Morning News NOW Plump Broadcast – June 13


Morning News NOW Plump Broadcast - June 13

good morning I'm Jill fryer and I'm Savannah sellers thank you for being here right now on Morning News Now Donald Trump facing the Fallout ahead of his historic arraignment just hours from now the former president is set to surrender and appear before a federal judge in Miami then he's expected to.

Enter a plea on dozens of criminal charges filed against him over classified documents found at his Mar-A-Lago home make no mistake about it we're taking this uh this event extremely serious we know that there is a potential of things taking a turn for the worst now law enforcement are bracing for.

Demonstrations we have Team coverage from Florida and Washington this morning also this morning gridlocked growing concerns about the impacts of that major Interstate collapse in Philadelphia commuters already dealing with the headache of the closure of I-95 and now a new warning that a supply chain slowdown could be on the way the impact.

This could have on you plus the latest on the investigation at risk this morning a new warning about a deadly outbreak of fungal meningitis in Mexico so far at least four Americans have died from it now authorities are searching for others who may have been exposed we'll tell you how dangerous it is how it can spread plus how you can keep your.

Family safe finally the doctor is in and he's just 19 years old later this hour we will meet an impressive young man who just became one of the world's youngest phds will ask him how he did it and what's in store for the future sorry to make you feel bad about your own accomplishments that first thing in the morning we get.

To address him as Doctor which is going to be exciting very very cool we can't wait to talk to him but we begin this morning of course on former president Trump's historic Federal indictment and what we will see today in a Florida courtroom we are just hours away from something this country has never witnessed before a former president.

Voluntarily surrendering to authorities to face federal charges as you can imagine security is ramped up in Miami ahead of today's hearing Trump is expected to make his first court appearance on charges alleging that he knowingly and unlawfully kept classified documents after leaving the White House Trump and his lawyers maintain he has.

Done nothing wrong the former president traveled from New Jersey yesterday to his Trump National Doral Resort in Florida ahead of today's here hearing he was greeted by both protesters and supporters this all comes at a crucial time for the Republican front runner in the 2024 race but he is still on the campaign trail with a birthday.

Fundraiser set for later tonight on the eve of his 77th birthday we have a full team covering every angle this morning we're going to start with NBC News justice and intelligence correspondent candelanian in Miami and NBC News legal analyst Danny savalo so Ken walk us through what's expected to happen today I think even if you don't have a law.

Degree you know that first Court appearances tend to be rather short of fares how long is this one expected to last that's right Joe good morning it's unclear of course but as we saw in New York it didn't take very long Mr Trump is expected to enter this Courthouse through an underground passageway so.

It's unclear whether we'll even see him um as you know no cameras allowed in federal court the first thing he'll do is surrender and be processed by the Federal Marshals and and for a typical defendant that would include being fingerprinted mug shot taken some other procedures they don't discuss unclear if all that's going to apply to Mr Trump.

I've been told all along it would but look he's going to be accompanied by armed Secret Service agents he's a former president so there's no playbook for this at some point he will move to the courtroom on the 13th floor here where he'll have both as you said a first appearance and an arraignment assuming that he has local Council which.

We believe he does uh and so what that all entails is he gets to wave reading of the indictment a 49-page indictment generally defendants do waive the reading of that he'll be asked for a plea to these charges we of course expect that he'll plead not guilty and then we'll see see what kind of conditions if any this Magistrate Judge.

Imposes in a sense this is a there's a bond question here but no one expects Mr Trump to be ordered detained it's possible though a bond could be set it's also possible this magistrate could place certain restrictions on Mr Trump you know typically Federal defendants don't get to Savage the prosecution and the court system and the FBI and call.

Their prosecutor deranged without hearing from the judge in the case of course Mr Trump is running for president so it's a different situation here we'll just have to see how this all plays out but high drama here in Miami guys absolutely Danny let's bring you in here on set with us Kendra said something I want to follow up on there he said if he.

Has local Council we believe he does walk us through the importance of that and what we're kind of looking for here there's been a lot made of the fact that Trump is heading down to his arraignment without local Florida lawyers it is not a big deal this is an arraignment in fact hypothetically the public defender can step in and handle an arraignment it.

Is as Bare Bones as Ken just described it might take less time to happen than it did for Ken to describe what happens at an arraignment because you waived the formal reading it's basically an entry of a not guilty plea interested to see if there are any conditions placed on them but this is something that anyone can stand in for and he doesn't just.

Have anyone going down with him he has Todd Blanche who is a very very experienced very capable former Federal prosecutor he can easily handle an arraignment even if he's not the planned ultimate Florida Council that they have down there I mean it's always a good idea to have local Council in a case like this but the reality is federal.

Court is federal court these federal charges and statutes are the same Nationwide somebody who is experienced in DC could easily handle an arraignment in Florida no problem Ken let's talk about the other big part of this story today which is what is security going to look like for today's arraignment are there any worries at all about what's.

Going to happen outside of the courthouse well Joe of course there are worries but the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security are reporting that they see no credible threats of organized violence and that probably explains why for example the public Street in front of me here in front of this Courthouse has not.

Been closed off so the public still has access there are barriers there are a lot of security officers and vehicles here but this Courthouse was built to be secure there are limited number of entrances so I don't think the worry is so much around this Courthouse the Miami Police have said that they're going to deploy and force today they do expect.

Protests and they will try to do whatever they can to Tamp down any possible violence private analysts who have been looking at pro-trump social media say there are a lot of people vowing violence and vowing protests but it's unclear how seriously to take all that but of course there is a heightened level of concern it only takes one.

Deranged person to really make mayhem here so a lot of people watching guys Danny do you think that we might hear anything on the fact that the former president is pretty outspoken both about this as well as his State indictment all these different things we've seen he gave an interview last night to a Boston radio host he's talked about it on his.

Own social media platform truth social will we hear anything about that today from the judge Maybe not today but what I expect will happen is that sooner or later and this could happen in the New York State case as well sooner or later Trump will push the envelope if he hasn't already he may in the future criticizing prosecutors which by the way.

He should be able to criticize the prosecutors he should be able to shout Witch Hunt that's a form of political speech and I expect there isn't a federal judge who wouldn't conclude that that kind of rhetoric is political speech but it's also very close to the line of potential witness intimidation other kinds of non-protected speech the.

Challenge for any federal judge imposing conditions is that they're dealing with a defendant who has an unprecedented public access to speech it doesn't really matter as much if an unknown defendant is able to speak or not speak any judge is going to realize that this is a defendant who can affect not only the trial but possible Witnesses and.

Those are things that a judge has to balance but if I'm a federal judge overseeing this case I really shy away from this issue because it is thorny it pits the First Amendment not just any kind of speech but political speech directly against the importance of keeping and preserving a right to a fair trial because that's really what this is.

About ironically you have to Tamp Trump down in order to preserve his right to a fair trial all right Ken and Danny thank you both for kicking us off this hour we appreciate it absolutely now let's turn to NBC News correspondent Dasha Burns she is outside Trump National Doral Miami where the former president spent the night hi Dasha good morning so let's.

Talk about the political aspect of all this because this is not just a former president facing this Federal indictment it's somebody who's currently running for president again and there has been mixed reaction from most of his GOP Rivals some who are kind of going after the justice department here not the former president but Chris Christie who.

Has made following after Trump a centerpiece of his own campaign was pretty blunt last night let's listen to some of that it is a very tight very detailed evidence-laden uh indictment and the contact in there is is awful then they come with a grand jury subpoena and then according to the indictment you tell.

Your lawyers tell them we don't have anything even though you have dozens and dozens of boxes of material that's obstruction of justice if it's true Dasha walk us through what else we heard from Chris Christie as well as just how this is shaping up to be a piece of this campaign for all the people that are running in this race right now.

Well look Savannah we knew that Chris Christie was going to be the sort of bull in the china shop as he entered this race that he was going to shift the dynamic because he would be the one candidate that would be very vocally and very directly going after the former president what we didn't know was just how much this indictment would time up.

With his entering the race and now he has this opportunity to sort of set the anti-trump tone in the race and the argument that he laid out last night was really that look the vast majority of Republicans who are supporting Trump are pointing to the justice department pointing to the FBI pointing to Joe Biden pointing to the media but he said.

What about Trump what about what he did in this case which was in his words sort of an unforced error where he is keeping these documents and where when he knows that he is under intense scrutiny in this case and so he's saying you got it you got to look at at the end of the day where the buck stops the question is does the tone shift for any of the other.

Candidates we did hear from Nikki Haley on Fox yesterday where we did see a shift she continued to make the argument that the doj and other government agencies need to be looked at under a microscope but you said if any of this is true then this is very serious and this is a national security problem with these classified documents so a total.

Shift from Nikki Haley will that happen with any of the other candidates really hard to say at this point absolutely let's also talk about the polls this does not seem to be hurting him according to those polls he's still got a sizable lead obviously making him still very popular among Republican voters I know you're talking to voters.

While you are out there what are some of them saying what are you hearing Dasha well look whenever the Trump base sees that their guys he's at the former president is getting attacked they rally right and we had some of our teams out talking to some of the voters that were outside waiting for his motorcade to pass by and here's what they had to say.

