grown she had an aggressive cancer along with thanking her doctor M thanked mulany the couple have a son together I'm so thankful to John she writes for being there before I went into each surgery and being there when I woke up and for.

Placing framed photos of our little boy Malcolm by her hospital bed also sharing a cautionary tale actress and model Christy Brinkley who posted photos of the procedure she had to remove skin cancer from her face like M she writes the good news for me as we caught the basil cell carcinoma early Brinkley adding I was lucky to find mine because.

I I was accompanying one of my daughters to her checkup in her post she reminds people to get regular total body checkups and slather up with sunscreen two different women each with scary personal stories to tell and important Health messages they hope will help others Frankle says she had a little dot on the side of her face and just asked.

The doctor to take a look in her words he knew right away a reminder that doctors can sometimes identify a problem very quickly as for Olivia mun she a lot of support around to her partner John mullany commenting on her announcement post saying thank you for fighting so hard to be here for us M and I adore you back to you all right Stephanie thank.

You so much let's dig in more on this issue of breast cancer and younger women let's bring in NBC News medical contributor Dr Kavita Patel Dr good morning so in just a minute I'm going to ask you another question about kind of how this was actually found because I think a lot of people are like what does that mean and can I ask for that but.

First let's just start with the details Olivia man she's just 43 years old how common is to see breast cancer among women who are under 45 and who is at that higher risk of being diagnosed at a younger age yeah Savannah great questions look one in eight women or people who identify as women will get breast cancer anyone with breast can get.

Breast cancer of those one in eight one in 10 of those breast cancer patients will be under the age of 45 so about 9% of breast cancer patients are under the age of 45 which might shock a lot of people because that does seem young risk factors very briefly any genetic history not most people think it's just with mothers or the mother's line that's not.

True the father's line anyone in the relatives pool that can have breast cancer can put you at risk having children in an older age that includes me I calculated my own breast cancer risk talk about that in a second and then other certain characteristics of breast women with dense breasts women with genetic markers there are other.

Factors that can contribute to that increased breis what are the signs women do need to be most aware of yeah the signs can be incredibly broad but Joe I would use an overall framework and you heard a little bit of it with Olivia and Christie's story anything that seems off so women can have very dense breasts and it can sometimes worry them but it's.

Always very important even at an incredibly young age Joe to make sure that you have that they talk about total body exam or chrisy Brinkley did I think it's very important to make sure that not just a proper breast exam is done but I encourage women to understand how their own breasts feel and how that can change with periods in different times.

In their life after they've given birth so sometimes skin changes dense breasts all of these changes can be signals but then sometimes like in Olivia M's case there could be no symptoms doctor so let's talk through this breast cancer assessment in in the piece it says that Olivia's score was high what does that look like is should.

You be asking your doctor for that at what age can anyone get that number and have a plan of action yeah I'm going to recommend people go to an organization that I started working with when I was a medical student the Susan G Coman Foundation it's easy to remember their website K and they have an incredible.

Robust description they've got very good advice and they have this breast cancer risk assessment tool I took it myself just again this morning to prepare for this I personally have a 5.5% lifetime average risk of getting breast cancer and it's elevated because of some of those risk factors I want everybody here men included because too can get breast.

Cancer anybody with breast can get breast cancer so I want people to go to that they can get that tool as well Dr kab Bell great great actionable advice thank you so much we coming up Elon Musk pulls the plug on Don lemon's new web-based show before it even Launches on X why mus cancel the show in the feud now ignited between them that's.

next we're back with the latest chapter in The Saga of this year's chaotic College admission season which left thousands of students in limbo as the New York Times reported last week the US education department discovered 70,000 unread emails from students all over the country containing essential information.

So with just days until a processing deadline just 200 Department employees including the nation's top student aid official had to read through all those emails to ensure those students got the financial help they needed it's just the latest challenge the education department has faced since Congress ordered the new version of the free.

Application for federal student aid also known as FAFSA joining us now for more on the story New York Times associate reporter Zach montigue Zach thanks for joining us so first of all just explain how this huge number of emails went undiscovered and then what's the impact of that on student applications this year thanks it's good to be with you um.

