Morning News NOW Fat Broadcast – March. 11


Morning News NOW Fat Broadcast – March. 11

Right now on Morning News Now Georgia on their mind President Biden and former president Trump taking their all but official 2024 rivalry to the Battleground State clashing over the president's apology for using the term illegal to describe a suspected murderer and I shouldn't have used illegal I should it's undocumented I'm.

Not going to treat any any any of these people with disrespect Biden should be apologizing for apolog izing to this killer plus shutdown averted President Biden signing a bill to keep most of the government open at least for now also this morning the Middle East on edge as Ramadan begins more than a million displaced Palestinians now bracing for.

An Israeli offensive in Rafa and at Sea efforts to bring much needed Aid to Aid to Gaza have stalled we'll bring you the latest and time could be running out for tick tock with Congress set to vote on whether to ban and the app Nationwide more on the controversial bill it could change how you scroll and oh what a night that's right this year's Oscar is.

Certainly one to remember with one of the biggest movies of the Year taking home some of the big Awards plus Ryan Gosling proving he's more than can with his highly anticipated performance we'll take you to the red carpet for more of the big moments from Hollywood's biggest night it truly I mean it was fantastic it was and it started an hour earlier so.

Maybe you got to watch it and you're watching us right now good morning good to have you with us on this Monday I'm Joe frier and I'm Savannah Fellers we're going to get started a new week this morning with the race for the White House the general election may still be eight months away but we're already getting a taste of what this likely.

Rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump will look like over the weekend the two candidates held dueling rallies in Georgia that State's holding a primary tomorrow now after their big wins on super Tuesday and with Nikki Haley now out of the race the current and former presidents are taking aim at each.

Other our freedoms are literally on the ballot this November Donald Trump and the Mig Republicans are trying to take our freedoms away and by the way not all Republicans this a this ain't your father's Republican party we all heard crooked Joe's angry dark hatefi rant of a State of the Union Address wasn't it.

Didn't it bring us together remember you said I'm going to bring the country to to to to together in an interview on MSNBC President Biden said that he regrets referring to an undocumented immigrant as an illegal during his State of the Union Address last week NBC News correspondent Von Hillard joins us now.

With the latest on the campaign Trail so let's start with President Biden's interview with msnbc's Jonathan capart addressing these comments he made in the State of the Union some Democrats wanted to see that apology Republicans criticizing that apology what more can you tell us about where the Biden campaign's at right now it was right.

During the State of the Union Address the name leak Riley who is the young woman who was murdered allegedly by an undocumented immigrant from Venezuela and Joe Biden did say her name up from that Podium as Republicans were calling on him to do and when doing that he referred to the killer the alleged killer as legal that is what prompted.

Some backlash response from Democrats who criticized the use of that word take a listen to Joe Biden addressing that and I shouldn't have used illegal I should it's undocumented and look about the difference between Trump and me one of the things I talked about in the Border was that his the way he talks about verman the way he talks about.

These people polluting the blood I talked about what I'm not going to do what I won't do I'm not going to treat any any any of these people with disrespect so you you regret using that word yes Joe Biden giving this interview we're now just seven and a half months away from the general election let's.

Talk about what we heard from former president Trump on this he was also in Georgia what were his comments on this apology right dueling rally is dueling events here in Georgia and Donald Trump of course looking to capitalize off of this well in Georgia of course the home state of where that young woman L and Riley was murdered take a listen to his.

Remarks from that stage that Joe Biden went on television and apologized for calling Lincoln's murderer an illegal he didn't want to call him illegal he apologize he was an illegal immigrant he was an illegal migrant and he shouldn't have been in our country and he never would have been under the Trump policy and Biden should be apologizing for.

Apologizing to this killer of course the influx of migrants into the United States has been a top concern for American voters and Donald Trump looking to use this as a political opportunity to try to Galvanize support for himself in a key critical state of Georgia one reason they're galvanizing support they need money President Biden in his.

Campaign says they brought in $10 million in the 24 hours after the State of the Union speech in that speech he talked about his age which he realizes is a huge issue for many voters there's a new ad that's trying to address that issue what more should we know about it right more than 20 million people around the country watch that State of the.

Union Address of course other folks saw it through other channels and for Joe Biden raising $10 million in 24 hours that is a significant amount of money I mean compare that to the 24 hours after the mug shot came out when Donald Trump was arrested in fton County Donald Trump's campaign raised just over 4 m million dollar so in that advertisement.

That Joe Biden put out he is talking about his age and talking about the wisdom and experience that his age allows him to provide to the job so the Biden campaign they are looking to utilize not just that speech but also the fact that his age is a positive attribute for him in his campaign one other piece of news before we let you go.

NBC news reporting that former president Trump will receive intelligence briefings after he officially secures the GOP nomination tell us about that right since 1952 Harry TR rman began offering presumptive nominees the opposing party's presidential candidate the opportunity to gather intelligence briefings now this isn't all of the.

Classified information or information on confidential sources but it is a level of classified information in order to ensure a peaceful transfer of power if that opposing candidate were to win now there were questions would that same opportunity be made available to Donald Trump especially after an indictment uh pertaining to his alleged mishan of.

Classified information at his maral Lago estate the answer we have is yes that Donald Trump beginning the summer is expected to continue to receive that sort of a briefing despite that indictment all right vanon thank you so much thank you guys over the weekend President Biden signed a major Government funding bill into law that at.

Least for now diffuses fears of a partial government shutdown the Senate voted 75 to 22 to approve the 460 billion package before Friday's midnight deadline the move will keep the Departments of Agriculture Justice transportation and other government agencies running through September for more we're joined by NBC News senior.

White House correspondent Gabe Gutierrez Gabe great to see you so this has got to be a major relief for the Biden Administration what is the White House saying about this last minute deal hi there Savannah good morning well certainly there have been a lot of anticipation on whether there would in fact be this partial government shutdown.

But as you said on Saturday President Biden signing um those those Appropriations bills and the White House thanking top Congressional leaders on both in both House and Senate for their leadership on the issue the senate had have voted this um had voted on this on Friday the house had done so on Wednesday so now um a partial government.

Shutdown is avoided Joe Savannah so the deadlines just keep coming they have two weeks to pass another bill to fund the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security where do things stand there yeah Joe the deadline for that is March 22nd as you said uh for funding the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security a top Democratic lawmaker says.

That negotiations for that package are still in their way there's a possibility there could be some short-term extension voted on this week but as of now there's that deadline once again March 22nd to avoid a partial government shutdown for those agencies gab earlier this morning the White House released its budget that includes the plan that President Biden.

Had laid out in the State of the Union Address last week tell us about that yeah that's right and that uh budget plan uh includes $3 trillion dollar in deficit reduction um over the next 10 years um and it would pay for that by raising taxes on high earners and corporations this is something that President Biden as you said did mention.

In his State of the Union Address but Joe Savannah the chances of this P passing the Republican Le house are pretty much Next To None uh but it does serve as a way for the White House to really lay out its budget priorities as the 2024 presidential campaign ramps up right gab Gutierrez from the White House lawn thank you so much.

This morning Palestinian Muslims in Gaza are marking the start of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan under Israeli attacks both Israel and Hamas failed to agree to a ceasefire in time for the religious holiday it comes as a organizations are racing to deliver much needed food to gaza's starving population this ship carrying 200 tons.

Of food was supposed to have set sail from Cyprus yesterday but the government there says it remains docked due to technical difficulties in an exclusive interview with msnbc's Jonathan capart over the weekend President Biden criticized Israel's prime minister for the massive death toll in Gaza and warned against a ground invasion of.

Rafa there's no red line I'm going to cut off all weapons so they don't have the Iron Dome to protect them they don't have but there's red lines that if he crosses in the he cannot have 30,000 more Palestinians dead he must pay more attention to the innocent lives being lost as a consequence of the actions taken he's hurting I my view he's.

Hurting Israel more than helping Israel NBC News International correspondent Raph Sanchez joins us now from Jerusalem so Raph let's start with the humanitarian situation in Gaza why is this Aid ship being held up in Cyprus and what are relief agencies saying about efforts to try and get food into Gaza so Joe in terms of that AG ship the.

Food that is being loaded onto it comes from World Central Kitchen the charity run by Chef Jose Andreas and World Central Kitchen is saying they are ready to go they say technically they are no there are no holdups they say the issue here is diplomatic they say diplomacy at this point is ongoing they are not being specific about what that diplomatic.

Holdup is but it appears that they don't have agreement from all parties at this point to depart from Cypress head to the coast of Gaza and begin delivering that Aid it does remain unclear what the so-call Last Mile of this delivery is going to look like how this Aid is actually going to make it off of this ship in the Eastern Mediterranean to the.

People who so badly need it in Northern Gaza in terms of humanitarian organizations we have heard about President Biden's plan for the US military to build a temporary Pierre off the coast of Gaza that is going to take two months us officials tell NBC News and these humanitarian organizations say famine is already here in Northern Gaza.

They say around 20 children have died of malnutrition dehydration in recent weeks and the overwhelming message from humanitarian organizations the UN has been that these air drops the idea of getting food in from the sea is not a substitute for getting more food in from Land either through Israel or through Egypt and they say that needs to happen.

