Morning News NOW Stout Broadcast – Jan. 16


Morning News NOW Stout Broadcast - Jan. 16

right now on Morning News Now the votes are in this morning Donald Trump celebrating a dominant win in the Iowa caucuses with Ronda Santos a distant second and Nikki Haley not far behind this is the first because the big night is going to be in November when we take back our country and truly we do.

Make our country great again plus an announcement and an Endor ment for the former president from VI ramaswami as he drops out of the race we have Team coverage with results and reaction from Iowa as the 2024 election season gets underway also this morning much of the East Coast blanketed in snow from another winter storm now tens of.

Millions of Americans waking up to weather alerts as temperatures plummet we are tracking it all plus real concerns about artificial intelligence and its impact on jobs JS the alarming report highlighting the risks and what it could mean for your role in the workplace and a big comeback for television's biggest night after a.

Month-long Delay from two major strikes last night's Emmy Awards celebrating some of your favorite shows and Hollywood's hottest names we'll have the most memorable moments including several historic winds plus the inspiring speech it got a standing ovation we both stayed up to watch it was one of those interesting nights where we were.

Flipping back and forth between the the Iowa caucus which I never thought I would say that so perhaps you were doing the same good morning good to have you with us I'm Joe Fri and I'm Savannah sers we're going to get started this morning in Iowa where the first presidential nominating contest of 2024 now in the books NBC News projects.

Former president Donald Trump has won the Iowa caucuses this cements his status as the front runner to win the Republican nomination later this summer which would set up a likely rematch in the general election against President Biden NBC news also projects Florida Governor Ronda Sanz has come in second place ahead of former Ambassador Nikki.

Haley for the past several weeks it was a closely watched battle to see who would be the runnerup between those two candidates businessman V ramaswami came in fourth promptly suspending his campaign last night then endorsing former president Trump in the process as for Trump his campaign held a watch party where he addressed supporters.

After he was projected as the winner I really think this is time now for everybody our country to come together we want to come together uh whether it's republican or democrat or liberal or conservative it would be so nice if we could come together it's just so important and I want to make that a very big part of our message we're going.

To come together it's going to happen soon too breaking it all down for us we are joined by NBC News correspondent Von Hillard in De Mo and NBC News senior National politics reporter Jonathan Allen I believe also in MO good morning to the both of you yeah guys so V Let's uh begin with you the outcome of the.

Caucuses it was no surprise with the former president coming out on top it was this closely watched race per second between de santis and Haley just what are your takeaways from the results last night Donald Trump dominated this he has dominated the Republican field over the last years guys in last night it was evidence that the polls met reality for.

Donald Trump here a clear message was sent that a close majority of the Republican party at least here in Iowa stands by his side and Nikki Haley and Ronda santis there were questions whether there was potential quiet support between the two in communities especially here in the Suburban areas around de Mo that would come and Surge.

And at least narrow this into a race in which one of them would be able to claim this as a clearcut toan race and be that Trump alternative I want to let you listen to Ronda santis who NBC News does project to finish here in second place in which he declared that that individual that Trump alternative should be.

Him I can tell you because of your support in spite of all of that that they threw at us everyone against us we've got our ticket punched out of Iowa we represent a chance to reverse the madness that we've seen in this country to reverse the decline of this country and to give this country a new birth.

Freedom and well Donald Trump talked about Unity almost suggesting that Nikki Haley and Ronda Santa should get out of the race and support him just a couple hours after that speech from Donald Trump here in De Mo his own spokesman for the campaign said in response to Ronda Santa quote you have no idea what's about to happen in the pain your.

Campaign candidate will experience the New Hampshire primary is just one week from today guys Bon thank you so much John let's bring you in here what stands out to you about Nikki Halley's finish in Iowa uh you know Savannah she had an opportunity I think to knock out Ronda sanis and didn't do it so uh we saw the.

Last Iowa poll before uh before the caucuses uh from NBC and the De Moine register had her uh ahead of Ronda sis by Four Points uh so it was disappointing night for her there was low turnout that did not help her because uh a large part of her coalition is uh Independents and Democrats uh who are more Loosely affiliated with the.

Republican uh caucuses and less likely uh to show up and this is you know basically these are the seeds of Nikki Haley's eventual destruction uh in this primary uh unless she figures out a way in which to appeal to more of the Republicans who are currently for Donald Trump uh or uh or Ronda sanis because uh she can't win the nomination uh with a.

Coalition that is so heavily uh relying upon non- Republicans with so many closed primaries where only Republicans can vote coming up on the calendar John Let's look ahead to New Hampshire that st's primary said for one week from today polls do show Trump with a significant lead over Nikki Haley but not as big as in Iowa to santis not.

Really a factor there so what can we expect then over the next week uh you can expect a lot of uh campaigning a crisscrossing of New Hampshire uh Ronda sis uh is headed to South Carolina to sort of plant a flag uh and say that uh you know he's going to stay in the race until South Carolina which is has its uh has its Primary in.

Late February I'm actually here in Manchester New Hampshire I arrived at uh about 4:00 in the morning uh last time I talked to you guys it was from Deo and um you know what we see here in New Hampshire every uh primary season is this just incredible sort of laapoa of politics uh with candidates criss-crossing the state with events um.

You know I think think Nikki Haley's going to try to find a way to uh to build that anti-trump Coalition that she's got and maybe find some Republicans that want to vote for uh but uh you know Trump maintains as you see in that poll still maintains a lead over her even after uh several of the other candidates have dropped out all right.

John Allen stealthly moving across the country in the middle of the night similar looking hotel room thanks so much appreciate you from an we love you John thanks all right well now let's get to that Arctic blast that gripping the country this morning more than 80 million people are waking up under a winter alert overnight almost.

80% of the US experienced below freezing temperatures with at least seven deaths being attributed to the frigid weather the bitter freeze is stretching across much of Texas where officials ask residents to conserve electricity amid what they call record-breaking demand and in the typically snowless South snow did reach as far as Mississippi and.

Alabama blanketing the city of Oxford Mississippi causing officials to advise against travel farther north the storm dumped about 18 in of snow in parts of the Midwest with lake effect snow and freezing temperatures making some roads unpassable and in Buffalo snow removal Crews were busy clearing the area outside of High Mark Stadium ahead of.

Last yesterday's playoff game between the bills and Pittsburgh Steelers by the way the bills won let's bring an NBC News meteorologist Andie lman tracking those freezing temperatures for us hi Andie good morning hi guys good morning to you nothing was going to stop Bill's fans from getting out there they are used to that cold hearty bunch and it.

Was cold indeed we saw plenty of snow for folks there we've seen bitter cold temperatures not just in parts of New York but well West where you look uh basically from the high plains all the way down to portions of the Gulf Coast we've got these winter uh or windchill alerts I should say for more than a 100 million people and look at these.

Temperatures it is no joke feels like 25 Below in Denver this morning feels like 33 Below in parts of the Northern Plains we've got 16 below for what it feels like in KC and even down through portions of Texas Fort Fort Worth feels like three below this morning so we've got those whipping winds and we've got really cold temperatures that are going.

To stay with us at least for another couple of days these are minimum wind chills so this is where we'll uh kind of bottom out over the next couple of days and you can see even in Minneapolis we're feeling 16 below 14 below 19 below through the end of the week and this is kind of a trend that continues well into the end of the week for a lot of folks.

We'll see some minor improvements I say only minor because we're still going to be into the single digits for a lot of folks across those regions and on top of that of course we're waking up to a little snow and some icy conditions potentially slick conditions across multiple parts of the country we do have of course that winter system that we've.

Been watching stretching from New England down to the Gulf Coast that leaving us with again those slick spots and some snow in places that haven't received a whole lot of snow so far this year I'll show you that in a moment but we also have our next winter storm that's going to work into the West here over the next day or so and we've got.

The winter alerts up impacting folks from uh Oregon to Washington through the day today but here's the deal for folks across the East we've got the snow still falling in some spots across the Northeast and stretching into New England we've got some rain and a kind of wintry mix those pesky uh like that rain snow kind of thing that really.

Makes it difficult to drive that's what we're going to see still be lasting across portions of that region here through the next a couple of hours when it comes to the drought ending snow I know this is the question on everybody's mind in places like Philadelphia Baltimore we did receive over an inch of snow so that snow drought has ended as.

Far as New York is concerned because we went over to midnight it's still a little iffy we're going to have to wait until uh later today to see if we can fully complete an inch of snow in one calendar day I know it's a little confusing but even still we did pick up a good amount of snow in some spots Baltimore was running over a 700 days.

Since their last inch of snow you can see the the last time we had it in New York February 13th of 2022 we'll see if we can end that later today uh if not the drought will continue uh the longest running drought actually here's the deal with that system it moves out of the picture but still I mentioned the Slick travel that's going to stay from.

Maryland to main through the day today and check out these lake effect snowbands that kind of set up right East of the lake and we've got really strong winds and you know it's cold out there and we don't have a whole lot of ice on the lake so that means that the lake effect snow machine continues it'll be maybe another foot to 3 feet in some of.

Those spots so more snow for folks in Western New York uh and again east of those Lakes it'll remain blustery it'll remain frigid it's going to be kind of bitter cold couple of days here as we get through the rest of our week and meanwhile there's that next storm system that we're going to watch you can see the snow the rain all developing and.

