Morning News NOW Chubby Broadcast – Feb. 13


Morning News NOW Chubby Broadcast - Feb. 13

right now on morning news now it's snow joke this morning millions of people waking up to some serious winter weather in the Northeast with a major storm system set to dump several inches of snow in just a matter of hours we have a team tracking the conditions the warnings and we'll tell you how it could.

Impact your day also this morning disturbing new details about what may have led to a shooting at Joel ost's Texas Mega Church we don't understand why these things happen but we know God's in control what investigators say they found belonging to the suspect plus what we're learning about her criminal and.

Mental health history and ride share drivers slamming the brakes on your Valentine's Day plans the pay dispute that has them trading the roadways for the picket lines tomorrow plus it's a day some singles love to hate will explain the phenomenon known as the Valentine's Day blues and how to fight it if you aren't feeling the love and I.

Guess that's a little PSA that's tomorrow huh exactly and you're going to have a snowy Valentine's Day in some parts of the country not Christmas but Valentine's Day good to have you with us on this Tuesday I'm Joe frier and I'm Savannah sers and that's where we start this morning with that nor Easter it's this morning almost 50 million people.

From Philadelphia to Boston could be wall uped by this massive snowstorm could be the biggest to hit the area in nearly two years in New England they've been preparing for the past 24 hours with folks on the Massachusetts Coast boarding up their windows well Cru and Road Island lined up the plows the big concern this morning is on the roads all.

That rain and snow could make for a messy commute along some of the most traveled arteries in the country and that prompted New Jersey governor Phil Murphy to issue this warning please if you can we suggest staying off the roads tomorrow morning and if you can work from home tomorrow's a good day to do just that tomorrow.

Morning is now this morning we have full team coverage meteorologist Angie lman is tracking the winter storm just a few minutes we're going to talk to Providence Road Island mayor Brett Smiley about how his city is preparing let's begin though with NBC News correspondent train Lee in Brooklyn New York train good morning so officials and.

Cities on the I95 Corridor in the Northeast want to make sure everyone is prepared so what should you expect right now walking out the door this morning that's right Joe it's uh early in the storm already but if you're trying to get to work on the I 95 Corridor anywhere between Philadelphia and Boston expect 40 mph gust white out.

Conditions which is a big concern now if you're in Brooklyn here in New York City uh we're not at the the the the heart of the storm just yet the rain is just now crossing over to snow already pretty cold already pretty nasty as we heard some of those officials say if you don't need to be out here you shouldn't be out here unless you're a school kid and.

You're off from school and you get a chance to play in the snow or you're walking your dogs are running besides that stay warm stay safe inside Trine the worst of the storm is set to hit as you said in a little while which then of course is going to mean it's right in the middle of the morning commute we've already seen some flights being canceled.

Things like that tell us about other preparations what are officials doing ahead of this storm officials are are warning folks and urging folks again just to stay home uh school kid the the schools New York City Public Schools the largest school district in the country has already gone remote uh you know we've seen the the.

Plows out a little early softening the ground hundreds of flights between the three major Metropolitan airports in Nork and laguard and JFK several hundred flights have already been cancelled and again officials are are urging folks because in New York City that the the the the heart of the storm will hit right during the heart of rush hour so.

They're urging folks just to stay home yeah and so I mean traine here in New York we've seen something of a snow drought the last two plus years basically the last three winners what's it actually going to look like here in New York that's right it's been a little bit of of a drought so I know some folks not.

Those of us who have to stand out here and Report the news are looking forward to this but if you are a school kid home from school uh as much as uh six inches or more in Central Park and across the city and so it's been two years uh the drought is finally broken again the the estimates are getting a little lower from last night but 6 in or more of snow.

Dropping here in New York City we will take whatever we can get for those of us who have been starved for snow we're sorry for youe traine thank excited for more on this we're joined by the mayor of Providence Rhode Island Brett Smiley May Smiley good morning thank you very much for joining us so your city bracing up for nearly a foot of snow here how.

Are you preparing for this yeah we've uh also not had a storm like this in two years but uh we're fully prepared and our crews have been out working since about 4:00 a.m. pre-treating the roads and uh and pretty much everything is shut down in Rhode Island today so no school State offices are closed city offices are closed and we're encouraging.

Everyone to stay off the roads to allow our snow removal teams to do their job and uh try to get the city back in shape for tomorrow Valentine's Day I heard you talking about that at the top of the uh show you know Providence is the culinary capital of New England and we want to make sure that everyone can go out for Valentine's Day tomorrow night so we're.

Working as hard as we can love that something to keep in mind ahead of this you know folks in the Northeast obviously are generally used to snow but the last few years because we haven't had much usually the first time you go out there and drive doesn't go so well as maybe when you get a few other times under your belt what are your biggest.

Concerns as the storm settles into the Northeast right now so if we can keep cars off the road today then we we'll be able to do our work what we really encourage folks to do is to check on their neighbors and uh to be you know a little extra neighborly and compassionate of whether people have mobility issues they elderly um to give.

A helping hand to make sure that you help your neighbor shovel their sidewalk and uh and just check on one another it has been a little while since we've had a storm like this almost two years and uh and the city and state government does its part but there's still a responsibility for citizens to do theirs as well and so you know it's a.

Tight-knit community here and so we're encouraging everyone to just check on their neighbors and stay off the roads and uh you know unlike New York this is not a distance learning day for our kids our kids just have no school today and I think there's something to be said for a good oldfashioned snow day for young people and so fully expect the kids to.

Be out sledding and doing things like that today and then uh we want to be back in business tomorrow absolutely for people who maybe do need to get to work for whatever reason what do you want people who do have to take to the roads to keep in mind this morning yeah use a little extra caution it's slippery right now the snow's coming down pretty heavy.

Here uh we have fully transitioned into snow and over the next couple of hours we're going to see snowfall rates between 1 and 2 inches an hour which is very heavy snow and so please allow extra time uh understand there's going to be parking restrictions throughout the city and throughout the state really uh if you're a a Frontline worker.

Whether you work in healthc care or uh another care industry where you have to do that that work in person we're encouraging people to leave an extra half hour or more in their commute uh to make sure that they can take the time that they need to be cautious when driving uh and and make a plan for uh how they're going to get to work all.

Right Providence mayor Brett Smiley we are thinking about you this morning thank you so much for sharing your plans with us thank you I love to hear that kids are getting an old school snow day how about that so how much snow can we expect in the Northeast let's get a check on your Morning News Now weather Andrew lassman's in studio with us hey.

Andrew good morning hey good morning guys snow lovers are rejoicing across parts of the Northeast where we yes we have those winter alerts in effect for 46 million people but we're already seeing some busy conditions uh when it comes to the snow and still the rain here's the look at the the radar right now notice that we're not all dealing.

With the snow we've got Atlantic City basically South still dealing with some of that rain but we have transitioned over into the snow in places like New York stretching up to Hartford out uh over portions of Long Island and we're going to see the snow stick around for the next couple of hours here's the timing in all of these places Washington.

DC you guys are going to wrap up that kind of steady snowfall pretty quick you've really only got about an hour to see it from 9:00 a.m. to 10: a.m. we'll see Philadelphia from about 8:00 a.m until noon and then as we look to New York we do start to see things really wrapping up here when it comes to the steadiest of the of that Snowfall by.

About 1 p.m. so we go into our second half of the day not a whole lot of snow going to be falling beyond that but we still will be dealing with the Gusty winds across this region even through the rest of your day today moving a little F farther to the north folks in a about 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. notice that does go a little farther into the.

Afternoon but still it looks like at least the falling snow will be wrapping up by the time we get out for that afternoon commute if you are one of the people that do have to go into work today even Providence places uh in that surrounding region about 7:00 a.m. to 300 P p.m. is when you're looking at at that snow falling at a good clip here's.

The deal as far as the snowfall totals these have changed a whole lot over the past couple of days this was a difficult forecast If we're honest with you as meteorologist this was a tough one we've got uh some really warm conditions that have been taking shape over the past couple of days so our surfaces are very warm the steady the rain uh steady.

Snowfall though looks like we'll pick up maybe 3 to S Ines in New York we could see a little higher amounts as you go out towards Providence 4 to 8 Ines there Boston has seen these numbers come way down over the past 48 Hours 2 to 4 Ines we're expecting there and the last time we saw a significant snowstorm like this we've got to go all the way back to late.

January of 2022 we had 8 in of snow in Philadelphia in New York and Boston picked up 2 feet of snow so it's not going to be that kind of snowstorm for our friends in Boston but it'll be impactful at causing some issues on the roadways and such from places like New York to Providence as far as the winds are concerned that's going to be another.

Issue here I mentioned they'll stick with us through the day today and here are some of those Peak gust 25 M hour Gust in New York Atlantic City of course closer to the coast you're going to see those higher wind gust 43 m per hour wind gust we're expecting Washington DC 38 m per hour wind gust so even after the snow works out and we start to get.

Things under control as far as uh the roads are concerned we're still going to be looking at at some coastal flooding concerns this is what we'll have to watch for here as we go into the later parts of today especially around high tide we could see some of those uh flooding concerns along the coast for folks in this area notice that those.

Onshore winds could push one to maybe two feet of of inundation up into those location so this will be something that we'll have to watch for here as we go through at least the later parts of today uh from Boston stretching down to Atlantic City guys otherwise across the country we've got some nice conditions if you're looking for it mild for the.