I know there's allegations of him trying to hide stuff but what about buying yes uh residents citizens we're fed up with this gonna be a large turnout of supporters at the courthouse from all over the U.S now these are supporters there are voters who are getting sort of fatigued with the endless legal problems that.

Trump is facing and so those are the folks that the other candidates who are trying to chip away at that trout base are going to be going after they're going to be saying look while Trump is dealing with this legal headache we're out there we're knocking on doors we're making progress talking to the American people and saying how we're going to.

Change their lives so we'll see if that argument works or if if Trump is Trump in that big wall of support is is just too hard to climb and Dasha quickly tell us what to expect after this we know Trump will head back to Bedminster for a fundraiser what might we see and hear from him well look if you talk to any lawyer or.

Legal expert they will tell you that this is the most serious legal problem that the former president has faced but if you look at how Trump and his team are playing this they are playing this just like every other challenge that they have faced in the past whether it was the first indictment whether it was any other lawsuit that they that they've.

Faced they're saying that they are the victims here and they're making the argument Trump is making the argument that they're not going after him that they're going after you they are going after the American people that is his message and it really resonates with his base and so I expect that you will hear something very similar in his message as.

He uses this as we've seen in the past to raise money for his campaign and he uses this to boost himself politically even if it's a hit legally Sasha Burns we know you'll stay on it of course thank you so much let's bring in NBC News Capitol Hill correspondent Ali Vitale Ali good morning so we have heard of course plenty of reaction on the hill.

To this Trump indictment mainly along party lines we are hearing again from house Speaker McCarthy what is his take well look McCarthy is saying this time what he said the last time that Trump was indicted which is still a stunning statement but lawmakers now to the extent that this is normalizing have a playbook for this McCarthy drawing from.

That as many of his house Republican colleagues are by pointing to a two-tiered system of justice and making these points yesterday with reporters in the Halls watch foreign ER president to have boxes in a bathroom I don't know is it a good picture to have boxes in a garage that opens up all.

The time a bathroom door locks you know what because you have these a lot of these documents behind a Corvette in a garage with the door wide open so you're watching McCarthy there of course trying to equivocate between what's happening with former president Trump and the investigation that.

President Biden is currently under for the Lesser number of classified documents that were found at his home and his uh and one of the universities that were holding his Senate documents and documents from his time as vice president but look that equivocation is part of the point for republicans and what's so interesting about the question.

That McCarthy didn't engage with there is whether this is a bad look from the former president and the substance of what's actually being talked about here I think what's striking is that Republican reactions at least on the Congressional side haven't changed very much before the indictment was unsealed and after the indictment was unsealed.

And that's because they're not contending with the substance of it unlike people like Chris Christie a former prosecutor himself who can look at this and see things in it that they point to and say this could be pretty bad for Trump I mean so Allie McCarthy is certainly not the first Republican to try and draw comparisons between Trump.

And President Biden when it comes to their handling of classified material remind us what the White House has said before about the Biden case explain why Republicans are making these comparisons look the Republicans are making these comparisons because both Trump and Biden had special counsels assigned to them for the finding of classified documents.

Here it's the same thing that we saw from former vice president Mike Pence when he was found to have a small number of these classified documents his case is now closed the difference here though between Pence and Biden and Trump Pence and Biden being on this side and Trump being on the other is that Trump did not hand over these documents when.

Repeatedly asked for them and we see in this indictment at one point he says that he a doesn't want anyone going through his boxes and then B asks his lawyer if they can just say that they don't have the documents in question that is something that prosecutors can look at as obstruction and it points to the thing that Senator Mitt Romney has.

Said about this consistently which is he doesn't understand the why here why Trump didn't just turn this over because in some ways that makes this a crisis of Trump's own making he could have just turned these documents over which is what the Biden team and frankly team would say that they did Ali very quickly here what are we hearing from Democrats.

On the hill ahead of the arraignment very little and that's because many of them are pointing to this as a process that should play out they're not trying to hyper politicize this to the extent that it can be any less political than it already is but they're taking their cues from the White House especially on this many of them pointing to the fact.

That there cannot be anyone who's Above the Law and that's why they're watching this process play out as it is all right Ali Vitale thank you so much and we will have much more on the arraignment of former president Trump throughout the day here on NBC news now and NBC News will carry a special report this afternoon of the arraignment when it.

Happens you can watch it on NBC and NBC News Now well now let's get to the latest on that Highway collapse in Philadelphia authorities in the area are saying the effects of the collapse could potentially be felt well beyond the city of Philadelphia and for months to come here's NBC News correspondent Emily aqueda with more.

Commuters in a crunch after a fiery crash that collapsed a critical section of I-95 in Philadelphia and out of control here thick plumes of smoke emanating from an accident involving a tanker below that authorities say was carrying 8 500 gallons of gasoline Sunday morning can you tell us about the circumstances leading up to the vehicle.

Fire the tractor and trailer uh we're trying to navigate the curve lost control of the vehicle uh landed on its side and ruptured the tank and ignited the fire the commercial truck crushed by the collapse Pennsylvania State Police confirming a body was recovered from the wreckage and you can see just how massive of an undertaking the rebuilding.

Process will be improves right now clearing out 500 tons of debris I-95 is the East Coast's Main Highway stretching from Florida to Maine and this section typically sees 160 thousand Vehicles a day now sever the transportation secretary warns both commuters and the supply chain will feel the impact this is going to be a major disruption in.

That region and really it's really going to affect the whole Northeast all right blowing up where 95 is closed standstill traffic snaking along I-95 as drivers brace for longer commutes and the interstate closure funnels people onto local roads this is a way that I would ever take to work under normal circumstances the.

Devastation is reminiscent of an interstate failure from a fire in Atlanta back in 2017. worsening the gridlock for weeks steel girder supporting overpasses like the one in Philadelphia can become vulnerable when exposed to flames according to engineering experts steel loses about 20 percent of its strength at 750 degrees.

And half of its strength at one thousand structural material you know it gradually it's softens it loses the ability to carry the weight that was above it and as a result you know we can have damage to the breeze and in extreme cases we can have full collapse our thanks to Emily aketa for that report well yesterday the governor of.

Pennsylvania signed an emergency disaster declaration to get Federal funding to fix that Highway time for a look at your Morning News Now weather forecast severe weather is impacting a big part of the South Andrew lastman is with us and has all the details hi Angie good morning hi good morning guys we've got some quiet conditions out west we've.

Got a little bit of rain working through the great lakes and parts of the Northeast and yes we do have the potential for some strong storms to develop basically from Texas all the way over to Georgia including parts of the Carolinas and of course Florida now 19 million people are at risk with this the main hazards are going to be the large.

Hail as well as the strong winds the good news is that that tornado threat is very low through the afternoon and evening hours today but I do want you to be aware of the hail threat because we're talking tennis ball size or larger so from Dallas all the way to Macon you'll want to be aware of this into the afternoon and again even after the sun.

Goes down this evening that'll be something that you deal with and it's not just a today a today problem it's also tomorrow too that you'll want to have a way to get those alerts it's because we once again will be seeing an elevated risk of some of these strong to even severe storms developing into the afternoon and evening hours tomorrow too.

Same kind of impact same hazards the hail the wind with that tornado threat low but we can't rule out of course an isolated tornado so just be aware of that here's the area for hail that could potentially develop into your Wednesday now this is the system that we're continuing to watch you can see some of these thunderstorms rolling through in.

The afternoon hours and evening hours today it's fairly stationary but still we'll be watching for some of those showers up near the Great Lakes but this is the one that really is going to have the rain with it packing a punch when it comes to heavy rainfall and that risk for flooding will track into the afternoon evening hours today and.

Through the next couple of days through the great lakes in the mid in the Northeast rather this is just a good kind of soaking rain we really need it part of the drought conditions across this area will hopefully be improved maybe an inch in some of the some of the more widespread spots maybe up to two inches in a few spots but down through.

The southeast a different story localized amounts up to eight inches possible it does include places like Montgomery and into parts of Georgia and near Jackson Tupelo we could see some heavy rain so just watch for the flooding concerns that'll be something that we deal with through the day-to-day places like again Montgomery to Savannah.

Have that slight risk for flash flooding meanwhile check out this heat guys in Texas it is a scorcher down there and it's not just today these are triple digit temperatures from San Antonio San Angelo heading to 103. some of these feels like temperatures this afternoon are going to be 108 and maybe even higher and look at these actual high.

Temperatures in places like Del Rio through the end of the week 109 on Thursday and Friday you add in the humidity you're feeling really warm really uncomfortable so just taking it easy if you have any strenuous activity to do outdoors make sure you're staying hydrated in those spots especially for the kiddos that are outside a much.

Different story through the Midwest though we're below normal 68 degrees in Detroit low 70s in Pittsburgh two different stories there very different all right yeah so much going on as always this morning basketball fans in Colorado are celebrating a historic win for the Denver Nuggets for the first time ever.

The team won the NBA title yes I got a lot of friends in Denver who had a fun night what was a two-time MVP Nikola jokic who led the charge the Nuggets snagged the game five win over the Miami Heat and a 94-89 victory 28 of those points were scored by jokic who was also named MVP of the final yes it was a home game this was the scene outside of.