Pushing East this is going to leave us with some icy conditions especially for Western Oregon H again travel will be difficult for folks there and we get more rain and more snow as it continues to work its way to the east so I guys I think the middle of the country is where you want to go if you don't want the Slick conditions but it is just brutally.

Cold there too so no one really escaping I mean we could go to Miami you were just there I was there but it was rainy all weekend exactly yeah listen pick your bows we have snow now though here in New York we have snow it's very exciting so nice to wake up to I got to be and it's it is sticking so we'll see if we hit that inch Mark today yeah make.

A snow or no probably not show us Jo in my suit yeah all right thanks Angie Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin now out of the hospital following a two week Stay Austin was released Monday and will continue his recovery at home after being admitted because of complications following prostate cancer treatment the secretary is facing criticism for not.

Telling the White House and other top National Security officials about his medical condition in a statement two doctors from Walter Reed said Austin quote progressed well and that his strength is is rebounding well the UN is warning that not enough Aid is getting into Gaza as Israeli forces continue to bomb the Palestinian Enclave this.

Morning they are calling for more entry routes into Gaza and criticize the speed at which the aid is being cleared through the borders the un's world food program says the humanitarian situation so bad that Gaza now on the brink of famine it is a warning that's being echoed by the UN Secretary General nothing can justify the.

Collective punishment of the Palestinian people the humanitarian situation in Gaza is beyond words nowhere and no one is safe the long shadow of starvation is stalking the people of Gaza along with disease malnutrition and other health threats and I'm deeply troubled by the clear violation of international humanitarian law that we are.

Witnessing the threat of a broader Middle East conflict is growing after Iran fired missiles at Northern Iraq on Monday targeting what it says was an Israeli spy base NBC News Chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel joins us now from Jerusalem hi Richard good morning so let's start with what we are hearing about Iran's attack and and what's been.

The reaction from Iraq and from the US so this was a a a surprising incident it happened last night it was first announced by the Iranian rev guard which is a a division of the Iranian military uh it's been sanctioned by the US it's been called a terrorist organization uh but it is an Elite Force of the Iranian.

Military and according to the revguard they fired a ballistic missile into Kurdistan which is an autonomous region in uh in in Northern Iraq and when this first when the first news uh broke last night uh after midnight here uh I and other journalists were were shocked with we thought what is going on here the Iranians are firing ballistic missiles.

Into uh into Kurdistan uh it exploded very near the uh the US Consulate uh in in a in an area in a in a wealthy area right in the in irel which is the the largest city in Kurdistan and um it turns out that according to us officials according to Kurdish officials that the US compound was not the target the target was a a private compound.

Owned by a wealthy Kurdish businessman and according to the Iranians the reason he and his compound were targeted is that he was allegedly cooperating with the mad and Iran believes that he cooperated with the Mad to carry out an attack on the funeral or a funeral commemoration for kasum suani if you remember just after Christmas there was.

A devastating attack in Iran that killed dozens of people when uh when they had gathered to to honor and and memorialize kasum sumani a former revolutionary guard commander and uh the Iranians have blamed the United States they've blamed the Mad uh they have blamed uh many many people uh for for that attack and and uh the the US called this this strike.

Carried out by Iran as as Gravely irresponsible uh but so far we're not seeing we're not hearing many specific condemnations from from the US seems like in this case United States is trying to stay out of it and not escalate things even further Richard let's talk about the situation in Gaza this morning why isn't enough Aid.

Getting in as the UN is saying well it's very simple the the Gaza Strip is sealed off you have uh 2.3 million people in Gaza who are not only under attack uh most of them have been forced to live in a tiny area in the in the southern Gaza Strip uh many of them are living uh in and around the city of Rua Rua is a small City it only had a.

Few hundred, people living in it before the war started uh just 100 days ago and now there are many hundreds of thousands uh living there uh it's hard to know how many people are living in Rafa some people say it could be close to a million at this stage and the infrastructure which has been damaged because of attacks simply cannot support.

That many people and the infrastructure has been attacked by Israeli uh Israeli strikes and supplies are not getting in so there are a multitude of factors that have made life unlivable for the people of Gaza and now we're hearing from a variety of un officials including the Secretary General the world food program that not only is Gaza on the brink of.

Starvation that starvation has already begun because food trucks uh can't get in there there is the will there is just not a way because Israel doesn't allow supplies to get in there there there are a few passageways uh Each truck that goes in has to be inspected multiple times there's many approval processes that have to go through and uh there's.

You have this this this tragic situation with Aid trucks full of supplies just miles away from people who are either starving or on the brink of starvation all right Richard Engle thank you very much for your reporting stay safe we are back now with a look at the new king of Denmark over the weekend thousands turned out to celebrate Frederick VI.

10's succession after his mother made a surprised decision to abdicate the throne NBC News foreign correspondent Megan Fitzgerald introduces us to the new monarch for the very last time a procession fit for a queen Queen who dedicated 52 years of her life to service thousands of people lining the.

Streets of Copenhagen to witness a historic transfer of power A Grateful Nation braving the cold on Sunday to say thank you to Denmark's Queen Marr Europe's longest reigning monarch after the death of her good friend the late Queen Elizabeth it comes two weeks after Queen margara shocked the nation with her new year's.

Address announcing she's stepping down from the throne due to health reasons the first time a Danish Royal has retired in centuries but after more than half a century of service margara with a stroke of a pen is leaving behind a lasting Legacy of modernizing the throne to her son in keeping with Danish tradition.

Marg's son Frederick I 10th joining the Danish Prime Minister on the Royal balcony declaring Frederick as king like then at 55 King Frederick now tasked with pushing his mother's Legacy forward telling a cheering crowd he hopes to be a unifying King though he's already known for his relatability amongst his people and his popularity just as high.

As his mother's I think he'll do well he'll just uh you know be his own King and that's I think is important that he is his own King but it's his wife Mary Donaldson proudly standing next to the king who's making history as the world's first Australian born Queen a Bittersweet history making moment for Denmark that was emotional because you.

Know after I'm 52 years old and he's been a part of my life the whole life and a proud moment down under she's just amazing like what an honor for me being an Australian woman um to have her representing us over in Denmark a country with allegiance to the British Monarchy but so many now claiming King Frederick.

And Queen Mary as their own it allows some Hy I suppose to some Australians that yeah we we've got royalty in Australia really a sweet love story that started in Sydney at the Olympic Games in 2000 Frederick and Mary meeting at a pub a longdistance relationship leading to marriage four years later and now a royal abdication bringing two countries.

On opposite sides of the world together as Denmark's monarchy enters a new era Megan Fitzgerald NBC News London more international news now Ukraine says it shot down two Russian aircraft NBC News forign correspondent claudo lavanga joins us with that another world news claudo good morning Savanah Joe good morning well.

That's right on Monday Ukraine's Commander in Chief said that two Russian planes were shut down and destroyed Over the Sea of azol now on his telegram account Valeri zalud wrote that one of the targeted planes was a Soviet era spy plane designed to detect the movements of enemy objects Russia has not yet commented on the claim but if confirmed.

It will be a significant strike against mosco's aerial capabilities let's now go to Guatemala where Monday the new president Bernardo aralo was finally sworn into office months after he was elected adalo won the elections last August but since then his inauguration has been derailed and delayed by the country's attorney general who claimed.

There were voting irregularities and asked the court to strip aralo of his legal immunity This legal arm wrestling was followed by months of protests especially by the indigenous communities in his inauguration speech aralo acknowledged the country's large indigenous population citing historic deaths that has to be resolved and let's.

Send the story of the world in well the bank accounts of some of the richest men in the world according to into the anti-poverty organization Oxfam the world could have its first trillionaire within a decade among the contestants the group named The Usual Suspects Elon Musk Bernard Arnold Jeff Bezos Larry Allison and Warren bu Buffet one of them.

Ox fund says may become the first person to be worth 8,000 billion do by 2034 at the same time oxf fund says 5 billion people have become poorer this all comes as the world's richest business businessman and most powerful politicians meet at the world economic Forum in Davos Switzerland back to you welcome back fresh off his Iowa caucuses.

Wi instead of another campaign stop former president Trump is expected to be here in New York today where he would face writer egene Carol in court for a second time Carol alleged Trump raped her in the mid1 1990s and defamed her after she spoke out publicly with her accusations in 2019 last year a jury found Trump liable for sexual abuse and.

Defamation and awarded Carol $5 million in Damages Trump is appealing that verdict and has denied meeting Carol the second trial focuses on how much Trump should pay after he made disparaging remarks about Carol during his presidency and after the verdict MSNBC anchor yasmini and joins us now from outside the courthouse in Manhattan.

Yasmin good morning so what is the jury going to be considering when they hear the evidence presented during this damages trial here good morning guys it seems like Iowa has come to New York City uh this morning the snow the cold the former president expected to show up here today um as well a real split screen moment.

But he won last night he has already lost here this is not a question um of Rel litigating the trial that happened back in 2022 this is more of a question of as you mentioned Savannah and Joe how much he's actually going to have to pay egene Carol for defaming her and it's not for defaming her with her assault allegations it's more because of the New.