And there needs to be safe conditions to actually distribute that food if there's going to be real chance of fending off famine in Gaza guys so raap as we mentioned Ramadan started today you are in Jerusalem tell us what is the mood like among Palestinian Muslims there and what's this going to look like is Israel going to impose restrictions on.

Worshippers at the Alaska mosque that's a key Muslim holy site there in Jerusalem yeah Savannah there is a heaviness in Jerusalem right now Ramadan is supposed to be a time of Celebration the time of being close to family feeling close to God but the streets here are empty our team has been inside the old city of Jerusalem earlier and.

Many of the shops that sell those distinctive Ramadan candies say nobody's buying this year our team spoke to a 38- year-old Palestinian man he says this is the most painful Ramadan he can remember and people here in Jerusalem are not underneath the bombs but they are thinking about their fellow Palestinians in Gaza and I can tell you this security.

Presence in East Jerusalem right now is very intense we've been seeing Israeli security patrols on the streets behind us there is a checkpoint just a couple hundred yards from where we are that really looks like something that you'd see in the occupied West Bank as opposed to Jerusalem you have Israeli troops up behind concrete barriers so there is a.

Real heaviness in terms of the alaka mosque there were there was a video making the rounds last night verified by NBC news that shows Israeli police hitting Palestinians with batons with night sticks in the streets of the Old City last night as they were trying to get into the mosque for prayers we asked the Israeli police about this they say.

That they are trying to safely facilitate very large numbers but I can tell you there is a lot of concern worldwide that the aloa mosque the third holiest site in Islam known as the Temple Mount to Jews could be a Tinder Box that spreads this conflict here to Jerusalem guys Raph we heard earlier from President Biden rebuking prime.

Minister Netanyahu over the death toll and humanitarian situation in Gaza talk to us a little bit about the growing frustration from the Biden Administration and what Netanyahu makes of President Biden's comments yeah Joe so this specific phrase that's got a lot of attention here is the prime minister said sorry.

The president said prime minister Netanyahu is hurting Israel more than he is helping Israel now we saw prime minister Netanyahu get in front of the cameras pretty shortly after that interview went out on MSNBC he said he didn't know what the president meant by that but he said that some of the positions he holds which put him on a.

Diplomatic collision course with the Biden Administration are supported by the Israeli public and he gave a couple of examples one going into Rafa that Southernmost city in Gaza where more than a million Palestinians are Sheltering something the Biden Administration says they should not do without a credible plan he says the.

Israeli public supports that he also says the Israeli public supports him in opposing the Palestinian Authority returning to Gaza which is something the Biden Administration says needs to happen guys all right raap Sanchez Raph thank you thank you this morning Alaska Airlines says it is fully cooperating as the Department of Justice opens a.

Criminal investigation into that blowout on a Boeing flight in January when a piece of plane broke away in midair NBC News correspondent George sis has more the justice department is conducting a criminal investigation into that midair scare on an Alaskan Airlines flight involving a Max 9 Jet where a door plug blew out over Portland.

According to the Wall Street Journal the journal reporting investigators contacting Pilots flight attendants and even passengers on board flight 1282 that was forced to make an emergency landing where fortunately no one was hurt Alaska 1282 we justess the justice department provided no comment to NBC News the focus of the investigation said.

To Center on whether Boeing has complied with a previous settlement following a federal investigation into the airlines handling of the deadly jet crashes in 2018 in 2019 that killed 346 people the company providing no comment to NBC News they're going to look pretty seriously is this a oneoff or is this systemic in a preliminary report last month the NTSB.

Found four bolts needed to keep the door plug in place were missing Alaska Airlines saying in a statement in part it's normal for the doj to be conducting an investigation we are fully cooperating and do not believe we are a target of the investigation news of this criminal investigation comes as the NTSB has blasted Boeing for failing to turn.

In records about the blowout a claim the company refutes but in a letter to US senator Maria canwell Boeing revealing they can't find any documentation on the removal of the door plug that's probably not a good answer either it's a horrible answer uh and when I read that I was shocked that one they don't have the documentation they're required to have.

That documentation and if not then we're talking about a much deeper problem of procedural compliance our thanks to George Delise for that report attorneys for passengers that were on that Alaska Airlines Max 9 flight told NBC news they appreciate that the doj is approaching the incident with the seriousness it calls for and.

They hope those responsible will be held accountable time now for a look at weather first came the rain now the wind on the East Coast millions are under wind alert this morning meteorologist Michelle Gman is with us in studio hey Michelle good morning hey there guys great to see you and that was perfectly put that's a big story today we are.

Dealing with leftover winds in the Northeast parts of New England and we're going to see really Gusty winds winds gusting up to 60 m per hour in some spots especially this afternoon this evening that's going to cause power outages it's going to bring some trees down and certainly uh see some airport delays as we go throughout the afternoon.

Evening hour so this is what it looks like that area of low pressure that brought us all that wet weather on Wednesday bringing those Chilly Winds so we're looking at temperatures below normal also feeling a lot below normal with the winds gusting and we're seeing some snow too in portions of the interior parts of the Northeast into New.

England this is what radar looks like not a whole lot of snow to go but we still have some snow uh the higher elevations where you see this blue here that is the snow falling that's what we're going to see over the next few hours so we do have wind alerts 62 million people impacted by wind alerts we have wind advisories we have high.

Wind warnings that includes ronoke also north of Asheville we're going to see the winds really Gusty as we go throughout the day dying down later on tonight so anywhere from 48 mph in Albany through tonight 48 New York City 48 Atlantic City 48 miles per hour in Boston so that's going to be a big story as we're kind of heading out in the.

Airports later on this afternoon and spring break for some of us winter alerts too nearly 3 million under winter alerts we have winter storm warnings that is in the pinkish color and winter weather advisories and we could see another four to five Ines in some spots that's where you're seeing those pink and purple colors the higher elevations.

Of New England and also Upstate New York that's a big story in the Northeast as we move towards the middle of the country big difference Spring Lake we're looking at temperatures so well above normal even 30 40 degrees above what is normal for this time of year into the 60s and 70s and then out west we're looking at a West system moving on sore.

That's brings some lower elevation rain some higher elevation snow today and also tomorrow but look at some of these temperatures in soup Falls we're looking at 73 that's 34 degrees above normal 75 in De Moy and Selena looking at 74 so guys we have winter in the East and a little bit spring like in the middle of the country back to you all right thank.

You Michelle the cast of Oppenheimer still probably celebrating this morning after dominating this year's Oscars yeah the film took home seven wins including best picture best actor and Best Director while the film poor things was close behind with four wins Jimmy Kimmel returned as host for Hollywood's biggest night and this year show did not.

Disappoint Eric Davis the managing editor for fan Bango joins us now with all the highlights good to have you with us so let's talk about the winners first what were some of the not wins from last yeah I mean despite the collective kenergy we were all feeling this morning it was Oppenheimer that ultimately toppled Barbie at least at the Academy.

Award seven wins becomes the third highest grossing Best Picture Winner ever Christopher Nolan takes home his first Oscar for best director and of course the men Killian Murphy winning best actor he nodded to the 20-year collaboration he's had with Christopher Nolan also Robert Downey Jr winning best supporting actor he uh thanked his bad.

Childhood he also before the academy yes he also thanked his his wife compared himself to a rescue dog and that she rescued him and really saved his life that was such a sweet moment there were a lot of those a lot of emotional moments including Divine Joy Randolph broke down in tears yeah um when she was accepting Her speech when she won for.

Best supporting actress this is for her role in the holdovers um let's play a little bit of what she said I thank you to all the people who have stepped in my path and has been there for me who has ushered me and guided me I am so grateful to all you beautiful people out here for for so long I've always wanted to be different.

And now I realize I just need to be myself tell us more about this touching moment in other ones that stood out to you yeah it was really great and she was crying Paul Giamatti was actually crying in the audience he co-starred in the holdovers with her really I mean these are the Oscars right first time nominee first time winner that raw emotion is.

Kind of what you saw I thought that was a great way to open up the night uh honestly one of the bigger surprises Emma Stone winning best actress another really emotional moment I think she was in shock her dress kind of broke so she was you know talking about that but I she was overwhelmed this is her second Oscar I think Emma Stone now is an elite.

Actress in terms of our error also director of 20 days of marole the best winner coming out saying this is the first ever Oscar win for Ukraine of course he also said I wish I didn't have to make this movie in the first place uh so I thought that was also uh very emotional moment yeah this has been obviously last year a tough year for.

Hollywood because of the strike Jimmy Kimmel took time to to not only acknowledge that but also to thank the teamsters for their support let's take a look at that the reason we were able to make a deal is because of the people who rallied beside us so before we celebrate ourselves let's have a very.

Well-deserved Round of Applause for the people who work behind the scenes the teamsters the truck drivers the lighting crew sound camer gaers GPS that's right all the people who refuse to cross the picking lines there they are that was a moment the Oscars are all about the moments any the other moments.

Stand out to you yeah I mean that moment of course I'm just Ken I mean Ryan goss's performance of that I think was the highlight of the tonight also I think it's going to go down as one of the alltime Oscar moments I mean of course he's paying homage to Marilyn Monroe here Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend he's in all hot pink uh I mean he.

