Morning News NOW Fats Broadcast – Mar. 4


Morning News NOW Fats Broadcast – Mar. 4

Good to have you with us on this Monday I'm Joe frier and I'm Savannah cers we're going to get started this morning with the race for the White House and just one more day until more than a dozen states head to the polls on super Tuesday today in North Dakota 29 delegates will be up for grabs in the Republican Presidential caucuses there.

Former president Donald Trump is looking to inch closer to winning the party's nomination with a win today and then a strong showing tomorrow Trump's rival former un Ambassador Nikki Haley did win her first nominating contest of the primary season NBC news projects Haley as the winner easily in the Washington DC primary over the weekend it's a win.

Her campaign hopes will spark some momentum heading into Super Tuesday meanwhile Trump has extended his overall delegate lead over Haley by picking up wins on Saturday in Idaho Michigan and Missouri Meet the Press moderator Kristen Welker sat down with Nikki Haley and spoke about the state of the race and whether she would support Trump if.

He becomes the nominee here are some highlights hello there Savannah and Joe this week on Meet the Press I spoke with former Ambassador Nikki Haley here's what she had to say about whether she would stand by her Ry pledge to support the Republican nominee even if it's Donald Trump you did sign a pledge in RNC.

Pledge to support the eventual nominee do you still feel Bound by that pledge I have always said that I have serious concerns about Donald Trump I have even more concerns about Joe Biden so is that a no are you Bound by the r c pledge the RNC pledge I mean at the time of the debate we had to take it to where would you support the nominee and you had to.

In order to get on that debate stage you said yes the RNC is now not the same RNC now it's so you're no longer bound by that pledge no I think I'll make what decision I want to make but that's not something I'm thinking about and I think that while y'all think about that I'm looking at the fact that we had thousands of people in Virginia we're.

Headed to North Carolina we're going to continue to go to Vermont and Maine and all these states to go and show people that there is a path forward and so I don't look at what ifs I look at how do we continue the conversation you can see my full interviews and a lot more at meet the you can also get more Meet the.

Press here on NBC news now every weekday at 4M all right Kristen thank you for more on the race we're joined Now by NBC News correspondent Von hilard good to have you with us let's start with Nikki Haley's first primary win in DC I guess first was this expected and second significant is it as we head into Super TW you could make the case that it was.

The next excuse me guys Monday here the next best chance for Nikki Haley outside of her home state of South Carolina which Donald Trump beat her handily in when you're looking at Washington DC you know Donald Trump dismissed the fact that she won there saying overnight quote I purposely stayed away from the DC Vote.

Because it is the quote swamp with very few delegates and no upside again Donald Trump trying to make the case that it's the Insiders that want Nikki Haley nobody else of course he also picked up wins in the likes of Missouri Idaho and Michigan this weekend where Nikki Haley did not let's talk about super Tuesday so this is more than a dozen states.

Nearly 900 delegates what are you going to be watching out for right onethird of the delegate Hall is going to come out of tomorrow's election results and there's big plays in places like California if one of the candidates we're expecting that to be Donald Trump gets over 50% he would take all of the delegates out of California so when does.

Donald Trump actually hit the delegate threshold to become what we call the presumptive nominee essentially hit that Mark to be the guy we expect it as soon as March 12th and if not then March 19th because the polling in each of these more than 12 States show Donald Trump is dominating and so far the results so so far have shown no reason as to why that.

Won't be the case tomorrow let's look at something happening in two of the states Arkansas and North Carolina voters will encounter a stricter voter ID requirements put in place since 2020 what are these requirements and how could they impa things right all these new laws are playing out in real time since the 2020 election eight states.

Have new voter ID laws including North Carolina and Arkansas so in both of those States folks have to show some form of ID photo ID when they are coming to the pools and in the case of North Carolina if you are sending in a mail ballot you even have to send in a copy a photo copy of your photo ID along with your ballot in the mail so these new.

Measures are going into effect and we should note now 36 states around the country have some form of voter ID laws for folks when they go to the fs it's going to be a big issue throughout the year all right Von Hillard thank you so much we're going to have full coverage of super Tuesday right here on NBC news now our extended coverage gets underway.

Tomorrow 5:00 p.m. Eastern 2:00 Pacific time and as we head into Super Tuesday the Supreme Court could decide today if former president Trump will remain on the primary ballot in Colorado Mr Trump oh sorry Trump is currently on the state primary ballot after a hold was placed on the Colorado Supreme Court ruling that removed him because of his efforts.

To overturn the 2020 election results Trump's legal challenges are keeping the Supreme Court busy and another incredibly important case justices will hear arguments toward the end of April at issue whether former presidents have immunity for actions taken while in office that decision could have far-reaching implications in several.

Other charges the former president is facing NBC News legal analyst Danny savalos joins us now with more Danny good morning so a decision is expected today on whether Trump should be included on color 's primary ballot tomorrow we could get this today take us back to the oral arguments and what they really seem to reveal about how the.

Justices are thinking and what a ruling could potentially look like here justices on the court including those considered on the liberal side of the line uh seem skeptical or concerned about the idea that an individual State could keep a presidential candidate off the ballot and thereby substantially affecting the outcome of an election and.

So as just as they predicted we now see all these different challenges that are procedurally very different some of them are in the state courts some of them are administratively through the state Secretary of State for example uh so the justices have a lot of issues before them and the challengers those who seek to keep Trump off the ballot have to.

Have a lot of things go right for them meanwhile on the other hand it really seems that the justices only need to conclude uh that any of the challengers uh positions are wrong and Trump stays on the ballot if you're betting the odds are Trump stays on all of these ballots so Danny Trump this isn't Trump's only case in front of the high court the.

Justices have also agreed to hear these arguments over his claim of presidential immunity I know it's a tough one to figure out but How likely is the high court to reverse the lower Court's decision which says no immunity for you and is the delay alone just a win for the former president If This Were a normal case you might think the Supreme.

Court never would have taken this up in the first place and here's why you have the issue at the district court goes one way then it goes the exact same way at the Circuit Court of Appeals no immunity under ordinary circumstances you would think that this petition this request for the court to the high court to hear this case would be denied because.

There's really nothing for them to take on normally you have a circuit split or some uh reason some Patchwork law throughout the United States that interests the court however this is an issue of monumental legal importance so the court is like was was likely to take it up for that reason and even though they put in their order taking up the.

Case is no indication about how they feel about the merits of the case now you take that uh how you will in that short order so how are they likely to rule that who knows but in terms of creating delay uh the Trump team has succeeded in the sense that this is more months added on and as we get closer and closer it seems more and more difficult.

To have a trial in the middle of the election this year so Danny one of the cases that could maybe be impacted right depending on how timing shakes out by the Supreme Court decision on this immunity issue is the classified documents case so this is that material that was found at Mar Lago and so far the judge has not set a new trial date.

Now prosecutors want it to start in July Trump's attorneys though talking about Jays want it postponed until at least August what are some of the issues at play here for both sides as they argue over a start date I just wanted to set the stage whenever you're in federal court and this is a federal Cas you're going to trial within a matter of months.

Now if you have an unusually complex case you can stretch that out a little bit but arguably all the Trump cases are unusually complex the government disagrees with that notion including in the documents case but I mean it's a former president it's unprecedented the legal issues involved are going to be things that we've never looked at before.

So even in federal court which moves at uh break neck speed these cases are moving slowly I said in 2023 that trials would be going on in 2025 everyone thought I was nuts including me and now maybe I wasn't so nuts all right one more case to talk about here Danny and that is the Georgia election interference case the motion to dismiss.

The Fon County DA uh fonnie Willis we Friday the judge said that he expects to have a decision about two weeks real quick how high is the bar for removing a DA what are at stake if she's removed the answer is after all this oral argument we don't entirely know what the standard is for removal is it just the appearance of impropriety or do you need.

An actual conflict something that affects the prosecution of the case because you know arguably all of these things that are going on between two Das and having an affair or whatever it is allegedly uh have nothing to do with the substantive guilt or innocence of the defendants but uh Judge Scott McAfee is inscrutable it's hard to tell which way.

He's going but the standard here is going to be key and then what happens to the case well technically nothing happens to the underlying prosecution in theory a new prosecutor could Waltz in and take over the case but as our political analysts will tell you politically it's a disaster this uh da Fanny Willis was the architect of this.