York Magazine article that came out back in 2019 when he was uh president of the United States and eing Carol is arguing essentially that he defamed her reputation um here in this country because he held the office of President of the United States she's seeking $1 million along with more imp punitive damages the former president looking to.

Testify to defend his own reputation whether or not the the judge is going to allow that to happen is in question considering the fact that he continues to say this is not about retiga the case this is just about damages and how much he actually owes egene Caroll earlier this week the judge issued an order saying he will allow.

Trump to wait a week to testify in this trial Trump did not attend the first trial so have Trump's attorneys indicated what their defense strategy is for him taking the stand this time around what do we know about that decision so so we have gotten some indication we got word last night that Joe tpen who was his attorney in the.

2022 trial will no longer be overseeing this case Alina Haba obviously who we know know from his Civil Trial as well along with um her firm will be overseeing um this case the defense is showing that deposition that he offered back in 2022 during the trial there um and if you remember there was a moment in that deposition in which the former.

President was shown an old picture of him alongside een Carol and he pointed her out and they said do you know who this woman is and he said well that's Marla um his second wife of course but in fact it was um egene Carol during this video though he also called it a hoax he called it um fiction the allegations that were made by een Carol.

They plan to show some of that deposition likely not the part in which he was shown that old picture um they also plan to argue that eing Carol did not quote uh sustain any reputational or economic harm as a result of the statements made by uh the former president by the way the jury is going to remain here guys um Anonymous as they.

Did during the 2022 trial um so as they are not targeted and or um they are not influenced by any um outside folks that are looking to influence um the jury here all right Yasmin thank you so much for your reporting we appreciate it now it is time for our weekly mental health check in we're taking a closer look at how a popular idea about the way people.

In close relationships express love to another to one another we're going to take a second look at that plus we're going to look at the science between behind why you sleep better after a long walk outside for the answers let's bring in Dr Som dve to help break down these headlines she is a psychiatrist and also the author of what a happy family doctor.

Always great to see you so let's start with this concept of Love Languages this is so popular it's this theory about how people show and feel love that is unique to them as a couple or sort of like how you feel about something is how you show it but you could should kind of think about what the other person might need in order to feel loved I know this is.

Widely accepted in pop culture but now some researchers are questioning the concept arguing that there really isn't any science behind the idea what are they saying about this idea of Love Languages so I'm hearing about Love Languages all the time inside and outside of my practice and there is data showing that there might be some.

Limitations so for one most people identify with more than one of the five love languages and also people where couples couples where both people have the same love language those couples are not necessarily reporting higher levels of relationship fulfillment and satisfaction for many people what means the most to them in a relationship might.

Also be beyond the scope of the Love Languages so for example for some what's really important to them is that their partner puts in a lot of effort towards their friends or their personal growth so I like to think of Love Languages as a fun and interesting starting point and then also as an invitation to maybe go further and deeper into conversations.

About relationships all right let's talk about that research that may help explain why we tend to sleep better after a long day outside obviously the exercise can be helpful uh for our bodies but but how does being outside also help our minds so we've talked about the benefits of being in nature here on this segment.

Before now getting that movement like you said can help with promoting relaxation later in the day there's also greater oxygen in fresh air compared to polluted air and that might help with the production of Serotonin that Feelgood hormone being exposed to Natural Light to sunlight to Daylight can also help our brains regulate the.

Sleep wake Cycles or what we call the Sarcan rhythms which also promotes better sleep so all different reasons that help us get to a more relaxed State and then hopefully to get better sleep later so all great reasons to step outside even if for a little bit really good reasons um finally Dr uh more than 55 million people in the world have.

Dementia and you can imagine that certain things can be sort of scary out of their comfort zone especially maybe travel but some tourist destinations are starting to cater to people living with dementia what are they doing and how's it helping this is so wonderful so scientists do estimate that by the year.

2050 approximately 153 million people worldwide will have dementia and there are things being put in place with travel accommodations so there are things called memory cafes where people with dementia can get together in cafes this is happening in Western Australia they can socialize they can listen to music they can do reflective writing.

Exercises there are memory walks that are being facilitated by museums and tour groups where people can go on walks with their grandchildren and visit places that meant something to them travel travel can help with the formulation of new memories and it can also trigger old ones so very very powerful things we know that people with.

Dementia need support on multiple levels and I think travel can be a very valuable and Powerful way to have the more that is so neat to see people help that way Dr Sam DAV was great to see you thank you very much for joining us Rehabilitation is the focus of a new trial program that's fundamentally changing the way California operates its.

Prisons officials hope the new approach will lower violence Behind Bars and cut down the rate of reoffending after release NBC News correspondent Steve Patterson visited one of the prisons that's already seeing a difference the central California women's facility is one of the world's largest women's prison a place no one.

Wants to end up but there's a surprising sense of beauty manicured Gardens upkept by prisoners right in the middle of the yard it's all part of an experiment happening at two prisons in California officials calling it the California model built on what they say are new foundational pillars like promoting positive relationships between staff and.

Incarcerated people and aiming to make life Behind Bars more similar to life outside of prison the goal is to replicate the results in Scandinavia where Norway says reforms over the last 2 and a half decades have brought down the rate of reoffending within 2 years to only 20% much lower than here in the US if you treat uh inm with respect he.

Respect your back the Hope back in California that the new approach inspires young women to rehabilitate like Angela did you think prison could be like this so initially no I came in with the same type of people that I like gang members criminals and so I just did what I did out there in the streets and continue that behavior but this term was.

Different because when I came there was a lot of programs and there was a lot of people changing those programs here to help people change are especially important for women re-entering Society research from the prison policy initiative shows they face higher rates of unemployment and homelessness than formerly.

Incarcerated men and are frequently the primary caretakers of their children needing extra support and Angela says she's come a long way what did you do I found out my brother was murdered I knew I was going to retaliate you're not only brother and sister from the same family but we're also from The Same Gang family so it was a double whammy and I stabbed.

Him in the neck and I left him there to die and try to survive do you still think about that it hurts uh the more I change the more I think about it like how could I do something like that and so I think that's one of the hardest processes of changing is that you have to take accountability and responsibility but when she came.

In she was a lot more like the first timers we met a few yards over I hate this place why do you hate this place I hate this place because we get treated like inmates what do you mean I'm talking about the unfair treatment what don't you like about this place everything some young women like Mariana haven't yet taken advantage of all the.

Rehabilitation programs the truth anything about the truth yeah tell me the this place a up why isn't it we have no program we lck down 24/7 these people like to be all up in our business for no reason like they need to mind their business or to involved but her tone changed when a lieutenant came over what do you want to.

Say I mean the leadership is all right here what do you want to say to them I can't you know what I cannot complain about the people here I've met so many different types of people I so used to being in a community so tight so close that I've expected so much and I've learned so much from different people I've learned from lifers I've learned.

From short-term I've even learned from the staff and as we learned it's not just the inmates who benefit from going through a shift in perspective so on this facility we're doing things a little bit different correctional officer John KUSI says this new California model completely changed the way he works and gave his life a.

Better Direction how were you acting when you first started to the way you see the population now uh I was stereotypical US versus them like I come in I'm I'm a peace officer you're an inmate like I looked at him as almost subhuman right um and then something clicked inside of my head like I'm such a hypocrite cuz I'm coming here and.

Being the complete officer right correctional officers here are also supposed to benefit from a more positive environment and healthier relationships with the incarcerated population a Department of Justice review found that officers in conventional prisons face multiple stressors and elevated levels of depression and suicide even leading.

To lower life expectancies than the average working age population I didn't learn to interact the way I interact now until I was 32 with my life experience um you I got five daughters and now I come to work like I kind of look at it like I got $ 700 like where do I meet them where they're at officials say there's proof that the new approach is.

Working just look at who's now able to get out Angela was originally sentenced to 15 to life but she says thanks to the program's changing her mindset and preparing her for the future when I met her she was 4 months away from potentially walking out the gate what are your feelings about getting out are you like excited a little nervous I am.

Afraid because I am a youth Defender I never took life seriously and this is going to be my first time going out there yeah I'm afraid but the person I am today will do it afraid all right thanks to C Patterson for that report prison officials say they're still too early in the program to know how effective it really is but they say the.

Data is really promising the international monetary fund is taking a closer look at artificial intelligence and its potential impact on the global Workforce according to a new report AI is set to affect nearly 40% of all jobs and is likely to worsen overall inequality the report comes as business and political leaders from.

Around the world are gathering at the world economic Forum in Dava Switzerland for more we're joined by futurist and founder of way chenade Bell chenade thanks so much for being here we appreciate you joining us so walk us through this report's findings what are some of the benefits and the risks when it comes to Ai and jobs right so as you.

Had mentioned the report did find about 40% of jobs globally are impacted or exposed to AI that number actually goes up in advanced economies to around 60% and around 26% in lower income economies and this is because AI is uniquely positioned to impact more cognitive based jobs or jobs that require a bit more knowledge skills which is why.

Countries like the US and the UK were a little bit higher in terms of the AI exposure on the one hand though exposure could mean two things AI could complement a work work job making them more productive and that actually drives demand for that job and the skills in that job the human skills some however AI can make you a bit more redundant and.