Ballerina in downtown Denver last night as you can see no surprise hundreds maybe even thousands of fans poured into the streets to celebrate some of them setting off fireworks along the way the fun is scheduled to continue on Thursday when the city holds a parade and rally to Mark the historic moment welcome back we are continuing our coverage of this.

Just incredible story of the four children who survived deep in the Amazon jungle for 40 days after a plane crash that killed three adults that included their mother the children now recovering at a hospital in Bogota are approving their resilience that's to put it mildly NBC's Kelly Kobie has the latest the miracle moment when Rescuers found.

Four siblings deep in the Amazon jungle hungry covered in insect bites but alive after 40 days in the forest the youngest a one-year-old over the weekend lifting them to safety the family Overjoyed the father of two of the children calling it a miracle of God the children from an indigenous tribe.

Were on board this Cessna with her mother and two adults when it went down May 1st at the crash site Rescuers found three adult bodies but no children their mother was alive for four days their father said telling them before she died they had to leave for weeks Searchers found Clues half-eaten fruit small Footprints a baby.

Bottle tiny shoes the children's grandmother said the eldest child 13 year old Leslie always took care of her siblings and knew what was safe to eat reportedly taking cassava flour from the wreckage their grandmother's voice blared out across the jungle telling the children to stay still.

Rescuers finally found them near a river using camping gear Leslie took from the wreckage and say they heard those messages from their grandmother the children now recovering at a hospital the director says they're weak but speaking and drawing these pictures tweeted by the Colombian military one saying Siempre bendecida always blessed.

Kelly kobia NBC News what a message there my goodness all right more International headlines now a massive overnight attack in central Ukraine Claudia lavongo joins us now with that another headline say Claudia good morning good morning guys officials in Ukraine said at least six people have died after.

A Russian missile strike hit an apartment building in president zelenski's Hometown and the mayor of the town of krivi re said that at least 25 other people were wounded and at least seven others are still trapped under the rubble in a message posted on social media president zielinski who was born in that town said Russian Killers.

Continue their war against Residential buildings ordinary cities and people now let's go to Mexico City where the mayor Claudia shanebound announced she will step down in the hope she will become the ruling party's Choice as candidate for the next presidential election in 2024 the 60 year old mayor is one of the two favorite candidates that will be.

Chosen by Morena the party of the current president Andres obrador who cannot seek re-election shinebound underlined her credentials as a scientist and environmentalist pledging to continue obrador's transformation on max vehicle with her own stuff if elected she would become the country's first female president and let's end.

This short tour of the world in London where on Saturday King Charles III who celebrates his birthday by riding on Horseback during the so-called trooping of the color the traditional horse riding event has marked official birthdays of monarchs for 260 years while the king will be joined by 1500 soldiers 300 horses 400 musicians and.

Countless fans of the monarchy and tourists of course will come together for the to save for the first time happy birthday King Charles sounds just like my birthday party subtle events lots of horses always thank you Claudio thanks we're back with a new warning this morning about a deadly.

Outbreak that is concerning Health experts yeah this is really serious this is all because of the recent spread of fungal meningitis linked to two medical clinics in Mexico so far four U.S patients have already died and health officials are racing to find anyone else who might have been exposed here to help us understand what is going on as NBC.

News senior medical fellow Dr Akshay style doctor thank you for joining us I understand this is a really important discussion that we should be having and kind of raising the alarm Bells about first of all just tell us what's going on here what is this exposure about what's happening at these clinics and do we are we being concerned enough about.

What's happening right now for these people who might have been exposed yeah so this is really interesting right there's there's two clinics in Mexico where people were going to get cosmetic procedures like breast augmentations or liposuction and as part of that procedure you can do an epidural anesthesia meaning that you stick a.

Needle in the spine and you numb those nerves that can kind of numb Sensations in the arms or the chest or the legs wherever the surgery was but it turns out people who had those procedures something went wrong and we sort of introduced a fungus into the body into the meninges which is a layer of tissue that sort of protects the brain and.

Spinal cord and we're seeing what's called fungal meningitis and what's really concerning here guys I spoke to the CDC last week about this they can't get a hold of patients for whatever reason maybe it was wrong names wrong phone numbers that they gave at the clinics even the ones they can get a hold of aren't taking this seriously and.

They're not getting in for testing so this is a fungal meningitis different from bacterials talk about what's the difference how contagious is it how dangerous is it so there's some similarities and differences the similarities here the symptoms are pretty similar right we have a high fever we can have a stiff neck lights.

Can bother you and you get that really severe headache usually up here in the front but what's different here guys and what the key is fungal meningitis can take up to 30 days to present maybe even longer versus bacterial meningitis after the exposure you get sick pretty quickly you know you have it but fungal meningitis you may have it but it kind.

Of takes a while to brew and that's why everybody's symptoms or not who is exposed needs to get tested ASAP so who's most exposed here and what is I think Joe asked about contagion between somebody who has it can you pass it on yeah so really when we're talking about the patient population at risk here is young women in their 30s that seems to.

Be a majority of people who are exposed to have these procedures like the breast augmentations liposuction but what's different here viral and bacterial meningitis you can you can spread from person to person this one fungal meningitis not usually contagious so the good news is if you're around somebody who had it you should be okay all right.

That's good it's good to hear breathing a little easier in their 30s with migraine-like symptoms thank you so much Dr Sal great to see you well it's time now for our weekly mental health check-in today we're taking a look at the effects of ketamine on treating depression and just why your brain tells you to grab the chips and the ice cream.

Maybe sometimes when you're stress plus what to do if you're trying to plan the perfect wedding and that has you at your Wit's End Dr Samia Dave joins us now to break it all down for us Dr Dave good morning so let's start with this ketamine story it's been hailed as a means for treating depression in recent years a new study now says that might be.

Over hyped what do we know here so researchers looked at 119 articles about ketamine and now these articles peaked in 2019 when the FDA approved the ketamine derived nasal spray and what researchers found is that 37 of these articles had inaccurate statements relating to ketamine safety how effective it was and how long it worked.

For now we've talked before on this segment about how depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide so of course there's a need for a treatment and a cure it's also very complex and ketamine is not the first line treatment the long-term effects are still being studied so it's so important to talk to a qualified provider to figure out the.

Right and safest treatment plan possible good information there doctor now let's talk about this emotional eating that a lot of us do you know we turn to certain snacks certain Comfort Foods if we are stressed or upset well I understand that now we're hearing there is some science actually behind that how our brains make that connection seek those things out.

Tell us about this so I love when there's signs to explain something that I've done for years and years now we have a part of our brains that tells us when we are full it signals to us that we don't want any more food when we are stressed that part of our brain becomes silenced and what happens is that we feel a sense of.

Reward when we're eating so what do we do we keep eating it's a natural cycle that goes on at the Garvin Institute of Medical Research a report came out that found that mice who had a high fat diet gained less weight than mice who had the same high fat diet and who are stressed so stress is really that important component here that determines how.

Things go always emphasize having accessible nutrient dense foods nearby and also of course practicing self-care prioritizing sleep prioritizing socialization and talking to a mental health provider if things feel overwhelming because stress impacts every part of our bodies all good advice I think Savannah just got stressed out.

Seeing the In and Out Burgers that is exactly correct sorry to everybody at home just walking chips Wings breakfast is going to be a little high calorie this morning all right Dr David the month of June is seen as the start of wedding season trying to plan that perfect wedding can oftentimes take a toll on your mental health then maybe.

Everyone around you what are some of the ways to prevent that need for Perfection from getting unhealthy and hurting your mental health you know what's so interesting is perfectionism this idea of flawlessness of being able to have no mistakes that has been going up since the 80s overall and when it comes to weddings we have.

More images than ever of what a perfect wedding looks like whether that's on social media photos from loved ones what I always recommend to a couple is to really go back to your values and then go outward from there so if you want to talk to your guests then maybe a smaller wedding is the right fit if there's a cause that you and your partner are.

Really passionate about maybe making donations to that cause and move of party favors might work better also remembering that this is not a competition everybody makes mistakes and you're here to celebrate a relationship and also the bonds you've made with your families and communities so shifting that Focus can also help a little bit.

When it comes to those really high standards great perspective and instead of putting all that time and effort into food just serving and Out Burgers and you'll be good to go one of my best friends did that and it was the best wedding meal I've ever had there you go ahead thank you we're back with financial headlines and.

Some good news for Apple Savannah hannam joins us this morning with that and other headlines for us hey sylvana good morning hey Savannah Hey Joe good morning to you so apple is nearing another historic Milestone after the stock closed at a record high yesterday just a week after the company unveiled its new mixed reality Vision Pro headset.

Now Apple's market valuation is just a stone's throw away from three trillion dollars the stock is up about 40 percent this year outpacing gains in the tech heavy NASDAQ 100 index and analysts say it's not just the headset that's driving up Apple's value they also predict sales of the upcoming iPhone 15 and apple Services business will further boost.