Plains these temperatures across the plains they are running way above average once again uh and we've got another storm system that we're going to keep track of it's moving down from Canada it's a Clipper system that means it's a fast moving system from Canada it is going to bring some folks a little bit of snow as we get into tomorrow.

Across parts of the Midwest and eventually New England will see th those impacts too but look at the lower third of the country it's bright and sunshiny and I don't think people in Miami uh are thinking about snow at all look at that temperature 81 degrees and good news for our friends out in California too they had you know a busy week last week with.

All of that rain they are looking dry and nice and comfortable uh just how they like it right that's why they that's why they live there that's why they live there exactly the rest of the country is like what's the fuss what are you guys talking about and need chance Andre in the Northeast power outages I think yeah with the with those wind gust.

30 40 mph I mean there's definitely a good chance of that I don't think the snow um the weight of the snow is as big of an issue as we often times see it but but of course there's definitely a chance of those power outages so prepare for them all right something you'll keep an eye on thank you so much course well we are learning new details this morning.

About the woman who stormed a popular Houston mega church opening fire and sending Church go is scrambling new video shows law enforcement searching the home of the shooting suspect suspect ultimately finding some troubling items a motive is still unclear but police say they believe she acted alone NBC News correspondent Morgan chesky has the.

Latest on the investigation trilling new details about the shooter at Joel ost's Lakewood Church in Houston where gunfire Sunday sent members running for cover they were repetitive boom and I yell mom police identified their shooter as 36-year-old jenese Ivon Moreno and say she was caring an AR-15.

With the word Palestine written on it police say they also found anti-semitic writings during a recent search warrant we have uncovered some items we do have some anti-semitic writings that we have uncovered during this process but like I said we are 24 hours into it investigators say a dispute between Modano and her ex-husband's family some.

Some of whom are Jewish may be related to the shooting at the church Witnesses say the shooter was wearing a trench coat an open fire almost immediately after walking inside the first thing that I thought I was like I need to hold my kids really for really hard um and I thought that I maybe will die after that.

Police confirming mono entered the church with her 7-year-old son and was armed with multiple weapons and ammunition two off-duty officers returning fire killing the shooter her critically injured in the crossfire they held their ground in the face of rifle fire at Point Blank.

Range and they continued to fire until the perpetrator was neutralized and they did not yield law enforcement records show The Shooter had at least six prior arrests since 2005 including unlawful carrying of a weapon which she pleaded guilty to evading arrest and assault on a public official which she pleaded to her charge mono's neighbors saying she.

Filed a restraining order against her in November police adding in 2016 authorities placed monano under an emergency detention order we do believe that she does have a mental health history that is documented through us and through interviews with family members the shooting Sunday came minutes before the mega Church's Spanish service.

Where one member was wounded but is expected to make a full recovery we're devastated I mean this is we've been here 65 years and have somebody shooting in your church but you know we don't understand why all these things happen but we know God's in control all right our thanks to Morgan chesy for that report breaking news this.

Morning Senators on Capitol Hill have passed a foreign aid bill that will help Israel Ukraine and other allies the $95 billion package passed by a vote of 70 to 29 after a rare all night session but in the house Speaker Mike Johnson has repeatedly said that he has no intention of bringing it before his chamber many house Republicans oppose more aid for.

Ukraine in favor of increased security at the southern border well Jordan is joining the US in its calls against an Israeli invasion of Rafa that's a city in southern Gaza President Biden met with Jordan's King Abdullah II yesterday at the White House it was their first meeting since three US soldiers were killed in a drone strike at a military.

Base in Jordan late last month the two leaders discussed the ongoing situation in Gaza including how to end the war and a plan for what comes next they also addressed the growing concerns over a possible Israeli military operation in Rafa we cannot afford an Israeli attack on RAF it is certain to produce another humanitarian catastrophe we cannot stand.

By and let this continue the major military operation raaa should not proceed without a credible plan a credible plan for ensuring the safety and support of more than 1 million people Sheltering there NBC News his correspondent Aaron Gilchrist joins us now with more on their meeting Aaron good morning so this is the first time.

The president has appeared alongside an Arab leader at the White House since the Israel Gaza War Began tell us the significance of the timing of this particular meeting and what role also is Jordan playing behind the scenes well timing wise Savannah and Joe good morning to you this is something that we've watched the key players in.

The Middle East the countries that have a lot of influence like Jordan trying to make sure that they're getting out and gaing as much support for the ideas around a pause or a ceasefire in the fighting there but also the humanitarian crisis that is developing there the Jordanian King is on a mission this week first stopping here in the US then going.

On to Canada trying to Rally support for what he's called an immediate ceasefire the Jord the jordanians told us that uh before this visit happened yesterday and so that was a key part of the conversation that the Jordanian King had with President Biden yesterday at the White House of course we know the Administration has said that a ceasefire.

An out andout ceasefire is not something that it's asking for but it does want to see a long-term uh humanitarian pause as the president referenced and the White House spokespersons have been telling us throughout the last several days as well while the US is working on this deal that is slow to come together at this point Savannah and Joe yeah so eron what.

Are we hearing from the president when it comes to trying to get this hostage release deal well the president is saying that his team is still working on it you may remember obviously we had the the the first deal that happened back in November where there was a pause and a release of hostages and now the effort.

Is to get the remainder of the hostages released but there's been uh this back and forth about what exactly that might look like between the Israelis and Hamas obviously with the qataris acting as an intermediary and the US and Egypt keep keep Partners in the effort to get this deal done I want you to hear the president talk about this a little bit.

In his remarks from the White House yesterday today listen the United States is working on a hostage deal between Israel and Hamas which would bring a immediate and sustained period of caling to Gaza for at least 6 weeks which we could then take the time to build something more enduring the key element of the deals.

Are on the table there gaps that remain but I'm encouraged Israeli leaders to keep working to achieve the deal the United States will do everything possible to make it happen and so the Administration has told us that this deal is pretty much there that was the quote we got from a senior Administration official over the weekend.

We know that today the CIA director William Burns is in Egypt a meeting with the Qatari prime minister uh and meeting with uh his Israeli counterpart as well trying to craft the final terms of a deal and and get this across the Finish Line uh Bill Burns was a key player in the first deal that was done uh and so when he shows up uh we we expect ECT.

That potentially this week we could see something finally come together Ain President Biden has publicly criticized Israel's plans in this war we also saw some of that language coming from him as well as from Jordan but we've not specifically seen Biden or any of his administration officials publicly support doing something like restricting.

Aid to Israel or maybe imposing conditions on it have White House officials indicated whether we could be close to that point if Israel follows through with this specific planned ground assault on Rafa so you heard the president say that he doesn't want to see a major ground incursion into Rafa uh anytime soon certainly without the.

Conditions that would allow for the million plus people who were pushed into Rafa uh as the fighting was going on in Northern parts of Gaza uh without having a protection plan in place for them the administration at this point officially is saying that its policy on Israel has not changed its support for Israel has not changed but we do know that there.

Through some uh Administration officials that there is uh talk about a plan being at least put on paper so that the administration wanted to to restrict or put conditions on some of the aid that it's providing there is a plan to do that but Savannah and Joe at this point officially the US has not changed its policy uh and its position on what.

Israel is ultimately trying to do and that is dismantle Hamas all right Aaron gilchris thank you very much in the wake of threats that US troops are facing in the Middle East America's top military officer is speaking out Air Force General CQ Brown chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff sat down with NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt they.

Discussed military relations overseas and defense secretary Lloyd Austin's recent hospitalization not since he went back into the hospital but uh you know over the course of the past month even while he was in the hospital had good Communications with him uh what I will say is I wish him a speedy recovery were.

You personally stung or disappointed by the way went the first time he was treated and and ultimately hospitalized well you I know secretary Austin highlighted that uh he felt he could have done better in uh in the communication um again from my perspective the the communication I had the things I needed to do as in my role.

As a chairman of the Joint Chiefs uh I I didn't have any concerns and I pressed him about those controversial comments by Republican front runner Donald Trump regarding NATO what do you take of that well we we have an alliance and we have a strong Alliance I I think we we have responsibity to uphold those alliances it's part of your will right now to.

Reassure NATO that despite what they may hear that the US is still committed the US is committed and that's the you know that's the message I communicate U that's the message that's been received on Friday General Brown visiting Navy ships just returning from the Middle East part of your job is providing the president military options.

When it came to what we're seeing in the Middle East right now what was the overriding requirement of of of the plans you you came up with well without getting into details I I'll just say that the broad areas that we uh we focus on is is want to deter um um any further aggression not let the conflict broaden at the same.

Time of protect our forces do you think Iran wants war with the US I don't know that they do having watched Iran operate um they will do things through uh their militia groups and others um to put pressure uh to to achieve their objectives at the same time not looking for a broader conflict with the United States and during this black history.

Month I asked America's top General about this video that made headlines where he spoke passionately right after the death of George Floyd I'm thinking about warning the same flight suit with the same Wings on my chest as my peers and they being questioned by another military member are you a pilot and you're in the Pacific Air Force then.

What made you do that our youngest son on a Sunday called my wife and I and he was really struggling uh with the death of George Floyd and uh it bothered me as well and uh our son asked uh me uh dad what is Pacific Air Forces going to say and at the time I'm the commander of Pacific Air Force and so what he was really.

Asking me dad what are you going to say I had no intent for to go as broad as it did uh but I'm glad it did I think it gave a a voice to many because they're feeling much of the same and uh I'm again I'm glad I glad I was able to do it and sharing with with us his inspiration during his career the legendary Tuskegee Airman you spoke at.