It's more likely to automate the tasks in your job and therefore the occupation more broadly so it is going to be a delicate dance between capitalizing on the benefits minimizing some of the risks so I think this is kind of what you're getting at here but I I understand that this reports finding sort of reveal that wealthier economies.

Are better equipped to adopt and adapt to AI is that right and what does that then mean what's the long-term impact of that if if certain economies are able to come out better here yes that's exactly right wealthy economies we know AI it's going to drive a lot of productivity growth and gains however lower income economies they don't yet have the proper.

Digital infrastructure to be able to deploy AI at scale and therefore reap those benefits so we might see a bit more in income inequality uh and inequality globally uh the IMF does recommend for lower income countries focus on building digital infrastructure uh and digital skills and then in higher income economies we want to make sure.

That we are protecting workers social safety nets and so forth I mean Are there specific policies we can put in place to do some of those things to better use AI in the workforce to avoid some of those inequalities absolutely so first and foremost every worker I would say needs to understand how to lean into Ai and how to utilize these tools.

Because most jobs are going to be impacted by them but I think at a government level there is a responsibility to help with upskilling reskilling work with the private sector to make sure the pipeline of skills aligns in our education ecosystems but we also need to have broader conversations around social safety net.

So when people are perhaps transitioning between jobs and occupations there is some support there uh and finally we can look more broadly at things like decoupling insurance and things from jobs we know there might be a bit more flexibility and working Arrangements going forward there might be more job transition uh and kind of periods of.

Without jobs or or moving between some having your most important insurance tied to your job might not be the best idea in the future How concerned should the average American should people watching at home be about AI impacting their job I think it's really important to remember it's not that AI is likely to going to come in and take your entire.

Job it's more so tasks within your job and so the best thing you can do is start leaning into these AI tools play around with them learn how to use them uh and lean into them I think that that's our best bet and for most workers they can expect to work with artificial intelligence not necessarily their their entire occupation to be automated by it.

Are we seeing employers recognize this and doing a good enough job to train their employees or prepare their employees for this I see the skepticism in your face it is really organization by organization and it actually it depends on where you live in the world in Europe yes we see a little bit more of worker training and reskilling um in.

America not so much there are some companies like AT&T that do do that uh but it's not necessarily the broad widespread Approach at this point in time but it's something that we really need to consider all right Jan thanks so much for joining us we appreciate your expertise on this topic that a lot of people are still.

Wrapping their heads around yeah conversation we should keep having thank you good to see you let's get you some money news now let's start off in the skies Boeing adding even more quality inspections to those 737 Max after some sharp criticisms from the FAA CNBC Sylvan now has that and other Financial headlines Sylvan Good morning Joe.

Sylvannah good morning to you yes so Boeing lays out new measures to strengthen its quality controls that's in response to Sharp criticism from the FAA Airlines and the public that's in the wake of the Alaska Airlines accident now these include adding more outside inspectors of its assembly lines both Boeing and its major 737 Max supplier.

Spar Aeros systems will open their factories to inspectors from the airlines whose Jets they're building the head of Boeing's commercial jet business telling employees quote it's clear that we are not where we need to be Microsoft is offering its co-pilot AI virtual assistant to small businesses consumers who pay for Microsoft 365 can also sign.

Up for a paid version of copilot for $20 a month the moves will help Microsoft expose more customers to generative AI which has exploded since chat GPT came onto the market last year the paid version will let people use co-pilot in Word Excel Outlook and other apps previously the free version only let you use co-pilot in the Bing search engine.

And Elon Musk may want more control over Tesla in a post on X musk says he doesn't want to grow the EV makers Ai and Robotics capabilities without owning a quarter of the company musk currently owns 133% of Tesla's shares but says if he has 25% he can override any shareholder votes against his proposals mus musk says unless that's the case he.

Would prefer to build products outside of Tesla Tesla stock has dropped about 12 12% this year guys all right Savana thank you so much welcome back the musical comedy shocked may have just closed on Broadway but there is good news for fans during the closing night Producer Mike bosner announced that it is set to become a.

Movie The punf filled show tells the story of what happens when a corn growing rural Town loses its main crop riety confirmed a film version is being set up with Mandalay pictures in the meantime the show is actually touring in the fall and the Broadway cast album is nominated for a Grammy I actually interviewed one of the Stars Alex Newell.

Back when shuck opened on Broadway last year Alex won Tony for their performance so it has been great to see the show do so well so fun and musical movies are a thing right now so there you go how fun that was so that's awesome ex finally this hour after a 4mon delay due to those Hollywood strikes the Emmy Awards were back in a big way providing.

Nostalgia laughs and a ni of some of TV's most iconic Stars Entertainment journalist and pop culture expert Brian B isar joins us now to talk through it all Brian good morning great to see you what a fun night right I mean first let's just look big picture at the big Winners which shows picked up the most trophies it really was hi everyone um so.

I think it was interesting because there weren't a lot of surprises as far as who won right succession won six Emmys for best drama uh the bear won for six mems for best comedy and then uh beef won five Ems for a limited series I think what online people were saying were was the most surprising about these winners is that the bear is under the comedy.

Category which it can do because it's a half hour show so it can submit itself as a comedy and of course there are funny moments but people were kind of like boy I think succession may be funnier even than the bear but interestingly though there were not were not a lot of surprises between the actors and the actual shows that won.

Those three right there also speaking of the bear I know there was this fun moment between two stars celebrating their when tell us about this there was okay so when it won uh best comedy two of its Stars eban moss backrack and Maddie mat got up there and eban planted what can only be described as a lengthy um funny but you know not not that.

Passionate but seemingly performed as a passionate kiss and it went on for a bit and of course that was a big crowd pleaser online and in the in the audience as well pretty funny piure you've heard of a be hug that was a be kiss all right some of the winners used the event to talk about important issues to them as always which is usually one.

Of the more entertaining parts of the speeches what were some of the topics that were discussed right so they have a limited time up there so it's always interesting when they use that for a social platform which is great ni Nash which won for her supporting actress role in dmer actually gave a speech where she dedicated her.

Victory to the struggles of unheard yet overp policed black and brown women like Glenda Cleveland Sandra Bland and Briana Taylor Glenda Cleveland being the woman that she portrayed in the series dmer so that was a really powerful moment she also thanked herself for believing herself which I thought was a beautiful moment then of course Rupal who won for.

Uh for the one for Rupaul's Drag Race got up and said if you want to if a drag queen wants to read a story to you at a library listen to her because knowledge is power and if someone tries to restrict your access to power they are trying to scare you so listen to a drag queen and finally Jennifer kage who won for her uh best supporting actress role.

In White Lotus never disappoints honestly she's always fun and funny and then she thanked using a reference to one of her lines in the show I want to thank all the evil gays she said which of course is one of those lines from the series that went viral and gave a shout out to that moment which of course you know people are going to miss her in the.

Next season but she always makes a memorable acceptance she confirmed she is very dead very Dead funny when she put the statue down she's like this God she's so funny um Also let's talk about Elton John obviously a legend before last night but this was a big big moment tell us exactly why winning the Emmy for the outstanding variety special was such.

A big deal here right well now he joins a very elite club of egots to win to be an egot you have to win an Emmy Grammy Oscar and Tony obviously he's won he's won plenty of Grammys five of those uh Grammy Oscars he's won two for two of the songs he's performed and and written for movies and then several two Tony as well uh so then adding this Emmy makes.

Him you know an elite elite guy who he always was before and I should say he only had one I believe one Tony but um what a what a great night for him and you know everyone's celebrating that as well this was for a performance he made in Dodger ium a concert that was aired as a variety special one of the best moments came right away toward the.

Beginning of the night that's Christina Applegate coming out as one of the presenters talk about that right well of course she was nominated actually for her role in debt to me this year but it was really the fact that we don't see much of her now since Her diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and true to Christina Applegates form she's sardonic and funny.

And self-deprecating but also very moved the audience this is one of a few standing ovations for the night and and the first really set the tone for the night of a beautiful moment uh of wonderfully talented actress she didn't win her uh Emmy that night but this was really a beautiful moment I think for everyone and she was really moved to.

Tears by it Brian I just have to say I mean that was just part of the production of the show which I just thought was fantastic I mean I thought Anthony Anderson was wonderful as the host the whole thing was just produced beautifully which was very welcome after the Golden Globes a week earlier right exactly so I think we were all coming up.

The Golden Globes been like ouch like it there were just a little bit of an awkward vibe to this so the tone recreating these nostalgic TV sets they recreated the set from cheers uh a few more they gry's Anatomy there were a few more in there and I think there was just a tone to it starting out with a funny song Anthony Anderson singing where you.

Can kind of sing but not like think there was just a really great energy energy to this right from the top that gave you the sense that this is going to be fun we're not going to overthink it and we're just going to have a good time and Anthony Anderson I thought was hit just the right tone for that and his mom exactly she the show little idea.

Yeah I I love that and the vignettes of all the shows and then when you get a surprise of the cast coming it is very cool lots to lots to find out throughout the show Brian thank you very much good to see you thank you you too that's going to do it for this hour of morning news now stay with us the news continues right.

now good morning you hear that election music thanks for joining us day after the Iowa caucus I'm Savannah cers I'm Joe frier right now on morning news now it is on to New Hampshire after former president Trump handily takes Iowa's crucial caucuses it was a landslide victory over the GOP field but it was a.