Shares chocolate lovers could soon experience a bitter aftertaste prices are up 14 in the past year according to Nielsen IQ and they could rise further due to lower supplies of cocoa now prices of cocoa hitting a seven year high last week and it's the El Nino weather phenomenon is forecast to bring lower rainfall and powerful winds to.

West Africa which is home to a large portion of the world's cocoa crops and Netflix is in talks to live stream a celebrity Golf Tournament this fall The Wall Street Journal reports that it would feature professional golfers from the series full swing and formula one drivers from drive to survive now it would be Netflix's first live streaming.

Sports event the company's first live event was a Chris Rock comedy special in March Apple TV plus an Amazon Prime video already have live sports with rights to Major League Soccer MLB and NFL Thursday night games guys wow I love both of those shows or anything but yesterday in Orlando Norris one of the major F1 drivers and.

We race each other in go-karts and they're pretty good this show was made for you it was close it took him three laps to catch up but you'll find them wow nicely done I might have gotten a tiny head start but two hours well a 19 year old in California is.

Breaking academic barriers tanishq Abraham graduated high school at just 10 years old now after successfully defending his dissertation he is one of the youngest PhD holders in the world at just 19. Dr tanishq Abraham joins us now to discuss this amazing accomplishment how fun is this yeah Dr Abraham good morning that is a huge title for just.

19. how does it feel to hear us call you that I mean what does it mean to get your PhD yeah thank you for having me really excited to be here yeah this is a um it's a bit you know a big moment for me um yeah I'm still getting used to hearing people call me Dr tanishq but yeah it's been a long journey with lots.

Of ups and downs so I'm I'm really uh happy to be here at the end of this you know Wonderful Journey so yeah so to talk picture how tough was this at your age I mean this is usually something people are doing in their late 20s maybe their early 30s what was it like to just you know be a teenager and be going through this type of school.

Yeah I think you know it's it was a unique experience and um you know I was just you know trying to be like any regular student I guess but you know of course there were some challenges that you know came along the way you know being a being a young student.

Um and so yeah of course I I try my best to interact with everyone and you know I socialize with everyone but of course you know for example I cannot go to the bars with uh with you know other PhD students or things like that but you know I still you know have you know gained a lot of friends throughout the process and and of course it's been a.

Really exciting and wonderful experience um and yeah of course getting a PhD at any age is a huge accomplishment but I think it means a whole lot for me to be able to do it uh this early on as well so doctor we have a fun flashback for you about eight years ago you joined MSNBC to talk about what you wanted to be when you grow up let's take a listen.

When I grow up I do want to become a doctor and a or and a medical researcher and in the long term also become a president all right so you got the first part of that done my question is can we expect like a 2024 presidential announcement coming from you or or what's next sure why not.

Um yeah um I think um yeah I'm of course really excited about medical AI research now that's kind of been my uh recent interest that was the focus of my PhD and I'm continuing down that route I recently founded a medical AI research organization as well uh which is called Med Arc so that's a direction that I'm I think there's a lot of Promise in that.

And uh really excited to lead efforts in this space but yeah eventually down the line uh we'll see uh you know where where life takes me so Dr AI is something that we've been talking about a ton on this show here at NBC News we've been loving covering it but a lot of it comes with some stuff that sounds sort of scary and then some things that.

Sound absolutely amazing to you anything we should be worried about in anything you're particularly excited about in your field yeah I think in the field of AI um there's a lot of opportunity but of course lots of risk as well that we have to be careful about how these systems are being deployed but I think overall.

People who are going to be using AI to augment their workflows and help them with their work I think those are the people that are going to be succeeding so I think we should all be looking into ways to use AI to improve our own our own workflows very cool Dr Abraham congratulations thank you so much for joining us yes thank you for joining us.

So good to have you this next story is a little nutty the Braverman family has spent nearly a century bringing people together through their snacks well their business has grown over the years from humble beginnings to peanut prominence it's a 94 year old business I spent a day out in Cranford New Jersey with the.

Bravermans getting a full access tour of all things nuts take a look I said I want to join the family business and my dad and my uncle said you are nuts three-year-old Jeff Braverman is the CEO of a family business shelling out fresh snacks for nearly a century.

The nut business tell me about it but our grandfather as a young boy just selling candy on a street corner at an opportunity to start a little nut store in 1929 we've had plenty of adversity over the years and we're still here and thriving grandfather affectionately known as poppy Saul had no idea his little nut.

Shop at the New Jersey Mulberry Street Market would turn into this but the journey from Street side Sam to thriving online retailer didn't come without its challenges for you know the next 60 years or so after college Jeff went into Investment Banking but he knew he wanted a crack at.

The Family Trade having started his career at the height of Boom he saw that opportunity online I remember this distinctly it was December 4th 2003. it's Christmas we need to launch this new website and it was like the floodgates open my dad he said shut it off and we said no over the next 20 years the nuts business.

Transformed into a 140 000 square foot facility processing tens of millions of pounds of snacks a year everything from nuts to Chocolate to dried fruits even gummy bears I asked Jeff self-described Chief nut to show me around glasses and hairnet try to be a school's name please this is like major Willy Wonka Vibes.

We're gonna go into the peanut roasting room we are going to beat the master Roasters Uncle Sandy and my dad so show me how this works and it takes about 20 to 25 minutes and then they come out and then we have the Hot Nuts here next it was time for my happy place.

I can tell where we are by the smell of chocolate we make the most amazing chocolate covered things in here and my cousin David's going to show you exactly how we go about doing this welcome to my office I wasn't going to leave without getting my hands dirty so I gloved up these are our freshly roasted almonds okay we bring them in.

Direct from The Growers roast them in-house and then we cover them in chocolate back and forth and you want to build a layer of chocolate you can't mess it up just one batch of almonds takes hours through this old-fashioned process and so this is what you call each one a work.

Of art yes I believe it time for a little reward they realize I have been here this whole time and I have not tried one thing you shall now it is time I got the whole family together to taste test as we put together some personalized gift baskets I'm in charge of quality control.

You better try another one for sure can I get rid of this one first oh my God and the secret to working with family without going nutty tomorrow we like to joke around and have a good time there is a lot of love and respect we all come together when we need to and we succeed it's the sweetest family 94 years in.

Business together so neat to see sweet and salty yeah exactly finally this hour keeping the spark alive we're taking a look at the keys to a successful relationship Today Show anchor Jenna Bush Hager met up with the best-selling author Helen Ellis to discuss her new book kiss me in the coral lounge and how she's been able to keep the love alive.

In her own marriage for nearly three decades during the pandemic you know a lot of couples tried making bread or maybe yoga what did you and your husband try Viagra let me tell you it's better than banana bread much better author Helen Ellis is known for her.

Funny and unfiltered humor and now she is speaking out about life with her husband Lex together for almost 30 years and married for 21. she is still madly in love and sharing her secrets why did you want to write this it's me saying oh my gosh I have to tell you about my husband how we deal with the snoring how we deal.

With planning for later in life how we deal with weddings and and our sex life Alice is Unapologetic when it comes to describing the kind of couple she and Lex are not we are not a couple who does half marathons we are not a couple who wants to come and stay in your guest room no you all decided you're not a couple that have children that's right.

We are not a couple that has children she said that's a formula that works for them Ellis named her new book kiss me in the choral Lounge intimate confessions from a happy marriage the coral Lounge is the room in her New York City Apartment where she and her husband hunkered down during the pandemic and where she.

Realized once again in this special place all their own how much she loved her husband it's like there's a million different ways to live yeah and we don't have to live the way that everybody lived before us necessarily oh and that's the coral Lounge you know this is the second bedroom that does not have children and does not have house guests.

He painted the apartment when you were 45. that was the real decision of okay we're going to have a two living room apartment it reminds me every time I step in here that we made you all made the best decision we made the best decision for us Ellis isn't afraid to go against the Norms she rejects the notion that.

Marriage is work and considers it more like play ensuring the fun always remains it seems like humor is sort of a Cornerstone a North star of who you are but also of your relationship it really is my attitude towards my marriage it's the same attitude I have towards riding these pieces and that's be funny be honest and be kind.

Um you know that's that's my rule this is from I think 2017. you made this battle we made these together Ellis writes about the tradition she and Lex have created over the years such as foregoing gifts and instead opting to make handcrafted Valentines to each other it feels like you find joy in the smallest moments like the little parts.

Of life that really are life it's true you know Joy is small romance is small the most romantic thing that my husband does is every year he gives me a piece of paper with a number on it and the number is the days that we've been together one night I got home from traveling and Henry my husband had put a little Post-It note and he drew two.

Ships and then he wrote two ships passing dot dot dot um I thought oh I know but you're right that things don't marriage doesn't need to be filled with grand gestures we don't do Christmas gifts we don't do birthday gifts the marriage is the gift her story is filled with everyday life the habits the problems the solutions.

Something so many of us can relate to well almost every story I was like oh I see myself here I see myself right here I see a friend right here and um except for the Viagra part yes our thanks to Jenna Bush Hager for that reporting while Helen's book kissed me in the core lounges out today that does.