Had the crowd singing it was like one of the first sing alongs the choreography love that yeah just an amazing moment here I thought this was really great also John Cena coming out nak it on stage to present best costume I thought was a highlight of the night a lot of people Brave man yeah a lot of was really naked people were taking pictures.

But in intermission showing that so I mean you know what you do for the Oscars John Cena really really great there maybe he'll get an Emmy next year for that I don't know how that would work but you know that was quite the moment I was cracking up Eric Davis thank you so much for recapping with us this morning we appreciate it good to see you much.

More to come here on morning news now later this hour Tick Tock Congress set to vote on a bill that would ban Tik Tok Nationwide more on the controversial Crackdown that could mean big changes in the world of social media up first after the break Royal retraction several news outlets sounding the alarm on this photo released by Kensington Palace why it's.

Raising new concerns about the he health of Kate Middleton plus the new statement just posted online stay with us morning news now we'll be right back welcome back the US military is racing to evacuate non-essential Personnel from the US's Embassy in Haiti the mission comes as the country spiral.

Out of control am Made A Renewed surge of gang violence the Prime Minister there now facing growing pressure to resign NBC News correspondent Marissa par has the latest yeah humanitarians I've spoken to who have spent decades working in Haiti explained that the crisis there was bad before but this is worse than it's ever.

Been an evacuation amid a country in chaos a US military operation airlifting non-essential Embassy employees out of Haiti a move approv approved by President Biden who a Us official says remains deeply concerned the administration also boosting Embassy Security us Southern command saying no Haitians were on board that flight last.

Week the White House emphasizing the urgency of the crisis you think about food Health Care clean water and other forms of critical assistance through un and uh NGO Partners to help people in need a state of emergency in Haiti now extended to next month the UN reporting 5.5 million people on almost half the entire country's population are in need.

Of humanitarian Aid years of political violence came to a boiling point last weekend when gangs attacked the capital poured a prince and set free thousands of violent criminals from the prisons Hades prime minister Ariel enri still in Puerto Rico forced to land there as calls for his resignation now growing louder hades's main airports.

Shut down leaving Haitians stranded it's been bad before this this is probably the wor worst we I think we we are reaching um Peak crisis Mercy Corp has been working to reduce violence in Haiti since 2019 the situation in Haiti is is delicate and um you know it is important to make uh the right decisions moving forward and I'm sure the US government.

Just like all governments do not want to make the situation worse leaders from Caribbean Nations will be meeting on Monday in Kingston Jamaica to discuss what they call a dire situation hoping to decide on a resolution that will bring stability and relief to Haiti but stressing time is not on their side all right Marissa para thank you well not a.

New developments in London over the controversy surrounding that new photo of K Middleton the Princess of Wales picture agencies took the extraordinary step of sending out notices like the one you see here telling media Outlets not to run the photograph over concerns it had been manipulated now in the last hour this morning the princess herself.

Apologizing for altering the image she wrote on social media like many amateur photographers I do occasionally experiment with editing I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday cost for more on this we are joined by NBC News Royal contributor and Royal editor of the British Sunday Times.

Roya naika Roya good morning thanks for joining us so just catch us up on this picture being released over the weekend when people started questioning whether something was up with it and then how unusual it is that we just got that statement from The Princess herself well good morning it has been a really quite wild 24 hours here uh in in.

Royal news this photo was supposed to quell All the gossip and rumor and very strange conspiracy theories that have been going around on social media for the last few weeks since Kate had that abdominal surgery a couple of months ago in January and initially when it dropped it looked like a very lovely positive very wholesome image taken by William um.

At Windsor earlier this week which was supposed to to show that Kate is indeed doing well in recovering like k in Palace keep telling us she is but then people started noticing slight discrepancies in the photographs slight things that look like they've been photoshopped and then last night we had four of the the biggest International um.

Picture agencies pulling it saying it had so breached their manipulation digital retouching um guidelines which have been tightened up recently because of all the concerns over AI as you said we've just had that extraordinary personal statement from Kate this morning saying I'm sorry guys I'm just an amate photographer like all of you.

Sometimes you I try and make them s a little bit better perhaps all the children weren't smiling in in one picture together and apologizing for all the confusion but it's very rare that we get personal apologies from members of the roal family over pictures that have been put out so it's been a while 24 hours what kind of manipulation did.

Picture agencies think was going on here well it's interesting we none of the picture agencies that withdrew it have yet said this is what we think has been done what we've seen is various people on social media in some areas of the media look at the sleeve on princess Charlotte's jumper doesn't quite line up there's a pattern on one of um on Louis.

Jumper something to do with um Kate zip I don't think there is I think just to be clear I don't there's any doubt over the authenticity that William took this picture last week of all of them together but it may be that as lots of parents will will know sometimes you don't get all the um children lining up smiling at the same time and you might.

Take bits from here and there there's a question mark over that but we haven't we have been asking the palace can you either a um published the original photo which I don't think we're going to get or can you be set out exactly what was changed and I I think some media Outlets are starting to get their picture desks to S of see what the original image.

Might have looked like not huge differences just sort of small things that that make it look a little bit better I mean look it was no secret that there's been a lot of talk about the princess of oals even prior to this picture I mean it was all over the Internet kind of questions concerns about her well-being and her whereabouts.

Um and then this picture made so much news because it was the first official image of Kate since she had that surgery and since there's been so many questions surrounding her rumors speculation all that how do you think that this admission of editing the photo feeds into kind of this frenzy of concern I think hopefully most people.

Will look at that statement from Katherine this morning and just you know say you know a lot of parents out there will know that they do exactly the same with their family photos and she's no different you know that she is a woman who is recovering from major surgery I think you know most of the media here have been very respectful of that and.

Not speculative over what's been been going on they wanted to keep things very private I think I think the sort of wildness that we've seen in the last 24 hours over this photo is it shows you that things are very febril here at the moment with the royal family we have a king who's not doing public engagements we have the Princess of Wales one of you.

Know the most popular members of the RO family not J public engagement so though we are told she will be back after Easter but I think there's a sort of a hole in a vacuum there that is being filled a little bit sometimes by perhaps some unnecessary commentary ranika thank you very much for joining us coming up joining forces US Marines.

And a dozen allies now training together in the Arctic when we come back an exclusive look at what's being called the largest NATO exercise since the Cold War and a Sinking Feeling new concerns after startling new studies show several cities are sinking this is Morning News Now.

We are back with an NBC News exclusive a rare look at US Marines training in the Arctic it's a major test of NATO's military capabilities in the region as tensions grow between Russia and the West NBC News International correspondent Josh Letterman has more from northern Norway the frosty Arctic is the new.

Battleground in a growing military competition between Russia and the West the US Marines and a dozen allies joining forces for war games in Northern Norway as part of the largest NATO exercises since the Cold War us and NATO troops are practicing storming a beach from the sea and the air as they work to defend NATO territory from any threat.

I'll go ahead and continue maintaining Airway and I'll grab a leg in this mass casualty drill languages blend together as American and Norwegian troops work shoulder-to-shoulder these War Games taking place not far from Russia's border on NATO's Northern front line as global warming melts sea.

Ice the US Russia and China are all seeking to expand their Arctic foothold for the Marines it's a sharp shift after decades fighting in the hot dry climates of the Middle East after a rocky journey through the mountains we reach Marines dug in on the mountain side at night the temperatures.

Can drop below zero we had Marines who had never been in the snow but before coming to Norway the scenario repelling an invasion by a major hostile power from the East you seeing multiple vehicles and Moscow is watching Norwegian officials tell NBC news they've detected Russian vessels nearby spying on the exercises is it easier for.

An adversary to hide in snowy Forest than it is for example in a desert I'd say it depends on the conditions here in a day like this there snow tracks would be left but if it was a snowstorm those snow tracks would rapidly be be closed these marines have spent nearly 2 weeks here sleeping up to 6 to a tent boiling snow for water even praying in the snow.

Amen go in peace serve the Lord Lance corporal Cooper Corey from Massachusetts joined the Marines a year ago that was my first time touching a ski pole was here I fell in love skiing how' it go oh I fell a lot but you know I had fun big a smile on my face a forceful message from the US and its allies anywhere we go I know we can fight I know we can.

Thrive our thanks to Josh lman for that report now to a warning involving America's coastal cities and climate change new research shows America's coastal cities are sinking and that's raising concerns that more people in the US will be at risk for flooding as sea levels continue to rise tnbc senior climate correspondent Diana ol joins us.

Now with more on this Diana good morning good morning Joe yeah we already know that as the Earth warms and Glaciers melt sea level rise will increase but we're now learning of another harmful effect of climate change that could make that even worse this is what Baltimore Maryland looked like in early January after a.

Heavy rainstorm but it doesn't always take a storm for the city to flood so-called nuisance flooding is increasing not just because the sea is rising but because the land is sinking more than doubling the potential damage so in this area you do see nuisance flooding yes yeah particularly right here you know in the prominade grace.