Close battle for second place our Steve coraki breaks down the numbers as VI ramas Swami bows out of White House contention we're also tracking that deadly Arctic blast that's bringing snow and frigid temperatures to to nearly 100 million Americans this morning we have got your full forecast in just a moment there's a new flash point on the.

Southern border this morning tensions are growing between the B Administration in Texas after the tragic drowning of a migrant woman and two children it comes as New York City rolls out fresh restrictions on some migrant centers why mayor Eric Adams is now imposing a curfew in some communities and is the work from home Bo here to stay we've got.

A new survey of some top Business Leaders who are prioritizing happiness on the job over filling cubicles from 9 to 5: good to have you with us on this it it feels kind of like a Monday cuz we had Awards last night and all sorts of stuff was a holiday it is Tuesday morning so we're going to begin this hour with a landslide win for former.

President Donald Trump and the Iowa caucus is kicking off the 2024 primary election season NBC News projects Trump has won the Iowa caucuses by a huge margin over his fellow Republican Rivals you can see that on your screen there in a closely watched battle though for second Florida Governor Ron Dan santis finished ahead of former Ambassador.

Nikki Haley Longshot candidate VRA mwami dropped out of the race last night after finishing in fourth and he then endorsed Trump for the party's nomination well the former president is looking to win the GOP nomination for a third straight time and that of course would set up a rematch against President Biden in the fall NBC News senior Washington.

Correspondent and news now anchor hiy Jackson has the latest ahead of next week's Primary in New Hampshire hey there good morning to you and this is where all the action is now the state of New Hampshire and Donald Trump is hoping to carry that dominant win that historic win in Iowa to this state now after Crossing that key 50%.

Threshold a symbolic indication of his grip on the Republican Party Mr Trump for a brief moment at least trading his combative tone for a more courteous one toward his Republican Rivals hoping to unite the GOP behind him it's now off to New Hampshire former president Trump this morning setting his sights on New Hampshire and the general election this.

Is the first because the big night is going to be in November after cruising to a win in the Iowa caucuses with a record margin of Victory coming in at 51% of the vote his Rivals trailing far behind Mr Trump now making the case for his competitors to coales behind him I really think this is time now for everybody our country to come together.

The former president winning nearly every voting block including caucus goers without a college degree the very conservative white evangelicals and those over 65 he's a man that will say what he thinks and tells the truth the night showing many Republicans intense loyalty to Mr Trump despite the former president facing 9 91 felony charges.

2third of caucus goers consider him fit to be president even if he were to be convicted of a crime according to our NBC News entrance polls they also showed a majority agreed with Mr Trump's lies that the 2020 election was illegitimate across Iowa historically low temperatures and low turnout too with roughly half the number of caucus goers.

Compared to 2016 but for Florida Governor Ronda santis enough supporters showing up to boost him to a second place finish as he edged out former un Ambassador Nikki Haley for second place we've got our ticket punched out of Iowa all smiles for DeSantis in a state he invested heavily in and once predicted he'd win.

Outright now a rationale to keep his campaign going we have a lot of work to do the focus now shifting to New Hampshire where the margins appear much closer we're on to New Hampshire Haley looking to gain ground on Mr Trump who has only a single digit lead in recent polling our campaign is the last best hope of stopping the Trump Biden.

Nightmare you can expect to see the candidates out on the campaign Trail today Nikki Haley of course Ronda santis will make a stop in South Carolina before coming here to New Hampshire and former president Trump will stop in New York he's expected to appear at the start of that defamation damages trial involving writer eege Carroll he'll then.

Come up to New Hampshire for a rally alongside VI ramas Swami apparently who dropped out overnight and endorsed the former president back to you all right hlee Jackson thank you so much let's bring in NBC News National political correspondent Steve coraki he is at the big board to dive deeper into last night's results Steve good to have you.

With us so the results in Iowa generally tracked the final NBC poll leading up to Kaka State no huge surprises was a tighter race that maybe some expected between D santis and Haley for second place just what stood out to you yeah I mean the obviously it's just sort of the totalizing nature of Trump's Victory here 98 of the 99 counties places he won.

In 2016 his margin just exploded places he was very weak in 2016 especially in Northwest Iowa where you have a heavy Evangelical vote there was a lot of distrust of trump eight years ago when he first ran among evangelicals in Iowa that has completely changed in eight years it's give you an example this County right here Sue County this was.

Donald Trump's worst County in Iowa in 2016 he got a 11% of the vote here deeply deeply religious look at that he ends up improving by 34 points wins it by double digits over D santis you know Des santis had really targeted Evangelical voters got a lot of Evangelical endorsements his strategy here for a surprisingly strong showing.

Would have involved winning a county like this instead he kind of gets buried by Trump here uh so I think Trump's overall strength here is the is the big story um in terms of Nikki Haley she came in third but the places she did well and the types of Voters she did well with she did very well with independent voters in particular uh.

Independent voters only made up 16% of the caucus elector in Iowa last night they go to New Hampshire next week and Independence could be 45% of that New Hampshire primary electorate it's an extremely high number in New Hampshire relative to other states so you know W Haley got a you know 32 points behind third place here.

The strength she showed here in Iowa where she showed it I think translates better to New Hampshire much better to New Hampshire than anything that Des santis showed last night so you mentioned that the strength that she has that could maybe kind of carry over tell us more about what we sort of gleaned that that are maybe bright spots for.

Each of these even though obviously Trump was so far out ahead I mean with these top three here what do you think they can take away and lean into as we move forward yeah I mean look Trump can take that this is a historic margin the previous best total in an Iowa Republican caucus was 41% George W Bush in 2000 he improved that by 10 points uh.

Look at this 29o margin for Trump here the previous biggest margin in an Iowa Republican caucus was just 12 points Bob Dole in 1988 so Trump just shattered all those records this is an interesting one by the way I want to get this one in we say 98 of 99 counties for Trump you see the one exception here this is Johnson County where the University of Iowa is.

How close did Donald Trump come to going 99 for 99 look at this literally one single vote Nicki Haley beat him by one vote in Johnson count if that flipped Trump would be 99 for 99 in terms of strengths though you know for Haley it was look this is a very good example Johnson County has the highest concentration of adults with college.

Degrees of any County in Iowa University of Iowa is there as you say it so it's high college degree concentration uh you got a lot of Independents who end up participating in the Republican caucuses higher uh income level uh cities Suburban areas that's her kind of core strength those are the places she performed best in Iowa last night again.

That's not going to be enough given her weakness in the rural areas in a state like Iowa but in New Hampshire It's a combination that could work a lot better for her yeah I just going to ask Steve I mean I know your mind is already wrapped around New Hampshire which is very different from Iowa so what should we be looking out for for next week's primary.

Yeah take a look I think this is really interesting um if we flip over this is the average of the polling in New Hampshire right now and again look Haley already at 30% just 13 points behind Trump in the average this is of all the states we've been polling and seeing polls in this is the closest one you know right now so Haley's shot is going.

To be in New Hampshire and and again look how different it is demographically than I Iowa last night was 55% Evangelical 16% as I said independent voters 9% moderates night and day look at New Hampshire 25% Evangelical that's the this is the big difference for Nikki Haley you know she's doing really well with independent voters when there's 16%.

In the electorate that's that's still going to be nearly enough for you they're 42% the last time in New Hampshire and as I said it could be higher this year that gives her something real to work with in New Hampshire three times as many moderates she won the moderate vote last night too problem for Haley though if she does.

Well in New Hampshire and wins it I know South Carolina's her home state but look at the demographics of South Carolina they're a lot more like Iowa New Hampshire is kind of an outlier State when it comes to all of the Republican primaries all right Steve Kaki breaking it down we always appreciate having you on Steve thanks for joining.

Get an election season we get Steve coraki coming by good to see you well now let's get to that stunning and deadly cold weather that's impacting so much of the country this morning more than 80 million people are waking up under a winter alert with almost 80% of the US experiencing below freezing temperatures overnight NBC News.

Correspondent Aaron mclin is in Central Park where New York City May finally break its snowless drought it looks like it is in fact sticking and Gathering behind you Aaron good morning good morning Savannah from a very wintry Central Park New York City has not seen this much snow in 700 plus days and as.

You say the snow here is finally sticking meanwhile in other parts of the country there's been so much snow that entire Counties have declared a state of emergency this morning the deadly Arctic blast is gripping more than 80% of the country killing at least seven Nationwide with five more deaths suspected to have.

Been caused by temperatures so cold in some parts it feels likeus 50 transforming roads into potential death traps there's so many car accidents it's really bad to the South a state of emergency declared in parts of Tennessee Nashville and Memphis feeling wind chills in the single digits with some even skiing through the streets the snow.

Reaching as far west as Oklahoma and in Texas the danger ous conditions raising concern for that State's power grid and plumbing the storm also creating chaos in the air with more than 4,100 flights cancelled Nationwide on Monday and more than 8,000 delays according to Flight Aware across the country schools are closed due to.