So the emails that have uh We've uncovered here were actually from students that couldn't provide a social security number for either themselves or a parent or a contributor when they filled out the form originally and that's actually a pretty egregious burden for a lot of students that are already overcoming a number of.

Disadvantages in accessing college and uh you know out of those 70,000 uh Department realized that you know there uh all of them had uh failed to fill this in and were now facing the prospect of uh missing out and had asked them to send in an identification that they could use to verify their identity uh upon discovering this they set off a.

Fire drill for the Department to race through this backlog and try to verify all of these by hand let's go back to the roll out of this newest version of FAFSA you actually wrote that a series of blenders by the department from a half-hazard rollout to technical meltdowns plunged the most critical stage of the college admissions season.

Into disarray I mean it really sounds like a nightmare tell us about this new version of this application and what it is about about it that's caused so many problems well it's been a three-year process to build this new form which as you know is a pretty critical tool for students in their families who were trying to uh get federal aid uh to go to.

College and uh the department had like I said three years to to put this together but over the last six months normally the form would be out in October that was delayed until December uh the department then announced a soft launch where the form wasn't available to everyone all at once but just sort of came out periodically in bursts that was.

Not uh previously announced to students so uh since then since December students have sort of found themselves panicking trying to get these forms into the department which by this time of year is really supposed to be processing the data that comes in sending that out to school so that colleges across the country can come up with their own.

Estimates of how much tuition students can pay so we're just behind the ball on all of this this year you know the schools themselves don't know how much uh they can tell accepted students that they're going to end up paying for college students don't know what sort of Aid packages they can expect uh how you know they can't weigh.

Different different offers from different schools so it's not really clear to them so everyone's had to push back and we're now moving into the the spring where by now a lot of people would know where they're going to school how much they're going to pay and we're seeing deadlines push back uh uh well into April in some cases into May for uh.

For both the the universities that are scrambling to get this all figured out and uh for students that're just waiting to hear what they can expect all right Zach montigue thanks so much for joining us this morning and thanks for your reporting appreciate itk let's get you Financial headlines now starting with some new economic data and the latest.

Read on unemployment CNBC sylan hanau has that and other money news Savannah good morning Hey Joe hey Savannah good morning we're getting a a fresh view on the of the economy jobless claims that's the number of Americans applying for jobless benefits last week it did inch up but largely stayed at historically low levels as the labor market continues.

To thrive despite those elevated interest rates the number coming in at 209,000 it was expected that we would get 218,000 meanwhile retail sales up 0.6% in February we were expecting a 0.8% uptick that's bouncing back back from a January Retreat showing the resilience of consumer spending our.

Former president Trump has reportedly discussed choosing hedge fund billionaire John Paulson for treasury secretary if he wins re-election in November Bloomberg says the conversations so far have been informal and preliminary Paulson hosted a fundraiser for Trump at his home in Palm Beach last month other names potentially.

In the mix include former US trade representative Robert ligh Hauser and Jeff yes who is the founder of private Equity Firm Susana and an investor in Tik tok's pairing Company B Dan and it's time to celebrate Pi the mathematical number that represents the circumference of a circle today is Pi Day and several restaurants and retailers have some.

Great deals 7-Eleven customers can get any large pizza for $33.14 if they're members of the seven Rewards program you can get a free Hershey's Sunday pie at Burger King with a purchase of at least $314 online food platform goldbelly is offering 31.4% of all pies today guys so lots to.

Choose from all right happy P sweet the Savory all the pies all right thank you just days before premiering former CNN anchor Don Lemon says his new xbase talk show has been cancelled lemon says Elon Musk pulled the plug on the show after being interviewed by him in the first episode of the series NBC News business and data correspondent Brian Chong joins.

Us with more on what happened hey Brian good morning morning Good morning Joe good morning Savannah that's right it was supposed to be part of the next chapter for the two high-profile men so lemon launching a new show after being fired from CNN and musk bringing exclusive content to his recently purchased platform X but just 24 hours.