Shaw Air Force Base about the Tuskegee Airmen what is it you want as people look at you and your experience what do you want us to know and think about uh opportunity um you know I think uh All I've Ever Wanted throughout my my Air Force career is just equal opportunity um to compete and not judge me based on uh the color of my skin but based judge.

Me on the Merit of my capability I think that's what all of our sub members want uh they just want an opportunity I'm an ordinary person with an extraordinary opportunity and I want to make sure that I do everything I can to open the door for others our thanks to Lester Holt for That interview and there is much more to come here on morning news now later this.

Hour no love for Valentine's Day You Are Not Alone why so many singles are feeling blue ahead of the holiday up first after the break former president Donald Trump trying again to put his election interference case on hold we're going to break down his 11th Hour request to the Supreme Court next we'll be right.

back welcome back former president Donald Trump is asking the Supreme Court to put on hold an appeals court ruling that found he does not have presidential immunity from Criminal prosecution the case stems from his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election well it's not an official request for the Supreme.

Court to take the case if they agreed to Trump's request it would pause the crimin criminal case while the former president and his legal team prepare his full appeal delaying the trial Trump is facing a 4 count indictment in Washington including charges of conspiracy to defraud the US and conspiracy to obstruct an official.

Proceeding he has pleaded not guilty NBC News legal analyst Danny savalos joins us now with more on this so so let's walk through this filing by Trump and his legal team what is it they're seeking how much of this is just trying to delay things past the election the words you just said now I'll explain exactly what's going on procedurally is.

That now that Trump has asked for a stay the Mandate which is the DC Cur circuits uh sending the case back down to the district court that's going to be paused while the court considers this emergency request for a stay Justice Roberts has a couple options he can deny it which is I don't think likely or he can refer it to the full court he can issue a stay.

Himself uh but from here it's likely that it will stay at the Supreme Court for at least the foreseeable future if it takes up the case then of course the lower proceedings are paused during that time and part of the strategy here for Trump is because the DC circuit put in its order that hey you guys can ask us the appeals court for a.

Re-hearing but if you do the lower case the case in the trial court your criminal case goes on and that's one of the other requests that that Trump has for the Supreme Court to pause the DC circuits uh proceedings as well so you just laid out some of the possible actions of course the big question here is when does any of this actually get.

Underway after something like this and then how does that kind of put it on a collision course with the election how soon could we even just get the answers to these first few steps this is the number one question I get on all of these Trump cases and the answer is who knows and I'm not say saying that to be glib all I can tell you is what most.

Litigators know from their normal ordinary dealings with pellet courts but most litigators do not have former presidents as their clients who were asserting never before asserted immunity claims I'll just say as an aside one of the strongest arguments the Trump team has for the Supreme Court to even hear this case is that Jack Smith himself.

Said in December hey Supreme Court needs to hear this case eventually now back then the strategies were different Jack Smith then wanted to Leap Frog the DC court of appeals in order to service the number one mission of each side which nobody talks about in court which is as you pointed out Joe speed Jack Smith wants this case resolved as quickly as.

Possible the Trump team would drag this out till past the inauguration after which all federal cases poof disappear well we have you let's talk about the Georgia election interference case the judge overseeing that says it's possible Fulton County DA Fon Willis could be disqualified over misconduct allegations involving personal relationship with the.

Lead prosecutor in the case help us understand what's going on here how in danger is this case very much in danger and here's a helpful way to think about this case because uh it can seem like a kind of frivolous motion if you think of it only as uh the defendant has filed a motion to dismiss the indictment because two of the prosecutors may have been.

Engaged in some romantic trist that's not really what this motion is about it's really two parts number one that the special prosecutor uh in uh Prosecuting this case was improperly appointed and if so then the indictment itself the case itself is invalid but also related to that is that the two the two prosecutors the da and the special.

Prosecutor should be disqualified because of the appearance of impropriety and that's magic language in lawyer land when you're talking about disciplinary rules when you're talking about the rules of Ethics it's not always whether something is improper for lawyers and the uh the bar itself it's the appearance of impropriety and if it's.

True that the prosecutor the da was accepting uh vacations almost like a kickback from the special prosecutor going on vacations that were paid by the state and if it's true that the special Prosecutor's already been paid over half a million for a government job then those are some red flags and there may be a conflict of interest if fonny.

Willis is getting some of that back there's a very real chance these prosecutors might be disqualified now technically that doesn't mean the end of the case but spiritually if fonnie Willis is the person pushing this case what happens if its Chief Architect is no longer on all right we'll keep an eye on it Danny thank you so much appreciate.

It now let's catch you some international news farmers are hitting the streets of India protesting the prices of crops NBC News foreign correspondent Claudia lavanga joined us from Rome with that in otherw world news claudo good morning Joe saan good morning that's right thousands of farmers from across.

India have been trying to reach the capital New Delhi for days now but they have so far been stopped by the police they are seeking assured prices for their crops and say they will protest until their key demands have been fulfilled Indian police sealed the borders across the capital to prevent them from entering in an attempt to.

Avoid the repeat of what happened in 2020 when Farmers blocked key highways bringing the city to a gridlock now two rounds of talks between Farm union leaders and the government have so far failed to break the deadlock let's come back to this part of the world to the Vatican where on Monday the new president of Argentina Javier mle met.

Fellow Argentinian Pope Francis the two were all smiles despite a rocky start very Rocky start because last year melee called the pope an imbecile and representative of evil but recently the Argentinian president changed his tone calling the Pope the most important person in Argentina since he became Pope in 2013 Francis has never returned to.

His home country but recently he announced he will finally travel to Buenos cus at some point this year and let's end the store of the world in Rio de Janeiro where on Sunday night performers in the world famous Carnival parade made an urgent plea to stop illegal mining in indigenous lands Carnival Den ERS painted their faces red.

In a traditional indigenous way while percussionists wrote miners out on their drums the aim by organizers was to draw attention to the devastating effects effects brought by illegal mining in territory which is home to the Yono Mami people in the Amazon the Yono Mami are suffering from malnutrition and diseases such as malaria as a consequence of.

Illegal mining back to you guys all right Claudia thank you so much coming up the lasting impacts of of jury duty when we come back we're going to explain why so many people report having trauma after serving as jurors and pickle ball problems the new warning from doctors as injuries from the sports Skyrocket this is Morning News.

Now welcome back it is time for our weekly mental health check and we're kicking things off with the hidden impact of serving on a jury plus new research shows that one simple act that can be surprisingly effective at helping with stress here to help us out as.

Licensed marriage and family therapist Dr George James Dr James always wonderful to have you with us so let's start on jury duties so research is showing that up to 50% of jurors around the world actually experience signs of trauma while serving that sounds like a huge number break this down for us and what should people do in these.

Situations yeah good morning Joan savannah yes you know when we think about jurors they have to listen and be in presence of some of the most worse and traumatic situations and they hear these things over and over and over again and some of jewers are also dealing with their own personal struggles that could be triggered which.

Might result in Sleepless Nights some anxiety some overall flashbacks which are symptoms of PTSD so it's really important that we do more for our jurors and in some countries they're not allowed to actually speak to therapists or get help this actually should not be the case they should probably have counselors everywhere so they can deep.

Breathe and also find ways so that they can sleep and be at a better place and not be so overwhelmed so need to definitely keep in mind there all right so we know that Valentine's Day is tomorrow and not everyone though might be feeling the love some study show the Valentine's Day Blues are a real phenomenon so what exactly are the.

Valentine's Day blues and what are some of the best ways to avoid it or or deal with it yeah the thing about Valentine's Day is that it says that everybody should be in love and everybody should be happy and everybody should be a great relationship and that's just not the case there's some people who are not in.

Good relationships there's some people who are not in a relationship at all so it can make you feel like there's something wrong with you and then also people compare themselves to other people what other people are doing for Valentine's Day versus what they are and then overall a level of loneliness and so all these things can add up but the.

Important part is to know that you are okay just the way that you are connect with those around you find other things and really practice some self-compassion I am good the way that I am whether I'm in a relationship or not great advice there all right Dr last one a survey out of Japan is saying that regularly taking a bath can make you happier it can make.

You less stressed I think a lot of people associate a bath with kind of relaxing or some me time but what is this real link here to happiness yeah what they found out especially in Japan taking baths is a really big thing so some people take baths up to four times a week or more and I think what they found out is that.

There's something that could be soothing for people now what we're not sure of is is it that people already have a more time in their schedule they're already less stress and the bath helps or that the bath helps them to be less stressed either way it is saying that there might be some connection so if you're a shower person maybe you want want to add some.

Baths or maybe some free time to just relax and think about your day and enjoy yourself and a soothing bath and a bath bomb could really be be helpful with that and the rubber ducky video helps nice little touch there all right dear James thank you the sport of pickle ball has exploded in popularity especially among older Americans but all.

Those hours on the pickle ball court may come at a cost a new study finds serious injuries are on the rise NBC News correspondent Emily aeta has the details a Tamer take on tennis pickle ball has taken the country by storm this is pickle ball even featured in a Super Bowl ad pickle yeah but as the sports soared in popularity so has the number.

Of serious injuries a first ofit kind study revealing bone fractures from pickle ball increased more than 250% from 2017 to 2022 with most occurring during Falls and among players over 60 they haven't necessarily grown up playing it and so they are one physically more susceptible to injury and then two there's you know some some.

Issues with balance and coordination and it's not just fractures doctors say sprained ankles rotator cuff injuries and achilles tendon tears are also common I loved it David Goldstein has an active lifestyle but 45 minutes into his first pickle ball Clinic tore his Achilles when I went to move forward you know my shoe didn't move but my achilles.