Hansen is Coastal planner for the city of Baltimore you know when you have nuisance flooding it's basically saying it's an inconvenience but when you think of the prominade here as flooded you know some people can't get to businesses or they can't get to work Coastal Baltimore is Sinking by more than 2 millim per year and to me and you that.

Doesn't seem like a lot by any means but what becomes an issue is when it's not uniform and you can have building Foundation sinking faster than the other side of the building and that's where you'll see the foundation is not stable and Coastal land is sinking around the world especially on the east coast of the US from New York to Norfolk.

According to a new study from Virginia Tech and the US Geological Survey in some areas it's sinking as much as 5 millim a year sea level rise is about 3 mm a year we expect to have a doubling of the frequency of flooding sure as I am and his team used space-based radar satellites to build digital maps of land over many years in order to see where.

It's sinking most they then built the first highresolution maps of this showing East Coast land sinking anywhere from 2 to 5 mm a year affecting more than 2 million people and 800,000 properties the study says that when you add the sinking of the land to sea level rise it actually doubles the frequency of flooding and cuts in half the amount.

Of time that both cities and Coastal res have to prepare and that has profound consequences on the flood adaptation strategies that have already been developed areas including New York's JFK and LaGuardia airports are seeing land sink at more than 2 millimet a year and why is land sinking climate change is causing drought forcing us to pump more.

Groundwater and to build more dams to store water in terms of groundwater extraction that you know is primarily one of the reasons why Baltimore is sinking Baltimore is surrounded by more than half a dozen dams which reduce the supply of sediment going to the coast thereby causing the land to sink even as water becomes more scarce sherai says we.

Need to mitigate the sinking of the land in the next decade or it will severely impact the Integrity of buildings and infrastructure it would affect Bridges pipelines Railways runways of airport and that would translate into trillions of dollar loss and cost of the repair okay so what do we do well there are.

Several options first recycle Water by treating Wastewater and sewage putting wider restrictions on water uses especially in landscaping or capturing rain and banking it better one project in Virginia is pumping groundwater back into aquifers and treating it in Wastewater plants whatever the option the sinking Joe just needs to stop just.

An important topic Diana thank you for digging into that for us we appreciate it important coming up controversy on Capitol Hill lawmakers to set to vote on a bill that would ban Tik Tock across the country after the break we'll have more on the proposal that could have impacts Beyond just one app you're watching Morning News.

Now welcome back this week Congress could vote on a bill that would change the social media landscape as we know it the house will weigh whether to approve bipartisan legislation that would ban the platform Tik Tok in the US unless it's sold by its Chinese parent company bite dance President Biden had this to.

Say about the bill do you still support ban and Tik Tok would you sign that bill if they pass it I'll sign it Tik Tock responded to the bill saying quote the government is attempting to strip 170 million Americans of their constitutional right to free expression this will damage millions of businesses deny artists and.

Audience and destroy the livelihoods of countless creators across the country over the weekend and Meet the Press moderator Kristen Welker spoke with Senator Lindsey Graham about his stance on the ban here's some of that conversation hello there Joe and Savannah this week on Meet the Press I spoke with Republican senator Lindsey.

Grim of South Carolina here's what he had to say about The house's plan to vote on a bill that would crack down on Tik Tock the house is planning to vote as you know this coming week on a bill that would force the Chinese company to sell Tik Tock or face being banned Trump initially favored Banning Tik Tok now he's opposed he's expressing his.

Opposition do you support Banning Tik Tok where do you fall I think the goal is to make sure American data that Tik Tock collects doesn't fall in the hands of the Communist Chinese party I'm really conflicted here I know this about social media they're ruining America there are so sexual predators abound on these sites you can't sue social media.

Companies uh there's no regulatory body that's what I'm focused on Banning Tik Tock um maybe that's necessary to protect American data from China but if you find a way to avoid that that'd be good too you were a strong supporter of it in 2020 though do you no longer I understand people like Tik Tock I would like to keep Tik Tock running but not.

Have our data used by the communist you vote on this I don't know yet I mean I'm just being honest with you I am definitely conflicted but one thing I'm not conflicted about every social media company should be sued if they do damage to you and your family they're protected from lawsuits section 230 needs to go you can see my full interviews and a lot.

More at meet the you can also get more Meet the Press right here on NBC news now every weekday at 4M all right Kristen thank you what's bringing NBC News Capitol Hill correspondent Ryan Nobles for more on this Ryan good morning so walk us through what some of the biggest concerns among lawmakers are and what this bill hopes to.

Do well probably the biggest concern for lawmaker savan is just the volume of people that use the Tik Tok platform around the country we're talking hundreds of Millions millions of people a lot of them use it uh as part of their livelihood these content creators that have become uh very popular throughout the country so there's just this overall.

Concern about the consumer impact that it would have to ban such a huge social media platform but it really goes beyond that there's also constitutional concerns First Amendment freedom of speech concerns and also regulatory concerns about the ability for the federal government to just swoop in and say this particular business can exist.

While other similar businesses can exist now obviously there's a lot of differences because of its connection to the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist party but this is a very complicated issue and even though there does appear to be bro broad bipartisan support to try and figure out something to do it's been difficult for Congress.

To come up with legislation that solves all the problems that they're looking to fix so Ryan it's been nearly a year since Tik Tock CEO showy Chu testified before Congress talking about the security concerns surrounding the app what kind of change have we seen from Tik Tok since then what else are they saying responding to this proposed law.

Well if you talk to the lawmakers that want to pass this bill they feel like Tik Tok has not been responsive at all you know they're very concerned about the ability for bite dance the the company that owns Tik Tok to have access to the data of millions of Americans on a day-to-day basis they feel that they haven't put enough safeguards in place.

To prevent that from happening uh you know in reality there's an issue of trust here between members of Congress and the company bite dance they just do not believe bite dance when they say that there's no ability for the Chinese government to have access to Americans data that's why they think the only way to solve this problem is to separate.

Bite dance from Tik Tock as we've already talked about that's a really complicated problem and one that they haven't been able to figure out completely on screens a moment ago viewers were seeing something else that was kind of really complicated this whole thing and also made it quite interesting was that Tik Tok actually.

Did this whole pressure campaign where they sent out an notification to users sort of geoca them to call their representatives say Do not pass this there's that notification right there Ryan so not everyone's on board with this though I mean New York Congressman Jamal Bowman posted a Tik Tok last week where he said this bill is crazy um what.

Do we think in terms of support do other people feel that way and walk us through the steps that happen next especially since as we just played for our viewers the president did say he would sign this yeah well first of all that lobbying campaign where they use the platform to encourage their users to call uh their members of Congress was the biggest cell.

Phone in the history of lobbying it certainly backfired it went it it turned a lot of members that were on the fence off and they ended up voting for it in committee uh but secondly I do think that there is the real possibility that it passes the house this week it does seem as though there's enough minura in that direction but there are a number of.

Senators uh you know along constitutional kind of personal Liberty uh lines have said that they're really concerned about this idea that a you could potentially rip the platform away from everyday Americans but also that you could put this sort of pressure on a campaign or I'm sorry on a big company to prevent this from happening so you.

Know there's a lot that needs to be worked out I there's even the possibility that it passes the house goes to the Senate the Senate tweaks it and maybe they send it back to the house but this isn't something that's going to happen tomorrow if you have a Tik Tok account you don't have to worry about it going away in the immediate future but.

Down the line there's no doubt that the federal government wants to do something to try and regulate this platform because they are concerned not only about connection to the Chinese government but the impact that it's having on everyday Americans Ryan Nobles thank you so much I appreciate it more financial headlines starting with what's.

Coming up this week on Wall Street and what's happening with your money abbc Savanah hanell joins us that NE news Savanah good morning Savannah Joe good morning to you all right well Wall Street could feel more pressure this week as the markets come off a negative week with the Dow suffering its worst week since October and investors cashing.

In some profits from the rally led by AI chipmaker Nvidia and other momentum and mega cap tech stocks now the focus will Shi this week to two key reports on inflation with consumer and producer prices which could offer further support for the Federal Reserve to start cutting interest rates this summer The Biden Administration is asking United Health.

To expedite payments to healthc care providers following the recent cyber attacks of its change Healthcare unit Bloomberg reports officials from Health and Human Services and the labor department are urging United Health to ensure no provider is impacted by cash flow challenges resulting from the incident the hack which occurred last.

Month has affected parts of change Health's Network that handle payments and medical claims and Nintendo and animation studio illumination are working on a second Super Mario Brothers movie seeking to recreate the surprise box office success of the first movie which generated nearly 1.4 billion billion dollars worldwide the new film.

Will be produced by illumination and the video game's original Creator and is scheduled for release in 2026 and like the first movie it will be distributed by Universal Pictures which is owned by Comcast guys all right sa Han now thank you so much you got it coming up branching out in the world of stem when we come back how one nonprofit is.

Working to increase representation in science technology engineering and math stay with us you're watching Morning News Now welcome back the Iowa women's basketball team and it's fans are celebrating yet again this morning clinching their third consecutive Big 10 tournament title.

Caitlyn Clark and her hawkey's best in Nebraska Nebraska yesterday it was an overtime nailbiter in Minneapolis Iowa certainly had their work cut out for them in the first half Nebraska had an 11-point lead at one point but once halftime hit Clark was firing on all cylinders Iowa pulled themselves out of the trenches sealing the deal with a 94.