It for this hour of Morning News Now the news continues right now good morning and thanks everybody for joining us I'm Savannah sellers I'm Joe fryer right now on Morning News Now historic day Donald Trump is set to appear in federal court today to face criminal charges the first time a former.

President will surrender to the same federal agents he once LED this morning streets around the Miami Federal Courthouse are locked down police are on high alert and the crowds along with the law enforcement watching them are only expected to grow we're in South Florida with the last minute preparations and what we can expect is the most high.

Profile defendant in American history prepares to appear before a judge disaster declaration we're hearing Grim new information about that fiery crash that has crippled one of the country's busiest interstates as a massive rebuild kicks into high gear this morning drivers could face months of traffic delays but investigators are now saying.

About the moments just before the crash remarkable rescue dramatic new video shows the moment four children were found deep in the Colombian Amazon 40 days after their plane crashed now the children are starting to share what happened we'll have more on what their mother's last words to them were and how the oldest child was able to help keep.

Her siblings alive and final spin after more than four decades Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak says he's ready to retire but not before one last spin of the wheel we're taking a look back at his iconic career hosting a game show that brings joy to Millions he's going to do one more season and then after 40 plus years Calling it Quits wow wow surprise.

Yesterday exactly here more on that surprise in a little bit we're going to begin this morning with the arraignment of former president Donald Trump on criminal charges just hours from now Trump arrived in Miami yesterday spending the night at his Doyle Golf Club later today he will appear in a Miami courtroom to be arraigned on.

Charges stemming from the classified documents investigation led by special counsel Jack Smith that investigation shifted into high gear last August when the FBI discovered dozens of boxes containing marked classified documents scattered inside Trump's Mar-A-Lago home while Trump is now facing 37 counts including 31 counts under the Espionage.

Act the former president has denied any wrongdoing in the case and is expected to plead not guilty we have Team coverage this morning at Trump's arraignment including NBC News correspondent Dasha Burns and legal analyst Kristen Gibbons fedden we will talk to both of them in just a moment but we're going to get started with the.

Other person you see on your screen there are Garrett hake who joins us from Miami Hey Garrett good morning hey Savannah good morning yeah the former president set to arrive here likely underground coming in underground coming out and of course there are no cameras in federal court which means only a handful of people will see the.

Former president plead not guilty today these historic charges Donald Trump poised to make history this morning as a Federal Criminal defendant facing arraignment before a judge this afternoon the former president returning to Florida Monday cheered on by a small group of supporters outside his Doral Golf Club it's a disgrace it's a Witch.

Hunt the whole thing is a scam Mr Trump remains defiant in the face of a 37-count indictment Accused by the special counsel of mishandling classified documents and obstructing efforts to retrieve them according to the indictment the material included top secret information about weapons capabilities of the U.S and foreign.

Countries U.S nuclear programs and potential U.S military vulnerabilities are laws that protect National Defense information are critical to the Safety and Security of the United States Mr Trump on social media attacking his indictment as quote strictly third world and vowing if elected to appoint a real special prosecutor to investigate.

President Biden an appointment a president has no power to make Direct Republicans including house Speaker Kevin McCarthy largely rallying to Mr Trump's defense the idea of equal justice is not playing out here and so that's a real concern to all Americans but some of Mr Trump's Republican Presidential Rivals say the charges are.

Serious including former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie the conduct in there is is awful and we're in a situation where there are people in my own party who are blaming doj how about blame him he did it and Mr Trump's former U.N Ambassador Nikki Haley if this indictment is true if what it says is.

Actually the case president Trump was incredibly Reckless with our national security it's a full circle moment for Mr Trump who in 2016 relentlessly attacked Hillary Clinton for storing classified emails on a personal server arguing it disqualified her from the presidency in my Administration I'm going to enforce.

All laws concerning the protection of classified information no one will be above the law amid calls for protests from Mr Trump and some of his allies Miami's mayor and police chief say they're confident they have the resources to keep the city safe we're taking this uh this event.

Extremely serious we know that there is a potential of things uh taking a turn for the worst one of the big questions going into today's hearing is who will represent Mr Trump in court remember his two lead defense attorneys both resigned late last week he hasn't announced their Replacements but Todd Blanche a former.

Federal prosecutor who's also working on the New York City case is expected to be at least a part of this new legal Team guys all right Garrett Hague thank you so much and now let's bring in NBC News correspondent Dasha Burns and NBC News illegal analyst Kristen Gibbons fed and thank you both for joining us Dasha I will start with you because you are on.

The ground right outside of where the former president spent the night at his Resort there what is the scene like there right now that's one of these other big stories unfolding what's going to happen on these streets today that are in lockdown do we know what to expect at this point well Savannah right now right here where.

We are things are pretty quiet this morning we don't expect to see a whole lot of activity right here and until a little bit later where we do know that there will be some protests at the courthouse we don't know what the scene is going to look like it's unclear uh how big the crowds will be we know officials are preparing for a range of.

Possibilities here and they don't expect a mass sort of aggressive violent protest but as we know it only takes one lone person to cause a senior to cause some chaos or a dangerous situation so everyone is on high alert right now we don't expect to hear from the former president until he heads back to Bedminster later today but I will be.

Keeping an eye on my inbox because if it's anything like the last time he was indicted in that New York case we do expect that he will be fundraising off of this and last time around I received a flurry of emails seeing him trying to sort of rally support around around the indictment and already this morning we received an email that said this.

Indictment is election interference so again legally and politically these are sort of two separate issues for the former president politically he's really using this to Rally support Savannah Kristen let's bring you in here and talk about some some thing that's been kind of bubbling up as a point of conversation here according to the.

Washington Post Trump spent yesterday afternoon looking for a Florida lawyer to join his defense team so there's no confirmation yet that he's found one he traveled from New Jersey down to Florida with an attorney of his but looking for this local lawyer this has been an issue for Trump in the past hiring and then retaining lawyers but tell us why he.

Needs to find a lawyer for this court appearance why he's looking for one in Florida what is this about well it can be based on a number of factors you know when we look at Trump's pattern with lawyers including Michael Cohen uh Evan Cochran Donald Trump really isn't in the market for a lawyer what he really is in the market for is a.

Human shield so that's really going to make finding an attorney really challenging which is even further Complicated by the fact that he also has to find an attorney who's local so knows the judges um and can gain favor that way but then also an attorney who specializes in National Security to really help.

Navigate those charges that he's facing under the Espionage Act and that's a really Niche field um in the pool of available Talent is already limited and then you add Trump's notorious reputation to the mix and you're really left with even fewer attorneys who even would be willing to accept the risks of taking him on as a.

Client and the harm to their own reputation and the scrutiny that they would receive so it's going to be really challenging for Trump to find an attorney based on all of those factors definitely Dasha after today's Arrangement the plan here is that the former president is going to fly back to New Jersey planning to deliver remarks.

At a campaign fundraising event tonight this is ahead of his birthday tomorrow what can we expect from that event and what do we anticipate hearing from him especially when we know that there is concern about how much he's speaking about this indictment about these charges well the one thing that'll be.

Interesting to see today Savannah is does he get any sort of guidance from uh the the court here today about what he can and cannot say we know we've seen that um in in the past he hasn't really been very limited in in his words are very restrictive and how he talks about these cases I expect that he will continue.

Along the similar line of making the case that he is being attacked and in fact that it's not just him being attacked but it is the American people who are being attacked and that has really been the power uh in how Trump has framed this case for his base and for uh the voters that have supported him in the past that this is not about.

Him that this about all of those who support him being targeted by an unjust system and that's what makes it so difficult frankly for some of his rivals in this race to break from him in this case because he has made it so compelling uh for for his supporters and breaking from him is sort of breaking uh from from the base of the Republican.

Party in a way that could potentially hurt his Rivals if they were to go astray so uh he like maybe legally in more serious trouble than he ever has been but politically he is playing this in the same way that he has played every other legal hurdle that he's faced where he is using this to uh to Rally political support to fundraise and to.

Help build momentum for for his primary race yeah and to that point Dasha after we saw the indictment here in New York those State charges we saw that fundraising bump after the president sent out those emails things like that Kristen I also want to ask you about someone we haven't been talking about as much but will be appearing as expected.

To appear anyway alongside the former president at today's arraignment this Aid a former military ballet at the Trump White House also facing these charges walk us through what he's looking at and if it's possible that that prosecutors could offer him a plea deal yeah he's looking at those same charges.

As Donald Trump the obstruction of justice the false statement um and the hiding and concealment of these classified documents has more of a conspiracy charge and you know with any plea deal the question really is going to really boil down to whether the prosecutor is willing to offer enough incentives to make that defendant forego.

His or her constitutional right to a trial and in this case in any case where there is someone charged with something related to Trump the question really is going to be whether the prosecutor's incentive can outweigh any of Trump's perceived incentives right the case against Walt not is really supported in this case by by substantial evidence you.

Know including text messages photographs corroborated details of his involvement in moving those boxes and that strong evidence suggests that the prosecution may not necessarily need to offer him any type of plea deal and if they do his credibility could be undermined by the false statements that he gave to the FBI during the interview if in fact the.