Case who else wants to step in and take on a case that may have been mortally wounded at this point by this motion to disqualify all right Danny savalos as always thank you let's turn out to the Middle East where talks over a ceasefire hostage deal in Gaza are intensifying a Hamas delegation is in Cairo this morning for negotiations after a Us.

Official said over the weekend that Israel had essentially accepted the proposed framework for a six- week truce the talks come after the US carried out its first aid drop over Gaza on Saturday this is a joint effort with Jordan the UN says a quarter of gaza's population is now Starving in Selma Alabama yesterday vice president Kamala Harris.

Brought up the humanitarian situation in the Palestinian enclave and called for a ceasefire in some of the strongest comments yet by a us leader Harris called the conditions in Gaza inhumane and rebuked Israel for not letting enough Aid in what we are seeing every day in Gaza is.

Devastating we have seen reports of families eating leaves or animal feed women giving birth to malnourished babies with little or no medical care and children dying from malnutrition and dehydration Israeli government must do more to significantly increase the flow of.

Aid no excuses they must open new border crossings they must not impose any unnecessary restrictions on the delivery of Aid joining us now NBC News White House correspondent Ali Rafa and our foreign correspondent Megan Fitzgerald good morning to both of you Megan let's start with you what is the latest on.

These ceasefire hostage talks in Cairo are we actually getting any closer to a deal well look though you know both Egypt and the US have said that these negotiations seem promising while Israel didn't send a highlevel delegation to Cairo us officials are saying that Israel has basically agreed to the proposal that's on the table right now.

Uh and that the Israelis are increasingly optimistic that a deal can be reached by the start of the holy month of radon which by the way is about a week away on March 10th uh here's what we know about this potential deal it's based around the US proposal for a six we ceasefire and it would allow for more humanitarian Aid to reach The Enclave.

It's anticipated that this deal would allow uh for the release of some hostages taken from Israel in exchange for the release of some Palestinian prisoners uh an Israeli official did tell NBC news that Hamas has not yet provided a list of which hostages remain alive calling it a key issue so look uh things seem to be progressing uh but at.

This moment an agreement has not yet been reached Ali let's bring you in here and talk about that speech that we just heard a little bit of from vice president Harris expressing that disapproval at how Israel's been restricting Aid tell us more what else did we hear from her yeah vice president Harris was in.

Selma Alabama yesterday to commemorate uh the 59th anniversary of Bloody Sunday and while she was there she delivered really just in general the Biden Administration 's sharpest criticism yet of Israel's handling of its war with Hamas as you laid out she talked about in painful detail how dire the humanitarian crisis there has become she.

Called on Israel to do more to allow that humanitarian Aid to flow in and this comes of course after we saw the first deliveries of us airdrops in uh cooperation and coordination with the Jordanian Air Force uh those airdrops uh delivering nearly 40,000 ready to eat meals over gaza's uh Coastline on Saturday uh vice president Harris uh.

Also urged Israel to open more of those land routes after we know that two of Israel's border crossings are opened but the aid that is flowing through there uh has been bottlenecked in recent weeks uh and Harris really doubled down on the administration's calls for a pause in fighting to not just allow for the flow of more humanitarian Aid into Gaza but.

Also the release of remaining hostages listen what she said here and given the immense scale of suffering in Gaza there must be an immediate ceasefire Hamas claims it wants a cease fire well there is a deal on the table and as we have said Hamas needs to agree to that.

Deal her comments of of course coming at a critical time as you heard Megan talked about those critical ceasefire talks in Cairo kicking off yesterday no doubt the biding Administration watching those very closely guys so Megan the Vice President in are comments painting a picture of what's Happening inside Gaza Now NBC News is learned two.

Six-month-old Twins were among those killed in an Israeli air strike on Rafa yesterday what more can you tell us about this yeah Joe this is just another devastating story uh that we continue to see coming out of Gaza uh an Israeli attack killed 19 people in this particular strike among those killed as you mentioned six-month-old twins our.

Team on the ground in Gaza spoke to the 29-year-old mother who tearfully said that she lost both of her twins and her husband she kept repeating while holding her babies who would Now call her mom the Associated Press is reporting this woman had been trying to have children for 10 years our team on the ground also spoke to a man who says that he lost 30.

Members of his family during this war guys oh just so heartbreaking um Ally we know vice president Harris and secretary blinkin they're actually meeting with Israeli War cabinet minister Benny Gans today in Washington we understand though Gans is making this visit without prime minister netanyahu's approval explain to.

Us what's going on here yeah guys gance is not just a top Israeli War Cabinet member he's also a political rival of prime minister Netanyahu as he represents a much more Centrist view compared to netanyahu's very conservative uh government so we understand that he's going to be in Washington DC for a few days meeting.

With as you mentioned vice president Harris as well as Secretary of State Anthony blinkin National Security adviser Jake Sullivan and uh lawmakers on Capitol Hill and they're going to be talking about not just the war in Gaza they're going to be talking about how to ease the humanitarian suffering there but also talk about plans for what the.

Day after the war is going to look like as far as security and a governing system in Gaza so lots more to come out of those meetings all right Ally and Megan thank you both appreciate it let's turn now to California where the biggest snowstorm of the season has been barreling through the Sierra Nevada region this morning residents are.

Attempting to dig out as snow totals continue to build after a weekend of battling Relentless conditions including heavy snow and strong wind gusts the National Weather Service says at times the rate of snowfall in the region was more than 3 Ines of snow every hour that created life-threatening white out conditions for drivers on the road.

Interstate 80 was shut down for Miles NBC News correspondent St Patterson joins us now from Chuy California with the latest Steve good morning how are things where you are tell us what you're seeing Savannah it is miraculous I've been outside for about an hour now and this is maybe the least amount of snow that we've seen since we've been on the.

Ground here I got a train coming by it's going to be very very loud uh but I can tell you that this has been a continuous snowfall situation since Thursday night with as you mentioned some communities seeing those 3 to 5 in every hour covering this region in snow at one point there was an expanse of about 300 miles just of blizzard warning so the.

Fact that we're getting a break and we are this storm system currently is moving out being replaced by another one is a very welcome reprieve for residents the danger though still on the road as far as we know Interstate 80 still shut down for about a 100 miles guys Steve powered through the wind all weekend long so the train piece of C no problem.

At all as we mentioned Steve things you know got so intense over the weekend Interstate 80 was closed as of yesterday the California Highway Patrol said it had no estimated time of it reopening what more can you tell us about that and what it really means for people who depend on that vital artery well first of all I mean this was.

The the worst situation that the storm brought at some points people had to leave their cars on the highway they were being rescued resued from the interstate because of just how blindingly white out conditions were I can tell you just being in the car driving around areas visibility was next to zero so they had to make that.

Decision but it is a huge decision that is the major thoroughfare that is the thing that connects communities in this entire mountain region so instead of going in a straight line Direction you might have to go the entirety around Lake Tahoe to get to where you're going it means that people were cut off and I think it hit really fast.

That sort of uh decision caught people off guard I spoke to one woman who said she was just expecting some snow but they got that huge storm and it was really really unexpected listen to this we definitely thought you know maybe there was a little too much hype at first the first like 36 hours and then yesterday or Friday night we came.

Downtown it was definitely a blizzard and we woke up to a lot of snow yesterday and it never left let up but um yeah we went from 0 to 100 pretty fast 0 to 100 very fast uh people here are Hardy you know they don't believe the media when we say it's going to snow really bad uh and I think even people here were were really caught off guard.

By how much snow we got and Steve Moore on the way right the region expecting another snowstorm today how are people preparing for that on top of what's already on the ground behind you you know first of all I think we should change preparing to prepared people in this region just know what to do I mean and we've already faced now.

The worst storm of the Season likely to be the worst storm all year and and the worst that we're talking about frankly is just a really big road closure so I think you know we're going to get more snow of course maybe one to 2 feet in some communities it could be as early as this afternoon likely more like just a few inches in several other communities.

But you know nobody wants to see it but I think people are prepared for it they're ready for it these Crews have been working all day and all night a little bit more snow is nothing they can handle guys all right Steve Patterson stay warm thank you very much stay on weather and bring in meteorologist Michelle Gman for a look at this week's.

Forecast wow Michelle look at those images from Steve good morning I know it's crazy I mean some spots got over 40 inches of snow in just 24 hours and we're going to add to that as Steve mentioned we're going to add 1 to two feet in some spots anywhere from 4 to eight in the lower elevations so we do have winter alerts still this morning.