To 89 Victory and now comes the NCAA tournament we'll see what happens there so I mean she's just on fire it's awesome all right thanks Joe y we end this hour with a nonprofit group in New York City that's aiming to bring more diversity to the stem field and they're starting in communities where that type of education is not always available NBC.

News correspondent Maya igland has the story do you think more kids should learn how to coach yeah because if you learn how to kill you can be like an engineer or work at Google and get a big job and you can like live your life change the world the tech industry has a long-standing problem with diversity and Jason Gibson is trying to change that I.

Wanted to make it easily accessible to the families that live here that change is starting in rooms like these here in New York more specifically the New York City Housing Authority or Nicha for short it's the largest public housing authority in the country with more than half a million residents a quarter of them under the age of 18 and Jason wants.

To give all these kids New Opportunities the goal is to have Hood Cole running simultaneously in each one after school and during the summer every day Hood coat is a nonprofit that began in 2019 since then Gibson and his team of instructors mostly high school students and recent College grads have helped many of these kids realize that a career.

In Tech is not Out Of Reach I didn't have a computer till basically high school and I didn't even know that jobs in coding like existed I really did not know that it was like a field that was accessible to us in some ways neither did Gibson so I came up with the idea during my incarceration in 2017 you know I've always been a.

Entrepreneur Gibson says he thought maybe a career in the tech industry could have kept him out of the criminal justice system and he used his entrepreneu Spirit to get others on board sponsors and community members to make sure his program would be free for students and a paid job for tutors the easiest part about coding is um the fun.

The best thing about coding is that you get to use your imagination it feels like a game but if these kids do decide to go in tech there are still challenges ahead black employees made up 8% of the it Workforce in 2022 according to the it trade group comp Tia and the numbers at some of the biggest tech companies like X meta and Google show similar gaps then.

Hit you can hit copy sheo one of hood cod's tutors says these kids have already been through obstacles and are not discouraged the passion the drive that these kids have is something that you don't see in like your ordinary ordinary kid cuz I know that they had to work 10 times harder to be here and now with $200,000 from the David prize a no.

Strings attach award given to new york-based innovators Hood code is more determined than ever to make real change what do you wish more people knew about the students coming into this program um I wish people knew about some of the creativeness that the students have the Ambitions that the students have the abilities that the students.

Have and the interest I think people kind of have stereotypes or you know their own beliefs about just neighborhoods like these in general and a lot of times they wrong Maya eagland NBC news so important and so young to learn those skills just neat when they say you know I didn't even know you could have a job in that and something.

Like this exposes you to that great report Maya all right it's going to do it for this hour of morning news now stick around though the news continues right now good morning happy Monday I'm Savannah cers I'm Joe frier right now on Morning News now a nasty swing state.

Showdown over the weekend that's setting the stage for a bitter battle for the White House President Biden and former president Trump hosting dueling events in Battleground Georgia they're sharpening their attacks while making their cases to voters we have their messages coming up Aerospace giant Boeing is under increased scrutiny this.

Morning the justice department launching an investigation into that scary Alaska Airlines midair blowout that happened back in January but what exactly are officials looking into we'll dig deeper in just a moment controversy out of Kensington Palace some big photo agencies sent scrambling racing to take down the first reported picture of.

Princess Kate since undergoing abdominal surgery earlier this year more on those widespread kill notices and what the Princess of Wales is now saying about it plus all of the big moments and big wins from last night's Academy Awards Oppenheimer r backing up even more trophies and everyone is feeling the kenergy this morning for that incredible.

Performance from Ryan Gosling dozens and dozens of Kens it was so fantastic we'll dig into it all in a little bit let's begin this hour with what's shaping up to be a long and fiery general election campaign ahead with President Biden and former president Trump headed towards a likely 2020 rematch the leading candidates for the White House took aim.

At each other over the weekend in dueling rallies in Georgia ahead of Tuesday's Primary in the state NBC's Garrett H has the latest on the campaign Trail this weekend a clear reminder of Georgia's Battleground importance the closest swing state in 2020 decided by less than 12,000 votes and now the stage of the first split screen showdown of.

The general election the presidential campaign taking shape after a swing state Showdown this weekend in Georgia hello Georgia in his first rally as the gop's presumptive nominee Donald Trump taking a dark turn mocking President Biden's State of the Union Address and the lifelong stutter he deals with said I've.

To bring the country to to to to together the former president lashing out at his successor everything Joe Biden touches turns to everything fewer than a 100 miles away President Biden firing back but we all know Donald Trump sees a different americ an American story of resentment revenge and retribution.

That's not me the president's campaign boasting of raising $10 million in the 24 hours following the state of the union and firing off a $30 million ad Blitz with a new commercial addressing one of his biggest vulnerabilities look I'm not a young guy that's no secret but here's the deal I understand how to get things done for the American people on.

Another potential vulnerability immigration the President telling msnbc's Jonathan Kart he regretted referring to the suspect in Georgia College student lakan Riley's murder as quote an illegal and I shouldn't have used illegal I should it's undocumented Mr Trump who says he met with Riley's family before his event responding he.

Was an illegal immigrant he was an illegal migrant and he shouldn't have been in our country and he never would have been under the Trump policy and in more Fallout from the state of the union Alabama Senator Katie Brit who gave the Republican response now under growing scrutiny after attacking president B and telling a story of a girl who was sex.

Trafficked by cartels we wouldn't be okay with this happening in a third world country President Biden's border policies are a disgrace it later emerged the incident Brit was likely referencing took place under the Bush Administration not Biden's Brit speech mocked by Saturday Night Live rest assured every detail about it is real except the year.

Where it took place and who was president when it happened on Sunday Brit pressed on the issue but to be clear the story that you relate is not something that's happened under the Biden Administration that particular person um well I very I very clearly said I spoke to a woman who told me about when she was trafficked when.

She was 12 so I didn't say a a teenager I didn't say a young woman a busy week ahead for President Biden with three more swing state appearances scheduled nothing on the public calendar for former president Trump all right Garrett he thank you so much well there are intensifying concerns this morning over safety in the.

Skies as the justice department opens a criminal investigation into that incident on an Alaska Airlines flight in January where a door plug on a Boeing Max 737 airplane blew off mid-flight Alaska Airline says it is cooperating with the investigation NBC News correspondent Stephanie gos joins us with more on this Stephanie good morning.

So what is the justice department looking into exactly well Alaska Airline says it's not the target of this investigation and the investigators are looking into that incident on January 5th that terrifying moment when the door panel flew off of Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 max9 plane uh the the airlin saying that it is normal for an investigation.

Like this to take place meanwhile the W Wall Street Journal is reporting that multiple passengers and crew have been questioned about the incident um no one was actually hurt in that incident it was remarkable when you look at those pictures that we've been looking at now for weeks um but multiple passengers dozens have hired attorneys to represent.

Them one of those attorneys spoke over the weekend in response to this news about the investigation and said that his clients are looking for accountability neither Boeing nor the doj has commented on the investigation guys so what's definitely normal is the national Transportation safety board is already investigating this incident.

What's the latest on that one yeah that's I know on top of this doj investigation that's been ongoing the NTSB chair last week in a senate hearing accused Boeing the manufacturer of not turning over documents and information that it asked for Boeing then sent a letter to uh Senator Maria canell kwell um saying that those documents never.

Existed even though the manufacturer itself says it's part of their policy to create documents uh about door panel or in this in this case a door penel but in any manufacturing process even so the an NTSB chair said in that hearing that that could also be a problem for Boeing if those documents were never created Stephanie separate from this.

Investigation and separate from that particular incident the door plug incident there have been these other scary moments for passengers on flights even just in the last few days remind us of those yeah there have been a few and related to United Airlines there were two flights that left um San Francisco's airport one of them.

Had to turn around another couple of flights at Houston there were some problems with hydraulics uh it was also an American Airlines flight that had some issues you know it's worth pointing out that that actually incidents like these would affect you if you fly a lot something like one and I I guess they the statistic is you have a 100% chance.

Of experiencing one of these only if you fly more than 27,000 flights over 27,000 years I don't know something crazy the point is is that you're you're far safer getting on a plane than you are getting in your car or even walking down a New York City street block there you go all good to keep in mind good context Stephanie.

Thank you so much let's check in with Michelle grman for a look at the weather forecast week Mich good morning what can we expect good morning guys well we're looking at a few things as we go throughout this work week we're looking first today in the west a series of storms moving on Shore we're going to see more lower elevation rain some.

Higher elevation snow it's going to be windy too along the coast the middle of the country nice and dry lots of sunshine but it's going to be warm we're looking at record warm temperatures 10 20 30 even 40 degrees above what is typical for this time of year we're going to be to the 60s and 70s unfortunately that warmer air some.

Really dry conditions low humidity some Gusty winds that's going to increase the fire uh risk in portions of the Central and Southern Plains then we're looking out west we're dry in the Southeast we're dry for most of the Mid-Atlantic into the Northeast it's really an interior parts of the Northeast into New England we're watching that last oomph.