Took the brunt of that kind of you know forward motion and that was it there's less ground to cover in pickle ball versus tennis and much of the game is played close to the net What's called the kitchen but it's still Dynamic with lots of starting and stopping it's about creating an arc Erico is an instructor and founder of New York City pickle ball.

You have to listen to your body right and understand your own body's limitations so how can you avoid injury doctors suggests warming up before playing investing in lessons to learn the proper mechanics and taking a break from the sport when soreness lingers as an increase in injuries is serving up a challenge to America's fastest growing.

Sport Emily eeta NBC News this ha felt there yes coming up a driver dispute that could slam the brakes on your plans for Valentine's Day will explain why you may have trouble getting a ride tomorrow and if you're looking for an alternative it probably won't be gen Z why so many young people are skipping out on getting a driver's.

License you're watching morning news now we are back now with some Financial headlines and a referendum on some pesky credit card fees could soon be headed to Capitol Hill CBC sylan hanau has that other money news Savannah Good morning Joe Savannah good morning to you yes so the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee is asking the CEOs of American.

Airlines united visa and MasterCard to testify at a hearing on credit card fees now Senator Dick Durban says American and United oppose efforts to bring more competition to the market to protect the billions of dollars in profit they collect through their co-branded cards he says visa and MasterCard levied 93 billion in fees on consumers and small.

Businesses just in 2022 last year Airlines lobbied Congress to reject legislation they say threatens their ability to offer rewards cards that give consumers frequent flyer miles for making purchases the internet has been buzzing over rumors Microsoft will start publishing video games exclusive to Xbox on competing consoles Xbox Chief Phil.

Spencer is expected to share updates on the business tomorrow among the speculation the new Indiana Jones game may also show up on the PS5 it's unusual for Microsoft Sony or Nintendo to Outsource first party games to other platforms but it's not unheard of and IHOP is celebrating National Pancake Day with a free short stack customers can.

Get three buttermilk pancakes at participating restaurants between 700 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. today IHOP has paired the annual tradition with a month-long fundraising campaign to assist those suffering from food insecurity customers can add a few more dollars to their bills throughout February in New York and New Jersey the shorts deck will.

Require a $1 donation guys I am hungry I know look ready be careful in those areas on the road test your free abely that's right savan thank you so much so maybe a little harder to get a ride or have dinner delivered on this Valentine's Day that is because thousands of drivers across the US for ride sharing platforms Uber lift and the.

Food delivery app door Dash are expected to go on strike they are asking for more pay and a change to the way the apps calculate pricing Josh idolon is a labor reporter for Bloomberg News in Business Week joined us now to talk more about this good morning Josh so what is the union calling for and how many drivers are we talking sorry what union is.

Calling for the strike and how many drivers are we talking about here thanks for having me there's a range of groups around the country that have come together to to call for work stoppages on Valentine's Day these include the Independent Drivers Guild which is part of the machinists Union a range of local groups separately the group ride share.

Drivers United and other organizations have called for a work stoppage all of these organizations are urging changes to how drivers are paid the context here is that drivers for these apps Uber lift door Dash are classified by the companies they work for as dependent contractors who are excluded from us minimum wage law and from the right to.

Unionize under federal law they're part of a larger and growing group of workers in the US who are doing work for companies that set rules for them and make money off of them but legally say they're not their boss and we've seen a range of efforts by workers in that situation whether they're classified as contractors or subcontracted or.

Franchise to find ways to have more of a say in their working conditions including their pay so we mentioned this potentially impacting Valentine's Day tell us what you know about the timing on this and just how how noticeable disruption will will be well we'll see how many drivers these groups are able to mobilize these types of work.

Stoppages can be harder to measure because these workers are not classified as traditional employees and the companies point out that they are not required to work 9 to five shifts the way that some workers are Valentine's Day drivers have said is a busy time and so they expect to make more of an impact and force more attention from the.

Companies and also from lawmakers who regulate these companies by proverbially walking off the job at a time when people are particularly likely to be trying to get to that Valentine's date by calling a ride are ride sharing companies saying anything about the strike the companies have said that drivers prefer the flexibility in their.

View that comes with the independent contractor model they've also said that they've been working to improve that model and get drivers more of the money that comes from their work all right Josh idolon thanks so much for joining us this morning we appreciate your reporting and your time thank you well from quiet quitting to drinking less and.

Going to bed earlier jenz does things their own way well now the younger generation is changing another American institution driving now fewer people in this age range are getting their driver's license NBC News correspondent Dana Griffin looks at what's behind the trend getting a driver's license may not feel like a ticket to freedom for a lot.

Of teens and young adults like it used to off hand I'd say you failed failed hoping to avoid moments like that less and less of Jin Z roughly defined as people born between 97 and 2010 are on the road I'm from New Orleans um which is sort of notorious for having bad drivers I don't want to put myself in this situation today just 25% of.

16-year-olds have any kind of driver's license compared that to nearly three decades ago when that number was more than 40% why do all of that when you have things like public transportation ride sharing and food delivery apps the modern like accessibility for like getting rides and all of that has sort of like balanced out the fact that I.

Don't have a license it's also part of some broader shifts we're seeing among Jin Z they're drinking less I know the influence I know the impact and I know the Vibes sleeping earlier and across social media viral content focused on staying in more self-care and staying home no CU I got a plan what do you mean um you'll find out why part of it.

May have to do with the fact that their coming of age was interrupted many of these young adults really kind of finished middle school or High School in the pandemic where everything shifted to online so in real life kind of interactions seemed less important they're spending a lot of their time glued to their phones just about half of.

Teens say their online almost constantly doubled that from 2015 according to a recent Pew study in some cases dramatically changing how they socialize according to health officials another part finances 85% of Jin Z citing one or more barriers to achieving financial success one expert citing a financial hierarchy when it comes to spending.

Maybe less on a focus on getting a car and paying insurance and more on groceries and paying off student loans I think driving and owning a car just is kind of falling down because there are so many new options that they can utilize it just isn't the thing that like used to be the most priority for other people the outcome of some of.

Those financial decisions some call it an introvert economy instead of trying to figure out how to do it and potentially failing it's just easier to stay kind of to yourself which could be good for long-term health Trends but potentially exacerbating the loneliness epidemic last year nearly a quarter of jiny adults reported always or often.

Feeling lonely over the past 12 months compared to 18% of Millennials according to the American Enterprise institute's Survey Center on American life but it doesn't have to stay that way I'm hoping that as that maturity continues to happen that thing also impacts how lonely we feel and how we can increase connected communities so that we can.

Decrease some of these other issues all right Dana griin very interesting stuffff thanks for that report coming up Chief's kingdom are you ready for it that's right the Super Bowl champs are getting ready to celebrate in Kansas city where the love for the Chiefs is much bigger than football we'll have more on the Love Story between the team.

And their fans see what you did there plus you could call it a slam Duncan we'll tell you about the tracksuit trend from one of the Super Bowl's most talked about commercials definitely my favorite stay with us this is Morning News Now and then just lay it in here go it hide.

Gun it at me come on baby hide brother for real touchdown hard touchdown style all right that was a little all right yeah I wasn't ready for that that is a new behind the scenes clip from Ben Affleck standout Super Bowl ad for Duncan do donuts Affleck of course teamed up with his wife Jennifer Lopez Matt Damon.

Football legend Tom Brady for the spots the show is musical Trio the Dunkey failing to impress Lopez but if you wanted to copy his look I'm sorry to say you're out of long Duncan had put the track suits on sale but they sold out in 19 minutes don't worry you can still order the special dun King's iced coffee and the munchkins that are skewered on.

There and maybe you can make your own tracksuit I don't know it's some orange material didn't you love this one Joe was definitely one of the best doubt I mean Matt Damon Matt Damon was everything and when Jennifer was like you can stay Tom I just love that part okay that got me thanks Joe finally this hour a closer look at the relationship.

Between the Kansas City Chiefs and their passionate fans the Chiefs Victory Parade will fall on Valentine's Day marking the latest chapter in their love story here's NBC News correspondent Jesse kersch in Super Bowl overtime the chief somehow did it again and Kansas City erupted Dynasty baby Dynasty for.

Some this team is about more than just football what were you thinking I thought that it was just a miracle without the Chiefs the Andrade family may not even exist more than a decade ago Sue and Fernando met at a Chief's rally The Proposal involved the chief's Jersey and Fernando even reps KC on his ring finger what do you say to.

People when they think this is crazy this is us and and now it everybody knows that it's us now their 8-year-old daughter annais is also a Super Fan her favorite player Travis Kelsey I'm like that guy's good I had to fall in love with him this season she may not have been the only one Kelsey's Fame reaching New Heights and Legions of.

Fans thanks to a blockbuster romance with Taylor Swift overnight the Superstar couple celebrating a new era the Chiefs are the first back-to- back Super Bowl champions in almost 20 years with talk of a three repat already brewing and then I'm going to do whatever I can to be back in this.

Game next year trying to go for that three Pete but for now from players to fans Chief's kingdom is full of Celebration and love Jesse kersch NBC news Kansas City Missouri it's be quite the party in Kansas City yeah it is I just can't get enough of that that is going to do it for this hour of morning news now stay with us the news continues.

Right now good morning from a very snowy New York happy Tuesday I'm Savannah cers I'm Joe frier we're following what is expected to be a widespread white out across much of the Northeast this morning on your screen a look at conditions in Hartford Connecticut.