And these impacts will be felt not only today but Tuesday also Wednesday we're going to see blowing snow we're going to see blizzard conditions in some spots still really cold and some wind uh we're going to throw in there as well then on the coast we're looking at some rain and some of that could cause some floodings let's talk about today here's that next.

System coming on Shore this will bring the impacts through Wednesday we're going to see Heavy Rain more snow for Northern California then as we go throughout tomorrow we'll see the heaviest snow confined to the northern Sierra so that would be 1 to 2 feet 2 feet being the highest elevations and then we're going to see that rain.

Increasing for the coastal areas still really saturated there so it's not going to take take much to cause some flooding and we're going to see 1 to 3 in then by Wednesday snow showers Sly decrease so we're going to see improving conditions but still this rain stretching to Southern California so we'll see the system kind of sink down to the South.

Where you see those brighter colors that's where we expect the heaviest rain the heaviest snow will be in the highest elevations anywhere from 1 to 2 feet lower elevations as Steve mentioned we'll see inches of snow and then we'll see anywhere from 1 to 3 inches of rain from Washington all the way down to California where you see those darker.

Colors especially along the coast is where we're going to see the heaviest rain also expecting a lot of rain in portions of the East So today we're going to see the system moving off to the east that's going to bring the chance for rain from the Southern Plains all the way into the Midwest on the northern part of this where you see that.

Cold air where you see this blue here we're going to see some snow falling along the great lakes and also kind of a mixture in between but we will see pockets of heavy rain also concerned about the threat for some severe weather today also tomorrow tomorrow the rain chances return to the north Northeast and we're going to keep the rain in the.

Forecast there for a couple days you will need that umbrella for it a while today severe threat winds gusting up to 60 MPH could see some large hail as well where you see this green area that is the likeliest spot so Houston to Dallas Little Rock St Louis into Burlington even Chicago could see some Gusty thunderstorms as we go throughout this.

Monday then by tomorrow we're looking at that threat from Little Rock to stport Alexandria down to New Orleans again we're seeing winds gusting at 60 miles per hour somehow even a tornado threat but that is on the Lower Side another big story we'll end it here we're looking at really warm conditions very spring– like we're looking at.

Temperatures into the 70s in a lot of spots look at Buffalo 36 degrees above normal we're looking at 73 76 in Cincinnati St Louis 79 Knoxville 73 degrees as we go throughout tomorrow we'll keep that spring-like weather in the forecast because we're looking at temperatures still well above normal some temperatures today will be close to.

40 Dees above normal so by tomorrow we're looking at Pittsburgh 73 and Charleston 77 back to you both spring break and buffalo 80 that's wild all right Michelle thank you very much much more to come here on morning news now later this hour controversy on campus will take you to Florida where a new state law is forcing universities to cut.

Their Dei programs a first after the break a closer look at a growing crisis we'll take you to the southern border where illegal Crossings have become a key issue in the November election stay with us we'll be right back we're back now with a closer look at the battle over the southern border.

And how that issue will impact this year's High stes election yeah we've actually got some new polling here from NBC News That's shedding some light according to it former president Trump holds a 35o lead over President Biden among registered voters when it comes to which candidate would better handle the situation at the border but when it.

Comes to treating migrants humanely President Biden holds a 17-point lead over Trump with more on all this here's NBC News senior White House correspondent Gabe Gutierrez a split screen moment 300 M apart but politically a world away show little spine President Biden in Brownsville Texas blasting House.

Republicans for torpedoing a bipartisan border security Bill and delivering this message to Donald Trump join me or I'll join you in telling the Congress to pass this bpress and border security bill we can do it together the former president in Eagle Pass Texas blaming the current White House for the record-breaking migrant influx this is a Biden Invasion.

Over the past three years and also highlighting the recent high-profile death of Georgia nursing student lak and Riley allegedly killed by an undocumented immigrant from Venezuela Joe Biden will never say lak and Riley's name but we will say it still an NBC news review of available data shows crime has actually dipped in cities that.

Receive the most migrants ever since candidate Trump first announced he was running for president he's made immig migration Central to his political identity Build That Wall he's warned about migrant Caravans and made sweeping claims about his opponents our border is an open and.

Gushing wound yet crooked Joe is fighting the state of Texas to stop them from defending our border President Biden has never said he wants open borders what he has done is roll back some of the Trump administration's border policies including one that forced many migrants to wait in Mexico while they applied for Asylum the.

Current president has also used humanitarian parole more often both Republicans and Democrats now acknowledge the system is broken but the border patrol union says former president Trump's Hardline policies deterred illegal immigration they were very effective for us as border patrol agents and securing the border the White.

House argues the spike in illegal border crossings is due to several factors including increased migration around the world President Biden insists he's offering a solution but that house Republicans are blocking it if that bill were the law today I'd shut down the border right now and fix it quickly it may not be that simple to.

Shut down the border the US would need Mexico to take back far more migrants than it's already agreed to still the Biden Administration is also considering new executive actions that would make it harder for migrants to get Asylum and easier to deport them faster we do need immigration reform if that happens migrant Advocates like Myra Petes are.

Worried the Asylum process will become even more dangerous these are people's lives these are people's futures that we are basically playing with or using as a upon in no way or form should we ever use that for political gain our thanks to Gabe Gutierrez for that report DHS DHS officials tell NBC news that unless Congress takes action Immigration and.

Customs Enforcement is forecasting a budget shortfall of more than half a billion dollars let's get to International headlines now starting in Ukraine where the death toll from a Russian drone attack in the city of Odessa is rising NBC's Claudia lavanga joins us with that and other world news claudo good.

Morning good morning guys that's right officials in Ukraine say that so far at least 12 people including five children were killed after a Russian drone crashed into a residential building in the southern port city of Odessa on Saturday now president zalinski said five other people have been rescued alive I think the attack showed the need.

To further strengthen the country's air defense capacities City officials declared Sunday as a day of morning now to Iceland where the world's famous Blue Lagoon was evacuated on Saturday after a national broadcaster warned of an imminent volcanic eruption the warning was triggered by increased seismic activity in the area around the Lagoon.

The neighboring town was also evacuated and we end up in southeast Morocco where scientists have calculated the age of one of the largest and most complex Sand Junes for the first time scientists have discovered that a star June called laa laia was formed 13,000 years ago while using a technique called luminescence dating star Junes are found in Africa.

Asia North America as well as on Mars but experts had never before been a before been able to put a date on when they were formed back to you guys looking good for that old all right good for that sand do thanks clao coming up ending a legacy when we come back we're going to take you to Connecticut there lawmakers we whether to ban.

Controversial legacy admissions in private colleges plus she's sailing her way into history we're going to introduce you to a sailor now just days away from becoming the first American woman to race around the world solo you're watching morning news.

Now we're back now with the ongoing battle over the education system in the State of Florida on Friday the University of Florida was forced to fire more than a dozen administrators affiliated with its diversity and inclusion initiatives because of recent changes to state laws NBC News correspondent Marissa par has that story.

In reaction from students the University of Florida slashing all diversity equity and inclusion roles across campus quite disappointed by it I think that the university uh Administration has let us down in this regard the school announcing it will reallocate the $5 million initially used for Dei expenses.

Adding it will also eliminate roughly 30 jobs I've seen people saying you know thank God we can save $5 million a year uh and then I've seen other people saying you know this is like horrible the school's director of African-American studies says this decision goes much further than the university so there might be a long-term.

Impact in terms of recruiting high-end Talent based on a fear that you know this state isn't welcoming to diverse univers and inclusion the University of Florida joining other schools in the state that have also cut their Dei programs this is basically been used as a veneer to impose an ideological agenda all of this comes nearly a year after.

Governor Ronda santis signed a law Banning Florida's public universities from spending federal and state money on Dei initiatives DeSantis reacting to the Gainesville University's decision tweeting Florida is where Dei goes to die but critics of his say they think the push to and Dei comes from a fundamental misunderstanding on what Dei.

Really is Governor s sees Dei as toxic people love to think that di is only for African-Americans which is not true it also applies to white women asian-americans lgtbq disability students an NBC News analysis shows GOP lawmakers across more than 30 states have introduced measures to either limit or eliminate Dei initiatives altogether.

During this legislative session alone in Texas a sweeping new ban on Dei across all state universities took effect at the start of the New Year while the future is unclear how many other GOP Le States will follow suit one thing is certain the battle for control over higher ed just beginning Marissa paraa NBC News Gainesville Florida staying.