Of that storm that came through this weekend it's bringing very windy conditions that's going to be the biggest impact today where we can see winds gusting up to 60 mes per hour in some spots we're going to see power outages we're going to see some trees and power lines down and also probably seeing some airport toades we're already.

Seeing this at that hour and we're going to see the winds picking up later on this afternoon into the evening then as we near Wednesday once again starting out in the west we're looking at Rockies snow so Inner Mountain uh snow we're looking at some snow along the Pacific Northwest once again some rain to the central plains dry in the Southern.

Plains but still really really warm from the Southern Plains Central Plains into portions of the Midwest sunny and Mild that warm air is going to move off to the Northeast so we're going to be well above normal on Wednesday Thursday even into Friday and nice and dry from New England all the way down to portions of the southeast some parts of Florida.

Could see some rain things change on Friday though we're looking at snowy conditions in Parts the Southwest parts of the rocky some lower elevation rain as well Sun they playing same story it's going to be a rainy day onid Friday we're looking at some snow in the midwest in the Northern Plains so lots going on on Friday a storm threat.

Throughout portions of the Tennessee Valley and the Mississippi Valley into the southeast and Rain returns for the Mid-Atlantic all the way into the Northeast and also New England could see some higher elevation snow in New England as well so today more winter-like today we're looking at that area of low pressure that brought us at.

Really wet Saturday and also parts of Sunday that's still impacting us it's moving off into the Canadian maritimes but still bringing those really Gusty winds and once again we'll see winds gusting up to 60 miles per hour that's going to cause a few problems with power power outages and also airport delays 62 million people under wind alerts we have.

A wind advisories we have winter storm uh wind high wind warnings as well that's where you see the purple so row o you have a high wind warning winter alerts as well nearly 3 million people under win uh winter alerts because we're looking at snowfalling in the higher elevations of the upper uh Upstate New York we're also looking at New England.

Where you see the pink that's your winter storm warning also wind to advisories now we're going to see up to four or five Ines of rain we had a lot of rain yesterday it's heavy wet snow we're going to add to that today not a whole lot we're going to start to see that wind down by this afternoon evening hours but still contending with that.

This morning that spring warm that's a big story temperatures so above normal for this time of year feeling summer like in spots temperatures into the mid-70s and de Mo that's 28 degrees above what is typical for this time of year 70s and sou Falls Selena down to Oklahoma City also looking really warm in parts of the Tennessee Valley into.

The Ohio Valley Detroit you're 55 today 55 that's degrees above what is typical for this time of year and then we're going to see that spring Warth moving into the Northeast as well but still looking at 70s in the central plains and New York City by tomorrow 61 that's 12 degrees above normal Wednesday even warmer Thursday even warmer than that.

Once we get through this wind I'm very excited for the week ahead this wind kind of stinks canar like T out there and it's chilt it really is thanks sure now to Hollywood's biggest night the 96th annual Academy Awards it was a huge night for Oppenheimer as expected which took took home many of the night's Top prizes including the big one best.

Picture abbc News correspondent Kaye Hartung joins us now with the highlights Kaye good morning hey good morning guys what a night it was even after the show was forced to start five minutes late as hundreds of protesters calling for a ceasefire and Gaza put Hollywood in total gridlock Oscars night found its.

Footing with deserving winners emotional moments and some comedy the academy delivered and my eyes see Oppenheimer at the 96th Academy Awards it was an exclusive night for Oppenheimer the film winning seven Oscars including best picture and best director for Christopher Nolan we don't know where this incredible journey is.

Going from here but to know that you think that I'm a meaningful part of it means the world to me Killian Murphy also taking home his first Oscar for his leading role as Robert Oppenheimer For Better or For Worse we're all living in oppenheimer's world so I would really like to dedicate this to the peacemakers everywhere Emma Stone Emma Stone's.

Lively performance in poor things earning her second best actor statue which she dedicated to her daughter most importantly my daughter who's going to be three in 3 days and has turned our lives Technicolor I love you bigger than the whole Sky My Girl The acting wins all the more special with a new twist this year past winners introducing the.

New nominees am it was also a big night for first timers Robert Downey Jr Robert Downey Jr winning his first Oscar for his supporting role in Oppenheimer I'd like to thank my terrible childhood and the.

Academy in that order while Davon Joy Randol cooked up a supporting actress win for the holdovers for so long I've always wanted to be different and now I realize I just need to be myself and I thank you I thank you for seeing me the night was full of surprises from.

John Cena bearing it all while presenting the Oscar for best costume design costumes they are so important to Messi the Beloved dog from anatomy of a fall applauding to a barbon standoff Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling poking fun at The Showdown that dominated the summer box office and the.

Way this award season's turned out wasn't that much of a rivalry so still Gosling proved he was K up with a spectacular performance of I'm just Ken the Barbie themed Bonanza featuring slash on guitar and a star studded singalong that had everyone feeling the kenergy and that electric performance from Ryan.

Gosling that had everyone in the theater on their feet it had Emma Stone so excited she popped open the seams on the back of her dress just rocking out with her former La La Land co-star now it was another song from Barbie that took home the coveted Oscar for best original song but get this with that win pop Superstar Billy ish made history becoming the.

Youngest two-time Oscar winner at the age of 22 wow guys how about that is amazing two Oscars at such a young age that performance was also great by the way but oh my gosh the Ken one was to and now we have the Ken song in our head again for the rest of the day all right Kaye thank you so much appreciate it thank you much more to come on this.

Monday edition of morning news now including the brother of Princess Diana Charles Spencer now speaking out about alleged physical and sexual abuse he says he experienced as a young student but first the growing Fallout from that curious Republican response to President Biden's State of the Union by Al abama Senator Katie Britt stay with.

us welcome back let's return to the Fallout from those remarks that Alabama Senator Katie Britt made during the Republican response to the State of the Union Address last week the Freshman Senator was criticized for a story she told about a victim of human trafficking she implied it happened in the United.

States and during President Biden's tenure but a journalist named Jonathan Katz looked into that claim and discovered that it actually happened in Mexico about 20 years ago during the George W Bush Administration for more on this we are joined by NBC News senior National politics reporter Jonathan Allen John good morning so walk us.

Through this controversy and how exactly all of this was discovered yeah one of the oldest rules in politics is if you're going to tell a story that uh uh is intended to bolster your point about public policy that that story better be right and what you saw here uh Katie Brit the senator from Alabama trying to uh basically show that.

Uh the Biden Administration has not been uh strong enough on border security and that there's uh you know sex trafficking going on uh and by the way uh you know arguably true things comes up with this story and says she met this woman who told her a story about you know being uh you know being abused uh coming to the United States and of course uh turned.

Out to be uh totally untrue not to say that the woman's story of abuse was untrue but simply the details that it happened in the United States um and uh you know that it happened uh during the uh Biden Administration where on TR so now Katie Brit uh is backpedaling and uh looking for a way to uh to try to make herself um you know seemed like she.

Wasn't telling a telling a fib so over the weekend she faced questions about this story tell us how she's responding to the allegations well she's trying to explain uh you know what what she met what the attemp was the the sort of overall of the uh the situation here but um you know it's a a little little late the.

Horse is out of the barn I think we have a sound bite let's listen to that did you mean to give the impression that this horrible story happened on President Biden's watch no Shannon look I very specifically said this is what President Biden did during his first 100 days off.

Okay but but to be clear the story that you relate is not something that's happened under the Biden Administration that particular person um well I very I very clearly said I spoke to to a woman who told me about when she was trafficked when she was 12 so I didn't say uh a teenager I didn't say a young woman a a grown woman a woman when she.

Was trafficked when she was 12 so John I mean this is obviously not what the GOP wanted to be talking about in the aftermath of the state union especially as we gear up for the long general election fight ahead what is it Republicans are saying just about these accusations and Senator Brit's response yeah I mean on the other hand but just.

Joe that certainly they don't want to be uh talking about the uh you know what you know the accuracy of the issue but they do want to be talking about the border and so the extent that that issue is uh focused on I think that that's something that they're not terribly uncomfortable with what they are uh you know what they're looking to do that was.

Make uh a stronger case about uh CA about individual incidents and the broader stuff that's happening under the B Administration so you saw Senator Brit there uh you know trying to back away from what she said but the the the Border argument is one that's going to continue all right John thank you so much appreciate it well the brother of.

Princess Diana Charles Spencer has alleged he was sexually and physically abused as a child by staff members at his boarding school in his new book titled a very private school Spencer Chronicles what he describes as years of abuse and it is already causing shock waves Spencer sat down at his family's estate in the English Countryside for.

His first interview about the book with NBC News senior investigative and legal correspondent Cynthia mcfat a happy memory from childhood Charles Spencer still has the little red jacket he wore standing next to his sister Diana at the local Day School they attended together from the beginning she was his protector my first.

Day there the head mistress said Diana wouldn't settle in the classroom and she said go on go and check on him and Diana ran out and came and looked into my classroom to see I was okay and then she came back and said to that mistress he's fine but all that would soon change within 4 years I was eight being sent off to a brutal place by myself saying.