Allegations in the indictment is true but I think one of the most important things is to look at how Trump has uh rewarded his loyal members by Pardons and clemency and certainly if he has any expectation of winning the presidential race it oughta may not want to consider any plea deal so Dasha quickly Before I Let You Go.

Just walk us through what's next I think people are wondering look he's on a presidential campaign right now being arraigned today what does this mean well that's exactly it look he's going to be looking for a lawyer as we talked about and he's also going to be campaigning at the same time as he's dealing with now not just one but two.

Indictments so he's going to be on these parallel tracks of politics and and legal issues and how he juggles those two things and how he either uh you know keeps them separate or very much melts the two together will be important to watch and for his legal team kind of a a scary thing to watch if you're his lawyer and seeing how he may or may not.

Uh cross that line in terms of saying things that maybe you don't want to say very publicly at a time when you are under uh intense legal scrutiny Savannah Dasha thank you so much Kristen thank you so much we appreciate you both diving in on this on an important day and we're going to have much more on the arraignment of former president Trump.

Throughout the day here on NBC news now that includes a special report this afternoon when the arraignment is actually happening so be sure to keep your TV your screens your computer right here well the United States Central Command says 22 service members were injured in a quote helicopter mishap that occurred last Sunday in.

Northeastern Syria NBC News Chief International correspondent Kira Simmons has the details hey there good day to you the U.S military is calling it a helicopter mishap this past Sunday resulting in injuries for 22 service members U.S Central Command which oversees operations in the Middle East said the.

Injuries were of different degrees and added in a statement the service members are receiving treatment for their injuries and 10 have been evacuated to higher care facilities the cause of the incident this statement says is under investigation though no enemy fire was reported and that could be a crucial detail because in late April the Army.

Ordered a temporary Aviation stand down after a Spate of domestic helicopter crashes in training missions resulting in at least 14 soldiers being killed these are early days so we can't say this latest crash is connected but it will surely be top of Mind as the military investigates what caused this all right Kirsten thank you very much.

Now the latest on that Highway collapse in Philadelphia it has officially been declared a disaster and authorities in the area are saying the effects of the collapse could potentially be felt well Beyond Philadelphia for months to come NBC News correspondent Emily aqueda joins us now from Philly with the latest Emily good morning.

Joe good morning to you well we now know it was a deadly incident authorities recovering a body from the wreckage and family members say it was the man behind the wheel of the tanker that crashed into the interstate behind me as for the Ripple effects we're seeing from this road closure already major impacts on commuters travel and commerce.

This morning a massive rebuilding process kicking into high gear after that tanker crash engulfed I-95 in Philadelphia reducing the Northbound Lanes to Rubble surveillance video showing the fiery collision and now officials revealing new details about the moments just before it from what we understand the.

The tractor and trailer uh we're trying to navigate the curve lost control of the vehicle uh landed on its side and ruptured the tank and ignited the fire the crash authorities confirming they've recovered a body from the rubble they've yet to identify the individual but family members say it was Nathaniel Moody a.

Husband and father described as an experienced truck driver the older sister called me and she said Ike she said um the state troopers just left Teresa in Jersey and they told her they pulled the body from the truck 500 gallons of gas Vaseline fueling intense flames hot enough to compromise.

Steel girders supporting the roadway 160 thousand Vehicles rely on this section of I-95 each day a main transportation artery now severed for weeks if not months Pennsylvania's Governor officially declaring The Scorch thoroughfare a disaster and AAA warning the disruption could have a sweeping impact across the region this is going.

To have a ripple effect in terms of how people travel how truckers deliver things how people get you know north and south of here on their summer vacation their summer road trips snarled traffic already snaking through the Philadelphia area here you can see the traffic is really building up and really going all the way down commuter's brace for the.

Long road ahead and crews are working around the clock on the ground here you can see just how much progress they've already made over the past 48 Hours on the Northbound side but the rubble is about to multiply officials say that fiery crash was so hot it also compromised the southbound Lanes which now need to be demolished.

Over the next couple of days we're also learning the transportation secretary Pete budajej will be on the ground on site here in just a few hours surveying this massive undertaking Joe and Savannah all right Emily akata thank you well an investigation is underway after one person was killed and several others were hurt when their tour boat capsized.

It happened yesterday in a cave along the Erie Canal in Upstate New York east of Niagara Falls First Responders pulled people out of the water after those first calls for help came in one passenger was killed when he became trapped under the boat after it went bottom up 16 people were pulled from the water 11 of them were taken to the.

Hospital for minor injuries and hypothermia the cause of the capsizing is not yet known new details this morning on the story we've been following of the Utah mother who wrote a children's book on Grief after her husband died only to later be accused of poisoning him the latest development a judge denied bail to the mother of three.

During an emotional court hearing NBC News correspondent Aaron McLaughlin joins us now with more on that Erin good morning Good morning Joe Eric Richards passed away in the couple's bedroom in March of 2022. his wife Corey was arrested last month charged with aggravated murder and this morning she remains Behind Bars.

After detention hearing featuring dramatic accusations from a member of her late husband's family I may be at naive but I never knew evil like this existed if Corey was in fact willing to kill Eric for money who's to say that what she will not do Amy richens Eric's sister pleading with the judge to deny Baal in an emotional.

Victim's impact statement please protect where Eric put his life on the line for his three boys thank you with witness testimony from a detective a private investigator and a forensic accountant prosecutors painted a picture of Corey as a calculating killer who acquired dozens of fentanyl pills the autopsy later revealing a.

Massive dose of the substance in her husband's body five times the lethal dose is not accidental your honor that is a that is someone who who wants Eric dead and the person who benefited the most from Eric being dead is the defendant prosecutors also revealing new details about the Utah mom's alleged internet activity including searches for.

Luxury prisons for the rich how long does life insurance take to pay and can the FBI find deleted text messages there's nothing to show that Corey did anything to Eric the defense arguing these searches were merely in response to what was happening with the investigation not evidence as of guilt and claiming there's no evidence linking.

Corey to the murder it could have have been accidental being bad with money does not make you a murderer Corey who wrote a book to help her children cope with their grief sitting handcuffed in the courtroom becoming emotional at times as a prosecutor described the text messages she says she sent after finding Eric's body and Performing CPR in an.

Attempt to save his life and do those text messages read pumped so damn hard so hard screaming at him to come back to life yes the detective later testifying there's reason to believe no CPR was performed prior to paramedics arrival the judge ultimately siding with the prosecution the defendant would pose a.

Substantial danger to the community If released on bail prosecutors are pointing to money as a possible mode Le had been arguing over real estate and that Corey was in debt alleging she'd for forged at least one life insurance application for Eric the defense claims Eric's death left her worse off.

Financially Corey Richardson says he had to enter a plea another court hearing is set for next week Joe all right Aaron thank you yeah it is time for another track Every Morning News Now weather forecast meteorologist Angie lastman joins us with more hey Angie good morning hey guys good morning we start in Texas.

Where boy it's feeling like summer there temperatures heading to 106 in Del Rio today San Antonio 100 degrees Laredo you're gonna hit 105. these numbers uh they're just a couple of degrees warmer than normal in some spots but check out San Angelo 10 degrees warmer than normal the feels like temperatures later this afternoon are also going to be even.

Warmer than what you just saw there 108 109 in some spots so take it easy and that goes for the next couple of days Del Rio ends up at 109 for the actual temperature by Thursday and Friday San Antonio will be into the triple digits all the way through the end of the work week and even Houston you'll get into those triple digits by Thursday and.

Friday so really warm uh warmer than normal conditions setting up over Texas for really the extended period meanwhile a different story as we look towards the Midwest and the Northeast temperatures kind of hanging out a little below normal upper 60s for some spots like Buffalo Detroit and Chicago they'll deal with some showers today too as as if.

You're looking for the warmer air though it starts to creep in tomorrow for parts of the Midwest upper 80s in Minneapolis Des Moines heading to 88 degrees but then it kind of takes hold across much of the Northeast and parts of the Mid-Atlantic as we get into the later parts of the work week and into the weekend the most important time of the.

Of the week of course 84 on Saturday for Cincinnati 88 in Washington D.C on Saturday looking pretty good in New York too as we round out the work week 80 on Friday and 82 on Saturday now we do have some rain to contend with in some spots and some of those areas could deal with some even strong storms that rain that you're seeing across parts of the.

Midwest it's part of a system that's going to slowly work its way to the east right now it is bringing rain to the Northeast we saw some rounds of rain yesterday in parts of New York we'll also see that continuing for the Midwest today around the Great Lakes but we do have some thunderstorms already bubbling up in parts of the South and this is the.

Area that we're going to watch to see some of those stronger storms developing into the afternoon hours today and stretching into the evening too 19 million people are included in this so heads up if you live in this area you can see mainly the strong wind gusts up to 60 miles per hour hail will be one of the bigger threats this afternoon the.

Good news if you're looking for it is that our tornado threat is low but tennis ball size hail is very possible stretching from parts of Georgia into Texas now tomorrow a similar area going to be under those same kind of Hazards or the possibility of them I should say less amounts of people 9 million but still Jackson Montgomery you're all.