With higher ed the battle over the future of college admissions is playing out in Connecticut lawmakers there are weighing whether to ban legacy admissions at private colleges NBC News correspondent Rah Ellis explains a potential first out of Connecticut the state trying to end one of the most controversial practices in.

Higher education legacy admissions that's when a college gives preference to an alums child grandchild sibling any relative over another candidate Colorado banned the practice for public schools back in 2021 States like California New York Maryland Virginia and Massachusetts are thinking about their own bans Congress is too this comes after the.

Supreme Court's conservative majority blocked race-based admissions in Landmark rulings against Harvard and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill now Connecticut wants to take it a step further pushing to end legacy admissions at private schools too this is really an issue you know of fairness and I think it's especially important.

After the Supreme Court decision last year we ask Democratic state senator Derek slap who runs Connecticut State's education committee why he thinks schools like Yale should be subject to state law he says it's because of taxes let's take Yale where they would pay I saw one report $90 million more a year in property taxes if they weren't uh.

Granted nonprofit status as a result all of us pay more in taxes right so the schools can avoid paying taxes and um you know that's okay that's we establish that they're nonprofits but that means that they have to operate uh with the public good in mind we asked jail if they would end legacy admissions they did not respond to our request for.

Comment so far only one Connecticut private school Wesleyan University has agreed to end legacy admissions the Connecticut Conference of independent colleges which represents the state's 15 private universities told our team it opposes the concept of State legislation prohibiting independent colleges in Connecticut from giving preference to.

Legacy students adding Banning legacy admissions will not move the needle on promoting Equity but many schools seem to disagree according to new Department of Education data especially out west where some entire states don't have schools that consider legacy and a huge shift in just four years just over a quarter of four-year public and private.

Colleges Nationwide consider legacy status down from half in 2020 but more selective schools are holding tighter to the practice 57% of them still consider legacy slap says that's a huge issue so they have an enormous impact on our society these schools and it's really a ticket to uh the elite and we all have I think a stake in making sure that you.

Don't have to be wealthy to go to one of these schools and that's what the data shows right now at the most selective schools 30% of Legacy applicants come from the top 1% 2/3 from the richest 5% experts like James Murphy at education reform now say the backlash Nationwide is now bipartisan Republicans and Democrats both understand how basically.

Unfair Legacy preferences are there's just one catch to this bill if Yale or any other private school in Connecticut decides not to end legacy admissions this bill won't penalize them Murphy says the political pressure is enough my expectation is that colleges in Connecticut are law-abiding institutions they want to be on the right side of the.

Law and once the law is passed they will drop Legacy preferences our thanks to rahima Ellis for that report now to the story of one woman and her quest to chart A New Path for girls with a love of sailing her name is Cole Brower and she's just days away from becoming the first American woman to race non-stop around the world alone NBC News.

Correspondent Emily aeta has more on her journey love you here we go aboard this 40ft racing boat named first light 29-year-old Cole Brower has spent 4 months at Sea surviving terrifying moments like this when massive waves tossed her across the cabin badly injuring her.

Rib all this is is just some um sailing solution she even put in her own I when dehydration took hold as I said pretty big waves and now she's closing in on becoming the first American woman to race non-stop around the world alone competing in the global solo challenge she's the only woman and the youngest of.

The 16 Skippers who started the race last year more than half already dropped out she zoomed with us from the middle of the Atlantic you wear so many hats on this journey solo Sailors uh you have to be able to do everything you need to be able to get up even when you're so exhausted and you have to be able to fix everything on the.

Boat the last like 24 hours I've been so angry the journey grueling no stops on the roughly 30,000 miles from Spain down the west coast of Africa over to Australia and around the the Cape of South America before returning to the starting point a Finish Line browers expected to hit just days from now have you ever been really scared in a moment.

I can feel the boat is deteriorating I can just feel that things are starting to break down okay okay okay it's okay it's okay for the 100b PowerHouse from New York sailing is a career she's been chasing since College I push so much harder when someone's like no you can't do that and I'm like well okay watch me an attitude she hopes will inspire.

Young girls in a male dominated sport it would be amazing if there was just one one other girl that saw me and said oh I can do that too one woman now navigating a new chapter in history Emily ietta NBC news that is extremely impressive and terrifying we're back now with financial.

Headlines starting off with some key Market events to watch this week CBC sa Han now joins us with that nether news hey savan good morning Savannah Joe good morning to yes so let's give you some headlines all right let's start with it's a very busy week for investors we got a chalk full of economic data that could determine the future path of.

Interest rates we get reports on Factory orders the services sector job openings productivity and it's all topped off by the monthly jobs number on Friday Federal Reserve chairman Jerome pow will be on Capitol Hill on Wednesday and Thursday testifying before Congress on the economy and fed policy and the markets are now pricing in the fed's.

First interest rate cut in June nearly a year after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank Signature Bank and First Republic a new survey from bankr shows how hard it's been for some Americans to access Credit since the FED starting raising interest rates in 2022 now have those people who've applied apped for a loan or financial product have been.

Denied and in almost one in five have been denied more than once more than 80% of those who've been denied Al loone say it negatively impacted their finances in some way a third say they felt more stressed and a quarter turn to Alternative financing such as payday loans or cash advances and meta is deleting all Oculus Accounts at the end.

Of the month that means if you haven't migrated to a meta account you'll lose all of your games purchases and store credits Oculus accounts have been on the way out since 2020 that's when meta started requiring new users to sign up with Facebook and then meta accounts instead now the company stopped letting users log into their Oculus accounts.

Last year guys all right sylvana thank you so much it LeBron James added yet another historic accomplishment to his legendary basketball career over the weekend he's already the NBA's all-time leading scorer now he's of course the first player ever to cross the 40,000 Career Point Plateau couple layups help pass his latest milestone in the second.

Quarter of the Lakers home game against the Denver Nuggets on Saturday night Mike borov joins us now he's a national NBA reporter for the athletic mike always great to have you with us so just put this milestone in perspective what has it meant to LeBron James NBA Legacy to reach that particular Milestone well LeBron James gets to say.

He's done something no one else has right by joining the 40,000 Point Club he's a one of one right now he surpassed Kareem Abdul Jabar last year and now he's in this tier all by himself so it's certainly a tremendous notch on his resume and and you know up up until and if anyone ever gets there again uh we'll be able to say it's LeBron James and no.

One else who scored 40,000 career points one of the remarkable aspects of his career is longevity he's now just the sixth player in NBA history to play in 21 season the league play at a high level at an when manyl to maybe consider retiring what is it that you think sets LeBron apart from other NBA.

Grades well I I think it's just very rare combination of how good he was at his Peak right he's in the conversation for best player ever then also how long he's been able to do it there's so few players that have been this good at this age he's 39 years old really the only you know comparisons I can think of are Kareem Abdul Jabar who was an allar into.

His 40s and Michael Jordan who was an All-Star at 38 and 39 after he came back from three years of retirement which is three years of wear and tear that he didn't have his on his body everyone else that's in his peer group or near his peer group really by the time they were 38 39 years old uh had stopped playing or just were you know shadow of.

Themselves LeBron continues to be really good he was third Team all NBA last year he'll probably be on an all NBA team this year was an Allstar uh it's it's so very rare you can count on on one hand how many players have been this good this late into their careers and their lives you mentioned that conversation about the best player ever I mean does.

Scoring reaching this 40,000 points what does that do for the argument that maybe it's LeBron uh it only makes it more complicated right this is going to be the debate that goes on forever and ever it certainly helps his case you know uh this is something that Michael Jordan was never able to do LeBron James has.

Also played 401 more games in his career uh than Michael Jordan too right so that helps get him to this scoring record but also gives him a longevity that MJ never had and uh I I think at this point I'm not sure there's any new data points that can sway either side of it you're just kind of camped out on one side and uh everything else helps make you make.

Your argument up next we'll take you to an Oklahoma hot dog shop save from closing its doors with the help of social media stay with us you're watching Morning News Now welcome back you could say some drivers in know Ohio pulled back the rains on a major Interstate over the.

Weekend after running into a rather unusual traffic jam two Rogue police horses were seen trotting into traffic down Cleveland's I90 on Saturday look at this video officials there say the horses had inadvertently strayed during routine exercise might say so after briefly making traffic a literal Zoo they were safely recovered by officers.

And no accidents on the road occurred Joe who knows maybe they just wanted to hit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame head to a Cavs game or just looking for best pot for some fresh hay what do you think hey glad they're okay that's the most important thing all right finally this hour the story of an Oklahoma hot Oklahoma hot dog shop that was on the.