The cold from Denver to Buffalo and New York City is finally feeling the freeze after 700 plus days of no substantial snow it's not going to be a big snow it's just the idea that we haven't had snow and so long so it's it's foreign to us at Columbus hardware store there's hope all this snow will shovel in more sales so once we see the snow people.

Start coming in are you excited yes we are we have been waiting for over 700 days it's a long time very long time if you ask me now I want you to check this out right now here in Central Park that is over an inch of snow Savannah the National Weather Service says officially the streak has been broken this morning.

Now City officials say that once the snow reaches 2 in if the snow reaches 2 in that's when they're going to deploy their snow plows they have an unprecedented number of city workers on standby and the hope is that they'll be able to plow every street every bike lane simultaneously Meanwhile we're already seeing more impact in the air.

According to Flight Aware more than a thousand flights have been canceled today so far and it's expected more to follow don't quite need the yard stick yet but maybe like a foot long rer ambitious right have to get down I get it Aon all right hey we broke the streak we'll take it stay warm thanks Aon let's stay on.

This because Millions who are impacted by those winter weather conditions we're going to take a look for you at how you can stay safe on the road if you got to leave your house today for any reason we joining us now with some tips on how you can travel safely is AAA automotive expert David Bennett David thank you very much for joining us so according to.

Tripa winter weather and bad road conditions are a factor in nearly half a million accidents and also more than 2,000 Road deaths every winter what do drivers need to know keep in mind to stay safe on the road good morning I I think first of all if they don't need to be on the road don't get on the road stay stay home allow the Department of.

Transportation to get out there and clear all those roads as your reporter was just talking about but if you have to be on the road you want to focus on the task at hand and that's driving from point A to point B remove all of the distractions you want to you know uh get your radio station set to where it should be get your coffee there get your.

GPS all set up and just focus on that task at hand and then make sure that you're giving yourself plenty of stopping distance give yourself extra room while you're uh while you're driving because you don't know if all of a sudden somebody's going to uh stop suddenly but also you have black ice out there and you just never know when.

You're going to hit that so give yourself extra time focus on that task in hand David people often forget there are things you should be doing in advance to prepare your car for the winter weather what are some of those steps well the biggest thing is is your tires you want to make sure you have your T proper tire pressure but you also.

Want to take a look at the tread on your tires and then back in the day if you think about it it used to be the penny test now it's the quarter put the quarter in upside now take a look at the uh the uh the uh wash Washington's head and if you can see Washington's head you sure you need to get yourself a new set of tires but also what you want to do is.

Make sure that you clear off all the snow from your vehicle don't forget your uh roof and also the trunk you want to check all your lights make sure they're working and that's for two things one you want to see but you also want to be seen and then again make sure your wiper blades are good because that'll help with your visibility quickly we just.

Have a few moments up but we do want to ask what should you do if you find yourself stranded in these dangerous weather conditions well you want to stay with the vehicle that's going to give you the most protection then you want to go ahead and call you want to call some somebody for help if you're driving long distance you may want to go ahead and.

Give somebody the route that you're planning to take just in case you do break down somebody knows that route that you've done but you really want to stay in your vehicle the best you can maybe put some kind of um uh clear identification marker like a uh a bright shirt or something like that on the window that indicates that uh hey.

Uh my vehicle's broken down but the big thing that you also want to do is make sure that you don't step into the uh side of the road or things like that and as you're driving and people you see emergency vehicles on the side of the road or you see vehicles that are stopped give them some room if you would slow down move over give them.

Opportunities to do their job get home safely because that's really what we all want to do all right David Bennett really good reminders thank you very much drive safe let's go good morning all that snow and cold from meteorologist Angie lman Angie lman good morning so I we just heard we broke it yeah aon's unofficial announcement there.

But I do have the official official amount from the National Weather Service as of 7: a.m. we have picked up an inch today in total since we started to see it snow last night about an 1.4 inches for New York City so yes the snow drought is over for folks uh in New York City Philadelphia Baltimore Richmond not quite we're still going to see that.

Drought continue for folks there you can see how long it's been well officially 701 days we went without an inch in one single day the last time in New York was way back in February uh of 2022 you can see Baltimore over 700 days Washington DC 728 days so people are happy that we finally got a little bit of snow um but it's still going to make the road slick.

It's going to be difficult travel and it extends for a whole lot of folks up through portions of New England down through the midatlantic and even along parts of the Gulf Coast we're still dealing with some of of those winter alerts you might notice that we do have the winter alerts out towards the West as well that's because our next storm.

System is going to work onshore and leave folks dealing with some rain some snow and some ice for the next couple of days meanwhile though in the Northeast here's that snow that's still falling we're still kind of seeing some of the snow across portions of New York City but it's more of a wintry mix some rain working in there a little farther.

Towards the South and portions of the Mid-Atlantic the system's going to move out we're going to see some improvements except for folks near the lake that's where we're still going to be dealing with the lake effect snow really intense banding of that lake effect snow we could pick up some significant uh accumulations between now and say.

Thursday it's going to be blustery it's going to be quite uh cold so all of those ingredients mixed with the fact that we don't have a whole lot of ice happening on our Lakes right now so the total ice cover you can see 0% 1% 2% it's really not impressive we've seen of course those warmer than normal temperatures so far this year and that.

Means that the snow machine continues east of the Lakes at places like Western New York could pick up 1 to three feet again through the next couple of days and I can't not tell you about the dangerous cold I mean it is brutal out there 133 million people under these windchill alerts temperatures Subzero to say the least and with that wind guys.

We're talking 20 below for what it feels like in Kansas City this morning bundling up no matter if you live in the Northern Plains down through portions of the Gulf Coast we need those extra layers today for sure no kidding sounds like for a few days perhaps too all right Angie thank you so much well after a long postponement due to writers and.

Actor strikes Hollywood's top TV stars hit the red carpet last night for the 75th Emmy Awards the big Winners hit shows succession and the bear each to come six Awards the night was also filled with some really emotional tributes NBC news entertainment correspondent Chloe Moss joins us with some of the biggest moments Chloe good.

Morning good morning you guys I have to say it was one of my most favorite award shows that I've seen in years and like you said after a four-month delay due to those Hollywood strikes the emmies were back in a big way providing Nostalgia laughs and some of TV's most iconic stars and go it was a night of sweeping winds big reunions and touching tributes.

As Hollywood celebrated the biggest names in television HBO's succession snapping up best drama along with three acting wins in its final season this is a show um about uh family including Kieran Cen for lead actor in a drama series with his own family Moment On Stage my beautiful wife Jazz um thank you for sharing your life.

With me and for giving me two amazing kids and Jazz I want more Hulu the bear swept the comedy category winning best comedy series star Jeremy Allen White taking the lead actor statue an Iowa debris winning for best supporting actress with an assist from our own Carson Daly the Emmy Awards marking 75 years by reuniting some of.

TV's most iconic on emble casts on recreated sets including cheers The Sopranos Martin gry Anatomy even asnl Weekend Update anchors Tina Fay and Amy polar I'm Tina Fay and we've reached the stage in life where we'll only present Awards sitting down and of course the dancing stars from Ali mcel this night was also a celebration.

Of diversity tying the record for most winning actors of color Abid Elementary Quinta Brunson became the first black woman to win lead actress in a comedy series in 40 years I just love comedy so much that I I I am so happy to be able to get this n Nash bets bringing the room to its feet with her acceptance speech I want to thank.

Me for believing in me and doing what they said I could not do and I want to say to myself in front of all You Beautiful People Go On Girl with your bad self one of the night's most touching moments came when Christina Applegate who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2021 received a standing.

Ovation thank you so much oh my God so it was also a big night for Elton John although he wasn't there he became an egot winner meaning Emmy Golden Globe Oscar Tony his F oh Grammy sorry thank you I you know what he probably has a globe too though probably has a globe too um and it was for his farewell from Dodger Stadium live concert which earned.

Him an Emmy for the best live variety special and like you said all those fun facts so such a cool night but I got to say Anthony Anderson yes the host of the night yeah he ran a tight ship it ended at9 his mom telling people to wrap up their speeches when she kept interrupting Jennifer coolage how cute and honestly like just the attention to.

Detail that the producers of the emmies did to recreate all of those nostalgic moment with those casts I mean to get some of the cast members from The Sopranos cheers show up M and they recreated those sets and then fun fact they had like the actual Game of Thrones Throne which I've actually sat in once I'll show you that photo later but it.

Was it was a fun night it's the way that award show should be and I hope that the Oscars follow suit and do something fun I was inside the Golden Globes and it was nothing like d Chloe thank you lots of fun very cool to see we are back with the showdown at the border where the tragic drowning of a migrant woman and two children is fueling the latest feud.

Between the Biden Administration and Texas officials NBC News correspondent Morgan chesky has more on the Fallout tragedy on the Rio Grand escalating a border battle between the Biden Administration in Texas centered around Federal authorities access to the border the Department of Homeland Security issuing a letter to the state's.

Attorney general demanding Texas immediately cease and desist any actions that block border patrols full access to the US Mexico border in and around the Shelby Park area that Eagle Pass park near where a migrant woman and two children drowned late Friday the rescue response highly disputed the White House stating Texas officials blocked US.