Several inches of snow could snarl the morning commute for Millions we're already starting to see flight delays and cancellations pile up at major airports from New York to Boston speaking of New York schools here also closed students going remote as the city braces for what could be the biggest winter storm here in years you've got.

Full team coverage of what you can expect as you head out the door we're also learning some disturbing new details about that shooting at Joel ain's Houston mega church the anti-semitic material that investigators say was uncovered in inside the home of the suspected shooter we've got money on our minds on this Tuesday Morning the.

Latest read on inflation is out today economists predicting yet another slight uptick in prices last month but what could that mean for Wall Street and Main Street we're going to break down the new data and you got to fight for your right to party yeah parade preps are fully underway in Kansas City for the repeating Super Bowl champs but one.

Question remains Will Taylor Swift be in attendance at tomorrow's big celebration you you know her schedule is that is that doesn't fit wish I knew I don't know I mean she's about to head to Australia it's wild what's going on her life by the way that's not exactly how Travis Kelce said it no I can't I'm not I my voice doesn't go that I'm not deep.

And raspy so yeah I know all right I'm sure you'll hear that in a little bit we're gonna begin of course with the major winter storm that is here in New York and making its way up the East Coast heavy snow has begun to blinket parts of the Mid-Atlantic and northe East the powerful norter is creating dangerous driving conditions this.

Morning for Millions Angie lman has your full forecast coming up in just a few minutes but first we're going to get started with Emily aeta in New Jersey hey there well I can tell you the roads are already slick and they're only going to get worse parts of the Northeast could be buried by some 10 in of snow that's as much snow as people.

Here in North Jersey have seen all season long and throughout the morning it's been a bit of a wintry mix so you can see the consistency of the snow it is wet and it is heavy snarling travel both on the roads and in the air this morning a hard charging storm racing up the coast that could affect 46 million people in the Mid-Atlantic and.

Northeast it is snowing in Pennsylvania the intense February nor Easter already blanketing snow in southern states like Tennessee overnight set to dump up to a foot or more in parts of the Northeast driving serious concerns about the morning commute with officials in several States urging people to stay home uh we have.

Not had any significant snowfall for quite some time you know the time has come you know Mother Nature does what she wants to do with tens of millions of Americans facing winter alerts many schools across the region have cancelled inperson classes overnight downpour started transitioning to snowfall heavy wet snow is going to be really hard to.

Shovel and it's a little bit more exertion than the light fluffy stuff the Boston area no stranger to severe winter weather de clearing a snow emergency with 850 pieces of snow clearing equipment at the ready make plans to be indoors stay off the roads it's looking like it will come down pretty heavily pretty fast along with the snow those on.

The coast are preparing for wind gusts 30 to 40 mph that could cause major power outages and possible flooding this afternoon if you live on the water you're going to have to expect at least a storm once a year to like bring up surf especially if it's a full moon today's wintry mess intensifying from a storm system that already hammered the.

Southeast with hail and heavy rain flood waters closing roads Monday and spilling into neighborhoods y'all be careful on these rids even causing this car to slide into a ditch but now all eyes turn to the Northeast bracing for what could be the biggest blast of snow in 2 years use extreme care if you do need to go out already more than 1,000 flights have.

Been canell AC across the country because of this winter weather LaGuardia JFK Newark and Boston airports among the hardest hit now one silver lining this is a fast moving storm and while it is packing a punch with snowfall rates expected to reach 1 to 3 Ines an hour those near record temperatures we saw over the weekend will help decrease the.

Amount of snow that can accumulate on the ground back to you all right Emily thank you for more on the winter storm we're joined by New York City's Emergency Management commissioner Zach isll which sort of sounds like icicle feels fitting here Zach good morning good to have you with us I mean we we're not used to been called worse I've been.

Called worse exactly you you're like we'll take that I mean obviously we know here in New York we have not had much snow over the last few Winters so we're a little new to this how are you preparing does everyone remember what to do everybody remembers what to do and uh could not be prouder we're more grateful for the men and women who work for the.

City for our partners who have been working throughout the weekend and especially over the last 24 hours to make sure the city's prepared there's a lot that goes into this we start coordinating with the National Weather Service days in advance uh as you were all aware this forecast changed very quickly uh two days ago forecast called.

For about an an inch of snow yesterday morning that was bumped up to five to eight 5 to8 inches with a worst case scenario of 10 inches um and so what we do is we start working very closely with our partners at sanitation FDNY NYPD Environmental Protection Department of Transportation Park service around down trees our Utility Partners to make sure.

The city's prepared and and one of the things that we ask is while the city is doing a lot to prepare for the snow that the city's doing a lot to respond to the snow we also ask that New Yorkers take proper preparations they're monitoring the forecast that they sign up for our public notification system notify NYC and that they're uh doing taking steps.

To keep themselves and their loved ones safe uh throughout this weather event I mean you're talking about two totally different types of storms there when the range goes from one in all the way up to potentially 10 in how much of a challenge is that to kind of work around prepare for and did it mean that you had enough time to get adequately.

Prepared yeah so one of the things that we do is we are constantly monitoring things we started working the inter agency process on Friday um we knew that going into the weekend we needed to make sure that we were prepared for this we always look at the worst case scenario and that's what we sort of prepare for and so the team did that and I think.

You'll see that in the city's response uh throughout the day today what are you seeing so far with the morning commute you you mentioned some tips to people but if you do have to head out to get to work or wherever it is you're going this morning what's your top advice yeah so top advice is if you can if you have to go out take public transportation really.

People should be staying off the roads a couple reasons for that uh number one we want people off the roads for their own safety but also to allow our sanitation Crews to be able to plow the roads easier right the more traffic that's out there the harder it is for us to clear the roads and then also it's really important to stay off the roads because.

If there were Life Safety events we need our First Responders from EMS from the fire department from the police department to be able to move around the city pretty easily and one of the issues we've had in the past with big snowstorms is less about the snow and more about navigating the traffic to contend with the snow all right New York.

City Emergency Management commissioner Zach isll thank you so much for joining us this morning good luck with everything today and and in the coming days thank you thank you so much great to be down with you guys let's now track this storm in your Morning News Now weather yeah meteor Al andg lman joins us now and it feels like with every.

Passing minute it's turning into the storm we've been bracing for right guys I went to the window and I looked out and it's a winter wonderland out there in New York City and we've got a lot of folks that are are dealing with this kind of uh busy early morning commute with the snow working in we've got 46 million people under these winter alerts.

Right now and notice most of this has transitioned over to snow we probably have some wiry mix going on in places like Atlantic City Washington DC but we've definitely got snow falling in portions of of Pennsylvania New Jersey New York and we're going to see that ramp up here through the next basically four hours we've got we've got to get.

Through the next four hours before we start to see things kind of calming down here's the timeline depending on where you are through noon is what we're looking at as far as New York City's steadiest snowfall uh Philadelphia you'll start to see things wrapping up before then and we look down to Washington DC you really only have about.

An hour to see some of the steadier snow falling so those totals in those areas not all that impressive for Philadelphia and Washington DC uh as we look a little farther to the North Boston to Hartford you'll see this last into the early afternoon hours the same goes for Providence too so you have a little more time with it with the system in in that.

Band of some of that heavier snow so the totals look like this we've got 4 to8 Ines expected for places like Providence you see you move a little farther to the West Hartford around three to five inches New York City 3 to S inches I know this looks impressive when it comes to what we've dealt with for the past couple of years you've got to look back.

To at January of 2022 late January to see anything that even was close to this we had 8 Ines fall in New York City on that date uh but we're still for this this day year to date we're about 16 inches under where we should be for average snowfall in places like New York City Boston about a foot and a half under where we should be so yes this is.

Some snow that we need and for all the snow lovers I'm sure they'll be excited about it but we're still not where we normally are at this point in the year but either way we'll take it we've got some Gusty winds too that likely will cause some problems when it comes to travel we'll see a little of that blowing snow this is kind of wet heavy.

Snow so just a heads up with that but the wind gust especially out towards the coast will be quite impressive places like Atlantic City 43 mph winds Ocean City close to 40 m per hour similar story for Washington D in New York 25 to 30 mph wind gust so this means a couple of things we'll start to see that onshore wind happen here as we get into.

The later parts of today and that'll come as we're dealing with high tide too so if you live in some of those Waterfront areas where you often times see flooding you likely we'll see that today again it just depends on when your high tide time is but some of those onshore winds could push a foot to two feet of water uh into those areas so.

This is going to be something we'll have to watch for through the the rest of the day today guys um as far as the snow is concerned we'll we'll likely see that wrap up here pretty quick it's a quick moving system so um kids that had the day off of school lucky you you're going to have plenty of time to enjoy uh enjoy the snow and places like Central Park.

Here into the afternoon hour so it'll be it'll be a I think a fun one you can make a snow angel right you can make a snow angel Joe we're going to see that on your Instagram sure I think so like I said it's kind of that wet dense snow so power outages will be likely um but but I think a a snowball can be made and okay if if that can happen a snowman can.

Be it's so funny how I'm always the one interested in snow and Joe jumps right to snow angels he does I feel like this is a a common theme I'm from Minnesota we made a lot of snow angels I can't wait to see it on instam thanks Angie thank you the us is going all out in high level negotiations to try and bring a ceasefire in Gaza.

President Biden met with Jordan's King to discuss the outlines of a hostage deal well CIA director William Burns begins his diplomatic trip to Egypt where he'll take part in talks attempting to achieve a pause in fighting this all comes as Israel nears the launch of its fullscale offensive attack in Rafa the last refuge in Gaza.