Brink of closing its doors until one customer stopped by for lunch snapping a picture that changed everything NBC News correspondent Morgan chesky has that story in Norman Oklahoma at spirals hot dogs and more you'll find owner Scott Hosk living his dream I just wanted to be able to take care of enough people to keep the doors open and make a little.

Bit of money nious his spiral sliced dogs Gourmet Creations just as beloved as the man who serves them Scott's just a great person I mean fantastic guy it feels like your family and uh he'll come and hang out and uh you just you can't leave in a bad mood hard to believe just a few weeks back business slowed so much hosk's dream was dying when you walk in.

That day what's your first thought um I didn't know if I made the right choice stopping by for lunch customer Nick Chappelle was confused the place was dead but the food amazing and Hosk incredibly kind so he snapped this pick of hosi waiting for customers then told a few friends to swing by have you ever done anything like this before not even.

Close man I don't share anything on Facebook I'm never really on social media I'm stirring up the window he takes the picture I have no clue the next day I'm at the register the first hour and I'm getting buried thanks to those very friends Chappelle's photo went viral Hosk selling more hot dogs in a single day than in weeks prior and it.

Hasn't slowed down since you guys would not be here without the post proba know anything about it never heard anything about it I mean look around right now man has it sunk in yet that you did this no I still don't believe it was me Hosk respectfully disagrees he not only now calls Chappelle a friend he even let him name his own hot dog that will live on.

Long after his act of kindness one day you're trying to figure out what will I do what what other job can I do what other function can I do and then suddenly to be resurrected yeah I'd say one man saved the show good to see you it's good to see you too and most of all saved a dream every one of our hot dogs were made would love so the more love we.

Give the better off we're going to be Morgan chesky NBC News Norman Oklahoma gosh story about a hot dog just made me tear up I know it's so sweet and now we want hot dogs for breakfast on top of all of that love hot dogs glad we could share that one with you that's going to do it for this hour of morning news now stay with us the news continues.

Right now good morning thanks for joining us this Monday I am Savannah sers I'm Joe frier right now on Morning News Now California Sierra Nevada mountains buried a massive blizzard pummeling the region dumping nearly 10 ft of snow over the weekend.

Travelers and truckers on major highways they're caught in the white out Crossfire and left stranded emergency crews now racing to clear the roads and the wild weather isn't over yet we've got your full forecast this is firefighters in Texas battle a RedHot crisis of their own in the race for the White House we're looking ahead to Super.

Tuesday when voters in 15 states will cast their primary ballots it's expected to be another major primary knockout for former president Trump so what might that mean for the future of Nikki Haley's campaign as she racks up her first 20124 win in the Middle East Global pressure is ramping up for a ceasefire in AA and the US has started a.

Risky wartime operation dropping much needed humanitarian Aid to millions of starving Palestinians he comes as vice president kamla Harris takes this searing stance on Israel's continued offensive as I have said many times too many innocent Palestinians have been killed there must be an immediate ceasefire we' got the very latest on.

Those negotiations in just a moment we're going to begin this morning with the blizzards in California Sierra NADA mountains yeah residents in the region are recovering from severe conditions that dropped nearly 10 feet of snow over the last 3 days and according to forecasts they may not be out of the woods yet with more snow expected to be.

On the way NBC News correspondent Steve Patterson has the latest yeah this storm was massive and it rre havoc on the roads shutting down several highways including the major artery in this area interstate 80 and it did so covering an expanse at times of about 300 miles in this is an NBC News special report here's Craig Melvin and a good Monday.

Morning to you are coming on the air with some breaking news from the Supreme Court about former president Donald Trump the high court just said moments ago that Mr Trump can stay on this year's presidential ballot in Colorado after that state barred him from its Republican primary Colorado Supreme Court had disqualified Mr Trump under a.

A constitutional provision that bars people who engage in Insurrection from holding office the decision today of course coming ahead of tomorrow's super Tuesday contest when 15 States including Colorado will hold primary elections senior legal correspondent Laura Jared is here with us to walk us through what this decision means and what this.

Decision uh does not mean hilard is also here in the studio as well he's been covering uh the Trump campaign V I'll get to you in just a moment Laura let me start with you uh this was a case that was about Colorado but it sounds like this is going to have ramifications that extend beyond just that state absolutely Craig the Republican front runner is now.

Permitted to run for president not only in Colorado but across all 50 states the justices here in a unanimous decision rejecting Colorado's effort to ban him under the Constitution's so-called Insurrection clause the heart of this case about the meaning of a largely untested provision of the Constitution section three of the 14th Amendment.

Which says essentially that if you take an oath uphold the Constitution and then you engage in Insurrection you are not permitted to hold that office once again but again the court here is saying because the Constitution makes Congress rather than the states responsible for enforcing section three against federal office holders and candidates we reverse.

So again a clear wind for the Republican front runner the Colorado case was the one that was in front of them right now but other states had tried to ban him from the ballot including Maine and Illinois with the court doing this right now those essentially will also be wiped away correig and again as you point out a unanimous decision not something we.

See uh very frequently from from the Supreme Court these days there were two questions at hand you mentioned of course uh the clause in the 14th Amendment but there was also the question of who actually gets to decide who's engaged in an Insurrection this in this country yes and the uh Donald Trump's attorneys had essentially tried.

To convince the court successfully here that this was for Congress to to decide not just any one state could sort of unilaterally take somebody off a ballot in a national election that was something that the justices were very interested in an oral argument something that they appear deeply skeptical of the Colorado voters in this case trying to.

Do that and obviously um Trump's position prevailed in this case so this does now mean that the outstanding ballot challenges have been done away with yes remember there were dozens and dozens of lawsuits across the country some courts had tried to dodge the issue some courts had ruled in front Trump's favor saying States didn't have the.

Power to do this Colorado was the first one that had taken that unprecedented step in trying to ban him and then two others followed as I mentioned in both Illinois and Maine and now those will no longer hold well we've talked about this a fair amount over the past few weeks you're not terribly surprised it seemed as if the justices were openly skeptical.

Shall we say when those or arguments were made roughly month ago they were and you'll remember how this all started was by voters this was sort of a a a project that was started at its Inception with a liberal than Tink group that was trying to see if they could disqualify the former president they started sort of a state-by-state effort.

Trying to figure out which states would be most receptive to it but it wasn't just progressives who were thinking that they might actually be able to do this successfully Craig there were a number of outspoken um Republicans and other conservatives who had tried to make this argue and say if you look at just the plain text of the 14th Amendment he.

Should be banned but again we're going to work our way through the decision and see exactly how the court dispense with that I'll let you sift through that for just a few moments I'll turn my attention to you Mr Hillard you've been spending a fair amount of time uh over the past few months actually past few years uh covering the former president.

Um what do we expect to hear from him when he does make some remarks with regards to what we're hearing from the Supreme Court today right Donald Trump is at his marago estate in West Palm Beach right now we saw in the minutes after the oral argument in front of the Supreme Court a month ago him go and address cameras responding to it calling.

It a beautiful process he that he watched play out the Supreme Court the biggest reality here this morning is is that Americans should expect Donald Trump to be on the general election ballot for the White House this November he is well on his way to beating Nikki Haley for the GOP nomination he could wrap it up as soon as March 12th or even.

March 19th and other attempts to keep him off the ballot failed Laura mentioned Congress you know in the Supreme Court suggesting it's to Congress to determine whether he had engaged an Insurrection and folks will recall in the weeks after the January 6 attack When Donald Trump had left the White House that the US house voted to.

In fact impeach Donald Trump on Insurrection charges but then the US Senate came a few votes short of voting to convict him seven Republicans voted to convict him during those proceedings but it took 2third of the Senate to actually bar him from ever being able to serve in the white house again in another argument from Trump's attorneys.

And front of the US Supreme Court was the fact that the special counsel Jack Smith who was the one who charged Donald Trump with those felonies stemming from the efforts to overturn the 2020 election Jack Smith the special councel never actually charged him on felony Insurrection charges which again hits at the heart of for all intents and.

Purposes Donald Trump as long as he wraps up this GOP nomination the efforts to keep him from the ballot in November are all but over now all right van stand by for me for just a moment I want to come back to you uh but right now let me bring in Carol lamb Carol is a a former Federal prosecutor she's also an NBC News uh legal analyst and and Carol is.