Goodbye to Diana who I grew up with his eyes stung with tears he was headed to maidwell Hall the all boys boarding school he says he can't bear to remember but will'll never forget we were like prisoners we were prey to very bad people's worst instincts he says the worst of those bad people was the school's head Master Mr porch in my view.

A pedophile and a sadist and he staffed the school himself with either people who were going along with what he was doing or were going to be mute about it what was going on he says was not just Bleak but often criminal this is not a bunch of mid teen late teen kids going through a rough school this is children being sexually physically and.

Emotionally abused on a daily basis we sat down with Spencer a best-selling author and historian at alfor home to his ancestors since 1508 it's surrounded by over 10,000 acres of farm in Parkland inside Priceless paintings by van djk and others it is also his famous sister's burial.

Place so much of what you write about I think will leave readers speechless so contrary to everything we think about um the privileged life all the money the homes being the godson of the queen which you are I told a friend of mine about this recently and he said I just can't believe you weren't protected as if coming from this incredibly.

Privileged back background somehow would be a protection against pedophiles and sadists but there is no protection against those sorts of people especially when secrecy is Paramount the most important code of this very flawed regime was never to tell Tales the secrets the 75 boys all under 13 kept were dark every week at least half a.

Dozen would be whipped with a cane and we all had showers together after sport and you could see the blood the the the split skin how could the parents not have asked questions I have a theory so the the old money there sort of thought well this is going to make my son tougher and more successful and then people who had made money more recently.

Thought well this is what they do and we want to be part of this set he says abuse came from some of the teachers too there was one particularly violent master and he caught me by myself in a changing room going out to play cricket and he just grabbed me and threw me over his knee and Cricket boots have spikes on the metal spikes and he beat me and.

Beat me but what has truly haunted him was being sexually abused at the age he was in this portrait 11 the Predator he says a young adult female a member of the staff charged with taking care of the young boys she would come around to my bed when others were asleep and uh kiss me you know French kiss for ages and it was.

So such I if I was 17 18 it would be a different thing but I was 11 it was so confusing he says she was sexually abusing several other boys and having intercourse with at least two of them I mean I'm embarrassed to say it was thrilling especially in a in an emotional desert but of course it was terrible she pretended she was going to.

Have to leave early to keep us all on tender hooks really and I remember cutting myself as a sort of I thought if I hurt myself enough then God will let her stay when he was 12 he says and traveling with his mother in Italy he secretly acted out the final scene of the sexual abuse from the year before I had not had sexual intercourse with the.

Predator and I took my pocket money and had I lost my virginity to a prostitute and at the age of 12 and I see that as the completion of what she had done to me who the first person you ever told what had happened to you a therapist when I was about 42 you kept this inside yes and he said.

Whisper to me one thing you've never told anyone and I said I was sexually abused by a woman when I was a child he dedicates the book to buzz that was the nickname I had in my family before I went to maidwell and that was the boy who had part of him snuffed out during those 5.

Years at the school I wanted to reconnect with the Carefree happy little guy I was before I was sent to this place well maidwell school is taking his charges seriously and told NBC News in a statement they have now reached out to the local authorities charged with protecting children and will follow.

Their guidance they told us about what to do from this point and they also encourage anyone with similar experiences to come forward and contact those officials or the police and a key part of this is that he says he's not alone right absolutely he interviewed over two dozen of the the men then boys who he went to school with who were.

There during the period of roughly 1972 to 77 and he says some of their stories are even more horrific than his you know he's so Keen to make sure that everyone understand he's not looking for sympathy he is hoping this will promote healing he is hoping that maybe this will give courage to some other kids who have been in a similar situation maybe now grown.

Adults oh all right Cynthia MC had an incredible reporting thank you so much coming up a spring break crime Crackdown that's now putting some real pressure on businesses in Miami why the police pressure there is not only cutting back on violence but crucial profits too stick around that's.

Next welcome back welcome back spring break is now officially in full swing for many schools around the country but in Miami a hot spot for the annual tradition things are considerably calmer than in years past NBC News correspondent Sam Brock join us now from South Beach with more Sam good morning yeah Joe Savannah good morning.

Look we've been talking about this for a long time this weekend was the test one of the busiest of the spring break period in the city passed with flying colors Joe I got to tell you that we're seeing success not just from all the police officers people saying they've seeing more officers than actual partyers but also measures like this you.

See barricades over my shoulder they're stacked up now but they were all up and down Ocean Drive and the street next to that and the street next to that prev parking and keeping chaos at a minimum even as it was putting some pressure on local businesses this morning spring break Miami Beach and peaceful all in the same.

Sentence we've actually been uh surprised with how calm everything's been that's something we haven't been able to say in years did you think it was going to be a crush of people off of Ocean Drive yeah like a regular be when we come I've seen more police than people to really get the full picture it might help to see the beach from from.

Above compared to recent years when unruly crowds and fatal shootings led the states of emergency darkening the sun soaked celebrations this year though authorities cracking down to protect families and partyers alike when you look around what are you seeing today a lot of police.

Officers but very friendly smiling police officers they're ready if anything happens police making more than 140 arrests so far utilizing DUI checkpoints and barricades to block parking which you'll see in front of Tracy rell's Store The Baked Bear on nearby Washington Avenue to know that our sales are down from the previous.

Week pre- spring break that's a huge impact for me this one is the pistachio Revel is grateful for the safety measures but says the restrictions are eating into her profits by at least 20% can you fault the city for taking these steps it's kind of hard to fault them because again we want them to be safe we don't want Miami to shut down we want.

People to want to come to South Beach right down the street under normal circumstances how crowded would this restaurant be right now uh I will have at least half of the tables and maybe some people at the bar I no one bolar restaurant is empty at 6:00 on a Sunday imine I mean if you're a customer and you want to you see oh look a Latin.

American restaurant and you have no place to to park what can you do so this right here is devastating for business yeah this is Devastation for us the upshot for the city and South Florida is that order is being restored I think that with the barricades and just the police presence is making everybody feel a little bit more comfortable in a place.

That's traditionally been a spring break Haven for Rowdy college students now as Millions again flock here to unwind it's partying with parameters if you abide by the rules you'll have a great time if you break the rules we will deal with you accordingly now those enhanced parking restriction measures are coming in.

Chunks from Thursday through Sunday for each each of the next two weekends as well and guys all of the parking garages here in South Beach close for next weekend most of these measures extend through the rest of the month but it is clearly working a spring break has been broken up with in Miami Beach so far it's been amicable Joe and Savannah be.

All right Sam Brock thank you here now travel expert Mark Elwood to help us know about navigating the rules for spring break okay so we went from one extreme it appears to the other I guess the question is could they find a happy medium or we is this what spring break might look like there a while I think I think Miami is is an exception because I.

Don't know if you've been to Miami one of the party weekends but it can feel I mean it can feel borderline post-apocalyptic it's it was pretty bad for sure you know what we're talking about so I think Miami is an extreme I suspect once they bring in regulations like this they will swing back next year to perhaps a happy medium but but it's a.

Short sharp shock they're trying to make a statement are we seeing Extreme Measures like this in other places and if you're heading to them I mean how can you navigate it to you know enjoy yourself at all oh tell Panama City Beach is doing a similar perhaps not not as extreme but very much controls on alcohol no loitering in parking lots.

Florida in general is recognizing that it's had a real problem with this kind of behavior I think it's always about luck if you do as the as the police chief said there if you do follow the rules you're not really going to have any problems travel light don't bring big bags that might need to be checked think of it a bit like going through the.

Airport how do you prepare do you know I think all things like that will mean that you can enjoy yourself without feeling like big brother is watching you on spring break so there's a lot of Coastline around America are there are there other places to go that are fun that are nice what are some good Alternatives I I would say think about.

The Carib you can go to US Virgin Islands without a passport so remember you can have a Caribbean Experience I would also say think about Europe just like Thanksgiving for the rest of the world it's just March so you can get a flight to London this month I checked at just over 500 bucks so if you want to go to Europe it's not going to be big.

Crowds there and you in Italy you'll have great weather this month that is really good advice Mark El thank you so much good to see you coming up Kim Congress really banned Tik Tok it's a big question on a lot of people's minds this morning as we look ahead to a key vote on Capitol Hill this week that could signal the apps time at least here.

In America is running out that's next on morning news now we are back now with a look at lawmakers efforts to crack down on Tik Tok Congress is set to vote on a bill that could lead to the platform being banned Nationwide it's all leaving users worried that their time on the app might.

Be hanging in the balance now this morning former president Trump told CNBC in an interview that Tik Tok was a national security threat but that in his estimation similar to the threat posed by other social media platforms like Facebook for more on this we are joined by business and data correspondent Brian Chung Brian good morning so let's kind.

Of rewind a little bit because this is not a new concern I was on the hill like a year ago when the CEO was grilled at that point we've seen him several times actually on the hill in different Congressional hearings so why is it now that this has come up again and that lawmakers are trying to crack down yeah well I mean some of this seems to be.

Perhaps getting into the headlines before end of ahead of an election but all this boils down to exactly what we've already been talking about for many years which is National Security so the lawmakers that are behind this Bild which by the way is bipartisan have argue that because the Chinese parent company bite dance uh owns Tik Tok well.