Included in this and it does include those same hazards an isolated tornado possible but again it's the hail that will get your attention and the rain we'll have some heavy rain working through it actually doesn't look like it it is quite as impressive as it initially was guys but still we could see some widespread amounts of maybe.

Three inches up to five inches so we will have some localized flooding on the table for folks as we get into what the next couple of days so just a heads up with all of that all right watch out for that hail Angie thank you we are back now with more on that remarkable story of the four children who survived 40 days in the Amazon jungle they were the.

Only survivors of a deadly plane crash living off of fruits nuts and just sheer will NBC News 4 and correspondent Kelly kobaya joins us now with the latest on this just remarkable story that we cannot get enough details on Kelly good morning it's so true Savannah and we're now we're learning more about how the.

Children survived from the children themselves they've been telling relatives about how they hid in tree trunks to escape from snakes and other animals in the jungle and how they used what they found in the wreckage of the plane to help keep them all alive this morning the four siblings who.

Survived 40 days deep in the Amazon jungle are slowly regaining their strength at a military hospital and talking about the moment they were found last Friday by a team of military and Indigenous Searchers the eldest girl 13 year old Leslie was carrying her one-year-old sister and holding her other sister's hand they ran.

To hug me and Leslie said I'm hungry the Searcher says the Cessna carrying the four siblings and their mother crashed deep in the Amazon forest May 1st it took two weeks to locate the wreckage Searchers found three adult bodies in the plane but no children the father of the two youngest children says the eldest told him their mother.

Was alive for four days and told her children before she died that they had to leave their grandfather says they stayed by the plane surviving on the three pounds of cassava flower they traveled with and eventually when no one came to help the siblings started walking for weeks Searchers found Clues half-eaten fruit small Footprints a baby.

Bottle a tiny pair of shoes their Grandfather said Leslie fed her one-year-old sister baby formula until it ran out then only water the other siblings surviving on berries and seeds they found in the jungle their family says the kids heard this recorded message in their grandmother's voice telling them to stop moving the children.

Finally found just in time their grandfather saying Leslie was too tired to walk the children now playing with each other reading and drawing pictures the hospital director said including these thanking the military and Indigenous search teams one picture with the words Siempre benesida always blessed.

And the relatives of these children say that their ancestral knowledge passed down from their grandmother really was key to helping them survive but one Searcher also says that Leslie was really smart that she took camping gear uh bat a flashlight with batteries it still worked um and an empty water bottle all from.

That wreckage when they started walking using that water bottle to fill up with water when they were close to a water source always staying close to a river and even creating a makeshift shelter with some of that camping gear to protect them Savannah just incredible details and this morning the hospital director says all of the children are in.

Good spirits Savannah such good news just an incredible story Kelly great details there thank you so much all right whether wine is good or bad for you is a topic that has been debated a lot over the years well today we have some good news assuming you like wine exactly if you're a Wine Drinker that's right doctors are now saying light to.

Moderate drinking can help keep the stress away and then that can lead to better heart health NBC News senior medical correspondent Dr John Torres joins us now with this incredibly good news who's impacted in this study and remind us what moderate moderate level of drinking is and that's the important part the other important part is it's.

Alcohol so it's not wine it's not beer it's not whiskey it's alcohol the alcohol content itself and over the years like you mentioned it's been controversial it's gone back and forth as to whether it can be healthy for us light to moderate or not and part of it has been saying okay the supplements in there the flavonoids that are in there.

The different antioxidants those are what are helping us out but this study's saying no that's not what's happening instead what's happening is is acting actually affecting our amygdala the amygdala is part of the brain that basically gives us our stress response and so when we get stressed during the day the amygdala dictates how we respond.

To that alcohol in the study they found would actually dampen that response and so keep those stress levels under control light to moderate one or less drinks a day for women you're one drink a day for women for men one to two drinks a day is considered like to moderate so when we think ugh I've had a long day you know I just I'm going.

Through a breakup whatever is making you upset and you're like I just want a glass of wine to take the edge off that's real that's real and that's what's happening here and what they found is they looked at over 50 000 people it's the biobank that Mass General Brigham has and they looked at 50 000 people of those they took about.

750 and they actually did CAT scans on their brains and they found that those that were drink that were light to moderate drinkers of alcohol the amygdala reacted less it had less of a light up in that CAT scan showing it wasn't reacting quite as much and over time they also found out that it's not just while they were drinking because we.

Think okay we take a drink for a couple hours I'll have stress under control but it was throughout the day it acted on the amygdala even if you drank it in an evening it acted for the next you know 24 hours or so and so it really helped out in that case obviously we have to be clear drinking alcohol can come with health risks especially if it's too much.

So how do we weigh the positives and negative and that's what the researchers a lot of experts myself include say we want to make sure that those caveats are in there drinking is not something and they're saying you know don't start drinking because of this study if you don't drink before if you do drink it like to moderate then you know take some.

Belief in that okay this could possibly help out if cardiac events are your problem if you have a family history of cardiac issues or cardiac risk on the other hand if you have cancer risks in your family or you yourself are at higher risk for cancer then no any amount of alcohol can be a problem so you want to be careful there so again.

You have to weigh your own health risk your own health issues and whether this might be able to help you or not but they are saying you know don't go ahead and start drinking but if you are drinking this could help out the other thing the study is showing us is that stress response how we respond to stress is the important part and so they're.

Hoping they can take this data and say okay let's find ways you can respond we know exercise meditation those types of things can help us but is there some other way we can find a way to help because that can get it better off and better under control all right Dr John Torres thank you so much appreciate it welcome back this morning floods are.

Devastating Cuba the island nation was hit with record rainfall destroying homes and critical crops and as a result the military is evacuating thousands of civilians to dry ground NBC News correspondent guard Venegas has more a flooding emergency in Cuba turned steadily Raging Water sweeping through homes.

Leaving communities underwater thousands evacuated and at least one person killed the military using helicopters in some areas to rescue families including women and children they warned us before but we didn't want to leave and now we had to get out said this man after he boarded one of the military helicopters.

Others like this elderly couple rescued on boats from their homes Cuba Central and Eastern areas are the most affected after a weekend of heavy rain causing rivers to overflow over 400 rural communities affected by the flooding we're trying to save everything we can while helping neighbors said this man official media reporting some ten.

Thousand homes have been damaged that more than 7 000 people have been evacuated brain have left the ground saturated with water with dams at capacity and the forecast indicating more rain may come in a country where the needs are overwhelming lack of food lack of medicine lack of gasoline which affects.

Aid to any part of of the country right now the flooding already damaging over 2 000 Acres of crops including fruits and vegetables vital to help with those food shortages add a disaster such as flooding or hurricanes and it becomes almost unbearable for the Cuban people right now.

Many bracing for another tough year with a new hurricane season just beginning quad Venegas NBC News all right let's introduce some more International headlines now with breaking news out of central England where a suspect has been arrested for the murders of three people NBC's Claudia labonga joins us with that in.

Other world headlines Claudio good morning good morning guys well the police in the UK say that three people have been found dead in the streets of Nottingham and three others were found injured elsewhere in the city after they were hit by a van now the police believe the incidents are linked and said A man was.

Arrested on suspicious of Suspicion of murder and is now in custody detectives are trying to establish what happened but said the investigation is still in the early stages now let's go to Pakistan where more than 80 000 people are being evacuated is a powerful Cyclone is expected to make landfall on Thursday according to officials the.

Cyclone named bipar Joy will bring sustained wind speed of up to 84 miles per hour with gusts up to 93 miles per hour the Cyclone is expected to make landfall on the coast of the Southern Sindh Province where experts predict up to 12 inches of rain and 12 feet high 12 feet high Storm surges which cooled inundate low-lying settlements and let's.

End this short tour of the world in Seoul the capital of South Korea is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the foundation of BTSD countries and perhaps the world's most famous K-pop band the city is marking the occasion by lighting up in purple the signature color of the band its bridges landmarks and skyscrapers including a city hall and.

The world Lottie Tower but that's not all today the post office starts issuing stunts marking the anniversary and on Saturday fireworks will explode over the Han River Park about that wow I can't believe it's been 10 years I can't believe they're getting their own stand like the queen very cool Claudio thank you so much we are back with some.

Breaking economic data that's right inflation cooled to four percent in May on an annual basis that is the lowest level in two years on a monthly basis inflation came in at 0.1 percent well here to dig a little deeper into these numbers as NBC News business and data reporter Brian Chung and Investopedia editor-in-chief Caleb silver our go-to's.

On a morning like this good morning to both of you Brian just take us through these numbers how do they compare to the previous month cooling to four percent yeah let's give a little context here so again this is a yearly inflation rate that we're talking about here so Prices rose by four percent between May of this year and May of last year and that's.

Encouraging because that's a slower Pace than the 4.9 that we had seen in April and then much slower than the nine percent that we had seen in the summer of last year well that is a weird number that I just drew but either way those are the numbers that we're looking at so inflation coming down although prices are still Rising where did we see the.

Price increases or changes over the month well we saw food Change by about uh just 0.2 percent between April May were monthly figures that we're talking about here energy actually decline 3.6 as gasoline prices uh were very much closely in view over the last month and then shelter this is the cost of just putting a roof over your head think.