After lemon interviewed musk for what was supposed to be the launch of that very show he says it all came crashing down with a text that said contract is cancelled lemon appearing on CNN to explain what happened this morning a high-profile deal between two unlikely Partners imploding after a confrontational.

Interview between former CNN anchor Don Lemon and Elon Musk turned T during a taping of the new the Don Lemon show that was supposed to debut next week on must platform X lemon pushing the billionaire behind Ventures like SpaceX and Tesla for allowing tweets that endorse anti-Semitism and conspiracy theories P speach on the platform is up.

Do you believe that X and you have some responsibility to moderate hate speech on the platform that you wouldn't have to answer these questions from reporters about the great replacement Theory as it relates to question great replacement Theory as it relates to Jewish people do you think that I don't have to answer questions from reporters Don the only.

Reason I'm doing this interview is because you're on the xplatform and you asked for it uh otherwise I would not do interview with this interview the interview also covering topics like must depression and drug use as well as the businessman's recent conversations with former president Donald Trump did he ask you for money he didn't hours later.

Lemon says he received a short text from mus that read contract is cancelled they were a a distribution partner so he never was my boss they never had any editorial control of the show musk firing back in a post on X saying the show's approach was basically just CNN but on social media which doesn't work X's own account online defending its.

Right to terminate the relationship but adding quote the Don Lemon show is welcome to publish its content on X without censorship the move reigniting arguments about the balance of free speech and misinformation on the platform free speech is meaningless unless you allow people uh you don't like to say things you don't like as for.

Lemon he was fired from CNN last year following controversial comments about women including then Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley that were seen as sexist and agist Nikki Haley is in her prime sorry when a woman is considered to be in her prime in her 20s and 30s and maybe 40 lemon publicly apologized for those.

Comments and a spokesperson for lemon tells NBC News he still expects to be paid for the partnership but an ex representative says there was no signed agreement between the Don Lemon show and X setting the stage for a potential legal Showdown as far as the interview lemon says it will post on Monday on YouTube as well as X so guys this may be.

Far from over Le we'll see what happened all right Brian thank you so much coming up we are raising the curtain on one of the most powerful new shows on Broadway two of the stars from Days of Wine and Roses are here to talk about the show that's got critics excited that is up next welcome back we have a cute one for.

You workers at a Virginia wildlife center found a unique way to stop a newborn fox from it coming to use to humans take a look at this founder Melissa Stanley and her team wore this fox mask while feeding milk to the the little animal that's not just cute it's got a purpose here it was designed to prevent what is known as imprinting that.

Is where newborns form a strong bond with the first animal who cares for them well the baby fox weighed Less Than 3 ounces when it was found after it has been rehabilitated at the Richmond Wildlife Center workers will try to unite it with its real mom Isn't that cool Joe that is cute but the fox b also have a like really into Muppets now or.

Something like that I feel a little scarred he a real box but nonetheless interesting idea cool thanks Savannah let's end the hour with a curtain call your front row ticket to some of the hottest shows on Broadway and Beyond this morning we are thrilled to welcome two Broadway Legends Kelly O'Hara and Brian Darcy James they star in the new.

Musical Days of Wine and Roses which is based on a 1958 teleplay and 1962 film of the same name it's about a couple of New York in the 1950s falling in love and forming a family while wrestling with alcohol addiction the show has earned rave reviews The New York Times branded it a Critic pick calling the performances superb and those superb.

Performances performers join us now congratulations on the show it is so incredibly powerful it Kelly it's it's maybe not a topic that naturally lends itself to a musical but I understand this is like an idea you had many years ago while working with Brian tell us where the idea came from to do the show yeah you know I think of music as uh I.

Love musical dramas you know we think of musical theater often and put it in the comedy category which I love as well but um I'm also from the Opera World a little bit I got my degree in that and so I really love uh taking a story to the next step with music and so when I thought about this one some of the unspoken things about this particular.