NBC News foreign correspondent Molly Hunter joins us now Joe good morning from Jerusalem actually and we are watching all of that high stakes diplomatic activity in the region as you just mentioned CIA director Bill Burns in Cairo meeting with his Israeli counterpart and other Regional official officials excuse me to try to hammer out.

A deal that deals with both hostage release and a ceasefire and while yesterday's hostage rescue was very good news for two families the remaining hostage families are clear it is no replacement for a deal this morning Israeli hostages Fernando Marmon and Louis har home with their families this reunion these hugs 129 days in the.

Making it was very emotional to see them to hug them to feel them it feels almost unreal and today the United States pushing urgent highlevel diplomacy in Cairo CIA director Bill Burns and Israel spy Chief David barnea meeting today according to an Israeli official to try and close the significant gaps in Deal talks more than a 100 hostages remain in.

Gaza after Monday's risky operation in Rafa Israeli military videos showing Commandos racing into a civilian building the two Israeli hostages on the second floor guarded by Hamas gunmen a minute later a heavy wave of Israeli air strikes providing cover destroying the neighborhood killing dozens of Palestinian civilians.

According to Gaza Health officials the hostage is then taken by helicopter to a hospital near Tel Aviv do you want a blanket no har says it is warm in my heart hours later President Biden meeting with Jordanian King Abdullah at the White House Biden framing the deal as a six-week ceasefire allowed allowing both sides to agree on.

A more enduring deal but also ramping up pressure on Israel as the death hole in Gaza continues to rise too many too many of the over 27,000 Palestinians killed in this conflict have been innocent civilians and children but prime minister Netanyahu argues to root out the final Hamas battalions raising the city of Rafa is Mission.

Critical for months the Israeli military has told Palestinians the South would be safe seen in October now packed with 1.4 million displaced Palestinians where can we go Mahmud Al tamni asks God knows there is no safe place and Joe this man told our crew he can't go back to hanun because the fighting is so intense they can't go.

Forward of course because Rafa is that Southernmost city slammed up against the Border in Egypt and there is growing Panic this morning we hear from people in Gaza that Israel may move into Rafa before a deal is struck and the Israeli military tells my colleague rfh Sanchez that they have not yet drawn up an evacuation plan for the 1.4 million.

Palestinians who are already displaced in the south of the strip Joe lot of questions about what happens next all right Molly Hunter thank you so much breaking on Capitol Hill this morning the Senate has passed a foreign aid Bill to Ukraine and Israel the 95 billion dollar package also includes funds to Taiwan and other indopacific allies the.

Bill passed with a vote of 70 to 29 however after months of negotiations to even get to this point the bill could be headed for a more difficult path through the house Speaker Mike Johnson indicated he wouldn't even bring the bill before the house because it does not address the issue of border security this comes just weeks after Senate Republicans.

Blocked a bill with border Provisions which they had helped to negotiate well former president Donald Trump is asking the Supreme Court to intervene in his 2020 election interference case it comes As Trump mov moves to tighten his grip on the Republican Party leadership ahead of next weekend's South Carolina primary NBC News correspondent gett hake joins.

Us now on this hey G good morning hey Savannah good morning yeah Donald Trump's operational control of the GOP is really on full display over the last 24 hours as Republicans largely Shrugged off his controversial comments about NATO while overnight the former president moved to elevate his daughter-in-law for a top job in the.

Party overnight Donald Trump announcing an overhaul of the GOP the Republican Presidential FrontRunner aiming to tighten his control over the party endorsing a loyalist as party chairman his daughter-in-law Laura Trump as party co-chair and pushing the installation of a senior campaign adviser as the party's Chief Operating Officer a party.

Spokesperson saying no changes which would require an RNC vote will be made until after the South Carolina primary next week each and every one of you is going to get out and vote and deliver a gigantic win right here in South Carolina Trump now 3- 0 in early States hoping for a knockout primary win against his last remaining rival Nikki.

Haley the former South Carolina governor trailing Trump by more than 30 points in her home state according to a new poll he's not qualified to be the president of the United States Haley attacking Trump on the campaign Trail Monday for saying he would refuse to defend any NATO country attacked by Russia if they weren't keeping up with defense spending.

I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want you got to pay that's not somebody who's going to prevent a war that's somebody who's going to who's going to get us in a war and that kind of rhetoric was unhinged but with few other Republicans criticizing his comments Mr Trump digging in arguing on social media his negotiating tactics.

Quote made NATO strong we will defend if needed every inch of NATO territory that's what the commander-in-chief of the United States ought to be saying when it comes to Nato Mr Trump on Monday also filing an appeal to the Supreme Court asking justices to overturn an appeals court ruling that he had no immunity from prosecution for his.

Efforts to overturn the 2020 election now that Supreme Court filing keeps the special council's election interference case against Mr Trump on pause until the high court weighs in Mr Trump's delays tactics have already pushed the start date of that trial out of the month of March and perhaps well into the summer or fall if it starts at.

All Savannah all right Garrett thank you so much we're learning new details about the shooter who opened fire at Joel Lin's church Sunday law enforcement officials say they found anti-semitic material while searching through items at her home NBC News correspondent Morgan chesky joined us from Houston with the latest Morgan good.

Morning yeah Joe good morning and it's that anti-semitic material combined with the fact authorities say the word Palestine was written on the rifle that has them saying they have yet to rule out a hate crime or even terrorism as a potential motivating cause here in the meantime we're also hearing that the shooter's 7-year-old son remains in.

Critical condition after police say she brought him inside this very church when she pulled out that rifle and opened fire I got you more than 24 hours after a gunfire rang out through Houston's Lakewood mega church investigators are painting a troubling picture of the woman they say open fire Houston Police identifying the.

Deceased shooter as 36-year-old jenesy Ivon Moreno telling NBC News she was carrying an AR-15 with the word Palestine written on it a search of Moreno's home yielding ingredients to make explosives and written material with a very clear message we do have some anti-semitic writings that we have uncovered during this process law.

Enforcement record show Moreno had at least six prior arrests since 2005 including weapons charges in 2016 authorities also placed Moreno under an emergency detention order she does have a mental health history that is documented police say a dispute with her ex-husband's family some of whom are Jewish may also be related to the.

Shooting Witnesses say Mareno was wearing a trench coat in backpack when she walked inside the church her 7-year-old son next to her when she and two off-duty officers began exchanging gun fire Maro was killed the 7-year-old boy critically injured the off-duty officers credited with saving countless lives they held their.

Ground in the face of rifle fire at Point Blank Range inside the nearby Sanctuary hundreds of frantic churchgoers tried to escape Paula ly says her boyfriend told her to ditch her high heels so they could run faster you never think it's going to happen to you or your family until it happens to you or your family it could have been a lot.

Worse and Russell learning more about the shooter's potential past and hearing from some of her neighbors one of whom didn't go on camera but did say they filed a restraining order against Moreno as recently as his past fall saying that past months have been described as chaotic with her presence in the neighborhood Houston Police say because.

Of the attack here at Lakewood Church they are making sure that places of worship across the entire metro area have much more visible security for the near future Joe all right Morgan thank you more to come on this hour of morning news now including how some new inflation numbers out this morning could affect you first though after the break.

More drama involving the royal family as Netflix teases its new movie about prince Andrew we've got more on that up next welcome back well the crown may have finished but there is more Royal drama coming soon to Netflix the streaming trailer just dropped for the first the.

First trailer excuse me for the new film scoop it's about a notorious interview prince Andrew gave the BBC in 2019 where he faced tough questions about his links to convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein NBC News foreign correspondent Josh Letterman has the story Thursday 2: p.m. the palace two chairs in the middle of the floor 6 ft.

Apart it's the story behind the story that brought Prince Andrew's life and royalty crashing down your Royal Highness Netflix releasing its first preview of the new film scoop about Andrew's Infamous 2019 interview with the BBC focused on his friendship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein just for the record you've been on his.

Private plane yes you've been to stay on his private island yes you've stayed at his home in Palm Beach yes prince Andrew had hoped that interview was his chance to set the record straight about allegations he had sex with a teenager trafficked by Epstein instead it was a public relations disaster widely described in the UK as a car crash he.

Didn't Express an iota of sympathy for these young girls that was a disaster for me it just showed that he's very arrogant prince Andrew panned for his answers about his 4-day visit to Epstein's Private Island in 2010 after Epstein had pleaded guilty to soliciting miners for prostitution you were stay at the house of a convicted sex.

Offender it was a convenient place to stay Netflix saying the film goes behind the scenes of the historic interview the BBC's Emily matless played by Jillian Anderson for Andrew life after that interview was never the same just a few days later he stepped back from Royal duties and his mother the late Queen Elizabeth soon stripped many of his.

Titles he later settled a lawsuit filed by Virginia jefrey who alleged Epstein ordered her to have sex with Andrew when she was just 7 prince Andrew denies that I have no recollection of ever meeting this lady he knows the truth and I know the truth after the settlement the British royal said he would make a quote substantial.

Donation to jef's victim rights charity Prince Andrew's office didn't respond to NBC News when asked about the new Netflix film depicting that breathtaking television moment that changed Royal history our thanks to Josh lman for that report and scoop that film it premieres April 5th on Netflix all right let's get some International headlines starting.