My my friend and colleague Lura Jared pointed out just a few moments ago a unanimous decision here uh somewhat uncommon but what have we been able to glean if anything so far from from sifting through this order uh anything from the liberal justices the more liberal justices specifically yes the the three liberal.

Justices did write a concurrence where they essentially said we agree with the general ruling here that Colorado cannot by itself depart from um from the rest of the nation in putting in taking Donald Trump off the ballot but they said that the court went further than it had to and this is a principle of judicial restraint that they're.

Advocating they said you said enough you said that that Trump can't be on the ballot uh that Colorado can't decide for itself not to put Trump on the ballot but you went further and said that it's Congress who really dictates who can who can be removed from um from consideration because he is a so-called insurrectionist they said you didn't.

Have to go there that was that was farther than judicial restraint permits you to go and um and they're critical of the majority opinion for that reason I will also note that Justice Barrett uh typically considered a conservative Justice really emphasized in a separate concurrence that this was a unanimous opinion of the court and she said that.

Is the message that the nation should take away from this that we can decide these cases unanimously Carol stand by for me as well if you can please ma'am NBC News legal analyst Katherine Christian is also with us now uh Katherine's a former assistant district attorney in the Manhattan DA's office thanks for your time this morning.

Through throughout the argument it really did seem to folks who are watching and listening um that the justices didn't really spend a fair amount of time focusing on uh one of the central questions here in this case whether the former president participated in an Insurrection um what do you make of that part of this they.

Clearly did not want to go there it's you know the statement that the at the end of the decision all nine members of the Court agree with the result the result that section three um rest with Congress and not the state that's very important that it was unanimous so you can't say it was you know 7254 this everyone was on the same page.

As to the result as Carol said some of the more liberal justices had little quibble but they agree with the result that Colorado on its own can't do that no state in the United States can do that so I think they deliberately all nine of them really wanted to stay away from Insurrection versus not doing an Insurrection all right stand by for me.

As well I want to bring vau back into the conversation because uh perhaps unsurprisingly we do have a statement now uh from the former president on the heels of this unanimous Supreme Court decision what's he saying about this it's a short one Craig quote Big Win For America all caps on his social media account again Donald Trump is in.

Maralago ahead of super Tuesday we could expect him to go and make statements here today as he did after those oral arguments went before The Supreme Court in which he addressed cameras and suggested this was all part of democratic efforts to try to keep him off of the ballot and try to disenfranchise in his words millions of.

Republican voters here around the country now as for those Republican voters they're going to have the shot not only in Colorado but those other 15 states for super Tuesday tomorrow for vote for Donald Trump if they they if they so choose to and quite likely come the general election if Donald Trump does in fact become the presumptive.

Nominee we could expect to see him on the ballot and for Donald Trump making that case that there have been efforts to take away the opportunity for him to be at the White House has been at the core of his 2024 presidential White House run again youve you spent a great deal of time uh covering the former president when he was in office and.

Since he's been a candidate is as well the reality is with the exception of Save Washington DC this weekend um none of the president's legal problems so far appear to have been have any sort of effect on him politically so far fair to say fair to say and we've seen the Republicans who were at one point running against him one year ago it was.

A year ago March when that first indictment came down stemming from the alleged hush money payments in the criminal trial that he faces which is slated to begin on March 25th just three weeks from now it was the Republicans that were running against him that lined up in his defense even around this these Supreme Court arguments it was again.

Republicans from Ronda santis to Nikki Haley to Mike Pence who again were arguing that Donald Trump should remain on the ballot and have come to his defense and largely we have seen Republican voters millions of Republican voters come to H his defense of The Ballot Box this spring all right let's pause the political turn back once again.

To the legal analyst I know you've been able to sift through this a little bit more anything jump out at you yeah the court seemed really concerned with this idea of a patchwork of rulings across the entire country and I think that's why um the court for all nine members decided that Colorado can't do this and of course some of the progressives on.

The court are concerned that the court went further than it needs to but we should note that this is not sort of the last word that we will hear from these justices this term when it comes to the former president they have an enormous issue on their plate immunity immunity and in that case again his acts leading up to January 6 are going to be at the.

Heart of that because remember in that case in Washington DC he's being charged criminally with what the special prosecutor think thinks the special Council thinks were his efforts to try to reverse the 2020 election and so even in this case his actions on January 6 were certainly an enormous part of it and they've sort of dodged that issue.

They're going to have to confront it headon very soon I again I know we haven't had a great deal of time to to start to sift through this but have you been able to glean anything in terms of how these justices May rule on that based on anything that's written here or said here no but mostly because they tried to dodge it so so fully in this.

One that they don't their toe in that but they could Dodge it in that way because remember here they didn't even have to get to the Insurrection as part of this because they had five different other ways to try to get out of it they chose the Congressional route but there were other ways and so they just weren't confronted with it as headon as they.

Going to be an immunity there's no way for them to dodge it when they're deciding whether or not he should be shielded from prosecution for his own acts his acts are going to be at the heart of that case and to be clear this decision today from the high court uh not just immunity the other but legal challenges facing the former president.

This doesn't mean anything for those no it doesn't obviously the one that's coming up most um sort of pressingly is the New York hush money case perhaps the only criminal case that he will face before the November election that one is of course slated for March 25th correct all right let's turn back to the political for just a moment here because.

As you point out we are just hours away uh from Super Tuesday at this point any reason to believe that the the the former president's momentum will be slowed all tomorrow no number one polling shows no evidence of that and folks around the country are already voting by mail just this weekend he won elections in Missouri in Idaho in.

Michigan picking up all the de delegates coming from those States the only place that he lost this weekend and the only place that he has lost throughout this entire primary process so far was Washington DC which Donald Trump said of course Nikki Haley in his words would win the swamp and the vote of the DC insiders but we and the Trump campaign.

As well they expect him to hit the delegate threshold to become the presumptive nominee as soon as March 19th that is the day when Donald Trump would hit that delegate Mark to be the presumptive nominee and it's interesting when we're talking about that March 25th hush money payment trial that would start just six days later so it would.

Open up his calendar to almost set aside the campaigning for a moment and focus on the legal and one other know when we're talking about the Supreme Court in those oral arguments on April 22nd around presidential immunity Donald Trump for years since leaving the White House attacked this US Supreme Court in one cause for not overturning the 2020.

Election results in 2022 he made the case on his social media account that they always rule against him and so that's why this celebration from him today is so notable but you also look at even in its own remarks he's been recently touting the three Supreme Court Justices those three conservative justices that he nominated and got onto.

The bench so Donald Trump realizes now just how much is at stake on the Supreme Court we also just uh received a official statement now from the Colorado uh State this is the Secretary of State there in Colorado uh Jun grial the United States Supreme Court has Ro that states do not have the authority to enforce section three of the 14th.

Amendment for federal candidates in accordance with this decision Donald Trump is an eligible candidate on Colorado's 2024 presidential primary of course that primary happening tomorrow uh with many others around this country and as Lord Jared pointed out this is not just the case for Colorado this answers the question about whether the.

Former president can remain on ballots in other states where they have tried to take him off uh the high court saying again unanimously the states cannot do that so a big thanks to Von Hillyard Von I know you're GNA be very busy over the next day or sale covering the former president Laura Jarrett no one reads faster and processes and synthesize.

Information uh quicker than you so thanks to you as well and thanks to our other contributors who joined us for this special report of course we're going to have much much more more on our streaming Network NBC news now online at and of course a full wrap up tonight on NBC Nightly News right now though we are going to return most of.

You to more of today I'm Craig Melvin and this has been an NBC News special report even if the airdrops continue for a uh uh unabated for a relatively long period of time uh they won't be able to recover enough food in order to take care of the people who require it Savannah yeah I mean so Colonel I mean.

That's what relief agencies are saying that these a drops are nowhere near enough to meet the demands of people inside Gaza the UN has a quarter of people there are starving right now we know as we just saw the Biden Administration is trying to pressure Israel to allow more Aid in by Road do you think US influence on Israel is.

Waning if it is having to resort to air drops like this to get Aid in well the longer the war goes on of course the more difficult it is for those who are supporting it to continue to support it there's some ground swell in both uh uh in the United States politically don't forget this is an election year and among our allies about continuing to.

Support what's taking place there it's difficult however to even get Aid through on the ground it requires the assistance of the Egyptians who control one side of the border and each of the vehicles that comes into Gaza with Aid each one has to be inspected this is extremely timec consuming and labor intensive and that won't even with a a.