Situation lend themselves well to being musicalized and um you know so I asked Adam GLE who wrote the light in the Piaza which is another show I did around 2002 we had just finished this show called sweet when you were a teenager when I was three um said what about what about musicalize and me and and we he liked.

The idea and gosh it it took a while but here we are here you are and and also people did comment on the fact that they thought you look like Lee remik you look like Jack Lemon who were in the original movie that helped too didn't it oh yeah you know the imagination can uh clearly this is a lot about how much you love working with each other what is.

It about your just relationship on stage that clicks so much Brian well you know like Kelly said we we did this this great show 20 some 20 years ago and that's how we really kind of forged our our friendship and our working relationship and over those 20 years we've never really done a show a proper show like that uh a Broadway show uh.

We've done recordings we've done concerts we've done readings so we've we've definitely been in each other's um you know uh orbit as friends and colleagues and so when this started kind of bubbling up it was um it was great and I will say that that doing the show every night with Kelly and seeing your friend and seeing also I'm a fan of K's.

Uh so to be able to see the work that she's doing um in this show in particular is is thrilling because uh it's I don't know it's something that I've never seen her do and I think audiences haven't seen her do as well so it is a um it's it's kind of a um uh t two things it's it's cheering your friend on and just being so proud of.

Your friend but also knowing that you're in the company of of greatness and and so this this this kind of relationship that we have on stage is one that I've never experienced before in terms of the characters and how they bounce off each other the audience really can feel it this is obviously not a high energy pop show talk about the music and how do you.

Get that tone just right you know um both Craig Lucas our bookwriter and Adam GLE are just extraordinary telling specifically very human stories you know these people I think some people feel the show so deeply and dramatically because it feels so human it doesn't feel sort of like an archetype of a a person but yet you're.

Getting to know these two people very deeply and intimately and so it's really on the page you know the the the music is underneath us sort of swelling the words that we say um but the tone is also what Brian was saying this is a personal and professional sort of collaboration of of safety friendship trust um we we are very much not these.

People people and yet um if we bring ourselves to the table um in the trusted way that we are together um the tone kind of it it works for itself it just sort of takes us and goes and and um but I really lean on that great material you know it's already there for us if we just trust it can I add to also in terms of tone I mean we have an incredible.

Director in Michael gri who his job is basically to see what's happening with every element of the production our performances the company's performances the physical aspects of it how it moves how everything is is um presented and uh ultimately is delivered so his eye um not only in you know speaking personally his ability to kind of Monitor and.

Calibrate what we're doing to to to have the story kind of reveal itself in the proper way um that takes an expert eye and we have that in Michael so that that I think in terms of tone I think that is um our Ace in the Hole one of the best directors out there and he's got about 17 Broadway show I about to say he is a busy man this season Google it alcohol.

Addiction I mean it is an issue that affects nearly every family what are you hearing from people who see this show do they talk about that and the impact that that this has on them and the impact your show then has on them we've had I've had the most amazing conversations of my career um with all people but especially I'm finding with young people.

We have a generation now which is the first sober curious generation ever um we we know so much more about alcoholism now we know so much more about um the different programs one might go into it if if they suffer from alcoholism at this time in in our show nobody knew about this and so now we're talking to people who lived through it children of.

People who lived through it people who are attached to it um there are some people who come and have a really see the hope and the joy in the show um there is a lot of that talk about tone there's there's a lot of different things happening because it's a human life that we're talking about two three four human lives in our show um but I I.

Think that um I I think that the the conversations about what it how it affects people are so different and vast that it's making me feel like I'm doing one of the more purposeful things of my career you know yeah Brian we have like 15 seconds left here but anything else you want to add to that well just um the idea that when we do get to meet people.

And they and they have a reaction that whether is their own experience dealing with addiction or their their relatives having that interchange and that kind of um recognition is something that is very very powerful and and I'm I'm very appreciative of that it's it's we're doing our job and the message is the show is getting across very good all.

Right Kelly O'Hare Brian Darcy James thank you both and you can catch Days of Wine and Roses at Studio 54 through March 31st that is going to do it for this hour of Morning News Now a great interview the news continues right now stay with us thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on.

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