Anything that's on Tik Tok in the use of here in America might be going back to the Chinese government that the Chinese government might be getting all that data now Tik Tok for its part denies those allegations they say that they operate independently that their servers are all here in the United States but nonetheless there are still those.

Concerns about what is the relationship between the data that Tik Tok collects and the Chinese government so this bill would force uh Tik Tok to be divested by the Chinese parent company within 6 months we'll see what happens the house is set to vote on it sometime this week of course it would still need the Senate's approval and then the white.

House before ultimately becoming into law it seems like lawmakers are between a Tik Tok and a hard place so where do things stand with the band and what else is Tik Tok saying in response to the possibility this could happen yeah so when it comes to where we stand right now again the house is uh set to vote on it this week but it passed out of the.

Committee on a 50 to zero vote so you know like you never hear about that in this Congress so it's bipartisan but again whether or not the president signs it into law is going to be the ultimate question here uh the bayen Administration has signaled that it would be interested in uh supporting this bill but of course Anything Could.

Happen we've heard a number of Senators over the weekend say they're still kind of figuring out what this bill would mean but even if it does get past the bill language says that it would take six months for uh it would basically start the clock for six months to bite dance to sell Tik Tok off if they can sell it Tik Tok goes on completely uh.

You know uninterrupted but if they fail to sell it that would that's when the Ban's going to come into place and Tik Tok says if that happens it's going to destroy the livelihoods of the millions of creators that have built a reputation on this app they' built businesses in some cases on this app so they're pushing back they they had a.

Notification last week calling on their users to call their local offices so there's a lot going on here yeah and people are passionate I mean the lines were flooded and actually it appears like it sort of backfired because ay it was just annoying that the phones are ringing out the hook but also they use that geolocation sort of technology.

Which I think lawmaker saw is like hey isn't this kind of what we're concerned about that they have so much control and 150 million people in the US use it more than that what does this mean for people who do use it I mean I I know like livelihood a lot of people make their money here but also how would this actually go into effect should it happen.

Yeah and by the way I've already heard of anecdotes of users that are trying to maybe hedge their bets here and try to you know boost a little bit of the posting on other sites on YouTube on Instagram but again it would not be a ban that would take effect once the house votes on this thing this week right so it's not going to be immediate.

Once it gets passed by the house it needs to go on to the Senate then to the White House even after that happens it would take 6 months minimum for that divesture to happen so if you think about it right this this will take us closer to the election because it's March right and whether or not that actually happens it also depends on the.

Legal system because there could be a ban that could be put in place and once that six-month clock expires but maybe Tik Tok would pursue legal action where there would be a stay that would uh delay the actual implementation of the ban itself so it's going to be some time before an actual ban happens so for any Tik tokers that are watching this it's.

Not like it's going to happen this week but if that does happen I mean again we were talking about this in 2020 uh folks in who lived in Montana faced a ban last year on this uh so it's going to take a lot of time but you know you're already starting to see users saying there's the possibility this might be happening so they're posting elsewhere all right.

Brian Chong thank you more financial headlines Delta is eyeing a potential delay in some aircraft deliveries from boing CNBC savan Han now joins us with that another mondy news Savannah good morning Savannah Joe good morning to yes so the CEO of Delta Airlines expects deliveries of Boeing 737 Max 10 planes could be delayed as far out as 2027 at.

As the aircraft maker is the subject of federal safety and criminal investigations Ed Bastion tells Bloomberg Delta had already been expecting the orders to be pushed until until Le at least late next year Delta has orders for 100 Max 10 planes and options to buy 30 more united pulled the max 10 from its Fleet plan earlier this.

Year due to Extended delays Nvidia is being sued by three authors who say the chip maker used their copyrighted books without permission to train its AI platform they claimed their work was part of a data set to help the AI system called Nemo simulate ordinary written language before it was taken down in October the authors are seeking an.

Unspecified amount of Damages Nvidia has declined comment and Crispy Cream is offering free donuts for St Patrick's Day the chain is introducing four new varieties and bringing back the popular original glazed donut in honor of the holiday you can get them starting today and for a limited time at participating stores also if you wear green while.

Visiting a Crispy Cream in store or via the drive-thru this coming weekend you can get one free original glazed donut I didn't know they got rid of the glazed donut huh me either I I I think it was maybe like I don't think it was that I think it was just some sort of like same Patty's Day themed one I don't know I'm not sure how can you get rid of the.

Glaz's donut at Krispy cream right exactly thank you appreciate it thank you well frustration is growing among Millennials and jenz when it comes to the job market many are feeling it is too unstable to make a living NBC News correspondent Julie cirin has more if you're on social media chances are you've seen these videos all over.

Your for you page I'm pretty sure I'm getting laid off today job cuts no matter the industry can be found all over over the headlines So to avoid being just another one of the more than 160,000 layoffs this year alone jenz and Millennials found a little hack Calling it Quits on the private sector and going public many looking to lock down.

Government jobs for security public service was something I always wanted to do besides the benefits but also one of the reasons is because you were not going to get laid off versus private sector 77% of the class of 2024 say more likely to apply to a job that promises stability and that's what a government job offers we have to have a government.

If we don't are Society is in trouble and our democracy as well so it's not that your jobs are forever necessarily but certainly the organization is there salaried workers in the public sector hold their jobs for three more years on average than in private and the younger generation is beginning to notice #g government jobs on Tik Tok has more than.

23 million views use we need to start applying to jobs with the federal government on a popular career site for college kids federal jobs receive twice as many applications the paycheck is probably smaller on average federal workers earned about 22% less than private sector workers with similar roles but for many the benefits are the.

Selling point good health insurance retiring early with a pension plus after a decade student loans are wiped clean for many that's a perk nearly 70% say will influence their decisions and of course there's the work life balance you do your job 9 to5 and then you can enjoy your life after work and do what you want to do but right now less than 8% of.

Federal workers are younger than 30 and nearly half are over 50 the challenge though is that the leaders in government don't often prioritize creating the opportunities for young people ensuring that that the managers know how to manage gen Z and Millennials and and making sure the process itself is not overly onerous too says the long process.

Can be a big turnoff I tell them that it's going to take a minute and when they say what do you mean a minum like 5 to 6 months they get very discouraged by it but for him it's worth it you just have to be patient because at the end of the day you're going to get a secure job where you're not going to get lead off all thanks to Julie herin for that.

Report coming up a tightly knit band of Brothers bonded by their love of the ice after the break we're going to introduce you to the mud ducks a hockey Haven nestled in Minnesota they're giving a vital sense of community to those who need it most stay with us we are back with a big win for the US.

Women's National Soccer Team that's right the team beat Brazil yesterday to win the inaugural cona W Gold Cup title midfielder Lindsey horen scored the first and only goal of the game with a header in the first half this was the fourth time the US faced Brazil in a tournament final and also their fourth win yesterday's match drew a sellout.

Crowd to San Diego Snapdragon stadium and a record turnout for a cona cap women's match pretty cool and some good news with the Olympics just around the corner there you go all right we end this hour with the making of a mud duck that's the name of a group of men in their 60s and 70s who spend their mornings playing hockey well now they're.

Adding new members to their flock my dear friend Boyd hoopert of our Minneapolis affiliate Carol EV that's that story ready here you go alone is not the best way we got one to play hockey that's a hit but when dad's not around it is Matt Jenkins I got him default nonstop Denise and Morgan That's daily say hockey is everything to their.

Son how much do I like hockey 100% dude Matt is unique when he was born there was some hinting there there was a genetic marker that was missing in his his uh chromosomes developmentally delayed it's all they can tell us delayed yeah and delightful don't do this at home got him Matt liked his high school years and three more spent after.

Graduation in his school district's transition program after that here you go missing his friends and structure Matt found sales alone at the iserin where he also found them the mud ducks a group of men in their 60s and 70s it's our coffee clutch they said you know if you want to come at 9:00 when we start you can skate.

With us which is how 74-year-old Don Breeman and 74-year-old Tom wat ended up skating daily with 21-year-old Matt Nice Shot dog's a good teammate huh You're a good teammate oh thank you sir there is team this is where it all begins the team that thought Matt needed better gear then bought it for him get pads on including a jersey like theirs he sets.

His alarm every day my ducks on it sitting at the front door waiting that looks good just when Matt needed New France you look like one of us he is he found them three times his age they are everything to him he comes home and he talks about them so and so wasn't here today they think he's sick I hope he's okay the mud Ducks don't play games they.

Just play enjoying hcky boy and each other oh yeah it's been a blessing for everybody when Steve Burnham in the saw how Matt was thriving he started bringing his own son will who has autism hey look at that will going now learning to skate and getting encouragement from M we're doing good well what do you say they they let him be who he is and.

They are inclusive bye Paulie when we leave he G gives us a hug Steve means a lot wisdom born of age this is a life isn't it and friends two bored of a flock yeah he's a mud duck Boyd hoopert NBC News Cottage Grove Minnesota Minnesota nice on the ice there you go he's a mud duck love it thanks to Boyd.

For sharing that story with us that is going to do it for this hour of morning news now stay with us as the news continues right now thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC news app or follow us on social media.

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