Border patrol from attempting to save the migrants Texas authorities calling that wholly inaccurate sharing by the time border patrol requested access Mexican authorities were already recovering the bodies it's devastating to imagine that state officials would know that people were drowning in the river particularly children and block.

Border patrol from going and saving them just hours before the drownings the state's Governor defending its border presence Texas has uh the legal Authority uh to to control Ingress and egress into any geographic location in the state of Texas back and Eagle Pass 700 white crosses marking the estimated migrant deaths over the last year DHS is.

Given Texas a deadline of this Wednesday to stop blocking border patrol or they refer the matter to the Department of Justice and pursue all options available to restore access Morgan chesky NBC News Dallas the migrant crisis continues to affect major cities across the country here in New York mayor Eric Adams is starting to impose curfews tonight at.

Four of the city's migrant shelters the curfew runs from 11:00 p.m. to 6: am at the respit center is housing nearly 2,000 people NBC News Homeland Security correspondent Julia amley joins us now so Julia tell us more about why mayor Adams is deciding to impose this curfew is this a reaction to complaints from the community or is there more going on.

Here yeah he says it's in reaction to complaints from the community there have been residents who have been complaining about people loitering panhandling at times maybe shoplifting and he said some violent incidents it doesn't seem like there's been a huge spike in crime time but a lot of residents have complained saying that these migrants were out at.

Night so the curfew will start at 11:00 p.m. and go till 6:00 a.m. and this is just at four shelters now but it impacts 19900 migrants as you know there have been at times up as many as 70,000 inide New York City's migrant shelter system and so the number could expand uh and so we'll keep watching this what's the penalty for violating.

That policy and are there any exceptions well yes there are some exceptions if there are medical reasons that they would need to go out at night another one is travel other one is work that's really interesting to me because when I've been in New York a lot of people have said that they are having to find jobs in the underground gig economy.

And a lot of times those people have overnight shifts and jobs that start very early in the morning they may want to go out to a construction site or you know the equivalent of a Home Depot parking lot where you could jump in a truck and do work for someone during the day a lot of times that starts around 5 or 6:00 a.m. we see that all over the.

Country very early morning starts and so it could be hard you know if they're not in an official job because they don't have work authorization for them to get out and do that but this could expand to other shelters as well as we mentioned and mayor Adams said that he's open to doing that but at this point he is not yet done that in the Floyd Bennett Field.

Facility and that is the biggest shelter site so far all right Julia Angley thank you so much for your reporting appreciate it now let's get you some International headlines North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is shutting down any chance for reconciliation with South Korea NBC News forign correspondent claudo lavanga has the latest on that.

And some other world headlines claudo Good morning Joe saan good morning that's right State media in North Korea reports that Kim John Hood Kim jnun said that his country will no longer seek reconciliation with South Korea now the Korean Central news agency also said that a North Korean leader called for.

Rewriting the country's Constitution to eliminate the idea of shared statehood with South Korea the announcement effectively ends a decades long pursuit of unification and follows months of heighten tensions between the two countries intensified by South Korea's military exercises with the United States and the North's weapons.

Development and testing let's now come back here to Italy where a junior culture minister is under investigation after he allegedly exhibited a stolen 17th century painting the capture of St Peter by painter rutilio manetti was reported stolen from a castle in the north of Italy in 2013 it reappeared in 2021 when Victorio zarby a junior.

Culture Minister and renowned art critic put it for sure at an exhibition garby said it is not the stolen painting but another work from the same artist the two paintings look identical apart from a small detail a candle at the top corner but prosecutors alleged the candle was painted over after it was stolen and let's end the store of the.

World in Antarctica where among a colony of Penguins scientist noticed one that stood out from the rest a completely white penguin penguins are usually black and white with a bright orange beaks but this special female penguin shows no color at all experts say this is caused by a genetic mutation known as luism and while the condition in itself is not.

Harmful well it can still be proven dangerous for the penguin because it makes it easier for a predator to spot it and hunt it I guess this is a proof that standing out from the crowd sometimes it's not safe nor good back to you guys all right AIO thank you so much welcome back the man already facing charges in the murders of three.

Women on Gilgo Beach in New York is expected to appear in court today and face another murder charge that's according to a person with direct knowledge of the situation NBC News senior legal correspondent Laura Jared has the latest hey there for more than a decade a string of unsolved murders rattled Long Island residents and.

Confounded authorities but a big break in the case changed all of that and now once again prosecutors say they will announce a significant development in this investigation Rex did you do it this morning the criminal case against accused serial killer Rex huberman potentially widening the prime suspect.

In the gilco beach slayings due back in court today where Source tells NBC News he's expected to face yet another murder charge the 6-year-old is already accused of killing three women Melissa bethamy Megan Waterman and amberlin Castello whose bodies were found near a remote stretch of gilco beach on Long Island over a decade.

Ago she did not deserve that and none of them did authorities had also linked hman to the death of a fourth woman Moren brainer Barnes when he was arrested last year but prosecutors didn't charge him at the time a 13-year-old Cold Case doesn't get get get solved in uh in you know a matter of of of weeks or days moren's friend.

Telling dat line she wishes they'd stayed together in the city on the last day Moren was seen alive she would have been alive I have no doubt in my mind about that and I think about that every day the New York architect was arrested outside his Manhattan office last July after authorities pieced together DNA evidence using some pizza crust he'd.

Thrown in the trash even with this arrest we're not done there's more work to do in this investigation from there investigators spent weeks combing through the home hman shared with his now estranged wife removing truckloads of possible evidence discovering nearly 300 guns stored in a walk-in Vault we have obtained a massive amount of of.

Material hman has pled not guilty to all of the charges he's maintained his innocence from the Inception of this case now with a fourth murder charge expected to be announced DNA evidence likely to play a crucial role the suffa County district attorney plans to hold a news conference later this morning after that huan's attorney plans to speak then.

As well back to you all right laori thank you for more on this case let's bring in former FBI special agent Dr Brian Fox she's also uh psychological criminologist Dr Fox thank you very much for joining us good morning so take us inside an investigation like this so after that massive search of the suspect's home what kind of activity.

Would have been going on before prosecutors went forward with this new charge well thanks for having me on to discuss uh so first the investigators be pouring over every single thing they can um there are a lot of new advances in uh forensics DNA testing uh and other policing technology since the discovery.

Of these bodies some over a decade ago uh one for instance was retesting hairs that were found in 2007 2010 um the advances in DNA may be able to match uh uh this Suspect with uh things that were found on the bodies and that could be what's leading to the arrest uh potentially today so Dr Fox the bodies of at least six other victims were also.

Located in the same area as these four women do you think we could see even more murder charges down the line and how might that investigation look well for law enforcement the number one priority was to get this right so I'm sure that once they felt confident that they had a very strong prosecutable case uh and that uh the suspect was.

Taken off the streets they really wanted to take their time with all of these other cases uh not just trying to you make rash arrests uh or you know charges when they already have their suspect behind bars so I'm sure that now they're going through every single piece of evidence sometimes it takes months for these types of uh cases to be analyzed.

Uh to have their uh evidence retried and essentially tested to match maybe new uh evidence they find let's say at the suspect's home all right Dr Brianna Fox thank you very much for helping us understand this a little bit better we we are back now with a look at the changing landscape of how and where we work since the pandemic it can be hard.

For some people to imagine ever going back into the office 5 days a week a Galla poll found just 20% of workers were fully on site in 2023 that is way down from 60% in 2019 NBC News senior business correspondent Christine Roman here with the look at what's next for those who've been working from home a few days a week Christine good morning.

Good morning you know that's right score one for the hybrid work hold outs increasingly CEOs are are frankly more concerned with keeping their workers and keeping them happy than forcing them into cubicles full-time 5 days a week Frank could you mute your line please from the dreaded mute button mistake to a revealing Zoom call team.

See your upper thigh that's hybrid work is here to stay a survey of CEOs found just 4% say they'll prioritize getting workers back in the office full-time this year boss is more interested in keeping their workers happy than keeping cubicles staffed 9 to5 from Monday to Friday sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mundo the pandemic ushering in a.

Shift in how and where and when we work with unemployment near a 50-year low CEOs are desperate to retain Talent their bigger fear is losing good workers not getting them into the office absolutely as it should be because good workers are the key to driving Financial results for your organization each industry is a little.

Different banks brought back workers 5 days a week early Amazon told staff in November they need to be in the office three days a week so did meta but UPS wants office workers back full-time later this spring after all the drivers can't work from home like why are we doing this on social media plenty of griping about going into the office at.

All there's just so many options out there that don't involve people going back to the office but the dream of 100% work from home is fading much like the dream of five full days in the office nearly full-time remote work has plummeted from 34% in 2022 to just 1% last year get back to work back to work for many in 2024 will mean getting back.

To work at home and in person for good so gratin you mentioned in there kind of this this big focus on retention of workers we saw these Trends the great resignation quiet quitting where you kind of just like do as little as you can same with bare minimum Monday same kind of concept is that impacting these these choices about hybrid work or not.

Well what's so interesting to me is the worker has had the upper hand for a couple of years now right bosses are just really eager to retain their top performers and so that's why the hybrid work has been so popular for so many people and you've seen all of these different kinds of Trends there's one now called Career.