Ceasefire that won't ensure that all the aid gets in the Biden Administration says it's also working on a maritime Corridor to try to deliver Aid to Gaza by sea those Waters though are also controlled by Israel do you think that this is a possibility and would that be more efficient it would be more efficient but.

Then the route from the pier into Gaza has to be secured by somebody and it's not going to be the Egyptians it's most likely going to be the Israelis too and so each of these packages has to be inspected also it's a very difficult situation uh those of us who have fought in The Crucible of War know that it's the civilians who suffer the most uh in.

A situation in which there's continuous shooting and even during a ceasefire an extended ceasefire it's the ult to take care of civilians in this kind of environment Colonel Jack Jacobs as always we appreciate your analysis you bet much more to come on this Monday edition of morning news now including spacex's latest Voyage to the final.

Frontier we've got more on that successful launch overnight as the four person crew sets its sights on the International Space Station first though the hunt for Malaysia Airlines flight 370 10 years later after the break the American company that's now breathing new life into efforts to solve one of the wor world's greatest Aviation.

Mysteries our Tom Costello has that story next welcome back let's get to international news now Haiti is under a state of emergency after a mass jail break over the weekend NBC's claudo labanga joins us with that and other world headlines claudo good.

Morning good morning guys that's right on Sunday hati declared the state of emergency after thousands of prisoners escaped from the country's largest prison following an attack by criminal gangs now the ministry of communication of hati said in a statement that police confronted heavily armed criminals seeking at any cost to free people from.

Custody and were not able to stop the criminals from freeing a large number of prisoners the jail break took place at the haes national penitentiary in the capital portal Prince according to a source of the United Nations around 3,500 prisoners are believed to have escaped well that is the vast majority of inmates in that prison in the past.

Few months heti has experienced The Surge of gang violence that has plagued the country let's now go to Switzerland where citizens voted in a referendum in favor of an increase to the monthly State Pension despite the government's warning that the increase will be too expensive to afford until now the maximum monthly state pay pension in.

Switzerland was a little more than $2,700 not enough many say to afford to leave there especially in particular in particularly as expensive cities like Zurich and Geneva 60% of people voted in favor to add an extra month's pension each year 75% rejected raising the pension age from 65 to 66 and let's end this stour of the world in India where.

Mark Zuckerberg Bill Gates and Ivanka Trump were among guests in the star studded pre-wedding party of Anand Ambani the son of Mukesh Ambani the richest man in Asia celebrations lasted three days and the 1,00 guests enjoyed performances among others by pop superstar Rihanna and magician David Blaine according to R roters which saw a.

Copy of the planning document provided to inits guests were served served 500 dishes created by around 100 chefs now that's what I call a Bollywood wedding back to you guys a lot of cooks in the kitchen Rihanna wed dang all right Claudia thanks now to an enduring mystery it was 10 years ago this week that Malaysia Airlines flight 370.

Disappeared on a flight from koala lumur to Beijing now the Malaysian government says a US company is proposing a new search for the plane which was never found NBC News senior correspondent Tom Costello covers Aviation for us has been on this story from the beginning Tom good morning that's right unsolved for 10 years and for 3650 days the families.

Of the missing of have been demanding that the government of Malaysia keep searching for that missing Tri 7 thought to have gone down in the southern Indian Ocean and now an American Marine robotics firm might be giving New Hope to find the plane and the 239 people on board it was 10 years ago this week one of the world's great Aviation Mysteries.

Began on March 8th 2014 still no emergency transmitter signal no sign of wreckage Malaysia Airlines flight 370 a Redeye from koala Lampur to Beijing seemed routine 3 but something went terribly wrong radar and satellite data suggest a plane made a sudden U-turn flew back over Malaysia.

Cut North then apparently turned South disappearing somewhere in the southern Indian Ocean an extremely difficult place to search NBC's Kier Simmons spent weeks in the search Zone there's no sign of flight 370 this this is an area with very few people very few ships uh it is just a very very remote part of of our world now the American company ocean.

Infinity is proposing a new search with the Malaysian government signaling support I'm very very confident that the uh the government of Malaysia and the cabinet will approve such proposal ocean Infinity already conducted a monthlong search for the plane in 2018 but came up empty though pieces of the wreckage have washed a tore on Reunion Island.

Thousands of miles from the search Zone and further west off the coast of Africa it has no step on it as is written on many aircraft Wings talk of a new search comes as many of the MH370 family members gather to honor their loved ones ahead of the 10-year Mark families uh really want closure to this one of those family members Sarah botek who lost her.

Boyfriend Philip wood it's a real travesty what happened she since married and runs a Resort in Panama while she has doubts about whether another search will happen she remains hopeful they owe it to the world they owe it to the family members to to find out what happened so the leading theory continues to be that the pilot intentionally flew.

The plane off course and then crashed the plane into the ocean experts say that he had a motive opportunity he had knowledge to get the plane to fly that path the way it did very few people would be able to do that but that's just a theory this mystery may never be solved even if they do find the plane Joe back to you all right Tom thanks so.

Much coming up breaking up with spring break Florida's Busy Party season kicking into high gear but how are all those Crackdown measures holding up in the wake of violence there in recent years we'll take you there next welcome back Spring Break season season is officially here with thousands.

Of visitors heading to warmer destinations but as Spring Breakers hope to let the good times roll officials in South Florida are taking extra measures to keep bad behavior in check NBC News correspondent Sam Brock joins us from Miami Beach Florida of course one of the hottest spring break spots Sam what you seeing good.

Morning yeah Savannah good morning look this first weekend just happened you know there were no significant incidents to report that is good news there were about 35 36 arrests over Friday and Saturday night sounds like a not it's it's a lot it's really not I will say this however you're looking at extreme enforcement of a Crackdown right now in.

Miami Beach as they're looking forward to the next two weekends that traditionally is when you see the most trouble the only way on and off the beach right now is three different entrances with security checkpoints everything else Savannah is barricaded as this proactive approach appears to be working spring break crowns in Miami.

Beach are starting to swell why Miami Beach it's the best place to go for spring break but one thing's already clear those flocking to South Beach for some fun in the sun are aware that the rules are going to be very different this year if you plan on coming to Miami Beach for spring break don't do it all of the streets are walked down here do.

Not come down here the city's high-profile campaign to break up with spring break this isn't working anymore and it's not us it's you includes videos like this you can expect things like curfews bag checks and restricted beach access DUI checkpoints $100 parking all of it coming after violence and bad behavior marred the last few.

Years police trying to monitor Seas of out of control Partiers on Ocean Drive and gunshots that have prompted stampedes and claimed lives a group of students from Virginia heard about the city's recent spring break history did you see the stampedes I did it's scary it really is but it felt comforted by what they've seen this spring break the.

Lines to get into places at night have been a lot shorter but there's been a lot more security we have a very very good plan Miami Beach's police chief Wayne Jones telling us every member of the department is working extended hours for spring break and they're using new drone technology from skyio to track incidents.

And those in distress he says the city safety plan is comprehensive and the message Crystal CLE C you come here you have a good time you behave we will invite you back if you come here you break the law we're likely going to arrest you and in addition to every member of the Miami Beach Police Department being.

Active and working extended hours over spring break Savannah you are also looking at some 16 supportive agencies from around the region and the largest state police presence that they have ever seen here in South Florida for spring break parking garages are closed in South Beach it costs 100 bucks if you want to park 40 block blocks away.

They're doing whatever they can to flush out the bad behavior Savannah $100 for 40 blocks away wow that would keep me away all right Sam Brock thank you so much not chump change yeah no kidding overnight a SpaceX rocket set off for the International Space Station with four crew members on board the falcon9 successfully lifted off from the Kennedy.

Space Center in Florida after two previous attempts were scrubbed because of poor weather it's propelling a dragon spacecraft with three NASA astronauts and a Russian cosmonaut on board while at the space station the crew will conduct more than a 100 experiments and demonstrations for what NASA says will help a new era of space exploration now.

To another launch we're following this one for the history books NASA's Artemis 2 crew is continuing to prepare for next year scheduled Mission around the Moon crew will include the first black astronaut and the first woman astronaut on a lunar Mission their training recently brought them to San Diego where they teamed up with service members to.

Practice their return to Earth reporter Amar Fleming from our San Diego affiliate KSD is more on that astronauts and their Artemis to recovery team have been training for what happens after their Orion Space Capsule splashes down off California's Coast aremis 2 Commander Reed wisman dishing up high praise for San Diego.