With chaos during anti-western protests in the Democratic Republic of Congo NBC News foreign correspondent Claudia labanga joins us from Rome hey clao good morning Savanah Jo good morning that's right hundreds of people have been demonstrating for days now in front of several Western embassies in Kinshasa the capital of the Democratic Republic.

Of Congo and today the police tried to disperse the crowds using tear gas now the demonstrators accuse Western governments of failing to use Ed their influence over neighboring Rwanda to curb a rebellion in the east of the country dozens of policemen were deployed to guard the embassies of of the United States UK France and Belgium.

The Count's former colonial power protesters satellite tires around the city center While others burned us and Belgian Flags let's now go to gurg in Sweden where a huge fire broke out at an amusement park according to local officials one man is reported missing and 12 others SU sustained minor injuries a spokesperson at the lisberg.

Oceana water park said the play started at one of the water rides outside the building that were under construction police and fire officials could not immediately say what caused the fire and let's end this tour of the world in the UK where archaeologists made an astonishing Discovery they scanned a 1700 year old chicken egg and found.

There is still liquid inside thought to be of course a mix of yoke and aluman I wonder what the expiry date is on on that one now the egg is one of four that were found back in 20 days in a Roman pit during a dig in buckinghamshire but it's the only one that remained intact now Edward bof the archaeologist who oversaw the excavation said he.

Personally took the egg to the Natural History Museum in London traveling on the subway and on foot in the hope it Willen break now that's what I call walking on eggshells guys than to you no PR amazing I don't even get how that's possible I would have 100% dropped so I'm glad he did it Subway wow clao appreciate it coming up.

It's a post pandemic party that's transforming the City of New Orleans locals say Marty gr is finally back and better than ever plus it all means big bucks for an economy that was slammed by Co we're going to explain as Fat Tuesday celebrations kick off next welcome back it might just be.

Another Tuesday for most of the country but in New Orleans Marty celebrations are underway that of course means costumes parades and one of the nation's biggest parties of the Year NBC News correspondent Sam Brock is down in The Big Easy taking in all the excitement and wearing all the beads Sam good morning yeah believe it or not this is.

Not even all of the beads I got a good Chun of them on though Joe good morning so we're at the Rex parade right now this is the oldest parading organization associated with martig there are 29 floats in this parade and I standing right here rare access next to the king's float so of course the Rex parade is the king of Carnival he's going to.

Sit right here I just met him he's a name a man named John Eastman wearing LSU Tigers Prince up and down of bodysuits looking forward to that he will be seting right here in a matter of hours you've got all these floats parading first down Clayborn then St Charles Avenue as we are preparing right now in New Orleans for one of the most.

Epic Marty gr celebrations in decades this morning new orleans's message is loud and clear Marty gr is back and better than ever there's nothing like being in New Orleans and there's nothing like being going to a m a whirlwind month of Carnival season celebrations leading up to today's Fat Tuesday festivities with hundreds of.

Thousands of people expected to fill the streets of New Orleans a triumphant return to post-pandemic crowds it does feel like it's back and people are having so much fun locals celebrating time honor traditions we cook we have gumbo we have jambalaya we have pastaia and everybody shares and everybody looks out for.

Everybody alongside tourists experiencing their first Marty gr I'm 84 years old it's my very first ever Marty gr I like that music and I like that energy so I'm excited it's all expected to boost the New Orleans economy by $900 million a staggering 300% growth for the marra season since 2009 we know that the hotels were virtually sold out this past.

Weekend we're hearing from our restaurants that they've been absolutely packed we know at one point the French Quarter had to close to vehicle traffic because there were so many people on Monday night parades like the crew of orus kicking off with Harry conik Jr on hand A procession of colorful floats music and of course lots of beads Neil.

Patrick Harris serving as this year's celebrity Monarch a role once held by former New Orleans residents our own hodi as big as this year's Marty Gro promises to be the city is gearing up for an even busier 2025 when it's set to host the Super Bowl just weeks before Marty gr we'd like to say that New Orleans is built to host we know how to.

Do Marty gr it's also what we believe makes us a great City for the Super Bowl a city trumpeting its culture and sense of community Like Only The Big Easy can it's kind of like the one time in the year where everybody no matter where they're from what part of New Orleans they're all coming together having a great.

Time there are so many people Joe floating around who are just wondering what is Migra like in Louisiana I'm talking to people at the airport at the rental car station they're describing folks that are literally just parachuting in to see this for the first time man are they in for a treat I will say this it's probably going to be about.

A four or five hour long parade starts at 10:30 local so really in a couple of hours and it goes right through the heartbeat of New Orleans St Charles Avenue you look around and all it is is families Majestic Mansions oak trees and people having a very very good team time plenty of Beads no doubt let me send it back to you looks absolutely beautiful.

Sam enjoy thanks so much for that impressive number of beads there Sam all right artificial intelligence is taking the dating world to A Whole New Frontier the technology is being used in dating apps to help streamline your search for love the beads were a good segue to this story all right but do users feel it's doing more harm than good for their love.

Life Cosmopolitan is taking a deep dive into the AI world and dating in its new spring issue and we have mine Reeves with us she's cosmopolitan's Deputy editor good morning thank you so much for joining us morning thank you so much for having me quite a talker here so tell us how is AI intersecting with the way that we date oh my goodness where to.

Begin we have been following this topic for quite some time uh we've actually been researching this story in depth over the past 6 months because there's been a lot of reporting about how is affecting existing dating apps about how all of these new dating apps are popping up around specific features like helping you optimize your profile or edit your.

Photos or figure out how to respond to your matches so we really wanted to know a are people interested in this is do they want to bring it into their dating lives what are their attitudes towards it and B what is the actual like personal service around how they can use it to bring their most authentic selves into their dating lives to solve for.

Some of these these things like dating burnout app fatigue that we hear from readers all the time so we actually commissioned to study in partnership with Bumble of 5,000 jenzy and Millennial single daters about their attitudes towards bringing artificial intelligence into their dating lives and honestly I was like quite shocked and.

Pleasantly so by the results which is that overwhelmingly people are excited about the impact that this can have on their dating lives you know I think it comes down to It's hard out there and people again are that fatigue they're like anything that can help can help them learn to flirt a little better learn to optimize things a little better.

Make those little tweaks uh they're very open to in this survey did the Gen Z Millennial singles have any concerns about using AI definitely so some of the top concerns that they outlined were things like you know do we lose an element of authenticity with this if you're talking to somebody and they're being coached by a bot are you losing.

Out on that genuine connection and relationship so you know throughout this story we kind of outline ways we did a lot of research with experts um with apps like Bumble to say how can you take the things that you can do with these apps with AI and actually tweak it ever so slightly so that instead of sounding like a robot you sound like just a.

Slightly better version of yourself you know how can you use it as a coach how can you ask follow-up questions to a chat bot for example around I'm going on a first date what are some questions that I can ask to deepen emotional intelligence things like that for someone at home who hears you say that somebody who's dating is being coached.

By a bot or let's say they're being helped to flirt by one of these Services how does that work like what does that mean explain it for somebody who is not familiar with absolutely so it can mean a few different things whether it is kind of within an app where a bot that's been trained on on various uh techniques and and research will kind of spit back.

Out answers at you in response or you know something like chat GPT that a lot of of people have played around with you can ask it questions around things like flirting I think that flirting is one of those things that we never really learn how to do you just kind of expect people to be good at it and uh Cosmopolitan has obviously been in the game of teaching.

People how to flirt for a long time so this is this is another way to to take it to the next level that's a good way to look at it remind everyone that some of us need a little coaching you know wherever you can get it you can all right madaline re thank you so much appreciate having you on for this fascinating conversation Happ.

Valentine's Day happy valentine to a decades long Valentine's tradition that holds a special place in the hearts of people across Maine every Valentine's Day morning the city of Portland wakes up to find red hearts posted by the Valentine's Day Bandit all across town how cute is that well no one knew the Bandit's true identity until he passed.

Away last year NBC's Jack mmad spoke with his daughter about how their family is working to make sure his legacy lives on this Valentine's Day in Maine's largest city Valentine day goes big every year especially in Portland I think Valentine's Day means something different to people here because of the Bandit for just about 50.

Years working in the dark every Valentine's morning to Mayers the gift of light red hearts small large all inspiring uh my father was the Valentine's Bandit Kevin farman this is Sierra faran her father Kevin was that Bandit he died suddenly in April his identity as the Bandit revealed by friends and family this year is the.

First Valentine's day without him the fact that he was doing this all these years um spoke to his values as a person and my dad and so I feel like I really learned a lot from him because of it we've been following the Valentine Bandit's Journey for more than 30 years this is 1993 1994 and the early 2000s this is.

What Kevin would show Sierra the morning morning after he painted the town red like he would take me into town to see the hearts on Valentine's morning and so I got a sense of the community aspect of it and that it was like a bigger thing than just our household Kevin's heart was also gifted to places often hard to reach this is one of the only existing.

Photos of the Bandit in action taken just a couple years ago climbing a ladder inside the steeple of the First Parish Church dropping his phone in the process my mom would say that she never really had a proper Valentine's Day with him because he was always tired and sore from the night before um so she felt robbed I think in some of her earlier.

Interviews she called herself a Valentine's Widow Sierra and her mom amid their grief choose to pick up his work I think he would be really I'll use the word disappointed um if we were just sitting around and not trying to make something good out of his passing and that's why a bandit or Bandits may hit Portland again this year.

With an Added Touch of tech technology allowing you at home to download Kevin's heart and post it in your community I don't think the Bandit could have really manifested um and become such a a symbol of a town Beyond Portland I think it's it's very sacred to hear dawned with the motto be a Kevin whether that's to your.