Mortgages and also rent increasing by point six percent between April and May so things like uh just living and also food remaining more expensive although we did get some encouraging sign on energy costs declining between those months so Kayla let's get your reaction to this we know the goal is down how down is this this is down this is the.

Slowest Pace in two years remember the Federal Reserve wants inflation close to two percent we're getting there just very slowly very encouraging science here especially in that shelter number the food costs are still high especially food at home but Meats poultry and fish the things that were so expensive earlier this year they've come down a.

Lot it's the breads the cereals the bakery that's costing a lot of money right now so I would say go carb free for a little while if you want to save some money but a very encouraging number here getting closer and closer to that two percent number fed meets tomorrow big decision coming this just uh gives it more ammunition to pause on those Fed.

Rate hikes money and diet advice this month apparently all right Brian you just did a little bit of this but can you take us a little bit more in depth on some categories or where we are seeing biggest price changes yeah well again we have to remember that prices are still increasing albeit at a slower Pace now so where do we see price.

Increases things like apparel Personal Care education and the CPI breaks down a lot of these types of categories but look in the food category it's very interesting to see pork and fish decline as Caleb was just alluding to and maybe if you can't eat carbs maybe I would suggest protein perhaps because egg prices spell get this 13.8 just between.

April and May that's the largest increase that we've seen in the index since January of 1951 so eggs getting a lot cheaper of course not that long ago so it's like they had nowhere else to go so Caleb you alluded to the FED meeting of course the expectation was they're going to take a pause so what do we think happens this.

Month and perhaps even down the road could we maybe not see any more hikes at all yeah the FED meets in one day five hours and 18 minutes I'm not counting you're counting but the FED is likely to pause we look at something called the FED watch tool 95 probability the FED will pause here potentially pause again when it meets later this summer we might.

Be at what we call the terminal rate that last the final rate where the FED keeps rates higher for a while but they're going to be high for a while it's not like we're coming right back down the hill here so get used to high rates and this inflation cooling a little bit but high on both sides just for a little while longer so Brian.

Bottom line for somebody at home what does this mean for our wallets just average American is is relief on the horizon or not yeah well again prices are still rising and economists say where we really want to be in instead of four percent somewhere closer to two percent but to Caleb's point A lot of people are watching what does this mean.

For borrowing costs right credit card rates are high mortgage rates are more than double where they were compared to during the pandemic and because the Federal Reserve even if they stop or skip an interest rate hike that doesn't mean that they're cutting interest rates so don't expect to see three percent mortgages anytime soon although maybe.

It's possible we've reached the top with rates somewhere around six and a half percent but again don't necessarily get excited about seeing three percent borrowing costs on homes anytime yeah I don't want to get ahead of ourselves here Kayla but at what point what do they take into consideration when they do start to actually cut the interest.

Rates again yeah they're looking at liquidity our banks loaning to one another our banks loaning to businesses we had a lot of tightening there with the bank failures so they want to see what's going in there they also want to look at consumer spending that is two-thirds of our GDP we get a big number on retail sales this Thursday.

Consumers have been spending even though credit card aprs are high and balances are high we keep on spending we're pretty good at it the fed's watching that as well hi Brian Caleb thank you for the economic updates thank you for the suggestion of Atkins keto whatever that is thank more financial headlines now the Federal.

Trade Commission moving to stop Microsoft's and Activision Blizzard's multi-billion dollar merger CNBC Silvana is back with us with that and some other news for us hey there hey Savannah Hey Joe yeah so the Federal Trade Commission has filed a lawsuit to block Microsoft's nearly 70 billion takeover of Activision Blizzard that's the maker of popular.

Video games like Call of Duty World of Warcraft and Candy Crush Regulators in the U.S and the UK have argued that the deal could hurt competition in the gaming Market the FTC already took Microsoft to court last year to block the sale but that trial isn't scheduled until August and the process doesn't keep the parties from closing the deal.

If Microsoft can complete the deal as schedules in July it would be nearly impossible to reverse course Amazon is testing the use of artificial intelligence to generate summaries of product reviews the feature gives users an overview of what Shoppers like and dislike about something they bought now there is a disclaimer that the summary.

Is AI generated from the text of customer reviews Amazon has long relied on AI to deliver targeted ads and recommendations using AI to summarize reviews could be useful as Amazon has millions of products on its site and there can be thousands of reviews on a single item and Reddit went down yesterday for millions of users around.

The world just as hundreds of popular Forums on the platform are protesting new pricing changes subreddits including videos and best of when dark or set access to private yesterday and retaliation to proposed charges for third-party app developers reddit's changes follow a similar move by Twitter earlier this year to start charging.

Developers for access to its data guys all right Savannah thank you so much after more than 40 years is the host of Wheel of Fortune Pat Sajak has announced he does plan to retire after next season it marks the end of a record-breaking run hosting one of the most watched and beloved game shows in history now last year he indicated he was near the end of.

His impressive run now he has made it official oh my God for the last four decades Pat Sajak along with his longtime co-host Vanna White have brought humor I'm the quintessential loquacious quiz master so heart want some money good old-fashioned fun into millions of.

American homes Banas our 40th season can you believe it I can't believe it in a tweet late Monday Sajak writes well the time has come I've decided that our 41st season which begins in September will be my last it's been a wonderful ride it was 1981 when the Show's first host Chuck Woolery handed the reins over to Sajak who helped make wheel one of the.

Longest running and most successful syndicated game shows of all time Sony which owns the show says it draws more than 26 million viewers a week Sajak has won three daytime Emmys for outstanding game show host and won a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2011 along with the late Jeopardy host Alex Trebek thanks Amelia for being here.

Uh five thousand dollar minimum further thank goodness our own Super Fan Al Roker even appeared on the show as a contestant with his mom more than 20 years ago got to visit again in 2016. Sajak told Al the key to his success putting the show first people are not tuning in necessarily to see how let's see how clever Pat is.

Tonight they like the game and the game's a star the players are the star and you kind of have to step back fans took to social media to express their appreciation for so many memories over the years a steady presence who let contestants do the talking claim to be in newlywed is true yeah I mean a year and a half is that a newlywed I didn't.

Think so and of course the guessing I've got a good feeling about this that's right Pat Sajak now ready to let someone else take a spin so who will that be well no word yet on who's going to take over as host when Pat Sajak steps down Sony did say in a statement they look forward to.

Celebrating his outstanding career throughout the rest of this upcoming season and that he has agreed to continue as a consultant for a few years after he leaves so he'll have his fingerprints on it in a little bit yeah it's going to be intriguing to see how they how they do this certainly I've already been seeing some guesses online.

Exactly I wonder if they're gonna do the celebrity thing like Jeopardy did we'll have to wait and see all right well welcome back well last month French fashion house Dior unveiled this very chic wetsuit with the three thousand three hundred dollar price tag well now Dior has released the ultimate accessory to go with it a ten thousand five.

Hundred dollar surfboard handcrafted in France from sustainable materials it's got fins leash a cover and display stand and of course it's got a diamond tail Joe I know you like to you know Shred the Gnar so maybe this is for you don't even know what that means you don't actually use it right I mean great Father's Day is coming.

The perfect segue to our next Story the documentary that's streaming just in time for Father's Day it's called how do you measure a year it's an oscar-nominated film that Chronicles a simple birthday ritual between the director Jay rosenblatt and his daughter he has interviewed her every year on her birthday from the age of 2 to 18. today.

Anchor Jenna Bush Hager has their story first day hi hi my name is Ella okay let's start look at the other a birthday ritual that began when Ella rosenblatt was two years old every year me and Dad filmed together oh yes for your birthday from the age of 2 to 18 Ella sat in this.

Exact spot answering questions from her father Jay rosenblatt a filmmaker it's so simple and yet profound what were you hoping to do with it I just thought that this would be a great project that if it didn't turn into a film it would be a great archive for her that Keepsake for Ella is now a new HBO documentary how do you measure a year which was nominated.

For an Academy Award what do you want to do when you grow up put on makeup and eat them to be a good person but not be perfect this is the second year in a row Jay earned an Oscar nod Jay made three other films with his daughter but this one is his most personal what do you want to say to your older self.

Let's talk about you and me for a second he asked Ella the same questions year after year even braving those tween years our relationship has been tough this past year Jay says yearly check-ins about their relationship and added plus but we always make up and forgive each other in the end so I feel pretty good about it.

Part of the magic is watching his baby grow up right before his eyes what is power I don't know what do you think it means what does power mean power means I don't know feel my muscles.

Power is being yourself that takes a lot of power what else as a father when you watched it back came to mind how she is and how much of of her and love was it goes by so so part of my motivation in filming her.

Is just to hold on to it as long as you can what would you say about who she's become I think she's become who she has always been it's just an older version of it she's just a wonderful being I feel so lucky thanks to Jenna for that report rosenblatt earned his second Oscar nomination for how do you measure a year.

Which will debut tomorrow on HBO you can also stream it on Max just in time for Father's Day Oscars wow that is awesome it doesn't get a shower of Morning News Now the news continues right now thanks for watching our YouTube channel follow today's top stories and breaking news by downloading the NBC News app

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