Cushioning which is people kind of sitting back and looking around where they're going to go next in 2024 because there are opportunities on the landscape but I think the two extremes 100% work from home and 5 days 9 to5 in your Cub cubicle it's going to be something The New Normal is going to be somewhere between them yeah I mean there is this.

Movement not four days a week I'm sorry not five days a week but doing four days a week that's gaining action it's so interesting there have been some really interesting pilot programs for that and I'm telling you the workers love that 4day work I wonder and you know some companies do four days 10 hours but they the pilot programs actually within four.

Days of work at eight hours a day and these companies say they are just as productive and sales have actually risen when you give people one more extra day to do their their life stuff um that's a little bit separate from the work from home hybrid model that I think is starting to become the norm as I mentioned in the piece though Banks.

People have been full-time in banks for for months and months now um some tech companies are really pushing to have at least three days a week in the office especially people working on AI they want you onsite working on some of the really important high value parts of the economy so it depends on sort of like where you are in the economy but I think.

Five days N9 to five 10 commutes that is a prepandemic model so if you are somewhere though where that is what your bosses are saying is going to happen that that's what the company wants is there any Rec or do you have any tips on having a conversation about that I would say you need to be armed with numbers and results you need to be able to go.

Back to your boss and say look here is how I have outperformed here is where I have boosted sales here is where I have you know beaten deadlines on this this or this this is how I've mentored so and so be able to get in there and show that you working from home one day or two days a week and coming in the office three days how that has worked for the.

Bottom line of the company if you can if you can connect your particular h hbd model to the company's profits that's how you make that argument very good advice Chris Roman thank you so much welcome all right let's get some more financial headlines now starting with new efforts from Apple to push back on its Us sales Ban case the NBC Sylvan.

Hana has that another money headlines hey Savannah good morning hey Savannah Hey Joe good morning to yes so Apple will drop blood oxygen features on SmartWatches that have been banned from being sold here in the US now apple and the US Customs Bureau haven't commented but Reports say masimo that's that's the company which claims Apple infringed on.

Its Pat and says the feature will be going away Apple pulled the devices before the sales ban went into effect last month but won a temporary reprieve in court Bloomberg reports the modified watches have been shipped to stores but they won't be sold until the government officially approves the changes China's Premier says the country is open for.

Business highlighting its potential for foreign investment speaking to Business Leaders at the World economic Forum in Davos Lee keang says the Chinese economy likely grew more than 5% last year that's above official targets and the 3% growth from 2022 that's when China was still under the zero covid lockdowns that's still the lowest GDP growth since.

1990 outside of the pandemic years China has been struggling with lower demand from businesses and consumers and Uber is reportedly shutting down drizzly that's the alcohol delivery service it bought for more than1 billion three years ago now it was an odd match for Uber as drizzly provided the technology to let local.

Liquor stores provide their own deliveries instead of hiring contract or its own delivery workers drizzly also suffered a data breach in 2020 exposing information on 2 and a half million customers it was later learned the company had been aware of a security flaw for 2 years that led to an order from the FTC restricting the type of.

Data drizzly could collect guys so I guess change the way you order your booze yeah I used it once I think in 2020 did you I did not yeah that's interesting all right savan thank you so much you got it supply shortages and record high prices have left potential car buyers thinking twice when it came to purchasing a vehicle last year but if.

You're in the market for a car this year well things might be turning around in your favor NBC News senior investigative and consumer correspondent Vicky win has more on the 2024 car buying forecast in 2023 buying a car was no easy ride supply shortages record high prices and low inventory left many consumers with.

Few options there were three dealerships that we felt we could work with in our area and only one of those three had a van on the lot for us to look at Andrea Smith the mama of four in Upstate New York purchased this minivan over the summer but she says it wasn't easy we felt pressured to make a purchase right away because there were so limit Li.

Mited options and we didn't want to wait a couple months or 3 four months for one to come onto the lot then the sticker shock the price that we ended up paying for our van was a third of the price of what we purchased our home for but in 2024 a possible Silver Lining what is 2024 going to look like 2024 will look a lot more normal to the average Shopper.

So Brian Moody is executive editor of Kelly Blue Book he says with factories coming back to full production inventory has been recovering while still below pre-pandemic levels the Boost in availability means more options on the lot in 2024 there's an abundance of both new and used cars and so customers should be able to find what they want.

For a reasonable price in November of 2023 the price of new and used cars decreased slightly from record highs in 2022 with new cars averaging $47,000 in used cars at 26 Grand but Moody says consumers will see the biggest savings thanks to increased incentives offered by automakers the these perks are up 136% in December compared to 2022 what.

Are some of those incentives that we have forgotten about because it's been so long since we saw them always look for the low APR the low interest rate that's the best way to get the most bank for your buck but we also see some cash back and some subsidized leases meaning that there may be little down payment and a low monthly payment for a car that.

Might work for you when shopping compare prices and inventories both online and in person at the dealership know your credit score which will impact which incentives you may qualify for consider maintenance fuel efficiency and insurance rates when calculating the price for used cars check the vehicle's history report and get an independent.

Mechanical inspection especially if it's sold as is they not going to get the best deals on big full-size truck-based SUVs everybody wants those if you really want a deal look for sedans and hatchbacks cars like the Toyota Corolla or the Honda Accord and if you're thinking of making the switch to Electric there's some good news many.

Brands like Tesla and Nissan lowered prices tax incentives from the state and federal government could also offer additional discounts the lesson here is if you've always wanted an electric car but it was too expensive this is the time to reassess that and go back and look Vicky win NBC News New York welcome back three big acts have been confirmed.

To perform at the Grammys next month Billy iish dual Lipa and Olivia Rodrigo will all be on stage at the Arena all of them are currently nominated as well iish and Rodrigo have a total of six nominations dualipa has two all three fall short of siza who has nine Noms this year will be the 66th annual ceremony and will be hosted by.

Trevor Noah I love the Grammys it's so much fun you just like get a concert yeah it's like the best concert like the best of the Year all performing so that's good we'll have another good award show yes all right so after a wild weekend of wild card matchups we're now just six games away from the Super Bowl for some it meant battling snow ice.

Freezing temperatures to advance to the next round NBC News contributing correspondent Kaye hardung wraps up all the action hey good morning guys snow was thrown around like confetti by bills Mafia and in Tampa the Cannons kept on firing Wild Card Weekend saw shocking blowouts a playoff drought ended Young.

Quarterback shining and one of the coldest games in NFL history now the divisional slate is set a buffalo win worth the wait in below freezing temps the bills coming out hot after a massive blizzard postponed their Wild Card matchup against the Steelers and with another three feet of snow falling the night before the delayed.

Game bills Mafia shoveling scooping and scoring the best seats they could dig out for the first time in modern day NFL history fans allowed to sit wherever they'd like their reward a 31- 17 win and a divisional game ahead we're going to need everybody in bills Mafia to be here and support us um I'm just thanking God that you know we get another chance.

To play another game go bills next Sunday they'll host the defending Super Bowl champs the Kansas City Chiefs in the first road playoff game in quarterback Patrick Mahomes career and of course fans waiting to see if Taylor Swift will be cheering on the Chiefs and boyfriend Travis Kelce in Buffalo back on the field a wild long weekend capped.

Off with a route in Tampa Bay Bucks receiver David Moore scoring the first touchdown of the game and his first this season on his 29th birthday the Eagles unable to stop the spiral of their late season collapse their frustration evident on the bench and in the stands in the game's final seconds Eagle Star Center Jason Kelce appearing to tear up.

On the sidelines but the night belonging to the Buccaneers Baker Mayfield becoming the first quarterback in franchise history including Tom Brady to throw for over 300 yards and three touchdown passes in a playoff game and with their 32 to9 win a trip to Detroit is on the horizon so any devoted sports fan.

Probably has a story about sneaking scores to a big game when you can't be in front of the TV I know I have well last night at the emys look at this Rob meleny showed real commitment to watching his beloved Eagles he tweeted this photo with the caption who schedules the Emmys the same night as the Eagles he streamed the game from the.

Award show and then the follow up worth it I guess as he and Ryan Reynolds won an Emmy for their series welcome to rexam guys I wouldn't be surprised if he would trade in that Emmy for an Eagles win all right there's a lot to watch last night all right kayy thank you so much she mentioned by the way that tearful moment for longtime Eagle Center.

Jason Kelsey well this morning citing sources the ESP ESPN and the NFL Network are reporting that the Elder Kelsey told his teammates he is retiring so stay tuned for that that would mean of course we already know we won't see a Kelsey Brothers rematch in the Super Bowl this year that might be and we'll never see the Kelsey Brothers rematch but we get a.

Lot of them on podcast he's got a career going off the field I think he's going to be okay he chooses yeah that's so funny they say there was so much to watch that streaming that was us with caucus coverage watching the caucuses the emm football fans were watching the games speaking of football fans hello to anyone who's new to watching us on.

Peacock after we had the dreams on peacock exclusively thank you for joining us thank you for sticking around exactly we're here every morning all right that is going to do it for this hour of morning news now stay with us though because the news continues right now thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top.

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3 thoughts on “Morning News NOW Stout Broadcast – Jan. 16

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