Service members involved everyone is there for a mission they're there for a purpose and they are there to help and assist and they are ready to throw their lives on any problem to get the mission accomplished Wiseman is part of the four-person crew who'll be the first in 50 years to travel around the moon the Explorers say while the Artemis project.

Is about sustainably living and working on the moon the ultimate goal is humans on Mars it's about building on what we learned there and exploring even deeper and that means going to Mars and answering some of those fundamental questions that we all have about ourselves what does it mean to be human are we alone in the universe how do we.

All get here 3 2 1 boosters in after their 10day 685,000 M Journey around the Moon scheduled for next year the Orion capsule forecast a splash down near Catalina Island in San Clemente NASA provided this video of the Navy boats retrieving the astronauts from the test capsule out to sea during practice the goal to get the astronauts.

From the capsule then helicopter them to get a medical check on board an amphibious transport ship like the San Diego within 2 hours one of the practice runs showed a problem they overcame for quite a while we were under that rotor wash waiting for uh a successful hookup and and you're just watching all the potential things that could go wrong but.

Then you watch all these Sailors fall back on their training and how efficiently and accurately they start executing with Precision we're helping refine the techniques and procedures that the Navy will use to recover the Orion capsule when it splashes down in the ocean this is the 11th capsule recovery test NBC 7 was granted.

Exclusive access in December of 2022 to see preparations to recover an unmanned Orion capsule when Orion takes flight next year ponum native Victor Glover will be living out his childhood dream as pilot of the Orion Space Capsule giving his fellow astronauts a space eye view he and some of his fellow explorers have seen of America's Finest.

City when you're coming up the to the west coast of the us whether it's day or night California is incredibly beautiful and all the mountains you see out to the east of California but what I love the most is coming up at night and you see Tiana you can see the Border you can see San Diego we have a mission to explore the unknown in Aon space to innovate for.

The benefit of humanity and Inspire the world through Discovery our thanks to Omari Fleming for that story NASA is targeting September of next year for the Artemis 2 crude Mission around the world coming up a grand slam of a grand opening for One groundbreaking Minneapolis bar after the break the radiant reaction women's sports fans are.

Giving to a bar of their own this is morning news now we're back now with breaking financial news this morning the European Union is Bing Apple CBC sylan Han now joined us again with that and other money news sylan good morning Joseph Anna good morning to yes so Europe's.

Antitrust Regulators announcing a nearly $2 billion fine against Apple today now they're also ordering the company to allow Spotify and other music streaming services to tell users of alternative options to download their apps and pay for purchases outside of Apple's App Store last year the EU said these anti- steering obligations which were also.

Alleged in a case against meta platforms constitute unfair trading conditions the Apple case stems from a complaint Spotify lodged back in 2019 Apple says it will appeal the fine speaking of Apple Apple has several releases planned this spring but the company may not make a big production out of them Bloomberg reports Apple May skip a spring event in.

Favor of launching new products on its website now these include a revamped iPad Pro with a faster chip and a better screen apple is also expected to update the iPad Air both would be the first new iPads since 2022 and a pair of investment firms are raising their buyout offer for Macy's Arc house management and Brigade Capital.

Are now offering to buy the department store chain and take it private for $6.6 billion now they made their initial offer in December but Macy's rejected it as too low on concerns about the deal's financing the board says it will evaluate the latest offer last week Macy's announced it would close 10050 stores guys all right syana thank.

You so much well for one California Student getting getting a haircut was the difference between a good prom and a great one and that's where his teacher stepped in NBC News correspondent Peter Alexander has this heartwarming story that's right this deservedly is some good news it's an incredible story about how one person can make a.

Difference by helping to deliver a dream and sometimes as we learned all it takes is a pair of scissors and a big heart growing up in California Claire Hall always knew what she wanted to be my original Dream is it was to be a hair stylist to the stars of Hollywood she graduated from cosmetology school but then life took a turn in a different.

Direction I am a proud teacher and I I teach special education what we're going to do today in her first year at ocalan's high school outside San Francisco all right are you ready Claire met Mason zner oh my gosh he's a doll what does this say funny and sweet kangaroo how do you you know that's his kangaroo but he also has his own.

Challenges ma ma ma like his mom Karen says sitting still for a haircut what was it like when you were in charge of the haircuts there's no style it just was always a little bit traumatizing for him he didn't want to go to a barber but when Mason got invited to a celebration for students with special needs okay you ready Karen knew she needed help and.

Miss Hall was ready to step in I was ready I was like that's my guy can you come up let's get your haircut so she turned it into a lesson about life skills all right so I'm going to use the Clipper on Mason trimming Mason's hair in front of the whole class it was a collision of both of my loves then the big night ladies and Gentlemen.

Let's give a warm welcome to Mason Mason is confident as ever looking like a million bucks he you know was string down um the red carpet and his little tuxedo and his gorgeous new haircut this was a whole new Mason you see what Claire gave Mason was much more than just a haircut and for Claire much more than she ever could have imagined.

I'm living the dream they don't have the opportunities that everyone else does so excuse me so I just to be able to put my love into you know Mason for now um is a dream and Claire tells us she has a new dream now to open a hair salon for those with special needs and by the way how good.

Did Mason look yes back to you great haircut what a great heart though on that teacher Peter thank you so much last week we we brought you the story of Jillian hiscock owner of Minnesota's only bar dedicated to women's sports well this morning we're happy to report that hiscock knocked her grand opening out of the park reporter Sammy Selena of.

Our Minneapolis affiliate Carol Evan takes us to the soldout bar during its big launch the only bar dedicated to women's sports in Minnesota is finally open and if the crowd on a workday says anything it's that this fan base is here to stay a b of Their Own by them for them I'm supposed to be at work I so am I.

This is my work bag there's a reason why a line is forming before noon on a Friday anybody can come here and really just see the joy of of seeing women compete a long time coming incredible after striking out for years I don't wish I didn't put makeup with one last lucky hug from Mom oh she's not going to want a pcture her.

Now she's balling all right everybody good morning and thank you so much for being here owner Jillian hiscock steps up to the mound all right hi all welcome in just one did you want to sit at a table or the bar opening day filled up fast with athletes who legitimately have had to start.

Leagues of their own half the population that is been under under notice under hi y'all welcome in a little bit overwhelming but very good now they're seated at the only bar in the state exclusively showing women's sports first we started out with magazines taped around our shins and playing outside and then pretty soon the boys said well you.

Can't play see beer Urban Growler made for us today they have the home field advantage it's a comfortable feeling of Pride and finally accomplishment and that somebody noticed finally that girls are athletes and they're good they're excellent y great problem to have Jillian hisco already on a waight list mom Joy that's the kind of environment.

She wants to have someplace where people can come and feel at home recalls a time there just wasn't a chance to play ball we didn't have title line until after my senior in high school so we didn't get to have Athletics I think that we've come a really long way and we still have a really long way to go right like we have got a lot of people that have made.

Us allowed us to get to this point right now but we still have younger Generations that we need to be doing more for but this this is exactly where I think I'm going to be every weekend honestly this speaks volume listen to this it's just crazy loud they're having so much fun noon on a Friday so people are coming out it's.

Only going to get more busy and crazyer the saying goes there's no crying in baseball but Jillian will allow it only if they're happy tears this is this is Jill she's got she's got the the love in her heart heart and the people to support her because she's always there for everybody else and I'm just so proud of her 11.

News so glad to see that we could bring you the grand opening of that wow how incredible welcome back a science fiction Sandstorm took over the box office this weekend the premier weekend of Dune part two riged an 81 and a half million dollar domestically more than 178 million globally we get the year's biggest movie so far the film is also a.

Hit with critics reaching a 94% rating on Rotten Tomatoes sequels numbers are well ahead of the first dune movies opening weekend back in October 2021 with audiences affected by the pandemic brought in 41 million bucks course the first dune of this series the first first doing was in the 80s I am a big fan of the first recent.

One yeah the first one that's the new one I want to see that but I can't of wait till you know it's not so craziness in the theater it but it's good to see a hit too cuz the box office needs that right now absolutely that's going to do it for this hour of morning news now don't go anywhere though the news continues right.

now thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media

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3 thoughts on “Morning News NOW Fats Broadcast – Mar. 4

  1. We’ve to cease the utilization of the archaic frail out length of time “CONSERVATIVE”. It has turned to fascist, they’ve outlined them selves as fascist so we are in a position to also calm consult with them as fascist, which is what they are!!!!!

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