City your business or your family I'm sure it'll continue I have faith that it'll continue our thanks to NBC's Jack m for that report to download Kevin's work and continue his mission you can go to be a what aurl exactly all right coming up we are watching your wallet this morning after the break some brand.

New numbers on inflation here in America Wall Street is expecting another bump in prices over the past month so what does that mean for your money we're digging into the data next on morning news now we are back with some breaking economics data inflation came in up 0.3% for the month of January 3.1%.

Year-over-year here to walk us through these numbers and of course let you know what they mean for you we've got NBC business and data correspondent Brian Chung and NBC's senior business correspondent Christine Romans good morning to both of you so Brian first of all walk us through the inflation numbers and how they compare with the.

Previous month and just what we've seen over the past year yeah well 3.1% but what does that mean in Context to numbers that we've seen in the past so that 3.1% figure by the way that's a yearly figure so the change in prices overall between January of this year and January of last year and that is a little bit of a Slowdown from the 3.1.

Rather 3.4% Pace we had seen in the December to December period but you have to remember economists have predictions on what they could see this number being they expected this number to be 2.9% so from that perspective prices didn't slow down as much as economists had thought one reason is perhaps shelter inflation the cost of just putting a roof over.

Your head on a monthly basis that increased by 0 4% uh we did also see food prices increase by uh uh two or rather 4% during the month and then we also saw Energy prices decline so that did help a little bit because of the price of gasoline going down by about 3 cents per gallon so that decreasing by almost 1 percentage point between the.

Month but again overall this report a little bit hotter than economists had expected Christine what stands out to you here and what's it say about our economy you know it's a little frustrating because you want these inflation numbers to come down the FED would like to see 2% we're still at 3.1% so this is cooling inflation that's good.

But it's still hotter than I think the FED policy makers and frankly all of us who go shopping would like to see one way to look at this also is that you know prices are cooling inflation is cooling but prices remain still elevated when you go back four years you got you know prices consumer prices are up like 20% from where they were four years ago.

So I think when people go and and buy stuff you know that you're still paying more so we tell you inflation is cooling this this is certainly cooling from the December level but at the same time you know it's still been four years of of higher prices and that's frustrating I would say say frustrating and we have more months it's going to be a bumpy.

Ride to get inflation back down to 2% so Brian you already gave us a little bit of a category breakdown there I mean what are just the things that are really still driving what we're seeing are there areas where we're seeing just you know much lower inflation yeah well I mean let me translate some of these percentage changes just into the prices.

That you see at the store and this underscores some of the frustration that Christine was just talking about that Americans are still feeling right okay yeah we're talking about rates of change but the number that I see on those price tags are going up let's take a look at eggs this is comparing to January of last year.

$251 it's about the same right now $252 so not quite as bad as the egg pocalypse that we saw remember when eggs were like $5 a dozen gasoline prices did decline a little bit as I mentioned so $335 uh for all types averaged out we did see milk prices decline a little bit it used to be over $4 now just a smidge under that at.

$3.9 and then Brad that has been increasing over time $22 now about $23 so you know when you look at the overall picture actually the prices aren't all that different than they were a year ago but again they're not declining substantially and I think that maybe explains some of the psyche As Americans are looking at these.

Numbers and going you know what it's not cheaper than it was and if my wages aren't keeping up that's going to be a problem for my overall household finances Christine a moment ago you mentioned not only or is it not what we want to see it's not what fed wants to see what do we think when it comes to rates I mean I think you're you're not.

Going to see rate Cuts uh anytime soon here you know because you still have elevated inflation you know probably in the summer we'll start talking about when the FED can start cutting interest rates again I do think what's important about the inflation story is just the build-on effect of higher prices month after month after month and I think you.

Can see that frustration in some of these some of the polling consumer sentiment has been improving a little bit also i' there's a lot of of talk now about um companies been passing on higher labor and higher ingredients costs and when will it be Peak inflation saturation for consumers the a lot of the fast food companies noticed last.

Week that their foot traffic was down because people want cheap stuff they don't want to pay higher prices so they can't keep raising prices indefinitely because I think the consumer has hit Peak frustration with higher prices Brian quickly here people are worried about their bills they're worried about their loans what does this all mean for.

That yeah well again this is a reminder that because we're still talking about a positive number in terms of the inflationary figures that prices are going to continue to go up and policy makers just hope to Christine's point that they can get that pace to come down but the goal is not to get prices to go down overall which means that from a.

Budgeting standpoint people are still going to be spending a lot of money we have to remember credit card borrowing rates are high managing debt is going to be a big part of that household finances story in the months to come all right Brian Christine thank you both appreciate it yes we do all right more mondy news for you now you might have to.

Wait a little longer we were talking about this last hour if you're looking to order some takeout on Valentine's Day CNBC Savanah hanau has that and other Financial headlines Savanah Good morning Joe Savannah good morning to you all right let's give you those headlines Uber lift and door Dash drivers will strike across the country tomorrow.

Seeking Fair pay the strike comes about a week after Li said it would pay the difference if drivers made less than 70% of what Riders pay after fees each week the drivers who are considered independent contractors have accuse the companies of taking a high percentage as commissions the justice for app workers Coalition which represents about 130,000.

Deliv uh drivers and delivery workers says they won't provide rides to and from airports between 11:00 a.m. and 1 p.m. in 10 major cities including Chicago Miami New York Orlando and Tampa you no longer have to go to an Apple store if you forget the passcode to your Vision Pro Apple has launched a software update that will let users reset their.

Device and start over with a fresh install from home previously you would have had to visit a store or mail your device into Apple Care customer support this is the first update since the Vision Pro went on sale earlier this month and roughly 123 million people watch the Chiefs beat the 49ers in the Super Bowl on Sunday.

CBS releasing preliminary neelen ratings for viewing on TV and streaming platforms CBS Nickelodeon and Paramount plus it's the most watched Super Bowl ever and up from the record 115 million viewers last year when the Chiefs beat the Eagles CBS says the final neelon numbers will be out later today guys all right there you go a lot of people tuned.

In exactly syv thank you coming up you've got to fight for your right to party yeah we just can't duplicate it can we City prepares for one super siiz Victory Parade many swifties are speculating will she join boyfriend Travis Kelsey at tomorrow's festivities we've got the lowdown.

Next welcome back here's some cool casting from the new season of The White Lotus I love this show black pink singer Lisa will be making her acting debut in Season 3 of the Emmy winning show the K-pop Star joins a cast including Parker POS Jason Isaacs and Leslie bib details on Lisa's character are under wraps but we know it will be filmed in her home.

Country of Thailand her blackpink bandmate Jenny Kim actually appeared on HBO series The Idol with the weekend last year and K-pop fans are excited to see how singers are extending their careers into the acting industry Joe are you a fan of this show yeah I love White Lotus of course yeah so it'll be intriguing to see what they come up with.

With season 3 and know Jennifer I know all right finally this morning Kansas City is preparing for a party is the Chiefs return home following their historic wind Sunday of course the big question now Will Taylor Swift join her boyfriend Travis Kelce for the parade NBC's Jesse kers is doing some investigative reporting in Kansas City.

To try and figure out what's going on Jesse Good morning Joe good morning we are pressing our sources for answers and we are going to just keep trying to get uh some information around that but what I can tell you is already happening here is we've got Championship banners up in Kansas City schools have cancelled.

Classes for tomorrow all of this ahead of the massive parade officials are expecting close to a million people to be here and as you mentioned the question is will Taylor Swift be one of them with a hero's welcome at the airport the Super Bowl champs are back in Kansas City the chief's Victory lap leading to.

A Disneyland parade Monday after becoming the first team to win back-to-back Super Bowls in almost 20 years and Super Bowl MVP Patrick momes is already talking about going for a three peat I we'll celebrate these next few weeks and then we'll get right back at it and Chiefs fans are celebrating him after the star QB took control at.

The end of the game new video emerging of mahomes's leadership during that final play in overtime Tri right Bunch s shuttle Tom and Jerry right yellow right side touchdown K on City the team overcome with emotion I want to take the credit but honestly it was it was everybody um it was I was I knew it was going to turn around but the.

Way the guys worked and millions watched that work payoff the game setting a massive ratings record according to CBS with 123.4mi effect the pop Superstar was in the stands and on the field to support her boyfriend Travis Kelce later the duo hitting the Las Vegas Strip with her family in toe overnight the singer.

Posting a hilarious Tik Tok about her parents joining the fund Swifty is noting it's her first official social media post featuring Kelsey and swooning over more videos of the two celebrating after the game kissing as Love Story play and a memorable moment Travis leading a sing along of you belong with.

me now the question is will fans see the power couple together tomorrow in Kansas City the Super Bowl champs are already preparing to parade through the streets and rally with fans last year Mama Kelsey joined Travis at the Super Bowl celebration but with this Year's parade falling on Valentine's Day many fans.

Wondering if Travis will be bringing a date and if titler is at the parade she won't be able to stay for long because she has an AOS Tor show Friday night in Melbourne Australia which is 17 hours ahead of Kansas City so she won't have much time to rest however I got to tell you Joe if we don't see trailer together.

Here in Casey it's going to feel like there's a bit of a blank space at the parade back to you potentially on the beat and really on it she's got to be jettied right now my goodness all right all over the world well and then the next question by the way in land is does Travis join her in Australia we shall see he's got time on his hands all right.

That's going to do it for this hour Morning News Now the news continues right now thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media

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